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Bloodlines Two

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Volume Two

Selected Articles from Lifeforce

2002 - 2007

Declaration .......................................................................... 9
2003 Annual Review......................................................... 10
Cats and Rabbits ............................................................... 12
The Temple Mission ......................................................... 14
EA, Oannes and John ........................................................ 16
2004 Annual Review......................................................... 17
A Special Report from Nemo ........................................... 21
Action This Day ................................................................ 24
Awakening In A New Body.............................................. 25
The Three Steps of Communication ................................. 28
Rumor Clearinghouse ....................................................... 29
The Throne of the Dragon................................................. 39
The Temple is Invisible .................................................... 41
Your Survival .................................................................... 47
Walpurgisnacht ................................................................. 50
You Are What You Are .................................................... 51
Symbols............................................................................. 55
The Throne of the Dragon................................................. 56
Walking the Talk............................................................... 57
Opening To The Undead ................................................... 59
Behind My Eyes ................................................................ 61
Multi-Dimensional Aquatic Aliens ................................... 62
The Lifeforce Message Board ........................................... 63
Dayside Mind Control....................................................... 64
First Circle Requirements Increased. ................................ 65
Just Do It ........................................................................... 67
Dropping Active Membership .......................................... 68
How can one make decisions ............................................ 69
without comparison? ......................................................... 69
On Religious Discrimination ............................................ 70
Breeding Games versus Individual Brains ........................ 71
Financial Freedom ............................................................ 72
Magic Answers ................................................................. 74
Satanism, Vampirism and Atheism................................... 76
The Temple’s Test ............................................................ 79
Ouroborus ......................................................................... 81
A Policy Clarification on Grade and Title. ....................... 82
Is the Temple Cramping Your Style? ............................... 84
Nightside Immortality ....................................................... 86
Bicameral Consciousness.................................................. 87
The Hypnosis Mindset ...................................................... 88
Temple Law ...................................................................... 89
How to Know If You Are a Vampire................................ 93
Privacy in the Temple ....................................................... 96
The Order of Prometheus .................................................. 98
Master Yourself First ........................................................ 99
A Motorcycle Riding Analogy........................................ 103
"I Can Resist Anything Except Temptation" .................. 105
Noblesse Oblige .............................................................. 106
The Blood Is The Life ..................................................... 111
Total Darkness and the Ecstasy of Communion ............. 113
How does BTE work? ..................................................... 117
How to see them.............................................................. 123
Chivalry........................................................................... 125
Confessions of a Vampire. .............................................. 129
Mission Possible ............................................................. 131
Here you stand at the Temple Gates. .............................. 133

Within lies fact and fancy, truth and metaphor.

Discriminate with care.


The time has come for the Body of the Blood to declare Their Presence
to the world of the human.

The struggle of the centuries has come to the Time of the Final Harvest.

2003 Annual Review
2003 was a turning point in the evolution of this Temple.
Council placed the Temple membership on notice in May of 2003 that
greater results must be forthcoming to maintain our charter as a public
The message board for active subscribing members took on a special
relevance which is proving to be critical for member support. The
different Temple Grades can now communicate within their levels and
to the Outer Temple members as well. Removal of the personal
messaging option proved effective in reducing the former tendency for
an undercurrent of communication instead of a visible and more useful
open communication.
The effort to require photograph identification for all active members
has also proven effective in screening out the undesirable trouble
makers who formerly irritated some members. Restricting
communication from the public enquiries by postal mail and email has
also reduced wasting efforts upon the merely casually curious.
Rigid adherence to Temple Law has resulted in a handful of
excommunications as well as temporary restrictions for just a few
members. For the vast majority of Temple members this inflexible
approach has better secured their confidentiality and freedom to
The Promethian Order has demonstrated its growing value as a select
group of members who may represent the Temple to the public. In
October one member gave an open two hour radio interview on a
nationally syndicated “New Age” program “Coast to Coast AM with
Art Bell”. While there was a short flurry of interest generated from the
millions who listened, the results did not prove worth the effort. This
has further underlined the value of working one-on-one for Temple
outreach to aid the Temple Mission. Here results are measurably
superior to mass media interviews or mass advertising.
The abuse of Temple image by overenthusiastic new members has been
effectively curbed such that now members are permitted to do nothing
more than personally hand a Temple business card to a prospective
membership candidate. Members are urged to assist in the Temple
Mission by obtaining or duplicating the Temple business card to offer
awareness of the Temple to potential candidates as well as in other
discreet and sensitive ways.

The use of the internet as a whole for cultivating interest with potential
members has been demonstrated as viable. Select members have been
granted permission to offer limited information regarding the Temple
on their personal websites and efforts are being made by some
members to offer these in foreign languages, the first being Spanish.
To properly attract potential members while screening out those who
are not truly of the Blood has required a greater attention to the image
the Temple projects. This resulted in a complete overhaul and
restructuring of the Temple website into “layers of access”. The public
can only access a very limited amount of information and the option for
purchasing The Vampire Bible in either paperback or hardcover. At
each level of commitment and Grade there is a layer of access at the
Temple website now.
This end of the year annual report finds the Temple not greatly
expanded in terms of numbers of members but the quality of the
membership has been better insured as well as modest growth.
This Temple was proposed as a public experiment to approach the
conscious minds of those with the potential rather than the usual
ancient methods still in practice. The arguments made against this
experiment in 1988 suggesting that a mass media advertising approach
would fail have found some merit. The surprising development of the
internet as a new kind of media has interestingly created evidence that
this approach will be successful.
Everything continues to depend upon the proper assistance of the
membership. A mass media-driven Temple will not succeed. A
member-driven Temple will.

Cats and Rabbits
The recent popularization and rewriting of the Hollywood vampire has
had a humorous effect. Once again we see sheep in wolves’ clothing
prancing about and offering high entertainment for us to enjoy.

It is equally amusing to see the human pretenders in the last stages of

the current fad who will attempt to dress and use makeup in a bizarre
imitation of the Hollywood films which are, themselves, bizarre
imitations of what popular fantasy writers created over the last century.

Yet is there anything to it?

In a word, no.

The ethics of so-called modern vampire fiction remain firmly

embedded within the deathist morality of the Judeo-Christian culture.
Vampires are “cursed” with eternal life and are sad and pathetic
creatures who are driven by urges beyond their control to kill and kill

The usual rubbish.

Anne Rice renewed this angst view of the immortal vampire in her
novels and produced a series of neurotic sighing and sad immortals
such as her Louis, or somewhat mindless and compulsive hedonists
such as her Lestat. Then the self-perpetuating copy machine of
Hollywood screenwriters continued the themes with everything from
more films to made-for-television vampire soap operas. The height of
this elevated cultural fare is found with such immortal works such as
“Buffy the Vampire Killer” and the never-ending television weekly

Yet what drives this entire industry is the actuality of the sheer nobility
of the true predator to which these weak forms of fiction must turn
before they then eviscerate the power and majesty through apology. It
is because predators are admirable for their many qualities that this
peculiar fad of the weak vampire has come about.

One example of this is the different between cats and rabbits.

Cats and rabbits share many qualities. Both have beautiful coats of fur.
Both can move with great speed. Both have keen senses of smell and
hearing. Both are approximately the same size.
Yet the differences are dramatic.

Cats, like all mammal and bird predators have forward vision. They
can see with depth perception to better identify the distance to leap on

Rabbits, like all mammal and bird prey, have eyes to the side where
they can watch in all directions for the sudden movement of a predator.

Cats, like their vision, are focused and intelligent. They must be able to
act with precision and this requires grace for the highest efficiency of

Rabbits, like their vision, are unfocused and rather stupid. They need
only graze for their food and be able to make rapid efforts of escape
such that grace is unimportant.

Thus while the outer appearance of cats and rabbits are similar, the
critical issues regarding their behavior, perception and intelligence are
distinctly different.

In the same way the human beings who now dress and behave like the
current weak Hollywood vampire mimic the surface appearance of
what they believe the real item to be but only reveal the depths of their
prey consciousness.

Cats are not rabbits.

And the rabbits know this whenever cats are present.

The Temple Mission
My friends, it has been some time since I have taken pen in hand to
write here.
The Mission of this Temple is very simple.
We are to find those who have the capacity to realize their Heritage.
We are to show them the doorway that leads through to this Temple.
We are to show them but not attempt to influence them.
If they are right for the Temple they will influence themselves.
I love cats and dogs. I have learned much from them over the years.
If they are hungry you need only place the food where they can smell it.
They will eat if they are hungry.
Furthermore, once they smell food when they are hungry they will
pester you until you do give it to them.
The potential candidates for membership in the Temple are in no wise
You need only open the door.
They will pass through or not in accordance with their nature.
Now it is also true that this Temple must also be fed like my cats and
If ever the membership ceases to expand then the purpose for the
Temple will no longer exist.
Its doors will close.
Before the advent of this internet communication medium the Temple
was on paper.
The Teachings of the Temple were on paper.
The communications between members were primarily by mail.
Now the electronic marvels of this new medium are overtaking this
older method.
I resisted this change initially as I did not trust the security of the
My concerns are gone now.
Success needs no justification.
The Temple internet website and message board will increasingly
dominate the Mission.
I reply to fewer and fewer letters by postal mail.
This is as it should be.
Evolution is everything.
I would urge those of you reading these words on paper to see this
evolution in action.
The usual modes of written communication by post will continue.
Yet I feel it is important that all members see what our internet
administrators have accomplished.
The Temple’s message board is quite something to see.
I do recommend it.
Elsewhere an announcement regarding the Temple Mission will be
Please take the time to read it.
I know I can count upon you for your assistance.
I wanted to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to all of
you for your loyalty and friendship.

Stay Strong!
-Lucas Martel
Priesthood of UR

EA, Oannes and John
Before the fourth millennium B.C near Eridu and UR events were
common that now are less common. EA was their God of Water.

In Babylon at the time of Alexander the Great, Berosus a priest of Bel-

Marduk wrote about these things.

Alexander Polyhistor described the Oannes who spoke as a human,

exhibited reason but was in appearance much like a fish. At night he
would return to the sea.

Abydenus, a disciple of Aristotle, also wrote of the second visitation of

more such Beings like Oannes who rose from the sea to teach men.

Apollodorus of Athens wrote of how in the time of King Ammenon the

Chaldean again came the Musarus Oannes, the Annedotus. Again in
the reign of King Auedoreschus another named Odacon walked from
the water to discourse with men and teach them.

In The Sirius Mystery, Robert Temple gives us a translation of the

meaning of these names.

The Musarus Oannes the Annedotus means “The Abomination Oannes,

the Repulsive”.

To the people of that time the alien aspects were repulsive. Yet they
still come to teach. And still we learn.

In the Christian writings we read of John the Baptist who gave the First
Initiation with submersion in water.

Remember John … by all His Names.

2004 Annual Review
In May 2003 Council set a requirement for an improvement in the
Temple Mission to renew the Temple’s public charter to exist. This is
the Annual Report with regard to the efforts and results of the Temple
Mission in the last twelve months since being given that ultimatum.


The next step in human evolution is to a higher stage of consciousness

and control. The Teachings have consistently offered to individually
chosen candidates through recorded history the possibility to enter and
attain Mastery.

The assumption from the beginning has been that the human conscious
mind is an inadequate vehicle to approach to accomplish this
evolutionary step. Direct intervention to seize by fear and shock the
human consciousness and expose it to the realities of the Dream has
been the preferred method of Our Kind.

The discussion of pursuing conscious intervention directly remained

untested until fairly recently. In 1989 permission was granted to work
with a highly stylized and rote approach including the use of printed
words. A number of requirements were made at that time to include:

(1) Self-Sufficiency.

The Temple was expected to rise or fall on the efforts and contributions
of the members as they were trained. No financial support was to be
granted or expected and personal contributions from Family members
were strictly limited.

(2) Secrecy.

The Teachings were to be couched in terms and terminology within the

Vampire Mythos to dissuade serious attention from human society in
general. This principle was “The Truth of the Lie” in which absurdity
would continue to be permitted to cloud the underlying reality.

(3) Productivity.

The Temple would be based upon contacting the general public and
appealing to conscious decision to examine, test and embrace the

Teachings. For this test to succeed there would need to be a
demonstrated growth of membership on a regular basis.

In 1988 the Temple was authorized by Council to pursue these ends

and in 1989 the Temple was officially revealed to the world.

For approximately ten years the Temple attracted potential candidate

members through magazine advertisements and word of mouth.
During that time all communications with members was conducted by
postal mail and only a few international conclaves were conducted for
those of highest Grade and validated accomplishment.

In the mid 1990’s efforts to utilize the fledgling internet were begun
and a Temple website was established. Email communications began
to grow and membership did as well.

In 2001 an internet message board was created which has undergone

rigorous change resulting in a current structure with chambered access
to five Grades of membership in addition to member subscribers and a
public interface. Additionally the Temple website is now a layered
source of information with increasing access based upon Grade.

With internet visibility came greater security needs to permit members

to feel comfortable in communicating in this new medium. As a
consequence the absolute requirements regarding membership
behaviors were defined and redefined and now posted to the public
website as “Temple Law”.


The culture of the early twentieth century has mutated rapidly with the
onslaught of electronic communication advances, gene engineering,
computerization, etc. The Temple was founded at a time when the
concept of the Vampire was viewed as pure Hollywood fantasy in the
First World.

The unexpected rise of a youth subculture devoted to mimicking the

Hollywood Vampire mythos arose within a rebellious movement
known as “Goth” in the early 1990s. With the advent of the internet,
the Vampire became accepted in the public eye as part of this youth
cult rather than a fantasy figure lacking believability.

Because of the tendency for this movement to be involved with illicit

drug use and the advocacy of criminal activity, the Goth movement has
inhibited the efforts of the Temple. The Temple has consequently
distanced itself from this youth movement and continues to pursue the
original intent.

The usual lifespan for such youth movement is approximately ten

years, historically.

We are thus approaching the slow demise of this movement and as its
numbers reduce, the confusion it spawned for the Temple image will
also reduce.

It is the expectation of the Temple that once this movement has

sufficiently diminished, the Temple’s Mission will recover lost

Current Strategies

The Temple Mission is being promoted now in several ways and our
efforts continue to implement these and to create others.

(1) One-on-one Communication.

The Temple business card remains the most direct and successful
means for interesting potential candidates. Temple members are
encouraged to obtain or duplicate these simple cards and then direct
them to those individuals who appear promising. This can be done
directly or anonymously and has proven effective over the last fifteen

(2) Signature Messages on the Internet.

This is the functional equivalent of the Temple business card in which

members are encouraged to include as a personal “signature” the
Temple Motto “Test Everything. Believe Nothing” with the Temple
website address. This signature is to accompany email and message
board postings.

(3) The Temple Website.

The home page of the Temple website has now become a quick
summary of the Temple definition of Vampire (based upon the
successful performance of Communion) as well as continuing to offer
the basic Teachings in the form of our primary book. Languages other
than English are being added now, starting with French.
Strategies Under Review

(1) Mass Media Interviews.

In October 2003 a ninety-minute interview was given on the popular

radio program “Coast To Coast AM”, hosted by Art Bell. While
receiving a positive reception from the host, the response was meager.
The relative poor results from being exposed in a positive light to
millions of listeners has placed the effort to give mass media interviews
on hold for the present.

(2) Mass Media Advertising.

Within the restriction imposed on finances, the Temple maintains a

small classified ad in magazines that continue to attract new members.
Other venues have been tested and rejected over the years within the
restrictions originally imposed by Council.


The efforts to sustain the Temple Mission have been self-sustaining and
kept tasteful and secure. While the Temple has not expanded at the
intended rate, these efforts were somewhat inhibited by a popular youth
movement utilizing the Vampire image.

We are Your Children. We ask that the efforts of the Temple not be
judged harshly without consideration for the obstacles that have
unexpectedly prevented the goals put forward to be attained in a timely

We ask that the Temple charter be extended indefinitely as the Temple

continues to grow and not retreat.

Thank you.

A Special Report from Nemo
Temple Internet Administrator

On Friday, June 25, the Temple message board vanished.

This was evidently due to a server error that erased the database and
our extremely diligent Webmaster, Adept Ventrue, went to work to
restore it. Despite redundant back-ups from this extremely professional
group, by Sunday the best that could be done was a promise of a
restoration that was five months old.
Our Webmaster refused to accept this option and successfully restored
the Temple message board to within 72 hours of its failure and has
instituted a daily backup to three computer systems in three different
geographic locations.
First, the Temple wishes to express our heartfelt gratitude and
appreciation to Adept Ventrue for his diligence and effort in
overcoming this crisis.
Thank you, Adept Ventrue! The Temple owes you a great deal for
your generosity and hard work.
However there is a deeper issue that needs to be explored and that is the
primary purpose of my writing to all Temple members via this special
issue of Lifeforce.
The Temple Mission
The purpose of this Temple is in two parts: Locate those who have the
Potential to become Vampire and offer conscious assistance through
the Temple Teachings to have them actualize that Potential.
This is why the Temple exists and if either of these elements should fail
in the eyes of Those Who have chartered this experiment, the Temple
would cease to exist overnight.

A Warning?

I do not believe in coincidences.

The Temple message board with some three years of contributions,
essays, and testimonials from the combined effort of numerous Temple
members was gone.

Those of you who accessed that page and saw the words, “Forums are
closed.” may understand what I mean.
It was, I believe, a warning.
Only last month I entered here the Annual Report to Council regarding
the efforts of the Temple to meet the requirements Council demanded
last year.
In May 2003 Council set a requirement for an improvement in the
Temple Mission to renew the Temple’s public charter to exist.
The second part of our Mission, the conscious guidance for actualizing
Vampiric Potential through the Temple Teachings has been secure ever
since the publication of The Vampire Bible in 1989.
Even without reference to the other four Higher Teachings, The
Vampire Bible by itself offers the bare essentials which any candidate
can apply and, with diligence and discipline, attain the Goal.
The first part of the Temple Mission, the locating of those with
Potential, has, however, been weak.
To be blunt, most of the membership of the Temple has not done much
to reach out to others.
My report last month was, I felt, an appeal for more time to
demonstrate that the membership of the Temple can and will be more
I feel the five-day black out of the message board was neither an
accident due to human failure nor a coincidence due to mechanical
I think it was a clear message and a warning of what will happen.
I felt the warning was most clear:
“Produce results or no more Temple.”

One Last Chance

I am personally convinced we are being given one last chance to make
good on our promises.
Those Who Have Risen usually prefer to teach by action and use words
sparingly if at all.
The five day message board black out was an unmistakable action.

I am also convinced that what is required to succeed is neither difficult
nor time consuming.
The Temple website is an international doorway which leads any
prospective candidate who may possess the Potential to the Temple.
Unlike any other group or religion, you do not need to do anything
more than let potential candidates know about the existence of the
It is not necessary for you to explain, defend or even promote the
What we need for you to do, however, is to communicate the website
Nothing more.
Nothing less.

Action This Day
During World War Two, Winston Churchill made things happen to
defend Britain by slashing through the unimportant issues and
attending to what needed to be done every day. He would stamp
“Action This Day!” on memorandums requiring issues which needed

On the Temple message board there is a new practice in the forum

“Temple Mission” called “Action This Day”. Every day a new post is
made with the words “Action This Day” and today’s date. Members
are encouraged to post what they have done that day to aid the Temple

Why? The reason is simple.

We are creatures of habit. If we wish to accomplish something we

have to remember to do it regularly enough until it becomes a habit.
We cannot hand a Temple business card to someone we meet if we
didn’t remember to take any cards with us that day. We cannot clue
someone into the existence of the Temple in our emails if we did not
include the Temple website address in our email signature.

