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Yds Cikmis Sorular 2016

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7.) “Kranking” is a new form of exercise you do

1.) Since she has been going to college to
on a recently developed bike ----.
complete her teacher training, ----.
A) whenever a person is able to find free time
A) she has a great deal of time to travel
B) that was invented some six decades ago
B) she will work as a fashion model in the future
C) while it is especially suited for the human body
C) she hasn’t had the luxury of reading many novels
D) since it has been popular for a long time
D) she can’t become a teacher unless she pays an
E) that has heavy weights to develop muscles
additional fee
E) she has become a teacher 8.) My brother was very surprised ----.
A) when he got a message from a long-lost friend
2.) ---- that they can probably hear rats getting
B) unless he met an old friend one day
ready to surface from below ground.
C) where an old friend turned up suddenly
A) The cleverness of wolves guarantees
D) if an old friend turns up
B) Wolves possess such keen eyesight
E) how old he himself was
C) The noses of wolves are so sensitive
D) Wolves are such annoying animals 9.) After the Space Age began, engineers worked
E) Wolves’ hearing is so sharp hard to figure out ----.
A) until they sent a spaceship to the Moon
3.) Though she is in good health at 85 due to her
B) how to send people to the Moon
diet and daily exercising, ----.
C) when the Space Age came to an end
A) her diet is balanced and her exercises are
D) even if it was difficult to understand
E) unless there could be life in space outside our
B) she believes other elderly people in her
neighborhood are in much better shape than she is
C) her doctor says, “You will live to 100” 10.) Rabies is a deadly disease ----.
D) she doesn’t need to watch what she eats and
A) unless dogs don’t carry it into people’s homes
B) if it is made available at many medical centers
E) she does not often have to visit doctors for
C) after the birth of a child has been recorded
chronic medical conditions
D) that can be transmitted from animals to people
E) since all illnesses need to be treated quickly
4.) Despite the superstition among seamen that
killing an albatross brings bad luck, ---
11.) Because Thailand and Indonesia are
A) the superstition was reflected in a poem by geographically close to each other in East Asia,
Samuel Taylor Coleridge ----.
B) seamen once looked at albatrosses with
A) they can easily trade with each other
considerable fear
B) they are different from each other in many ways
C) these birds are often hunted by them for their
C) their economies showed a fast growth in the
D) the birds are believed to bring good luck to
D) they are both developing a hard-working and
friendly sailors
well-educated workforce
E) such superstitions are no longer believed by
E) the World Bank predicted that they would be
included in the world’s top ten economies by 2015.
5.) ---- that their food choices do not cause
12.) As she looked down into the garden from
animal suffering or widespread environmental
the balcony, ----.
A) birds rarely sing at night
A) Vegetarians proudly claim
B) the sound of passing traffic would have disturbed
B) Vegetarians have often been warned
C) Vegetarians flatly refuse to admit
C) a dog suddenly ran out from among the bushes
D) Vegetarians are disappointed
D) the grass should have been cut a week ago
E) Vegetarians are embarrassed
E) it rained heavily all that night
6.) She and I had a nice, relaxed conversation ----
13.) ---- that does the rabies injection.
A) by the time I finally arrived for our meeting
A) In Ankara, there is only one hospital
B) as I told her to wake up
B) Several new hospitals will soon be opened
C) since it focused on forbidden subjects
C) At that time, there were at least three hospitals in
D) which largely centred on our children
E) so we were both nervous towards the end of it
D) The government has approved the new hospital
E) At the hospital, the number of patients has
increased lately
14.) ---- since she was in a hurry to get back. 21.) Just because global warming has come to
A) She recognized the bookshop at once dominate conversations about the environment,-
B) The hotel was fairly near to the center of town ------
C) She returned to the hotel by taxi A) it does not mean that industrial pollution has
D) Suddenly the car came to a stop disappeared
E) It was already beginning to get dark B) Japan has passed a law that will reduce
industrial pollution
15.) This is my favourite magazine, ----. C) the US has decided not to introduce
A) so I buy a copy nearly every month technological changes
B) even though it may help me in many areas D) global pollution problems are becoming more
C) since I cannot really tell why serious
D) so that it is getting very expensive E) developing nations such as Turkey have been
E) which often makes me decide not to buy it negatively affected
22.) Although people complain about paying a
16.) Music in Paris nightclubs tends to follow the high fee for paid TV channels, -—.
trends set in the US and Britain, ----. A) they are supposed to cancel their membership
A) if they also host African, Brazilian and other B) the fee is onsiderably higher than in the
groups previous year
B) since big jazz festivals are held right through the C) most viewers still preferred to watch football
year D) no one thinks of those who cannot afford it
C) whether opera and classical music are also E) they accept it as they have no other choice
D) just as there are numerous first-class clubs in the 23.) Malaria is spread by mosquitoes in tropical
city areas---.
E) but home-grown groups playing French pop are A) if you take anti-mosquito precautions and
also popular medication to keep safe
B) as long as people can find a cure for it
17.) Trees living in a downtown setting, ----, live, C) but it cannot be transmitted directly from person
on average, for only seven years. to person
A) whether all parts of a plant can be damaged by D) since it is the world's second biggest killer after
air pollution tuberculosis
B) where air pollution is highest E) even though malaria is potentially a deadly
C) even if the leaves of a plant are most affected disease
D) in case it can cause plants to die
E) though one of the important factors is lack of 24.) -—, the disagreement will continue.
water A) While the primary concern is transparency
through a secret ballot
18.) The availability of a wide variety of tasty B) If the United Nations have agreed on the
food could produce widespread obesity, ----. structure of the Assembly
A) although eating disorders of many different kinds C) Until the nomination process was cancelled by
are on the increase the majority
B) as long as a stable weight is maintained D) When the candidates for the position have been
C) which is exactly the situation that exists in many Declared
industrialized countries today E) Unless African countries take a pragmatic
D) since starvation exists in many parts of the world approach
E) unless families had agreed to eat at home
25.) The worst effects of climate change are
19.) If the brain were simpler, -—. almost certainly going to be on food production
A) we have lots of data observed from identical in the poor countries____.
twins A) through which the majority has been suffering
B) the scientists can produce simulations of it from agricultural pollution
C) we wouldn't be smart enough to understand how B) in which case the effects of climate change will
it works be minimal
D) our brains surely had a way of interfering with our C) so that people in the developed world could take
minds the problem seriously
E) some of us could cure genetically-determined D) where more than half of the population depends
illnesses on growing its own food
E) which would have been an overwhelming
20.) Once we have acknowledged the painful tragedy, worse than all floods and earthquakes
memories of the past, -—.
A) trying to remember the distant past can be
B) we can begin to come to terms with them
C) you can start by trying to remember them
D) remind yourself of the choices you have made
E) remembering them makes you feel hopeless

1. C
2. E
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. D
7. E
8. A
9. B
10. D
11. A
12. C
13. A
14. C
15. A
16. E
17. B
18. C
19. C
20. B
21. A
22. E
23. C
24. E
25. D

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