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Electrical Measurement Lab (EEE-352)

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27, Knowledge Park III, Greater Noida, UP

Phone No. 0124-2323854-858

1 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida
Note: Minimum of nine experiments from the following:

1. Calibration of ac voltmeter and ac ammeter

2. Measurement of form factor of a rectified sine wave and determine source of error if
r.m.s.value is measured by a multi-meter
3. Measurement of phase difference and frequency of a sinusoidal ac voltage using C.R.O.
4. Measurement of power and power factor of a single phase inductive load and to study effect of
capacitance connected across the load on the power factor
5. Measurement of low resistance by Kelvin’s double bridge
6. Measurement of voltage, current and resistance using dc potentiometer
7. Measurement of inductance by Maxwell’s bridge
8. Measurement of inductance by Hay’s bridge
9. Measurement of inductance by Anderson’s bridge
10. Measurement of capacitance by Owen’s bridge
11. Measurement of capacitance by De Sauty bridge
12. Measurement of capacitance by Schering bridge
13. Study of Frequency and differential time counter
14. College may add any two experiments in the above list

2 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida
List of Experiments
1. To study and perform Calibration of ac voltmeter and ac ammeter
2. Measurement of form factor of a rectified sine wave and determine source of error if
r.m.s.value is measured by a multi-meter.
3. To determine the unknown value of inductance by comparing with a variable standard
self inductance using Maxwell’s Inductance bridge.
4. Measurement of inductance by Hay’s bridge
5. Measurement of inductance by Anderson’s bridge
6. Measurement of capacitance by Owen’s bridge
7. Measurement of capacitance by Schering bridge
8. Measurement of low resistance by Kelvin’s double bridge
9. Measurement of voltage, current and resistance using dc potentiometer

3 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida
Experiment No.1

Aim: To study and perform Calibration of ac voltmeter and ac ammeter

OBJECTIVE: Introduction to various Supply Systems, Ammeter, Voltmeter, Wattmeter,

Energy meter, Tachometer, Rheostat, Loading Devices, Transformer.

Apparatus Required: Demonstration of various instruments like Ammeter, Voltmeter,

Wattmeter, Energy Meter, Tachometer, Rheostat, Various Capacitors, Various Resistors, AC and
DC Power Supply.

Theory of Experiment:


Ammeter is employed for measuring of current in a circuit and connected in series in the circuit.
As ammeter is connected in series, the voltage drop across ammeter terminals is very low. This
requires that the resistance of the ammeter should be as low as possible. The current coil of
ammeter has low current carrying capacity whereas the current to be measured may be quite
high. So for protecting the equipment a low resistance is connected in parallel to the current coil
and it is known as shunt resistance

Analog Ammeter


4 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida
(a) Voltmeter is employed to measure the potential difference across any two points of a
circuit. It is connected in the parallel across any element in the circuit. The resistance of
voltmeter is kept very high by connecting a high resistance in series of the voltmeter with
the current coil of the instrument. The actual voltage drop across the current coil of the
voltmeter is only a fraction of the total voltage applied across the voltmeter which is to be

Analog voltmeter

Result: We have studied and perform the Calibration of ac voltmeter and ac ammeter.

5 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida
Experiment No. 2

Aim: Measurement of form factor of a rectified sine wave and determine source of error if
r.m.s.value is measured by a multi-meter.
Apparatus Used: Signal generator, CRO, capacitor, variable resistor and connecting terminals.
Theory: When an AC current is sent through an R-C circuit, the current direction is same in both
the elements, R and C. But the voltage directions are different. The voltage across the resistor is
in the direction of current and the voltage across the condenser lags behind the current by 900.
Because of this, the resultant voltage also lags behind the current by some angle (Φ) called phase
difference. Since the current can’t be measured directly by a CRO, the voltage across the resistor
is given to CRO, which represents the current direction. So the phase difference is the angle
between the voltage across the resistor and the resultant voltage.
Circuit Diagram:

6 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida
Observation Table:

Procedure: The connections are made as shown in the circuit and as said in the description. The
time base (X-plates) band switch is kept in external mode. The gain band switch of Y-plates is
kept in desired range, so as to get complete maximum size ellipse on the screen. The maximum
deflection (B) from the mean position and the deflection (A) at t = 0, from the mean position are
measured using the divisions on the screen. The experiment is repeated by varying the frequency
(f) of the signal generator in equal steps. The values of f, A and B are noted in the table. The
values of resistance and capacitance are also noted.
Precautions: 1.The size of the ellipse should be maximum, to minimize the error of
2. The time base (X-plates) band switch should be kept in external mode.
Results: The calculated value of Φ1 and Φ2 are equal

