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Lesson Plan Number 2

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Lesson Plan Number 1 Teacher: Meaca, Magali.

Age of the students: 11 (6th year EP) Level: pre-intermediate.

Number of students: 25 Length: 1 Class of one hour.

Students objectives/aims: the students will learn the Future Tense will (Affirmative)
Evidence that the objectives have been achieved: by the end of the lesson students will be able
to recognize the future tense will and to use it in short statements.
Teaching Point: Future Tense will (affirmative)
- Language Skills:
1. Identify and read a text about the future.
2. Follow and understand the reading text selected by the teacher.

- Language System:
Pronunciation: /eI/; =/|u:tEo/; =/e3:o/; /ti:t/; /==Tct/
Grammar: the students will learn the future tense will
Vocabulary: Students will recall some verbs related to jobs and
professions such as doctor, teacher, singer, etc for the lead in

- Intelligences Developed:

Interpersonal: When students interact among themselves and with the teacher.
Students work in pairs in order to complete the task.
Intrapersonal: When students think about themselves in terms of what they
could be in the future.
Linguistic: when students learn how to use the future tense will. Recalling
learnt vocabulary.
Visual-Spatial: Students solve the activity by visualizing the future and how it
could be. The images that the activity provides also help them to do it.
Logical-Mathematical: Learning the new structure of the simple future tense (will)
Musical: Practicing saying the new structure using will

- Source of Materials:
The students book. Sky 3
Little pieces of paper brought by the teacher

- Assumptions: I assume that students know certain vocabulary related to jobs and
professions. The uses of some verbs such as live, happen, have, melt and think. I assume
that they know personal pronouns and the verb to be especially its contraction forms. I
assume that they can comprehend short sentences and questions and that they already
know simple present tense.
- Anticipated Problems: some problems that could arise in the middle of the lesson could
be that students cannot understand the instructions given. In that case I will repeat them
slowly and in a different way so that they can get it.
Another problem would be that Students do not understand the questions so it would be
difficult for them to complete the task. In that case I will help them by answering their
questions or by grouping the students who can understand the questions with those who

( 2 minutes)
T: hello kids! How are you?
Sts: hello! Hi! Good! And you?
T: very good! Thanks for asking. Well kids today I have a new tense that we need to learn.
Sts: okay!
T: okay, so if I ask you what job will you have in twenty years? What tense is that?
Sts: job? Trabajar. We dont work.
T: good! You dont work NOW! But in twenty years?...
Sts: in twenty years. In the future!
T: very good!!! That is what we are going to learn today! about the future tense will.

Lead-in Activity:
(10 minutes)
T: first of all you have to write in a little piece of paper, (showing the piece of paper) that I give
you, something you will be in the future. For example (I write in the blackboard) I WILL BE A
DOCTOR. So you write: I then the word will that is the future tense!! Then the verb be
that means ser and then what you want, for example a doctor or a teacher or a mother, etc.
do okay?
Sts: okay!!
I gave them all the little papers already cut to all the students. During this activity I will go
around checking their productions to see if they need help.
T: did you finish? Terminaron?
Sts: nooo! Yes!!
T: okay two minutes more
(the kids ask to their partners and interact with them during this pre-activity)
Two minutes later
Sts: listo!!!
T: okay. Tell me maria read your paper
Maria: I will be a teacher.
T: very good! You would like to be a teacher in the future?
Maria: yes.
T: why? Do you like children?
Maria: Si, yes and I like school.
T: you like school?!!! That is really good! You will be a good teacher then! Seras una Buena
T: what about you Juan? Read your paper
Juan: I will be a chef!
T: a chef! Thats good! You like cooking? Cocinar
Juan: yes, I cook cakes.
T: mmm delicious! Your mother helps you?
Juan: yes I cook with my mother.
T: good!!
(I keep asking to all the students, making little questions about what they wrote so that they
know its important what they say.)
(15 minutes)
T: Well, now that you know a little bit about the future tense will, open your notebooks and
write this. Juan can you clean the blackboard first?
Juan: yes!
T: okay thank you Juan. Now copy this: to talk about the future, the structure you have to use is:
I + will + verb
T: or any personal pronoun, like he, she, they, etc
T: For example: (I write in the blackboard)
She will pass the exam
T: ella a aprobar el examen
T: when do we use the future tense will? to talk about.
Sts: Future!
T: very good! To talk about things that will happen in the future!.
T: last thing is the contracted form of will. Do you remember what is the contracted form of the
verb to be AM?
Sts: no
T: okay isnt it m? like when we say Im instead of I am
Sts: yes!
T: okay in the case of will the contracted form is ll. For example Ill or shell or. (I write it in the
ll Ill or shell or theyll.
T: and it happens with all the personal pronouns okay?
T: okay, do you understand? Do you have any questions?
Sts: no.
T: now Ill give you five minutes to read and understand how to talk about the future using
will okay? Read in silence!
(Students read what they copied in their notebooks)
T: okay kids!! What can you tell me about this. As you know we use will to talk about the
future right?
Sts: yes! will!
T: okay and what is its contrated form?... instead of she will. Is. Look at your notebooks!
Sts: shell
T: Excellent! Okay and now what is the structure. Any personal pronoun, plus.
Sts: will, plus verb!
T: good!!!!! Now who wants to tell me something that will happen in the future, lets say
tomorrow! for example, I will cook oquis tomorrow what will you do tomorrow?
Sts: I will study tomorrow; I will play football tomorrow; I will watch TV tomorrow
T: excellent my kids!! Now lets start with the activity!!
(10 minutes)
T: open your notebooks in unit 21 what will happen? You have to read the extract in the left
called Fascinating Future, okay?
Sts: okay.
T: first I will read it and you will listen carefully okay? Pay attention!!
T: okay now you have five minutes to read it again but this time in silence!
(After the silent reading)
T: Okay now we will start!

