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Planning Theory & Practice

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Living with flood risk/The more we know, the

more we know we don't know: Reflections on
a decade of planning, flood risk management
and false precision/Searching for resilience
or building social capacities for flood risks?/
Participatory floodplain management:
Lessons from Bangladesh/Planning and
retrofitting for floods: Insights from Australia/
Neighbourhood design considerations in flood
risk management/Flood risk management –
Challenges to the effective implementation
of a paradigm shift
a b c d
Mark Scott , Iain White , Christian Kuhlicke , Annett Steinführer
e e f g
, Parvin Sultana , Paul Thompson , John Minnery , Eoin O'Neill ,
h i h
Jonathan Cooper , Mark Adamson & Elizabeth Russell
School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Policy, University College
Dublin , Ireland
School of Environment and Development, University of Manchester ,
Manchester , UK
Department Urban and Environmental Sociology , Helmholtz Centre for
Environmental Research – UFZ , Leipzig , Germany
Institute for Rural Studies, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institute – vTI ,
Braunschweig , Germany
Flood Hazard Research Centre, Middlesex University , London , UK
School of Geography Planning and Environmental Management, University
of Queensland , Brisbane , Australia
School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Policy, University College
Dublin , Ireland
JBA Consulting , Limerick , Ireland
Office of Public Works , Dublin , Ireland
Published online: 19 Mar 2013.
To cite this article: Mark Scott , Iain White , Christian Kuhlicke , Annett Steinführer , Parvin Sultana ,
Paul Thompson , John Minnery , Eoin O'Neill , Jonathan Cooper , Mark Adamson & Elizabeth Russell (2013)
Living with flood risk/The more we know, the more we know we don't know: Reflections on a decade of
planning, flood risk management and false precision/Searching for resilience or building social capacities
for flood risks?/Participatory floodplain management: Lessons from Bangladesh/Planning and retrofitting for
floods: Insights from Australia/Neighbourhood design considerations in flood risk management/Flood risk
management – Challenges to the effective implementation of a paradigm shift, Planning Theory & Practice,
14:1, 103-140, DOI: 10.1080/14649357.2012.761904
To link to this article:


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Planning Theory & Practice, 2013
Vol. 14, No. 1, 103–140,

Living with flood risk
Mark Scott

School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Policy, University College Dublin, Ireland

The flooding of parts of New York in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy in October 2012 provided
dramatic images of a global city and world financial centre struggling to cope with a natural
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disaster. At times, many neighbourhoods, particularly in Manhattan, seemed to struggle to function.

This moved beyond those directly affected by flooding in their homes and businesses, to the wider
city as critical infrastructure was damaged, including electricity sub-stations leading to hospital
evacuations following power-cuts, and the closure of public transport networks along with
petrol/gasoline shortages disrupting the mobility of New York citizens. While the initial debate in
the aftermath of such flooding events often centres on the immediate recovery efforts, increasingly
flood risk (and the potential for increased risk from climate change impacts) raises more
fundamental questions concerning how cities and communities should prepare or transform in order
to cope with increased exposure to flooding events.
International literature on flooding has, until recent years, tended to focus upon flood defence
measures to reduce the probability of flooding. However, the potential costs of flooding have driven
a renewed interest in flood risk management around the globe. As a result, in many countries, flood
risk management is currently undergoing a paradigm shift as it moves beyond a one-dimensional
“keep floodwater out” approach, towards a more strategic, holistic and long-term approach
characterised by mitigating both flood risk and adaptation, or increasing resilience to flooding
events. This is typified by the Dutch “room for the river” approach and also reflected in the
enactment of EU legislation in the form of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC (CEC,
2000) and the Floods Directive 2007/60/EC (CEC, 2007). Within this context, spatial planning has
increasingly moved centre stage as part of a “whole catchment” framework to risk management.
The challenge for spatial planning is multifaceted. Flooding is damaging to the environment,
human health and local and regional economies, and the reduction of both the threat and impact of
flooding is an issue of international scope and significance. Although flooding is a natural process and
provides benefits (e.g. by enriching soils, maintaining natural habitats), it can also generate
environmental problems. For example, flash flooding can damage aquatic habitats and contaminated
storm water run-off from agricultural land and urban areas creates diffuse pollution and water quality
problems (Carter et al., 2009). Additionally, flooding is costly, causing enormous damage to the built
environment, housing and commercial property, critical infrastructure and public services, and has a
disruptive impact on well-being, quality of life and causes social distress (Newbery et al., 2010).
Recent years have been marked by increased flood risk vulnerability caused by intensive
urbanisation processes, shifting agricultural practices, outdated urban drainage systems and
fragmented policy responses (Howe & White, 2002). Moreover, the impact of climate change
processes is likely to increase flooding vulnerability, both inland and coastal – for example caused
by sea level rise and storm surges in coastal locations, and increased frequency of extreme
precipitation events is expected to increase risks associated with surface, fluvial and groundwater
flooding, with consequences for property, livelihoods, infrastructure, agricultural production and
ecosystems (EEA, 2008). In terms of physical characteristics of flooding, flood risk management is
q 2013 Taylor & Francis
104 Interface

complex, uncertain and involves large temporal and spatial scales. Added to this complexity, flood
risk management also involves competing societal demands for water resources and land use,
conflicting interests between stakeholders, a plurality of different standpoints, and diffuse
responsibilities and impacts.
Within the context of increased exposure to risk and a heightened sense of uncertainty, “resilience
thinking” has emerged as a key framework in examining the role of spatial planning within flood risk
management. While conservative interpretations of resilience emphasise self-reliance and the ability of
a place to “bounce back” in the aftermath of a major shock, as Davoudi et al. (2012) highlighted in a
recent Planning Theory & Practice Interface, a more progressive view is to consider resilience in
terms of adaptability and transformability; to not only bounce back but also to reduce exposure to
future risks. Therefore, an “evolutionary perspective” of resilience places significance on
transformation, whereby social systems (through individual or collective agency) can adapt or search
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for and develop alternative development trajectories (Davidson, 2010). Similarly, Hudson (2010)
argues that a resilient system is an adaptive system:
Creating resilience is therefore most appropriately thought of as a process of social learning, using
human capacities and knowledge to reduce vulnerability and risk in the face of the unknown and
unexpected (p. 12).
This approach towards resilience enables us to ask questions and take a more critical stance
towards existing urban development, planning and governance processes. For example, are path
dependencies and entrenched interests facilitating sub-optimal urban development? How can we
transform the built environment to become more adaptable in the face of uncertain risk? How can
effective risk governance processes be developed based on social learning and capacity building?
Do existing socio-economic inequities underpin vulnerabilities and exposure to risk, for example
based on poverty, class or race?
These themes are addressed in this Interface on Living with Flood Risk. In the opening paper, Iain
White charts the paradigm shift from flood defence to flood risk management in which society should
live with water and possibly expect to experience periodic flooding. The main thrust of White’s paper
is a discussion on “uncertainty” in relation to effective flood risk management, in particular shifting
calculations of exposure to flood risk and its implications for spatial planning. White argues that there
is a growing realisation that not all floods can be predicted, let alone prevented. Drawing on recent
experiences in the UK, White examines the multidimensional nature of flood risk to include not only
fluvial, tidal and coastal flooding, but also exposure to flood risk from surface water including urban
run-off and local drainage failure – climate change adds a further layer of complexity. White argues
that the lessons of flood risk management in England over the last decade highlight the dangers of
“false precision” when calculating flood risk and translating these risks into spatial plans. Instead,
White calls for a more critical stance towards flood risk data and for empowering planners to intervene
on a more precautionary basis.
The second paper further elaborates on some of these themes by examining resilience and social
learning as a framework for managing flood in the context of uncertainty. In this paper, Christian
Kuhlicke and Annett Steinführer suggest that resilience, with its rejection of a given equilibrium,
certainty and prediction, offers a promising frame for risk (and uncertainty) management, focusing
on adaptability and transformation. Kuhlicke and Steinführer’s paper addresses issues surrounding
flood risk governance and “governance of preparedness”, which are becoming increasingly
complex in the context of the shift from a purely engineering solution to flooding towards a more
holistic flood risk management approach. This includes not only complex administrative
arrangements, but also the inclusion of those at risk (e.g. residents, business owners) who are being
gradually transformed into active risk managers. Within the context of flooding resilience, Kuhlicke
and Steinführer focus on social learning and capacity building processes as a means to cope or
Interface 105

reduce exposure to flood risk, emphasising social capacity building as an iterative (rather than
linear) and participatory process. The authors identify a typology of social capacities relevant to
flood risk management – knowledge capacities, motivational capacities, network capacities,
financial capacities and governance capacities – with Kuhlicke and Steinführer arguing for
enhanced understanding of capacity building processes and interactions between different forms of
capacity as regions increasingly embrace multi-stakeholder risk governance approaches.
Issues of governance and participation are also explored in the third paper, by Parvin Sultana
and Paul Thompson. This paper reminds us that while flooding events in Europe and North America
may prove hugely disruptive and costly, the scale of flooding events in low lying “developing
world” countries, such as Bangladesh, can be devastating for the lives of millions. Sultana and
Thompson’s paper charts a series of policy shifts for floodplain management in Bangladesh from an
“engineering coalition” to a broader “environmental coalition” stressing the importance of local
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participation and co-management. Drawing on their extensive experience of action-research

projects in Bangladesh, their paper focuses on the challenges of participation, particularly giving
voice to the least powerful in society, and outlines community-based institutional arrangements for
floodplain management. Similarly to the previous paper, Sultana and Thompson emphasise
adaptive learning and the role of learning networks.
The following two papers focus specifically on the role of land-use regulation and urban design
in creating more resilient and adaptable urban places. Firstly, John Minnery explores the issue of
retrofitting the existing built environment to cope with and adapt to flood risk, drawing on the recent
experiences of Brisbane in the wake of devastating floods in Queensland in late 2010/early 2011.
Minnery argues that a weakness of planning systems is their focus on the future and a regulatory
framework that is applied to new development. However, as Minnery highlights, the Brisbane
floods clearly exposed the vulnerabilities of existing built-up areas; indeed recent planning policies
around riverfront development increased this exposure. In this context, this paper outlines some of
the challenges for retrofitting the built environment, including people’s resistance to change,
perceptions of risk and regulatory complexity. Minnery argues that retrofitting the built
environment should be related to risk and vulnerabilities – for example, this may be in relation to
critical infrastructure or due to the vulnerable nature of some of the city’s residents (e.g. residents of
an old people’s home). The paper usefully identifies a number of mechanisms for retrofitting,
including land buy-backs and land swaps, removing houses, and using land for less vulnerable
purposes (e.g. open spaces), although these may prove expensive options. This is followed by a
paper by Eoin O’Neill, which examines urban design issues at a neighbourhood scale drawing on
debates within the Thames Valley catchment area in the south of England. O’Neill considers a
range of options in both the short-term and long-term temporal scale. This includes housing
allocations that recognise the constraints imposed by floodplains, the sequential allocation of
zoned land to result in a more hydrologically sensitive urban environment, and urban
realignment schemes that provide space for natural flooding processes. The paper also discusses the
role of masterplanning to achieve a net reduction in risk (e.g. an enhanced role for green
infrastructure considerations) and design measures at the building scale to increase resilience to
flooding events.
The final paper provides a practitioner perspective on implementing the EU Floods Directive
within Ireland. The authors – Jonathan Cooper, Mark Adamson and Elizabeth Russell – have
played a leading role in developing both national flood risk guidelines and in the commissioning
and implementation of catchment-based flood risk management projects. In the paper, the authors
reflect on their experiences of attempting to provide a more integrative policy framework for flood
risk management where spatial planning plays a more central role, and outline the institutional
barriers and challenges that exist in Ireland (and most countries) in developing holistic policy
agendas. Ireland provides an interesting case study as the local political culture has traditionally
106 Interface

been dominated by a pro-development discourse, and an improved evidence base for flood risk
assessment has challenged some development orthodoxies and entrenched interests. In this regard,
the authors suggest that central government guidance has helped to empower planners to
communicate issues of flood risk more effectively with elected representatives. The paper also
highlights the importance of integrating risk assessment with existing planning instruments,
particularly land-use zoning and Strategic Environmental Assessments. The authors conclude their
paper by discussing issues surrounding the effective communication of flood risk with key
stakeholders, stressing the importance of bottom-up, interactive processes in developing
catchment-based flood risk management plans.

Mark Scott is a senior lecturer in planning and environmental policy in the School of Geography,
Planning and Environmental Policy, University College Dublin, Ireland. He is editor of the
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Comment and Reviews section of Planning Theory & Practice. Email:

Carter, J., White, I., & Richards, J., (2009). Sustainability appraisal and flood risk management, Environmental
Impact Assessment Review, 29(1), 7 –14.
CEC (Commission of the European Communities) (2000). Water Framework Directive. (Directive 2000/60/EC)
Brussels: CEC.
CEC (Commission of the European Communities) (2007). Floods Directive. (Directive 2007/60/EC)
Brussels: CEC.
Davidson, D. (2010). The applicability of the concept of resilience to social systems: Some sources of
optimism and nagging doubts. Society & Natural Resources, 23(12), 1135 –1149.
Davoudi, S., Shaw, K., Haider, L. J., Quinlan, A. E., Peterson, G. D., Wilkinson, C., & Davoudi, S. (2012).
Resilience: A bridging concept or a dead end? “Reframing” Resilience: Challenges for planning theory
and practice interacting traps: Resilience assessment of a pasture management system in Northern
Afghanistan urban resilience: What does it mean in planning practice? Resilience as a useful concept for
climate change adaptation? The politics of resilience for planning: A cautionary note. Planning Theory &
Practice, 13(2), 299– 333.
EEA (European Environment Agency) (2008). Impacts of Europe’s changing climate: 2008 indicator based
Assessment. (Joint EEA-JRC-WHO report: EEA Report No. 5/2008) Copenhagen: EEA.
Howe, J., & White, I. (2002). The potential implications of the European Union Water Framework Directive
on domestic planning systems: A UK case study. European Planning Studies, 10(8), 1027– 1039.
Hudson, R. (2010). Resilient regions in an uncertain world: Wishful thinking or a practical reality? Cambridge
Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 3(1), 11 – 25.
Newbery, D., Echenique, M., Goddard, J., Heathwaite, L., Morris, J., Schultz, W., & . . . Tewdwr-Jones, M.
(2010). Land use futures: Making the most of land in the 21st century. London: Foresight Government
Office for Science.

