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Kindred Tribune Volume 1

Issue 1
Contact info:

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Editor: Melissa Brown

Contributing Authors and Artists:

Belfazaar Ashantison Lisa M Jeani Rector

J Bender MFuture Blade Rhino
Melissa Brown Nocturna Ron Sawyer
Lady CG Angela Pearson Sky Blue Hope
Darkfiend Jesse Peper Strigoacia
Vampire Kitten PsiVamp Christopher Villa


Form the Editor

I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this, the first issue of the Kindred Tribune.
A very special thanks goes to Blade Rhino, for allowing me to head up this project and also
expand on it. And last I would like to thank my other half for grounding me and always being
there for me.

This magazine can and occasionally does
deal with adult topics and themes.
So we recommended this for those with
a mature mind.

The information provided here is for

educational purposes only.
The authors and editor will not be held
responsible for the actions of the

© Copyright 2006, Vein Press and Publishing. All rights reserved.

All content, unless otherwise noted, is copyrighted by Vein Press and Publishing
Table Of Contents Cover Artwork
Provided By Jesse Peper
The Donor Bill of Rights ……………….1 For any of you Kindred Tribune readers
interested in knowing; I am a painter,
Featured Artwork by Lisa M …………..2 mostly. Although, I also work with sound-
related projects, sculpture, intaglio and
PsiVamp - Vampyre musician in Atlanta …….3 anything that looks useful for me to bring
my ideas and imagination out into the
Donors & Vampires: My Advice to You ……..5 physical world. Whenever I attempt to
describe my work as a painter, I find myself
Blood Drinker? You're NOT alone ………….7 engaging in a process that interferes with
the actual paintings as individual entities.
Son of the Dragon (Vlad the Impaler) ……..9 Currently, I feel as if painting is a language
of sorts. One day my paintings will have to
Issues with Awakening Today …………… 17 live without me and speak for themselves.
Titles and sometimes inscriptions are as far
Red Letters Of Love …………………….. 18 as I usually incorporate the use of words
regarding my visual ideas. Symbolism has a
very strong impression on my work . A
great deal of what I use or see as such, are
thusly incorporated with some degree of
personal association and interpretation. If
you would care to view my works or
correspond with me please visit my website:
Thank you! - Jesse

Chemistry …………..4

Cut …………………4

On this blood………………..4

Alone …………………8

Of Roses and Wine …………………….15

In this dark moment ………………15

The Line Between Love and Hate ……….. 16

Marlboro Man …………………………………….22

Time ………………………………22

The Madness Is Insane ………………23

The Donor Bill of Rights
By Belfazaar Ashantison 6) Should I feel threatened in any way,
------------------------------------------- shape or form, I have the right to seek
This Bill of Rights is to promote the guidance and council from other donors and
continued safety of the most precious of gifts leaders of the vampire community.
to us, their life essence. It is suggested that
this be signed by both the vampire and the 7) As a donor to a vampiric individual, I have
donor on a 30/60/90 day trial basis. After the right to know that my position as lover,
this, the contract can be resigned for an friend, family, roommate should not be
extended period of time, which can be either jeopardized by my not wanting to give of my
the 30/60/90/ or 6 months to 1 year. At the essence. In the slang, "it should not cost me
end of these contracts, discussions can be my ass to be a donor."
made as to whether or not changes should
be done. What will be allowed and what will 8) As a donor, I should also respect the
not be allowed. needs of the vampire and try to learn more
about his/her feeding habits in order to help
1) As a donor, I know that it is through my stabilize his/her imbalances in energy.
personal sacrifice that the vampire’s needs
are met. It is my loving nature that allows 9) As a donor in a vampire/donor
this relationship to continue. It is my right to relationship, I realize that though I have
decline to feed the vampire for any reason. many necessary rights, I must also take
cares not to abuse the person I am donating
2) As a donor to a vampiric being, it is my my essence to. These same rights afforded
right to know that I am in a vampiric/donor me in this Bill of Rights should also be
relationship that will be mutually beneficial extended to the vampire I am donating too.
to both me and the vampire I am donating
my life essence to. 10) Ultimately it is my right to know that I
will be safe in all aspects of the
3) I am the essence provider. It is for me to vampiric/donor relationship and should I
decide whether or not I am able to give of ever feel that my safety is jeopardized, I
my essence to the vampire I am with. I must have the right to walk away clear and free.
be allotted time to heal and regain my
essence in order to better support my Ultimately, it is our (both the donor and the
vampiric partner. vampire) responsibility to insure that we are
not abused. It is our (both the donor and the
4) At no time should my wounds not be vampire) personal responsibility to leave a
allowed to heal. vampire/donor relationship that we feel is
abusive in any nature. We can not be abused
5) At no time should I feel stressed about unless we allow ourselves to be.
giving of my essence, if at any time I feel -----------------------
stressed, I have the right to back away from Copyright 2004-Present by Belfazaar
the feed, without being or feeling threatened Ashantison.
by my vampiric partner.

Featured Artwork by Lisa M

My art is influenced by the underground gothic culture. I went to see a local goth band
called Shadow Project and was so impressed by the show. I painted the lead singer Rozz
Williams. This was the beginning of many years of painting. Recently I have created
many Dia de los Muertos, paintings. Dia de los Muertos is when families in Mexico, and
other parts of the world honor dead loved ones by creating beautiful altars. The altars
are made of favorite items the person enjoyed in life. Some families visit cemeteries and
bring food, music, flowers, and many other items to create a festive atmosphere in honor
of the dead.
- Lisa M

Davina Red

Media: acrylic on canvas.

Media: acrylic on canvas.
It is of a doll I made years
back. She is the daughter I
It is of a vampire, the never-
never had. I would bring this ending lust for blood and lust.
doll to work on Halloween and
have people search to find
her. She is a very cool and
creepy girl.

Dark Dave

Media: acrylic on canvas.

It is named after my son. He is a guitarist/student and of

course loves to save the now and then spider that crawls in.


Vampyre musician
in Atlanta

festival for college students.

Several of the Atlanta finalists
PsiVamp began writing and composing
used PsiVamp's music for their soundtracks,
electronic music in early 2000. With the
including a film on recycling. He was also
release of The Darkness Within on Halloween
voted into the Fatbird Magazine as one of the
Psi began actively pursuing a career in the
Top 100 Atlanta musicians, who compared
music industry. By the release of The
his tunes to those of Skinny Puppy. In
Kindred in 2002 Psi had already worked out
November Psi began working with local
a full stage production including dancers,
Atlanta promoters to create a new event -
intense light effects and of course the ever
Black Atlantis. What started as a vampire
present haunting sounds of his music.
themed event soon blossomed to include all
In 2003 PsiVamp started catching the
sub-genres of the underground scene in
eye of several large events. The readers of
Creative Loafing voted him Best Local
With the hurricane striking New
Electronic Musician in Atlanta. On Halloween
Orleans in 2005 and the consequent
Psi headed to New Orleans for his first show
postponement of his regularly scheduled
in a city that would embrace his music for
tour, Psi joined local Atlanta bands for a
years to come. He performed at the Cirque
benefit concert at the Red Light Café. This
du Nuit event, which was held as a sister
event crossed multiple genres from spoken
event to the larger Endless Night Festival.
word, folk, rap, rock and electronica. By
Meanwhile he was mastering his latest
combining his Black Atlantis event and
release, Doppelganger, a much more in-
Secret Room's Halloween blowout at the
depth album from his previously released
Masquerade, Psi was able to provide an
material. Doppelganger focused around his
alternate event for those unable to travel to
classically trained background mixing the
NYC for the Endless Night Festival.
intricate composition of the violin with a dark
Continuing his goal of helping locals affected
dance beat.
by the Hurricane, Psi invited the United
2004 was a busy year for Psi. On
States Marine Corps to hold a Toys for Tots
March 15th he released Doppelganger on his
Drive at the December Black Atlantis.
first international release. In April with the
Through his music he has touched
increased international interest PsiVamp
hundreds of people and through his
headed to Toronto to headline at the VEN
community driven events he has helped to
Vampyre Ball, a charity event held by local
show Atlanta and the world that the Gothic
promoters for Amnesty International. When
community is not always just those scary
he returned to Atlanta he teamed up with
people in black and makeup, but are an
Alpha Omega Entertainment and Delinquent
integral part of society. With two CDs in
Records to run the VIP room at the Endless
production and the planned re-mastered
Night Festival in New Orleans. Over 1400
release of The Darkness Within, as well as a
attendees from all over the world were
Japanese tour in the works, PsiVamp is
treated to two nights of PsiVamp's music.
quickly lining up 2006 as a year filled with
Meanwhile in Atlanta, several of his songs
his unique musical talent.
were selected to be used in the Delta
Campus Movie Festival, a national film
Copyright 2006 by PsiVamp