Asking yourself, what, if anything, you did to assist the Temple

Mission today places the emphasis on what is required for meaningful
results: small but consistent efforts.

Please help the Temple by asking yourself daily “What actions this day
have I taken to support the Temple Mission?” Remember, this is what
is required for the Temple to continue. Your help is needed.

Awakening In A New Body
Past life recall has become an ever more popular New Age theme and
sought after experience. Through meditation, dream diary journaling,
and hypnosis more and more Westerners now attempt to recall their
"past lives" and to "channel" "higher entities". Of course what they are
doing at best is harmonizing and bringing to awareness memory
elements of other people (usually dead people). At worst they are
fantasizing and identifying with these fantasies.

When we have a "memory" this is an experience with which we

identify. Psychological studies have been able to demonstrate the
successful creation of "memories" of events that never happened. What
we tell ourselves about an experience, to say essentially "That
happened to me", is more than enough to cause such identification.

Thus the New Agers are fabricating, confabulating or tuning into

experiences which, since they are looking for "past lives" are converted
through identification into "their" memories. It is critical that this
process be understood. It leads directly to important issues.

How do we remember things? Association plays an important part in

this. If you misplace your car keys, for example, you usually attempt to
remember when you last still had them. One thought reminds you of
another much as a train has one car hooked to another.

In dream recall we do much the same thing. We expectantly wait upon

awakening to remember what was "just happening" or we awaken with
that memory present. Then generally we work our way backwards
through time to recall the dream event before that one, and the one
before that one, and so forth.

Strong emotions, intense sensory elements and lucidity all enable and
promote dream recall.

Now how does one assume control of and awaken in a new body?

First it is important to recognize that what awakens are the elements of
your personality - that this is, rather simplistically, "you".

Second it is important to realize that the elements must have strong

internal associations. Your personality to awaken must have enough
elements associated so that you recover consciousness intact and not as
fragmented pieces.

This second issue is one of the reasons why it is important to journal in

sequence your life memories. The associations must be strengthened.

In The Book of Coming Forth By Day (The Egyptian Book of the

Dead) the weighing of the soul is critical for the soul's survival. It is
weighed against the feather of truth. This is symbolic of the integrity
of the memories which comprise the personality. It is a measure of the
strength of the associational connections between the memories.

Those souls not sufficiently "strong" are eaten by the Crocodile of

Time. The elements of the personality are broken up and "recycled".
The Lifeforce is extracted from or drains away from the connections

What is it like to enter and awaken in another body? It is not dissimilar

from awakening in your own body from an intense dream in which you
dreamt you were another person. The only difference is that the
“dream” in this case is the personality of the person whose birth body
you are now awakening in.

By now it should be fairly apparent to you that not only are not “all
men created equal” but that the vast majority of human beings have
only the most rudimentary of identities. They pass through
developmental stages of living driven by pain, attracted by pleasure and
always taking the path of least resistance in the face of peer pressure.

From infants who pass through neurological staging required to learn

language, walk, speak, etc. to the adult developmental stages of
socialization, the vast masses of human beings do not develop a
cohesive and distinctive personality with inner strength and integrity.
They have been moved by the winds of chance and society, and if they
are old enough usually are tired of life though still afraid of death.

In short, they hardly exist.

The autonomous Vampire, however, has built a Will. The Vampire has
strong connections between the memories he calls his own. The
Vampire loves life and has no hesitations about wishing to live and
love forever.

When you are “experienced” at all by the open human being, what they
feel is a strong and vivid remembrance at first. Of course, if they feel
this is “only a dream” the “dream memory” will not “come forth by
day” quickly. It will grow quietly in the background, in the
unconscious. However, if the person identifies with the experience it
becomes a memory.

That memory, strongly linked to the cohesive personality of the

Vampire, is the Awakening in that body of the Vampire. Then the
weaker memories, the insipid personality elements of the human drop
into the background, fall asleep.

For the Vampire it is Awakening from a dream of “being” the human

but over and above this dreamlike “memory” is the continuity of the
Vampire’s memory and personality.

It is a good and useful thing that so many are seeking to awaken the
memories of “past lives” and to channel “higher entities”.

We are those higher entities.

The Three Steps of Communication
Communion is Communication with the Undead.
Communication has three steps all of which must be completed for a
communication to be valid.

(1) Send a message.

(2) Send back an acknowledgement of "message received."
(3) Send back an acknowledgement of the acknowledgement.

(1) In Communion you send out Lifeforce.

(2) You receive back the Rain of Mercy (which is a definite
sensation moving from the top of the head down the body).
(3) You testify that you have had the Rain of Mercy (formalized in
application for Third Circle).

You may or may not have conscious abstract communication (ideas,

emotions, words, other phenomena). In the Old Way conscious
communication is considered superfluous as They do not consider the
state of normal consciousness to be "conscious" at all! They view what
human culture refers to as "consciousness" as dreaming without
lucidity. One ancient term for this from Hindu culture is "Maya".
The Rain of Mercy is a critical part of the evaluation for Third Circle.
Now you know why this is so.
After this you can usually feel the Rain of Mercy whenever you
practice Lifeforce Vampirism. Then it tends to become increasingly
unconscious (and consequently unnoticed). It becomes the norm and
tends to fade from conscious awareness.
This is also why it is important to remember your experiences. Don't
deny what you verify.
-Nemo, Adept

Rumor Clearinghouse
Here are some rumors that have been emailed into the Temple along
with answers addressing them:

Vampires only need to take Lifeforce.

No. The Temple Teachings are explicit on this issue.

It is necessary to complete the energy circuit by both being capable of

absorbing Lifeforce (in its condensed form from human beings) as well
as to exchange it with Those Advanced Vampires the Temple calls the
Undead Gods.

The Temple refers to this circuit completion as Communion and this is

the ultimate test for determining if one is Vampire or not.

By obtaining an authorized copy of The Vampire Bible from the

Temple, the candidate has the necessary Connection to make this test.

Is the Temple just a money-making scheme?

If so, we need to do a better job of it!

The fees charged with regard to the Temple are remarkably low
compared to almost any other organization with an international public

Subscription to active membership is only $10 per month.

The Temple does not charge a tithe (10% of your income) as do many

The Temple does not charge what it costs to belong to most health
clubs or even the YMCA!

Our monthly $10 fee includes access to the members-only forums, the
contact service to meet other adult members worldwide, access to the
Temple's monthly newsletter Lifeforce as well as the right to pursue
Grade in the Temple's Hierarchy.

Our paperback books are $20 including shipping in the US and only
$25 worldwide. Our beautiful embossed hardcover books are $35
including shipping in the US and $45 by airmail worldwide. These
prices are in line with those of any bookstore for a quality, published
book. Application for Temple Grade (of which there are only five
total) is currently $35 for the evaluation fee.

Charging money was determined to be a reliable way to screen out the

casually curious and the socially incompetent. Additionally it is a
simple fact that most things which are offered free of charge are not
valued nor examined carefully by most people.

If the Temple were designed to be just another money-making scheme

then it would be simple enough to pattern the demands for money after
popular churches that demand a tithe, ask for bequests and charge a
bare minimum of $100 per personal service… or more.

Instead the Temple actually suggests useful ways for members to

acquire wealth, longevity, survival and personal success!

Money is a tool. For the Temple it serves to filter out those not serious
enough to apply themselves to the Temple Teachings.

The advantage to members lies in the knowledge that those who enter
the Temple Gates are also serious.

After death do failed vampires go to a place called "Zak"?

(Sometimes I feel this rumor forum might be better labeled as a humor


No. The Temple Teachings discuss the reality of the Second Death.
You don't go anywhere if you are no longer in existence.

This particular rumor sounds as if it came from a truly badly written

role-playing game or B-plot movie.

Does seeing green indicate you are successful in Communion?

No. Communion is a communication.

Like any successful communication it requires following certain steps
and procedures. These are outlined in the Temple Teachings.

There is no universal color, sound, feeling, etc. which accompanies

Communion in every case. Those who suggest such things are in error.

Does the TOV teach that Vampires are infected with the "K-17"

No. Vampirism is not an "infection" nor a "disease" nor a "curse".

Real Nightside Vampirism is a practice that requires an instinctual

Potential that is in-born as well as an understanding with regard to how
to do it. It also requires the completion of a non-physical Energy
Circuit with Advanced Vampires Whom We refer to as the Undead

It is not a physical practice at all and therefore has nothing to do with

viruses, disease, blood or anything else that is physical.

I do not know where this particular rumor arose but it sounds like a bad
B-plot Hollywood horror movie. Perhaps fun to watch but silly to

Is the Temple a secret branch of the Masons?

No. The Temple is not a part of any other organization, secret or


The Temple was formed in 1989 as a first time only public experiment
to offer the Teachings of the Family in a conscious manner through the
written word to those individuals with the requisite Potential.

Freemasonry is quite old and has now many branches and forms.
Nevertheless it is not the Temple and neither are We a subset of it.

Those who look for parallels with the Temple Teachings elsewhere will
to some extent find what they are looking for due to the human
psychological tendency for pattern recognition. That is not the same as
discovering that the Teachings are the same at all. They are not.

The Temple charges higher fees the deeper one goes.

No. The $10 monthly subscription fee is the same whether one is an
un-Graded subscriber or an Adept. Each Bible is $35 domestic ($45
foreign) which includes shipping fees.

The further into the Temple one goes the more one sees that the fees
are level for all.

The TOV requires an interview for membership.

No. Any person who obtains an authorized copy of The Vampire

Bible is considered a lifetime member if they also agree with The
Vampire Creed.

If a lifetime member wishes to subscribe to active membership they

need only submit a copy of a valid ID along with the (current) $10
monthly subscription fee.

If an active member wishes to apply for Grade they complete the

evaluation form and submit it along with the evaluation fee (currently

There are no interviews required. Only self-honesty.

Are there weekly TOV "classes"?

No. The Temple teachings require that the member apply the
Teachings but there are no required meetings or "classes".

CABAL is the service that enables members to arrange in-person

meetings with other active members but this is strictly optional.

Is there a "secret TOV incense combination"?

No. There exists no "secret TOV incense combination".

We do not even have a secret TOV incense in the singular.

All the secrets in the Temple are "open" secrets in the real sense that
whatever can be communicated in mere words is not the requisite
experiences to validate oneself as Vampire.

Vampirism can harm human beings.

No. Real Vampirism, the absorption of the excess Lifeforce radiated

into space by all living things but highly concentrated in human beings,
is actually beneficial and not harmful.

In the same way the living physical body radiates heat, it also radiates
Lifeforce. It is not any more detrimental for the Vampire to draw off
this excess Lifeforce than for someone to feel the heat radiated from
another person standing or sitting next to you.

Meridian therapies such as acupuncture and Reiki are based on

enabling the proper balancing of such energy within the body and real
Vampirism often results in the same thing.

Communion, which is the completion of the Lifeforce energy circuit,

profoundly rebalances and reroutes the energy system of the Vampire
and is an important part of Vampiric Metamorphosis - the alchemical
transubstantiation of the Vampire from mortality to something more.

On the other hand, fake vampirism which is involved with the ingestion
of physical bodily fluids is a highly dangerous and unhealthy practice
risking infection, the transmission of disease and even the potential for
blood loss or nerve damage with artificial incisions with needles and
razor blades. These are just a few more reasons the Temple forbids
physical blood drinking to members.

Immortality requires rising above the physical.

No. The Temple is completely devoted to physical immortality and is

not caught up in the deluded make-believe worlds of heaven, hell or
purgatory which dominate the human religions.

The Temple advocates the pursuit of cutting-edge medical and

scientific methods available but little known for practical and effective
life extension, in addition to Nightside techniques for remaining
breathing long after most would assume this to not be possible.

The Vampire is a Master of the world - not fantasy worlds filled with
vacuous ghosts.

While We are very much involved with the various so-called

"paranormal" skills to include out of body experience, these are tools
We use, not final destinations.
To enter the Temple is to embrace life and reality. We love life and
have no intention of glorifying nor promoting death. We seek and
achieve physical immortality.

To the question, "Do you want to live forever?" the real Vampire says

We are physical immortalists.

The Temple has given television interviews.

Never. Television remains a circus and the lowest common

denominator of the modern culture.

Any person you see on television who mentions the Temple is not from
the Temple.

That is a certainty!

The Temple has a hidden racist/right wing agenda.

No. The Temple enjoys members at all levels drawn from every racial
group in the world.

We are not racists. We are, if anything, "species-ists”!

We hold Ourselves to be above the human stock from which the

Temple membership rises.

The so-called "right wing agenda" is more difficult to address since it

is, in itself, poorly defined. For this reason I will attempt to clarify the
simple fact that the Temple endorses democratic representational
government and rule by law for human beings.

The Temple also upholds the values of legal restriction of government

from infringing upon basic human rights such as those enumerated in
the US Constitution’s "Bill of Rights" amendments.

Temple Law forbids Temple members from belonging to organizations

that oppose these simple principles of law and order such as violent
neo-Nazi organizations.

This rumor was obviously started by those who are opposed to the
Temple. It is simply not true.

Is the Temple a branch of the Church of Satan?

The specific rumor received was:

“ToV is a branch of CoS, in order for the latter to attract potential

members with a gothic image.”

I have lately seen a wide number of variations on this rumor that is

completely false.

First, the Temple is legally a separate organization from any other.

Second, while the Dayside portion of the Temple is very similar to the
philosophy of the Church of Satan, the Nightside portion and Twilight
portions could easily be rejected by some members of the Church of

The Temple has very few supporters outside Itself. One of these is the
Church of Satan. They kindly provide a link to the Temple and the
Temple reciprocates.

The "gothic image" portion of the specific rumor addressed here is truly
laughable. As the Temple discourages Halloween dress up and blood
drinking, this is a large "turn off" to the Gothic community in general.

The Temple is not a subset of any other organization although we have

members who belong to many, many other organizations and groups.

The Temple is Itself and none other.

The Temple exists to serve the Temple Mission and none other.

Those who would claim otherwise are either mistaken or lying.

Is there a physical "Vampire gene" or "Vampire genealogy"?

No. Those who look to the physical are simply wasting their time and
always come to a dead end.

Those who claim there are “bloodlines” in which the Vampiric
Potential is passed, parent to child, are simply wrong.

The inborn Vampiric Potential skips physical generations and, in fact,

does not evidence any coherent or predictable pattern observed to date.

Genealogy reveals nothing here.

It is highly probable that the Vampiric Potential is actually spread

throughout the human species but only certain individuals ever have the
right environment to enable the realization of that Potential.

The Temple offers a conscious opportunity for those with the Potential
to choose to create that right environment. The seed must be in soil
with water, nutrients and sunlight for the plant to mature. Otherwise it
simply dies.

All those who speak or write of a “Vampire gene” or physical Vampire

bloodlines are simply incorrect. Nothing and no one can make you
Vampire without your own correct effort in the right manner.

Just as human children will not learn speech or how to walk upright
unless they are reared in the presence of human adults, the human with
Vampiric Potential must come into the Presence of Adult Vampires, or
they will remain stunted and incomplete.

You must be born with the Potential and you must be exposed correctly
to Those Who Have Actualized Their Potential.

Life comes from Life.

And only from Life.

Does the Temple have a "blacklist" of forbidden groups?

There is no need for any such "list".

If the group is involved with or advocating criminal activity, the

Temple requires you not to be a part of that.

If the group is involved with blood drinking or advocating blood

sacrifice or some such nonsense, the Temple requires that you not be a
part of it.

If the group claims to speak for the Temple, the Temple requires that
you to not be a part of it.

If the group claims to be Vampire or speaks against the Temple, the

Temple requires you to not be a part of it.

These things are clearly explained on the Temple website. There is no

need for a long and unending list of names or groups.

We expect you to simply understand these four restrictions and stay

clear of such people. It is just that simple.

Does the Temple teach that you must die to join the Undead?

No. Quite the contrary. The human religions are those that teach that
one must die to "go to heaven" and join with "God". We don't.

The Temple has always Taught that the Undead are Themselves
embodied as explained in The Vampire Creed quite clearly.

The trick to understanding what the Temple is actually Teaching is to

read what is in plain public view. Don't rely on what others say.

Read what We say.

Is Temple selling 5-page pamphlets on astral travel?


The Temple offers in paperback and hardcover with some 50 pages

The Vampire Bible as well as four other Teaching texts, a journal
covering the first 13 of our 17 years of journal articles which, if added
together would amount to over 375 pages of tightly packed words and

This "5 page" rumor has been circulating for some time and either
came from someone with an agenda or someone with a problem

The issues dealt with in the Temple literature include so-called "astral
travel" but also span the entire field of required information for
achieving the personal goals of the Temple. Everything from

cosmology and history to psychology and mental technology (magic)
are dealt with in depth.

Does the Temple teach that Vampires are an alien race?

No. The Temple teaches that the cutting edge of humanity has the
Potential to evolve into a higher form that has traditionally been called
the Vampire or the Gods.

Where and how the human race evolved may be interesting in and of
itself but still has nothing to do with the primary intent of the Temple:
personal survival. I suspect this rumor came from someone watching
too many reruns of "The X Files".

Lucas Martel founded the Temple on the ideals of the 'original'

organization that his great grandfather was a member of.

I can assure you that if the organization was public and open to new
members from the public then it was not a direct representation of the
Family. There have been many private organizations that have served
many purposes through the years, however.

The Temple was uniquely founded to do exactly as stated: to find those

with the Potential and convey the Teachings in a conscious manner.
Many have guided the founding and actions of the Temple.

The danger comes in the many false groups that are now coming
forward. Only one public organization enables one to choose to join
and that is the Temple.

All others that are real are not open for others to join them and the old
dictum applies:

"Those who speak do not know and those who know do not speak."

The Throne of the Dragon
When we cast off delusion and see what is, as it is, the Dragon stirs
within and a new identity begins to form.

When we persist in looking from the Eye of the Dragon, the Dragon
awakens and in that moment we begin to recognize Who and What We
really are.

When we make this perspective a commonplace habit, the Dragon is

Enthroned and Power comes to hand.

All Active Members of the Third, Fourth and Fifth Circles are also
members of Priesthood of UR which is the Priesthood of the Temple of
the Dragon.

The Temple of the Dragon was also registered as a church with the US
federal government in 1988 and has a public existence in Its Own right
apart from the Temple of the Vampire which was registered the
following year in 1989. These are the legal organizational structures
which reflect a deeper more practical reality in personal experience.

The Temple of the Vampire is your physical body. This is the Dayside
Vampire, in essence.

The Temple of the Dragon is your Astral Body when fused with your
physical body. This is achieved whenever you are aware that you are
gazing out at the world from the Throne of the Dragon that place
"behind" the eyes.

The Throne of the Dragon has also been called many other things such
as the Third Eye, the ajna chakra, the Tisra Til, etc. The Names are

What is important to grasp, experience and achieve is the need to

choose to ascend to the Throne.

That always remains a personal choice, moment by moment.

Such as right now.

2004 End of Year Report
The Temple has submitted the final report for 2004 to Council and has
received preliminary feedback.
The limited success with the Temple Mission will prompt a number of
changes in the structure of the Temple Teachings and offerings to cause
the Temple Mission to progress more meaningfully.
One has already been implemented. The Temple Ring and Temple
Medallion have now been made available to any person who endorses
the Vampire Creed and agrees to respect Temple Law.
It is also entirely possible that more of the written Teachings will be
made more widely available through the various Grades.
Bloodlines may be made available to either the general public or the
Lifetime Members to fill the gap currently served by the public
message board.
In short the Temple will be made easier for candidates considering
membership to understand in terms of the benefits.
Also the intention is to streamline Grade evaluation to better emphasize
the specific accomplishments required for each Grade and to emphasize
personal validation of experience over scholarship.
These changes are intended to encourage personal identification with
the Vampiric Path by those who might otherwise waiver.
The personal effort of each member continues to be the only reliable
way to aid the Temple Mission.
Thank you for your ongoing efforts!

