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The Big Picture of Daniel

Chapter 1
Overview of the Book
he Old Testament book of Daniel, penned over 2,500 years ago, is
T often considered the counterpart of the final book in the Bible, the
REVELATION. In fact, in the study of Biblical prophecy one cannot be
fully understood without the other. Daniel, the major book of prophecy
in the Old Testament, and Revelation in the New Testament complement
each other and relate powerfully to our contemporary times.
The book of Daniel is one of the most criticized in the Old Testament
mainly because of the detailed accuracy of its prophecies, many of which
were historically fulfilled even prior to the days of the New Testament.
The liberal preacher or theologian (scholar so-called) would deny the
authenticity of the prophet and the prophecies of this great book because
of the obvious supernatural characteristics of the text. As Dr W A
Criswell said,
“If the prophetic and the supernatural in the Bible are to be removed, then
Daniel must be destroyed.”
The theme of the book is the Sovereignty of God: or, God is in total control
of events on planet earth. Furthermore His timing is perfect and His plan
is right on time. A key verse Dan 4:17b,
“...that the living may know that the most high ruleth in the kingdom of men.”
Biblically, the Jew is the key to history and prophecy. In this book study
we have a picture of Gentile dominion over the nation of Israel till God’s
Kingdom of Righteousness is established on earth.
In his book “The Most High God”, Dr Renald E Showers gives us a clear
outline which provides a framework for understanding. He emphasizes
the theme of sovereignty, especially in the early chapters. Note that each
chapter deals with Gentile dominion over Israel, yet clearly demonstrates
that God is in control.
Daniel Chapter 1: The chastening of Judah, the sparing of the godly
remnant, and the blessing of Daniel and his friends in captivity, all
demonstrate the providence of God as we see His purposes fulfilled even in
a pagan Gentile Empire.
Daniel Chapter 2: God’s sovereignty over Gentile empires is
demonstrated in the dream of Nebuchadnezzar. Four Gentile kingdoms on
earth only lead to God’s Universal Kingdom when He takes final control.
Daniel Chapter 3: God’s sovereignty over Gentile punishment is
demonstrated. Here is related the popular story of the three Hebrew lads
protected by God in the midst of Gentile punishment in a fiery furnace.

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The Big Picture of Daniel
Daniel Chapter 4: God’s rule over Gentile kings is demonstrated.
The most powerful Gentile dictator on earth is humbled and brought
down by a loving God; the chapter becomes a testimony, as a pagan
king issues a royal edict of new found faith.
Daniel Chapter 5: God’s sovereignty over Gentile defences is
demonstrated. Here we have the historical account of the fall of Babylon
in one night after her boast that the fortress of the city was impregnable.
Daniel Chapter 6: God’s rule over Gentile law demonstrated in the
politics of finding Daniel in the lions’ den and seeing God close the
mouths of the lions for a few hours, only to open them again to devour
the corrupt Gentile leaders the following morning.
Daniel Chapter 7: God’s sovereignty over Gentile empires is seen
again. Here is the scene on earth from God’s point of view, and the four
stages of Gentile government are described as the beastly effort of man
to control the world in wicked selfishness. Ultimately, God’s righteous
rule begins as the final world ruler is destroyed and Christ is given
everlasting dominion.
Daniel Chapters 8-9: God’s chastening of Israel in the then near future
under the Medo-Persian and Greek Empires is seen in chapter 8, and God’s
ultimate goal of blessing for Israel is amazingly predicted in chapter 9.
Daniel Chapters 10-12: The final detailed revelation that God gives
to Daniel regarding Israel’s near and far future. Chapter 11 provides
amazing prophecies in intricate detail of conflicts between the northern
and southern kingdoms of the Greek Empire after Alexander the Great
down to Antiochus Epiphanes, who is the great type of Antichrist.
Chapter 12 brings us to the time of the Great Tribulation; the ultimate
overthrow of Antichrist and the establishment of Israel in Christ’s
Millennial Kingdom.
All the events in the book of Daniel relate to the nation of Israel .....the
apple of God’s eye; and though still blinded as a nation to God’s truth,
Israel is being mysteriously brought back to the land in unbelief and is
the centre of world news and attention. But in this introductory chapter,
let’s look at a few characteristics of the man Daniel, one of the few major
personalities in the Bible of whom there is not a negative word written,
though he was a man just like us.
Daniel was a Man of the Word of God and Prayer
Though only a Jewish teenager, coming from an apostate nation to the
palace of the king in a heathen land, Daniel stood for God, when chosen
to be brainwashed in heathen philosophy. How could he stand? How
did he know truth from error as he “…purposed in his heart that he would
not defile himself”? Daniel had access to the books of Moses, the first five
books in our Bible, and he had to have known the Word to stand strong.

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The Book of Daniel
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11&12

606 BC

536 BC
445 BC Yet 4 kings of
Persia Persia
332 BC Dan.11:2-4
“A mighty king”

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Greece 4 Divisions,

63 BC 10 horns
69 weeks

Christ 32AD
returns Church Age
Revived Rome Dan.11:35-45
? 10 toes Antichrist 7 years Tribulation Antichrist

The Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ

Christ’s Universal Kingdom

The Big Picture of Daniel
The Big Picture of Daniel
He had strong convictions based on a firm knowledge of Leviticus 11,
which distinguishes between clean and unclean meat, a passage that
strengthened his faith in spite of dark circumstances. This first chapter
of Daniel (read it) reflects his love for the living God who was in control,
and his knowledge of the Word of God in the spirit of his youth.
If any one thing characterized Daniel, it was his prayer life. Perhaps the
most popular story in the Old Testament is Daniel in the lions’ den. Why
was he there? The consistency of his prayer life was the only thing his
enemies could find to bring him down. Yet God was in control.
Daniel was a Humble Team Player
Daniel was an encourager and was encouraged by others. Hananiah,
Mishael, Azariah and Daniel were a close-knit team, and as a witness for
God they stood together for the three years of chapter one. They prayed
and praised God together in Dan.2:17-23, and finally stood together
through the danger of execution in the trials of chapter 3. How we need
to be identified with like-minded men who love the Lord Jesus Christ
and are willing to stand for the Word of God! It is impossible to get a
whole team down at the same time. Together their testimony had a great
impact on the whole Babylonian culture.
Doubtless because of Daniel’s commitment to the Word of God and his
consistent prayer life, God used him in a tremendous way, and through
him revealed the prophetic future of His people as well as that of the
nations of the world. Yet Daniel gave all the credit to his God. It is so
easy for the flesh to absorb the credit when things go right; however, Daniel
acknowledges “... a God in heaven”(2:28), “But as for me, this secret is not revealed
to me for any wisdom that I have more than any living...” All his insight is
glorifying the God of heaven. Daniel is characterized by humility.
The Challenge
As we seek to know God’s truth, may our hearts be challenged with the
characteristics of Daniel’s life. The days of apostasy are so evident in spite
of our Christian heritage as a people. God’s hand of chastening and judgment
will surely come. May we be found as part of the remnant, standing for the
promises of the Word, exercising our privilege of prayer and communion
with God, being a team player and an encourager with a humble spirit,
giving all the glory to our Saviour, the risen, coming, Lord Jesus Christ!
Let’s exercise our faith by standing strong.
Dare to be a Daniel,
Dare to stand alone,
Dare to have a purpose firm and
Dare to make it known!

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The Big Picture of Daniel

Chapter 2
The Panorama of Prophecy
I n this second chapter we will look at one of the most unique
prophetic passages in the Bible. Dr Harry Ironside has described
Daniel Chapter 2 as
“the ABC of prophecy. I suppose it contains the most complete, and yet the
most simple, prophetic picture that we have in all the Word of God.”
Daniel’s twelve chapters can be naturally divided into two sections of
six chapters each. The first six are more historic, and the latter six contain
the dreams of Daniel which are prophetic.
Another feature of the book is that nearly half of the chapters (from 2:4b
through 7:28) were written in the Aramaic language of the day. This
portion is unique to the Old Testament Scriptures. In our study we will
see that these chapters deal with a time when God is allowing the Gentile
nations to be dominant over the nation of Israel.
Chapter 2 opens with the powerful Gentile dictator of Babylon,
Nebuchadnezzar, dreaming;
“wherewith his spirit was troubled, and his sleep brake from him”(2:1).
It appears the dream suddenly turns into a nightmare, and he is shaken
and awakened. Imagine the most powerful man, often looked upon in
the culture as a god himself, frightened and shaken so much that his
dream was apparently lost. So, concerned about the dream and its
meaning, Nebuchadnezzar calls in his professional wise men and
threatens them with execution if they cannot describe the dream and
give its interpretation. With their inability to do so, the order for the
execution of all the wise men is issued by the king(2:12). This order
included Daniel, who, on returning to the palace, asks why “the decree
was so hasty”(2:15). After hearing an explanation Daniel requests an
audience with the king, asking for time, after which “....he would show the
king the interpretation”(2:16).
Daniel, with his friends, go to prayer and petition God for an
understanding of the dream. God gives the answer (2:19), and
immediately Daniel and his friends take time for worship and
thanksgiving to God (2:20-23). Next we see Daniel before King
Nebuchadnezzar giving the God of heaven all the credit and glory for
the revelation (2:27-30).
The Forgotten Dream
The next three verses (2:31-33) describe a great image, or statue of a man,
that the king had seen in his dream. This obviously established Daniel’s

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The Big Picture of Daniel
credibility in Nebuchadnezzar’s eyes. This great image had:
A head of gold
Breast and arms of silver
Belly and thighs of brass
Legs of iron
Feet of part iron and part clay
In Dan 2:34 we see action is added to the dream when a supernatural
stone comes hurtling down, “...which smote the image upon his feet” and
the whole structure crumbled, becoming like
“...the chaff of a summer threshing floor; and the wind carried them away,
that no place was found for them...”
This is doubtless what troubled the king and brought him to the point of
great concern. We then see that the
“stone.....became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth” (2:35b).
“This is the dream; and we will tell the interpretation thereof before the
king” (2:36).
Now since Daniel has brought the reality of the dream back to the king’s
senses, Nebuchadnezzar had no choice but to believe the interpretation!
The Clear Interpretation
The key word in the interpretation is “kingdom” (Dan
2:37,39,40,41,42&44). Every area of the image prophetically relates to a
kingdom, beginning with Nebuchadnezzar ’s kingdom.
“Thou, O king, art a king of kings: for the God of heaven hath given thee a
kingdom...Thou art this head of GOLD”(2:37-38).
“And after thee shall arise another kingdom...and another third kingdom
of BRASS” (2:39).
“And a fourth IRON” (2:40).
“...feet and toes .... CLAY .... IRON, the kingdom...” (2:41).
“...shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed”
Just what is the dream all about? Daniel now shares these closing words
with King Nebuchadnezzar :
“God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and
the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure” (2:45b).
A Look Back at World History
As we look back at ancient world empires in relation to Israel, the Old
Testament people of God, four historical powers indeed fit the picture of
Daniel’s prophecy right down to the “legs of iron.” Yet there are still two
unfulfilled stages in the interpretation: the final kingdom of man and the
kingdom of God.

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The Big Picture of Daniel
First, let’s note the clear prophetic dream as it relates to fulfilled history
over the centuries following Daniel’s day:
Head of GOLD
Babylon (606-536 BC) King Nebuchadnezzar
Breast and arms of SILVER
Medo-Persia (536 -332 BC)
Belly and thighs of BRASS
Greece (332 -63 BC)
Legs of IRON
Rome (63 BC – 476 AD) Christ
Feet of Part IRON and CLAY
Papal Rome/The Holy Roman Empire/EU
(600AD to the Rapture)
Ten Toes
Antichrist’s Future Tribulation Kingdom
A Mountain which fills the Earth
The Millennial Kingdom of Christ

The prophetic word was recorded by Daniel in 603 BC, and the first four
empires followed each other over the next few centuries. This is historical
fact. Yet Rome was never conquered; indeed, it dissolved from perversion
and corruption within, and during the past 1,900 plus years, the power
of religious and political Rome have continued in various forms during
this present mystery Church Age.
An explanation of the feet and the toes of the image in the dream cannot
be satisfied with history, but what seems to be coming together with the
European Union in the geography of the Old Roman Empire could be
the very foundation of this last stage of man’s world dominance on planet
earth. Sir Robert Anderson QC in his book The Coming Prince says:
“No Christian doubts that the ‘stone cut out without hands’ is typical of Christ
Himself. It is equally clear that the catastrophe was to occur when the
fourth empire should have become divided, and ‘partly strong and brittle.’
Therefore its fulfillment could not belong to the time of the first advent.
No less clear is it that its fulfillment was to be a sudden crisis, to be followed
by the establishment of “a kingdom which shall never be destroyed.” Therefore
it relates to events still to come. We are dealing here, not with prophetic
theories, but with the meaning of plain words. What the prophecy foretells
is not the rise and spread of a spiritual kingdom in the midst of earthly
kingdoms, but the establishment of a kingdom which ‘shall break in pieces
and consume all these kingdoms’.”

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The Big Picture of Daniel
The Second Advent of Christ will occur in the days of the “ten toes” of
the image. This is the short period of the Antichrist’s kingdom, a period
of seven years (Dan 9:27). The parallel prophecy in chapter 7 describes
the last stage of the fourth empire on earth as having “ten horns”and
Rev17:12 tells us that “the ten horns...are ten kings, which have received no
kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast”.
There is absolutely no doubt that the Roman Empire, in its last stage,
will be divided into ten parts, as pictured by the ten toes and amongst
these, the final Gentile world ruler will appear. However, John wrote
that, when the Lord Jesus Christ comes, Antichrist will be destroyed.
“The beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles
before him...these both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with
brimstone”(Rev 19:20).
Thus the final stage in Nebuchadnezzar ’s dream is the establishment of
the Kingdom of God on earth. The mountain which fills the whole earth
is symbolic of Christ’s kingdom. Isaiah writes:
“And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the
LORD’S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall
be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it...for out of Zion
shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem” (Isa 2:2-4).
We are presently in the mystery, “parenthetical” Church Age, when the
nation of Israel has been temporarily set aside as God’s tool. Once the
Church, the Bride of Christ, is complete, the Lord will take her to be with
Himself ( 1 Thess 4:13-17; 1 Cor 15:51-57). The timetable of God will
then turn back to the nation of Israel for the final seven years of Daniel’s
70 “weeks” of history described in Daniel chapter 9. Again, the theme of
the book of Daniel is the Sovereignty of God...God is in
One sad fact in chapter two is how Nebuchadnezzar responded to the
supernatural. God was at work, yet when the dream had been recalled
and interpreted accurately by Daniel, he worshipped Daniel (v 46)!
“The king answered unto Daniel, and said, Of a truth it is, that your God is
a God of gods, and a Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets, seeing thou
couldest reveal this secret”(2:47).
Nebuchadnezzar recognized Daniel’s God as a God of gods, but did not
consider Him as the only God or his own God.
Friend, the Lord Jesus Christ states, “...I am the way, the truth and the life”
(John 14:6). He died for OUR sin...He arose from the grave three days
later! He invites us, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest” (Matt 11:28). Don’t be like Nebuchadnezzar.
Consider the truth of Christ, He is the only Saviour and He wants to be
your personal Saviour. He is in the life-changing, soul-saving, business.