Chemistry The knife falls from my bloody hand

Once in a blue moon Angels coming down for me

You'll see that one face
You'll know it must be soon I watch as my blood flows from the cuts
Fireworks to outer space
My bodies cold to the touch
Stick together like glue
No more feeling blue ~Melissa Brown~
Chase away my fear
My love is yours dear © 2005

Our two bodies as one

Two parts of a whole
Inevitably we become
Two minds to one soul
On this blood I dine
Hold fast my devotion What was yours is mine
Like a magic potion Through rites divine
It's the only cure Ours souls combine
True love I adore
~J Bender
Sky Blue Hope
© 1999 © 2006


Prikosnovenie continues to bring the finest music so soothing to the ear. The third album from
Fleur is called Siyanie. The band from the Ukraine has vocalists Olga and Elena singing in their
native tongue delivering not only one of the most beautiful ethereal voices I've ever heard, but
accompanied by the violin, drums, guitar, cello and the flute, they summon pure love and
harmony. It comprises of thirteen beautiful and original melodies. I fell in love immediately
with "The Bridge over Misty Bay." It begins with the melancholy acoustic guitar guiding clear
ethereal voices with strong emotions. My theory is if you hear a song for the first time and you
love it, then you will never get enough of it and surely this is what happened. In life, isn't that
how true love begins? "Shining," "Be my Sense," and "Someone" are also personal favorites.
The songs in Siyanie flow smoothly from one to another exhibiting the ability of the band to
capture the attention of even first time audiences with ease.

Reviewed by Nocturna (Honolulu, Hawaii)

Donors & Vampires: My Advice in an intelligent & simple way at first. Focus
on your beliefs about the condition. Explain
to You that there are many theories out there, but
By. MFuture
the point is that we need blood to stay
healthy. Get your thoughts together, even
Sanguinarians face many problems both
write them down if you have to! Take it
physically & mentally. But when we get right
seriously, because you may end up ruining a
down to it, blood is the most important
friendship. Let the person know up front the
aspect of our condition. As we all know, a
risks and commitment involved. Look within
donor is a person who willingly gives a
yourself as well...are you prepared for this?
vampire their blood. This may sound simple,
Are you ready to actually go to a doctor with
but the act of obtaining a donor is probably
your donor and get blood tests? Are you
the hardest things sanguinarians experience.
comfortable enough yet to be able to ask for
The process of finding a donor can teach us
blood? Again, TAKE YOUR TIME.
a lot about human nature and friendship.
Once you have a donor, begin to form a
How do we approach a potential donor? In a
routine. Find out your donor's preferences
perfect world we would be able to ask a
such as where they wish to have blood
close friend to donate, and they would gladly
drawn on their body. Talk about how much
help out. However, a lot of vamps are
you need, when, where, and how all of this
uncomfortable (understandably) asking a
will be done, etc. Pay attention to the donor,
friend and so we turn to the Internet. This
because this can be a very emotional
can pose many problems. First of all, we
experience for all parties involved. We
don't know who's on the other side of the
vampires have the responsibility to treat
screen. I would suggest starting out with a
donors with the utmost respect. It's easy to
simple request by stating your needs, your
fall into the frame of mind where we view
age, general location, and an E-mail address.
donors as only a source of blood, and not as
I also suggest that you create a separate e-
a human being.
mail address for this purpose. You don't
want to give out too much info where
And finally, BE SAFE! Don't miss a blood
anyone can see it such as a public forum.
test, keep yourself healthy, and use
Now, in dealing with replies, avoid people
protection! Many people fall victim when
who immediately start asking for your
they get lazy and make a ends
address, phone numbers, etc. Also avoid
up costing someone their health and maybe
people who ask questions of a sexual nature.
even their life. I, myself, have been a
The screening process takes time, and you
witness to one too many AIDS scares
should be able to express your needs in an
concerning people I know. Don't be stupid.
intelligent way. On the other hand, the
The reality of all of this should be jumping
potential donor needs to know about
from your screen right now! Take advantage
vampirism and why we need blood. It's a
of my advice.
learning/teaching relationship. It's always
better to take your time and get to know a
Unfortunately, it is hard for vampires who
person instead of jumping into this
are under 18 to find a donor. There are
many laws involved, and people can end up
Asking a real live person can be intimidating
in jail when it comes to cutting someone who
and how you ask is very important. Take a
is underage even if it is consensual.
look at your friends. Whom do you feel
This article is not intended to cover
would be mature enough to handle this? You
everything. Please talk with donors &
may have really good friends, and they
vampires and get other opinions. And good
might seem like the logical donor choice but
they may not be ready to handle what you
have to tell them. Be prepared! The best
Copyright 2006 By MFuture
way to go about this is to explain vampirism

KARSTEN HAMRE - Broken Whispers

(Flood The Earth /

Broken Whispers starts out dark and ends dark. Each of the seven tracks follows a sort of
linear smooth, ominous pattern yet are all very different. The darkness prevails throughout. It
is also quite cinematic and could almost be unreleased tracks from a soundtrack of a film like
Blade Runner. Karsten is a very prolific artist from Norway who in his 10 odd years of writing
music has release a dazzling abundance of albums under various names: Arcane Art,
Defraktor, Dense Vision Shrine, the Flux Komplex and Veiled Allusions. In this album he has
masterfully created a dark mood that is often done so well by his fellow dark ambient artists in
that part of the world. Perhaps it's the icy cold, vast untamed wilderness and long, dark days.
Perhaps it's something else - something that the majority of the people living further south,
can never fathom. But whatever it is, it's very conducive to beautiful, haunting music. Broken
Whispers, although being very abstract and dark is not difficult to listen to. there is a blissful
primal nature about it.
Ron Sawyer