The Temple is Invisible

By Nemo

It is usually hard for especially newer members to grasp the fact that
has been stated in all Temple literature from The Vampire Bible on,
that this Temple is invisibly Guided.

Often when I meet people in person who are familiar with the Temple
on one level or another I find it highly amusing that they attempt to
judge what is visible – my appearance, words, actions, education,
behavior – to determine in their own minds what is actually invisible.

Judging a book by its cover is often a serious error.

However, even more importantly, what the Temple is truly about is

completely invisible.

The Temple makes a number of claims regarding your nature as well as

the nature of the world and then instructs you on how to perform
experiments to validate these claims.

Those who state that they have validated these claims do so formally
and are assigned up to five Grades of validation: Initiate, Predator,
Priest/Priestess, Sorcerer/Sorceress and Adept.

These Grades are only valid to the extent that the person claiming these
attainments is truthful and accurate.

The Temple has made no effort to counter or screen out those who lie
to themselves or others.


Why have We deliberately chosen to not attempt to test the validity of

the claims of those attesting to these accomplishments?

The reason is simple.

We have known from the beginning that there will come into this
Temple those who cannot or will not actually pursue the Teachings.

There will come to us those who lack the Potential or lack the
perseverance to get authentic results.

There will be those who will reinterpret their failures as success to

boost up a false sense of self-importance.

There will be those who resent the elitist claims of the Temple and
come here with no other purpose than to attempt to destroy what they
consider falsehoods.

There will be those who make the mistake I alluded to above and
meeting members in person will substitute judging what is visible for
what is invisible, for judging others instead of judging their own

From time to time some of the members who have these hidden
agendas will gather together in groups and then finally – usually in a
great flurry of noise and excitement – declare themselves to be
independent or superior to the Temple to then form new groups.

Sometimes such efforts must include attacks of one kind or another to

try to denigrate the Temple to help justify their rebellion.

Efforts like this are inevitable because human nature remains as it is.

However all such efforts are juvenile, misguided and doomed to failure.


The answer is simple.

Everything unique about the Temple requires that you prove it to



It does not matter what is visible.

It does not matter about Our history, personalities, origins, or anything

else of that nature.

All that matters is what is invisible.

You know what you personally know.

If you do not know if Lifeforce exists, or Communion is real, or Magic

is real, or the authentic Nature of the Self and Reality – then you simply
do not know.

That is the posture of the entire outside world and the new member.
The Initiate is simply a member who has decided to try and find out.

When a member claims to know that any of these claims of the Temple
are true and correct, they testify to these as self-validated personal

Please notice that it is you who must say “I know this to be true
because I have experienced it and proven it to myself.”

Those who lie about such things are only deceiving themselves …
unless they then deny the very facts they have claimed to be true.

This is one reason why the Temple does not attempt to verify the
members’ claims.

On the one hand, we respect the members' honesty and assume that
they are here to do what we are here to offer: mastery of the Teachings.

On the other hand anyone who then leaves the Temple, whether alone
or in a group, demonstrates that they have lied about what they claimed
to know is true. Schisms from this Temple can only come from liars.

It does not matter if they lied deliberately or later discovered that they
lied due to misunderstanding.

Those who lie deliberately lie not only to others but, more importantly,
they lie to themselves.

Those who have lied through misunderstanding but do not leave the
Temple can always work to correct this failure.

Those who have lied through misunderstanding what they claimed and
then leave the Temple to form something similar are simply ignorant
and have nothing to teach.

If someone has lied before about these issues, they should not be
believed again especially if they wish to “instruct” others.
Knowledge does not come from ignorance.

Wisdom does not rise from self-deception.

The important claims of this Temple cannot be demonstrated to others.

The Temple claims are invisible.

Taking Lifeforce is not something one can show on a video.

Successful Communion with the Rain of Mercy is not something that

can be seen by others who might watch even as It happens.

Everything of importance in this Temple is, by its nature, a personal

and private experience.

It is invisible.

Therefore the Temple only exists to find those who wish to actually
achieve these experiences and then to offer Guidance to others for
doing so.

Therefore any effort by anyone or any group to break away from the
Temple is an admission by that person or group that they have utterly
failed to achieve what they claimed.

Those who actually achieve results understand this and are loyal to the
Temple because they are loyal to authenticated results.

In a very real sense it is impossible to destroy the Temple or take the

Authority of the Temple or hijack the Teachings of the Temple to do
anything else because what you see is not what you get.

If you think this through you will realize that any effort to break away
from the Temple to do anything even remotely similar is an admission
of incompetence and ignorance.

The invisible is what this Temple is all about.

We are aware that there are always members who will be forming into
potential schisms.

Now I appeal to your reason.

If you are being seduced by the visible and are considering the clever
words of those who would have you leave this Temple, I urge you to
think carefully.

Anyone who would suggest these things with any Grade above Initiate
cannot be trusted!

By their own testimony they have proven that either they are outright
liars about their own experiences or they still have failed to achieve
what they have claimed.

They are asking you to trust them and they have already proven that
they cannot be trusted!

Either their character is flawed or their judgment or both.

The Temple, on the other hand, asks you to trust no one except

The Temple hands out instructions on experiments to perform to prove

to yourself what is true.

Anything you are told by those who would denigrate the Temple and
attempt to undercut its Authority relies upon you believing in only what
is visible.

The Temple asks you instead, to verify what is invisible.

The invisible is the “hidden” or the “occult”.

The Temple is the one public organization that offers both the means
and structure to permit the direct and personal experience of the Occult,
in its truest essence.

Everything else is mere words, pictures, sounds, sensations - all of

which are visible.

As Internet Administrator to the Temple I receive emails daily and

commonly I read pleas from those who betrayed their own nature and
left the Temple to join pale shadows of the reality the Temple offers.

When I do reply I only suggest that they seek happiness in other

There is a world full of distractions to divert the human mind away
from its mortality.

I do not mention that they have cast away their only true hope for
something more - something that cannot be visible because of its

Your mind is invisible and the Minds behind this Temple are as well.

You do not have to believe this.

You do, however, have this one chance to prove it for yourself.

“One Life. One Chance.”

Be loyal and live on.

Your Survival
Active membership to the Temple is intended to offer the members the
tools for the mastery of life. The Temple desires to see the members
strong, self sufficient and invincible. In other words, the Temple is
entirely about survival.

Survival has several levels or arenas of activity.

First, of course, is physical health. Beyond the absolute necessities of

food, shelter and clothing the various components involved in
achieving and maintaining optimal health are only now becoming
scientifically discovered.

One resource that appears to have more immediate usefulness even at

this somewhat primitive stage of scientific development is The Edge
Effect by Eric R. Braverman, M.D. (ISBN 1-4027-1205-7).
Braverman was a former Chief Clinical Researcher at the Princeton
Brain Bio Center and now heads up his own private non-profit research
group, the PATH Foundation.

This approach is dedicated to the supposition that four major

neurotransmitters in the brain need to be properly balanced for health to
be present. This particular book offers a fairly simple written
examination to determine your own “mix” and then offers direct
suggestions for achieving a proper balance.

The result of a proper balance for the individual is to restore the

cascade of “lower” biochemical and electrical events in the body, such
as hormone production, blood sugar levels, overall metabolism, etc.,
such that diseases are attenuated and mental and emotional functions
are optimized.

While not light reading, the suggested book is written for the general
public and recommended by the Temple.

Increasingly health is also dependent upon access to medical services,

and these, in turn, are dependent upon having access to enough money
to afford them. Almost daily, new research is curing disease after
disease but treatment is not always readily available to the general
public unless one can afford to obtain it privately.

Thus wealth is a survival factor not only for providing mobility to
avoid civil disruptions such as war or governmental tyrannies, but to be
able to afford the health care options that will maintain and extend life.

All of the previous resources mentioned in this article presuppose that

the member has employment already. One of the greatest challenges
for most individuals today is to be able to secure reliable and adequate
employment from which to build financial freedom.

It is therefore worthwhile when considering preparation for a career or

a new career to not automatically assume that traditional paths will still
be effective. Colleges have long promised higher average income for
graduates but the simple fact of the matter is that what you study in
school must have an employable purpose.

For example, in the United States two year “community colleges”

continue to churn out Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses
because there is a purported need. However the “need” results in large
part because the employers of nurses pay poor wages while requiring
high accountability and long hours. Thus the majority of nurses leave
that profession usually within five years of graduation and hence create
and artificial employment need for more nurses. .

It is critical when looking for a career to not simply accept what one is
told by a college. Remember that despite the posturing, all colleges are
actually businesses that have an agenda. They wish to obtain sufficient
numbers of attending students. This agenda may very well color the
information given to prospects as opposed to offering the strict truths
involved. Caveat Emptor!

Survival is also involved with the issue of violence.

On the wider level, it may be necessary for the member to be prepared

to move away from the part of the world in which they live if they are
in direct danger of war, for example. This may require exploring ways
to acquire legal passports from other destination countries and in any
case requires doing the necessary research to determine where to go if
the current location becomes too unstable.

On a narrower level the threat of violence can range down to personal

assaults from domestic violence (which is a very common source of
injury!) to street muggings and car jackings. There are many book
resources now available to assist on this level without having to devote
one’s life to training in martial arts or hiring bodyguards.
These issues are the base of the Temple “pyramid” for personal
survival. Not surprisingly they tend to be ignored by the human herd.
The psychological reasons behind this rather suicidal tendency are not
within the scope of this article but clearly can be traced back to an
attitude of denigrating life when one expects to sooner or later die.

However there is one additional issue that needs to be addressed here as

well with regard to survival.

The mortalist perspective denies that physical immortality is either

desirable or attainable. Two important resources counter this
assumption and they are Engines of Creation by Eric Drexler and The
Prospect of Immortality by Robert Ettinger. Both of these books are
available online free and are found in most libraries. The member is
advised to read both to undercut all of the deathist arguments and to
cement an understanding of why immortality is not only desirable and
attainable but will become inevitable.

The concern here is that there are too many members who come to the
Temple and assume that the Nightside will “save” them from death.
They take the Christian doctrine of “salvation” and unwittingly paste it
across the serious suggestions of the Temple. This is an error.

Let me be extremely clear to all reading this. If you are relying upon
astral immortality which requires skills you have not yet fully mastered
or can demonstrate (to rule out self deception) then you are still basing
your efforts toward survival on faith and not fact.

The Temple is based entirely on demonstrable and self-verifiable fact

and not on faith. You should assume that unless you have mastered
the astral skills of the Temple Teachings that if you die you will simply
be dead. The Vampire Creed is explicit on this issue.

Therefore any member who is ignoring the physical steps briefly

alluded to in this article for survival is not behaving or thinking as
Vampire but is following the road to destruction common to the mortal

Survival requires effort and planning. It is not assured but it is worth

the trouble.

Stay Strong!

The Temple celebrates the turning of the four seasons with the
equinoxes and solstices. For example:

Vernal Equinox Mar 20 2005 7:34 AM EST

Summer Solstice Jun 21 2005 2:46 AM EDT
Autumnal Equinox Sep 22 2005 6:23 PM EDT
Winter Solstice Dec 21 2005 1:35 PM EST

We also celebrate traditional turning points in the calendar often

associated with the seasons. Halloween, on October 31 st is one of these
and another, on the opposite side of the year, is Walpurgisnacht, or
May Eve.

All Hallow’s Eve (Halloween) celebrates the close of summer and is

associated with feasting of meat (with the slaying of cattle that would
not last the winter) from which we have the “carnival”, a festival of
meat. Walpurgisnacht or May Eve celebrates the mating season and is
a festival of fertility.

Both of these holidays, Halloween and Walpurgisnacht, are associated

with the Wild Hunt of the Trooping Fairies all of which are human
terms for Our Gatherings.

Those of you who have dream control or a degree of mastery of the out
of body experience are urged to join the Gatherings. Details on this are
included in Fourth Circle literature but the essence is to Rise and mount
the night sky. Rise high and feel the Pull. You will find your way.

Those members still lacking this degree of skill mastery are encouraged
to make these nights special in your own way. Communion can be
especially rewarding on these Holy Days and Nights of Revel.

The Administration wishes all members everywhere a wonderful

Walpurgisnacht celebration.

You are Vampire!


You Are What You Are

The Temple relies upon the honesty of members when they testify with
regard to Grade. The Temple website home page summarizes these
accomplishments as follows:

The Vampire Initiate is willing to actively verify the Temple


The Vampire Predator has verified the reality of Lifeforce


The Vampire Priest/Priestess has verified the reality of the Undead


The Vampire Sorcerer/Sorceress has verified the power of the Nine

Laws of Magic.

The Vampire Adept has verified the nature of the Self and the
hidden nature of reality.

Over the last sixteen years we have seen a handful of members achieve
Adept level who then broke Temple Law and had their memberships
permanently removed.

These are rare occurrences but when they happen I have generally
wondered how the Temple failed these members. Most of these
excommunications have occurred since the Temple presence with a
message board on the internet exploded in the last three years.

As the Temple’s current internet administrator I would then go back to

the website and try to determine what could be done to make clearer the
reasons for Temple Law or how to better structure the levels on the
message board, or links, or definitions, etc. Many members would
work to better refine the Temple’s message and image to help prevent
such losses in the future.

However I was completely wrong. In the effort to attempt to improve

the Temple’s internet structure and summaries, I lost track of the only
real reason for why any member of the Priesthood would betray their
trust and Oath.

The answer was simple. They simply never were a real member of the
Priesthood and or a real Vampire.

“You are what you are’”

These words have been around for as long as I can remember and yet it
is so easy to forget what they mean.

Those who are Vampire will not throw away the chance to realize their

The prize is immortality. The Vampire will not exchange the chance for
immortality for anything of lesser value.

The Vampire will have no problem following the minor restrictions on

their behavior required by Temple Law: avoidance of crime and blood
drinkers – choosing to remain worthy by being reasonable.

However neither is it the fault of the human beings who come to the
Temple and lie to themselves or others about their accomplishments in
order to gain Grade!

They actually can’t help themselves. It is simply their nature.

You are what you are.

When a member submits a written testimony to apply for the Third

Circle that member has stated that he or she now is satisfied that the
Undead Gods are real.

The human beings who lie about this should not be faulted for lying
about it. They cannot help themselves. They are not driven by the
desire for immortality but are driven, instead, by the need to have
others look up to them, to acquire Titles and awards that they can
substitute for authentic accomplishment.


Because the nature of human beings is embedded with their knowledge

that they are mortal, they will soon die and therefore everything in their
lives will become meaningless, sooner or later anyway.

Thus they are easily tempted to lie about who they are and what they
can do because “life is short” and if they do not grab what they can,
while they can, they will never have anything anyway.

Seldom if ever do human beings realize that these ideas are what
motivate their every action, but from the Vampiric perspective it is
clearly obvious.

For example, in order to be admitted to the Second Circle the applicant

must answer without qualification the question, “Do you want to
physically live forever?

The Vampire without any hesitation replies, “Yes!” The human being
will hesitate or suggest he or she only wants to live forever if they have
this or that condition as well.

For the Vampire this seems insane. Why would anyone say no to
immortality for any reason at all? But it isn’t that the human being is
insane. It is simply that immortality is not part of the nature of being a
human being.

This last month we lost another so-called Adept who had to be

excommunicated. I now say “so-called” because it was finally made
clear to me by Older and Wiser Minds how I had continued to
misunderstand the Temple’s limitations in this regard.

Only a human being could achieve Grade above Second Circle and still
violate Temple Law willfully. A Vampire would never do such a thing.

The nature of the Vampire would cause him to stop and say, “Temple
Law asks me to not endorse fake vampire groups because it undercuts
the Temple Mission to find real Vampires and assist them. So that
makes sense. I want to help my own kind.”

Thus the Vampire will shun the fakes and kooks who are so self-
deluded, and even psychotic, that they think they are something they
are not – like dogs who think they are cats.

The nature of the human mortal looks at this in numerous other ways.
These ways of thinking will seem illogical and self-defeating to the

Vampire but living with contradictions is normal to the nature of the
human being.

Human nature is deathist. If you grasp this fact and apply it relentlessly
in your dealings with people you will save yourself much grief and
come to the same realization that I finally have myself.

The supreme first simple test of whether someone is human or Vampire

is in the Second Circle question about physical immortality.

The so-called Adept excommunicated this last month, like ALL those
other excommunicated Adepts over the last few years, rejected personal
physical immortality. All.

This is not a coincidence. It stems from their nature as human beings.

A cat is a cat and not a dog. A cat will behave like and think like a cat
and not like a dog. If you expect anything different you will only
become frustrated needlessly.

The same thing applies to Temple membership. The Vampire is a

Vampire and the human is a human. Ultimately your nature will reveal
itself in your choices and actions.

The human who fakes his testimony and obtains Grade in the Temple
will, sooner or later, violate Temple Law. It is inevitable. It is not due
to a failure of character. It is not due to stupidity. It is due to their
nature. They are mortal and they will choose death one way or the

So when you learn that a member ahs been excommunicated please

understand that they never really were a member to begin with.

This is the Temple of the Vampire.

If you are not Vampire you will leave sooner or later because you are

“The Sleeper is born to die.”

You are what you are.

The Rose (anagram: eros) Crux of five petals defines the pentagram.
Inscribe the pentagram to produce the pentagon.

Now look at the Great Pyramid (which is having a large wall being
erected around it even as we discuss this) and from above we see an
"X" circumscribed by a square. This is your great Red Cross on the
white desert plateau. Allow this "X" to remain on the base of the
pyramid, as if it were resting upon the white ground, and move your
perspective below the surface. As above, so below.

Go to that deep place where one can see the frame of the four edges of
the pyramid and the "X" and the square all form a pentagon with an
inverted pentagram star. From that perspective rests something

And as if looking through a target, the center of that inscribed pentagon

points to a specific place in the heavens. With alignment all will be

Ouroboros encircles and two twin dragons face left and right, as even
one ancient face gazes East while the other.... The reproductive organs
of the male and female in coitus below (Fleur De Lis) and above, ah
yes, the Crown, the Nimbus, the Halo, the Gate.

And what do these symbols remind one of?

The Circle surrounding the Face that gazes down (even as we might
gaze up), the outer facing serpents (winged Horus), the two made one
and the eye cavities and nasal cavities, even the cheek bones (another
five forming yet another pentagram) all aligning to a centered position
on that Great Circle?

All is laid bare like words arranged in sentences lend meaning to the
words and point to something beyond mere words.

What is the "order" of the Dragon? Is there a clear order? Is there order
from Chaos?

Yes there is.

Everywhere we look.

The Throne of the Dragon
When we cast off delusion and see what is, as it is, the Dragon stirs
within and a new identity begins to form. When we persist in looking
from the Eye of the Dragon, the Dragon awakens and in that moment
we begin to recognize Who and What We really are. When we make
this perspective a commonplace habit, the Dragon is Enthroned and
Power comes to hand.

All Active Members of the Third, Fourth and Fifth Circles are also
members of Priesthood of UR which is the Priesthood of the Temple of
the Dragon.

The Temple of the Dragon was also registered as a church with the US
federal government in 1988 and has a public existence in Its Own right
apart from the Temple of the Vampire that was registered the following
year in 1989. These are the legal organizational structures that reflect a
deeper more practical reality in personal experience.

