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Highlander Club Mar2003

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March 2003, Volume 8 – Issue 3 “Great fortunes are made through Fellowship, Knowledge and an Abundance of Opportunities”

Underhanded Thieves Could Be Stealing Your Identity:

Learn How to Protect Yourself – Before it’s Too Late!
Identity theft is a white-collar crime that is, unfortunately, on the rise. The F.B.I. has
named identity theft the fastest growing crime in America. What’s more, victims of
identity theft spend, on average, two agonizing years and thousands of dollars trying to
clear their credit history. We don’t want this to happen to you. Michael Newman
New Chairman
Highlander Club
How Criminals Get their Hands on Your Personal Information and Use it to Become You
The Internet: One problem with computer technology is that information can be zapped across continents
with just a split-second click of the mouse. On-line hackers use your personal information and, consequent-
ly, end up victimizing you in ways that are ruinous. Fraud rings in different cities link up with each other,
which makes the criminal that much harder to track down.

Your Garbage Can: Identity theft criminals rummage through your trash at home or places of business.
They steal your cancelled checks, bank statements, and credit card offers.

Your Mail Box: Criminals often steal your mail, including your credit card statements, bank statements,
phone records, and tax information.

Your Credit Card: Fraudulent people will go to various lengths to get what they want, and, as a result, the
use of “skimmers” is on the rise. Skimmers allow a crook at any retail establishment to copy the metal strip
visible on the back of all credit cards. By doing that, he/she can make a duplicate card containing your
specific information. When you receive your statement, as per usual, you’ll notice on it purchases that you
didn’t make.

Once these Criminals Know Your Basic Information, They’ll Stop at Nothing to Get Your Complete Identity
• They’ll get your credit report by pretending to be your employer, or someone else who can easily request
this information.
• They’ll complete a “change of address form” to divert your mail to another location.
• They’ll buy your personal information from store clerks.
• They’ll even pose as caregivers, housecleaners, and handymen to get information right out of your own

Now They Know Your Address, Your Telephone Number, Your Credit Card History, and the Most Dangerous...
Your Social Security Number
When a thief gets his/her hands on your social security number, get ready for mayhem. The scammer will
apply for credit using his/her own address or elsewhere. Soon, he/she will start applying for even more
credit cards and lines of credit. The crook could buy some real estate and take on a mortgage, buy a new
vehicle, sign a cell phone contract, open all kinds of other accounts, get a passport, become employed us-
ing your name but never pay taxes, and obtain medical and dental treatment. He/she can design business
cards with your name on it. He/she becomes you!
continues on page 2
First, you’ll notice that your checks are bouncing. ies a thief needs – a victim’s social security number,
Then, you’ll be unable to withdraw money from the his or her bank account information, credit rating,
ATM. Eventually, when taxes aren’t paid, you’ll have and more. Able to get his hands on that information,
a couple of tough IRS agents knocking at your door. the fraudster went wild buying all kinds of electronics,
Your good reputation will be ruined, and you’ll be furniture, and other big-ticket items. He even rented
tangled up in red tape, possibly for life. an apartment under the victim’s name. All in all, he
ripped off almost $100,000 from the couple.
Seniors Beware: You’re the Bull’s Eye Another retired couple, living in a gated commu-
The senior segment of the population is targeted for nity, had been mortgage-free for years. They never
identity theft most often. Seniors often have higher once thought that identity crooks would target them.
credit limits than younger people, and their mort- Unfortunately, checks were lifted from their mailbox,
gages are lower or, in most cases, paid off. One horror which started a string of sheer chaos. Imagine their
story that we discovered was about a retired senior horror when they learned that a mortgage lender was
who, together with his wife, bought a condo. He filled threatening foreclosure on their paid-off home.
out a loan application that was ripe with all the good- Then, there was the story of the elderly gentleman
who answered the phone late one night, only to be told
that he was required to report for jury duty. The caller
requested all the man’s personal information, which he
Michael Newman Chairman gave freely. After all, it was the “government” calling. A
Nina Walters Executive Director few months later, the elderly man was being hounded
by collection agencies. This person became another
EDITORIAL victim of pre-text calling, a telephone tactic that extracts
Pam Clavir Editor valuable information from unsuspecting people.

