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Acceptance Test of All Concrete Poles PDF

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044 - 1: 1996







CEB Standard 044 - 1: 1996


No. 50, Sir Chittampalam A Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 2.

Sri Lanka

Telephone 24471-8 Telex : 21368 CE Facsimile : 94-1-449572




1. General 2

2. Design Loadings 2

3. Standards and Codes of Practice 2

4. Standardised Types/Sizes of Pre-Stressed Concrete Poles 3

5. Materials 3

6. Storage and Protection & Materials 6

7. Installation of Reinforcement Steel 6

8. Mixing, Placing and Curing Concrete 7

9. Concrete Sampling and Testing 8

11. Inspection and Testing of Poles 11

12. Transportation and handling 12

13. Annexures 13




This Specification covers the manufacture, testing and delivery to the site of Reinforced
Concrete Poles, for Low Voltage & Medium Voltage distribution lines.


Each pole shall be able to withstand 2.5 times the design working load in the transverse
direction, as indicated in the corresponding drawing.

Each Pole shall be able to withstand an independent load in the longitudinal direction of at least
25% of the transverse loading described above.

The ultimate design load used for designing each type of pole shall be that calculated by
applying a point load of 2.5 (factor of safety) times the appropriate standard design working load
when the pole is held in the test frame specified in the Clause 10.


Unless otherwise specified, the materials and workmanship specified under this contract shall
conform to the latest version of the appropriate British Standards. In particular to:

BS8110 1985 Structural use of Concrete

BS 12 1991 Specification for ordinary Portland


BS 4449 1988 Specification for carbon steel bars

for the reinforcement of concrete

BS 4482 1985 Cold reduced steel wire for the

reinforcement of concrete

BS 882 1992 Specification for aggregates from

natural sources for concrete

BS 1881 1993

Part 101 Sampling of fresh concrete

102 Determination of slump
108 Method of making test cubes from fresh
110 Method of making test cylinders from fresh


111 Method of normal curing of test specimens

116 Method for determination of compressive
strength of concrete cubes

BS 812 Part 101 1984 Testing aggregates

BS 5328 Part 1 1991 Guide to specifying concrete

Part 2 1991 Methods for specifying concrete mixes

Part 4 1990 Specification for the procedures to be used in

sampling, testing and assessing compliance of



(m) (m) (kg)

6.0 1.4 50 Insulated Wire Service DS&S/98/7710

8.3 1.40 100 LV Lines (without street lamp DS&S/2002/7709
8.3 1.40 500 LV Lines (self supporting pole) DS&S/2002/7720
9.0 1.5 115 LV Lines (with street lamp wire) DS&S/99/7707
10.0 1.7 300 i.Only MV Line DS&S/98/7705
ii.Combined Run MV & LV on
same Pole

*Reduced size drawings of each type of pole are annexed to this Specification. Detailed
drawings could be obtained from the respective Branch of the CEB.


5.1 General

All materials shall conform to the relevant standard specifications referred to in this
specification. However, the Inspection Officer representing the CEB (herein after called the
"Engineer") reserves the right, where necessary, to inspect/test samples of raw materials
stockpiled for use, in any of the contractors work sites. Cost of such tests will be borne by CEB.
In the event of such samples not confirming to the standards given herein, the Engineer may
inform such to the Contractor in writing on the receipt of which, the contractor shall make
immediate arrangements to remove such unsuitable materials completely from the work site,
and replace them with materials conforming to the standards, at the contractors own expense.


Manufacturer's test certificates for all reinforcing steel shall be supplied to the Engineer in
accordance with the said standards in Clause 3. These test certificates shall show compliance
with the relevant standard specifications in all respects and shall be issued by an independent
testing laboratory acceptable to the Engineer. If the manufacturer's test certificates are not
available and if the Engineer requires it then it shall be the Contractor's responsibility for
arranging all testing requested by the Engineer, before using such materials.

The test information so obtained must be sufficient to satisfy the Engineer that the item being
tested conforms to the relevant standard specification. The Contractor shall bear the cost of
these testing work.

5.2 Reinforcing Steel

Steel reinforcement shall be one of the following :

a) Hot rolled mild steel round bars complying with BS 4449.

b) High tensile steel either (i) cold worked deformed bars or (ii) hot rolled bars

The contractor shall supply the Engineer with a certificate for each consignment from the steel
manufacturers showing that the steel meets the requirements of the specification. If required,
the Engineer may carry out one tension test and one bond test for each lot of 50 tonnes or part

Steel reinforcing bars shall be kept clean and shall be free from pitting, loose rust, mill scale, oil,
grease, mortar, earth, paint or any harmful material.

