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Guideline Smart Villages

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The key takeaways are that the Smart Village Scheme aims to make villages prosperous and smart through self-governance. It involves selecting villages through competition and providing them grants over 3 years to achieve certain goals and be declared as Smart Villages.

The objective of the Smart Village Scheme is for villages to perform their duties through self-governance and programmes to achieve social, human, economic and personal development goals and increase citizen services by making villages prosperous and smart to decrease rural to urban migration.

The norms for selecting a Gram Panchayat include selecting one village from each taluka for the competition, with one additional village selected from backward talukas. All villages from talukas with Gram Panchayats will be included in the initial selection stage.

SMART VILLAGE means making villages

prosperous and
smart through planned self-governance

Smart Village Scheme


Panchayat, Rural Housing & Rural Development

Govt. of Gujarat


Sr. No. Particulars Page

1 Objective
2 Definition of Smart Village
3 Norms for selection of Gram Panchayat
4 Grant Allotment / Planning Procedure
5 Committee
6 Compulsory targets for declaring a Smart Village
7 Vision
8 Implementation
9 Co-operation of Private Organization for Implementation
10 Formation of Smart Village Society
11 Annexure-1 Application Form
12 Annexure-2 Norms for selection
13 Annexure-3 List of Works
14 Annexure-4 List of Programmes
15 Annexure-5 Compulsory Targets for the Eligibility to
Submit Direct Plan in Stage-2

Gujarat State has been marching from “Swarajya to Surajya” through
implementation of various community and welfare schemes of rural
development. It is necessary that Gram Panchayats perform their duties and
responsibilities by more programmes and self-governance, work as per their
expectations with certain goal and with foresight for social, human, economic and
personal development and become committed to increase citizen services, create
atmosphere of healthy competition. As a result, the villages would become
prosperous and smart, migration from villages toward cities would decrease. For
the above purpose, the matter of Smart Village Competition and allotment of
grant for it was under consideration of the Government. After due consideration,
it is decided to implement “Smart Village Scheme” with the purpose to take
initiative with certain goal and in certain direction and to increase spirit of healthy

1. Definition of Smart Village:-

1.1 A village which has foresight for the development and proper planning to
keep the village clean, healthy, green, pollution free, crime free and disease
free with co-ordination of various community development and welfare
schemes of Government. A village which makes the people “Samras” and
economically self-dependent by achieving determined goals for people’s
wellness and convenience. Smart Village means a village which is aware to
increase facilities for the citizen by taking decisions democratically and Smart
Village means a village in which the youth, women, farmers, village artisans,
backward and deprived people may get equal opportunity for development.
1.2The Scheme will be implemented in two parts by considering above
objectives. (1) The State Government shall arrange a competition every year
for the selection of Gram Panchayat to be eligible for the grant for Smart
Village. (2) Selected Gram Panchayts shall receive grant for three years. The
Gram Panchayats shall function to make the village a Smart Village with the
help of the grant. After three years, the Gram Panchayats which achieve
determined goals shall be declared as Smart Village.

2. Norm for the selection of a Gram Panchayat:-

2.1The following shall be implemented for the selection of Smart Village.
(1) Gram Panchayat shall be a unit for the selection.

(2) A village from each taluka will be selected for Smart Village Competition.
(3) One more village may be selected from the Talukas declared as backward
in the state.
(4) In first stage, the villages of all the Talukas which have Gram Panchayat
shall be directly included in the selection procedure of second stage.

