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Feasibility Study On The Profitability of Vannamei Shrimp Aquaculture On Coastal Area of Keburuhan Village, Purworejo Regency

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Aquacultura Indonesiana (2016) 17 (1) : 7-11

ISSN 2477- 6939

Feasibility Study on the Profitability of Vannamei Shrimp Aquaculture on

Coastal Area of Keburuhan Village, Purworejo Regency
Djumanto, Ustadi, Rustadi, and Bambang Triyatmo

Department of Fisheries, Gadjah Mada University.



Djumanto, Ustadi, Rustadi, and Bambang Triyatmo. 2016. Feasibility Study on the Profitability of
Vannamei Shrimp Aquaculture on Coastal Area of Keburuhan Village, Purworejo Regency. Aquacultura
Indonesiana, 17 (1): 7-11. Brackish water vannamei shrimp aquaculture in Keburuhan village of Purworejo
Regency is one of the shrimp aquaculture activities developed since 2010. Shrimp aquaculture enteprises were
done by local communities which use sandy land coated by plastic sheet with an area of 1000-4500 m2. Some
farmers suffered losses due to lack of technical knowledge in shrimp aquaculture, environmental carrying
capacity, ecological and economic feasibility. The aim of this study was to determine the general condition of
vannamei shrimp aquaculture and shrimp farming feasibility. The study was conducted by field surveys,
interviews and questionnaires to 30 farmers. The survey was conducted in May-June 2016 by purposive
sampling of farmers who were members of a joint venture group of Minamulyo. The results showed shrimp pond
size aquaculture area was varied, with a range of 1000-1500 m2, 1500-2000 m2, 2000-3000 m2 and 3000-4500 m2.
An average fixed cost required for construction and operation of shrimp pond aquaculture was approximately
IDR 6,620,934 to 12,606,666 million/plot/cycle shrimp production, while the variable costs of each cycle
production ranged from IDR 45,876,733 to 78,861,666. The revenue and net profit varied according to pond
size. The net gain for the smallest pond (1000-1500 m2) was IDR 48,702,332/plot/cycle, and the largest pond
(3000-4500 m2) was IDR 58,131,666/plot/cycle. The shrimp farmers could recover the original investment
incurred within a period of 4-6 months (one half cycles). Vannamei shrimp aquaculture in Keburuhan village of
Purworejo regency brings a variety positive and negative impacts to the development of the economic, social
and environment. Positive impact included increase of income and welfare of farmers, while the negative impact
was a decline in the quality of the pond environment.

Keywords: Keburuhan; Purworejo; Sandy land; Shrimp; Vannamei

Introduction farming. The potential of shrimp farming in

Keburuhan village is very huge with sandy
The vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus beaches stretching along the coast of the
vannamei) was a native shrimp in Latin America Keburuhan village. Farmers were motivated to
waters. Its entered to Indonesia in the year 2001. conduct shrimp farming because of the success
The shrimp was active in dark condition on vannamei shrimp (Vannamei littopenaeus)
(nocturnal), able to survive in a wide range of aquaculture in Bantul regency, Yogyakarta
salinity, has the nature of cannibals, like to stay (DIY), which has similar ecological conditions
in the water column, eat slowly, but constantly (Diatin and Kusumawardany, 2012). The
foraging. As compared with other species of potential for vannamei shrimp aquaculture in
shrimp, the vannamei shrimp is the widely Keburuhan village is great due to large land area
cultivated because it is more resistant to disease for shrimp ponds, good supply of water, good
and able to tolerate unfavorable environmental soil quality and adequate infrastructure (Rangka
condition, high stocking densities and high yields and Gunarto, 2012).
(Maulina et al., 2012; Simamora et al., 2014). These farms can provide considerable
The penaeid shrimp is the one of the non- economic benefit and may encourage people in
oil export commodities and to be the excellent the vicinity to switch profession to shrimp
fishing for contributing value to increase country aquaculturist. This farming activities, however,
revenues. Revenuein the year of 80’s shrimp are without proper studies on the environmental
become the largest supplier of foreign exchange, capacity and suitability of land as well as its
mainly derived from catching. However, most of economic feasibility (Garno, 2004). Feasibility
the coastal area in Indonesia are overexploited. study on vannamei shrimp aquaculture in
An alternative way to increase shrimp production Keburuhan village is very important in order to
was through aquaculture, especially shrimp obtain optimum economic benefits on the

An International Journal of Indonesian Aquaculture Society (
© Copyright by the Indonesian Aquaculture Society 2016

