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VSC Converters use:

a) Thyristors
b) Power diode
c) Transistors
d) All of these

2. Generally the Converter transformers used in VSC HVDC systems

are _________ as compare to LCC HVDC systems:
a) Complex
b) Simple
c) Identical
d) None of the above

3. Statement: Corona is violet glow, hissing noise and ozone formation phenomenon.
Assertion: DC lines have no corona”
a) Statment is correct, assertion is wrong
b) Statement is wrong, assertion is correct
c) Both are correct
d) Both are wrong

4. High voltage dc transmission requires filters for _______

a) Line commuted converters
b) Voltage sourced converters
c) Both of these
d) None of these

5. Back to Back HVDC is used to_______.

a) Interconnect two asynchronous AC systems
b) Stabilization of AC systems
c) For reducing short circuit currents
d) All of these
6. VSC has __________.
a) Fixed DC voltage polarity
b) Fixed DC current polarity
c) Both of these
d) None of these
7. LCC has ____________.
a) Fixed DC voltage polarity
b) Fixed DC current polarity
c) Both of these
d) None of these

8. As compared to AC, a DC Line carries______.

a) More power
b) Less power
c) Same power
d) Does not carry any power

9. The most popular device used for HVDC system are________.

a) Thyristors
b) MOS devices
c) Resistors
d) capacitors

10. Why don’t we prefer the HVDC link for the short distance transmission?

a) Huge Filters required

b) Audio Frequency Interference
c) Complexity of Control
d) Not economical

11. HVDC transmission has ___________ as compared to HVAC transmission.

a) smaller transformer size
b) smaller conductor size
c) higher corona loss
d) smaller power transfer capabilities

12. To get the high current capability in the current the valves used in
construction of the converter are connected in 

a) Series

b) Parallel

c) Series-parallel combination

d) Star or Delta manner

13. The main objective of the smoothing reactor ________.

a) To reduce the risk of commutation failure

b) Prevent the resonance in the DC circuit
c) To smooth the ripple current in DC
d) All of these

14. Which of the following section is more costly to setup HVDC link?

a) Converter Transformer
b) Civil Works Buildings
c) Valves
d) Engineering

15. The insulated line between HVDC substation and the earth electrode is
known as ____________.
a) Station earth
b) Earth electrode line
c) Substation earth
d) None of these

17. The function of the converter in the HVDC line is to convert _________.
a) AC to DC
b) DC to AC
c) Either of the above
d) None of the above

18. Firing angle control in modern HV converters is

(a) IFC
(b) EPC
(c) IPC
(d) both (a) and (b)
19. In HVDC link with CC control
(a) power loss is more
(b) short circuit current is limited
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of the above
20. Commutation failure usually occurs in
(a) rectifiers
(b) inverters
(c) both inverters and rectifiers
(d) controllers
21. In order bring the voltage of operation to the normal voltage level as the
power varies, control done is
(a) alpha control
(b) transformer tap changing
(c) gamma control
(d) both a) and c) control

22. Fault on a two terminal DC link is removed by

a) Breakers on DC side
b) b. Breakers on AC side
c) c. Current control of converters
d) none of the above

23. A back to back HVDC link can be advantageous compared to AC primarily


a) It is cheaper
b) Of stability considerations
c) Of controlled power glow

24. The HVDC converter

a) Does not consume reactive power

b) Consumes as much reactive power as real power
c) Consumes 50% of the real power
25. Which among these is a part of HVDC link?
a) Two earth electrodes
b) Converter valves
c) Bipolar DC line
d) None of these
26. A thyristor-controlled series capacitor can greatly enhance the _________
of the network.
a. Stability
b. power factor
c. efficiency
d. None of these
27. For a radial feed to a load the best location is at the _______.
a. Load End
b. Starting
c. Mid
d. No where
28. Which of the following is Multi terminal HVDC system?
a) Monopolar
b) Bipolar
c) Homopolar
d) None of these

