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SHGS Code of Conduct - English

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NOTE:This is a collection from many SHGs and is used as a guideline for making rules and
regulation for self help groups to follow.
* Name & Address of the SHG: _______________________________


To develop all round sustainable development of the members families, village and


1.To create appropriate awareness among the members for their all round
development in the society.

2.To promote co-operation and self help attitude good habit among the members and
voluntary collective working.

3.To promote savings attitude & habit among the members for their good future and
to encourage the members to commit themselves to a regular savings system

4.To meet the credit needs o f the members in time for consumption, income
generation, asset creation and other appropriate purposes.

5.To help members in acquiring and use of appropriate technical knowledge and
managerial skills in relation to their occupations in order to increase the

5.To provide appropriate skill training for the members on need base and to help
members for subsidiary income generation occupations.

6.To raise funds for the Group from appropriate sources and well through group
income generation activities.

7.To mobilize financial assistance, programmes & other resources from banks, Govt.,
Voluntary Organizations & other sources and to take up various activities for the
welfare of member families and the village.

8.To create awareness & work for human health development.

9.To improve the basic facilities for the village viz. drinking water, sanitation etc.,

10.To promote sericulture forestry and encourage other environment improvement


11.To encourage and help families for possession of alternate energy sources such as
Bio-gas, solar system etc., and also to help families to construct fuel efficient

12.To run night class for literacy, numeracy and to improve the knowledge for all
round development of people.

13.To mobilize and make available Animal Husbandry and Veterinary services in the

14.To give special emphasis for women and child development.

15.To arrange for the availability of improved agricultural equipments, implements

etc. for the villagers and to run a service center for the benefit of the members.

16.To give special attention for population control.

17.To held sort out the disputes among the members or villagers

18.To promote and encourage cultural, sports and other appropriate activities.


(a) Members Admission Related:
1. Only one responsible person from a poor family aged around in
60 years can become member in the group by paying the membership
fee. Rs……. Or what ever fixed by the Group in consensus.
2. The members have to pay the membership fee only in their life at the
time of enrolment to the Group and the amount is not returnable under
any circumstances as well it will not be transferable to any of the legal

3. Persons who are involved in any party politics activities or involved in
any type of anti-social activities or the willful defaulters to any credit
institutions or total dependents are not eligible for membership in the
4. The size of the Group shall be around 15 to 20 members.

(b) Group Meeting Related:

1. The group meetings should be held once a week regularly on a
Convenient day, place and time as decided by the Group.
2. The members should attend all the meetings in time without fail.
3. The member who unable to attend the meeting for genuine reasons the
same has to be intimated to the Group in person or through a
messenger in advance or at least informed at the same meeting. If fails
the member is liable to pay fine for the absence as decided by the group.
4. The latecomers for the meeting and those who walk out in the middle
without intimating the chairperson are liable to pay fine as decided by
the Group.
5. If a member was absent for three consecutive meetings without genuine
reasons such person’s membership shall be suspended or cancelled with
or without notice.
6. Unrelated issues/points should not be brought for discussion in the
Group meetings.
7. The members should not use vulgar words or physical force against any
member during the meeting and the violators or miss behaviors have to
pay fine as decided by the Group or their membership shall be
8. The members should not sleep or stay separate from the Group during
the meeting.
9. All members should have to sign in the minute’s book at the end of the
meeting after the recorded proceedings of each meeting are readout and

1. All the members should participate in the discussions and decision
making process orally and mentally in the Group meetings.
2. Equal opportunity and encouragement should be given to all the members for
their full participation in the meeting and in all the activities of the Group.
3. All the members should attend the related trainings/workshops/
seminars/exposures etc., within and outside the village without fail. The
violators are liable to pay fine except for the genuine reasons.
4. The members should co-operate and participate in all the developmental
activities related to the member’s families, village, the Group environment etc.
Appropriate actions against non-co-operators/non participators shall be taken
by the Group.
5. The members should participate in researching/learning dissemination and
adoption of appropriate technologies for development.
6. The illiterate members should show interest and put efforts to become
literates. The Group shall run a learning center at the convenient time for this
7. All the members should involve in regular savings and credit management
activities with a special focus.
8. All the members should work with concern towards creating/building socio -
economical safety society and stress on population control.