The more we know, the more we know we don’t know: Reflections on a decade
of planning, flood risk management and false precision
Iain White

School of Environment and Development, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.
Attributed to Mark Twain.
Mark Twain’s opening remark highlights the potential pitfalls of assigning too much weight to
information and emphasises the value of adopting a position of uncertainty. Yet, there is no
evidence that he ever said it. Unusually for a writer of Twain’s fame, the remark cannot be traced
Interface 107

back to one specific source, leading to a reasonable suspicion that it may simply be a form of
generic cod philosophy rather than a moment of exceptional insight from a lauded writer. The
opaque origin serves to heighten its appeal however, particularly in the context of the following
discussion. It draws attention to the false certainty inherent in both the central message of the
quotation and, more ironically, the way that people confidently attribute the aphorism to the
incorrect source. If anything, one thing that we can be relatively sure of is that when you are certain
of information then problems often start.
Similarly, there is a creeping realisation with regard to planning for flood management that the
data used to manage flooding may not be as accurate as initially thought. Perhaps even more
worrying for those concerned with interpreting risk, is that the whole approach to probabilistic flood
mapping and assessment does not capture the sheer dynamism of changing precipitation regimes,
urban water cycles and additional development. To cite the example which informed the title of this
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article, John Maynard Keynes famously objected to the use of statistics to analyse the credit cycle,
owing to its inherent complexity, variability and irreducibility. He argued that there was a need to
demonstrate the method was applicable, rather than just applying it, otherwise it could result in a
“false precision” that neither the method nor the statistics could support (Keynes, 1973, p. 289).
This paper reflects on the experiences of a comparable false precision in planning and flood risk
management since the first release of UK Government’s Planning Policy Guidance Note 25:
Development and Flood Risk over a decade ago (Department of the Environment, Transport and the
Regions, 2001). The article examines the changes to flood management by charting how various
reports into a series of catastrophic events exposed errors in both the evidence base and governance
frameworks. It will argue that there has been a gradual retreat from a firm confidence in data
accuracy as significant flaws in knowledge became apparent. Such a shift is further underpinned by
the emergent realisation that not all floods can be predicted, let alone prevented. It also considers
confidence issues resulting from the lessons of the flood risk management science – policy interface
and, in doing so, highlights the need for planners to take a critical stance to address the potential risk
of a false precision of data that often presents simplistic spatial interpretations of complex geo-
climatic phenomena. Lastly, it highlights the importance for planners to positively engage with
uncertainty as a means to address this problem. Here concepts such as resilience, concerning the
ability to absorb shocks “and still persist” (Holling, 1973, p. 17), hold value as a means to help
people and places adapt to the inexact threat of flooding.

A period of false precision

Surprisingly, given the rise in knowledge concerning aspects such as flood forecasting, modelling
and mapping, detrimental events continue to occur making it one of the most frequent and
widespread natural hazards. A series of extremely damaging UK flood events, most notably in
1998, 2000, 2004, 2007 and 2012, supported by more localised, but high profile incidents occurring
in areas such as Boscastle, Carlisle and Cockermouth, have helped to both highlight the impact of
the hazard and provide the political stimulus to gather new data regarding the exposure to flooding.
However, this evidence has subsequently been found to be subject to significant change.
After particularly serious national flood events, reports and public inquiries into their causes
were helpful both in terms of ascertaining the reasons why individual events occurred and in
providing a recent historical perspective of planning and flood risk management. Gradually they
revealed a changing awareness of the nature of flood risk that challenged three long held perceptions:
the first concerned the actual sources of flooding, which were initially thought to come from rivers
and the coast, the second related to the governing of floods at a national level, and the, third was
regarding the efficacy of large-scale flood defences as the most effective intervention approach.
108 Interface

In the aftermath of the 2000 flood, the National Audit Office (2001) gave the very precise figure
of 1,724,225 properties at risk of fluvial, tidal and coastal flooding, the first real national indication
of exposure. At this time there was no indication of flooding emerging from outside these
traditional areas. In the wake of continued flooding, the Foresight report (Evans et al., 2004) gave
another snapshot of risk. Here, climate change and urbanisation were highlighted as powerful
driving forcers, drivers and exposure from surface water (incorporating urban runoff and local
drainage failure) was newly included. It was projected that 80,000 properties were at risk from this
source, but that this figure could rise sharply due to high data uncertainty. In the same year, a Defra
scoping study further identified around 1,100,000 properties at risk from groundwater
flooding, 112,855 of which were also in the 1-in-a-100-year indicative floodplain (Jacobs
Engineering UK, 2004).
The high-profile flood events stimulated the provision of a scientific evidence base that drove a
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policy shift from flood “defence” to flood “risk management”. Increasingly, a new pragmatic public
message emanated from policy circles in which society should live with water and expect to
experience periodic flooding (Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 2004).
Meanwhile, developments in modelling, mapping, and planning policy continued apace and,
combined with new mechanisms such as Flood Risk Assessments (Department of Communities and
Local Government, 2006), helped engender a growing sense of planning control. Even so, in the
summer of 2007, floods inundated whole areas that were previously deemed not to be at risk and
seriously undermined the effectiveness of this evidence and risk-based approach. The subsequent
Pitt Review into this catastrophe demonstrated that the errors were not just minor aspects, such as
an inaccurate distinction between medium or high-risk areas, or a slight miscalculation of
floodplain boundaries; rather a complete failure to realise serious national flooding could come
from multiple sources, in particular from surface water and inadequate drainage (Pitt, 2008).
Further reviews following the Pitt recommendations again revised the overall figure upwards,
but this time in a dramatic fashion. The 80,000 properties projected to be at risk from surface water
flooding were upscaled to 3.8 million, making this hitherto largely unrecognised source the greatest
threat (Environment Agency, 2009). The failure of risk management to address this significant
element until after the 2007 event also led to a stronger engagement with flood resilience, a
precautionary managerial approach which argues for the ability to cope with and recover from
events, particularly where risks are uncertain (Cabinet Office, 2008). The data continues to evolve
with one recent report adding an estimated 1,100,000 properties threatened by reservoir failure
(Environment Agency, 2011), a new risk which nearly occurred in 2007 at the Ulley Reservoir in
South Yorkshire after heavy rainfall.
Table 1 captures the developing knowledge within these reports to provide an accessible
overview of how quickly information has changed concerning both the estimated number of
properties at risk of flooding and from which source. Although the definition of “risk” can vary over
time between documents, the table is useful as a didactic device; not necessarily with regard to
attaching a firm significance to the number of properties, but rather as a demonstration of the way
that a false precision can be seen to be operating in flood risk management. It should demonstrate
the value of confidently engaging with uncertainty and in critically approaching what may
ostensibly appear to be very accurate scientific datasets.
There are a number of issues raised by this table. First is regarding the growth of the total
number of properties at risk from flooding. Between 2001 and 2011 this has gone from 1,724,225 to
“around” 7.9m, with incremental jumps in between. We can reasonably anticipate that the most
recent figures will change again in the near future. For example, there are also an unknown number
of properties at risk from pluvial flooding, whereby sewers may become blocked or overloaded.
Although water companies keep records of high-risk locations, there have been questions over the
Interface 109

Table 1. The changing knowledge of the sources of flood exposure in England between 2001 and 2011
(Environment Agency, 2009; 2011; Evans et al., 2004; Jacobs Engineering UK, 2004; National Audit Office,
Estimated properties at risk by source
Year Total
Rivers and sea Surface water Groundwater Reservoir Failure
2001 1,724,225 0 0 0 1,724,225
2004 1,740,000 80,000 1,700,000 0 3,420,0001
2009 2,400,000 3,800,000 1,700,000 0 6,800,0002
2011 2,400,000 3,800,000 1,700,000 1,100,000 7,900,0002
112,855 properties are at risk from both rivers and the sea and groundwater flooding (Jacobs Engineering, 2004).
Note that 112,855 properties are at risk from both rivers and the sea and groundwater flooding, and 1 million properties are
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at risk from both rivers and the sea and surface water flooding (Jacobs Engineering, 2004; Environment Agency, 2009).

reliability of the data (Douglas et al., 2010) and the extent to which risk may change as new
building developments and climatic changes place extra demands on drainage networks.
Furthermore, every time the exposure to flood risk was recalculated more homes were added,
which inevitably casts doubt upon the veracity of the current data. Beyond their face value it may be
difficult to assign surety to these figures. Furthermore, the way the information subsequently
becomes interpreted within planning as lines on a map or a probabilistic value in a report can result
in their methodological processes, assumptions and caveats not being translated easily into practice
(Pender & Faulkner, 2011). Moreover, the sheer number of properties at risk, now over a third of
the 23m housing stock of England recorded in the 2011 census, produces challenges for managing
present and future risks. This exposure will continue to rise even if all unsafe construction stopped
immediately, due to a gradual incremental rise in urbanisation elsewhere in the catchment and
possible increases in rainfall intensity due to climate change.
There is also evidence of a shift from precise to fuzzy data, a factor that runs counter to most
reasonable assumptions that increased evidence accumulation should gradually lead to better
accuracy. The very specific figure of properties at risk in 2001 feigns a degree of scientific authority
that inevitably inspires confidence within decision-makers, but the experience of the last decade
argues for a more critical, uncertain and resilient approach. This strategy is now more noticeably
pursued by scientists who report less precise figures than those given a decade ago, with the nearest
100,000 now used as the norm.
Each report into flooding further reveals an increase in the number of sources, from a sole focus
on rivers and the sea to new sources continually unveiled throughout the last decade. Properties are
now considered to be at risk from multiple sources, with surface water, not even properly calculated
until 2009, now believed to be the current main threat of flooding in England. The inclusion of
reservoir failure in 2011 provides another interesting addition. It offers a more sophisticated view
of causality by recognising artificial flood sources for the first time and highlighting the potential
for cascading events to widen the impact beyond those immediately affected.
There is also an added complexity concerning direct and indirect impacts, not reflected in the
data. Where, as realised after the 2007 floods, not only may properties be flooded that were not
believed to be at risk according to the flood risk maps, but you can suffer the impacts of a hazard
without even being directly affected, particularly where significant infrastructure is rendered
vulnerable. For example, the Mythe water treatment plant in Tewksbury flooded during the 2007
event. While it had a small direct impact on the site owners and their insurers, the cascading nature
of interlinked critical infrastructure networks also meant that around 140,000 homes were without
clean water for 17 days (White, 2010). In this case, too much water contrived to cause water
110 Interface

scarcity and led to people not perceived to be at risk from flooding nevertheless suffering from its
effects. In the wake of this operational failure the Environment Agency (2009) conducted research
to establish the extent to which similar infrastructure assets were exposed, and, amongst other
vulnerabilities, discovered that 55% of the total of pumping stations and treatment works in
England were at risk from flooding. Indirect exposure from an inundation of roads, rail and other
infrastructure demonstrates the need to view flood management in a more integrated and
precautionary manner, taking into account aspects such as connectedness across sectors and the
criticality of specific nodes in a network, in addition to properties at direct risk.
The above review provides an interesting snapshot of just how far, and fast, flood risk
management has progressed in a decade and the relatively quick response of the scientific and
policy-making community to identify, and adjust to, new and emerging risks should be recognised.
A combination of detrimental events and a growing evidence base rapidly impacted on the ways
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floods are understood and governed, with each flood event highlighting a spectrum of possible
action from reflection to revolution, emphasising their inherent potential in mobilising agendas
(Kingdon, 1984) or creating the required momentum for policy change (Johnson, Tunstall, &
Penning-Rowsell, 2005). The reactive approach has also gradually been tempered with a more
pragmatic outlook where collective awareness is shifting from a feeling of safety toward the more
realistic cyclical viewpoint of “before the next catastrophe” (Perrow, 2007), a view which can
galvanise action to protect people and places and challenge managerial norms.