Aquacultura Indonesiana Vol. 17 No.1, June 2016 : 7-11

sustainable basis. The purpose of this study was Description: FC = fixed costs
to determine the feasibility of vannamei shrimp P = Shrimp price
aquaculture in Keburuhan village Ngombol AVC = average variable cost
District of Purworejo Regency in Central Java. 4. Analysis Break-Even Point of Price (BEP Price)

Materials and Methods

Data collection
5. Payback Period (PP)
The research was conducted in the village
of Keburuhan, District of Ngombol, Purworejo
regency. The study was conducted in June-July
2016 using descriptive analytic method, by
conducting a survey of 30 farmers. Type of data Result
collected were primary data obtained by direct
interview to farmers as the research object, by The vannamei shrimp farming in the
using a questionnaire. Primary data includes the Keburuhan village has been growing rapidly
identity of respondents, the cost of production, since 2013. The shrimp were cultured on public
production capacity, marketing, depreciation tool, or private sandy dry lands. The rapid
the cost of fertilizers, medicines, seeds, feed, development of shrimp aquaculture during the
energy maintenance, fuel, harvesting costs, and last three years was due to the technological
lease land. development of shrimp aquaculture in ponds that
come with plastic mulch to the sandy land and
Data analysis water uptake through absorption wells.
Data was analyzed using qualitative The shrimp pond in the study site was
descriptive. Financial analysis undertaken was constructed on sandy land or dry land with sizes
included: payback period analysis, analysis of ranged from 1000 m2 to 4400 m2 per plot. The
break even point (BEP) production and prices, size area of shrimp pond would affected the total
the net present value analysis, analysis of R/C cost, increasing of pond size would make the
ratio, and sensitivity analysis on rising feed total cost increased. Based on interview to the
prices and decreasing in shrimp price. farmers, the size area of shrimp ponds could be
categorized into four groups as shown in Table 1.
The financial analysis was done using the
following formula: Table 1. Number of respondents per plot of vannamei
shrimp farms in Keburuhan village
1. Net Present Value (NPV) Pond Size (m2) Number of Respondents
1000-1500 21
1500-2000 1
2000-3000 3
3000-4500 5
Source: Primary Data Analysis (2016)
Description: Bt = gross revenue years to t
Ct = gross cost years to t Table 1 shows that most respondents
n = economic life have shrimp pond of 1000-1500 m2 category,
i = interest rate while the other ponds were small. The shrimp
farms were harvested three times a year with
2. Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C ratio)
harvest cycle of every four months.
Basically, vannamei shrimp aquaculture
was aimed to increase revenue and prosperity of
Description: TR = total revenue farmers. Financial analysis of vannamei shrimp
TC = total cost pond aquaculture was explicitly aims to
determine the capital and investment required for
3. Analysis of Break Even Point (BEP Production)
the operation of a shrimp ponds per cycle, so that
shrimp farmers could find out acceptance and
benefits gained as well as how long the
investment capital may be returned along with

8 An International Journal of Indonesian Aquaculture Society (
© Copyright by the Indonesian Aquaculture Society 2016
Feasibility study on the profitability of Vannamei Shrimp Aquaculture on Coastal Area of Keburuhan Village, Purworejo Regency
(Djumanto et al.)

