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Rising incidence of obesity in Saudi residents.

A threatening challenge for the surgeons
Azzam Al‑Kadi1, ABSTRACT
Arshad M. Malik2,
Ali E. Mansour3 Objective: Obesity is thought to correlate very strongly with individuals general
lifestyles. This study was conducted to determine whether lifestyle patterns were
Department of Surgery, Unaizah College of potential risk factors for morbid obesity in Saudi residents.
Medicine, Qassim University, KSA, 2Department
of Surgery, College of Medicine, Qassim Methods: This descriptive cross‑sectional study was conducted in Unaizah City,
University, KSA, 3Department of Public Health
and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,
Qassim Region, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, over a 1‑year period from March 2013 to
Al‑Azhar University, Egypt March 2014. The study included 646 residents from the general public of Unaizah
who were selected by convenient sampling at a mall and a public sector university,
Address for Correspondence: regardless of age and gender, and were given questionnaires regarding the details of
Dr. Arshad M. Malik, Department of
Surgery, College of Medicine, Qassim
their lifestyle patterns. The studied variables included demographic details, dietary
University, KSA. Phone: 00966553692608. habits, physical activity, occupation, body mass index, and unhealthy behavioral habits.
E‑mail: The data were collected and statistically analyzed using SPSS version 20.
Results: The study population had a mean age of 30.13 ± 12.15 years and comprised
202 (31.3%) male and 444 (68.7%) female subjects. The study subjects were
students (39.2%), general public included employed (35.3%), unemployed (23.8%),
and others (1.7%). Overall, 79.4% comprised Saudi nationals and the majority (48.3%)
had a university‑level education. A reasonably high proportion of Saudi subjects
were found to have sedentary habits and with physical activity levels far below the
standard. Obesity was found in 42% of the study population with low physical activity
levels and unhealthy dietary habits. Varying proportions of concomitant hypertension,
hyperglycemia, and hypercholesterolemia were also observed in these subjects.
Conclusion: Sedentary habits, low physical activity levels in younger populations, and
unhealthy dietary habits are major factors causing obesity in the general public as well
as in children and adolescents attending school and university. Serious insight into this
problem at the governmental level is needed to improve the overall activity level and
avoidance of a sedentary lifestyle by projecting the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
ISSN: 1658-3639
PUBLISHER: Qassim University Keywords: Dietary habits, morbidity, obesity, physical activity, sedentary lifestyle

Introduction problems, for example, undue weight increase, grim heftiness,

hypertension, and diabetes mellitus like those seen in numerous
Obesity has emerged as ever‑increasing global challenges different nations in this area.[8,9] A number of factors related to
leading to alarming health problems.[1‑4] Stress and concern lifestyle and eating habits have been found to be responsible for
are lifted as for the undermining increment in weight pick these changes, including an increasing trend toward spending
up and sullen corpulence advancement in more youthful long hours watching television; playing computer games;
people attributable to dormant ways of life and poor dietary smoking; and eating junk food, sweets, candies, chocolates,
patterns, for example, skipping breakfast and expending and other dairy products, all of which contribute to and share
quick nourishments. This change has been observed in Saudi in the increasing incidence of obesity and overweight.[10,11]
nationals subsequent to a major lifestyle change, including
minimal activity, altered eating habits, and a sedentary lifestyle, This changing range of way of life and undesirable dietary
during recent years.[5‑7] patterns is applying significant and adverse impacts on the
lives of average people. Always expanding corpulence is
The high predominance of dormancy and stationary life prompting to absolutely subordinate lives and an expanded
among Saudi youth has been found to bring about real medical frequency of life‑debilitating issues even at extremely youthful

45 International Journal of Health Sciences

Vol. 12, Issue 1 (January - February 2018)
Al‑Kadi, et al.: Lifestyle as a factor causing obesity

