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Relax & Happy With Chatarchaya Kriya

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760524 Relax & Happy with CHATARCHAYA KRIYA

In Easy Pose, press heels of hands together, and cover left fingers
with right fingers, both thumbs touching center section of left Jupiter
finger. Place hands 8-10 inches out from the mouth, elbows at sides,
eyes closed. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth,
directing the air through the opening in the thumbs. Exhale
completely. Practice until you a fall asleep.
COMMENTS: This will make you relax and feel good and happy. It
will extend your age and make your face innocently charming. Do
not practice it if you have work to do, but only if you want to relax
after, or to recharge after work.

760524 Chatarchaya kriya

…. (Students sing)
YB: Sat Nam Ji’s
Students: Sat Nam.
YB: You know, funny thing is we went to get treated by the first accident. When came, we got the other one.
First one was eating peanuts and this was also eating cashew nuts God knows what but it's the funniest thing,
you can't go out for treatment even. And when we ask her what happened, she said, “I just lifted my foot on
the brake, that’s it.” And we were curling in the car, amazing what is happening to this world. And both time
we were stationary, funny part of it we were totally dead stop. If you are moving, the impact is less. But
when you are totally dead stop and somebody comes…. Well, she gave us the insurance number, that is the
satisfaction now we Americans have that we after killing a man, innocent man, we give him insurance
(Students' laughter)
Well, it's the funniest thing. However I think you are all lucky I am supposed to finish this course somehow.
Today is a very important lecture you have to hear that. Once I heard it too and I like to hear it again. Profiles
and patterns of the subconscious mind. You know, this series I am going to finish this somehow but we are
late by four lectures, I don’t know how to complete it with all my travels and all that.
Student: (-----)
YB: Yeah, bug, him not me. He controls the button.
Student: (-----)
YB: Yeah, I am not turning, she is right. I am learning lot of things not to turn my head, not to look left and
right, look straight, be good. I have to learn to be a good boy.
(Students' laughter)
Profiles and pattern of subconscious mind is very, a deep mystery. For thousands of years human mind is
trying to know and find what is the essence of happiness. Now question is, all the people who are rich and
powerful politically are happy? Answer is no. All the people who… whatever they want they get it, are they
happy? Answer is no. All the people who are healthy, happy and holy, are they happy? Answer is no. Are
the sages, the saints, millions who follow them and will follow their teaching, were they happy? No. Any
person to whom everybody reverend everybody. Are they happy? Answer is no.
Knowledge or wisdom is humility. Ignorance is arrogant. You can judge the ignorance of a person by his
arrogance. You know, you have to understand how to deal because you have a problem, you are dealing with
a physical being in a human body which has not even animal in him. You are talking to a tree.
Story is, a sage was going and there was a man going, he held him from the neck and started walking with
him. Everybody was surprised. They knew that that man is a governor incognito of that area, fanatic, very
stiff, strike like a cane, on every decision he was rude, rigid and unknowingly crude. This man caught him
from the neck and started walking with him. Somebody said, “Holy sir, do you know who is this?”
He said, “Yes. He is a bamboo stick.”
(Students' laughter)
He said, “No, he is the governor of this area.”
He said, “No, no, he is governor now, in last life my Guru’s Guru used him as a stick to walk and that’s why
now he is human, I know him.”
(Students' laughter)
You understand? Now for you it's a matter of excellence that other man is beautiful, he has nose, eyes like
you and who knows what is inside?
Now there is a problem between inside and outside. Now this behavior pattern and the profiles we have of our
subconscious mind are related on very different levels. You worship God for happiness, you earn money for
happiness, you tell lies for happiness, you do not lie for anything else but happiness. Lie makes you happy
because you are sneaking away from facing the facts. You do nothing. Subconscious motivation in the very
theme of everything is, how you feel happy, not what is happiness. So each individual is a individual and his
and her happiness is defined by him and her. Therefore, nobody is happy because there is no such thing as
individual happiness. It's a maya.
“Oh we are very happy, we got this big house.” You go after two years, “How are you?”