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Chapter 3
“Bow or Burn!”
n chapter 3, we continue to follow the theme of the Sovereignty of
I God and see that God is in control over Gentile punishment as
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are cast into the fiery furnace. God’s
sovereignty is proved in a humanly impossible situation. Let’s consider
the chapter from three viewpoints:
Past - the Big Picture Historically
Present - the Big Picture Practically
Future - the Big Picture Prophetically
Bible teachers feel that the events of chapter 3 were about 20 years after
the dream of chapter 2, and it appears that King Nebuchadnezzar had
never forgotten the dream after Daniel revealed it to him. Yet if the great
image that we see constructed here is a result of the dream, the king was
defiant, even arrogant, assuming that not only the head of gold
represented himself (2:38) but the entire image, thinking in his spiritual
blindness that his kingdom, Babylon, would never be destroyed nor fall
to any nation in spite of Daniel’s interpretation. In any event the whole
image represented Babylon, and in the king’s mind it was himself, a
dictator of dictators for nearly a quarter of a century.
The golden image, towering nearly 28 metres high in the desert sun
outside the city walls of Babylon, was striking. The archaeologist, Oppert,
is recognized by many conservative scholars as finding a large mound
located 10 kilometres south-east of the city, which very well could be the
ancient pedestal of the statue.
Most theologians feel the statue was wood overlaid with gold rather
than a solid gold structure, though there is no doubt that there was
enough gold in the kingdom to do such. In any event, Nebuchadnezzar
had designed a religious system of worship and “commanded” (3:4) all
the authorities of the kingdom that had been brought together to “...fall
down and worship the golden image...” (3:5). This was forced idolatry.
A sovereign God always has His witnesses, and though they may be a
small remnant, they stand for truth. Such was the case with Shadrach,
Meshach and Abednego. The temptation to bow down to a false God
could have been strong since everybody else was bowing, but they stood.
Thank God for the men who stood…stood for God, stood for truth, in
spite of promised persecution.

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The Big Picture of Daniel
It is interesting to see that after their godless accusers had brought them
before the king, Nebuchadnezzar offered them another chance; doubtless
because of their testimony of integrity in serving him over the years
(3:14-15). Still Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, stood without
“If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning
fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king”(Dan 3:17).
The Gentile king goes into a rage, to the point of irrational thinking
commanding the furnace to be heated seven times hotter (3:19), which
would hasten death rather than torture them as he expected. The order
of execution was immediate and they were cast alive into the fiery furnace
(3:21-23). There is the promise of persecution when believers stand for
God in a wicked society.
Now the miracle that every child of God can put their trust in is
demonstrated. God in His sovereignty protected them in the fire.
Nebuchadnezzar, amazed, looks into the furnace to see Shadrach,
Meshach and Abednego, AND one “like the Son of God”(Dan 3:25). The
writer believes this was a pre-incarnate manifestation of Christ. These
are big theological words, but put simply they mean the appearance of
the person of Christ before His human birth over 500 years later! A
promise of preservation is given to those whom God sees fit to bring
through the fires. This is a miracle that we dare not try to explain; rather
we choose to believe that HE
IS ABLE…and He brought
them through.
Now the king, witnessing the
miracle with his own eyes,
calls them to “come forth, and
come hither”(3:26), recognizing
the power of the God of
heaven over his own power.
“Then Nebuchadnezzar spake,
and said, Blessed be the God of
Shadrach, Meshach and
Abednego who hath sent his
angel, and delivered his servants
that trusted in him, and have A sketch of the stone Colossi of Memnon erected in
changed the king’s word and the plain of Thebes (Egypt) by Amenhotep III, probably
yielded their bodies, that they shortly after the time of Moses. Nebuchadnezzar’s
image was 60 cubits (90 feet) high and made of gold.
might not serve nor worship any We do not know if the image stood on an elevated base
God, except their own God” but it was probably a structure overlaid with gold which
(Dan 3:28). was the practice in those days. (See Isa 40:19).

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The Big Picture of Daniel
Note carefully that the king still does not indicate in any way that he is
trusting their God as his God; yet he promoted them “ the province of
Babylon” (3:30). Thus the sovereignty of God is demonstrated over Gentile
punishment. Our God is in control.
The practical lesson for believers today is the encouragement and
confidence that every child of God can claim when he stands strong in
his testimony. God is in control and will not forsake His own when they
are going through trials and persecution from the enemy: the world
(system), the flesh or the devil. It is not to say that God will take us from
the trial, or even around the trial, but when we go through the fires of
testing and temptation ….HE goes through it with us. It is generally
true that when we are in the hottest time of our trials the Lord’s presence
is most precious to us; and, too, the time that our own testimony can be
most effective in a hurting world.
A great verse that we can confidently claim when we feel like we want to
give up or give in, is 1 Corinthians 10:13:
“There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but
God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able:
but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to
bear it.”
This is a powerful verse to memorize, to meditate on, and to hide in the
heart of every believer, young and old: and when the pressure is on,
claim it and STAND STRONG in the strength of the risen, sovereign Saviour.
No child of God has to bow to the enemy! How we need more Shadrachs,
Meshachs, and Abednegos, in this day of compromise and confusion!
Though the first 6 chapters of Daniel are historical, the book as a whole
is a prophetic thesis. In chapter 3 we see a clear prophetic type of
Scripture which parallels much of our New Testament book of Revelation.
In the case of chapter 2 the prophecy is clearly stated. At other times, as
in chapter 3, it can be a prophetic type. Let’s briefly note a few areas of
prophetic truth pictured in the passage that is literally historical.
Nebuchadnezzar the first world ruler can be paralleled with the last
world ruler, Antichrist of the future Tribulation. Note Rev 13:4, 7, 12,
&15 where we see a worship system and a picture of Satan’s powerful
Ecumenical Church. Those refusing to worship will be subject to death.
Worship will be by compulsion. The Lord Jesus Himself refers to
“the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the
holy place” (Matt 24:15).

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The Big Picture of Daniel
The fiery furnace is a picture of the Tribulation period...the 70 th week of
Dan 9:27. Here a peace treaty is confirmed with the Jewish people, who
are then deceived and betrayed by the counterfeit “peacemaker” (Rev 12).
The three Hebrew lads picture the 144,000 Jews (Rev 7) that will be preserved
through much of the future fiery trial, as well as the two witnesses who will
also will be sealed, until their ministry is complete (Rev 11).
Finally,“the most mighty men”(Dan 3:20) that threw Shadrach, Meshach, and
Abednego, into the fiery furnace and were themselves caught in the fire of
judgment (Dan 3:22), are a type of the enemies of God. They compare to the
beast and the false prophet who are “cast alive into the lake of fire”(Rev 19:20),
and later, even “the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire”(Rev 20:10).
The prophetic picture is of the Great Tribulation through which the Church
will never pass. Those who suffer at this time will be the repentant nation
of Israel and those Gentiles that are saved through their testimony. However
Christians are suffering in this present Church Age and, through the
centuries, many have died rather than deny the Lord.
Dear friends, how can we not believe God and trust His Word? He is
sovereign. He is in total control. The fiery trial for the believer today is the
fire of purification that God permits; the fire removes the cords that bind
us but the unbeliever, the counterfeit, the deceiver will be cast into fires of
eternal judgment.
The believer’s future is one of VICTORY, and our hearts ache for those who
are just playing the Christian game and are not genuine. Jesus Christ’s clear
message, even to a spiritually blind religious leader like Nicodemus is ”
must be BORN AGAIN’ (John 3:7).
Trust the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ who paid the total price for our
personal sin; He is “...the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6). As believers
we can confidently look “for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the
great God, and our Saviour Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13).

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Chapter 4
A Changed Life
he fourth chapter in this book of Daniel centres around
T the self-written testimony of a Gentile heathen king who once ruled
the powerful world kingdom of Babylon. The chapter is unique in that it
is apparently a royal declaration of a testimony that becomes part of the
inspired, inerrant Word of God.
The proud king of Babylon tells of a dream which God had given him to
warn him that he would be removed from his throne until he
acknowledged that the most High ruled in the kingdom of men, and gave
it to whomever He chose. Nebuchadnezzar writes:
“Thus were the visions of mine head in my bed; I saw, and behold a tree in the
midst of the earth, and the height thereof was great.
The tree grew, and was strong, and the height thereof reached unto heaven,
and the sight thereof to the end of all the earth:
The leaves thereof were fair, and the fruit thereof much, and in it was meat for
all: the beasts of the field had shadow under it, and the fowls of the heaven
dwelt in the boughs thereof, and all flesh was fed of it.
I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed, and, behold, a watcher and an
holy one came down from heaven;
He cried aloud, and said thus, Hew down the tree, and cut off his branches,
shake off his leaves, and scatter his fruit: let the beasts get away from under
it, and the fowls from his branches:
Nevertheless leave the stump of his roots in the earth, even with a band of
iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with the dew
of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts in the grass of the earth:
Let his heart be changed from man’s, and let a beast’s heart be given unto
him; and let seven times pass over him.
This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of
the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High
ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth
up over it the basest of men.
This dream I king Nebuchadnezzar have seen. Now thou, O Belteshazzar,
declare the interpretation thereof, forasmuch as all the wise men of my kingdom
are not able to make known unto me the interpretation: but thou art able; for
the spirit of the holy gods is in thee” ( Dan 4:10-18).
Let me challenge the reader at this point to read through the chapter a
couple of times and consider a number of great Biblical doctrines
(teachings). The doctrine of PEACE is established in the first verse…

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The Big Picture of Daniel
how the king found it, and how he wanted to share it with the world.
He begins his testimony with “Peace be multiplied unto you” (Dan 4:1).
Peace of heart is that characteristic for which man searches, often without
even realizing it. Man seeks peace through success, power, money,
popularity or fame, through music, drugs, illicit sex, education etc.
This king had it all, but no peace till he recognized the source of it.
Consider also in this chapter the doctrines of God’s love, grace,
longsuffering, patience and power; in contrast with man’s pride,
sinfulness, stubborness, blindness and rejection. Consider also the
great doctrines of repentance, salvation, regeneration, witness, and
worship. A powerful chapter of doctrines indeed!
The subject is Nebuchadnezzar, dictator of Babylon, the world-empire’s
king (2:37-38). The Lord gave His people, Judah, to Nebuchadnezzar for
70 years of chastening (1:1-2). At the end of the 70 years, when God was
finished with the chastening process of His people, the kingdom of
Babylon was toppled and the Jews returned to their land. God had raised
up Babylon for His purpose!
Nebuchadnezzar had every opportunity to recognize and submit to the
God of heaven after the miraculous recall and interpretation of the king’s
dream in chapter 2; yet Nebuchadnezzar, though recognizing Daniel’s
God as a God of gods, fell short of trusting Him as his God! (2:47). Again,
the miracle of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s going through the
fiery furnace gave Nebuchadnezzar proof of the power of their God, yet
still he didn’t see his own need (3:29).
Something now has happened in chapter four as it unfolds like a gospel
tract with the first three verses becoming the “introduction” on the front
cover. “My life has changed and I want to tell you about it!”
Nebuchadnezzar ’s personal account of his story begins in verse four,
after he has gained world power and is
“flourishing” in his palace. From verses 4-
18 we see that God has sent the king a
troubling dream to warn him of
coming judgment. The dream
centred around a tree, the greatest
living thing on earth. The tree is
cut down and is personalized as
a human being in verses 14 and
following. Note the pronouns
“his” and “him” in verses 14-16.

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The Big Picture of Daniel
What could it mean? Perhaps the key to the entire book of Daniel lies in
the 17th verse:
“That the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men,
and giveth it to whomsoever He will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.”
Thus the theme of the book is the SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD; He is in
Though Nebuchadnezzar’s professionals (verse 7) failed to understand
the dream, Daniel immediately knew that God was about to humble the
proud dictator. Daniel was both “astonished” and “troubled” (verse 19),
so much so that he did not respond for an hour till the king pressed him
for an answer.
The tree was the king, powerful and mighty on the earth, yet arrogant
pride kept Nebuchadnezzar from recognizing God in His sovereignty;
therefore he was to be cut down, yet in the mercy of God, kept from
death. Ultimately, his kingdom would be preserved (4:22-26).
Daniel had prayed for Nebuchadnezzar, his God-given master, and now
he begs the king to repent of his sins and show evidence of a changed
life; but again pride keeps the king spiritually blind for twelve more
months (verses 27-29). Boldly Daniel said:
“Wherefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and break off thy
sins by righteousness, and thine iniquities by shewing mercy to the poor; if it
may be a lengthening of thy tranquillity” (Dan.4:27).
With pride at its peak (verse 30) God’s grace brings the king to humility
and he is stricken with “lycanthropy”, a sudden mental illness that causes
him to act like a wild animal, yet he is left with the ability
to change his heart during the insanity. For seven years
the king, doubtless the most powerful of ancient
kings, lived in the field and ate like an animal “...till
his hairs were grown like eagles’ feathers and his nails
like birds’ claws” (verse 33); yet his throne
remained unchallenged. Again, God was in
Humbled because of God’s love the king is now
converted…changed; and his new life begins with recognizing and
trusting in the God of heaven. Instant freedom is followed by praise and
worship as he is now restored to his throne to tell the world that God IS
SOVEREIGN (verses 34-36).
“Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and extol and honour the King of heaven,
all whose works are truth, and his ways judgment; and those that walk in
pride he is able to abase” (verse 37).

