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CASE SERIES ARTICLE 23(95), January - February, 2019

Medical Science

Communication between body mass index and the

risk of obesity-related cancer: A 5-year study on
patients with cancer
Mostafa Madmoli1, Mehran Yarbig2, Negin Sedighi3, Pouriya Darabiyan4, Fariba
Introduction: Cancer is one of the chronic and non-communicable diseases that include a wide range of diseases considering that,
significant correlation was found in some studies between cancer and BMI higher than normal, and so far in this field few studies
have been done in Khuzestan province and Ahwaz city. Also, planning to increase the health level of cancer patients in khuzestan
province, it needs to know all the risk factors for the disease in this province. Therefore, this 5-year study on cancer patients referred
to Shafa Hospital in Ahvaz, with the goal Determine the communication between body mass index and the risk of obesity-related
cancer. Materials and Methods: In this retrospective cross-sectional descriptive-analytic study, 1346 cases of patients with different
types of cancer with BMI> 30, admitted to Shafa Hospital, Ahvaz city which for 5 years, with the diagnosis of any cancer and history
of the disease with a BMI of over 30, And referring to the Ahvaz Shafa hospital, from 2012 to 2016, entered the study. The inclusion
criteria included all patients with a medical diagnosis and history of any type of cancer with a BMI> 30, and in each age group and
sex, and the exit criteria included other records of patients who had non-cancer medical diagnosis, cases with a BMI of less than 30,
as well as incomplete cases. The data in this study included demographic, laboratory and clinical data of patients. Data were then
entered into SPSS software version 20 and analyzed by descriptive statistics, analytical tests and significant level of P <0.05. Results:
This study included 1346 individuals with different types of cancer with an average age of 64.08±88.52 years and 754 (56.0%) were
female and the rest were male. Also, the mean BMI in these patients was 33.16 ± 5.08, that indicating patients with moderately obese
(Obese Class I). In this study, the relationship between BMI and education was significant (p = 0.002). Also, 944 (70.1%) patients had
malignant tumors and the rest were benign. The highest prevalence of cancer in this study was related to gastrointestinal cancers
with 55.5%. In this study, also was calculated BMI for different types of cancer, that the highest incidence was related to
gastrointestinal cancer (BMI = 35.57 ± 9.06). In this study, 456 (33.8%) patients had a history of diabetes. There was a significant
relationship between the history of diabetes and gastrointestinal cancers (p = 0.008). Conclusion: In this study, the average body
mass index of patients was moderately obese (obese class I). Also, the highest incidence of cancer in this study was related to
gastrointestinal cancers, and there was a significant relationship between the history of diabetes and gastrointestinal cancer.
Therefore, it is necessary to make changes in the lifestyle of people living in Khuzestan province. Also can prevented from
developing obesity and diabetes which provides the ground for all types of cancer, especially gastrointestinal, with doing aerobic
exercise, nutrition correction and not taking foods high in fat and high cholesterol.

INTRODUCTION health organization statistics, the mortality rate from cancer will rise
Cancer is one of the chronic and non-communicable diseases that from 45% in 2007 to 65% in 2030 (2). Unlimited proliferation potential,
include a wide range of illnesses. This disease like other chronic reduced apoptosis, increased angiogenesis, invasive tissue and
diseases, in each person, the age group and any race occur and is metastasis are factors of cancer progression (3). The increasing
considered as a major health problem affecting community health (1). importance of investigating changes in the expression of genes in the
The mortality rate due to cancer is increasing And at least about 8 creation of various types of cancers, and the emergence of new
million people die every year because of cancer; According to world biotechnology methods has led to in recent years in studies on the
etiology of this disease, are of particular importance such molecular
Emergency Medical Technician, Dezful University of Medical Sciences, Dezful,
Iran; 2Msc of Pediatric Nursing, Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan Branch,
studies (4). Meanwhile, obesity and diabetes increase the risk of cancer

Isfahan, Iran; 3Bachelor student of nursing, Student Research Committee, Shahid (5). Diabetes is the most common endocrine disorder in the world (6).
Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran; 4Student Research
And a metabolic disorder characterized by chronic hyperglycemia and

Committee, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran;

Corresponding Author: Fariba Mobarez, Student Research Committee, Ahvaz leads to damage to the various organs of the affected person and reduces
Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran; Email:
her longevity (7). Diabetes is also a major cause of morbidity and