“O God, we were very happy when we bought this house, but now it's a trouble to maintain this thirty-
bedroom house.”
You know same thing. When you were living in three bedroom house dearly, then you were very happy to
have a thirty-two bedroom house but to maintain thirty-two bedroom house requires lot of jogging.
Now the problem is, what is happiness. That is to be defined. Any action of the physical with mind, which
relates to here and hereafter. That is happiness. Any action, any decision, any sensitivity which you feel is
only for here is not going to make you happy. You may try your best. Happiness is when you decide
anything which carries you through positively here and hereafter because human body is one thing in the
entire creation which knows about hereafter and here before. The idea of infinity, idea of infinity is only
known to the human brain, nothing else anything knows. Few worship angels, angel is nothing but a
transitory power for a specific purpose of God. It has no flexibility. Neither the demon.
There is only one creation, a creature in the form of a male and a female who has the profile personality to
know the basic individuality and the infinity. And if an individual decides every action around him, no
religion can save you, no sage can save you, no prophet can give you profit enough, no God can save you. I
mean, you may feel upset when I say this thing. But I have to say this thing to let you know one thing. And
that is, until and unless… I am using English, English now to stress it. You do not decide upon yourself one
rhythm of life that is your all action, thought and deed shall lead to here and hereafter. You cannot enjoy a
iota of happiness. What happiness you feel is temporary. It will come like a sun and shadow like as gone by
the night. It will come and go. Real happiness lies which never comes nor goes but it is. What is that? Here
and hereafter. You are here, you are here to be hereafter. Now let us take example. Does it prove by the time
and history? Yes. How?
Ibrahim was here, Moses was here, Jesus was here, Mohammad was here, Rama was here, Krishna was here,
Buddha was here, Nanak was here, in their lifetime they were here and they were very well known to few
people. But hereafter they are known to the entire creation. Jesus was no big a popular person in his lifetime,
remember that. According to the record of the Roman court he was a rebel leader of three hundred and some
odd person who wanted attention, that’s all it is written. And he was provoking peaceful people to certain
area and therefore he was crucified, can you believe what at that time those crazy fellows thought about him?
It is according to their own journal. And three hundred and some year after Rome fell to be Christian. Just
imagine what is hereafter is much more, much bigger, much wider than here.
Five hundred years ago Nanak was told that he is an opposite thinker, they never thought him he is a real
thinker. Whenever he spoke truth people thought he bugs people. So he was not liked by many people at all.
If you want few friends, just start speaking truth. You will solve the problem of friends right away. You want
to give somebody a dry bread though it is very healthy. You know, I found once in the hostel I was the….
what they call who is in charge of the hostel? Prefect; so funnily I was elected in my absence, so I came and I
said, “What is this prefect business, what I am supposed to do?”
“Oh you are supposed to be in charge of this wing.”
I said, “I am not in charge of any wing, let boys go come and they don’t bother about me.” So I told, I said,
“Boys, do whatever you want to do.”
So you know as a democrat I am, I made a little council. I said, “All right, every wing which has fifty people
will have one representative and all representatives decide what food they want to eat, what timing should be,
and whatever. Until you have not committed a murder, don’t bother me. So rest you can do yourself.”
So superintendent came and found the funny arrangement I have made in the hostel, he said, “Wait a minute,
we want to execute the authority.”
I said, “Wait a minute, I am just supposed to take care of this area, right?”
He said, “Yes.”
I said, “It is taken care of. Until the complaint doesn’t come to you, you have no right to interfere.”
Complaint came.
(Students' laughter)
Atta got finished. No flour, they ate so much that we had an X amount of wheat flour for a month, they
finished it in eighteen days. Now who should compensate for that? And he came and he said, “Look Bhajan,
I know you are not a funny guy but the way, look what they have done, they get guests, they make everybody
eat, they overeat.”
I said, “They overplay, they overeat, doesn’t matter now what is the problem?”
He said, “But there is no wheat.”
So I sent my horsemen to the village, told him to get few bullock carts of the wheat so that we can cover the
whole thing. Next month the same problem. So came to me and he said, “Baba, every time your village is
going to supply wheat to the whole college? What are you doing?”