The Temple of the Vampire is your physical body. This is the Dayside
Vampire, in essence.

The Temple of the Dragon is your Astral Body when fused with your
physical body. This is achieved whenever you are aware that you are
gazing out at the world from the Throne of the Dragon located "behind"
the eyes.

The Throne of the Dragon has also been called many other things such
as the Third Eye, the ajna chakra, the Tisra Til, etc.

The Names are unimportant. What is important to grasp, experience

and achieve is the need to choose to ascend to the Throne.

That always remains a personal choice, moment by moment.

Such as right now.

Walking the Talk
As active members apply for Grade, there is a shift in how they

At First Circle, the Dayside predominates and the Vampire is the street
smart skeptic who looks with a jaded eye at the follies of human belief
systems. At First Circle the Nightside consists primarily in taking a
testing attitude toward the possible reality of Lifeforce and Lifeforce

When the Initiate has satisfied himself that Lifeforce is real and that
Lifeforce Vampirism is real through his personal experience (and not
merely reading about the experiences or opinions of others), then he
moves these two items from his Nightside into his Dayside. When the
Initiate has also satisfied himself with regard to the practicality of the
Vampiric perspective and has decided that physical immortality is
desirable, that member can apply for the Second Circle.

At each progressive level of Grade, the member must move more items
from his Nightside to his Dayside until finally, at Fifth Circle, all of his
Nightside is in his Dayside and he operates in the Twilight. Now what
is intriguing about all of this is that each Circle has its own perspective
and its own “language” as a consequence.

At First Circle the perspective is divided harshly into Dayside and

Nightside views. On the messageboard there are separate forums for
each. So when the Initiate expresses thoughts in the Dayside forum
there is no room for any “psychic” attitudes. Everything there will tend
to be compatible with a no-nonsense, materialistic perspective. And
when the Initiate writes in the Nightside forum, that is where he can
speculate and make observations about Lifeforce and Vampirism.

At Second Circle, the member’s perspective is more fluid than in First

Circle. Nightside issues now involve the reality of the Undead Gods,
the reality of the Rain of Mercy, feeling capable of conducting group
Communion, and taking actions to secure physical immortality both in
the Dayside and the Nightside.

It is at this point in the development of the member that the last

vestiges if human death worship must be outgrown to qualify for
Grade. Here the member must begin to actually “walk the talk”. The
rapid intercommunication of the Temple members on the internet

messageboard has brought into focus a remarkable screening test that
has become de rigueur for Grade. That test is the one regarding the
issue of physical immortality.

The human religions are based in large part upon a denial of the reality
of death whereas the Vampire religion looks the issue of personal death
straight in the eye and says “I reject you!” This is presented from the
beginning of the Temple Teachings in “The Vampire Creed”:

“I realize there is no heaven as there is no hell,

and I view death as the destroyer of life.”

When the member applies for Second Circle one of the questions is:

“Do you want to physically live forever?”

This is the first clear awakening for those members still assuming that
the immortality of the Temple is not physical. This is the first parting
of the ways with the human spiritual-only fantasy heavens and ghost-
like afterlife goals … all of which lead to the Second Death. To
embrace the perspective of the Vampire Predator is to desire
immortality without compromise.

Then when the member applies for the Third Circle, to enter the
Priesthood or UR and the Temple of the Dragon, there is another abyss
to cross for one of the questions on that evaluation reads:

“What actions have you taken to physically live forever?”

The member who lists only Nightside actions soon discovers that to
enter the Priesthood requires commitment – “Walking Your Talk”. The
key is that those who are unwilling to take actions reveal to themselves
that there is still something they need to overcome from the human
deathist culture. The Temple expects and demands that the member
“Walk Your Talk”. Probably the single most effective issue that
divides the Vampire from the human herd is his desire to live forever.

“Do you want to live forever?”

The Vampire says “Yes!”

Opening To The Undead
When you come to the Temple you see the words:

"Believe Nothing. Test Everything."

However, what many members initially fail to realize is that this

requirement to drop prior beliefs also refers to disbeliefs.

The member who comes to the Temple and says, in effect, "I do not
believe in the reality of the Undead Gods and this fact will have to be
proven to me before I will change my mind" - this person has a

This attitude is clinging to the belief that the Undead cannot be, rather
than having a truly open mind to the evidence acquired.

I read of this struggle on a regular basis. I read of members who have

experiences - often profound experiences - but because they have
already decided that the Undead can't be real they do not draw
reasonable conclusions from these experiences. Religious belief in
materialism is not equivalent to "Belief in nothing"!

Therefore I would ask each one of you who are striving to validate the
reality of the Undead to first "Believe Nothing" in the complete sense
of that admonition.

This includes dropping the "common sense" (read: herd) perspective

that anything you cannot kick isn't real (such as x-rays, television
signals, infrared, ultraviolet, inactivated holograms, etc.

Now there is another issue of no small importance to consider here.

You are here in part because you wish to master the Nightside
Teachings and become an Advanced Vampire - an Undead God.

Please understand that if you disbelieve in the realistic possibility of the

Undead you are denying the possibility that anyone at anytime could
have ever accomplished what you are here to accomplish now yourself.

Please consider reading over the above sentence as many times as you
need to until you truly understand it.

You see, there are no two ways about this issue.

Either it is or is not possible to master some or all of the Teachings.

Either you can or cannot become One of the Undead.

And if it is possible for you to do it, why do you not think that in all the
time that has preceded this there has never been anyone else who has
done so?

Think it through. Why is it important for your mind to be open?

First, a closed mind is closed to perceptions on a preconscious level. It

is a psychological fact that if you do not think something is possible
you will not only trip yourself up trying to do it but will find quick
rationalizations to avoid recognizing if it happens even directly in front
of you.

Additionally you quite literally program your perceptions. In the same

way that under hypnosis it is possible to create "negative
hallucinations" (the inability to perceive something that is present
before you), by your attitudes and expectations you suggest to your
unconscious mind what you can and cannot permit yourself to
consciously know about.

The clinical evidence supporting this fact is overwhelming and

undeniable. Charles Tart and Milton Erickson filled volumes of
psychological and psychiatric journals with examples and studies. They
were far from alone.

Therefore when a member assumes that the Undead are not, that
member will have a much more difficult time validating these issues.

I therefore suggest that if it isn't already, please open your mind.

To do so will stop you from blocking your own perception and

additionally will cease an internal conflict that stems from attempting
to accomplish for yourself something you believe to be impossible.

"Believe Nothing."

Then you will find it immensely easier to "Test Everything."

Behind My Eyes
Blinking out of existence.

My "eyelids blinking" are those dark moments that shut off the visible

These are also my regular reminders of where I Am and THAT I Am.

There are no eyes, no face, no enclosed head in which I am caged.

Instead there is only a Transparent and Invisible Void that is filled with
the entire world around me.

And, when I look "down", my body rises above me.

If I close "my eyes" which I cannot see, the world ends more certainly
than in the most dramatic Biblical doomsday.

Yet I am there, behind that curtain as surely as the little man behind the
curtain in the film "The Wizard of Oz".

The world of outer experience, this dream, is dependent upon me.

When I look, I create it.

When I move, I move all of it.

I am always there.

Immobile. Infinite. Flawless. Invisible.

I shall always be.

Multi-Dimensional Aquatic Aliens

Before the fourth millennium B.C near Eridu and UR events were
common that now are less common.

In Babylon at the time of Alexander the Great, Berosus a priest of Bel-

Marduk wrote about these things.

Alexander Polyhistor described the Oannes who spoke as a human,

exhibited reason, but was in appearance much like a fish. At night he
would return to the sea.

Abydenus, a disciple of Aristotle, also wrote of the second visitation of

more such Beings like Oannes who rose from the sea to teach men.

Apollodorus of Athens wrote of how in the time of King Ammenon the

Chaldean again came the Musarus Oannes, the Annedotus. Again in the
reign of King Auedoreschus another named Odacon walked from the
water to discourse with men and teach them.

In The Sirius Mystery, Robert Temple gives us a translation of the

meaning of these names.

The Musarus Oannes the Annedotus means The Abomination Oannes,

the Repulsive.

To the people of that time the alien aspects were repulsive.

Yet they still come to teach.

And we learn.

The Lifeforce Message Board
Since 1989 the newsletter Lifeforce has been the primary connection to
the Temple membership for news, commentary, announcements and

The internet message board has increasingly assumed that role for the
online active membership.

Thus the name of the message board has been changed to Lifeforce to
reflect this shift in focus from paper to the electronic media.

Beginning with this month of October, this paper copy of Lifeforce

mailed to members lacking internet access will only consist of
information drawn from the postings to the Lifeforce Message Board.

Thus essays formerly only released by means of the postal newsletter

will now be initially posted on the message board and then sent out by
postal mail to non-internet members monthly.

All Temple members are encouraged to obtain access to the internet

and thereby more directly benefit from the rich and ongoing exchange
of useful information now available at the Temple message board.

Clay tablets superseded oral repetitions. Ink on paper superseded

carved symbols. Today electronic transmissions are superseding paper.

Yet beneath these word transmissions continues the need for the
experiential application of the Temple Teachings for Vampiric

Mastery is the Mission.

Stay Strong!

Dayside Mind Control
Fools still believe that the advances of modern psychology have been
wasteful and meaningless.

While it is certainly true that the vast majority of research in

psychology has been irrelevant and often nothing more than mindless
number crunching, there have been some truly remarkable techniques
devised and skills to master to cause human beings to obey your will.

Subtopics on this forum will include principles drawn from some of the
following books:

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini, PhD

Influence: Science and Practice by Robert B. Cialdini, PhD

Get Anyone To Do Anything by David J. Lieberman, Phd

Never Be Lied To Again David J. Lieberman, Phd

The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense by Suzette Haden Elgin

ReFraming: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the

Transformation of Meaning by Richard Bandler and John Grinder

Trance-Formations: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the

Structure of Hypnosis by Richard Bandler and John Grinder

Phoenix: Therapeutic Patterns of Milton H. Erickson by David

Gordon and Maribeth Meyers-Anderson

How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

The Satanic Witch by Anton LaVey

You Can Get Anything You Want (But You Have To Do More
Than Ask): Secrets of Power Negotiating by Roger Dawson

Winning Through Intimidation by Robert Ringer

First Circle Requirements Increased.
The Dayside is the Vampire's foundation.

In an effort to better balance the need for a solid Dayside with the
desires to master the Nightside and thereby achieve the Twilight, the
requirements for First Circle admission have been increased

With regard to acquiring wealth it is all an issue of your freedom to do

what you wish.

"Financial independence" means not having a certain amount of debt or

assets but rather the capacity to know that you are not dependent upon
circumstances outside your control for having enough money to survive
and enjoy living.

For some people this might mean having a passive income from
investments of $50,000 per year after taxes.

For some people this might mean having a business that makes a net
income of $12,000 per year after taxes.

For some people it might mean simply making more money that they
spend month to month.

However in reality "financial independence" is having enough passive

income sufficient to pay your bills.

The Temple wants the members to have authentic personal power and

I would suggest that if someone were living paycheck to paycheck and

did not have a viable plan for what to do if they got laid off their
salaried job, this would not contribute to their sense of personal power
or happiness.

It would probably and rightfully make them somewhat anxious, as

financial reversals are a natural part of life and jobs do sometimes
terminate due to many factors outside your personal control.

In such a case, financial independence as defined by that person might

include building a "nest egg" to tide over a job loss, or acquiring
alternative marketable job skills, or building a business on the side, etc.

When members apply for First Circle the Temple now also asks them
to state what actions they have taken to better control their Dayside.

You do not have to already be wealthy, with 24/7 bodyguards, a paid-

up retirement plan and a PhD in human psychology to be a "successful"
Dayside Vampire!

But neither do you want to be or remain in a position where you are

completely dependent upon others and "luck" in order to know that you
can survive.

Context is absolutely everything. The Temple encourages taking

actions (and this includes making realistic plans) to become more
powerful and independent.

Success is not a state to be accomplished but a series of actions we all

need to be taking regularly for our personal benefit. It is not a matter of
pretending that "everything is okay right now" and feigning happiness.

It is a matter of enjoying this moment and making real plans for the
future as well to enable that enjoyment to continue.

It is ultimately all a matter of self-honesty.

That is a primary theme of the Temple: self-honesty.

Just Do It


Every so often I receive a communication from a member who is trying

to build his pyramid from the top down ... and then complains that
bricks keep falling on his head!

The Dayside is the foundation upon which any Nightside or Twilight

efforts are built.

The Vampire is a master of the earth ... not just another human who
lives in denial and makes rationalizations such as "poverty is a virtue"
or "death is natural and good".

If you are not satisfied with your degree of financial freedom, study the
Dayside Money Forum and then ... get to work!

If you are not satisfied with your current odds for returning from an
undesired death (remember cars do not care about "normal lifespans!)
go the Dayside Immortality Forum and then ... get to work!

To paraphrase Ben Franklin, "Gods help those who help themselves".

The Nightside is almost completely about your unconscious openness

to seeing success in reality control. You cannot fool your own mind.
If you are waiting for someone to rescue you then you are telling your
unconscious mind to just wait. If you demonstrate to yourself that you
truly want mastery of the earth by doing everything possible to achieve
it, then your unconscious mind will also get the message and the
Nightside can then become very, very real. Proper balance between the
Dayside and the Nightside opens the Twilight.

The Temple is for active members - not mere dreamers, procrastinators

and those who choose fantasy over fact.

Want to change your world for the better?

Just do it.

Dropping Active Membership
The question continues to be asked, can someone drop subscription to
active membership at any time? The short answer is yes. However this
does not mean that you will always be able to subscribe again later.

Active membership is not meant to be a “revolving door”. It is meant

to be a commitment. The subscription fee is only $10 per month or
$100 annually. The Temple expects you to be competent enough in
your financial affairs to be able to easily afford this. The purpose of the
Dayside Money Forum is to assist members to achieve financial
stability and wealth in that order. So if a member drops subscription
because they can't afford it then it is entirely appropriate when the
member returns to ask if they have stabilized their money situation or

Then there are the members who leave for "other reasons". If those
reasons are such things as being sent on a military mission where they
cannot access the board for many months, then this makes perfect sense
and is not a problem. If the reasons are unstated and the member
simply wishes to "do other things" then their request for re-subscription
later may be denied.

The Temple is not here for mere convenience or whim. It is intended to

be a resource for the tools you need to survive and thrive as an active
Vampire - Dayside, Nightside and Twilight.

Finally, if the Temple ever closes its doors to new member candidates
those who are no longer subscribing members may be shut out as well.
Those who do not treat active membership as important enough
sometimes discover that while the Temple will (and does) go to great
extremes to accommodate the members' needs, neither will it permit
active membership to be treated as a casual option.

I see a recurring rumor that the Temple does not allow members to
leave. That is backwards.

The Temple is easy to leave.

But it is not always easy to return.

How can one make decisions
without comparison?
There are two obligations I feel we have to those who have not yet
validated different elements of the Teachings.

(1) Not ask them to believe anything.

(2) Not imply that other teachings are equivalent to the Temple

In the first instance this is why we attempt to rigidly divide Nightside

from Dayside based upon the stated knowledge (by Grade) of the

The second is equally important in my opinion since to imply that other

teachings are equal is to offer a disservice to the members.

Third Circle members have taken an Oath that supports this view:

"I now only serve the Great Dragon God."

The Temple is really not interested in "comparisons" with other ideas

or groups, but in validating the Temple Teachings.

If something else “out there” is similar or supportive, that is nice and

not a problem to suggest to other members.

However, and this should be clear, nothing “out there” will ever be
truly equal or superior.

Higher Grade members know this (or have claimed they do when
applying for higher Grade) and should not imply otherwise to those still
attempting to determine what's what.

On Religious Discrimination
Because the Temple is intended to be a secret society and not a public
evangelical movement, the entire issue of seeking "justice" from
mortals with regard to religious rights turns out to be

This is one of the reasons it is extremely wise to be quite careful about

not revealing one's membership if at all possible - unless you truly feel
willing to deal also with the possible repercussions from human beings.

We have the attitude of not having to "beg" for "protection" from


We wish to operate as Masters not peasants.

I fully recognize that sometimes others will learn about one's

membership quite by accident.

However we are not here to demand our "rights" but to keep a low
profile and attain our aims.

Realistically, we are all adults here.

It is expected that members recognize that the Temple is not seeking

"public approval" nor "acceptance" for our religion.

That intent is pointless, quite frankly.

There are benefits and drawbacks to everything.

Membership is the Temple is not different.

Breeding Games versus Individual Brains
Primate dominance games abound in human society.

All too commonly the effort to win a mate and have children is behind
most of the games people play with status.

Part of this game is to seem "worldly wise" and not a dolt or buffoon.

Thus we see the fools who ignorantly assume that like almost
everything else in this culture there is really nothing but fraud and
delusion in the Temple.

Thus the Dayside fools come to the Temple Gate and do not understand
such simple issues as Transhumanism, the Singularity, gathering
wealth, and not asking for the guillotine.

Even more painful are the fools who pretend to Nightside knowledge
since their Dayside is a shambles and then reject the straightforward
demands of the Temple to self validate.

Not that long ago I wrote about how we lost a member to a "tragic"
soap opera of inner-Temple romance which only pointed out how
totally inadequate his grasp was of what he had to lose here.

The mortals attempt to breed like rabbits. The sex drive dominates and
enslaves them to continuous primate dominance games in an
unconscious effort to achieve "immortality" through children.

There is nothing wrong with sex, rearing children, or any other


There is everything wrong with blindly and unnecessarily sacrificing

your life for any single such pleasure.

You can "have your cake and eat it too" if you eat and swallow

Financial Freedom
People commonly think that financial freedom is beyond them.

Yet consider how many people are sitting on $500,000 in equity in a

house that they bought previously?

If they sold that house and took their money out they could live for ten
years at a $50,000 annual level ... and then be broke.

Or they could invest that money and, on average generate, after taxes,
about $127,500 annually to live on ... without touching their $500,000
“seed” capital.

Cut that down to a starting capital of $50,000 from the sale of a house.
You could generate close to $13,000 after taxes per year.

Go live in Quito, Ecuador and check the costs there. Or even Mexico.
Or some former Soviet block European countries.

One out-of-print book that emphasized this concept was Cashing In

On The American Dream. The accountant who wrote that book
liquidated his real estate, cars, everything. When he was done he had
about $500,000 in 1979 dollars.

He put all that money into bank CDs that would roll over, spread
through the year, hired an accountant to watch his accounts for him,
and lived in Third World countries about 10 months out of the year and
in First World countries 2 months out of the year.

You might hate living like a native in Guatemala (crime is up through

the roof there now - almost as bad as New York City!) but that is not
my point.

My point is that if you believe there are no possible answers for you to
find freedom, you won't even try to look for those answers.

Another example. What if you bought a used pickup truck with a

camper insert? Bed, kitchen, propane - the usual camping basics.

You now have a portable home. You own it. If you need to you can go
just about anywhere, even into rough country where larger RVs can't.

What is independence? What is freedom?

I would suggest the first step in answering that question is to look at its
opposite and define it for yourself.

What is total dependence? What is slavery?

Some people (most) hate their jobs.

But some love their jobs.


Try to get a job you love.

Some people never have enough money.

Some people always seem to have enough money.


Increase income and reduce expenses to be more like the second group.

Some people hate where they live.

Some people love where they live.


Don't stay where you hate the weather, culture, etc.

It is a big planet and the opportunities are virtually unlimited ... IF you
can perceive them.