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This “testimony tract” is still a lesson to all of us 2,500 years after the
event. Alexander Whyte’s great text on Bible Characters states:
“Though long dead, King Nebuchadnezzar still speaks in the Book of
Daniel, and on a thousand cylinders in the British Museum; and on every
page of Daniel. So on every brick of Babylon, he that runs may read this
text: ‘those that walk in pride the King of heaven is able to abase’” (p. 408).
I can hear Nebuchadnezzar saying, “That’s my story! What is yours?”
Allow me to quote The Relation of the Dream Tree to Prophecy from
Dr Lehman Struass’ commentary on Daniel, page 140-141:
“The Book of Daniel is not a collection of twelve disconnected and
unrelated chapters. In addition to the historical details, and the moral
and spiritual lessons to be applied to us all, the book has its clear
prophetic aspect, as stated by our Lord in Matt 24:15. We saw this
first in the dream image in chapter 2, where the picture was presented
of an image showing four world empires through the course of history.
Babylon was to be followed by Persia, then Greece and finally Rome,
and this would be revived in the last days as the final Gentile world
power which will be overthrown when the Lord Jesus Christ returns
to earth to set up His everlasting kingdom. The main purpose of
Daniel, then, is to present the times of the Gentiles, tracing the course
of human government from the days of the kingdom of Babylon to
our Lord’s second coming.
The seven years of Nebuchadnezzar’s madness reflect, in type at least,
another seven-year period yet future. It is that seventieth “week”
(Dan 9:24-27), the period of seven years when the last great Gentile
ruler will control the nations of the earth in his insane madness.
This is all typical and prophetic of the reign of the Antichrist between
the rapture of the Church and Christ’s second coming to the earth.
Just as Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon succeeded in conquering the then
known world, providing food and shelter for all (Daniel 4:11-12), so
the ecumenical Babylon of the last days, under the Antichrist, will
control all buying and selling as well as all religious activity (Rev 13).
Today this one-world government is in the making, promising to all
races a great society of man-made prosperity and peace, the cessation
of poverty and war.”
As in the case of Nebuchadnezzar, the pride of man will reach its zenith,
as Antichrist will
“exalt himself and magnify himself ...he shall magnify himself above all”
(Dan. 12:36-37).

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When proud man reaches the pinnacle of his own effort and achievement,
the Lord will cut him down. Nebuchadnezzar, the first world ruler,
found grace; but Antichrist, the last world ruler, and his false prophet,
will be cast into the lake of fire for ever (Rev 19:20).
My concluding word is one of encouragement. Just as there was hope
for the personal conversion of Nebuchadnezzar, so there is hope to you
who read these lines. If you have not experienced a genuine conversion
to God through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, then remember
that God loves you, and He will go to extraordinary lengths to bring you
to humble yourself and thus become the object of His mercy.
Do you wonder why calamity has struck your life? Have you thought
that a loving God might be bringing you to the end of yourself so that
you will be humbled before God? Turn to Him now, and prove that
“the Lord is good and his mercy endures for ever”(Ps 107:1).

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Chapter 5
The Head of Gold Toppled
n this chapter we see the kingdom of Babylon overthrown overnight,
I twenty-six years after Nebuchadnezzar ’s death. The second world
kingdom, Medo-Persia, seen in the dream in chapter two, toppled the
“head....of fine gold”, replacing it with the “breast and arms of silver”
(Dan.2:32, 39-40). A number of Babylonian kings followed after
Nebuchadnezzar ’s death as seen in the historical records.
1) Nebuchadnezzar (Died 562 B.C.).
2) Evil-Merodach, - Nebuchadnezzar’s son (2 Kgs 25:27-30).
3) Neglissar, - Nebuchadnezzar’s son-in-law.
4) Nabonidus – Nebuchadnezzar’s son-in-law.
Yet for many years there was no sign in the histories of ancient empires
of a Belshazzar as recorded in the Bible, Daniel 5. This gave great fuel to
the Biblical critics, who denounced the Bible as unreliable and inaccurate
until scholarly research found Belshazzar ’s name on the Nabonidus
“The identity of Belshazzar has long caused difficulty to
commentators;some have denied his historicity...The king’s name,
however, has now appeared upon the cuneiform documents, so that
there can be no question as to his historicity. This is the first point at
which this chapter exhibits its remarkable accuracy” (E.J. Young, The
Prophecy of Daniel, p. 115).
Thus this detail pictures a co-regency between the last recorded king
Nabonidus, who was known for his extensive travel, and his son
Belshazzar, to whom the father left his “kingly” responsibilities. These
findings make the text of the Scripture clear when Belshazzar offers
Daniel a position in the kingdom: “...[you] shall be THIRD in the kingdom.”
Friends, the Word of God will eventually vindicate itself of every
“seeming” discrepancy.
A Tour Through Chapter 5
Now for a quick tour through the events of the chapter…the record of
the last evening of the great Babylonian Empire during which it was
toppled. In verses one to four we find the proud king Belshazzar
throwing a heathen party and being defiant toward the God of heaven.
He brings out the sacred vessels that had been brought from the Temple
in Jerusalem by his grandfather Nebuchadnezzar 70 years previous. They

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The Big Picture of Daniel
“DRANK” (used in all four verses) from God’s sacred vessels and praised
the ”gods of gold...silver...brass...iron...wood...stone” (Dan.5:4). This was clear
sacrilege, profanity, and wickedness.
History tells us that the powers of Media and Persia had the walled city
surrounded and could have overtaken the Babylonians, except for the
protective walls which made it impossible to be conquered. The food
supply within the walls would have lasted for years and the fresh water
from the Euphrates flowing through the city gave Belshazzar a strong
sense of security, complicated by power and pride. Thus he laughed
and mocked the potential conquerors and even the God of heaven. A
unique supernatural phenomenon then takes place in the context of verses
5-16. Within the
“came forth fingers of
a man's hand, and
wrote over against
the candlestick upon
the plaster of the
w a l l ”
What a shock to the
king! He called in
his professional
interpreters, who
could not
understand the
meaning of the four
words. At last the
aged Daniel was
brought in and
offered the position
of “the third ruler in
the kingdom” (Dan.5:16) if he could interpret the mysterious message.
Daniel’s response and interpretation is given in verses 17-29, reminding
the king of his pride, and of how God had brought Nebuchadnezzar to
his knees till he recognized the sovereign God (verses 20-22). The mystery
words revealed immediate judgment on the sacrilege, idolatry, and
wickedness of this kingdom (Dan 26-28).
“MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom and finished it.
“TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balance and art found wanting.
“PERES; Thy kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians” .

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The Big Picture of Daniel
The Historical Judgment of Chapter 5
The closing verses in the chapter (vs30-31) conclude the record with the
words “IN THAT NIGHT”, and reflect the fact that judgment came swiftly
when Babylon was overthrown. History confirms this as indicated in
the NABONIDUS CHRONICLE, on October 12th, 536 B.C.
The conquering armies had diverted the flow of the Euphrates River north
of the city and launched a surprise attack, when the water level decreased,
along the river bed which crossed the city . The gates to the river had
been left open and the city’s defenders were blinded by false security
and pride. Within hours of the warning of God, judgment struck and
“Belshazzar [was] slain.” God’s sovereignty over Gentile defenses was
Practical and Prophetical Lessons
The practical lesson, as well as a prophetic insight, pictures the challenge
which the apostle Paul shares:
“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men
shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous,boasters, proud, blasphemers,
disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,without natural affection,
trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are
good, traitors, heady, highminded. Lovers of pleasures more than lovers of
God” (2Tim 3:1-4).
In a day when man’s emphasis is on worldly pleasure, eating and
drinking, the worship of sports, and material prosperity amidst true
spiritual poverty, judgment will come. The Lord Jesus Christ will take
His children home “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye”(1 Cor15:52),
followed by the tribulational judgment on earth. God is sovereign; His
timing is right on schedule. Are you ready? Make sure you have put
your genuine faith in the risen, coming Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.
(For a detailed study of this chapter see Dr. Renald Showers book ‘THE MOST

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The Big Picture of Daniel

Chapter 6
Victory in the Lion’s Den
aniel in the lions’ den is no doubt one of the most popular events
D in the Old Testament and possibly the best known story to Sunday
School students. On the other hand, the clear teaching of the sovereignty
of God, so obvious in this sixth-century-BC event is little understood.
The Historical Picture
In considering the background and history of this popular chapter, let us
look back at chapter 1 where Daniel had been taken captive as a young
man and chosen to be a part of a three-year training program for
intelligent young captives, who were to be educated in the Babylonian
culture in the service of Nebuchadnezzar, yet Daniel stood strong in his
love for the Lord and would not compromise his Biblical convictions.
God honoured his commitment and Daniel was blessed of God
throughout the seventy year captivity in Babylon. In chapter 5 we saw
the end of the kingdom of Babylon as the Medo-Persian Empire overthrew
the Babylonians on the night of October 12, 536B.C. The head of gold was
toppled (See Dan.5:30-31).
It is an amazing testimony that Daniel was so respected, in spite of his
age of over eighty, perhaps even over ninety; he was placed in the most
responsible position under the king of the Medes and Persians. In the
opening verses (6:1-3) we find Daniel as the preferred president over the
other presidents and 120 princes because of his God-given wisdom and
spirit. Daniel was now second only to the Persian king.
The events of the corrupt political system now begin to unfold and the
aim of his political enemies was to destroy the man of God. It was often
true that a Gentile power could not tolerate a Jew being in such a high
position. (Now note all the “thens” in over half of the verses as the story
flows rapidly… doubtless altogether just a few days.) Daniel’s life and
background is scrutinized by his political rivals, only to find a flawless
character. The only conclusion the enemy can come up with is his
faithfulness to “… the law of his God” (v:4).
Next we see the evil plot being initiated with a lie - “....ALL the
presidents…” (v:7). Daniel, the chief president, certainly had not agreed
and these men had connived to use the test of “loyalty to the king” as a
pretext to destroy Daniel. They proposed worship of the king alone for
thirty days, with a harsh sentence imposed on anyone failing to comply.
This was an obvious trap to ensnare Daniel (Dan.6:4-9).

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The Big Picture of Daniel
The king signs, or better, seals with his ring the new law, believing the
hypocrisy of these jealous leaders he has placed over his kingdom. The
uniqueness of the law of the Medes and the Persians was that once it
was sealed, it could not be altered, even by the king himself, and the
deceivers knew this.
Daniel’s steadfast testimony had remained true over the decades, and
his devotion to the Lord was his top priority even though he knew a
trap had been set for him (Dan 6:10). Now the enemies of the faith spring
their trap catching Daniel on his knees before the Lord. The immediate
challenge now comes to the king with this new law that could not be
changed, and Darius realizes he has been deceived and “was sore displeased
with himself”(Dan 6:11-15).
Consider the contrast in this context with “Is thy God able
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in chapter to deliver thee?”
three. The three men of God stood when the
world bowed before the idol, but here Daniel
bows before the living God when others
refused to bow the knee!
The drama unfolds as the king is now forced
to execute the law in spite of his great respect
for the man of God. The faith of King Darius
is amazing to the degree that he spends a
restless night in the palace, rising early in the
“My God...hath
morning to find Daniel untouched in the den shut tne lions’
of lions. The king was delighted! Daniel is mouths”
drawn out of the den unharmed ”because he
believed in his God”. Now the king is disgusted
with the political corruption and has all the deceivers and their families cast
to the savage lions to be devoured by those powerful beasts (Dan 6:16-24).
As we come to the close of these first six chapters of history, the last four
verses (Dan 6:25-28) portray peace reigning over the kingdom because
of the recognition of Daniel’s God, the living God, who is truly sovereign
in EVERY situation.
The historical context of the life of Daniel comes to a close and we read
that“Daniel prospered.” It all began when, as a young man, he
“purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the
king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank”(Dan1:8). What a powerful
testimony of a godly man pursuing a godly course through life though
the world was against him!

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The Big Picture of Daniel
The Practical Picture
This challenging chapter overflows with personal application for the life
of the born-again believer today! We all face lions in our lives as we
desire to be a testimony for our Lord Jesus Christ. The enemy is out to
discourage and destroy our influence, our testimony, and our stand for
our Saviour and the Word of God.
To identify the lions is step one in applying faith in a sovereign God and
claiming victory. Perhaps your lion is physical, an incurable handicap
or disease, an injury from an accident that has left deep scars. The lion
could be discouragement, or a breakdown from unbelievable stress from
continued worry, or trying to work out failure in your own personal life
with self-effort. Could the lion be a result of slander or intense gossip
from the enemy, or even “carnal” Christians in the Church?
The lions affect our spiritual growth, resulting in giving up, quitting, or
doing “our own thing”. The lions destroy confidence, worth and purpose
in life, driving the believer to loneliness, depression, and even to the
point of wondering if our faith is genuine. Are you ready to “throw in
the towel?” The lions are so real!
Dear believer, God is still sovereign. He is in control. If He loves the
sinner enough to send His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus, to die for
us, how much more does He love His own repentant children. Claim the
unshakable promises.
“Casting ALL your care upon him, for he careth for you...the God of all grace,
who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have
suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you”
(1 Peter 5:7,10).
We can stand on the solid promises of the Word of God, in spite of the
lions, knowing that God is sovereign. We must not trust our emotions or
feelings over the truth of the written promises. In spite of the lions, claim
God’s victory in the challenges of life.
The Prophetic Picture
Dr. Lehman Strauss summarizes a prophetic preview of this great
“Just as we have seen a prophetic foreview of things to come in chapters
2,3,and 4, so there is another prophetic glimpse in chapter 6. The
deliverance of Daniel foreshadows the deliverance of another faithful
Jewish remnant. Darius foreshadows the man of sin when he sits ‘in the
temple of God, showing himself that he is God’(2 Thess.2:4). During the
Tribulation the persecution of the Jewish remnant is Satanic, but their

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The Big Picture of Daniel
preservation will be supernatural (Rev.7:3,14; 12:13-17). The parallel
between the experience of Daniel and the believing remnant of Israel during
the Great Tribulation is obvious.”
G. H. Lang wrote ,
“All this is prophetic, a revelation of principles perpetually operating.
Antichrist will claim for himself divine honors; he alone shall be
worshipped. The alternative will be death (Rev13:14-15). Again the
Tribulation saints will need endurance to keep the commandments of God
and the faith of Jesus (Rev 14:12). They who endure to the end of those
dread days shall be saved physically at the descent of the Son of man
(Matt 24:13-14, Mark13:13); and at the same time by resurrection shall all
who are accounted by the Lord worthy to rule in His kingdom be brought
up out of a deeper region than the den of lions.”
C. Gaebelein wrote,
“The deliverance of Daniel once more foreshadows the deliverance of the
faithful Jewish remnant. It is strange that expositors and teachers put
the Church into this time of the end. The Church, according to the
testimony of the New Testament Scripture, will no longer be on earth when
this predicted time of the end comes. We have then seen that these four
chapters foreshadow the moral characteristics of the Gentiles, down to
the end when the stone smites the image and it will forever pass away.
Self-exaltation, the pride and deification of man, impiety, blasphemy,
hatred, persecution, cruelty, and man putting himself in the place of God
are the leading features.”
H. A. Ironside, commenting on chapter 6, said,
“ It will be necessary now to dwell somewhat particularly upon the typical
character of all this. The whole scene points us on to a time when Daniel’s
people will once more be restored to their land, and there shall rise up
among them one who will magnify himself above all that is called God
and is worshipped.” Dr. Ironside then devoted nine pages in his Lectures
on Daniel to “The Faithful Remnant.”
O.B. Greene said,
“There is a deep spiritual lesson in the deliverance of Daniel from the
lions’ den. Here is a picture of the preservation of Israel through the
lions’ den of the Tribulation period under the reign of Antichrist.”
P.R. Newell wrote,
“This sixth chapter is significantly prophetic: There will presently appear
upon earth a satanically energized man, of whom we will learn important
details later in this book of Daniel, who is to demand in fact that which
Darius was duped into demanding – worship of himself (2 Thess 2; Rev
13). Such of God’s people Israel who may be there in that evil day, may

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well take courage from Daniel’s devotion to his God, and from his
preservation from otherwise certain terrible death.”
In 1893 Edward Dennett wrote,
“The deliverance of Daniel is also typical. He prefigures the remnant,
God’s faithful remnant, who will be found in Jerusalem and the land during
the days of Antichrist’s fearful sway. Through the machinations of their
enemies they will be cast, as it were, into the lions’ den, surrounded on all
sides by the various displays of Satan’s power, and their destruction will
appear to human eyes to be imminent and certain. But God will Himself
protect them, and interposing for their release by the appearing of Christ,
will bring upon their enemies the very judgment which they had
designed for His people.”
Thus the sixth chapter of this great book of Daniel ends - truly
to action while our Lord Jesus tarries His coming. Remember, God is
SOVEREIGN and in total control. What a powerful truth!