2.2Selection Procedure.
Smart village selection procedure has been divided into following two stages.
All the Gram Panchayats shall take part in selection procedure every year. The
Gram Panchayat shall make proposal to concerned Taluka Development
Officer in prescribed form. (Annexure -1)
(1) Taluka Development Officer shall verify the proposals as per
administration and submit to District Level Selection Committee of the
(2) District Level Selection Committee shall send a list of Gram Panchayats to
state level by considering the norm prescribed in (Annexure-2) and directions
issued by the Government from time to time in this regard. This list shall
contain twice the number of Gram Panchayats actually selected from each
Taluka in the district.(Annexure-6)

(3) Gram Panchayats selected at district level shall be informed to
submit their planning to make their villages a Smart Village along with the
vision to achieve decided goals and expectations in prescribed format.
(4) 1. Gram Panchayats shall be allocated grant of Rs.5000/- for the
financial support of planning. 2. District Level Committee shall make
arrangement of students of technical colleges for technical and
administrative support and co-operation of voluntary organizations of the
district and provide help and guidance to the district team.
(5) A village which has achieved compulsory prescribed targets mentioned in
Para-6 and any organization or donor is ready to adopt the village and give
the admissible amount of the first year to the village, such village can
submit Smart Village Plan before the District Level Expert Committee.

Special Provision:-
(6) Apart from the villages to be selected for each district, if any organization
or donor is ready to adopt a village and give the admissible amount of the
first year to the village.
(7) If any village fulfils criteria of Smart Village objectives and mandatory
norms of Smart Village, the details of such village can be sent for selection
as a special case besides the number admissible to the district.
(Mandatory goals for the eligibility to submit the plan directly in
Annexure- 5 – Stage -2)
For Example: - Two villages are to be selected in the concerned district but if
any village has achieved the mandatory goals mentioned in Para-6 and any
organization or donor is ready to adopt the village and give the amount of the first
year which is admissible to the village, such village can submit the Smart Village
Plan by directly entering into stage-2 as a special case.
The eligible Gram Panchayats shall be selected for the allotment of grant for
Smart Village by considering guidelines mentioned in para 4.1 and the plan
submitted to State Level Committee by Gram Panchayats.

3. Allotment of Grant:-
The grant shall be allocated through District Panchayat to the Gram
Panchayats eligible for the grant of Smart Village. Maximum grant allotment
shall be based on population and area as follows.
Population Area (Hector) Maximum admissible
grant (Rs. in Lakh)
(A) Villages having more More than 3000 100.00
than 10,000 population
1000 to less than 3000 90.00
Less than 1000 80.00
(B) 5000 to 10,000 More than 3000 75.00
1000 to less than 3000 67.50
Less than 1000 60.00
(C) Less than 5000 More than 3000 50.00
1000 to less than 3000 45.00
Less than 1000 40.00

- 50% amount of the total grant shall be allocated in the first installment and
rest of the amount shall be allocated after the expenditure of 50% of the
grant by the concerned Gram Panchayat.
- This grant shall be used for sanctioned works and programmes of the plan
3.1 Planning Procedure:-
The Gram Panchayats with twice the number of their proposals as per Para
3.1 of the resolution from taluka, shall submit their plan to make their villages
smart before the District Level Experts Committee with a vision to achieve
decided targets and expectations. The District Level Committee shall make
arrangement of students of technical colleges for technical and administrative
support and co-operation of voluntary organizations of the district and help and
guide the Gram Panchayats for making plans. The Experts Committee shall make
comprehensive evaluation of the plans submitted by Gram Panchayats
considering following points.

3.2 The plan submitted by Gram Panchayats

(1) Is it in accordance with Smart Village objectives?
(2) Does it suggest compulsory targets to be achieved by Gram
Panchayat and scheme and measures to achieve the vision?
(3) Is it proper to achieve the vision and fulfil certain objectives?
(4) Has it been made inclusive by covering all the sectors?
(5) Does it suggest increase in citizen services and facilities?

3.3 Prize of Rs.10000 shall be given to the team in each district which made
the best and balanced plans out of Smart Village plans submitted by Gram
Panchayats every year.

4. Selection Committees for Smart Village

Following Committees shall be formed at state level and district level for the
selection of Gram Panchayats.

