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1.-21. Sorularda, Cümlede Boş Bırakılan Yere Uygun

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1.-21. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere uygun 7.

No model is ever perfect, and scientists are ----

düşen kelime yada ifadeyi bulunuz. trying to refine their models.

1. The suggestions put forward by the research team A) uniformly B) formerly C) mentally
were immediately ---- by management and will
shortly go into effect. D) constantly E) equally

A) made out B) taken up C) ruled out

D) put off E) turned back

8. ---- what extent does this article deal ---- the
problem of water pollution?

2. Various treaties and conferences have ---- the A) To / with B) On / to C) With / about

prohibition of chemical warfare.
D) For / in E) At / by
A) looked down B) put up with C) turned off

D) filled in E) dealt with

9. There is talk ---- sending a bacterium, genetically

engineered to digest atomic waste, ---- space
missions to Mars.
3. Over two million corn farmers in Mexico have been
---- business following the import of heavily A) about / over B) of / on C) for / with
subsidised corn from the US.
D) for / after E) over / from
A) put out of B) brought up to

C) made up for D) played down to

E) shown up to 10. The scientists endeavours ---- to produce power as

efficiently and cheaply as possible, ---- to apply it
A) even / just as B) so / unless
4. Quartz is one of the most abundant rock-forming C) not only / but also D) as much / as if
minerals and the most ---- to weathering.
E) most / that
A) resistant B) reliable C) convenient

D) reluctant E) indifferent

11. The world chemical industry developed very

rapidly from 1935 ---- particularly in the organic
5. When she referred in her paper to “bio- sector of the industry.
complexity”, many in the audience scratched their
A) onwards B) upwards C) afterwards
heads and ---- what that word meant.
A) expected B) suspected C) wondered D) outwards E) towards

D) improved E) rejected

12. ---- mechanical impact, certain impurities would

make such explosives unstable if they were stored
6. Pollution could one day endanger the world’s ---- in warm conditions.
of oxygen.
A) Involving B) Including C) In case
A) expectation B) supply C) extinction
D) Contrary to E) Even without
D) recovery E) decline


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
13. ---- simply transmitting voice, the Joint Tactical 19. The Erie Canal was the first of the US artificial
Radio System (JRTS) as the Pentagon refers to it, waterways built ---- the Great Lakes with the sea.
will also simultaneously carry video and data
transmissions. A) to be connected B) connecting

A) Rather than B) According to C) Due to C) to have connected D) to connect

D) In contrast to E) In spite of E) having connected

14. Communication is perhaps the most important of

the numerous tasks ---- engineers are responsible 20. If he had realised just how potentially dangerous
in time of war. his discovery was, he would surely have
suppressed it, ----?
A) that B) by which C) what
A) didn’t he B) wouldn’t he C) hadn’t he
D) for which E) for whom
D) wasn’t it E) wouldn’t it

15. What’s left of the world’s forest ---- at such a rate

that the remaining tropical rainforests ---- by the 21. The prohibition ---- exporting animals and plants
middle of the century. prevents workers ---- collecting any thing by any
A) has been logged / is destroyed means.
B) will be logged / would have been destroyed
C) is being logged / will have been destroyed A) over / over B) in / to C) of / by
D) was being logged / is being destroyed
D) from / through E) on / from
E) would be logged / were being destroyed

22.-31. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde

tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
16. The controversy ---- in 1924 by Edwin P. Hubble
who ---- that the great spiral nebula in Andromeda
contained Cepheid variables.
22. The management wishes to get the solid mounted
A) was being settled / has found
engine and handlebar into production ----.
B) has been settled / finds
A) whether electronic fuel injection had proved
C) had been settled / found
efficient or not
D) was settled / found
B) thought the new braking system was still on trial
E) would be settled / will find
C) since it contributes greatly to ease of handling
D) unless the balance shaft reduced primary
E) if it were mounted with sufficient rigidity
17. If space weather forecasters ---- timely warnings of
storms, telecommunications companies ---- to take
steps to protect their satellites.
A) could have provided / had been able 23. ----, the Earth’s crust is actually in a state of
continual flux.
B) could have provided / should be able
C) can be provided / should be able
A) If only they had been better prepared
D) can provide / will have been able
B) Whenever there are sudden changes in
E) could provide / would be able temperature
C) However unreliable the method has proved
D) When such an event is least expected
18. Even now at this late date, oceanographers ---- E) Though it may not appear to be so
seafloor mountains they ---- existed.
A) were finding / don’t know
B) have found / haven’t known
C) are finding / didn’t know
D) will find / wouldn’t know
E) will have found / hadn’t known


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
24. Unmanned planes are presently being developed 29. A chief defect of wire ropes is fatigue ----.
for missions ----.
A) that stress is set up by these vibrations
A) since they would be capable of exceedingly high- B) as if there has been a gradual development of
speed manoeuvres transverse cracks
C) which is induced by the vibrations set up in
B) if they can fly entire missions upside down hoisting or lowering loads
C) so that submarines can be used as aircraft D) even though the elastic limit of wire ropes
carriers declined with use
D) that are regarded as too dangerous for pilots to E) if the maximum load had been exceeded
be sent on
E) though the risk to civilians on the ground would
have been minimized 30. Since the bismar, which is the simplest weighing
instrument known, is not capable of accuracy ----.

A) spring balances have been more successful
25. ---- that it will cut emissions of greenhouse gasses B) a heavy load could be weighed at a short
by about million tones per year over the next five distance from the fulcrum
C) various technical improvements were soon
A) Scientist are engaged in research introduced
B) The Canadian government has announced
D) weighing continued to be a laborious operation
C) A group of scientist at the conference argued
D) The Council on Environmental Protection is afraid E) its use is illegal in England
E) The government had objected

31. Unless there is adequate foam to completely cover

26. Though Kenya had been self -sufficient until the the burning material ----.
1980s, ----. A) there is little hope of extinguishing the fire
A) the same problem faces small farmers in all parts B) the starvation principle hasn't been effective
of the world
C) an alternative method would be to demolish
B) the situation in developing countries is becoming
nearby buildings and create a fire stop
C) the economic interests of small farmers have D) it is smothering that works by limiting oxygen
been disregarded
E) there is no fear of further combustion
D) wheat prices there are dropping fast
E) it now imports 80 per cent of its food
32-36. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümlenin Đngilizce
dengini bulunuz.

27. ---- if heat energy is being passed on from one

32. Birkaç ay önce Yeni Zelandalı bilim adamları,
molecule to the next.
Antarktika ozon tabakasındaki deliğin, ilk kez,
A) They decided not to use aluminium Güney Şili'nin bir bölümünü kapladığını bildirdiler.
B) Silver and copper were the metals chosen A) New Zealand scientists noticed, only a few
C) The transmission of heat by convection proved months ago, that parts of southern Chile were
equally dangerous once more affected by the hole in the Antarctic
ozone layer.
D) Conduction caused the fire to spread with
alarming speed B) Scientists in New Zealand realised a few months
ago that a hole in the Antarctic ozone layer had,
E) We say heat is transmitted by conduction
for the first time, spread over parts of southern
C) A few months ago scientists from New Zealand
28. X - rays are generated ----. reported that the hole in the Antarctic ozone layer
had, for the first time, stretched over a part of
A) if the sun is a copious source of energy southern Chile.
B) when electrical charges are accelerated or D) According to scientists in New Zealand, the hole
decelerated in the Antarctic ozone layer had, only a few
C) after the target had been bombarded by electrons months previously, stretched over parts of
southern Chile.
D) until the circuit gave off practically pure direct
E) New Zealand scientists discovered only a few
E) because the radiation was being imitated at a months ago, that the hole in the Antarctic ozone
tangent layer was affecting large parts of southern Chile.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
33. Dünya, Güneş sisteminde diğerlerine oranla küçük 35. Galilei bilime yaklaşımı bakımından, çoğu kez,
bir gezegen olmasına rağmen, çok geniş demir "çağdaş bilimin babası" olarak adlandırılmıştır.
çekirdeği nedeniyle aşırı derecede ağırdır.
A) Galilei is known as the "father of modern science"
A) Although Earth is a comparatively small planet in in spite of his approach to science.
the solar system, it is extremely heavy due to its
large iron core. B) Galilei is often called the "father of modern
science" because of his approach to science.
B) Earth is one of the smaller planets in the solar
system but, as it has a large iron core it is C) The term, "father of modern science" is used for
extremely heavy. Galilei because of his great contributions to
C) Since Earth has a massive iron core, it is one of
the heaviest of the planets in the solar system but D) By his contributions to scientific method, Galilei

one of the smallest. has earned the title of "father of modern science".

D) It is the large iron core of Earth that accounts for E) The influence of Galilei on science earned him
its weight, for it is comparatively one of the the name of "father of modern science".
smaller planets of the solar system.
E) Even if Earth is a comparatively small planet in
the solar system, It' is extremely heavy on
account of its huge iron core.

36. Hidroelektrik güç çevreyi kirletmez, fakat bu gücün

34. Küresel ısınma hızlandıkça ve enerji üretimi mevcut olan suyla sınırlıdır.
gereksinimlerimiz artmaya devam ettikçe, bizim
daha temiz ve daha sürekli enerji kaynaklarına A) As there is not an adequate supply of water,
sahip olmamız gerekir. hydroelectric power cannot be produced even
though it does not pollute the environment.
A) Cleaner and more reliable sources of energy
must be found or global warming will accelerate, B) Hydroelectric power does not pollute the
and it will be impossible to meet energy demands. environment but it can only be produced when
plenty of water is available.
B) As the process of global warming speeds up and
demands for energy rise, we need to find cleaner C) Hydroelectric power does not pollute the
and more sustainable sources of energy, environment, but the production of this power is
limited by the availability of water.
C) If global warming continues and the demands for
energy increase, we shall be forced to seek D) Even though hydroelectric power does not pollute
cleaner and more sustainable sources of energy. the environment it cannot be produced as there is
not sufficient water available.
D) The demand for cleaner and more reliable
sources of energy will increase if global warming E) As there is only a limited amount of water
continues and energy requirement increase. available, hydroelectric power, which does not
pollute the environment, cannot be produced.
E) As global warming accelerates and our energy
demands continue to rise, we have to have
cleaner and more sustainable source of energy.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
37-41. sorularda, verilen Đngilizce cümlenin Türkçe 39. The geological investigations of B. Pallisy,
dengini bulunuz. inspired by his work with ceramics, are one of the
best examples or art influencing science.
37. Although the Japanese Government is seeking to A) Sanatın bilim üzerindeki etkisine B. Pallisy'nin
make more efficient, much of Japanese rice- seramik çalışmalarına dayanarak yaptığı jeolojik
farming is still on a small scale. araştırmaları örnek verebiliriz.
A) Japon hükümetinin tarımı çok daha verimli hale B) B. Pallisy'nin kendi seramik çalışmalarının ilham
getirme çabalarına karşın, Japonya'daki pirinç verdiği jeolojik araştırmalar, sanatın bilimi
tarımı giderek küçülmektedir. etkilemesinin en iyi örneklerinden biridir.
B) Japonya'da pirinç tarımı çok küçük ölçekli olsa da C) B.Pallisy'nin seramik çalışmalarından ilham
Japon hükümeti pirinç tarımını verimli hale alınarak yapılan jeolojik araştırmalar, sanatın

getirmek için büyük çaba sarf etmektedir. bilim üzerindeki etkisine iyi bir örnektir.
C) Japon hükümetinin tarımı verimli bir hale D) Seramikle ilgili çalışmalardan ilham alan B.Pallisy,
getirmesine karşın, Japonya'daki pirinç tarımı çok jeolojik araştırmalarıyla sanatın bilim üzerindeki
küçük ölçekte kalmıştır. etkisine iyi bir örnek vermiştir.
D) Japon hükümetinin tarımı daha verimli hale E) B. Pallisy'nin jeolojik araştırmaları ve seramik
getirmenin yollarını aramasına karşın, çalışmaları arasındaki ilişki, sanatla bilim
Japonya'daki pirinç tarımının çoğu hala küçük arasındaki etkileşimin iyi örneklerinden biridir.
E) Japonya'daki çok küçük ölçekli olan pirinç tarımı,
Japon hükümetleri tarafından verimli hale
getirilmeye çalışıyor.

38. The computer age is producing robot - machines

which are directed by electronic brains and 40. The vast majority of scientists have accepted the
replace human labour in industrial operations. theory of relativity as an accurate description of
A) Bilgisayar çağı, elektronik beyinler tarafından nature.
yönlendirilen robot makinelerin endüstride insan A) Bilim adamlarının büyük çoğunluğu görecelik
gücünün yerine geçmesini sağlamıştır. kuramını, doğanın doğru bir tarifi olarak kabul
B) Bilgisayar çağında elektronik beyinlerin etmektedir.
yönlendirdiği robot makineler, endüstriyel B) Doğanın tam tarifi olan görecelik kuramı, bilim
üretimde insan gücünün yerini almaktadır. adamlarının çoğundan kabul görmektedir.
C) Bilgisayar çağı, elektronik beyinler tarafından C) Bilim adamlarının çoğu, doğanın tarifi olan
yönlendirilen ve endüstriyel işlemlerde insan görecelik kuramının büyük bir bölümünü kabul
gücünün yerini alan robot makineler üretmektedir. etmektedir.
D) Endüstriyel işlemlerde insan gücünün yerini alan D) Bilim adamlarının büyük çoğunluğunun kabul
ve bilgisayar çağının ürünü olan robot makineler, ettiği görecelik kuramı, doğayı çok doğru bir
elektronik beyinler tarafından yönlendirilmektedir. biçimde tarif etmektedir.
E) Elektronik beyinlerin yönettiği robot makineler, E) Görecelik kuramı, doğayı doğru bir biçimde tarif
bilgisayar çağında, endüstriyel işlemlerde insan ettiği için, bilim adamlarının çoğu tarafından kabul
gücünün yerini almıştır. edilmektedir.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
41. Early work in electricity that led to the discovery of 44. Researcher: We were using an instrument that
the electric battery and electric current was done measures the optical clarity of water.
by a physiologist, Luigi Galvanic in the eighteenth Interviewer: ----.
Researcher: It's very simple, really, it shines a
A) Đlk olarak fizyolog Luigi Galvani tarafından light from point A to point B. And if
yapılan çalışmalar, 18. yüzyılda elektrik pilinin ve there is less light at the end, it's
elektrik akımının bulunmasını sağlamıştır. because there are particles in the
B) Elektrik pilinin ve elektrik akımının bulunmasını water.
sağlayan elektrik üzerine ilk çalışmalar, 18. A) And how does it work?
yüzyılda fizyolog Luigi Galvani tarafından
yapılmıştır. B) How long have you been using it?
C) 18. yüzyılda elektrik üzerine ilk çalışmalar C) Yes, I've heard about them. They aren't very
yapmasıyla tanınan fizyolog Luigi Galvani, accurate, are they?
elektrik pilinin ve elektrik akımının bulunmasına

ortam hazırlamıştır. D) What were you hoping to learn?

D) Elektrik pilinin ve elektrik akımının bulunması, 18. E) How accurate can such an instrument be?
yüzyılda fizyolog Luigi Galvani'nin elektrik
üzerine yaptığı çalışmalar sayesinde
E) 18. yüzyılda elektrik üzerine yapılan ilk
çalışmalar, fizyolog Luigi Galvani'nin elektrik 45. Mark: What is traffic physics?
akımını bulmasıyla sonuçlanmıştır.
Peter: Oh, everyone is talking about it these
days in Germany.
42-46. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş Mark: ----.
bırakılan kısmında söylenmiş olabilecek sözü Peter: Yes it is. For instance one method treats
bulunuz. cars on a highway as molecules in a gas
that want to move in one direction at a
42. Jennifer : I like to buy clothes made from natural certain velocity.
Polly: But why? Man-made fibres have certain A) Perhaps they are doing something similar on
advantages you know. Dutch roads.
Jennifer : ----. B) Well, tell me about it.
Polly: The man-made ones are usually harder
C) It sounds rather improbable to me. What do you
wearing and easier to wash and iron.
think of it?
D) Why in Germany? Has it originated there?
A) What about their disadvantages?
B) Such as what? E) But what is it? Is it really scientific?
C) No, I'm not going to change my mind!
D) And what about natural fibres?
E) But the jacket you are wearing is made from a
natural fibre. 46. Brian: The subject of whether there are any
civilisations than that of Earth seems to
be back in favour.
James : Yes. It rather got forgotten after Firmi’s
43. Andrew: Do you happen to know anything about question.
the Nye Committee? Brian: ----.
Colin: Yes, it was appointed in 1934 to
investigate the munitions industry James : He simply asked “if extraterrestrials are
following allegations that armament commonplace, where are they?”
firms were working against the cause
of peace. A) But a lot of people seem pretty sure that there are
Andrew: ----. a lot of earth-like planets.
Colin: The allegations were found to be true,
B) He was a nuclear physicist, wasn’t he?
and therefore, the industry was
nationalized. C) No one has so far managed to detect radio
transmissions from other planets.
A) What were the results of their investigations?
D) What was that? I’ve forgotten all about it.
B) What a world we live in!
E) Yes, except by the writers of science fiction.
C) How is it you know all this?
D) I wonder just how much money these people
make out of armaments.
E) How long did these investigations take them?


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
47—51. sorularda, verilen cümleler sırası ile 50. (I) Leaves are the main photosynthetic organs of
okunduğunda hangi cümlenin anlam bakımından most plants. (II) Because leaves have such a large
parçaya uymadığını bulunuz surface area, water loss by evaporation is inevitable.
(III) Their structure is superbly adapted for its primary
function of photosynthesis. (IV) Most leaves are thin
and flat to allow them maximum absorption of light
47. (I) Deserts are dry areas found in both temperate and
energy. (V) Further, their ordered arrangement on the
tropical region. (II) The low water content of the desert
stem makes them efficient at catching the sun's rays.
atmosphere leads to daily temperature extremes of
heat and cold. (III) Not surprisingly, the flowers of A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
many desert plants are extremely beautiful. (IV)
Deserts vary greatly depending on the amount of
precipitation they receive. (V) Some are so dry that
virtually no plant life occurs on them.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

48. (I) Far from being a sinister pest, bats are actually
a good friend to humankind. (II) For a start, they eat 51. (I) The terms velocity and speed are often used
huge quantities of insects. (III) They are sometimes interchangeably in ordinary language. (II) But in
described “mice with wings,” but this is totally untrue. physics we make a distinction between the two. (III)
(IV) The little brown bat, for instance, is capable of An aircraft travelling faster than the speed of sound
catching and eating 1200 small insects in an hour. (V) breaks the sound barrier. (IV) Most importantly the
They also play an important role in pollinating flowers. term velocity is used to signify both the magnitude of
movement and the direction in which an object
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V moving. (V) Speed, on the other hand, relates to
magnitude only.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

49. (I) So far, no one has managed to complete a solo

crossing of the Arctic. (II) This is primarily
because of the extremely harsh natural conditions. (III)
To start with, there are the bitterly cold temperatures to
be endured. (IV) The attempt has been made several
times, but has never met with success. (V) But that is
not all; the explorer has also to battle against the strong
tidal pull on the ice.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
52-56. sorularda, parçada boş bırakılan yere uygun 54. The power loom was invented by Dr Edmund
düşen cümleyi bulunuz. Cartwright in the early 19 century. However, many
improvements were necessary before it came into
52. Scientists are only just beginning to explore the common use. Gradually its range was extended to
seabed. Remote-controlled submarines are include all fibres and types of cloth. ----. At the
bringing up sediment from an apparently lifeless same time, speed and precision were increased.
sea floor. ----. Indeed, so many new species are
being identified that the deep seabed may turn out A) Recently, the craft of hand-loom weaving has
to support a greater bio-diversity than the gained in popularity
B) The running speeds of looms vary according to
A) There are trenches in the seabed that are 11 km various factors, including width and type of cloth
deep C) In fact, by about 1850, it had superseded the
B) But under the microscope this sediment teems hand loom almost entirely

with life D) The warp threads are kept taut by iron weights
C) By means of echo-sounding much can be learned E) Since about 1900, automatic looms have been
about the surface of the seabed progressively introduced
D) Sedimentation is a slow process of creating land
E) There, ocean-floor magma vents support an
ecology independent of sunlight 55. Some years ago, measurement on ice cores
showed that the concentration of carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere was lower during ice ages than
it is today. ----. Some researchers have sought an
explanation by suggesting that the whole-ocean
reservoir of algal nutrients was larger during
glacial times than it is now. Others by proposing
that the biological pump was more efficient then.

53. The science of how fire spreads is simple enough. A) So far no one has ever tired to solve this puzzle
----. This means that in a typical house fire, the
flames and fumes move upwards until they meet B) As yet there is no broadly accepted explanation
an obstruction, such as a ceiling, where they for this difference
mushroom out laterally until they reach a wall.
C) The reason for this was soon obvious

A) The opening of a door or window requires great D) There have been large cyclic variations in climate
caution as it may cause a violent outbreak of and glaciation during the past two million years
E) The experiment focuses on the open ocean
B) Today fire - fighters begin their basic training with surrounding Antarctica
C) One of the most skilled techniques employed by
fire-fighters is ventilation
D) Ventilation helps to reduce the risk of explosions 56. Concrete is strong in compression but it is
resulting from the build-up of hot gases relatively weak in tension. That means it is strong
when pushed together, but continuous flat slab
E) Once air is heated, it becomes lighter, rises and will not stretch well and might crumble. ----. Steel
seeks to escape through any openings that may is generally used for this purpose as it improves
be available the elasticity of concrete.

A) To overcome this weakness and control cracking,

concrete has to he reinforced
B) The base materials of concrete are sand, cement
and aggregate
C) Different percentages of the base ingredients are
used depending on the strength required
D) Signs of corrosion and cracking sometimes
appear soon after constructing
E) Nevertheless, concrete is not as popular a
building material as previously


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
57-59. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 58. We understand from the passage that one reason
cevaplayınız. why some can be particularly troublesome is ----.
A) because they produce large quantities of seeds
Weeds are plants out of place, either as the wrong several times a year
plant in cultivated ground, or as any plant where none
should be. They can cause considerable financial loss B) that they develop a resistance to chemical
through the cost of their control and the damage they do weedkillers
to crops. Plants which become really troublesome as
C) because new plants can grow out of the damaged
weeds are those which persist despite man's efforts
parts of a plant
to control them. Such persistency is due to several
factors of which perhaps the most important are D) that they can become dormant when weedkillers
prolific seed production, coupled with die often are applied
remarkably long periods of dormancy of the seed, and
the ability of vegetative parts of some plants to survive E) because it is impossible to kill them

mechanical damage and adverse conditions and to set
up new plants. Weeds may be controlled by hand, by
cultivation and other mechanical means, by biological
means and by chemical weedkillers. Chemical
weedkillers are widely used, either to give a total kill
and suppress all vegetation or to control weeds
selectively in crops.

57. The writer points out that weeds lead to 59. It is clear from the passage that some chemical
considerable financial loss ----. weedkillers have been specially designed ----.
A) because they appear where they are not wanted A) to rid the soil of all unwanted seed
B) because very little effort is made to control them B) to prevent weeds from producing seeds
C) as all weedkillers destroy the crops as well as the C) to destroy a weed's capacity to produce seeds
weeds that can lie dormant over long periods of time
D) as they are all aggressive and able to resist D) to destroy only unwanted vegetation
man's efforts to control them
E) to sterilise the earth and prevent all forms of
E) as the control of them is expensive and if they are vegetation from appearing
left uncontrolled they harm crops


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
60-62. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 61. We learn from the passage that the danger of
cevaplayınız. ignition by friction or impact is greatly increased
A typical explosives factory is divided into two parts: A) while the waste products of nitration are being
the "non-danger" and "danger" areas. The main extracted
business of the non-danger area lies in the
manufacture of nitric and sulphuric acids for the B) if the explosives is contaminated with nitric acid
nitration processes, including the recovery of these
C) after the explosives have been packaged
acids from the waste products of nitration. Other raw
materials are also prepared in the non-danger area. D) if the manufacturing process is carried out in
The actual manufacture of explosives and their mixing artificial light
and packing are carried out in the danger area, subject
to rigorous safety measures. The main danger in E) if grit is present
manufacture is ignition by spark, friction or impact, the
latter two being especially hazardous if the explosive

is allowed to become contaminated with gritty material.
Naked lights, steel tools or anything which might
produce spark or flame are therefore excluded from
the danger buildings. Each building has a "clean" floor
which may be approached only in specially cleaned
shoes, while the workers are provided with factory
clothing to ensure that grit is not carried into the

60. We learn from the passage that, in the non-danger

zone of a typical explosives factory ----. 62. It is pointed out in the passage that one of the
safety measures taken in an explosives factory is
A) nitric and sulphuric acids are produced and
various other raw materials are got ready
A) the regular washing of the factory floors to keep
B) the workers are provided with heavy factory
them sterile
B) the education of the workers in fire - fighting
C) the explosives are packaged and stored
D) nothing that might produce a spark or a flame is
C) the provision of special factory clothing for the
workers in the danger area
E) the main waste products are the nitric and
D) to keep the manufacturing processes separate
sulphuric adds
from the packaging and storing processes
E) the immediate removal of the explosives after



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
63-65. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 64. The author points out that the machine tools
cevaplayınız. Joseph Whitworth produced ----.
A) were soon replaced by new and better designs
The culmination of the classic age of the machine tool
was the work of Joseph Whitworth. His pre-eminence B) were all unnecessarily complicated
lay not so much in any far-reaching innovations as in
C) were remarkable for their quality and precision
the quality and accuracy of the workmanship he was
able to obtain. It was Whitworth who introduced the D) went unappreciated
standard screw thread which was used in British
engineering until 1948, and it was he who E) have received more attention than they deserve
revolutionised standards of measurement. Indeed, the
many measuring machines of the second half of the
19th century, though increasing the facility, did not
greatly increase the accuracy Whitworth had attained.

At the Great Exhibition of 1851 his planing, slotting,
shaking, drilling, punching and shearing machines
made him the outstanding machine-tool maker of the

63. We understand from the passage that Joseph

Whitworth ----. 65. We understand from the passage that, in the field
of measurement, ----.
A) will be remembered for the improvements he
made to the first standard screw thread A) British engineers were slow to appreciate
B) was the most versatile and gifted machine - tool
maker of his age B) Whitworth’s work was soon to be surpassed by
far better quality tools
C) had only a few machine tools ready in time for the
Great Exhibition of 1851 C) No new advances would be made until the middle
of the 20th century
D) had brilliant ideas but was not a practical person
D) Whitworth achieved a remarkable degree of
E) invented nothing of lasting importance
E) Whitworth's innovations attracted little attention



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
66-68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 67. We can understand from the passage that, around
cevaplayınız. the beginning of the 20th century, bridge
designers ----.
Just as railway bridges were the great structural A) were equally involved in the buildings of roads
symbols of the 19th century, highway bridges became
the engineering emblems of the 20 century. The B) followed Robert Maillart's lead and concentrated
invention of the automobile created an irresistible on highway bridges
demand for paved roads and vehicular bridges
C) made highway bridges on the same design as
throughout the developed world. The type of bridge
railway bridges
needed for cars and trucks, however, is fundamentally
different from that needed for locomotives. Most D) made some of the most spectacular bridges of
highway bridges carry lighter loads than railway the modern era
bridges do, and their roadways can be sharply curved or
steeply sloping. To meet these needs, many turn-of- E) began to use a new building material, known as
reinforced concrete

the-century bridge designers began working with a
new building material: reinforced concrete, which has
steel bars embedded in it. And the master of this new
material was Swiss structural engineer Robert Maillart,
who designed some of the most original and influential
bridges of the modern era.

66. According to the passage, one important way in 68. We understand from the passage that there was a
which highway bridges differ from railway bridges great demand for highway bridges in the 20th
is that they ----. century ----.
A) are in constant use A) as more and more cars came into use
B) can have quite a sharp incline B) so many railway bridges were turned into
C) have to carry heavier loads highway bridges

D) must be quite straight C) even though the designing and building of them
was uninteresting work
E) are comparatively short
D) but railway bridges continued to attract the best
E) and structural engineers found they could not
produce enough bridges



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
69-71. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 70. We learn from the passage that during an
cevaplayınız. avalanche ----.
A) pieces of rock are likely to be carried down with
Strictly speaking the term "avalanche" should be the falling snow
restricted to falls of snow and ice in mountainous
regions but popular usage has extended its meaning B) the filling snow and ice soon start to melt
to cover rock fails and landslips in all environments.
C) there is absolute silence
The period of greatest danger from avalanches proper
is during a thaw, when melt-water makes a good D) the falling snow is immediately followed by
lubricant for the snow and ice banked steeply against extensive rock falls
rock faces. The rising cloud of white dust, the vertical
grooves and patches of bare rock formed by the E) falling snow banks up steeply against the nearest
scouring action, and the dull roar of the avalanche are rock face
all common features of mountains above the
permanent snow line. Rock fragments may also be

carried down, for the recurrent freezing and thawing of
water lodged in joints and crevices of the rock forms a
powerful agent of disintegration. The action is the
same as that which leads to burst pipes. Freezing
causes expansion of the water in the spaces of a joint
and produces a pressure sufficient to break the rock.

69. The writer points out that most true avalanches ----.
71. The writer points out that the constant freezing
A) consist of falling rock not of snow or ice and thawing of water in rock crevices ----.

B) occur when the snow has started to melt A) is what causes an avalanche

C) occur when the snow has melted a little and then B) is an unimportant detail
frozen hard again
C) produces a smooth rock surface
D) cause considerable disintegration of the rock
D) causes a build-up of snow
surfaces they come in contact with
E) will cause the rock to break up
E) rarely leave behind them a bare rock surface



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
72-74. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 73. We understand from the passage that the high
cevaplayınız. landing speed of a large aircraft ----.
A) has been one of the determining factors in the
Aircraft landing-wheel brakes are fitted to all sizes of design of brakes of large craft
aircraft for arresting motion after touch-down, for
steering during taxiing by differential control of port B) is directly related to its weight
and starboard brakes, and to hold the aircraft
C) only becomes a problem on poor runways
stationary while the engine is warmed-up or tested.
Small aircraft have simple two-shoe internal D) has occasionally led to wheel-locking
expanding brakes manually operated and very similar
to the standard road-vehicle brake, but the larger E) opened the way to a more scientific study of
machines require power-operated brakes using friction
compressed air or hydraulic pressure from
compressors or pumps driven by the engine. Besides

being as light and compact as possible, landing-wheel
brakes must remain effective and balanced during
very high rates of energy dissipation due to the great
weight of the aircraft and the very high landing

72. It is clear from the passage that one of the 74. According to the passage, the braking system of
functions of an aircraft's landing-wheel brakes is small aircraft ----.
to ----.
A) differs little from that of larger aircraft
A) act as a substitute steering aid
B) is not very different from that of ordinary cars and
B) prevent the craft from moving during engine buses
C) is both power - operated and manual
C) keep the aircraft steady after touch - down
D) is specially designed for coping with high - speed
D) assist in the dissipation of energy on landing landings
E) prevent the aircraft landing at very high speeds E) cannot be used to steer the craft after landing



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
75-77. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 76. The author points out that on mountainous lines
cevaplayınız. the track capacity is improved by electrification
The main advantages of electric traction on railways A) but the safety aspect is causing much concern
are that it is both pleasant and efficient. It brings the
removal of a smoke nuisance from tunnels and from B) but upkeep expenses are high
the vicinity of larger cities. Further, owing to high
C) because it enables trains to go faster both up and
acceleration, it is possible to provide a more frequent
down the line
and faster service on densely populated suburban
lines. The track capacity is improved by electrification D) though this is not the case in other locations
on mountainous lines because of increase of speed,
both up and down the gradient, generally using E) unless electric forms of braking are applied
electric forms of braking in the latter case. Some of the
major electrification schemes of the world, for

instance, those in Switzerland and Sweden, have
been largely dictated by the desire to operate the
railway system without dependence upon imported

75. As is pointed out in the passage, the benefits of

electric railway traction ----. 77. Sweden and Switzerland, we are told, have some
A) include a cleaner environment and an improved of the world’s major electrified railway systems ----.
performance A) since they have small populations and the
B) can best be seen in Sweden an Switzerland electrified systems seemed adequate

C) do not outweigh the problems involved B) as they were determined to keep their mountain
air unpolluted
D) have only recently become apparent
C) as other railway systems were not practical in
E) are confined to mountainous conditions high altitudes
D) because they wanted to develop a railway system
that did not rely on imported fuel
E) because the only safe braking system on a steep
gradient is electric one



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
78-80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 79. The author points out that there is a close link
cevaplayınız. between exploration and botanical gardens ----.
A) as few native British plants are of use medicinally
Botanic gardens may be regarded as having a and many people now prefer natural medicines to
threefold function: to please and educate the public; to chemical ones
carry out investigations regarding the economic value
of native and foreign plant products and B) as many people are curious about the medicinal
acclimatisation of plants; and to act as centres of properties of various plants
information and scientific investigation in various fields
C) because the desire to find new drugs and spices
of botany, such as anatomy, morphology and
has long been a reason behind many exploratory
physiology, for which museums, libraries and
laboratories are also needed. The search for drugs
and spices particularly has tempted men from early D) since plants from foreign parts will only grow in
times to explore all parts of the world and this has the special conditions they are used to

promoted a close link between exploration and botanic
gardens. One well-known botanic garden is the Royal E) though this is still a very new development
Botanic Garden at Edinburgh which was founded in
1670 by Robert Sibbald for the cultivation of medical
plants. Since that date it has been removed to several
different sites. It is now one of the major botanic
gardens in Britain with an area of over 60 acres.

80. In this passage about botanical gardens, ----.

78. We learn from the passage that one of the main
functions of botanic garden is to ----. A) they are presented as a very pleasant luxury
A) send out explorers in search of new spices B) the historical aspect is completely ignored
B) provide scientists with the means for carrying out C) the problems of financing them are carefully
investigations into botanical subjects considered
C) make more and more land suitable for cultivation D) it is the functional aspect that is emphasised
D) encourage the production of natural medicines to E) the focus is on the rarer plants of foreign origin
replace chemical ones which sometimes have
serious side-effects
E) be economically self supporting and encourage
young people to take an interest in gardens




Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22

ÜDS FEN - (MART) 2001

1. B 2. E 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. C

11. A 12. E 13. A 14. D 15. C 16. D 17. E 18. C 19. D 20. B

21. E 22. C 23. E 24. D 25. B 26. E 27. E 28. B 29. C 30. E

31. A 32. C 33. A 34. E 35. B 36. C 37. D 38. C 39. B 40. A

41. B 42. B 43. A 44. A 45. E 46. D 47. C 48. C 49. D 50. B

51. C 52. B 53. E 54. C 55. B 56. A 57. E 58. A 59. D 60. E

61. E 62. C 63. A 64. C 65. D 66. B 67. E 68. A 69. B 70. A

71. E 72. B 73. A 74. B 75. A 76. C 77. D 78. B 79. C 80. D



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
1.-21. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere uygun 7. Radioactivity was discovered in 1896 by Becquerel,
düşen kelime yada ifadeyi bulunuz. who noticed that salts containing uranium
1. Acetic acid is used as a food and flavouring
material, and also in the manufacture of white lead. A) got off B) held up C) sent off

A) preservative B) decay C) absorption D) came up with E) turned away

D) solution E) process

8. many diverse animal forms exist exceptions

can be found to almost any definition of an animal.

2. Atoms are of electrons and a nucleus containing
protons and neutrons. A) So / as B) As / as C) Whether / so

A) joined B) linked C) composed D) So / that E) Neither / nor

D) kept E) completed

9. Products diverse rubber, tobacco, coffee,

chocolate and aromatic oils for perfumes come from
3. Visibility depends upon the concentration of flowering plants.
water or dust particles in the air.
A) as /as B) too / than C) both / and
A) rapidly B) obstinately C) instantly
D) either / or E) not only / but also
D) suitably E) chiefly

10. Heat is transferred from object by

4. This magazine is designed to help satellite conduction, convection and radiation.
equipment buyers make more purchasing
decisions and keep ahead of new developments. A) either / to other B) each / from the rest

A) representative B) obscure C) foreseen C) any / with another D) some / through others

D) informed E) indifferent E) one / to another

5. Science requires the testing of its ideas or theories 11. Pile foundations are costly and normally economic
to see if its predictions are by experiment. only commercial structures on valuable sites.
A) made up B) borne out C) closed in A) in the manner of B) in the case of

D) put off E) sorted out C) in place of D) in fulfilment of

E) in accordance with

6. The subject of the statistics is the calculation of

the forces acting on and within structures that are in
equilibrium. 12. The South African government has committed a
A) taken care of B) turned up C) kept off further sum of money to the Southern African Large
Telescope (SLT), enables the construction of this
giant telescope to commence next year.
D) given rise to E) concerned with
A) which B) thus C) by which

D) whose E) for whom


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
13. The writers of this article seem to assume that 18. The advent of nuclear power the trend to use
nuclear plants conform with safety requirements water-power on a large scale, and hydroelectric
the fact that violations are constantly being reported. installations in all industrial countries with power
A) in case B) although C) against
A) has not halted / are being built
D) concerning E) despite
B) did not halt / are built
C) would not halt / will be built
D) will not halt / were being built
14. Some scientists us that the thermal blanket E) had not halted / would be built
around the globe the average temperature of the

earth to rise.
A) were warning / has caused
B) have been warning / was causing 19. Researchers disagree whether a large ocean
ever existed on Mars, but one thing is certain:
C) have warned / may cause Martian geology is turning to be strange and
D) had warned / caused
A) of / round B) in / over C) for / up
E) warn / will have caused
D) on / out E) about / in

15. A theory only when a hypothesis by

consistent results from many observations or 20. Species become endangered and even extinct a
experiment. variety of reasons, many of which are related
human activities.
A) may have been developed / was being supported
A) within / of B) for / to C) with / for
B) can be developed / has been supported
D) in / with E) over / through
C) will be developed / was supported
D) has been developed / had been supported
E) had been developed / might have been supported
21. The advance of the steel industry has been marked
a progressive increase in the size and
complexity of the plant used and a fall labour
16. If transport costs into consideration at the
outset, the plant far from its present site! A) off / through B) with / from C) up / with

A) will have taken / are being built D) by / in E) in / of

B) were taken / had been built

C) have been taken / have been built
D) were being taken / will be built
E) had been taken / would have been built

17. The first laser in 1960 by Maiman almost half a

century after the publication in 1916 of Einstein’s
theory of radiation which the possibility of laser
A) has been demonstrated / had shown
B) had been demonstrated / showed
C) was demonstrated / showed
D) demonstrates / was shown
E) was being demonstrated / shows


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
22.-31. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde 26. Helium, the lightest of the inert gases, was
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. discovered in 1868 .
A) until its importance was recognised in scientific
22. In many industrial processes, human operators can
research at low temperature
be replaced by control systems .
B) as liquid helium has many remarkable qualities
A) which can be used, for instance, to monitor and
which are only imperfectly understood
control pressure, temperature and motor speed
C) when spectrographic investigations disclosed an
B) that the error sensor is a basic component
unknown yellow line in the chromospheres of the
C) that they have the ability to control physical sun
D) before studies into atomic structure would be
D) by whom the difference between the actual and realised

desired value can be reduced to zero
E) tough two of its stable isotopes exist as liquids right
E) which had been capable of fulfilling a number of down to the absolute zero

27. As soon as slender steel column began to replace

23. The old system of flood irrigation has fallen into massive piers in building construction .
disrepute _.
A) inflammable materials would not be used again in
A) unless short canals could have enabled the high-rise buildings
compartments to be filled in an orderly fashion
B) a new school of architecture could never have
B) though the flood waters has been controlled to cover developed without the challenge of these and other
so much land new building materials
C) as the height of the flood was variable so was the C) this new group of promising architects had as yet
area flooded attracted very little attention
D) after several weeks the water would be drained back D) new conceptions of both the practical and aesthetic
into the river use of space came into being
E) because it only produces one crop a year E) their ideas indicated a rejection of machine

24. Insect-eating plants have devices .

28. , where the gas is ionize and, in consequence,
A) from which stickiness an insect can never make its electrically conducting.
A) In 1924, direct measurements of the height and
B) so that they are able to live in most parts of the density of the ionosphere were first made in Britain
world but chiefly in warm regions
B) The ionization is almost entirely produced by ultra-
C) if their prey is to be enticed into a trap violet light and X-radiation
D) which enable them to catch insects and digest them C) The ionization density had already increased to
with the aid of enzymes maximum at a height of around 150 miles
E) of which the pitcher plant that produces pepsin is an D) In 1880, the existence of a conducting layer in the
example high atmosphere had not been postulated
E) The ionosphere is the upper region of the earth’s

25. For a small planet, the Earth is extremely heavy .

A) whether the liquid iron creates a powerful magnetic
B) that two-thirds of it are covered with ocean
C) since its iron core is very large
D) that the atmosphere screens the sun’s radiation
E) if the atmosphere were not rich with oxygen


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
29. , we cannot infer from this that extraterrestrial 32.-36. sorularda, verilen Đngilizce cümlenin Türkçe
civilisations do not exist. dengini bulunuz.
A) Though researches have made no positive
detections of extraterrestrial signals
32. Asteroids are relatively small objects, which move in
B) Until radio transmissions from other civilisations orbits mainly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
were picked up
A) Asteroitler, yörüngeleri genellikle Mars ve Jüpiter’in
C) Since a number of sophisticated searches are yörüngeleri arasına sığacak kadar küçük olan
presently underway at the Radio Astronomy nesnelerdir.
B) Asteroitler, genellikle Mars ve Jüpiter’in yörüngeleri
D) Whenever the possibility of extraterrestrial arasında yer alan yörüngelerde hareket eden
civilisations comes to the fore nispeten küçük nesnelerdir.

E) After they began to search for extraterrestrial C) Oldukça küçük nesneler olan asteroitler, çoğunlukla
civilisations by means of radio astronomy Mars ve Jüpiter arasındaki yörüngelerde hareket
D) Nispeten küçük nesneler olan asteroitlerin çoğunun
yörüngesi Mars ve Jüpiter’in yörüngeleri arasındadır.
30. Until science develops ways of predicting natural
disasters earlier and more accurately, . E) Sürekli olarak Mars ve Jüpiter’in yörüngeleri
arasındaki boşlukta hareket eden asteroitler, aslında
A) prevention, unfortunately, usually eludes us son derece küçük nesnelerdir.
B) flooding regularly takes a heavy toll of human life
C) modern technology cannot shield us from the
destructive force of a hurricane
D) they will continue to cause untold suffering 33. One of the important consequences of the theory of
throughout the world relativity is that time is no longer regarded as an
absolute quantity.
E) the lethal release of natural carbon dioxide is
entirely preventable A) Görecelik kuramı, zamanın artık mutlak bir nicelik
olarak kabul edilmemesi gerektiğini kesin olarak
B) Görecelik kuramının en önemli iddiası, zamanın
31. when heat resistant materials are required. tartışmasız bir nicelik olma özelliğini kaybetmesidir.

A) Engineers often use ceramics C) Görecelik kuramının önemli sonuçlarından biri,

zamanın artık mutlak bir nicelik olarak
B) There are two main types of metal; ferrous and non- görülmemesidir.
D) Zamanın artık mutlak niceliklerden biri olarak kabul
C) With the addition of chromium, the steel’s ability to edilmemesi görecelik kuramıyla ortaya çıkan önemli
resist corrosion was increased gelişmeler arasındadır.
D) Both bronze and brass have been used E) Görecelik kuramının önemli sonuçları, zamanın
ornamentally tartışmasız bir nicelik sayılmamasını
E) Cutting tools are made from high-speed steels gerektirmektedir.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
34. Acid rain can mark fruit and leaves, and adversely 36. Many plants, particularly those in arid regions,
affect soil, but its main effect is on the ecosystems possess storage roots adapted to store water.
especially in regions with thin soils and granite
rocks. A) Birçok bitki özellikle de kurak bölgelerdekiler, su
depolamaya uyum sağlamış depo köklere sahiptir.
A) Asit yağmuru meyve ve yapraklarda leke yapabilir
ve toprağa çok zarar verebilir, ancak asıl etkisi, ince B) Özellikle kurak bölgelerde bulunan pek çok bitkinin,
toprak ve granit kayalardan oluşan bölgelerin su depolamaya uygun kökleri vardır.
ekosistemleri üzerinde gözlemlenebilir. C) Su depolamaya uygun köklere sahip olan bitkilerin
B) Meyve ve yapraklarda leke yapan asit yağmuru, asıl çoğu kurak bölgelerde bulunur.
etkisini toprakta, özellikle de ince toprak ve granit D) Kurak bölgelerdeki bitkilerin çoğu, su depolamaya
kaya tabakalar ile kaplı bölgelerin ekosistemleri uyum sağlamış yapılara, özellikle de depo köklere
üzerinde gösterir. sahiptir.

C) Toprakta önemli tahribat yapan ve meyvelerle E) Birçok bitkinin, özellikle de kurak bölgedekilerin
yapraklar üzerinde leke bırakan asit yağmuru, kökleri, aynı zamanda birer su deposu görevi
özellikle, ince toprak ve granit kayalarla kaplı görebilir.
bölgelerin ekosistemlerini etkiler.
D) Asıl etkisini ince topraklı ve granit kayalı bölgelerin
ekosistemleri üzerinde gösteren asit yağmuru,
meyve ve yapraklarda leke yapmakla kalmaz,
toprakta da büyük tahribata yol açar.
E) Asit yağmuru meyve ve yapraklarda leke yapabilir 37. - 41. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümlenin anlamına
ve toprağı olumsuz olarak etkileyebilir, ancak asıl en yakın Đngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
etkisi, özellikle ince topraklı ve granit kayalı
bölgelerdeki ekosistemler üzerindedir.
37. Birinci Dünya Savaşının sonlarına doğru,
bombardıman uçakları daha ihtisaslaşmış duruma
gelmekteydi ve hafif ve ağır olmak üzere iki alt sınıfa
A) The subclasses, heavy and light, were only
introduced for bombing aircraft towards the end of
World War I when they had become more
35. The diagnostic use of ultrasound in medicine is a
complicated and very interesting application of
physical principles. B) As World War I was drawing to a close, bombing
aircraft had become so specialized that they had to
A) Fizik ilkelerinin oldukça karmaşık ve çok ilginç bir
be divided into two new subclasses, heavy and light.
uygulaması olan ültrason, tıpta tanı amacıyla
kullanılmaktadır. C) Bombing aircraft had become so much more
specialized by the end of World War I that two new
B) Ültrasonun tıpta tanı için kullanımı, fizik ilkelerinin
subclasses were recognized, light and heavy.
karmaşık ve çok ilginç bir uygulamasıdır.
D) Towards the end of World War I, bombing aircraft
C) Tıpta tanı amacıyla kullanılan ültrason, karmaşık
were becoming more specialized and were divided
fizik ilkelerinin oldukça ilginç bir uygulamasıdır.
into two subclasses, light and heavy.
D) Karmaşık fizik ilkelerinin tıptaki ilginç
E) As bombing aircraft were becoming more
uygulamalarından biri de tanı için kullanılan
specialized towards the end of World War I, they
had to be divided into two subclasses, heavy and
E) Oldukça karmaşık ve son derece ilginç fizik ilkelerini light.
uygulayan ültrason, tıpta teşhis aracı olarak


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
38. Kuş davranışının en büyüleyici yanlarından biri, pek 41. Çöl toprağı, bitki örtüsünün seyrek oluşunun bir
çok türün yaptığı yıllık göçtür. sonucu olarak organik madde bakımından fakirdir;
fakat buna kaşın, çoğu kez mineral bakımından
A) Bird behaviour is quite fascinating, especially the zengindir.
annual migration of many of the species.
A) The lack of humus in desert soil, which is the result
B) One of the most fascinating aspects of bird of the meagre vegetation, is offset by the rich
behaviour is the annual migration made by many mineral deposits.
B) Desert soil is poor in organic material because there
C) The annual migration of many species of birds is just is little vegetation, but there is usually an abundance
ore of the fascinating aspects of their behaviour. of minerals.
D) Many species of birds have fascinating behaviour C) Owing to the lack of vegetation, desert soil has
patterns, particularly as regards annual migration. virtually no humus, but it does have vast mineral

E) In relation to their annual migration, the behaviour
patterns of many bird species are quite fascinating. D) As a result of sparse vegetation, desert soil is poor
in organic material but, nevertheless, it is often rich
in minerals.
E) Though desert soil has rich mineral deposits, the
meagre vegetation means it is completely
39. Sünger çok hücreli olmasına karşın, hücreleri lacking in organic material.
birbirine gevşek bir şekilde bağlıdır ve belirgin doku
A) The cells of the multicellular sponge are so loosely
connected that they do not form definite tissues.
B) The sponge is obviously multicellular, but the cells
42.-46. sorularda karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan
are clearly too loosely connected to form tissues.
kısmında söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz.
C) Although the sponge is multicellular, its cells are
loosely connected and do not form specific tissues.
D) Because the cells of the multicellular sponge are 42. Mark:
loosely connected, they do not form specific tissues. - The new developments in advertising techniques
E) The tissues of the multicellular sponge definitely are really very interesting.
evolve from the loosely connected cells. Peter:
- ----
- Well, here's one of the big petrol companies
40. Hava taşımacılığı, temelde ulusal itibar, ticaret ve flaunting its commitment to environmental
savunma nedenleriyle, ilk günlerinden beri considerations.
hükümetler için yakın ilgi konusu olmuştur.
A) Since its earliest days, air transport has been a
matter of close concern to governments, primarily - Yes, that certainly is a new approach.
for reasons of national prestige trade and defence.
A) Give me an example.
B) Right from the beginning, governments have
recognized the importance of air transport largely for B) I make a point of never believing an
reasons of national prestige, trade and defence. advertisement.
C) Even at the start, air transport has been closely C) The techniques may have changed, but have the
supported by governments as it affects a country's aims?
prestige, trade and defence.
D) The aim of every advertisement is to deceive!
D) Governments were immediately aware of the
importance of air transport largely on account of its E) Perhaps. But how much are they costing us?
affect on a country's prestige trade and security.
E) It is primarily because air transport can affect a
country's prestige, trade and security that
governments everywhere have started to treat it


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
43. Chris: 45. Peter:
- You know I'd love to spend a holiday in - I can't understand why aluminium is so important
the Arctic. in industry. It's so light.
- But that's one of its great advantages.
- ---

Chris: - ---

- No, certainly not I'd go in the summer season. And Robert:

I'm sure there would be lots to see. - It's resistant to corrosion by, among other things,

Brian: chemicals and foodstuffs.