I said, “Before me what was the matter?”
He said, “Before you they were not happy. So they won’t eat.”
(Students' laughter)
“Since you have taken over the kids are happy, they overeat, they enjoy, they sit there in the kitchen, they
don’t go and they eat chapattis, what should I do?”
I said, “Then it means that they have to be made unhappy to save flour and that you know, I can't do. So I’ll
resign, I’ll leave the post, I don’t want this. Because why should I make you unhappy?”
He said, “No, no, no you don’t go, I am very happy too.”
So I thought of a situation, I said, “Look, count how many people in this hostel we have are rich with
We found out eighty percent were super rich. Ten percent were rich and ten percent were moderate, so
hundred percent were very well to do. I said, “Okay now there is a one trick to do. And it is a simple trick.
Start putting maize, what you call, corn you call it? Corn into the wheat, now whole wheat and don’t take
away the skin of the wheat which they normally in India they don’t take that, they separate it from the wheat
and cook the food, everything what they say but this is my order.”
He said, “Oh no, no, they will eat.”
You know this way the chapatti becomes little, little stuffy, little thick, it looks odd, it is not that clean. So
next night when he started , they said, “Are you blind, see what are you giving?”
He said, “No, no, this is the wheat, this is the way it is to be, this is how the prefect said it and this is….”
We had a surplus atta that month.
(Students' laughter)
That much emotional we are to the sight of happiness. Sight, it is not eating, it was good for health. It made,
everybody admitted they are happy, healthy, but nobody admitted he is happy. They said those chapattis, they
don’t look right. Mostly we do not know, that’s what I wanted to give you an example which I had in my
young life, you do not know what is happiness. Not at all. If one girl in the college does something,
everybody goes crazy after that. It is amazing and I know as a reason.
Once my tailor wanted to make a pant for me. Uniform pant and the cloth was issued from the army on a
special rate and while pressing it he burnt the side of the hip. There was no way to cover it and uniforms are
uniforms. So what he did is he put a patch, which looked like a pocket. But it was not a pocket.
(Students' laughter)
What he did is, he put two patches on left side and right side to look like uniform, uniform is uniform,
everything in uniform both side should be equal. So he put two patches to cover that one area, burnt area, it
looked like it is a pocket but it was not pocket. Do you believe it I innocently wore it without noticing it. I
had no problem with it. Next time at our convention it was put up as a proposal that we should have two
pockets too. It doesn’t matter it will cost little more cloth, little more money but that looks nice. And when I
told them they are not pockets man, it is the coverage of a tailor they won’t believe, I had to bring the pant and
show them.
This is how our brain works. We call it casual. Our lives are very casual, you are unnecessary serious,
uptight, upset, no. By nature you are very casual, if you really want to define a human mind, you are just a
little piece of cloud floating, that’s all you are. Whole thing you want to make heavy because polarity you
create. You are so casual, so well, so light, so floating, you do not tolerate it because in subconscious you
should know you are a creature and a light of God you are. But polarity of ego makes you to make feel exert,
bother, press, question, doubt, and it becomes so heavy that you lose your height. Your profiles is different,
then your preferences. You feel, you feel that you do everything for happiness. Even worshipping God for
happiness, but in reality you do not know what happiness is. Nobody has trained himself and herself towards
happiness. Though it is the main object.
Happiness is what is here and hereafter. Here is small, hereafter is infinite. Hereafter is unlimited. You are
limited. When your actions do not tally with hereafter you become unhappy. Happiness is in you,
unhappiness is also in you. Some people talk to me, I get one… Somebody makes me unhappy, yes, I am
very unhappy. This man whom you call Yogi Bhajan is very unhappy. I love it. Some people ask me why? I
am behind the time, what I have finished not I should have finished. I am aware of it. I have my own foot in
my own mouth. Things are not happening right, time is short, lot to be done, preparation is not okay, how can
I be happy? I know insanity is going to catch us. I know humanity is going to be chewed by the jaws of
insanity and I know I am a failure, there is no denial of the fact. My radar tells me what is coming. My guns
are not ready to fight it. I am aware of that failure. Now all I am doing is I am praying, God, if somewhere
something can be done.