sensitivity analysis on rising feed prices and a important function in the cultivation of vannamei
decline in shrimp prices (Diatin and shrimp i.e. to supply oxygen to the ponds, assist
Kusumawardany, 2010). The results of the in the mixing of mineral substances in the lower
financial analysis of Vannamei shrimp pond and upper layers of the culture water as well as to
aquaculture in Keburuhan village can be seen in maintain stable water quality.
Table 2. The average of revenue for each ponds in
Operational cost is variable. Values were one cycle of shrimp aquaculture production in
influenced by the amount of output produced. Keburuhan village (Table 2) was varied from
The more output produced, the greater the IDR 101,200,000.00 to IDR 149,600,000.00. The
operational cost. The components of operating revenue from one cycle of shrimp pond
expenses in the cultivation of vannamei shrimp aquaculture increased with increasing of ponds
in Keburuhan village were included: shrimp fry, size. Vannamei shrimp ponds which have pond
feed, vitamins, energy, fertilizer, lime, probiotics, size area of 1,500-2,000 m2 produced the total
labour, maintenance costs, and harvest cost. The revenue approximately IDR 114,400,000.00.
feed contributed more than 60% of the That revenue was bigger than the pond which has
operational cost. Feed has to be given regularly at pond size area 1,844 m2 in Trisik beach of Bantul
least three times a day. The amount of feed given, regency, with revenue IDR 107,482,468.00
feeding time and feed type would affect the (Supardjo et al., 2014). Therefore, the land area
growth of vannamei shrimp. However, frequency of sandy beach in Keburuhan village of
of feeding and feed quality increased production Purworejo regency was suitable for shrimp pond
cost. The more number of feed given and the aquaculture, since the revenue was relatively high
better feed quality used, the more production of within 1 cycle of harvesting.
vannamei shrimp. Furthermore, to determine the Costs in term of business activities
net present value (NPV), the operating costs in consist of fixed costs and variable costs (Table
the next harvest season was assumed to remain, 2). The fixed costs of vannamei shrimp
with a fix production capacity. aquaculture with pond area of 1000-1500 m2 per
The results showed that the feed cycle amounting to IDR 6,620,934.36, while
component was the most influencing factor pond size area of 3000-4500 m2 would increase
determining production cost. In addition, to IDR 12,606,666.67. Variable costs also
fluctuation in price of vannamei shrimp also increased with increasing of vannamei shrimp
affect revenue. Therefore, an analysis of break- pond size. In pond size of 1000-1500 m2, the
even point (BEP) was conducted and the result is variable cost increased to IDR 45,876,733.33,
as shown in Table 3. while the pond size of 3000-4500 m2 increased to
It was found that reduction in the selling IDR 78,861,666.67. Production costs, the risk
price of vannamei shrimp up to 39% and 49% cost, and the revenue was also increased along
was still able to provide profit to 3000-4500 m2 with the extensive shrimp aquaculture. However,
and 2000-3000 m2 pond categories, respectively. the profit of vannamei shrimp aquaculture was
On the other hand, the rise in feed prices did not tend to decrease with the shrimp pond size 2000-
have significant effect on profits since the break- 3000 m2 (Supardjo et al., 2014).
even point was more than 100%. Net Present Value (NPV) was the
difference between the present value of benefits
Discussion and costs (Sundong and Tiong, 2002). The
business of vannamei shrimp aquaculture was
The investment cost of vannamei shrimp feasible if the magnitude of NPV higher than
farms was included the cost for construction, zero, and the business was not feasible if the
plastic mulch, fence nets, water pumps, pinwheel, magnitude of NPV less than, whereas if the
water pumps and pipes, wells, generators, guard amount of NPV is zero, then the returns of
house, engine house and buckets. Each business equivalent to the money invested. NPV
component of investment has different economic value of vannamei shrimp aquaculture with
ages, so the reduction of costs become fixed costs ponds size of 1500-2000 m2 was the highest, i.e.
which were not affected by the scale of IDR 200,513,993.00 (Table 2). However, among
production. The largest cost component of the size categories of vannamei shrimp ponds
investment in vannamei shrimp aquaculture was showed that the businesses were eligible to run.
the pinwheel with a cost hingher than 40% of the
total investment cost. Pinwheel has a very

An International Journal of Indonesian Aquaculture Society ( 9
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Feasibility study on the profitability of Vannamei Shrimp Aquaculture on Coastal Area of Keburuhan Village, Purworejo Regency
(Djumanto et al.)

Table 2. Financial analysis of vannamei shrimp culture in Keburuhan village of Purworejo regency
Pond Area (m2) 1000-1500 1500-2000 2000-3000 3000-4500
Investment Cost (IDR) 70,836,364.00 88,225,000.00 111,150,000.00 131,550,000.00
Reduction Cost (IDR) 6,620,934.36 8,220,555.56 10,406,666.67 12,606,666.67
Variable Cost (IDR) 45,876,733.33 49,838,333.33 67,215,000.00 78,861,666.67
Production (IDR) 52,497,667.69 58,058,888.89 77,621,666.67 91,468,333.33
Revenue (IDR) 101,200,000.00 114,400,000.00 132,000,000.00 149,600,000.00
Profit/Loss (IDR) 48,702,332.31 56,341,111.11 54,378,333.33 58,131,666.67
Risk Cost (IDR) 15,180,000.00 17,160,000.00 19,800,000.00 22,440,000.00
R/C Ratio 1.93 1.97 1.70 1.64
NPV (IDR) 178,265,777.79 200,513,992.67 187,705,722.00 197,667,687.33
BEP of Production (Kg) 183.51 220.70 321.27 403.96
BEP of Revenue (IDR) 12,111,333.93 14,566,407.66 21,203,673.69 26,661,037.16
Payback Period (Months) 4.02 4.32 5.26 5.65
Source: Primary Data Analysis (2016)

Table 3. Increase break even price of feed and decrease in selling price of vannamei shrimp aquaculture
Pond Area (m2) 1000-1500 1500-2000 2000-3000 3000-4500
Increase BEP Feed (%) 154 178 132 122
Decline BEP Selling Price (%) 48 41 49 39
Source: Primary Data Analysis (2016)