- True. But I prefer to see it all on the TV. A) What are some of its uses?

A) Actually. I would, too. If only to see the flora. B) But why is it an advantage?

B) Whatever for? Just to be doing something C) But is it strong enough?

different? D) Really? What's another?
C) So would I. We see the polar bears and the seals E) Costwise, is it economical?
on TV, but it would be marvellous to see them in
D) Well, yes if it weren't for the cold!
E) I couldn't afford it, And I'll be surprised if you can

44. James: 46. Mrs Fenton:

- What do you know about the uses of hydrogen - The sewing machine needs oiling. Will any oil do?
Mr Fenton:
- No. Any oil will not do.
- It’s a bleach, isn't it? And rather a harsh one at
Mrs Fenton:
- ---
Mr Fenton:
- ---
- You are quite wrong. The selection of the correct
lubricant is extremely important and depends on
- Oh! I certainly didn't know all that! many factors.

A) That's right. It is incompatible with most common A) I used the baby's oil last time, too.
metals and so is usually stored in aluminium
B) Well, you’d better do the job yourself.
C) People are always talking about them, but do they
B) But it has a great many other uses. Would you like
do any good?
me to list them all for you?
D) So what oil will do?
C) Some say the Germans used it in the jet propulsion
unit of the M.E. 163 plane. E) But why not? Surely oil is oil!
D) Strengths higher than 90% are obtained by
refrigeration techniques.
E) Yes. But it has a lot more uses. For instance, it's
used in anti-shrink treatments in textiles and as a
germicide in cosmetic preparations.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22

47.-51. sorularda, parçada boş bırakılan yere uygun 49. Thermal insulation is concerned with the problem of
düşen ifadeyi bulunuz. reducing the transfer of heat from one place to
another and depends upon the thermal resistance of
the insulating medium. . However, this is not very
satisfactory in an ordinary air space because
47. The object of the air traffic control officers is to radiation is also involved in the transfer of heat
achieve the highest densities in all parts of the
controlled air space that is consistent with safety
and the elimination of collision risk . The A) Since air is a very poor conductor, an air gap,
amounts of the separation are partly dependent upon narrow enough to minimize convection, may be
the means available for determining accurately the used for insulation
position and course of the various aircraft. B) Thermal conductivity is a term that is only strictly
applicable to homogeneous materials
A) For purposes of air traffic control, air space is

divided and then subdivided C) In general, the lighter the material per unit volume,
the greater its insulating value per unit thickness
B) Military aviation originally held itself outside any air
traffic control but for a long time now this has not D) The vertical air spaces used in insulating buildings
been practicable are actually only about one third as thick

C) They, therefore. direct the captains of aircraft so as E) The optimum thickness must also be chosen to
to maintain adequate vertical and horizontal avoid condensation of moisture inside the walls
separation between aircraft
D) As these are within controlled air space a pilot
intending to fly along them must file a flight plan.
E) The “flight progress strip" gives an indication of what
is happening to any aircraft in the area 50. Germination is the initiation of growth in a newly
formed plant-structure, or the resumption of growth
after a period of rest, as in fungus and bacterial
spores, but exemplified most vividly in seeds. .
Growth is stopped and respiration is extremely slow.
At germination, development is resumed and
there is a spectacular acceleration of function.

48. The Wankel engine has many advantages over the A) The essential point about germination is the sudden
reciprocating piston engine. Fewer moving parts are change from a resting state to one of intense activity
necessary because it produces a rotary movement
without using a connecting rod and a crankshaft. B) The development of the new plant starts at
. In addition, it has no valves and it is smaller and fertilization
lighter than conventional engines of the same power. C) Before full physiological activity can be resumed, the
dehydrated tissues must become fully turgid with
A) Though there are advantages, there are also water
D) As the embryo swells it ruptures the seed coat
B) Because of this rotary, movement it has no vibration E) In the resting condition, the life processes are
slowed down to a minimum
C) A fresh charge is then induced into the cylinder

D) The Wankel piston is triangular with curved sides

E) Fuel enters the cylinder through the inlet port

51. Improved efficiency of the use of fuel is a theme to
which more attention has been given as the cost of
fuel has increased. . The processing of raw fuel
into the form in which it is to be used is another.

A) The efficient and economical use of fuels is indeed

one of the chief aspects of the work of the fuel
B) Each type of fuel and each process naturally has its
own problems
C) There is a staff to advise on methods of increasing
the efficiency of the use of fuel in industry
D) It is well known that the probable resources of coal
are very extensive
E) Fuel technology is now a recognized and even an
essential profession


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
52.-56. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda, 55. (I) Most of our knowledge regarding the structure of
anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. the earth has been from the study of rocks. (II)
Nevertheless, the deeper parts of the earth's crust
have a higher temperature than the surface. (Ill)
Surface rocks have been studied as have those
52. (I) Industrialization came late to Italy. (II) Most of the
which can be reached in mines and through borings.
industry is in the north along the Po Valley and (IV) Recent techniques have made it possible to carry
particularly around Turin, Genoa and Milan. (Ill) This
bore-holes down to depths of several miles. (V) In
was partly due to political reasons and partly to the general, however, these borings only reveal rocks
lack of basic raw materials. (IV) It was the availability
comparable in age and character to those found at
of hydroelectric power and a labour force capable of the surface of the ground.
acquiring the necessary skills, which together
brought about the rapid development in the 20th
century. (V) Indeed, the industrial progress in Italy A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
during the 1950s has been described as


A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

53. (I) The simplest type of engine classification is 56. (I) It is hard to imagine a better means of
doubtless by reference to the kind of fuel used. (II) preservation than entombment in amber (II) Indeed,
Nevertheless, reciprocating engines may be divided amber or hardened tree resin has preserved
more fundamentally into those running on the Otto organisms ranging from bacteria to mammals for
cycle (spark ignition) and those running on Akrody's millions of years. (Ill) It is clear that spiders, for
and Diesel's cycles (compression ignition). (Ill) The instance, had their fair share of specialized enemies
former are usually used for small scale power then as now. (IV) It surpassed even the finest grain
generation. (IV) The latter, which burn heavy oil are sediments in its ability to retain details. (V) Deposits
of two types, slow speed for ships and high speed are found round the world, but amber from
for motor vehicles. (V) Subsequently, improvements Hispaniola is especially fossil-rich.
in engine design appeared at an amazing speed.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

54. (I) The industrial revolution should be seen as a still

continuing process. (II) It has now, however, taken a
new turn. (Ill) It used to be concerned largely with the
making of machines to replace human labour. (IV)
The underlying mathematical theory for the handling
of information is “information theory.” (V) The
emphasis now is on developing machines and
instruments to take over certain mental tasks, in
particular, the handling of all forms of data.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
57.-59. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre 58. It is clear from the passage that, as in the case of
cevaplayınız. "the problem of longitude", the Royal Society .

A) was obliged to advise the admiralty on procedures

The Royal Society is the national academy of science for for the tests it was making
Great Britain and Northern Ireland but, unlike other
national academies, is and always has been independent B) can command specific knowledge from a variety of
of state control; it is not maintained by grants from public fields to assist in the solution of multidisciplinary
funds and manages its own affairs. Since its foundation, problems
however, kings, statesmen and government departments
have regularly sought its advice on scientific matters; it C) often failed to come up with a solution to a specific
has never hesitated to assist governments when problem
convinced that the national interest called for scientific
action. Within ten years of its foundation the society, at D) would only accept short-term commissions as it felt

the invitation of Charles II and his ministers, grappled that long-term ones threatened its independence
with problems of national food supply, arboriculture,
naval architecture and navigation. Throughout the 18th
century it worked with the admiralty on what was then E) avoided, whenever it was at all possible to do so
called “the problem of the longitude” in the solution of involvement in schemes of national importance
which are associated the names of the astronomers
Edmond Halley and Nevil Maskelyne, the chronometer
maker John Harrison and the navigator James Cook. It
found a cure for jail-fever and advised on the protection
of ships of war against lightning; it organized a geodetic
survey of the British Isles and appointed scientific
personnel to several Arctic and Antarctic expedition.

57. According to the passage the Royal Society, though

it is a national academy, . 59. We understand from the passage that a great many
of the activities of the Royal Society .
A) is not dependent on the state for funds and so is A) are money-making schemes so that it can maintain
free to act independently its independence
B) are purely theoretical and have no practical
B) is only partly financed by grants from public funds application

C) has never worked directly for kings or government C) are actually forced upon it by king or parliament
departments though the members themselves do not like to admit
D) is mainly concerned with navigation and indeed all D) are truly national in character, being designed to
naval matters benefit the people whether directly or indirectly

E) has often refused to act for the government in an E) amount to nothing more than recommending
advisory capacity suitable people for specific situations



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
60. - 62. sorulan, aşağıdaki parçaya göre 61. It's clear from the passage that one reason why
cevaplayınız. Britain grew so competent in anti-aircraft tactics was
A) the fact that, prior to the war, she already had the
The first flight by a power driven manned aeroplane took ascendancy in this field
place in 1903 and its subsequent development as a
military weapon was so rapid that all the belligerents B) the absolute necessity of defending herself from
entered World War I totally unprepared to defend bombing raids
themselves against it. The first bombing raids, however, C) because scientists realized that they had to keep
compelled the consideration of anti-aircraft measures, ahead in this field or the country's moral would drop
and Britain, in particular, attacked by Zeppelin airships
and Gotha aircraft was forced to develop a range of D) that a great deal of research into predictors had
specialized anti-aircraft equipment which came to include already been carried out
guns, searchlights, sound-locators and predictors, giving

E) that the noise made by the German Zeppelins was
it a qualitative ascendancy in this field retained until the
easy to recognize and locate
end of World War II. Indeed the first night attack on
London caused such public consternation that its gun
defences had to be doubled within forty-eight hours and,
though they hit few planes, their presence was of great
psychological value.

60. We understand from the passage that the 62. The passage emphasizes that, after the first night
development of aircraft as a weapon of war was so attack on London, .
rapid that at the start of World War I .
A) enemy aircraft were continually being shot down
A) most cities had already been equipped with
searchlights B) the moral of the people there remained high
B) anti-aircraft procedures had already been formulated C) the value of manned aircraft in time of war was
finally admitted
C) no country had prepared itself to combat an air
attack D) the city's defence system was increased twofold
within a couple of days
D) Britain had enough specialized anti-aircraft
equipment to see her through to the end of the war E) it became increasingly difficult for enemy bombers to
reach their targets
E) it was only in Germany that measures had been
taken to combat air attacks



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
63.- 65. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre 64. We understand from the passage that biotechnology
cevaplayınız. has produced a tomato that stays fresh and firm
much longer than the normal tomato, .
A) and can be left on the vine almost indefinitely
Scientists can now speed up the process of genetic
change through biotechnology. Farmers need no longer B) but is far more expensive to produce
wait patiently for breeding to yield improved crops and C) because the "softening" enzyme of the normal
animals, nor must they even respect natural lines of tomato has been removed by genetic engineering
reproduction among species. Laboratory scientists can
now select desirable traits from any of a number of D) especially if it is harvested when it is green
species and insert those traits into the genetic material of
E) by introducing a special gene that prevent the
crops and animals. Among the new products of
"softening" enzyme from functioning
biotechnology are tomatoes that stay fresh much longer

than the usual ones and so promise less waste and
higher profits. Normally, tomatoes produce a protein that
softens them after they have been picked. Scientists
introduce into a tomato plant a gene that is a mirror
image of the one that codes for the "softening" enzyme.
This gene fastens itself to the RNA of the native gene
and blocks its action. A vine-ripe tomato with this special
gene rots more slowly than a normal tomato, allowing
growers to harvest at the most flavourful and nutritious
red stage. The tomatoes will still last much longer during
shipping and marketing than regular tomatoes harvested
when green.

63. As the passage points out, genetic change is not a

65. One of the important advantages of the genetically
new phenomenon, but .
engineered tomatoes as described in the passage Is
A) formerly it was only achieved by careful breeding that .
and was a long, slow process
A) they contain a larger proportion of protein than the
B) it has only recently been applied to plants usual tomato

C) farmers have only just started to take an interest in it B) they are far more nutritious than the normal ones
even when picked at the green stage
D) its advantages have only just become obvious to
farmers C) they can be picked when ripe and at their tastiest,
and won't spoil in transport
E) the success-rate of inserting a desired trait is not
very high D) the gene used to prevent rotting is perfectly stable

E) their appearance is far more attractive than that of

other tomatoes



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
66 - 68. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre 67. According to the passage, solar energy is not
cevaplayınız. presently used on a large scale .
A) since it could constitute a threat to the environment

To obtain power from the sun's rays is to use nuclear B) as even on cloudless days it cannot be made to
power developed at no expense in a laboratory 93 million yield a great deal of power
miles away, for the radiant energy of the sun is C) even though it can be harnessed with 100 per cent
maintained by nuclear transformation of chemical efficiency
elements occurring in the sun's interior at temperatures
of many million degrees, and at pressures of many D) since the harnessing of thermonuclear power from
million atmospheres. The resources of solar power are the oceans is felt to be more profitable
enormous. If 100 per cent efficiency could be secured in
E) because the expense of harnessing it is not
the transformation of radiant solar energy into
economically viable
mechanical work, a horsepower per square yard of

ground surface would be available under cloudless skies.
The expense of collecting solar energy still prevents its
competition with the usual power sources .Yet, unless
the vague promise of safe thermonuclear power from
oceans becomes realized, solar power must supply the
enormous and growing requirements of posterity within
two centuries. Because the ground sources (coal, oil and
uranium) as they near exhaustion will become more
costly than solar power.

66. The writer of the passage regards the sun . 68. The passage contains a warning that .
A) as both the largest and the cheapest source of A) such ground sources of energy as coal and oil will
power be used up by the next generation
B) as an inefficient source of energy as cloud prevents B) solar energy could prove dangerous as it is a form of
it from being effective nuclear energy
C) as offering little more in the way of energy for the C) future ages may have no option but the sun's rays to
future than thermonuclear power meet their energy requirements
D) as a far distant laboratory that produces nuclear D) thermonuclear power from oceans could prove even
power more costly than solar power
E) as a source of power too vast and dangerous to be E) the costs of harnessing solar power are not likely to
tampered with or used be reduced



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
69. - 71. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre 70. It is clear from the passage that, when a ship is being
cevaplayınız. ordered the designer is often given a lot of freedom
in the type of design, but he will expect to be told
The design of ships is governed by scientific principles A) something about what it is to carry and how fast it is
and economic considerations but in practice it has many to travel
of the qualities of an art. The designer may be supplied
with the precise and detailed requirements of an owner B) the type of loading and unloading apparatus to
or he may receive only the barest outline of requirements install
such as the weight of cargo to be carried and the speed. C) something about the route it will normally follow
The dimensions chosen and the main characteristics of
the ship are governed by the trade in which the vessel is D) the exact dimensions that are required
to compete. High-density cargoes such as iron ore
E) exactly how big the cargo holds should be
require little cubic capacity; low-density cargoes such as

bananas require vast cubic capacity. The ports which the
vessel must enter may impose restrictions on length and
draught. Passage through canals may restrict both
draught and breadth. The nature of the cargo may
determine the size of cargo holds and of the hatchways
through which the cargo is loaded and unloaded.
Available facilities at the ports to be entered affect the
loading and unloading apparatus to be installed in the

69. We understand from the passage that the size of a 71. According to the passage, a great many factors have
ship . to be considered in the design of a ship .
A) needs to be large if it is to have high-density A) of which economic matters are the least important
B) and no designer is prepared to accept just a simple
B) will reflect the type of goods to be carried outline of requirements
C) is unimportant so long as it does not have to pass C) but one of the least important is the cubic capacity
through canals needed for the cargo
D) has relatively little bearing upon its cost D) including regulations and conditions in the ports it
will call in at
E) affects the system of loading and unloading of the
cargo E) in particular the relationship between length and



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
72. - 74. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre 73. The definition of erosion given in this passage .
A) is a strictly regional one
B) disregards man's role in it
Erosion is regarded not merely as the physical removal C) concentrates on flooding
of soil by water and wind, but rather as the deterioration
of all the component parts of the habitat in which man D) assumes that the process is inevitable
and his crops and livestock have to exist. Since there is
E) is a broad one
no conclusive evidence for any major climatic change in
historic times to explain this deterioration, we must
conclude that the eroding of the total environment has
been due primarily to thoughtless destruction of the
vegetative cover. This has led to deterioration of the

microclimate above and below the surface, generally in
the direction of a general drying out of the soil which has
exposed it to erosive action of wind and rainfall of high
intensity or frequency, and to the loss of organic matter in
the soil, thus reducing its capacity to resist erosion by
conserving the water that falls on the surface. If
everything possible is done within the total environment
to conserve the naturally planted or cultivated vegetation,
this will also ensure optimal conservation of soil and

72. It is argued in the passage that the impoverishment

of the world's habitat . 74. It is pointed out in the passage that the loss of
organic matter in the soil .
A) It is first and foremost due to man's irresponsible
abuse of the vegetable cover of the earth A) led to the destruction of the world's vegetative cover

B) is largely due to gradual changes in climate over B) is a direct result of insufficient rain
long years C) is an irreversible process
C) became inevitable as soon as agricultural and D) has made the soil more susceptible to erosion
animal husbandry developed
E) came about through over-planting which robbed the
D) cannot be remedied soil of nutrients
E) has been needlessly exaggerated



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
75. - 77. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre 76. As it is pointed out in the passage, many exports are
cevaplayınız. of the opinion that radioactive waste ----.
A) should never be stored underground as it can not
then be monitored
The world's nuclear plants have accumulated vast stocks
of highly radioactive waste. Worldwide, high-level waste is B) should not be stored underground while the
currently stored above ground, and no government has radioactive isotopes continue to let off
a clear policy on its eventual disposal. While most substantial amounts of heat
experts believe that burying the waste is the safest bet in C) does not require to be cooled when stored above
the long term, the problem is finding sites that everyone ground
can agree are geologically stable. Decaying radioactive
isotopes release heat. As a result, high-level waste must D) cannot be safely disposed of anywhere and the
be constantly cooled; otherwise, it becomes dangerously problem of what to do with it intensifies as the

hot. This is why many experts want to store waste above amount increases
ground until it has decayed and is cool enough to be
E) can be safely left to cool down underground in
stored safely in sealed repositories several hundreds of
sealed repositories
metres below ground. According to one recent theory,
however, waste should be lowered down boreholes
drilled to 4 kilometres. The trick is to exploit heat
generated by the waste to fuse the surrounding rock and
contain any leaking radioactivity.

77. The passage describes a new method, still only a

75. It is clear from the passage that the safe disposal of theoretical one, for the disposal of radioactive waste,
radioactive waste ----. ----.
A) has been satisfactorily dealt with by scientists in A) which uses bore holes so that all sites are suitable
conjunction with governments
B) at a depth considerably less than that normally
B) is a problem that each government must decide on recommended but the chosen site must meet certain
for its own country geological requirements
C) remains a global problem of great magnitude C) which, unfortunately, increases the time needed for
D) is a problem that has not attracted enough attention cooling the waste before final disposal

E) will in all likelihood soon be resolved, and a clear D) in which the radioactive isotopes are prevented from
policy agreed on by concerned governments releasing heat
E) whereby the heat produced by that waste will serve
to seal it safely into the rock under which it
has been buried



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
78. - 80. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre 79. It is emphasized if the passage that, until the 20th
cevaplayınız. century ----.
A) the sounds produced by musical instruments could
not be properly controlled
Sounds produced by continuous vibration tones are
spreads waves of compression through the air. Where B) there was among scientists, a great deal of
there is a solid boundary such as the walls of a room the controversy as regards the importance of
sound waves are reflected so that the sounds within the reverberation
room are prolonged beyond what they would be in the C) there was an unaccountable deficiency of
open. The sounds produced by the voice or by a musical reverberation in ever major building
instrument then reverberate through the room after the
actual tone production has ceased. When the sound D) good acoustics were absent in the majority of
waves strike the walls some of the sound energy travels buildings
on and is either absorbed in the material or may

E) acoustics were a primary concern in the design of all
penetrate to the other side; but with the usual hard,
unyielding walls of which most buildings are made, more
than 90% of the sound energy is reflected back into the
room at each impact, so that some time must elapse
before all is spent. It is this reverberation which, in its
excess, is the prime cause of the faulty acoustics of
many pre 20th century buildings.

80. It is explained in the passage that only a very small

78. We understand from the passage that reverberation percentage of the sound waves ----.
A) can pass through a wall made of firm and resistant
A) is never taken into account in questions of acoustics material
B) is less obvious in an enclosed space B) does actually travel back towards its source at each
C) occurs within an enclosed space such as a room impact

D) is of equally short duration both indoors and C) can be accurately measured for acoustic purposes
outdoors D) has a damaging effect upon the acoustics of a room
E) has duration equal to that of the tone production E) can last longer than the actual tone-production itself




Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22


1. A 2. C 3. E 4. D 5. B 6. E 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. E

11. B 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. B 16. E 17. C 18. A 19. D 20. B

21. D 22. A 23. E 24. D 25. C 26. C 27. D 28. E 29. A 30. D

31. A 32. B 33. C 34. E 35. B 36. A 37. D 38. B 39. C 40. A

41. D 42. A 43. B 44. E 45. D 46. E 47. C 48. B 49. D 50. E

51. E 52. B 53. E 54. D 55. B 56. C 57. A 58. B 59. D 60. C

61. B 62. D 63. D 64. E 65. D 66. A 67. E 68. C 69. E 70. A

71. D 72. C 73. D 74. A 75. C 76. B 77. E 78. C 79. D 80. A



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
1. - 21. sorularda cümlede boş bırakılan yere 7. The probable resources of petroleum cannot be
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. estimated as ---- as can those of coal.
A) considerably B) ultimately C) essentially
1 A motion study of assembly procedures ---- the
design and disposition of the bench, tools, D) suitably E) accurately
containers and materials used.
A) gets on with B) makes up for 8. In studying protein-coding sequences, the
initiation and the termination codons are usually
C) puts pressure on D) takes into account excluded ---- these two codons almost never
E) cuts free from change with time.
A) whereas B) in case C) but
D) instead of E) since

2. In an effort to ---- air-pollution levels in busy
cities, driving is banned in 150 cities in Italy for
10 hours every Sunday.
9. The environment in which we live changes
A) put up with B) force out continuously ---- "natural causes" over which we
C) cut back on D) move off with have little control.

E) bring off A) in spite of B) due to C) thus

D) hence E) however

3. All science is ---- the fact that every natural event

has a natural cause. 10. Farmers depend on meteorologists ---- accurate
A) come across B) put through forecasts assist in successful agricultural
C) carried on D) based on
A) who B) in which C) that
E) set off
D) what E) whose

4. The practical ---- of soil mechanics includes the

design of foundations and earth-retaining 11. ---- astronomers have so far found no Earth-like
structures. planets, this does not mean that there are none.

A) application B) appreciation A) While B) As C) Even though

C) reference D) detention D) As if E) Unless

E) elimination

12. Irrigation is the art of using water, ---- direct

rainfall, for crop cultivation.
5. A detailed understanding of why the World Trade
Center towers collapsed will mean that engineers A) in case of B) besides C) compared with
can ---- the lessons learned into future designs. D) other than E) ranging from
A) participate B) reproduce
C) incorporate D) reinstate
E) demonstrate 13. In statistics, random samples are obtained ---- by
sampling replacement from a finite population ----
by sampling without replacement from an infinite
6. It was through the research of Sabine at Harvard A) either / or B) whether / and C) just / as
at the end of the 19th century that the subject of
acoustics was put on a ---- scientific footing. D) as / as E) so / that

A) random B) quantitative C) constructive

D) selective E) competitive
14. So far, ---- £ 24 million have been invested in this
relatively new Building Society because it cares
for the environment.
A) more of B) so much C) much as
D) the most E) more than


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
15. Adhesives are now frequently being used where 19. Currently, a greet deal of attention ---- to the
previously mechanical methods of fastening ---- phenomenon known as acid rain, the incidence of
essential. which appears to be growing in developed
A) would be considered
B) have been considered A) had been paid B) was paid C) is being paid
C) are being considered
D) has been paid E) will be paid
D) were to be considered
E) were considered

20. A chemistry journal plans to publish this hotly

disputed article ---- an addendum that questions
16. All the speculations of engineers about the some of its conclusions.
mechanism of the collapse of the World Trade

Center towers ----, in fact, hypotheses, theories of A) over against B) along with
what ----. C) from under D) up against
A) were / might happen E) out of
B) are / might have happened
C) will be / has happened
D) would have been / might happen 21. Superconductivity occurs only ---- certain
materials, for example lead, and only, then ----
E) have been / may happen very low temperatures.
A) with / at B) at / in C) in / by
D) for / from E) by / for
17. For four decades, researchers ---- the heavens for
radio signals that an advanced civilization ---- into
the vastness of the galaxy.
A) have been scanning / may have emitted
B) scanned / will have emitted
C) had scanned / could have been emitted
D) scan / would have emitted
E) are being scanned / could have emitted

18. Satellite observations ---- that space ---- in a sea

of X- rays.
A) had shown / has been bathed
B) showed / has bathed
C) will show / would have bathed
D) have shown / is bathed
E) would show / would be bathed


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
22. - 31. sorularda verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde 26. ---- which are invisible in ordinary telescopes.
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) It is now possible to design and plan
experiments concerning space
22. ---- because there was a shortage of coal for
smelting. B) Radio astronomers are able to study the more
distant parts of the Milky Way
A) In Japan, steel expansion has been subsidized
for several years C) Since then it has been possible to observe
celestial bodies on radio wavelengths
B) Italy has only very limited supplies of iron ore
D) Following this work on Cepheid variables, our
C) In Sweden, steel- making on a large scale knowledge of the universe
developed late
E) Conclusive evidence has been put forward about

D) French reserves are among the best in Europe the Milky Way
as regards quantity
E) Stimulated by the rapid growth of the railways,
the iron and steel industry expanded rapidly in
Russia 27. There are seasons of plentiful water and others of
scarcity ----.
A) when water has to be used sparingly

23. ---- if nuclear energy is to supplant conventional B) though irrigation schemes were introduced
methods of generating electricity. C) since these outlets are designed to deliver
A) There will be further increases in the total energy supplies of water automatically
consumption D) where traditional methods of irrigation still
B) The National Industrial Fuel Efficiency Service is remain in use
prepared to advise E) so flow irrigation is best suited to a flat
C) Oil and natural gas are in competition with the countryside
older fuels
D) Mechanical methods of mining will increase the
competitive power of coal
28. More attention is being given to improved
E) A great many difficulties will have to be efficiency in the use of fuel ----.
A) because they cause environmental pollution
B) if prices continue to rise at this rate
C) as the cost of fuel increases
24. ---- why no one warned him to check the pressure
in the tank constantly. D) whether cleaner methods are forthcoming
A) Surely someone could have thought of it E) which should have been discovered earlier
B) I simply cannot comprehend
C) It's just another example of irresponsibility
29. After take-off, the pilot of an aircraft is often given
D) The instructions state expressly a course to steer ----.
E) It should have been a matter of common sense A) though the air traffic control officer will still be
using field glasses
B) whether the weather conditions were suitable or
25. ---- as it contains salt.
C) since he will be watched by direct visual means
A) The sea freezes at temperatures below the from the control tower unless there is fog
normal freezing point of water
D) until a specific reporting point or height is
B) She tries to avoid such types of food reached
C) In polar regions glaciers frequently flow down E) so long as the landing gear retracts correctly
into the sea
D) The warmer the air the more moisture it can
E) Snowflakes, like other from of water vapour,
nearly always possess a crystal structure


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
30. Why didn't you remind him ----? 32. - 36. sorularda verilen Türkçe cümlenin
anlamına en yakın Đngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
A) not to have overlooked the possibility of a
breakdown in the electric circuit
32. Sadece demir ve kobalt ile nikel gibi diğer birkaç
B) having stabilized the pressure to reasonable madde güçlü manyetik etkiler gösterir.
A) Iron and a few other materials including cobalt
C) to check the temperature of the solution at and nickel have a strong magnetic force.
regular intervals
B) Only iron and a few other materials such as
D) the printer will be checked for compatibility with cobalt and nickel show strong magnetic effects.
the microcomputer
C) It is only iron and a few other materials like
E) to have got rid of all the outdated equipment cobalt and nickel that exert a strong magnetic

D) The magnetic force of iron and a few other
metals such as cobalt and nickel are the only
strong ones.

31. The collapse of a British company developing E) The only metals, other than iron, to show a
genetically engineered vaccines in plants has strong magnetic force are cobalt and nickel.
raised fears ----.
A) why the public has shown so much hostility to
genetically modified plants
B) that medical biotechnology may also be
adversely affected
C) if industry analysts had been intimidated by rival
D) unless all such plants are grown in glass houses
33. Son araştırmalar, canlılarda oluşan kimyasal
and not in open fields
tepkimelerin hemen hemen tümünün, protein
E) though it failed to raise adequate funds to molekülleri tarafından katalizlediğini göstermiştir.
finance the next stage of' vaccine development
A) Recent studies have shown that almost all
chemical reactions that take place in living
organisms are catalysed by protein molecules.
B) It seems from recent studies, that the majority of
chemical reactions that occur in living organisms
are catalysed by proteins molecules.
C) Recent studies suggest that the chemical
reactions that take place in all living organisms
are catalysed by protein molecules.
D) Recent studies have established that in the
chemical reactions that take place in living
organisms, the catalyst is almost always proteins
E) The result of recent studies into the chemical
reactions that occur in living organisms has been
to establish that protein molecules are almost
invariably the catalyst.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
34. Bir hipotez, genellikle, bir soruna olası bir çözüm 36. Satürn buz kaplı sayısız parçacıktan oluşan
getiren birbiriyi bağlantılı bir ifadeler grubundan muhteşem halka sistemi ile tanınır.
A) What makes Saturn remarkable is its superb ring
A) On the whole, by a hypothesis is meant a group system composed of countless-ice-covered
of interrelated statements that together suggest particles.
a solution to a problem.
B) Saturn has a magnificent ring system, composed
B) In general, a hypothesis means a collection of of innumerable ice covered particles.
related statements that suggest a plausible
solution to a problem. C) The special characteristic of Saturn is its
fantastic ring system made up of millions of ice-
C) A hypothesis usually consists of a group of covered particles
interconnected statements that give a possible
solution to a problem. D) The incredible ring system of Saturn is made up

of ice-covered particles
D) A hypothesis suggests a likely solution to a
problem based on a set of interrelated E) Saturn is noted for its magnificent ring system,
statements. which is composed of myriads of ice-covered
E) A set of interconnected statements that offer a
possible solution to a problem is known as a

35. Alman gökbilimci Kepler, gezegenlerin güneş

çevresindeki hareketlerinin ayrıntılı bir
betimlemesi olan önemli gökbilimi eserleri
A) In his works on astronomy, the German
astronomer Kepler describes, in great detail, the
movement of the planets around the sun.
B) The German astronomer Kepler described in
detail the motions of the planets around the sun
in his important works on astronomy.
C) Kepler is an important German astronomer who
described in detail the movement of the planets
around the sun in his famous works on
D) The German astronomer Kepler wrote important
astronomical works which are a detailed
description of the motions of the planets around
the sun.
E) Kepler, the German astronomer, whose works
on astronomy are we' known gives an elaborate
description of the planets that move around the


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
37. - 41. sorularda verilen Đngilizce cümlenin 39. The British aircraft industry, first established in
anlamına en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. 1909, initially supported only a few pioneer
aviators, but World War I greatly accelerated the
technology and led to mass production.
37 Electricity can be generated far more cheaply in
nuclear reactors in which the uranium atoms are A) Đlk kez 1909'da kurulmuş olan, başlangıçta bazı
split. maceraperest havacılara destek veren Đngiliz
uçak sanayi, I. Dünya Savaşı ile teknolojiyi çok
A) Nükleer reaktörlerde, uranyum atomlarının hızla ilerletmiş ve seri üretime geçmiştir.
parçalanmasıyla oldukça ucuz elektrik elde
etmek mümkündür. B) Đngiliz uçak sanayi, 1909'da kurulmuş ve
öncelikle bir avuç maceracı havacıya destek
B) Nükleer reaktörlerde, oldukça ucuz bir şekilde
sağlamıştır, ancak I. Dünya Savaşı ile teknoloji
üretilebilen elektrik, uranyum atomlarının çok hızlanmış ve seri üretime geçilmiştir.
parçalanmasıyla elde edilir.
C) Başlangıçta sadece bir kısım amatör havacıya

C) Uranyum atomlarının parçalandığı nükleer destek olan Đngiliz uçak sanayi 1909'da
reaktörler, olabildiğince ucuz elektrik üretmek kurulmuştur, ancak teknoloji I. Dünya Savaşı
için kullanılmaktadır.
nedeniyle çok hızlı ilerlemiş ve seri üretime
D) Uranyum atomlarının parçalanması sonucu başlanmıştır.
nükleer reaktörlerde üretilen elektrik, çok daha
D) Đlk kez 1909'da kurulmuş olan Đngiliz uçak
ucuza mal olabilir.
sanayi, başlangıçta sadece birkaç öncü
E) Elektrik, uranyum atomlarının parçalandığı havacıya destek vermiştir, ancak I. Dünya
nükleer reaktörlerde çok daha ucuz olarak Savaşı teknolojiyi çok hızlandırmış ve seri
üretilebilir. üretime yol açmıştır.
E) Đngiliz uçak sanayi ilk kez 1909'da kurulunca
öncelikle gönüllü birkaç havacıya destek olmuş
ve I. Dünya Savaşı'nda teknolojiyi hızla
geliştirerek seri üretime başlamıştır.

38. It has been estimated that 35 to 45 per cent of all

the energy used in developed countries is
consumed by industry.
A) Gelişmiş ülkelerde kullanılan tüm enerjinin yüzde
35 ile 45’inin sanayi tarafından tüketildiği tahmin 40. Since the late 1950s, various techniques have
edilmektedir. been developed in molecular biology, and this
has generated much interest in the study of
B) Yapılan hesaplamalara göre, gelişmiş ülkeler, evolutionary relationships.
ürettikleri tüm enerjinin yüzde 35 ile 45'ini
sanayide tüketmektedir. A) Moleküler biyolojide çeşitli teknikler 1950'lerin
sonlarından itibaren geliştirilmiş ve bunun
C) Gelişmiş ülkelerde sanayinin tükettiği tüm sonucu olarak evrim ilişkilerinin araştırılmasına
enerjinin, yüzde 35 ile 45 civarında olduğu ilgi duyulmaya başlanmıştır.
B) Moleküler biyolojide farklı tekniklerin
D) Gelişmiş ülkelerde tüketilen tüm enerjinin yüzde geliştirilmesi 1950'lerin sonlarında olmuştur ve
35 ile 45'inin sanayide kullanıldığı bunun sonucu olarak evrim ilişkilerinin
hesaplanmaktadır. araştırılmasına yoğun ilgi duyulmuştur.
E) Tahminlere göre, gelişmiş ülkelerde sanayide C) 1950'lerin sonlarında, moleküler biyolojide pek
kullanılan enerji üretilen tüm enerjinin yüzde 35 çok teknik geliştirilmiştir ve evrim ilişkilerinin
ile 45'ini oluşturmaktadır. araştırılmasına yönelik aşırı ilgi bunun
sonucunda olmuştur
D) 1950'lerin sonlarından beri moleküler biyolojide
geliştirilen değişik teknikler, evrim Đlişkilerinin
araştırılmasına olan ilgiyi çok artırmıştır.
E) 1950'lerin sonlarından bu yana moleküler
biyolojide çeşitli teknikler geliştirilmiş ve bu evrim
ilişkilerinin araştırılmasına büyük ilgi yaratmıştır.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
41. Nucleic acids were first isolated from white blood 42. - 46. sorularda karşılıklı konuşmanın boş
corpuscles and fish sperm by the Swiss bırakılan kısmında söylenmiş olabilecek sözü
biochemist Miescher in a remarkable series of bulunuz.
investigations which began in 1869.
42. Paul:
A) 1869'da başlayan bir dizi mükemmel araştırma It says here that workers in the poorer
sonucunda, Đsviçreli biyokimyacı Miescher, countries are less productive than those in
nükleik asitleri akyuvarlardan ve balık the richer ones.
sperminden izole edebilmiştir.
B) Nükleik asitlerin ilk kez 1869'da akyuvarlardan ----
ve balık sperminden izole edilmesi, Đsviçreli
biyokimyacı Miescher tarafından başlatılan bir Paul:
dizi ciddi araştırma sonucunda gerçekleştirmiştir. But why?
C) Đsviçreli biyokimyacı Miescher, 1869'da başladığı Colin:

bir dizi önemli araştırma sayesinde, nükleik Because, among other things, their machinery
asitleri ilk kez akyuvarlardan ve balık is less advanced.
sperminden izole edebilmiştir.
A) That used to be the case, but it isn't any longer.
D) Nükleik asitler, ilk kez, 1869'da başlayan dikkate
değer bir dizi araştırmada, Đsviçreli biyokimyacı B) I find that hard to believe.
Miescher tarafından akyuvarlardan ve balık
C) I don't think it's been proved.
sperminden izole edilmiştir.
D) Yes, that's true.
E) Đsviçreli biyokimyacı Miescher, nükleik asitleri
akyuvarlardan ve balık sperminden izole etmek E) One shouldn't generalize like that.
için ilk kez 1869'de bir dizi dikkate değer
araştırma gerçekleştirmiştir.

43. Andy:
Did you know that, by flying in formation,
aircraft can reduce consumption by up to
Really? How interesting.
Yes. The leader has to work hardest; so on
long flights, the stronger birds take it in turn
to lead.

A) Well I'm not surprised. It's a question of air

displacement. And it's why birds fly in formation.
B) Is that so? Personally, I find it hard to believe!
C) I wonder why! I wonder if that's why birds like to
fly in formation.
D) I don't think they often achieve a 25 % reduction
in fuel consumption. I think it rather depends on
how fast they are flying.
E) Yes, that's right. Have you never wondered why
birds so often fly in formation?


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
44. Alec:
46. David:
Have you been following this debate about
how far the industrial scientist is free? Do you think there are significant differences
between organic and non- organic foods?
You clearly have been following the debate.
Yes, that's what it says here. There are
Peter: apparently a great many extraneous variables.
Yes, I have; and it's all very disturbing. Bob:
Exactly. In my opinion, though, the organic

tastes better.
A) No I haven't. What's been happening?
B) I think you mean not free. He's hired for a A) Probably not; but I'm not a fan of the organic.
particular job and the data obtained becomes B) Well, certainly not as regards the flavour.
the properly of the company that pays for the
research. C) It's hard to say. And it's not easy to research the
C) I read something about in the newspaper last
week, and then forgot all about it. D) It stands to reason that there are.
D) There's been a lot about it on the TV recently, E) Frankly, I don't take the debate seriously.
but as it doesn't concern us, I've rather ignored
E) A good scientist is always free. It is only the
second-rate ones who complain and feel they
are being ill-treated. I'm quite out of sympathy
with the whole issue.

45. Pat:
Listen to this! In Australia, they are starting to
recycle mobile phones.
The old phones are being melted down and
the harmful gases extracted for commercial
Good for them, I hope other countries follow

A) Well, that is interesting! Tell me more.

B) Yes, I read about that. I'm not convinced.
C) Yes I know. I reckon it could be dangerous.
D) That's just a newspaper article. Don't take it
E) The next article on dormant seeds is much more


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
47. - 51. sorularda cümleler sırasıyla 50. (I) An important secondary effect of noise is
okunduğunda, anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi noise-induced vibrations. (II) For example, certain
bulunuz. construction operations in urban areas may be
prohibited during specified hours. (Ill) Sound of
sufficient intensity may cause buildings to vibrate and
47. (I) A series of birth defects among frogs in windows to break. (IV) This is most likely to happen in
Canada caused great consternation. (II) Most of construction areas where explosives
the defects concern the legs. (Ill) The deformity is are used or where blasting operations are
indeed widespread and the cause has not as yet been conducted. (V) In such circumstances, it is
identified. (IV) Some have extra legs, some legs that important that precautions are taken to protect
are webbed together and some with paralysed legs. nearby structures.
(V) In some, missing eyes have also been noticed.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


all-chemical launchers. (II) The nuclear- assisted

(I) NASA is considering using nuclear boosters to lift
spacecraft into orbit at a fraction of the cost of today's
51. (I) Lubrication reduces friction and, because the
surfaces do not scrape against each other, it reduces
rocket produced far more thrust than
any of the conventional ones which meant the time wear on the material. (II) Although dry friction can be
required for the launching was still further reduced. eliminated in this way, some power will still be lost
(Ill) But anti-nuclear protesters claim nuclear depending on the thickness of the lubricant seed. (Ill)
launchers would make accidents much more If the lubricant is too thick, the lubricant itself will offer
dangerous and accuse NASA of "playing Russian some resistance to motion. (IV) A greater force is
Roulette". (IV) NASA, however, disregards all this required to start surfaces moving than to keep them
and remains keen to move away from conventional in motion. (V) The selection of the correct lubricant
chemical rockets to lighter, more powerful depends on many factors, chief among them being
propulsion systems. (V) “Nuclear systems give you the operating speed of the machinery.
a chance to reduce your mass and so your overall A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
costs to orbit" says R. Adams, of NASA's Marshall
of Space Flight Center in Alabama.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

49. (I) When a tunnel is to go through rock, holes are

drilled and charged with explosives. (II) The pattern of
the holes and the timing of the explosives are worked
out carefully. (Ill) The aim is to get as clean a cut as
possible. (IV) But the problems of removing the soil
have also to be taken into consideration. (V) If the
rock is solid, huge chambers can be cut out cheaply.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
52. - 56. sorularda parçaya boş bırakılan yere 54. The drag of an airship is made up of two parts ---.
uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz. The latter include an often important increase of
the former due to disturbance of flow, and may
52. Space research is the scientific study of the approach 50 % of the former.
universe by means of vehicles in space. ----. A) The maximum cross-sectional area is about one-
Unlike other scientific disciplines, space research seventh of the "wetted surface"
is thus distinguished by technical means not by
field of study. B) Hulls are usually given a fineness ratio of about
6, which means the length is six times the
A) The long life of satellites makes possible the maximum diameter.
observation of occasional phenomena such as
the effects of solar flares C) There is the drag of the bare hull and the
effective drag of all appendages
B) Geophysics and astrophysics are also subjects

for space research but are not completely D) As a result, model experiment is quite unsuitable
comprehended in it E) One stroke horse-power for each 100 Ib gross
C) This is why space vehicles can make direct weight may be expected to give speed of about
studies of phenomena of interest above the 75 miles per hour
dense atmosphere
D) Experiments involving the artificial creation of
new condition in space have also been
E) Space, in this connection, means regions
beyond the earth which cannot be reached by
airborne vehicles such as balloons or

53. Food industrialists hail biotechnology as a

miracle, but there are many people who feel
distinctly uneasy about this new development. ---.
They wonder what unknown changes take place
when the genes of living things are manipulated
and what the long-term consequences might be.
A) One of the most exiting and fearful areas in
genetic research today is the cloning of animals
B) These people feel that tampering with genetics
may change organisms in ways not yet fully
understood, even by the scientists who
developed the techniques.
C) Indeed it is now possible to select desirable
traits from a number or species and insert them
into the genetic material of crops and animals.
D) Biotechnology means the use of biological
systems or organisms to create or modify
E) Biotechnology promises to produce greater
crops yields, leaner meats and better nutrient



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
55. When an aircraft collides with a bird, the result 56. Dust devils, which look like miniature tornadoes,
can be a potentially catastrophic damage. ----. form when sunlight warms air just above the
This is why a team at Britain's Defence Evaluation ground ---. Once it has started spinning, it can
and Research Agency plants to use crystals that draw in more air, forming a whirlwind that picks
glow when fractured to warn of such unseen up dust from the ground.
A) This is why there is always a dusty haze to be
A) In this instance, the impact damage resulted in seen around Mars
60 per cent of the material's compressive
B) Dust devils often develop in dry areas on Earth
strength being lost
B) This makes visual inspections for damage
C) A few much larger ones have been spotted on
C) Getting an aircraft back into the air quickly can
D) These small whirlwinds load the Martian

be vital
atmosphere with dust
D) But, if planes are made of carbon composites,
E) Small breezes can then give a twist the rising
one cannot see the damage.
warm air.
E) Ultrasound and X- ray techniques have both
been used, but these are slow and costly



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
57.- 59. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 58. It is clear from the passage that the immense coal
cevaplayınız. deposits of the Ruhr ----.
A) have had adverse effect upon the older towns of
The Rhine - Ruhr area became the greatest industrial the area.
region of Germany, because it had at its heart the
great coal field of the Ruhr. Mining is now almost B) have been almost completely used up by the
entirely northeast and westwards across the Rhine. iron and steel industry
The region contains the greater part of the German C) turned the Rhine - Rohr into Germany's major
iron, steel and heavy engineering industries. The industrial area.
great integrated iron and steel plants mostly cluster
on the Rhine waterway. Specialized steel plants and D) were once regarded as inexhaustible even in the
engineering works are more widespread. With a face of such intense mining.
decline in coalmining and the dismantling after World

E) have no equal anywhere else in Europe 174
War II of certain steel plants, some of the older Ruhr
towns have diversified their industries considerably:
vehicles, electrical goods and clothing are now being

57. It is pointed out in the passage that, following

World War II ----.
A) the increase in coal production gave a new
impetus to the steel industry in the towns of the
Ruhr area
59. The writer of the passage makes the point that
B) new types of industry , such as textiles and car the major part of the iron and steel industry of
manufacturing, replaced the former steel Germany ----.
industry in certain parts of the Ruhr area
A) has basically remained unchanged during the
C) the electrical industry throughout the Ruhr area last hundred years
of German became economically as important
B) has come into being since World War II
as the steel industry itself
C) is the major source of the country's prosperity
D) the towns in the Ruhr area rapidly achieved a
high level of prosperity through improvements in D) no longer depends on coal as its main source of
the steel industry power
E) all the steel plants in the Ruhr area had to be E) is located on either side of the Rhine
closed down to avoid the pollution of the towns



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
60. - 62. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 63. - 65. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. cevaplayınız.