Blood Drinker? You're NOT weak and emotionally and mentally unstable.
Blood Rage is a bitch. I can take ALL the
alone vitamins and supplements in the world...
By Lady CG
none of it curbs or in anyway affects my
need for blood.
It came up in conversation recently...
Someone asked me:
Drinking blood is NOT illegal in North
America (and most other parts of the world,
"How many Sangs do you know? And how do
though I'm certain there are exceptions)
you know we are not all just mentally
Even drinking HUMAN blood is not illegal
provided it is obtained by legal means.
Drinking blood from a willing donor who is
I laughed and suddenly stopped when i
legally above the age of consent is NOT
remembered that for a long time, when I
first awakened, I DID think I was out of my
The Vampire Church is a legal religious
organization. It is NOT against the law to
The answer is I know literally 100s of Blood
"practice vampyrism' (layman terms...)
drinking Vampyres. That’s right. Literally
Being harassed for being a Vampyre, is
100s. In the 13 or so years I've been
religious persecution (under the law) and is
hanging out in the OVC (online Vampyre
illegal in most of North America.
community) I've met so many Sanguinarian
So... Am I (or others like me) insane, by
Vampyres I've lost count of how many I
definition? Are we the victims of some
know. I know old ones, and young ones. I
serious mental or emotional disorder?
know Sangs who drink animal blood of
EVERY kind, and some who only feed on
A person who is obese is not considered
human blood. I know Vampyres who want to
insane if they starve themselves... A person
hunt their "food", I know Vamps who only
who is diabetic is not considered insane for
feed from willing donors.
taking insulin and watching their sugar
intake...a person who is anemic is NOT
I know some who are tremendously ethical
considered mentally ill for taking iron or
about who, what where and when they feed,
eating food HIGH in iron.
and others who are... not so picky... or
ethical. Are we ALL mentally insane? In the
What is SO odd about people who need
end I can only speak for myself, as always...
energy and iron from its best possible
source, Blood? (Hemoiron is the THE most
I am an over 40 female with a solid
absorbable form of Iron)
monogamous relationship. I have 4 children,
I don't believe I'm insane. And if I AM I am
one grandchild and another one on the way.
certainly in a multitude of good company.
I hold down solid employment and I am
dependable. I hold a high school diploma, I
Sanity isn’t based on your dietary
went to collage and I have a certificate in
requirements.. its based on how well one
social work with Adult survivors of child
functions in society. Vampyre communities
sexual abuse, in fact I once ran a support
and groups are here to help KEEP Vampyres
group for people abused as children. I am
functioning well in a society where we would
fully functional, mostly rational, contributing
otherwise have difficulties.
member of society.
I think a well-fed Vampyre functions as well
Oh ya... I happen to need to drink blood to
or perhaps better than many other people in
stay healthy.
today’s crazy social environment.
Since the reasons, or POSSIBLE reasons for
So DON'T let them tell you being a blood
needing blood is discussed in 100s of places
drinking Vampyre makes you nuts... Its
online, I am not going to cover it here. But
suffice it to say that without blood I become

closed minded people, not Vampyres who
make us ALL crazy!
Copyright 2004 By Lady CG

I stand-alone covered in darkness.

Not knowing what to do
Wanting to live and die at the same time
To pull the trigger would mean freedom,
Not to pull would mean returning to a
living hell.
I make my choice and am ready to pull
When a hand reaches out and takes the
The gun is gone and I am not alone.

~Melissa Brown
The article - Blood Drinker? You're NOT
alone is an excerpt from Lady CG's new © 2003
book entitled:

Practical Vampyrism for Modern Vampyres.

You may find this book at:


Reflections of Rage

Ah, Remixes. Sometimes, remix means taking one song and doing it 20 different ways,
usually making the listener appreciate the original far more then they had already. But
most often, a remix adds a new dimension to material that was not envisioned in the first
place. It seems to be a very popular approach these days to give your material to your
peers and let them rework it. Thus is born Reflections of Rage, a compilation of songs from
The Last Dance given a facelift by the likes of Ego Likeness, Skinny Puppy, and Corvus
Corax to name a few. Nothing bad on this disk, but some will probably have favorites. The
variations from the originals, as well as from the other mixes on the disk are sometimes
stark, other times quite dramatic. I would like to say that I love them all, but, okay, I have
a strong like for them all. Some seem a bit too much fro my personal taste, but I am sure
it will be a great addition to most anyone's music library. Any fan of The Last Dance will
REALLY enjoy this disk. Of course, the highlight of the disk is the last track, The Last
Dance's ode to Britney Spears, "Hit Me Baby One More Time" as only they could do it. We
all wish this was the version that got played on the radio 13 bagillion times instead of the
original. But I digress, this is a great work, and the Multimedia CD also includes bonus
material, a photo gallery, and much more! I encourage The Last Dance to do this again,
their material is great in its own right, but the new dimensions that are out there make it
truly legendary.


Son of the Dragon such a being goes against all reason. So, I
will tell you that I was cautious.
(Vlad the Impaler I) We grew up in the Castle Dracula. The
passageways were cold, lit by the torches on
By. Jeani Rector
the walls but not warmed by them. The
torches released their smoke into the halls,
The year was 1431, and Joan of Arc was put
causing the walls to be covered with a fine
to death.
layer of soot. The gate in the front of the
That was also the year that Vlad Dracula was
castle would not open from the outside, and
could only be opened from inside the castle
His father bore the coat of armor of the
grounds. People could leave, but anyone
house of Dracul, which means Dragon. And
who arrived needed to be let in by someone
the firstborn son carried the surname
already inside. It was a source of security
Dracula, which stands for Son of the Dragon.
for Castle Dracula, and therefore it provided
Like his father, the child's first name was
protection for the Dragon Prince.
Vlad. Vlad Dracula became prince of
And Dracula needed security. Because the
Wallachia on the 22nd of August, 1456.
Turks wanted him out of power, and they
He would not be known as The Impaler until
knew that the most effective way to keep
later, in 1459. On Easter Sunday of that
Dracula away from the throne was to destroy
year in his native Transylvania, Dracula
him before he ever achieved the throne.
began his reign of terror by avenging the
So the Turks made their first coup when
murder of his father. Dracula ordered
Dracula was just seventeen, in 1448.
people to be skinned, boiled, decapitated,
Unfortunately I was in the wrong place at
blinded, strangled, hanged, burned, roasted,
the wrong time, and I was captured along
hacked, nailed, buried alive, and stabbed. He
with my brother.
also liked to cut off noses, ears, sexual
And so this is where my story really begins.
organs and limbs.
But his favorite method of torture and
I opened my eyes.
murder was impalement on stakes.
I had, for the brief period I was able to
Impalement was a form of execution where
sleep, forgotten where I was. But now as I
the victims were pierced between the legs
came fully awake, the horror of my situation
from behind….thrust upon large sharpened
assaulted all of my five senses.
stakes, each having the width of a man's
I felt the manacles upon my wrists, binding
arm. As the victims hung suspended above
them together. I could at least take some
the ground, the weight of their bodies would
comfort that I was not chained to the wall;
slowly drag them downwards, causing the
instead, my wrists were bound in front of
sharpened end of the stake to pierce their
internal organs and so they would die.
The sounds in the dungeon were many. I
Dracula especially liked mass executions. In
heard scratching sounds, and wondered if
order to better enjoy these mass spectacles,
rats had found their way into the dark
Dracula routinely ordered a banquet table
set up in front of his victims, and enjoy the
Other sounds permeated. Because the jail
sights and sounds of the dying.
was located within a mile of the river, I knew
How do I know all of this?
that it was sunk into a water table. Hence
Because I have known Vlad Dracula all of my
the dripping; I knew that water found its
way into cracks into the dungeon masonry
I am Radu, his younger brother.
and I could hear it inside. Because of the
Where shall I begin this story? I will begin
seeping water, the floor was damp and cold
at the beginning. I will tell you all I can
as ice; it was only the middle of March so
winter was still upon the land.
I believe I feared my brother from my very
The smells in the dungeon were terrible.
birth. Did I love him? I can only say that it
Mixed with fungus smells and the scent of
is difficult to love a viper. One can respect a
things rotting from the water were other
dangerous creature, but to feel affection for