4.1 District Level Selection Committee (Expert Committee)

District Development Officer shall form a District Level Selection Committee
consisting of following members. State Government can make

recommendations for the appointment of members of expert committee for
each district.
1. Vice-Chancellor/ Pro-Vice Chancellor/ Professor equivalent to Dean of the
college of the University of the Concerned District.
2. A representative of reputed organization
3. Expert – Planning
4. Expert – Rural Development
5. Deputy District Development Officer – Co-ordination

5.1.1 Functions and duties of District Level Selection Committee

1. To receive Taluka wise proposals of villages.
2. To verify the proposals received from Taluka.
3. To provide guidance to prepare proposals in accordance with the objectives
and vision of the Scheme.
4. To select the village by considering prescribed criteria and direction
received from state level from time to time.

5.2 State Level Selection Committee

1. Honorable Chief Minister
2. Honorable Chief Secretary
3. Additional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary, Panchayat, Rural Housing
and Rural Development Department
4. Additional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary, Rural Development
5. Principal Secretary(Finance), Finance Department
6. Development Commissioner – Member Secretary – Co-ordination of all
the functions of the Committee.

5.2.1 Rights and duties of State Level Selection Committee

1. To decide guiding principles and provide necessary guidance for the
implementation of this scheme.
2. To select villages district wise.
3. To make inclusive and all-round evaluation of the scheme.
4. To declare smart villages in the scheme.
5. To sanction capacity building programmes for the scheme.

6. To co-ordinate with Departments/ Ministries of Government of Gujarat or
Government of India as and when required to dispose the issues/ matters.

5.3 State Level Implementation Committee

1. Honorable Minister of Panchayat/ Honorable Minister of State (Panchayat)
2. Principal Secretary, Panchayat, Rural Housing and Rural Development
3. Additional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary, Rural Development
4. Principal Secretary/ Secretary (Expenditure) – Finance Department
5. Development Commissioner – Member Secretary – Co-ordination of all
the functions of the Committee.

5.3.1 Rights and duties of State Level Implementation Committee

1. To provide necessary guidance for the implementation of the scheme.
2. To receive proposals from districts for Smart Village.
3. To receive planning of the villages from the districts.
4. To prepare capacity building programmes for the scheme.
5. To co-ordinate with Departments/ Ministries of Government of Gujarat or
Government of India as and when required to dispose the issues/ matters.
6. To sanction - the modifications in the plan/ new works proposed by Gram
Panchayats through District Development Officer/ innovative works which
can better achieve objectives of the scheme.

5.4 State Level Expert Committee

State Government shall appoint Expert Committee consisting of experts of
rural development works to help State Level Selection Committee in
verifying, evaluating and selecting the proposals received from the district
and to co-ordinate with any expert organization of the State.

5.4.1 Rights and duties of State Level Expert Committee

1. To verify the proposals of the villages district wise and submit before State
Level Selection Committee.
2. To provide guidance for the planning of Smart Village.
3. To make recommendations to make the scheme extensive and effective and
to suggest innovative works/ ideas to achieve objectives of the scheme.

5.4.2 Development Commissioner shall receive district wise Smart Village
proposals within timelimit to form State Level Expert Committee or to
decide competent organization of this field, to prepare and implement
programmes for capacity building and publicity.

6. Mandatory targets for Smart Village

Following mandatory targets are necessary to achieve before declaring any
Gram Panchayat a Smart Village. State Government can make changes in the
mandatory targets from time to time by considering certain programmes or
(1) 100% vaccination
(2) 0% drop out ratio
(3) Open defecation free village
(4) 90% tax collection
(5) Compulsory door to door solid waste disposal
(6) Distribution of ATVT services at E-Gram Center
(7) ‘A’ grade primary school
(8) 100% individual toilet
(9) Remove encroachments on public roads
(10) Malnutrition - No child should be in ‘RED Zone’
(11) Mandatory organizing four Gram Sabha in a year with 50% presence
(12) 100% implementation of direct deposit of Government assistance into
beneficiary’s account. (D.B.T.)
(13) 100% enrollment of children in Anganwadi.
(14) To update revenue/ Gram Panchayat records.
(15) Road side plantation in the village.
(16) 100% Wi-Fi village.