Planning in a period of uncertainty

The clearest message from the changing evidence base over the last decade concerns the dangers of
false precision and the value of uncertainty. With regard to flooding, the data appears to be
particularly subject to rapid and fundamental change and raises questions as to the extent to which it
can be distilled to a probabilistic figure or clear spatial delineation between “safe” areas and those
“at risk”. This is partly due to the dynamism of the system within which the knowledge is
constructed, where climate change exerts an unknowable forceful effect. Equally, where planning
and policy interventions occur they may serve to drive risk. For example, flood defences also
increase exposure via the “escalator effect” (Parker, 1995) or “safe development paradox” (Burby,
2006), whereby they subsequently make the land behind them appear “safe” and attractive for
development. Furthermore, the general increase in urbanisation within a catchment will increase
surface water runoff in ways that challenge accurate quantification (White & Howe, 2004).
As Adams (1995, p. 29) puts it: “risk is constantly in motion”.
This is a spatio-temporal problem that is related to how flood risk data has traditionally been
collected, which relies on a hydrological time series based on historical events. Although there may
be seasonal or annual variability, over longer periods it is assumed to be stable with records
comparable over time (Zevenbergen et al., 2010). The resultant terminology is found in phrases
such as the “1-in-a-100-year event”, which can undermine efforts to communicate the realities of
ever-present risk. The continuously changing system that the methodology is applied to challenges
both this core principle of stationarity and the probabilistic approach more generally, lending more
weight to precautionary arguments and resilience strategies to mitigate uncertainties in data
accuracy. These may include a host of technical and managerial measures from the strategic to the
building scale – for example, by increasing water storage areas, promoting infiltration
opportunities, reconsidering the location of critical infrastructure or adopting construction
techniques that keep water out of properties. It can also include more socially orientated policies
that can address the vulnerability of people, such as by developing strategies that target particular
groups or providing building modifications that allow residents to avoid property damage or
recover from the effects more quickly (White, 2010).
Interface 111

Therefore there are issues connected with the collection of flood risk data, not just from a robust
methodological perspective, but also with regard to its translation into planning and its reasonable
interpretation. To help mitigate this threat those concerned with planning need to be able to access
and understand the evidence in its entirety, including its methodology, assumptions and caveats,
and so forth, which entails a degree of scientific literacy. This can be hard to communicate or
contest at times, but experience points towards the need for a stronger criticality of the evidence
base. In addition to the threat of “false precision” mentioned earlier, Keynes also stated that an
overly mechanical methodological approach would displace insight and intuition and unduly
confine the scope for analysis (Leeson, 2000). The way in which the data on flood risk has
continually changed over the last decade supports a similar interpretation. This is partly evidenced
by the recent moves towards integral resilience and a more positive engagement with uncertainty
and resilience, combined with a renewed valuing of planner interpretations and collaborative
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approaches rather than a narrow, quantitative and procedural application (Davoudi, 2011).
A strategy that moves towards embracing uncertainty is partly connected with combating a
perception, particularly amongst policy-makers, that science should be about providing assurance
as shown in the following logic: more data ¼ more evidence ¼ more confidence. Such surety is a
common prerequisite to identifying and justifying intervention strategies, and conforms to how the
scientific community is believed to contribute to effective planning and, more generally, to benefit
society. However, this perception of science as the search for a clearer “truth” places unreasonable
demands on the research and researchers to attach a precise figure or spatial location to findings and
highlights an elementary tension in the science – policy interface. Scientists often couch their
findings with carefully caveated statements but this does not have strong synergies with the policy
requirement for convincing and defendable decisions that demonstrate tangible benefits and inspire
trust. Perhaps more significantly, the political demand for certainty is fundamentally in opposition
with the long-established foundations of scientific inquiry that rest upon doubt (Popper, 1968).
As the sociologist Robert K. Merton underscores, scepticism is key to science in a way that political
and social institutions can find hard to grasp: “most institutions demand unqualified faith; but the
institution of science makes skepticism a virtue” (Merton, 1979, p. 265). The embracing of
uncertainty in planning for flood risk management therefore goes beyond scientific literacy and
incorporates the political need to accept the necessity of this undesirable position.
Turner (1978, p. 189) suggested that disasters were a result of poor foresight and inadequate
information expressed in the equation: disasters ¼ energy þ misinformation. This view not only
includes the problem of inaccurate data but also its subsequent uncritical acceptance into policy.
If we are to learn from the lessons of recent flood disasters then the importance should be placed on
“ignorance” in addition to “knowledge”. If planning practitioners are to take anything from the
above discussion it should be that gathering more information to illuminate any ignorance may not
help. More data does not lead to enlightenment. It may, however, lead to greater ignorance, or, in
the more colloquial terms detailed in the title, the more we know, the more we realise we don’t
know. Ignorance is not the opposite of knowledge: both are rooted in the social construction of
science and differ over time and space and between actors and agencies (Funtowicz & Ravetz,
1993). For example, what uncertainties were unrecognised or unweighted? Or what new issues does
this unveil? The high, but uncertain, level of risk means that planners should not use ignorance as an
excuse for inaction. Indeed, the profession is explicitly designed to operate within the contested and
volatile political sphere. Table 1’s lessons, if any, lie in the need for planners to recognise the data
gaps as well as the data findings, acknowledging their perhaps inevitable level of ignorance and,
consequently, to give a stronger role for resilience strategies as a managerial approach to
112 Interface

Although societies have never known as much about flood risk as they do at the current time, events
continue to occur and seem to do so more frequently. As in many other policy contexts, from urban
regeneration to wind power, past decisions and entrenched working methods can create a path
dependency (Couch, Sykes, & Börstinghaus, 2011). Previous decisions constrain the ability to
innovate and act in the present and behaviour may become “locked in” (Geels, 2004; Simmie,
2012). This applies to both the overwhelmingly quantitative methodology mainly utilised for risk
management and the previous developments that may now be seen to be newly at risk from
flooding. The rise of scientific evidence in planning decisions can be traced back to the rise of
positivism, the belief in technical and scientific progress, and the primacy of the expert (Davoudi,
2011; Faludi & Waterhout, 2006), yet the knowledge is still applied in a normative context. The
importance of this note cannot be emphasised enough: regardless of developments in science,
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evidence or planning processes, risk management is essentially the authoritative mask behind
which risk-taking hides.
Although the series of flood disasters provided useful learning experiences, it is not
sustainable to continually suffer detriment before action occurs. The reliance on evidence can be
reassuring but the fallacy of false precision is that once uncertain data is encoded it can appear
precise and the view of “science” as being objective leads to a strong, uncritical reliance upon it.
This may be rooted in both the rational and procedural elements of planning combined with the
sometimes rather linear and utilitarian view of policy-based research (Davoudi, 2006). What we
know to be scientific fact is itself a social construct: the language that scientists use aims at being
technical. For some social scientists this is an indication that there are some very human and more
subjective processes that go on behind the practice of science (Latour & Woolgar, 1979) that
require acknowledgment in the science –policy interface. The evidence in the paper suggests that
a similar subjectivity in planning for flood risk management should lead to a stronger engagement
with uncertainty and collaborative approaches rather than a reliance on data that may be subject to
false precision and opaquely reside somewhere between firm certainty and mathematical
The conundrum for evidence-based policy is that an expectation and demand for precision in
decision-making can conflict with the variable robustness and mercurial nature of information.
Evidence is neither neutral nor infallible. It can be selectively commissioned and utilised, or the
nuances poorly communicated to practice – all of which can influence its interpretation. Whilst
modellers, statisticians and other researchers write carefully worded qualifications regarding
accuracy and application, when this is communicated to planners it may become reduced to a
simple line on a map or a simple numerical figure on a page. Once uncertain data is encoded,
translated and interpreted it can appear expert, guileless and effortlessly convincing. With a decade
of hindsight, it can be argued that the fear of a damaging “false precision” of which Keynes accused
his economic critics could be equally relevant to the issue of flood risk management. Whilst the
focus of the recent past has been to gather evidence and set up new processes, the near future may
be profitably occupied by interpreting this information more critically and empowering planners to
intervene on a more precautionary basis.

The author would like to thank Angela Connelly of the University of Manchester for her helpful comments and

Iain White is a senior lecturer in the School of Environment and Development, University of
Manchester, UK.
Interface 113

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Searching for resilience or building social capacities for flood risks?

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Christian Kuhlickea and Annett Steinführerb

Department Urban and Environmental Sociology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ,
Leipzig, Germany; bInstitute for Rural Studies, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institute – vTI, Braunschweig,

While for a long time the notion of resilience has only been known to some well-informed students
of ecology or psychology, over the last decade it has started its triumphal march and is now referred
to in academic discourses and policy documents as a matter of course. The reasons for making its
way into such different fields as (flood) risk management, urban studies, spatial planning or the fight
against terrorism are not easy to identify; however, some observers argue that it is regarded as a
response to an increasing awareness of uncertainties and an acknowledgment of the dynamic nature
of social and natural processes that can no longer be treated as an ephemeral condition societies can
overcome by improved management activities or by scientific progress. On the contrary,
uncertainties and dynamics are seen as a constant companion of our times. Traditionally flood risk
assessments, for instance, have been calculated based on historically observed flood frequency
statistics and return periods, following what might be termed a ‘classical’ approach to risk analysis.
However, it is increasingly acknowledged that much of what is termed flood risk management is,
in fact, uncertainty management. Particularly for catastrophic flood events, data on likely outcomes
and consequences are approximate at best. Furthermore, in the face of climate change the past is
considered no longer as a reliable guide to the future, and flood risk assessment, like water resource
management more generally, can no longer be based on the classical assumption of stationarity
(Milly et al., 2008).
In this context, the notion of resilience seems promising as it rejects the idea of a given
equilibrium and puts an “emphasis on inherent uncertainty and discontinuities” by
providing “insight into the dynamic interplay of persistence, adaptability and transformability”
(Davoudi, 2012, p.306). To paraphrase Wildavsky (1988), the notion of anticipation and its
associated ideas of stability, predictability and control appear somehow old-fashioned as scientists,
policy-makers and planners alike are increasingly engaged in searching for resilience by trying to
specify what “resilience thinking” (Berkes, 2007) implies for current management and planning
While this task is as challenging as it is relevant, this contribution develops a slightly different
perspective and focuses on recent governance changes in flood risk management that are resulting
in quite far-reaching shifts in how flood risks are managed and governed (see also Walker, Whittle,
Medd, & Watson, 2010).
Interface 115

The changing landscape of flood risk governance

As Walker et al. argue (Walker et al. 2010, Johnson & Priest, 2008), although the management of
floods has always involved multi-actor networks, recent shifts can be observed towards a greater
diversity of actors, the development of new roles and different forms of both horizontal and vertical
collaboration (Christoplos, Mitchell, & Liljelund, 2001). According to Medd and Marvin (2005)
this results in a new “governance of preparedness” through which different types of actors are
brought together into new configurations also impacting on the very administrative practice of flood
risk management as it creates new tasks and challenges for authorities and professionals involved in
this field. What is more, “The increasingly prominent role of non-structural measures requires a
much larger involvement of the public, and a functioning dialogue on the flood risk and mitigation
options is an essential element of an integrated flood risk management” (Merz, Hall, Disse, &
Schumann, 2010, p. 522). In the UK and in Switzerland, a number of flood-related policies
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explicitly refer to the idea of “good governance” (Defra, 2005; PLANAT, 2008). At the European
level, the European Floods Directive 2007/60/EC (CEC, 2007) encourages member states to
involve “interested parties” within the development of flood risk management plans (CEC, 2007,
Article 10). As a result, the management of natural hazards requires continuous communication
with a multiplicity of state and non-state actors, including individual citizens and those from the
private sector, joining those with more established hazard management roles in the risk governance
process. The task of risk communication has thus become more challenging and more complex
(Höppner, Whittle, Bründl, & Buchecker, 2012).
At the same time, this shift towards a governance of preparedness is quite often associated with
new forms of authority and control as well as a changing distribution of responsibilities. While
governments still set flood policy, they at the same time seek to shift responsibility for costs
and actions to other segments of society (Watson, Deeming, & Treffeny, 2009). As a result, those at
risk – residents, businesses, farms, infrastructure companies, etc. – are no longer simply exposed to
the risk of flooding; rather, they are gradually transformed into active risk managers as they are
encouraged to make decisions and choices with regard to the prevention and mitigation of flood risks.
As a consequence of this transition, authorities and organisations involved in managing natural
hazards as well as residents and local communities exposed to such hazards are increasingly faced
with new challenges and tasks that they need to consider and address. This not only relates to the
potentially increasing risks associated with the occurrence of natural hazards due to, among
other drivers, the consequences of climate change and on-going urbanisation processes in metropolitan
areas. But new demands are also imposed upon them by changing legislative frameworks (e.g. the
European Floods Directive). We argue that within this changing context of an increasing complexity
of the management process, the ideas of social capacity building to deal with flood risks is gaining
prominence. More precisely, we understand the transformation of risk management into a wider frame
of risk governance both as a major trigger and the context within which the need to consider social
capacity building at different scales should be considered and understood.

Social capacity building for flood risks

Social capacity building is defined here as the process of (re-)discovering, enhancing and
developing different types of capacities. In this framing it is a normative and at the same time a
rather abstract concept that is further discussed below.

Social capacity building is an iterative learning process

Generally, the idea of capacity building is closely linked to some kind of process or performance,
as it usually starts either from an observed lack of skills, resources, practices, abilities,
116 Interface

knowledge etc., which need to be remedied, or from some kind of inadequate performance which
needs to be improved by a specific process (e.g. training, education, discussion, partnership,
participation, empowerment or experience exchange). This process, however, should not be seen
as a linear one; on the contrary, social capacity building is an iterative learning process
which needs to take into account unexpected consequences, reflections upon past behaviour,
feedback loops and interactions with others. This learning process can be seen in a range of
documents compiled after major disasters, as for example, the Kirchbach Report in Germany after
the 2002 flood (Kirchbach, Franke, & Biele, 2002). Besides such one-off reviews, there are
also long-term iterative processes, as, for example, after the 2007 floods in England (Pitt, 2008)
or after a series of catastrophic events in Switzerland in 1999 (PLANAT, 2004). The Pitt
review for England was followed by a government response paper and two progress reports
(Defra, 2008, 2009a, 2009b). Therefore, disaster events provide the possibility to scrutinise
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previously established policies, practices and actions (see also Felgentreff, 2003). In this
sense, social capacity building should be organised as a learning process that recognises
and takes into account the mismatch of expectations and actual results; that is to reflect and
if appropriate adapt established practices, norms and policies (Kuhlicke & Steinführer, 2010).
Such attempts may even lead to questioning the very basis of practices, norms, structures
and cultures of the entity of interest itself as well as the context of actors and structures
involved (Johnson & Thomas 2007, Ramalingam, 2008) and result in more transformative