5.3 Cement

Cement shall be Ordinary Portland Cement complying with BS 12.

Insoluble matter in the cement used shall be less than 3 percent, and magnesium compounds
shall be less than 5 percent.

All cement necessarily complying with BS 12 shall be obtained from the manufacturer or from
his authorized distributors acceptable to the Engineer.

Test Certificates for cement satisfying the relevant standards shall be provided by the
contractor when requested by the Engineer where necessary before use is made of a particular
brand of cement.

5.4 Aggregates

Both the fine and coarse aggregates shall comply with BS 882 - 1992. Fine aggregate (sand)
shall consist of clean sands and coarse aggregate shall consist of clean crushed stone. The
nominal maximum size of the coarse aggregates shall be 20 mm.


Aggregates shall be free from clay, earth, loom or other organic or similar material. Aggregates
which in the opinion of the Engineer is not clean, shall be thoroughly washed in clean water
before use.

Prohibited Aggregates :

- coming from feldspathic or schistous rock

- containing charcoal or their residues such as coke, ashes, clinkers


Sulphate and Sulphide must be in such quantities that the whole proportion, in Sulphur Trioxide,
be less than one percent (1%) of the mass.

5.5 Water

All water used for the mixing of concrete shall be clean and free of any dissolved or undissolved
impurities likely to be harmful to the cement, aggregates or the steel reinforcement.

The use of sea water is prohibited.

The water shall contain less than 700 parts per million (ppm) of dissolved solids.

The water should comply with the requirements of BS 3148.

5.6 Admixtures

No admixtures shall be added to the concrete mix unless the prior approval of the Engineer has
been obtained in writing.

All admixtures shall comply with BS 5075. Approval by the Engineer of the use of any
admixtures shall in no way relieve the Contractor and his supplier of their responsibility in regard
to maintaining the quality or durability of the concrete used in the manufacture of poles.

Under no circumstances shall calcium chloride or any admixtures containing calcium chloride be
permitted in the concrete used to manufacture the poles.


6.1 Cement

Cement shall be stored in a suitable weather-tight enclosure on a broad platform raised off the
ground. The enclosure should be such that free circulation of air around the bags of cement is
kept to a minimum.

Any cement that has become damp, caked or lumpy shall not be used. Concrete batching
operations shall be organised so that cement that has been longest at the place of manufacture
of the poles is used first.


If the Engineer has any doubts with regard to the quality of a certain batch of cement at site,
samples of that should be retested for fineness, setting time, strength and soundness in the
presence of the Engineer and in the event it fails the tests such cement should be removed from
site immediately.

6.2 Aggregates

Both fine and coarse aggregates shall be separately stored so that they are kept clean and free
from contamination and are not subjected to intermingling. Where a clean hard surface is not
available for the stockpiles the bottom 150 mm of the aggregate piles which are in contact with
the ground shall not be used.

Heaps of fine aggregate shall be capable of draining freely. Wet fine aggregate shall not be
used until, in the opinion of the Engineer, has drained sufficiently to ensure proper control of the
water/cement ratio.

6.3 Reinforcing Steel

All reinforcing steel shall be stored clear off the ground on sufficient supports to prevent
distortion of bars and in a clean dry place. Grease, oil, paint or any other substance that will
affect the bond of the reinforcement shall not be allowed to come in contact with it. If it does
then all such substances shall be cleaned off the reinforcement before it is placed in the pole

Mild steel and high tensile steel shall be stored separately.


7.1 Covers

The minimum cover from the outermost reinforcing steel to the nearest permanent surface of
the concrete member shall be 25mm. All steel shall be accurately placed and shall be held in
position during manufacture.

7.2 Spacing

The clear spacing between two parallel reinforcing bars shall not be less than the greatest of the
nominal bar diameter or 1.33 times the maximum nominal size of the aggregate or 25 mm.

7.3 Stirrups and Ties

Bends in stirrups and ties shall have a diameter on the inside of the bar not less than the
diameter of enclosed bar or two times the diameter of the stirrup or tie, whichever is the greater
as per the corresponding drawing.

The ends of the stirrups and ties shall be anchored with a minimum of 90º bend plus a straight
extension of 8 bar diameters but not less that 65 mm. They shall be firmly attached to the
supporting tendons/reinforcement using soft wire ties.


7.4 Welding

Any form of welding or tack-welding of reinforcement will not be permitted.


