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Book of Daniel

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VISIONS OF THE PROPHET DANIEL The Prophet Daniel received prophecies from the late 7th century to the

mid 6th century BC. The 3 Visions concerned 4 historical empires that succeeded each other. Vision of Daniel chapter 2: The Statue: to take place in the final days. Vision received circa 604/3 BC. All dates are approximate and may vary according to scholar. Vision of statue Interpretation of vision and historical fulfillment Daniel 2:31-45 1. Head of fine gold Babylonian Empire; vs. 38 Daniel to Babylonian king you are the golden head. 2. Chest and arms of Persian Empire was composed of the Medes and the Persians. silver 3. Belly and thighs of Greeks of Alexander the Great. Alexander the Great begins the bronze conquest of the Medo-Persian Empire in 335BC. Final Persian defeat by Greeks at the battle of Arbela in 331 BC. The Greeks split into 4 lesser kingdoms after Alexanders death in 323 BC. 2 of those kingdoms, Greek Egypt and Greek Syria, fought for control of Judah. 4. Legs of iron, feet The 4 smaller Greek kingdoms were conquered by the 4th world empire, part iron , part clay Rome, in campaigns from 197-63BC, including Judah in 63BC. In the 4th century Rome split into the Western Empire centered in Rome and the Eastern Empire centered in Constantinople [2 legs]. The feet which are only part iron may represent the 10 Roman provinces. 5. The stone that The 5th kingdom that was everlasting (Dan 2:44; 7:14, 18, 27; : The 4th struck the statue to kingdom was prophesized to be conquered by a 5th kingdom: ...the God become a greater of heaven will set up a kingdom it will shatter and absorb all the kingdom = Jesus "the previous kingdoms and itself last forever" [2:44-45]. The Kingdom of cornerstone" Heaven on earth = the New Covenant Church Vision of Daniel chapter 7: the 4 Beasts (vision circa 553/2BC): Vision of beasts Interpretation and historical fulfillment Daniel 7:1-28 1. Lion with wings Babylon [Lion with wings was the royal symbol of Babylon] 2. Bear with 3 ribs in Persians conquer the 3 provinces of Babylon: Lydia in 546BC; Babylon its mouth in 539BC; and Egypt in 525BC. 3. Leopard with 4 Alexander the Great and his 4 generals who won his victories and who wings and 4 heads divided his empire 4. 4th beast with 10 Rome with her 10 client kings who rule her 10 provinces [or 10 Caesars horns from Augustus Caesar and the birth of Christ to Vespasian and the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem and the end of the Old Covenant] Vision of Daniel chapter 8: The Ram and the He-Goat (vision circa 551/0 BC): Animals in vision Interpretation and historical fulfillment Daniel 8:1-27 Ram with 2 horns The Persian empire was formed from the Medes and the Persians He-goat with one horn Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire (invasion 336BC; defeated Persians at Issus in 333; final victory at Arbela in 331 BC) He-goat's one horn Alexander the Great's empire is divided among his 4 generals (323 BC) becomes 4

The little horn that The Seleucid Greeks expanded the empire from Syria to Asia Minor to grows toward the the Indus River and became the largest of the 4 Greek empires, "Land of Splendor" dominating even the Promised Land of the Jews 200-142BC. M. Hunt 1998

CORRELATION OF DREAMS AND VISIONS IN THE BOOK OF DANIEL Images from chapter 2 Head of gold T I M E of the G E N T I L E S Chest and arms of silver Belly and thighs of bronze Beasts from chapter 7 Like a lion with eagles wings Like a bear Beasts from chapter 8 World Kingdoms Babylon 606-539BC Medo-Persia 539-331BC Alexander the Great - Greece kingdoms 332-146BC Rome/ her province Judea 146BC- the birth of Christ 5th Kingdom = Kingdom of God*

Ram with two horns Male goat with one great horn, four horns and little horn

Like a leopard with four wings and four heads

Legs of iron, feet of iron and clay

Stone that becomes a great mountain

Incomparable beast with ten horns and little horn Messiah and Saints receive the Kingdom of God


M. Hunt 1992


BIBLICAL PERIOD FOCUS #8 THE EXILE History of Daniel God's Plan for the Time of the Gentile Nations God's Plan of salvation for His Covenant people


SINAI COVENANT [Davidic Covenant]

1:1-------2:1----------5:1----------6:1-------7:1--------8:1---------9:1---------12:13-----14:42 Story of Daniel's Vision of Vision Decree Vision Vision Vision of Susannas the 70 of the of the of of king king #1 captivity virtue/ weeks/ Ram Four Darius # 2 of of and early Story of and Beasts the Babylo prophecy years in Babylon Bel and the Goat Mede n of the Exile dragon Messiah Daniel's background


Daniel Interprets Visions and Risks His life for His Faith

Angels Gabriel and Michael interpret Daniel's Visions

The boy Daniel defends a daughter of Israel/ God defends Daniel



Aramaic [the language of Assyria & Babylon]



CITY OF BABYLON under the Babylonian Empire 606/5 BC - 536 BC

BABYLON under the Persian Empire

TIME LINE B.C. WORLD EMPIRES: --------------------ASSYRIANBABYLON---PERSIAN---------------------------------GREEK Divided Kingdom---Southern Kingdom (70 yr exile for Judah) c.873-853 722 587/6 539 516 458 445-3 332 Elijahs Israel Judah Persians Temple Ezras Nehemiah conquest of Ministry conquered conquered conquer rebuilt mission rebuilds Persia by by Assyria by Babylon Babylon to Judah/ Jerusalems Alexander the -Judahs return #2 walls/ Great Exiles return #1 return #3 completed

M. Hunt 200


Next week's readings for Biblical Period 9: THE RETURN FROM EXILE
LESSONS 21-22 1. Cyrus, King of Persia and the Decree of Return 2. Return of the Exiles 3. The Summons to Rebuilt the Temple in Jerusalem 2 Chronicles 36:22-23; Isaiah 44:28; 45:1-13; Daniel 10:1 Ezra 1:1-2:70

Haggai 1:1-15

4. The 8 Visions of the Prophet Zechariah Zechariah 1:1-6:15 5. The Jerusalem Temple is Rebuilt 6. Ezra Returns to Jerusalem 7. The Reforms of Ezra 8. Esther, Queen of Persia 9. Nehemiah Returns/ Jerusalems Walls Are Rebuilt 10. Ezra Reads the Law to the People 11. The Prophecy of Malachi 12. Alexander the Great and the Conquest Of the Levant Ezra 3:1-6:22 Ezra 7:1-8:36 Ezra 9:1-10:44 Esther 1:1-10:3

Nehemiah 3:1-4:23 Nehemiah 8:1-9:38 Malachi 3:1-3; 3:19-24

1 Maccabees 1:1-10

WORLD POWER [all dates are BC] MEDO-PERSIAN EMPIRE---------------------------------------------------------------------- ALEXANDER THE GREAT 539 538 516 483-473 458 444 333 Persian \Decree of Temple in Esther #2 return #3 return led by Greeks King Cyrus Cyrus Jerusalem is Queen of led by the Nehemiah defeat conquers allows return rebuilt! Persia priest/ the walls of Persians Babylon to Judah scribe Jerusalem are at the #1 return led Ezra rebuilt Battle of by Zerubbabel Issus descendant of King David. \captures Judah becomes a Judah in Persian vassal state 332BC

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