29. ____________ is the ability of the power system to maintain synchronism

when subjected to a severe disturbance, such as a short circuit on a transmission
a. Transient stability
b. Dynamic stability
c. Steady-state stability
d. Frequency collapse
30. _______________ is concerned with the ability of the power system to
maintain synchronism under small disturbances.
a. Transient stability
b. Dynamic stability
c. Steady-state stability
d. Frequency collapse
31. ___________is the phenomena caused if the system frequency is much
lower than the nominal frequency.
a. Steady-state stability
b. Frequency collapse
c. Voltage collapse
d. Sub-synchronous resonance
32. The sub-synchronous resonance (SSR) phenomena occur in
_________resonant circuit.
e. Series
a. Shunt
b. Parallel
c. non-linear
33. Multi terminal systems are ______.
a) Series connected
b) Parallel connected
c) Ring connected
d) All the above
34. Multi terminal systems are controlled through ______.
a. Voltage control
b. Current control
c. Firing angle control
d. All of the above
35. Most of the MTDC systems that are connected and feasible are _____.
a. Series connected
b. Parallel connected
c. Ring connected
d. All the above
36. VSC DC system are suited for ________.
a. Point to point interconnection
b. Large power interconnection
c. Interconnection of low SCR AC system
d. Interconnection of remote unconventional systems and also
long distance cable transmission
37. Basic control philosophy in MTDC systems is _______.
a) Total rectifier current is constant
b) Total inverter current is constant
c) Total current both inverter and rectifier is equal to zero
d) None of the above
38. Under steady state operation, voltage control is done by _________.
a) Rectifier
b) Inverter
c) Both rectifier and inverter
d) Either rectifier or inverter
39. Normal time of operation for paralleling or disconnection of a converter or
pole is ________.
a) 0.3s
b) 3s
c) Less than 20ms
d) 1 minute
40. For paralleling a converter to a pole, the converter is started in _______.
a) Current control mode
b) Alpha control mode
c) Gamma control mode
d) Power control mode.
41. Advantage of DC link for power transfer is
a) easy controllability of power
b) more economical
c) it is an asynchronous tie
d) less insulation requirement
42. Power transfer through AC systems depends on
(a) sending and receiving end voltages
(b) phase angle difference between sending end and receiving end
(c) reactance of the line
(d) all of the above
43. Power transfer in DC line depends on
(a) sending and receiving (b) number of pulses in the
end voltages rectifier
(c) line resistance
(d) none of the above
44. Advantage of DC link for
power transfer is
(b) more economical
(a) easy controllability of
power (d) less insulation requirement
(c) it is an asynchronous tie
45. Control of DC power in a DC link
(a) a control (b) r control
(c) Transformer tap changing (d) all of the above
46. Control of power in DC link is necessary because
(a) current order setting needs to be done
(b)power can be reversed
(c) current sensitive to voltage changes and may damage the
(d)all of the above
47. With increase in delay angle a
(a) p.f. is reduced (b) DC voltage decreases
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) kVAR requirement decreases
48. For inversion or inverter operation
(a) a<90° (b) a> 90°
(c) 90° <a< 180° (d) 180° < a< 270°
49. Extinction angle r is optimised so that
(a) DC current is kept minimum
(b)kVAR requirement is minimum
(c) DC output voltage is minimum
(d)all of the above
50. For stable operation of DC systems
(a) CC and CEA control is adopted
(b)a control, CC and CEA is adopted
(c) only CEA control is adopted
(d)only CC control is adopted
51. Characteristic of a converter is the relation between
(a) AC voltage and Id
(b)DC output voltage and Id
(c) DCpower and Id
(d) Alpha and Id
52. The common control done in converters is
(a)rectifier as both voltage and current controller
(b)inverter as both voltage and current controller
(c) inverter as current controller
(d)rectifier as voltage controller and inverter as current controller
53. VDCOL controlling is done and is necessary when
a) low voltage due to faults
b) to regulate DC current depending on DC voltage due to fault on AC
c) to regulate DC current when DC voltage dips
d) to regulate AC current under faults

54. Power reversal in DC link is done

a) operating rectifier (a) close to 180° and inverter r close to zero
b) operating both a and r near 90°
c) operating a at 90° and r close to zero
d) operating r close to 90° and a near zero

55. In case of IPC cosine control, DC output voltage is proportional to

a) control voltage
b) DC current
c) cos-1 of phase angle on AC side
d) overlap angle µ,
56. Main drawback of CEA control is
a) it cannot offer stable operation in weak AC links
b) more reactive kVAR are needed
c) control is uneconomical
d) generates harmonics
57. A rectifier station is set at a current level of 900 A and inverter station at 800A.
The current margin is
a) 100 A
b) 50 A
c) 200 A
d) 100A

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