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ST5203 Experimental Techniques

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SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203




Regulation – 2017

Academic Year 2017 – 18

Prepared by

Ms.M.SARANYA, Assistant Professor/ CIVIL

SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203.




Choice of Experimental stress analysis methods, Errors in measurements - Strain gauge, principle,
types, performance and uses. Photo elasticity - principle and applications - Hydraulic jacks and
pressure gauges – Electronic load cells – Proving Rings – Calibration of Testing Machines –
Longterm monitoring – vibrating wire sensors– Fibre optic sensors.

Q.No Questions BT Competence
1. Define Stress Optic law ? BT-1 Remember
2. Discuss Dummy gauge ? BT-2 Understand
3. List four basic characteristics of measuring devices? BT-1 Remember
4. Define strain guagea nd state its types? BT-1 Remember
5. Compare any two points between isoclinics & isochromatics? BT-4 Analyse
6. Label the Wheatstone bridge circuit to compensate the temperature Remember
effects while measuring tensile stress in a steel specimen?
7. Outline the basic characteristics of strain gauge? BT-2 Understand
8. Define range & accuracy? BT-1 Remember
9. Discuss about different types of pressure gauges BT-2 Understand
10. Define electronic load cell. BT-1 Remember
11. What is meant by photo elasticity? Write any two application BT-6 Create
12. Explain about fibre optic sensor? BT-4 Analyse
13. Show the principle of optical strain gauge? BT-3 Apply
14. Examine Calibration of Testing Machines? BT-3 Apply
15. Why Long term monitoring is important? BT-2 Understand
16. Compare vibrating wire sensors and Fibre optic sensors ? BT-6 Create
17. Classify the different types of errors in measurement? BT-4 Analyse
18. Write the uses and applications of strain gauge BT-5 Evaluate
19. Show the principle of load measurement using proving ring? BT-3 Apply
20. Explain hydraulic jack? BT-4 Analyse
1. Define strain gauge. Classification, principle and its application. BT-1 Remember
2. Differentiate between Load cell and Proving Ring in detail. BT-2 Understand
3. Illustrate working principle of electronic load cell briefly. BT-3 Apply
4. Design the working principle of optical strain gauge BT-5 Evaluate
5. Explain with neat sketches the construction and working of BT-4
Huggenberg extensometer
6. Explain in detail the calibration of testing machines and proving BT-4
7. Discuss the associated instrumentation for measuring BT-2
(i) Static strain (ii)Dynamic strain
8. Describe any one method used for the calibration of materials used BT-1
for Photo elasticity investigation
9. Explain with the neat sketch the measurement using Hydraulic jacks BT-6 Create
and Pressure Gauge?
10. Classify the different types of pressure measuring devices briefly
BT-3 Apply
with neat sketch?
11. Explain in detail with neat sketches about the principal and working
BT-1 Remember
of a mechanical and optical extensometers.
12. (i)Explain the laboratory setup of circular polariscope(8)
BT-1 Remember
(ii)write the difference between Isoclinics and Isochromatics (5)
13. What are piezo-resistive strain gauges? What are the factors
considering in selecting a strain gauge? A good gauge material should BT-2 Understand
possess which properties? Also discuss about steps followed in strain
gauge application.
14. (i) The strain measurements at a point with an equiangular rosette BT-3 Apply
gave the following readings: Ed = 500µcm/cm, Eb = 380 µcm/cm,
Ec= 200µcm/cm. Rosette A is lying along the X axis. Determine the
principal strains,5 principal
stresses and maximum shear stress at the
point. E = 2x10 N/mm and Poisson’s ratio = 0.286. (9)
(ii) Explain the procedure of using Mohr fringes for stress analysis (4)
1. Enumerate in detail the needs, procedure of calibrating a UTM using a BT-2 Understand
standard proving ring
2. Analyse the compensation methods in photo elasticity and explain in BT-4 Analyze
detail two methods of compensation in polariscope ?
3. Describe the expressions for principal strains ,principal stresses and
max shear stresses for a Delta Rosette BT-2 Understand
4. Measure the errors in experiments and explain how it will nullified BT-3 Apply


Characteristics of Structural Vibrations – Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) –
Transducers for velocity and acceleration measurements. Vibration meter – Seismographs – Vibration
Analyzer – Display and recording of signals – Cathode Ray Oscilloscope – XY Plotter – wind tunnels
– Flow meters – Venturimeter – Digital data Acquisition systems.