7. Vision
Gram Panchayat is required to have a vision to make the village a Smart
Village. Therefore, besides infrastructural development, a Gram Panchayat must
have a target to make the village-life self-sufficient, socially harmonious and
healthy. Gram Panchayat must work with a vision to provide equal opportunities
to the youth, women, farmers, artisans, backward and deprived people. The
guidelines to achieve such objectives through various programmes and works are
as follows.

7.1 Social Development
Violence and crime free village:
To create an atmosphere and arrange awareness programmes so that village
people can live fearless and harmonious life and the village becomes crime free.
100% literate village:
A village where everyone including adults are literate, every child is
enrolled in the school, the drop-out ratio is 0%, there is awareness for girls’
education and 100% girls get education at least up to 8th standard.
Malnutrition free village:
A village where there is proper arrangement to provide nutritious food to
every child, a proper arrangement for providing nutrition to the foster mother and
pregnant woman, particularly planning for specially girls to ensure that they do
not suffer from anemia and necessary arrangement it made to get implemented
the criteria of State Government.
Child-marriage free village:
Child-marriage is a shame to the society. A village which has prevented
child-marriage in all the castes by creating social awareness for the same.
Pollution free village:
Pollution is the biggest challenge for this century. A village which has
implemented following programmes to make the village pollution free.
- Open defecation free village
- 100% individual toilets
- Plantation is made and trees are reared, road side plantation in the village
- Clean river/ pond. No chemicals of factories of affluent water is released
in river/ pond etc.
- Prevention of disposal of crop waste or grass by incineration

7.2 Human Development

100% coverage of widow, disabled and senior citizens for assistance
Widows, disabled and senior citizens are covered for Government
100% girls’ education up to standard 8
Compulsory education for 100% girls up to standard 8 is achieved by
creating awareness for girls’ education.

Reduction in child mortality rate
Everyone has been covered under various schemes of Health Department
to reduce child mortality rate and the Gram Panchayat is constantly making
efforts for it.
Qualitative education
Infrastructure not only for education but for qualitative education and class
‘A’ school as per criteria of State Government for quality education.
7.3 Economic Sector
Awareness toward organic farming/ vermicompost method.
Agriculture and cattle breeding are the basis of village’s prosperity. There
is Organic farming and wormy compost method are promoted by creating
awareness among farmers.
Awareness towards modern farming and drip irrigation
There must be awareness towards modern farming and drip irrigation.
Soil Health Card for farmers
100% farmers having Soil Health Card and improving their agriculture
method in accordance to it.
Development of dairy industry
There must be a milk produce society in the village.
Haat Bazaar
There must be marketing arrangement for providing agriculture produce at
economical rate and arrangement of traditional Haat Bazaar in tribal area.
Opportunities of employment
There must be Sakhimandal, S.H.G. created and activated for self-
employment generation in the village.
Gram Panchayat must have actively implemented employment oriented
scheme like MNREGA.

7.4 Community facilities

The Gram Panchayat must have Five Year Planning for primary
community facilities like water, road, school, health, electricity etc. Various
schemes of State and Central Government should have been included in it.
Availability of pure drinking water to each household
There must be water pipe line facility to each house and community facility
of drinking water.

Door-to-door solid waste disposal in each area of the village
There must be door-to-door solid waste disposal system in the village.
Pasture and public garden development
There must be facilities of Gauchar and garden like Panchvati in the
There must be separate arrangement of drinking water for the cattle.

8 Implementation
After allotment of grant as per the prescribed criteria, the Gram Panchayat
shall submit works and programmes for fulfilling the aim of Smart Village to the
District Level Implementation and Monitoring Committee through Taluka
Development Officer and after receiving in principle/administrative approval, the
Gram Panchayat shall undertake works and programmes as per the rules.

8.1 District Level Implementation and Monitoring Committee

(1) District Development Officer - Chairman
(2) Deputy District Development Officer - Member Secretary
(3) Executive Engineer (Panchayat, Road and Building)- Member
(4) Chief District Health Officer - Member
(5) District Primary Education Officer - Member
(6) Programme Officer - Member

8.2 Duties and responsibilities of District Level Implementation Committee

(1) To publicize and propagate the scheme in the district.
(2) To encourage Gram Panchayats for taking part in the competition.
(3) To give in principle/administrative approval to works under Smart Village.
(4) To review the physical and financial achievements of the works every
(5) To co-ordinate with schemes of other Departments in the village.
(6) To guide the Gram Panchayat and help it achieve the goals of Smart
(7) To submit progress report periodically to state level.
(8) To prepare smart village wise annual report and submit at the state level.