Post war radar has been developed for an enormous A contraption that automatically fits deer with a
range of uses from police radar speed traps to the pesticide impregnated collar is helping to tackle the
ballistic missile early warning systems. At sea it is menace of Lyme disease, which is usually spread
used on ships of all sizes from the super tankers among people by ticks that live on the deer. This
down to pleasure craft, and the air it guards military disease is now one of the fastest spreading infectious
and civilian aircraft against collisions. It is even used diseases in the US and can be fatal. Trapping and
to keep track of the orbital junkyard created by treating every deer in a forest with pesticides isn't
innumerable space launches. Radar found an easy, so a machine has been designed to do it. The
unexpected use in astronomy and space navigation. animals are lured to a feeding tray where have to
Radar signals were bounced off the moon in 1946 place their heads in a V-shaped through to get to the
and reflections were obtained from Venus and the food. The machine keeps an open pesticide
sun in the late 1950s. Subsequently, radar maps impregnated collar at the ready, drooping next to the

were made of the moon and Venus - not that such trough where the deer will put its neck. As the animal
long ranges are essential for radar maps to prove takes the food, its neck presses down on a switch
themselves useful. For example, satellite-borne radar that triggers a spring- loaded arm. This propels one
aimed at the earth has actually led to the discovery of end of the open collar over the neck where it meets
previously unknown remnants of a Mayan canal the other end. The two ends join using Velcro, so
drainage system in Central America. within seconds of the animal's arrival the collar is
60. It is clear from the passage that following World
War II ----. 63. The passage is about a special collar for deer
which ----.
A) the uses of radar in many fields have expanded
A) keeps them tick-free and safe from Lyme
B) space exploration has been one of the few areas disease
of technology not to benefit from radar
B) is impregnated with a poison that kills the ticks
C) the exploration of space has been made
on the deer
possible through the use of radar
D) the construction of super tankers has increased C) replaces the older system of spraying them with
considerably pesticides
E) radar has been replaced by other navigational D) is part of a research project to keep track of their
devices movements

E) has been designed to keep a check on their

eating habits.
61. According to the passage, one of the interesting
uses of radar ----. 64. We understand from the passage that Lyme
disease ----.
A) was the early warning against ballistic missiles in
World War II
A) is carried and spread by ticks which live on deer
B) has been to locate and demolish the orbital
junkyard B) is one of the rarer of the infectious diseases
C) has been its contribution towards archaeological
C) has killed a great many deer in the US

D) has been to determine speed ranges for various D) is rapidly on the decline in the US
E) affects deer more than any other animal
E) was to guide combat aircraft towards their
targets during World War II
65. We understand from the passage that the collars
are fitted to the deer

A) while their heads are firmly held in a V- shaped

62. We understand from the passage that radar trough
signals ----.
A) cannot provide accurate maps of the terrain of B) as fast as possible because the deer dislike the
the earth process

B) have sometimes proved unreliable C) while they feed and the process only lasts
C) can control the movements of satellites seconds

D) are adversely affected by space launches D) with a mechanism that has to be man-operated
E) can travel enormous distances through space
E) before they are allowed near the food



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
66.- 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 67. It is pointed out in the passage that energy
cevaplayınız. consumption in industrial countries would be
reduced ----.
Transport represents 22 per cent of total energy
consumption in industrialized countries, mainly in the A) to the level of that in the developing countries if
form of automobiles. Although this is the fastest the number of cars per household were reduced
growth sector in such countries, the rate of increase
in road transport energy demand has slowed in most B) if alternative energy sources could be found for
developed countries since the late 1960s. This has buses and cars
reflected both improved vehicle efficiency and a
slowing down in the level of acquisition of C) if the governments took appropriate action
automobiles by households. These developments
have encouraged hopes that saturation levels may
operate at lower levels than sometimes projected. In D) if more people were to make use of public

developing countries, transport represents 14 per transport
cent of total energy consumption but the number of
automobiles is approximately 20/1000 people, E) significantly, if certain simple measures were put
compared to 600/1000 people industrialized into effect
countries. In attention to strictly technical
improvements that can be made to automobiles and
trucks, there is another important area of action
which could help in the solution of the problems,
namely, system operation. In this category, there is a
variety of actions that could be performed more
efficiently such as transporting passengers and
freight by other means, such as bus and rail that
would result in lower energy consumption and
therefore, lower emissions.

66. It is clear from the passage that transport

requirements in the industrial countries ----. 68. The writer of the passage feels that one hopeful
sign relating to the energy consumption factor is
A) are increasing faster than ever before ----.

B) account for a large proportion the energy A) the growing concern about the pollution caused
consumed by car emissions

C) will be easier to meet as vehicle efficiency B) that the technical improvements introduced by
improves the car industry have led to cleaner emissions

D) are being reviewed with the aim of meeting them C) the unexpected drop in car sales
with greater efficiency
D) the trend to send goods by train not by lorry
E) will continue to rise at roughly the same rate
E) that the number of cars per household is not
increasing as fast as formerly



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
69. - 71. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 70. It's clear from the passage that the scheme to
cevaplayınız. produce more electrical power from renewable
resources ----.
Britain has a target to deliver 10 per cent of its
electrical power from renewable resources by 2010. A) has aroused very little interest among scientists
And despite what one might hear from some and economists
quarters, superb natural and technical resources
already exist that could make this possible. All that is B) gives priority to the use of landfill gas rather than
lacking is the political will; but at present, the to any of the natural elements
government seems reluctant to take any positive
action. At present "new" renewables, such as landfill C) is regarded, by the British public as technically
gas, wind, solar, wave power and small-scale and economically unsuitable
hydropower contribute around one per cent to the
UK's electrical generating capacity. Generating power

from landfill gas is already fully economic; but has
D) will probably never even reach its interim target
on account of the expenses involved
limited scope for growth as the country moves away
from land filling waste. Energy recovery from waste is
highly controversial and also limited in capacity. So, if E) needs government support if it is to be
Britain is to meet her interim target of five per cent by implemented
2003 and 10 per cent by 2010, she must look to other
renewables for growth.

69. The passage contains a warning for Britain that 71. We understand from the passage that at present,
----. almost all of Britain's electricity ----.

A) if she is to produce more electricity, she has to A) is generated from non-renewable resources
make huge investments in renewable resources
B) is targeted to be produced from various
B) if she fails to meet her 2003 interim target for renewable resources
electrical power production, industry could come
to a standstill. C) could be provided through natural renewable
C) in order to reach her electricity target, she will
have to find other renewable resources D) is being economically produced from landfill gas

D) since renewable resources are never cost- E) is being produced uneconomically, and this has
effective, she must develop new technologies aroused the concern of the government

E) although land filling is a feasible technology, it is

highly likely to arouse a great deal of public



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
72. - 74. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 73. We understand from the passage that ----.
A) the snowline is only apparent after a heavy fall
Glaciers originate in areas that lie above the limit of of snow
prominent snow. Thus in tropical climates glaciers
are only to be found at very great heights, whereas in B) the size of a glacier is, in part, dependent on the
polar regions they flow into the sea. The largest amount of snowfall in a region
glaciers are found in regions receiving the heaviest
snowfall. The great glaciers of the Himalayas lie in C) glaciers cannot be found in tropical regions
the path of the monsoon, which deposits on them the
full measure of its vast water vapour content. The
largest glacierized areas after Antarctica are in D) the monsoon has no effect at all in the formation
Greenland, North America, and in central and south of glaciers in the Himalayas

central Asia. It has been estimated that the volume of
the world's glaciers and ice sheets exceeds E) the volume of glaciers in the world is rapidly
11,000,000 cubic miles which, if returned to the decreasing
oceans, would raise the sea - level by some 200 ft,
submerging all existing seaports and much land

72. In the passage the contrast is made between ----.

74. From the figures given in the last part of the
A) the benefits and the dangers of glaciers passage we can infer that ----.

B) the size of glaciers in the Himalayas and in A) the glaciers around the world are rapidly melting
B) all towns close to the sea are under immediate
C) the glaciers on the snowline and those at great threat
C) the amount of water held by the glaciers really is
D) the location of glaciers in the tropics and in arctic enormous
D) the oceans around the world have been rising
E) the climatic effects of glaciers in different parts steadily for some time
of the world
E) it will be impossible to prevent flooding if the
glaciers continue to meet at this rate



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
75. - 77. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 76. According to the passage, the construction of the
cevaplayınız. world's large dams ----.

The report, Dams and Development, which has been A) has been indirectly responsible for the pollution
recently published, provides stark evidence that the of rivers
world's 45,000 large dams which block over half of
the world's rivers, have been failed experiments. B) has led to a huge increase in electrical
They have failed to produce as much electricity and production
water, or control as much flood damage, as their
backers claim. They regularly suffer huge cost- C) has been to the advantage of rural communities
overruns and time delays. They have made up to 80 rather than urban ones
million people homeless, and their benefits have
largely gone to the urban well-off not the rural poor
they displace. Moreover, their effects on ecosystems D) has forced millions of people to abandon their

have been disastrous. homes

E) has often caused fierce controversy between the

backers and opponents.

75. It is pointed out in the passage that the large

dams of the world today ----. 77. It is clear that the facts given in this passage
about dams ----.
A) have not given the benefits expected of them
A) relate to only a small proportion of the world's
B) were primarily built to prevent flooding
B) give a balanced picture of their success and
C) have proved more cost-effective than originally failures
C) make no reference at all to their impact upon the
D) have contributed greatly to environmental environment
D) overlook the huge expense that was entailed in
E) play a major part in the economic success of constructing them
individual countries.
E) are derived from a recent report on the subject



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
78. - 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 79. According to the passage, with the aid of
cevaplayınız. instruments placed on the ocean floor, ----.

Our understanding of submarine volcanic eruptions A) a great deal of information correcting the
has improved substantially in the past decade owing eruption of the Axial volcano was obtained
to the recent ability to remotely detect such events
and to respond rabidly with brief surveys and B) a lot of data have been collected concerning
sampling at the eruption site. But these data are oceanic eruptions throughout the world
necessarily limited to observations after the event. In
contrast, the 1998 eruption of the Axial volcano on C) it is now possible to anticipate when volcanic
the Juan de Fuce ridge was monitored by on site eruptions are going to take place
sea-floor instruments. One of these instruments,
which measured bottom pressure, was overrun and
entrapped by the 1998 lava flow. The data recorded D) scientists can now watch the volcanic activities

by this discovered. The data recorded by this at an eruption site while they are actually
instrument reveal the duration, character and effusion happening
rate of an eruption on a mid-ocean ridge.
E) we have come to understand the part played by
bottom pressure during a volcanic eruption

78. According to the passage, it is only within the

last ten years or so that
80. We can conclude from the passage that the study
of submarine volcanic activity ----.
A) the studies made of the Axial volcano have
given rise to a great deal of controversy
A) is concerned more with the duration of an
B) scientists have realized how important under eruption than with its other aspects
ocean volcanic activity is
B) has so far made very likely progress
C) it has been possible to monitor volcanic
eruptions under the sea C) has focused primarily upon the Axial volcano
ever since 1998
D) the effusions rate of the Axial volcano has
increased noticeably D) has been greatly improved by early detection of
such activity
E) the geological causes of volcanic activity under
the sea have been major scientific concern. E) is frequently made more difficult due to the
sudden uncontrolled flow/ of lava.



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22

ÜDS FEN - (MART) 2002

1. D 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. E 8. E 9. B 10. E

11. C 12. D 13. A 14. E 15. E 16. B 17. A 18. D 19. C 20. B

21. A 22. A 23. E 24. B 25. A 26. B 27. A 28. C 29. D 30. C

31. B 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. D 36. E 37. E 38. A 39. D 40. E

41. D 42. D 43. A 44. E 45. A 46. D 47. C 48. E 49. C 50. B

51. E 52. B 53. B 54. C 55. D 56. E 57. B 58. C 59. D 60. A

61. D 62. E 63. B 64. A 65. C 66. C 67. D 68. E 69. C 70. E

71. A 72. D 73. B 74. C 75. A 76. D 77. E 78. C 79. D 80. B



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
1. - 18. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere 4. During the past 40 years, hydroponic farming ----
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. considerably in a number of areas where
temperatures are too extreme for ordinary
1. We read continually about global warming ---- to agriculture.
virtually every significant weather event that ----
these days. A) had progressed

A) having been linked / is occurring B) has progressed

B) being linked / occurs C) progresses

C) to be linked / occurred D) would have progressed

D) linking / would occur E) is progressing

E) to have been linked / had occurred

2. If the discovery ----, it ---- speculation that the

Galaxy is teeming with life.
A) had been confirmed / would fuel
WWW.KPDS.ORG 5. Dust and other particles suspended in the
atmosphere come in a bewildering range of
sizes, ---- minuscule particles of partially burned
B) will be confirmed / will have fuelled fuel ---- relatively massive grains of pollen.
C) is confirmed / will fuel A) with / from B) of / over C) from / to
D) has been confirmed / has fuelled D) at / by E) into / of
E) was confirmed / would have fuelled

3. Often the need to clean up the atmosphere ----

through major environmental disasters, of which
the London smog of 1952 still ---- a prime 6. Once chemists had developed techniques to
example. peer ---- the heart of chemical reactions, they
opened ---- a whole new world for study.
A) was realised / remains
A) for / on B) up / in C) at / with
B) has been realised / remained
D) into / up E) in / for
C) would be realised / would remain
D) was being realised / will remain
E) had been realised / has remained


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
7. ---- photographers require short exposures to 10. The research team was relieved to learn that the
capture fast moving objects, chemists need results of the experiment were in ---- their
short laser pulses to study rapid reactions. expectations.
A) In contrast B) In spite of C) In case A) competition with B) place of
D) Since E) Just as C) favour of D) excess of
E) accord with

8. According to neo-Darwinism, ---- mutation is
recognised as the ultimate source of genetic
11. Any magnet, whether it is in the shape of a bar
variation, natural selection is given the dominant
or a horseshoe, has two ends, called poles, ----
role in shaping the genetic make-up of
the magnetic effect is strongest.
A) which B) what C) how
A) however B) although C) whether
D) where E) that
D) before E) unless

9. Networks without controlled access can ----

ensure the security or privacy of stored data, ---- 12. ---- what is generally assumed, the number of
keep network resources from being exploited by animals remaining in a threatened species may
“hackers”. actually rise as it approaches the brink of
A) neither / nor B) so / as C) only / but
A) In view of B) Contrary to
D) rather / than E) also / but
C) Surprisingly enough D) Needless to say
E) Due to


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
13. The ---- of bromine in the Dead Sea water is 100 16. In the steel industry there has been a
times that in the ocean. progressive increase in capital outlay; but
fortunately this has been ---- by a fall in labour
A) extraction B) concentration C) composition costs.
D) complexity E) sufficiency
A) accompanied B) conducted
C) reinforced D) rejected
E) engaged

14. With a gestation period of six months, bats are

the slowest reproducing mammal for their size
and therefore especially ---- to extinction.
A) applicable B) reliable
C) variable
17. The fuel used by ships and aircraft to bring food
and drink to Britain ---- 4 million tonnes of CO

A) bangs out B) deals with

D) sizeable E) vulnerable C) accounts for D) gets through
E) spends up

15. Iodine remains a mysterious substance; and ----, 18. Ideally, the production of any given commodity
the iodine in the sea is in a constant state of will be ---- at the point of minimum costs.
chemical change.
A) found out B) brought up
A) comprehensively B) comparably
C) conditionally D) apparently C) made over D) carried on
E) excessively E) looked for


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
19. - 23. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 24. - 35. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
ifadeyi bulunuz.
24 Even if it is not the job of scientists to make
Computers are now part of our everyday lives and ethical decisions about their work, ----.
there seems to be nothing out of the ordinary about
them. However, the computers of the (19) ---- are a A) they have always treated humans as if they
were machines
different proposition. They are already beginning to
sound (20) ---- science fiction. Supercomputers, B) the results of the work could be used in other
many (21) ---- more powerful than today’s fastest entirely unhealthy ways
machines, could be contained in a tiny drop of liquid.
(22) ---- would not be built of silicon, (23) ---- DNA, C) future drugs will be better targeted and more
the stuff of life itself. effective

19. D) I can see how far we have moved forward, and
the direction we are taking
A) future B) current C) present
E) it is certainly their job to tell others where it is
D) recent E) next leading

A) according to B) along with C) like
25 ---- that the waste problems are much less
D) close by E) up to severe than with conventional nuclear energy.
A) All atoms have a central nucleus
B) Fusion could provide a major contribution to the
energy mix of the future

21. C) Fusion research drains resources away from

renewable energy
A) conditions B) ways C) times
D) Advocates of fusion power claim
D) degrees E) tests
E) Nuclear fusion seems the perfect answer

A) Theirs B) These C) Any of them
D) The latter E) Which 26. Unless we step up our efforts to protect the
environment, ----.
A) there would probably have been no future at all
to look forward to
B) we cannot look forward to a healthy and
23. prosperous future
A) but of B) rather than C) instead of C) which is a vast and unexplored storehouse of
D) though E) except biological treasures
D) man is undoubtedly the planet’s most
successful predator
E) we are under an obligation to do so as soon as


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
27. Though the strategic value of submarines was 30. ---- , researchers hope to improve the quality and
demonstrated in World War I, ----. safety of meat and dairy produce.
A) a submarine cannot stay submerged indefinitely A) Once they have unravelled the genome of the
B) the success of the German submarines
prompted America to enter the war B) Even though dogs and cows are next in line to
have their genetic codes sequenced
C) it was only in World War II that they played a
really key military role C) If European farmers had their livestock
vaccinated to prevent any future outbreak of
D) the first nuclear-powered submarine was foot and mouth disease
named “USS Nautilus”
D) Since vaccination is ruled out as a prevention

E) conditions on a submarine even in peace time strategy for foot and mouth disease
are enough to crush most people
E) Unless the projects for genome research are
supported by the government

28. ---- if tests in the Australian desert prove

31. A discarded rocket from the Apollo 12 Moon
A) A new species of marine reptile has been Mission had been orbiting the sun for many
identified from a 70 million-year old fossil years, ----.
B) Japanese researchers have begun testing a A) while several large optical surveys continue to
scale model of a future supersonic passenger scan the skies for asteroids
B) since any asteroid coming our way would either
C) Salyut I, the world’s first space station, was sent hit us or miss us completely
into orbit in 1970
C) so that the scientists at the Planet Centre may
D) Scientists have identified the part of the brain work out a plan to capture it
that helps us remember events from sounds
and smells D) before it changed course and started to orbit
the Earth
E) A new supersonic aircraft could take to the
skies E) although it is the first man-made object known
to have orbited the Sun

29 ---- before the technology has been shown to

work in animals. 32. The sudden collapse of the concrete slab roof of
a multi-storey car park led to fears ----.
A) Laws governing stem cell research remain
uncertain throughout the world A) even if the event caused no serious injuries
B) Australia is home to some of the world’s top B) that the lives of thousands of people were at
stem cell researchers risk from a similar incident
C) In Britain, researchers could already harvest C) why concrete has constantly received a
stem cells from surplus embryos created from negative press
D) though, with the introduction of reinforced
D) Some scientists believe it would be premature concrete, problems of this nature have been
to study human embryonic stem cells overcome
E) Embryonic stem cell research didn’t lead to E) why a chunk of concrete wall fell in a rail tunnel
cures for diseases like Parkinson’s recently in Japan


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
33. ---- extra dimensions will have to be accepted as 36. - 38. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümlenin
fact, not conjecture. anlamına en yakın Đngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
A) If future experiments confirm these predictions 36. Bazı yerbilimciler, 65 milyon yıl önce büyük bir
B) Once the theory had been conclusively proved meteor çarpmasını izleyen nitrik asit
correct yağmurunun, dinozorların yok olmasına yol açan
bir faktör olduğunu ileri sürmüşlerdir.
C) Though certain aspects of the theory weren’t
fully developed A) Some geologists have argued that a rain of
nitric acid, following a massive meteor impact
D) As measurements of the strength of gravity will 65 million years ago, was one factor leading to
be taken at different locations the extinction of the dinosaurs.

E) Whether gravity appears to be so much weaker B) According to some geologists, a rain of nitric
than electromagnetism acid, caused by a massive meteor impact some
65 million years ago, was the major factor in the
extinction of the dinosaurs.
C) The extinction of the dinosaurs was almost
certainly, in the opinion of geologists, caused by
a massive meteor impact some 65 million years
ago and the rain of nitric acid that followed it.
34. Scientists believe that elephants have sensitive D) A rain of nitric acid some 65 million years ago
cells in their feet ----. and the massive meteor impact that preceded
A) while their habitat gives them an even keener it, are generally held by geologists to have
sense of security caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.

B) even though they were to carry such an E) According to certain geologists, the extinction of
enormous weight the dinosaurs occurred about 65 million years
ago when there was a massive meteor impact
C) which enable them to pick up low frequency followed by a rain of nitric acid.
vibrations from the ground
D) as their way of life was naturally a nomadic one
37. Bir fırtına, Kuzel Đtalya üzerinden Adriyatik’e
E) that had helped them to survive in changing but geçerken, bununla gelen alçak atmosfer basıncı,
usually hostile environments yerel deniz seviyesini yarım metre kadar
A) The sea level is likely to rise by about half a
metre when a storm crosses northern Italy and
comes to the Adriatic, bringing a low
atmospheric pressure.
B) A storm passing over northern Italy and into the
35. ----, there is still a slight chance that a rogue
Adriatic brings with it a low atmospheric
black hole could come out of the depths of
pressure that causes the sea level there to rise
interstellar space and catch us unawares.
by at least half a metre.
A) If only an early warning system could be
C) The sea level in the Adriatic can rise by nearly
half a metre whenever a storm coming via
B) Because black holes would fling light at us in a northern Italy arrives bringing low atmosphere
pattern of concentric rings pressure.
C) Whether a black hole is presently within the D) When a storm passes over northern Italy into
range of our telescopes the Adriatic, the low atmospheric pressure that
comes with it raises the local sea level by up to
D) The scientists working on black holes were half a metre.
E) The low atmospheric pressure brought to the
E) Although black holes are rare in our Galaxy Adriatic by storms that have come across
northern Italy can cause sea levels there to rise
by up to half a metre.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
38. Organik çiftçiler kimyasal gübre kullanmazlar; 40. Some ecologists believe that species diversity
ancak, toprağın verimliliğini ürün artıklarını ve will not be reduced significantly as the natural
doğal gübreyi toprağa karıştırarak artırırlar. environment becomes permanently
A) Though organic farmers use no chemical
fertilisers, they successfully create a fertile soil A) Doğal çevre tamamen fakirleşmiş olduğu için,
by working into it crop residues and manure. bazı çevrebilimciler, tür çeşitliliğinin hiçbir
zaman düzelemeyeceğine inanmaktadırlar.
B) Organic farmers don’t use chemical fertilisers;
however, they build up soil fertility by working B) Tür çeşitliliğinin hiçbir zaman artmayacağına
into it crop residues and manure. inanan bazı çevrebilimciler, doğal çevrenin
tamamen fakirleştiğini ileri sürmektedirler.
C) Organic farmers manage to build up soil fertility
very successfully by working in crop residues C) Bazı çevrebilimciler, doğal çevre kalıcı olarak

and manure, but no chemical fertilisers. fakirleşirken, tür çeşitliliğinin önemli ölçüde
azalmayacağına inanmaktadırlar.
D) Because organic farmers avoid chemical
fertilisers, they use crop residues and manure D) Bazı çevrebilimcilerinin inandığı gibi, tür
to build up high levels of fertility in the soil. çeşitliliği hiçbir zaman eski durumuna
gelemeyecek, çünkü doğal çevre sürekli bir
E) Even though organic farmers don’t use şekilde yıkıma uğramaktadır.
chemical fertilisers, they build up soil fertility by
working crop residues and manure into the soil. E) Doğal çevrenin tamamen fakirleştiğini ileri süren
bazı çevrebilimciler, tür çeşitliliğinin hiçbir
zaman artmayacağına inanmaktadırlar.

39. - 41. sorularda, verilen Đngilizce cümlenin

anlamına en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

39. We know that, unless we take action right away,

certain marine species will start to become 41. Agricultural researchers in developed countries
extinct due to the alarming decline of are working to develop strains of rice that
biodiversity. produce high yields with less water.

A) Biyolojik çeşitliliğin korkunç bir şekilde azalması A) Gelişmiş ülkelerdeki zirai araştırmacılar, çeşitli
sonucu bazı deniz canlılarının yok olacağını ve pirinç türleri geliştirerek, az su ile yüksek verim
hemen harekete geçmemiz gerektiğini biliyoruz. elde etmeye çalışmaktadır.

B) Hemen eyleme geçmediğimiz takdirde, biyolojik B) Zirai araştırmacılar, gelişmiş ülkelerde, az su ile
çeşitliliğin azalması sonucu, bazı deniz yüksek verim elde edebilmek amacıyla, çeşitli
canlılarının yok olmaya başlamasının endişe pirinç türleri üzerinde çalışmaktadır.
verici olduğunu biliyoruz. C) Gelişmiş ülkelerin zirai araştırmacıları, az suya
C) Bildiğimiz kadarıyla, derhal harekete rağmen çok verim sağlayan pirinç türlerini
geçmezsek, bazı deniz canlıları yok olmaya geliştirmeye çalışmaktadır.
başlayacak, çünkü biyolojik çeşitlilik endişe D) Gelişmiş ülkelerdeki zirai araştırmacılar, az su
verici bir hızla azalıyor. kullanarak çok verim elde edebilmek için,
D) Biliyoruz ki hemen eyleme geçmezsek, bazı değişik pirinç türlerine ilişkin çalışmalar
deniz canlıları, biyolojik çeşitliliğin endişe verici yapmaktadır.
azalması nedeniyle yok olmaya başlayacak. E) Gelişmiş ülkelerdeki zirai araştırmacılar, az su
E) Biliyoruz ki hızla eyleme geçmediğimiz takdirde, ile yüksek verim sağlayan pirinç türleri
biyolojik çeşitliliğin azalması sonucu bazı deniz geliştirmek için çalışmaktadır.
canlılarının yok olması endişe vericidir.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
42. - 46. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okundu- 45. (I) The origin of the asteroids is uncertain. (II) An
ğunda, anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi asteroid would then remain in the same relative
bulunuz. position, provided the initial velocity were suitably
chosen. (III) It has been supposed that they are
42. (I) A committee of prominent physicists, chemists fragments of a former planet which has broken up.
and others was appointed to investigate the (IV) An alternative view is that they represent
properties of TEL (tetraethyl lead). (II) The material, which did not coalesce to form a single
committee presently reported mild health effects body at the time the other planets were formed. (V)
from the use of lead but nothing drastic enough to If so, this was possibly the result of the disturbing
justify a ban. (III) Increased ventilation and other action of Jupiter.
plant improvements reduced the workplace hazard
to an acceptable level. (IV) In their opinion, TEL was A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
dangerous only in concentrated form, not when

diluted in gasoline. (V) If reasonable precautions
were taken and mixing was performed at distribution
centres instead of at the point of purchase, there
would be no cause for concern.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

46. (I) One main challenge in the production of ready-

43. (I) Of all the legacies of the ancient seas the most mixed paints was the achievement of complete
valuable is petroleum. (II) No one knows exactly dispersion of the pigment in the vehicle. (II) All the
what geologic processes have created these
early patent paints had a poor reputation because
precious pools of liquid deep within the earth. (III)
they were thin and lacked opacity. (III) The
But one thing seems certain. (IV) On the other hand,
widespread use of lime and calcium carbonate instead
few geologists believe that petroleum formation is of the more expensive white lead produced paint that
linked with volcanic action. (V) Petroleum is a result
streaked. (IV) Some manufacturers diluted their paints
of fundamental earth processes that have been with too much water. (V) Others added crushed
operating at least since the beginning of Palaeozoic
pebbles to make the cans heavier.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

44. (I) Geologists are presently seeking ways of

detecting earthquakes before they strike. (II) If they
are successful, then people may be evacuated from
a danger area before the earthquake happens. (III)
Geologists are also carrying out experiments in
earthquake control. (IV) It is calculated that there
are as many as 500,000 earthquakes in a single
year. (V) If these experiments are successful, it may
be possible, in the future, to minimize the
destructive force of earthquakes.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
47. - 51. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş 49. Andy :
bırakılan kısmında söylenmiş olabilecek sözü - I hear they are trying to improve the design of
bulunuz. stadiums for the World Cup.

47. Mel : Mike :

- Funny how one always focuses on the nearest - ----
and most immediate danger and not on the Andy :
more remote and longer lasting one! - What use will they be?
Frank : Mike :
- ---- - They’ll enable sufficient sunlight to get through
Mel : to enable the grass to grow.

- Volcanoes. Did you know that among other
things, the ash from them contaminates water,
destroys crops and clogs the engines of A) The main problem is keeping the playing
aircraft? surface in perfect condition.

Frank : B) Yes; and at huge expense, too, I believe.

- No I didn’t; but I can believe it.
C) I’m not sure that all these technical innovations
really are necessary.

A) I think you’re exaggerating the situation. D) That’s right; they are experimenting with
semitransparent fabric roofs over the side
B) Why do you say that? stands.
C) Today we face all sorts of dangers, don’t we? E) In Sapporo they came up with something quite
D) I suppose the remote one is so easy to exotic, with two arenas.
E) What have you been reading about?

48. Reg : 50. Peter :

- Why are people so excited about the discovery - We had double-glazing installed throughout the
of vast quantities of ice on Mars? house last year and are immensely pleased
with it.
Jim :
- ---- Colin :
- ----
Reg :
- Then it is a lucky find. Is there a large quantity Peter :
of it? - As far as I’m concerned, the main one is a
reduction in fuel costs due to efficient
Jim : insulation.
- Enough to fill Lake Michigan twice over if it
were melted! Colin :
- Yes, that is important. Presumably, it also cuts
down on noise.
A) Because one of the problems of a manned
expedition to Mars has always been the
carrying of enough water to support the crew. A) That must have cost you quite a lot!

B) Because most of the ice is situated around the B) Is it really worthwhile?

south pole though there may also be some in
C) Just what are the benefits?
the north.
D) My wife’s keen on it, but I’m not so sure.
C) Because, as spring approaches, the glaciers
are slowly receding. E) Does it really achieve all they promise?
D) That’s why the Mars Express mission will use
radar to search down several kilometres.
E) The crucial question, of course, is still “What
are the implications for life?” and until we send
a manned expedition there we can’t know for


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
51. Interviewer : 52. - 56. sorularda, parçada boş bırakılan yere
- What advice do you have for people wishing to uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz.
go on a space trip?
52. The world’s ten most important coral reef
Space tourist :
hotspots have been identified. The sites, which
- ----
are all over the world, have one thing in
Interviewer : common: ----. The findings contradict a long-
- Why do you say that? held contention that marine species are unlikely
to become extinct because of their vast
Space tourist :
geographic ranges in the oceans.
- Well, I had to train for seven months, but the
training period will gradually be reduced, and A) they are all rich in marine species found only in
so will the costs. small areas and therefore highly vulnerable to

A) Ask me that when I get back.
B) habitat destruction leads to loss of biodiversity
B) I’d say wait a while. It’s going to get far more
accessible quite soon. C) most of the world’s coral reefs are under threat
from human activities, in particular from
C) Make sure that you really want to! There’s more pollution
hard work involved and less fun than most
people imagine. D) the advantages of an integrated land and sea
conservation strategy are suggested by at least
D) Make sure you are physically very fit indeed! eight of them
E) Well, I wished to; I worked hard at it; and now E) the ten hotspots account for a tiny 0,017 per
I’m going! cent of the oceans, but 34 per cent of restricted
range coral reef species

53. The training for tourists travelling into space is

tough; the journey itself is even tougher. ---- .
Moreover, the G-forces push their organs and
blood to the back of their body. Eight minutes
later they should be 805 km above Earth,
travelling at speeds of more than 40,234 km/h.
A) Besides the vigorous training programme, there
are stringent medical and fitness tests
B) The view and the experience, however, more
than compensate for any unpleasantness
C) After ignition the force of acceleration drags on
the tourists with the weight of eight men
D) Would-be travellers to space have also to
complete a 22-month training programme
E) The G-force exercises are perhaps the most
demanding part of the training



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
54. One important aim of this “Scientific 56. Acid rain not only kills fish, it also erodes
Opportunities” organisation is to create a more buildings. Airborne urban pollution, including
welcoming environment for creative, inventive SO , nitric acid and carbon particles (soot) is
thinkers. ----; but they are tools that aren’t used deposited on the wet surfaces of stonework to
nearly enough. Too many young people become form unsightly black crusts. ---- . Porous stones
bored with science and maths education, and and sandstone are especially vulnerable.
they learn far too little about what the great
inventors have done to create the world we live A) To make matters worse, the features of many of
in. these statues have also been eroded away

A) Other skills are naturally required if the job is to B) Air pollution was much worse in Western cities
be done properly 30 years ago than it is today
C) The crust is essentially soot, mixed with

B) No cause is more important than cultivating the
potential of the human mind gypsum - the soft mineral calcium sulphate
which forms when stone reacts with sulphuric
C) Every trade has its own tools and special acid
D) Another problem that used to be associated
D) Invention and creativity are humanity’s most with acid rain was lead poisoning, but plastic
powerful tools for making the world a better pipe work has more or less eliminated this risk
E) Rural sources of acidity from industrial sites
E) This is its long-standing mission and to achieve have similarly been increasing at an alarming
it every available tool is being used rate

55. There is very little similarity between the

chemical composition of river water and that of
sea water. The various elements are present in
entirely different proportions. ----. An important
reason for the difference is that immense
amounts of calcium salts are constantly being
withdrawn from sea water by marine animals for
the making of shells and skeletons.
A) The ocean is the earth’s greatest storehouse of
B) The rivers bring in four times as much calcium
as chloride, for example; yet in the ocean the
proportions are reversed; there is 46 times as
much chloride as calcium
C) Although the earth is constantly shifting her
component materials from place to place, the
heaviest movements are always from land to
sea, not from sea to land
D) The annual flow of water seaward is believed to
be about 5,500 cubic miles, and this inflow of
river water gives the ocean several billion
tonnes of salts
E) In a single cubic mile of sea water there are, on
the average, 166 million tons of dissolved salts



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
57. - 59. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya gore 58. It is clear from the passage that William
cevaplayınız. Willcocks was upset ----.

William Willcocks was born 150 years ago in a tent A) to find out that the ancient irrigation systems of
beside a canal in northern India, where his father Mesopotamia were inadequate
worked for the colonial government. He learnt his B) because the first Aswan dam was needlessly
engineering in India before heading for Egypt in large and costly
1883. There he rose to become director-general of
reservoirs, and a legend on the banks of the Nile. C) when he realised the work of his fellow water
He built the first Aswan dam, then the largest in the engineers in the colonies was utterly ineffective
world, went on to revive the ancient irrigation D) to discover that the water resources of south
systems of Mesopotamia, and watered deserts from
Africa were not sufficient to irrigate the desert
south Africa to India. But he was deeply troubled by

the discovery that much of what his fellow water E) because the whole responsibility for the
engineers did in their colonial playgrounds was construction of the Aswan dam was on his
worse than useless. shoulders

57. We gather from the passage that William 59. As it is stated in the passage, Willcocks’s work
Willcocks ----. in Egypt ----.
A) travelled all over India in search of fresh water A) brought about a rapid change in the economic
resources life of the country
B) devoted his engineering skills to the B) earned him fame, power and prestige
improvement of agriculture in India alone
C) was of secondary importance compared with
C) was inspired by his father in choosing what he was to do in India
engineering as a profession
D) was confined to the construction of the Aswan
D) came from a wealthy and influential English dam
family in India
E) has always been underestimated
E) was an extremely talented irrigation specialist of
the late 19th century



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
60. - 62. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya gore 61. According to the passage, one fact that opened
cevaplayınız. the way to the development of radar was ----.

The acronym ‘radar’, for radio detection and A) the use of electromagnetic waves by the US
ranging, has been credited to the US Navy, which Navy
used it officially towards the end of 1940, but the B) the pressing need for the prevention of
concept of radar is somewhat older. Hertz showed collisions on land and sea
that metals would reflect electromagnetic waves and
Tesla is said to have suggested using this C) the interference in radio experiments when
phenomenon in a radar-like manner in 1899. A few ships or aircraft passed by
years later a German, Christian Hulsmeyer,
D) the growing hostilities between East and West
received patents for a ship’s anticollision device.
Also many radio engineers and experimenters E) America’s entry into World War II

observed that passing aircraft or ships interfered
with their experiments. Although these features are
all suggestive of radar, none was actually radar
unless the term is very loosely defined. In the
1930s, however, several of the major powers
became aware of the military possibilities of radar
and work on it started immediately in the USA,
Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the
Soviet Union. By the end of World War II, military
radar, and military radio navigation aids too, were
well developed.

60. We understand from the passage that the work 62. It is clear from the passage that many of the
on radar ----. world’s leading countries ----.
A) was begun by Hertz and completed by A) were keen to develop radar because of its
Hulsmeyer military advantages
B) only began upon the outbreak of World War II B) had been involved in the development of radar
from 1899 onwards
C) received almost no scientific attention until the
end of 1940 C) were worried about the sharp increase in
collisions at sea
D) was originally undertaken by the US Navy
D) decided to pool their resources so as to develop
E) developed very fast during World War II
radar at a faster rate
E) were investing large sums of money to improve
the navigational techniques of their military



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
63. - 65. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya gore 64. As it is clear from the passage, the “wing
cevaplayınız. warping” technique that is presently being
tested ----.
Aviation is about to go back to its roots. Nearly 100
years after the Wright brothers’ first heavier-than-air A) is a brand new technique especially developed
powered flight, the US Air Force is testing an for supersonic aviation
experimental plane that uses “wing warping”, which B) in fact dates back to the early history of aviation
is the steering and control technique that kept
Orville Wright aloft in 1903. But this time round, it C) is being sharply contested by the USAF
will be at supersonic speeds. Unlike conventional D) is unlikely to prove effective in supersonic
aircraft wings, which use movable surfaces like flaps
on the wings and the tail, wing warping bends the
entire wing. The USAF call it “active aeroelastic E) will probably have no noticeable effect on an

wing” technology, and is investing $41 million in the aircraft’s performance
project in the hope that it will lead to lighter, more
manoeuvrable supersonic planes.

63. We understand from the passage that the reason 65. The phrase “kept Orville Wright aloft” in lines 5-
why the USAF is giving so much importance to 6 means ----.
the “wing warping” technique is ----. A) gave Orville Wright an easy control
A) because they believe it may help them to B) helped Orville Wright to fly faster
produce supersonic planes that are easier to
control and less heavy C) lifted Orville Wright into the air

B) because it will improve the performance of D) enabled Orville Wright to stay in the air
conventional aircraft by increasing their weight E) made Orville Wright fly more safely
C) because it will help them to cut down on
production costs of supersonic aircraft
D) to enable combat aircraft to develop a more
effective defence system
E) to ensure that the wings can withstand
supersonic speeds over long periods of time



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
66. - 68. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya gore 67. According to the passage, the Conowingo dam
cevaplayınız. holds back large quantities of sediment ----.

Like so many American waterways, the Chesapeake A) so the water going into the bay is lacking in
Bay, an enormous, semi-saline body of water that is nutrients
treasured for its aquatic life, became badly polluted B) which means that the water flowing into the
during the 20 century. But it has regained much of Chesapeake Bay is almost salt free
its biological vitality since the early 1970s, thanks to
concerted ecological stewardship. In this effort, the C) and has to be constantly cleaned
Conowingo dam has provided valuable assistance.
D) though this was not thought of when the dam
Environmentalists are not often fond of dams, which
was designed
have a habit of trapping migratory fish and
disrupting sensitive water ecosystems - not to

E) as well as a great many migratory fish
mention looking ugly. But the Conowingo dam on
the Susquehanna river in eastern Maryland is an
exception. Since its construction in 1928, the
Conowingo dam has not only generated electricity
but also trapped vast amounts of sediment behind
its imposing walls. This was not a function the
builders had planned for, but in recent years its
value has become clear. The water flowing past the
Conowingo dam is much cleaner than it would
otherwise be. Even America’s onceendangered
national symbol, the bald eagle, can be seen
perching near the dam, waiting to swoop down and
seize a meal of fish by its talons.

66. As it is pointed out in the passage, dams are not 68. We learn from the passage that one gratifying
usually popular among environmentalists ----. sign that the Chesapeake Bay is no longer
seriously polluted is the fact that ---- .
A) but the Conowingo dam has their approval
A) the bald eagle is now no longer an endangered
B) unless they disrupt sensitive water ecosystems species
C) and especially all those on the Susquehanna B) America has made the bald eagle her natural
river symbol
D) but the Conowingo dam, because of its C) the bald eagle that feeds on fish has returned to
imposing appearance, is generally admired the region
E) although they acknowledge that most are D) its biological variety has remained unchanged
environmentally friendly
E) the water is so clear one can see the aquatic
life there



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
69. - 71. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya gore 70. One interesting point made in the passage is
cevaplayınız. that ----.

More than half of astronauts suffer from space A) astronauts get used to zero gravity before
sickness, also known as Space Adaptation setting off on a space mission
Syndrome. Symptoms include headaches, nausea, B) the structure of the inner ear is more
vomiting and poor concentration. The main cause of complicated than that of other organs
space sickness is disorientation caused by exposure
to zero gravity conditions. The human body is used C) the earth’s gravitational field has, in the long
to a much stronger gravitational field on Earth and run, an adverse effect upon the human body
organs in the inner ear, along with canals that sense D) astronauts learn to maintain their balance in
motion, tell the brain about the location of the limbs space by ignoring visual signals
relative to the ground. In other words, they’re

responsible for balance. Unfortunately, the signals E) the human brain can, after a certain length of
from these organs in the inner ear go wrong in zero time, learn to adapt to zero gravity
gravity, leading to space sickness. Over time
though, the brain learns to ignore them and relies
instead on visual clues, such as the position of the
feet, to determine balance. Astronauts quickly re-
adapt to Earth’s gravity within a few days and there
are probably no long-term effects from this strange

71. We learn from the passage that within the

69. As we understand from the passage, the “Space Earth’s gravitational field ----.
Adaptation Syndrome” ----.
A) the space adaptation syndrome of astronauts
A) brings about serious damage to the inner immediately disappears
organs of the astronauts
B) we maintain our balance through the organs of
B) persists for a very long time after the astronauts the inner ear
return to earth
C) the symptoms of space sickness continue to
C) means the physical disorientation experienced increase noticeably
by a majority of astronauts in space
D) symptoms similar to those of space sickness
D) is in no way related to zero gravity are quite unknown
E) has only been observed in recent space E) astronauts who have experienced zero gravity
missions never again feel quite comfortable



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
72. - 74. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya gore 73. We understand from the passage that the
cevaplayınız. question “Why do transformers hum?” ---- .

Why do transformers hum? This is one of those A) has never been adequately answered
questions which seems easy but has surprising B) appears straightforward but the answer is
hidden depths. The simple explanation is that extremely complicated
electric currents create magnetic fields, and the
alternating current of mains electricity used by C) has been under discussion from the time
transformers creates a magnetic field that changes transformers were first made
at 50 cycles a second. This in turn triggers a regular
D) has raised doubts concerning the safety of
motion of the metal molecules inside the
mains electricity
transformer, known as magnetostriction. It’s this
motion that makes the surrounding air vibrate,

E) has opened the way to the manufacture of
creating the hum. But why does the metal respond quieter transformers
in this way? The answer lies in a property of the
electrons in the metal known as ‘spin’ - a property
which can only be explained by reference to
Einstein’s theory of relativity, which is beyond the
understanding of most of us.

72. It is pointed out in the passage that the sound 74. In the passage, the question “Why does the
produced by a transformer ----. metal respond in this way?” ----.

A) is actually the vibration of the air caused by the A) bears no relationship with the phenomenon
movement of the metal molecules within the known as “magnetostriction”
transformer B) refers to the creation of magnetic fields by
B) is only noticeable when it occurs in an enclosed mains electricity
space C) can be fully answered without reference to the
C) varies according to the type of magnetic field theory of relativity
created D) can be answered far more easily than can the
D) can easily be eliminated opening question

E) varies according to the size of the magnetic E) is not answered in a clear and detailed manner
field in which it occurs



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
75. - 77. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya gore 76. It is pointed out in the passage that “The Time
cevaplayınız. Machine” by H.G. Wells ----.

Time travel has been a favourite science fiction A) was to a large extent inspired by Einstein’s
theme ever since it was first used in H.G. Wells’s theory of relativity
trailblazing novel “The Time Machine”. But not B) was the first novel to deal with the idea of time
everything it describes is science fiction: travelling travel
forward in time, for example, is a proven fact.
Einstein’s theory of relativity predicts that an C) is the only early work of science fiction that still
observer moving relative to Earth can leap into remains popular
Earth’s future, and the effect has been confirmed
D) is still regarded as a standard reference for time
using atomic clocks. Dramatic time warps require
travel studies
speeds close to that of light, which is possible in

principle but would take a major feat of engineering, E) focuses on travel into the past rather than into
not to mention a lot of money. Going back in time is the future
far more problematic. Relativity does not rule out an
observer being able to make a journey through
space-time and return to the past. But all scenarios
so far discussed require exotic circumstances.

77. The passage makes the point that it is possible

75. According to the passage, going back in time to travel into Earth’s future ----.
A) and indeed this has already been achieved
A) may not be impossible but presents a great
many difficulties B) though this has not been verified by atomic
B) has been feasible ever since Einstein
formulated the theory of relativity C) if Einstein’s theory of relativity is found to be
C) is completely contradicted by the theory of
relativity D) at reasonably attainable speeds

D) requires speeds that are greater than the speed E) but technically and financially it is still not
of light possible

E) was an idea originally put forward by Einstein



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
78. - 80. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya gore 79. As we understand from the passage, Bardeen
cevaplayınız. ----.

In a biography of Bardeen, recently published, he A) showed very little interest in his students and
does not fit the popular stereotype of scientific their work
genius, for he is surprisingly sane and ordinary. As B) was generally regarded as having several
far as character goes, he had several assets. To shortcomings
start with he was a notable team builder. Tenacious
when it came to attacking problems, he had the gift of C) really disliked attending scientific conferences
breaking a large problem down into smaller, more and giving papers
soluble parts and then reassembling the whole. As a
D) was by nature a modest person who preferred
teacher, his habit of stopping to think allowed his to keep a low profile
students to do so too. Government and industry

valued his advice - according to one commentator, E) achieved nothing of any scientific importance
he helped Xerox to build one of the finest industrial prior to the 1970s
laboratories in the world in the fields of organic and
disordered solids during the late 1970s. But,
perhaps, the most telling aspect of Bardeen’s
character was his willingness to share the credit with
others. For example, he deliberately stayed away
from the meeting of the American Physical Society
in March 1957, at which his theory of
superconductivity was first presented, so that the
contribution of his young co-researchers would be

80. It is clear from the passage that, unlike many

78. It is emphasised in the passage that Bardeen’s
really great scientists, Bardeen had the gift of
ideas ----.
A) almost invariably centred on the study of
A) getting the utmost benefit out of his co-
organic solids
researchers work
B) frequently had a practical application
B) persuading governments to support his
C) received very little recognition in his own research projects
C) choosing the right problems to work on, that is,
D) had no direct bearing on industrial practices the ones that could be solved
E) were in the opinion of other scientists rather D) writing biographical works as well as scientific
stereotyped ones
E) working effectively with other people and
sharing his ideas with them




Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22


1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. E 8. B 9. A 10. E

11. D 12. B 13. B 14. E 15. D 16. A 17. C 18. D 19. A 20. C

21. C 22. B 23. A 24. E 25. D 26. B 27. C 28. E 29. D 30. A

31. D 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. E 36. A 37. D 38. B 39. D 40. C

41. E 42. C 43. D 44. D 45. B 46. C 47. E 48. A 49. D 50. C

51. B 52. A 53. A 54. E 55. B 56. C 57. E 58. C 59. B 60. E

61. C 62. A 63. A 64. B 65. C 66. A 67. D 68. C 69. C 70. E

71. B 72. A 73. B 74. E 75. B 76. B 77. A 78. B 79. D 80. E



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
1.-18. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere 6. I couldn't follow the section on quantum
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. computers, but the rest is ---- easy to
1. In 1838, the area around the base of the Leaning A) comparatively B) permanently
Tower of Pisa was excavated to ---- columns that
had sunk underground. C) consequently D) sensibly
E) comprehensibly
A) descend B) complete
C) enforce D) establish
E) expose

7. This comprehensive Encyclopedia of Antarctica

spans subjects ranging ---- the history of
exploration ---- glaciology, geology and biology.