repugnant odors, such as unwashed bodies "There are no flies because it is not warm
and human feces. But I found myself enough yet for them," I told him.
surprised that my nose was actually getting "Spiders are killers," Dracula said. "They
used to those dreadful smells, and that after murder insects for their own personal gain.
my first hour in that place, my sense of Which makes spiders powerful creatures
smell had somehow adjusted to an extent indeed."
that my eyes no longer watered from "Indeed they are," I agreed, "if you are an
inhaling the stench. insect."
Even my sense of taste was affected. He turned to face me. "I will turn my
Because of the immense fear I had felt when enemies into insects. I will have an army of
I had been brought in early yesterday spiders. But I will control the spiders. My
morning, my mouth had a copper taste and I spiders will have no personal gain."
wanted a drink of water so intensely that it "None of that will come to pass if we don't
was yet another thing to add to my misery. get out of here," I reminded him, ignoring
A horizontal opening, about three feet long the odd nature of his sentences.
and six inches wide, was a sort of window in He ignored my sentence in return, and
the cellar, located up at the level of the instead said, "I'm going to catch the spiders
ceiling. There was no glass upon it, and it in this prison and eat them. I want to
was bare of any screening. This small absorb their power."
opening allowed some sun to stream into the It was not the first time that I was taken
dismal dungeon. The window was above aback by the words out of my brother's
ground level, and it was the only source of mouth. There were times I questioned his
light. I looked at that opening, and despite sanity, while there were other times I felt he
the fact that it let more cold into the room, I was a genius. And then there were the times
was grateful for the fresh air that it allowed I felt great fear of him. Dracula often kept
inside. I mused that in summer, the number me off balance.
of flies and other biting insects that window This time I tried to humor him. "And the
would invite probably made for some intense rats?" I asked. "Will you eat them too?"
suffering of a different nature. "I smell a rat."
I was crouched in the middle of the cellar to I sensed he was serious. "What does that
avoid the wet walls, and I realized that my mean?"
eyes were adjusted to the dim light. I "A rat will get us out of prison. Our father
looked around and saw that my brother was has made his bribes."
also crouched on the floor, his wrists I felt cold; so very cold. My fingers were icy
similarly manacled. and my nose was running freely. The winter
Dracula stood. He began to slowly pace the chill penetrated my clothes and I could feel
dungeon floor, his concentration on the the cold damp air in my very being.
walls. "Wet."
"Yes." And as I huddled on the cold, damp, earthen
He stopped. "The excessive damp makes floor of the dungeon, suddenly the trap door
the walls crumble. This place is old." at the top of the wooden steps opened. I
I continued to look at him. "So?" blinked in the unexpected light. Someone
"So we can escape." was entering the cellar. I could not see
"We can? How?" whoever was descending the steps. As the
He smiled, revealing sharp teeth. "Don't light shone behind the man's back, he
worry, we won't need to go through the appeared only as a dark figure coming down
walls." the stairs.
And he was silent for a while, still standing. When the man reached the bottom, he said,
"There are creatures down here," I heard "I have come for Vlad and Radu of the Castle
him say next. Dracula. Identify yourselves."
"Yes, I can hear the rats," I answered. My brother made a scoffing sound. "As
"There are spiders, but no flies." there are only two of us in this dungeon, it
would seem we are they."

- 10 -
"Both of you, get up," the man said. was not important enough to take any heed
"Follow me." of my presence.
"Why?" I asked. "Where are you taking us?" So when I heard rumors of a plot to poison
The man stopped and looked at me. "You'd my father, I took my revenge by not
rather stay here in this filth? Insolent." sounding the alarm. I remained in obscurity
"This is prearranged," Dracula told me. by choice.
Grateful that I wasn't going through this And when these rumors proved to be fact,
alone, I managed a weak smile towards my and my father was murdered, I stayed mute.
brother. I did not point fingers. Instead, I rejoiced in
We climbed the steep steps, which were only my secret heart. Now perhaps my brother
wooden boards. I was surprised that the would no longer be the favored one in Castle
boards had not already rotted from the Dracula. And since Vlad Dracula became
damp, and sighed in relief when we all made Prince by his inheritance, I expected to sit at
it to the top. That is where the man his right hand upon the throne.
removed our wrist manacles. Yet it did not come to pass as I had
Following the man through a passageway, he envisioned. My brother scorned my very
led us outside to where two horses waited. nature; he perceived me as weak, and
"You are now on your own," the man said. perhaps I was. At least, I was during those
"I am not responsible for your safety outside years.
of this prison." But I was afraid. I lived in fear on a daily
Dracula said nothing. basis.
"Thank you," I told the man. "This is of a I alone saw what a monster my brother was
politically sensitive nature, and you have becoming. He was obsessed with mutilation
restored to the Prince to his future Crown." and torture. He limited his obsessions to
"He is a Dark Prince," said the man, "and helpless creatures. I saw him capture flies
now I am damned for all eternity. I did this and actually eat them. But before he
for the money. Now off with ye." consumed the flies, he would tear off their
Dracula mounted his horse. An wings and watched them struggle, and the
unseasonable fly landed on his hand. He creatures seemed baffled as to why they
quickly smashed it with his other hand and were suddenly unable to fly.
he reined his horse to turn about. Then he moved on to spiders, tearing off
"I can smash you as easily as I can this fly," their legs. I would turn away when he put
Dracula said to the man. "I am a spider." the legless spider bodies into his mouth.
But the man was not afraid, although I was. No one knew but me. Because I walked the
"You are not a spider. You are supposed to castle in obscurity. So I was a witness to
be a dragon. But instead you are a devil," many things that no one noticed me
the man said. "May God have mercy on my noticing.
soul for freeing you into the world." But to my list of fears, I added the fear for
At that, my brother and I both kicked our my brother's sanity.
horses and we were off. Suddenly Dracula turned his obsessions
************** towards the human race. On Easter Sunday
I suppose I should address the events that he invited all the boyar families who had
occurred on Easter Sunday in 1459. participated at his coronation three years
Those events were put into motion three before. He asked them how many Princes
years prior to that date. had ruled in their lifetimes. They said they
I was not the favored son, so I was ignored had lived through many reigns. Shouting
by my father. My powerful brother that this was their fault because of their
overshadowed my existence, and I paled by plotting, Dracula had them all arrested on
comparison into an obscure background. Yet the spot.
it was that very obscurity that allowed me to There must have been two hundred
eavesdrop on sensitive conversations. It prisoners that day. My brother marched
was as though people didn't realize that I them to the field two miles away from the
was in the room; or else they assumed that I castle walls. What horror the prisoners must