8.3 Works and Programmes
The implementation may be done by taking up works meant to be done from
grant of self-funds of Central Government/ State Government or District
Panchayat/ Taluka Panchayat. Further, the works as per the guidelines of works
mentioned in Annexure-3 may be undertaken from the grant received by Gram
Panchayat for Smart Village. Gram Panchayat may achieve the vision to make
the village a Smart Village by undertaking programmes mentioned in Annexure-
4 within three years.
The works have to be undertaken as per the plan approved by the Gram
Panchayat. Prior approval of the District Implementation Committee is required
to make changes in the plan and to undertake the works which are not included
in Annexure-3 and Annexure-4 of the plan.

8.4 Evaluation
District Implementation Committee shall do smart village wise annual
evaluation. The grant for the second and third year shall be allotted based on the
performance of the Gram Panchayat.
8.4.1 Comprehensive evaluation of each village expected to become smart
village shall be done after three years. Evaluation can be done by any
organization, agency or third party. Development Commissioner shall decide
evaluating organization.

9 Co-operation of private organization for implementation

Any village can seek co-operation of any organization or company for
technical assistance/ implementation related assistance or financial assistance
with prior approval of State Government to achieve smart village goals and to
fulfil the vision. State Government can select any technical institute, company,
PSU or society as a partner to achieve smart village goals and fulfil the vision.
For Example: If any village wants co-operation of any technical institute to make
the village a Wi-Fi village, it can be done with prior approval of State

10 Formation of Smart Village Society

10.1 Smart Village Society may be formed at state level for the implementation
and review of Smart Village.

10.2 If required, Smart Village Society can appoint skilled manpower for
administration and management at the initial stage of implementation or
deploy services like vehicles etc. by outsourcing procedure by considering
prevalent rules and regulations of State Government. Smart Village Society
can also appoint expert person, organization or consulting agency of this
field by outsourcing.
10.3 Expenditure up to 1(one) percent of total provision for the work mentioned
in para 9.2 of the resolution can be done.

11 Review of the scheme

11.1 Annual report of the progress of Smart Village may be submitted to District
Committee. State Government shall allot the grant by reviewing work progress
and financial expenditure report of District Committee.
11.2 State Government shall review through District Committee or any third party
agency whether (1) Smart Village goals have been achieved (2) works has been
done according to the plan made by the village and (3) how far the sector wise
vision has been fulfilled after three years. State Government shall take decision
about the declaration of smart village after reviewing this final report.

State Government has the right to change explanations, selection criteria
and procedure, stages of implementation, allotment of grant and programmes ,
appointment, duties and goals of members of committees, etc. mentioned in
Smart Village Scheme Guidelines from time to time. In case of any dispute
regarding interpretation of any point contained in this guidelines, State
Government’s clarification shall be considered as final.

Annexure – 1

Application Form (Appendix – A)

Sr. No. Details Information
1 Name of Gram Panchayat
2 Name of Taluka
3 Name of District
4 Detail of village if it belongs to backward
5 Total population (As per 2011 census)
Scheduled Castes
Scheduled Tribes
6 Total number of households
7 Literacy rate
8 Total number of primary schools
9 Total number of Anganwadi
10 Primary Health Center
11 Total member of Gram Panchayat (Including
12 Name of Sarpanch
13 Name of chairman of Social Justice Committee

Sign of Sarpanch Sign of Talati cum Mantri

Round seal of Gram Panchayat

Appendix – B

Gram Panchayat may submit details with supporting documents by considering

following criteria to take part in to competition.
1. Education
Sr.No. Details Information
1 School enrollment rate
Enrollment rate of previous year
Enrollment rate of current year
2 Drop out ratio
Drop out ratio of previous year
Drop out ratio of current year
3 Education quality improvement number (A,B,C,D)