A) through / in B) of / with
2. In the first half of the 20th century many
C) in / of D) from / to
scientists ---- liquid crystals as chemical
impurities with no scientific or practical merit. E) over / for
A) put down B) wrote off
C) let go of D) took care of
E) left out
8. ---- industry is concerned, money spent on
research is money well spent.
A) According to B) As much as
C) As far as D) Even so
3. I hope predictions that we'll begin to ---- oil E) With regard to
around the year 2015 will convince people to use
this precious resource more sparingly.
A) run out of B) bring about
C) slow down D) make do with
9. Laser beams, ---- are useful in both medicine and
E) send out for industry, were first predicted in science fiction
some fifty years ago.
A) which B) what C)
whatever D) where
E) whose
4. It is now realized that forest sizes have a ----
influence on the climate.
A) reliable B) compulsive
10. Traffic congestion is frequently not caused by
C) significant D) controversial
overloading ---- by small disturbances in the
E) sensitive flow.
A) as B) but
C) as well as D) more
E) than

5. Animal ---- that live in large communities are

much more dependent on each other than was
previously believed.
A) instincts B) patterns
C) relatives D) species
E) habitats

11. Physicists certainly know more about the

universe now than ----, but if anything they are
---- puzzled.
A) once more / so B) once before / too

C) ever before / even more

D) at such times / as much
E) ever since / the more


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
12. The texture of the rock suggested it came from 15. Soon, a revolutionary new steam engine ----
an asteroid and not from a loose, sooty ice ball speedboats more safely and efficiently than a
---- a comet. conventional outboard motor.
A) including B) like A) has been powering
C) as D) as well as B) would have powered
E) such C) may be powering
D) might have powered
E) can have powered

13. In order to establish the date of these footprints

he ---- a technique that ---- when the sand grains
were last exposed to light.

16. He assures me that the Department of Marine
A) uses / measured Biogeochemistry, which ---- up in the 1970s, ----
B) will use / has measured ever since.
C) has used / will measure A) was set/ has been expanding
D) had used / would measure B) had been set / was expanding
E) used / measures C) would be set / will expand
D) has been set / is expanding
E) would have been set / will be expanding

14. In his report he ---- that the scanning technology

---- with novel textile manufacturing techniques.
A) may recommend / has been combined 17. To protect yourself from computer viruses, start
B) recommends / was combined by not opening attachments you ----, and ----
suspicious mail immediately.
C) has recommended / had been combined
A) haven't expected / to delete
D) recommended / should be combined
B) are not expecting / deleting
E) had recommended / would have been
C) were not expecting / to be deleted
D) didn't expect / having deleted
E) won't expect / to have deleted

18. To underline its confidence ---- the venture, one

space company is already developing a US-
based space port to be ready ---- the first flights
in 2005.
A) with / against B) of / with C) for / by
D) at / into E) in / for


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
19. - 23. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 24. - 35. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde
numaralandırılmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
24. ---- that is open to the amateur as well as the
The more technologically enhanced we become, the professional.
more we are going to (19) — from people in the
developing world who have never (20) — made a A) Today we know a lot about meteor showers and
phone call. As scientists we must think of planetary weather
imaginative ways (21) — the developing world can B) Astronomy is one of the few sciences
leap forward from the 19th century into the 21st
century. (22) — the gap never will be bridged and C) The mapping of solar, lunar and planetary
we (23) — ourselves in a world that really is surfaces has been accurately carried out
D) Thanks to advances in modem astronomy,

more discoveries have been made about
19. asteroids, comets, novae and supernovae
A) exceed B) distinguish
E) Through the use of computers and electronic
C) distract D) diverge imaging devices, our knowledge of the celestial
constellations has grown rapidly
E) proceed

A) even B) but 25. ---- how acid rain would affect trees.
C) still D)just A) The decrease in sulphur deposition has been so
E) enough marked
B) The death of forests became a major concern in
the 1980s and led to dire predictions

21. C) There were many erroneous ideas about

A) whether B) in which D) In the 1980s and 1990s, there were concerns in
the West
C) as if D) surely
E) since E) Some geologists have argued

A) Similarly B) Whatever 26. Just as railway bridges were the great structural
C) Accordingly D) Therefore symbols of the 19th century, ----.
E) Otherwise A) highway bridges became the engineering
emblems of the 20th century
B) the invention of the automobile created an
irresistible demand for better roads
C) most highway bridges carry lighter loads than
A) would find B) have found railway bridges do
C) are going to find D) were finding
D) the type of bridge needed for cars and trucks is
E) had to find fundamentally different from that needed for
E) an arch bridge curves upwards to support the


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
27. ---- what everybody assumed to be true. 30. The new sports car has a glass windbreaker ----.
A) The truly outstanding achievement of the A) as if acceleration were its best feature
principle of natural selection had been
B) since driver and passenger could talk without
B) Many biological ideas proposed during the past shouting
150 years stood in stark conflict with
C) if this weren't one of the standard features
C) The theory of evolution by natural selection is
thought to explain D) which keeps cabin wind to a minimum

D) Another aspect of the new philosophy of biology E) once it goes into production in the autumn
E) The scientific foundation created by Darwin has

31. Even today, few people outside the scientific
world know the name of the Scottish physicist
28. ---- because each type behaves differently and ----.
has a different effect on human health.
A) who discovered the physics of radio, TV and
A) On a global scale, most particulates come from light itself
natural sources
B) whose research into the nature of light had still
B) Solid particulates include grit from building sites to be confirmed
and soot from industrial chimneys
C) since he never lived to see the triumphant
C) Fortunately larger particles do not pose a health vindication of his work
D) though a law governing the behavior of atoms
D) Field experiments on wind-borne sand and dust would be called Maxwellian Distribution
had already been carried out
E) if he were one of the greatest scientists of the
E) The study of particulates is an arduous one 19th century

29. As space shuttles are designed to work in a 32. The Earth is thought to be 4.6 billion years old
vacuum, ----. ----.
A) NASA engineers are hoping to cut take off A) because rocks dating back to the early
weights by half geological ages have been discovered in some
B) about 85 per cent of its weight is fuel parts of California

C) the method is obviously inefficient but better B) even though almost half the Earth is still
ones have yet to be found wilderness

D) they have to carry not only fuel but the oxygen C) so that astronomical observations and
to burn it measurements could be made far more
E) such craft could accelerate to about ten times
the speed of sound D) though until recently few geological traces have
been found that date back further than 3.6
billion years
E) since at the beginning it was a lifeless planet
still being bombarded by asteroids and comets


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
33. Atomic clocks keep time by tracking the waves 36.-38. sorularda, verilen Đngilizce cümleye
which atoms emit ----. anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.
A) as they oscillate between different energy levels
36. Some American organizations are supporting
B) though there are other viable ways to improve it Russian research efforts to upgrade the
C) because they lose only 1 second in 150 million country's technology, but this is a slow and
years agonizing process.

D) before they can replace the clocks which are A) Birtakım Amerikan kuruluşları, yavaş ve eziyetli
currently in use bir yöntem olsa da, Rus araştırma çabalarını
destekleyerek ülkenin teknolojisini ilerletiyor.
E) while researchers have been working on an
alternative B) Bazı Amerikan kuruluşları, Rus araştırma
çabalarını ülkenin teknolojisini ilerletmek için
destekliyor, ancak bu, yavaş ve eziyetli bir

C) Rus araştırma çabalarını ülkenin teknolojisini
ilerletmek işin destekleyen bazı Amerikan
Örgütleri yavaş ve zor bir süreç geçiriyor.
D) Amerikan kuruluşları, ülkenin teknolojisini
34. ----, it might be able to perform far more complex ilerletmek Đçin Rus araştırma çabalarının bir
tasks than today's machines. kısmına destek veriyor, ama bu yavaş olduğu
kadar zor bir süreç.
A) As the device is still in the early stages of
development E) Bazı Amerikan kuruluşları, hem yavaş hem de
eziyetli bir süreçte, Rus araştırma çabalarını
B) Even though no such computer as yet exists ülkenin teknolojisini ilerletmek için destekliyor.
C) Once the theory has been adequately tested
D) Unless there is fresh evidence to the contrary
E) If such a computer could be made

37. With a population of roughly 10 billion people in

2050, some experts predict that the world will
need five times more power than we generate
A) Bazı uzmanlara göre, bugün ürettiğimizden beş
kat daha fazla elektriğe gereksinim duyacak
35. By the early 1960s, geologists were discovering olan dünyamızın 2050'deki tahmin edilen
----. nüfusu 10 milyardır.

A) according to which theory the continents of the B) Dünya nüfusunun 2050'de 10 milyar olacağını
Earth had once all been joined together düşünen bazı uzmanlar, bugün üretilenden beş
kat fazla elektriğe gereksinim duyulacağını
B) since continental drift actually meant the tahmin etmektedir.
continents were moving further away from each
other C) Bazı uzmanlara göre, 2050'de dünya nüfusu 10
milyar olacak, fakat elektrik gereksinimi artarak
C) that hot molten rock was seeping up from inside bugün ürettiğimizin beş katına çıkacaktır.
the Earth in giant cracks under the oceans
D) Bazı uzmanların öngördüğü gibi, 2050'de dünya
D) so that continental drift is now regarded as nüfusu 10 milyara çıkmakla kalmayacak,
absolute fact elektrik gereksinimi de bugünkünün beş katına
E) if the shapes of South America and Africa do
indeed fit like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle E) Bazı uzmanlar, 2050'de yaklaşık 10 milyar
nüfusu ile dünyanın, bugün ürettiğimizden beş
kat daha fazla elektriğe gereksinimi olacağını
tahmin etmektedir.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
38. Scientists have come up with a type of computer 40. Pek çok kişi, tepkime odasında karbonu hidrojen
memory that uses atoms to store information. gazıyla çok yüksek sıcaklıkta karıştırarak
hidrokarbon oluşturmaya çalışmış, ancak hiçbir
A) Bilim adamları, bilgi depolamak için atomları zaman başarılı olamamıştır.
kullanan bir bilgisayar bellek türü buldular.
A) Though scientists have tried to combine carbon
B) Bir tür bilgisayar belleği geliştiren bilim adamları, and hydrogen gas in reaction chambers at very
bilgi saklamak Đçin atomları kullanıyorlar. high temperatures, they now admit that it is
C) Bilginin saklanmasında atomları kullanan bilim impossible to produce hydrocarbons.
adamları, bir tür bilgisayar belleği geliştirdiler. B) There have been many attempts to produce
D) Bilim adamları, atomları kullanarak bilgi saklayan hydrocarbons through the combination of
bilgisayar belleğinin bir türünün geliştirilmesini carbon with hydrogen gas in a reaction chamber
öneriyorlar. at reasonably high temperatures, but without

E) Atomları kullanarak bilgi depolayan bilim
adamları, bunu bilgisayar belleği geliştirmede C) Efforts to produce hydrocarbons by combining
kullandılar. carbon with hydrogen gas at high temperatures
in reaction chambers have never been
D) Many people have tried to produce
hydrocarbons by combining carbon with
hydrogen gas in a reaction chamber at very
high temperatures, but they have never been
E) Scientists have never managed to produce
hydrocarbons in spite of their efforts to combine
carbon and hydrogen gas at extremely high
temperatures in reaction chambers.

39.-41. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye

anlamca en yakın Đngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
41. Elmaslar yerkürenin derinliklerinde oluşur ve
39. Kimyacılar, fırın sıcaklığında şekerlerin ve amino sadece güçlü yanardağ patlamaları ile yüzeye
asitlerin sıkı kimyasal bağlar oluşturduğunu taşınabilir.
1912'den beri bilmektedirler.
A) The diamonds which form well below the
A) It was realized in 1912 that, at oven Earth's surface only emerge after powerful
temperatures, sugars and amino acids volcanic eruptions.
combined to form tight chemical bonds.
B) Diamonds form deep within the Earth and can
B) In 1912, chemists discovered that sugars and only be brought to the surface by powerful
amino acids formed tight chemical bonds at volcanic eruptions.
oven temperatures.
C) Powerful volcanic eruptions are needed to bring
C) Since 1912, chemists have known that, at oven to the surface diamonds which have formed
temperatures, sugars and amino acids form deep below the Earth's crust.
tight chemical bonds.
D) Violent volcanic eruptions have forced
D) Chemists first realized in 1912 that tight diamonds buried deep within the Earth to
chemical bonds could be produced between surface.
sugars and amino acids at oven temperatures.
E) Diamonds have been brought to the surface of
E) It was noted in 1912 that oven temperatures the Earth by violent volcanic activity, but they
were sufficient to cause tight chemical bonds are formed deep within the Earth.
between sugars and amino acids.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
42.- 46. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçanın 44. On the whole, only one-third of the oil in an oil
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek field can be brought to the surface. Some is
cümleyi bulunuz. forced out by gas pressure when a well is drilled,
and engineers can sometimes pump water to
drive out more. ----. And although plastics can be
42. Some people believe that solar power stations
used to block stringers or even to increase the
on the moon could provide enough electricity to
viscosity of the water, they are very expensive. It
power the Earth by the year 2050. ----. This would
has been suggested that the problem can be
be sent to Earth-based receivers using a
solved effectively with the help of tiny bacteria
microwave beam, and converted back into
that form biofilms to block fissures.
A) When oil companies want to squeeze more
A) There would be no need to ship raw materials to crude oil out of an oil well, they usually turn to
the moon because they are already present in experts in physics, chemistry or engineering

the moon's dusty surface
B) But if the water escapes through layers of
B) As the population of Earth increases, more and
permeable rock called stringers, this strategy
more power is required
will fail
C) The moon has no weather, so a lunar power
C) When an oil well shows signs of running dry, it
station there would not be affected by clouds or
is time to call in experts to stop it leaking away
D) Biofilms grow on every surface where there are
D) To achieve this, large banks of solar panels
would be built on the moon to collect sunlight
and turn it into electricity E) Biofilms can make oil wells up to 20 per cent
more productive
E) In fact, just one per cent of the solar power
received by the moon would meet man's needs

45. The simplest way to measure gravity is with a

gravimeter, basically an extremely sensitive
43. A volcano in Papua New Guinea is threatening to
weighing device comprising a mass hanging on
erupt and put thousands of lives at risk. ----.
a spring. ----. But gravimeters are sensitive to
Fifteen thousand people have already been
movement, so it takes time to set up the
evacuated, and scientists fear the worst may be
equipment, and this makes surveys expensive.
yet to come.
A) Gravity surveys are also used to detect ore
A) As a precaution, the Papuan government is
bodies of minerals
considering increasing food supplies to the area
B) It is simple to use and get results quickly
B) For almost 500 years now there has been
virtually no action C) The stronger the gravity field, the further the
spring extends
C) The mission is proving to be one of the team's
most difficult so far D) However, magnetic storms can interfere with
the measurements
D) In fact, some areas are only accessible by
helicopter E) Small variations in the Earth's gravitational pull
show up well in such cases
E) For two months now it has been slowly pumping
out lava, and occasionally rocks and ash


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
46. Smoke is a mixture of gases and particles. It is 47. -51. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş
usually the product of a combustion process bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi
and, in this case, its composition depends on bulunuz.
the fuel and the technology used. The main gas
involved in smoke processes is carbon dioxide.
----. 47. Malcolm :
Do rocket launches damage the ozone layer?
A) But other gases such as carbon monoxide,
nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and sulphur Jude :
dioxide might also be present At present, no. The emission of ozone-
B) The warm air is higher than the cold air so there damaging nitrogen compounds is negligible.
is little vertical turbulence to carry smoke
upwards Malcolm :
C) Smoke rises because it is part of a stream of

hot gases that are normally warmer than the Jude:
surrounding air That would be a different story. Dangerous
emissions would soar.
D) The vertical and straight nature of the smoke
plume depends very much on the wind A) Are all rockets launched by means of the same
conditions solid fuels?
E) Wood smoke is often seen in a layer above B) And also, of course, there aren't many space
houses where it is burnt and sometimes it launches happening.
subsequently descends to street level
C) But what if they start to launch rockets with
D) I thought hydrazine was a nitrogen-based fuel.
E) But can we be sure of that? New studies keep
revealing new facts!

48. David :
Have you had a good look at the new seismic
hazard map yet?

Adam :

David :
But it makes one very important point: the
greatest hazard areas contain half the world's
largest cities.

Adam :
Is that so? That's pretty scary, isn't it?

A) No, I haven't. It looks pretty informative, though.

B) Yes, I have. It's been well-compiled and well-
annotated, hasn't it?
C) Why do you say that? Did you find something
interesting in it?
D) No, I haven't. Just a quick glance. It didn't seem
to say much.
E) Yes. It's good. You ought to take a look at it


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
49. Louis : 51. Gerald :
Have you considered getting a handheld My son seems to be set on getting a job in air
computer instead of a desktop? traffic control.

Merve : Roger :
---- ----

Louis : Gerald :
That's not true at all. The handheld is a Oh yes. Academically he's fully up to the job. But
miracle of miniaturization. And they can the strain must be terrible! Think of the
exchange information with desktop PCs. responsibility!

Merve : Roger :

I didn't realize that. I must look into the Some people like it!
matter further.
A) All I know is that current networks won't be able
to cope with the increasing amount of aircraft in
A) No, I haven't. They do little more than store your Europe.
diary and address book.
B) I tried it once; but, it wasn't the right sort of job
B) No. I couldn't possibly afford one of them! for me!
C) Well, what do you think? I really don't know C) It's a job that attracts a lot of young people. Let
anything about them. him try it.
D) Except for size, I suppose they are not very D) Don't you agree that the monitoring of traffic
different from desktop PCs. Are there any other through our airports mustn't be taken lightly?
big differences?
E) And presumably you're not too keen on the
E) I always assumed that recharging them would idea? Has he got the right qualifications?
be a problem. Is it?

50. Harry :
Have you read that article on global warming
that I put on your desk?

Clive :
Yes I have. I was rather impressed by the
assertion that changes in land use aren't
being sufficiently taken into consideration.

Harry :

It does indeed.

A) So was I. It stands to reason that forests help to

cool the atmosphere as water evaporating from
leaves absorbs heat.
B) In fact the planting of forests to absorb carbon
dioxide can actually lead to warming in areas of
heavy snowfall.
C) The subject is far more complex than I had
D) Obviously a great deal more research into the
subject is required.
E) Among the factors they included were estimated
changes in forest sizes and areas of farmland.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
52. -56. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla 55. (I) Wind power is gaining in favor all across
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü Europe. (II) Indeed, it is only the building of a wind-
bozan cümleyi bulunuz. farm that is expensive, running costs are low. (Ill)
There are several reasons for this. (IV) One is that
52. (I) Gravity has always been regarded by all the technical obstacles that previously existed
scientists as the most important force in the have been overcome. (V) Another is the increase in
universe. (II) Cosmic expansion was triggered by the efficiency, which means that wind can now compete
Big Bang 15 billion years ago. (Ill) They also directly with traditional power-generation methods.
believed that gravity was gradually slowing
down cosmic expansion. (IV) Recently, however, A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
there is evidence to suggest that the universal
expansion is actually accelerating. (V) If this is
so, then it would seem that gravity is actually
being opposed by an even more powerful cosmic

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

56. (I) Water filters are particularly useful if you live in a

hard water area. (II) Hard water contains a higher
53. (I) A new kind of cat's- eye is now being tried out on
concentration of calcium than soft water. (III) It is this
some UK roads. (II) These new road studs flash
that causes lime scale in kettles, irons and other
without a headlight beam passing over them. (Ill)
electrical appliances. (IV) The main function of a filter
However, they just might be useful for attracting the
is to improve the appearance and the taste of water.
driver's attention for a pedestrian crossing. (IV) They
(V) It also means that you have to use more soap
include high-intensity light- emitting diodes (LEDs) to
than you would in soft water areas.
provide illumination. (V) The studs are solar-powered
and contain rechargeable batteries to store energy
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
over long periods of bad weather.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

54. (I) The use of radio waves as a medium for making

interstellar contact is discouraging. (II) The galaxy's
enormous distances inevitably require fantastic
measures such as stunningly high transmitter
power or huge antennas and impractically narrow
beams. (Ill) Certainly the kinds of systems that
would be needed to mount a realistic project to
beam a signal to a group of stars are probably
beyond the resources of the world. (IV)
Furthermore, even if contact could somehow be
made, the time delay before a response to a
message could be received might very well stretch
into many centuries. (V) For four decades,
researchers have sporadically scanned the
heavens for any radio signals.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
57. - 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 59. According to the passage, there is a difference
cevaplayınız. of opinion as to ----.

It seems that a programme designed to destroy A) how genuine the complaints being made by
Columbia's huge illegal drugs business could be farmers actually arc
poisoning farmers and damaging the environment. B) the methodology to be used in the effective
Backed by 1.3 billion of US government funds, drug spraying of glyphosphate
enforcers routinely identify fields of coca plants and
opium poppies, and spray them from the air with C) whether glyphosphate actually can cause
herbicide. Around 120,000 hectares have been stomach upsets
sprayed with the herbicide "glyphosphate". But
although glyphosphate is considered to be relatively D) whether it is the glyphosphate itself, or the
safe for humans and the environment, the additives used with it, that have been causing
Colombian government has received over a health problems
thousand complaints from people who claim to have E) the extent to which eye and skin irritations

suffered ill effects after coming into contact with the maybe due to glyphosphate
chemical. Reported symptoms range from skin and
eye irritations to coughing and vomiting. Some critics
suspect additives to the spray are responsible.
Others on the ground complained that the spray had
killed food crops when it drifted onto them from
nearby fields.

57 According to the passage, the herbicide

"glyphosphate" ----. 60. As it is clear from the passage, one of the
drawbacks of spraying opium and coca fields
with herbicide is that ----.
A) seems not to be as harmless as it was thought to
be A) it is so expensive that it can only be carried out
through the American funding
B) has turned out to be an agent of fatal disorders
B) the chemical may be spreading to neighboring
C) works most effectively when sprayed from the air
fields and damaging the crops
D) is rarely effective except on coca plants and
C) nearly the whole country is being adversely
opium poppies
affected by it
E) has been developed, at great expense, with the
D) thousands of people have been exposed to
support of the US government
deadly poisoning
E) it has a particularly damaging effect upon the
whole respiratory system
58. We learn from the passage that, though the
Columbian government is trying to destroy
opium and coca fields by using herbicide, it ----.
A) is nevertheless seriously concerned about the
health of its people
B) actually realizes that a certain amount of illegal
drug- trafficking cannot be prevented
C) may, in fact, be endangering human health and
the environment at the same time
D) has remained indifferent to the health hazards of
its people
E) refuses to recognize the widespread ill effects of
this practice



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
61.-64. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 63. It is emphasized in the passage that —.
A) the progress of studies in physics has been
To understand topics such as the origin of the hampered by the desire to unify the quantum
universe, the ultimate fate of black holes and the and relativity theories
possibility of time travel, we need to understand how B) the origin of the universe has been satisfactorily
the universe works. We now have a good idea about explained by the quantum theory
what the basic building blocks of matter might be.
Physics in the 20th century was built on the twin C) the best physicists of our time have all devoted
revolutions of quantum mechanics (a theory of themselves to gaining an understanding of the
matter) and Einstein's theory of space, time and universe
gravitation known as relativity. But it's extremely
unsatisfying to find two ultimate descriptions of D) the nature of matter has been fully explored with
reality when you're looking for just one. Trying to the help of the quantum and relativity theories
unify the two theories presents formidable technical

E) there is a lot we don't know about the way the
and conceptual obstacles that have challenged universe works
some of the finest theoretical physicists for decades.

61. According to the passage, the quantum theory of 64. According to the passage, there is little chance
matter and Einstein's theory of relativity —. of getting to understand various subjects such
as how the universe came into being —.
A) present two separate views of reality
A) unless the theory of quantum mechanics and
B) together present a coherent description of the theory of relativity can be reconciled
B) until we have a surer knowledge of the way the
C) enable us to have a comprehensive perception universe works
of reality
C) until time travel has been realized
D) made physics a popular subject in the 20
century D) unless there are further great technological
E) have contributed equally to the possibility of
time travel E) as there are so many conceptual obstacles in
the way of such knowledge

62. It is pointed out in the passage that those

physicists who have tried to combine the
theories of matter and relativity —.
A) have finally admitted that it cannot be done
B) have come up with several proposals
C) have pioneered a new understanding of physics
D) have faced insurmountable challenges
E) suspect that there may be other concepts of
reality yet unformulated



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
65.-68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 67. According to the passage, scientists involved in
cevaplayınız. the study of the universe —.

In terms of pure science, the discovery that the A) were eager to establish the existence of an anti-
universe is in the grip of a strange "anti-gravity" force gravity force
that is making it expand ever faster, is the most
B) have, for many decades, focused on the effects
significant of the last decade. The possibility that
of the anti-gravity force
such a force might exist has been known for years,
with theorists finding that it kept reappearing out of C) are the only ones to be interested in an anti-
Einstein's theory of gravity. For years they tried to gravity force
avoid it coming up with all sorts of arguments for
why the force couldn't really exist. Now they're being D) have now come to question the validity of
forced to face it, and to face the embarrassing fact Einstein's theory of gravity
that they can't explain the single most important E) attempted, for a considerable time, to
force in the universe. demonstrate that there was no anti-gravity force

65. According to the passage, the expansion of the
universe —.
A) is now slowly losing speed
B) has been explained with reference to the anti-
gravity force
C) seems to contradict the existence of an anti-
gravity force
D) cannot continue indefinitely
E) will result, in the end, in the elimination of the
anti-gravity force

66. As it is pointed out in the passage, the idea that 68. As we learn from this passage, it is scientifically
there might be an anti- gravity force in the discomforting that the anti-gravity force —.
universe —.
A) seems to be gaining in strength
A) is by no means a recent one
B) seems to refute Einstein's theory of gravity
B) was pioneered by Einstein
C) threatens the very existence of the universe
C) has hardly ever received any serious scientific
D) has as yet not been explained convincingly
E) is only recognized by a small number of
D) has little connection with any serious scientific
E) is now completely outdated



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
69.-72. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 71. We learn from the passage that power stations
cevaplayınız. using coal ----.

Can coal ever become a friend of the environment? A) provide over three-quarters of the electricity
Coal-fired power stations supply half the electricity needed in America
used in America, and a similar amount in many other B) have been shut down due to the Clean Air Act
industrial countries, but are responsible for 80% of
the power industry's emissions of carbon dioxide the C) account for an extremely high percentage of
most worrisome of the so-called "greenhouse carbon dioxide emissions
gases". Because of special exemptions, much of the
country's coal-derived electricity comes from plants D) have a commercial life-span of under 30 years
that are more than 30 years old. Many of these E) are rapidly being replaced by other systems of
plants are approaching the end of their commercial energy production
lives, and the thought of having to replace a lot of
dirty old power stations, with new ones that will have

to comply with the Clean Air Act, is causing a
nightmare in the power industry. Suddenly, energy
engineers are talking about "clean coal" technology.
That message has been heard before. There was
similar excitement over clean coal in the mid-1980s
and early 1990s. Large sums of taxpayers' money
were handed out to firms developing clean coal. The
difference this time, say energy engineers, is that a
number of electricity suppliers have actually started
building facilities that use clean coal.

69. We understand from the passage that, since

many of the coal-fired power stations in the US
have almost completed their economic lives, 72. As it is pointed out in the passage, "clean coal"
they ----. technology ----.
A) have all been transformed into clean coal A) may not be, according to energy engineers, as
facilities beneficial to the environment as was at first
B) are being renovated to extend their usefulness expected

C) can no longer produce as much electricity as B) was developed well before the Clean Air Act
formerly went into effect

D) have now become an economic nightmare for C) has been widely practiced throughout the world
the government for over three decades

E) need to be pulled down and new ones built in D) was first introduced in America some thirty
their place years ago
E) has only recently been recognized as feasible

70. It is clear from the passage that the new coal-

fired power stations ----.
A) seem to have no beneficial effect as regards the
reduction of greenhouse gases
B) were first introduced in the mid-1980s
C) are proving exceedingly costly to build
D) must be built and operated in accordance with
the Clean Air Act
E) have not received any popular support outside
the US



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
73.- 76. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 75. According to the passage, the usual precast
cevaplayınız. concrete building ----.

When it is completed late next year, a 39-storey A) is specially designed to withstand seismic
apartment building under construction in San activity
Francisco will be the tallest precast concrete B) can disperse seismic energy through its parts
structure ever built in an area of high seismic but is itself damaged as it does so
activity. Its builders are using an innovative new
structural connection that could revolutionize the C) has now given way to a new type using "mild"
way buildings are built in seismic zones. steel bars
Conventional cast-in-place and precast systems
survive earthquakes by dissipating the energy D) can be reinforced through the addition of high-
through the structure, often doing irreparable strength steel cables
damage to themselves in the process. The new E) is capable of stretching somewhat in the event
connection, developed with help from the University of an earthquake

of Washington, consists of high-strength steel
reinforcing cables and "mild" steel bars that stretch
slightly during an earthquake, then pull the building
back into place. The steel components also
considerably reduce seismic energy before it can
attack the structure. This means less damage to
beams, walls and ceilings.

73. As we understand from the passage, a new

building technique presently being used in San
Francisco ----.
A) is recommended only for structures in
earthquake regions 76. It is pointed out in the passage that the city of
B) has already been adopted by many construction San Francisco ----.
firms elsewhere in America
A) is situated in a region where earthquakes
C) is expected to bring about radical changes in frequently occur
construction methods in earthquake areas
B) has always been well-known for its earthquake-
D) is effective because it holds the whole structure proof skyscrapers
rigidly in place
C) has constantly come up with revolutionary
E) is the first effort to make a building with stand building techniques
intense seismic activity
D) has few tall buildings using precast concrete
E) has frequently encouraged builders to
experiment with radical building techniques

74. As it is explained in the passage, with the new

technique, ----.
A) the use of high-strength steel cables has finally
become standardized
B) the walls and the beams of a building are never
damaged in an earthquake
C) San Francisco has gained recognition as the
leading city in earthquake-safe buildings
D) the cost of high rise buildings has been reduced
E) a building is better able to cope with the force of
an earthquake



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
77.- 80. sorulan aşağıdaki parçaya göre 79. It is clear from the passage that soil that
cevaplayınız. produces berthierine ----.

Air-starved soil could have been a key player in the A) always contains high levels of oxygen
largest extinction ever to strike Earth. The claim B) has for many centuries intrigued scientists and
follows the discovery of a rare mineral in ancient soil been thoroughly researched
collected from Antarctica. The extinction, at the end
of the Permian period 250 million years ago, wiped C) cannot possibly provide the conditions essential
out virtually all marine life and some 70 per cent of for plant and animal life
land animals. But the reason for the extinction,
which preceded the rise of the dinosaurs, has been D) characterizes many hostile environments in
a longstanding puzzle. Now a team of geologists various parts of the world
think they have found what could be a major factor E) can only be found in Antarctica
in the extinction. They collected fossilized soil
samples that formed in Antarctica just after the

Permian period ended. The soil contained nodule-
shaped minerals that have been identified as
berthierine. This iron-rich mineral forms only in
environments where oxygen is scarce. So, if the
oxygen levels in the soil were low enough to allow
berthierine to form, then it follows that the soil would
not have been able to support plant life. Such
intolerably low levels of oxygen would be enough to
kill the plants off completely.

77. We learn from the passage that berthierine ----.

80. One understands from the passage that the
A) has never been discovered in places other than great extinction that occurred at the end of the
Antarctica Permianperiod ----.
B) can only develop in soils that are virtually A) has been explained by scientists in several
lacking in oxygen
different ways
C) seems to have no practical use whatsoever B) must have first taken place in Antarctica
D) prevents the depletion of oxygen in the soil C) was only one of a series of similar disasters
E) only forms in soil which is devoid of iron D) was followed by the period of the dinosaurs
E) brought about a hostile environment in all parts
of Earth

78. According to the passage, the mystery

surrounding the massive destruction of life on
Earth at the end of the Permian period ----.
A) seems to have been solved by the discovery of
berthierine-rich fossilized soil in Antarctica
B) has been stimulating current geological
research projects
C) has come to the attention of geologists through
recent environmental studies
D) is likely to be solved through more detailed
studies of the dinosaurs CEVAPLARINIZI KONTROL EDĐNĐZ.

E) has aroused a great deal of controversy among

scientists in different fields



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22

ÜDS FEN - (MART) 2003

1. C 2. E 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. B

11. C 12. B 13. D 14. D 15. C 16. A 17. B 18. E 19. B 20. A

21. B 22. E 23. C 24. B 25. C 26. A 27. B 28. E 29. D 30. D

31. A 32. A 33. A 34. E 35. C 36. B 37. E 38. A 39. C 40. D

41. B 42. D 43. E 44. B 45. B 46. A 47. C 48. D 49. D 50. D

51. E 52. B 53. C 54. E 55. B 56. D 57. A 58. C 59. D 60. B

61. A 62. D 63. A 64. B 65. B 66. A 67. D 68. D 69. E 70. D

71. C 72. E 73. C 74. E 75. B 76. A 77. B 78. A 79. C 80. D



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
01.-18. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere 8. The first European mission to another planet is
uygun düşen kelime veya ifadeyi bulunuz. ---- its way, ---- the delight and relief of all
1. The Abel Prize in mathematics is intended to A) about / by B) off / for C) in / over
finally ---- the gap left by Alfred Nobel, who chose
to ignore mathematics when he established the D) through / with E) on / to
Nobel prizes.
A) fill B) link C) avoid
D) refuse E) exceed 9. Recent claims that the African elephant is
actually two species ----, but the debate still ----.
A) were contradicted / was continuing
B) have been contradicted / continues

2. Reef scientists have compiled, what could be the
most compelling ---- yet, that farming is harming C) would have been contradicted / is continuing
the Great Barrier Reef.
D) will be contradicted / will be continuing
A) circumstance B) proposal C) evidence
E) are being contradicted / has continued
D) discussion E) controversy

10. The first of the great steel arch bridges ---- by

3. In many parts of the world mains electricity is James Eads ---- the Mississippi at St Louis.
still ---- or even nonexistent.
A) designed / to be spanning
A) convenient B) aggressive C) deliberate
B) had been designed / spanning
D) unreliable E) impressive
C) has been designed / having spanned
D) was designed / to span
E) was being designed / to have spanned
4. During the 1960s the agronomist and food
technologist Norman Borlaug launched what was
called "the Green Revolution", which ---- reduced
hunger in underdeveloped countries, by creating
11. Precast construction, in which parts of the
high-yielding varieties of wheat and rice.
building ---- on the ground, then lifted into place,
A) diversely B) plausibly C) currently ---- less expensive than cast-in-place methods.
D) adversely E) greatly A) will be finished / would be
B) were finished / would be
C) are being finished / will be
5. ---- by data from the Galileo mission to Jupiter, D) used to be finished / had been
scientists think a 40,000 km-thick molten layer of
metallic hydrogen lurks below Jupiter's clouds. E) are finished / is

A) Got over B) Carried away

C) Put off D) Played out
12. The mummified remains of Oetzi the Iceman
E) Backed up seem to suggest that this famous Stone Age man
---- from an attacker before ---- to death.
A) had fled / to bleed
6. When World War I began, one military item that B) may have fled / bleeding
no nation ---- in large numbers was the helmet.
C) fled / having bled
A) took over B) had on hand
D) was fleeing / having had to bleed
C) made up D) kept on
E) has fled / to be bleeding
E) put up with

7. Waste heat can be turned ---- electricity using a

type of solar cell powered ---- heat rather than
A) from / with B) on / to C) by / from
D) into / by E) off / through


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA
Tel: (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
13. ---- I investigated and studied my scientist 19.-23. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
colleague's account of an environmental numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da
experiment, ---- thoroughly convinced I have Đfadeyi bulunuz.
become that it has no value whatsoever.
A) So far as / most The design and construction of foundations are
largely controlled by the contours or falls of the site
B) The more / the more and the type of subsoil. Site falls (19) ---- 1 in 20
C) Just as / more usually require special methods of foundation
construction. Gravel or chalk are good subsoils
D) Neither / nor
(20) ---- they do not hold moisture, and (21) ----
E) So long as / ever heavy loads. They are, (22) ----, economical and do
not vary in bulk with the vagaries of the weather and
temperature. Most rocks are eminently (23) ---- but

usually expensive to work.
14. Physicists certainly know ---- about the universe
now ---- ever before. 19.

A) so much / that B) enough / just as A) replacing B) completing

C) both / and D) more / than C) exceeding D) reducing
E) as well / as E) surviving

15. For a domestic staircase, an additional form of 20.

support, ---- a "carriage", that is a beam under the A) just B) or C) unless
centre of the stairs, is not usually necessary.
D) since E) besides
A) in case of B) so that C) such as
D) according to E) either

A) can support
16. Coral reefs are home to ---- of the most beautiful
and unusual forms of marine life, ---- of which are B) have supported
found in only 18 places in the world.
C) would support
A) few / much B) many / none D) supported
C) much / few D) a lot / any E) could support
E) some / many

17. ---- the span of a suspension bridge increases,
A) on the other hand B) moreover
the structure develops a "gravity" stiffness due
to its own weight. C) in contrast D) occasionally
A) As B) However C) Whereas E) regrettably
D) While E) In case

18. Dinosaurs may have terrorized other creatures A) incapable B) comparable C) suitable
during their time on Earth, ---- now it has
D) disruptive E) conditional
emerged that some species had a taste for the
flesh of their own kind.
A) unless B) whether C) because
D) even if E) so that


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA
Tel: (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
24.-35. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde 27. Scientists have long wondered ----.
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) in case the reliability of long-range weather fore-
casts could be improved by studying the climate
24. Life on Earth is believed to have evolved about over the North Atlantic Ocean
3.7 billion years ago, ----.
B) unless fresh orange juice has the same
A) when there was no protective ozone layer nutritional value as the pasteurized variety
surrounding the planet
C) why sharks swim faster than their bodies should
B) although scientists thought ultraviolet radiation allow
was an obstacle to emerging life
D) since hydrogen-powered cars will not benefit the
C) even if the earliest life is widely thought to have environment
been based on RNA, the chemical cousin of

DNA E) as the prehistoric inhabitants of Ireland had a
more advanced knowledge of the Sun's move-
D) while scientists are doubtful whether intense
ultraviolet light from the sun may have spurred ments than previously believed
on the evolution of life
E) just as RNA was actually much more likely than
other molecules to form long chains in intense
ultraviolet radiation 28. ----, nuclear fusion can be created by passing
pulses of electricity through a high-density
plasma of hot gas.
A) Even though the dream of an unlimited supply of
energy from nuclear fusion is one step closer
B) As a team of researchers at a California labora-
25. The north of China, ----, needs 28 cubic kilome- tory has shown
ters more water each year.
C) Although electrical systems could deliver a lot of
A) so long as the Three Gorges dam project is energy
D) Since scientists are trying hard to get over the
B) however the water table beneath Beijing has increasing energy shortage
fallen 59 meters in the past 40 years
E) While we need efficient energy sources that
C) as the country is suffering a hydrological crisis could power cities
that leaves it no choice but to embark on
superdam projects
D) in case the shortfall would be made up with
more efficient irrigation 29. The principles of gunnery at sea are the same as
on land, ----.
E) which has two-thirds of the crop land but only
one-fifth of the nation's water A) since the influence of radar on naval gunnery
has been very great
B) so naval gunnery had its own special problems
C) although to produce accurate, flexible and
steady fire, in all circumstances of terrain and
26. Within the next decade, the European Union will weather, is the aim of gunnery
decide ----. D) but they are modified by the fact that both the
A) whether to allocate as much as 8 billion US gun-platform and the target are in rapid motion
dollars to help fulfill Spain's 24 billion National E) because all naval guns have become fully auto-
Hydro-logical Plan matic and produce a very high rate of fire
B) so that a common consensus will be reached on
farming subsidies
C) as far as governments are willing to cooperate
30. ---- that much of the coal that is mined today is of
on mega projects for irrigation
biological origin.
D) if the investment for the irrigation of southern
A) In just a few paragraphs the author manages to
Spain had been supported by other international
direct readers
B) The purpose of the article is unclear
E) because the Spanish government had promised
its support for more institutional efficiency C) Fossil fuels overwhelmingly occur in relatively
young rocks
D) Everything points to the fact
E) His insight into the problem is unbelievable


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA
Tel: (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
31. ---- because they mark important milestones in 35. ---- how genes make it possible to track animals'
the search for planets orbiting other stars. movements and breeding patterns.

A) At present the number of known exoplanets A) As a new field of study, biotechnology has
exceeds 100 contributed a great deal

B) One of the newly-discovered exoplanets is B) Genetic studies arouse the public interest
similar to Jupiter in mass and orbit
C) As the book makes it clear, genetics is
C) The recent discovery of two new exoplanets has concerned
attracted a great deal of attention from
D) Geneticists also focus on conservation
E) A recently-published book, entitled "Introduction
D) One of these exoplanets has a mass of about 40
to Conservation Genetics", shows
times that of Earth
E) The two exoplanets recently discovered are the

lightest yet found orbiting a solar-type star
36.-38. sorularda, verilen Đngilizce cümleye
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

32. If roof insulation is to be truly effective ----. 36. If Earth's temperature were to increase or
decrease by just a few degrees, many marine
A) this would not make cavity-wall insulation species would probably perish.
A) Yeryüzünün sıcaklığı birkaç derece artmış veya
B) heating bills are being reduced dramatically azalmış olsaydı, birçok deniz canlısının soyunun
tükenmesi kaçınılmaz olacaktı.
C) insulation materials and levels are constantly im-
proving B) Yeryüzünün sıcaklığı sadece birkaç derece
artsa veya azalsa, pek çok deniz canlısı
D) it needs to be at least 200 mm-thick
muhtemelen yok olur.
E) the reduction in energy consumption has been
C) Yeryüzünün sıcaklığının sadece birkaç derece
artması değil azalması da denizdeki canlı
türlerinin birçoğunun yok olmasına yol açabilir.
D) Yeryüzünün sıcaklığının sadece birkaç derece
33. Though humanoids are the most appealing artması bile, tıpkı azalması gibi, deniz
robots under development, ----. canlılarının birçoğunun yok olması olasılığım
A) the term "robot" first entered the English
language from the Czech word for "slave" or E) Yeryüzünün sıcaklığı birkaç derece artsa da
"forced laborer" artmasa da, birçok deniz canlısı zaten yok olup
B) the majority of existing robots do not look even
remotely human
C) in the early 1980s dozens of robotics firms were
founded and quickly went bust 37. Australia is an ancient continent that has been
unchanged by seismic activity for thousands of
D) robots need to have a human form and interact years.
benignly with humans
A) Binlerce yıl devam eden sismik faaliyetlerden hiç
E) fire fighting is an exciting new area for robotics etkilenmemiş olan Avustralya, en eski kıtalardan
B) Avustralya, hiçbir sismik faaliyetin
değiştiremediği, binlerce yıllık eski bir kıtadır.
34. When it comes to pulling in Nobel prizes in
physics or chemistry, ----. C) Eski bir kıta olan Avustralya, binlerce yıldır
devam eden sismik faaliyetlere rağmen hiç
A) most of Europe has been losing out in recent
D) Avustralya, binlerce yıldır sismik faaliyetle
B) Cambridge University has a long tradition of
değişmemiş olan eski bir kıtadır.
interdisciplinary research
E) Eski kıtalardan biri olan Avustralya'yı, binlerce
C) the National Science Centre has an extremely
yıldır hiçbir sismik faaliyet değiştirememiştir.
flexible approach to research
D) the scientists at this institute are given total
freedom to explore
E) universities and research institutes must have
freedom to choose what they work on


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA
Tel: (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
40. Kaliforniya ve Nevada'nın "Ölüm Vadisi" bölge-
38. An underground physics laboratory in Italy has sinde, son buzul çağının bitiminde buzullar eri-
shut down all but one of its experiments yince birbirleriyle bağlantılı büyük göller
following concerns that it is polluting the local oluşmuştur.
water supply.
A) The large interconnected lakes of the "Death
A) Đtalya'da yerel su kaynaklarının kirlenmesinden Valley" part of California and Nevada were
kaygılanılması üzerine, yeraltı fizik laboratuar- glaciers before the ice melted at the end of the
larından biri dışında tümünün deneyleri last ice age.
B) Towards the end of the last ice age, when the
B) Đtalya'da bir yeraltı fizik laboratuarı, yerel su kay- glaciers were melting, the large interconnected
nağını kirlettiği için, sürdürdüğü kaygı verici lakes of the "Death Valley" region of California
deneylerin biri dışında tümünü durdurmuştur. and Nevada came into being.

C) Đtalya’da bir yeraltı fizik laboratuarı, yerel su kay- C) In the "Death Valley" region of California and
nağını kirlettiği yolundaki kaygılar üzerine, Nevada, large interconnected lakes formed, as
deneylerinin biri dışında tümünü durdurmuştur. glaciers melted at the end of the last ice age.
D) Đtalya'da yerel su kaynağını kirlettiği için D) The great interconnected lakes, situated in the
kaygılara yol açan bir yeraltı fizik laboratuarı, "Death Valley" area of California and Nevada
sürdürmekte olduğu deneyleri birer birer were formed at the end of the last ice age when
durduruyor. the glaciers melted.
E) Đtalya'da yerel su kaynaklarını kirleten yeraltı E) The interconnected lakes in the "Death Valley"
fizik laboratuarından biri, oluşan kaygılar section of California and Nevada came into
yüzünden, tüm deneylerini durdurmuştur. being towards the end of the last ice age when
the great glaciers started to melt.

