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Floral Diagram

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Floral diagram

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Floral diagram of Anagallis arvensis.[1]:307 The dot represents the main

axis, green structure below is the subtending bract. Calyx (green arcs)

consists of five free sepals; corolla (red arcs) consists of five

fused petals. Antepetalous stamens are joined to petals by hairy

filaments. Ovary is superior, placentationis free central and

the ovules are atropous.

Floral diagram is a graphic representation of flower structure. It shows the number of floral organs,
their arrangement and fusion. Different parts of the flower are represented by their respective
symbols. Floral diagrams are useful for flower identification or can help in understanding angiosperm
evolution. They were introduced in the late 19th century and are generally attributed to A. W.


 1History
 2Basic characteristics and significance
 3Orientation
 4Symbols used in diagrams
o 4.1Bracts and bracteoles, axes
o 4.2Perianth
o 4.3Androecium
o 4.4Gynoecium
o 4.5Nectaries
o 4.6Other
 5Floral diagrams and floral formulae
 6Examples
 7See also
 8Notes
 9References
 10Bibliography
 11External links

In the 19th century, two contrasting methods of describing the flower were introduced: the
textual floral formulae and pictorial floral diagrams.[2] Floral diagrams are credited to A. W. Eichler,
his extensive work Blüthendiagramme[3][4](1875, 1878) remains a valuable source of information on
floral morphology. Eichler inspired later generation of scientists, including John Henry
Schaffner.[5] Diagrams were included e.g. in Types of Floral Mechanism[6] by Church (1908). They
were used in different textbooks, e.g. Organogenesis of Flowers[7] by Sattler (1973), Botanische
Bestimmungsübungen[8] by Stützel (2006) or Plant Systematics[9] by Simpson (2010). Floral
Diagrams[1] (2010) by Ronse De Craene followed Eichler’s approach using the contemporary[Note
APG II system.

Basic characteristics and significance[edit]

Floral diagram is a schematic cross-section through a young flower.[1] It may be also defined as
“projection of the flower perpendicular to its axis”.[3] It usually shows the number of floral parts,[Note
their sizes, relative positions and fusion. Different organs are represented by distinguishable
symbols, which may be uniform for one organ type, or may reflect concrete morphology. The
diagram may also include symbols that don’t represent physical structures, but carry additional
information (e.g. symmetry plane orientation).
There is no agreement on how floral diagrams should be drawn, it depends on the author whether it
is just a rough representation, or whether structural details of the flower are included.
Diagrams can describe the ontogeny of flowers, or can show evolutionary relationships. They can be
generalized to show the typical floral structure of a taxon.[1]:37 It is also possible to represent
(partial) inflorescences by diagrams.
Substantial amount of information may be included in a good diagram. It can be useful for flower
identification or comparison between angiosperm taxa. Paleontologists can take advantage of
diagrams for reconstruction of fossil flowers. Floral diagrams are also of didactic value.[1]:xiii
Relation of a plant material (Campanula medium) to the floral diagram. Black dashed line shows the cross-
section. 1 – position of the main axis; 2 – cross-section through the lateral flower; 3 – bracteole; 4 – subtending

Diagrams are usually depicted with the subtending bract below and the axis above the flower itself,
both in the median line. The axis corresponds to the position of the main stem relative to a lateral
flower.[10]:12 When a terminal floweris depicted, the axis is not present and therefore cannot be
shown. Bracteoles, if they are present, are usually drawn on the sides of the diagram.

Symbols used in diagrams[edit]

Not only the information contained within diagrams, but also their appearance commonly varies
between authors. Just some publications incorporate an overview of used symbols.
Bracts and bracteoles, axes[edit]
Bracts and bracteoles are commonly shown as arcs. In Floral Diagrams by Ronse De Craene they
consistently have a black fill and a little triangle on the outer side to distinguish them from the
perianth. In Eichler’s Blüthendiagrammetheir representation alters between diagrams.

Ronse De Craene Eichler


The axis relative to the flower is shown as black circle in Floral Diagrams. When inflorescence is
depicted, the position of its main stem is illustrated by a crossed circle. Eichler’s depiction of axes
alternates between diagrams.
Ronse De Craene Eichler

axis relative to the flower


main stem of an inflorescence

Perianth parts are also shown as arcs. They may be colored according to their type.
In Blüthendiagramme the tepals are usually white with black stroke, sepalsare hatched
and petals are black. Ronse De Craene implies that it may be sometimes impossible to classify the
organs, he shows green perianth parts as black and pigmented as white. Estivation can be
accurately shown in the diagram.

Ronse De Craene Eichler

for sepals or sepaloid tepals for tepals

for sepals for petals

for petals or petaloid tepals/sepals

Stamens are represented by a cross-section through anthers. In case there are many stamens in the
flower, they can be simplified and drawn as circles. Staminodes have a small black circle inside or
are painted black in Floral Diagrams, Eichler also fills them black.

Ronse De Craene Eichler

stamen or

staminode or

The pistil is shown as a sectional view of the ovary. Ovary position is highlighted by small triangles
in Floral Diagrams. Ronse De Craene also incorporates ovule morphology or shows the position of
stigmatic lobes by white shapes.
Ronse De Craene Eichler

superior ovary

inferior ovary

half-inferior ovary

In Floral Diagrams, nectaries are filled by grey color, Eichler fills them by hatching.
Fusion can be shown in diagrams by full connecting lines between organs. Lost organs can be
represented by a star (✶), lost perianth parts or bracts/bracteoles can be shown with dashed stroke.
It is possible to show the direction of monosymmetry by a large arrow. Resupination may be
illustrated by a curved arrow. Floral parts can be accompanied by numbers to show their sequence
of inicialization.

