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Unit 1 Roman Influences - JC

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Teacher(s) June Caulfield Subject group and Individuals & Societies


Unit title Unit # 1 - The Roman World MYP year 2 Unit duration 8
(Influences then and now)

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context

Systems Goverment, Growth Scientific and technological


Statement of inquiry

Understanding the systems created by ancient civilizations helps us to gain an awareness of their influence on
societies today.

Inquiry questions

Factual -​ List and identify Rome’s social, political, economics and technological systems?

Conceptual - ​Explore - how can studying history help us understand current social, political, economic and
technological trends today?


●Evalute impacts on the Rise and Fall of Rome?

●Discuss past influences and change in modern society?

(​Connect to Command Terms for I&S)

Objectives Summative Assessment

Outline of summative assessment Relationship between summative

including assessment criteria assessment task(s) and statement
to inquiry
Students are assessed for A, C &
D at Year 3 level
Students are assessed for B at
Year 1 level

Knowing & Understanding
●​ ​Vocabulary and knowledge Criterion A Each assessment is aimed to make
building connections and consider systems
All strands in Rome. By investigating the
influences these systems had for
Investigation Knowledge and understanding - Rome connection can be made with
● Formulate responses to questions on content addressed in the contemporary world. The inquiry
focus research question class and source evaluation statement is in the summative task.
● Follow an action plan to
collect and record information Summative
● Reflect on process and
results Criterion B (Year 1)

All Strands
● Structure and communicate Investigation into Roman Systems
information/ideas and the connection to us by
● Reference work selecting a G-SPICE category

Criterion C

All Strands

Students will present their results

of their investigation as a product
– having choices as to which
medium they will use


G​ - To understand the impact of

Roman systems and connect this
to today

R​ - Researcher for History


A​ - MS/HS History Students

S​ - Relate systems the with now

P​ - Visual connecting this through

a presentation that you can
choose from.

S​ -Your performance needs to

demonstrate how one G-SPICE -
system connected to Rome and
today. Assessed Crit B and C

Summative Investigation

Follow Inquiry Cycle

Approaches to learning (ATL)

●​Communication Skills

○​ P
​ araphrase accurately and concisely

○​ T
​ ake effective notes

○​ N
​ egotiate ideas and knowledge with teachers

○​ R
​ ead critically and for comprehension

○​ M
​ ake inferences and draw conclusions

○​ S
​ tructure information in summaries and presentations

○​ D
​ evelop the art of formulating effective inquiry questions

○​ R
​ eflection Skills:

■​ ​What did I learn about? What don’t I understand yet? What questions do I have now?

○​ O
​ rganizing Skills:

■​ ​Meet deadlines

■​ ​Create plans and actions plans

■​ ​Use appropriate strategies for organizing information

Research Skills:

● Formulate research questions for investigation

● Follow the inquiry cycle for investigating
● Plan, sort and find information relevant to research

Content (what will you Learning experiences Formative assessment Differentiation

(what will the students Collaborate with SST

When did the Romans ·​ ​Paraphrasing text/ Tasks - scaffolded to

Rule? summarizing build understanding.
The Roman Republic and ●Making and using timelines
·Group ​ ​Cornell note taking. Varied tasks for
empire ●Making and reading maps Displayed for Visible differing learning styles
Political/ government
●Paraphrasing text learning - Wall of Notes
systems of the Roman The library has many
Roman Empire books on ancient
●​ ​Explore systems of ●Reference effectively using Rome, that cater for
government, democracy MLA differing ability levels
and citizenship including the DK
●Cornell Note taking
●​ ​compare/ contrast Eyewitness series with
Republic and Empire ●Use​ ​G-SPICE analytical tool a variety of maps and
Impact of technological (Geography, Social Life, visuals
inventions Politics, Intellectual Life,
Multiple class textbooks
●​ ​Cause and Culture, Economics)
which explain the same
●Formulate arguments, make ideas at varying levels
Beginning and
judgements on events and of difficulty
Expansion of the Roman
draw conclusions ·​ ​Knowledge and
Empire ELL. Additional mother
understanding quizzes - tongue languages can
●​ ​Causes
Google forms - be arranged through
●​ ​Economics and trade
●​ ​Basic economic Google Forms Formative the SST dept.Visual
vocabulary (trade, import, Learners: use
·​ ​Daily tasks and
export, surplus, deficit) additional books from
discussions - Think, Pair
Geography of the Roman the library
Share/ Collabortive digital
and Empire
platform and collaborative
●​ ​Human-environment
face to face - using flexible
interaction Students can use the
groupings and rotational
●​ ​Benefits and G-SPICE or other
work stations.
disadvantages simple 2-column sheet
The Rise and Fall of for Cornell notes
Rome Collaborate with SST
●​ ​Cause and

Famous people in
Rome’s history
Julius Caesar
What would change in
history without Roman

Resources used for the unit

History of our World text

Holt McDougal World History

School Library Portal

Cornell Note taking Strategies

Annotating Text/ Active Reading Strategies

Teacher materials Google Drive/ Quicktime audio recording

See​ ​Gr. 6 Folder from 2015-2016

See​ ​Gr. 7 Folder from 2015-2016

Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

Prior knowledge​: ​What is the previous The frontloading on Rome is

knowledge of students? possibly too detailed and there
Will focus more on and explain
are a number of learners whom
●Some students studied Rome in Gr. 6 the inquiry cycle itself before the
their first language is not English.
through the “Ancient Innovations Unit”, tasks are set: Investigate,
They need continual
though this was focused exclusively on plan/sort/find, think and reflection
reinforcement of knowledge
the technology they selected for an as part of the whole process by
investigation Students are using the template using more visuals.
provided for the investigation
●Students will be familiar with​ ​G-SPICE
process well but they need
and using this as an analytical and note
constant reminding of the fact that
taking framework
they are assessed on the process
●Students worked with of investigation. They lack an
“human-environment interaction” in Gr. understanding of the inquiry
6, both when analysing modern nations cycle. This is being reinforced.
and ancient civilizations (Sumerians,
Egyptians). The focus during this was
“critical thinking” skills to make
judgements about decisions made by
ancient civilizations

●Students had practice with Cornell note

taking while completing investigations at
the end of Gr. 6, though this was rushed

●Similarly, active reading and annotating

text will need to be revisited and taught
again explicitly.

●Students will still have access to a lot

of their work and resources from last
year which may help them (especially
the Geography stuff). Make sure they
know how to find this in their Google

●Mapping at the beginning of Gr. 6.

○​ F
​ eatures of a good map

○​ M
​ apping vocabulary

○​ T
​ ypes of maps & function

○​ H
​ ow to use a map (multiple scales)

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