39.-41. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye

anlamca en yakın Đngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

39. Son yıllarda biyoloji alanında yapılan 41. Bir bileşiğin atomları, "kimyasal bağlar" adı veri-
araştırmalar, insan türüne ve diğer binlerce farklı len çekim güçlerince bir arada tutulur.
yaşam biçimine ilişkin şaşırtıcı bilgiler ortaya A) The atoms of a compound are held together by
koymuştur. forces of attraction called "chemical bonds"
A) The knowledge arising out of biological research B) It is the "chemical bonds" that provide the forces
during recent years, which concerns mankind of attraction that hold the atoms of a compound
and thousands of other various forms of life, is together.
absolutely astounding.
C) The atoms of a compound can only be held in
B) In recent years, research in the field of biology place by a force of attraction like "chemical
has produced a startling amount of knowledge bonds".
concerning not only the human species but also
countless other forms of life. D) "Chemical bonds" have the ability to keep the at-
oms of a compound unified.
C) In recent times an amazing amount of facts
about the natural world have come to light E) Forces of attraction, otherwise known as
through research and relate to mankind and "chemical bonds", are what hold the atoms of a
countless other varied forms of life. compound together.
D) Biological research has, in recent times, brought
to light a vast amount of knowledge concerning
thousands of different forms of life including the
human species.
E) Research carried out in the field of biology in re-
cent years has yielded amazing knowledge
about the human species and about thousands
of other diverse life forms.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA
Tel: (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
42.-46. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçanın 44. In World War II, the demands for bombs of
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek increasing size and disruptive power were
cümleyi bulunuz. incessant. So a great deal of research was
carried out. ----. Blast bombs were produced of
up to a 12,000 pound capacity.
42. The so-called "One Time System" is the name of
a cipher proven to be unbreakable. In this A) Fortunately, these gas-filled bombs were never
system, the text of messages is turned into used
numbers, and then random numbers are added.
The security of the system rests on the fact that it B) Blast effect in particular was studied when the
is impossible to work out what random numbers effectiveness of the landmines dropped by the
were used to encrypt the message, as they do Luftwaffe on Britain was observed
not follow any predictable pattern. ---- . C) Most Royal Air Force high-explosive bombs
were filled with a combination of pistol and

A) Moreover, computers can provide reasonable
imitations of randomness, which is more than separate detonator
humans can do D) Usually some form of safety device, actuated on
B) Consequently, the creation of randomness is the release of the bomb, is felt to be necessary
extremely difficult in an age of very advanced E) A bomb weighing 3,000 pounds was developed
computers during World War I, but it was never used
C) As its name suggests, however, the "One Time
System" demands that the random number
sequence is used only once for each message
45. In the modern mass-production furniture factory,
D) The ability of randomness thus to produce
machines and processes reproduce the parts
meaningless clusters is all too familiar to
once laboriously turned out by hand. ---- .
Endless conveyors maintain a constant feed of
E) Many calculators and computers have so-called parts along the production lines.
random number generators, but all of them use
A) Well-organized factories operate "flow-line" pro-
fixed mathematical formulas
B) This particular factory is designed to meet the
demands of high-speed production
43. Oxygen gas has a very interesting property: it A) All waste is continuously sucked away from each
absorbs ultraviolet light. On absorbing ultraviolet machine and conveyed through pipes to storage
light, an oxygen molecule breaks down into two bins for disposal
oxygen atoms. ----. Oxygen in this form is called
ozone, which is a blue gas with a sharp odour. C) It is particularly significant that solid wood is
rarely used except for legs and frames
A) The ozone layer rests about 48 kilometers
above the surface of the Earth D) With mass-production better quality goods are
produced at lower costs
B) The ozone layer in the atmosphere absorbs al-
most all the ultraviolet radiation that could
destroy life on Earth
C) The formation of the ozone layer had a tremen- 46. "Liquid metal" is an alloy developed by the
dous effect on the spread of living organisms on researchers at the California Institute of
Earth Technology. ---- . Its properties allow for more
sophisticated designs, while helping to keep
D) Oxygen atoms produced in this way combine to
manufacturing costs down. Once cast, the alloy
give a new kind of gas that has molecules made
is non-corrosive, more than twice as strong as
of three atoms of oxygen
titanium and four times as elastic.
E) The presence of oxygen in the atmosphere has
A) However, some firms have already blended tita-
also made possible the development of respira-
nium and carbon fiber to produce stronger and
lighter alloys
B) Its elasticity is one of the qualities that makes it
ideal for sports equipment
C) The US army is already developing liquid metal
weapons that are far more effective than
conventional ones
D) It is also likely to prove useful in the
manufacture of sporting products
E) It has a different atomic structure from other
metals and is pourable, like plastic, during the
production process


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA
Tel: (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
47.-51. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş 49. Andy :
bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi - There are several posts advertised here for
bulunuz. Marine Biogeochemists. You might take a look
at them.
47. Patrick :
- It seems that physicists are better at Roger :
predicting trends on the stock markets than - I certainly will. Are they offering research
economists are. opportunities?

Larry : Andy :
- ---- - ----

Patrick : Roger :
- I don't. They are much better grounded in - Thanks. I do so want to get back into a
mathematics. laboratory again.

Larry : A) What's wrong with the research we're doing

- That could be so.
B) I expect so. I haven't read them very carefully,
A) Rubbish! That can't possibly be true. you know.
B) I find that hard to believe! C) Why do you ask that? Are you interested in re-
C) That's pretty controversial statement!
D) Why are you so interested in research? There's
D) How ridiculous! Where did you read that? no money in it.
E) That's not likely! What do you think? E) Yes, they are. That's why I'm drawing your
attention to them.

48. Mary :
- Did you know that octopuses are good at 50. James :
camouflage? - You'd never go to see a film like "Spider Man",
so why are you reading about it?
Emma :
- ---- Ann :
- I'm fascinated by all the special effects and
Mary : how they were achieved.
- Not in the first year or two of life. Then they
need it for protection. The big ones use it James :
more for catching unwary prey. - ----

Emma : Ann :
- That's very clever of them. - Yes, to some extent; but not entirely. The
A) No, I didn't. But what do they need camouflage webs, for instance, are real materials like
for? They're so big and strong! fishing line and computer generated
B) Do you mean they change color or something
like that? A) I understand New York plays quite an important
role in the film.
C) What color are they? The color of rock, I
suppose, so they can look like a rock. B) Certain techniques were in an effort to
overcome these problems.
D) No, that's news to me. Why do they need to use
camouflage? C) I suppose it's all done by high technology, isn't
E) No, I didn't. What else have you learned about
them? D) I thought their main aim was to tell a great story.
E) No. The effects team did most of the hard work.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA
Tel: (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
51. Reg : 54. (I) Pergamum is an ancient city in western Asia
Minor. (II) It achieved great political importance in the
- I want to go to the Earth Sciences Museum in second century B.C. (Ill) At that time it also became a
Cambridge. Would you care to come with me? centre of art and culture. (IV) Archeologists are still
working to restore this ancient city. (V) Its library was
Neil : particularly famous, but the contents were given by
Mark Antony to Cleopatra and transported to
- ---- Alexandria.

Reg : A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

- Rocks and fossils mostly. There are even

some of the fossils Darwin collected on his
Beagle voyage.

Neil :

- Good. Then let's go. It sounds interesting.
A) I'd love to. Some Saturday, perhaps?
B) I'm not going if all we're going to see is rocks
and fossils!
C) Yes, I've heard of it. They've got a remarkable 55. (I) The aberration of starlight is an optical illusion
collection of rocks and fossils there. caused by the motion of the Earth. (II) Rain falling
appears vertical when seen from the window of a
D) I was there last year but it's worth a second visit. stationary train; when seen from the window of a
E) Well, what will we be able to see if we go there? moving train, the rain appears to follow a sloping
path. (Ill) In the same way light from a star
"falling" down a telescope seems to follow a sloping
path because the Earth is moving. (IV) Optical
52.-56. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla aberration is one of a number of defects that impair
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü the image in an optical instrument. (V) Thus, an
bozan cümleyi bulunuz. apparent displacement or aberration in the position of
the star takes place.
52. (I) Apart from hydroelectricity, there are several other
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
non-depletable energy sources in use such as wind
turbines and solar heating. (II) However,
it is only in relatively few circumstances that any of
them prove to be economic. (Ill) In fact, the
developing countries account for one-fourth of the
world's production and one-fifth of the
world's consumption of commercial energy. (IV) Even
where they appear to be operating as ordinary
commercial ventures, they are usually heavily
subsidized. (V) So, at present, oil, natural gas and
coal are still the major suppliers of energy in the world
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

56. (I) Adding sugar to a drink taken straight from a

microwave can trigger an eruption of boiling liq uid. (II)
53. (I) Photosynthesis today is the largest single Heat may be transferred from one place to another by
chemical process on Earth. (II) When molecules conduction. (Ill) The cause of such in- cidents is
absorb light energy, they become "excited" and uneven heating by microwaves, which leads to some
transfer the gain in energy to their electrons. (Ill) It parts of the liquid being super- heated beyond their
has been estimated that each year about boiling point. (IV) If just a few grains of sugar are then
150,000 million tons of carbon dioxide and added to this unstable mix, they act as nucleation sites
120,000 million tons of water are used to produce for bubbles. (V) It is these bubbles that form with
100,000 million tons of organic matter and about explosive violence.
110,000 million tons of oxygen gas by the process
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
of photosynthesis. (IV) Moreover, It is assumed
that the oxygen in our atmosphere is
replaced by the process of photosynthesis every
2000 years. (V) Also, interestingly, the
photosynthesis of ages past is responsible for the
fossil fuels that have made our industrial civilization
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA
Tel: (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
57.-60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 59. It's clear from the passage that the company
cevaplayınız. aims to ----.

The Michigan factory of a leading car manufacturing A) stay in the limelight whatever the cost may be
company already has its place in industrial history. It B) increase its car sales which, over recent years,
is famous primarily on account of record-breaking have been rapidly declining, by attracting notice
models produced there between 1927 and 1931. through its "living roof"
Now the refitted factory is back in the limelight as one
of the world's most architecturally advanced C) branch out into architectural activities and
buildings. The height of new technology will be its reduce its car production
42,000 square meter roof. Dubbed a "living roof by
D) get rid of the chemical by-products that have ac-
the company, it consists of a ground-hugging plant
cumulated around the factory, and make a
called sedum which is growing in a 7.6 cm-thick mat-
garden there

like material. The sedum insulates the roof, reducing
heating bills by as much as five per cent and saving E) go on producing record-breaking cars
on replacement costs. It lasts twice as long as a
standard roof because it doesn't shrink or expand
when the temperature varies. It is also expected to
become a habitat for butterflies and birds. Embedded
in the roof are 36 skylights that let in natural light. On
sunny days the factory will operate with up to half of
its lights switched off. The company also intends to
clear the soil around the factory to remove the
chemical by-products of years of steel
manufacturing. The car company will plant native
bushes, flowers and trees that will break down 60. The factory which is the subject of the passage
polyaromatic hydrocarbons. ----.
A) is in the news now on account of its ultra-
modern architectural features
57. The root of the factory which is described in the
passage is labeled "living" ---- . B) has been constantly in the limelight ever since
A) because it provides no insulation from the
weather C) is far more cost-conscious than environmentally
B) since the mat-like material from which it is made
is actually comprised of living plants D) has a remarkable roof that will never need
C) because it is partly composed of growing plants
E) produces high-quality cars that have repeatedly
D) since it attracts large numbers of butterflies and broken automobile speed records
E) as it lets in the sunlight

58. We learn from the passage that the new-style

roof ----.
A) is one of the less unusual features of the new
style factory
B) will enable the company to cut down on its heat-
ing bills
C) consists largely of skylights because these are
an aid to insulation
D) has as many drawbacks as it has advantages
E) is the company's way of apologizing for the
harm cars cause to the environment


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA
Tel: (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
61.-64. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 63. We understand from the passage that, in the -
cevaplayınız. writings of various ancient and early civilizations,
there are accounts of ----.
Ancient Babylonian manuscripts, Dark Age
chronicles and New Age prophecies, all speak of A) the problems facing those who survived a catas-
catastrophes striking the Earth with devastating trophe
consequences; and all regard these disasters as B) many purely imaginary disasters
instances of divine punishment. Many describe
global inundations - floods that engulf continents, C) possible punishments that will have to be
wiping out entire civilizations. Others describe fires endured on Earth
that rain down from the skies. Until recently few
D) floods that have destroyed whole civilizations
scientists took these tales of catastrophe seriously,
regarding them as hangovers from a superstitious E) catastrophes that occurred 4.5 million years ago
age. But today these ancient accounts are regarded

as potentially valuable evidence for events that have
played a key role in the history of our planet, from its
very formation 4.5 million years ago. These events
are every bit as catastrophic as the legends claimed:
cosmic impacts that have dealt severe blows to life
many times in the past - and will do so again. The 64. According to the passage, accounts of fires
dramatic view of Earth history now emerging could raining down from the skies have only recently
hardly be more different from that held by many ----.
scientists even as recently as the 1980s. A) been found in ancient Babylonian manuscripts
B) attracted any serious scientific attention

61. The main point made in the passage is that ----. C) been regarded as the imaginings of
superstitious people
A) the ancients misunderstood why there was
flooding and great fires D) come to the attention of the general public

B) the great catastrophic events of the past are E) been compared to the stories of the great floods
unlikely to be repeated in the future
C) flooding and fire have always been the major
cause of disaster
D) very early stories about great catastrophes
occurring on Earth could be graphic accounts of
cosmic impacts
E) accounts of, for instance, fire raining down from
the skies, are so detailed that they must be true

62. According to the passage, over the past twenty

years or so, scientists have begun to realize ----.
A) that there have been instances of truly massive
destruction during the course of Earth history
B) that ancient accounts of disaster can all be
related to a specific cosmic event that actually
C) that the disasters described by the ancients are
not of scientific importance
D) that in the past people were more superstitious
than they are now
E) that legends of global inundations have no
foundation in truth



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA
Tel: (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
65.-68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 67. It is pointed out in the passage that since most of
cevaplayınız. the natural gas consumed in the US is either
home-produced or comes from Canada ----.
Central heating, available in the US since the early
19th century, became popular only after the Civil A) the price is pleasingly low
War. Typically, coal-burning furnaces fuelled the B) its supply is not endangered by war or embargo
early systems. The furnaces warped and cracked,
causing gases to escape, and had to be stoked C) people feel they should prefer it to imported
frequently. It took years and countless small fuels
improvements, but by the mid-1920s the systems
D) people worry that the supplies might run out
had become reliable and, with the emergence of oil-
fired furnaces, more convenient. Natural gas, which E) the system of pipelines to carry it has been easy
became widely available with the building of a to develop

pipeline infrastructure after World War II, had
developed into the leading fuel by 1960. Its
acceptance resulted in part from its versatility - unlike
oil, it can power appliances such as clothes washers
and dryers, ovens, ranges and outdoor grills.
Because it comes primarily from US and Canadian
fields, natural gas is also less vulnerable than oil is,
to war and embargo. Oil remains the predominant
fuel in a few areas, such as New England, where
natural gas pipelines have not yet thoroughly
penetrated. Oil users in many regions have the
advantage of being able to buy a season's supply in
advance at favorable rates and, in contrast to most
gas users, can easily change their supplier.

65. According to the passage, the coal-burning 68. The passage makes the point that oil continues
furnaces of the early days of central heating in to be the chief fuel in certain areas ----.
the US, ----.
A) as it is believed to be less dangerous than
A) gave the people who used them many problems natural gas
B) seldom needed any maintenance B) although it has no advantages over natural gas
C) were soon improved and became quite C) and this annoys a lot of people
convenient to use
D) but it is rapidly falling into disfavor
D) remained exceedingly popular even after oil-
fired furnaces were introduced E) where natural gas is unavailable

E) had only one minor fault: they had to be stoked

several times a day

66. We understand from the passage that, once natu-

ral gas became available, it rapidly became the
favorite form of fuel ----.
A) though electricity is required to work most
household appliances
B) largely because there are plenty of suppliers to
choose from
C) so pipelines were rapidly extended to all parts of
the country in a very short period of time
D) as it is obviously much safer and less costly
than oil
E) because it could power many different
appliances as well as the central heating system



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA
Tel: (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
69.-72. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 71. It is clear from the passage that at least one of
cevaplayınız. the messages Stafford sent to the ground crew
The amount of engineering and exertion required to
do work in space came as a surprise in the early A) concerning Ceman's condition, caused the
days of the manned space program. For instance, medical staff a great deal of anxiety
when the astronauts Eugene Ceman and Thomas B) caused them a great deal of concern
Stafford launched into space aboard Gemini 9 on
June 3rd, 1966, they had no way of knowing that a C) was untrue but his aim was to keep them from
nightmare would begin as soon as Ceman began a worrying
space walk. From the moment he emerged from the
D) complained that they had not been adequately
capsule, everything Ceman did was much harder
prepared for such an experience
than he had expected. Every weightless movement

triggered an equal opposite reaction, and he found E) admitted that they were exceedingly alarmed by
himself repeatedly flying out to the end of the what was happening to them
umbilical cord connecting him to the Gemini capsule
and then rebounding in an unexpected direction.
Stafford finally ordered Ceman to forget about the
10-million-dollar backpack and return to the capsule.
Doing so turned out to be the most alarming part of
the space walk, as Ceman discovered, that his
pressurized suit wouldn't flex enough to allow him
back inside so that operation alone took him thirty
laborious minutes. Then the struggle to close the
hatch was so prolonged and difficult that Stafford
decided he needed to lie, so the ground crew would
not panic. "Coming in, no problem" he fibbed as he
and Ceman improvised a lever to force the latch into
position. It finally closed.

69. It is clear from the passage that the walk in space 72. We understand from the passage that in a state
described here ----. of weightlessness ----.
A) was very different from what had been A) one loses confidence in one's ability to come to
anticipated the right decision
B) was controlled by the ground crew, and very B) physical tasks are easier to perform
little rested with the astronauts
C) it is surprisingly difficult to get into a pressurized
C) had been carefully planned down to the last suit
D) one has virtually no control over one's
D) went astray because the connection with the movements
ground crew was interrupted
E) people do not realize how slowly they are doing
E) never endangered the lives of the astronauts everything

70. As we understand from the passage, one of the

problems encountered by the astronauts that had
not been foreseen ----.
A) was the difficulty of opening the hatch
B) was the difficulty of getting back into the capsule
in a rigid, pressurized space suit
C) involved opening the hatch in readiness for the
walk in space
D) was how to get in and out of the backpack
E) occurred before they had even entered space



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA
Tel: (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
73.-76. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 75. We understand from the passage that in World
cevaplayınız. War II the Allies ----.

From its birth during World War II, there is one task A) managed to track down many enemy spies with
to which cutting-edge computer technology has the aid of Colossus
always been applied: code-breaking. In 1943, B) were rarely able to break the codes used by
mathematicians and engineers at Bletchley Park, Hitler and his generals even after they had
Buckinghamshire, built Colossus, the forerunner of acquired Colossus
the modern electronic computer. Its task was to
break the Lorentz ciphers, used by Hitler and his C) were in possession of better electrical
generals for their most secret communications. computers than Hitler was
Consisting of thousands of valves, optical devices
D) developed codes that Hitler was unable to break
and pulleys, Colossus looked ungainly but worked
brilliantly. One of its major triumphs was to reveal E) tricked Hitler into believing that the D-Day inva-

that Hitler had been taken in by Allied deception sion would happen earlier than actually planned
tactics leading up to D-Day, thus clearing the way for
the real invasion in 1944. Ever since, government
code-breaking centers have bought the fastest
supercomputers the moment they emerge, During
the Cold War, the key challenge was to find and
exploit the slightest weakness in the cipher systems
used by the Soviet Union, acknowledged to be the
most secure in the world. Their efforts ultimately led
to the downfall of all of the Soviet's "Magnificent Five"
British spies.

73. The passage is mainly about ----. 76. We learn from the passage that many of the new-
est and fastest supercomputers ----.
A) the deception the Allies practiced on Hitler
regarding the date of D-Day A) are largely used for destructive purposes

B) the success of computers in code-breaking B) are especially designed to break codes

C) the success of Colossus in breaking the Soviet C) are still unable to break the world's most secure
Union's code systems cipher systems

D) the unbreakable cipher systems used by Hitler D) are being used by government code-breaking
and the Soviet Union centers

E) events leading up to the exposure of the Soviets E) can be programmed to deceive

Magnificent Five British spies

74. It is clear from the passage that Colossus, ----.

A) which was built in 1943, was a disappointment
to the mathematicians who designed it
B) an early computer, managed to deceive Hitler
concerning the dates of D-Day
C) which was clumsy and complicated to look at,
was nevertheless extremely efficient
D) though it was designed as a code-breaker, was
also of great assistance when tactics were being
E) a product of World War II, was not used once
the war was over



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA
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77.-80. sorulan aşağıdaki parçaya göre 79. It's pointed out in the passage that the new
cevaplayınız. acoustic systems developed for the US military

The US company, "Scientific Applications and A) sometimes produce high-intensity vibrations that
Research Associates" (SARA) Inc, has developed cause widespread damage to buildings ----.
crowd-dispersal weapons for the US military that B) should only be used in cases of extreme
generate high-intensity sound waves. Sound levels of emergency
120 to 130 decibels cause pain and blurred vision;
above 140 decibels, sound produces profound C) can cause permanent damage to the eye
discomfort throughout the body. Ear plugs are no
D) were primarily designed for use in wartime
protection. These acoustic systems have a directed
beam, projecting the sound in a narrow fan. They E) were primarily designed to break up crowds
include high-intensity sound generators with power

levels of up to 60 kilowatts and are combustion
driven, using a series of small explosions to create a
noise or drive a siren or whistle.

77. One important point made in the passage is that

high decibel levels of sound ----. 80. It is pointed out in the passage that if the level of
sound exceeds 140 decibels ----.
A) are only harmful when they are continuous
A) the sound produced is something between a
B) can only be resisted by means of earplugs siren and a whistle
C) result in bodily pain and upset the eyesight B) a great deal of damage will be caused in the
D) are something that people can gradually get
used to C) earplugs are required for protection
E) impair the nervous system permanently D) there will be pain in all parts of the body
E) then the crowds are readily dispersed

78. According to the passage, the acoustic systems

developed by SARA, ----.
A) use high-intensity sound generators and are
combustion driven
B) use sound levels which range from 120 to 140
C) did not meet the requirements of the US military
D) do not, unlike other similar systems, cause any
permanent damage whatsoever
E) cannot be operated below a 120 decibel sound



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA
Tel: (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22


1. A 2. C 3. D 4. E 5. E 6. B 7. D 8. E 9. B 10. D

11. E 12. B 13. B 14. D 15. C 16. E 17. A 18. D 19. C 20. D

21. A 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. E 26. A 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. D

31. C 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. E 36. B 37. D 38. C 39. E 40. C

41. A 42. C 43. D 44. B 45. A 46. E 47. B 48. A 49. E 50. C

51. E 52. C 53. B 54. D 55. D 56. B 57. B 58. B 59. D 60. A

61. D 62. B 63. D 64. B 65. A 66. E 67. B 68. E 69. A 70. B

71. C 72. D 73. B 74. C 75. E 76. D 77. C 78. A 79. E 80. D



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA
Tel: (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
7. In calculators, calculations — entirely with
1.-18. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan integers yield exact results as long as the
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi numbers — too big for the space allotted.
A) doing / were not
1. In 1994, seven countries signed an accord, B) having done / have not been
agreeing to guidelines designed to minimize the
C) to have been done / would not have been
— of salmon farming on wild fish in the north
Atlantic. D) done /are not
A) relevance B) establishment C) impact E) to be done / will not be
D) perception E) improvement

8. Twenty years ago the study of aging — as
somewhat misdirected, but now it — into an
2. Had this 70m-long asteroid entered the Earth's important science.
atmosphere, it could have — a large city.
A) was regarded / has developed
A) reconciled B) inflated C) captured
B) had been regarded / would develop
D) destroyed E) erupted
C) has been regarded / would be developing
D) would have been regarded / had developed
E) was being regarded / has been developing

3. India has dozens of half-completed water

projects, not to mention a —, centuries-old
infrastructure of forgotten local water-supply
9. In some ways, we know little more about the
A) perishable B) stable C) vast planets than — the ancients who worshipped
D) predominant E) sensitive them.
A) had done B) have done C) do
D) would do E) did

4. Researchers attending the World Water Forum in

Kyoto last year argued that collecting and using
water more — would lessen the need for more
dams. 10. The first stage of the new factory project — last
year, and work on the second phase — well now.
A) efficiently B) plentifully C) wastefully
A) had been completed / would progress
D) remarkably E) speedily
B) was completed / is progressing
C) would have been completed / was progressing
D) has been completed / will progress
E) was being completed / has progressed
5. Apparently the drop in farm incomes had
nothing to — the introduction of modern farming
A) close down B) make out C) sort out
D) force out E) do with 11. While the battle — out in the open, the
technological capability of the coalition forces —
them the lead.
A) had been fought / was giving
B) was fought / would give
6. Most of our exposure to organic mercury — C) was being fought / gave
eating oily fish such as tuna.
D) would have been fought / will give
A) plays up B) turns into C) comes from
E) is being fought / has given
D) finds out E) puts up with


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
12. Dwindling oil reserves and concerns — exhaust 19. - 23. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
emissions have heightened the search — more numaralandırılmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
sustainable sources. ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) into / with B) through / into C) about / at
Nuclear energy is now making a serious comeback. The
D) over / for E) for / by
design (19) — of the new nuclear reactors have taken a
huge step forward. (20) — being safer and less (21) —
to terrorism than current nuclear plants, the new reactor
(22) — double duty; it has to generate electricity and
produce hydrogen which is the probable automobile fuel
(23) — the future.
13. The World Commission on Dams found that, —
average, large dams exceed their budget — 56%.
A) of / up B) in / off C) for / under

D) by / from E) on / by
A) delays B) complexities
C) facilities D) requirements
E) replacements

14. The interiors of planets are totally inaccessible,

— what we know about them comes from
indirect measurements and analysis. 20.

A) so B) whereas C) even though A) Even so B) On the other hand

D) since E) so as C) As regards D) In contrast

E) Besides

15. It was not long — the design deficiencies of the
A) vulnerable B) impulsive
room became apparent.
C) conducive D) compulsive
A) as if B) before C) until
E) disruptive
D) wherever E) unless

A) had to do B) must have done
16. In every forensic laboratory there should be — C) must be done D) must do
with the basic training to make sense of
botanical evidence. E) would have to do

A) each B) anyone C) someone

D) one another E) them
A) at B) to C) with
D) over E) of

17. The Centre conducted the study — identify

priority areas for conservation.
A) in order to B) as well as C) with respect to
D) due to E) with reference to

18. The next model the company produced was well

engineered and finely built but, —, it never
became popular and sales were poor.
A) on the contrary B) even so C) just as
D) such as E) in accordance with


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
24. - 35. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde 27. — which helps it to grip the ice.
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) This new-style yacht is capable of speeds in
excess of 300 km per hour
24. Even though the water around coral reefs
sometimes looks clear, —. B) Such an aerodynamic shape would assist
A) wave-exposed waters differ in this respect from
more sheltered areas C) The new yacht is expected to break speed
levels on land and water as well as on ice
B) it can contain a variety of suspended matter
D) The new design of the sail enabled the craft to
C) in fact corals themselves secrete mucus to move forward even faster
cleanse their colony surfaces
E) The side wings of the ice yacht provide a
D) these aggregates often resemble snowflakes downward force

E) large quantities of inorganic particles were also

28. As the canal bed slopes downward by just 8 cm

each kilometer ----.
A) the cracks in the concrete were the result of the
25. — where rain will form.
B) there might have been a build-up of water
A) This technique should make it possible to target
C) it didn’t need to be frequently cleaned
more precisely
D) the water flows slowly but consistently
B) This method of rain-making overlooks the
problem E) everything was done to prevent the concrete
from drying too fast
C) Neighbouring countries are protesting against
the project
D) There have been dramatic changes in the
climate worldwide
E) The incidence of flooding had already increased
noticeably 29. — when NASA astronauts were installing the
new cooling system.
A) An infrared camera on board the Hubble Space
Telescope got damaged
B) The Nubble's infrared camera had taken
stunning space pictures
26. — so that it can get close to hostile forces
without being detected. C) The Hubble Space Telescope is expected to
relay to NASA spectacular images of some
A) The precision navigation systems are what
distant galaxies
impressed most of us
D) There appears to be plenty of water in the outer
B) Ideally the periscope would have been
Solar System in the form of ice
E) The new space shuttle, designed by a
C) The new-style submarine has been specifically
consortium of aircraft companies, will have two
rockets to launch it
D) This is just one of a number of smaller, smarter,
stealthier submarines
E) Previously submarines were not expected to
work in shallow, coastal waters


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
30. Satellite pictures suggest that Saharan dust can 34. The findings contradict a long-held contention
be blown as far as the Gulf of Mexico, —. —.
A) while it caused increased snowfall over Turkey A) whether biodiversity is lost as a consequence
of habitat destruction
B) that is the cause of the red tides there
B) if marine conservation areas are absolutely
C) where it fertilizes the water with iron essential
D) that it is situated almost 10 thousand kilometers C) because marine species have vast geographic
away ranges
E) since dust can be washed out of the air by rain D) why such marine species are highly vulnerable
falling to extinction
E) that marine species are unlikely to become

extinct due to human activities

31. Soldiers will continue to be killed in "friendly

fire" incidents —.
A) unless a better and more reliable 35. Statistics show that the risk of a fatality, —, is
communications technology is developed proportional to the distance covered.
B) if acts of terrorism are not included A) while driving on rural interstate highways
C) that fighting on foot is still the only way to B) that did not include intermediate take-offs and
occupy an unfriendly town or city landings
D) as the infantry man had most to gain from new C) until a natural disaster has occurred
advances in military technology
D) so long as the driver was experienced
E) which demonstrates the need for yet more
improvements E) which could have been prevented

32. The "giant squid" may need to change its name

A) that the nickname for the new specimen is the
"colossal squid"
B) since a bigger and meaner relative has been
discovered near Antarctica
C) if it has hooks at the ends of its tentacles
D) so it could maul sperm whales
E) though it had grown to a length of 4 metres

33. —, its true potential has barely been explored.

A) If new information continues to increase at this
B) Since these memory systems are due for
C) Though technology has given us massive
memory storage
D) Unless there are some more creative entries
E) When a number of problems suddenly came to
the fore


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
36.-38. sorularda, verilen Đngilizce cümleye 38. Debate has been raging for years among the
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. experts over just how risky radon really is.
A) Radonun gerçekten ne denli tehlikeli olduğuna
36. As the universe expands and objects move ilişkin tartışma, uzmanlar arasında yıllardan beri
further away from each other, gravity gets şiddetle devam etmektedir.
B) Uzmanlar arasında yıllarca devam eden şiddetli
A) Evren ne kadar genişler ve nesneler birbirinden tartışmalardan biri de radonun gerçekten ne
ne kadar uzaklaşırsa, yerçekimi o ölçüde denli tehlikeli olduğuna ilişkindir.
C) Uzmanlar, radonun gerçekten tehlikeli olup
B) Yerçekiminin giderek zayıflaması, evrenin olmadığını yıllardan beri şiddetle tartışıyor.
genişlemesine ve nesnelerin birbirinden
uzaklaşmasına bağlıdır. D) Radonun gerçekte nasıl bir tehlike

oluşturduğuna ilişkin şiddetli tartışmalar
C) Evrenin genişlemesi sonucu nesneler uzmanlar arasında yıllarca sürmüştür.
birbirinden giderek uzaklaştığı için yerçekimi
zayıflar. E) Uzmanların yıllardan beri şiddetle sürdürdüğü
tartışma, radonun gerçekten nasıl bir tehlike
D) Evren genişledikçe ve nesneler birbirinden daha oluşturduğuna ilişkindir.
da uzaklaştıkça yerçekimi zayıflar.
E) Evren genişlediği için hem nesneler birbirinden
uzaklaşır hem de yerçekimi daha da zayıflar.

37. Whales have a clever way of distinguishing their

own sounds from other sounds in order to
navigate and locate their prey.
A) Balinalar kendi seslerini diğer seslerden
ayırarak yollarını bulabilirler ve akıllıca bir
yöntem uygulayarak avlarının yerini büyük
ölçüde belirleyebilirler.
B) Balinalar kendi seslerini diğer seslerden
ayırmada kurnazca bir yol izlerler ve böylece
hem yollarını bulurlar hem de avlarının yerini
C) Balinaların, yollarını bulabilmek ve avlarının
yerini belirleyebilmek için kendi seslerini diğer
seslerden ayırmada zekice bir yöntemi vardır.
D) Balinalar kendi seslerini diğer seslerden akıllıca
ayırabildikleri için hem yollarını bulurlar hem de
avlarının yerini belirlerler.
E) Balinalar kendi seslerini diğer seslerden ayırma
yöntemini zekice kullanarak yollarını bulabilirler
ve avlarının yerini belirleyebilirler.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
39.-41. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye 41. Avustralya'da sismik olay kayıtları sadece 150 yıl
anlamca en yakın Đngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. geriye gittiğinden, daha önce neler olduğunu
anlamak için günümüzde çeşitli yeni teknikler
39. Avrupa'nın bir uydu ağı olan Galileo sistemi,
Avrupa Birliği'ne üye devletler ve Avrupa Uzay A) Over the past 150 years, and particularly
Kurumu tarafından finanse edilmektedir. recently with the advent of so many new
technologies, great efforts have been made to
A) The Galileo system forms part of Europe's find out what seismic activity has created in
network of satellites and is paid for by the
member states of the European Union and the
European Space Agency. B) Since Australia has only been keeping records
of seismic activity over the past 150 years, there
B) Europe's network of satellites, still known as the is a need to use these new techniques to find
Galileo system, is paid for by the member states

out what happened before.
of the European Union and the European
Space Agency, C) A variety of new techniques will help to
establish what happened in Australia as regards
C) The Galileo system, which receives some seismic activity before records were kept which
financial support from the member states of the
has only been during the last 150 years.
European Union and the European Space
Agency, is a European network of satellites. D) Records of seismic activity in Australia have
only been kept for 150 years but various new
D) The European Union and the European Space technologies have established what happened
Agency jointly finance Europe's satellite network
before that time.
known as the Galileo system.
E) Since records of seismic activity in Australia
E) The Galileo system, which is a satellite network only go back 150 years, a variety of new
of Europe, is financed by the member states of techniques are presently being used to find out
the European Union and the European space what had happened before then.

40. Çeşitli supernovalarla ilgili 1998'deki gözlemler,

bunlardan en uzak olanların beklendiği kadar
parlak olmadığını göstermiştir.
A) The most remote of the various supernovae
observed in 1998 were scarcely any brighter
than had been expected.
B) Various supernovae that were observed in 1998
turned out to be less bright than had been
expected and even more remote.
C) Observations, carried out in 1998 on the distant
supernovae, showed that they were not nearly
as bright as had been predicted.
D) Observations in 1998 relating to various
supernovae showed that the most distant ones
were not as bright as had been expected.
E) Even the most remote of the supernovae
chosen for observation in 1998 turned out to be
less bright than anyone had expected.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
42.- 46. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçanın 44. Future computer chips may not have wires, but
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek miniature radio transmitters and receivers. —.
cümleyi bulunuz. Here a team of scientists has demonstrated a
wireless communication system built on a chip.
The discovery could lead to earthquake
42. The health of the wildlife around us can be seen detectors and listening devices for the military.
as an indicator of how we are managing the Also it could usher En a new generation of faster
world's resources. There is much concern about computers.
the fact that some species are disappearing. — .
For instance, some species once thought to be A) That's the promise of research at the University
extinct have been rediscovered as scientists of Florida
have gone deeper into the surviving wild areas.
B) This has been hailed as the most radical
A) Their aim is to help poor, local communities to advance in information technology

protect their food sources and local wildlife at
the same time C) The result will be a worldwide network of
B) An increasing number of today's conservation
projects involve sustainable development D) So the network of information can be accessed
programmes by anyone

C) Habitat restoration and captive breeding E) Indeed, it soon became obvious that they
programmes have already brought several offered many advantages over existing systems
species back from the brink of extinction
D) Although certain species are indeed
endangered, the overall picture is not as gloomy
45. Water filters are particularly useful if you live in a
as is sometimes suggested
hard water area. Hard water contains a greater
E) In Britain, with the restoration of river habitats concentration of calcium than soft water. —. It
and a reduction in pollution, the otter is another also means that you won't get many suds from
genus that has made an impressive recovery your soap. As well as softening the water, a filter
removes other chemicals to improve its look and
A) There are many other chemicals which pollute

43. The emergence of the World Wide Web has been

B) Today a water filter is a common sight in many
the most important technological development
of the last decade as regards the spread of C) Indeed, there's more to the household water
information. —. As such, the web is the biggest filter than meets the eye
advance in information technology since the
invention of the printing press in 1450. D) A water filter is equipped with a cartridge which
contains ion exchange resin and activated
A) To start with, the web was simply a handy aid carbon
for academics
E) In fact, it is this that causes lime scale in kettles,
B) It was conceived as a means of giving everyone irons and other electrical appliances
access to information anywhere and at any time
C) A British scientist, Berners-Lee, was the
visionary behind the web
46. Otto Lehmann observed that liquid crystals are
D) These early browsers only worked on academic remarkably sensitive. —. Further, they can
computers register the minutest fluctuations in temperature
E) With the launch of the Mosaic web browser, the by a change in colour.
numbers of people using the web grew at a A) Liquid crystals in thermometers, thermographs,
phenomenal rate computers, TVs and solid-state devices were
too far in the future for him to imagine
B) Lehmann dedicated 25 years of work to
studying these strange chemicals
C) In his last book he suggested many
applications, mostly in power generation and
transformation, but none of them proved
D) They respond to heat, light, sound, mechanical
pressure, electromagnetic fields and radiation
and even some chemical vapours
E) Many of them wrote off liquid crystals as
chemical impurities with no scientific or practical


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
47. -51. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş 49. Craig :
bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi This is interesting. Eighteen new fish species
bulunuz. have been caught off the coast of the
southwestern tip of England in recent years.

47. Mary: Sam:

What's special about digital radio? What's the explanation? Have all their natural
enemies been killed off?
Jude :
Well, to start with, the quality of the sound is Craig :
excellent. ----

Mary : Sam :
---- Well, that sounds plausible. After all, fish are
cold-blooded creatures and need suitable

Jude: surroundings.
Yes; it has a display that tells you what you
are listening to. A) They don't offer any explanation. Your guess is
as good as mine.
A) And that makes it a lot more expensive, doesn't
it? B) That's one possible explanation, but it's
certainly not the most likely.
B) Oh, that's good. And has it any other
advantages? C) No. Apparently it's the result of global warming.
They are moving north to cooler waters.
C) But isn't the quality of the sound pretty good on
all radios now? D) Possibly. But what I want to know is, where
have they come from?
D) Well, I would expect it to be so, considering the
price! E) No. I don't think so, anyway. Why do you ask?

E) Right. What about its drawbacks?

50. Alec :
If they can predict when one particular
48. Phil: volcano will erupt, why can't they predict
The Natural History Museum is really making when any volcano will erupt?
a break with tradition with its Darwin Centre.
Jane: Because no two volcanoes are alike. Each
---- needs to be studied so that its warning signal
can be recognized.
Visitors can now watch the Museum's Alec :
scientists as they carry out the research ----
that's essential when identifying new species
for instance. James :
Yes. But it will take time, of course. And there
Jane: are only two volcano-watching satellites
I think that's a splendid idea. orbiting Earth and these aren't enough.

A) Really? What's it doing? A) Why is that? Surely one volcano is very like
B) Good. Are you thinking of applying?
B) That sounds reasonable enough. Is this being
C) That's a surprise! It won't last long! D) done?
Who says so? I'm sure you're wrong!
C) Well, what are they doing about it?
E) Well; it shouldn't be allowed to happen!
D) Isn't volcanic activity related to earthquakes?
E) But they've been carrying out research on
volcanoes for years! How is it we know so little
about them?


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
51. Chris: 52. -56. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
Have you read this article about the aerotrain parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi
they are working on? bulunuz.

Tony: 52. (I) The remotely operated vehicle (ROV), Jason II,
Do you mean the train that will ride on a resembles its predecessor, but nearly every
cushion of air 2 to 4 inches above the component has been much improved. (II) To
ground? start with, it is bigger, so it can retrieve more material
from the ocean floor. (Ill) Further, a second
Chris : manipulator arm has been added which has increased
---- maneuverability and power. (IV) Another advantage is
the fact that it can function at greater depths. (V)
Tony: Indeed, a lot of people feel that the costs of ROV
technology are in excess

I really don't know. But if they do succeed, it
will be an important breakthrough. of its usefulness.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) Yes, that's the one. Do you think the project is
B) Yes, of course. And it would have propeller
C) Right. It would cut back on energy consumption
D) I suppose so. I don't think they are taking safety
into consideration.
E) Yes. It's a Japanese firm that's developing it,
you know. 53. (I) Tides are the result of the gravitational pull of both
the Moon and the Sun which cause a swell of water to
sweep across the oceans twice a day. (II) Even so, in
some parts of the world one is hardly aware of high
tide and low tide. (Ill) This swell is only about 1 metre
high, but it contains a huge volume of water. (IV) As it
tries to squeeze into a tight inlet, the result can be a
substantial rise in sea level at high tide and a huge
tidal range. (V) The world's largest tidal range is
thought to be in the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

54. (I) The California condor is a critically endangered

bird. (II) It has, fortunately, been saved from
extinction by a captive breeding programme. (Ill)
Young condors are now being successfully
reintroduced into the wild. (IV) This underlines the
urgency with which protective action is needed. (V)
The situation, however, still remains precarious, as
there are presently no reproductive condors in the
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
55. (I) The speeds of Saturn's equatorial jet winds 56. (I) Industrial robots are now in great demand. (II)
have dropped noticeably over the last two decades. The variety in shape and size of these particular
(II) The slowdown is probably part of the long "task-specific" robots is one reason why they
seasonal cycle on Saturn, which takes thirty years to are so expensive to produce. (Ill) At least 750,000
orbit the Sun. (III) For the last five years, the robots are currently engaged in global industry. (IV)
research team has been comparing cloud features As regards production, Japan is in the lead, producing
and storm systems on Saturn. (IV) It may also be twice as many industrial robots as the rest of the world
due in part to extreme differences between the combined. (V) It is followed by the EU, where
seasons. (V) This occurs because the rotational axis Germany is the leader.
of the planet is highly tilted.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V




Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
57. - 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 59. According to the passage, work is underway to
cevaplayınız. —.

A curious form of renewable-energy generation may A) prevent the inundation of land resulting from
be on the horizon - with underwater turbines. These dams
units harness the power of tidally driven currents, B) make more use of underwater turbines to
which flow back and forth like clockwork, making it generate electricity
possible to generate electricity on a predictable
schedule. In this respect, underwater turbines are C) step up the efficiency of underwater turbines
more attractive than their wind-driven counterparts,
which are now employed widely to help power D) identify various sources of renewable energy
electric grids. Underwater structures are also less E) enlarge and renovate existing electric grids
likely to be damaged by violent storms which have
little effect on submerged objects. And using
underwater turbines sidesteps the common

objections to conventional hydropower - that
damming a river stops migrating fish and inundates
land upstream. Underwater turbines have long been
used on a small scale. But soon now they will be
used on a large scale to produce megawatts of
electric power.

57. We understand from the passage that

underwater turbines —. 60. According to the passage, underwater turbines
A) disrupt the migration of fish in coastal water are particularly useful because —.

B) are not as efficient as wind-driven ones in the A) they are unaffected by storms
generation of electricity B) they produce more energy than dams
C) have for many years been the main means of C) they are more economical to run than wind-
obtaining renewable energy driven turbines
D) are not dependent on tidal currents in order to D) they reduce environmental risks caused by tidal
function waters
E) existed in the past but were not widely used E) their underwater structures are easily renewable

58. It is pointed out in the passage that one

advantage of harnessing the tidal flow to
generate electricity is that —.
A) it is far more cost-effective than conventional
B) it has a positive effect on the environment
C) we know how much power can be produced at
any given time
D) there is little in the system that can go wrong
except for the turbines
E) the same design of underwater turbines can be
used in all seas



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
61.-64. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 63. The point is made in the passage that, although
cevaplayınız. architects ought to be concerned with how
buildings will be used, —.
Architects and engineers engage in design quite
explicitly, and they typically do so with distinct A) they usually come to an agreement with the
objectives. Architects tend to focus on form over engineers about who is responsible for such
function, whereas engineers tend to do the opposite. matters
For most architects, the design of a building has B) this is clearly a requirement which they often
firstly to do with how it looks, both inside and out, overlook
and how it fits in with nearby buildings. Architects
are also expected to give considerable thought to C) their main objective is usually to ensure that all
how the building will be used, how people will move fitting and appliances work efficiently.
through it, how it will feel, although such
considerations do not always seem to be foremost in D) most concentrate on the outside appearance of
their minds judging by results, indeed, if architectural a building since more people see it

criticism is taken at face value, architects do seem to E) they are often criticized for doing so at the
be principally concerned with the texture of a expense of appearances
building's facade, the appearance of its public
spaces, the furniture with which it is filled. Architects
seem to pay close attention to details, even down to
the nature of the lighting fixtures and the hardware
on doors and windows, but not always to how they
will be operated or how they will fulfill their purpose.
Nevertheless, such considerations collectively
constitute architectural and interior design.

61. According to the passage, one point that an 64. From the passage we understand that by interior
architect has to take into consideration is —. design what is meant is —.

A) the structural features of his design in relation to A) the choice and placing of the accessories and
the facade furniture inside a building

B) the costs that will be incurred by his design B) the design of the facade of a building

C) the way the new building will look in its C) only the lighting project and the appliances to
surroundings be used

D) how the new building will be ventilated D) the use of space both inside and outside the
E) how crowds of people can be managed inside a
building E) the operational systems and requirements of a

62. We understand from the passage that function

rather than form —.
A) is the main requirement in the design of pubic
B) as often been the distinctive interest of an-
C) should be given priority by architects and
engineers alike
D) is what engineers are primarily concerned with
E) is what frequently causes a controversy among
architects and engineers



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
65.-68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 67. It is pointed out in the passage that, in certain
cevaplayınız. rural parts of the US, —.

Electric heating, which appeared in less than 1 per A) the consumption of electricity dropped
cent of homes in the United States in 1950, now dramatically after the construction of gas
dominates most areas with mild winters and cheap pipelines
electricity, including the South and the Northwest. Its B) the costs of home heating and air-conditioning
popularity, at least in the South, was spurred by the have risen sharply over recent years
low cost of adding electric heating to new houses
built with air-conditioning. In the Northeast and C) air-conditioning is far more important than home
Midwest, electricity has not been a popular fuel heating
because of its high cost for cold-weather heating
and because it delivers heat at 90 to 95°F, D) a surprising number of people have gone back
compared with 120 to 140°F for gas and oil, which to wood as the fuel for home heating
many in cold climates find preferable. In some

E) there are no pipelines to provide gas for home
areas, such as California, electric heating has not heating
progressed because of building code restrictions.
Bottled gas, which is somewhat more expensive
than utility gas, is the fuel of choice in rural areas not
served by utility pipelines. Wood, the dominant fuel
throughout the US economy until the 1880s, is the
leading heating fuel in just a few rural counties.
Home heating, which accounts for less than 7 per
cent of all energy consumed in the US, has had a
commendable efficiency record: from 1978 to 1997,
the amount of fuel consumed for this purpose
declined 44 per cent despite a 33 per cent increase
in the number of housing units and an increase in
house size. This improvement came about thanks to
better insulation and more efficient equipment
following the energy crisis of the 1970s.

65. The point is made in the passage that the

efficiency of home heating in the US —.
A) is more remarkable in the colder areas than in
the warmer
B) has improved remarkably in the Northeast and 68. We learn from the passage that, in the colder
Midwest areas of the US, electric heating —.
C) has run parallel with modem building techniques A) spread rapidly especially in the larger rural
D) has maintained a constant level since the 1950s
B) was first introduced during the 1950s for a
E) has improved greatly in recent decades due to limited number of homes
better methods of insulation
C) is not common both because of its high cost
and low efficiency
D) was soon replaced by bottled gas if pipelines
were not available
66. It is clear from the passage that, in the temperate E) has been restricted due to building code
zones of the US, —. requirements
A) heating by means of electricity is widespread
B) electric heating is discouraged by local
C) electric heating constitutes 7 per cent of the
total consumption of electricity
D) electric heating and air-conditioning are
invariably run off the same system
E) no special type of fuel is regarded as preferable
for heating purposes



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
69.-72. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 71. According to the passage, one advantage of
cevaplayınız. studying marine organisms is that, —.
A) as is the case with mammals, they are subject
Biologists value marine organisms because their to the same diseases as humans
primitive systems are good models for more B) though they are very diverse, they include all
complex organisms, such as humans- Despite being the primitive systems in nature
genetically further from us than more common
research mammals, we share a surprising number of C) on account of their complex structures, they
evolutionary links with these basic animals. By offer scientists many opportunities for research
understanding their life processes and the way their
systems react when things go wrong, scientists hope D) since their systems are so similar to human
to continue making important discoveries that could systems, their genetic history tells us a lot about
help increase the chances of finding cures for our own
serious diseases such as cancer and AIDS. As

E) through their primitive systems, more
research continues, understanding increases about complicated ones can be understood
how our bodies and minds work, but there is still a
lot to learn. Obviously it takes a long time to work
out all the mechanisms, and there are still many new
bioactive compounds to be found in marine
organisms. But by using sea creatures to better
understand human characteristics and disorders,
progress is being made.

69. It is pointed out in the passage that it seems

likely that remedies for certain human diseases
—. 72. It Is clear from the passage that the study of
A) can be learned from a closer study of the marine organisms —.
evolutionary processes of mammals A) is only likely to be useful in finding a cure for
B) can be obtained from their bioactive compounds cancer and AIDS

C) will be suggested by other mammals, not by B) is still in its early stages but already yielding
marine organisms results

D) may result from a close study of marine C) began as an aid to understanding evolution
organisms D) is not expected to throw much light on human
E) cannot be discovered except with the aid of biology
marine organisms E) has already revealed all their bioactive

70. We learn from the passage that, even though

human beings and marine organisms are
genetically very different from each other, —.
A) both groups are equally likely to develop cancer
B) they share the same bioactive compounds
C) there are, from an evolutionary point of view,
considerable connections
D) their systems, in adverse circumstances,
function in similar ways
E) their life processes are of equal complexity



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
73.-76. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 75. We understand from the passage that many
cevaplayınız. people —.