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mortality in the industrialized world and developing countries (8). than 30, as well as incomplete cases. To study cases and collect data,
According to the world health organization statistics by 2020, are first, introduction letter of written on behalf of deputy of education and
affected by the disease about 333 million people worldwide (9). research Ahwaz University of Medical Sciences was taken then, the
Diabetes also accounts for 15 percent of health care spending in the records of patients referring to the hospital in the archives section were
United States (10). Diabetes complications, in addition to high costs for used. The required information was collected through a researcher
individuals and society, also increase mortality in people with diabetes checklist from the records.
(11). Patients with diabetes are at greater risk than the general Was the information studied in this study includes demographic
population of the growing urinary tract, liver, biliary, pancreatic, colon, information, laboratory and clinical patients such as gender, age, BMI,
endometrial, and kidney cancer. Several confounding factors are directly marital, ethnicity, occupation, economic status, level of education,
related to clinical differences in diabetes at various levels of metabolic having or not having a family history of cancer and history of diabetes,
control, diabetes duration, anti-diabetic treatment profiles, and the type of cancer, type of tumor, Having or not having a history of
presence of complications or association with disease (12). Therefore, it chemotherapy, a history of drug use or smoking and alcoholic drinks.
is difficult to accuracy in evaluation the risk of incidence cancer in Then, the data were entered into SPSS version 20. Data were analyzed
diabetes. In addition, common risk factors for both illnesses such as age, by descriptive statistics including enumerated tables, mean, standard
sex, ethnicity, alcohol, tobacco, diet, obesity and physical activity, and deviation and variance, and analytical tests including T-test, Anova, chi-
body mass index seem to make the relationship more complicated square and Chi-square Pearson and at the significant level of P <0.05.
Considering that in the study of renehan et al. (14), in men, increase RESULTS
in BMI at a rate of 5 kg per square meter, were associated strongly with This study included 1346 individuals with different types of cancer with
esophageal adenocarcinoma, and cancer of thyroid, colon and kidney. an average age of 64.08±88.52 years. 754 (56.0%) were female and the
As well as in women strong communication between 5 kg / m 2 increase rest were male. The mean glucose level of these patients was 266.78 ±
in BMI and endometrial cancer, gallbladder, esophageal 94.61. Also, the mean BMI in these patients was 33.16 ± 5.08, that
adenocarcinoma, and kidney cancer have been recorded. And also indicating patients with moderately obese (Obese Class I).
because there was a probability association between cancer and BMI In terms of ethnicity, 527 people (39.1%) were Lor. 479 people
higher than normal in Khuzestan province, and that studies should be (35.5%) were Arabs, 247 (18.3%) were Shoushtari-Dezfuli and 93
conducted in this regard and in order to help continue studies in this (6.9%) were kord. As well as in terms of marital status, 745 (55.3%)
field, to be more aware of this connection. Also, planning to increase the were married, 425 (31.5%) were single and 176 (13.0%) died of their
health level of cancer patients in Khuzestan province, it needs to know husbands. Also, 852 people (63.2%) rights were monthly less than 1 and
all the risk factors for the disease in this province and so far, few studies a half million toman, and the rest were above that amount. A statistically
have been carried in this field in khuzestan province and Ahwaz city. significant relationship was found between gender and family history of
Therefore, this 5-year study on cancer patients referred to Shafa Hospital cancer (p <0.0001). Also was significant relationship between job and
in Ahvaz, with the goal determine the Communication between body family history of cancer (P = 0.009) and the significant relationship
mass index and the risk of obesity-related cancer. between BMI and educational level (p = 0.002). Table 1 shows the
demographic information of these individuals.
MATERIALS AND METHODS In this study, 944 (70.1%) patients had malignant tumors and the
In this retrospective cross-sectional descriptive-analytic study, 1346 rest were benign (Figure 1). Also, 1152 patients (85.5%) had a history of
cases of patients with different types of cancer with BMI> 30, chemotherapy and the rest had no history (Figure 2). 748 (55.5%) of the
hospitalized in Shafa Hospital in Ahvaz city, which resided in Ahvaz, patients in this study were gastrointestinal cancers, also 322 (23.9%)
Masjed Soleyman, Shoushtar, Dezful, Behbahan, Abadan, Izeh, patients had genital cancers, of these types of cancer in women, was
Khorramshahr, Lali and Andika, which has been studied for 5 years most ovarian cancer and men were more prostate cancer. Of the other
from 2012 to 2016. The files were investigated by ten researchers who types of cancers, 89 (6.6%) of lung cancer patients, 78 (5.7) bone
were in the medical records of the hospital. These patients that with a marrow cancer, 64 (4.7%) of leukemia, and 45 (3.3%) were kidney
diagnosis of any cancer and a history of the disease with a BMI of above cancer (Figure 3). In this study also, the average BMI for different types
30, And referring to the Ahvaz Shafa Hospital, from 2012 to 2016 and of cancer was calculated, the highest BMI was for gastrointestinal
entered the study. cancers (BMI = 35.57 ± 9.06), (Figure 4).
This article is the result of the research project of Behbahan In this study, 456 (33.8%) patients had a history of diabetes. There
University of Medical Sciences with the code IR.BHN.REC.1397.9582. was a significant relationship between the history of diabetes and
After obtaining the necessary permissions and financial support from gastrointestinal cancers (p = 0.008). In this study, 244 people (18.1%)
Behbahan University of Medical Sciences, this license was referred to had a history of drug or smoking use. And 49 (3.6%) had a history of
the research department of Ahvaz University of medical sciences, then alcohol consumption, and the relationship between alcohol consumption
Ahvaz University of Medical Sciences Research Committee issued the with a history of chemotherapy was significant, that is, people who
necessary permission to the Shafa hospital and then patients through consumed more alcohol, they had more chemotherapy (p = 0.002).
written informed consent and their cases were used for this study.
The data needed for the study were extracted from patients' medical DISCUSSION
records during the years mentioned in the medical records section of the The results of this study showed that 55.5% of patients had