8.1 Mix Design

Concrete used for casting of poles throughout this contract shall be of grade 25 which should
possess the following minimum qualities (as per BS 5328).

i) Minimum Cement content - 275kg/m3

ii) Maximum free water-cement ratio - 0.65

iii) Minimum strength at an age of 28 days - 25N/mm2

iv) Nominal maximum aggregate size - 20 mm

The ratio of the weight of the fine aggregates (sand) to the total weight of aggregates shall be
between 0.35 and 0.50. As a guide, a mixing ratio of 1:1½:3 (cement:sand:metal) is suggested.

However it is the full responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the design strength of the
concrete and the concrete mix is not varied unless by agreement with the Engineer.

8.2 Concrete Mixing

All concrete except where specifically permitted by the Engineer in writing shall be mixed in
mixing machines.

The dry concrete ingredients shall be mixed until a uniform colour is obtained. After the addition
of the water the concrete shall be mixed for a further 2 minutes or until a uniform colour is
achieved. The total water in the mix shall not exceed the amount specified in the Clause 8.1

In computing the quantity of water to be added, due account must be taken of the water
contained in the aggregates. The amount of water shall be sufficient to ensure thorough
hydration, good workability and high strength.

8.3 Workability

The concrete shall be of such consistency that it can be readily worked into the corners and
angles of the formwork and around reinforcement without segregation of the materials or
bleeding of free water at the surface. On striking the formwork it shall present a face which is
smooth & uniform, free from honeycombing, or excessive dusting. Water should be added with
great care, without letting the total water content to be excessive.


8.4 Transportation

The concrete shall be discharged from the mixer and transported to the Works by means that
shall be approved by the Engineer and which shall prevent adulteration, segregation or loss of
ingredients, and ensure that the concrete is of the required workability at the point and time of

8.5 Placing and Compaction

Placement of concrete shall be at such a rate that the concrete is at all times plastic and flows
readily into the space between the reinforcement. No concrete that has partially hardened or
been contaminated by foreign materials shall be deposited in the moulds, nor shall re-tempered
concrete or concrete that has been re-used after initial set be used.

The placement of concrete in the moulds shall be completed within half hour after the
introduction of mixing water to the cement and aggregate in the concrete mixer. Each mould
shall be filled with concrete as a continuous operation. Construction joints will not be permitted
in the poles. Should there be an interruption during the placement of concrete into the mould
such that initial set occurs to the deposited concrete then that pole shall be discarded.

All concrete shall be consolidated in the moulds using high frequency vibrators. The vibration
applied shall be uniform along the length of the mould and shall be carefully controlled so that
adequate consolidation is achieved without segregation of the mixed ingredients by over

8.6 Protection and Curing of Concrete

During the initial stages of hardening, the concrete shall be protected from direct rays of the sun
and from drying winds. The moulds containing the hardened concrete shall not be disturbed or
shifted unless it can be shown that such movements will not impart any damaging stress to the
hardening concrete.


9.1.1 General

A random sampling procedure, to obtain the samples for compression strength tests of concrete
has to be adopted, and the maximum frequency of sampling of the concrete shall be (01) one
sample per (50) fifty poles, but not less than one sample per day, whichever gives the higher
number of samples. "Sample" is described in Cl. 9.1.2. Contractor shall make arrangements to
carry out the compression strength test as per BS 1881, for each of above samples, at an
independent testing laboratory approved by the Engineer, and the results of these tests shall be
brought to the notice of the Engineer within 10 working days from each test. The acceptance of
concrete will be decided by the Engineer, as described in Clause 9.3.


9.1.2 Casting of Samples

Samples for compression strength tests shall be moulded in either 150mm or 100mm cubes.
The date of casting of the sample shall be clearly and indelibly marked on the fresh concrete.
Subsequent marking on freshly applied grout layer is not allowed.

A sample shall consist of 4 cubes made concurrently from the same batch of concrete. Two (2)
of the cubes shall be used to establish the 28 day compression strength and two (2) of the
cubes shall be used to establish the 07 day compression.

All samples shall be moulded and cured in accordance with the procedures in BS 1881.

9.2 Compression Strength Tests

Testing of the compression strength samples shall be carried out in accordance with the
procedures in BS 1881.

The minimum required 28 day compression strength of all concrete used to manufacture
concrete poles shall be 25 N/mm2

9.3 Acceptance Criteria for Compression strength

The concrete shall be considered acceptable when tested and found satisfactory according to
stipulations in B.S. 5328 Part 4.

9.4 Pole Moulds and Surface Finishes

Moulds shall be designed, constructed and finished to ensure they can be removed without
damaging the hardened concrete, and they shall be securely braced and supported to prevent
sagging and bulging during the deposition of the concrete. Joints in the materials used to
manufacture the moulds shall be tight and shall not permit any leakage of cement paste from
the concrete mix. Holes in the walls of the moulds used for retaining pins which form bolt holes
in the finished pole shall be provided with flexible seals or some similar means to prevent the
loss of any cement paste from the concrete mix.