When I was coming Sat Simran asked me, “Is it a karma to get hit? Is something telling us these what is
I said, “Yes, insanity is on the way, that’s what it is. All these accidents is not doing anything, it is just telling
That rage of insanity I was talking some years ago and you used to laugh at me. It is now right on the corner.
Brakes will be used as gas pedals.
(Students' laughter)
Knives used for vegetables will commit murders. People are after handguns, what for? You don’t need a
handgun to commit a crime. Insanity doesn’t need a tool, insanity is a tool in itself. And what a failure, I am
knowing the knowledge of awareness, knowing the technology antarvidya, Kundalini Yoga is a antarvidya.
The knowledge of the being, the self. What I have done? Couple hundred thousand people is not all enough.
Then what is left? Prayer. When this planet Kohoutek came I told you all that five things are going to
happen, everybody looked around me, weather is going to change? Yogiji, how it is going to happen? How is
the boy now? Food is going to go scarce we know that. I told you that the current in the oceans are going to
change, that is going to change weathers, the electromagnetic field of the earth is going to change, and that is
going to change the mental attitude and the fearful is going to become phobic and people are going to become
hysteric and children are going to become total over questioning, why? Because the caliber of the person, the
human mind has to expand through time and space. We have to experience God, living God, living reality.
Our imagination has to go so vast that now we have not to imagine things. Time of hallucination is over. It
was a hallucination, it was a fairytale, can we go to the moon? We have already gone. Outer space shall not
be faraway from us.
Five thousand years ago we have traveled through outer space as human beings. Five thousand years ago we
knew the atom bomb and atomic energy, it is right in Mahabharatha, it is written, you read it and put it
together. You have been playing with this tool then. You are going to play with the same tools again. Can
we afford it this time? No. That is where I say we are a failure and that is where I say I am a failure. We
can't afford it. Are we different? Look in Lebanon, two tribes are fighting. Educated, well to do, well happy
human beings, per capita income far out. Shooting with insanity. Look in Ireland, look around Israel, read
the history of India and Pakistan. Pakistan that teeny-tiny part of India, which used to be part of India
attacked three-four times. If all Indians take up bamboo stick against those tanks, still they can beat them.
That is the vast difference of humanity. But still they wanted to attack. Every time got beaten up, every time
they wanted to attack. Nobody understood. If you look at microscopically on each country, what is going
underneath you will be surprised that as tribal people we were much happy than now. Why? Why this is
happening? Because the human mind is forgetting hereafter. Even teachers don’t teach anything about….
There is a surprising factor. You will be astonished to know. Almost all spiritual teachers they dare not speak
truth direct. Funny part of it was when last night I was talking to somebody in London and I had a great
respect for that man. And I told him something very direct. You know what he said to me? He said, “Yogi
Bhajan, you are the greatest man, but you have to have a different brain.”
I said, “Excuse me, different brain?”
I couldn’t say that he is going to attack my brain. It didn’t fit in. I said, “What you said sir? What should I
have different?”
He said, “Brain.”
I said, “Is there something wrong?”
He said, “Yes.”
I said, “What is it?”
He said, “You are too direct.”
Now what should I do? I said, “That is the only thing I think I like in myself.”
He said, “But others are very afraid of you.”
I said, “But you are a man of God. I have to tell you something direct.”
He said, “It has shaken my legs, let me sit on the chair.”
(Students' laughter)
It amaze me. What I was telling him on telephone you anyway want to come to America, I am going to send
an invitation to you and if you want to use the opportunity come, but you will be totally useless here. That’s
all I told him.
(Students' laughter)
But however if you want to see America and enjoy yourself I’ll do everything which I can. But as far as you
think that you are a great man, here people are very intelligent to know what greatness is and as far as you are
concerned you will be a failure.