1. All the members should promote and protect the co -operation and unity in the
2. The members should create equal opportunities and give encourage-ment to
all the members in the Group.
3. The members should mobilize, use and manage the needy resources
4. It is the responsibility of all the members to take necessary collective action
against the willful defaulters and recover the loan amount.

5. The members should take responsibility carefully for their alround
development and should also take leadership responsibility in the Group with
service motive.
6. All the members should involve in planning, implementing, monitoring and
evaluate the development programmes of the family, village and environment
time to time and to give attention for the results of evaluations with proper
7. The members should promote and protect the unity and integrity of he group
and the village.

1. An executive Committee consisting of three representatives selected
unanimously in the Group should take overall responsibility of the smooth
functioning of the Group.
2. The period of the executive committee shall be six months or one year as
Group decides and the new committee should be selected three months in
advance and trained to take over the position of their responsibilities.
3. The above three positions of the representatives shall be called as
(1)………………………… (2)………………………………..
(3)………………………………… Two out of the above three shall jointly operate
the Group’s Bank Account. This committee is responsible for the Group’s cash
at hand, cash at Bank or Post office.
4. The executive committee members should ensure remitting the cash at hand
immediately to the Group’s Bank Account. The cash at hand should not be
kept more than two days, if kept, the concern member should pay fine plus
interest as decides by the Group.
5. The executive committee members should ensure, p roper maintenance of
books of Accounts of the Group on day -to-day basis regularly up to date. They
are also responsible for getting the Accounts inspected once a month and
audited once in six months and to submit the accounts Statements and reports
to the group meeting for appraisal.
6. The executive committee should facilitate the programme planning, timely
implementation, monitoring, evaluation and actions.

7. The executive committee should facilitate the regular Group meetings and
smooth functioning of the Group.
8. The executive committee members should have good contacts with the Govt.
Departments, credit institutions, voluntary organizations and other related
institutions and to mobilize resources for the improvement of Group and
9. The executive committee members can execute any agreement /deeds/contract
on behalf of the Group with prior discussions and resolutions in the Group
each time for each subject.


1. Each and every member should save alteast Rs. …….. per week or Rs….. per
month in the Group which should be maintained in each individual members
2. Savings amount may be withdrawn by the members only at critical
circumstances with prior approval of the Group. However the members should
maintain a minimum balance of Rs. 1000/- in their savings account.
3. No interest will be paid for the members savings with the group But 12%
interest shall be paid for the amount kept in the Group as fixed deposit for a
minimum period of six months.
4. The members should save from the family income earned only, but not the
borrowed money for interest.
5. The members will not be encouraged to adjust their savings amount against
their loan due to the Group. Only at extreme circumstances the Group shall
consider to adjust.


1. The credit can be given to the needy members of the Group for the purposes
such as consumption, income generation asset creation, clearing the old
burden loans, socio -religious and any other appropriate purposes.
2. The credit shall be given to the needy members of the group only after a
careful study, through discussion and unanimous decision on the quantum of
credit, rate of interest and the repayment schedule for each loan.

3. The loaner should give a written agreement to the Group for the loan account
as per the official procedures in the presence of the witness to the Group at
the time of taking credit. The loaner should give a guarantor within the group
if necessary.
4. The loan amount should be utilized for the agreed purpose only. In case of any
change of purpose it should be approved by the Group in advance. The
violators are liable to pay fine/penal rate of service charge.
5. The loaner should repay the credit/loan amount with service charge as per the
repayment schedule agreed upon, if failed such member is liable to pay fine or
penal rate of service charge @ Rs. 12% annum in addition to the normal rate of
service charge form the date of overdue or as decides by the Group.
6. The members those who are irregular for the SHG meetings or irregular in
savings are not eligible for credit/loan from the Group.
7. All the members shall have equal opportunity for loan from the Group on
eligibility/priority basis.
8. The funds of the Group should be revolved to the optimum extent for the
benefit of all the members.
9. The Group can avail loan from the Bank and other credit institutions, NGO’s,
other Groups and any other available sources for its activities and the same
has to repay in time as per the terms and conditions agreed upon.
10. As well the Group can receive donations, grants, subsidy, and charity from
Government NGO’s other Organizations, individuals and any other available
proper sources for the betterment of the group members’ family, village and

1. The members of the Group should maintain good discipline.
2. The members should bring along with them the members passbook for all the
meetings of the Group.
3. All the members should abide by the rules and regulations existing and that
may be formed from time to time.
4. All the members should refrain from all the bad habits.

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