Many people who are perfectly relaxed driving along A) in the world were, throughout the 1990s,
the highways become nervous when they get on an prejudiced against flying
airliner, although most know full well that flying is B) stopped travelling altogether after the September
safer than driving. The statistics are indeed clear on 11 hijacking incident
this point. For example, a paper published in 1991
documented the substantially lower risk of flying C) in the US do not trust the statistical data
compared with driving in the United States. Some of concerning the respective dangers of flying and
the many millions of Americans who flew over the driving
next few years probably derived comfort from such
hard facts. But now, a decade later, things have D) really enjoy driving despite the dangers on
changed. The hijacking of four large jets on highways

September 11, 2001, and the disastrous events that E) become uneasy when they board an aircraft
ensued led many to avoid flying in the United States
during the following months. For example, in the
fourth quarter of 2001, there was a drop of 18 per
cent in the number of passengers compared with the
same time period in 2000. Many still avoid air-travel.
Accordingly, it would be appropriate to again
calculate the risks involved in flying and driving,
taking into account the latest statistics, including the
tragic deaths of the passengers on those four
hijacked planes.

76. We learn from the passage that the events of

73. The writer of the passage —. September 11, 2001, —.
A) does not feel that September 11 has had any A) have discouraged a substantial percentage of air-
adverse effect on passenger flights travellers from flying
B) is extremely critical of the latest statistical B) proved that flying is far more dangerous than any
studies concerning the dangers of flying other form of travel
C) suggests that it is time for a new statistical study C) should not be included in statistics relating to the
to be made of the dangers related to flying and dangers of air-travel
D) have had surprisingly little impact on air-travel in
D) is biased against flying and is trying to the US
encourage people to go back to driving
E) coincided with a rapid decrease in the amount of
E) is confident that air-travel will soon return to its air-travel in the world
pre-September 11 efficiency

74. It is pointed out in the passage that, in the 1990s

in the US, —.
A) regular statistical studies were carried out
concerning the relative dangers of flying and
B) the number of hijackings decreased noticeably
due to stringent security measures
C) flying became even more popular as the
number of road accidents increased
D) statistics assured people of the safety of flying
compared with driving
E) many more highways were constructed to ease
congestion in air-travel



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
77.-80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 79. As we learn from the passage, the fungus that
cevaplayınız. destroyed the centuries-old American chestnut,
The American chestnut was once the most common
canopy tree in the deciduous (non-evergreen) A) has an allelopathic effect on the environment
forests of the eastern United States. It shaded areas B) is now preventing its return
from New England to Georgia until the fungus
Cryphonectria parasitica wiped out the species in C) has finally been eradicated
the terrible forest disaster of the early 20th century.
The fungus continues to kill chestnuts before they D) has been a recurrent subject for scientific
can mature. The vacuum left by the chestnut's research
destruction is now filled with other species. E) prevents the germination process of allelopathic
Considerable research has gone into understanding plants
what happened to the American chestnut. But some

scientists remain interested in getting to the root not
of its destruction, but rather of the centuries of
dominance enjoyed by the massive, fragrant and
economically important tree. A team of scientists
recently put forward the idea that the American
chestnut may have been engaged in the chemically
charged competition known as allelopathy. An
allelopathic plant releases potentially toxic
substances into the environment through its roots,
its leaves or processes such as evaporation. Black
walnut, sycamore and sassafras trees are just a few
known allelopaths that limit the germination of
competitor. It's likely that the list will soon branch out
to include chestnut.

80. According to the passage, allelopathic plants —.

77. As we understand front the passage, the
American chestnut was for centuries the single A) have caused the destruction of the American
dominant tree in the eastern US —.
A) because people liked its scent and benefited B) can only be found in the eastern US
from its timber C) have many ways of poisoning the environment
B) even though several other tree species grew up D) are presently being destroyed in the eastern US
alongside it
E) are not affected by fungi due to their toxic
C) but now it is slowly becoming less common properties
D) while the rest of the country had extensive
evergreen forests
E) since it is probably an allelopathic plant that kills
other trees

78. According to the passage, the question that

scientists were most interested in, concerning
the American chestnut, was —.
A) how to prevent it from developing into
anallelopathic plant
B) why this tree rarely grew in other parts of the US TEST BĐTTĐ
C) how to use to the full its economic potential CEVAPLARINIZI KONTROL EDĐNĐZ.

D) how this tree maintained its superiority in the

eastern US for so long
E) why it was the only tree to be affected by the
fungus Cryphonectria parasitica



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22

ÜDS FEN - (MART) 2004

1. C 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. E 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. E 10. B

11. C 12. D 13. E 14. A 15. B 16. C 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. E

21. A 22. D 23. E 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. E 28. D 29. A 30. C

31. A 32. B 33. C 34. E 35. A 36. D 37. C 38. E 39. E 40. D

41. E 42. D 43. B 44. A 45. E 46. D 47. B 48. A 49. C 50. B

51. A 52. E 53. B 54. D 55. C 56. B 57. E 58. C 59. B 60. A

61. C 62. D 63. B 64. A 65. E 66. A 67. E 68. C 69. D 70. C

71. E 72. B 73. C 74. D 75. E 76. A 77. E 78. D 79. B 80. C



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
1.-18. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere 4. If the permafrost ----, it ---- huge amounts of
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. methane.

1. This particular rocket motor ---- to burn out after A) melted / can release
about 65 seconds, after which the craft ---- to B) had melted / had released
coast upward for about 20 seconds.
C) were to melt / released
A) was being designed / has continued
D) melts / could release
B) had been designed / will continue
E) is melting / would release
C) was designed / had continued
D) would be designed / continued
E) has been designed / continues

2. The company’s involvement in refrigeration ----

as early as 1918, but more than a decade sale ----
WWW.KPDS.ORG 5. With the help of two earth-orbiting infrared
cameras, scientists ---- eleven active volcanoes
for the past two years.
A) began / remained A) are observing
B) had begun / have remained B) will have observed
C) was beginning / are remaining C) have been observing
D) has begun / would remain D) were observing
E) would begin / had remained E) had observed

3. Programmes of this type ---- electricity, gas and

water supply networks ---- from a central control
A) allowed / managing 6. He believes that the best scientists are curious
---- everything, and not solely focused ---- a
B) allow / to be managed single discipline.
C) would allow / to have been managed A) about / on B) for / at C) of / by
D) have allowed / to have managed D) over / through E) into / over
E) will allow / having been managed


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
7. They suspect that those ---- charge of the nuclear 10. Questions about global warming are obviously of
energy plant may be using security concern to the general public, ---- to governments
considerations as a way ---- concealing a serious and their scientific advisors.
environmental risk.
A) except B) so as
A) under / for B) at / to C) for / over
C) on the whole D) as well as
D) over / into E) in / of
E) less than

8. They were immensely pleased with their find, ----,

although the crater’s size is not particularly
noteworthy, its structure is unique. 11. Actually, though he and I are both hydrologist,
---- duties and responsibilities are rather
A) nevertheless B) but
different; he is more concerned with flood
C) however D) for defense activities, whereas ---- field is strategic
E) unless
A) their / his B) our / my C) your / our
D) his / mine E) my / your

9. Many of the most important developments in

absolute dating ---- World War II have come from 12. Such an investment would save many times ----
the use of “radioactive clocks”. water as could ever be supplied by draining the
Ebro river.
A) since B) during C) until
D) before E) up to A) the more B) more C) as much
D) as more E) the most


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
13. Acid rain now presents scientists in Asia with ---- 16. Maillart’s graphical analysis of this particular
every bit as demanding as those faced in Europe engineering problem ---- mathematical
at the end of the 20th century. complexity but could be applied to any
cylindrical water container.
A) contradictions B) intentions
A) avoided B) deterred C) abused
C) challenges D) responses
D) negotiated E) released
E) deceptions

17. Couldn’t we ensure that all critical networks are
14. The majority of obsolete pesticide stocks in
kept securely ---- from the rest of the world?
Africa originate from local producers, or have
been the result of ---- purchasing policies. A) taken away B) left out C) put down
A) impressive B) conspicuous D) made over E) cut off
C) repulsive D) inappropriate
E) influential

18. A great many so-called useful gadgets sound

15. The local officials had ---- wanted a steel bridge great in theory but ---- in practice, don’t you
to span the river, but finally agreed to a agree?
reinforced concrete one. A) make do B) pull down C) turn over
A) nearly B) initially C) fairly D) fall short E) keep up
D) fully E) completely


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
19. – 23. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 24. – 36. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
numaralandırılmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
24. ---- when we interfere with planetary processes
Towards the end of the 19th century the typewriter on a large scale.
was already becoming popular, and new models
rapidly followed (19) —. In particular, designers A) Climate change would almost certainly be
(20) — ways of making them smaller and lighter. accelerated
Aluminum came to their aid. Up to that time B) We were extremely lucky that industrialists
aluminum had been (21) — expensive for use in chose to use chlorine compounds not bromine
anything except luxury items. But, following the
discovery in 1886 of an electrolytic refining method C) The polar regions were adversely affected too
the (22) — had increased and the price had
accordingly (23) —. D) We know surprisingly little about the risks we are

E) Aerosol emissions stay in the atmosphere for
19. only a few days
A) one another B) each one C) the next
D) another E) the other one

20. 25. ---- whether or not life is an accident unique to

A) are seeking B) would seek our planet.
C) have sought D) sought A) We cannot be sure
E) would be seeking B) It is hardly surprising
C) The evidence clearly suggests
D) The chances are
E) The risks cannot be calculated

A) such B) too C) more
D) as E) so

26. In photography, when it comes to fixing mistakes

22. such as overexposure, ----.
A) supply B) excess C) cost A) you should have opened each print and resized
D) amount E) process it
B) digital cameras and printers have come a long
way in quality and usability
C) this method had turned out to be useless
D) digital cameras actually drain batteries very
A) risen B) fallen C) exchanged E) the resulting prints were certainly impressive
D) ceased E) delayed


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
27. Since we cannot eliminate natural hazards such 30. Europeans, apparently, feel it is their duty to tell
as earthquakes, ----. Australians ----.
A) we should certainly make ourselves better A) whether any damage will have occurred
prepared to deal with them
B) if clinical trials were not permissible
B) some companies would claim to have found
tailored solutions to them C) so that they designate special areas of
C) such a natural catastrophe was quite
unexpected D) how they should protect their coral reefs

D) it is rarely covered by an insurance policy E) until the committee can safely discuss the
E) on this occasion financial losses were enormous

28. Obviously, unless precautionary measures were

taken, ----.
A) the airborne dust was a major health hazard for
the nearby town
B) on-site speed limits will have to be set
C) reclaimed areas were immediately planted with 31. The court case comes up at a crucial time, ----.
trees and grass
A) just as there is growing evidence of the
D) during the entire mining project, no complaints ecological benefits of GM crops
were made to the local authority
B) if an even greater environmental catastrophe
E) the air in the town was going to be thick with could be averted
C) which has led to a 25% reduction in pesticide
D) as activists had been acquitted of similar
charges in England
E) when they were charged with destroying a GM
crop trial in the south of the country

29. ---- that theories do need to be subjected to

reality checks.
A) Experimental data played only a minimal role in
the contention
B) Some theorists disregarded the disparities
C) At least the conference highlighted the fact
D) Their arguments have yet to be refuted
E) There is insufficient communication


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
32. To prevent a repeat of the Columbia catastrophe, 34. ----, life as we know it could not exist.
NASA requires all shuttles to dock with the space
station, ----. A) As far as they had penetrated

A) in case continued exploration of the moon could B) Since the ozone layer had been irreparably
reveal much about the evolution of the solar damaged
system C) If the Earth were directly exposed to solar wind
B) even if ground telescopes equipped with D) Until considerably more knowledge is
adaptive optics can be as efficient as the Hubble accumulated
Space Telescope
E) That everything points to the contrary in these
C) since the orbiters sent to Mars in the past few arctic regions
years have thoroughly mapped its topography

and mineralogy
D) just as the fundamental goal of missions has
been to expand the human presence in space
E) where astronauts can inspect and repair
damage to the vehicles or, if necessary, await a
rescue effort

33. In science, great thinkers produce mathematical 35. The most responsible and cost-effective way to
formulas to explain ----. manage our wastewater is through treatment
systems ----.
A) why a significant number of mathematicians do
not agree A) unless it is disposed of
B) since their formulas have grown increasingly B) that utilize it
C) which have been purified
C) whether a new scientific renaissance was in the D) before operations began
E) if they were efficient
D) although this has always been explained in a
very matter-of-fact manner
E) how things like the pull of gravity work


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
36. - 38. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye 38. Hücrenin metabolik tepkimeleri de dahil,
anlamca en yakınĐngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. herhangi bir kimyasal tepkime sürecinde,
kimyasal bağlar kırılır ve yeni ve farklı bağlar
36. Diğer birçok galakside olduğu gibi, M64 oluşabilir.
galaksisinin bütün yıldızlan galakside saat
yönünde dönerken, galaksinin dış kısımlarındaki A) Whenever a chemical reaction occurs, as in the
gaz ters yönde dönmektedir. metabolic reactions of a cell, chemical bonds
break, and new and different ones may form.
A) The stars of the M64 galaxy and the gases in its
outer regions, rotate in opposite directions B) In the course of any chemical reaction, including
though in most galaxies the movement is always the metabolic reactions of a cell, chemical bonds
clockwise. break, and new and different bonds may form.

B) Just as in some other galaxies, M64's stars C) In the metabolic reactions of a cell and, indeed,
always orbit the galaxy in a clockwise direction in any chemical reaction, certain chemical bonds

causing the gas in its outer regions to rotate in break, and new and different bonds can form.
the opposite direction. D) When a chemical reaction occurs, such as the
C) Most of M64's stars orbit the galaxy in a metabolic reaction of a cell, chemical bonds
clockwise direction as is the case in a few break and are replaced by new and different
galaxies, but the gas in the outer regions circles ones.
in the opposite direction. E) The metabolic reactions that take place in a cell,
D) As in the other galaxies, the gas in the outer resemble all other chemical reactions in which
regions of M64 circles the galaxy in a clockwise certain chemical bonds are broken, and new and
direction while the stars rotate in the opposite different bonds are made.
E) As in many other galaxies, all of M64's stars
orbit the galaxy in a clockwise direction while the
gas in its outer regions rotates in the opposite

39. - 41. sorularda, verilen Đngilizce cümleye

anlamca en yakınTürkçe cümleyi bulunuz.
37. Tipik bir uydu, her biri 2 dakikada bir milyon say- 39. As some scientists have pointed out, billions of
falık bir dokümanı iletebilen 20 veya 30 tane rad- years ago the expansion of the universe slowed
yo vericisine sahiptir. down before it began to speed up.
A) A typical satellite has 20 or 30 transponders, A) Bazı bilim adamları, evrenin genişlemesinin
each capable of transmitting a one-million-page önce yavaşlayıp sonra hızını artırarak
document in 2 minutes. milyarlarca yıldır sürdüğünü belirtmektedirler.
B) There are 20 to 30 transponders on each of B) Bazı bilim adamlarının açıklamalarına göre, ev-
these typical satellites; each of which is capable renin milyarlarca yıldır süren genişlemesi önce
of transmitting a one-million-page document yavaşlamış fakat sonra hızlanmaya başlamıştır.
every 2 minutes.
C) Bazı bilim adamlarının belirttiğine göre evrenin
C) Each of the 20 or 30 transponders on a typical ilkin daha yavaş olan genişlemesi milyarlarca yıl
satellite is capable of transmitting documents of önce hızlanmıştır.
up to one million pages in 2 minutes.
D) Bazı bilim adamlarının belirttiği gibi, milyarlarca
D) Since a typical satellite has 20 to 30 yıl önce, evrenin genişlemesi hızlanmaya başla-
transponders, it is able to transmit a one-million- madan önce yavaşlamıştır.
page document every 2 minutes.
E) Bazı bilim adamları, milyarlarca yıl önce evrenin
E) The 20 to 30 transponders found on a typical genişlemesinin yavaşladığını fakat yeniden hızı-
satellite enable it to transmit documents of up to nı artırmaya başladığını ileri sürmektedirler.
one million pages every 2 minutes.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
40. The root cells of plants have structures and 42. — 46. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okun-
functions very different from those of the various duğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan
types of cells located in plant leaves. cümleyi bulunuz.
A) Bitkilerde, çok çeşitli yapılara ve işlevlere sahip
olan kök hücreleri, yapraklarda bulunan 42. (I) Neutrinos have been eluding physicists ever
hücrelerden oldukça farklıdır. since Pauli first hypothesized their existence in
1930. (II) In the physical universe, what goes in,
B) Bitkilerin kök hücreleri, bitki yapraklarında bulu-
equals what comes out, in one form or another.
nan çeşitli tipteki hücrelerdekinden çok farklı ya- (Ill) So there will be no need to postulate a
pılara ve işlevlere sahiptir. particle that cannot be detected. (IV) But
C) Bitki yapraklarında bulunan çeşitli hücre tipleri, physicists had noticed that when radioactive
hem yapı hem de işlev bakımından, bitkilerin kök atoms spat out electrons and transformed into
other kinds of atoms, some of the original energy

hücrelerinden çok farklıdır.
appeared to be missing. (V) Pauli proposed that
D) Bitkiler, kök hücreleri ve yaprak hücreleri gibi it had been carried away by a virtually invisible
farklı yapıları ve işlevleri olan çeşitli tipte hücre- particle.
lere sahiptir.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
E) Bitkilerin köklerinde ve yapraklarında yapıları ve
işlevleri birbirinden oldukça farklı olan çeşitli tipte
hücreler vardır.

41. Today most seismologists assume that, once a

major earthquake has occurred, the fault will
remain quiet until stresses in the earth's crust
A) Günümüzde pek çok deprembilimci, büyük bir
deprem meydana geldikten sonra, yer kabuğun-
daki gerilmeler tekrar oluşuncaya kadar fayın
sakin kalacağını varsaymaktadırlar. 43. (I) Extinction, the end of a lineage, occurs when
the last individual of a species dies. (II) The loss
B) Günümüzde deprem bilimcilerin çoğu, iki büyük is permanent, for once a species is extinct it can
deprem arasındaki sürede yer kabuğundaki ge- never reappear. (Ill) Extinctions have occurred
rilmelerin fayı tekrar harekete geçirecek ölçüde- continually since the origin of life. (IV) The
arttığını kabul etmektedir. habitats of many animal and plant species have
C) Günümüz deprem bilimcileri, büyük bir deprem been altered or destroyed by human activities. (V)
meydana geldikten sonra yer kabuğundaki ge- By one estimate, only one species is alive today
rilmeler belirli bir düzeye ulaşmadıkça fayın sa- for every 2,000 that have become extinct.
kin kalacağını varsaymaktadırlar.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
D) Büyük bir deprem meydana geldikten sonra,
fayın, yer kabuğunda yeni gerilmelerin oluşması
süresince sakin kalacağı görüşünü, günümüzde
pek çok deprembilimci kabul etmektedir.
E) Günümüzde pek çok deprembilimcinin ileri
sürdüğüne göre, meydana gelen güçlü bir
depremden sonra, fay, yer kabuğunda yeni
gerilmelerin oluşması için uzun süre sakin


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
44. (I) The century that has just ended saw many new 47. - 51. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş
materials adapted for battery use. (II) These include bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi
mercury, silver oxide and nickel-cadmium. (Ill) At first, bulunuz.
little thought was given to what would happen when
millions of tons of these substances were discarded 47. Patrick :
into the environment. (IV) But recently mercury has - What sort of a career can you embark on as a
been eliminated from batteries because of its toxicity, metallurgist?
and cadmium may follow. (V) For devices used only
occasionally, the zinc-carbon battery can be more cost- Brian :
effective than other types.
- Oh, there are plenty of openings in industry.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V Some people go into aircraft manufacture for

Patrick :
- ----

Brian :
- There certainly is. There is so much more to
discover about the properties and potential of

A) And what about research? Is there much scope

45. (I) During the 1960s and 1970s, the decision was for that?
made to send humans into space, instead of just
shipping machines. (II) There were two main reasons B) Metals are being used more and more as a
for this. (Ill) One was the ability of humans to respond building material, aren't they?
to unexpected situations; the other was curiosity and C) The advantage of metals is that they can be
the thirst for excitement. (IV) Long-term journeys into decorative as well as functional.
space are particularly stressful. (V) There are,
however, major problems to be overcome by the D) A career in research wouldn't suit me!
human astronauts; these are medical, physiological,
psychological and psycho-sociological in nature. E) There must be a lot of openings for metallurgists
in civil engineering projects.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

48. Mr Jones :
- Well, what did you think of that candidate?

Mr Curtis :
- ----

Mr Jones :
- Yes; you're right about that. But he has no
46. (I) Tides on Jupiter's satellite, Europa, are different experience at all in environmental issues like
from those on the Earth in important ways. (II) The water and air contamination. And that's
length of Europa's day matches its orbital period of 85 important.
hours. (Ill) For one thing, Jupiter is huge, and it
produces enormous tides on Europa. (IV) In fact, the
height of the tide is about 500 meters at its peak. (V) Mr Curtis:
The daily tidal change, however, is much smaller. - True. So let's call in the next applicant.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) Thinks he knows everything; but knows nothing.
B) Plenty of theoretical knowledge but that's not
what we are looking for.
C) He's very unsure of himself. I can't see him
coordinating a project efficiently.
D) Hopeless. Can't think why he applied.
E) I liked him. He'd be able to fit into the team,
which is one quality we want.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
49. Peter: 51. Bob :
- Do you know anything about the Forest - I haven't been following the investigation
Stewardship Council? closely, but I thought they had established that
excessive precipitation in the spring caused the
bursting of the dams.
Reg :
- Yes; it investigates the claims of logging Harry :
companies that their operations are sustainable. - ----
Peter: Bob:
- ---- - And what had they failed to do?
Reg : - Instead of replacing a badly damaged drain
- It is indeed. Public response is so favourable pipe, they'd done a poor repair job on it.

that the demand for certified timber products
exceeds the supply.
That must have contributed something. But further
investigations revealed there had been gross
Are they also concerned with the maintenance of negligence.
watershed stability?
Yes. The snow had melted very fast and this had
Is this what is meant by eco-forestry? been immediately followed by heavy rain.
Does this mean that they harvest trees no faster than Mud and water rushed down the mountainside and
new ones can grow to replace them? reached a speed of 90 kilometers an hour.
That sounds good. But is this having any effect upon Within a space of three and a half minutes 285
the sale of timber products? people had been killed.
The rainforests of the world are rapidly being People are slow to learn. Since then there have been
destroyed. 33 similar cases of dams bursting, and all for
different reasons.

50. David : 52. - 56. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçanın

- Wouldn't it be wonderful if there were no flies or anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek
insects in the world? cümleyi bulunuz.
Mark : 52. When nuclear power was first proposed in the
- ---- 1940s, it seemed like a gift from heaven, for it
David: seemed to offer a cheap, clean and inexhaustible
- Really? Why not? source of electricity. ----. These new advantages
include the fact that nuclear power generates no
Mark : greenhouse gases and it does not come from
- Because, for one thing, insect pollination plays countries of doubtful stability. But, in the popular
a role in producing about one-third of a human's imagination, it is still associated with a host of
diet. problems.

A) The question of waste disposal, however, is

A) I'm not sure that it would. Some of them are fun
another problem that has yet to be solved
to watch.
B) Indeed, no new American nuclear plant has been
B) Well, it may sound like a fine idea; but actually
ordered in nearly 25 years
we couldn't go on living without them.
C) Scientific research and political developments
C) Those that bite and sting can go. But it would be
have since brought new advantages to the fore
wrong to get rid of them all.
D) Fear of terrorist bombing is the latest source of
D) Bees make honey so you'd keep them, wouldn't
E) As was expected, the cost of nuclear fuel proved
E) What's the matter? Have you just been bitten by
to be very low



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
53. Governments are beginning to realize just how 55. The problem of the Moon's origin has perplexed
hard it is going to be to meet the goals they set astronomers for a great many years. All of the
themselves at various conferences in numerous theories proposed have been found to
Johannesburg and at a world water forum in have shortcomings. —. It is then supposed that
Kyoto. —. The problems they face spring from the debris from the collision went into orbit
neither a lack of money nor a scarcity of water. around the Earth and formed the Moon. This is
The real problem is that a huge amount of water is called "the giant impact theory".
wasted in subsidized irrigation by farmers.
A) To solve the problem, further explorations of the
A) However, there are claims that the wars of the Moon's surface have to be carried out
future could be fought over water, not oil
B) Some astronomers in the past believed that the
B) As for farmers, proper pricing of water would Moon had simply been thrown off from a rapidly
create new incentives to conserve supplies rotating Earth

C) Actually, chronic underpricing of water does not C) In the nineteenth century, it was proposed that
help the poor the Earth and the Moon had been born together
from the same material surrounding the youthful
D) The main goal is to cut by half, by 2015, the Sun
number of people without clean water
D) According to some astronomers, the Moon was
E) There are certain cheaper and better ways of once a completely independent body, but was
storing water and providing protection against captured by the Earth and is now a satellite of
floods Earth
E) According to one theory, the Moon was created
following a collision between the Earth and an
unknown planetary body perhaps the size of

56. Pouring water into the sea sounds like a harmless

54. In 1992, the United States declared that it would scheme. But as regards Florida Bay, it is proving
no longer carry out nuclear weapons tests. ----. highly controversial. —. If increased salinity is the
The reality was rather different, however, for by main problem there, the bay's ecology will benefit
the early 1990s, the power of supercomputers had from the project. If, however, nitrogen is the
reached such a point that for the first time, problem, increasing the flow of fresh water could
weapons could be designed, tested and make matters worse.
maintained in secrecy.
This has had a damaging effect upon the animals that
A) Supercomputers are now the workhouses of depend on the reef including nearly 600 species
scientists tackling big questions of fish
B) On the face of it, this was a historic move by the Moreover, economic problems are also at stake, not
world's only remaining superpower merely ecological ones
C) The first-ever atomic bomb was tested in the New What is causing such an ecological change is a
Mexico desert in 1945 matter of much debate
D) In fact, the talks with the Russians on limiting This is because researchers are divided over whether
nuclear weapons had started back in the 1960s it will help or hinder the plants and animals that
live in the bay
E) National Laboratories in New Mexico took
delivery of the world's first teraflop But the bay's once crystal-clear waters often resemble
supercomputer capable of over a million million a dense fog
operations a second



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
57. - 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 58. We learn from the passage that, in the
cevaplayınız. construction of a fixed high span bridge, ----.

Florida's more than 1,000 miles of coastline contain A) the approaches to the bridge require a
about 150 drawbridges, more than are found in any considerable amount of land
other state. As these bridges age and Florida grows
B) the height must be sufficient to enable all ships to
and changes, many of them now have to be
pass under it
replaced. But replaced with what? Recently there
have been very many controversies over C) its appearance must receive a great deal of
drawbridges. One involved the Belleair Beach attention
Causeway, which was built in 1950. When it
approached the end of its 50-year lifespan, the D) every effort is taken to avoid spoiling the view of
choice for a replacement came down to three local residents

options: a drawbridge the same height as the
existing span (21 feet above high tide) but wider, to E) an increase in width presents few problems
accommodate modern traffic levels; a drawbridge
with a height of 45 feet; and a fixed span 65 feet tall.
Each choice had its advantages and disadvantages.
The two drawbridges would have created the least
disruption in nearby communities. Opening a
drawbridge inconveniences motorists, however, and
can cause a dangerous delay for ambulances or in
other emergencies. A drawbridge also costs more to
build and maintain. A high fixed span would be
cheaper and eliminate the delays, but it would
require extensive property acquisition to 59. It's clear from the passage that when a new bridge
accommodate its approaches. It would also tower at Belleair Beach was under consideration ----.
over the area and block the views of many residents,
and some tall boats would be unable to fit A) the width of the bridge caused more controversy
underneath. However after much debate and many than its height
hearings, the country board settled on a high fixed
span. B) there was much discussion concerning the
advantages and disadvantages of the options
C) financial matters were of first importance
D) people wanted the new bridge to have a longer
lifespan than any earlier one
E) drawbridges were already beginning to lose their

57. According to the passage, one disadvantage of


A) drawbridges and fixed span bridges alike, is that

their lifespans are short
B) a fixed high span bridge, is that it cannot be
readily replaced by a drawbridge 60. We learn from the passage that a bridge with a
high fixed span ----.
C) a drawbridge is that traffic is frequently held up by
it A) was what local residents were asking for
D) all bridges is that they attract more traffic and so B) takes longer to construct than a drawbridge
create more noise
C) has high maintenance costs in comparison with a
E) bridges of all shapes and sizes, is that they are drawbridge
resented by local communities
D) was the type finally chosen for Belleair Beach
E) gained approval for aesthetic reasons



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
61. - 64. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 62. According to the passage, scientists claim that the
cevaplayınız. projectile they are developing ----.

A new and quicker method to check or prove the A) can be employed even in the absence of consent
existence of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) is and assistance
being developed. First, one needs to know where
B) can detect WMDs within a wide radius
they may be hidden and then a high-velocity
projectile can be fired at the target. High-tech C) can be used with the same precision on many
sensors packed into the projectile will then instantly occasions
beam back confirmation that the weapons are there if
indeed they are. It's a high-risk concept that raises D) is able to penetrate concrete bunkers but its
many questions, not least its technological feasibility sensors are destroyed in the process
and the political protests that would follow if such a
E) has a wide variety of uses

device were ever built or used. But the US military is
taking the idea seriously. Last year, in a two-page
research paper commissioned by the army, experts
from the Institute for Advanced Technology detailed
real test results of a prototype projectile designed to
verify the existence of WMDs. They say such a
device offers a way to inspect for weapons without
permission or cooperation. To inspect reinforced
concrete bunkers or factory buildings suspected of
housing WMDs, the researchers designed a
projectile that can penetrate several meters of
hardened concrete, without damaging its load of
sensors. Its casing is built from AerMet 100, a nickel- 63. The passage makes the point that, if such a
cobalt steel with traces of molybdenum and projectile were ever used ----.
chromium. Heat-treating the casing after it is made
gives it an extremely hard surface. The tapering A) those who had developed it would be made to
projectile is 230 millimeters long, with a maximum regret the fact
calibre of 45 millimeters.
B) no one would dare to make any WMDs
C) new ways to hide WMDs would immediately be
D) there would be many objections made at a
political level
E) its technological precision would be admired

61. It is clear from the passage that the projectile

described in the passage ----.

A) was not originally designed to detect WMDs

64. The passage describes a projectile ----.
B) is certainly feasible from a technical point of view
A) without alluding to any of its technical properties
C) is of little interest to the US army
B) in considerable detail
D) will never be used in unfriendly countries
C) but avoids all mention of measurements
E) has already been made in an undeveloped form
and tested D) but gives no account of what it can do
E) that is causing much concern among government



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
65. - 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 66. It is clear from the passage that the architectural
cevaplayınız. design of a building ----.

To engineers, design typically has less to do with A) is its least important aspect
aesthetics and appearance and more to do with B) is confined to the façade
fabrication and performance. Engineers tend to focus
on the structure behind the façade. They worry about C) is largely concerned with the way the building will
how the building will be built, how it will stand, be used and by whom
whether it will sway too much in the wind, whether it
will survive an earthquake, whether it will crack or D) serves to correct the too functional engineering
leak. Engineers designing the structural frame of design
hotel buildings take into account the strength and
stiffness of ballroom floors, where large crowds will
E) normally receives far more attention than does
the engineering design

gather and rhythmic dancing will occur. Engineers
are expected to think about how a building will be
heated and cooled, how air will circulate among its
spaces, how energy efficient it will be. In the ideal
world, the design efforts of architects and engineers
complement each other, resulting in a building that is
both a joy to look at and a pleasure to use. But all too
often in practice, things do not work out like that, and
the users of the building pay the price. In most
buildings, the work of the architect masks, cloaks
and hides the work of the engineer. Engineering
criticism is almost unheard of in public discussions of 67. It is clear from the passage that, when engineers
building design, although it does sometimes come to design a building, they —.
the fore when buildings fall down, as in the case of
the collapse of the World Trade Center towers. A) take into consideration what it will be used for
B) make sure that the site is suitable
C) completely ignore aesthetic aspects
D) aim to make it multi-functional
E) are very much limited by the amount of money
that is allocated

65. One point made in the passage is that in the

perfect building —.

A) expense cannot be taken into consideration

B) the appearance is more important than either
fabrication or performance
C) the architectural design enriches the engineering
design and vice versa 68. According to the passage, the structural design of
a building rarely attracts any public attention
D) such functional aspects as cooling and cleaning
are of primary importance
A) even when the architectural design is poor
E) the design makes allowance for all possible uses
B) even if it is destroyed in an earthquake
and abuses
C) unless a building, for some reason or another,
falls down
D) unless it is to house a ballroom
E) so long as there is a good heating system and
good air circulation



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
69. -72. sorulan aşağıdaki parçaya göre 70. We learn from the passage that the Panama Canal
cevaplayınız. is unlike the majority of canals —.

At one point, during what was still a time of hopeful A) because it takes a ship several days to pass
experimentation with nuclear technology, the US through
considered using atomic bombs to blow a trench
B) since little traffic passes through it
through the isthmus of Panama. The idea was to
replace the 50-year-old Panama Canal, whose locks C) since, during the 50 years of its existence, it has
were too narrow for the world's growing fleet of presented no serious problems whatsoever
super-tankers and aircraft carriers, with one that
would be more suited to modern conditions. The D) because the level of the water has to be
problem was not just the size of the locks but their manipulated to a huge extent to allow ships to
very existence. Ships don't simply sail through the sail through

Panama Canal; they have to be lifted 85 feet to the
elevation of the highest point along the way and then E) largely because the locks are so much shorter
brought down to sea level again. Each ship's trip and narrower than is normal
through requires 52 million gallons of fresh water,
more than most American cities use in a day, all of it
flowing through huge gravity-fed tubes. The source
of this water supply is a vast artificial lake whose
dam also provides the electrical power for the whole
operation. To fill up and empty a single lock takes 40
minutes on average, and when any one of the 12
locks shuts down for maintenance, ship traffic can
back up for days. Finally, with all that complicated
machinery, if the canal were to be sabotaged (as had 71. It is clear from the passage that, in the early years
happened to the lockless Suez Canal in 1956), of nuclear technology, —.
correcting the damage might take years.
A) atomic bombs were the major concern for the US
B) the Americans had already started to worry in
case it would prove extremely dangerous
C) the Americans wondered about using it to open a
new canal across the Panama isthmus
D) nuclear power was being used to operate aircraft
69. According to the passage, the artificial lake, built E) it was hoped that it would prove a source for
for the Panama Canal, ----. unending electrical power

A) is the only way in which it differs from the Suez

B) is particularly vulnerable to an act of sabotage
C) serves two basic functions
D) was constructed over a period of very many
E) has always been regarded as a feat of American 72. We understand from the passage that the Panama
civil engineering Canal presently being used —.
A) is one of the shortest and busiest in the world
B) can no longer cope with the demands of modern
C) was constructed by and for the Americans
D) is still modem in its design although it was built
50 years ago
E) functions very efficiently and without waste



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
73. - 76. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 74. The writer of the passage points out that the cost
cevaplayınız. of installing solar cells for the home ----.

If the solar company's claims are borne out, its high- A) is low considering how complicated it is to install
efficiency cells will bring solar power closer to B) is surprisingly inexpensive
becoming a practical option for home owners. The
average power demand of a household is 2,000 to C) varies from supplier to supplier
3,000 watts. With solar cells around 20 per cent
efficient, this demand can be met with about 15 D) is what deters people from using solar power
square meters of solar panels, which is compact
E) is likely to drop in the not too distant future
enough to fit on a rooftop. It has been estimated that
ready-to-install arrays will sell for around $10 per
watt. That cost may eventually fall further. For, as

one spokesman for the company said: “The trend is
towards higher efficiency". Others agree, but say
silicon may not be the material that ultimately
delivers it. Thin films of cadmium telluride, for
instance, are showing promise in the lab. One
London-based solar energy systems supplier is very
impressed with some new solar cells that have just
come on the market, both on account of their
efficiency and also because they are practical. They
are very easy to connect together," he points out,
you can just put tabs on the sides of the back 75. It is emphasized in the passage that the
contacts and connect one cell to another without installation of the new-style solar cells ----.
A) depends largely on the materials to be used
B) requires professional expertise
C) is very simple and practical
D) completely covers the whole of a roof top
E) is a service freely offered by the solar company

76. We understand from the passage that the material

best suited for the efficiency of solar cells ----.
73. The passage makes the point that, eventually,
solar power will probably ----. A) has as yet aroused no interest whatsoever
B) is almost certainly silicon
A) come into domestic use on a large scale
C) has finally been identified in laboratory
B) be the major source of energy throughout the experiments
D) is still under debate
C) be replaced by other energy options
E) may be determined by its cost-effectiveness
D) double its current efficiency
E) be produced with far fewer solar panels



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
77. — 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 78. According to the passage, greenhouse gases ----.
A) have aroused concern in only a handful of
Smoke is clouding our view of global warming, scientists
protecting the planet from perhaps three-quarters of
the greenhouse effect. That might sound like good B) have turned out to be less dangerous than
news, but experts say that, as the cover diminishes expected
in coming decades, we're in for a dramatic escalation
C) have a variable effect throughout the world
of warming that could be two or even three times as
great as official best guesses. This was the dramatic D) have had a particularly damaging effect on rain
conclusion reached last week at a workshop in forests
Berlin. Scientists have suspected for a decade that
aerosols of smoke and other particles from burning E) are very effective on the world climate
rainforest, crop waste and fossil fuels are blocking

sunlight and counteracting the warming effect of
carbon dioxide emissions. Until now, they reckoned
that aerosols reduced greenhouse warming by
perhaps a quarter, cutting increases by 0.2°C. So the
0.6°C of warming over the past century would have
been 0.8°C without aerosols. But the Berlin
workshop concluded that the real figure is even
higher -aerosols may have reduced global warming
by as much as three-quarters cutting increases by
1.8°C. If so, the good news is that aerosols have
79. We can infer from the passage that the cooling
prevented the world getting almost two degrees
effect of aerosols ----.
warmer than it is now. But the bad news is that the
climate system is much more sensitive to
greenhouse gases than previously guessed. In fact, A) is not sufficient to prevent an increase in global
warming could go up by 7 to10°C. warming
B) was first recognized at the Berlin workshop
C) has finally been measured with great precision
D) is the only way to counteract global warming
E) has been disappointingly low

80. It is clear from the passage that global warming,

caused by carbon dioxide emissions, ----.
77. We understand from the passage that the
conclusions of the Berlin workshop ----. A) is expected to drop dramatically in the near future

A) confirm official guesses as regards global B) has been continually on the increase for over a
warning decade

B) are pessimistic about the possibility of controlling C) is unaffected by forest fires and fossil fuels
global warming D) has been over-exaggerated by the findings of the
C) have divided the scientific world Berlin workshop

D) have not been treated seriously by the scientific E) is partially held in check by aerosols
E) are biased, and therefore contribute very little to
a better understanding of global warming




Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22


1. E 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. E 8. D 9. A 10. D

11. B 12. C 13. C 14. D 15. B 16. A 17. E 18. D 19. A 20. D

21. B 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. A 26. B 27. A 28. E 29. C 30. D

31. A 32. E 33. E 34. C 35. B 36. E 37. A 38. B 39. D 40. B

41. A 42. C 43. D 44. E 45. D 46. B 47. A 48. E 49. D 50. B

51. A 52. C 53. D 54. B 55. E 56. D 57. C 58. A 59. B 60. D

61. E 62. A 63. D 64. B 65. C 66. E 67. A 68. C 69. C 70. D

71. C 72. B 73. A 74. E 75. C 76. D 77. B 78. E 79. A 80. E



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
1.-18. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere 4. Past research ---- running as a factor in human
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. evolution because humans ---- poor at fast
running compared to other mammals.
1. Astronomers ---- that huge star explosions could
create carbon, oxygen and other elements, then A) dismissed / would be
---- them into nearby interstellar space. B) has dismissed / are
A) are theorizing / are ejecting C) had dismissed / have been
B) have theorized / eject D) would dismiss / were
C) theorized / will eject E) was dismissing / were being
D) theorize / would have ejected
E) will theorize / ejected

2. Apparently there is a great deal of unused energy

---- around in our local environment that we ---- to
tap into.
WWW.KPDS.ORG 5. The details ---- yet, but the company ---- the
results of the trials as soon as possible.
A) aren't being revealed / has published
A) having flowed / may be able B) hadn't been revealed / published
B) to flow / had been able C) won't be revealed / would have published
C) to be flowing / were able D) can't be revealed / would publish
D) flowing / might be able E) haven't been revealed / will publish
E) to have flowed / might have been able

3. According to statistics ---- by the UN Food and 6. Each of these mini antennas is capable ----
Agriculture Organization, global banana absorbing energy ---- short-wavelength
production ---- steadily over the past 40 years. electromagnetic radiation.
A) having been published / was rising A) of/from B) to/off C) for/out of
B) to be published / would rise D) in / with E) at / through
C) published / has been rising
D) to publish / rose
E) being published / had been rising


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
7. The strategy for dealing ---- a fire in a tunnel used 10. Scientists at the US Geological Survey Center
to be ---- the train to continue until it had left the found that the Canadian quake, ---- measured 7.9
tunnel. on the Richter scale, triggered off several smaller
ones as far as Nevada and Utah.
A) from / through B) at / by C) to / with
A) in which B) which C) where
D) over / to E)with / for
D) what E) who

8. Silicon-on-insulator technology, which has
helped improve chip performance considerably, 11. Chip-making is very competitive, so ----
has become cheaper and easier to adopt, ---- a opportunity to cut costs and improve yields is
technology called Smart Cut highly prized.

A) apart from B) as regards C) according to A) all B) certain C) some

D) thanks to E) with respect to D) any E) such

9. Unified field theory in physics is the theory that 12. The nucleus is surrounded by a number of
attempts to explain the four fundamental forces, moving electrons, ---- of which has a negative
which are strong nuclear, weak nuclear, charge equal to the positive charge on a proton.
electromagnetic and gravity, ---- a single unified
force. A) both B) much C) less
D) more E) each
A) so as to B) ahead of
C) in terms of D) with a view to
E) on behalf of


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
13. When considering eye colour in birds, it is 16. The idea of changing CO2 into petrol was
important to make a ---- between the eye wattle, certainly an attractive one, but it was soon ----.
which is the coloured skin around the eye, and
the iris colour. A) repeated B) discredited C) deceived

A) consideration B) contribution D) implied E) inferred

C) replacement D) distinction
E) significance

14. The US government demands ---- exemptions 17. By one account, the team ---- the desired
from a worldwide ban on the use of methyl compound in just three days.
bromide, a pesticide that damages the ozone A) drove through B) turned over
C) came up with D) put up with
A) responsive B) eager
E) made up for
C) indefinite D) susceptible
E) major

18. The government's nuclear adviser ---- that so far

15. Africa's deserts are spreading ---- owing to cycles no radioactive contamination has been found
of drought together with over-farming and outside the test site.
A) points out B) puts out C) sets up
A) influentially B) successfully
D) takes over E) gets in
C) fundamentally D) continuously
E) conveniently


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
19. – 23. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numa- 24. – 36. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
ralandırılmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
ifadeyi bulunuz.
24. ---- as water evaporating from leaves absorbs
In the past a significant amount of the acid in rainfall heat.
was neutralized by alkaline materials, notably the
calcium-rich minerals in windblown dusts. But A) Some forests could promote warming
recently there has been a slow (19) ---- in levels of B) Global warming predictions could be wildly
alkaline materials in the air; this is partly because inaccurate
there are fewer unpaved roads which were an
important (20) ---- of dust in the past. Recently, C) Turning more land over to farming could have a
ammonia emissions (21) ---- on the increase in many great effect on global warming
parts of the world. One might presume that this is a
good thing because ammonia is alkaline. D) Forests help to cool the atmosphere
Unfortunately, however, it (22) ---- with SO2 to E) Planting forests to absorb carbon dioxide can

produce ammonium sulphate, which is converted actually lead to warming
(23) ---- nitric acid in soil.

A) replacement B) discrepancy C) prevention
D) decline E) relief

25. ---- how heavy elements produced only in stars

end up in the space between galaxies.
A) It seemed more than unlikely
B) Astronomers have long wondered
C) The argument is hardly convincing
A) delivery B) improvement C) source
D) The explanation has yet to be tested
D) action E) expression
E) The reason turned out to be simple

A) would be B) have been
C) would have been D) had been
E) are being
26. ---- if they had not been able to exploit their oil
and mineral reserves.
A) Indeed, the study was denounced as "deeply
B) Waste dumps and worker camps constitute a
22. further threat

A) impairs B) accumulates C) relates C) The benefits from oil and mining industries
would also be reinforced
D) exchanges E) reacts
D) Environmental groups were quick to condemn
the conclusions drawn
E) Actually, these countries might have lost even
more forest land

A) through B) from C) of
D) to E) out of


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
27. Just before a flash of lightning lights the sky, ----. 30. Alternative agriculture has some apparent
disadvantages, ----.
A) the phenomenon means physicists may have to
rethink how lightning is made A) so that most farmers have little or no control
over what products they produce
B) past studies have seen occasional hints of X-ray
bursts B) just as the increasing uniformity of global eating
habits had become popular
C) a mysterious property of lightning has been
confirmed C) because they were being replaced by huge
corporation-owned farms
D) an electromagnetic noise accompanies lightning
D) while, as is the case with plant crops, herds of
E) a huge blast of X-rays or other energy particles livestock damage land
is released

E) but there are real advantages to offset them

28. ---- because they don't encounter really strong

atmospheric resistance.
A) The storms on Uranus survive
B) The Keck Telescope has captured the weather
on Uranus
C) The phenomena include a 29,000 km long cloud 31. Brazilian scientists have cracked the genetic
code of a parasite ----.
D) Images showed a giant storm oscillating A) whereby it caused a series of diseases in a
backwards and forwards
range of crops, including grapes, almonds and
E) Uranus receives less solar energy than the Sun coffee
B) that is menacing the country's vineyards
C) so that it destroyed citrus groves
D) although farmers refused to use pesticide
E) so long as it can have a devastating effect on
the rain forests of the country

29. ----, largely because the city's boundaries have

been extended to include scores of smaller cities
in the surrounding region.
A) A megacity such as Tokyo invariably causes
much pollution
B) Shanghai and Beijing are rivals
C) Pollution is a major problem in many cities in
D) Half the world's population live in urban areas
E) In recent decades, Tokyo has grown at a
remarkable rate


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
32. ----, it stays liquid but starts to follow quantum 34. Experienced civil engineers know ----.
rather than classical rules.
A) as the foundations of a building are particularly
A) While helium can help explain the nature of important
gravity and the intimate workings of black holes
B) since they have to stick to the rules of physics,
B) Since a droplet of helium could hold the secrets chemistry and the other sciences
of the universe
C) so that they have to exert considerable control
C) When helium is cooled to near absolute zero over the workmen
D) As superfluid helium has profound mathematical D) which kind of bridge works best in any given
links with the cosmos conditions
E) Because helium can reveal the origin of physical E) while the separate parts are being assembled

laws and elementary particles

35. ----, some people regard their local dams as

33. Manufacturers must demonstrate that their beautiful.
aircraft are capable of flying safely in cold, wet
conditions ----. A) Because dams incontestably destroy
A) as they went into a steep dive
B) Just as a bridge or canal or industrial building
B) unless they are below 0°C can become a valued part of the scenery
C) in which they might ice up C) Since many past dam projects would never have
been started in today's more ecologically aware
D) as soon as the wings began to ice up conditions
E) that they should have been able to handle D) Even though dams embodied the American ideal
of progress in the past
E) So long as communities have grown up around
the slack water that dams create


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
36. - 38. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye 38. Atmosfer, yoğunluğunun her 100 metre yüksek-
anlamca en yakınĐngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. likte yaklaşık % 1 oranında azalmasıyla, şaşırtıcı
bir hızla incelir.
36. Đnsan vücudunun pek çok hücresi bazı açılardan A) At this altitude, the atmosphere starts to thin out
birbirinden belirgin olarak farklı olsa da hepsinin at a remarkable rate, dropping in density by 1%
belirli ortak temel özellikleri vardır. every 100 meters.
A) Many cells of the human body differ markedly B) The atmosphere thins out at a surprising rate,
from each other in certain respects, but dropping in density by about 1% for each 100
nevertheless they have several basic meters in altitude.
C) There is a drop in density of roughly 1 % for
B) Although many cells of the human body differ each 100 meters in altitude, so the atmosphere
markedly from each other in some respects, all really thins out at a noticeable rate.

of them have certain common basic
characteristics. D) The atmosphere thins out fast; indeed, the rate
is more than a 1% drop in density for each 100
C) Although the cells of the human body all have meters in altitude.
certain basic characteristics, they are strikingly
different from each other in various ways. E) As there is a drop in density of 1 % in every 100
meters in altitude, one is fully aware that the
D) In spite of having certain common basic atmosphere is thinning out.
characteristics, the cells of the human body are
surprisingly different from each other.
E) Since the various cells of the human body are
noticeably different from each other in certain
respects, the basic shared characteristics often
go unnoticed.