- 11 -
have felt, to view the hundreds of wooden bedroom and hurriedly made my way down
poles that were anchored into the earth and the hall.
reaching for the sky. What fear and panic I made my way down the main castle
they must have experienced to know they stairwell, dark and damp. I could hear
were looking at the implements of their own sounds of dripping water that seeped from
execution. within the cracks of the masonry. It
Because the stakes had been set up earlier. reminded me of the dungeon I shared with
The stakes were waiting for the victims of my brother, now seemingly so long ago. I
my brother's madness, standing at attention could smell the assault of stale air heavy
like murderous soldiers. with the scent of chamber pots and candle
The screams were horrible, the blood soot. My senses seemed heightened, and
endless. The people slid slowly down the my thinking was stimulated with adrenaline.
poles, sufferers of their own weight against Finally I reached my brother's bedroom door.
gravity, and smears of red on the stakes I stood outside his door for a moment, my
followed them as they sank slowly towards eyes darting around, seeking any witnesses.
the earth. Eventually hundreds of sightless There were none.
eyes stared into their own private eternity. Stealthily I pushed the door open and
And my brother stayed close to the killing entered my brother's bedroom.
field, eating a picnic lunch, and closing his The bedroom was brightly lit with multitudes
eyes dreamily, his body tensed with of candles, but Vlad the Impaler was asleep.
seemingly an almost sexual ecstasy. I knew he had been drinking wine before he
He didn't know I was watching. retired, so I felt confidence in hearing his
It was that day when I realized that I could drunken snore. He had one arm outside of
no longer remain weak. his covers. The flickering candlelight caused
Yet I was still afraid of him. Very afraid. Dracula's arm to almost shine with grotesque
But the killings escalated. Soon Vlad Dracula whiteness as though the underbelly of a fish.
became known throughout the land as Vlad Unable to bear to look at that single accusing
The Impaler. arm, I closed my eyes as I plunged my knife
I had to stop him. towards his flesh.
But how? Dracula jerked awake just as I was bringing
Of course. I could use my obscurity once the knife downwards. He tried to roll out of
again. the way, ducking downwards on the bed.
I could murder my brother and no one would So instead of penetrating his evil heart
be the wiser, because no one thought I was where I had originally aimed, my knife
capable of such a crime. In fact, no one instead found its target into my brother's
thought of me at all. throat.
So I felt certain I could get away with it. I But either way, the end results were the
could commit the assassination of a powerful same.
monarch. Who else would be more suited Dracula was dying.
for such an act, then a family member close His hands flew up to his face and his eyes
to the Dragon Prince? opened wide in amazement. He tried to pull
I made up my mind to do it that very night. the knife from his throat. He made guttural,
I waited until ten o'clock, and then I opened gurgling sounds. His eyes rolled up in his
my bedroom door. I peeked down the long head and his body began to jerk.
hallways that were lighted by torches, placed And then he became very still.
in holders on the stone walls. The torches But the blood!
shined, wavering from the drafts that gently I did not expect the fountain of liquid that
blew down the corridors. The flickering spurted out of his severed throat artery, as it
flames caused the lights to dance, creating splattered over my face and my chest. It
an illusion of shadow-creatures creeping was sticky and warm. And very, very red.
stealthily through the passageways. I was I felt faint. I felt nauseous.
nervous, so I trembled as I crept from my But I gathered my wits together and stole
stealthily back out my brother's bedroom

- 12 -
door, leaving Vlad Dracula dead in his "Impossible!" I was becoming frightened as
chambers. I always felt around my brother. "I killed
************** you! I watched you die!"
Of course the Castle Dracula went into "Don't you want to know what my curse is?"
chaos for a while. But if the truth be told, no He smiled condescendingly.
one really mourned the death of Vlad The "I am dreaming!" I cried. "You are not real!"
Impaler. "So you think you are dreaming. Well. I will
His body was buried in the church at the tell you my curse and then you can decide
Snagov monastery. for yourself what is real and what is a
Even that created controversy. Some in dream."
Transylvania did not want my brother's body "How are you cursed?" I asked.
to be buried on hallowed ground. Others "I am not dead. Forever I am undead. I rise
didn't care because they were simply glad he again in the darkness, to continue to do evil
was dead. things by the cover of night. I will come to
And still others were relieved to see my you soon to take my revenge. I will destroy
brother interred within the church grounds. you like a fly, my brother. Have you
Those were the ones who wanted Dracula forgotten the power of spiders? Or
closely watched by God so that his ghost Dragons?"
could not wander without His knowledge. I stood my ground. "There is more to your
And that should be the end of my story, curse. I feel it. There must be something
right? dangerous to you. What is it? I command
But it is not. Still my story continues. by the Order of the Dragon that you tell me
One night I had a dream. the rest of the curse."
I saw my brother kneeling on the ground, "It doesn't matter what the rest of the curse
near the site of the Impalements. As the is, because you have always been too weak
empty but bloody stakes rose in the for it to make any difference."
background, Dracula looked three "Remember I was not so weak when I killed
dimensional, and very real in the foreground. you."
I thought he was kneeling in prayer, but Dracula took a step back, away from me.
instead he dug the earth with his hands and "Ah yes, Radu The Murderer. Very well. The
kneaded the moist dirt through his fingers. danger to me is the wooden stakes. Just as
Then he rose to face me. He rose to face my victims died of impalement, so can I."
me, his murderer. And then I awoke. Sunlight streamed
"You meant to thrust your knife through my though my window, and I experienced
heart, not my neck," he told me. tremendous relief. It was just a dream. A
"Yes," I agreed. very real dream, but a dream nonetheless.
"You missed and struck my neck. No Dracula was dead and buried.
matter, because no knife can kill me, Or was he?
whether it is through the heart or through I suddenly felt a fever to find out. I needed
the neck. But why did you want to pierce to search out my brother's grave and dig for
my heart?" his body. I needed reassurance that the evil
"Because you had an evil heart," I said. my brother represented in life was contained
"You speak in the past tense," he said. in death.
"You are past tense. You are dead." I waited until well after dark to travel to the
"Am I?" Dracula asked, and his eyes glowed church where my brother's body was
red. supposed to be interred. I walked into the
"Yes. I killed you." church cemetery, and I stepped carefully.
"I am cursed," Dracula said. Stone paths were laid around the graves, but
"No, everyone you victimized was cursed," I were treacherous to maneuver upon because
told him. they alternatively sank and protruded.
"That too," he smiled, revealing his sharp Grass was overgrown, and wild trees grew at
teeth. "Nonetheless, I am cursed. I cannot odd angles, limbs untamed from lack of
die." pruning.

- 13 -
The moonlight was bright, and I could see with my bare hands, and then my fingers
that the graveyard was very small. An owl closed around something smooth and solid.
screeched, and a mouse scurried by, close to It was my brother's medallion, bearing the
my feet. The moon's glow cast long golden Order of the Dragon. Why was it on
shadows from the trees, and the dark the outside of the coffin instead of safely
silhouettes lay over the ground like stripes. latched around my brother's dead neck?
Locating my brother's grave, I pushed the Nervous sweat poured off of my brow. I
sharp blade of my shovel to break the earth. gripped the wooden lid and pulled it off of
It gleamed in the moonlight with every the coffin. I tossed the coffin lid aside,
shovelful of earth that I pitched to the side. revealing the open grave.
The dirt was heavy clay, but since it was I closed my eyes. I was afraid to look.
spring, it hadn't yet hardened into the But I was afraid not to look.
unyielding hardpan of summer. I made By the light of the full moon, I opened my
progress quickly, and I knew I would soon eyes. I had to know.
see whatever remained of my brother buried The grave was empty. My brother was gone.
in this grave. And so I went back home to the Castle
I climbed into the hole I had dug, at a depth Dracula.
of about three feet, and knelt inside the And that night, I began to prepare. I
excavation. I thrust my hands in the dirt, sharpened wooden stakes because I was no
casting aside part of the wooden coffin my longer weak; and finally, I was no longer
shovel had crushed. The ground felt wet and afraid of my brother.
slimy, heavy with clay. I cleared away muck I will find him. Or….maybe he will find
me first.

Jeani Rector grew up reading Stephen King novels.

Halloween is her favorite holiday. Her two children sing
“The Rector Family” to the tune of The Addams Family.
It is all in good fun and actually, most people who
know Jeani personally are of the opinion that she is a
very normal person. She just writes abnormal stories.
Doesn’t everybody? To find out more about Jeani
Rector, go to:

- 14 -
Of Roses and Wine In this dark moment

When I was first seducing you, In this dark moment,

I brought you Roses and Wine. Two beautiful disasters come crashing together.
I played upon your emotions Just like ships at sea,
With beautiful flowers that gave their One can be fooled into thinking,
lives, In this brief selection of time,
So you would come to me. That ever one will come out alive.