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Chapter 7
Earth’s Warring Kingdoms
ow we begin a new section in the prophecies of Daniel. The prophecy
N of chapter seven was given to God’s servant in the first year of
Belshazzar, king of Babylon, prior to the fall of the Babylonian kingdom
and the handwriting on the wall of chapter five. Thus the chronology of the
chapters of this book could be listed as chapters 1-2-3-4-7-8-5-9-6-10-11-12.
This second half of the book of Daniel could be called the Prophetic
Visions of the Prophet himself. It comprises some of the most interesting
reading in the entire Bible, the theme continues to be THE SOVEREIGNTY
OF GOD in His dealings with the nation of Israel.
In chapter seven, after Nebuchadnezzar ’s death yet during the world
rule of the Babylonian Empire, God gives Daniel a picture of the overall
Gentile dominion over His chosen people, Israel. This parallels the
subject dealt with in chapter two, the difference being that chapter two
is written from man’s point of view, whereas chapter seven presents God’s
view of the same events. In chapter two man sees himself as a powerful
figure in the great image of the statue; chapter seven, however, shows
God’s view of man’s power as warring beasts rising up to overthrow
one another.
Man’s View of the Kingdoms on Earth - Daniel 2
In our study of chapter 2 we saw the prophetic kingdoms pictured in
the head of gold, arms and breast of silver, belly and thighs of bronze,
and legs of iron, culminating with the feet and toes of part iron and
part clay. The dream then moved into action when a stone cut without
hands appeared and crushed the last kingdom into powder. The
interpretation revealed that the four world kingdoms were Babylon,
Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome, followed by a still future kingdom
that would be crushed by the Stone, or God’s kingdom. Note Daniel’s
comment at the end of 2:45, “God hath made known to the king what
shall come to pass hereafter, and the dream is certain, and the interpretation
thereof sure”.
God’s View of the Kingdoms on Earth - Daniel 7
Let’s parallel the image with the beast of chapter seven, and we will
see even more detail from God’s point of view. Daniel is introduced
to four great beasts, and according to Daniel 7:17 they are four kings
which shall arise out of the earth. Let’s identify them in relation to
the historical record.

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The First Beast - Babylon
The first beast in verse 4 was like a lion, and had eagle’s
wings. This is using the image of the king of the beasts
and the eagle, the most powerful of the creatures of the
air. These mighty animals correspond to the head of gold
and the power of the Babylonian Kingdom. Perhaps the
plucking of the wings, lifted up and made to stand upon
the feet as a man, and a man’s heart was given to it, could
refer to Nebuchadnezzar himself after his chapter-four
The Second Beast -Medo-Persia
The bear of verse five raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in
the mouth of it between the teeth of it, and they said thus
unto it, “Arise, devour much flesh”. This clearly parallels
the second world empire of the breast and arms of
silver in chapter two. Historically it is the Medo-
Persian Empire. Raising itself up on one side would
reflect that eventually Persia would become the
dominant power, and the three ribs in its mouth
seem to be the conquering of Babylon, Media and
Persia. These three nations made up the original Persian
Empire. The empire was aptly described as massive and
slow-moving like a large bear, and in its conquest of Greece they fielded
a military force estimated by some ancient historians at 2,500,000 men -
devouring much flesh or capturing many people.
The Third Beast - Greece
The third beast is presented to us in verse six and pictures a leopard,
which had upon the back of it four wings as a fowl and also four heads;
and dominion was given to it. Here we see a clear prophecy of the Grecian
Kingdom conquering the Persians under the leadership of
Alexander the Great. Like the leopard, his army was
known for its speed, springing upon its prey (enemy).
Looking back into the historical account of this era, it
baffles the mind to realize just how quickly Alexander
conquered the world, ultimately dying at the young
age of 33. After Alexander’s short reign and death,
the vast empire from Macedonia to Africa in the
south, and eastward to India, was divided into the
four geographical areas of Syria, Egypt, Macedonia etc,
and part Greece etc, each being under the control of one of
his four leading generals; thus the four heads of the leopard. The king

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The Big Picture of Daniel
of Egypt was known as the king of the south and the king of Syria, the
king of the north.
It is interesting to note here the last phrase in verse six, “...and dominion
was given to it”. As much as it appears that man is in control of
circumstances, indeed God is the Sovereign Ruler. Note also the accuracy
of the prophetic word in the speed and the four-fold division of the
Grecian Empire predicted hundreds of years before it took place. Indeed,
God is in control and knows the end from the beginning, with all the
little details!
The Fourth Beast - Rome Stage 1 and 2
Daniel has described the first three beasts very carefully, but the fourth
beast captures his attention. After identifying this nondescript beast,
we see his serious concern developing in verse nineteen and following.
The 23rd verse interprets this kingdom which was “diverse from all the
beasts that were before it; ” and when we study the parallel with
Nebuchadnezzar ’s Image of chapter two, we see the ten toes coming
from the iron legs and feet. Here we find the “ten horns” (verse 7) and
an additional revelation of another “little horn” (verse 8). History shows
this fourth kingdom as the Roman Empire which is never completely
The serious student of Scripture will recognize that the intervening
present age, or “mystery” Church Age (Eph 3:1-9), comes between the

The Roman Empire


Ten Pagan

Monarchy The 4th World Empire


509 BC 600AD

The Papacy
31BC 476AD Crusades



Holy Roman Empire
Union EU

800AD 1806 1957


Byzantine or
Eastern Roman Empire
330AD 1453

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The Big Picture of Daniel
early stages of this fourth kingdom and its later rise to
power in its ten-stage confederacy in the closing days
of man’s beastly rule on earth. The little horn
appears in the final stage, and is the dominant
personality described in verses 9, 21, & 24 thro’ 26.
The Apostle Paul labels this person the “man of sin”
in his description in 2 Thess 2:3-4, and Jesus referred
to his idol as the ”abomination of desolation”
(Matt 24:15), quoting Dan 9:27. Zechariah sees him
as the “idol shepherd”(Zech 11:17), and Daniel points
out that he is “the (Roman) prince which shall come”
(Dan.9:27) identified with the people who destroyed the
“city and sanctuary” in AD 70 which gives us another link between
Antichrist and the fourth kingdom of Rome. This is the final dictator of
the future Tribulation before the coming again of our Lord Jesus Christ
to the earth to reign. The Tribulation is detailed in Revelation chapters
6-20, and is commonly known as the “70th week of Daniel”. We will deal
with this subject in more detail in chapter 9.
It is not until we come to the New Testament, Revelation chapter 17, that we
learn how Antichrist’s rise to power is directed by the harlot woman who
rides the Beast, and is called “mystery Babylon the Great” (v 5). This woman
is seen sitting on the “seven mountains” of Rome (v 9), is both political and
religious (v 1-2), has international connections (v 1),
possesses great wealth (v 4), is guilty of the death of
the “martyrs of Jesus”(v 6), and in John’s day is
described as “that great city, which reigneth over the
kings of the earth” (v 18).
Undoubtedly this refers to the idolatrous religion
of Rome which began with the pagan Roman
“mystery religions” and in 600AD developed into
the Papacy which today is the guiding force behind
the Revived Roman Empire known as the European Logo from Penguin
Union. It was established on the 1957 Treaty of Rome. Book on the EU

It is quite clear therefore that Antichrist will arise for a “short space” of time
(Rev 17:10), actually seven years, as the last ruler of the Roman Empire after
the Church has been caught away at the Rapture. Paul makes it clear that
the Great Tribulation, known as the “Day of the Lord”, “shall not come, except
there come (the) falling away first (lit ‘the departure first’), and that man of sin
be revealed....” (2Thess 2:1-11). When the Church is “taken out of the way”
Antichrist will be revealed as the head of Europe which will be divided into
ten parts as seen in the “ten toes” and “ten horns”.

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The Big Picture of Daniel

Babylon Persia

Greece after Alexander Imperial Rome

“Holy” Roman Empire Revived Roman Empire

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The Big Picture of Daniel
The Ancient of Days - The Kingdom of God
The final kingdom is presented in verses 9 through 14 and 27-28, and
would parallel verses 2:44-45 , “a kingdom which shall never be destroyed”
(note the duplicate wording at the end of 7:14).
The scene in this context parallels Revelation 4 and 5, with the saints
around the throne of God prior to the execution of divine judgment on
earth. The “Ancient of days” appears to characterize God the Father distinct
from God the Son who appears in verse 13:
“And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom”.
Thus we find in this context: The scene in heaven is viewed and the
introduction given to the final judgments on earth (v:9-10).
The little horn, the Antichrist, the last ruler on earth is judged and “his
body destroyed, and given to the burning flame”(v10-12). John sees the Beast
and the False Prophet “cast alive into a lake of fire” when Christ comes to
reign (Rev19:20). The “Beast” of Revelation is the “Little Horn” of Daniel.
The Son of Man, the promised Messiah, comes to establish the everlasting
kingdom (v:13-14). Compare this statement with the context of verse 27.
“And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under
the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High,
whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and
obey him” (Dan.7:27).
A Closing Challenge
Daniel closes the vision with verse 28, “troubled”. But today, nearly 2,500
years after this great prophetic portion of inspired Scripture was written,
it can relate to a much broader picture because of our privileged access to
the whole Word of God and the evidence of prophecy fulfilled in history.
The context of the vision deals with the nation of Israel and the coming
seven-year Tribulation. Today, this unique people are back in their land,
for the first time in over 1,900 years.
Since the nation of Israel’s rejection of the Lord Jesus as their Messiah,
God has raised up a mystery called-out people to be the remnant witness,
known as the Church. To be part of God’s true Church, we must be “born
from above” by putting our faith in the finished work of the Lord Jesus
Christ, who paid the price, a perfect sacrifice for our sin. Three days
later He conquered death, proving Himself to be the Son of God
(I Cor 5:3-4).
Once the Church has finished her mission God will take her home. Every
born-again believer, dead and living, will be “caught up” with the Saviour,
as clearly taught in I Cor15:51-54 and I Thess4:13-17. Then God will

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The Big Picture of Daniel
centre His focus on the nation of Israel and bring a remnant to Himself
through the last seven years of Great Tribulation. It is the “time of Jacob’s
trouble” (Jer 30:7).
The prophetic picture and the current news seem to point to the fact that
God’s timing is close to taking the true Church home, and dealing again
with the nation of Israel that He loves!
“ When the Lord shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory”
May our hearts be challenged to be students of the prophetic Word, and
to share the great truth of a triumphant Christ with a lost, confused world.

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The Big Picture of Daniel

Chapter 8
The Ram, the Goat and the Little
he eighth chapter of the book of Daniel is most amazing with a
T detailed prophetic picture of Israel’s near future, yet it was predicted
200 years before many of the events took place. The clear wording and
fulfillment of the prophecies dares the critical, liberal scholar, who tries
his best to “late-date” the Book of Daniel, to accept the supernatural
inspiration of this book. This “scoffer” attempts to say that Daniel was
written after its predictions took place.
Let’s examine the Background, the Vision, and the Interpretation, as well
as the Historical Record of this chapter, as we continue studying the BIG
PICTURE of the Book of Daniel with the great theme of the sovereignty
of God!
The language of this eighth chapter reverts to Hebrew because the
emphasis is now on God’s chosen people, Israel, and their place in His
prophetic plan. From chapter 2:4 through the seventh chapter, the original
language was Aramaic, the language of the Gentile nations which is
unique in the Old Testament Scriptures. Remember too the chronology
here was prior to the events of chapter five, and prior to the fall of the
Babylonian Empire, and in the third year (8:1) of the Babylonian king
Belshazzar (two years after the vision of chapter 7:1).
Also we want to note how the prophecies of chapter eight are an
enlargement of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar ’s statue regarding the
second and third kingdoms (Persia and Greece), “…his breast and arms of
silver, his belly and thighs of brass” (2:32b). This also parallels part of
Daniel’s vision in our previous study of the second and third warring
beasts -the bear and the leopard (7:5-6). Note the parallels on the chart
on page 35.
The Vision of the Ram Persia

From verse two, Daniel “in a vision” sees himself in the

capital of the Medo-Persian Empire. The prophet
immediately sees a ram with two horns growing from
its head, with the latter horn growing higher than the first.
The ram is seen pushing west, north, and south, and no
other beast was able to stop it; it was determined to conquer.