The Dayside forums here are designed in part to help you figure out
what you want, and to make a realistic plan on how to get it.

Once the ball starts rolling, it is quite amazing to see how much faster
you end up where you wanted to be than what your original plan ever

It's almost like ... magic.

Magic Answers
Each of the Nine Laws builds to a more comprehensive (global)
encompassing of the ones below it. The Ninth encompasses all.

The First Three Laws are the Laws of Agreement, the next Triad those
of Control, and the final Triad those of Awareness.

Thus, in turn, Awareness contains Control and Control contains


For example, how Awareness contains Control is demonstrated when in

a lucid dream in which you are truly "lucid" (Awareness) you have
Control over the dream elements.

Another example, Control contains Agreement. If you have extended

your Will over another, you can then cause them to perceive things they
otherwise could not as in inducing a hypnotic positive hallucination.

I will give here another example. Timothy Freke has been quite busy in
recent years attempting to simplify aspects of traditional Gnostic
metaphysics and just wrote a little book entitled Lucid Living. All
reads most well until you get toward the end.

Control never comes up and he skips over it to go straight to

Awareness. The result? You do not end up conscious if you stay there
long enough. Read my essay on Buddhism for the same understanding
of this dead end more rapidly achieved by the Colt .45 method when
applied to the forehead.

Agreement can often give you much of what you want in the human
realm. The Dayside methods of manipulation are encompassed by the
Triad Laws of Agreement.

However, Control is what is desired. Awareness can potentially yield

Control but can also result in the Dark Night of the Soul.

Agreement is the First Circle of Initiation. You open the door to

validate the Teachings through Agreement.

Control enters immediately with the Second Circle in which Lifeforce

Vampirism moves Nightside elements into your Dayside.

Control is furthered in entering the Third Circle by adding the
Agreement of the Advanced Members, the Undead Gods, to your

By adding together Agreement and Control you open the door to

Awareness in the final two Circles.

With regard to Flying The Dragon - the conscious out-of-body

experience - you are immediately combining all three Dimensions in a
single, experiential step.

Fully Aware that you are in a dream, you can Control the dream and
Rise from the body. Then you can acquire valid evidence that this is
real, which is what Agreement defines.

Awareness rules Control and Control rules Agreement.

Or, as it was expressed in Hermetics, "As Above, So Below".

For those of you who still wonder with regard to the direct Source of
the Teachings, I should think that these simple clarifications of age old
mysteries might cause you to recognize that the Temple means exactly
what It says.

The Source is the Source.

Now apply these Laws and see for yourself!

Satanism, Vampirism and Atheism

I am in the hierarchy of the Church of Satan. If you go to the COS site
at and look under “Theory-Practice” you will
find articles listed in the following order:

Anton LaVey - the COS Founder

Blanche Barton - the former High Priestess
Peter Gilmore - the current High Priest
Peggy Nadramia - the current High Priestess
Nemo – That’s me.

I can state that my understanding of Satanism is not shallow but I do

not consider it perfect!

The word "atheist" is too general a term in this context, by the way.
Satanists define themselves as their own God (as do Vampires) and an
overly strict definition of "atheist" would require that a Satanist deny
that he, himself exists!

Mature Satanists use practical definitions, as do Dayside Vampires.

"Atheist" means that, practically speaking, we do not buy into beliefs
in a supernatural Jehovah and his ilk.

Doubt - not belief - is the starting point for knowledge.

To acquire knowledge, however, requires validation.

Then, hopefully, doubt has served its purpose and can be replaced with

Please understand that it is rationally impossible to prove a negative.

You cannot “prove” that Santa Claus does not exist, for example.

You cannot truly “prove” that God does not exist either.

The mature Satanist or Vampire is not a hubris-filled clown who makes

universal pronouncements about what "cannot" exist. The last century
of physics has clearly demonstrated that to do so is a fool's game.

Instead, the mature Satanist or Vampire simply doubts that such a self-
contradictory entity could exist and certainly does not assume that the
dictates of such an entity (or his mindless followers) would make sense
to obey.

So practically speaking, both Satanists and Vampires view the universe

as atheists but are, technically speaking, agnostics. We simply do not
believe in supreme deities, like Jehovah, and for many good reasons,
most of which are carefully reviewed in The Vampire Priesthood

Interestingly enough, much of the Temple's Teachings were anticipated

by the famed sci-fi writer, Arthur C. Clarke in his Three Laws:

Clarke's First Law:

"When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is
possible he is almost certainly right. When he states that something
is impossible, he is very probably wrong."

Clarke's Second Law:

"The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture
a little way past them into the impossible."

Clarke's Third Law:

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from

Those Satanists or Vampires who are quick to tell you what cannot be
possible are guilty of breaking the First Law. Examples abound that
today's science is tomorrow's belly laugh.

Clarke's Second Law encapsulates the entire approach of the Temple to

"Test Everything".

Clarke's Third Law deals with the Nightside and the Twilight of the

The assumption that there cannot be Undead Gods is an example of

going against all three of these "Laws".

Frankly, in only a few years straight-line projections of what molecular

nanotechnology will make available will create Undead Gods even if
you wish to assume there were none before!

If you make it through to then, you will see that everything the Temple
has predicted and claimed will be absolutely correct and a part of
everyday life.

This is a claim that requires that you not let yourself get killed in the
meantime however.

Now just guess why the Dayside forums for Temple Secrets regarding
money, survival, immortality, health and social skills exist?

They exist to enable those few here to make it through until then.

The Nightside and Twilight exist. I know this to be true.

However they do not need to be true for everything - everything -

claimed in the Temple to be true.

Perhaps I shall write a book strictly on this topic since there is hardly a
day that passes that someone doesn’t ask about Satanism and

Attempting to compress the wealth of the Temple into a few words here
does not begin to explain it.

What you do from this point forward however will determine your

Be careful.

The life you save is your own.

Mine is already backed up.

The Temple’s Test
The Temple has always been quite clear on this issue.

If you advocate or support the few people or groups who are actively
opposed to the Temple you are welcome to leave permanently.

If you wish to go elsewhere you are free to do so.

You are not necessarily free to return.

“One Life. One Chance.”

The Temple is a test.

This is not a matter of debate but of stratification, screening and your

personal survival.

Out there are the mortals.

In here are the potential immortals.

If you have doubts about Temple claims then apply the Teachings.

We are elite.

They are not.

You either belong here or you do not.

If you do not, then you will leave here sooner or later anyway.

Those who gain validated experience and desire Grade move into the
Initiatory forums to ground and expand their experiences.

Those who left us and make spurious claims failed to accomplish the
goals they now denigrate.

Here is your ultimate choice:

Think for yourself by working to validate the Teachings in your own

experience or pretend that you already know everything and go back to
the true believers who fill the human world.
Petty egos are of no concern here.

Egos are cheap and fill the world with their pointless strutting and
primate dominance games.

We are Transhuman.

When they are only dust, We shall still be here.

Where you will be is determined by your inborn Potential and your free
will choices.

Choose wisely or die.

That is the Temple's test.


I see the tree

Outside of me

With light that hits my eyes.

Inside of me

I make that tree

With neural imageries.

And so that tree

I really see

is deep inside my mind.

As well, you see,

My head and me

Inside is All, you find.

A Policy Clarification on Grade and Title.
You are either an active (subscribing) member or a passive (lifetime)

Passive members practice the Teachings in isolation from other Temple


Active (subscribing) members have the option of CABAL contact with

other active members and the option to apply for Grade and Title.

Temple Grade is based upon the member’s testimony regarding the

skills and insights required for that Title.

Grade Title is a recognition by the Temple that the member’s testimony

meets the requirements for that Grade.

After entering active (subscribing) membership, choosing to enter the

Graded Initiatory Structure of the Temple is a lifetime commitment to
validate the Temple Teachings.

Any member who abandons active (subscribing) membership has

therefore broken that lifetime commitment and thereby invalidates and
loses all Grades and Titles formerly recognized by the Temple.

Just as the member must continue breathing moment by moment to

remain alive, so too the Graded Member must continue striving as an
active (subscribing) member to validate the Teachings and master all of
the skills and insights of an Undead God.

Therefore understand that to drop active (subscribing) membership is to

lose all Grades and Titles.

Those who are later permitted to return to active (subscribing)

membership do not have their former Grades or Titles restored and
must begin again if they wish to pursue Grade.

The small monthly subscription fee is deemed to be easily affordable.

It is expected that the member will not pursue Graded membership

unless the member’s Dayside is at least strong enough to sustain this
small expenditure.

In Summary:

One can enter or leave active (subscribing) membership at any time but
to retain Grade and Title the member must remain an active
(subscribing) member.

Title and Grade are only sustained by active (subscribing) members in

good standing.

To drop active (subscribing) membership is to lose all Grade and Title.

Therefore there exist no Graded members outside the Active

Membership of this Temple.

There are no Temple Adepts, Sorcerers, Sorceresses, Priests,

Priestesses, Predators nor Temple Initiates outside the active
(subscribing) membership of this Temple.

(Validation is available by email).

The Temple requires dedication, loyalty and commitment.

Nothing less will do.

Thank you for your attention.

Is the Temple Cramping Your Style?


I guess we all hear it sooner or later. Inevitably someone is going to

start whining and complaining that the Temple is too restrictive and
that it has no right to tell them what they can and can't do on the

Of course, all that moaning occurs while - at the same time - they
proudly display their Temple banners and declare their Temple ranks to
the world. As if their membership were some sort of merit badge.

They want to act any way they want while they bear the Temple's name
and they cry foul when the Temple offers reasonable limits on how
they may do so.

Excuse me, but I don't remember signing up for The Temple of sissies,
wimps, whiners and complainers. As I recall, I joined an Elite Society
of serious minded Vampires. The kind of folks who understand that in
order to gain greater freedom, some modicum of discipline is required.

Folks, when you joined this Temple, you signed up for something more
like the Special Forces, than the Boy Scouts.

As far as freedom is concerned, bear in mind, this Temple offers

freedom unimaginable. For what well made "MySpace page" can
compare to the bliss of mounting the night sky and joining in the
company of the Rulers?

And if this freedom is not yet verified by you, I simply ask what would
you be willing to pay for just one chance at such joy?

Yet, the real cost for such freedom remains low, the demands much less
than they ever have been.

If you doubt this, read a little bit of the history of the Knights Templar
and learn what they went through to secure their place in the company
of the Gods.

Or maybe a study of the "old ways" might help enlighten you to the
obvious advantages presented to you here.

The hilarious part of all this, is that to any true Vampire, Temple Law
is not really "law" at all.

Temple Law is simply reasonable behavior that should be expected of

any true Immortal.

No one takes pleasure in enforcing Temple Law.

Nor, is this an issue of restricting your liberties.

This is an issue of securing true liberty and what steps must be taken to
accomplish it.

One Life. One Chance. The choice is yours.

Nightside Immortality
Suppose that there might exist on this world some people who have
stumbled across some method for surviving death but have remained
quite secretive about this for their own protection from the milling,
neurotic masses.

Suppose that this small elite of near-immortals could assist a limited

number of other people to use this same method to survive as well.

Who would they choose?

Would they be more likely to choose people who loudly pronounce that
death is "natural" and "good"?

Would they be more likely to choose people who hoped to be "saved"

by some ghost in the sky (God, Jesus, etc.) from dying dead?

Or would they choose people who were doing everything they could to
beat death right now?

Wouldn't they choose to help those who valued life so much that they
would be willing to take action?

Just think on this a bit. If you could teach someone a special trick to
escape death but if would require persistence and dedication to learn
that trick, just what kind of people would you consider for this gift?

Wouldn't you be inclined to work with those who already made it clear
by their actions that they wanted to survive death?

Wouldn't you choose those who "walked their talk" over those who
only said they wanted immortality?

Doesn't it make more sense to try and teach those who want to learn
and show that they are serious?

Just think it through.

Bicameral Consciousness
Julian Jaynes wrote about the hypothesis that the current human state of
individuated consciousness is very recent, having become the norm
only in the last two thousand years.

This is the essential element of his hypothesis that I am addressing.

The human cerebrum is divided into two hemispheres and connected by

the corpus callosum.

This is the fundamental biological substrate for the functioning of the

human mind.

The bicameral mind reflects this condition more so than the ephemeral
"conscious" condition that requires a great deal of energy and the use of
language to acquire and maintain. Two year old children are usually
still functionally bicameral, for example.

The creation amid maintenance of a sense of conscious "self" is critical

for Us, as it reflects and opens a window for the Dragon to peer

To fall back upon quantum physics, the Dragon is the necessary

"observer" Who enables the collapse of the wave form into "physical"
reality. (In our terminology, the Dragon enables the Ninth Law of
Magic to work).

If you were to develop a slave race, you would design it to enjoy

obedience, much as a dog loves to please its master.

The bicameral state matches this condition quite well.

In innumerable examples of Undead "visitations" to human beings -

from fairy lore to alien abductions - the use of a "wand" to touch the
forehead instantly induces the bicameral state.

The original wand is reflected in the scepter of the human kings and
rulers and alluded to in the lore of the “magic wand”.

Modern UFO researchers have come to label the resulting fugue state
as the "Oz factor".

In this condition, the critical faculties are subsumed to any direct
suggestions (or commands) given the subject.

This is, I would suggest, the normal and intended condition of human

Most human mystical efforts are intended to recover this state.

With the higher, more self-directed state of conscious awareness that

the Vampire strives to achieve, maintain and expand, comes both
greater rewards, greater problems to solve and greater responsibility.

The dog does not understand the meaning of death.

We do.

The Hypnosis Mindset

I have noted over the years that most people who study hypnosis come
from a perspective - knowingly or not - of wishing to take "conscious"
human beings and turning them into obedient "zombies".

If the Vampire is aware of human behavior he realizes that they

already are zombies!

People in general are seldom conscious nor remain conscious for more
than a few brief seconds or minutes if in acute pain or panic.

If you "challenge" their "conscious" minds by attempting to "induce"

hypnosis, they tend to assert some degree of more conscious control to
"defeat" your effort.

If, instead, you do nothing that could be interpreted as a "failed

attempt" to produce a behavior (such as "hypnotic induction"), then the
"challenge' is never there.

Human beings live in the bicameral state almost completely.

I view real hypnosis as seamlessly working with this condition.

They are already in hypnosis. Don't wake them up. Just use it.

Temple Law

There is NO COMPROMISE with regard to Temple Law.

You are here to master the Temple Teachings. That includes behaving
as mature, socially responsible members of society. You will find this
repeated in every copy of printed Temple literature prior to page 1. It is
not there by accident.

Immature “macho” desires for personal power through violence belong

with children who have not yet learned better.

When you have authentically brought even just your Dayside world
under control and are working for a better future for yourself then all of
these childish substitutions for personal power and success will drop

The child is frustrated and/or angry that he lacks personal control. The
adult who gains this control ceases to feel an angry need to "fight
against" the world or to harm others.

The mature Vampire is content, not angry. The mature Vampire is

cautious, not callous. The mature Vampire is self-controlled, not
emotionally-controlled. Mature or not, everyone here is an adult and
will be required to behave like one in word and deed.

Criminal activity is illegal activity. I will not hesitate to remove

anyone from membership, regardless of age, sex, Grade or experience,
who does not exert SELF-CONTROL with regard to these issues.

Immature, “macho” intimations posted here or expressed anywhere

with regard to any illegal activity will cost you your membership.

Temple Law is EXACTLY as written. There will be NO exceptions.

Pass the word.

Believe Nothing.
In the Middle Ages the Church was the unquestioned authority for
knowing the truth. People believed what the Church said and the entire
force of social peer pressure supported that.

With the Enlightenment, the scientific establishment challenged that

position of authority and that distrust of the Church that burned Bruno
and imprisoned Galileo has never ceased.

Since at least the beginning of the twentieth century, the scientific

establishment replaced the Church as the undisputed authority for
issues of the world - explaining where things came from (origin myths)
and how they work.

The problem is that, like all human societies, the scientific

establishment is resistant to change and exerts turf dominance behavior
instead of simple reason regarding what will be permitted study.
Exactly like the Church it defeated.

The Vampire seeks to "Test Everything; Believe Nothing". This

includes the current pronouncements of “modern science” which all
too often is later proven to not be truly scientific at all.

We are practical to the extreme. If it works, the Vampire will use it.

However the proposed explanations whether from religion or the

scientific establishment are never assumed to be "absolute truth".

We know that human beings are still driven to ignore evidence that is
uncomfortable to them based on their psychology (Festinger's theory of
cognitive consonance has proven one of the most useful tools from
psychology for offering predictive guidance of this).

It is important to distinguish between successful applications of

science and the current explanatory models of science from which
they derive ....or are purported to.

The history of the scientific establishment is the history of new

paradigms having to await the physical death of the "old guard" before

“Science advances funeral by funeral.” –Max Plank

Does this mean that the Vampire is anti-science? Absolutely not!

It simply means that We do not confuse the ideal of science with the
reality of the psychology of the humans who dominate it.

Looking back one hundred years at what was accepted and stridently
defended as "scientific truth" and comparing that to the present is an
exercise in head-shaking amusement.

One of my personal favorite examples was the accepted notion that the
Sun burned coal.

I will warn all reading this now that it is wise to understand that today's
accepted scientific theories will always be overthrown and replaced as
more evidence surfaces and (after a suitable number of funerals) is
accepted by a new generation of closed-minded gatekeepers.

We are Vampires.

We declare that We are Our own God.

Do not make the scientific establishment your God as well.

Use it. Do not be used by it.

Believe Nothing. Test Everything.


Werewolves, etc.
It seems that with all the Hollywood hype about werewolves, the
inevitable has happened. Humans have formed "werewolf" groups and
are buying into the notion that werewolves and vampires are "at war".

Some groups have already declared our Temple their enemy.

At first glance, these groups seem to avoid the claim of practicing

pseudo vampirism and tend to focus mainly on the aspect of shape

Therefore, there is always the danger that Temple members may find
themselves drawn to such organizations.

Caution is advised! Please do not be fooled. For your own security,

exercise caution and comply with Temple Law.

If you read Temple literature you will realize that there have been many
names given to what We are. The Werewolf is yet another:

“The Nightside Vampire strives to more fully embrace the Vampiric

nature by developing the many powers of the Vampire to include
shapeshifting, flying, mesmeric power, and Communion with the
Undead Gods.”

There can hardly be a "war" between Vampires and Werewolves!

Vampires are Werewolves ... and go by many other names besides.

We are It.

This Temple is Our public face.

There is no other.

How to Know If You Are a Vampire
If something happens once, it is an occurrence. If something happens
twice, it is a repetition. If something happens three times, it is a pattern.
If the same thing happens over and over exactly the same way, it is

Over the years one thing has happened without exception, over and
over, and is now a reliable way to determine if you are still human or
transhuman, prey or predator, mortal or Vampire.100% of all former
members who have betrayed the Temple Teachings have rejected
physical immortality as desirable. All of them. No exceptions. 100%.

Every single person who came to this Temple and then claimed to have
achieved the requirements for Dayside mastery and Grade
accomplishment but then broke Temple Law are as of this moment not
following the scientific suggestions the Temple recommends to active
members for physical immortality. Every single one. 100%.

You may ask why and the answer is simple. The human perspective is
to accept and excuse and even glorify death.

The human perspective is to deny the reality of the situation and either
look to spending eternity as a ghost in heaven or to be reborn as a
mindless infant through reincarnation. None of these options are

These are all evasions of the facts of the matter. They are fantasy and
not fact. For the Vampire, life is better than death. For the Vampire,
survival is the highest law. For the Vampire, breathing is better than
not breathing. For the Vampire, the perspective of the mortal human is
almost incomprehensible.