I worked upon your hearts defenses In this dark moment,

With heady wines of rare vintage, We resign ourselves to the deep.
That eroded your will to resist me. Giving into the cadence of the waves,
Our bodies matched in a dance,
I constructed romantic, mysterious Only to break upon the rocks,
traps of soft lights, Quivering in a cold blindness.
And gardens filled with music and
fragrances, In this dark moment,
All designed to suspend time, Our wreckage becomes a haven of deviant
And weaken your resistance to my behavior.
desire. Willing the waves now,
With our hands gliding over the surface,
Thus, did I lay my trap for your love. To move swiftly,
My snares were Roses and Wine. Quickening our decent into the abyss.
And you walked right in, smiling,
Shedding your clothes, like the roses In this dark moment,
petals. I no longer taste the salt of the sea.
Tossed to the jagged rocks,
But, when I sought to release you, Bled of your last drop,
And let your almost lifeless body fall, to To stain my blue lips,
the ground, I find warmth for the two of us.
I found the thorns of your roses had
caught in my flesh, In this dark moment,
And the taste of your love had become I tempt you with red ribbons of heat..
my favorite, Proposing a new world,
Most irresistible wine. The fear will pull you under,
When your last hope will only come,
Thus, I found myself ensnared in your If you promise to let true love help you die.
beautiful trap,
Unable to let you go, I resurrected you . ~Strigoacia
And now I drink the nectar from your © 2005
And taste my own blood,
Distilled from Roses and Wine.

~Christopher Villa

© 2006

- 15 -
The Line Between Love and Hate

Too fine a line, between Love and hate.

I cant decide which I desire more,
To kiss the secret parts of you,
Or, to tear out the center of your sex with my
I bite your lips, in our close embrace, Orange County Vampire
Tasting your blood, and passion. Meet up
Your mouth sucks the breath from me,
And I return your affection,
Sinking my teeth into your throat,
This is a group for vampires,
To grip you closer, in our struggle. donors, and all those interested in
Your fingernails leave their signature, vampires and the vampire culture.
Across my arms and back,
And I answer your clawing, and stabbing, This is a place for you to seek help
With thrusts of my own. and guidance, support, and to just
Your cries are bursts of pleasure, have a place were you can meet
That fire my blood, with lust. with other people like yourself and
These flames that burn us, who have like interests.
Leave our flesh intact, but sear our souls.

Too fine a line, between Hate and Love,

Ecstasy, and agony. I can’t decide
Which you desire more,
My Love, or my Blood.

~Christopher Villa

© 2006

- 16 -
Issues with Awakening Today
By Vampire kitten
-------------------- ----
I've noticed a lot lately when cruising the just that if you aren't you could be lying to
many vampirism and occult related boards yourself and living with that lie. Some even
out there on the Internet that one of the big want so much to believe that they are of the
issues today with vampirism is not the fact vampiric sorts that it causes them to live
that people are role playing or making a with the fact that they “just might be”.
mockery of the term “Vampire”, but the
increasingly large number of people claiming Yet, if these people are “awakened” and still
to be vampires (mostly of the psychic sorts). in need of help and trying hard to find who
The idea struck me that many of the people they are then they are either in desperate
claiming what they are might not be true. It need of attention, lack the knowledge of
seems as though vampirism is the end all of what true vampirism is and means, are
their search if they see themselves having following vampirism as a fad, or not yet
troubles with bright lights or feelings of awakened, but awakening.
depression. This does not make one a
vampire, nor does it rule out the possibility I think these people need to take it upon
of being one. Yet, the large number of teens themselves (if they are going to follow a
between the ages of 13 to 19 could be certain lifestyle, especially one with as much
believing in something that may not be true detail as vampirism) to actually do a bit of
in there case. When people e-mail me for soul searching. Personally I don't feel like
help with their awakening or vampirism they lying to myself my entire life is a good way
all say the same thing, for example: to live. So please if you are one of these
people…. Stop for a second and think about
“I am a teen in search of who I am, I am it, do a bit of research and try not to lie to
allergic to sunlight as the bright lights bother yourself. If you really think you're a vampire,
me. I am depressed and feel all alone in the then look into it, don't just say that you are
world with no one to turn to. I also crave without knowing anything about it at all.
blood and feel as if my body craves and Trust me, it will help you in the long run
longs for it. I am a psychic vampire and I knowing who you really are.
awakened 2 months ago, please help me” -----------------------
Copyright 2006 by Vampire kitten
If they don't admit to when they awakened
within the initial e-mail, I usually take it
upon myself to ask when they did. The
answer usually is contradicting to that of the
question or they awakened a week or month

I don't believe that lack of information or

lack of soul searching is all of the problem,
but the fact that awakened is such a
nonchalant term nowadays. By this I mean
people are taking the word completely out of
context with the meaning An awakening is
the realization that one is of the vampiric
sorts. Being awakened means that one has
found themselves and have come to terms
with their vampirism knowing: How to feed,
Feel energy, and the like. Guessing and
Knowing are completely different and
guessing doesn't mean you are a vampire,

- 17 -
Red Letters Of Love Aine looked like she wasn’t going to say
By Angela Pearson anything, then took a deep breath and said,
----------------- “Would you like to dance with me?”
A haze of smoke filled the crowded bar. This
was one of the few bars in the area that still “I don’t dance much to this music,” Wynter
allowed smoking inside. Wynter Cruento gestured to the dance floor where the rest of
lounged against a wide wooden post and his employees gyrated to the jumping music.
watched his prey. Ever since the night he “I would like to dance the next slow song
hired Aine Mercer to maintain the books for with you, if that is alright?”
his import business, he had watched her.
Tonight was no different. Wynter had Aine smiled. “That would be more than
accepted Aine’s bold invitation to join fine.” She sat down at the table and took a
Wynter’s other employees celebrate Friday long drink from her glass. “Sir… Wynter, I
night at this bar near the office. He watched still don’t understand why you only have the
Aine bounce and shimmy along with the company open at night.” She looked up at
crush of people on the dance floor to the him, over her shoulder.
thumping music coming from the house band
that drowned out the conversations flowing Wynter pulled out the chair and sat next to
around the dark room. her. He wiped at a smudge of dust on his
black slacks before answering her. “My
He had to make sure his decision was right, contacts and warehouses are all overseas. I
that his instincts were correct and he wasn’t like to be able to know what is happening as
giving into lust, not after all these years. it happens. Because of the time difference,
So, he watched her. working nights is better than trying to take
care of issues after they happen. Plus, I
Aine looked over at the moment and flashed have always been a night person.” He didn’t
Wynter a huge smile that showed her tell her the truth for fear of scaring her
excitement and pleasure. Olivia, a friend of away.
Aine’s and another of Wynter’s employees,
leaned over and spoke into Aine’s ear when “I suppose that makes sense. Working
the song stopped and they had stopped nights has allowed me to finish my classes.”
dancing. Both women looked over and him. Aine stirred the ice in her empty glass.
Olivia’s expression was curious. Aine’s was
also curious, but in a way that said she Wynter studied the long line of Aine’s pale
wanted to find out more about Wynter. Aine neck revealed by her upswept hair. “Yes, I
turned back and said something to Olivia have heard that from other employees. It
before walking to where Wynter stood also allows them to spend time with their
against the post by the table the group had families. I did remember your graduation,
claimed when they entered the bar. didn’t I?” He asked her this, knowing fully
well he had remembered.
“Mr. Cruento,” Aine began when Wynter
interrupted her. Aine studied the man next to her. “Your gift
was more than generous, s- Wynter.” Her
“I said to call me Wynter, Aine,” he employer wasn’t a handsome man by the
reminded her. day’s standards, but he was intriguing to
look at. He had brandy colored hair, nearly
Aine blushed. “It’s just you are my the same color as her own that was always
employer. I feel funny sometimes.” neatly trimmed and brushed. His nose was
sharply shaped and kept his face from being
Wynter smiled, “Don’t feel that way. What plain. It was his eyes that drew and held her
did you wish to say to me?” attention.