39. - 41. sorularda, verilen Đngilizce cümleye

anlamca en yakınTürkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

39. Resonance is the increase in amplitude of

vibration in a mechanical or acoustic system
37. Yerkürenin çevresinde dönen 150 iletişim uydu- caused by an external influence.
sundan oluşan ağ sayesinde, şimdi dünyanın
herhangi bir yerinden haber yayımlamak A) Rezonans, dışarıdan gelen mekanik veya akus-
mümkündür. tik bir etkiyle bir sistemin titreşiminin genliğinin
A) News can now be transmitted throughout the
world as there are 150 communication satellites B) Bir sistemde rezonans, akustik veya mekanik bir
circling Earth. etkinin neden olduğu titreşimin genliğindeki
B) A network of 150 communication satellites
placed around Earth now makes possible the C) Rezonans, mekanik veya akustik bir sistemde
broadcasting of news all around the world. herhangi bir etki sonucu oluşan titreşimin artma-
sı olarak tanımlanabilir.
C) The broadcasting of news from anywhere in the
world is now possible due to a network of 150 D) Rezonans, mekanik ya da akustik bir sistemdeki
communication satellites that circle Earth. titreşimin genliğinde bir dış etkinin neden olduğu
D) It is the 150 communication satellites that circle
Earth, that enable us to transmit news all around E) Rezonans, dış etkilerin mekanik veya akustik bir
the world. sistemdeki titreşimin genliğini artırması olarak
E) The broadcasting of news throughout the world
would only be possible with the help of 150
communication satellites encircling Earth.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
40. There is no evidence to suggest that weak static 42. — 46. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okun-
magnetic fields like the Earth's have any duğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan
significant effects on the human body. cümleyi bulunuz.
A) Dünyanınki gibi zayıf statik manyetik alanların 42. (I) Theoretically, large oil tankers can stop within
insan vücudu üzerinde herhangi önemli bir etkisi about 3 km from their typical cruising speed of 30 km
olduğunu gösteren hiçbir kanıt yoktur. per hour. (II) Wind and sea currents can also cause
problems. (Ill) In practice, however, distances can be
B) Dünyadaki statik manyetik alanların insan vücu-
15 km or more. (IV) To stop quickly, a vessel needs to
du üzerinde zayıf da olsa herhangi bir etkisi ol-
reverse its propellers at full power. (V) This can take
duğunu gösteren hiçbir önemli kanıt yoktur.
some time and breaking depends on how efficient
C) Dünyanınkine benzer zayıf statik manyetik a- propellers are in reverse.
lanların insan vücudu üzerinde etkili olduğu
hiçbir şekilde kanıtlanmamıştır. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

D) Dünyadaki zayıf statik manyetik alanların insan
vücudu üzerinde herhangi bir etkisi olduğunu
gösteren hiçbir önemli kanıt bulunamamıştır.
E) Dünyanın zayıf statik manyetik alanlarının insan
vücudunu önemli ölçüde etkilediğini kanıtlayan
herhangi bir bulgu yoktur

43. (I) It is convenient to use symbols for the atoms of the

different elements. (II) An atomic symbol is a one-or
two-letter notation used to represent an atom
corresponding to a particular element. (Ill) Today we
know that atoms are not truly indivisible. (IV) Typically,
the atomic symbol consists of the first letter,
41. The discovery of planets outside our solar capitalized, from the name of the element, sometimes
system over the past decade is the first tangible with an additional letter from the name in lowercase.
clue that we may not be alone in the universe. (V) For example, chlorine has the symbol Cl.

A) Son on yılda güneş sistemimiz dışındaki geze- A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

genlerin keşfi sayesinde artık evrende yalnız ol-
madığımızı ilk kez düşünebiliriz.
B) Evrende yalnız olmadığımızı gösteren elle
tutulur ilk ipucu, son on yılda güneş sistemimiz
dışındaki gezegenlerin keşfi sayesinde elde
C) Evrende yalnız olmadığımızın elle tutulur ilk
ipuçlarından biri, güneş sistemimiz dışında yer
alan ve son on yıl içinde keşfedilen
44. (I) Until recently most big ships were built up to a
D) Güneş sistemimiz dışında yer alan ve evrende standard "Panamax" size so they could pass through
yalnız olmayabileceğimizin elle tutulur ilk kanıtı the Panama Canal. (II) The plan proposes a major
olan gezegenlerin çoğu, son on yılda keşfedil- enlargement of the canal. (Ill) But now new "post-
miştir. Panamax" ships, up to 150 feet across and 1,200 feet
E) Son on yılda güneş sistemimiz dışındaki geze- long, are emerging from Asian shipyards. (IV)
genlerin keşfi, evrende yalnız olmayabileceğimi- Apparently 160 such vessels are due to be built over
zin elle tutulur ilk ipucudur. the next few years. (V) As a result, ports around the
world are being upgraded to accommodate them.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
45. (I) The newly discovered crater has been named 47. - 51. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş
"Silver Pir after the local fishing grounds. (II) It is bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi
situated 140 km off the east coast of Britain and is bulunuz.
around 3 km across and 300 m deep. (Ill) It has
been estimated that the asteroid that caused the 47. Sandy :
crater must have been between 200 and 500 m - Why are people so opposed to introducing
across. (IV) However, it is not the size but the new species to any given area?
structure of a crater that is interesting. (V) As far
as timing goes, the crash-landing must have Mavis :
occurred between 60 and 65 million years ago.
- Well, they can, and generally do, cause a
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V great deal of harm. Take, for example, the
hedgehogs on the Hebridean Islands.

Sandy :
- ----

Mavis :
- Oh, couldn't they? They've been eating the
eggs of indigenous ground-nesting birds.
A) Surely they wouldn't hurt anything!
B) Why, what have they been doing?
C) They couldn't cause a problem!
D) Well, they are harmless enough!
E) Don't tell me they are proving a nuisance.

48. Peter :
46. (I) Laser light is coherent. (II) This means that the
- What is meant by the International Date
waves forming the beam are all in phase; that is,
the waves have their maxima and minima at the
same points in space and time. (Ill) The word
laser is an acronym meaning light amplification Jane :
by stimulated emission of radiation. (IV) The - It's an imaginary line that roughly follows
property of coherence of a laser beam is used in the 180° line of longitude.
compact disc (CD) audio players. (V) Music is
encoded on the disc in the form of pits, or
indentations, on a spiral track. Peter :

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V - ----

Jane :
- It keeps dating uniform. The date is put
forward a day when crossing the line going
west, and back a day when going east.
A) Well, what use does it serve?
B) How long has it been in existence?
C) Does everyone recognize it?
D) Who chose that particular line of longitude?
E) Have you ever crossed that line?


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
49. Gerald: 51. Lee:
- Is it really possible to drill a hole in glass with a - Have you finished that book I lent you about the
hardened steel drill? future of the world?
Patrick: Reg:
- Apparently it is. But it's a tricky operation and - ----
you've got to keep plenty of turpentine and
Lee :
camphor on the area of contact between drill
- I'm afraid his presentation of him as the planet's
and glass.
most successful predator and most dangerous
Gerald : enemy is utterly convincing.
- ----
Patrick: - I agree with you entirely.
- Apparently they act as a coolant and reduce
friction. A) The writer seems rather too optimistic about the

A) And is that difficult to do?
B) No, I've only just started it. But I liked his
B) How do they help? overview of evolution.
C) Will camphor dissolve in turpentine? C) No; frankly I found it rather boring. There's too
much emphasis on preserving the environment.
D) Are diamonds still being used to drill glass?
D) I have indeed. It was fascinating. What do you
E) Aren't there any more reliable methods? think of the writer's view of man?
E) Yes, I have. And I'm not convinced that the
environment is a vast and unexplored
storehouse of biological treasures.

52. - 56. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçanın

anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek
cümleyi bulunuz.

52. Antoine Lavoisier was one of the first chemists to

try to explain what makes a substance acidic. In
50. Pam : 1777, he proposed that oxygen was an essential
- Do you know anything about Maxwell? James element in acids. But in 1808, Humphry Davy
Clerk Maxwell? I've never heard of him! showed that hydrogen chloride, which dissolves
in water to give hydrochloric acid, contains only
Father: hydrogen and chlorine. ----.
- Few people have. And it's really most unfair. He
was a very great physicist and much admired by
A) Acids react with active metals such as
Einstein. magnesium and zinc to release hydrogen
Pam :
B) The Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius defined
- ----
acids and bases in terms of the effect these
Father: substances have on water
- He demonstrated that electricity and magnetism
were just different aspects of the same C) Then chemists realized that hydrogen, not
phenomenon - electromagnetism. oxygen, must be the essential constituent öf
A) Really? What did he do?
D) Acids and bases were first recognized by simple
B) Then why isn't he better known? properties such as taste
C) Do his theories have any practical application? E) The stronger acids are those that lose their
protons more easily
D) Are his theories of light really basic to colour
E) That's interesting! Did he ever meet Einstein?



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
53. The aim is to transform scientific discoveries into 55. Ultimately we should be sending people to Mars
commercially viable products and translate because they can do things that robots cannot do.
academic expertise into industrial strength. ----. ----. It cannot realize that something is interesting
However, over the next 10 years 75 new centres and start to investigate.
will be set up involving the creation of several
thousand new jobs. A) We need to learn much more about the Martian
A) Without financial support the scheme can never
take off B) A robot is programmed with a specific set of
instructions, and cannot go beyond them
B) So far no definite plans have been formulated
C) One day it may be worth sending people to
C) This aspect of the scheme has been widely Mars, but that day has not yet come
D) Human exploration goes beyond scientific

D) The universities themselves, came up with the motives
E) People can solve more difficult problems than
E) But this will not happen overnight robots can

54. Satellites are an essential part of modern life. They

give access to dozens of extra television channels 56. Clay Is a natural mixture of very small crystals of
and let people talk on the phone right across the certain silicate sheet minerals. These minerals
world. However, it is worth bearing in mind that form by the weathering of granite. ----. The
they also have a covert, even a disturbing use as resulting wet platelike crystals adhere to one
well, which is why they were invented in the first another to give a plastic mass.
place. ----.
A) During the elevated temperatures of the firing,
A) Satellite spying, in fact, has a history that is just complex irreversible changes occurred
as fascinating as the technology itself
B) Fired clay is a major medium for producing
B) A tiny Proba satellite measures just objects of art
60x60x80 cm
C) When a pure liquid substance freezes, it usually
C) To get a better idea of exactly where the Earth forms a crystalline solid
observation satellites are, the Web includes a
"Sky View" programme D) Clay minerals easily absorb water
D) Therefore, this gave rise to many a space- E) The word "ceramics" comes from a Greek word
related theory for pottery
E) On the contrary, a digital method of image
capture was required to bypass this weak link
and beam photos directly back to Earth



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
57. - 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 59. We understand from the passage that, on the day
cevaplayınız. of the crash, the weather was cold and damp, ----.
A) but a craft of this type should have been able to
On 31 October 1994, a turboprop airliner heading for handle such conditions
Chicago, Illinois, crashed into a soybean field at
Roselawn in Indiana. All 68 people aboard died. B) and so a dangerous build-up of ice on the wings
Although the weather was cold and damp that day, was to be expected
no one could believe it when investigators revealed
that the crash was caused by a build-up of ice on the C) and so no turboprop airliner should have been
wings. Not only did this modern plane have a fully allowed to fly
functional de-icing system, but according to US
D) and the pilots were uneasy about making the
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) standards, the
French-built ATR-72 should have had no problems
flying in the cold, damp conditions. The pilots even

E) so the de-icing system was carefully checked
knew their craft was icing up and attempted to clear before take-off
it, following de-icing procedures exactly.

57. The crash described in the passage was found by

investigators to have been caused by a build-up
of ice on the wings, ----.
A) later, however, it became apparent that this was
not the case
B) but everyone regarded this finding as incredible
C) which ATR-72 craft were not designed to
D) as the weather that day had been particularly wet
and icy-cold
E) which the de-icing system could not be expected
to cope with

60. It seems from the passage that the aircraft

crashed ----.
A) because the design was in some way defective
B) very close indeed to Chicago airport
C) before the pilots had even realized that the wings
were icing up
D) without there being a really convincing reason for
58. According to the passage, when the pilots realized
it to do so
the craft had encountered Icing ----.
E) due to some negligence on the part of the pilots
A) they were nevertheless confident that their
turboprop airliner was not in danger
B) they decided to make an emergency landing
C) it was already too late for them to do anything
about it
D) they also realized that their de-icing system was
not fully functional
E) they immediately carried out the instructions for
de-icing with great precision



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
61. - 64. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 62. It is explained in the passage that the cost of
cevaplayınız. transporting food from abroad by air is less
expensive than one might imagine ----.
It cannot be denied that buying locally grown food A) as the fuel an international aircraft consumes is
really does offer big advantages, not just in untaxed
freshness, but also in environmental savings.
Imported foods, especially those flown in from the B) and so imported food usually costs no more than
opposite hemisphere, use up huge amounts of jet locally grown
fuel – 127 calories of fuel per calorie of Californian
lettuce flown to Britain, and 66 calories of fuel per C) but taste and freshness are lost
calorie of South African carrot; that at least is what a
D) but the resulting environmental hazards are
green research group based in London has
increasing at a horrifying rate
estimated. Much of that cost is hidden from
consumers, because air fuel attracts no tax – an

E) but still prohibitive
advantage guaranteed by international treaty. And
under the Kyoto Protocol, carbon emissions from
international transports aren't added to national
carbon-emission tallies, because nobody can agree
whose account to charge them to. But the fuel used
to import food and drink to Britain continues to
account for four million tonnes of CO2 emissions
annually, which is about 2.5 per cent of the national

63. We learn from the passage that carbon emissions

of aircraft travelling between countries ----.
A) do not have a detrimental effect upon the
B) cannot be measured accurately
C) amount to an insignificant percentage of CO2
emissions worldwide
D) are not ascribed to any particular country
E) could be reduced and should be

64. One important point made in the passage is that


61. The author of the passage quotes figures supplied

A) imported foodstuffs are often quite as fresh as
by a green research group ----.
locally grown ones
A) that help one to judge the freshness of food
B) transport costs make imported food extremely
B) concerning the extent of CO2 aircraft emissions costly

C) which compare the calorific value of carrots C) food grown locally is to be preferred, for several
grown in California and South Africa reasons, to imported food

D) to account for the low calorific value of Californian D) certain international bodies are seeking to tax air
lettuce fuel

E) but gives no assurance of their reliability E) Britain imports more food and drink than any
other country in Europe



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
65. - 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 66. According to the passage, once the effects of acid
cevaplayınız. rain started to become apparent, ----.
A) acid was blamed for every kind of misfortune
In the first half of the 20th century, acid rain - whether
natural or unnatural - was a hidden phenomenon. By B) rainwater was monitored at locations across
the 1950s, however, its effects were becoming Europe
apparent to scientists in Scandinavia with the loss of
fish from mountain lakes. A network of rainwater C) efforts were made to suppress the extent of the
monitoring stations was set up across Europe, which problem
very soon proved the existence of acid rain as a
D) people everywhere began to panic
result of human activities. Acid rain was also charged
with killing vast tracts of forest in Germany. The E) international conferences were immediately held
effects of long-range sulphur pollution were looking in many European countries
so worrying that the issue was placed before the

world at the UN Conference on the Human
Environment in Stockholm in 1972. The outcome
was that states are now responsible for ensuring that
their activities do not damage the environment of
other states. This paved the way for the development
of programmes for reducing long-range air pollution.
The most important of these was the Convention on
Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, attended 67. According to the passage, the UN Conference on
in 1979 by the world's leading industrial nations. the Human Environment held in Stockholm in
1972 ----.
A) put each state under the obligation of
safeguarding the environment of other states
B) was called to assess the rate of growth of sulphur
C) made the world aware for the first time of the
potential short-range danger of sulphur pollution
D) discussed pollution but did nothing about
reducing it
E) hoped to make the world at large more
environmentally conscious

68. It is clear from the passage that once the reality of

65. It is clear from the passage that in Europe, during acid rain had been established, ----.
the first four decades or so of the 20th century,
----. A) ways of overcoming it were soon forthcoming

A) scientists everywhere were aware of the dangers B) industry everywhere set a good example and cut
of pollution, but no one listened to them down on its pollution

B) there was no such thing as acid rain C) it was already too late to do anything much about
C) acid rain destroyed large areas of forest land in
central Europe D) those who had caused it were called upon to cure
D) there was a certain amount of acid rain but it
went undetected E) it was soon recognized as an urgent international
E) the problems of pollution appeared small in
comparison with other more pressing problems



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
69. -72. sorulan aşağıdaki parçaya göre 70. According to the passage, the tracks that area
cevaplayınız. described ----.
A) will rapidly disintegrate if exposed to light for long
After a heavy rain one day 200,000 years ago, periods
someone small walked across some sand. Sand
covered the tracks and eventually they hardened into B) were immediately recognized as being the oldest
sandstone. More centuries passed, and the footprints on Earth
sandstone eroded. Some construction workers on a
break in Nahoon, South Africa, discovered the C) are probably only 30,000 years old though some
tracks, which were thought to be 30,000 years old. have suggested older
Now geologist Dave Roberts, at the Council for
D) were probably made by a child
Geoscience in Cape Town, has redated the
impressions and says they are 200,000 years old, E) were found by some construction workers in
the oldest human footprints on Earth. "We have far

more powerful dating techniques now", says
Roberts. He used thermoluminescence, a dating
method that measures when sand grains were last
exposed to light. Only about seven inches long, the
prints clearly show five toes and a well-developed

71. We understand from the passage that the

technique used to date these footprints ----.
A) is just one of several very efficient new
B) has not always proved reliable
C) was discovered and developed by Roberts
D) is the one most widely used for dating anything
found in sand
E) is a quick and simple one

69. We understand from the passage that at some 72. The footprints that are the subject of this passage
point during the 200,000 years during which the ----.
tracks lay hidden, ----.
A) are the only known example of footprints
A) more and more sand piled up upon them hardening into sandstone
B) others like them were lost through erosion B) turned out to be not quite so old as was originally
C) they could have been washed away by heavy estimated
rains C) are small but clearly defined
D) they turned into sandstone D) were made by feet very different from our own
E) they could easily have been destroyed by teams E) have attracted many geologists to the region in
of construction workers search of similar finds



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
73. - 76. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 74. We understand from the passage that cattle that
cevaplayınız. feed on grass ----.
A) need large amounts of pasture land that could be
By 2020, total meat consumption in developing put to better use
countries is predicted to have more than doubled.
Yet livestock, especially in wealthy countries, already B) are a great threat to the environment
munches its way through 36 per cent of the world's
grain harvest. All that grain exacts a heavy C) will never be able to provide the world with an
environmental cost, because the increased demand adequate supply of meat
pulls farmers towards growing maize and soybean
D) produce meat with a lower fat content than grain-
and away from pasture and fodder crops such as
fed cattle
alfalfa that do so much for soil health. And grain-fed
animals tend to be housed in huge feedlots, where E) cause farmers more problems than grain-fed
crowding causes disease and veterinary surgeons

use more antibiotics, and where vast mountains of
manure pollute the surroundings. Consumers could
reverse many of these problems by demanding meat
from grass-fed livestock, or simply by eating less
meat. And as an added bonus for overfed
Westerners, the meat from grass-fed cattle is leaner
than that from grain-fed animals.

75. According to the passage, many farmers at the

present time ----.
A) are giving up cattle-farming altogether
B) are giving up pasture land and growing maize
and soybean instead
C) are deeply concerned about the adverse effect
that the growing of maize is having on the soil
D) realize that the production of food is not a local
but an international issue
E) are looking forward to the time when meat
consumption in the world will double

76. It is clear from the passage that the author is

73. One point made in the passage, relating to grain- trying to convince ----.
fed livestock, is that ----.
A) consumers in the developed countries to take a
A) consumers in the developed world are refusing to stand against the meat of grain-fed animals
buy their meat
B) developing countries that there is nothing to gain
B) they tend to be kept in crowded conditions where from eating more meat
disease spreads
C) Western countries to give up meat altogether
C) they are environmentally friendly
D) farmers to grow more grain
D) they are of vital importance to ensure that the
people of developing countries are to be property E) veterinary surgeons that more preventative
fed after 2020 measures should be taken to ensure the health of
E) farmers are not convinced that they are an
economically sound proposition



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
77. — 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 79. We understand from the passage that, though
cevaplayınız. motorists would have much preferred a fixed
bridge, ----.
When it came to replacing the bridge at John's
Pass, there were certain special problems to be A) they did agree that it was quite impossible
taken into consideration. The previous bridge had B) such an option was clearly not feasible and could
had a life span of only 30 years, but in that time the not be considered at all
currents had caused extensive damage. But a more
serious problem connected with the currents is that C) this would have proved far too expensive
the bridge has to open on demand, rather than on a
fixed schedule. Currents at the inlet are particularly D) people living nearby feared this would encourage
fierce, and making boats wait would be too even more traffic in the region
dangerous. This unpredictability makes life even
E) they were pleased to learn that the new bridge
tougher for motorists. Yet a fixed bridge would make

would be opened less frequently
a stretch of the Intracoastal Waterway impassable to
boats taller than 65 feet, so that option was ruled out
almost immediately. When an examination of the
bridge's records showed that increasing the height
would reduce the frequency of closings only slightly,
the state decided to build a new drawbridge with the
same height as the old one.

77. We learn from the passage that one rather special 80. According to the passage, it was decided, after
feature of the drawbridge at John's Pass is that it careful consideration, that the height of the
----. drawbridge ----.
A) is the only one in the region for which a record is A) need not be as high as the former one
kept of the boats that pass under it
B) should be raised so that ships of up to 65 feet
B) is twice as high as the former bridge could pass under it
C) only needs a life span of 30 years C) should be the same as that of the previous one
D) does not need to open for ships of well over 65 D) should be left to the discretion of the engineers
feet building it
E) does not open and close at set times E) should not be allowed to add seriously to the cost
of constructing it

78. It is clear from the passage that the currents at the

inlet where the bridge is ----.
A) have carried several ships onto the rocks
B) vary greatly from season to season
C) can be so violent that boats must not be kept
waiting there
D) make bridge maintenance difficult and dangerous TEST BĐTTĐ

E) are such that it is not a safe route for large ships CEVAPLARINIZI KONTROL EDĐNĐZ.



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22

ÜDS FEN - (MART) 2005

1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. E 6. A 7. E 8. D 9. C 10. B

11. D 12. E 13. D 14. E 15. D 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. D 20. C

21. B 22. E 23. D 24. D 25. B 26. E 27. E 28. A 29. E 30. E

31. B 32. C 33. C 34. D 35. B 36. B 37. C 38. B 39. D 40. A

41. E 42. B 43. C 44. B 45. D 46. C 47. C 48. A 49. B 50. A

51. D 52. C 53. E 54. A 55. B 56. D 57. B 58. E 59. A 60. D

61. E 62. A 63. D 64. C 65. D 66. B 67. A 68. E 69. D 70. E

71. A 72. C 73. B 74. D 75. B 76. A 77. E 78. C 79. B 80. C



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
1–18 sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan 4. In years when nut and berry crops are poor,
yerlere uygun düşen kelime veya ifadeyi birds may be forced to ---- their territories and
bulunuz. search for food elsewhere.

1. Fossilized bones are fragile and can easily be A) locate B) reach

damaged by ---- to the air. C) abandon D) reserve

A) exposure B) compression E) exclude

C) resistance D) appearance
E) restoration

2. High-energy cosmic rays, which are more ---- in

space than on Mars or Earth, could deliver
WWW.KPDS.ORG 5. This particular herbicide seems to be
environmental-friendly, and they plan to ---- its
dangerously high radiation doses. effect on broad-leaved plants.

A) impressive B) compulsive A) cope with B) hold up

C) fragile D) innovative C) run through D) try out
E) prevalent E) break into

3. The point-and-click actions of the computer 6. The moon maps are incomplete but it is hoped
mouse have made it an ---- popular alternative that the 2008 lunar orbiter will ---- the gaps for
to keyboard and text-based commands. us.

A) increasingly B) assertively A) make up B) fill in

C) effortlessly D) exactly C) lay out D) put over
E) objectively E) work out


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
7. On a broader scientific level, undersea mapping 10. Geologists ---- that the Paleozoic sedimentary
---- fundamental knowledge about the rocks of the Peruvian Andes are made of debris
Geological forces that ---- the ocean floor. that ---- from a neighboring landmass.

A) will provide / would shape A) had found / should have eroded

B) had provided / had shaped B) have found / must have eroded
C) would provide / will shape C) would find / could have been eroding
D) is providing / shape D) find / would be eroding
E) provides / would have shaped E) would have found / was eroding

8. Wolfram's type of research ---- to practical

developments, but it ---- 50 or 100 years before
WWW.KPDS.ORG 11. Seahorses ---- too exotic for British waters, but
a new study ---- that two species live and breed
around Britain's shores.
these developments appear.
A) will seem / would find
A) would have led / would be
B) seemed / had found
B) has led / has been
C) have seemed / may find
C) can lead / could be
D) would seem / is finding
D) may lead / had been
E) seem / has found
E) leads / would have been

9. A good way ---- understanding of the 12. Last January, "Hygens", a space probe built by
geodynamo ---- to compare computer dynamos the European Space Agency, landed ---- Titan,
(which lack turbulence) with laboratory Saturn's largest moon, and began to deliver its
dynamos (which lack convection). data ---- waiting scientists.

A) to be improved / will be A) above / from B) in / with

B) to have improved / has been
C) having improved / could be C) on / to D) off / about
D) improving / could have been E) to / by
E) to improve / would be


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
13. Such information is not being used in 16. Many basic issues, ---- the relationship between
engineering applications ---- present, but it is gravity and quantum physics, remain unsolved.
---- much importance to the food and beverage
industry. A) except for B) despite
C) such as D) in case of
A) at /of B) in / with
E) instead of
C) by / to D) on / about
E) from / for

14. ---- jet engines, which are also reaction engines,

modern rockets carry their own oxygen supply 17. A robot is ---- machine that can make decisions
to burn their fuel and do not require any independent of human control.
surrounding atmosphere.
A) either B) some
A) Instead of B) Even
C) such D) both
C) Whereas D) Unlike
E) any
E) Whereby

15. Most of us think that random events tend to be 18. Roentgen, which is the unit of radiation
equally spread, ---- the contrary seems to be exposure, is defined ---- the number of ions
true: randomness tends to occur in clusters. produced in one cubic centimeter of air by the
A) as if B) but
A) in view of B) as well as
C) so D) moreover
E) since C) due to D) in terms of
E) on behalf of


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
19. – 23. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 24. – 36. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
da ifadeyi bulunuz.

Bozono, chief engineer of the Phoenix Bridge 24. Non-lethal weapons can offer the prospect of a
Company, was confident that he could build a less violent world ----.
bridge to span the Kinzua gorge; and he did
A) if the military forces themselves are
(19) ----, in just 94 days. When it (20) ---- in 1882,
the Kinzua Viaduct was the tallest bridge in the unconvinced
world. For more than 100 years, it carried trains B) where lethal force is only a last resort
across the Kinzua gorge, but in 2003 its service
came to an (21) ---- end when it took a direct hit C) when the advantages balanced the
(22) ---- a tornado and 23 of its 41 spans (23) ---- in disadvantages

spectacular fashion in just 30 seconds.
D) though tear gas is less effective

E) unless the alarm goes off accidentally

A) as well B) so C) too
D) only E) both

A) had been finished B) has been finished 25. Engineers removed 70 tonnes of earth from the
base of the Tower of Pisa ----.
C) was finished D) was to be finished
A) so the lean was reduced by 45 cm
E) finished
B) that the Tower's lean was increasing by 1.5 m
every year

C) but on one disastrous day it actually moved 2

21. D) if it would stand secure for another 200 years
A) insufficient B) occasional
E) while it has been closed to visitors
C) eager D) abrupt
E) insecure

A) from B) at C) with
D) over E) for
26. The most south-westerly point on the
Scandinavian peninsula is where you should go
A) while cloud and wind conditions were suitable
23. B) if you want to watch migrating birds
A) violated B) reduced C) reversed
C) when migration reached its peak in September
D) repaired E) collapsed
D) that birds of prey are on the increase

E) before migrating birds had crossed the Baltic


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
27. The book tells the fascinating stories behind 30. Although NASA's budget has risen by 7% ever
the great inventions ----. the past two years, ----.

A) however unlikely they seemed to be A) its responsibilities have grown much faster
B) since this covers new ground B) the space station programmes are not targets
for cutting costs
C) that have changed our lives
C) the programme of unmanned missions could
D) which had gone unnoticed
have been discontinued
E) if they were worth recording
D) Earth-observing satellites are of less

E) in fact, the Voyager probes may be cancelled

31. ---- because it affects the average rate of

28. Chemists have taken a major step forward in material loss across a landscape.
the production of ammonia ----.
A) More moisture also promotes the growth of
A) because it may open up a faster synthesis of vegetation
more complex nitrogen-containing molecules
B) Wetter conditions favour faster rates of erosion
B) until they used a soluble complex made of two
bulky hydrocarbon rings C) Mountains in polar latitudes are the least
vulnerable to erosion
C) so it has meant heating nitrogen and hydrogen
gases to a very high temperature D) Climate is inextricably linked with erosion

D) but their methods will replace the Haber-Bosch E) Mountain glaciers aggressively attack surface
process rock

E) which is crucial for fertilizers and many other


32. ---- since Gutenberg invented the printing press

29. Asexual reproduction, ----, is a way of in 1450.
reproducing quickly, and with no risks entailed.
A) The Internet is the greatest advance in
A) whether it would be better in the case of short- information technology
lived organisms
B) The web offers information to everyone at all
B) which is used by organisms such as the water times
C) To start with, the web was really only a handy
C) for these are the common inhabitants of lakes aid for academics
and ponds
D) Information technology did not develop at a
D) that established a new population steady rate
E) if it was observed in stable environments E) Information technology could not continue at
the present rate


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
33. As the chess-playing computer Deep Blue can 36. – 38. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye
assess 36 billion moves in three minutes, ----. anlamca en yakın Đngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
A) chess is far from being a game of chance
36. The NASA geologists want to know how Mars
B) the game had come to an end
became so dry and dusty, and whether the
C) there was no room left for the human element planet holds clues about Earth's own fate.

D) no one has managed to defeat it A) NASA jeologları, Mars'ı bu kadar kuru ve tozlu
hale getiren etkenleri ortaya çıkararak,
E) the game would soon lose its appeal Dünya'nın kaderine ilişkin ipuçlarına ulaşmak

B) NASA jeologları, yalnızca Mars'ın neden

böylesine kuru ve tozlu olduğu konusuyla değil,
ayrıca Dünya'nın kaderine ilişkin ipuçları
saklayıp saklamadığı konusuyla da

C) NASA jeologları, Mars'ın nasıl bu kadar kuru ve

tozlu hale geldiğini ve bu gezegenin, Dünya'nın
kendi kaderine ilişkin ipuçları taşıyıp
34. When the comet fragments plunged into taşımadığını bilmek istiyorlar.
Jupiter's atmosphere, ----.
D) NASA jeologları bu kadar kuru ve tozlu olan
A) it has a speed of over 200,000 kilometers per Mars'ın, Dünya'nın kaderine ilişkin ne gibi
hour ipuçları sakladığını bilmek istiyorlar.
B) the same thing can happen to Earth E) NASA jeologlarının bilmek istedikleri,
Dünya'nın kaderine ilişkin ipuçları saklayan
C) they exploded, and released the energy of
Mars'ın nasıl olup da bu kadar kuru ve tozlu
around 50,000 H bombs
D) Jupiter has been struck at least four times over
the past 100 years
37. Quaoar, which is a spherical object half the size
E) Earth must be guarded against a similar attack of Pluto on the edge of the solar system, is
thought to consist of ice mixed with rock like a

A) Kuyruklu yıldızlar gibi, kayayla karışık buzdan

oluştuğu sanılan Quaoar, güneş sisteminin
kenarında, Plüton'un yarı büyüklüğünde küresel
bir cisimdir.
35. As long as the world's economies are
measured in purely monetary terms, ----. B) Güneş sisteminin kenarında, Plüton'un yarı
büyüklüğünde küresel bir cisim olan Quaoar'm
A) the effects of deforestation on water supplies bir kuyruklu yıldız gibi, kayayla karışık buzdan
would continue to be ignored oluştuğu düşünülmektedir.
B) loss of species is a natural phenomenon C) Plüton'un yarısı kadar olan ve bazı kuyruklu
C) localized conservation projects have tackled yıldızlar gibi kaya ve buz karışımından oluştuğu
local issues düşünülen Quaoar, güneş sisteminin
kenarındaki, küreye benzer cisimlerden biridir.
D) conservation efforts are moving far too slowly
D) Kuyruklu yıldızlar gibi kayayla karışık buzdan
E) the true value of the environment will be oluşan Quaoar'm, güneş sisteminde Plüton'un
grossly underestimated yarı büyüklüğündeki küresel cisimlerden biri
olduğu sanılmaktadır.

E) Bir kuyruklu yıldız gibi buz ve kaya

karışımından oluştuğu sanılan Quaoar'm güneş
sisteminin kenarında, Plüton'un yarı
büyüklüğünde küresel bir cisim olduğu


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
38. When Marie Curie won the Nobel Prize in 40. Altın-gümüş alaşımları saf altından daha sert
chemistry for the discovery of polonium and olmakla kalmayıp aynı zamanda daha düşük
radium in 1911, she became the first scientist to derecelerde erir ve bu yüzden daha kolay şekil
receive a second Nobel Prize. alır.
A) 1911'de, Marie Curie Nobel ödülünü polonyum A) Gold-silver alloys are not only preferable to
ve radyumun keşfi için alarak, ikinci kez ödül pure gold on account of their hardness but also
alan ilk bilim insanı unvanını kazandı. because they are easy to cast as they melt at
lower temperatures.
B) Marie Curie, 1911'de kimyada polonyum ve
radyumun keşfi için Nobel ödülü aldı ve ayrıca B) Since gold-silver alloys are much harder than
ikinci Nobel ödülünü kazanan ilk bilim insanı pure gold and melt at lower temperatures, they
oldu. are easier to cast.

C) 1911'de, Marie Curie'ye polonyum ve C) Gold-silver alloys, which are harder than pure
radyumun keşfi için kimya alanında Nobel gold, are easier to cast as they melt at lower
ödülü verildiğinde, daha önce hiçbir bilim temperatures.
insanı iki defa Nobel ödülü almamıştı.
D) It is easy to cast gold-silver alloys as, unlike;
D) Marie Curie, "polonyum ve radyumun pure gold, they are hard and melt at low
keşfinden ötürü 1911'de kimyada Nobel temperatures.
ödülünü kazandığında, ikinci Nobel ödülünü
E) Gold-silver alloys are not only harder than pure
alan ilk bilim insanı oldu.
gold, but they also melt at lower temperatures
E) ikinci Nobel ödülünü alan ilk bilim insanı and are therefore easier to cast
unvanı, Marie Curie'ye 1911'de polonyum ve
radyumun keşfi için kimyada Nobel ödülü
almasıyla verildi.

39. – 41. sorularda, verilen Đngilizce cümleye 41. Yerkabuğunun derinliklerinde oluşan magma
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. yükselir ve daha önceki şiddetli bir fışkırma
sırasında oluşan mevcut bir çöküntünün
39. 1985'te Đngiliz araştırmacılar, Antarktika'nın altındaki haznede toplanır.
üzerindeki ozon tabakasının yıllardır her bahar A) During really violent eruptions, calderas are
hızla azaldığını ancak bir sonraki kış normale
formed and magma generated in the depths of
döndüğünü açıkladılar.
Earth's mantle, rises and accumulates in
A) In 1985, British researchers reported that the reservoirs under them.
ozone layer over the Antarctic had, for years,
B) The magma that has been generated deep in
decreased rapidly each spring but had
the Earth's mantle rises and collects in a
returned to normal the following winter.
reservoir immediately below an existing caldera
B) In a report by British researchers that formed during earlier eruptions.
appeared in 1985, it is pointed out that the
C) Once the magma generated below the Earth's
ozone layer over the Antarctic had, on several
mantle has risen, it accumulates in a reservoir
occasions, decreased drastically in the spring
just below a caldera formed during an even
but returned to normal in the following winter.
more violent eruption.
C) British research team reported in 1985 that the
D) Magma generated deep in the Earth's mantle
ozone layer over the Antarctic had, over a
rises and accumulates in a reservoir beneath
period of years, decreased to an alarming
an existing caldera formed during a previous
extent each spring but had returned to normal
violent eruption.
the following winter.
E) Once it has been generated deep in the Earth's
D) British researchers in 1985 established the fact
mantle, the magma rises and accumulates in a
that the ozone layer over the Antarctic had
reservoir immediately below an existing
thinned out alarmingly each spring for a
caldera formed during a violent eruption.
number of years, but returned to normal each

E) By 1985 British researchers had confirmed the

fact that the ozone layer over the Antarctic had
decreased suddenly each spring, over several
successive years, but returned to normal each


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
42. – 46. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okun- 44. Cappadocia's extraordinary landscape is partly
duğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan the result of erosion by water, wind and changes
cümleyi bulunuz. in temperature. ----. In winter, extreme
temperature changes cause the rocks to expand
and contract and eventually to disintegrate.
42. For decades, earthquake experts had hopes of
being able to predict the time and place of the A) Volcanic activity in central Anatolia is a product
world's next disastrous shock. ----. So complex of the region's position
indeed, that they concluded that the planet's
largest tremors are isolated, random and utterly B) Around 30 million years ago, erupting
unpredictable. volcanoes blanketed the region with ash
A) By the early 1990s, however, scientists began C) The region is famous for its bewitching natural
to realize that the behaviour of quake-prone formations

faults was extremely complex
D) Over time, this tuff was wqorn away, creating
B) The stress-triggering hypothesis continues to distinctive formations
gain credibility, and offers hope of being able to
predict quakes accurately E) Rainfall and rivers wear down the tuff and, like
the wind, carry away loose materials
C) Faults are unexpectedly responsive to subtle
stresses they acquire as neighbouring faults

D) Once more, there is hope that more accurate

warnings will be forthcoming

E) Historical records confirm that about one-third

of the world's recorded tremors cluster in time
and space

43. The author of the book is an assistant 45. Polish is made of wax. ----. And, each of them
professor of physics and an amateur ice- has its own melting point. The low-melting-point
hockey player. ----. He supports his idea with wax makes it easier to apply the polish,
reference to thermodynamics, molecular whereas the high-melting-point wax helps the
physics, fluid dynamics and the physics of polish to stay in place.
collisions, and presents his material clearly and
convincingly. A) But, unlike candles, which are also made of
wax, it is a blend of different waxes
A) It's an informative study and certainly original
B) Nobody seems to have done any systematic
B) He claims that ice-hockey involves more research into the chemical components of wax
physics than any other sport
C) On a microscopic level, the surface you are
C) He wonders whether shooting, like skating, polishing is rough, and when you apply the
makes use of a great deal of mechanics polish, it looks dull at first
D) Air drag and ice friction are fully discussed D) This is the same basic concept as that of a
E) There is no advice on how to avoid collisions steamroller on hot tarmac

E) Any oil in the boot has to be burned off and

then layers of polish and beeswax are applied
with a very soft cloth


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
46. Scientists generally agree that there are 35 to 40 48. George:
species of seahorse in the world. Though they
resemble miniature horses, they actually - Brian is working very hard to discover a new
belong to the fish family "syngnathidae". They species of mammal.
are monogamous. ----. This unique trait has led Patrick:
people to believe, for some strange reason, that
seahorses have curative powers, and 20 million - Good luck to him! But he’s not likely to do so.
seahorses are exported annually for use in
traditional Chinese medicines.
- ----
A) The Victorians named seahorses
"hippocampus", which means "horse Patrick:
caterpillar" - Because nearly 80% of the mammal species

B) Intriguingly, they are the only animal in which known today were discovered before 1900.
the male becomes pregnant and gives birth to A) Why do you say that?
live young
B) But he’s good at his job and very determined.
C) Consequently, fishermen have reported a
minimum 50 per cent decline in wild stocks of C) I suppose not. Even though there must be
seahorses in the past five years plenty of unknown species.

D) Their genetic structure has not yet been D) Stop being pessimistic! It shouldn’t be so
identified difficult, should it?

E) The distribution of spiny and short-snouted E) Given a bit of luck, he could.

seahorses is thought to extend from Britain
across the Mediterranean to the Black Sea

47. – 51. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş 49. Harry:

bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi
- Have you understood how they've managed
to make copper that is both strong and
47. Michael:
- How much freedom do you think the architect
should have in the design of a building? - ----

Dan: Harry:

- Well, I'm all for user participation in the - But doesn't that mean the copper is terribly
planning and design process. brittle, and so breaks easily?

Michael: Lee:

- ---- - It would. But that's not the end of the process.

About a quarter of the grains are then allowed
Dan: to grow coarse thus making the copper
- Or in a factory or a laboratory. pliable.

A) It's the contractor that he really needs to work A) If they could, it would be excellent for various
with! biomedical devices.
B) No. But by all accounts it seems they have
B) Yes, of course. But some buildings, office managed to do so.
blocks for instance, are quite straightforward. C) I only know they start by cooling the copper
C) So am I. The architect doesn't know what's down with liquid nitrogen.
needed, for instance, in a school. D) In theory, yes. They're creating an ultra fine
grain structure for strength.
D) The quality of the materials used is equally E) Small grains make for strength; large ones for
important. pliability.
E) Yes; but within reason. The architect can't
please everyone.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
50. Reg: 52. – 56. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere,
- Why are police so keen to collect bullets after parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
a shooting incident?
52. (I) IRAS was one of the most productive satellites in
- ---- the history of astronomy. (II) Though functional for only
Reg: 10 months in 1983, the observations it performed
continue to be a major source of information for
- Really? How do they do that?
astronomers. (III) The satellite undertook a complete
Matthew: survey of the sky in mid- and far-infrared light, with
wavelengths between 12 and 100 microns. (IV) The
- Every gun marks the bullets that pass

through it in an individual manner, so they spectrum also reveals the geometry of the dust. (V)
can be sure about which bullets come from This part of the spectrum is difficult or impossible to
which gun. detect from the ground so the survey was of immense
A) There is a spiral of raised lands and shallow,
grooves along the barrel.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
B) The diameter of a bullet tells one quite a lot.

C) There are standard models and longer than


D) They used a comparison microscope to

inspect, side by side, marks left on bullets and
53. (I) Australia is home to marsupials like kangaroos and
E) They aid firearms identification. koalas. (II) The ability to generate body heat is what
enables mammals to survive in so many different
climates. (III) These are animals that give birth to
underdeveloped young who crawl into the mother's
pouch. (IV) There they develop further until they can
live in the outside world. (V) The way of rearing the
51. Andy: babies is unusual but they are fed in the usual way, on
mother's milk.
- In the wild, monkeys spend something like
90% of the day in search of food.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
- Yes, I can believe that. But what are you
trying to tell me?
- ----
Clare: 54. (I) Egypt is restricted in the amount of water it is
- Yes, indeed. I'd never thought about that. It allowed to take each year from the Nile. (II) Although
must make life very dull. its population is increasing, the amount of available
water remains the same. (III) Wealthy investors and
A) Think how bored they must be in a zoo where poor farmers alike used the water to grow crops. (IV)
food appears at regular intervals. Moreover, much water is lost through evaporation
B) Do you think animals enjoy hunting for their from the surface of Lake Nasser and from old,
food? inefficient irrigation systems, (V) So Egypt is building a
giant canal which will take water from Lake Nasser's
C) Animals, like people, need to eat a varied diet. overflow basin and carry it to new irrigation systems in
D) In some of the big zoos they actually hide the the desert.
food and the animals go in search of it.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
E) The search for food means the animals get
plenty of exercise and it keeps them happily



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
55. (I) Amphibians are in decline, and the causes remain 56. (I) The Museum of the History of Science occupies the
controversial. (II) Among the earliest suspected building that was originally the Ashmolean Museum.
culprits were pesticides. (III) Only a very few reports, (II) Here, from the 17th century onwards, there was a
however, have linked amphibian declines to programme of experimentation and discovery. (III)
pesticides in a convincing manner. (IV) Even DDT's Recent building work at the Museum has unearthed
role in wildlife problems took years to decipher. (V) insights into the nature of this work and afforded new
And even in those few studies, the pesticide items for display. (IV) These range from scientific
concentrations appear to be too low to kill apparatus to fragments of everyday life such as
amphibians. specimen labels. (V) Actually, in some science
museums one can even watch scientists at work on
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V their experiments.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
57.– 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 58. According to the passage, a mobile phone ----.
cevaplayınız. A) could be the cause of an explosion at a petrol
station, but not on account of its radio
There have been stories in the press about mobile emissions
phones sparking explosions at petrol stations. But B) has to bear the stamp of the GSM Association
according to the GSM Association, a worldwide body before it goes into use
for mobile phone makers, none of these reports has
ever been traced back to a real event. But there is a C) occasionally emits sparks that are normally
real safety concern, and it's not about radio harmless, but not on all occasions
emissions from mobiles as you might have thought. D) is less likely to cause an explosion than a CD

Instead, the GSM Association says there is a player or a torch is
theoretical risk that if a hand-held phone is dropped
and the battery separates from the phone, it could E) should be switched off on arrival at a petrol
cause a spark across the contacts. This is equally station
true of other battery-powered devices such as
torches, Walkmans and CD players. But it's far more
likely that mobile phones cause a hazard at petrol
stations by distracting their users while they're
operating a petrol pump.
59. It is pointed out in the passage that any battery-
powered device ----.

A) is sure to emit sparks if dropped

B) is potentially dangerous at a petrol station

C) that is dropped will be permanently damaged

D) has to be approved by the GSM Association

E) can distract a person's attention and cause


60. It is clear from the passage that much adverse

57. We understand from the passage that publicity ----.
explosions at petrol stations ----.
A) in the press concerning mobile phone users has
A) are extremely rare since so many precautions had far-reaching effects
are taken to prevent them
B) has undermined the authority of the GSM
B) have always been accurately reported by the Association
C) has reduced the popularity of all battery-
C) have never been precisely traced to mobile powered devices
D) has been aimed at mobile phones for causing
D) are so rare that no further precautions are explosions at petrol stations
considered necessary
E) of petrol stations, on account of their lack of
E) are theoretically unlikely, due to the safety precautions, has appeared in the press
introduction of serious safety measures

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
61. – 64. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 62. We understand from the passage that, in the
cevaplayınız. case of an engine failure, ----.

