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The Teacher As A Curricularist: Learning Episode 1

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The teacher as a Curricularist


At the end of this episode, the Field Study students are expected to:

1. define roles of teachers as curricularist

2. discuss the roles of teachers as curricularist
3. reflect on how those roles affect the teaching-learning process
4. gather samples and pieces of evidences that a teacher is a curricularist

Research about the teacher as a curicularist and complete the following statements.
As a “curricularist”,
1. A teacher is a curriculum knower because as teacher, one has to master what are
included in the curriculum.
2. A teacher is a curriculum writer because a classroom teacher takes record of
knowledge, concepts, subject matter or content.
3. A teacher is a curriculum planner because he/she plans the curriculum. A good
curriculum has to be planned. It is the role of the teachers to make a yearly, monthly or
daily plan of the curriculum.
4. A teacher is a curriculum initiator because he/she initiates the curriculum. From the
word itself Initiates, "to start”, “to begin". There will be many constraints and difficulties
in doing things first or leading, but a transformative teacher will never hesitate to try
something new and relevant.

5. A teacher is a curriculum innovator because he/ she innovates the curriculum. The
curriculum is always dynamic, hence keeps on changing. A good teacher therefore
innovates the curriculum.

6. A teacher is a curriculum implementer because implements the curriculum. Curriculum

remains recommended or written will never serve its purpose. Somebody has to
implement it. The heart of schooling is curriculum. Teachers are implementer.
7. A teacher is a curriculum evaluator because he/she evaluates the curriculum to

determine if the desired learning outcomes have been achieved.

1. Present the letter to the principal.
2. Go to the designated teacher for the interview.
3. Get samples or pieces of evidence from the teacher being interviewed.
4. Always be polite and courteous to the interviewee and every personnel in the school.

Guide Questions:

The teachers as initiator

1. Do you think you are open-minded enough as a teacher to embrace the new K to 12 curriculum?
Why or why not?
- Yes, I am open-minded as a Teacher to embrace the new curriculum, because as what I have
observed this is a good curriculum that will help students to learn the important things. We
Teachers undergone training and for us to apply effectively the approaches used.

The teacher as knower

2. How did you learn about every detail of the K to 12 curriculum?

- Apply it in every day lesson so that I will be familiar with the process of this new curriculum
although we Teachers also adjusting with this program

3. What professional development activities are you actively involved with? Ex. Trainings,
workshops, graduate school, etc. Why?
- Trainings, workshops, orientations and graduate schools.

The teacher as curriculum implementer

4. How do you implement the curriculum?

- I follow the Lesson plan and make sure that the learning competencies will be achieved by
my students.

The teacher as innovator

5. Do you make innovations to improve the curriculum? If yes, what sort of innovations do you
- Yes I make innovations to improve the curriculum such as the recycled daily structure,
strategic materials, computer-aided resources and also some ICT applications.
The teacher as evaluator

6. How do you evaluate if the desired learning outcomes have been achieved after your every
- To evaluate the learning outcomes whether or not it is achieve, I conduct tests, quizzes and
other activities to assess the learning of the students.


Research in the library or internet and look for a topic about the role of a teacher as a curricularist.
Complete the template below:

Research Title: The Roles and Responsibilities of an early Childhood Teacher

Researcher (s): Bureau of Labor Statistics and Department of Labor

Findings: (Write the salient forms in bulleted form).

 It requires you to be willing to wear many hats. As an experiences teacher, you already
prepared to be flexible. As a new teacher remember that your job description may charge
on daily basis.

 In most cases, you will very similar to that of a guide. A guide leads others down new
paths. A guide walks beside a person on a journey, not in font. A guide also keeps others
safe from harm.

 Also you will be challenged to find new experiences to share with children. Guide
children, do not lead them and move in direction that interests the child. As a guide,
allow the child to choose their learning and playing style while making safety your
number one concern.

 Teacher play important role in fostering intellectual and social development of children
during their formative years. The education that teachers impart plays a key role in
determining the future prospects of their students. Whether in preschools or high schools
or in private or public schools, teachers provide the tools and the environment for their
students to develop into responsible adult.

Aware of the roles of teachers as curricularist, how do you perceive your role as curricularist?

- As a future educator/curricularist, I perceive the role as a curricularist by means of

exploring such things with regards to the role of a good teacher or curricularist. I
want also to attain being aware in the different way or how to play a role of good
curricularist. Not only that, I must know my students well, I will not only focus on the
entire curriculum but to all aspects of teaching-learning process.


Create a 5-slide power point presentation about your learnings and insights about this episode that you
can share with your fellow Field Study students. You will present this in your small group discussions.
Use the template below to outline your ideas in your presentation.

Slide Number Content(s)

Teacher as a Curricularist
- It means that the Teacher is involved in the curriculum. As
1 curricularist, he/she is a knower, writer planner, initiator, innovator,
implementer, evaluator of the curriculum.

A teacher is a Curriculum Knower

- As teacher, one has to master what are included in the curriculum.
He/she must know the curriculum well.
A teacher is a Curriculum Writer
- A classroom teacher takes record of knowledge, concepts, subject
matter or content.

A teacher is a Curriculum Planner

- He/she plans the curriculum. A good curriculum has to be planned. It
is the role of the teachers to make a yearly, monthly or daily plan of
3 the curriculum.
A teacher is a curriculum initiator
- He/she initiates the curriculum. From the word itself Initiates, "to
start”, “to begin". There will be many constraints and difficulties in
doing things first or leading, but a transformative teacher will never
hesitate to try something new and relevant.

A teacher is a Curriculum Innovator

- He/she innovates the curriculum. The curriculum is always dynamic,
hence keeps on changing. A good teacher therefore innovates the
A teacher is a curriculum implementer
- Implements the curriculum. Curriculum remains recommended or
written will never serve its purpose. Somebody has to implement it.
The heart of schooling is curriculum. Teachers are implementer.

A teacher is a Curriculum Evaluator

5 - He/she evaluates the curriculum to determine if the desired learning
outcomes have been achieved.

Borabo, M., & Borabo, H. G. (2015). Field Study 4: Exploring the Curiculum. Metro Manila: LORIMAR


(Paste below the pictures you have taken during the conduct of this activity.)


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