ages. Early mindfulness and regard for this issue are crucial whereas qualitative data were expressed as frequencies and
for these patients to come back to typical lives and to make percentages. The data were entered, organized, tabulated, and
them beneficial individuals from society. The purpose of analyzed using SPSS version 20 software (SPSS Inc., Chicago,
this study was to examine the activity levels, dietary habits, IL, USA). The χ2 test was used to assess the relationships between
body   mass  index  (BMI), and unhealthy behavioral habits qualitative variables and the significance level asset at 0.05.
as well as their impacts on risk factors with respect to the
increasing obesity observed in residents living in Unaizah City Results
in the Qassim region.
During a 1‑year period, a total of 646 subjects were included
Methods in this cross‑sectional study, including members of the general
public from all walks of life as well as university students
This descriptive cross‑sectional study was conducted on from a public sector university in the same area. A majority
646 individuals who were selected by convenient sampling, of the study subjects were Saudi nationals with reasonable
regardless of age and gender at a shopping mall in Unaizah qualification levels (minimum secondary to University level).
as well as students from a public sector university. The 386 (59.8%) study subjects fell within the 20–40‑year age
study subjects comprised students (n = 253, 39.2%), and range and students comprised 39.2% of the total population
general public (n = 393, 60.83%) which included employed as shown in Table 1, which lists demographic details relevant
population (35.3%), unemployed (23.8%), and others (1.7%). to the study.
The employed and unemployed population included females
as well as males. The selection criteria included all patients
with a BMI 25 or above and who agreed to volunteer for Table 1: Demographics
the study while normal looking or the ones with BMR < 25 General characteristics Frequency (%)
and those who did not agree to respond to our questionnaire Age
were excluded regardless of their physical state. The data <20 years 108 (16.7)
were collected by students who had been briefed about the 20–39 years 386 (59.8)
project and study aims and had also been provided with
40–59 years 152 (23.5)
the essential instruments to obtain the required information
Age (years, mean ± SD) 30.13±12.15
such as blood pressure and other vitals. The students were
scattered throughout the shopping mall while the instruments Job
to collect the subjects vital and height information were kept Students 253 (39.2)
in a particular area in the shopping mall. The students selected Employed 228 (35.3)
individuals by convenient sampling and after explaining their Unemployed 154 (23.8)
purpose, gave each individual a questionnaire to read and Others 11 (1.7)
helped them to understand the contents of the questionnaire Sex
when needed. The questionnaire contained items regarding
Male 202 (31.3)
all of the necessary details about the subject’s age, sex,
Female 444 (68.7)
dietary habits, level of physical activity, frequency of junk
food consumption, and hours spent watching TV, or using the
computer. The lipid research clinic questionnaire was referred Saudi 513 (79.4)
for physical activity which is a validated scale for this purpose. Non-Saudi 133 (20.6)
After filling out the questionnaire, the study subjects were Education level
guided to a desk where they arranged to have their weight, Illiterate 8 (1.2)
height, and BMI measured at the same location. A  similar Primary (up to 5 grade)th
76 (11.8)
group of students visited a medical university in the same Secondary (up to grade 12) 250 (38.60)
town, where they selected students from different educational
University 312 (48.3)
levels and briefed them with regard to the purpose of data
Marital status
collection. The university subjects were also provided with
the above‑described questionnaires, and each subject’s vital Married 308 (47.7)
measurements, BMI, height, and weight were measured and Divorced 12 (1.9)
recorded in an individual case file. Based on the collected data, Widowed 9 (1.4)
we performed a statistical analysis to determine our results. Single 317 (49.)
Body weight (kg, mean ± SD) 74.75±20.73
Statistical analysis Height (cm, mean ± SD) 160.1±8.60
The study data included both quantitative and qualitative types. Total 646 (100.0)
Quantitative data were expressed as means ± standard deviations SD: Standard deviation

International Journal of Health Sciences 46

Vol. 12, Issue 1 (January - February 2018)
Al‑Kadi, et al.: Lifestyle as a factor causing obesity