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The Big Picture of Daniel
The Vision of the Goat
As Daniel is observing, his attention is drawn to a male
goat from the west which moved so swiftly toward
the ram that it did not touch the ground. The goat is
seen with a unique large horn “…between his eyes.”
(verse 5). As the action continues, the goat collides with
the ram in its “fury and choler” (anger) and kills the ram,
breaking its two horns (verses 6-7). The goat continues to gain strength,
and in his prime the “great horn was broken”, while four horns grew up in
its place.
The Vision of the Little Horn
Beginning with verse nine, Daniel observes a “little horn” growing out
of one of the four; this then is personified and moves to conquer the
south, east, and the “pleasant land,” (Israel) becoming great and powerful
through self-exaltation (8:10-11).
The Interpertation
The interpretation context begins in verse 15 as Daniel “…sought for the
meaning, then behold there stood before me (Daniel) as the appearance of a
man.” Note this was not a “man”, but Daniel saw the “appearance of a
man.” This was indeed the angel Gabriel (8:16) making his first
identifiable appearance in Scripture. Later, in Daniel 9:21 he appears again
to Daniel, and 550 years later to Zacharias and Mary (Luke 1:19-26).
Gabriel was commissioned to give Daniel understanding of the vision.
The Historical Record of the Ram
“The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and
Persia” (8:20)
Here we do not have to speculate. The Ram clearly pictures the Medo-
Persian powers as Scripture states. Though the prophetic vision took
place during Babylonian rule near BC 550, this empire was later
overthrown in a night – October 12, BC 536 (5:30-31) during a drunken
orgy under the rule of Belshazzar. At this time the power of Media
dominated, pictured by the one horn; then the latter horn, Persia, gained
strength and grew higher (8:3b), becoming the dominant power. Cyrus
the Persian pushed to the west and north, and later his son enlarged the
kingdom to the south, conquering Egypt. The empire was vastly
expanded during its 200 year rule “according to his will and became great”
(8:4). It is interesting too that the Ram was imprinted on the Persian
coins and on the headgear of the emperors. Again, the amazing
sovereignty of God is reflected in this prophetic context!

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The Big Picture of Daniel
The Historical Record of the Goat
“And the rough goat is the king of Grecia; and the great horn
that is between his eyes is the first king”(Dan.8:21).
The sovereignty of God again is reflected in this verse in
the most amazing way. Some 200 years after Daniel’s
vision, Alexander the Great conquered the Persian
Empire, the then world, in twelve brief years, giving
Sketch of image of
Macedonian Goat absolute credibility to the speed predicted in the words
recovered by “....and touched not the ground” (8:5). Ironically, the first
archeologists Greek colony established was known as Aegea, meaning
“the goat city”, and later the seacoast was named the
Aegean Sea or the “Goat Sea.”
The “notable horn” (v:5) or “great horn” (v:4) was “the first king” (v:21),
young Alexander. Allow me to quote David Jeremiah in his commentary
on Daniel:
“When Alexander decided to take the Medes and the Persians down,
he came with thirty-five thousand troops from the west, crossed over
the Hellespont, and defeated the Persian army. He swept on south
and took Egypt, Tyre, and Gaza, and then he retraced his steps through
Syria and met an enlarged Persian army for the third time. Then he
did just what the Scripture said. Comparing
He threw them to the ground, Daniel 7 and Daniel 8
stomped on them, and the Medo-
Persian Empire was wiped out,
just as predicted” (Dr. D. Jeremiah:
The Handwriting on the Wall p.161-
162). Babylon

After Alexander ’s premature death
at only 33, the vast kingdom was
divided under the power of four of Media

his generals: Medeo-Persia

-Cassander over Macedonia,
a great
Thessaly and part Greece horn-
4 wings Alexander
-Lysimachus over Asia Minor, &
4 horns
4 heads
Thrace and part Cappadocia a little horn-
-Seleucus ruling Syria, Babylon, Greece Epiphanes
Media, Armenia & part
-Ptolemy over Egypt, Judea,
Cyprus and parts of northern

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The Big Picture of Daniel
This fulfilled the Scripture,
“…the great horn was broken; and for it (in place of it) came up four notable
ones” (Dan 8:8).
Alexander did not realize it, but God was preparing the world to use the
Greek language, a most expressive language to soon herald the gospel of
Jesus Christ throughout the world.
The Historical Record of the Little Horn
Daniel shares in his vision that the “little horn” came out of the four, and
this one “..…waxed exceeding great” (8:9). Note, do not get this “little horn”
confused with the “little horn” of Dan 7:8 that grew out of the ten horns
of the Roman kingdom. Although there is an obvious parallel here, the
“little horn” of chapter 8 comes at the close of prophecy of the Grecian
Empire. This proved to be Antiochus Epiphanes, who set out to conquer
the world in his own effort only to be defeated by the Roman armies.
History tells us that he then turned his poison power on Jerusalem and
the Jews, invading the city and killing 80,000 people, then selling another
40,000 into slavery. He burned every copy of the Torah he could find,
and his eleven-year rule (B.C.175 – 163) proved his name, “Epiphanes the
Madman.” Much of his wickedness is recorded in the first book of
Maccabees. His historical hatred for the Jews prevented them from the
practice of circumcision, mocked their sacrifices by the offering of a pig
on the altar and scattering of its broth in the holy place. His diabolical
hatred of the things of God was unparalled in the kingdom.
Though conservative teachers feel the primary interpretation of this little
horn is the historical Antiochus Epiphanes, there undoubtedly is a
broader picture here of the Antichrist of the future Tribulation prophesied
in the book of Revelation. Luther commented, “This chapter in Daniel
refers to both Antiochus and Antichrist.” We know that both exercise a
supernatural demonic power; the goal of both being to exterminate the
Jew and to thwart the plan of God. Yet in spite of evil powers, God’s
sovereignty will prevail. In looking back on the history of the nation of
Israel, we see that Pharoah, Haman, Antiochus, Herod, and Hitler – all
sought a common goal – yet they are gone and the Jew lives on!
The Believer’s Challenge
Once again let us think of the accuracy of the Bible in its detailed prophecy
that has been historically fulfilled to the letter! One of the greatest proofs
of the infallibility of the Word of God is the survival of the Jewish nation,
and we know it will continue to play a vital part in God’s plan and future

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The Big Picture of Daniel
The Apostle Paul challenges us in his second epistle to the Thessalonian
“let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except
there be a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of
perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or
that is worshipped, so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing
himself that he is God” (2 Thess 2:3-4).
Another will come who will deceive multitudes. The world will be thrust
into chaos and wicked confusion by this evil one still to come. Once the
Church, God’s born-again believers, has been taken to be with the Lord
Jesus Christ (1 Cor 15:51-52; 1 Thess 4:16-17), it will all begin.
The Bible has been perfectly accurate; God’s timing today is right on
schedule, and the prophetic future will be none the less accurate! Events
are all coming to a head with the nation of Israel not only surviving, but
now back in her land. At any time the Church could be taken…then the
last seven years of man’s rebellious rule on earth will begin and the
Antichrist will target the Jew (Dan 9:27). Man’s rule on earth will be
finalized by the return of Jesus Christ to the earth with His own
(Rev 19:11). Let’s be students of the Bible, believers of the Bible, and
doers of the Word! God’s sovereignty and His Word will not fail!

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The Big Picture of Daniel

Chapter 9
Understanding the Seventy Sevens
he first twenty-one verses of Dan 9 is a most powerful study on
T prayer, a characteristic that Daniel was greatly known for; one for
which he was thrown into the “lion’s den” (chapter 5). Daniel was well
known for his consistent communication with God. A rich study of the
great “chapter 9’s” is found in Ezra 9, Nehemiah 9, and Daniel 9. In all
three chapters we find the man of God on his knees with the Word of
God, interceding for the nation of Israel, the tool of God.
However, we shall study the prophetic challenge of this ninth chapter of
Daniel realizing that this third vision has come as a result of Daniel’s
most sincere prayer. Could Daniel have been thinking that following
the 70-year captivity in Babylon, the Kingdom would be established?
(2 Sam 7:16). The former verses of chapters seven and eight seem to
suggest otherwise. As Daniel confesses his sin and the sin of the nation,
with his heart aching to understand the future of “thy city” (Jerusalem)
and “thy people” (Israel), which are “called by thy name” (9:19), his prayer
is interrupted by Gabriel.
Gabriel’s mission was to give the beloved man of God understanding:
Note the end of verse 22, “…I am now come forth to give thee skill and
understanding;” and verse 23, “therefore understand;” and again verse
25, “Know therefore, and understand…” Over five hundred years later the
Lord Jesus Himself, in recognizing Daniel, adds, “....whoso readeth, let him
understand” (Matt 24:15). Dear friends, God has given His Word to us to
understand. How? …by study (2 Tim 2:15). Be a student of the Word of
These last four verses in chapter nine are filled with powerful prophetic
truth as are few other contexts in Scripture, and they are “determined (v:24)
by God,” implying a fixed decree. At this point let me encourage each
student reading this article to read these four verses a few times and ask
God to give His insight into this amazing “time schedule” that will usher
in God’s kingdom of righteousness on earth!

70x7 = 490 years

49(7x7) + 434(62x7) GAP+ 7(1x7) = 490 years

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The Big Picture of Daniel
Understanding the Coming Kingdom (v24)
“Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to
finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation
for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the
vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy”(Dan 7:24).
To help Daniel understand God’s plan of a kingdom on earth, Gabriel
shares with Daniel a time period of seventy weeks. In the Hebrew
language, this is literally “seventy sevens,” and in this context must be
“seventy sevens” of years, or 490 years, during which God is dealing with
“thy people “(Israel) and “thy holy city” (Jerusalem) till He ultimately
brings in the kingdom. Note these six phrases which relate to God’s six-
fold purpose at the culmination of the 490 years:
1) “…to finish the transgression…” Till Israel’s apostasy comes to an
2) “…to make an end of sins…” Till Israel becomes a righteous nation.
3) “…to make reconciliation for iniquity…” Till Israel’s sin is forgiven.
4) “…to bring in everlasting righteousness…” Till Messiah’s righteous
kingdom is established.
5) “…to seal up the vision and prophecy…” Till the prophecies
concerning Israel are fulfilled.
6) “… to anoint the most Holy (Place)…” Till the rebuilt Temple will
be consecrated.
All these characteristics relate to the promised KINGDOM AGE.
Understanding the Now Past Tense (V25)
“Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the
commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince
shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built
again, and the wall, even in troublous times (Dan.9:25).”
Here again the challenge is to UNDERSTAND. Sixty-nine of the seventy
“sevens”, or 483 years, will begin with a “decree to restore and rebuild
Jerusalem”, and will culminate with the presentation of Messiah as Prince.
Note that the seventy weeks are clearly divided into three distinct
1) seven 7’s or 49 years;
2) sixty-two 7’s or 434 years, which total sixty-nine 7’s or 483 years
as mentioned above;

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The Big Picture of Daniel
3) one 7 or 7 final years as mentioned later in verse 27. The gap
before the seventieth week includes 4 days until Messiah is “cut
off”, 38 years until Jerusalem is destroyed, and the “mystery” Church
The prophetic word then becomes clear with Nehemiah’s commission to
build the city (Nehemiah 2:1-8). Historical records are clearly dated and
documented by Sir Robert Anderson (1841-1918) in his classic text The
Coming Prince, which is recognized by most evangelical theologians and
Bible teachers. The beginning date, which thus establishes the beginning
of the 490 years as 14 March 445 BC, the 10th day of Nisan in the 20th
year of Artaxerxes.
The seven 7’s (49 years) bring us to the point of the restoration of the
city of Jerusalem as well as the close of the Old Testament Scripture of
Malachi in 397 BC. First the wall is built for protection, then the houses
(Neh 4:6; 5:14-16; 6:15; 7:1-4).
Next follow the 434 remaining years predicted, which bring us to
“Messiah the Prince.” Dear friends, this is most amazing. The Lord
Jesus made His triumphant entry into Jerusalem on the original “Palm
Sunday” as the Prince presenting Himself as Israel’s King. Note in your
Bible Luke 19:41-44. Jesus stated on that day:
“If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which
belong unto thy peace! But now they are hid from thine eyes” (v:42).
Exactly at the close of the 483rd year, TO THE DAY, Jesus presented
Himself as Prince Messiah to the nation of Israel, 6 April AD32, but they
missed it!
There are two lessons for us here. First, God’s timing is perfect…right
on the prophetic day, and this writer is convinced not only to the day,
but to the hour and even to the exact moment, His will will be carried
out. Secondly, why did Israel fail? They did not take heed to the
Scripture; the Word of God. Daniel had recorded it so clearly, and if the
Old Testament had been taken seriously and literally by the leaders they
would have known that THAT DAY Messiah the Prince would present
Himself. This “day” is the close of the “sixty-two 7’s” period.
David prophesied of THIS DAY.
“This is THE DAY which the LORD hath made (appointed); we will rejoice
and be glad in it. Save now (Hosanna!), I beseech thee....Blessed is he that
cometh in the name of the LORD: we have blessed you out of the house of
God” (Ps 118:24-26).