Social capacity building is participatory and interventionist

Furthermore, instead of being paternalistic, social capacity building needs to pay particular
attention to the interrelation of capacity builders and those lacking capacities. Attempts at
building capacities always face the potential problem of taking a paternalistic stance, in the sense
that an actor or a group of actors are considered by an outsider as lacking a certain skill, a resource
or a capacity. According to Beazley, Griggs, and Smith (2004), the weakness of the “deficit model”
is that it pays no attention to the capacity of institutions to overcome inherent barriers to
Similar findings can also be found in the field of flood risk management. Most policies,
plans, measures and projects in flood risk management are communicated to “the public” through
a process of information distribution, most importantly in a one-way manner and with only
limited opportunities for the population to interact. There are even fewer cases where the public is
involved in co-decision-making processes. Thus, social capacity building also needs to take place
at the level of the organisations in charge of flood risk management. At this stage, many
organisations do not have a clear understanding of how to organise the involvement of interested
parties (Begg, Luther, Kuhlicke, & Steinführer, 2011). This finding supports the argument that the
problem often lies not with communities but with the institutions, structures and processes that
affect them (Supramaniam, Di Masso, & Garcı́a Sastre, 2011). This implies that the interrelations
of “capacity builders” and those “deficient” in a certain capacity need to be carefully taken into
account. This is surely a central challenge of social capacity building for flood risks: Who defines
what and based on which (empirical) grounds, who is lacking what kinds of capacity, by which
means or processes capacity should be improved (with which resources, which actors involved)
and what should the outcomes look like?
Therefore a complementary strategy of social capacity building seems necessary, focusing both
on communities at risk as well as the wider organisational and institutional environment of flood
risk management. Participatory approaches focus mostly on communities and aim at empowering
actors by increasing their autonomy and agency to “develop their own self-confidence and skills to
Interface 117

Table 1. Typology of social capacities

Knowledge capacities Knowledge comprises various types and is available in different forms and
degrees of codification. This capacity thus includes both formal
knowledge (e.g. written down) and non-codified knowledge (e.g. local)
Motivational capacities Motivation relates to the general willingness to take notice of and deal with
natural hazards. It includes awareness, responsibility and ownership
Network capacities Social networks relate to the possession and exploitation of social capital
which describes the “aggregate of the actual or potential resources which
are linked to possession of a durable network of more or less
institutionalised relationships of mutual acquaintance and recognition”
(Bourdieu 1986, 248)
Financial capacities Financial resources include incentives, public and private funds as well as
insurance policies
Governance capacities Governance capacities relate to participation opportunities and fair
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governance and focus on the “terms of the ways in which decisions are
made, who is involved and has influence” (Walker, 2012)

challenge prevailing local and wider structures of domination” (Pelling, 2007, p. 375). Here the
focus is on locally driven and locally owned capacity development processes. The Hyogo
Framework for Action 2005 – 2015 clearly supports such approaches by identifying it as one of its
priorities: “Both communities and local authorities should be empowered to manage and reduce
disaster risk by having access to the necessary information, resources and authority to implement
actions for disaster risk reduction” (UNISDR, 2005, p. 5). This is a relevant statement as it clearly
underlines the interconnectedness of disaster risk reduction efforts with an empowering and
participatory approach (Pelling, 2007).
At the same time there is also a need to focus on the public sector and organisations involved
in the management of natural hazards as they might aim at stimulating and supporting capacity
building in specific sectors, localities, or regions by providing measures, strategies, and entire policy
frameworks. Such an external institutional framework is set up in order to intervene and to initiate
and promote endogenous processes (Land, 2009); it is therefore aimed at enabling social
capacity building (Gualini, 2002) by including rules and norms “structuring the interaction” of
people and creating the “power to achieve purposes that would be unreachable in their absence”
(Scharpf, 1989, p. 152, quoted in Gualini, 2002, p. 36). Importantly, these organisations and
authorities are not only developing other actors’ capacities but need continuous capacity
development themselves.

Social capacity building means to consider and build different capacities

There are different kinds of capacities and different ways of developing them. Based on a thorough
literature review as well as the input of participants in different workshops within the framework of
the FP7 project CapHaz-Net, a typology was developed comprising five different types of social
capacities (Höppner et al., 2012; Kuhlicke et al., 2011). These are knowledge, motivation, social
networks, financial resources and governance capacities (Table 1).1
These social capacities are either owned by an individual, an organisation or a community
(knowledge, motivation, finances) or these actors have access to them (social networks, governance
capacities). Governance capacities are considered to be a key resource to enable interactions between
private and institutional actors (such as local communities and risk management organisations).
Social networks, then, can be regarded as transmitters of knowledge, motivation and financial
capacities and establish links among and between local communities and organisations and beyond.
118 Interface

In this paper we argued that the transformation of flood risk management into a wider frame of risk
governance is both a major trigger and also the context within which the need for social capacity
building at different scales should be considered and understood. Due to changing landscapes of
risk governance (Johnston & Priest, 2007), more demands are posed on organisational actors to
engage with risk communication and risk participation. This poses new tasks and demands on the
organisations and actors involved. Quite often, however, responsible organisations seem to be
insufficiently prepared for these new tasks, for example when risk communication is still
considered as a mere one-way information effort rather than a true interaction leading to mutual
understanding. At the same time, increasing responsibility is given to communities at risk to
manage their own flood risk including decisions about actions and investments. There is thus a need
to more systematically understand the relevance of social capacity building both on the side of
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communities at risk and organisations in charge. As an implication, social capacity building should
not be restricted to the general public. Rather it is a cross-cutting challenge of local and social
communities but also of different types of organisations, whether they are highly professionalised
(e.g. emergency corps) or operate on a more general level (e.g. regional environmental authorities).
Whether and to what extent “resilience thinking” is relevant in this context surely needs further
critical attention. With its demand for adaptability, learning and self-organisation (Berkes, 2007) it
can become a quite ambivalent concept as it might support activities that opt for decentralising
responsibilities and putting greater emphasis on the capacities of individuals and communities in
order to make them adaptable and self-organised and by doing this the notion of resilience is rather
reinforcing current governance changes instead of offering a new way of handling flood risks more
fairly in the long run.

This article is based on research conducted in the CapHaz-Net-project supported by the European Commission
within Framework Programme 7 (contract no. 227073; 2009– 2012). We are particularly grateful to all partners
of the project as well as participants of the CapHaz-Net workshops from outside the consortium.

1. In a previous paper (Kuhlicke et al., 2011) we distinguished six types of capacities, but when
further developing the concept of social capacity building we decided to integrate “procedural
capacities” (i.e. knowing how to elicit and apply capacities, skills and knowledge stocks) into knowledge

Christian Kuhlicke is a human geographer and works at the Department of Urban and
Environmental Sociology at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, UFZ in Leipzig,

Annett Steinführer is a social scientist at the Institute for Rural Studies of the Johann Heinrich von
Thünen Institute in Braunschweig/Brunswick, Germany.

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Interface 119
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Participatory floodplain management: Lessons from Bangladesh

Parvin Sultana and Paul Thompson

Flood Hazard Research Centre, Middlesex University, London, UK

Bangladesh is one of the poorest, most densely populated and disaster-prone countries in the world.
Exceptional floods and cyclones can devastate the lives of millions. In the last 200 years, 70 major
cyclones have hit the coastal belt of Bangladesh, and nearly 900,000 people died in these events
during the last 35 years (Mallick & Vogt, 2009). In the last three decades, major floods have
occurred in Bangladesh in 1987, 1988, 1998, 2004 and 2007; each event killing hundreds of people
and causing damages as high as several billion US dollars. However, normal monsoon season
inundation of the floodplains that cover much of the country is an everyday feature of life with
which people are well adjusted (Brammer, 2004; Paul, 1984). Indeed, the majority of Bangladesh’s
150 million population still depend for food and livelihoods on these floodplains. This paper
summarises recent research and development initiatives in natural resource management in
floodplains, particularly participatory approaches to management of fisheries and water crop
systems, in the context of wider policies for flood and water management. The authors have worked
in development initiatives to establish community-based organisations (CBOs) and in research and
evaluations related to participation, floodplain management and adaptive learning among CBOs in
Bangladesh since 1996.

Changing policies
In the 1960s to 1980s modern floodplain management initiatives in what is now Bangladesh were,
as in many countries, dominated by an “engineering coalition”, but from the 1990s onwards policy
and practice have been increasingly influenced by and responsive to what has been termed an
“environmental coalition” (Sultana, Johnson, & Thompson, 2008) that has also stressed local
participation and co-management. Major floods were found to have catalysed aspects of flood and
floodplain management polices, in some cases accelerating existing policy directions or adjusting
Interface 121

them; for example, there was a move towards smaller scale structural “solutions” after the major
1974 flood. After the major floods of 1987 and 1988 the multi-donor multi-study Flood Action Plan
(FAP) (Brammer, 2000) started from the premise of initial responses to those floods that proposed
major engineering works, but through a combination of studies, pressure from external and internal
civil society and good practice became, to some extent, part of the move towards environmentally
sustainable participatory flood and water management. Eventually the donor consortia, which had
allied with government, consultants, professionals and public opinion as part of the “engineering
coalition” concluded by the close of FAP in 1995 that they could not justify implementation of
major embankments.
One legacy of FAP lies in a contested process that accelerated emphasis on public participation,
smaller scale hazard adjustments, and maintaining a wider range of floodplain resources including
conserving and restoring fisheries. However, when mainstreamed into a technical and bureaucracy
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dominated pubic sector there remains a risk that the principles and flexibility of local
responsiveness will be watered down or made a hurdle to pass without critical consideration or
understanding local power relations – the new orthodoxy or even tyranny of participation (Cooke
& Kothari, 2002).

Participatory planning
All co-management initiatives depend on community participation, so a major issue has been
developing appropriate and effective ways to initiate new institutional arrangements and to
understand what participatory planning methods are effective, given the (often considerable)
diversity of interests among local communities. In response to criticisms, guidelines for public
participation in water sector projects were initiated under FAP (Brammer, 2000; Hanchett, 1997).
After FAP these evolved into a formal process under the National Water Policy-formulated
Guidelines for Participatory Water Management (MWR, 2001). These guidelines emphasise
participation of all stakeholders in decision-making. This was reflected in the Bangladesh Water
Development Act, 2000 which made stakeholder consultation and participation at all stages of the
project cycle mandatory. The Local Government Engineering Department, which is responsible for
constructing smaller scale water control works, was also involved in finalising the guidelines and
has adopted a policy of formally handing over water control structures with command areas of up to
1000 ha to be owned and managed by local communities.
In parallel in the fisheries sector, community management was promoted from the early 1990s
by funding agencies such as the Ford Foundation, NGOs (including one that had its origins in
studies under FAP), and a Department of Fisheries that lacked any direct control over waterbodies
until it gained a role through projects. This was influenced more by international research by
Ostrom and others on how local institutions regulate and manage common pool resources, such as
fisheries and water, which gave rise to understanding of complexity and recommendations on the
design of more effective bottom-up management systems (Ostrom, 1990; Stern, Dietz, Dolsak,
Ostrom, & Stonich, 2002).
Operationalising these changes has involved innovations in local institutions (further discussed
in the next section) and participatory planning. There are many approaches to participatory
planning, but it is notable that in Bangladesh a systematic methodology has been developed for
consensus building for floodplain resource management that has been named Participatory Action
Plan Development (PAPD) (Sultana & Thompson, 2004), and that there have been assessments of
its effectiveness.
PAPD involves a series of linked local workshops where different stakeholder groups
participate separately and together to develop a plan for management of the common aquatic
resources that they depend on. The process was designed to ensure that poor people’s interests are
122 Interface

voiced and represented on an equal footing with those of more powerful stakeholders. The basic
principle is that members of any stakeholder category, but especially the disadvantaged are better
able to express their views separate from other (dominant) categories of people. However, separate
workshops will fail to develop a shared understanding of common problems and possible win – win
solutions (consensus building). Therefore PAPD is structured to have two rounds of divergent and
convergent sessions as a practical way of overcoming criticisms of participatory processes that do
not address local social and power relations. This approach has been adopted and adapted quite
widely in Bangladesh for planning in wetlands and community managed fisheries, and in coastal
areas, including planning for coping with hazards. A study of 36 sites where community
management of fisheries was facilitated by NGOs resulting in the establishment of local fisheries
management institutions found that communities were able to reach agreement faster, took up more
conservation-related interventions and faced fewer conflicts in the 18 sites where a PAPD was the
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basis for collective action and institution development compared with the other sites (Sultana &
Abeyasekera, 2008).

Community-based institutions
Institutional arrangements are a key issue for sustainable natural resource management. Recent
water and fisheries management projects in Bangladesh have established new local institutions for
floodplain management based on community organisations; these occupy a space between the
formal institutions associated with government agencies and the informal local institutions and
social relations that had determined access to natural resources.
Case studies and more extensive assessment of these local organisations indicate that after
projects end, CBOs appear generally successful in sustaining themselves and continuing floodplain
resource management. Facilitation, the extent of consensus among different stakeholders, and fit
between institutional arrangements and scale of resource were all important influences on
effectiveness (Sultana & Thompson, 2010). Local organisations have sustained in smaller
floodplains, but in larger areas co-management bodies were a key to effective coordination and
troubleshooting among a series of linked community organisations. Local leaders tend to dominate
after projects end, especially where planning was less participatory and organisational structures
were determined from above. CBOs have remained active as there is a continued benefit to members
in the arrangement, such as revolving funds or control of water bodies. But considerable time can be
taken up in meetings, and this is a particularly high cost for the poor who depend on each day’s work
to feed their families. Hence it appears inevitable that the better off who can afford more time will
take a leading role, which leaves ensuring accountability of leaders and good governance as
significant challenges. At least in fisheries CBOs, some elites (local opinion leaders such as teachers
and religious leaders) have played a positive and constructive role as advisers or champions to CBOs
comprised mostly of landless people. These CBOs have enhanced the social capital of poor group
members by moving beyond building bonding social capital (between peers) to building bridging
social capital (from less powerful to more powerful groups). CBO members in different forums and
reviews have stressed that for continued success, formally recognised well-run organisations are
needed with accountable and adaptable decision-making processes and good leaders.