7 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida
Experiment No. 3

Aim: To determine the unknown value of inductance by comparing with a variable standard self
inductance using Maxwell’s Inductance bridge.
Apparatus Used:
S. No. Name of the apparatus Quantity
1. Transformer 230/15v 1 NOS
2. Bread board 1 NOS
3. Resistors 4 NOS
4. Variable Resistor 1 NOS
5. Inductors 2 NOS
6. Digital Multimeter 1 NOS
Theory: This bridge circuit measures an inductance by comparison with a variable standard self
The connections and the phasor diagrams for balance conditions are shown below.
Let, L1 = unknown inductance of resistance R1,
L2 = variable inductance of fixed resistance r2,
R2 = variable resistance connected in series with inductor L2,
R3, R4 = known non-inductive resistances.

Circuit Diagram:

8 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida
At balance, L1 = R3L2/R4 , R1= R3(R2+r2)/R4.
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure.
2. Connect the unknown inductance in L1.
3. Connect the multimeter between ground and output of imbalance amplifier.
4. Vary R2, from minimum position, in clockwise direction.
5. If the selection of R2 is correct the balance point can be obtained at minimum position.
6. Vary R2 for fine balance adjustment.

Observation Table:
S. No. R2 R3 C1 L1= R3L2 / True value
R4 of L1

Result: Actual and practical values of Inductances are found to be nearly equal.

9 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida
Experiment No. 4
Aim: Measurement of inductance by Hay’s bridge
Apparatus Used:
S. No. Name of the apparatus Quantity
1 Lab trainer kit 1
2 Multimeter 1
3 Unknown inductor 1

Theory: The Hay’s Bridge differs from Maxwell’s bridge by having resistor R1 in series with
standard capacitor C1 instead of in parallel. It is immediately apparent that for large phase
angles, R1 should have a very low value. The Hay’s circuit is therefore more convenient for
measuring high Q coils. The balance equations are again derived by substituting the values of the
impedance of the bridge arms into the general equation for bridge balance. On separating real
and imaginary terms, the balance equations are:
R1Rx+Lx/C1 = R2R3 ------------- (1)
Rx/ωC1 = ωLxR1 --------------- (2)
Both equations 1 & 2 consist of L & R. By solving the above equations

Rx = --------------- (3)

Lx = --------------- (4)
The expressions for the unknown inductance & resistance are consists of frequency term
under balanced condition when two phase angles are equal, their tangents are also equal.

tanθL = tanθC (or) Q = -------- (5)

Substituting (5) in (4)

Circuit Diagram:

10 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida
Phasor Diagram:

1. Switch ON the trainer & check the power supply.
2. Connect the unknown value of inductance (high Q) in arm marked Lx.
3. Vary R2 for fine balance adjustment.
4. The balance of bridge can be observed by using head phone. Connect the output of the bridge
at the input of the detector.
5. Connect the head phone at output of the detector, alternately adjust R1 and proper selection of
R3 for a minimum sound in the head phone.
6. Finally disconnect the circuit and measure the value of R1 at balance point using any
multimeter. By substituting R1, R3 and C1 the unknown inductance can be obtained.

11 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida
Observation Table:
S.No. R2 (KΩ) R3 (Ω) C1 (μF) Lx (mH) L mH

Result: After balancing the bridge, the values of R1 R3 and C1 are measured and found that the
calculated value of Lx is almost equal to the actual value.

12 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida
Experiment No. 5
Aim: Measurement of inductance by Anderson’s bridge
Apparatus Used:
S. No. Name of the apparatus Quantity
1. Transformer 230/15v 1 NOS
2. Bread board 1 NOS
3. Resistors 6 NOS
4. Variable Resistor 1 NOS
5. Inductors 2 NOS
6. Capacitors 1 NOS
7. Digital Multimeter 1 NOS

Theory: In this bridge, the self inductance is measured in terms of a standard capacitor. This
method is applicable for precise measurement of self-inductance over a very wide range of
values. Figure below show the connections and the phasor diagram of the bridge for balanced
Let L1 = self inductance to be measured, R1 = resistance of self-inductor, r,R2,R3,R4 = known
non-inductive resistance r1 = resistance connected in series with self-inductor,
At, balance, I1 =I3 and I2 = IC +I4.
Now, I1R3 = IC/jωC therefore, IC = I1jωCR3.
Writing the other balance equations.
I1(r1+R1+jωL1) = I2R2 + ICr and IC(r+1/jωC) = (I2-IC) R4
By substituting IC value and equating real and imaginary parts
R1 = R2R3/R4 – r1
L1 = C R3/R4{ r(R4+R2)+R2R4}
Circuit Diagram:

13 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida
Phasor Diagram:

1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure.
2. Connect the unknown inductance in L1.
3. Select any value of r.
4. Connect the multimeter between ground and output of imbalance amplifier.
5. Vary r1 and r, from minimum position, in clockwise direction.
6. Calculate the inductance L1 by substituting known values.
Observation Table:
S. No. Actual value of L in R in ohms Practical value of L in
mH mH

Results: The unknown inductance is determined using the Anderson’s bridge.

14 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida
Experiment No. 6
Aim: Measurement of capacitance by Owen’s bridge
Apparatus Used:
S. No. Name of the apparatus Quantity
1. Transformer 230/15v 1 NOS
2. Bread board 1 NOS
3. Resistors 2 NOS
4. Variable Resistor 1 NOS
5. Inductors 1 NOS
6. Capacitors 2 NOS
7. Digital Multimeter 1 NOS

Theory: This bridge is used for measurement of an inductance in terms of capacitance.

Let L1 = unknown self-inductance of resistance R1, R3 = fixed non-inductive resistance, R2 =
variable non-inductive resistance, C4 = fixed standard capacitor, C2 = variable standard
At balance, (R1+jωL1)(1/jωC4) = (R2 + 1/jωC2) R3.
Separating the real and imaginary terms, we obtain: L1 = R2R3C4 and R1 = R3C4/C2.

Circuit Diagram:

Phasor Diagram:

15 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure.
2. Connect the unknown inductance in L1.
3. Select any value of R1, R4 and C3..
4. Connect the multimeter between ground and output of imbalance amplifier.
5. Vary R1 and R4, from minimum position, in clockwise direction.
6. If the bridge does not balance change the value of C3.
7. Calculate the inductance L1 by substituting known values.

Observation Table:
S.NO R2 R4 C3 L1= R2C3R4 True value of

Result: Actual and practical values of Inductances are found to be nearly equal.

16 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida
Experiment No. 7
Aim: Measurement of capacitance by Schering bridge
Apparatus Used:
S. No. Name of the apparatus Quantity
1. Transformer 230/15v 1 NOS
2. Bread board 1 NOS
3. Resistors 2 NOS
4. Variable Resistor 1 NOS
5. Inductors 1 NOS
6. Capacitors 3 NOS
7. Digital Multimeter 1 NOS

Theory: Schering bridge is one of the most important of the a.c. bridge. It is extensively used in
measurement of capacitance.
At balance, {r1+ 1/(jωC1)} {R4/(1+jωC4R4)} = R3/(jωC2)
{r1+ 1/(jωC1)} R4 = R3/(jωC2) *{(1+jωC4R4)}
r1R4 – {(jR4)/(ωC1)} ={ (-jR3)/(ωC2)} + {(R3R4C4)/(C2)}
Equating real and imaginary terms,
r1 = R3C4/C2 and C1 = C2R4/R3
Circuit Diagram:

1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure.
2. Select any value of C1.
3. Connect the multimeter between ground and output of imbalance amplifier.
4. Vary R4 and C4, from minimum position, in clockwise direction.
5. If the selection of C1 is correct the balance point can be obtained at minimum position.
6. If that is not the case, select another C1.

17 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida
7. Calculate the Capacitance by substituting known values.
Observation Table:
S.NO C4 C1 C2 R3 R4

Result: Hence the balanced condition of schering bridge is obtained and unknown value of
capacitance is found.

18 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida
Experiment No. 8
Aim: Measurement of low resistance by Kelvin’s double bridge
Apparatus Used: Power Supply, Resistance Box, DPIC etc.
Theory: The kelvin double bridge incorporates the idea of a second set of ratio arms - hence
the name double bridge- and the use of four terminal resistors for the low resistance arms. Fig.1.
shows the schematic diagram of kelvin bridge. The first ratio arms is P and Q. The second set of
ratio arms p and q is used to connect the galvanometer to a point d at the appropiate potential
between points m and n to eliminate the effect of connecting lead resistance r between the
unknown resistance R and the standard resistance S.