Page 40
START “70 weeks (sevens) are determined FINISH SIX
DATE upon thy People and thy Holy City” DATE BLESSINGS
1) Finish the
70 AD transgression
2) Make an
end of sins
7 weeks 62 weeks The Mystery 1 week 3) Make
(49 years) (434 years) Church Age ( 7 years) reconciliation
Jerusalem to Great for iniquity

Page 41
rebuilt Messiah the Prince Eph 3:1-9
Rom.11:25-32 4) Bring in
Acts 15:14-18 everlasting
Israel Israel righteousness
Events AFTER the 69th week saved suffers
69 x 7 = 483 years (prophetic) 1. Messiah cut off 5) Seal up the
2. Jerusalem destroyed 1260 1260
3. Roman prince confirms vision and
(483 x 360 = 173,880 days) days days
covenant with Israel prophecy
4. Temple must be rebuilt
Neh 2:7-9 Luke 19:42 A Roman Prince 6) Anoint the
Decree to Palm Sunday causes the Most Holy
Rebuild sacrifice and
oblation to cease
Daniel 9 :24 to 27
The Big Picture of Daniel
The Big Picture of Daniel
Understanding the Present Tense GAP (V26)
The day of Christ’s presentation to Israel is followed by two events which
clearly precede the last seven of years as indicated in verse 26.
“And after (the) threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not
for himself; and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city
and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end
of the war desolations are determined.”
This verse begins with “And after,” which means “after” the sixty-two 7’s
time period mentioned in the previous verse. To understand the prophecy
here, we must see there is a clear gap, or break in the chronology of the
490 years, between the 69th and the 70th “7” of years. Two events are
predicted by Gabriel to Daniel that will take place prior to the beginning
of the final seven years. First,“…Messiah shall be cut off,” and second,
“the city and the sanctuary” would be destroyed.
Allow me to quote a few words from Walvoord’s commentary on Daniel:
“Christ was indeed not only ‘cut off’ from man and from life, but in
His cry on the cross indicated that He was forsaken of God. The
plaintive cry ‘My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?’ reveals
separation from God. The additional explanation ‘but not for himself’
is properly translated, ‘There is nothing for him’.... Nothing that rightly
belonged to Him as Messiah the Prince was given to Him at that time”
(pp. 229-230).
Thus the fulfillment of the prophecy that Messiah would be “cut off”
occurred a few days after the triumphant entry, bringing us well into
the prophetic gap between the 69th and 70th “seven.”
Daniel next states that “…the people of the prince (small “p” here) that
shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.”
History records for us that nearly forty years after the crucifixion the
Roman people, under Titus, destroyed the city and the temple, scattering
the Jewish people throughout the nations for the next 1,900 years. The
future prince “that shall come” must therefore be a Roman.
If the last seven of years began immediately after Palm Sunday, then the
prophecy of the seventieth week would be meaningless for the prince
that “shall come” in the seventieth week is identified with those people
who were yet to destroy Jerusalem nearly 40 years later!
During this gap between the 69th and 70th week, we see the Church, “born
again believers,” becoming the new temporary tool of God, while the
nation of Israel remains in spiritual blindness. However, there is not a
verse in Old Testament history or prophecy that suggests the need for

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The Big Picture of Daniel
the “mystery” Church. The offer to Israel to bring in the Kingdom was
God’s bona fide plan. Today, we are still in this “gap” or “parentheses
age” during which the Church is commissioned to make the “God of heaven
Understanding the Future Tense (V27)
We now turn to the last seven years determined on “thy people and thy holy city”.
“And he (the Roman prince that shall come) shall confirm the covenant
with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the
sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of
abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and
that determined shall be poured upon the desolate (Dan.9:27).”
The seventieth “7” of years is introduced with the confirmation of a
covenant with Israel. The challenge is to identify the pronoun “he”; if
we take this pronoun back to the closest antecedent, it is obviously the
prince (small “p”) or the “destroyer prince”, not “Messiah the Prince”. This
last seven-year period is detailed in the prophetic portion of the book of
Revelation, chapters 6-19. Note Rev 6:2, the rider on the white horse
(the Antichrist Rev.6:2) provokes the judgments of God on planet earth.
A further divison of the time alotted to Jerusalem and the Jews is indicated
in Dan 9:27. “In the midst of the week” the future Roman prince will break
his covenant with the Jews and “cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease”.
So after 3 1/2 years, worship in the rebuilt Temple must cease “for the
overspreading of abominations”. That is, for the purpose of setting up
idolatrous worship in God’s Temple.
This period of 3 1/2 years is indicated in Dan 7:25 in relation to the
“little horn” which comes out of the “ten horns” of the fourth kingdom,
the Roman kingdom of Antichrist, and it appears in the Revelation
in connection with the two Jewish prophets who minister at the
Temple during the Tribulation in the first half of Israel’s final seven
years(Rev 11:2-3). Also the period of Antichrist’s persecution of the
Jewish remnant in the Tribulation is placed at 3 1/2 years (Rev 12:14)
and his final rampage in the second half of the Tribulation is limited to
42 months (Rev 13:5). Since John wrote the Revelation, according to Irenaeus
(AD 120-202), at the end of Emperor Domitian’s reign in AD96, it is clear
that the Tribulation did not occur in AD70, as some teach, and the 70th week
is yet future.
This final seven years, or 70th week, therefore is the literal TRIBULATION
referred to as “the time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) trouble” (Jer. 30:7). This is the
context of Jesus’ warning to the Jewish nation in Matthew 24:15:
“When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by
Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand)”.

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The Big Picture of Daniel
Understanding the Challenge
While God’s prophetic clock regarding the earthly Kingdom of
Righteousness has been stopped for these 2000 years, we see so much world
attention centering on the city of Jerusalem, and the covenant people of
Israel. We know the “mystery” Church will be taken just as the Apostle Paul
explains in 1Cor15:51-52 and 1 Thess 4:16-17. The Church Age will end,
and the prophetic clock will begin again for the third and final phase of
Israel’s history, the 70 th week of Daniel’s prophecy. After that, the
KINGDOM of Righteousness will be set up on earth by Messiah, the Lord
Jesus Christ.
Friends, so many “signs of the times” are rapidly coming together. Jesus
is coming again. He wants us to UNDERSTAND! UNDERSTAND ? ? ?

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The Big Picture of Daniel

Chapter 10
Conflict Behind the Scenes
here is a temptation for this writer to tie the last three chapters of
T Daniel together. This is because of the nature of the negative forces
in the study of chapter 10 and the fact that chapters 10, 11, and 12 combine
to form a unit in Daniel’s fourth and final vision of the future of Israel.
Yet each chapter is abundant in powerful insight and amazing prophetic
truth, and its detail has been proven accurate through historic events.
Thus, we will deal with each chapter individually.
Chapter 10 is an introduction to Daniel’s burden and intense prayer to
understand the future of his people. Many Jews had already returned to
Jerusalem to rebuild the devastated temple in the first year of Cyrus,
king of Persia. Daniel now writes in the third year of Cyrus’ reign.
This chapter goes behind the scene to the “spirit world” revealing a
picture of the “conflict of the ages” between the plan of God and the
opposition of Satan, between good and evil, between angelic and demonic
powers and activity. Frankly, this is not an easy topic to study; yet it is
the Word of God, and it is meant to be understood by the child of God.
Let me encourage you to take some time with the Lord in prayer prior to
your study of this revealing chapter…pray for understanding and
emotional stability.
Conflict of the Ages
According to the Canadian Army Journal, a conscientious study of history
has revealed the following figures concerning man’s evil, war-like nature:
“Since 3600 BC the world has known only 292 years of peace. During
this period there have been 14,531 wars, large and small, in which 3
billion 640 million people have been killed. The value of the destruction
would pay for a golden belt around the world about 100 miles (160
kilometers) wide and 33 feet (10 meters) thick! Since 650 B C. there
have been 1656 arms races, only 16 of which have not ended in war!
The remainder have terminated in the economic collapse of the
countries concerned.
.....Since the world cast out the ‘Prince of Peace’, the Lord Jesus Christ,
by crucifying Him almost 2000 years ago, there has not been one year
without a war”(Daniel, God’s Man in a Secular Society, D. Campbell, p.
Daniel chapter 10 will give us Scriptural insight behind it all.

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The Big Picture of Daniel
Daniel’s Intense Prayer (v1-3)
God, in His foreknowledge, has pre-written history, and the prophet
emphasizes this truth. Daniel was given understanding by God, and He
desires this for all His own (10:1). The last three chapters were the result
of three weeks of intense prayer for his nation, Israel.
Daniel’s determination to continue to pray did not stop because of
seemingly no answer from God. Indeed, his sincere prayer was heard
from the first day and we can see that “prayer delayed” is not “prayer
denied.” We read:
“....Daniel; for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand,
and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard....” (v:12).
The main lesson for us is that there is a spiritual conflict going on and
“We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against
powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual
wickedness in high places” (Eph 6:12).
Daniel’s Heavenly Messenger (v4-12)
The geography and timing of this final vision of Daniel’s prophetic book
is clear (10:4), yet mystery surrounds the messenger. The scene is near
the shores of the Hiddekel River (Tigris) on the twenty-fourth of the first
month (our April) but a few days after the time of the Passover, Feast of
Unleavened Bread and the Feast of Firstfruits.
There he beheld a “certain man” of a description that seems to parallel
that of our Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament prophetic book of
Revelation. Note the Apostle John’s description of the Saviour in
Revelation 1:14-15. Perhaps this was Christ in a pre-incarnate
manifestation (appearance before His human birth).....yet there is a
question as to how Christ could be hindered for twenty-one days as seems
to be the case described in verse thirteen when the angel “Michael...came
to help”. Does the Lord Jesus Christ need an angel’s help? Thus the
evangelical scholars are divided about 50/50 on the identification of this
”....certain man” (v:5). Was he the Christ or a created angel? Allow me to
quote noted Bible teacher Lehman Strauss,
“In 1948 I was very sure; in 1958 I had reversed my former conclusion;
now in 1968 I am not certain that I know just who this certain man is”
(Daniel, p. 296, Strauss).
It would be unwise to be too dogmatic on the question…yet it is rich to
know VICTORY came to Daniel as a result of his persistent prayer. The
encouraging words in this context are “UNDERSTAND” (v:11) and “FEAR
NOT” (v:12). If we understand that God is in control we will not fear.

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The Big Picture of Daniel
Daniel’s Insight Into Spiritual Conflict (V:13-19)
The obvious intensity of the spiritual warfare appears to be involved
“....what shall befall thy people (ISRAEL) in the latter days: for the vision
is for many days” (v:14).
Though it was well into the future in relation to Daniel’s life, it was
troubling for it revealed that the conflicts and wars on earth are linked
to the spiritual conflict in the unseen world.
Satan would love to destroy Israel whom God had chosen to be a “special
people unto himself above all people that are upon the face of the earth”(Deut
7:6-8 cp. Deut 4:30-37). God’s whole plan for the salvation and blessing
of mankind is bound up in the nation of Israel. If Satan could destroy
Israel then he would destroy God’s plan of redemption and God’s promise
to Abraham would not be fulfilled that “in thee shall all the families of the
earth be blessed” (Gen12:3).
Paul wrote of his kinsmen according to the flesh
“Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and
the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the
promises; whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ
came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen” (Rom 9:4-5).
Herod’s slaughter of the infants in Bethlehem was designed to kill the
Lord Jesus and prevent Him from going to the cross, and during the future
Tribulation, the dragon (Satan) will make war with the Jewish remnant
(Rev 12:17). Israel is the special target of Satan’s hatred and it is he who
has been the author of antisemitism through the years. No nation on
earth has been hated like Israel.
It is interesting to note that God has appointed Michael the archangel
(chief angel) as the guardian of Israel in the conflict which rages in the
unseen world, and we can be sure that he has played a major role in
preserving that nation from extinction over the centuries of time. The
attacks from the Gentile powers, the Papacy, Hitler, and now the Muslim
nations, have all failed because of Michael’s protection for he is the “great
prince which standeth for the children of thy (Daniel’s) people” (Dan 12:1).
Five times we read of Michael contending for Israel, first over the body
of Moses (Jude 9), then in Daniel 10:13 & 21 he helps in the conflict against
the spiritual “Prince of Persia”.
In Daniel 12:1 he stands with Israel in the Tribulation and in Revelation
12:7 he wars with Satan and casts him and his angels into the earth.
“And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the

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The Big Picture of Daniel
dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither
was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast
out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole
world: he was cast out into the earth,...And when the dragon saw that he was
cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman (Israel) which brought forth
the man child (Christ)” (Rev.12:7-13).
No wonder the voice of the archangel is heard at the Rapture of the
Church (1Thess 4:16) for Michael knows that Israel’s 70th week is about
to commence.
Daniel’s reaction to the heavenly messenger made him faint and weak,
so much so that he needed another touch from on high for strength to
continue (Dan10:10,18).
Daniel’s heart was desirous of the kingdom that was promised to King
David centuries before (2 Sam 7:16) and again through the many prophets;
but now he sees there will be prolonged conflict BEFORE the
establishment of the Kingdom Age that was described in the previous
vision of Daniel 9:24 and in the prophecies of Daniel chapters 2 and 7.
Daniel’s Insight Into The Future (V:20-21)
The purpose of these closing chapters is to give spiritual insight into the
prophetic events that deal with Daniel’s people Israel prior to the
Kingdom Age. Following the record of this encounter with Daniel the
messenger and Michael would return to the conflict and the evil forces
over Persia, then on to the coming conflict with Greece (v:20). Daniel
was now ready for the revelation from God that is so accurate (perfect)
that it reveals God’s prophetic plan to those that love Him and study His
Though Daniel’s vision was nearly 2,500 years ago, the prophecy deals
with the conflict around this unique people in Daniel’s “near future”,
from Dan11:1 through 35 (which is history to us today).
Then, jumping over this present mystery Church Age, prophetic detail
from Dan11:35-12:13 relates to a time yet to come. These events will fit
into that final week of years of Dan 9:27 that we know as the 70th week of
years, or the Tribulation period, referred to as the “time of Jacob’s (Israel’s)
trouble” (Jer 30:7). Though this is future “tribulation prophecy” and won’t
take place till after the rapture of the Church, we see the dominant role
Israel is playing on the world scene today after 1,900 years of being a
“nationless” people. With Israel back in her land, the stage is set for the
final seven years.

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The Big Picture of Daniel
The conflict continues; and though the nation of Israel has been set aside
during this present mystery “Church Age,” God will bring her back into
world focus to fulfill EVERY detail of His Word.
Today “....the prince of this world” (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11), the old devil
and enemy of the faith, will continue to try to thwart the programme of
When the Devil tempted the Lord Jesus in the wilderness, he showed
“all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto
him, All this will I give unto thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered
unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it” (Luke 4:5-6).
Satan is the “god of this world” and is working behind the scenes
influencing the nations, and will continue to do so till he is bound in the
“bottomless pit” (Rev.20:2,3) after the Tribulation.
Our weapon as God’s “born again” people is the WORD OF GOD, and
we must be students of the book to stand strong in the faith .
“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”
There is no excuse for being discouraged if we are trusting in a Sovereign
God, in spite of the attacks “behind the scene.” As the Bride of Christ,
believers look for that mystery “catching up”(1Cor15:51-52; 1Thess4:16-17).
Let us “be steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord,
forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Cor.15:58).