(Students' laughter)
Because you know how to do hanky-panky and these people are experts in that. So it is not going to work,
one hanky-panky expert is not going to work with a other hanky-panky expert. So I said, “If you are going to
come to the American and tell them that you can build a Paris for them in New York and New York and Paris
and all those things you do in India and make fool of those innocent people, I say “They are good students but
they are not foolish. So you are not going to be a great success as teacher. But you will be success, your tour
will be success because we will show you lot of things.”
He said, “What is lot of things?”
I said, “At least horses, donkeys, anything you want to see.”
(Students' laughter)
“People, human, trees, and if nothing great canyon, Grand Canyon whatever it is.”
(Students' laughter)
And he said, “Look man, I cannot answer you right now. I think I am a great teacher.”
I told him the same thing, I said, “Whether you take it as direct or indirect, fact is that these people have seen
so much greatness that they want something small. If you can do that, they will love you.”
So happiness is not here. Why? Because there is no directness. Happiness and directness has an unpartable
relationship. Sometime you think you don’t communicate, you know why don’t you communicate? You do
not know how to be direct and indirect bothers your consciousness. That’s why you break all relationship,
that is why break all friendship, all marriages, you are not direct. So much so you will be amazed that man
like me who has never tried to offend anybody, this is my effort, people lie in my presence, now knowingly
that I don’t see the human, I see the aura. And aura cannot lie, yet not trained that way. You know, it is
something very natural which man has got. Why? Because this is how the life works. Life works like this.
That’s why you will never find anything triangle and square in the world. They are all round. They can't have
corners. Because the pranic waves are self-intelligent, endlessly. Therefore in nature you will never find
anything having corners. It can't be. Now you do not live by your diaphragm or beat of the heart bah, bah,
bah, it's all lie. It is just to keep you happy.
(Students' laughter)
Yeah, it's nothing. I mean, you do not know how you live. That’s the main problem. But I see it everyday.
This is how you do. The cosmic energy, the pranic energy in the cosmic order vibrates in infinity around
itself and then it enters every creature, everything, everything, subtle body. Auric body we call it. And pranic
energy filters through auric body and thus enters through vayu. Prana, vayu, air. And there are lots of airs.
Not only this air. You have lot of airs. You want to know about airs? Learn hatha yoga. They talk about airs
lot. One day I’ll talk to you too. But anyway. Whatever is in you beyond you, suppose somebody tells you
like this your eyes it is naag vayu. One vaayu eliminates you, which you say gas. You know gas, you don’t
like too much of it. It creates itself, it does it, so you have got lot of vaayus, airs. Vaayu air, but in yogic
science vaayus mean many different things. But the prana which keeps you alive goes all the time in self
evolution. Self-evolution. Therefore in nature there cannot be anything square, triangle or rectangular.
Nothing. And because that energy comes to your creative self and you are living because of that energy,
therefore you are a part of infinity. And you know what you are, you are not in subtle sense of consciousness.
That is why your subconscious revolts. When your inner self is not happy, your subtle body does not get the
pranic energy enough.
I have seen people sitting in my presence and lying to me. You know from where I catch it? Suppose the
aura tells at that time a yellow and blue pattern, you know pattern. All I see is the pattern, right? And when
the pattern is muddy, you understand muddy and clear? Rocky. One is a crystal stone, another is a rocky
stone. At that time person is lying. Whatever his frame of mind and her frame of mind is, that person is lying
at that time to himself or herself. I am aware of that. And I become very interestingly interesting in one
thing; mostly people those lie who always try to prove that they are all right. Whenever your personality, it is
my majority, I am not saying specific, majority is people want to prove they are all right. At the same they
know they are not. So it creates a shade in the light. What happens to people, such people, when they leave
me? They feel exhausted. Not I exhaust them, I am not a miracle man that I exhaust them but whenever you
lie I know you must feel exhausted. You know why? Whenever you lie, you lie to yourself beyond reality, it
means your subtle body does not give you enough pranic energy. And that loss of pranic energy is deficiency.