hospital. The inclusion criteria included all patients with a medical gastrointestinal cancers. In this study, the average body mass index was
diagnosis and a history of any type of cancer with a BMI> 30, and in calculated for different types of cancer, which was the highest amount

each age group and sex. The exit criteria included other records of for gastrointestinal cancers. In this study, 33.8% of the patients had a
patients with non-cancer medical diagnosis, records with a BMI less history of diabetes. There was a significant relationship between the

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Table 1 Demographic characteristics of cancer patients and its relevance to family history of cancer, history of diabetes and BMI using T-test, ANOVA,
Chi-square and Chi-square Pearson
Relationship with Relationship
family history of with history of
Variable Classification Number Percentage with BMI
cancer diabetes
(P value)
(P value) (P value)
Male 592 43.9
sex p <0.0001 p=0.008 p <0.0001
Female 754 56.0
Under the diploma 847 62.9
Education p=0.05 p=0.06 p=0.002
Diploma and higher 499 37.0
Free 563 41.8
Housewife 342 25.4
Occupation P=0.009 p=0.06 p=0.03
Unemployed 241 17.9
Employee 200 14.8
* A significant level below 0.05 is considered.



0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Benign tumor Malignant tumor

Figure 1 Frequency comparison Type of cancer tumor according to gender

194, 14%

1152, 86%

With a history of chemotherapy Without a history of chemotherapy


Figure 2 Frequency of chemotherapy history in cancer patients

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800 748
Genital tract
600 cancer
Lung cancer
400 322
Bone marrow
100 78
0 45 Leukemia

Frequency of Cancer Types kidney cancer

Figure 3 Frequency of cancer types in patients with this disease

36 35.57


31 30.67



The Average BMI in different types of cancer

Gastrointestinal cancer Genital tract cancer Lung cancer Bone marrow cancer Leukemia kidney cancer

Figure 4 The Average BMI in different types of cancer (For ease of writing the numbers on the Diagram, the standard deviation is set aside). It should
also be noted that; BMI More than 25 to 29.9 = represents a person overweight, in the range of 30 to 34.9 = signs of moderately obese (Obese Class I)
and in the range of 35 to 39.9= signs severe obesity (Obese Class II).

history of diabetes and gastrointestinal cancers. Hyperglycemia can have diabetic people than in healthy people. The risk of rectal cancer in
a direct effect on tumor growth, because cancer cells strongly emphasize people with diabetes is more than other people, although this increase
glycolysis. Findings from various studies have shown that excessive seems to be limited to men only (15-17).
obesity and diabetes increase the chances of developing colorectal In a study by Azizi et al. (18), which was called the risk of

cancer. Research also shows that People with over-obesity and diabetes colorectal cancer in type 2 diabetic patients, showed that diabetes and
are more at risk for colon cancer than non-diabetics, but so far, not obesity increases the risk of colorectal cancer. In this study, 207 patients

specified the reasons for this connection and what to do to prevent colon with colorectal cancer with colonoscopy and positive pathology and
cancer in diabetics. Also, the risk of large bowel cancer is higher in cases of incidence and among patients referring to colonoscopy units of

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reference hospitals in Tabriz city with 207 cases referring to the same living in khuzestan province. Also can prevented from developing
units with colonoscopy and negative pathology and without previous obesity and diabetes which provides the ground for all types of cancer,
history of polyps, neoplasms and other cancers were studied. In this especially gastrointestinal, with doing aerobic exercise, nutrition
study, 207 patients with colorectal cancer had 48 patients with diabetes correction and not taking foods high in fat and high cholesterol. And it's
in contrast, of the 207 controls, only 21 were diabetic. The final better that obese and overweight people; refer to a physician nutrition
analysis, in the presence of other effective factors, showed that diabetes specialist to determine the amount of your normal body mass index and
mellitus increases the chances of developing colorectal cancer. to get the appropriate diet.
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23. Mostafa Madmoli, Zahra Kord, Azita Bandani, Negin Sedighi, Mahla
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General Note
and clinical study of patients with Alzheimer's in Five Cities of
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5. paper. Save trees, save nature


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