Moving? Missed an issue? Please let us know within 90 days What’s the Government Doing to Protect You?
of moving or if you have not received an issue. After this
time period, missed issues can be purchased for US$10 each
With about 550 privacy bills introduced in state legisla-
including shipping and handling. Write to: Highlander Club, tures in 2002 alone, the question of privacy is anything
777 S. Flagler Drive, Ste. 800W, West Palm Beach, FL 33401- but uniform. With nearly 100,000 local government
6163, USA. Or call between 9am to 5pm EST; (905)264- jurisdictions in the United States, more local laws
2995; Fax (905)264-9619.
are being made at this very moment, but it is national
Contact Us regulations that are necessary to avoid a tangled web
If you have a question or comment about the monthly of confusion. Too many privacy policies can turn the
memorandum, write to the Editor in care of Highlander Club, economy on its side, and doing business on the Net
777 S. Flagler Drive, Ste. 800W, West Palm Beach, FL 33401-
6163, USA, Fax (905)264-9619.
will become too complicated.
Subscription rate for the Highlander Club newsletter is $80 The Consumer Privacy Protection Act of 2002 is
per year. If you have a question about your subscription, or a significant piece of federal legislation designed to
want to renew your subscription, change your address, or ensure that consumers have the necessary information
order a Highlander Club Special Report, write to Member
Services, 777 S. Flagler Drive, Ste. 800W, West Palm Beach, to make informed choices about how their personal
FL 33401-6163, USA. Or call between 9am to 5pm EST; information is being used. The new bill is receiving
(905)264-2995; Fax (905)264-9619. wholehearted approval from The National Business
© 2003 by Highlander Club, 777 S. Flagler Drive, Ste. 800W,
West Palm Beach, FL 33401-6163, USA. All rights reserved. Coalition on E-Commerce and Privacy, which is a
The Club is not promising or guaranteeing that you will be- group of highly reputable companies dedicated to the
come wealthy because of the information in this newsletter creation of an across-the-board federal policy regard-
or our special reports and programs. There is no guarantee
of future profits. Copying any of the Club’s published infor-
ing electronic commerce and privacy. Also known as
mation is strictly prohibited. The ideas expressed herein are “HR 4678,” this legislation spells out a clear, balanced
the opinions of Highlander Club only. That said, we believe privacy policy for the country.
you’ll discover vital money secrets and wealth angles not Hopefully, it will make certain that information,
available anywhere else.
The Executive Staff, Research Department and the whether received on-line or otherwise, is treated ex-
Editors of Highlander Club are proud of the reputation actly the same. After all, who’s to say whether informa-
we’ve built since our inception in 1991. Simply, we believe tion collected over the phone and then stored on-line is
the advice presented to you in our published resources and
seminars is the best and most useful available to you, the considered on-line or off-line information? Right now,
global entrepreneur. we need to protect ourselves, from everybody, virtually