- 18 -
His eyes were filled with sadness, despite his “You smell like roses,” she said into his ear.
relaxed nature and many smiles. She had
been close enough to him during the past “I like roses.” Wynter gave into his desire
few weeks since she began working for him and nearly kissed her neck as he inhaled her
to know his eyes were hazel, harvest hazel scent. “You smell like a Chinese tea garden.
Aine thought. Hazel that changed from I like that, too.”
gray-green with gold and russet near their
pupils to vibrant green when he was pleased. Aine shivered as his breath brushed her ear
They were often bright green when he was and neck. She wished Wynter had kissed
with Aine. her neck and was mildly disappointed that he
Wynter shrugged, “I can afford to be
generous. You have been a great help in “Are you cold?” Wynter asked when her felt
seeing that business is turning a better profit her shiver. He knew she could not be cold in
than it was before my last accountant the crowded bar and smiled in satisfaction at
disappeared.” the tremor in her voices when she answered
“I am amazed he was able to steal so much
from the books before he disappeared.” “No, I’m not cold.”
Aine shook the ice in her glass to dislodge
the olive at the bottom. She worked to They continued dancing slowly as the
spear the olive on the short straw that came announcement came from the band that the
with her drink and missed the looked that bar was now closed.
passed over Wynter’s face. “I wonder if the
police will ever find him?” “Allow me to walk you back to the office.”
Wynter said, helping Aine into her coat.
Wynter knew exactly where his former
accountant turned thief was: Dead. Aine looked at him. “How did you know I
Wynter had drained the thief’s blood himself
before dumping the empty body the boiler at Wynter and Aine said good-bye to the others
the man’s apartment building. Even though from the office as they all walked out the
man’s blood had satisfied Wynter’s hunger, it door. After they had separated from the
left a bad taste in his mouth. Theft never people leaving the building, Wynter
sat well with him. answered Aine’s question, “I saw your car in
the parking lot. I walked here myself. You
The band began playing a slow, romantic should be more careful walking the streets at
ballad. night.”

“I believe that’s our cue,” Wynter rose and Aine chuckled,” Why? Because of the
held out his hand to Aine. vampires everyone says run the city? I’m
not worried about some mugger. Besides it
Aine looked up into Wynter’s eyes as she isn’t that far from the office.”
rose. She slipped her hand into his cool one
and let him lead her to the dance floor. It Wynter slipped his hand around Aine’s
felt natural as he slipped his arms around elbow. “Vampire are very real, Aine.”
her and pulled her close. It felt right to rest
her head against his firm shoulder, her She gave him a look of disbelief. “Surely a
forehead touching his cheek. She could well educated man such as yourself doesn’t
smell his cologne. His scent was different believe in myths.”
than most men, feminine, but right for this
man. “Vampires are real, Aine,” He said again. He
stopped her in the deep shadows cast by his

- 19 -
office building and the large warehouse
behind. He turned her quickly, making her “Yes,” Wynter asked. “Do you know what
gasp. “I believe in vampires Aine because you are saying, my lady?” he whispered in
they are very real. You need to take more her ear.
precautions in the dark.”
Aine turned to look in Wynter’s eyes. “Yes, I
Aine moved her hands up Wynter’s chest. do. You are going to feed from me.” She
“Yes, because of the vampires. I’ve heard moved her head back to expose the long line
that line before. I wasn’t expecting to hear of her neck.
the same tired old line from you.”
“I will do more than that, my lady,” Wynter
“It isn’t a line, Aine.” Wynter lowered his sighed and placed his mouth over the pulse
head and brushed his lips gently across beating in her neck.
Aine’s. “Not a line at all.” He deepened the
kiss, cupping the back of her head with his Aine gasped at the first brush of his sharp
cool hand. fangs on her neck and stiffened.

As their tongues dueled, Aine’s brushed “Relax Aine.” Wynter kneaded the back of
Wynter’s sharp fangs and jerked back with a her head and rubbed her back with his other
gasp. hand. He quickly spun them around and
pressed her against a low wall.
Her eyes were wide, filled with confusion and
a touch of fear. Aine moved her hands under his coat and
around his back.
Wynter locked his gaze with Aine’s.
“Vampires are real, Aine, and I am one of Wynter used one hand to move the collar of
them.” He pulled her hard against him and her shirt down and continued to kiss her
kissed her. neck until Aine began to relax and move
against him. When she moaned again and
A shudder passed through Aine’s body and relaxed even more, Wynter sank his teeth
she whimpered, whether out of fear or into her flesh.
longing, neither could tell.
Aine cried out as his teeth pierced her flesh.
Wynter slide a kiss along her cheek and drew Her cry turned into a moan as she could feel
the tip of his tongue around the shell of her Wynter carefully swallowing her blood as it
ear. “I won’t end you life, Aine.” The tip of pumped into his mouth. She sank her nails
his tongue traced her ear again, dipping into his back, tugging at the fabric of his
inside the most sensitive part make her shirt. She began to feel light-headed and a
moan lightly and shudder once more. “It cold feeling began feel her being. She
won’t hurt for but a second.” He sucked the opened her eyes and saw flecks of darkness
lower part of her ear into his mouth and move in the already dark night. She could
carefully slid his tongue over her earring. He feel Wynter sucking her blood from her
released her ear and tasted the side of her throat. His fingers caressed the back of her
neck. He moved her head to give himself neck when she closed her eyes once more.
better access to her tender flesh. He sucked Her hands relaxed and began to drift down
her neck and gently closed his teeth on her his back. She could feel her heart slowing
flesh. and didn’t have the energy to fight the
waves of dizziness in her head.
Aine moaned again and moved against
Wynter. She fisted her hands in the thick She felt Wynter release her neck. She could
wool of his coat. She willingly moved her vaguely feel him moving, holding her upright
head in his hand to give even more access to and doing something else between them.
her neck. “Yes,” she moaned.

- 20 -
“Aine, don’t leave me yet,” Wynter ordered
in a firm but soft voice as he felt the last
beats of her heart against his chest. He
sucked once more from her neck before Wynter has introduced Aine into the world of
moving her head. “Open your mouth and darkness, the world of the undead, the
drink, Aine.” He used his thumb to open her modern world of the vampire. Share in their
mouth and pressed her mouth against his thoughts and feelings as they explore the
flesh. “Drink, Aine. Drink and come to life.” night together and fall in love.

Hot blood filled Aine’s mouth and dribbled

from the corners of her mouth and flooded Stay Tuned for the next installment of:
her throat making her swallow out of reflex. Red Letters Of Love
She continued to swallow and swallow.
Soon, a warmth filled her body. The warmth Will Aine be able to forgive Wynter and have
turned to heat and Aine growled against everything they both desire? Check here to
Wynter’s body. find out.

It was Wynter’s turn to moan, “Yes, mi

carus, yes.” Wynter let her drink longer,
feeling the heat from her as it warmed

He cupped her cheek and pulled her mouth

away from his flesh. “That’s enough Aine.”
He leaned her back against the wall, using
his body to continue to hold her upright.
Removing a handkerchief from his coat
pocket and wiped the blood from her face
and neck.