You know sometime you go in the presence of a person and you feel totally drained out. You know you
understand that expression? Because there you go in the presence of a person for expectation. And he does
not qualify you even for that expectation. And you hide your anger but that burns up your pranic energy and
you come back totally dead and shattered. The main theme of this is in physical intercourse. Any physical
intercourse which is not meant to be at the same frequency of mind shall be a physical drag and any physical
intercourse which is meant to be at same mental frequency shall be a benefit or support or whatever you are
going to call it. It is not that physical intercourse, physical intercourse is nothing but end of a emotional
trauma of liking each other. It has nothing else to do. Love is different story.
Love is based on three qualifications. Tolerance, patience and giving. Tolerate to the extent of sacrifice, have
patience to the extent of infinity, give to the extent of God. If you justify these three faculty in you towards
another individual, then you are starting on the road of love, otherwise don’t use this word. Liking, feeling,
whatever you want to call it. Lot of people love me and I laugh. Because the same thing we don’t know the
meaning, as we do not know the meaning of happiness.
Happening, happening where, there is a… now let me be little scientific with you. Happening where the
constant frequency, frequency, already my English is bad, with this bracelet it is more bad but try to
understand it. Happening at the same frequency of the harmony of the feeling of the reserve mind to be
achieving in the meditative mind, in the imagination what you feel otherwise, could be for your profit or gain,
gives you a likeable feeling of happiness. But actually each gain has to be equalized by each loss. And any
mind which is not happy for loss cannot be happy, simple. Law of polarity must act. Any gain must be
equaled by loss. When you get married you can't run away with other chicks. There is a loss. When you
want to become a great disciple you have to learn a great discipline. That’s a loss. Gain has a loss. When
you have to become a master you have to become a student. Hey Michael, is it right? If you have to gain
something, you have to lose something. And if you are willing to gain, gain and gain and you are not willing
to lose, lose, lose, fool you are starting on unhappiness to begin with. Who can give you happiness? Why to
blame anything and for any reason? You want to become spiritua,l I want you to become spiritual. But
difference is that you should understand what makes happy. Happiness is not a surrounding, not a time, not a
space. Happiness is the vastness of that mind of you which is willing to balance gain and loss but your
ignorance is sometimes so arrogant that you want only gain. And you can never gain anything which cannot
have a equal loss.
… Because we are acting on the very inner philosophy of the mind, we are trying to enter now the inner
chambers of the human mind. And we are trying to reach to you so that through any time and space, you can
understand basically who you are. The problem with human soul is that human soul knows its geography.
Human soul knows its geography. Human mind knows its infinity. Human body knows its limitations. But
when the three get together nobody knows what is what. And this problem has not been solved, what is date
Students: (-----)
YB: Twenty-fourth of May 1976. Many religions started, many realities got experienced, many sages came
through all ages, they have been teaching one thing but yet the human has not learnt the law of equilibrium of
polarity. They call it law of pendulum. You will pronounce it as pendulum. I don’t know what you are going
to do with it. Sometime you call me Bahaan.
(Students' laughter)
Some call me Bhajan, I don’t know whom am I. But whatever it is, the law of pendulum is when the point of
the exalted self is zero, the gain of the east is the loss of the west and the gain of the west is the loss of the
east. Whenever the elementary self is exalted to the infinity, then everybody’s gain is everybody’s loss and
everybody’s loss is everybody’s gain. Are you willing to accept it? Yes. Ego? No. Your ego is not going to
accept it. Once your ego accepts it then you don’t have ego. And that is known as the fundamental criteria.
Look, this is what I am going to do. I am going to try to fix on those lectures which I am missing to complete
this series as it is. In Santa Fe I am going to after this, this year is very beautiful.
Try to come to this years’ summer solstice if you can. It's a very heavenly year. So I am not asking you, you
must come because I am going to gain out of anything, these summer solstices now are not gain, sometime
they end up in losses, so don’t misunderstand the more the merrier, the more the merrier in consciousness?
yes. And this time bring your personal money with you. Don’t come as you come all the time and later on I
have to end up paying people gas money to come back home. This time is very tight, prices have gone very
heavy and we want to do this sadhana this time and it is a sadhana, if we are going to do those ten days a real
good thing to ourself. And it's one of the year which I said about seven years is a very important year. You
perhaps at that time never remembered that seventy-six is a very important year. But it is. And after we finish
the summer solstice it will let you know whether it was important or not. It is going to show up its colors.