What You Need to Do to Protect Your Good Name Financial Services Modernization
Tell your financial institution(s) that you don’t want
them sharing your personal records with other firms.
According to law, you can’t stop them from sharing Securities and Exchange Commission
certain bits, but you are allowed to put some ceilings Oversees stock exchanges, broker-dealers and associ-
on what banks and other financial companies do with ates, and investment advisers.
your personal information. 202-942-7040
According to the law, financial firms must notify
their entire customer base of their privacy rights on an
annual basis. If you didn’t happen to see your privacy Federal Trade Commission
notice because it came in an envelope amidst a bunch Investigates consumer fraud outside the jurisdiction
of other inserts, you weren’t alone. In fact, several peo- of other federal agencies.
ple who did receive them didn’t bother to read them 877-382-4357
since they either didn’t notice them, or ignored them
since they were written in terms only a lawyer could e-mail:
Privacy notices came into play prior to July 1, 2001, Federal Reserve Board
which was the cutoff date for the first batch of notices Regulates banks other than national banks and
to hit the mailboxes. Meantime, some notices also give branches of foreign banks.
you the option of ending the sharing of your informa- Federal Reserve
tion with affiliated firms. Sometimes this particular opt- 202-452-3693
out option is located on the privacy notice itself. Other
times, it comes as a separate notice altogether.
If you didn’t sign your privacy notice within the “al- Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
lowable” 30 days, you can still opt-out. Okay, you can’t Regulates national banks and branches of foreign
undo what’s been done in the past. So, if your personal banks.
financial information has already been shared, then 800-613-6743
it’s too late. But, to avoid the sharing of any current
information, you can opt-out whenever you feel like it. e-mail:
The choice to opt-out is always there, and it’s a good
idea to take advantage of it. The notices sent by your Office of Thrift Supervision
financial companies will tell you exactly how to opt- Regulates federal savings associations and savings
out. You’ll likely be given the choice of writing a letter, banks and state-chartered savings associations.
filling out and mailing back a form, phoning a toll-free 202-906-6237
number, or using the Internet. 800-842-6929
Follow the instructions, but write a letter as well, just
so you can keep a copy for your records. If you want to e-mail:
peruse some examples of opt-out letters, check out the
Privacy Rights Clearinghouse at, National Credit Union Administration
or go to at Regulates federal credit unions.
optout.html. 703-518-6300
Go above and beyond what the law permits. No one
is stopping us from requesting that nothing be shared,
even with affiliate companies. If enough of us do that, Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)
then financial companies will get the message that
much sooner.
A mail slot in your door is safer than a conven- Check your credit report since information contained
tional mailbox on your front porch where thieves can in it can affect your chances of landing a job, getting a
just help themselves to your credit card statements. mortgage, insurance or even a credit card. Contact any
Renting a post office box is another good idea. of the organizations below:
For a detailed look at privacy laws governing finan- • Equifax, 800-685-1111
cial institutions, check out the following sites: • Experian (formerly TRW), (888) EXPERIAN (397-

3742) big, Uncle Sam finally got around to making infor-
• Trans Union, 800-916-8800 mation about it more accessible.
A small businessperson with an on-line presence
Notify the credit bureaus to have your name and ad- has an arena that is just as broad as any big busi-
dress removed from major credit bureau lists for unso- ness. An on-line presence invites business without
licited credit and insurance offers for two years. If you borders, which is why the import-export market is
fill out and send back an “opt-out” form, (provided booming.
on request from the credit bureau), you will be taken Economists are predicting that the total output of
off these lists permanently. A phone call or mailing to goods and services in the United States (the GDP)
any one of the three nationwide credit bureaus is all will grow by 3.5 percent this year, which is positive
it takes to eliminate your name from the lists. Just call news for our economy. Gross Domestic Product
1-888-567-8688 or 1-888-5-OPTOUT. is the broadest measure of the nation’s economic
health, and globalization comprises a big part of the
Knowledge is Your Most Powerful Safeguard picture. is a watchdog site powered by the
National Consumers League’s National Fraud Exporters Get Trade Help from Uncle Sam
Information Center & Internet Fraud. You’ll find Make sure you log on to www.Export.Gov, a web site
useful information regarding some of the dangers of created by the Commerce Department. Basically,
downloading files and what to do when telemarketers it synchronizes all the trade-related programs
won’t leave you alone. provided by certain federal agencies, including, offers you helpful hints that can most notably, the Small Business Administration,
protect your children as they surf the net. It also offers the Export-Import Bank, and the Commerce
good advice on safeguarding your Internet passwords Department. All kinds of training courses – both
and credit card transactions. There is even informa- on-line and off- – are available, and, with counsel-
tion on fighting against all those annoying pieces of ing and seminars covering everything from how to
junk e-mail. make export sales happen to financing your exports offers a great software and solving trade problems, this great site should be
package called “Freedom.” It will allow you to keep any entrepreneur’s first stop.
all your on-line activities private, while giving you the The government has also made sure that the
independence you expect from the Internet. The number of loan guarantees is on the rise. You can
package protects all your on-line tools like e-mail, web phone 1-800-USA-TRADE for more information.
browsers, and prevents on-line tracking, while main- Several U.S. Export Assistance Centers operate in
taining your on-line privacy. strategic locations, and you can look for the one
If you are someone whose privacy has been violated, closest to you on the SBA’s web site,
you may complain to a particular government agency
or financial company, but be sure to put it in writing.
Explain the situation fully, and then state why you feel
you were violated. Also, make sure you say what action
The Highlander Club’s Guide to
you hope will be taken. Ask for a response within one an $80-Billion Multi-Level
Marketing Opportunity
Are You On-line? Grab Your Everything You Need to Know to Get Started
Share of the $700-Billion/Year Welcome to what millionaires across the country
will tell you is the ultimate way to do business. It’s
Export Industry multi-level marketing, and it’s come a long way from
shampoo and detergent sales. Also called “MLM,”
Unless you’re selling ice cream door-to-door, then the multi-level marketing industry does a whopping
consider exporting as an integral part of any busi- $80-billion worth of business each year, worldwide.
ness, including yours. Right now, exports account The success of the industry is based on the fact that
for more than 700-billion dollars worth of business it taps a lucrative niche market that is demanding a
per year, and because the exporting business is so more convenient way to buy goods.

