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Total Balance Kriya

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Total Balance Kriya

July 12, 1975

Sit in Easy Pose. Rest the right hand in the lap, palm

opposite side. 4 minutes. Now lift both arms up to

a 60-degree angle and extend both wrists. Meditate
calmly on the flow of energy; just sit quietly in that
posture and let the energy start balancing you. The
breath will start to correspond to the energy flow;
the inhale and exhale will find their own particular
pattern. 4 minutes.

up. Lift the left arm up to a 60-degree angle; with

the palm facing up and the fingers together, extend
the wrist and stretch the palm.
Keep the elbow and spine straight. Stretch the palm
and extend the wrist as much as possible; it will put
pressure on the elbow. 4 minutes. Repeat with the


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Yoga Sets & Classic Kriyas

With the arms raised to a 60-degree angle, place

kind. 3 minutes. Now, keeping the hands in fists,

bring the arms out parallel to the ground. Continue
to circle the fists and begin to circle the forearms
as well. 3 minutes.

the thumbs inside the fists. Move the fists in circles

around the wrists. Keep the elbows straight. Just go
slowly through each round. These are very simple
exercises. There is no hurry, or pressure of any


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Sit in Easy Pose, with the arms out to the sides,

parallel to the ground; the elbows are straight,

and the head and neck are relaxed. Cup the hands
slightly, keeping the fingers and thumbs together.
Allow the breath to find its own pattern. Do not
use Breath of Fire or heavy breathing. If you go
past the stage of wanting to yell, there will come a
time when the sound, Ahhh, will just come out. 10

Stretch the arms up over the head with the elbows

touching the ears. Make fists with the thumbs

inside. Extend the first finger, and then close it;
2nd finger, close it; 3rd finger, close it; 4th finger,
close it; 1st finger, close it, and continue with each
finger, opening each finger completely. This is a
brain exercise. 2 minutes.

Cobra Pose: Extend the tongue all the way out, with
the chin lifted. Breathe long and deep through the
mouth. 2 minutes.

Sitali (Seetalee) Praanayam: In Easy Pose, extend

the tongue and curl it. Inhale through the rolled
tongue and exhale through the nose. 3- minutes.


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Yoga Sets & Classic Kriyas

Sufi Grind. In Easy Pose, place the hands on the

Sit in Easy Pose with the arms bent at the elbows

knees and begin a grinding motion, circling the

torso, while keeping the head over the hips. Do 52
rotations in each direction.

in front of you and the hands hanging loosely.

Begin rolling the shoulders forward. 3 minutes.

Stretch the legs straight in front of you and place

the hands on the ground, just behind the hips.
Raise alternating legs, bringing each knee to the
nose and then back down. Do not bend the legs.
This affects the lower spine. It will open up your
sinuses if done properly, and will work against any
headache. 3 minutes.

Sit in Lotus Position. Interlace the hands behind the

back and bring the head down to the ground. Raise
the hands up into Yoga Mudra. Be very peaceful
in this position. 2 minutes. Keeping the same
position, begin to chant Healthy Am I, Happy Am
I, Holy Am I for 1 minute. Inhale and pull the arms
up further. Then relax the arms down.


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Remain seated in Lotus Pose and stretch the

arms out in front parallel to the ground. Interlace
the fingers and extend the Jupiter (index) fingers
together, pointing forward. Keep a straight spine
and straight elbows. 3 minutes.


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Yoga Sets & Classic Kriyas

part of a system of therapy for the mentally imbalanced.
They would feel great pain and yell and scream. But the
pain is only a record of the amount of brain adjustment
needed. Exercises 5 through 8 work on breaking up the
deposits and releasing tension caused by poor digestion
and high toxicity. Exercises 9 and 10 open the head
and lung areas. Exercise 11 consolidates your mental
projection into a one pointed positivity toward yourself
and your daily tasks.

This kriya balances the aura and electromagnetic field,

stimulates the elimination of toxins, develops muscular
coordination, and gives balance to the brain. It is a great
practice for staying in tune, particularly if you have
something to do that requires quick, clear decisions,
and delicate manipulations. It is also excellent to
practice if your work gives you brain fatigue and mental
sluggishness. Exercises 1 through 4 balance the aura,
muscles, and brain. Exercises 3 and 4 are especially
good for brain balance. In fact, Exercise 3 was used as


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