The ratio p/q is made equal to P/Q. Under balance conditions there is no current through the
galvanometer which means that the voltage drop between a and b, E ab is equal to voltage drops
Eamd between a and c.

for zero galvanometer deflection, Eab=Eamd

now if

Eq (2) is the usual working equation for the kelvin bridge. It indicates that the resistance of
connecting lead, r, has no effect on the measurement, provided that the two sets of ratio arms
have equal ratios.

Circuit Diagram:

19 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida
Fig. 1. The circuit diagram of Kelvin Double Bridge.

1. Connect the circuit as shown in the Fig. 1.
2. Set the value of the resistances A and a at by setting the plugs at the marked
positions and the values of B, b at by setting the dial. Open the Key K. The
bridge will act as a wheatstone bridge. A null deflection Galvanometer will ensure the

relationship .
3. Close the key K. Adjust the rheostat to obtain 2A current in the circuit.
4. Keeping the resistances A, a at , very B, b to obtain the Galvanometer null.
Note the value B, b at balance position from the dial.
5. Reverse the direction of current by operating the two-way switch 's' and obtain the
6. Set the values of A, a at 1 and position and repeat step 5 and step 4.
7. Repeat step 5 through step 6 for different line currents 3A, 4A and 5A.

Result: We have performed the Kelvin's double bridge and measured precision of four-
terminal low resistances.

20 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida
Experiment No. 9
Aim: Measurement of voltage, current and resistance using dc potentiometer
Apparatus Used:
S. No. Apparatus Name Quantity
1 Adjustable DC Power 1
2 Digital Multimeter 1
3 10 kΩ potentiometer 1
4 100 kΩ potentiometer 1

Theory: A potentiometer is a three terminal resistive device. The outer terminals present a
constant resistance which is the nominal value of the device. A third terminal, called the wiper
arm, is in essence a contact point that can be moved along the resistance. Thus, the resistance
seen from one outer terminal to the wiper plus the resistance from the wiper to the other outer
terminal will always equal the nominal resistance of the device. This three terminal configuration
is used typically to adjust voltage via the voltage divider rule, hence the name potentiometer, or
pot for short. While the resistance change is often linear with rotation (i.e., rotating the shaft 50%
yields 50% resistance), other schemes, called tapers, are also found. One common non-linear
taper is the logarithmic taper. It is important to note that linearity can be compromised
(sometimes on purpose) if the resistance loading the potentiometer is not significantly larger in
value than the potentiometer itself.
If only a single outer terminal and the wiper are used, the device is merely an adjustable resistor
and is referred to as a rheostat. These may be placed in-line with a load to control the load
current, the greater the resistance, the smaller the current.
Circuit Diagram:

Figure 1

21 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida
Figure 2

1. Using a 10 k pot, first rotate the knob fully counter-clockwise and using the DMM, measure
the resistance from terminal A to the wiper arm, W. Then measure the value from the wiper arm
to terminal B. Record these values in Table 1. Add the two readings, placing the result in the
final column.
2. Rotate the knob 1/4 turn clockwise and repeat the measurements of step 1. Repeat this process
for the remaining knob positions in Table 1. Note that the results of the final column should all
equal the nominal value of the potentiometer.
3. Construct the circuit of Figure 2 using E = 10 volts, a 10 k potentiometer and leave RL open.
Rotate the knob fully counter-clockwise and measure the voltage from the wiper to ground.
Record this value in Table 2. Continue taking and recording voltages as the knob is rotated to the
other four positions in Table 2.
4. Set RL to 47 k and repeat step 3.
5. Set RL to 4.7 k and repeat step 3.
6. Set RL to 1 k and repeat step 3.
7. Using a linear grid, plot the voltages of Table 2 versus position. Note that there will be four
curves created, one for each load, but place them on a single graph. Note how the variance of the
load affects the linearity and control of the voltage.
8. Construct the circuit of Figure 3 using E = 10 volts, a 100 k potentiometer and RL = 1 k.
Rotate the knob fully counter-clockwise and measure the current through the load. Record this
value in Table 3. Repeat this process for the remaining knob positions in Table 3.
9. Replace the load resistor with a 4.7 k and repeat step 8.
Observation Table:
Table 1
Position RAW RWB RAW + RWB
Fully CCW

22 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida
Table 2
Position VWB Open VWB 47k VWB 4.7k VWB 1k
Fully CCW
Fully CW

Table 3
Fully CCW Fully CCW Fully CCW
Fully CCW
Fully CW

Result: We have measured the value of voltage, current and resistance using dc potentiometer.

23 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida

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