Personalized Service Without the Hassles: A Formula We’re going to tell you how MLMs operate. We’re
for Success going to give you tips to make MLMs work for you.
People are just plain tired of spending what precious And, we’re going to tell you how to pick the right
free time they have waiting in long line-ups at the MLM, because not all MLMs were created equal.
store checkout counters. They would much rather The key to MLM success lies in its method of sales.
have their products delivered to them at their home Through MLM, you sell a product directly to the cus-
or office, and this is particularly true for those who tomer. You then give that person the opportunity to
live in rural areas. The MLM grassroots approach to become a distributor of that product, thus creating
selling is pitting good-old fashioned personal service your network. In this network, you would be on the
against steel-cold technological sophistication, and first level as a distributor. Anyone you bring in as a new
since 51% of Americans have purchased something distributor would be on the level below you, referred
through MLM at one time or another, it appears that to as a “downline.” And anyone your recruits bring in
the handshake is still preferable to the fax machine or to sell your product would create the next level down.
buying something on-line. The person who brought you in as a distributor would
be on a level above you, also called an “upline,” mak-
MLM Attracts Corporate America and Opens Up More ing you a part of their network.
Opportunities for You Sales and contacts are made through word of
New companies selling everything from home tech- mouth. The profits saved by eliminating expensive
nology products and air filters to telecommunications advertising and middlemen are passed along directly
services, pay phones, and artwork are choosing MLM to the distributors who sell the product. Some people
as the ultimate selling process. Even established corpo- are introduced to the idea of MLM by going to a semi-
rate giants are getting into the game. A few companies nar where a product is being pitched. However, most
starting their own MLM departments or buying estab- people find out about MLM through a friend.
lished MLM firms include Texas Instruments, Avon
Products, Inc., Amway Corporation, Act II Jewelry, The Perfect Business Opportunity
ACN, Electrolux Corporation, Regal Ware, Primerica In many ways, MLM is the perfect business opportu-
Financial Services, Pharmanex (a division of Nu Skin nity because it is completely up to you to pick what
Enterprise), U.S. Safety & Engineering Corporation, you want to sell. The start-up costs are extremely low
Discovery Toys, Gillette, Tupperware Corporation, compared to other business opportunities. There are
Colgate-Palmolive, AMC Corporation, Body Wise no franchise fees, and initial layouts for start-up kits
International, Inc., and a host of others. Items such can run at less than $500, depending on the company
as children’s toys, games fashions, jewelry, religious and product. In addition, there aren’t any long-term
items, home photography workshops, rubber stamps, obligations to the parent company. If one day you
fertilizer and other plant nutrients, and gift items are should decide that you want out of the business, you
just a few more of the many products that are bought can just sell with no questions asked.
and sold through MLM. Are you an outgoing, active person with numerous
MLM opportunities are so abundant, in fact, that friends and contacts at work, as well as in the commu-
we felt we had to provide you with all the informa- nity? Do you belong to social organizations? Do you
tion you need to know to consider being a part of take turns carpooling your child’s soccer team? Are
this moneymaking strategy. Multi-level marketing is you comfortable speaking to groups of people and
not a get-rich-quick scheme. Consider it as a path talking one-to-one with potential clients? You should
leading to future and sizeable wealth. It is not for loaf- be. If this sounds like you, it’s likely you already have
ers or anyone else who expects a juicy payoff right the basic people skills that are necessary for MLM suc-
off the bat in exchange for a minimum amount of cess.
work. Unquestionably, there is about three years of
hard work to be done before you start seeing money Selecting a Product Line with a Financial Future
aplenty. On the bright side, if you do decide to get If you are selling personal and home alarm systems,
into MLM, you won’t be working hard for the rest of you are going to run into trouble. People need one
your life. The people you sponsor will begin doing the personal alarm and one home alarm. That’s it. The
work for you. Incredibly, as the clock ticks, the work end. Finito! Now what? They don’t exactly have to
dwindles and the paychecks get bigger! Eventually, you replenish their supply, do they? Now you need to
won’t have to work in this business at all. You’ll just be find new consumers, and, unless you advertise on
asked to enjoy the wealth. That’s all. the Internet or in publications out of country, your