Analysis of R/C ratio can indicate the BEP value of production become greater with the
revenue for every IDR spent in shrimp increase in pond size.
aquaculture. Busineses was declared eligible if In addition to the BEP production, the
the value of R/C ratio> 1 (Diatin and value of BEP revenue was also analyzed. BEP
Kusumawardany, 2010; Suratiyah, 2011). The revenue is the minimum revenue must be
rate of R/C ratio obtained from vannamei shrimp obtained by farmers in order to recover all the
aquaculture in the study site differs according to fixed costs already spend. The BEP revenue for
pond sizes. Pond with the size of 3000-4500 m2 vannamei shrimp aquaculture with pond sizes of
produced R/C ratio of 1.64 but ponds measuring 1000-1500 was IDR 12,111,333.93, and the BEP
of 1500-2000 m2 was 1.97. This value was revenue increased with the extent of the pond
greater than 1, which indicates the business is size, namely to IDR 26,661,037.16 in pond size
feasible to run. These values could also be of 3000-4500 m2 (Table 2). If the total revenue
interpreted that any expenditure of IDR 1.00 earned by farmers more than the value of the
would gain revenue by IDR 1.64 for a pond size BEP revenue then the business is profitable. The
of 3000-4500 m2, and up to IDR 1.97 in ponds BEP value was directly proportional to the BEP
measuring of 1,500-2,000 m2 (Table 2). production.
The break-even point refers to The payback period is the length of time
the revenues needed to cover a total amount of required to recover the costs of investment. Pay
fixed and variable costs that spent during a back period is the minimum time to return the
specified period of time, where total revenue = initial investment in the form of cash flow based
total cost (TR = TC) (Ibrahim, 2009). BEP on total revenue minus all costs (Kusuma and
consisted of BEP production and BEP revenue. Nur, 2014). The minimum time to return the
Analysis of BEP production was aimed to initial investment in the various categories of
determine the minimal production of vannamei vannamei shrimp farm in Keburuhan village
shrimp in order to cover all the fixed expense. ranged from 4.02 to 5.65 months (Table 2). In
BEP production of vannamei shrimp at farm size general, the vannamei shrimp aquaculture in
of 1000-1500 m2 was 183.51 (Table 2), thus the Keburuhan village may recover the capital when
minimal production of vannamei shrimp would the business was already running for 1.5 cycles,
be at 183.51 kg/cycle. If the production of shrimp so that this business can be said to be feasible to
less than 183.51 kg/cycle, then the business may run.
be on the losing side and if the production of The vannamei shrimp aquaculture in
shrimp higher than 183.51 kg/cycle, then the Keburuhan village was strongly influenced by
business will have profit. Based on the analysis, selling price of the shrimp compared to the price
price of feed (Table 3). It can be seen from the

10 An International Journal of Indonesian Aquaculture Society (
© Copyright by the Indonesian Aquaculture Society 2016
Aquacultura Indonesiana Vol. 17 No.1, June 2016 : 7-11

declining BEP value of vannamei shrimp prices, Project for Science and Technology with a Letter
that was much smaller than the rising BEP value of Agreement for Implementation of the
of feed prices. The declining BEP vannamei Research Competitive Higher Education, Ref.
shrimp value in prices was ranges between 39- 015/SP2H/LT/DRPM/II/2016 dated February
49%, which means if the vannamei shrimp prices 17th, 2016. We express our gratitude to the
decrease more than 39%, it will cause losses for scientific personnel participating in the surveys,
shrimp farmers with a pond size of 3000-4500 m2 Ainsyah and Rakhma, for their kind assistance in
The financial and sensitivity analyses the study. Two anonymous referees provided
show that the vannamei shrimp aquaculture in constructive comments to improve the
Keburuhan village was feasible to run. Based on manuscript.
the highest value of the R/C ratio and NPV, as
well as the lowest variable costs per kg of References
vannamei shrimp, the categories of pond size, it
was found that the most feasible farming activity Diatin, I. and U. Kusumawardany. 2010. Financial
was to have ponds with 1500-2000 m2 size analysis of pond area extension in Pacific
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The vannamei shrimp aquaculture in steps and strategies exports to the European
Keburuhan village was strongly influenced by the Union shrimp products. APINDO-EU
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Acknowledgements Special Province of Yogyakarta. Fakultas
Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
We would like to acknowledge the Yogyakarta.
financial and administrative support of the Suratiyah, K. 2011. Farming Sciences. Penebar
Directorate General for Higher Education, Swadaya. Jakarta.
Department of National Education that had
funded this study through Study and Research

An International Journal of Indonesian Aquaculture Society ( 11
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