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The Big Picture of Daniel

Chapter 11
Prophecy that is now History
f all the commentators who have written an opening paragraph on
O Daniel 11, none have worded one better than Dr. Charles Feinberg
as he states:
“It is truly a manual of divine inspiration. The events prophesied in
this chapter are traced as accurately as one would have expected from
a history of those times written AFTER the fact” (p. 151 – Daniel by
This is a rich statement to the credit of the accuracy of fulfilled Biblical
prophecy. NO ONE could have predicted such detailed prophecy so
accurately, so far in advance…..yet a SOVEREIGN GOD gave Daniel, the
beloved man of God, the precise words of the future of His people. And
over 500 years later, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself testified to the
authenticity of Daniel (Matthew 24:15). Thus, this amazing chapter, like
the rest of this book, carries out the theme: GOD IS SOVEREIGN, and
indeed HE IS!! What a great truth for the believer to rest in!
This commentary will cover Dan11:1-35, and our closing study will
continue from Dan11:36 through12:13, with prophecy yet to be fulfilled.
This division follows an obvious break in the text.
Remember that all the historical, as well as prophetic writing in this book,
revolves around the unique people of Israel. This present, mystery
Church Age does not fit into this context. As we will see, Daniel’s writings
jump over the gap (the Church Age) between the 69th and 70th week of
years that we studied in chapter 9.
The last six chapters of this book reveal four visions that God gave Daniel,
with one in each of chapters 7, 8, and 9. However, when we get to the
fourth vision, it takes in the final three chapters (Daniel 10-12). Our last
study (chapter 10) was indeed the introduction to this “…scripture of truth”
(10:21) that will be laid out in unique detail in chapters
11 and 12. Thus, we must see chapters 10-12 as a unit,
Persian a major prophecy of God’s dealings with Israel from
Empire Daniel’s closing days to the future KINGDOM AGE!
to “Behold, there shall stand up yet three kings in Persia;
1 Xerxes
and the fourth shall be far richer than they all; and by
his strength through his riches he shall stir up all against
the realm of Grecia” (v:2).

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The Big Picture of Daniel
Though this verse was totally prophetic, the accuracy of the fulfillment
is shown in the historical record. The three kings are Cambyses (529-522
BC), Psuedo-Smerdis(522-521 BC), and DariusI Hystaspes (521-468 BC).
The fourth, “...through his riches”, was the Ahasuerus Xerxes, the Persian
dictator of the book of Esther. He was known for accumulating great
wealth and building up a great army to conquer Greece, only to be
embarrassingly defeated at the Battle of Salamis (480 B.C.), known as
one of the decisive battles of ancient history. Though there were other
Persian kings after Xerxes, Daniel’s prophecy stops at this point because
the fourth king was the one known to “.....stir up all the realm of Grecia”.
The detailed prophecy relates to the Grecian era.
“A mighty king shall stand up, that shall rule with great
Grecian dominion...his kingdom shall be broken, and shall be divided
Empire toward the four winds of heaven; and not to his posterity…”
2 Alexander
(11:3-4) The prophetic fulfillment of these two verses is clearly
seen in Alexander the Great, that notable horn of the
“he-goat” in Dan 8:5-8, prophetically identified as “...king of Grecia” (8:21).
Alexander was known as a military and administrative genius by
conquering and commanding a great geographical area from Greece to
India. It was indeed the plan of a sovereign God to influence the then-
known world with the Greek culture and the most expressive language
in preparation for the message of the resurrected Christ, who was to come
in God’s perfect timing.
The most recognized Jewish historian, Josephus, who was doubtless born
during the time of Christ on earth, records in his Antiquities of the Jews
that Alexander showed a favourable attitude toward the Jewish people.
When he rode toward Jerusalem, he was met by the Jewish high priest,
who impressed Alexander with the prophecies of Daniel regarding the
coming of the “…king of Grecia” (8:21); writings which had been penned
more than 200 years prior to this meeting.
History continues to solidify the prophetic truth as Alexander dies of
alcohol as a young man of only 33, and the “kingdom [was] broken…divided
toward the four winds” among his generals. This division was also seen in
chapter 7 and resulted in:
i) The Seleucid Dynasty of Syria, Babylon, Media, Armenia etc
ii) The Ptolemaic Dynasty of Egypt, Judea, Cyprus and Nth Africa
iii) Lysenachus’ rule of Thrace, Asia Minor, and part of Cappadocia
iv) Cassander’s rule of Macedonia and part of Greece

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The Big Picture of Daniel
Alexander ’s kingdom, though divided, was given “not to his posterity,”
as his two sons and heirs, Hercules and Alexander, were murdered; thus
ending Alexander ’s royal line. The power of a sovereign God is
evidenced in the giving of this detailed prophecy over 200 years prior to
its literal fulfillment.
“And the king of the south shall be strong...and the
Conflict king’s daughter of the south shall come to the king of the
between north to make an agreement” (vs5-6).
North and Keep in mind that our Scripture context in this study
3 South was completely prophetic in Daniel’s day; but today
(11:5-20) we see this whole context as totally fulfilled
history…exact in every detail. Though the kingdom
of Greece was split into four divisions after the death of Alexander the
Great, the only two powers that the prophetic record details are the King
of the South (Egypt) and the King of the North (Syria). This is because
of their geographic significance in relation to God’s tool, Israel. Egypt
was south of Israel and was ruled by the Ptolemaic Dynasty, whereas
Syria, to the north of Israel, was ruled by the Seleucid Dynasty. In their
many conflicts Israel became the battleground in most cases, as it was
the “middle ground.” Therefore, the prophetic writings reflect these
events as they deal with His people, the Jewish remnant!

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The Big Picture of Daniel
These sixteen verses (v:5-20) as well as all of this chapter are abundant
in prophetic detail, much of which is historical fact today. The chart on
page 54 will provide the reader with details of the kings in the north and
south, but we will only comment on verses 5 and 10 for examples, then
suggest further resources for personal study. The list of Kings is as
Kings of the North Kings of the South
Seleucus Nicator Ptolemy Soter
Antiochus Soter See Albert Barnes’ Ptolemy Philadelphus
Antiochus Theus Commentary on Ptolemy Euergetes
Seleucus Callinus Daniel page 212 Ptolemy Philopater
Antiochus the Great Ptolemy Epiphanes
Seleucus Philopater Ptolemy Philometer
Antiochus Epiphanes Physcon

The Historical Fulfillment

“And the king of the south shall be strong” (v:5).
The “King of the South” was Ptolemy I Soter who ruled Egypt which was
a strong kingdom.
“and one of his princes; and he shall be strong above him, and have
dominion; his dominion shall be a great dominion”
And “one of his (Alexander’s) princes”, Seleucus Nicator, was strong above
(stronger than) him.
Soter ruled Egypt to 287 B.C., and Seleucus Nicator ruled in the north
from 312 280 B.C. Nicator had a greater dominion than Ptolemy.
He first gained the leadership of Babylonia and eventually took control
of Syria and the southern part of Asia Minor, thus establishing a dominion
greater than Soter. Nicator or the conquerer, ruled from the Hellespont to
the Indus. From this point Scripture focus’ on the King of the South and
the King of the North. The record of events again attests to the total
accuracy of the prophetic word, and to a sovereign God who revealed
truth to Daniel.
“But his sons shall be stirred up, and shall assemble a multitude of great
forces: and one shall certainly come, and overflow, and pass through: then
shall he return, and be stirred up, even to his fortress” (v:10).
The Historical Fulfillment
Seleucus II Callinicus had two sons prior to his death:
-Callinicus II Ceraunus and
-Antiochus III the Great

Page 53
ruled DANIEL Chapter 11:1-35
Thrace, Asia Minor, and Antiochus Epiphanes invaded Egypt
part of Cappadocia
The Grecian Era four times. In 167BC he polluted
the temple and sacrificed swine on
the altar.
“in the end of years” or “at the end Seleucus Ceraunus
of some years” (11:6). brother of Antiochus
and co-regent for a while
Died 163BC

280 BC 261 BC 246 BC 226BC 225BC 187BC 175BC

The Big Picture of Daniel

Seleucus Nicator Antiochus Antiochus the Great

ruled Syria, Media, Antiochus Theus Seleucus (gave Cleopatra to Ptolemy to Seleucus Antiochus
Babylonia, Armenia, Soter (married Callinus keep peace in the south while he Philopater Epiphanes
Cilicia, pt Cappodocia Bernice) (son of Laodice) fought Romans in Asia Minor)


KING OF THE NORTH Nearly 100 years of conflict between
Alexander the King of the NORTH (Seleucids), and the King of the SOUTH (Ptolemys)
the with the Jews caught between. Judas Maccabees led the Jews and cleansed the
Great Temple 164BC (1Macc4:52).

Page 54
Ptolemy Soter Ptolemy Epiphanes
Alexander’s brother, Ptolemy Ptolemy Ptolemy
ruled Egypt, Judea, (married Cleopatra Ptolemy
Philip Aridaeus Philadelphus Euergetes Philopater Philometer
Cyprus, Phonicia, daughter of
(father of Bernice)

died 316BC. Cyrene,etc Antiochus the Great)

His son,
Alexander Aegus 287BC 248BC 221BC 204BC 180BC 168BC
died 309BC.
Ptolemy Philometer
held captive by
Antiochus on pretext
he was helping him get
the throne back from
Macedonia, Thessaly,
his brother Physcon
and part of Greece
The Big Picture of Daniel
Ceraunus, the elder son, died shortly after his father’s death, leaving the
northern kingdom to his brother Antiochus (the “one” in v:10), who
carried on the war with Egypt exactly as the prophetic verse stated.
Antiochus the Great alone (not the well-known Antiochus Epiphanes)
successfully battled with the southern Ptolemies and recovered Syria from
Egypt, bringing this land back into his own sovereignty. As the battles
raged the land of Israel took a beating, causing the prophetic word to
again become historical fact.
We could continue to go verse by verse
demonstrating how prophetic truth has been fulfilled
by historical facts, but we must hasten on to one of
The the most horrible rulers Israel has ever experienced;
Madman and here again Biblical prophecy will prove to be that
Antiochus of a sovereign, omniscient God.
4 Epiphanes
‘In his place shall stand up a vile person, to whom they
shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall
come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.”
Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the little horn of the prophecy in Dan 8:23-25,
ruled only twelve years (175 B.C. -163 B.C.); however he is given a full
fifteen verses of prophecy. He is not known as a strong historical figure,
but because of his “vile” behaviour relating to the persecution and
suffering of Israel, he is given this space in prophecy.
His ascent to power is described in Dan.11:21-24, though his claim to the
throne was not valid. The see-saw of struggles with the king of the south
is predicted in verses 25-30, with the prophetic picture of Epiphanes in
verses 30-35. This reflects a picture of the yet future Antichrist that is
prophesied in verses 36-45.
“Therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the
holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence
with them that forsake the holy covenant. And arms shall stand on his part,
and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the
daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate”
After a humiliating failure in his final quest for Egypt, Antiochus
Epiphanes returned to Syria because of his fear of the growing Roman
powers. He stopped in Palestine en route to Syria and took out his
frustrations on the Jews.
“Conspiring with apostate Jews, he stopped daily sacrifices at the
Temple and desecrated the sanctuary by erecting, in place of the brazen
altar, a statue of the Greek god Zeus. This was the abomination that
made the temple desolate, for no faithful Jew would think of
approaching such an idol to worship Jehovah (v:31)” (Campbell p.168).

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The Big Picture of Daniel
Epiphanes ordered the Temple sacrifices stopped. The practice of
circumcision was halted and those observing the Sabbath were put to
death. Old Testament scrolls were destroyed by decree and pigs were
sacrificed on the Temple altars. This was the “abomination of desolation”
that Antiochus Epiphanes, the madman, displayed as he pictured the
future Antichrist in the verses to come.
As we stop to pause at verse 35, we realize that there have been over 130
specific prophecies accurately fulfilled thus far in this chapter alone. The
remaining verses of the book of Daniel deal with the prophetic future of
the Jewish people, skipping over 2,000 years of the mystery Church Age
between verses 35 and 36. Thus, if the first 35 verses have been fulfilled
in every minute detail, the remainder of this prophecy, too, will one day
be history.
Again, only a sovereign and omniscient God could give such a literal
picture of the future. But He does this so that His own children can
understand through committed study of His word. This kind of study
will encourage, comfort, challenge, and give understanding to “born-
again” believers, who are His tool in this present age to share the Author
and Answer of life – the risen Lord Jesus Christ. Have you put your
trust in His grace? Are you ready for His coming for His own? We trust
“If God knows history, then He also knows the heart of man. If God
has a plan for history, then He has a design for the lives of believers. If
God will intervene again in history, then Christians ought to live
expectantly, in light of that great event!” (Campbell, p. 118).
For more detailed study we would recommend the following resources:
-The Most High God by Renald Showers
-Daniel, God’s Man in a Secular Society by D. Campbell
-Daniel, the Man and His Visions by C. Feinburg

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The Big Picture of Daniel

Chapter 12
The “Time of the End”
s we consider our final study in this great prophetic book of Daniel,
A we continue to be challenged with the great theme of THE
SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD. God is in total control, and His timing is
perfect. The amazing detail of the fulfilled prophecies of the Grecian
Empire in the first thirty-five verses of chapter 11 can be followed with
total historical accuracy.
Most conservative teachers agree that between verses 35 and 36 the
context has leaped over the 2,000 years of the mystery age of God’s
Church, from Antiochus Epiphanes to Antichrist. All that is said beyond
verse 35 applies to the Last Days during the final seven-year period
known as Israel’s 70th week. Thus the events of our context today will
not actually begin till the Lord Jesus Christ takes His Church out of the
world in the mystery Rapture, pictured in 1 Cor 15:51-52 and
1 Thess 4:15-17. Then the “man of sin” will be revealed as the Apostle
Paul confirms in 2Thess 2:3.
“...for that day (the Tribulation) shall not come, except there come a falling
away (THE departure) first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of
The “man of sin” will be introduced to the political world-scene to kick-
off the final seven years, when “...he shall confirm (strengthen) the covenant
(treaty)...” (Dan.9:27) with Israel in the name of peace in the Middle East.
Let’s look at the character, the conflicts, and the culmination of this final
world dictator often referred to as the Antichrist, but before doing so we
note the emergence of the Roman Empire.
The Rise of Rome
During the reign of Antiochus the Great (225-187BC), the father of
Antiochus Epiphanes, the King of the North declared war on Rome and
sought to enlarge his empire in Asia Minor and the islands of the Aegean
Sea but was defeated by a Roman Prince Scipio Asiaticus as prophesied
by Daniel
“After this he shall turn his face unto the isles and shall take away many: but
a prince (Scipio) for his own behalf shall cause the reproach (declaration of
war) offered by him to cease...”(Dan.11:18).
Antiochus the Great was humbled by the Romans at the Battle of
Magnesia in Asia Minor (190BC) and surrendered all his lands west of
the Taurus Mountains.