Floral diagrams and floral formulae[edit]

Each of these two concepts is better in expressing some information. Floral diagrams can show the
size and relative position of the organs. On the other hand, floral formulae are capable of broader
generalization. Prenner et al. view them as complementary methods and state they make an
“identikit” flower when utilized together.[2]:248 Ronse De Craene also approves of their combined

Floral diagram of Pyrus communis (after
Partial inflorescence of Theobroma cacao (after Ronse De
Floral formula: ✶ K(5) C5 A10+5+5
Floral formula: ✶ K5 C5 A(5°+5²) G(5)

See also[edit]
 Floral formulae

1. Jump up^ APG II was contemporary at the time of book’s writing.
2. Jump up^ It also shows organs that are not part of the flower, but may be closely associated with it,
such as bracts and bracteoles.

1. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g Ronse De Craene, Louis P. (2010-02-04). Floral Diagrams: An Aid to
Understanding Flower Morphology and Evolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-
2. ^ Jump up to:a b Prenner, Gerhard; Richard M. Bateman; Paula J. Rudall (February 2010). "Floral
formulae updated for routine inclusion in formal taxonomic descriptions". Taxon. 59 (1): 241–
250. ISSN 0040-0262.
3. ^ Jump up to:a b Eichler, August Wilhelm (1875). Blüthendiagramme, erster Theil: Enthaltend
Einleitung, Gymnospermen, Monocotylen und sympetale Dicotylen. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann.
4. Jump up^ Eichler, August Wilhelm (1878). Blüthendiagramme, zweiter Theil: Enthaltend die apetalen
und choripetalen Dicotylen. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann.
5. Jump up^ Schaffner 1916.
6. Jump up^ Church, Arthur Harry (1908). Types of floral mechanism; a selection of diagrams and
descriptions of common flowers arranged as an introduction to the systematic study of angiosperms.
Oxford: Clarendon Press.
7. Jump up^ Sattler, Rolf (1973). Organogenesis of flowers; a photographic text-atlas. Toronto, Buffalo:
University of Toronto Press. ISBN 0-8020-1864-5.
8. Jump up^ Stützel, Thomas (2006). Botanische Bestimmungsübungen: Praktische Einführung in die
Pflanzenbestimmung (2nd ed.). Stuttgart (Hohenheim): UTB, Stuttgart. ISBN 9783825282202.
9. Jump up^ Simpson, Michael George (2010). Plant Systematics. Oxford (Great Britain): Academic
Press. ISBN 978-0-12-374380-0.
10. Jump up^ Weberling, Focko (1992). Morphology of Flowers and Inflorescences. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521438322.

 Schaffner, John Henry (June 1916). "A General System of Floral Diagrams" (PDF). Ohio Journal of
Science. 16 (8): 360–366. ISSN 0030-0950.

External links[edit]
 Floral diagram generator



History of botany

 Plant systematics

 Ethnobotany

 Paleobotany

 Plant anatomy

 Plant ecology

 Phytogeography

 Geobotany
 Flora

 Phytochemistry

 Plant pathology

 Bryology

 Phycology
 Floristics
 Dendrology

 Algae

 Archaeplastida

 Bryophyte

 Non-vascular plants

Plant groups Vascular plants

 Spermatophytes

 Pteridophyte

 Gymnosperm

 Angiosperm

 Cell wall

 Phragmoplast

Plant cells Plastid

 Plasmodesma

 Vacuole

 Meristem

 Vascular tissue

 Vascular bundle

 Ground tissue
 Mesophyll
 Cork

 Wood

 Storage organs

 Root

 Rhizoid

 Bulb

 Rhizome
 Shoot

 Stem

 Leaf
 Petiole
 Cataphyll

 Bud

 Sessility

 Flower development

 Inflorescence

 Umbel

 Raceme

 Bract

 Pedicellate

 Flower

 Whorl

 Floral symmetry

 Floral diagram

 Floral formula

 Receptacle

Reproductive Hypanthium (Floral cup)

(Flower) Perianth

 Tepal

 Petal

 Sepal

 Sporophyll

 Gynoecium

 Ovary

 Ovule

 Stigma

 Archegonium

 Androecium
 Stamen
 Staminode

 Pollen

 Tapetum

 Gynandrium

 Gametophyte

 Sporophyte

 Plant embryo

 Fruit

 Fruit anatomy

 Berry
 Capsule

 Seed

 Seed dispersal

 Endosperm

 Epicuticular wax

 Plant cuticle

 Epidermis
 Stoma
 Nectary

 Trichome

 Prickle

 Nutrition
 Photosynthesis

 Chlorophyll

nt physiology Plant hormone

Materials Transpiration

 Turgor pressure

 Bulk flow

 Aleurone
 Phytomelanin
 Sugar

 Sap

 Starch

 Cellulose

 Secondary growth

 Woody plants

 Herbaceous plants

 Habit

 Vines

 Lianas
wth and habit

 Shrubs

 Subshrubs

 Trees

 Succulent plants

 Alternation of generations

 Sporangium

 Spore

 Microsporangia

 Microspore

 Megasporangium

 Megaspore


 Ecology
 Pollination

 Pollinators

 Pollen tube

 Double fertilization

 Germination

 Evolutionary development
 Evolutionary history
 timeline

 Hardiness zone

 History of plant systematics

 Herbarium

 Biological classification

 Botanical nomenclature

 Botanical name

 Correct name

 Author citation
 International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICN)

 - for Cultivated Plants (ICNCP)

nt taxonomy
 Taxonomic rank

 International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT)

 Plant taxonomy systems

 Cultivated plant taxonomy

 Citrus taxonomy

 cultigen

 cultivar

 Group

 grex

 Agronomy

 Floriculture
 Forestry

 Horticulture

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