However, come there prepared and then this summer we want to have a woman’s course, course for ladies.
Teachers’ wives and other ladies. But come prepared to learn to be woman. We will make you that. We
sincerely want to experiment with the knowledge of past five thousand years. And those who will come, we
like to let them have the experience and go through that process. Lot of pain in your life is because of
Last night I was telling everybody, physical balance, you know everybody starts with physical. I said all
right, do you know how to turn hundred eighty degree. I turned and I want everybody to turn. Everybody you
know like that happened, they said we do not know, I said do you know that if you have to turn right on spot
hundred eighty degree how to do it? And you know woman who does not know how to turn between the
range of forty-five degrees always have bad hips, bad menstruation, and bad thinking? Now what the doctor
can do? And how many people walk and do not take turn? Is there anybody? Nobody walks straight. And
any woman who takes a forty-five degree turn ends up thirty-degree turn and there she gets messed up. That’s
all it takes. Any man who has to take a turn, which is seventy-five degree always ends up at sixty degree and
always ends up in a mess. Now these are proven facts.
In other words, most of the people do not know how to correctly walk. Let us talk facts. They think this brain
is stone. That’s why I call it a cantaloupe. You think you have a cantaloupe on your shoulders it doesn’t need
balance, it doesn’t need structure, it doesn’t need anything, it is there. No my friend, it is the most sensitive
instrument in the world ever known to God. It is unbelievable that there is a natal difference in your knees.
Your knees on every turn changes to one millimeter difference of adjustment. Which you even as a human
being don’t know. And if left knee and right knee has that one millimeter difference you are unable to tolerate
anything thereafter. People do not understand when they say in the west healthy body, healthy mind. Healthy
mind, healthy body.
What is health? Health means when everything is as it is. And as it is, is as it should have been. Pelvic bone
has a difference between two north and south we call it, it differs between a millimeter to two millimeter. But
what is the difference of the grip of the bones at the rate of birth if that expands or contracts. Person cannot
think right. Now it's a proven fact. In couple of years when I am going to really start teaching, I am going to
make these experiments through the science of humanology not to stun the world but to just tell them how
things are, so that the new chapter in the human age should start. We know the science of medicine is a great
science and doctors are great because they sustain us in temporary emergencies. But what about this
permanent chronic deficiency we have as humans? What about our those patterns which makes us unhappy?
I am going to cover all this area in the coming lectures, slowly and gradually so that the spirituality may not
become any mystery to you. It may look as clear as crystal is.
Towards that end we are today doing a very beautiful meditation they call it Chatarchaya. It is known as
Chatarchaya kriya, it has different stages but one of that
stage which is a simple is, left hand covers the right hand but
both thumbs meet at the Apollo finger on the side of it. It’s a
meridian point. It is a simple…. It is not folding like this, not
folding like that, it’s very simple and both hands you see my
both thumbs, they meet at the second, what is this? Second
what you call it?
Students: (-----)
YB: Yes, between the second knuckle. All right, then put
them please there, make in this way.
Student: (-----)
YB: My dear, this is my left, right? And this is my right, am
I right? And this is my second…. Oh I have been trained that
way. It will be right. This is left, this is right. This is my left
and the right will come over because right hand knuckle is not
to touch. It is only the left hand second knuckle where your
both thumbs should meet. That’s all it is. You follow?
Scientific part of it? This upper hand does not touch, this lower hand is covered and these two knuckles are
right there, it's a very scientific meditation. It also puzzled me, not only you. No side, side. You know this is
my left finger. You see my left finger, when it is covered like that both thumbs should meet at this area. The
central part. Central part of your… Hand has three parts, the top, the center and the lower, right? both thumbs
should meet here. And it has a kind of a popcorn type of a thing. Like yeah, this is it. This is my hand, I
touch it, it becomes like that, you can't help it. I was looking very funny when they asked me to do like this. I
say what this will do? These are those days when I can have an eight-foot bamboo stick with me and ask
twenty people to attack me and still beat them you know that kind of physical I was. So when my teacher
told me that this is the way to do it I said, “What, what it is going to do?” Now I like you to go through this
what it does to you, it's a funny thing to watch. It looks very simple. Yeah, okay.