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The Big Picture of Daniel
Later when Antiochus Epiphanes made his third and final invasion of
Egypt (167BC), Ptolemy Physcon appealed to Rome for help and the
Roman ambassadors came on “the ships of Chittim” (Dan 11:30) ordering
him out of Egypt. When Antiochus Epiphanes asked for time to consider,
Popilius, the head of the Roman delegation, drew a circle around him in
the sand and exclaimed, “Before you leave that circle, you must give me an
answer which I can report to the Senate”. Antiochus Epiphanes, humbled,
returned home and reeked his anger against Jerusalem on the way.
Antiochus Epiphanes therefore effectively brings us to the end of the
Grecian era and the beginning of Roman dominance. It is significant
that Antichrist is a future Roman prince (Dan 9:26), is seen as the “little
horn” of the fourth and last kingdom on earth before Christ returns (Dan
7:23-26), and that from Daniel 11:36 to the end of chapter 12 we are in the
Roman era. The Antichrist is the last-days king of the north.
The Character of Antichrist (Dan 11:36-39)
Though the Apostle John refers to our subject as “the Antichrist”
(1 John 2:18), there are several names throughout Scripture given to this
final counterfeit messiah. Daniel calls him the “little horn” (Dan7:8). The
Apostle Paul addresses him as the “man of sin” and “son of perdition”
(2 Thess 2:3) as well as “that wicked (one)” (2Thess 2:8); and in the Book of
Revelation, chapter 13, he is known as “the beast.”
The angel vividly describes to Daniel the character of this dominant, evil
one in the current context of Daniel eleven.
He says he “shall do according to his will” (Dan11:36), doing his own thing,
or as “...a person who will represent the acme of human self love, self
will, and self exhaltation.....and accordingly, the acme of insolence,
impiety, and defiance toward God.” (Bible Knowledge, June, 1968, p.117).
Scripture says:
“He shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god...” He “shall
speak marvelous things (blasphemies - NKJV) against the God of gods...”
(Dan 11:36).
The Apostle John adds:
“He opened his mouth in blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name and
his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven” (Rev 13:6).
The Apostle Paul describes him:
“Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is
worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that
he is God” (2 Thess2:4).
He “shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished...” (Dan11:36). His
time will be limited by a sovereign God.

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The Big Picture of Daniel
“Neither shall he regard the god of his fathers...for he shall magnify himself
above all” (Dan11:37). He will deny worship of anyone but himself and
many will worship him (Rev 13:4,8,12,15). This one, like the Roman
Caesars, will be successful in deceiving society into believing that he is
He “...shall honour the god of forces...” (Dan11:38). Obviously he will
worship military power to the point where it will become his god. He
will continue to hunger for conquests that will add to his pride and
The Conflicts of the Antichrist (Dan 11:40-44)
Antichrist’s war machine will dominate his personality, “at the time of the
end...”(Dan11:40); this is doubtless during the first half of the seven-year
Tribulation period. The final three and a half years are just ahead, and
will be the darkest time that planet earth will ever experience.
The nation of Israel has sensed a false security during the first three and
a half years with a covenant that has been confirmed by the powerful
head (Dan9:27) of the confederacy of nations that make up the Revived
Roman Empire; most probably todays European Union.
Since 6 June 2000 Israel has been an Associate Member of the EU, and in
January 2000 was received into the European Regional Group of the UN.
We can understand how Israel will be reassured by Antichrist’s seven-
year covenant.
Thus the first half of the seven years begins with a relative time of peace
and security, but now the action starts with the “king of the south (Egypt)”
(Dan11:40) and the “king of the north (Antichrist)...”(Dan11:40). Antichrist
sees that Israel is threatened and he moves his armies down to Egypt
“and the Libyans and Ethiopians (Sudanese) shall be his steps” (Dan 11:43).
Jordan, which is Old Testament Edom, Moab, and Ammon shall “escape
out of his hand”(Dan11:41).
While claiming victory, Antichrist is threatened: “news out of the east and
out of the north shall trouble him” (Dan11:44). Could this be modern day
Russia, “the land of Magog” that is foretold and detailed clearly in Ezekiel
38-39 & Joel 2 ? She moves upon the land of Israel with her Muslim
allies (Iran, or ancient Persia, Libya, Sudan, and Togarmah/Turkey, etc -
Ezek 38:5); yet God uses this invasion to bring Israel to repentance, and
will supernaturally destroy this northern enemy on behalf of the Jewish
nation (Ezek 38:18 - 39:8). Joel says:
“Then will the LORD be jealous for his land, and pity his people. Yea, the
LORD will answer and say unto his people,....I will no more make you a

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The Big Picture of Daniel
reproach among the heathen: but I will remove far off from you the northern
army, and will drive him into a land barren and desolate (Siberia), with his
face toward the east sea, and his hinder part toward the utmost sea (Arctic),
and his stink shall come up, because he hath done great things”
(Joel 2:18-20).
Now as Antichrist moves north to meet the Russian/Muslim army, Israel
repents and God intervenes on her behalf. Antichrist then breaks his
covenant with Israel (Daniel 9:27) and setting himself up as God, he places
his headquarters “between the seas” (Mediterranean and Dead Seas),
making Jerusalem his capital, “in the glorious holy mountain”(Dan11:40).
The Culmination of Antichrist (Dan 11:45)
Much detail is given prophetically of the final three and half years when
Antichrist sets out to destroy Israel and attempts to thwart the plan of
God, taking over the small geographical area of land that ties three great
continents together. He will seek to control the Middle East with its oil
and gas resources, and will move his headquarters into the rebuilt temple
in Jerusalem. At this time Satan will be “cast unto the earth”(Rev 12:13)
and will energize Antichrist with great power till the return of the Lord
Jesus Christ at His second coming to earth (Rev19:11).
Finally, Antichrist “shall come to his end, and none shall help him” (Dan11:45;
also see Dan7:11-14,26-27, 2Thess2:8, Rev19:11-21). God’s judgment will
confine him to the eternal lake of fire (Rev19:20; 20:10), while Satan is
“cast into the bottomless pit” (Rev 19:20) for the duration of the millennial
reign of Christ on earth (Rev 20:2-3).
The Chronology of the Future (Dan.12:1 - 13)
The closing chapter of Daniel is a chronology of the last 3 1 /2 years with
the key word “time” used seven times in these few verses (12:1, 4, 9, ll).
Daniel chapter 12 is the climax to chapter 11. Both chapters must be seen
together. (See "time of the end" Dan11:35,40). Ch12 begins with,"At that
time". TIME is the subject of Dan12:1,4,6,7,9,11,12,&13.
This time is the Great Tribulation, when there shall be “a time of trouble,
such as never was since there was a nation”. At this time Israel will be
finally saved from extinction, (being found written in the book of life)
and delivered from Antichrist (Compare Matt 24:21; Jer 30:7).
There will be a resurrection of saved and unsaved (v.2) at the end of the
Tribulation. Antichrist and his followers will be raised to stand before
Christ and be cast into the lake of fire (Rev.19:20-21; 14:9-11; Matt.25:41).
The Tribulation martyrs will also be raised to reign for 1,000 years
(Rev.20:4). Daniel is told to "seal the book to the time of the end" (Dan12:4).

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The Big Picture of Daniel
The Second Resurrection is of the unsaved and has two stages. Antichrist
and his followers when Christ returns, and “the rest of the dead” at the
end of the 1,000 year reign of Christ (Rev.20:11-15). We know from other
Scriptures there will be several stages of the First Resurrection in the
Last Days.
Firstly, the Church is Raptured before the Tribulation (1Thess 4:13-18).
Secondly, there will be the two witnesses of Rev 11 whose dead bodies
are raised during the Tribulation.
Thirdly, the Tribulation martyrs will be raised when Christ returns at the
end of the Tribulation (Rev20:4-6).
Daniel wrote 2,500 yrs ago in the 1st year of Darius the Mede and
Antiochus Epiphanes reigned only 369 years after the prophecy was
given. God was simply making it clear that it was not Antiochus, but a
last days "man of sin" in view.
Then too, the “time of the end” would see men “run to and fro” and
“knowledge shall be increased” (Dan12:4); another indicator that the
Antichrist would be in the last days and that Antiochus Epiphanes was
but a "type" of the future Antichrist.
Those who do not recognize the leap in time after Dan11:35 get into real
trouble trying to reconcile Dan11:36-45 and Dan12:1-13. Up to Dan
11:35 we can trace fulfilled prophecy in the historical records but after
Antiochus Epiphanes there is no correlation of historical events with what
is foretold. The whole message of chapter 12 makes it perfectly clear
that the prophecy does not continue chronologically after Antiochus
Epiphanes, but simply uses him as the springboard to introduce the Last
Days “man of sin”.
The focus of chapter 12 is clearly on the 2nd half of the final 7 years of
Israel’s history, for we read that when Antichrist will "scatter the power of
the holy people, all these things shall be finished" (Dan12:7). So the
prophecy concludes with three and a half years of awful persecution;
then it will be "FINISHED" (Dan12:7).
Finally, Israel will be "purified" at this time (Dan12:10), and there will be
time allowed for the judgment of the living nations and cleanup after
the Lord's return (ie 1290 days and 1335 days) (Dan12:11-12).
To focus on the end times from a Biblical perspective is to focus on
Daniel’s people Israel. Israel is the key to understanding the truth of
prophecy. There are absolutely no grounds for Replacement Theology
which teaches that the Church has replaced God’s Covenant nation and

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The Big Picture of Daniel
that all the promises made to Israel now apply to the Church. Israel will
undoubtedly be an entity in the world in the Last Days and will play the
central role in the final drama of the ages.
When the angel gave the prophecy of chapters 11 & 12 to Daniel he said:
“Now I am come to make thee understand what shall befall THY PEOPLE
IN THE LATTER DAYS: for yet the vision is for many days” (Dan 10:14).
Daniel was never a part of the Church, nor did he have any knowledge
of it for it was a mystery “kept secret since the world began” (Rom 16:25). It
did not exist until Pentecost and was only then revealed by God to “his
holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit. That the Gentiles should be fellowheirs
and of the same body...”(Eph 3:5-6).
The angelic message puts the matter beyond question that Daniel’s
people, Israel, would be the divine channel of witness in the Great
Tribulation which clearly did not occur in 70AD, as some suggest, for
it’s is expressly said to occur in the “time of the end”(Dan 12:4 & 9), and
the “end of the days”(Dan 12:13).
How Long?
When Antichrist persecutes Israel as described in Daniel chapter 12, she
will be a redeemed and forgiven nation. Her conversion will have taken
place in the first half of the seven years and Antichrist’s attempt to
eradicate her will be from the mid-point of the Tribulation when he causes
the “sacrifice and oblation to cease”. At that time God calls Israel “the holy
“How long shall it be to the end of these wonders (the Tribulation)?....It
shall be for a time, times, and an half; (3 1 / 2 years) and when he
(Antichrist) shall have accomplished to scatter the power of THE HOLY
PEOPLE, all these things shall be finished” (Dan.12:6-7).
Today Israel is in blindness and has a “vail upon their heart” but “when it
shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away”(2Cor.3:15-16). At
Christ’s return the Jews will be a truely “holy people” and John records
that they will “keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus”
(Rev 14:12). They will say, “Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him”
Paul speaks of Israel’s conversion after the “fulness of the Gentiles” (the
Church) comes in at the Rapture. He clearly links this with the “New
Covenant” which Jeremiah foretold God would make with Israel in “those
days” when “they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest of
them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and remember their sin
no more”(Jer.31:31-34; Rom.11:25-27; Heb.8:8-12).

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The Big Picture of Daniel

Daniel 11:36 to 12:13 Antichrist confirms the

covenant with Israel for 7
The king of the south

1,260 days testimony. The Gospel of the kingdom

years and divides “the land for
(Egypt) invades Israel.

preached by 144,000 Jewish “servants of God”

gain”. The Temple built.


Egypt destroyed and the
Middle East occupied by
the Roman prince (Last
Days king of the north).

Tidings out of the East
(Iran) and north (Russia &
Turkey) trouble him - Israel
repents (Ezek.39:22).

Antichrist shall utterly

“make away many” Jews.
He shall plant... his
palace “between the seas
in the glorious holy
The “abomination that maketh
desolate set up”
A time of trouble “such and Temple sacrifices
Time + times + half a time = 31/2 years (1,260 days)

as never was”, begins. cease. Two prophets killed

Israel has the “testimony of Jesus Christ”and

and resurrected.
fights for survival with Divine help
(Rev.12:17; Zech.14:14).


1,335 days
1,290 days

Antichrist will “shatter the

power of the holy people” and “Blessed is he that...
then Christ returns. cometh to the 1,335 days”
- to the kingdom

The 75 days after Christ returns provides time for the

judgment of the living nations (sheep and goats-Matt.25:32),
the resurrection of Tribulation martyrs to everlasting
life(Rev.20:4), and the banishment of Antichrist and his
followers “to shame and everlasting contempt”(Rev.19:20-21).

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The Big Picture of Daniel
Dear friend, though we look for the Lord Jesus Christ and not Antichrist,
yet we see the Middle East, Israel, the Jew, and Jerusalem, in the forefront
of international news almost daily. This little nation of only one-tenth of
one percent, or one thousandth of the world’s population, with its
geography not too much larger than the area of greater Sydney Australia,
dominates the concern of world powers.
Such a small nation and people among over 190 nations at the United
Nations and the number one issue of concern is Israel and Jerusalem.
Why? Could this be God’s time to bring His people back to the center of
world focus? Every student of the Word of God should be stirred to
action as we see all the pieces of the prophetic puzzle rapidly coming
together . Though much prophecy has to do with the final seven years
after the Church has been taken to be with our Saviour, it is a warning to
us as believers that time is short.
As we study the great prophetic truths that have been fulfilled so
accurately over the centuries, it becomes obvious that the remainder will
one day be history. GOD IS SOVEREIGN! Let’s tell the whole world
that Jesus is coming again, and it appears to be soon! MARANATHA!

How you can be Ready

1) Acknowledge you are a guilty sinner before God, unable to do
anything to contribute to your salvation (Rom.3:23, Eph.2:8,9).
2) Believe that Jesus Christ shed His blood to appease the just demands
of God’s Law against you (Heb.9:14) and that He rose for your
3) Turn from your sin to Christ, and call upon Him to save you by His
infinite grace (Rom.10:13).
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the
gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Eph.2:8).
Then read 1 John 5:13 & John10:27-28).

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