numbers are limited. That is why you need to find a If you were a top gun, then a company devoted to
company that offers merchandise that is consumed in rewarding the highest achievers would obviously suit
some way. Soap and vitamins are two examples. They you more. Just make sure that you know exactly what
need to be replaced periodically. That is the key right kind of pay plan you are getting into, and whether it is
there. It’s the movement of product combined with the flow of subject to change without you being told.
active producers that will make you money in the end. As a guideline, many companies pay 60% of sales
Is the product you are considering more or less back to the distributor. If you are earning less than
revolutionary? If it changes your life and the life of 60% commission, you may want to investigate other
your customers for the better, your team members MLM companies. When speaking of this 60% com-
and their downlines will continue using it, lowering mission, we are speaking about something called “true
the possibility of people quitting the business. Is the payout.” Suppose, for example, you are with a com-
potential product affordable? The core selling point pany that has earned a solid reputation, but is a little
of MLM is that it can provide retail products at bar- cheap in terms of “true pay outcome.” Even if you are
gain prices. satisfied with that company in every other way, it’s still
going to bring you to financial ruin in the end.
Finding an MLM Mentor
You need an expert to help you become an expert. Recruit Other Network Marketers
Your success lies in the hands of someone who will If your firm doesn’t surpass your competition in terms
sponsor you, so continue your search for that person. of pay plan, product quality and price, and good lead-
Don’t stop until you find someone you trust and in ership, then what exactly are you offering, anyway? It’s
whom you have faith. Your sponsor is really your men- a question of dangling the carrot in front of the bun-
tor. Your personal mentor, more than your company ny’s nose. You simply have to have qualities in your
trainer, can offer you the best available tips regarding organization that leave the competition in the dust.
recruitment techniques and the training of your fu- After all, your leads will eventually dissipate. There are
ture downline. only so many people to go around.
Don’t refute any prospects until you know for sure
What to Look for When Choosing an MLM Company that they are not interested. Yet, when you do meet up
The company you choose should have excellent with someone in the MLM business, use the moment
leadership, professional presentation tools, the best as your golden opportunity. As a matter of fact, did
prospecting system around, and a high-quality con- you know that some of your most workable leads are
sumable product. That said, the main thing you are already members of MLM companies? Well, that is ab-
scouting for in a company is the best financial pack- solutely true. That fact alone is the real secret behind
age around. network marketing. When you meet someone from
Unfortunately, pay plans aren’t easy to compre- another company, it is highly likely that they will try
hend. They must be explained to you in plain, un- to recruit you, just as you are trying to recruit them!
derstandable language. It is important to scrutinize They want you and your downline too! Listen to what
the pay plan, and, if you are unsure about something, they say. It may turn out to be some of the most fasci-
just ask. You have a right to have all your questions nating words you will ever hear. That’s because when
answered, particularly when it comes to your pay you change companies and take your downline with
schedule. Bear in mind that a sensational compensa- you, you have only one place to go, and that is up!
tion plan is worthless without good training, a decent Now, if on the other hand, you think your principal
company-marketing plan, a terrific product, and MLM company is better than most, then why don’t
other variables. All kinds of dynamics must be taken you solicit people who are already in the business?
into account, including your own personal work ef- Perhaps you will find a crowd of people who are look-
fort and the number of highly productive people that ing for a change but don’t know where to go.
you sponsor.
If MLM sounds like a good part-time endeavor, Consider This
then make sure that the company you select doesn’t When you attend an MLM seminar, ask yourself these
favor the money raking full-timers. It should be a pay questions: What kind of presentation was it? Was it a
plan that is mainly attractive to part-timers. If the com- high-pressure sell? Would you feel comfortable work-
pany can operate on more people making less money ing with their product? Was it a small, intimate group
instead of a few people making all the money, you are presentation, or was it a gathering of 100? Will you
best off. That is, of course, if you are just beginning. be able to choose the size of your presentations if you