Let us look briefly at their human after life fantasies as if they were


Death bed experiences, near death experiences and out of body

experiences indicate that for a while the dead seem to continue. But for
how long? Stories of centuries-old hauntings reveal mindless

repetitions of activity, like a broken record or a videotape loop. The
long dead “ghosts” seem unconscious, unthinking.

Would you want this for yourself?

The Vampire considers such to be no different from being in a coma or


And what of the worlds of heaven? The reports that assume that the
dead survive in an afterlife place the usual time limit before the Second
Death at just about fifty years. The supposed reports from mediums,
NDE, and OBE experiencers is that in the so-called afterlife at a certain
point people die there also. They vanish. Some assume that they go to
a “higher” heaven … even though they do not come back. Some
assume they are reincarnated.

This leads us to the second major afterlife fantasy – reincarnation.


How is reincarnation different from Alzheimer’s disease? It isn’t.

Think of someone you care for now. If they no longer knew who you
were and had no memory of anything they had ever experienced, how
would you feel about that? Anyone who has experienced this with
victims of Alzheimer’s disease will tell you that it is as if the person
already died and there remains this idiot behind in the old body.
Reincarnation is “spiritual Alzheimer’s disease”.

If it were real then it would no more be a means of survival of you than

if you simply died dead and ceased to exist. The nature of your
personal identity begins to be explored at the First Circle of the Graded
forums and leads to full understanding for those who actually
accomplish the goals required for Fifth Circle. Knowing who and what
you really are is the oldest dictum of true knowledge and the authentic
meaning of the need to “Know Thyself!” But the mortal throws away
his life on heaven or reincarnation without seriously thinking
through what this means! The Vampire does not. The Vampire is
not a wild gambler with the most precious of possessions – his life!

So why is the resistance to physical immortality so common with the

human? Why is it that every human who revealed himself to be a liar
and betrayer of the Temple has rejected physical immortality? It is
quite simple. To do otherwise requires going against the mortal
perspective of the masses of humanity. You can see this in the
embracing of these two dead-end fantasies of human beings: heaven
and reincarnation.

If YOU wish to survive as YOU then you will NEED your memories!
Reincarnation wipes those out. The Second Death wipes those out.
Failure to take every possible means to protect your memories and to
survive with your memories is a chance the Vampire sees as stupid,
silly, and incomprehensible.

We are easily distracted. Today’s business and pleasures can cause

anyone to procrastinate. That is why we will sometimes see Vampires
here who have not as yet taken action to guard against death. It is easy
to put off such things without even meaning to. However six billion
human beings live their entire lives in such a way as to avoid ever
thinking seriously about these issues. That is why physical immortality
is discussed and the means to achieve it described in detail in the
Dayside of the Temple forums.

If you find you are rejecting the simple and sane reasons why these
procedures are advocated by the Temple, understand that you need to
get past the cultural assumptions of the mortal world. If you find that
you continue to reject these ideas for yourself then the simple fact of
the matter is that you are in agreement with the human, mortal
perspective. The Temple expects you to rise above that level.

Those who fail to get this WILL DIE DEAD.

Those who do get this will live forever.

The choice is yours.

Privacy in the Temple

By Nemo
I have increasingly been made aware of a problem in CABAL and
elsewhere that needs to be addressed here and now.

The Temple is intended to enable members to belong without having to

make public their affiliation.

It is inappropriate and discourteous to seek out or demand the real

name or personal background of any other Temple member.

For example, if you meet someone in CABAL and you stick out your
hand and say, “Hello, my name is John Doe, what’s yours?” this is

This seemingly innocent introduction places pressure on the other

member to rise to your standard of offering your real name.

That is unfair.

Each member needs to decide what level of privacy they wish to retain
when communicating with other members.

You need to decide in advance how you will introduce yourself, what
name you will use, and to what degree you feel comfortable sharing
personal information.

I have had members complain to me of other members who participate

in CABAL but still “don’t trust enough” to give their real names.


Members should NOT be expected to reveal their personal identities to


Those who are trying to discover who someone “really is” are not
respecting the confidentiality of membership. Ladies and Gentlemen,
the Temple is A SECRET SOCIETY – not a social club, not a dating
club, not a comedy club. We can have great fun when meeting and

communicating with other members but the primary intent of the

As such, the Temple wants members to be able to not feel pressured to

make public their affiliation to anyone – including other members.

If you are organizing a CABAL meeting you have every right to

demand proof of identity for those you will admit to your meeting.

That is for your security and the security of those you invite.

You then also have the responsibility of maintaining the privacy of the
persons who have so cooperated with you to attend. And every
member has a right to NOT have to produce such information by
choosing to NOT attend.

However, if a member of the Temple wishes to only be known through

their chosen username it is EXTREMELY WRONG to attempt to cause
them to reveal their real name.

The supposition that once you get to know someone it is necessary for
them to become open with regard to their personal lives is all too

We expect better than that!

The Temple wishes to make it as clear as crystal that if someone asks

you for the name or other personal information of another member, this
is not proper.

You are always free to reveal what you wish to others. That is your

For example, many people commonly know my personal identity for

but that is usually because I may have offered it freely when meeting
them in person. I don’t always do so.

However it is not proper to attempt to dig into the private lives of

member who are depending upon the Temple to enable them to belong
here without endangering their outside professional reputations,
careers, etc.

Further, it is your personal responsibility to do as I do and not reveal

information regarding the personal identities and information of other
members when you DO learn them.

This is not a matter of Temple Law. No one is going to lose their

membership for this kind of thing.

(At least not YET).

However it is a matter of courtesy and respect for the privacy of others

here that you DO recognize that it is the duty of every member to
protect the privacy of all other members.

I intend to post this in several places on the Lifeforce message board.

Point it out to others. Spread the word. Respect the privacy of other
members. Keep confidences.

Be honorable.


The Order of Prometheus

The Order is group of select members of the Priesthood who have been
asked by Council to directly assist the Temple Mission as public
representatives and who also assist administration with Temple Law
issues both internally and externally.

If you receive a communication from someone in the Order it is strictly

with the intention of protecting the security of other Temple members
and the Temple public image.

These are Temple members who are doing extra work to help me and
others in administration and to protect you.

If you ever have a question regarding such matters, feel free to email
the Temple Administration in confidence.

Thank you.

Master Yourself First

I have been taking my time and reading the posts made in this forum in
regards to money and investments in order to gain wealth.

Whilst all the important information contained is very valuable. I

wanted to share some of my own experiences which I think would be

Many people focus straight away on the "broad" picture of investments,

which include the abovementioned, but many fail or find it too hard
because they haven’t mastered themselves first.
Whilst it is something that would be seemingly obvious, it is largely

In my eyes, to be able to master your money, you must master yourself


By saying that, I mean you must first realize that money is a TOOL.

So in essence you have to break free from the mindset of control

imposed upon you by money, which you base your whole life around.

From the moment we learn about money, we learn that we must go to

school, so that we can finish in order to get a good job so that we earn
good "money".
Then while in a job, we are conditioned to strive for a promotion in
order to get more "money".
We are conditioned to be slaves to money.
We learn to work FOR money, but a very few learn to make money
work for THEM!
Taking this into consideration, because of this mindset, when we do
anything with money, we automatically tend to have an inbred FEAR,
whether with savings or investments.
To completely break free of this you must realize that money is a tool,
nothing more.
You must know what you want

You must make a plan to achieve your goals and stick to it!

To start off with, why do we all directly or indirectly want more

To be able to do what we want and when we want.
Train yourself to have the mindset of a millionaire and you will become
Too many times, i have heard people say, I don’t know how to save or
its too hard to save because I don’t earn enough money, too many
bills..etc etc
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses...Ad Nauseum!
Most people look at savings in reverse.
First up is receive your pay, then pay your bills, pay for this, pay for
that and in the end, there is little left to save.
Next, obtain a little self control and don’t SPEND more than you
EARN on items that you will buy on impulse and ones which will only
serve to satisfy your impulses and give you nothing of value in return.

In essence, avoid the cycle of buying or doing something on impulse

and then finding yourself a little short for change.
Ask yourself before you hand over your cash or swipe your card, "Do I
really NEED this?"
Don’t let your emotions rule your decision and don’t let your mind
make you believe that it is a "sacrifice" if you don’t buy this. You
cannot miss what you DONT have, therefore, you are not sacrificing
anything, but controlling your emotional impulse.
Come back to the item in a day or a week from now, and if you really
must have it, then so be it, you will enjoy it lavishly as it was
something that you wanted to "give" to yourself, not something that
you felt you "needed".

Now taking what I have said above brings me to the savings part.

Knowing that you won’t miss what you don’t have in the first place
you set up a linked bank account and have a certain amount of money

deposited each week directly from your paycheck into that other
account and......
Don’t touch it!
By simply doing this, you have set up an action plan on saving your
money without feeling like you are sacrificing anything or throwing
tremors into your current lifestyle.
Put aside as much or as little as you are comfortable with, and forget
about it.
To illustrate this simple exercise over a one year span:
$50 pw x 52 weeks = $2600
$75 pw x 52 weeks = $3900
$100 pw x 52 weeks = $5200
Put this money into an account with CitiBank or ING (for two
examples) and you will earn up to 5% interest on the amount and also
on the compound of further amounts deposited.
As another example, with Citibank, you also earn interest not only on
your savings, but also the same interest on your pay being deposited in
there. So do a little math and it all adds up.
I’m not advocating these banks, but just using them as a prime
example, as they are two banks that I know of that actually do give
something in return and don’t charge you ridiculous banks fees, etc.

Just by learning to control your impulses and setting up this simple

little action plan and seeing the results of the action taken, which in
reality does not impose on your current lifestyle, will achieve, what I
believe to be the essential important ingredient needed for financial
success ...and that is CONFIDENCE!
With this confidence and extra bank balance, you will set a rock solid
foundation and let go of your fear of money, destroy bad money habits,
and master your emotions and impulses.
You will have some great "tools" in your hands and will be able to
approach all further investments and every area in your life with a
sense of clarity, control, focus, purpose and above all CONFIDENCE!

This is something that I have taught myself and even though my

underlying message is so simple, through my observations of people, I
always see it as the most neglected.

In my eyes, if you cannot master yourself then you cannot master the
tools you need to make them work for you, they will always work
against you.
I hope that my post can be helpful to someone.

A Motorcycle Riding Analogy

I have recently been thinking about the idea of process versus

destination. I have observed some very talented individuals who have
earned their skill using a process as opposed to destination approach.
I'm reminded of the quote "Life is a journey, not a destination."

At the beginning of this summer, I started riding my motorcycle. I had

taken a class the year before, but had no prior experience aside from
that. I felt very new at it, and preferred to go slowly and not make sharp
fast turns. I had friends tell me that I should just get on the highway and
go, as this would make me learn how to ride better. They also
suggested that I needed to speed up while turning, in order to gain
proficiency at it. Although I didn’t understand why at the time, I didn’t
want to do any of this, so I didn’t. I stayed at my comfort level, which
was to ride at slow speeds at night when there was no other traffic

Shortly after I had started riding, I went to visit one of my biker friends
who owns a shop. He had some extra motorcycle bags he said I could
use, so I headed over to have him put them on. I made a wrong turn on
my way there, so he came out and offered to ride my bike around the
long way to get it into the shop, as he realized this would be easier than
having me try to negotiate it. I walked the short distance over the curb
to the shop and waited.

When he pulled up, he was somewhat freaked out and insisted that I get
new tires right away. He offered to put them on for me. He told me that
the old rubber of my tires didn’t allow for any traction on the
motorcycle, and that it was very dangerous. He also told me that my
gear was very unsuitable for my safety in the event that I would have a
fall, and helped me find an online vendor who sold suitable gear for a
reasonable price. (He made no profit from either the gear or the tires.)

After taking my friend’s advice with regard to my safety, I kept riding

through out the summer, gaining quite a bit of experience. With the
proper tires, I have good traction, and can now maneuver fairly tight
turns. Although my gear is really hot to wear in the heat, I prefer
feeling safe and hot to unsafe and cool.

I find my view on motorcycle riding very similar to the perspective I
have regarding involvement with the Temple. When I first started
riding the motorcycle, I had no experience, and therefore didn’t
understand the necessary steps to ensure my safety and enjoyment of
motorcycle riding. The friends who suggested that I get on the highway
and just go certainly had no desire to see me get harmed. Neither did
my friend with the shop who changed my tires for me. He just
happened to know much more about motorcycle riding than the rest of
us. Everyone had the same goal in mind, being that I develop
proficiency at riding my motorcycle.

Another similarity I find with my approach to both the Temple and

motorcycle riding is that proficiency in riding a motorcycle cannot be
obtained merely by studying and reading books. It is gained only
through experience. The class I took was very useful, with its reading
material and videos on motorcycle riding. However, no matter how
many books I read about riding motorcycles, and no matter how many
videos I watch, experience in riding is the only thing that will actually
advance my skill in riding. I do not have the ability to transfer my skill
from experience on to someone else who is newer than I at riding. They
must experience it themselves.

For example, the main reason I am now much better skilled at making
turns now is that I have been riding all summer (on sound tires) and
have had literally hundreds of opportunities to make turns with the
motorcycle. At the beginning of the summer, when I turned, I was
never sure exactly which lane I would end up in (which is why I rode at
night when there was no traffic.) Now I have fairly good control, and
can decide the general area (left, middle, right) of the lane I wish to be
in as I come out of the turn.

I anticipate that eventually my skill level at riding my motorcycle and

my involvement in the Temple will display a high level of proficiency.
The process is what I find the most rewarding. Hence I am not in a
hurry to demonstrate mastery in either one.

Oscar Wilde:
"I Can Resist Anything Except Temptation"

It occurred to me today that a lot of that written about the Vampiric

Will in The Vampire Predator Bible is in fact more in keeping with
this phrase than it might initially seem.
A lazy person may sit slumped on a sofa watching the TV, and not
achieve anything. In their own eyes, they failed to resist temptation,
because they gave in to the temptation of remaining there watching TV.

I say no! What they did was not really giving in to temptation. What
they really did, was resist the temptation to do something better, out of

Having "Self-Motivation Power" is often seen as a battle between one's

will and one's temptations.
The way I see it, it's actually a matter of pursuing one's greatest desires.
Being tempted by the things one wants the most, and doing something
to get them. It's nothing more than chosing which of two (or more)
desires is the greatest, and giving in to the greatest temptation.

Would I enjoy lazing about per se? Yes. So, I'm tempted to laze about.
Would I enjoy being assured of Immortality? Hell Yes! I'm definitely
tempted to do something to achieve this.
Consequence, I do something worthwhile rather than something near-

Two temptations, running parallel. Do I use some harsh iron-will

technique to force Myself into action? No! All I do is give in to
temptation. I give in to whichever temptation is strongest. As a general
rule of thumb, this is often not a difficult choice.
Like Oscar Wilde, I can resist anything except temptation.

(His life was a comedy, a history, and a tragedy, in My opinion. I

intend for Mine to be a history - and I'll settle for it also being a
comedy, for sure. I enjoy a good laugh.

Noblesse Oblige
The translation of the above is “the Obligations of Nobility”.

In my own mind, the concept of Nobility is quite similar to and

intertwined with the concept of Elite.

In the United State of America, we do not necessarily have a realistic

picture of nobility, royalty, or aristocracy. There are several reasons for
this. Politics, propaganda and fairy tales have created a warped concept
of nobility. Much of our ideas regarding nobility are incorrect and
incomplete. Such a picture is neither realistic nor useful. In discussing
the concept of nobility, I would like to move away from the politics and
storytelling and move into the realm of history and theory.

The thirteen original colonies that founded this country were under
English rule which gives us fairly substantial European roots. Many
individuals left Europe to get away from the system that was in place
there. The US of A is country founded upon a revolution whose goal
was to break from the parent kingdom of England. The propaganda of
over two hundred years ago encouraging that separation still affects us.
Often the “histories” that we have been given us are neither true nor
complete. We have media, especially movies presenting fairy tale
versions of European nobility, and this as well affects our perceptions.

I would like to give some general background history on the origins of

nobility to dispel the illusions.

The Ancient world had its own methods of determining status or

“class”, and definitions could vary depending on what part of the world
is being discussed. Our current notions of nobility come from the
structure and social positions within the feudal system that resulted
from the breakdown of the Roman Empire.

Most of you are familiar with the concept of the Roman Empire
growing too large to maintain control of territories too vast to maintain.
Rome was a city-state. As the European situation destabilized with the
movement of various tribes, Rome pulled back its soldiers, politicians,
and administrators more and more to the home city. This left a vacuum
of order that affected the entirety of Europe. People had looked to the

Roman government for stability, structure and safety. They now had to
look to themselves.

In practical terms, what people wanted was a stable environment in

which to live their lives.

In Temple terms, what people wanted was Survival.

So they gathered in clusters for safety. Cities were walled for

protection. People were willing to put up with cramped spaces and
unhealthy living conditions to achieve some measure of safety. Abbeys
and monasteries were centers of learning. Some of these religious
centers were fortified. Most people were close to the third unit of
medieval life, the fortress. This is what we know as the castle.

Rome had divided its territories into administrative districts, and the
largest administrative and territorial unit was the province. To make
government easier, smaller administrative units were developed, named
after the emperor Diocletian. These units were called a diocese. Smaller
than that were counties. The rulers/governors of these areas were
appointed based upon experience and prestige.

As Europe made its transition from Roman rule to the feudal system,
the provinces became kingdoms. The diocese remained as
administrative areas of the religious system. Provinces as a word and
administrative district were used, but for smaller areas within the
kingdom. Men of ability and experience took the positions of lord,
which in those days was specifically a military chief. Over time, these
positions became hereditary, and that was how the system of European
aristocracy was set.

Medieval life was based upon exchange. Most people traded their time,
services and goods in exchange for the protection and care from the
local lord. This is where nobility in the classic sense evolved in Europe.
It was the lord’s responsibility to protect his people and provide other
essential services. It was the responsibility of his subjects/vassals to
provide him with service, goods, support and time in exchange for that

In the medieval world, at least in theory, none of these positions were a

place of dishonor. The philosophy was that each person was placed in
the position where “god” had intended them best to be. It was
especially true in England, to insult anyone for their position was to
insult God, for each person fit into society like a piece of a puzzle set
up by God. The paradigm that I have just described was still in effect in
England during the reign of Elizabeth 1. This paradigm was also the
basis for the concept of the divine right of kings. It is this
social/political/religious structure that pervaded Europe even past the
French Revolution and well into the 1800s.

This concept, that every person has a place, a role, a job is critical to
the true concept of nobility. It is about responsibility, self awareness
and the respect given to each person for what they do and their place in
the world.

When the colonists broke away from England, the new government of
the United States looked back to Europe for inspiration, both in what
they felt worked and what didn’t. There were two paradigms examined
for the new constitution.

In England, the king was the first subject under the law.
In France, the king was the root and source of the law.

It was the former paradigm, the example of England,

the kingdom the colonists had just separated from by revolution
that was used as the model for the new constitution and setting up the
new head of state.

Either system allowed aristocrats to feel that their position in society

was an entitlement. The English and French systems still required
responsibility as a matter of honor.

To be sure, this is a very simplistic overview. The way many movies

have been made, one might suspect that all English nobles were
responsible and all French aristocrats were selfish and shallow. As with
any generalization, this is not true. Both kingdoms had heroes and cads.
There were many French noblemen who survived the revolution of the
1790s specifically because their previous benevolence, responsible
behavior and steadfast maintenance of their obligations made them
loved by their people.