Now inhale with the breath and exhale through the breath through these two knuckles. Inhaling is through the
nose, exhaling is through those knuckles. And total breath must go out. And I am marking the time and boys
you will enjoy it and gals you will feel good about it. The air should pass through those knuckles. And air
must totally exhaust out of your stomach lungs, sorry, stomach is around that area, right? In other words,
breathe out and scripture says it will make you young. I don’t know whether it will make or not, that’s why I
am young perhaps. Krishna smiles and looking at me with a tilted eye. I am not, okay. Breathe in through
nostrils and breathe out totally through that cavity. And there is a one requirement there should be no air left
in your lungs when you breathe out. Proof, your nose will immediately inhale heaviest air when you finish.
And you will relax like anything.
Come here, come here. Which is your left hand?
Student: (-----)
YB: And this is your right, this will go over. And this is your second area and this is your second see, this
you have to make it here between the two and then you meet here. Then the air will go through this. Through
these two nostrils and this will come through this and right here to the last, see.
Please inhale and relax.
Students sing: May the long time sun shine upon you….
May the longtime sun about you and you be happy about everything. I want you not to do anything too much
because here you want then beds and we don’t have that accommodation. It's very relaxing, I know it. It can
put you through yawns and sleep and you feel good about it and when you have to work or go somewhere,
don’t do it.
(Students' laughter)
When you come from work you can do it and it will make you untired immediately, makes you feel good,
makes you happy, it can extend your age and one thing it definitely does; it makes your face beautifully
innocently charming. That is experimentally true. Because in India once I got a person’s daughter and he
came to me and he said, “This is impossible, my daughter cannot get married.”
She had such a crude face to look at, she was all right features wise but I don’t know what you call it, very
rough like barren mountains you know and she said yeah, yeah, yeah, and I said Chatrachaya and I went away.
I forgot to tell him he doesn’t know anything. Then later on again they were there, I said, “I told you
something,” “do you assure but please explain to me.” I told that girl, I said, “If you can do that you will
really be very beautiful,” and that is true. It makes a person very innocently beautiful. And you need that to
cheat people.
(Students' laughter)
Sat Nam. I am just little free today don’t worry.
Student: (-----)
YB: Eyes will close boy automatically. In this exercise after a couple of minutes your eyes you are talking
about you will get closed. It's very relaxing.
Student: (-----)
YB: There is an announcement, feel good. And drive carefully and don’t eat peanuts.
(Students' laughter)
Student: The Siri Singh Sahib means this evening and he came with this called himself a garbage collector
and we all know what that means and he collecting lot of garbage these days. So less than seven years trying
to help us and also learn how to expand ourself some of that garbage of the world. Still he finds himself
having to collect lot of it. So what we have done world around that our prayers, our meditation, our sadhana
can help us some of that garbage so he doesn’t have to carry such a heavy load. So what we are doing here
in the Los Angeles is that we are starting couple years before which is which is continuous reading of the
Siri Guru Granth Sahib starting tomorrow morning at seven and will continue on and so where this energy is
supposed to accommodate. So the Siri Singh Sahib’s staff has been carrying and telling the over the
weekends but for those of you who would like to join us in this sadhana to Guru anytime during the week
Khalsa will be standing in the back with this sheet and will be given tomorrow morning at seven. Other
things that we are doing is are going to intensify our sadhana by chanting before the sadhana begins the
quarter four till four fifteen, thirty one minutes to Guru Ram Das for the Siri Singh Sahib to set him in his aura
of protection that will help him to avoid those backward eating peanuts in the car allowed to do.
(Students' laughter)
So we inspiring that, we are also inspiring everyone to just not any negative thought in a or doubt or fear or
anxiety or distress but really allow yourself to be free from adding to what’s already happening. The other
thing I would like to say is that we are celebrating a birthday today and we all like to sing to Sardarni Sahiba
Nirankar Kaur Khalsa.
The class sings: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you….

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