1. Name the Instruments used to measure the speed of wind flow BT-1 Remember
2. Recommend the necessity of temperature compensation ? BT-6 Create
3. Define LVDT? BT-1 Remember
4. Outline the characteristics of Structural Vibrations? BT-2 Understand
5. Define the term harmonic frequency? BT-1 Remember
6. Differentiate the use of XY plotter from conventional printer? BT-2 Understand
7. Explain Pressure transducers? BT-4 Analyse
8. Explain accelerometer BT-4 Analyse
9. Define orificemeter? BT-1 Remember
10. Differentiate seismogram and seismograph BT-2 Evaluate
11. Distinguish between frequency domain and time domain analysis of BT-2 Understand
vibration measurement
12. Describe any two applications of LVDT and evaluate it. BT-5 Evaluate
13. Explain Seismographs BT-6 Create
14. Define Vibration analyser BT-1 Remember
15. State the working principle of seismograph BT-3 Apply
16. Define Venturimeter BT-1 Remember
17. Examine wind Tunnel? BT-3 Apply
18. Classify the types of accelerometers? BT-4 Analyse
19. Discuss Vibration meter BT-2 Understand
20. Illustrate the importance of wind tunnel study? BT-3 Apply

1. Explain briefly the working principle of LVDT BT-4 Analyse
2. Define X-Y Plotter and explain its working principle. BT-1 Remember
3. Summarise the functioning of vibration-analyzer and brief how BT-2 Understand
digital data Acquisition systems is utilized for the same
4. Examine the different types of accelerometer and explain the types BT-3 Apply
and its principles
5. Explain in detail about seismic recording Cathode Rays Oscilloscope BT-4 Analyse
6. Prepare the working principle for vibration meter and flow meter BT-5 Evaluate
7. Discuss the following (i) Importance of transducers in flow BT-2 Understand
measurements (ii) Use of sound level and Venturimeter
(iii) Direct Model analysis
8. Describe in detail the principle of working, uses & limitations of a BT-1 Remember
Linear Variable differential transformer?
9. BT-6 Create
Construct the block diagram of digital data acquisition systems and
explain the operation?
10. Explain the principle of operation & working of the following BT-3 Apply
pressure Transducer?
(i)Piston type diaphragm
(ii) bellows for double cantilever operation
(iii) cantilever type pressure transducer
(iv) Strain gauge pressure transducer
11. Explain how LVDTs are constructed, its output voltage BT-4 Analyse
characteristics and how null voltage of LVDTs can be improved.
12. (i) What is seismograh? Explain with a neat sketch.(8) BT-1 Remember
(ii) Explain the application of vibration analyzer.(8)
13. Write notes on : (i) single channel data acquisition system BT-1 Remember
(ii) Cathode ray oscilloscope
14. Explain the effect of stressed model in a plane polariscope in dark- BT-2 Understand
field set up?
1. Summarise Case Study on LVDT techniques BT-2 Understand
2. Analyse the Seismic valve by Seismograph instruments in structural BT-4 Analyse
3. Evaluate the instruments used for windflow measurements BT-5 Evaluate
4. Application of Digital data Acquisition systems BT-3 Apply


Diagnosis of distress in structures – Crack observation and measurements – corrosion of
reinforcement in concrete – Half cell, construction and use – damage assessment – controlled blasting
for demolition – Techniques for residual stress measurements – Structural Health Monitoring.