Aine’s eyes were open wide and dilated and

unfocused. She began to shiver despite the
heat coming from her.

Wynter put the handkerchief back in his

pocket and fished out a necklace. He
fastened the necklace around Aine’s throat
then kissed her mouth.

When he ended the kiss, he saw Aine’s eyes

were closed and she had stopped shivering.
“Rest now, mi carus.” He felt Aine slump
into deep sleep. He lifted her effortlessly
and carried her into the night.

Copyright 2006 by Angela Pearson

- 21 -
Marlboro Man
He's a marlboro man
I think I'm his newest fan
I don't know, I'll do what I can I look out the window and memories
And if he wanted, I'd get a tan come back
Of broken toys and new found friends
He's got those rugged working man's hands And old ones still the same...
Perhaps his life's had a few demands I think to myself if walls could talk
I can see some history lies beneath his eyes would they say:
Hope Tony's not a phony and full of lies This room was grand for tea parties’s
and hides and seek the same,
I wonder what his hours are For dragons, kings, queens and
Or even if he has a car knights
Probably a super Italian last name And battles of the age.
Hope he's not a guy who just plays some Would they talk of sadness?
game A girl lost but never found?
Would the walls remember her first
I wonder if he's in love with someone love?
I think we could have great fun And what about the last.
It's not the same if it's not both ways Years of joy
Maybe he'll kiss me one of these days And years of pain
To place within that room
Wonder if I should just make the first move But time goes by
Who knows how long till he gets the groove Children age
What would happen if I were wrong? And memories fade to soon.
And his heart belongs with some other girls
song Melissa Brown
© 2003
He's got that face you could just kiss
Nothing more would I ever miss
In his bed and arms I'd be in my element
But first there has to be mutual development

And it doesn't matter if he has no car

With him I'd never need to go far
I just hope he likes good rock and roll
And along with that body, some heart and

Sky Blue Hope

© December 4, 1994

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The Madness Is Insane

The madness becomes insane

As even after the fact there is shame
It is only I who buries my pain
It is only I who is really to blame

You're fine one day

But you're not the next
It hurts in a very sad way
Have I possibly been hexed?

As soon as I am once again weak

And give in to that little devil
Any efforts then only seem meek
Will I always be the rebel?

The madness is insane

The never ending battle of addiction
The madness is insane
I've caused my own life to be friction
The madness is insane
My life could be a work of fiction
The madness is insane
When will be the benediction?

dedicated to: Curious Drug Seekers

Sky Blue Hope

© August 15, 1993

San Bernardino County, Orange County-The

OC, and San Diego The Southern California
Vampires is a private group for those who
romance the dark side in and around the
Greater Southern California area.
Membership is subject to approval. Members
must live in Southern California and profiles
must have a photo. We are a family of
Vampires, Werewolves and Witches (from
Los Angeles County, Ventura County,
Riverside County, San County) who share
similar interests. This is as "real" as it gets.
Our group is our safe haven; an Elysium for
our family.

- 23 -
Ultraviolet The dialogue is... well... forgettable. A series
Director: Kurt Wimmer of groans, grunts and traded insults about
Rated:PG-13 who isn't going to leave the room alive and
Runtime: 88 min such.
The film starts out with rather unique comic
covers for the title sequence. There is a Quote:
reason; this is a comic book movie. I don't Bad Guy 1: How can you hope to defeat us?
mean like X-men or Hulk, a big screen We're as fast as you...
adaptation of a comic, I mean a visual abuse Bad Guy 2: As strong as you...
of the media to produce comic style Violet: But are you 1/10th as pissed off as I
entertainment in a theatre. am?

Yes, the story does contain something about

vampires, but beyond the pointed teeth little The acting is the same, Oscars won't be
is talked about. Essentially you have a won, but essentially all that is needed are a
government created infliction, a bunch of few snarls and some tension, which Milla
hunted down infected people and an evil Jovovich provides, despite fully expecting
fascist government that sees germs and "Umbrella corp" to be lurking around the
disease as the no. 1 enemy. corner, due to similarities between this and
the Resident Evil movies.
In walks Violet, yup, she's infected. Yup,
she's mightily pissed off. Yup, she's on a That isn't to say the movie sucks, it doesn't,
rampage, hell it'd be a dull movie if she like I say I left the theatre saddened that
overcame her issues and took up knitting. this wasn't Aeon Flux, it should have been:
Stylish, sexy, futuristic film about a vengeful
This film is everything that the disappointing assassin with some great set pieces, cool
Aeon Flux wasn't. While Aeon showed how tech and gorgeous sets/costumes.
empty a film like this can be, Ultraviolet
shows how attention to detail makes the So, if you like Milla, or just like ass kicking or
tired old concept of "ultimate assassin turns guns, you won't be disappointed in this
on their maker and seeks revenge" can movie. Plot is entirely optional (and to be
actually create something unique, fresh and honest I've pretty much already forgotten
exciting. it).
Directed by the man responsible for Copyright 2006 by Vorsuc
Equilibrium, expect some kick ass martial
arts/gun fights. If there's one thing that man
knows, it is how to make pulling a trigger
and kicking a barrel load of ass look like hot
steamy sex on the big screen.
There's also all manner of cool gadgets,
inventions and technology within the film
that just simply aren't talked about or
explained. You know, that's a good thing.
The idea the audience need some Star Trek
style techno babble to explain away every
plot device is a moronic one, I've no care for
how this shit works, just that it looks cool
when it does. Watch the film, you'll see what
I mean.

- 24 -
The Southern California Vampires Meet up Group
Review by Blade Rhino

As organizer, exploring possibilities (the possibility of making new friends, of learning something
new, of experiencing something fantastic, of having fun, etc., etc.) with The Southern California
Vampires Meet up Group is a goal of mine. Making this happen has been a challenge from time to
time but in the long run, it's worth the effort. In the past 3 months, we have seen an interest in our
group. We've seen new members come and unfortunately, some go.

We started off the year on January 17th, which was a United Vampire Meet up Day, with an
experimental on-line meet up. It was sort of like a chat-room and turned out to be fun. It was a
more of an on-line mixer of sorts. On January 20, an excursion to the movies to see Underworld:
Evolution brought mixed feelings about the film and story line. In February, a night at the "theater"
proved to be surprisingly intriguing as a few of us attend the final week of The Night of The Black
Cat" (excellent production). One of our members, Christopher, was involved as a musician in the
production. Also in February, a "flashback" and/or "trip" to The Museum of Contemporary Art was
one of my favorite gatherings. Experiencing art was relaxing and we had a great time-sharing this
state of mind with each other. Our March meet up was a physical treat at The World on Wheels. It
was a fusion of gothic industrial music, roller-skating and members of Club des Vampires Vta Chapter
(good times, good times).

So what's coming up in the next three months? Well, we have more events
( and exploring more possibilities.
I hope more members are able to join us.

Come on out to the most talked about Goth night in OC!

The Haunted Lounge!

DJ's Däch and Effekt! spinning great music heard nowhere else in
Full bar with drink specials (Ask for the Leap into an Open Grave!)
TV's showing weird videos from around the world!
Plenty of seating
VIP area
Plenty of free parking
Chill-out room with fireplace and 2 pool tables
Goth * Darkwave * Deathrock * Industrial * Goth-Loli

And maybe even a ghost or two...

$5 or free before 10 with flyer (Printed ones count!)

9PM-2AM 21+
It's at Detroit Bar
843 West 19th Street, Costa Mesa

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