I wrote this essay because there seems to be some confusion over the
definition or application of the word “Elite” when it comes to
membership here.

Elite as a word has its origins in the Latin eligere, which means to
elect. Socially, the elite is a relatively small dominant group within a
larger society which enjoys a privileged status. An elite is often the
result of economics and politics within a social structure. Elite is often
associated with such words as royalty, nobility, aristocracy, wealth and
power. Other associations that go along with “elite” include patronage
of the arts and civic works, which includes but is not limited to music,
literature, sculpture, architecture. Members of the elite are represented
in the top echelon of society.

Membership in this Temple alone does not confer “Elite” status,

nor does paying ten dollars a month.
Achieving a grade does not make one better than anyone else.

The Obligations of Nobility for a Temple member would seem simple

enough, but they are not.

What can make one “Elite” is what one does with the Teachings and
what one does with one’s Life.

We are given the Teachings.

We are given Dayside assistance to be healthy, prosperous, safe and in

control of our own lives.

We are given Nightside assistance to achieve miraculous goals.

We are given the opportunity to take an Oath and enter into a

Relationship that is unparalleled for both its obligations and rewards.

I will repeat a paragraph that appeared earlier in this essay.

This concept that every person has a place, a role, a job is critical to the
true concept of nobility. It is about responsibility, self awareness and
the respect given to each person for what they do and their place in the

The Undead Gods and Living Vampires reach out their hands to help us
to Rise.

The elevation that should be sought is twofold.

The Nightside goal is to Rise and achieve the skills to preserve one’s
Self and achieve Immortality.

The Dayside goal is to rise above humanity and attain trans-human

That means to reach out and grasp the Hands and Opportunities that are

This is the true process of election, to accept these Gifts and through
our own work, apply the Teachings to our lives and not sink back into
the mass of mediocrity that one just left behind.

We are given Gifts.

We have Obligations.

There are also goals.

For every single one of us that entails work.

Our efforts in these endeavors are what will truly define nobility.

The Blood Is The Life
I would like to illustrate an idea which I've hinted at and sometimes
blatantly stated. This should help Initiates understand Lifeforce from a
relatively Dayside perspective.

Lifeforce flow is the reified process of power exchange. Thus, the

Vampiric Act is the conscious act of causing others to give their
personal power to you.

We often speak of Lifeforce as a tangible substance. Mortal culture,

especially through New Age books and the like, refers to "energy" and
various ways to store and channel it. While this approach can certainly
aid you, it will also hinder you if you do not understand the
mechanisms behind the fable.

Power exchange rests entirely in the realm of the Dayside. If I can tell
Joe Schmuck to do something and he does it, I have some of his
personal power. I control him to a degree. If, however, I have to
petition to him and make deals with him in order to get him to do what
I want, he probably has the better end of the power deal.

In every exchange there is a flow of power. The most respectful

exchanges minimize this flow and have an equal amount going in both
directions. This you see in most interactions between practiced
Vampires. More commonly, however, one person has the better end of
the deal and has a net gain in power after the interaction.

Lifeforce is a living metaphor for power. By consciously taking

another's Lifeforce, you kinesthetically engrain the habit of being on
the receiving end of the net power exchange. Ideally you shouldn't have
to think about it after a while. After all, the very act of trying to take
another's Lifeforce hands some of your own personal power back to
them. You can still have a net gain, but it won't be as efficient as when
it happens naturally.

Hence, for the most part, Lifeforce is actually a Nightside version of a

very Dayside concept. Vampirism is being in control of each situation
and every interaction.

The Nightside enters with the ability to actually feel this power
exchange. Lifeforce is indeed a substance. It has been fully reified.
(Those of the Inner Temple should recognize this Law.)

By learning to feel the flow of the Blood, the Vampire can immediately
discover who or what is in control and adjust as desired. With some
practice and objective verification, you can immediately discern who in
a group is lying, who you can manipulate, and who is a threat to you.
You can also easily tell when you are being fooled since you will feel
your own Lifeforce bleeding away.

(This, of course, the Initiate must verify.)

Thus, in every exchange and every action you or another performs,

watch the flow of Blood. Always be on the receiving end.

That is Vampirism.

Total Darkness and the Ecstasy of Communion

I will explain myself in more detail in the body of this post, but in
simple terms, I consider that one of the great sign-posts of my
metamorphosis into Adept-hood began when the nature of my
Communions changed to the point where they were more along the
lines expressed here:

I would no sooner fill my cup, and it would be emptied and

once emptied, it was filled again with even stronger drink.
This inflow/outflow would become a dynamic pulsation that
sometimes made me want to dance like a dervish.

I often speculate that this may be one of the "open secrets" one must
understand to unlock the deeper mysteries within the sutras of the
Shirpu Kishpu. As one becomes more practiced in the art of
Communion, the effect I mentioned above seems to become more
commonplace, to the point where one can safely rely on this process to
advance in metamorphosis.
However, without the rudimentary steps elaborated in The Vampire
Bible, The Priesthood Bible and The Sorcery Bible (eighth law), any
attempt to explain this process can be rather futile. Furthermore, if you
read the full body of the post I sighted above, you will see that The
Predator Bible is not without importance either.
Frankly, Communion for the Adept is a much different process than
what is done by many in the lower circles. If this isn't yet the case for
you, then it should be and I hope to explain why.
I should begin by describing some experimentation Princess and I have
been doing together in Communion. But before I can do that, I need to
explain how this all came about. I was watching the History Channel
and the subject was on the city of Thebes, which, at the time, was the
religious center of Egypt.
It was in Thebes, that all of the diverse cults of Egypt had places of
worship and where they all paid homage in recognition of a unified
Egypt. The interesting part, was that in the very center of Thebes was a
small chamber where only the Elite Priest of the various cults were
allowed to enter. In the center of that chamber was a statue of Amun
Ra. It was to this statue, that the Priest paid homage. The problem was

that in order to get to the chamber, you had to walk through a veritable
maze of hallways and the closer you got to the chamber, the darker it
got, until eventually one was in total darkness. Also, since the hallways
would become smaller, it eventually became impossible to use a torch
to light your way. This meant that in order to make it to the center
chamber, one had to literally see in the dark and only one who could
see the light of Amun Ra could do that!
Okay, that last part wasn't in the history channel, but if you will bear
with me, you will see why what I just said are the plain facts of the
matter. In fact, if you study a bit of Egyptian history, you will learn that
a big reason why Egypt fell apart was because a later pharoh attempted
to move the center of worship away from Amun Ra to Akh-en-aton.
Since Egyptologists consider both Ra and Aten to be sun gods, they
wrongly assume that the power shift was Egypt's attempt to abandon
paganism and embrace a primitive form of monotheism. In fact, the
shift actually goes much deeper. Amun Ra is the god of the Black Sun
and Aten was the God of Helios.
The Black Sun stands in opposition to Helios. The Black Sun is the
body of Lifeforce and is devoured (hidden) by the light of Helios. To
see the rays of Amun Ra meant that one could see Lifeforce and those
who could see it fully, could best see it in the dark. Therefore, the Elite
Priest of Amun could literally "see in the dark".
As you might imagine, once I put these simple facts together, it
suddenly dawned on me why Darkness is so strongly emphasized in the
Temple Literature whenever the subject of Communion is mentioned.
However, an interesting book helped to shed further light on the
subject, Visible Darkness.
To be honest, I have only been able to read this book in bits and pieces
because the writers are so lost in the Truth of the Lie that the few pearls
contained in the book are over shadowed by the authors' endless New
Age diatribe. Still, I find the discussion on the subject of brain
chemistry to be interesting. They make it very clear that simply sitting
in total darkness with eyes open has wonderful effects on one's over all
health and well being.
Another thing I find interesting about the book, is that one of the co-
authors of "Darkness Visible" wrote another good book on the subject
of Old European Bee Shamanism. There is an interesting historical link
between Bee Shamanism, King Solomon, Alchemy, Freemasonry and
the Family. The details of which are best left to another time, but it is
safe to say that the Bee symbolism found throughout European
heraldry, was simply a metaphor for the refinement of Lifeforce
through Communion.
My son, eat thou honey, because it is good... So shall the
knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul- Proverbs 24:13-14

The honeycomb is an important symbol, not only in Alchemy but to

Scottish Rite Freemasonry as well. It was revered as a symbol of divine
harmony. This was due, in part, to the hexagonal structures the Bees
created as part of the building blocks of the hive. What is a hexagon
really? Simply, it is a two dimensional representation of a cube. This
can be seen by drawing a hexagon on paper and staring at it while
thinking in 3-d. The cube will then be evident. Given the importance of
the cube in Temple Teachings, I saw much in "Darkness Visible" that
even the authors failed to see.
This brings me back to the Communions Princess and I have been
doing in total darkness. In today's modern age, total darkness is actually
a bit difficult to achieve. It amazes me how so many of the modern
devices we use have little lights on them. We do ours in a room where
there are no windows, even then one little light that shines on still has
to be covered. All computers have to be turned off and unplugged. The
mini heater has to be turned off and cell phones left in another room.
Even with all this, the slightest light can be extremely distracting. We
do not use candles or sterno. Total darkness means just that, and once
achieved, the results are stunning.
Our method is much like the Necromanteion in that we place a
speculum in the center of the chamber. The speculum consists of a
quartz crystal ball since this allows Us to sit opposite of one another,
but anything specified in the Priesthood Bible is suitable. Perhaps the
biggest departure from the traditional Necromanteion, is that instead of
simply staring at the speculum (hard to do when it is so dark), we
actively direct Lifeforce towards the area of the speculum, in much the
same manner as is described in The Vampire Bible. This really helps to
make Lifeforce visible for Us.
We also like to chant the word "HUM" a few times before beginning
the sacrifice. This helps Us to relax and focus. We do this type of
Communion nearly every night as part of our routine before going to
bed. This really aids Flying The Dragon, I must say.
Truth be told, I understand that for most of Us, BTE and Communion
have become synonymous. I offer up what we do so that others may
modify it for their own use. I know that, at this circle, there are much
easier ways to perform Communion. However, this method has its own
benefits which become extremely apparent with practice.

An example of what I mean takes Us full Circle and returns Us to
Thebes and the Chamber of Amun Ra. As Princess and I were in the
middle of the sacrifice, I suddenly saw myself hovering just above the
center of that Egyptian chamber as it was so many years ago. I became
the focus for the sacrifice being given by the Priest. Only, the word
sacrifice is really a misnomer here. The correct way to say this was that
I was part of the Lifeforce Circuit being generated in the chamber. As
they gave, I gave. The process continued in much the same way as one
might think of a figure eight, because the energy would cross over in
the center between us and then loop out from that center as it
approached me (talking about this in space-time seems silly now, but it
illustrates an important point). What is important to understand here, is
that at no time was any of Us ever depleted, even though we were
attempting to fully "empty our cups". There was only this continual
"amping" that makes Communion between Adepts so powerful. I was
so filled by the refined Lifeforce of that experience, that I found myself
rushing out to share it with some folks in the Outer Temple.
Experiences such as what I just shared are what really makes this whole
process of the "Temple Experiment" so worth while. Therefore, it is my
selfish hope that this account of Ours is of some assistance to you.

How does BTE work?

"Occult" means "the hidden". The occult is what is out of sight, not in
plain view, the concealed causes for why certain things happen.

For example, switching on an electric light in a room seems to show us

that it is the action of flicking a switch with a finger which makes the
light go on. But the occult truth is that the switch we snap up causes
two pieces of metal hidden out of sight to touch in the switch box
which allows the electricity to flow through the circuit to the light
filament. And on a deeper even more occult level, it is the flow of
electrons along the wire from the electrical source, perhaps a
hydroelectric generator in a huge dam, which causes the light to turn

Or, from a different occult perspective, it is the fact that we paid the
electric bill so that the electricity is allowed to flow through our wiring
so that it was our bill paying that caused the light to turn on. Or from
yet another occult perspective, the light turns on because inventors
created the bulb, engineers devised the electrical power grid network
we use, and electricians installed and connected the wiring and switch
boxes. And from an even deeper occult perspective, we still do not
actually know why electricity does what it does so that how you turn on
the light remains hidden from understanding, an occult mystery. Behind
The Eyes occurs when your mental awareness is unified, fused with
your physical body. A more traditional occult way to describe this is to
say that your astral body fuses with your physical body. The astral body
has been compared to the body one uses in dreams, or to the one which
leaves the body in out-of-body experiences (OBE) and during near-
death experiences (NDE). It has been called the "astral", which means
star-like, because some have reported that it is seen to sparkle much as
stars in the night sky.
There is a long occult tradition that where the astral body connects with
the physical body there are concentrations of whirling energy called
chakras (wheels). There are reputed to be thousands or more of these
chakras and perhaps there are as many chakras as there are cells in the
physical body. However, this occult tradition holds that there are seven
primary chakras which tend to line up along the physical spine. These
seven major chakras are to the astral body what the major organ
systems, like liver, lungs, heart are to the physical body. These seven

major wheels of light are usually found to correspond to the following
seven physical locations: Near the anus, the genital organs, just below
the naval, at the heart, at the throat, between the eyes (ajna or "third
eye"), and across the roof of the brain (crown chakra). I will here label
these chakras as C1, for the base chakra, to C7, for the crown chakra.

When you enter Behind The Eyes, you are snapping C6 (the ajna
chakra or "third eye" chakra) into place in your body which
automatically also fuses C7 (the crown chakra) across the top of your
head at the same time. Then, in a split instant, perhaps instantaneously,
the other five "lower" chakras snap into the physical body as if they
were teeth in a zipper being zipped into place, one after the other from
C5 down to C1.
From another perspective you could say that the chakras of the astral
are activated when they are plugged into their appropriate physical slots
where they belong to directly "run" the physical body. Not only are the
major seven chakras suddenly activated, but also all the thousands,
perhaps millions or more of the minor light wheels composing the
astral body as well. From this perspective, Behind The Eyes is what
results when you "plug in" your astral body into its physical socket,
much as you might plug in an electrical appliance into an electric
socket. Suddenly everything starts to work. This, by the way, is one of
the reasons I sometimes describe Behind The Eyes as having an "in-
the-body" experience, an IBE!
Another aspect of the occult tradition regarding chakras is the idea that
as each chakra is activated, a new state of higher consciousness is
accessed from which new perspectives and abilities come. This
parallels the experiences of the seven levels of higher consciousness
resulting from the application of Behind The Eyes.
C1 at the base of the pelvis near the anus deals with the issue of
breaking free from the error of self-judgment or self-esteem, in favor of
self-acceptance. Humorously, people who fight to preserve an
exaggerated sense of self-importance are called "anal-retentives",
coming from an oversimplification of Sigmund Freud's theories. The
"anal-retentive" stage in Freud's model referred to the young child who
refuses to release his bowels. The popular use of this phrase has come
to mean someone who won't let go of his ego-driven need to compete
and dominate others. As self-esteem dooms the individual to eternal
competition with others (and his own past performance) the activation
of C1 breaks the individual free of the need for self-judgment.

Now he can accept the flow of life without the need to "measure up" to
some standard. C1 is the first freedom from the ego created by the
social world as we realize that we are not our actions - what we do,
have done or will do.
C2 is located at the genital organs and is involved with creation versus
the illusion of possession. Sex is the biological means to create new
life. When sex is combined with the false idea called ownership or
possession, then jealousy and competition cuts the individual off from
the enjoyment of life. The sex drive in human beings is perhaps
stronger than that of any other living animal.
Anthropologist Desmond Morris called man the sexiest animal of all
because our species is the only mammal on earth where the female
remains available for conception continuously from adult maturation
until menopause. There is also evidence to indicate that perhaps only in
human beings do we find a female orgasm. Consequently, sex is a
powerful part of the human drive to seek pleasure .
However, when the mind creates the illusion of "possession" or
"ownership", not recognizing it as a corrupted mental description of
utility or simple experience, then jealousy and conflict result. C2
becoming activated causes the mind to see the truth that ownership is
an illusion, a mental fiction lacking reality. The need to control others
drops away with C2 getting plugged in. We realize that not only are we
not what we "own" or "possess", but that the idea itself is an error, a
misunderstanding, an illusion lacking reality.
C3 is located close to the center of gravity for the human body, usually
just below the naval at the center of the pelvic girdle. Here is the center
of the emotions. Eastern occult traditions commonly spoke of C3 as the
"hara" or "center", and was viewed as a critical link to gaining
emotional calm and control. Even today we commonly speak of our
"gut feelings" when we describe what is most emotionally true for us.
When C3 is fully activated we recognize that emotions are experiences
and not who we are . We separate our identity from these feelings and
gain the capacity for control as a consequence. We realize we are not
what we feel emotionally and thereby enter a peculiar calm state borne
of this certainty.
C4 is located at the heart, often just slightly to the right of the mid line
of the physical body. Just as the heart is the living center of the physical
machine we call the body, C4 when activated causes us to realize that
we are not the body, that the body is a tool, a machine. Until just the
last few years, a person was considered dead when the heart stopped.
The heart has a long tradition of being considered the core of the body
as reflected in numerous religious and mystical representations (the
"Sacred Heart" of Jesus, for example), as well as in our everyday
language ("His heart wasn't in it", for example). The occult traditions
surrounding the importance of C4 are so numerous, so ever-present as
to need little commentary.
When C4 plugs in, the individual rises above body identification and
first tastes true immortality.
C5 is located at the throat. The tunnel passageways of breath, nutrition,
nerve impulse and blood all pass through the neck from the mouth, the
nose and the brain. The occult significance of these tunnels is reflected
in the NDE tunnel experiences of those who have died and returned, as
well as the rich cross-cultural reports of the shamans who travel
through astral tunnels to other worlds in the OBE.
But the really critical human issue of C5 is the voice box, the larynx.
Here is the place of speech, of language. Here is where concepts are
expressed and words spoken. Thus it is at C5 that we find the truth
about the mind is revealed.
When C5 is activated we realize that we are not the words we think
with. We are not our thoughts. We are not the mind.
When C5 is activated, it is as if the head above the throat is decapitated.
We realize suddenly that what we seem to be floats above the neck
looking out at the world from a space which we used to call our "head".
We realize that we used to believe we were "inside" the head, as if
locked into a box, looking out through those holes we called "eyes".
Now it is as if we realize that we have never seen this head, but are
headless, gazing out at the panoramic vista of experience all around us.
The occult tradition of C5 has, in the West, focused on John the
Baptist, who was beheaded both historically and also metaphorically,
representing the C5 enlightened state.
C6 is located behind and between the eyes, at the center of the brain
and is often associated with the pineal gland. This, of course, is where
most experiences of Behind The Eyes are launched from, as this point
is the experiential center of the universe. Many occult traditions
worldwide have spoken of "opening the third eye". This is synonymous
with the practices of centered perspective which ignite Behind The
Eyes. From this position, C6 is activated and you gain the sense that
you are separate from all experience. You feel you can manipulate all
objects of experience from your position of power, at the third eye.

You no longer view what is inside your body or mind as inside "you",
and the rest being external. Instead you experience everything as being
external to you and open to control by you. With the activation of C6,
true willpower becomes possible.