1. Differentiate Structural and Non Structural distress in building? BT-2 Understand
2. Discuss the principle of sound level meter? BT-2 Understand
3. Define Geometric similitude? BT-1 Remember
4. Classify the types of residual stresses BT-4 Analyse
5. Define Demolition by implosion Techniques BT-1 Remember
6. List any two uses of NDT Methods BT-1 Remember
7. Name any four signs of distress in concrete structures BT-1 Remember
8. Classify the different types of cracks? BT-3 Apply
9. Classify the various types of strengthening for concrete distress? BT-4 Analyse
10. Define half-cell. BT-1 Remember
11. Explain implosive technique. BT-6 Create
12. Illustrate controlled blasting BT-3 Apply
13. Choose the techniques used in residual stress measurement? BT-5 Evaluate
14. Examine Eddy current? BT-3 Apply
15. Define Half cell? BT-1 Remember
16. Analyse the corrosion measurement of reinforcement in concrete? BT-4 Analyse
17. Create the factors that influence the corrosion initiation? BT-5 Evaluate
18. Distinguish between dry & wet corrosions? BT-2 Understand
19. Predict Structural health Monitoring? BT-2 Understand
20. Assess the damages how? BT-6 Create
1. Explain any two factors which affects the process of corrosion in RC BT-4 Analyse
2. Describe the various types of damages to structures due to corrosion BT-1 Remember
and Explain the steps involved to repair those damages.
3. Invent the various types of strengthening techniques adopted for BT-5 Evaluate
structural distress
4. Analyse the causes of distress in structures ?and explain the BT-4 Analyse
corrosion of reinforcement in concrete?
5. Estimate the techniques for residual stress measurements and explain BT-2 Understand
the damage assessment procedures?
6. Identify detail about the demolition Techniques for Controlled BT-1 Remember
7. Discuss the potential mapping on RCC structures by using Half-cell BT-1 Remember
potential measurements?
8. Demonstrate the methods of residual stress determinations and BT-3 Apply
explain how the residual stress are determined by X-ray diffraction
9. BT-6 Create
Measured the natural frequency of a bride deck also elaborately
discuss the various corrosion prevention methods of RCC structures?
10. Discuss the following : BT-2 Understand
(i) Carbonation and its effects in concrete structures.
(ii) Explain the term catholic protection and its importance .
(iii) Structural health Monitoring
11. How do you measure corrosion of rebars in structures? Explain their BT-1 Remember
functioning and limitations with neat sketches.
12. (i) Explain how will you diagnose dilapidated structure. BT-2 Understand
(ii) Explain how to demolish a column damaged due to corrosion.
(iii) Discuss the factors Which influence the corrosion of steel in
13. Explain a detailed note on diagnosis of structural health monitoring. BT-3 Apply
14. What are the different types of crack? How to measure the cracks. BT-4 Analyse
1. Prepare the Case study on controlled blasting of demolition BT-2 Understand
2. Measure Corrosion of reinforcement in concrete and explain BT-6 Create
how to control
3. Evaluate the Crack in structures and explain how to control BT-4 Analyse
4. Application of Half cell in distress measurement control BT-3 Apply
Load testing on structures, buildings, bridges and towers – Rebound Hammer – acoustic emission –
ultrasonic testing principles and application – Holography – use of laser for structural testing – Brittle
coating, Advanced NDT methods – Ultrasonic pulse echo, Impact echo, impulse radar techniques,
GECOR , Ground penetrating radar (GPR).
1. Define GECOR? BT-1 Remember
2. When do you for Brittle Coating Techniques? BT-1 Remember
3. Classify the Various types of NDT? BT-4 Analyse
4. Discuss about Brittle coating and its Principle. BT-2 Understand
5. Select which NDT method is used to assess the surface and core BT-6 Create
strengths of a concrete?
6. Estimate the uses of Holography? BT-2 Understand
7. Illustrate the factors that influence the results of rebound hammer? BT-3 Apply
8. Examine the principle of rebar locator? BT-3 Apply
9. Show the grading rebound hammer number on Concrete quality? BT-3 Apply
10. Examine the principle of GECOR? BT-4 Analyse
11. Invent the use of laser in Structural Testing? BT-5 Evaluate
12. List out the five names of equipments used in NDT techniques? BT-1 Remember
13. Discuss about acoustic emission? BT-2 Understand
14. Define holography. BT-1 Remember
15. Explain GPR BT-4 Analyse
16. List any three of advantages of NDT? BT-1 Remember
17. Justify the Purpose of Load testing on Structures BT-6 Create
18. List of application of Ultrasonic principle. BT-1 Remember
19. Discuss about Ultrasonic principle BT-2 Understand
20. Explain the application of Impact echo. BT-4 Analyse
1. Explain in detail of ultrasonic testing principle , components and its Analyse
applications with neat sketch? BT-4
2. Experimentally brief on load testing on structures, towers and bridges BT-3 Apply
3. Compare the Destructive testing and non Destructive testing procedure Analyse
on Structures BT-4
4. Describe Holography and brief the uses of laser for structural testing? BT-1 Remember
5. Differentiate between Rebound hammer and UPV method with Understand
reference to procedure Limitation and its applications? BT-2
6. Estimate the various characteristics used to evaluate a brittle coating? Understand
Discuss various application of brittle coating? BT-2
7. Discuss how flow identification and qualitative assessment strength of Understand
concrete are possible by using ultrasonic pulses? BT-2
8. Construct with neat sketch explain the principle and construction of film Create
anemometer? BT-6
9. Explain the various methods of NDT of concrete and explain any one Evaluate
method in detail? BT-5
10. Describe about the Principles and Application of the following: Remember
(i) GECOR (ii) GPR (iii) Impact echo (iv) Ultrasonic pulse echo BT-1
11. Explain in brief the various advanced non-destructive testing Remember
procedures with their specific utility. BT-1
12. Explain the principle and working of Ground Penetration Radar. BT-1 Remember
13. (i) Explain the application of acoustic emissions Apply
(ii) Explain the principle of UPV and its application BT-3
14. Explain how Holography is useful in structural operation purpose. BT-3 Apply
1. Case study on NDT Techniques for structural member BT-2 Understand
2. Application of GPR and GECOR Techniques BT-3 Apply
3. Prepare the report on Laser in Structural testing BT-5 Evaluate
4. Analyse the advance of Brittle coating in Structural member BT-4 Analyse