Set up the activity
T: well before start you will work in pairs okay? Then copy this in your notebooks:
(I write in the blackboard)
1) Which of these questions are related to peoples lives?
2) Which of these questions are related to the world?
T: you have ten minutes to read and copy in your notebooks okay?
Run the activity
Sts. Okay!
T: if you need help just ask me.
(While students are working I walk around monitoring their productions, answering some
questions and making clarifications if needed)
T: good kids! Did you finish?
Sts: yes!! Nooo!
T: okay two more minutes then
After two minutes
Post activity
T: well, lets start checking Lucia and Josefina what did you write for the first question? Read
the question and then the answer.
Lucia and Josefina: which of these questions are related to peoples lives? And the answer is:
where will I be in twenty years time?
T: good! Now Rocio and Pedro what other question is about peoples lives?
Rocio and Pedro: what job will I have?
T: very good!!
(I keep asking to some pairs to tell me about the questions about peoples lives and the ones
related to the world)
T: excellent kids!!! You did it very very good!!
Sts: yes!!
Activity 2
(10 minutes)
Set up activity
T: okay now you are going to invent sentences about the future!! They have to be funny and
improbable to happen okay? Van a inventar oraciones graciosas y que sean muy dificiles de
suceder !! I will make two groups! From this desk to the left you will invent sentences about
peoples lives. You will be group A. And from this desk to the right have to invent sentences
about the world. You will be group B. okay? Do you understood?!
Sts: yes!!
T: BUT! You have to be quiet!! Dont scream!!! Okay? Talk quietly.
Sts: okay teacher!
T: You have 10 minutes to complete the activity. One of each group has to write down all the
sentences in his or her notebook, then after reading all the sentences aloud I will copy them in
the board for the rest of you now, lets start!
Run the activity
(While students are working I walk around monitoring their productions, answering some
questions and making clarifications if needed)
T: are you ready?!
Sts: nooo!
T: okay 1 more minute! Hurry up!
One minute late.
Post activity
T: good kids lets check your funny sentences! First group A. tell me one sentence that you
Group A: in the future people will have three eyes!
T: good!! It would be weird! To have three eyes!!! (Students Laugh)
T: Okay, group B, a funny sentence about the world
Sts: In twenty years the world will have computers not teachers
T: good! You mean, you wont need teachers anymore! You will have computers instead of
teachers! That is not so funny!
(I keep asking them about their funny sentences paying attention to their answers, making
some corrections as regard grammar and making little questions to show them that their
productions are okay)
T: well kids, you did it very good!
Activity 3
(10 minutes)
Set up the activity.
T: now you will work individually!! you have to read the right part of the page in unit 21 (I show
that part) and put a tick if you think those things can happen in the future. Si pueden suceder en
el futuro!! You can use your dictionaries or ask me and I will tell you the meaning of the words
you dont know.
T: you can look at the images that can help you to get an idea! Okay?
Sts: yes!
Run the activity
(While students are working I help them by telling the meaning of certain words)
T: did you finish my kids?!
Sts: yes!!!
T: okay lets check before the class finishes!!
T: okay tell me do you think that computers will replace teachers?
Sts: no
T: good!
T: now, do you think all students will have a laptop at school?
Sts: yes! By brother use a computer in school!
T: your brother uses!! Yes! Now there are some students that use their laptops in the school.
(I keep checking all the activity until we finish it)
End of the class
T: very good kids! Next class we WILL! Continue working on this!! Today you did it great!! See
you next week!

Intelligences Web

Linguistic: I will ask students to read short stories and to predict a possible outcome for each of them.
Material: printed short stories brought by the teacher.
Strategies: students will have to predict.

Logical-Mathematical: I will ask students to gather in groups and I will give them a brain teaser for them
to assemble. Each puzzle will have a picture of children playing with different toys and all dressed up with
different costumes. After solving the brain teaser they have to predict and write down what job these
children will have in the future.
Material: brain teaser (brought by the teacher) paper, pencil.
Strategies: students have to guess the future of the children in those images.

Spatial: I will show them a video and I will stop it as something is about to happen and see if students can
predict what it will be, such as what the character will see when they enter the room or who will end up
killing to.
Material: a video brought by the teacher, a projector.
Strategies: students have to guess according to what they can see from the video.
Bodily-Kinesthetic: I will ask students to bring glase paper to the class and to make little envelopes with
it. Inside each envelope they have to put a little paper with a fortune on it and close the envelope. After
that I will put all the envelopes in a bag and students have to pick one and read the fortune they got to
the class.
Material: glase paper, tape, scissors, bag.
Strategies: students have to make up fortunes using the future tense.

Musical: I will ask each student to think about the job they will have in the future and I will record them
one by one outside the classroom. After recording all of them I will play each prediction and students will
have to guess who said it.
Material: recorder.
Strategy: students have to visualize themselves in the future and after the recording they have to guess
who said what thing

Interpersonal: I will ask my students to talk about or to write down their future plans. After that I will ask
each kid to explain how he or she will accomplish those goals.
Material: paper and pencil.
Strategies: students have to visualize their own future.
Intrapersonal: I will ask students to work in groups. Once they are arranged they have to write four
sentences each, using the future tense will then they have to choose one of them and try to make a
little poem joining all the sentences together to make it coherent. They can choose a common topic for
instance jobs, the world, human beings, etc
Material: paper, pencil.
Strategy: students have to appeal to their imagination to create a poem using the future tense.

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