The physical activity level varied widely among the study Table 2: Dietary habits
subjects, ranging from once or twice per week in 9% of subjects Dietary items consumed Frequency (%)
to no activity in 37%. A majority (39.3%) claimed to perform Vegetables
occasional light physical exercise in a month. The eating habits Once per day 134 (20.7)
of vast majority of the subjects were found to be unhealthy;
Twice per day 53 (8.2)
their diet mostly comprised fast foods instead of a healthy and
Three times per day 47 (7.3)
balanced diet, as shown in Table 2.
Sometimes 326 (50.5)
The BMIs of 39.3% of the study subjects were found to No 86 (13.3)
be > 30. The overall BMI of the study population tended toward Fruits
overweight and obesity, as shown in Table 3. Once per day 132 (20.4)
Twice per day 49 (7.6)
Comorbidities further complicated the situation as well as the Three times per day 26 (4.0)
management of these problems. A majority of the subjects
Sometimes 352 (54.5)
were found to have comorbidities, particularly, those who
No 87 (13.5)
were obese and overweight with abnormally high BMIs, as
shown in Table 4. Breakfast
Yes 312 (48.3)
The associations of the BMI with the different categories of No 151 (23.4)
study subjects and the presence of obesity and overweight Sometimes 183 (28.3)
were found to be highly statistically significant (P < 0.001), Fast foods
as shown in Table 5. Once per week 162 (25.1)
Twice per week 95 (14.7)
Discussion Three-time per week 86 (13.3)
Daily 284 (43.96)
This study was conducted with the primary aim of determining
the relationship between certain lifestyle factors and the Smoking
increasing trends of obesity and undue weight gain in a general Smoker 47 (7.3)
population from Unaizah City, Qassim, through the random Non-smoker 594 (92.0)
selection of individuals from a shopping mall as well as a Previous smoker 5 (0.8)
public sector university in the same area. The Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia has undergone tremendous changes in lifestyles
and dietary habits consequent to gross urbanization and the Table 3: Distribution of BMI among the study subjects
introduction of a wide variety of fast food chains nationwide, BMI Frequency (%)
leading to an increase in obesity among native residents and Normal (≤24.99 kg/m²) 201 (31.1)
particularly in children and adolescents.[12‑14] This change Overweight (25–29.99 kg/m²) 191 (29.6)
has exerted a very undesirable and threatening effect on the Obesity (>30 kg/m²) 254 (39.3)
overall health status of the population. The present study Total 646 (100.0)
found significantly low overall levels of physical activity, BMI: Body mass index
ranging from a totally sedentary lifestyle to occasional light
exercise. This finding is in line with those of similar studies
Table 4: Prevalence of comorbidities among study population
that described the deleterious effects of the low physical
Comorbidities Percentage
activity.[15‑18] The present study reported an increasing incidence
of morbidity parallel to the weight gain caused by reduced Obesity 42
activity and unhealthy eating habits, as evidenced by the Overweight 32
serious systemic comorbidities present in the majority of the Diabetes Mellitus 8
study subjects. This finding is consistent with the observations Hypertension 7
of Al‑Nakeeb et al.,[19] who also claimed that this predisposition Hypercholesterolemia 5
to the development of serious health problems remained
Bronchial asthma 6
throughout the lives of these individuals. The present study
reported BMI values ranging from 25 to > 30 kg/m2 in 66.88%
of the comparatively younger study population, which had a This association has also been reported in other similar studies,
strong positive relationship with the regular consumption of thus confirming our observation.[11,24,25] There have been
fast foods. The same association has been reported in many definite increases in weight gain and obesity levels as a result
similar studies.[20‑23] The present study found that hypertension of the altered lifestyle patterns, reduced physical activity, and
frequently accompanied overweight and obesity in the subjects. unhealthy dietary habits, particularly among adolescents. This

47 International Journal of Health Sciences

Vol. 12, Issue 1 (January - February 2018)
Al‑Kadi, et al.: Lifestyle as a factor causing obesity

Table 5: Relationship between BMI, general characteristics, and obesity/overweight

Variables BMI Total χ²# P
Normal Overweight Obesity
n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
<20 57 (52.8) 20 (18.5) 31 (28.7) 108 (100) 79.40 0.000 S*
20–39 133 (34.5) 124 (32.1) 129 (33.4) 386 (100)
40–60+ 11 (7.2) 47 (30.9) 94 (61.9) 152 (100)
Male 45 (22.3) 88 (43.6) 69 (34.2) 202 (100) 28.84 0.000 S*
Female 156 (35.1) 103 (23.2) 185 (41.7) 444 (100)
Student 139 (54.9) 53 (20.9) 61 (24.1) 253 (100) 134.6 0.000 S*
Employee 40 (17.5) 89 (39.0) 99 (43.4) 228 (100)
Unemployed 22 (14.3) 40 (26.0) 92 (59.7) 154 (100)
Other 0 (0) 9 (81.8) 2 (18.2) 11 (100)
Saudi 164 (32.0) 135 (26.3) 214 (41.7) 513 (100) 13.13 0.002 S*
Non-Saudi 37 (27.8) 56 (42.1) 40 (30.1) 133 (100)
Education level
Illiterate 2 (25.0) 3 (37.5) 3 (37.5) 8 (100) 27.19 0.001 S*
Primary 25 (32.9) 29 (38.2) 22 (28.9) 76 (100)
Preparatory 15 (16.7) 23 (25.6) 52 (57.8) 90 (100)
Secondary 42 (26.2) 55 (34.4) 63 (39.4) 160 (100)
University 117 (37.5) 81 (26.0) 114 (36.5) 312 (100)
Marital status
Married 42 (13.6) 115 (37.3) 151 (49.0) 308 (100) 111.2 0.000 S*
Divorced 1 (8.3) 3 (25.0) 8 (66.7) 12 (100)
Widowed 0 (0) 1 (11.1) 8 (88.9) 9 (100)
Single 158 (49.8) 72 (22.7) 87 (27.4) 317 (100)

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