Model Laws – Laws of similitude – Model materials – Necessity for Model analysis – Advantages –
Applications – Types of similitude – Scale effect in models – Indirect model study – Direct model
study - Limitations of models – investigations – structural problems –Usage of influence lines in
model studies.

1. Discuss the assumptions made in indirect model analysis BT-2 Understand

2. Analyse Structural Problem BT-4 Analyse
3. Discuss the assumptions made in direct model analysis BT-2 Understand
4. Invent the disadvantages of Model analysis BT-5 Evaluate
5. Define model law BT-1 Remember
6. Difference between direct and indirect modeling BT-2 Understand
7. When the model analysis required? BT-1 Remember
8. Arrange the limitations of model study? BT-4 Analyse
9. Recommend the usage of influence line? BT-6 Create
10. Define Laws of similitude BT-1 Remember
11. Define Model materials BT-1 Remember
12. Estimate the Advantages of Model analysis BT-2 Understand
13. Applications of Model analysis write any two points BT-3 Apply
14. Classify the types of similitude BT-3 Apply
15. Measure the Scale effect in models BT-3 Apply
16. Define Indirect model study BT-4 Analyse
17. Explain Direct model study BT-4 Analyse
18. Examine the investigations of Model analysis BT-3 Apply
19. Rate the structural problems in Model analysis BT-1 Remember
20. Plan the methodology of indirect model analysis BT-5 Evaluate
1. Explain in Detail about the Necessity, Advantages & Applications of BT-6 Create
direct Model analysis?
2. Explain in Detail about the Necessity, Advantages & Applications of BT-4 Analyse
indirect Model analysis?
3. Classify the types of similitude and explain it detail BT-3 Apply
4. Discuss the Following : BT-2 Understand
(i)Model Materials (ii) Usage of influence line in model study
5. A cantilever beam of span 5m is loaded with a concentrated load of BT-5 Evaluate
25kN at the free end. The cross section of beam is 110mmx350mm
and the young’s modulus is 350Gpa.Design a single model made of
aluminium with young’s modulus 70Gpa and determine the load to
be applied to the model. Derive the π terms to be used in the model
6. Discuss various methods available for determining the natural frequency BT-2 Understand
and dumping coefficient of a structural system?
7. A rectangular RC beam of cross section 250 x 450mm with BT-1 Remember
simply supported span of 3 m is to be tested with concentrated load of
10KN the maximum delection was 8mm.(E=35000N/mm2, poisson ratio
= 0.16). A 1:5 scale model of plaster of paris is made
(E=10x103N/mm2), Poisson ratio=0.215,Density =1.10. find the different
scale ratio and the corresponding to be applied and its delection
8. Describe in detail about the scale effect in Model analysis BT-1 Remember
9. Explain Model law and discuss the laws of similitude in model analysis BT-4 Analyse
10. Conclude the Advantages and Disadvantages of Model analysis BT-2 Understand
11. (i) Explain the principal of structural similitude to be followed in the BT-1 Remember
direct method of analysis.
(ii) Write short note on scale effect in model
12. Prepare the in detail report on limitations , investigations and BT-1 Remember
necessity of structural problems ?
13. Explain dimensional homogeneity principle and give examples. How BT-3 Apply
does this principle help in the analysis of dimensional analysis
14. Analyse in detail about the necessity for model analysis. Give a flow BT-4 Analyse
chart for model analysis. what is scale effect?
1. Application of Model analysis in Structural member BT-3 Apply
2. Analyse the Structural problem by direct model study BT-4 Analyse
3. Evaluate the limitations and constrains in Model analysis BT-6 Create
4. Influence lines in Model study-Assess BT-6 Create

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