Adaptive learning
The many CBOs that have been formed in Bangladesh have been left to continue managing natural
resources after projects ended. Locally most of these institutions have shown considerable
resilience and ability to sustain, but they were isolated from one another. With the spread of
community-based approaches to resource management, adaptive co-management is now regarded
Interface 123

as a specific management approach. It incorporates both a hierarchy of institutional arrangements to

share management responsibilities over scales of resource and an explicit commitment to learning
among these partners but there are deficiencies in learning goals, approaches and outcomes
(Armitage, Marschke, Doubleday, & Ryan, 2008).
One of the recent innovations in Bangladesh since 2007 has involved action research to test
how a learning network could be developed among over 250 existing CBOs managing floodplain
natural resources (Sultana & Thompson, 2012). The adaptive learning process evolved through
regular workshops and exchange visits. CBOs that earlier concentrated on either culture or capture
fishery management or water management for rice analysed together constraints and
opportunities, lessons and good practices. The outcomes were improvements in governance and
natural resource management. Most CBOs adopted win –win practices arising from a system-
based view of the links between agriculture, water management and fisheries that were
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encouraged by sharing different perspectives and lessons. This has enhanced the overall
productivity of floodplains and resilience to uncertain environmental conditions. Over four years,
84% of participating CBOs acted to improve fisheries management – mostly through measures
such as fish sanctuaries and closed seasons that help sustain native wild fish populations and
diversity. Moreover 62% of CBOs tested and promoted dry season crops that were new to their
areas (such as maize, sunflower and garlic) that need a third or less of the water used by irrigated
rice. This preserved more surface water for fish to survive, enhanced capacity to cope with
drought, and gave better financial returns than rice.
An adaptive learning network among similar but diverse CBOs has brought more widespread,
rapid and systematic learning than individual trial and error, as trust and common understanding
developed among CBOs. It encouraged innovation and improved linkages with service providers,
and importantly generated peer pressure among CBOs to improve governance and participation of
women, as well as natural resource management. This federation of CBOs is a basis for
communities entering dialogue with policy processes and attempting to resist threats to their access
to common water resources.

The growth of local floodplain management institutions can be seen as a response to the earlier
debate over participation in FAP. Participation in planning, built on participatory guidelines from
FAP, has been formalised in the water sector but the resultant local institutions have not addressed
hazard risks. More generally decentralised community-based management of floodplain resources
has spread to many locations. These institutional arrangements do appear to have been effective,
but have depended on project initiatives to establish them. Community-based management has
sustained but is most appropriate where the resource base and communities are geographically
limited. Co-management bodies that link local organisations with wide community participation
and local government have been tested with partial success in managing larger more complex
At the policy level, for effective community-based co-management in floodplains there needs
to be recognition of the rights of CBOs to manage local resources, and to be on an equal footing
with government in co-management bodies. Co-management bodies should be formally
recognised and provide for checks and balances on the key stakeholders by including CBOs,
government agencies, local councils, and NGOs. Enabling policies, such as those covering
waterbody leasing, should favour long-term access rights for sustainable management by well-
governed CBOs, and should also devolve management responsibilities to local institutions, while
providing coordinating forums to help CBOs link together and take on shared responsibilities with
124 Interface

Community resource management institutions have increasingly developed a more integrated

approach that internalises the interactions between water, land and fishery management. So far,
local planning for floods has been a notable gap, but the enhanced social capital and understanding
of environmental inter-linkages generated among CBOs is a basis for adaptation to climate change.
To strengthen this, an enabling policy environment is needed that encourages open high profile
debate on floodplain issues where community organisations can voice their concerns and

Parvin Sultana is a natural resource management specialist, and is a Senior Research Fellow at
Middlesex University’s Flood Hazard Research Centre in the UK. She has undertaken extensive
research in Bangladesh where she has led a number of projects focused on local community
participation and cooperation in management of agriculture, fisheries, and water.
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Paul Thompson is a Senior Research Fellow at Flood Hazard Research Centre, Middlesex
University, UK. He has worked mainly on community management of natural resources in

Armitage, D., Marschke, M., & Doubleday, R. (2008). Adaptive co-management and the paradox of learning.
Global Environmental Change, 18(1), 86 – 98.
Brammer, H. (2000). Controversies surrounding the Bangladesh flood action plan. In D. J. Parker (Ed.),
Floods, vol. 1. London: Routledge.
Brammer, H. (2004). Can Bangladesh be protected from floods? Dhaka: University Press Ltd.
Cooke, B., & Kothari, U. (2002). The case for participation as tyranny. In B. Cooke & U. Kothari (Eds.),
Participation: The new tyranny? London: Zed Press.
Hanchett, S. (1997). Participation and policy development: The case of the Bangladesh flood action plan.
Development Policy Review, 15(3), 277– 295.
Mallick, B., & Vogt, J. (2009). Analysis of Disaster Vulnerability for Sustainable Coastal Zone Management:
A Case of Cyclone Sidr 2007 in Bangladesh. IOP Conference Series. Earth and Environmental Science 6.
DOI 10.1088/1755-1307/6/5/352029.
MWR (2001). Guidelines for participatory water management. (Dhaka: Ministry of Water Resources,
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
Ostrom, E. (1990). Governing the commons: The evolution of institutions for collective action. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Paul, B. K. (1984). Perception of and agricultural adjustment to floods in Jamuna floodplain, Bangladesh.
Bangladesh, Human Ecology, 12(1), 3 – 19.
Stern, P. C., Dietz, T., Dolsak, N., Ostrom, E., & Stonich, S. (2002). Knowledge and questions after 15 years of
research. In E. Ostrom, T. Dietz, N. Dolsak, S. Stern & E. U. Weber (Eds.), The drama of the commons.
Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
Sultana, P., & Abeyasekera, S. (2008). Effectiveness of participatory planning for community management of
fisheries in Bangladesh. Journal of Environmental Management, 86(1), 201– 213.
Sultana, P., Johnson, C., & Thompson, P. (2008). The impact of major floods on flood risk policy evolution:
Insights from Bangladesh. International Journal of River Basin Management, 6(4), 339– 348.
Sultana, P., & Thompson, P. (2004). Methods of consensus building for community-based fisheries
management in Bangladesh and the Mekong Delta. Agricultural Systems, 82(3), 327– 353.
Sultana, P., & Thompson, P. (2010). Local institutions for floodplain management in Bangladesh and the
influence of the flood action plan. Environmental Hazards, 9(1), 26 – 42.
Sultana, P., & Thompson, P. (2012). Learning through networking: Enabling an adaptive learning network
of local communities for integrated floodplain management in Bangladesh. In H. Ojha, A. Hall &
Interface 125
R. Sulaiman (Eds.), Adaptive collaborative approaches in natural resource governance: Rethinking
participation, learning and innovation. London: Earthscan.

Planning and retrofitting for floods: Insights from Australia

John Minnery

School of Geography Planning and Environmental Management, University of Queensland, Brisbane,


Land-use planning and retrofitting

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Planning for greenfield sites is relatively easy; planning for existing built-up areas faces entrenched
interests and standing structures even when inadequate past information and poor decisions have
made these areas vulnerable to natural hazards. So how can planners retrofit such vulnerable areas?
This paper will use urban flooding to explore this issue, but other forms of natural disaster would
have served equally well – in discussing an earthquake in Greece, Athanasopoulou, Despoiniadou,
and Dritsos (2008, p. 1899) noted that “the need for both state and disaster victims to return back to
normalcy resulted in low priority being assigned to changing the town planning. The urban
planning system itself was unable to respond to this challenge.”
A structural issue for planning systems is their focus on the future. Most regulations can be applied
only to new developments (Minnery, 2011). Existing vulnerable areas come under the headings of
“existing” flood problems (i.e. buildings and development that “by virtue of their presence and
location, are exposed to ‘existing’ risks”) or “residual” flood problems (i.e. developments that are in
areas where the risks exceed current management measures) (SCARM, 2000, p. 7).
The vulnerabilities of existing built up areas are clearly exposed in the aftermath of a natural
disaster. The focus in this paper is the state of Queensland, Australia, and its capital city, Brisbane.
After the major floods in December 2010 and January 2011, the government set up a Queensland
Floods Commission of Inquiry which, amongst other things, explored the links between land-use
planning and the managing and prevention of floods. Its reports and the evidence given to it are the
main sources of information used here (QFCI, 2011, 2012). The problems were summarised by the
QFCI thus:
Many existing uses have been established historically without regard to flood or by reference to what
was accepted wisdom at an earlier point in time . . . Planning systems do not operate retrospectively.
Improvements in land planning regulation are only realised when development applications are assessed
against the improved regulation. Where residential uses have been established historically, there is little
the planning system can do to mitigate their risk of flooding. (QFCI, 2012, p. 146)
This difficulty can be seen in the Queensland State Planning Policy linking planning and floods,
Mitigating the Adverse Impacts of Floods, Bushfires and Landslip (QLDGP and QDEP, 2003),
which applies only to new development.

Australian planning and floods

Australians are used to dealing with natural hazards. The poet Dorothea Mackellar described it as a
“land of drought and flooding rains” (Mackellar, 1908). A more recent report noted that, “Natural
disasters such as floods, bush-fires and tropical cyclones occur regularly across the Australian
continent. They cause more than $1.14 (AUS) billion damage each year to homes, businesses and the
nation’s infrastructure, along with serious disruption to communities” (HLOG, 2004, p. vi). Because
126 Interface

the early European settlers located close to rivers, Australia’s cities can be dangerously affected by
floods. As the cities grew, the population exposed to floods also grew (Geoscience Australia, 2012).
Yet whilst floods have always been with us, and will continue into the future, they are often
downplayed in the planning process, in some cases to the extent that vulnerability to floods may be
used to apply additional conditions on the land-use consent rather than as grounds for actually
refusing the consent (Gillen & Minnery, 2007; Minnery, Gillen, & Smith 2008).

The problems with retrofitting

The difficulties that may arise with retrofitting for floods include the social and economic
commitment residents and owners have made to their properties, people’s resistance to change,
poor public understanding of flood risk, the limited resources of owners and governments, unclear
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legal powers and problems of social justice. How these problems play out can be seen from the
aftermath of the 2011 Brisbane floods. Inundated areas included some of the city’s lowest as well as
some of the highest value properties: some potentially floodable land is often cheap and is occupied
by lower income households, whilst land with river views is sold at a premium. Poor households
had inadequate financial resources to move or to repair their dwelling whilst richer properties
owners were committed to retaining their expensive housing.
Brisbane residents have also, since the 1990s, become much more engaged with their river.
A demonstration of this is the Queensland Gallery of Modern Art (QGOMA), which opened in
December 2006. In the past many public buildings ignored the river but the QGOMA was built on
the riverfront and designed to provide panoramic water views (but it flooded badly in 2011).
Standards and regulations have also changed. The Brisbane Lord Mayor’s Task Force on
Suburban Flooding noted that in some older areas of the city, “If these areas were to be
subdivided or developed today then it would be to a higher level or no development would occur”
(LMTFOSF, 2005, p. 2).
A number of submissions to the QFCI dealt with the problems people have in understanding
concepts of flood risk. Buckley Vann Town Planning Consultants (2011) and Grech (2011) both
dealt extensively with this problem in relation to town planning and the incorporation of flood risk
into town planning instruments. A limitation that flows from the current Queensland planning
legislation (the Sustainable Planning Act 2009) is that the legislation, being performance-based,
does not allow a planning scheme to “prohibit development of flood constrained land” although the
scheme can identify the levels of assessment an application must undergo and that may lead to
refusal (Adams, 2011, p. 13). The legislation is also not clear on legal responsibilities for payment
of compensation to landowners when regulations to reduce development intensity are changed.
These factors lead both to inappropriate development on floodable land and to difficulties in dealing
with those already developed areas.

Ways of retrofitting
A fundamental aspect of retrofitting for floods is to use levels of risk to prioritise where actions
should be taken. Risk should not be measured just by probability or Annual Exceedance
Probability, as it is now. Risk is better related to both the nature of the hazard or consequences and
the probability of the occurrence of that hazard (sometimes expressed as exposure) (Grech, 2011;
QFCI, 2011). An extension of this idea is a “risk triangle” in which the risk is related to
consequences and probability but also to vulnerability (Crichton, 1999; Geoscience Australia,
2011). Community perception of the risks and impacts of floods is important. The central area of the
town of Gympie on the Mary River north of Brisbane floods frequently but rather than moving the
centre, the community has chosen to live with the risk.
Interface 127