All poles shall have a surface finish that is smooth, hard, uniform in colour and appearance and
free from any honeycombing and air pockets exceeding 4mm in diameter. All fins and other
projections shall be rubbed down or ground flush with the general surface of the pole.

Repair of defective concrete will not be permitted and any pole containing defective concrete
will be rejected by the Engineer.


9.5 Dimensional Tolerances

The permitted variation from a stated dimension or cross sectional shape of the finished pole
shall be as follows. Any pole having dimensional tolerances above the figures given below will
be rejected by the Engineer.

Length ± 15 mm

Cross Section Overall dimensions and dimensions of parts such as webs etc.
+ 4mm, - 2mm

Straightness Deviation from a straight line joining the top end and
the widest dimensions at the butt end ± 15 mm

Holes Size - 0, + 2 mm
relative position ± 5 mm

Location of Reinforcement ±3mm, but specified covers shall not be reduced

Notwithstanding all of the above, any apparent waviness or serious local variation of flatness of
the pole surfaces may lead to its rejection by the Engineer.

9.6 Marking of Poles

Following data of the pole shall be clearly and indelibly marked at a position approximately 1.5m
above the ground level, by embossing the marks on fresh concrete, just after the casting of
pole. Subsequent marking on cement mortar/grout applied later into the pole is not allowed.

a) Letters "CEB", size and working load, date of casting, serial no. and name/identification no.
of manufacturer, of the pole. No two poles belonging to the same manufacturer could bear the
same serial number. (A pre-formed template shall be used for this purpose).

b) A line indicating the theoretical point of fixity as given in the corresponding drawings (for
purpose of testing).

9.7 Lifting, Handling and Shifting

Poles shall not be lifted or handled until the concrete has attained sufficient strength.

While lifting, the pole shall be held from at least two points.



10.1 General

The CEB shall reserve the right to inspect the Plant and Machinery and raw materials used for
the manufacture of poles, manufacturing facilities, methods and systems, testing equipment and
the final inspection of manufactured poles. The contractor shall provide access to the Plant at
any reasonable time to the Engineer and shall provide such facilities as necessary, free of
charge, for carrying out tests and inspection and provide labour, gauges, tools, materials and
testing equipment/apparatus for such tests and inspection.

In case of manufactured Poles the Engineer shall have the right to reject any pole/poles with the
surface finish/dimensions/markings not in accordance with Clauses 9.4, 9.5 and 9.6

10.2 Testing of Poles

Pole shall be tested as per the CEB Standards 044-3:96. One in hundred numbers of each type
of poles selected at random by the Engineer will be tested in the following manner.

A pole shall be tested in the horizontal position. It shall be held rigidly at the butt end in
accordance with the supported lengths on 1/9th of the total length of each pole. (Testing line is
as indicated in the corresponding pole drawing).

In horizontal testing, provision shall be made with suitable supports to neutralise the bending
moment as indicated in the Drawing No. DS&S/2000/44-3.

Test load shall be applied at a point 0.60m from the top of the pole and raised in increments of
10% of the ultimate load. Measurements shall be taken for deflection after each increment of
10% of the ultimate load.

Load shall be reduced to zero at 40% and at 60% of ultimate load and permanent set shall be
measured. Load shall be increased in steps of 10% of the ultimate load until failure occurs by
maintaining each load above 60% of the ultimate load for at least two minutes (failure load is the
load at which the dynamometer indicates no further increase in load).

After the failure has occurred, the Pole shall be removed from the test bed, and concrete shall
be broken sufficiently from any place/places as required by the Engineer, until the
reinforcements and stirrups are exposed. The reinforcement should be carefully examined and
verified whether the following factors are meeting the requirements of relevant

i) Type, diameter, length number of bars and positioning of the main reinforcement.

ii) Type, diameter, shape and spacing of stirrups.

iii) Length and correct positioning (staggered) of lap joints.


The whole batch of 100 would be acceptable to the CEB, if the tested pole passes the criteria
given in (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) below:

a) During the application of load upto 40% of the ultimate load, the pole
shall not have developed any hair cracks.

b) The permanent set recorded, after removal of a test load of 60% of

ultimate load shall not exceed 10% of the deflection recorded for
same test load.

c) The hair cracks produced while loading upto 60% of the ultimate load,
shall clearly close up on removal of the above test load.

d) The test load at failure shall exceed the ultimate load.

e) On breaking the concrete after failure it shall be established that the

following requirements are in accordance with the corresponding
drawing/specification of Pole.

i) Type, diameter, length number of bars and positioning of the main


ii) Type, diameter, shape and spacing of stirrups.

iii) Length and correct positioning (staggered) of lap joints.

