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Daniel Throssell - How To Price-Anchor Like A BOSSSSSS

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7/5/22, 4:25 PM Gmail - How to price-anchor like a BOSSSSSS

Joel Kelly <>

How to price-anchor like a BOSSSSSS

1 message

Daniel Throssell <> 4 July 2022 at 12:14


Today I want to tell you about one of the most practical & valuable email
copywriting courses I sell, called:

"Campaign Conqueror"
This course is about how I regularly outsell even world-famous “A-List”
copywriters in email campaigns, from the comfort of my living room.
(Using this framework, I have won multiple head-to-head sales contests
against some of the industry's most respected & well-known copywriters
such as Kim Krause Schwalm … Ian Stanley … Chris Orzechowski …
Drayton Bird … Roy Furr … Rob Marsh … Jacob McMillen … Lukas
Resheske … John McIntyre … and many more.)
Which is why it's an absolute bargain that I sell it for the low, low price of

Now I think of it…
This is probably the first time you’ve heard of this course … right?
You have no idea what it should cost … right?
I … thought so.
Which means…
This is a PERFECT opportunity

for me to price-anchor you 😏

You see…… 1/10
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The thing about price anchors is they (supposedly) work even if the
anchor price is ridiculous.
But … do they really?
Why don't we find out?
And thus…
Allow me to answer

the price question right now:

Campaign Conqueror is, in many ways, the most valuable course I have
ever created.
I can argue that quite easily, because it is literally the exact blueprint I
use to run all my email sales — the very things which make me ALL of
my money.
All my other courses — Market Detective, Upwork in One Hour, Email
Celebrity, etc. — are indirectly related to profits…
But Campaign Conqueror is about THE THING THAT BRINGS IN ALL
Email campaigns. 
And so, just before I launched Campaign Conqueror…
I confidently decided that I would launch it for the princely sum of…

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Did that sink in?
I repeat:
And … that’s a fair price, mind you.
I could have charged a lot MORE than TWO THOUSAND, MILLION,
But I was firmly convinced it was worth it.
And Then A Dinner With My Wife
Changed Everything…
I was telling my plans to Hayley at dinner one night.
“This is my most VALUABLE information … and I need to charge
accordingly!” I told her, swilling a glass of expensive wine, and letting out
a booming laugh. “Think of all the MONEY we’ll make!”
She frowned.
“But Daniel,” she said, gently placing a hand on my elbow. “Would YOU
have been able to afford that when you were starting out?”… 3/10
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Then … it hit me.

Suddenly, I felt something melt inside me.
I wanted MORE copywriters to have access to this knowledge…
And not many of them have TWO THOUSAND, MILLION, BILLION,
TRILLION, GOOGOLPLEX dollars lying around.
At least…
I know that when I was a beginner, that was a lot of money to me.
And so I resolved, then and there, that I would not launch Campaign
Conqueror for a cent more than…

As you know, a googolplex is 1 with a googol (10^100) zeroes after it.
So to say I just gave you a discount is … well … the understatement of
the history of the universe.
But … I believe it’s the right thing to do.… 4/10
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And I was JUST about to

proceed to launch at that price…

When a thought struck me:
What if I did something … crazy?
Something … unheard of?
Something … obscene?
And as I thought about it … a plan started to form in my mind.
Because I realised that if TWO THOUSAND, MILLION, BILLION,
TRILLION dollars was a good deal…
Imagine the response if I launched Campaign Conqueror for just…

THIS would make the headlines, I thought.… 5/10
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And I was just writing up my sales emails to launch it at that price…

But THAT’S When 
My Accountant Called Me! 
“Hello?” I said, answering the phone.
“Hi Daniel,” she said, panting. “Oh good, I caught you in time to stop you
from making a TERRIBLE MISTAKE!”
“A mistake? What do you mean?” I asked, concerned.
“Well,” she gasped, “I ran the figures and … I realised I forgot to carry the
6, and … well … you can afford to launch the course for only TWO
THOUSAND MILLION DOLLARS and still break even!”
I literally dropped the phone in shock.

Was she on drugs?
How would I feed my kids?!?
None of it made any sense.
But she followed up with an email proving that I would, indeed, still make
a profit if I launched Campaign Conqueror for TWO THOUSAND
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And so, with trembling hands…

I typed an email authorising my team to proceed with launch preparations
at that price…
And slumped back into my chair in relief.
It was all over.
It was finally over.
It was—
A notification came through on Slack.
I checked it…
And Burst 
Out Of My Chair In Rage! 
There, on the screen, was the sales page all set up and ready to go.
Yet my designer had made a terrible mistake…
And he’d forgotten to write the “MILLION”.
This awful, ghastly price confronted my eyes:

DOLLARS!!!… 7/10
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“NOOOOOOO!” I screamed, clawing at my head in agony.
How did this happen?
I mean, heck, Email Celebrity is $2,000, and that only shows how to get
people onto your list — not how to SELL to them!
Any lower, and it might be even cheaper than such trifling courses as
Market Detective ($1,500) or my Inbox Detonator Bunker ($1,000)!
How could I afford to launch Campaign Conqueror…
The most directly valuable knowledge I possess…
The secrets to how I’ve made hundreds of thousands of dollars selling my
own products, off a tiny list…
For such a measly sum as TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS?
I couldn’t.
I’d be ruined.
So when I think of the money the secrets in Campaign Conqueror have
made me personally…
How I have used them to launch the bestselling book in Australian
history … or to run launches for my clients that pull in tens of millions
of dollars in a single campaign…
I feel kinda ill to tell you that (at least for now)…
You can get Campaign Conqueror
for even LESS than $2,000!
How much less?
And for how long?… 8/10
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These are, sadly, questions we have to defer to the sales page.

Which you can read right here:
Campaign Conqueror Sales Page
Or if you want to pick up a freebie along the way…
(btw — a VERY cool freebie — it's called the "Copywriting Action Plan"
training and shows freelance copywriters a "downsell" project they can
offer clients without having to do any writing for them) 
You can also read the sales page by using your time-travel link below,
which leads to my favourite of the stories in my Parallel Welcome
And where the “villain” is based on a couple of real-life copywriting gurus
I've had … disagreements with.
In which case, I present to you…

Next Episode: "Lord Bockenswipe & The Army of Hamsters" 
Read without time-skip 

"I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to
every one that believeth." –Romans 1:16

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🏪 STORE ▶️ Unlock new and exciting items! All my copywriting training is available at:

🎒 INVENTORY ▶️ Check your currently stocked items & courses in my free app:… 9/10
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❓ #ASKDANIEL ▶️ Got a question for me? Stuck in a sticky sitch with a client? Want my
take on a new copywriting program/tool? Just wanna ask me something totally random?
Hit reply and ask. I read 'em all, and answer the best Qs in my emails…

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