decide to join the network? Were promotional materi- per tier to a distributor below at a profit. That person
als available? If so, were they professional or sloppy then jacks up the price again and sells it to a distribu-
looking? Would you have to pay for them? What kind tor below him. By the time the “thingamajig” arrives at
of claims do they make? Are there training materials the bottom level, it is too pricey to sell to anyone else,
available if needed? Companies with training materi- and look who’s left holding the bag. The poor sucker
als for their distributors generally have a better com- at the bottom, that’s who.
mitment to their sales force. One great organization to get information on MLM
Another important consideration is the company’s is the Multi-Level Marketing International Association
buyback policy. Respectable companies allow a cer- (MLMIA). Founded in 1985, the MLMIA is a non-
tain amount of time for the distributor to return un- profit trade association for professionals in MLM, and
used stock in resalable condition for full or near-full it has more than 50 member MLM companies that are
reimbursement. This is critical, since you don’t want carefully screened to ensure the integrity and reputa-
to be left with a product that won’t sell, with scores of tion of the organization. MLMIA offers a variety of
inventory, should you decide to leave the business. Get services including MLMIA-sponsored trade shows and
the policy in writing. In addition, the company should training conferences (all over the world), insurance
also be able to provide you with a history of product benefits, and informational books and tapes. MLMIA
pricing, so you can see how quickly prices have in- also tracks regulatory and legislative issues that affect
creased over time. the industry.
Find out what laws or regulations you might be re-
Pyramid Schemes: What You Should Know quired to comply with regarding your MLM business.
Since you want to work with a reputable company, Federal, state, provincial, or local regulations may re-
you should investigate this country’s trade associa- quire you to have a re-seller’s permit, license, or some
tion devoted entirely to the industry of direct selling. other official document that recognizes your MLM
Log on to the Direct Selling Association’s web site network business.
at You can scroll down its list of
member companies and see what products appeal to
you. Make sure you would use the product yourself. Before
calling them up, do some investigative work on your
How to Buy at Government
own. Call up the Office of the Attorney General in Auctions
your state and the Federal Trade Commission to see if
they have any information pertaining to the company
on their database. Go to the library to check back is- An Aladdin’s Cave of Riches Beyond Your Wildest
sues of newspapers. You may find an article condemn- Dreams is Available - Cheap!!
ing the company. On the other hand, you may be Imagine stepping into an Aladdin’s cave of treasure
pleasantly surprised and discover an article praising – rooms stuffed full of gold, silver and diamonds,
the company. luxury cars, speedboats, and light aircraft… Now,
At least you know that when you go to the Direct imagine that the owner was practically giving them
Selling Association’s members list, you won’t be involv- away, to you! Well, this situation is not pure fantasy. It
ing yourself with a pyramid scheme, which is against happens regularly all over the world.
the law. Network marketing companies and pyramids Governments regularly confiscate riches from
are the same in terms of structure, so mixing up the criminals, and then dispose of it all by auction, and at
two is not impossible. unbelievably low prices. We’re going to let you know
how to join the privileged few who get their share of
How to Spot an Illegal Pyramid Scheme this bounty.
Pyramid schemes produce earnings by simply recruit- Governments the world over are generally the
ing new people and charging them a membership fee. biggest property owners. Their treasures consist of
Network marketers sell either a product or service to proceeds from regular raids on criminals, as well as
consumers, and money is generated that way. The contraband and the property of bad debtors. Some of
former is illegal; the latter, legal. Once in a while, the stockpiles are lost in the corridors of bureaucracy
you may encounter a pyramid scheme that does have and left to gather dust in government warehouses for
a product to sell, but that product will have about as eternity. Goods are routinely auctioned off, selling for
much benefit as plastic fruit. You’re hungry, but you only a fraction of their current market value.
can’t eat it. A distributor sells the product from an up- One of the biggest auctioneers is the government of