2. Health
Sr. No. Details Information
1 Percentage of birth registration
2 Percentage of death registration
3 Percentage of vaccination
(children of 11 to 23 months)
4 Percentage of infant mortality rate
5 Percentage of mother mortality rate
6 Percentage of organizational maternity
7 Male – Female ratio ()
975 or more females per 1000 males
925 to 950 females per 1000 males
Less than 925 females per 1000 males

3. Sanitation
Sr. No. Details Information
1 Work of 100% individual toilets
Total households
Number of households having individual toilet
2 Arrangement of pure drinking water (write two sentences)
3 Sanitation in public places (write two sentences about current
4 Door to door solid waste disposal system

Total households
Total households covered
5 Any incident of epidemic during competition? (Yes or

4. Panchayat
Sr. Details Information
1 Panchayat tax
Collection of previous year
Collection of current year
2 Has area based assessment been implemented? (Yes or
3 Percentage of presence in last Gram Sabha
4 Percentage of presence of females in last Gram Sabha
5 Facilities through E-Gram

6 Total number of Gram Panchayat meetings held in last


5. Special Achievement
Sr. No. Details Information
1 Please () Awards received
Nirmal Gram Puraskar
Paavan Gaam
Tirth Gaam
100% Bank accounts
Gaurav Gram Sabha Award
Best Gram Panchayat Award
Other awards
Other details:

6. Details of following Government schemes
Sr. No. Name of the scheme Information
1 Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Vima Yojana
2 Pradhan Mantri Jivanjyot Vima Yojana
3 Atal Pension Yojana
4 Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

Sign of Sarpanch Sign of Talati cum Mantri

Format of Resolution (Appendix – A)

Resolution no.-
The details of application form of Gram Panchayat for taking part in smart
village competition for the year …………… under Smart Village Scheme are taken into
consideration. After due consideration, it is resolved to send the proposal to Taluka
Development Officer as the application fulfills all the criteria and to obtain guarantee
that the Gram Panchayat has agreed to make financial and other arrangements and to
maintain works and assets from the grant if the village is selected for smart village.

Annexure – 2:- Measures of Smart Village selection
Sr. No. Field Details Marks
1 Education 1. Improvement in school enrollment 3 10
2. Literacy rate of the village 2
3. Literacy rate of the women 2
4. Education quality improvement number 3
2 Health 1. Birth registration, if 100% 1 15
2. Death registration, if 100% 1
3. Institutional delivery 5
4. Women – men ratio 3
3 Sanitation 1. Works of 100% individual toilets 5 15
2. Arrangement of pure drinking water 1
3. Sanitation of public place 2
4. Door to door solid waste disposal 5
5. No incident of epidemic during 2
4 Panchayat 1. If Panchayat collected additional tax other 8 20
than current tax and if the collection is
more than 75%
2. Has Gram Panchayat implemented area 3
based assessment?
3. Percentage of presence in Gram Sabha and 5
partnership of the women.
4. Facilities like ROR, electricity bill 5
collection etc. through E-Gram
5. Regular meeting of Gram Panchayat 4
5 Special 1. Samaras 3 20
Achieve 2. Nirmal Gram Puraskar 3
ments 3. Paavan Gaam/ Tirth Gaam 2
4. 100% Bank accounts 2
5. Gaurav Gram Sabha Award 3
6. Best Gram Panchayat Award 3
7. Other awards 2
8. Other details: 2
6 Central Government Schemes 5
7 Marks of Committee 15
Annexure – 3:- Directive list of works
(1) Water

1. Community scheme to provide drinking water
2. Water pipe line facility in every house
3. Works to provide drinking water to the cattle
4. Construction of ponds, deepening of ponds, beautification of ponds
5. Works of water harvesting
6. Works of water hand pump

(2) Sanitation
1. Works of solid waste management (equipment for disposal of waste, create
dumping site, works for classification of solid/ liquid waste)
2. Works of storm water drainage
3. Community toilets
4. Gutter works
5. Equipment for door to door collection scheme