Current mapping used in land-use planning tends to concentrate on flood probability. But floods
are of many different types; and different parts of a floodplain are impacted on differently even
during the same flood event. For example, the swift deep flow in a river channel can be more
destructive than the slowly rising water on a flat floodplain (SCARM, 2000). Retrofitting priorities
should be related to the level of risk. For example, an old persons’ home in a flood affected area
should be given a high priority because of the vulnerability of the residents, whilst a storage area for
hazardous materials should be given a high priority because of the nature of the hazard. Similarly
evacuation routes, communications infrastructure and hospitals should be given high priority
because they represent a different kind, but still high level, of vulnerability.
Perhaps the most commonly discussed forms of retrofitting are land buy-backs and land swaps
(QFCI, 2012, pp. 272– 280). As the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Resource Management
(SCARM 2000, p. 7) notes, “voluntary property purchase may be the only feasible and
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economically justified management measure for the more hazardous area of the floodplain.”
Removing houses and using the land for less vulnerable purposes such as public open space or
environmental conservation may be necessary. A variant of this process was the move of the small
town of Gundagai, New South Wales, out of the flood plain of the Murrumbidgee River after the
floods that devastated it in 1852 and 1853 (Australian Government, 2008). A more recent example
occurred at Grantham near Brisbane, which was overwhelmed by a powerful flash flood. The
response of the local council, supported by the state government, was to buy land above the
floodplain and offer sites in the new location in a voluntary exchange for sites in the floodplain. This
had the additional benefit that it enabled “collective relocation of a community, which carries social
benefits as well as achieving floodplain management goals” (QFCI, 2012, p. 276). Special master
planning and development approval processes were put in place, utilising the powers and resources
of the newly created Queensland Reconstruction Authority, but working with the council and the
community to make this happen (QFCI, 2012, p. 276ff).
Buying back hazardous land, whether voluntarily or through compulsory purchase, is a
potentially extremely expensive undertaking. A number of local authorities across Queensland
have initiated buy-backs for particularly hazardous properties, but they rely on funding support
from the state or Australian governments. This funding has in the past been ad hoc and unreliable.
A clear implication from the discussion in the QFCI is that large-scale buy-backs are not feasible
without substantial funding from central and state governments (QFCI, 2012, p. 273– 275).
Godschalk (2003, p. 138) reports that in the USA, federal government funding helped the city of
Tulsa to establish “a floodplain clearance effort that removed some 875 buildings by 1993”.
Where buy-backs are not feasible other retrofitting measures need to be considered. One option
is “down-zoning” flood-affected areas so that the planning scheme provisions discourage future
approvals for residential development. The Ipswich City Council’s Temporary Local Planning
Instrument initiated after the 2011 floods contains “special opportunity areas”, in which the council
is encouraging the transition of existing residential precincts to “low impact, non-residential uses”
(QFCI, 2011) This is not a zone change, but rather involves reducing the level of assessment for
certain non-residential uses, making it easier to obtain a development approval. However, this may
result in claims by affected landowners (the liability for such actions is not clear in the Queensland
legislation) and existing communities may be resistant to non-residential uses being introduced into
their neighbourhood.
Development and building controls on existing development may also provide an avenue for
retrofitting. Brisbane again provides an example. After the recent floods, the Brisbane City Council
implemented a Temporary Local Planning Instrument that permitted the habitable areas of rebuilt
houses to be raised above the 2011 flood level (plus a 500-millimetre freeboard) even if that meant
the roof level would exceed the 8.5metre limit normally applied across the city (BCC, 2012). This
128 Interface

was helped by the common building form of older Brisbane houses which are raised above the
ground on stumps.
There are a limited number of reports of replanning to totally retrofit vulnerable areas. Mandarano
(2010) reports such an example for an office park in the USA. But many aspects of retrofitting are
normally outside the reach of the planning system. A lesson learned from the 2011 Brisbane floods was
the necessity to raise essential electrical equipment above flood levels. Some city buildings that were
otherwise intact were unusable because of damage to the electrical systems located in basements.
Similarly, buildings can be constructed from materials that are relatively flood resistant. Construction
of levees and other engineering works (including improvement of stormwater and overland flow) to
protect built-up areas is obviously possible. Such physical protection may also be possible for exposed
infrastructure, such as mobile phone towers, evacuation roads and the like.
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Retrofitting of existing vulnerable urban areas seems to be a relatively neglected consideration in
land use planning. The examples given in this paper show that there are ways for planning systems
to deal with retrofitting vulnerable areas. Understanding the risks involved and allocating priorities
is the first step. The examples given illustrate both the potential barriers to retrofitting and the ways
these barriers can be overcome.

John Minnery is Associate Professor in Planning in the School of Geography, Planning and
Environmental Management at the University of Queensland, Australia.

Adams, J. (2011). Written statement of John Stephen Adams, City Planner, Ipswich City Council (Exhibit 911).
Brisbane: Queensland Flood Commission of Inquiry.
Athanasopoulou, E., Despoiniadou, V., & Dritsos, S. (2008). The impact of earthquakes on the city of Aigio in
Greece: Urban planning as a factor in mitigating seismic damage (CP1020). In A. Santini & N. Moraci
(Eds.), Seismic Engineering Conference Commemorating the 1908 Vessina and Reggio Calabria
Earthquake. Maryland: American Institute of Physics.
Australian Government (2008). Natural disasters in Australia. Retrieved from
Brisbane City Council (2012). Interim flood levels: TLPI. Retrieved from
Buckley Vann Town Planning Consultants (2011). Town planning report: Planning aspects of alternative
approaches to mapping the effect of flood Buckley Vann Town Planning Consultants, Brisbane (Exhibit
965). Brisbane: Queensland Flood Commission of Inquiry.
Crichton, D. (1999). The risk triangle. In J. Ingleton (Ed.), Natural disaster management. London: Tudor Rose.
Geoscience Australia (2011). What is risk? Retrieved from
Geoscience Australia (2012). Australian urban expansion. Retrieved from
Gillen, M., & Minnery, J. (2007). Addressing urban vulnerability in Australia’s metropolitan regions: Lessons
from Queensland. Paper presented at AESOP Conference, Naples, 11 – 14 July.
Godschalk, D. R. (2003). Urban hazard mitigation: Creating resilient cities. Natural Hazards Review, 4(3),
136– 143.
Grech, P. (2011). Report to the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry Addressing Town Planning Issues
Grech Planning, Sydney (Exhibit 966). Brisbane: Queensland Flood Commission of Inquiry.
Interface 129
High Level Officials’ Group (HLOG) (2004). Natural disasters in Australia: Reforming mitigation, relief and
recovery arrangements, Report to the Council of Australian Governments. Canberra: Department of
Transport and Regional Services.
Lord Mayor’s Task Force on Suburban Flooding (2005). Strategies to reduce the effect of significant rain
events on areas of Brisbane prone to flooding. Brisbane: LMTFSF.
Mackellar, D. (1908). My country. Retrieved from
Mandarano, L. (2010). Sustainable land-use planning: Revitalising a flood prone office park. Journal of
Environmental Planning and Management, 53(2), 183– 196.
Minnery, J., Gillen, M., & Smith, G. (2008). Floods, fire and the future: Planning and natural hazard
management on the Gold Coast, Australia. Paper presented at AESOP/ACSP Conference, Chicago,
6 – 11 July.
Minnery, J. (2011). Governance and the retrofitting of settlements for natural hazard mitigation. Paper
presented at 4th World Planning Congress, Perth, 4 – 8 July.
Queensland Department of Local Government and Planning (QDLGP) & Queensland Department of
Emergency Services (QDES) (2003). State Planning Policy 1/03: Mitigating the Adverse Impacts of
Downloaded by [The UC Irvine Libraries] at 22:29 15 December 2014

Flood, Bushfires and Landslide. Brisbane: Queensland Government.

Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry (QFCI) (2011). Interim Report, Queensland Floods Commission of
Inquiry, Brisbane. Retrieved from
Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry (2012). Final Report, Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry,
Brisbane. Retrieved from (Accessed 14 July, 2012).
SCARM (Standing Committee on Agriculture and Resource Management) (2000). Floodplain management in
Australia: Best practice principles and guidelines. Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing for Commonwealth of
Australia and Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand.

Neighbourhood design considerations in flood risk management

Eoin O’Neill

School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Policy, University College Dublin, Ireland

Climate change adaptation is receiving increasing levels of attention in academic research arising from
recent findings that suggest that the impacts of climate change are already being experienced (Min,
Zhang, Zwiers, & Hegerl, 2011; Pall et al., 2011). Whilst the traditional focus to reduce flood risk was
to build flood defences and constrain rivers through “hard” engineering solutions, increasingly it is
recognised that such an approach on its own will not be appropriate in future, especially when climate
change impacts are considered. Consequently the role of spatial planning is increasingly being
recognised as having a crucial role to play in the adaptation of urban environments, and in mediating
the competing tensions between mitigation policies seeking to prevent further climate change and
adaptation policies seeking to cope with implications of its arrival.
The existing urban fabric in many of our towns and cities was built without consideration of flood
risk (White, 2008), and where such flood risks were considered, “hard” solutions were frequently
implemented. As a result, our existing urban environments, through the location and design of past
developments, have frequently interrupted natural flooding processes, removed vegetation buffers,
covered large areas with artificial and impermeable surfaces (increasing runoff), removed natural
water storage capacity, and interrupted potential flood flow paths. However, in line with, for example,
the EU Floods Directive (CEC, 2007), rather than structural solutions alone, combining with “soft” or
non-structural solutions that “live with” or “make space for” water and the application of risk-based
principles has become the approach to flood risk management (Merz, Hall, Disse, & Schumann, 2010).
Consequently a number of authors such as Berke, Song, and Stevens (2009); Fields (2009); Pardoe,
Penning-Roswell, and Tunstall (2011); Tunstall, McCarthy, and Faulkner (2009); White (2008);
130 Interface

Stevens, Song, and Berke (2010); and, Stevens, Berke, and Song (2010) and have started to consider
the integration of issues surrounding planning, urban design and flood risk management.
Prior to outlining the type of initiatives that the planning system can undertake, it is worthwhile
exploring the scale of potential impact that might be anticipated. Most recently in 2012, the impacts
arising from the severe storm damage and flooding experienced in New York from the impact of
Hurricane Sandy demonstrated the scale of social and economic impacts that are anticipated to
become more frequent in future years. In addition to the direct human suffering and social costs
experienced at the household level, there were also wider indirect costs arising from loss of
electricity and water supplies across neighbourhoods, and also disruption to the wider electricity
network, transport systems and fuel supplies. As a result, for a time many neighbourhoods across
New York City ceased to function efficiently and arguably the city as an economic entity demonstrated
a limited level of resilience to this scale of weather event (see Coaffee, 2008; Godschalk, 2003; White,
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2010, for discussion about city resilience). Separately, on a national scale, the UK has undertaken some
of the most comprehensive analysis of the likely impacts of flooding in the future. The Foresight
Future Flooding report (Evans et al., 2004) estimated the annual losses, depending on the approach
taken towards future land, environmental and economic management, at between £1 billion and £20
billion by 2080s (based on medium-low and high greenhouse gas emission scenarios respectively).
Under these scenarios, assuming a continuation of pre-existing trends associated with poor planning
controls, increasing urbanisation and poor levels of social resilience, the social and economic impacts
of flooding would be considerable. Apart from anticipated increases in flood risk arising from fluvial
and coastal sources, one of the most significant implications from the study is the need for strong action
to prevent major urban flooding problems. Engineering solutions to address flooding (from all sources)
were found to be prohibitively expensive, but, with the application of an integrated portfolio of
responses, importantly including land use planning, Foresight Future Flooding (Evans et al., 2004)
considered that annual damages could be reduced from worst-case scenario of approximately £20
billion to about £2 billion.
In parallel, there has been a perceptible shift in flood management policy emphasis from the public
sector to the private sector (Johnston & Priest, 2008). The implications of this shift will be experienced
at the neighbourhood level and will be substantially implemented through the planning system. The
question that must be considered thereafter, from a planning perspective, is how can the planning
system deliver long-term reductions in flood risk? In the first instance this requires that strategic
decision-making at the catchment or regional scale informs design considerations at the
neighbourhood scale. Supported by legislative requirements arising from the likes of the EU Floods
Directive, this type of thinking is now permeating planning systems across Europe and internationally.
For example, in the south-east of England, the Thames Catchment Flood Management Plan
(CFMP) (Environment Agency, 2009) (which covers the River Thames and all its tributaries),1
identifies a variety of combinations of flood risk management actions required to manage flood risk
at different locations according to their: physical characteristics, level of flood risk, and pre-existing
level of flood management actions (Environment Agency, 2009). In summary, the Thames CFMP
suggests, in the first instance, that the undeveloped floodplain is its most important asset, and that in
urbanising locations, flood risk should not increase as a consequence of development taking place,
provided development is located in the lowest areas of risk and surface run-off is managed
appropriately. Furthermore, it identifies that large-scale redevelopment is planned within flood risk
areas in many parts of London, and that this provides an opportunity to achieve a net reduction in
flood risk by ensuring that new developments have a better layout and design that recognises the
current and future flood risks to which they are vulnerable (Environment Agency, 2009). However,
the implementation of such plans requires wider co-ordination across all aspects of the planning
system that ultimately impact at neighbourhood level.
Interface 131

A good example of such strategic co-ordination is how the Greater London Authority has used
the same risk-based principles from Thames CFMP (Environment Agency, 2009) and PPS252 to
inform its Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) and Housing Capacity Study
(HCS) (GLA, 2009; see also Atkins & BNP Paribas, 2010), and thereafter its housing allocations.
The SHLAA/HCS employed a probability approach to take account of uncertainty related to
development constraints, including flood risk which was identified as a strategic development
constraint. This resulted in reduced site capacities being applied to sites at flood risk (and with a
zero capacity assigned to sites of highest risk), thereby reducing the notional net-developable area
in recognition of the space required for flood mitigation measures such as river-corridor riparian
buffers, surface water drainage systems, and space for flood storage. When aggregated the
constrained capacities provide an estimate of large site capacity at each spatial scale, and informed
the borough housing allocations in The London Plan (GLA, 2011), outlining the spatial
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development framework for the next 20 to 25 years. By allocating reduced housing targets to
boroughs with significant numbers of sites at medium to high flood risk, the rate of floodplain
development and consequently flood damage should be reduced. Furthermore, the principles
outlined in the Thames CFMP (Environment Agency, 2009) relating to using redevelopment
opportunities to achieve reductions in flood risk have also been incorporated into The London Plan
(GLA, 2011). In essence, over time, the footprint of the city will adapt to recognise the constraints
imposed by floodplains.
This idea of transforming the footprint of the city requires consideration of a long-term strategic
vision of the city – moving from one driven solely by functional socio-economic considerations to
one that is hydrologically sensitive (White, 2008). As noted by O’Neill and Scott (2011), spatial
planning has the capacity to adapt the built environment to climate change by delivering a more
multifunctional built environment that is safe and resilient to climatic extremes such as flooding.
Such an approach should seek to accommodate the desire to not only protect property from
flooding, but to facilitate regenerative development, and also protect and where possible enhance
the environment by accommodating the natural process of flooding. So, what will happen at the
neighbourhood scale?
At the neighbourhood scale, the avoidance of development on existing floodplains, through the
sequential allocation of greenfield land so that development is avoided at locations at highest flood
risk, will result in a more hydrologically sensitive urban environment. However, the challenge is
greatest for the existing built environment and its stock of buildings. There, masterplanning of
redevelopment areas provides opportunities for long-term structural change to the urban environment
to achieve a net reduction in overall flood risk. This includes opportunity for properties to be relocated
and designed to be safer and resilient to flooding, and also urban realignment and river restoration
schemes that provide space for natural flooding processes to occur, for example, the Lent-Nijmegen
Dyke relocation scheme on the River Waal in the Netherlands). However, for existing buildings
located in the floodplain where relocation or flood defences are not viable or appropriate, resilience
measures that seek to minimise the damage caused and facilitate rapid recovery (e.g. concrete floors,
raised electrical fittings and appliances, use of waterproof plaster, and waterproof cabinets, doors and
skirting boards), and resistance measures aimed at keeping water out (e.g. raising floor levels, air brick
covers, installation of flood gates, sink and toilet valves, sump and pump) can help to minimise the
damage from flood water and also reduce the recovery time for a building (Bowker, 2007; CLG, 2007).
Furthermore, adaptation of the urban environment to include green infrastructure that can help store
floodwaters and reduce flood peaks, whilst also providing wider ecological benefits, can also reduce
the probability of flooding. Consequently, for new development (whether on green- or brownfield
lands), the location, urban layout, and building design will determine its future adaptive capacity
(Lindley, Handley, McEvoy, Peet, & Theuray, 2007).
132 Interface