10.3 Failure to Satisfy Acceptance Criteria

In the event that a pole does not satisfy any one of the above acceptance criteria, one more
pole selected randomly from the same batch shall be tested for all the five acceptance criteria. If
this additional pole tested fails to satisfy any one of acceptance criteria then the entire batch
shall be rejected. All the poles rejected shall be marked with a permanent ink, and removed
from the site immediately.

10.4 The cost of all the above pole testing shall be borne by the Contractor. This includes the
cost of poles used for testing.


11.1 Transport to Site

Pole shall be stored, transported, and handled at all times with its longer axis in vertical position
to ensure that the resulting forces are always resisted by the poles stronger direction.

The pole shall be transported on a suitable vehicle supported full length or with limited


11.2 Lifting and Storage

While lifting, the pole shall be held from at least two points and when stacked at the
manufacturing plant or at the point of delivery the poles shall be separated by timber
bearers placed between each unit. Timber bearers shall be placed only on lines
vertically above each other.

Transporting of poles is deemed to be completed only when the contractor hands over
the poles to places nominated in the schedule of this contract.

If any damage or cracking occurs to any of the poles before they are handed over to the
Engineer such poles shall be rejected. All rejected poles shall be marked with a
permanent ink and removed from the site immediately.


A - 6.0m 50kg RC Pole -Dr. No. DS&S/98/7710

B - 8.3m 100kg RC Pole -Dr. No. DS&S/2002/7709

C - 8.3m 500kg RC Pole -Dr. No. DS&S/2002/7720

D - 9.0m 115kg RC Pole -Dr. No. DS&S/99/7707

E - 10.0m 300kg RC Pole -Dr. No. DS&S/98/7705

F - Horizontal arrangements
for pole testing - Dr. No. DS&S/2000/44-3

G - Pole Test Report

CEB STANDARD 044-1 : 1996

Annex G

My No. …………………………

Branch …………………………


NAME OF THE CONTRACTOR & PLACE OF SITE : ………………………………………………………


DATE OF TESTING : ………………….

TYPE OF POLE : …………………..

WORKING LOAD : ……………………….

FACTOR OF SAFETY : ………………………..

ULTIMATE LOAD : …………………………

PLACE OF TESTING : …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

SERIAL NO. OF THE TEST POLE : ………………………………..

SERIAL NOS. OF BATCH OF POLES FROM ……………………….. TO ………………………….


(a) Whether all the poles satisfied the visual inspection criteria given in clause 3.2 ………………..

If not,

(b) Following poles have been rejected due to non-conformity to aspects mentioned herein.

Serial Pole Cross Hole Hole Pole

Straightness Finishing Remarks
No. Height Section Position Size Marking

CEB STANDARD 044-1 : 1996

TEST POLE : a) SERIAL NO. : ……………………….

b) DATE OF MANUFACTURE: ……………………………

% OF
kg. mm
1 0
2 10
3 20
4 30
5 40
6 0
7 10
8 20
9 30
10 40
11 50
12 60
13 0
14 10
15 20
16 30
17 40
18 50
19 60
20 70
21 80
22 90
23 100
24 110
25 120
26 130
27 140
28 150
29 160
30 170
31 180
32 190
33 200

CEB STANDARD 044-1 : 1996

1. Whether any hair crack/cracks developed during the application of load upto 40% of the ultimate
load : ………………….

2. Whether the hair cracks, produced while loading upto 60% of the ultimate load, have closed :

3. Permanent set after 60% of the ultimate load : ……………………. Mm

4. Test load at the destruction of the pole : …………………………. Kg

5. Verification of reinforcement after breaking of the concrete of the tested pole

a) Main Reinforcement

(1) Type …………….. (2) Diameter ……………….. (3) Lap length ………….mm
(4) Lap positioning

b) Stirrups

(1) Diameter ………………. mm (2) Spacing …………………….. mm

Whether the tested pole satisfied the acceptance criteria : ……………………….

If not what is the pole No. selected for second test : …………………….

In view of the above this batch of poles is accepted/rejected with the acceptance in the rejected
pole/poles mentioned in page 01 of this report and the tested pole

Name and Designation of CEB

Testing Officer/Engineer : ………………………………………..

Signature : ………………………………………..

Tested in the presence of

(Name of Contractor or his Agent) : ………………………………………..

Signature : ………………………………………..

Date : ……………………………….

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