(3) Roads
1. Internal roads
2. Approach roads
3. Footpath on main road of village
4. Road side plantation

(4) Education
1. Basic facility of primary education
2. Rooms for primary school

(5) Health
1. Facilities in primary health / sub center of the village
2. Health diagnosis camp

(6) Child development

1. Aanganwadi
2. Equipment/ facilities for Aanganwadi

(7) Panchayat
1. Increase in E-Gram facility
2. Wi-Fi related facilities
3. Electrification (L.E.D.)
4. Maintenance of community assets

5. Community facility to be established for works and duties of Gram Panchayat
specified in section-1 of Gram Panchayat Act
6. Solar facility at community center/ Panchayat (except street light)
7. Playgrounds
8. Library
9. Haat Bazaar
10. Cultural center
11. Gardens

Annexure – 4:- Directive list of programmes

(1) Door to door publicity with the help of volunteers/ voluntary organizations.
(2) Wall-writing, information boards at concerned places.
(3) Street games
(4) Film show
(5) Programmes for de-addiction
(6) Arrangement of health related trainings.
(7) Arrangement of diagnosis camps with the help of health and related
professionals/ organizations.
(8) Education of prohibition/ immunization/ health through street play/ puppetry
(9) Adult literacy classes
(10) Expansion of e-literacy and programmes/ trainings for understanding
(11) Arrangement of workshop with identified famous persons/ organizations in the
field of art, literature and social reformation.
(12) Celebration of village day
(13) Celebration of traditional folk-art festivals
(14) Activity of giving honor to adults of the village, local role-model, families of
martyrs of freedom fighters.
(15) Publicity for modern agriculture
(16) Public awareness programmes
(17) Celebration of national festivals like Independence Day/ Republic Day/ 2nd
(18) Arrangement of training camps with the help of Self-employment Training
(19) Encouragement to the programmes of women empowerment.
(20) Programmes for the partnership in formation of SHG or Sakhi Mandal.

Annexure – 5:- Mandatory Targets for the Eligibility to Submit

Direct Plan in Stage-2

(1) Open defecation free village

(2) 90% collection of taxes
(3) 100% individual toilets
(4) Remove encroachments on public roads
(5) 100% birth-death registration
(6) Four times compulsory arrangement of Gram Sabha with 50% presence
(7) 100% bank accounts
(8) 100% enrollments of children in Aanganwadi

Annexure – 6:- District wise Smart Village Plans

Sr. District Villages to Proposals to be prepared at district Proposals to
No. be selected level be sent by
at state Number of Number of backward district to
level Taluka Taluka state level
1 Ahmedabad 9 9 0 18
2 Amreli 11 11 0 22
3 Anand 8 8 0 16
4 Banaskantha 22 14 8 44
5 Bhavnagar 11 10 1 22
6 Botad 5 4 1 10
7 Bharuch 10 9 1 20
8 Dahod 15 8 7 30
9 Dang 6 3 3 12
10 Gandhinagar 4 4 0 8
11 Jamnagar 6 6 0 12
12 Devbhoomi Dwarka 5 4 1 10
13 Junagadh 9 9 0 18
14 Gir Somnath 6 6 0 12
15 Kheda 10 10 0 20
16 Kutch 12 10 2 24
17 Mehsana 10 10 0 20
18 Narmada 7 5 2 14
19 Navsari 6 6 0 12
20 Panchmahal 11 7 4 22
21 Mahisagar 9 6 3 18
22 Porbandar 3 3 0 6
23 Patan 12 9 3 24
24 Rajkot 11 11 0 22
25 Morbi 5 5 0 10
26 Surendranagar 13 10 3 26
27 Sabarkantha 8 8 0 16
28 Arvalli 6 6 0 12
29 Surat 10 9 1 20
30 Vadodara 8 8 0 16
31 Chhota Udepur 10 6 4 20
32 Valsad 7 6 1 14
33 Tapi 11 7 4 22
Total 296 247 49 592


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