For redevelopment schemes in neighbourhoods at flood risk, or where the risk of a flood defence
breach exists, it is also critical that masterplans integrate the requirements for emergency
management and response into the built environment (Bosher, Carrillo, Dainty, Glass, & Price,
2007). In practice this means identifying dry access and egress routes from neighbourhoods at flood
risk, the identification of safe refuges within neighbourhoods or even within buildings, and also
addressing the requirements of people located on “dry islands”. When considering urban form and
layout, it is also important to provide for potential flow paths for surface water that flows overland
when the capacity of drainage systems are exceeded, and also for overtopping or breaches of flood
defence during extreme events. However, the management of flooding is complicated by the fact
that flooding can occur from multiple sources (fluvial, tidal, coastal, sewers, surface/pluvial,
ground), and interactions between these sources in urban areas during flood events can also
compound impacts experienced, and complicate efforts to manage it. Indeed urban flooding is
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likely to become the major source of flooding for properties in the future. The urban area of
Guildford in Surrey in the south-east of England provides a good example of this type of challenge.
In Guildford, approximately 67 hectares of its urban area are located within the 1-in-100-year
floodplain of the River Wey, and contains about 620 at-risk properties within it (Guildford BC &
EA, 2009). Furthermore, about 47 hectares of this area would be ordinarily defined as functional
floodplain (annual probability of flooding of 1 in 20 years or greater). In the absence of a viable
structural option, the challenge for Guildford, as outlined in a risk reduction measures publication,
is to balance competing sustainability trade-offs: to identify a solution to not only prevent urban
blight, but also reduce flood risk in the Guildford urban area by “using redevelopment opportunities
to provide increased safety, additional floodwater storage, and improved floodwater flows, whilst
making space for water and the enjoyment of the River Wey” (Guildford BC & EA, 2009, p. 2).
This risk reduction measures document states that where it is not possible to relocate development
to areas of lower flood risk, that safe occupation achieved through site layout and building design,
including consideration of emergency planning procedures, will be critical so that no properties will
be inundated by future flood events, that future residents have safe access and egress to their homes,
and also, that the wider urban realm is designed to be resilient to flooding. When redevelopment
opportunities arise, reducing the probability of flooding can also be addressed by ensuring that new
building footprints are set back from the River Wey to create more space for floodwater, and where
possible restoring floodplain and flood flow pathways by identifying space for flood storage where
flooding can occur safely. In general, the incorporation of such considerations into an urban
environment master plan can provide for the potential use of roads, car parks, green-space, or other
unimpeded pathways as relief channels or temporary flood storage. These are examples of how the
multi-functional potential of the wider urban environment can be maximised by combining the
need for temporary flood storage with other ongoing functional, recreational and ecological uses
(White, 2008). Furthermore, the Guildford risk reduction measures document also states that the
consequences of flooding can also be reduced in Guildford through incorporation of resilience
and/or resistance measures, depending on flood depths, and this can reduce the cost of flood damage
to a building by between 65% and 85% (Guildford BC & EA, 2009).
There are numerous challenges at the neighbourhood scale associated with the development of
many of the measures noted above. Whilst recent planning literature has substantially considered the
requirements to achieve “compact city” development or the attributes associated with achieving
liveable cities, research gaps still remain. Although the literature has started to consider some of
these from various perspectives, consideration of urban design and how it can address urban
environmental hazards and human safety, and the acceptability of people’s experience of such
“places”, is less well explored, perhaps arising from the fact that there continues to be uncertainty
about the scale of flood risk associated with climate change (as outlined by White’s opening
Interface paper on p. 151– 161). Questions remain about whether you can recreate a sense of place
Interface 133

by relocating a town and its community - as undertaken by the town of Valmeyer, Illinois in the
Mississippi Valley, following a devastating flood in 1993 – or whether the design measures
associated with climate change adaptation will undermine the vibrancy and vitality of urban
neighbourhoods. For example, in the context of the latter question, the requirements to achieve safe
places for people to live, recreate and work may eliminate certain vulnerable land uses from flood-
prone locations or create ground floor activities that, whilst less vulnerable to flooding, potentially
eliminate vibrant street life, or require ground floor voids for flood storage. This idea of using
redevelopment to design safer places to live (at potentially greater density) and thereby achieve a net
reduction in flood risk, is becoming an area of exploration in the literature, with for example Stevens,
Song and Berke (2010) wondering whether this approach contributes to “safe development” or “safe
development paradox”. Nevertheless Pyke et al. (2011) have identified the benefits of a site
redevelopment approach, particularly in the context of managing stormwater run-off.
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Alternatively, given people’s attachment to place (Mishra, Mazumdar, & Damodar, 2010),
securing the future of certain neighbourhoods may (assuming its economic viability) require the
erection of large flood walls that change a place’s relationship with its river. Using the example of
Guildford again, in terms of critical infrastructure and services, its police station, fire station, hospital,
key access roads, and also a number of electricity substations, are all located within the area of highest
flood risk. In the long run, some of these may have to be redesigned or relocated to safer, and
potentially less central, locations in order to ensure that they can function continuously during all
major emergencies. This challenge of striving to balance the desire for compact urban development
with the need for certain vulnerable land uses to be relocated away out of the flood plain (the town
centre) and the need for additional space to be devoted to floodwater storage, is perhaps illustrative of
the type policy tensions that will confront planners and policymakers.
However, perhaps the biggest difficulty that faces planning practitioners and policy-makers in
addressing this challenge is a general lack of awareness amongst the wider public about the scale of
that future challenge and the imperative for change. Therefore, assessing communities’ true
perception of risk, their perception of what “safe” is, and undertaking visioning and scenario
exercises to involve and inform the wider public will be critical to identifying joint visions about
the future design of adapted urban environments. In effect, climate adaptation may mean we have to
reconceptualise the way we think about urban locations in future, and how we achieve a safe place
or what we consider a safe place to be, is likely to be a subject of intense debate.

1. The Thames River catchment covers the area from its source in Gloucestershire through London to its
estuary in Essex, and includes parts of Wiltshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Hampshire, Buckinghamshire,
Hertfordshire, Surrey and Middlesex, inclusive of all its tributaries.
2. The principles and most of the obligations from England’s planning policy statement PPS25 Development
and Flood Risk have been incorporated in the National Planning Policy Framework which replaced all
Planning Policy Statements, including PPS25.

Eoin O’Neill is a lecturer in environmental policy in the School of Geography, Planning and
Environmental Policy, University College Dublin, Ireland. He previously worked as a technical
specialist for the UK Environment Agency in flood risk management in the Thames region.

Atkins and BNP Paribas (2010). GLA strategic housing land availability assessment and housing capacity
study viability assessment. London: Greater London Authority.
Berke, P. R., Song, Y., & Stevens, M. (2009). Integrating hazard mitigation into new urban and conventional
developments. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 28, 441– 455.
134 Interface
Bosher, L., Carrillo, P., Dainty, A., Glass, J., & Price, A. (2007). Realising a resilient and sustainable built
environment: Towards a strategic agenda for the United Kingdom. Disasters, 31, 236–255.
Bowker, P. (2007). Flood resistance and resilience solutions: An R&D Scoping Study. London: Department
for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
CEC (Commission of European Communities) (2007). Directive 2007/60/EC of the European Parliament and
of the Council 23 October 2007 on the Assessment and Management of Flood Risk, Brussels: Official
Journal of the European Communities 6.11.2007 L 288.
CLG (2006). Planning Policy Statement 25: Development and Flood Risk. London: Department for
Communities and Local Government.
CLG (2007). Improving the flood performance of new building: Flood resilience construction. London:
Department for Communities and Local Government.
CLG (2012). National Planning Policy Framework. London: Department for Communities and Local
Coaffee, J. (2008). Risk, resilience and environmentally sustainable cities. Energy Policy, 36, 4633– 4638.
Environment Agency (2009). Thames catchment flood management plan: Summary report. Reading:
Downloaded by [The UC Irvine Libraries] at 22:29 15 December 2014

Environment Agency.
Evans, E. P., Ashley, R., Hall, J. W., Penning-Rowsell, E. C., Sayers, P. B., Thorne, C. R., & Watkinson, A.,
(2004). Foresight Future Flooding. London: Office of Science and Technology.
Fields, B. (2009). From green dots to greenways: Planning in the age of climate change in post-Katrina
New Orleans. Journal of Urban Design, 14, 325– 344.
GLA (2009). Strategic housing land availability assessment and housing capacity study. London: Greater
London Authority.
GLA (2011). The London plan. London: Greater London Authority.
Godschalk, D. R. (2003). Urban hazard mitigation: Creating resilient cities. Natural Hazards Review, 4, 136–143.
Guildford BC and EA (2009). Flood Risk Reduction Measures, A Supplement to the Guildford Borough
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment: Forming Part of the Guildford Development Framework Evidence Base.
Guildford: Guildford Borough Council and Reading, Environment Agency.
Johnson, C. L., & Priest, S. J. (2008). Flood risk management in England: A changing landscape of risk
responsibility. Water Resources Development, 24, 513– 525.
Lindley, S. J., Handley, J. F., McEvoy, D., Peet, E., & theuray, N. (2007). The role of spatial risk assessment in
the context of planning for adaptation in UK urban areas. Built Environment, 33, 46 – 49.
Merz, B., Hall, J., Disse, M., & Schumann, A. (2010). Fluvial flood risk management in a changing world.
Natural Hazards Earth System Science, 10, 509– 527.
Min, S-K., Zhang, X., Zwiers, F., & Hegerl, G. (2011). Human contribution to moreintense precipitation
extremes. Nature, 470, 378– 381.
Mishra, S., Mazumdar, S., & Damodar, S. (2010). Place attachment and flood preparedness. Journal of
Environmental Psychology, 30, 187– 197.
O’Neill, E., & Scott, M. (2011). Adapting to climate change: A European Union policy agenda. Planning
Theory and Practice, 12, 312– 317.
Pall, P., Aina, T., Stone, D., Stott, P., Nozawa, T., Hilberts, A., , & Allen, M. (2011). Anthropogenic
greenhouse gas contribution to flood risk in England and Wales in autumn 2000. Nature, 470, 382– 386.
Pardoe, J., Penning-Roswell, E., & Tunstall, S. (2011). Floodplain conflicts: Regulation and negotiation.
Natural Hazards Earth Systems Sciences, 11, 2889–2902.
Pyke, C., Warren, M. P., Johnson, T., LaGro, J. Jr., Scharfenberg, J., Groth, P., Freed, R., Schroeer, W., &
Main, E. (2011). Assessment of low impact development for managing stormwater with changing
precipitation due to climate change. Landscape and Urban Planning, 103, 166– 173.
Stevens, M. R., Song, Y., & Berke, P. R. (2010). New urbanist developments in flood-prone areas: Safe
development or safe development paradox? Natural Hazards, 53, 605– 629.
Stevens, M. R., Berke, P. R., & Song, Y. (2010). Creating disaster-resilient communities: Evaluating the
promise and performance of new urbanism. Landscape and Urban Planning, 94, 105– 115.
Tunstall, S., McCarthy, S., & Faulkner, H. (2009). Flood risk management and planning policy in a time of
policy transition: The case of the Wapshott Road Planning Inquiry, Surrey, England. Journal of Flood Risk
Management, 2, 159– 169.
White, I. (2008). The absorbent city: Urban form and flood risk management. Proceedings of the Institution of
Civil Engineers, Urban Design and Planning, 6(DP4), 151– 161.
White, I. (2010). Water and the city: Risk, resilience and planning for a sustainable future. London & New
York: Routledge.
Interface 135

Flood risk management – Challenges to the effective implementation of a

paradigm shift
Jonathan Coopera, Mark Adamsonb and Elizabeth Russella
JBA Consulting, Limerick, Ireland; bOffice of Public Works, Dublin, Ireland

The Irish government has embarked on an ambitious change in flood risk management and the
prevention of inappropriate development in areas at flood risk. Two main strands of this culture
shift were the publication of Section 28 planning guidelines on flood risk and development
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(DEHLG/OPW, 2009), and the commissioning of the Catchment-based Flood Risk Assessment and
Management (CFRAM) projects, involving the development of flood maps and flood risk
management plans, across the seven river basin districts in Ireland. The pace of these initiatives has
been driven by the EU Floods Directive (CEC, 2007), enacted in 2009. On the surface, the Directive
reassures those with the responsibility for flood risk management that a business as usual approach
can be adopted. However, the underlying theme of the directive is to capture the paradigm shift in
land-use planning as part of a holistic approach to flood risk management that will be needed to
sustain our communities under the threat of climatic change.
The implementation of these two complementary projects illuminates the institutional barriers
that exist in Ireland, and in most other countries. They demonstrate the challenges that are specific
to managing a natural phenomenon, the deep emotional impacts that flooding has and the perceived
and real impact on the value of land and property. It is clear that successful adoption needs to start at
the community level, and to fully engage with this often neglected stakeholder group. This paper
reviews the legislative and consultation frameworks that are to be established to truly implement
the Floods Directive.