the United States. For years, only a handful of people Local, municipal government agencies, and more.
have attended these auctions, since the governments
did little to advertise them. Now, you can be a part of René Bates Auctioneers, Inc. spe-
this, and join the group who shares in the extravagant cializes in auctions of municipal and utility company
government giveaways. fleet vehicles and equipment.
Right now, about 10 government entities auction
off their goods on e-Bay, but, if you want to go straight deals in the sale of seized ve-
to the auction location in your State or any other, you hicles, office equipment, furniture, jewelry, personal
can check out the exact locations by logging on to effects, and more.
www.firstgov/shopping/auctions/auctions.shtml. Then,
scroll down to where it shows (in red) state and local FinanceNet’s FedSales site hap-
surplus property, and click on that link. Meantime, pens to be the government’s official home for all U.S.
here are some of the best auction links around: Federal government sales, auctions, and surplus. for real and personal prop- for seized property includ-
erty that has been confiscated for nonpayment of in- ing cars, boats, farm equipment, homes, computers,
ternal revenue taxes. Buy bills, notes, bonds & savings furniture, sports memorabilia, antiques, collectibles,
bonds, coins, un-cut currency, holiday ornaments, and and homes.
shirts. Auctions contain items that are confiscated by
the U.S. Customs Service; IRS, Criminal Investigations
Division; U.S. Secret Service; or the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, and Firearms.
Buying a HUD Home
The federal department of Housing and Urban for cars starting at $500, office Development often acquires properties through fore-
equipment, electronics, and even homes from closure. Through a sealed bid auction, it will sell off
$1,000. these properties. When a homeowner with an HUD
insured mortgage defaults on the payments, the The Defense Reutilization and lender will foreclose. HUD pays the lender what it is
Marketing Service disposes of surplus military prop- owed, and ownership of the property shifts to HUD.
erty. Then, HUD sells it for market value as fast as possible.
(Market value means what a particular home is worth, The FDIC is a court-appointed in a particular area at a certain point in time. Basically,
receiver that liquidates an assortment of assets includ- market value is the price someone is willing to pay for
ing loans and real property. an item.) HUD homes are always sold in “as is” condi-
tion, but, in order to buy one of these properties, it Find surplus U.S. General Services won’t do you any good to phone HUD. You’ll have to
Administration assets, including real estate. locate a licensed real estate broker in your area who
is registered with HUD. Your realtor will facilitate the You can view sales sched- deal for you. Be aware that most HUD homes are sold
ules, find an upcoming auction in your area, look for to individuals who are going to live in the home and
specific vehicles and more. use it as their primary residence.
Approved non-profit and government agencies is where SBA owned property is for sale. can often purchase HUD property at a discount,
i.e. if they are using it in local housing or homeless The U.S. Marshals Service – Seized programs. Log on to HUD’s web site at
Asset Information (USMS) offers property for sale Scroll down and click on “homes for sale,” and you
which has been forfeited under laws enforced or ad- will be linked to other agencies offering properties.
ministered by various federal law enforcement agen- You’ll find names, addresses, and phone numbers of
cies. agencies such as Veteran’s Affairs, the IRS, and many
more, but your local HUD-approved realtor can give FEDTRUST liquidates property you personalized service and attention that you can-
including automobiles, aircraft, boats, trucks, and real not get from the Internet. v
estate for a variety of entities such as Federal, State,

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