C7 is at the top of the head and beyond. It is the chakra representing
non-duality, the cessation of the illusion of any separation between
"you" and "experience". Some occult traditions have shown C7 as a
nimbus or spherical halo, often depicted in Western art showing saints.
Other occult traditions, as found in Islam and Hinduism for example,
will show flames rising from the head. Other traditions will represent
C7 as being located at one or more of the fontanels at the top of the
skull. What is clear, however, is that the ending of the error of
believing in a separate self which is apart from "the world", destroys
any boundary, any barrier between the sense of your self and anything
else. Behind The Eyes, like the fusion hydrogen bomb, disintegrates
everything in an instant of burning enlightenment. The last veils
surrounding the concept of separation are removed to reveal that what
is, is! The personality continues. The body continues. The human being
doesn't vanish. Only the illusion of a "little me" separately existing
from all else vanishes.
The occult tradition of "enlightenment" itself describes this experience
of dropping the delusion of personal separation with the metaphor of
blazing light. As the "inside" of the mind is no longer separated from
the "outside" of so-called objective experience, the enlightenment of
the mind is often, though not always, experienced as if the entire world
were caught on fire. In the Western occult tradition this is often
represented by the phoenix which consumes itself in its own funeral
pyre to rise again, renewed and eternally young. Also we have the
description of the kundalini or "serpent" energy of yoga, which is held
to rise from C1 to C7, causing complete enlightenment.
Along this line, several ancient occult traditions hold that keeping the
astral locked into the physical is a key to physical immortality. Many
Chinese Taoist doctrines have as an aim the achievement of longevity
or physical immortality by keeping the astral within the physical long
enough to "gestate" a transformation. One common metaphor used is to
treat the astral as if it were a fetus developing within the womb of the
physical body. Some have interpreted this to mean that the astral
"becomes" empowered enough to become immortal after the death of
the physical body, while others contend it is a literal physical change
from mortality to ageless immortality. It is my view that this view of
physical immortality acts as a metaphor for enlightenment itself, rather
than a physical accomplishment but, true or not, there tends to be a
physical shift toward a longer and healthier life with Behind The Eyes.

At the same time there is an equally ancient occult tradition which

holds that locking the astral into the physical enables the achievement
of supernormal occult powers, especially as related in the martial arts

of Chinese boxing. Here it is a fairly simple matter to demonstrate that
unifying mind and body produces an unusually heightened capacity for
responding to a physical attack. I have taught the Japanese martial art
of aikijujutsu, the combat-proven ancestor of modern aikido, for many
years. When a student enters Behind The Eyes, he quickly discovers
that his response to sudden physical attack approaches magical levels
of ease and simplicity. There is something to this which is not easily
explainable in the normal sense. Behind The Eyes does seem to directly
affect the ability of the mind-body to act and react beyond what is
considered normal or possible.
For example, it is a common practice in my martial art to have a student
take a knife and attempt to thrust it at your body. When you are in
Behind The Eyes it seems that the time itself slows down allowing you
to easily and gently deflect the attacking hand, allowing the attacker to
discover he is falling down. There is a sense of delighted surprise on
the part of the attacker who finds himself falling without any apparent
cause. There is an equal sense of delight on your part as everything
works perfectly, and the tiniest motion of your hand causes your
attacker's body to fly through the air, effortlessly, with a flowing non-
conflicting motion. This happens with Behind The Eyes, and does not
happen when the mind and body are split.
In this brief overview of Behind The Eyes from an occult perspective I
have attempted to lightly touch upon some of the more intriguing
connections between one traditional "map", the chakra system (C1
through C7), as an alternate way of looking at what happens when you
perform Behind The Eyes. Be very careful to not substitute a mental
understanding of this "map" or any other mental description, for the
experience itself. Enter Behind The Eyes. Remain in Behind The Eyes.
If you do this, the rest follows.

How to see them

Recently, one of the greatest violinists in the world JoshuaBell took his
$3 million Stradivarius to a metro stop in Washington DC and played
music for the commuters during the busy rush hour. It was part of a
challenge by The Washington Post to see how many people would
notice him.
This master violinist, who many often pay up to $200 to watch in
concert, earned a paltry $35.00 that day. Very few actually noticed him
and much less knew who was. Of those who knew, most were quick to
deny what they were seeing. They would stop, take a good look and
keep on walking, certain that they could not be seeing what they
thought they were seeing.
As I read this story, the thought occurred to me that this is precisely
what occurs in relationship to validating the Undead. All to often, we
can't see what is right in front of us, and if we do notice, we are equally
quick to discount it.
Truth is hidden in plain sight. Why? Because nobody expects it to be

Once, an Outer Temple Member told me how he wished the Undead

would simply sit down and talk with him over a cup of coffee. I asked
how would he know if such a thing occurred. To which he replied that
he hoped the person would just tell him.
"And you would believe it if he told you?"
With that, a smile came over his face at the absurdity of his thinking.
He realized that he had failed to suspend disbelief well enough to allow
the experience he was seeking to occur. For all he knew, it might have
occurred already.
This is a common error. For how can one prove anything to someone
who is not open to the possibility to begin with? It is not enough to
only suspend belief, one must suspend disbelief as well.
Frankly, the existence of the Undead is not predicated on belief. Should
I repeat that? Yes, I should.

The existence of the Undead is not predicated on belief.

This is not chaos magick. Belief plays a role only to the extent that it
can interfere with letting you see what is right in front of you.
Those Who Have Risen, who are the Rulers of this world, play the
dream like a master violinist. They will continue to do so no matter
how fast you walk by them and refuse to listen to their music.
If you think they exist because you believe they exist, you are
mistaken. Equally, if you refuse to believe they exist, it matters little.

The music will play on.

Courtesy and diplomacy have been different sides of the same coin for
much of history.

Diplomacy is a tool used between governments and their

representatives. Courtesy is used between individuals.

The main difference between the two is scope.

Both share the same goal, which is to create a respectful interface so

that individuals can communicate in a non hostile, non belligerent way.

Diplomacy allows for polite negotiations between governments.

Courtesy allows for polite discourse between individuals.

Though both have existed for thousands of years, the paradigm by

which we currently identify both was developed during the crusades,
the attempts of the Christian west to liberate the holy land from the
Islamic east.

The interchange between the two cultures affected many aspects of

European culture as the crusaders brought their experiences, changed
behavior and attitudes home with them. There were major differences
between these two geographical areas, which included religion, politics,
and economics.

With the split of the Roman Empire into western and eastern empires,
the eastern empire was primarily mercantile and much wealthier, with a
great deal of trade and communication as the foundation of that wealth.
The western empire was primarily agricultural and poor with
substantially decreased mobility and exchange of information and

The Muslim world was at that time far more advanced in many ways
than the Christian world. Much of the reason behind that difference was
economics. As the strength and territories of Islam grew, their culture
was built upon the wealthy and better educated eastern area. Regarding
education, western scholars made a point of attending Islamic
universities for law, mathematics, medicine and science.

The crusades brought the two very different cultures into contact with
each other. It was the knightly class that was most involved with the
crusades and bringing their exposure to Saracen culture back to Europe.

Chivalry is a concept that has been associated with the tales of knights,
their adventures and their quests of which the crusades were considered
the greatest. Associated with this class was the code of conduct and
behavior called Chivalry. It is usually associated with ideals of knightly
virtues, honor and courtly love .

Here are some language connections for you. I will give you the French
and its English translation.

cheval = horse
chevalier = knight, literally “the man of the horse”
chevalerie = the code of the knight or, chivalry

The medieval knightly class developed out of the feudal system, and
was the lowest level of nobility in most systems. The social gap
between the knightly class and the highest levels of the merchants and
landed gentry was substantial. The knights were specifically those who
supported the lord in his obligation to protect and serve. To that end
these men were adept in the arts of war, trained in fighting, on
horseback or on foot, in armor, with lances, swords and shields.
Knights were taught to excel in the arms, to show courage, to be gallant
and courteous. Peacetime activities included the tournament and the
hunt. Knights and nobles were expected to adhere to a higher standard
of behavior that included various codes of honor.

The pervasive influence of religion in these people’s lives affected their

views of the world and their part in it. This may be difficult to
understand in our world today. As the crusades progressed, the higher
standards of conduct for nobility began to be codified. In part, there
was a heightened status given to crusaders because of the religious
significance of their Quest to liberate the Holy Land. This created a
second rank of nobility in attitude, if not in fact. Individuals
participating in crusade achieved an almost exalted status. There was a
perceived difference between civilian knights dedicated to military
concerns and those knights associated with religious matters. Knights
could in fact be also priests, which blurred the distinctions between
nobility, military and clergy and increased the elevation of all three
groups. This exaltation did have a trickle down effect, along with the
exposure to the heightened civility of the Saracen culture.
The Christian knight had virtues of fidelity, piety, and service to God.
From these virtues came the chivalric orders . These orders were
divided into groups. This is a simple overview to give you an idea of
what the scope was regarding involvement in the crusades and the
prestige attached to the orders of Chivalry.

The first Chivalric orders were primarily military and were founded in
the holy land, which was called Outremer or “overseas”. Some of these
orders were as follows.

1. Order of the Hospital of St. John, also known as the

Hospitallers, was founded in 1070 and became a
Papal Order in 1113.
2. Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon
also known as the Knights Templar. This was the
first purely military order, founded 1128 and became
a Papal Order in 1128.
3. Teutonic Knights of the Hospital of St. Mary of
Jerusalem also known as the Teutonic Knights was
founded in 1190 and militarized in 1198.

There were other military orders formed in Outremer and in Europe.

There were also monarchical orders, fraternal orders, confraternal
orders which included princely and baronial orders, and votive orders.
Here is an example of some of the monarchical orders, which had a
sovereign as president/head of the order.

1. the Order of the Garter was founded by

Edward III of England approximately in
2. the Order of the Dragon was founded by
Sigismund of Hungary in 1408.
3. the Order of the Golden Fleece was founded
by Philip III, Duke of Burgundy in 1430.
4. the Order of St Michael was founded by
Louis XI of France in 1469.

Fraternal Orders were formed as needed for certain enterprises. Votive

orders were usually temporary and intended to fulfill and accomplish a
vow or specific quest. Cliental pseudo orders comprised of members
who were part of a princely retinue. Honorific pseudo orders were
bestowed on knights during festivals or holidays, but were nothing
more than an honorarium.

The Crusades and the ideals of chivalry deeply affected European

culture. The Third Crusade that had a most notable impact upon the
Europeans. This was the crusade that included Richard, Coeur de Lion
and Saladin. To be sure, both were brutal and ruthless during warfare.
What amazed the western soldiers was the increased sensitivity, civility
and consideration that was expressed by the Saracens during

The trickle down effect manifested with wealthy merchants who also
adapted chivalric attitudes. Their sons were educated in the courts and
manors of the aristocrats where they acquired the manners and skills of
the knightly class. This democratization of chivalry is what led to the
emergence of the gentleman and the class of landed gentry. The
emerging bourgeoisie was quick to take on the refined manners and
higher values of those in the noble class. The code of the gentleman
and a man’s honor included respect for women and concern for the less
fortunate. These values which reached their apotheosis during the
Victorian age with its heightened sense of civility were directly derived
from the earlier medieval ideals and historical events that created

From the time of the crusades, chivalry came to be understood as a

moral, religious and social code of knightly conduct. The code
emphasized the virtues of courage, honor, and service. Chivalry also
came to refer to an idealization of the life and manners of the knight at
home in his castle and with his court.

In some ways We are embarked upon a holy quest. Instead of risking

our lives for an imaginary deity, we can dedicate our efforts to our own
Exaltation and Immortality. What better quest than to put our time,
energy, study and efforts towards our own welfare. Does that seem
selfish? Of course it is. Vampirism as taught by this Temple is a course
of self fulfillment, not one of self destruction.

Confessions of a Vampire.
Test Everything, Believe Nothing.
These words are carved above the Temple doors. As an initiate, we
walk cautiously to the door. We gaze into the great beyond of
unknowing, cold and naked before the majesty of it all. Our mind
scrambles to make sense of things we read in the Vampire Bible. We
set up for Communion in a fumbling manner, memorizing every word
of the ritual, going over and over the ritual tools assembled, uncertain
of what exactly will happen.
Some attempt Communion, some do not. Hubris begins to take over in
many, and they turn and walk away. Some sit in waiting for a handout,
but when none if given they become angry and storm away. Still, some
Called and were answered. “What is this feeling coming over me?” We
exit in awe, not knowing what to make of it. The mind begins to reel in
ways it’s not accustomed to, trying to figure out what we experienced.

We stagger out into the world of colored lights and attempt to feed. We
stare hard at someone and tell them they will be our meal. When they
look at us we become flustered and break contact. We become
frustrated at ourselves for not being able to do this. Eventually we draw
Lifeforce into our being. “Did it work, is this it, how will I know if I
did this right?” We spill away the Lifeforce we gathered attempting to
answer if we gathered Lifeforce in the first place!
To some it comes easily, to others it is much more difficult. It is
realized that we must indeed Test.
Upon entering into the First Circle, we are greeted by the Master
Adept, and soon find ourselves in the company of the Priesthood of Ur
as well as other initiates and predators. We attempt Communion a
second time, third time, fourth, fifth and begin to search for answers to
our questions. Coincidences begin occurring in our waking hours and
our ritual time becomes a little more…tangible. “What was that noise,
who’s there, holy hell, I could have sworn someone was standing

We may look to life extension in an aloof kind of way, or in a very

serious manner. We begin to questions ourselves, these coincidences;
we learn techniques through the Temple Teachings and apply them to
ourselves to better seal our outpouring of Lifeforce. We begin to learn
of our Will and its power. We shape the world around us in small ways

to better suit our needs and have become more comfortable with
gathering food.
We return often to the Temple gates, enter thereunto, through the first
door and come upon the second door. Above it is etched “Predator” and
the requirements of entry. Having satisfied ourselves of the existence of
Lifeforce and tested the Temple’s Teachings, we submit for evaluation.
Some are given entry, some are not. For those who are, the Master
Adept congratulates and welcomes us to the Second Circle. Again we
have a task to perform, validations to make, and an Oath to swear and
keep. From here we continue Communion and begin to see changes in
our lives. More coincidences are happening, to the point that it could
not be coincidence at all! We look back at the path we’ve taken so far,
now confident in our ability to feed and commune. We walk the path of
Man head held higher, our body erect before the world and our Will
forming the road before us. Immortality is now a very real thing, and
we take steps to secure it for ourselves be it diet and exercise, health
alternatives, and/or looking into the immortality everyone is talking
We validate for ourselves the benefits which have been bestowed upon
us, the positive effects of Vampirism, and most importantly, the fact
that Those Who Have Risen do in fact exist. Not as a figment of an
imagination, but as tangible sentient beings.
Sound familiar?
It is from here I took my Oath. I remember falling to one knee, weeping
like some grandmother at the magnificence of it all. It was beautiful. I
had found something lost inside which was now found again. I was

It is also from here I end my description of the journey. We all have

Our secrets.
Our roads come rugged and littered with obstacles. I place it up to you
to tread your own path, and write your own journey. May it be one of
revelation, achievement, and results.
So to my Brethren and Sisters, I Will You all the best.

Mission Possible

When we consider the Temple Mission we often envision the usual list
of actions in our minds eye. Maintaining the Temple URL as a
signature is a common, yet powerful way to do your part in assisting
the Temple Mission. Maintaining a link to the Temple Informational
Pack is also another common and extremely effective way to assist.
There are also the Temple cards.
However the Mission does not stop at merely creating a trail of bread
crumbs in the forest.
From the Dayside, every single tool we see through the Temple
Lifeforce boards and locked forums aid us in assisting in the Temple
Mission. It is our duty to implement them.
When someone with Potential sees us commanding people and our
situations, we aid the Temple Mission. When someone with Potential
sees us suddenly loose weight or notices we are getting healthier and
making wiser choices, we aid the Temple Mission. When someone with
Potential sees us begin to build wealth whether due to investment
prowess or simply in using mind control to leverage our worth to an
employer who in turn gives us new opportunities to excel, with
increases in salary commensurate of our new positions, we aid in the
Temple Mission.
From the Nightside, situations and creature comforts we create and
command into being for ourselves also assist in the Temple Mission, as
it gives us even more leverage to accomplish those goals and situations
we so desire. And as such, the Nightside gives us even more tools to
In many ways we can consider ourselves as Ambassadors, except that
Who and what we are representing is secret. And our representation is
as such that we epitomize the quality of what we are representing
through our actions rather than the perceived nature of what the Temple
represents in the eyes of prey. This is yet one of many reasons why We
carry the clout and leverage that we do wherever we go. It is as such
that the wake of intrigue is often quite noticeable and powerful, causing
those with Potential to notice us, and in turn an opportunity will arise
for us to point the way using sanctioned methods.

Unless one is public with their affiliation, Our success and command
will likely never be associated with the Temple. Sometimes such things
are even more potent and fertile if left that way as we are indeed a
Secret Society whose emphasis is on quality and quantifiability.
Personally, I find in the fact that only a very few know of my
association, the level and quality of those taking notice are much
higher. The quality and nature of inquiry is more genuine, and those
with Potential have a clearer representation for which to catapult their
assessment of what is offered to them.
Aside from posting URL’s and Temple references, and in handing out
Temple cards, it is by our very actions and how we Lead and Act that
we offer a direct, potent effect upon the Temple Mission and its
efficacy through our actions. As such, our effective representation must
be utilized in accord with the normal avenues. And as one tests, proves
and then utilizes the Teachings to benefit themselves, one becomes a
living exemplar of the Temple and will be known for the qualities we
embody and, as such, humans will bow down before Us without even
knowing why. Those with Potential will also know why.
Consider why this is so.
Consider why it is that We embody these things.
Consider why it is that we tend to get Our way.
Consider why it is that We are able to approach and meet challenges
with success, poise and prowess.
It because it is within Our Nature. We are elite. And it is through our
consistent exemplar and mannerisms that those with Potential will be
curious as to the Nature of our archetype and will want it for
themselves so badly that they can taste it. And thus opens a door for
those with Potential for which we can further point the way using the
authorized gateway. And by acting in accordance with your Potential,
we also aid in the Temple Mission because “The Temple Mission is to
locate and offer membership to those with the Potential to benefit as
Temple Members."
It is time to Rise to the Call!

Here you stand at the Temple Gates.

Perhaps you have taken note of a few key phrases often repeated here
in the Temple. One being "We are watching" and the other, the
requirement "Test Everything. Believe Nothing".
At first glance they may seem slightly contradictory, the first seemingly
requiring belief and the other demanding experiential verification.
This is not so.
If you take the steps to order your own copy of The Vampire Bible
you will have the key to solve this conundrum within the very first
chapter: The Calling of the Undead Gods.
Upon reading it most feel a sense of exhilaration, eager anticipation,
nervousness and yes, even fear.
Listen to that inner voice.
It will drive you to a decision one way or the other.
If you have Vampiric Potential then nothing will stop you from
engaging in the steps required for Ritual Communion with Us. During
which you may feel nervous and a touch of fear in anticipation at Our
Contact, but the worthy do not identify with these feelings and work
through them.
The desire to know eclipses such temporary emotions only to yield a
much greater feeling: joy. The sense of joy that accompanies a
successful Communion experience.
I know because I experienced these sensations and moved through
them to verify the amazing results.
If you feel the need to procrastinate or an ever-deepening sense of
dread and fear then perhaps such measures are not for you.
The rabbit can oftentimes sense the presence of the wolf.
Your hesitations may be justified and are well worth heeding if you are
not deadly serious in your pursuits.
This is not a game, nor are We here for those who entertain themselves
with silly posturing.
If you are unable to motivate yourself into action then you will never
reap the results of Vampiric Metamorphosis.
Action is required.
The choice, obviously, is your own to make.
If your intentions are true and you feel the need to see if you have what
it takes to become a Living Vampire and beyond, then you must make
the Call and Test this for yourself until you are satisfied.
This is the first important action required of you- the circuit must be
complete. Until then you do not know.
If you are a Potential then We will answer.

We are Watching.


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