Land-use planning and flood risk – unhappy bedfellows?

In 2003, the cross-sectoral Flood Policy Review Group was established by the Irish Government in
response to increasing incidents of flooding in Ireland and Europe. The group identified an
integrated suite of initiatives to be pursued by the Office for Public Works (OPW) (the lead national
agency for flood management) and other public bodies for the sustainable management of potential
future as well as existing flood risk in Ireland (OPW, 2004). It highlighted the important role of the
planning system in reducing potential future flood risk and identified the need for a step-change
away from a purely development control approach to proactive zoning of appropriate land uses
early in the planning process. As a result, OPW and the then Department of Environment, Heritage
and Local Government, commissioned JBA Consulting and Loci planning consultants in 2006 to
prepare guidance on integrating flood risk management into the planning system.
The initial activity was to map the drivers for change, to identify available instruments aimed at
proper planning and sustainable development and established practice in both planning authorities
and the develop sector, to assess the capacity for change and the scale of flood risk issues across the
state and within key settlements, to be captured in a position paper. This essential process
challenged perceptions and embedded understanding of how flood risk management was
developing in Europe, and the societal issues associated with flood risk. The main outcome of the
position paper was to agree the principles of the guidance, a touchstone for when the guidance
would be examined during consultation. The principles were drawn from the other major initiatives
136 Interface

being launched by OPW, such as the Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management
(CFRAM) programme, and current planning guidance across Europe, USA and New Zealand. This
process gave cause for reflection on how prescriptive or relaxed such guidance should be, how to
manage expectations for quality flood risk datasets, how its implementation could profit from the
experiences in the UK, and how quickly uptake may occur.
The Planning Guidance (DEHLG/OPW, 2009) was issued for consultation in September 2008,
and was well received by most parties. Demonstrating a balance between managing flood risk and
supporting sustainable redevelopment in traditional riverside areas is at the heart of a sequential
approach to appropriate development and the two-part Justification Test (JT) that, in very specific
and limited circumstances, permits vulnerable development in flood-prone areas. The guidelines
can be applied effectively within the hierarchy of planning decisions. This was successfully
achieved by ensuring close links with the Strategic Environmental Assessment process used in
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preparing Regional, County and City/Town plans, and enables flood risk to be balanced within the
wider societal sustainability objectives and not to be regarded only as a problematic issue to be
overcome after the key decisions have been made. Initial reaction to this multi-layered assessment
process was sceptical but it was seen as the most effective way to stop development engineering its
way out of a flood problem, by land raising or flood defences. This was an early failing of guidelines
in England.
Four years on, the policy has been effective due to its clarity and explicit links it draws over the
potential difficulties of achieving good place-making in areas subject to flood risk. In addition, the
demise of the so-called Celtic Tiger took much of the angst out of having to reject new and ‘urgent’
development being proposed in floodplains. Also, as a result of obvious over-zoning for residential
purposes during the recent housing boom (from the mid 1990s until 2007), the review and variation of
development plans have sought to use flood risk as an effective means of scaling back on the amount
of zoned lands. However, would the situation have been the same had the scale of development
continued? The robustness of the first principle of avoidance, unless a tightly defined reason on
proper and sustainable planning grounds can be presented, was designed to be a simple message
which planning officers could relay to elected members and the wider development community.
Forcing the planners to consider whether it was sustainable to build on floodplains was considered an
improvement on guidance in operation in the UK, where the regulator, the Environment Agency, has
become a planning body by proxy and not the adviser on flood risk it is designed to be.
The OPW has a role, but has been clear on the limits of its advice. Therefore the guidance was
written around those with the greatest impact within the planning system – the local authority
planners and developers. Research has shown (JBA Consulting & Entec, 2009) that flood risk issues
are most effectively dealt with at the zoning stage and so two variants of the JT were developed.
The development management JT can only be used once the strategic land zoning has been
undertaken. This is perhaps a draconian measure, but has prompted planning authorities to
undertake a strategic flood risk assessment before the development plans are up for review.
An interesting finding has been that those local authorities who have been early adopters, who drew
together all functions from across the council and have published flood maps have a much smoother
time when it comes to development management decisions. By lowering expectations through land
zoning and presentation of a consistent message, difficult discussions regarding “acceptable” levels
of risk have been limited to commercial developments.
There were early concerns that the planning guidelines on flood risk management, which are
predicated on a “have regard to” basis, would need to be implemented in case law via appeals to An
Bord Pleanála, the Irish planning appeals commission. In reality this was not needed and effective
implementation was achieved by national training sponsored by the OPW and support by
government, case studies and published Strategic Flood Risk Assessments for others to follow.
Interface 137

The biggest hurdle was, and still is, producing an evidence base to allow the delineation of flood
zones and effectively communicating their validity to the target audience. These were the
fundamental triggers that required a site allocation to pass through the JT. With elected members
claiming multi-generational knowledge of the lack of flooding on a land parcel, the communication
challenge over flood probabilities and flood mechanisms became critical. The concept of the
residual risks that occur when building behind defences often proved a step too far at the
preliminary stage of land allocation, and the deliberate choice of having flood zones shown without
the benefit of defences often brought into question the benefit of the schemes to a town, with the
result that the professional judgement of the flood engineer was examined closely, and sometimes
overridden. This reinforces the need to have access to the best available technical data within an
effective and clear policy framework.
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Sustainable flood risk management – a concept that can be easily communicated?

CFRAM projects are being implemented for around 300 communities across Ireland which were
designated as areas where the flood risk might potentially be significant through a preliminary
screening process required by the EU Floods Directive (CEC, 2007). By necessity of the EU
deadline, the screening was done nationally and, on the basis of the assessment being just a
screening exercise, through simple approaches to identifying flood-prone areas. With few hydraulic
river models and limited cross-sectional data upon which to build new models, Ireland is data poor
when compared with other northern European nations, and it was necessary to develop national,
indicative flood maps as part of the screening assessment.
Another initiative set out in the Report of the Flood Policy Review Group (OPW, 2004), and
outlined in more detail in the subsequent implementation strategy developed by the OPW, was the
promotion of public and institutional awareness of, and preparedness for, flooding and flood risk.
This was initially implemented at a generic and national level through information websites and
widely distributed booklets. However, this would not achieve the level of understanding and
awareness required within individual communities and among potentially affected residents, and
the policy and strategy recognised that there was a strong local dimension to this initiative. They
identified that close engagement with local communities should be progressed, with strong
involvement of local authorities once the CFRAM programme began developing locally specific
flood hazard and risk information. This initiative represents a paradigm shift from a top-down
consultative approach limited to the implementation of capital (structural) flood relief schemes that
was the norm prior to the policy review.
The four-year CFRAM programme is proving a fantastic opportunity to engage and change
mindsets across a broad group of stakeholders. Engagement rather than consultation will prove
important if the flood risk management plans are not only adopted institutionally but also embraced
by the communities as the most sustainable way forward. The role of the OPW is well accepted,
among local authorities and elected council members, but as with most national bodies, often has a
perceived lack of legitimacy within remoter communities. This barrier can be removed by working
through a network of trusted partners within the local context.
The Floods Directive (2007) requires consideration of the impacts of flooding taking into
account social, environmental, cultural and economic objectives, and the CFRAM process has
developed best practice in option appraisal using strategic environmental assessments informing a
multi-criteria analysis that balances interests for these four objectives. Involving and
communicating the multi-dimensional balancing act takes skill and patience. A good evidence
base is essential if the foundations of trust and engagement are to be achieved. The Western
CFRAM project, still at an early stage, has started to scratch the surface of the local context of the
issues surrounding flood risk. Building the relationship with the stakeholders and communities will
138 Interface

require significant further work throughout the project. This will leave a legacy that will support
awareness and preparedness initiatives and, where relevant, detailed development of potential
structural measures is worked through with the communities.
The Western CFRAM team, made up of OPW, six local authorities and JBA Consulting, is
working to establish long-term relationships and two-way dialogue with key stakeholders and
communities to build a greater awareness of flood risk and confidence in the approach and project
deliverables. By helping internal and external stakeholders understand and respond to each stage of
the project, the team are able to:
. Manage expectations;
. Share information effectively;
. Provide feedback;
. Develop an approach where people feel enthused, valued and included for the project
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duration, both internally and within key stakeholders;

Table 1. Approach to stakeholder engagement in WESTERN CFRAM

Approach Objective
Listen to stakeholders and To listen to and understand people’s issues and concerns
communities, noting concerns and
building long-term relationships
To provide responses to concerns during the CE process and in our
project deliverables
To build long-term relationships with stakeholders and communities
Educate, explain and ensure To make people aware of flood risk
To help people understand and react to the level of risk by being
prepared for flood events
To explain our work and how this links to flood management policies
and plans
To educate and inform stakeholders and the public of how our work has
informed our recommendations
To be honest with our stakeholders
To keep stakeholders and communities updated through regular
communication to eliminate surprises
Manage expectations To make stakeholders and communities aware of the limits and the
parameters we are working within (what we can and cannot do)
To make clear the extent to which stakeholders and communities can
influence the outcome of our studies
To be clear as to how people can meaningfully participate in the process
and how we will use that information
Encourage involvement and To stimulate public debate on project findings
To encourage participation in engagement events from all stakeholders
and interested parties, including those deemed “hard to reach”
To make use of local networks and “trusted messengers” to convey our
messages to as wide an audience as possible
To encourage stakeholder “buy-in” and public support for our
recommended management options and to avoid total adverse reactions
To provide feedback at appropriate stages to demonstrate how we have
taken or not taken views on board with explanations. To engender
ownership of the levels of flood risk and the selected management
Interface 139

. Build trust during the study period and in the final outputs;
. Minimise risk and delays to the project.
In addition, the Floods Directive requires an evidence base to demonstrate how stakeholders
have been involved and engaged through the CFRAM programme and how they have informed
key work stages. In order to deliver this, the approach adopted in the Western CFRAM is shown
in Table 1.
It is an imperative that a good communication strategy is not a bolt-on or standalone
process. The OPW, in consultation with JBA and the other CFRAM consultants, have
developed an overarching strategy that will support the approaches listed in Table 1; however,
the challenge is always in the implementation and not being put off by “talking to an empty
church hall”. Institutional arrangements and community networks in the west of Ireland are
strong, and it was recognised that the councils and their community forums are the more
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effective route to building up a trusted network of messengers, along with parish level bodies
and schools for the delivery of notices and raising awareness. As long as the community leaders
are kept informed they are useful reinforcers of the messages and purpose of the study. In the
more remote areas and communities, consideration has been given to “pop up” flood fairs and
information vans, that can target community events such as farmers’ markets, agricultural
shows and cultural events.

Land-use planning remains one of the most influential instruments flood risk managers have at
their disposal. The policy enacted by the Irish government is one of the tougher planning
guidelines in Europe, but it is clear and limits the degree of compromise that is always involved
when accepting some residual risk in new development built in the floodplain. It has altered the
way in which land will be zoned for development in the future. Having achieved that objective,
the bigger challenge is to reduce flood risk in our existing communities. The CFRAM process will
provide that link and provide the evidence base to take action where appropriate and economically
Delivering resilient and adaptive communities, in light of the increasing scale of climatic
change, will need brave leaders who have been engaged in this debate and have been persuaded by
a clear and understandable scientific evidence base. As a result of an effective communication
strategy, these leaders will be prepared to deliver a lasting and sustainable legacy. This involves
more than a presentation of technical data, but an impassioned argument to change hearts and
Building trust at a local level using those institutions that are already embedded and can act as a
respected network or conduit for communications of flood risk messages is key. The
implementation of the paradigm shift from defending our communities by building higher walls
or dredging channels deeper, to managing flood risk through a number of different strands of cross
sectoral policy and measures requires good communication and engagement at a community level.

Jonathan Cooper is an engineer by training but has spent the last 10 years implementing policy
and strategic approaches to flood risk management. He was co-author of the Section 28 planning
guidelines on development and flood risk in Ireland, (DEHLG/OPW, 2009) and has recently written
development control guidelines for the Isle of Man Government. He is Project Director on the
Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management Project for the Western River Basin District in
Ireland. He is Director for the Irish business of JBA Consulting and has undertaken a number of
capacity building roles in pre-accession states in Europe in the water sector. Previously he was
Chief Engineer with Atkins where he led the Rivers and Coastal Division.
140 Interface

Mark Adamson is Assistant Chief Engineer with the Office of Public Works, Ireland. After
working for a number of years with consultants Mott MacDonald based in the UK, Mark joined the
Office of Public Works in Ireland where he is now Head of the Flood Relief and Risk Management
Division. He oversees the national flood risk assessment, mapping and management planning
programmes, the implementation of the EU “Floods” Directive in Ireland, and the technical aspects
of flood relief schemes. Mark was also the Project Manager for the preparation of the Guidelines on
the Planning System and Flood Risk Management. Mark is currently the Chair-person of WGF, the
EU Working Group on Floods.

Elizabeth Russell is a chartered water and environmental manager with extensive experience in
flood risk mapping, assessment and training public bodies in approaches to flood risk management.
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She is a Unit of Management lead on the Western Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and
Management project (Ireland), directly engaging with communities and local authorities in the river
basin district.

CEC (Commission of the European Communities). The Floods Directive (2007/60/EC). Brussels: CEC.
DEHLG/OPW (Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government/Office for Public Works)
(2009). The planning system and flood risk management. Dublin: DEHLG/OPW.
JBA Consulting/Entec (2009). Land use planning – Assessing the quality and influence of strategic flood risk
assessments (SFRAs) R&D Technical Report FD2610, Joint Defra/EA Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk
Management R&D Programme. London: Defra.
OPW (Office for Public Works) (2004). Report of the flood policy review group. Dublin: OPW.

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