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Cbse Sample Papers For Class 11 Chemistry Download PDF

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Time : 3 hrs MM:70

General Instruction :
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Q.No.1-8 are very short answer question, carrying 1 mark each. Answer these in one word or about one
sentence each.
3. Q.No. 9-18 are short answers question , carrying 2 marks each. Answer in about 30 words each.
4. Q.19-27 are also short answers questions, carrying 3 marks each. Answer in about 40words each.
5. Q.28 – 30 are long answers questions of 5 marks each. Answer these in about 70 words each.
6. Use of log tables if necessary .Use of calculator is not permitted.

1. How are 0.5 m of NaOH different from 0.5 M of NaOH?

2. Write the electronic configuration of O2-.
3. What is the basic difference between electron gain enthalpy & electro negativity?
4. Under what condition of temperature and pressure do real gases tend to show ideal gas behaviour?
5. Predict in which of the following entropy decreases / increases:
i) A liquid crystallizes into a solid.
ii) H2 (g) 2H(g)
6. For the following equilibrium Kp = 6.3 x 1014 at 1000k
NO(g) + O3(g) NO2(g) + O2(g)
What is Kp for the reverse reaction?
7. Assign the oxidation number to Mn in K2MnO4.
8. Write the IUPAC name CH3CH = C(CH3)2.
9. What is the concentration of sugar (C12H11O22) in mol L-1 if 20g of it is dissolved in enough water to
make final volume up to 2L?
10. Calculate the mass of a photon with wavelength 3.6A0. [h = 6.626 x 10 –34 Js].
11. What is meant by ‘Polar Covalent Bond ‘? Give suitable example.
Different sigma[σ] and pi[π] bond.
12. State Hess’s law of Constant Heat Summation by giving an example.
13. For the Galvanic cell reaction :
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Zn (s) + 2Ag+ (aq) Zn2+(aq) + 2Ag(s)

i) which electrode is negatively charged?
ii) What is the direction of current?

14. Account for the following :

i) KO2 parameganetic.
ii) LiI iodide is more soluble than KI in ethanol.

15. Draw resonating structure of CO32- & state the hybridization of carbon in it.
16. Write bond line structural formula for :
i) Isopropyl alcohol ii) 2,2,4- Trimethylpentane.
17. State the principle of the following techniques taking an example in each case:
i) Distillation under reduced pressure.
ii) Chromatography.

18. What do you understand by the Inductive effect?

How will this justify the following order of acidic strength:
19. a) State Heisenberg’s Uncertanity Principle.
b) Using s, p, d, f notations, describe the orbital with following quantum numbers :
i) n=2, l=1
ii) n = 4, l =0
iii) n =5, l=3
iv) n-3, l =2
20. Predict the formula of the binary compound formed by the combination of the following pairs of
elements :
i) Magnesium and nitrogen.
ii) Phosphorous and fluorine
iii) Aluminum and iodine.
21. Define Hybridisation . State the hybridization & the shape of PCl5 and BeF2.
22. a) Which type of intermolecular forces exist between KI & I2.
b) What will be the pressure of the gaseous mixture when 0.5 L of H2 at 0.8 bar and 2.0L of O2 at 0.7
bar are introduced in a 1L vessal at 270 C?
23. The equilibrium constant for a reaction is 10. What will be the value of ΔGo ?
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24. What are electron deficient, electron precise and electron rich compounds of hydrogen? Give one
example of each.
What do you understand by the following terms :
i) Demineralised water
ii) Auto – protdysis of water.
iii) Hydride Gap?

25. What happens when :

i) Sodium peroxide dissolves in water.
ii) Lithium nitrate is heated.
Iii ) Quick lime is heated with silica?

26. a) Why is an organic compound fused with sodium for testing nitrogen, halogen and sulphur ?
b) In the estimation of sulphur by Carius method , 0.468 g of an organic sulphur compound gives 0.668
g of barium sulphate. Find the percentage of sulphur in the given compound . [ At mass : Ba = 137μ, S -
32μ , O =16μ]
27. What is smog? How is classical smog different from photochemical smog?
28. a) Find the conjugate acid / base for the following species :
HF, CN- , NH4+ , HCO3-

b) The ionization constant of HCOOH & HCN at 298 K are 1.8 x 10-4 , and 4.8x10-9 respectively.
Calculate the ionization constant of the corresponding conjugated bases.

a) Predict if the solutions of the following salts are neutral, acid or basic :
NaCl, NH4NO3, KCN , Na NO2 ,

b) State Le Chatelier ‘s principle . Give the effect of pressure change & temperature change on the state
of equilibrium giving example.

29. a) A certain salt ‘X’ in its aqueous solution is alkaline :

i) It swells up to a glassy martial ‘Y’.
ii) Its hot solution on treatment with conc. H2SO4 gives white crystals of an acid ‘Z’ Identify ‘X’,
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‘Y’ and ‘Z’ an give the chemical reactions.

b) What do you understand by:

i) Inert pair effect.
ii) Ionozation Enthalpy
a) Complete and balance the following equation :
i) B2H6 + NH3[]
ii) Al + NaOH + H2O[]

b) Give reasons :
i) Graphite is used as lubricant.
ii) Conc. HNO3 can be transported in aluminum container.
iii) Co is poisonous in nature.

30. a) Give the chemical equations for the following reaction :

i) Freidel – Crafts’ reaction
ii) Ozonolysis
iii) Wurtz reaction.

b) Account for the following :

i) Benzene is extra – ordinary stable through it contains three double bonds.
ii) Out of toluene , benzene , m-dinitrobenzene , toluene will undergo nitration most easily.


a) Sate Markovnikov rule. Write IUPAC name of the product obtained by addition reaction of HBr to
b) What happens when : [ Give chemical equations]
i) Butane undergoes complete combustion.
ii) Ethanol is heated with conc. H2SO4.
iii) Ethyne is passed through red hot iron tube at 873K.

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