A) the direction of the aircraft cannot be

All multi-engined aircraft are designed to keep flying controlled
in the event of engine failure. Losing thrust from one B) the balance of the aircraft is maintained
"side of an aircraft unbalances it and causes the through the vertical stabilizer and the rudder
nose of the aircraft to turn in the direction of the failed
engine. Aircraft have a vertical stabilizer (the upright C) the resulting sideways force can only be
at the back) to keep the aircraft's nose into the wind, controlled by the stabilizer
with a rudder attached to it for fine tuning. Moving the D) the nose of the aircraft is pushed down by the
rudder into the airflow creates a sideways force, wind
which turns the aircraft around its vertical axis. When

this is applied in the direction of the failed engine, the E) the function of stabilizer and rudder are
force created by the rudder will counteract the turn reduced
induced by the uneven engine thrust. The vertical
stabilizer and rudder are sized to control the uneven
thrust caused by an engine failure at the most
demanding limits or the flight envelope, as they must
be capable of generating powerful turning forces.

63. We understand from the passage that the

normal function of the rudder in an aircraft is to

A) counteract engine thrust

B) balance the thrust generated by all the engines

C) control the airflow as it passes the stabilizer

D) lift it and keep it in the air

E) work with the stabilizer to control the direction
of the aircraft

64. It's clear from the passage that, in the event of

an engine failure, ----.
61. According to the passage, when one of the A) rudder and stabilizer will automatically
engines in a multi-engined aircraft falls, ----. separate
A) the other engines enable the aircraft to B) there is no way in which an aircraft can be
continue on safely controlled
B) there is apparently no change in the C) a multi-engined aircraft remains unaffected
functioning of the aircraft
D) the stabilizer and rudder are used to
C) the thrust remains unchanged counterbalance the unequal thrust that results
D) the aircraft immediately begins to tilt upwards E) the aircraft starts to turn away from the failed
E) the other engines begin to generate more engine and move in ever-widening circles

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
65. – 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 66. It is understood from the passage that
cevaplayınız. information concerning GRB afterglows ----.

A) can be used to measure cosmological

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are among the most distances
intense areas of research in high-energy
astrophysics, and they represent the largest known B) can be obtained and recorded by readily
explosions in the universe. Last year, NASA available optical instruments
launched the Swift satellite to rapidly locate and C) is rarely obtained from the satellite Swift
observe GRBs and their afterglows at x-ray,
ultraviolet and optical wavelengths. These afterglow D) is of marginal importance to high energy
observations are particularly important for the astrophysicists
understanding or these enormous explosions that E) can only be obtained by means of specially

occur at cosmological distances near the edge of the designed satellites
observable universe. Amateur astronomers, due to
their large numbers, their ability to respond quickly to
the randomly located GRBs and the availability of
highly sensitive CCD cameras, have been able to
provide important, early data on the optical
afterglows of GRBs in the past few years. Indeed, at
least one optical afterglow from a GRB was
discovered by an amateur astronomer. Observations
can be done with even a modest-size telescope, 67. We understand from the passage that GRBs ----.
provided the observations are made quickly enough. A) have not aroused much scientific interest
except among amateur astronomers

B) have only been discovered by NASA in recent


C) are explosions that happen in the farthest

regions of the known universe

D) produce afterglows that can only be observed

on a single wavelength

E) leave behind afterglows that last a very long


65. It is clear from the passage that our knowledge

68. According to the passage, we can gain some
of GRBs ----.
understanding of the nature of GRBs ----.
A) is partly the result of the work of non-
A) so long as amateur astronomers are willing to
professional astronomers
share their data
B) has progressed very little over the past few
B) only with the assistance of the Swift satellite
C) once the Swift satellite starts sending data back
C) is confined to their positions in the universe
to earth
D) has been hindered by the enormous distances
D) even by means of ordinary cameras
E) through a close observation of their afterglows
E) depends solely on x-ray analysis of their nature

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
69. – 72. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 70. It is clear from the passage that the fast-food
cevaplayınız. industry ----.

A) is keen to help solve environmental problems

Formerly, potatoes were grown on unirrigated land, B) has made large, well-shaped potatoes the ideal
which often meant they were small and probably
misshapen. Now, however, farmers routinely irrigate C) is not in the least interested in the size of the
their lands to produce products acceptable to the potatoes it buys
fast-food industry for its French fries. But in D) plays a major role in the development of
Minnesota the groundwater that farmers pump for irrigation systems
potatoes has turned out to be the same water that
helps to sustain the Straight River, a major trout E) agreed to buy smaller potatoes when it became
fishery. Even modest pumping for potatoes, a federal clear that irrigation systems were a threat to

study eventually concluded, had the potential to the brown trout
reduce the river's flow by one third during the
irrigation season, with adverse impact on the brown
trout. For now, the trout are not in danger, but that
could change if Minnesota were to approve
applications from farmers still eager to see potato 71. We understand from the passage that the
planting and irrigation widen. groundwater Minnesota farmers use for
irrigation purposes ----.

A) could significantly reduce the level of the

Straight River during the irrigation season

B) has reduced the numbers of fish in the Straight

River by one third

C) is quickly replaced once the rainy season


D) has had no obvious effect on the environment

E) is no longer available for irrigation purposes

72. It is implied in the passage that Minnesota

69. According to the passage, small, badly-shaped farmers ----.
potatoes ----. A) have agreed to stop irrigating their fields
A) bring in very little money B) might resist efforts to cut down on irrigation
B) make excellent French fries C) will change to crops that require less water
C) are often the result of inadequate irrigation than potatoes

D) are a poor strain of potato that is being D) have done their best to save the trout fishery of
replaced by better strains the Straight River

E) have led to a drop in the sale of French fries E) have failed to give the fast-food companies the
type of potato they want

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
73. – 76. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 74. As it is pointed out in the passage, it was only
cevaplayınız. after the steam engine had come into being
that ----.
A) anyone could envisage traveling into space
If engineers waited for the development of scientific
knowledge to use and organize into technological B) people understood what engineering could
achievements, ours would be a very different world achieve
from what we know. In engineering, it is not so much
C) people began to value scientific theory
science as it is ingenuity that is applied to solve
problems and satisfy needs and wants. If this were D) aerodynamics attracted any serious attention
not so, the steam engine would never have been
E) the science of thermodynamics really began to
invented in the absence of thermodynamics. The
Wright Brothers would not have flown since they had

no aerodynamics textbooks. The astronauts would
never have landed on the Moon nor the rovers on
Mars without firm geological knowledge of their
surfaces. Rather than following scientific theories and
discoveries, engineering leads them. Operating
steam engines prompted the development of
thermodynamics, actual powered flight drove
aerodynamics, and Moon and Mars missions brought 75. We understand from the passage that the
back samples and sent back data that led to technological achievements of engineers are ---
increased scientific knowledge about those -.
extraterrestrial bodies. A) frequently the result of inventiveness and

B) based on a profound knowledge of several

scientific fields

C) best exemplified in the missions to Mars

D) often disappointing as they aim to achieve too

E) no longer as impressive as formerly

73. The main point made in this passage is that ----.

76. One point made in the passage is that
A) engineers rely on theoretical science for the inventions ----.
solution of technical problems A) relate more to physics than to chemistry

B) theoretical science and technological B) are made in response to the recognition of a

achievement have always gone hand-in-hand need

C) engineering is very often a step ahead of the C) are almost always based on some degree of
pure sciences scientific knowledge

D) all scientists show equal ingenuity D) are valued more than new scientific theories

E) the steam engine was the greatest invention of E) do not usually relate to our ordinary everyday
all time life

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
78. We learn from the passage that, with opencast
77. – 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre mining, ----.
A) dust control is almost impossible
The people of Blaenavon in South Wales were B) the coal is generally of a very poor quality
understandably worried. The opencast mine only 1
kilometer north of their town had served the great C) miners work in better conditions than in
Blaenavon ironworks when they opened in the underground mines
Iate18"1 century. But it had been lying derelict for D) once the coal has been extracted, grass and
decades and now British Coal Opencast wanted to trees have to be planted immediately
mine the remaining 320,000 tonnes of coal. At
opencast sites, for every tonne of coal recovered, up E) a huge amount of rock has to be removed in
to 40 tonnes of rock has to be extracted. So, in the order to get a relatively small amount of coal

case of Blaenavon, unless precautionary measures
were taken, the air in the town was going to be thick
with dust. Precautionary measures were taken,
based on well-tried techniques. For instance, tall
spray masts were erected around dumps to provide
a curtain of rain to entrap and wash out dust from the
79. According to the passage, the opencast mine
air, and the wheels of every vehicle leaving the site
near Blaenavon ----.
were washed. Further, reclaimed areas were planted
with trees and grass from day one. With these and A) had always given employment to the men in
other measures this turned out to be a success story the town
for all concerned. In fact, during the entire mining and th
B) had been in constant use since the late 18
reclamation project not a single complaint about
nuisance dust was made to the local authority.
C) had never been mined economically
D) had been neglected for years and fallen into a
state of decay

E) filled the town with dust even when coal was

not being mined there

80. It is clear from the passage that the measures

employed at the site of the mine to control dust
77. It is clear from the passage that the events ----.
described in the passage amount to a "success
story" ----. A) relied, to a large extent, on the use of water

A) even though very little coal was mined B) were not adequate enough

B) as new methods of dust control were C) were just ordinary, routine measures
developed and tried out D) were devised and implemented by the people in
C) because the coal was mined without the the local town
nearby town suffering from dust E) were set up in a careless half-hearted manner
D) since no one regretted the closing-down of the

E) though the task of controlling the dust had

proved expensive and time-consuming



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22


1. A 2. E 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. E 10. B

11. E 12. C 13. A 14. D 15. B 16. C 17. E 18. D 19. B 20. C

21. D 22. A 23. E 24. B 25. A 26. B 27. C 28. E 29. B 30. A

31. D 32. A 33. D 34. C 35. E 36. C 37. B 38. D 39. A 40. E

41. D 42. A 43. B 44. E 45. A 46. B 47. C 48. A 49. D 50. E

51. A 52. D 53. B 54. C 55. D 56. E 57. C 58. A 59. B 60. D

61. A 62. B 63. E 64. D 65. A 66. B 67. C 68. D 69. C 70. B

71. A 72. B 73. C 74. E 75. A 76. B 77. C 78. E 79. D 80. A



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
4. His efforts to ---- the threat of global warming
1. – 18. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yer-
with new forms of energy have been much
lere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulu-
A) excuse B) counter C) pursue
1. In the life sciences, biologists need to be more
aware of the ---- between science and technology. D) uphold E) deliver

A) approach B) departure C) complexity

D) extremity E) gap

2. The theory is interesting enough, but is it ----?

A) solvable B) expressive C) intensive 5. The amount of fish caught did not ---- the
massive increase in vessel tonnage and fishing
D) coherent E) resistant effort.

A) pull through B) make do with

C) keep pace with D) come across

E) break out of

3. However incredible we may now find it, engineers 6. Home heating, which ---- less than 7 per cent of
did not ---- welcome the idea of a general purpose all energy consumed in the US, has had a
microchip. commendable efficiency record.

A) instantly B) urgently C) crudely A) accounts for B) comes with C) joins in

D) scarcely E) reliably D) picks up E) brings out


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
7. For a long time now, biologists ---- that bits of 10. Over the past eight years, the TES instrument
tissue placed next to each other ----. ---- that Martian rocks and sands ---- almost
A) had known / may fuse of volcanic minerals.
B) have known / can fuse A) would discover / had been composed
C) knew / had fused B) has discovered / are composed

D) would have known / have fused C) would discover / were composed

E) know / would have fused D) had discovered / had been composed

E) was discovering / would be composed

8. It ---- that Brazil’s new surveillance system ---- a
useful tool in the protection of the rain forests. 11. In order ---- a good sheep-shearing robot I had to
understand sheep shearers and the skill of
A) may be hoped / would have proved shearing, as well as the technology ---- in
building a robot.
B) was hoped / had proved
A) having built / to have been involved
C) has been hoped / would prove
B) building / to be involved
D) could be hoped / might have proved
C) to build / involved
E) is hoped / will prove
D) to be building / involving
E) to have built / having been involved

12. It is estimated that sulphur pollution costs China

9. Many engineers ---- the thrill of designing a novel nearly 45 billion dollars each year ---- lost
product that then ---- mass production. productivity, health care and damage ---- forests
and crops.
A) are having / is entering
A) from / at B) in / to
B) had had / had entered
C) under / of D) over / through
C) would have / has entered
E) by / for
D) have had / enters
E) were having / have entered


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
13. One of the great advances ---- astronomy ---- the 16. Certain reactions, ---- catalytic
past decade has been the discovery of planets methanation, appear to stop before they are
outside our solar system. complete.

A) of / over B) through /at C) in / to A) instead of B) such as C) in place of

D) for / by E) with / for D) in case of E) with reference to

14. He realized that the world could run out of key

resources, ---- he was a harsh critic of the 17. Engineering structures must conform ---- to their
wastefulness of modern industrial society. type ---- to the laws of physics.

A) so that B) whether C) so long as A) not only / but also B) as / as

D) and so E) but C) more / but D) both / as

E) either / and

15. ---- the car is equipped with a sophisticated 18. The harder a material is, ---- ductile or workable it
protection system, you know you are fully tends to be.
A) the most B) as much C) the less
A) Until B) Even if C) Although
D) more E) so much
D) So E) Since


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
19. – 23. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numa- 24. – 35. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
ralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
ifadeyi bulunuz.
24. Battlefield radios may become obsolete ----.
Natural disturbances, including hurricanes and
earthquakes, have affected coral reefs for millions of A) if software programmable units take over
years. They are typically acute but have short-lived
(19) ----. Reef areas (20) ---- human influences often B) until they are all built to a common standard
recover within a few years (21) ---- water and
substratum quality remain high. Indeed, acute natural C) when local police and fire departments would
disturbances can actually help (22) ---- diversity on also benefit
coral reefs by knocking back dominant species and
allowing (23) ---- competitive species to re-establish D) since other versions had become tailored to their
themselves. needs

E) while security features are also innovative


A) products B) conditions C) concerns

D) effects E) explanations

25. In biology, isolating particular enzymes is a

tedious process of trial and error ----.
A) though silicon is not the best choice of material
A) down to B) up to C) up against
B) if several hundred steps were involved
D) out of E) away from
C) which involves many different experiments
D) until other problems could be eliminated

E) as lab experiments may prove unnecessary


A) so that B) unless C) though

D) if E) whether

26. Just try shooting at bullet-proof glass ----.
A) to have maintained B) maintaining
A) but you can stand a few meters away
C) having maintained D) to be maintained
B) if you want to be quite sure that it really is bullet
E) to maintain proof

C) while the glass remained unharmed

D) why some gangs have started to fire anti-tank

missiles at armoured cars
E) that it withstood every attack
A) much B) little C) as

D) less E) least


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
27. The vast oil output of the Caspian must be piped 29. The engineers ---- took their know-how to
overland to, say, the Mediterranean, ----. Japan and China in the late 19th and early 20th
A) that it is not a landlocked sea A) that it would be the world’s largest dam

B) if a pipeline is laid across Iran B) who continue to travel around the world
transferring technology
C) before it can be pumped into tankers
C) who had built railroads and dams across
D) which would also pass through Georgia America
E) as a great deal of diplomacy would be required D) as engineering problems can attract worldwide

E) though the spread of technology is not likely to

be halted

28. Their latest digital radio is supplied with a pair of 30. Although global warming was outside the
active speakers ----. parameters of their study, ----.
A) if the number keys have been moved to the A) countries with high gasoline prices are more
sides innovative in the field of personal transportation
B) that an FM radio is fitted into its compact
dimensions B) battery-powered electric vehicles would not have
been disregarded
C) though the screen itself seemed to be touch-
sensitive C) fossil fuel consumption habits will have to be
D) so you don’t have to plug it into an amplifier
D) for the present the focus is on the efficient use of
E) how the graphic display shows the programme fossil fuels
you are listening to
E) it is nevertheless a fact that should have been


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
31. ---- as they are today. 34. ----, though none are yet being grown
on a commercial scale.
A) Satellites are providing clear photographs
A) Conifers are dominant trees in northern latitudes
B) The fluctuating magnetic field lies deep in the
centre of Earth B) Trees produce copious pollen, which travels up
to 16 kilometres
C) Several other bodies in the solar system
generate their own magnetic fields C) Genetically modified trees have not been planted
in natural woods and forests
D) Earth’s magnetic poles have not always been
oriented D) Plants demonstrate a remarkable diversity in
size, habit and form
E) Many intriguing explanations are being put
forward E) Genetically modified trees are being developed
for a variety of uses

32. Since mines may have been laid there, ----.

A) these fields had not been cultivated

B) large areas of valuable farmland are being

overgrown by bamboo

C) immense bamboo thickets would have come into


D) the costs of restoring farmland to full production

have always been high

E) faster techniques were called for 35. Because each leaf is characteristic of the plant
on which it grows, ----.

A) most leaves are composed of three parts: a

blade, a petiole and a pair of stipules

B) water loss by evaporation from the leaf’s surface

is unavoidable

C) many plants can be identified by their leaves

33. ---- that solar flares triggered geomagnetic D) all parts of a plant can be damaged by air
storms. pollution, but leaves are particularly susceptible

A) Scientists used to think E) many leaves have special structures through

which water is literally forced out
B) The findings were ambiguous
C) The astronauts were taken by surprise

D) The facts have to be suppressed

E) The results of the experiment surprised



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
36. – 38. sorularda, verilen Đngilizce cümleye 38. Entropy is a physical property like
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. temperature and pressure, and measures how
close a system has come to reaching stagnant
36. The findings of a ten-year study reveal that two
species of seahorses have been living in the A) Sıcaklık ve basınç gibi fiziksel bir özellik olan
waters around Britain without anyone realizing entropi bir sistemin durgun “denge”ye ulaşıp
they were there. ulaşmadığını ölçer.
A) Đngiltere’nin çevresindeki sularda daha önce B) Entropi sıcaklık ve basınç gibi fiziksel bir özel-
onların orada yaşadığını kimsenin bilmediği iki liktir ve bir sistemin durgun “denge”ye ne kadar
tür denizatının olduğu on yıllık bir çalışmayla ulaştığını ölçer.
ortaya çıktı.
C) Bir sistemin durgun “denge”ye ulaşıp ulaşmadığı
B) On yıllık bir çalışmanın bulguları Đngiltere’nin sıcaklık ve basınç gibi fiziksel bir özellik olan en-
çevresindeki sularda onların orada olduğunu hiç tropi ile ölçülür.

kimsenin farketmediği iki tür denizatının yaşa-
makta olduğunu gösteriyor. D) Entropi hem sıcaklık ve basınç gibi fiziksel özel-
likler arasındadır hem de bir sistemin durgun
C) Đngiltere’nin çevresindeki sularda iki tür denizatı- “denge”ye ne kadar ulaştığını belirlemede yar-
nın yaşadığını ilk kez ortaya çıkaran on yıllık ça- dımcıdır.
lışma bu türlerin hiç farkedilmediğini belirtiyor.
E) Sistemlerin durgun” denge”ye ulaşıp
D) On yıllık çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre Đngilte- ulaşmadığını ölçen entropinin sıcaklık ve
re’nin çevresindeki sularda hiç kimsenin bilme- basınçla ortak olan yanı, fiziksel bir özellik
diği iki tür denizatının yaşamakta olduğu bildiri- olmasıdır.

E) Đki tür denizatı hiç kimseye belli etmeden Đngilte-

re’nin çevresindeki sularda yaşarken on yıllık bir
çalışma onları ortaya çıkardı.

39. – 41. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye

anlamca en yakın Đngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

39. Bilim adamları bir büyük depremin, bir sonrakinin

zamanı ve yeri üzerinde kayda değer bir etkisinin
olmadığını düşünürlerdi; fakat, son araştırmalar
durumun böyle olmayabileceğine işaret ediyor.
37. Though stars appear to the eye as single points
of light, very many of them turn out to be double A) Scientists used to think that there was no
when seen through a telescope. connection between one major earthquake and
subsequent smaller ones, but new studies
A) Teleskopla bakıldığında çift ışık olan yıldızların suggest there may be.
çoğu göze tek ışık noktası gibi görünür.
B) Formerly scientists thought that one large
B) Çıplak gözle bakıldığında yıldızlar tek ışık nokta- earthquake could not possibly affect the timing
sı gibi görünür, çoğuna sadece teleskopla bakıl- or location of the next, but recent research
dığında çift olduğu anlaşılabilir. suggests it may.

C) Göze tek ışık noktası gibi görünen yıldızlara te- C) Contrary to what scientists used to think, recent
leskopla bakıldığında çoğunun çift olduğu göz- research suggests that a major earthquake may
lenir. considerably affect the timing and location of
subsequent earthquakes.
D) Yıldızlar çıplak gözle bakıldığında tek ışık nokta-
sı gibi algılansa da teleskopla bakıldığında aslın- D) Recent research suggests that a major
da çift olduğu görülür. earthquake may influence the time and place of
subsequent earthquakes though this has not
E) Her ne kadar yıldızlar göze tek ışık noktası gibi been the traditional view of scientists.
görünse de pek çoğunun teleskopla bakıldığında
çift olduğu ortaya çıkar. E) Scientists used to think that one large
earthquake had no notable influence on the
timing or location of the next one but recent
research suggests this may not be the case.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
40. Aşağı yukarı aynı büyüklükte ve Güneş’e aynı
uzaklıkta olan Dünya ve Venüs sıklıkla ikiz geze- 42. – 46. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parça-
genler olarak nitelendirilir. nın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getiri-
lebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
A) It is usual to refer to Earth and Venus as twin
planets as they are almost the same size and
distance from the Sun. 42. Fragile ecosystems like the Arctic could face
many more years of contamination from PCBs
B) Since Earth and Venus are roughly the same (polychlorinated biphenyls), despite international
size and distance from the Sun it is only natural treaties banning their use. ----. An estimated 1.3
that they should be regarded as twin planets. million tonnes of PCBs were made between the
1930s and 1990s around the world for use in the
C) Earth and Venus, being roughly the same size manufacture of pesticides, lubricants, and
and distance from the Sun, are often regarded plastics. But an investigation to determine the
as twin planets. fate of these PCBs has failed to locate most of

D) It is because they are exactly the same size and
distance from the Sun that Earth and Venus are A) On the other hand, PCBs may be carried by
known as the twin planets. wind to cold countries where they condense out
in the cold air
E) By the twin planets we mean Earth and Venus
which are nearly the same size and are B) Indeed, soils in temperate lands have captured
equidistant from the Sun. most of the PCBs so far released into the

C) On the contrary, PCBs could pose a threat to

polar bears for years to come

D) That is the conclusion of a study into the fate of

PCBs manufactured worldwide during much of
the 20th century
E) As a result, urban air contains more PCBs than
rural air

41. Dünyanın iç kısmını araştırma konusunda uzman-

laşan bilim adamları, uzun süre, Dünya’nın derin
iç kısmındaki hareketin yüzeydeki dikey değişim-
lerin arkasında olduğundan şüphelendiler.
43. The Kavli Foundation’s approach differs from the
A) Scientists who specialize in studying Earth’s
interior have long suspected that activity deep increasingly utilitarian focus of most funded
inside Earth is behind vertical changes at the research. ----. Kavli opposes this practice for he
surface. believes you have to be willing to fund science
without knowledge of the benefits.
B) Scientists studying Earth’s interior have come to
the conclusion that what goes on deep inside A) To obtain funding from any source, scientists
Earth affects vertical changes at the surface. must usually frame their ideas in the context of
studies already completed and short-term impact
C) It is generally agreed by scientists studying
Earth’s interior that events deep inside Earth’s B) Knowledge about materials and processes in the
core influence vertical changes at the surface. universe could open up benefits that we can’t
even imagine
D) Scientists specializing in the study of Earth’s
interior have long been aware of the fact that C) In fact, the foundation pays for nondirected
activity deep inside Earth may be responsible for research in its three main areas of interest:
vertical change at its surface. astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience

E) Scientists specializing in happenings deep within D) It is unrealistic of such agencies to expect these
Earth’s core have, for a long time, suspected a programmes to deliver useful tools and
relationship between them and vertical changes applications rapidly
at the surface.
E) The foundation has chosen disciplines that are
already acknowledged as “growth” areas in


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
44. Traditionally, the study of planet formation has 46. Can coal ever become a friend of the
proved frustrating, as astronomers have never environment? Coal-fired power stations supply
been sure whether their theories apply to other half the electricity used in many industrial
planetary systems. ----. Now, however, the countries. ----. This, of course, is the most
observations of debris discs around stars of worrisome of the so-called “greenhouse gases.”
different masses and ages are helping to place
our solar system in context. A) New ones will have to comply with the Clean Air
A) Some discs look like gigantic versions of the
rings of Saturn B) They are, however, responsible for 80% of the
power industry’s emissions of carbon dioxide
B) Most of the discs, however, could not be seen
directly C) Energy engineers are already talking about
“clean coal” technology
C) What the recent images show is wonderfully
unexpected D) Clean coal means different things to different

D) This is because the solar system is the only
known example of a planetary system E) Coal treatment and refining processes are rightly
getting a lot of attention as well
E) The dust particles probably result from collisions
among asteroids

47. – 51. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş

bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi

47. Roy:
- If you haven’t already read this account of
Philip Morrison, make sure you do.
45. Isaac Newton presented the earliest scientific
definition of mass in 1687 in his landmark work Michael:
Principium: “The quantity of matter is the - ----
measure of the same arising from its density and
bulk conjointly.” That very basic definition was Roy:
good enough for Newton and other scientists for - That’s what impressed me most. He made
more than 200 years. ----. In recent years, important contributions in quantum
however, the why of mass has become a research electrodynamics among other things, and then
topic in physics. gave courses on physics for poets!

A) The laws of gravity predict that gravity acts on A) Yes, I will. I’ve seen him on TV on several
mass and energy occasions, he’s both charming and amusing.

B) Most people think they know what mass is, but B) Yes, I intend to. What was it that impressed you?
actually they understand only a very small part of
what it entails C) I’ve already done so. The range of his interests
and activities is amazing.
C) Fundamental particles have an intrinsic mass
known as their rest mass D) Did you realize he was an assembler of the first
atomic bomb?
D) Energy and mass are related, as described by
Einstein’s famous equation, E=mc2 E) Of course. I was his student, you know, at
Cornell University.
E) They understood that science should proceed
first by describing how things work and later by
understanding why


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
48. Gary: 50. Sam:
- Is this the website you like best when it comes - Do you think NASA’s emergency escape plan
to scientific news? for space-bound astronauts will work?

Philip: Robert:
- Yes, I suppose it is. It’s updated weekly and - That’s hard to say. I suppose really it will
well-linked to related websites. depend on the kind of emergency that presents
- ---- Sam:
- ----
- That’s hard to say. So many scientific “facts” Robert:
are being questioned these days. - Actually, the colour is a survival feature too. It
makes a search for the crew easier.
A) Is it university-owned?

A) It reminds one of science-fiction films, with
B) Does it keep up with recent developments? everything neatly planned.

C) What’s the level? College stuff? B) It seems a bit like a game to me. The suits are a
brilliant orange colour.
D) From a scientific point of view, how reliable is it?
C) The antigravity suit squeezes the legs to prevent
E) Does it cover all the sciences? blood from pooling in them.

D) Apparently shuttle bailout is a last resort, to be

used only if landing becomes impossible.

E) Let’s hope the Challenger catastrophe is not


49. Brian:
- Have you read this book, Water Follies?
51. Larry:
Peter: - They’re holding a young designers’ competition
- No I haven’t; but I’ve heard a lot about it. It for designing a robot to put out a house fire.
focuses on how much water is being wasted,
doesn’t it? Tony:
- I think you mean to blow out a candle!
- ---- Larry:
- ----
- Good! It’s time someone took a firm stand Tony:
against the waste. - But you are right. The final aim is, of course, to
put out house fires.
A) That’s right. And it’s pretty critical of man for
being so unconcerned about this waste. A) Well, at this stage, that’s all they’re asking for.
B) No. It actually concentrates on ground water. B) Do you think they ever will?
C) Yes. Most people seem to think ground water is C) That shouldn’t be too difficult. The real problem
boundless. is to locate the fire.
D) And the gold-mining industry is attacked for its D) If it could set off an alarm even, that would be
vast “dewatering” operations. useful, wouldn’t it?
E) And the consequences include dry rivers and E) Once a fire takes hold it becomes a major
land subsidence. problem.



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
52. – 56. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okun- 55. (I) Nyos is a crater lake formed by a volcanic eruption
duğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan roughly five centuries ago. (II) In these lakes the
cümleyi bulunuz.
gas saturates the bottom water. (III) It is one of many
such lakes, found the world over in volcanic chains.
52. (I) Computer researchers predict that quantum (IV) It is, however, one of only two lakes known to
computers will become a reality within 10 to 15 years. have exploded. (V) And when it exploded a jet of
(II) However, these machines pose a security threat, gas-laden water rose 80 meters high and carbon
because their ability to perform many calculations at dioxide filled the air.
once means they will be able to uncover the
encryption keys that are, for practical purposes, A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
untraceable by today’s “classical” conventional
computers. (III) If that happens, people will be able to
tap into cell phone calls. (IV) A quantum computer can
represent a 0 and a 1 at the same time in a quantum
bit (called a qubit). (V) Furthermore, secure e-

commerce will be a thing of the past.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

53. (I) Everyone knew that freezing rain could be bad,

but what the researchers learned was frightening.
(II) All aircraft designers are familiar with the
challenge of icing. (III) Manufacturers must
demonstrate that their aircraft are capable of flying
safely in cold, wet conditions where they might ice
up. (IV) In the US, those conditions are specified by
the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA)
“Appendix C”. (V) This appendix clearly states the
kinds of cold weather which an aircraft must be able
to deal with.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 56. (I) Most of the military robotic systems currently

operating are airborne. (II) This is because robots for
use in a ground war present serious problems as
conditions are more complex and less predictable.
(III) The Army’s first ground robots were devoted to
mine-sweeping. (IV) For instance, what works in a
desert will be unsuited to jungles. (V) Similarly, a
machine designed for use in cities is unlikely to adapt
to mountains.
54. (I) Mother Columbian rainbow boas, Epicrates A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
cenchria maurus, have the strange habit of eating
some of their own young. (II) Now new research
reveals why. (III) Within two weeks, these mothers
regained their lost muscle. (IV) Stillborns and
undeveloped eggs in a clutch, which the mother
consumes soon after laying or giving birth, are rich in
energy and contain a diversity of proteins and
essential nutrients. (V) Therefore, maternal
cannibalism leads to a quick recovery after giving

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
57. – 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. 58. It is pointed out in the passage that the diversity of
life on Earth ----.

How have terrestrial organisms met the environmental A) is far more extensive in temperate climates than
challenges of living on land? Life began in the oceans, in colder ones
but many life forms have since adapted to terrestrial
life in a sea of air. Every single organism living on land B) results from the variety of ways whereby
has to meet the same environmental challenges: organisms meet environmental challenges
obtaining enough water; preventing excessive water C) is related to plants rather than other organisms
loss; getting enough energy; and in polar regions,
tolerating widely varying temperature extremes. How D) becomes far more apparent in spring than
those challenges are met varies from one organism to in winter
another, and in large part explains the diversity of life E) must be maintained through the
encountered on land today. Some animals avoid conservation of the environment
colder temperatures by migrating to warmer climates

for the winter, whereas others avoid the cold by
passing the winter in a dormant state called
hibernation. Many plants also spend winter in a
dormant state. The aerial parts of some plants die
during the winter, but the underground parts remain
alive; the following spring they resume metabolic
activity and develop new aerial shoots. Many trees 59. One can understand from the passage that, for
are deciduous; that is, they shed their leaves for the deciduous trees, the shedding of leaves ----.
duration of their dormancy. Shedding leaves is
actually an adaptation to the “dryness” of winter. Roots A) increases the amount of water loss, which is a
cannot absorb water from ground that is cold or serious environmental challenge
frozen; by shedding its leaves the plant reduces water
loss during the cold winter months when obtaining B) increases their metabolic activity throughout
water from the soil is impossible. winter

C) is an effective mechanism of resistance to heat

D) is a regular metabolic activity which is not related

to environmental conditions

E) is a kind of hibernation that enables them to

survive the cold winter months

57. It is pointed out in the passage that all terrestrial

organisms ----.

A) in warm regions find it very hard to tolerate 60. It is clear from the passage that, for some
extreme temperatures animals, migration ----.

B) in polar regions live out the winter through A) and hibernation are equally viable options
B) is comparatively easy
C) face the danger of extinction due to
environmental challenges C) is indispensable for survival

D) have, one way or another, adapted themselves D) causes a great deal of energy loss
to environmental conditions
E) involves various environmental challenges
E) are most adversely affected by excessive water
loss and cold temperatures



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
61. – 64. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 62. It is understood from the passage that, because
cevaplayınız. spins in fighter flights can be fatal, ----.

A) they are referred to as “graveyard spins”

Henrik-Jan Van Veen has carried out a great deal of
research into spinning. This is especially true for B) van Veen has been testing a number of devices
“graveyard spins”, the term for what happens when that could prevent spins
fighter pilots get so disoriented they miscalculate how
to get their plane back on course. They can end up in C) the TNO is making spin-prevention devices a
a dangerous and often fatal spin. Van Veen works at a major research project
research lab run by the Netherlands Organization for
Applied Scientific Research, the TNO. The range of D) many aircraft have been indefinitely grounded
research covered by the TNO is vast, and it sees itself
as a practical problem solver. And for the Dutch air E) all pilots are required to wear a vibrotactile vest
force, the graveyard spin is certainly a problem that
needs solving. Van Veen’s specialty is “vibrotactile

devices”, which use vibrations to convey information.
His latest project is a vest studded all over with small
discs that can each vibrate independently. In a test
room, a pilot is strapped into a seat in a “cockpit”. At the
push of a button, the lights go out and the chair starts
spinning. After a while the chair is stopped. “He’ll think
he’s spinning the other way now”, says Van Veen. The
pilot is told to correct the spin, but instead, he
overcorrects massively, and the chair begins spinning
63. We understand from the passage that the Dutch
again. In the next test, the pilot dons van Veen’s vest
research centre, the TNO, ----.
and is told that the patch of the vest that is vibrating will
indicate the direction he should force the joystick to A) works in very close association with the Dutch
correct a spin. This time, when the chair stops spinning armed forces
the pilot manages to keep the seat still. Van Veen thinks
the vibrotactile vest could do more than save the lives of B) oversees all major research projects being
fighter pilots. He’s now working on linking the system to carried out in the country
a GPS receiver so that tourists in a foreign city or blind
people in an unfamiliar environment can use the vest C) has put a lot of pressure on van Veen to extend
to find their way around. the uses of vibrotactile devices

D) encourages the application of research for the

solving of problems

E) puts safety devices high on its list of priorities

61. It is clear from the passage that the vibrotactile 64. It is clear from the passage that van Veen’s
vest ----. immediate purpose in developing the vibrotactile
vest is to ----.
A) has contributed significantly to environmental
research A) help fighter pilots to calculate their course more
B) could be developed to serve a variety of
purposes B) warn pilots in advance that a spin is building up
C) has been in use in military aviation for many C) help the blind find their way about
D) make it possible to reduce the amount of fuel
D) is the product of an expensive research project used by aircraft
undertaken by the Dutch military
E) enable fighter pilots to get over the effects of a
E) could be used to transmit secret military spin and thus, avoid a crash



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
65. – 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 66. It is pointed out in the passage that, prior to the
cevaplayınız. rise of modern science in the 17th century,----.

A) various studies had been made of comets, but

For almost 200 years, the idea of cosmic events Halley disregarded them all
affecting life on Earth was viewed as heretical by the
church, which regarded catastrophe as proof of divine B) the way people viewed cosmic events varied
intervention, and as nonsense by the scientific greatly
establishment, which dismissed it as superstition. Yet
in the end, the sheer weight of evidence has swept C) all kinds of learning had been subject to the
away all doubt about the reality of global approval of the church
catastrophes. Attempts to make scientific sense of
the many legends of global catastrophes date back to D) the Earth had experienced several collisions with
the dawn of modern science itself, in the 17th century. cosmic objects
Following the publication of Newton’s laws of motion
and universal gravitation in 1687, Edmond Halley E) attempts had been made to explain certain

decided to apply them to the mystery of comets. By catastrophes with reference to gravitational laws
studying records of their appearance, Halley argued
that the bright comets of 1456, 1531, 1607 and 1682
were in fact one comet, later known as the “Halley”
comet, that followed a vast elliptical orbit around the
Sun in agreement with Newton’s laws. But Halley
noted something else as well: a comet crossing the
orbit of the Earth might one day collide with us with
devastating consequences.

67. We learn from the passage that in the opinion of

Halley, ----.

A) the mystery surrounding comets could never be

cleared up

B) Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation needed

to be further clarified and elaborated
C) the earlier appearances of the comet “Halley”
had not been properly recorded

D) global catastrophes could be prevented through

new scientific developments
E) a comet may, at some point in the future, strike
65. According to the passage, Newton’s laws of Earth
motion and gravitation ----.

A) had no impact whatsoever on the rise of modern


B) were approached skeptically by Halley and other

contemporary scientists 68. It is clear from the passage that, in the past, the
church ----.
C) helped Halley to identify the comet that bears his
name A) regarded global catastrophes as acts of God

D) convinced Halley that catastrophes were in fact B) was particularly interested in the movements of
acts of divine intervention comets

E) were dismissed right away by the scientific C) consistently banned any research into cosmic
establishment of his time events

D) encouraged scientists to find ways of preventing

global catastrophes
E) wished to suppress all thoughts of cosmic events



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
69. – 72. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 70. According to the passage, the question of how
cevaplayınız. Earth’s continents came into being ----.

A) has never attracted much attention

Except perhaps for some remote island dwellers, most
people have a natural tendency to view continents as B) has been one of the concerns of space research
fundamental, permanent and even characteristic and exploration
features of Earth. One easily forgets that the world’s
continental platforms amount only to scattered and C) can best be answered through a comprehensive
isolated masses on a planet that is largely covered by study of the other planets in the solar system
water. But when viewed from space, the correct
picture of Earth becomes immediately clear. It is a D) is not likely to be resolved in the near future
blue planet. From this perspective it seems quite
extraordinary that over its long history, Earth could E) gave rise to considerable disagreement among
manage to hold a small fraction of its surface always scientists
above the sea — enabling, among other things,

human evolution to proceed on dry land. Is the
persistence of high- standing continents just an
accident? How did Earth’s complicated crust come
into existence? Has it been there all the time, like
some primeval icing on a planetary cake, or has it
evolvedthrough the ages? Such questions engendered
debates that divided scientists for many decades, but
the fascinating story of how the terrestrial surface
came to take its present form is now partly resolved.
That understanding shows, remarkably enough, that
the conditions required to form the continents of Earth 71. The passage calls Earth the “blue planet”
may be unmatched in the rest of the solar system. to underline the fact that ----.

A) the waters of the oceans are crystal clear

B) the geographical features of Earth are not very

distinct when viewed from space

C) many things on Earth are blue

D) there is actually very little land on Earth

E) it is man’s duty to keep the seas clean

69. One important point made in the passage is that

----. 72. The passage suggests that the inhabitants of
small isolated islands ----.
A) new questions concerning the solar system are
constantly coming to the fore A) will be adversely affected if the oceans continue
to be polluted
B) scientists have finally been able to understand
fully the mystery of Earth’s crust B) have frequently chosen to live in comparative
isolation in preference to living in a crowded city
C) people living on remote islands are so cut off
from the rest of the world that they have no idea C) always demonstrate a keen interest in the solar
about what is happening elsewhere system

D) the formation of the continents of Earth may D) depend for their living more on the sea than on
have no parallel elsewhere in the solar system the land

E) the growing pollution of the oceans is causing a E) probably have a better perception of the reality
great deal of concern among scientists of Earth than the majority of us



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
73. – 76. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 75. As can be understood from the passage, Ashford
cevaplayınız. is firmly convinced that ----.

A) the development of a space plane would cost no

In his preface to Spaceflight Revolution, David more than two shuttle flights
Ashford recalls how he started his research into rocket
motors. As he later explains, these were motors that B) politicians and financial authorities need to be
would power a space plane — one that would launch careful about investing money in space projects
space travellers and satellites cheaply and reliably
into orbit. That was 1961. Ashford admits he would C) rockets bear no relation to ballistic missiles
probably have taken another job if he’d known that, 42
years later, satellites would still be launched by D) there are many people eager to be space
rockets descended from ballistic missiles. The travellers and willing and able to pay a
technology is there, but political and budgetary reasonable fare
decisions have so far stopped space planes getting off
the ground. But Ashford presents a compelling E) his work on rocket motors has greatly

argument that a small orbital space plane would cost contributed to space research
relatively little to design and develop — the equivalent
of just two shuttle flights.

73. As we understand from the passage, Ashford’s

space plane project ----.

A) has made space travel extremely cheap and


B) has been welcomed by political authorities and

received much attention

C) has received no political or financial support

since the early 1960s

D) has been proved faulty in the course of several


E) was originally inspired by ballistic missile

76. It is clear from the passage that there ----.

A) is an ongoing debate on the uses of ballistic


B) is some discrepancy between Ashford’s words

and his actions

C) is much public support for Ashford’s project

74. According to the passage, Ashford ----.
D) are many technological differences between
A) has not yet completed his research into rocket Ashford’s rocket motors and the conventional
motors rockets currently in use
B) feels that his decades-long work on rocket E) is much concern among space scientists,
motors has been unjustly ignored including Ashford, about the ever-growing costs
of the space programme in general and of
C) has written his book Spaceflight Revolution shuttle flights in particular
mainly to criticize politicians

D) has been recognized as a leading scientist in

space research and rocket technology for quite
some time now

E) has proposed a project which can only be

realized if a sizeable budget is available



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
77. – 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

The Wireless Museum has several of the earliest

crystal wireless sets from the 1920s which ran on 79. It is clear from the passage that valve radios ----.
electromagnetic waves with no external power source,
and were easily made at home. Valve radios, which A) were still in widespread use in the sixties and
came along in the 1930s, needed electricity to heat up seventies
the valves and the museum has both mains and
battery-powered valve radios on display. The B) originally operated on electromagnetic waves
collection also has some rare wartime civilian
receivers — the only type of valve radio manufactured C) consumed more electricity than one might
during the Second World War. This was by order of expect

the government, because at this time most
manufacturing was focused on the war effort. There D) are of two types: mains and battery-powered
are also plenty of modern day transistor radios
including a collection of novelty radios dating from E) were costly products and the government
the sixties and seventies. disapproved of them

77. It is pointed out in the passage that, during World

War II, ----.

A) transistor radios began to replace traditional

valve radios

B) the production of wireless sets was almost

entirely for military purposes
80. This passage is concerned with ----.
C) various types of radios requiring no external
power source were developed A) the exhibits of a wireless museum which cover a
considerable variety
D) the government banned all kinds of civilian
receivers B) the government’s war efforts and production
policies regarding radios
E) the efficiency of valve radios was upgraded
through the introduction of new designs C) the technical features of transistor radios

D) the way a valve radio works

E) why the wireless museum was originally set up

78. We learn from the passage that the very early
crystal wireless sets ----.

A) were the models out of which transistor radios

were later developed
B) were manufactured in large quantities before the
arrival of valve radios CEVAPLARINIZI KONTROL EDĐNĐZ.

C) are among the museum’s most precious exhibits

D) were still in use during World War II, though in

limited numbers
E) were unconnected to an outside power system



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22

ÜDS FEN - (MART) 2006

1. E 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. E 9. D 10. B

11. C 12. B 13. A 14. D 15. E 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. E

21. D 22. E 23. D 24. A 25. C 26. B 27. C 28. D 29. C 30. E

31. D 32. B 33. A 34. E 35. C 36. B 37. E 38. B 39. E 40. C

41. A 42. D 43. A 44. D 45. E 46. B 47. C 48. D 49. A 50. B

51. A 52. D 53. A 54. C 55. B 56. C 57. D 58. B 59. E 60. C

61. B 62. A 63. D 64. E 65. C 66. B 67. E 68. A 69. D 70. E

71. D 72. E 73. C 74. B 75. A 76. D 77. B 78. E 79. D 80. A



Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
4. The Sun’s gravitational pull on the moon is more
1. – 18. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yer- than twice that ---- by the Earth.
lere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulu-
nuz. A) attempted B) undertaken C) magnified

1. Copper is replacing aluminium in the metal D) replaced E) exerted

interconnections on some chips to improve ----.

A) creativity B) credibility

C) sustainability D) conductivity

E) respectability

5. A mystery virus has ---- more than 90 per cent of

2. It is hoped that these ---- projects will lead to a some bird species in India.
better understanding of typhoons and improve
A) found out B) broken through C) turned up
short-term weather forecasting.
D) wiped out E) put off
A) defensive B) excessive

C) comprehensive D) regrettable

E) forceful

6. The report emphasizes that, due to serious

3. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if science and scientists
acidification in the coastal waters, many marine
were taken more ---- in the political process?
organisms have ----.
A) sullenly B) seriously C) satisfactorily
A) died out B) taken off C) used up
D) ingeniously E) pretentiously
D) run down E) ended up

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
10. The reason why the moon doesn’t orbit the Sun is
7. The Proctor Prize ---- annually since 1950 to an
because the Earth is also ---- towards the Sun,
outstanding scientist who ---- known for effective
and so the two ---- through space together.
communication of complex ideas.
A) going to pull / will have been moving
A) was being presented / is being
B) having been pulled / moved
B) was presented / had been
C) pulling / were moving
C) would be presented / will be
D) to pull / move
D) had been presented / has been
E) being pulled / are moving

E) has been presented / is

11. The recovery and identification of plant remains

8. In their quest to build a computer that ----
from archaeological contexts are merely the first
advantage of the weirdness of quantum
steps in a wide-ranging series of research issues
mechanics, physicists ---- a number of disparate
that ---- up paleoethnobotany, also ---- as
A) is taking / will be testing
A) made / knowing B) will make / is known
B) will take / are testing
C) make / known D) has made / having known
C) must take / had tested
E) had made / is to be known
D) took / have had to test

E) had taken / have tested

9. Individuals who ---- that animals ---- feelings are 12. Exploration of the Arctic began with the search
usually accused of anthropomorphism, or ---- the Northwest Passage as a short cut ---- the
ascribing human traits to nonhuman beings. Far East.

A) had claimed / had A) for / to B) in / in C) by / for

B) claimed / will have D) on / with E) from / of

C) are claiming / would have

D) claim / have

E) would claim / must have had

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
13. Roger Revelle’s calculations about what happens
16. Being a scientist does not prevent one from
to the carbon dioxide released ---- the burning of
participating in other fields of human endeavour,
fossil fuels were correct ---- showing that much of
---- being an artist does not prevent one from
it would end up in the sea.
practising science.
A) from / with B) by / in C) to / by
A) so far as B) rather than C) so that
D) in / for E) through / about
D) as well as E) just as

14. Electromagnetic traps for atomic ions work well

WWW.KPDS.ORG 17. The book adheres ---- closely to a standard
for experiments using a small number of ions ----
chemistry curriculum.
they are completely impractical for large-scale
systems. A) seldom B) such C) as
A) so long as B) now that D) fairly E) enough
C) although D) in case

E) whether

15. The trend of increasing carbon dioxide in the

atmosphere is documented by the examination of
air bubbles trapped in glacial ice ---- by direct 18. It was not obvious to scientists what the solution
measurements of the atmosphere. would be to the cosmic radiation astronauts are
exposed to; ---- was it obvious that there would
A) as well as B) unless C) because of be any solution at all.
D) also E) whereas A) either B) so C) and

D) but E) nor

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
19. – 23. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numa- 24. – 35. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
ralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
ifadeyi bulunuz.
24. Though there were daunting technical obstacles
We can certainly hear external sounds while we are about the Channel Tunnel to be overcome, ----.
dreaming. Otherwise, a dreamer couldn’t be (19) ----
by shouting. Around 40 to 50 per cent (20) ---- A) the bridge has never been completed
dreams also contain sounds, while touch, smell, taste
and pain are present in a (21) ---- smaller percentage B) these are not nearly as worrying as the costs
of dreams. Sounds occurring near a sleeper (22) ---- involved
is already dreaming can be incorporated into the

dream. However, the sounds (23) ---- will not cause C) England and France were eventually linked by
the sleeper to dream. an under-sea railway

D) an army of engineers is involved in the project

E) doubts concerning its safety were still being



A) ensured B) awakened

C) heard D) embarrassed

E) calmed


A) by B) to C) for D) of E) in

25. As ships use less fuel than any other form of

transport, ----.

21. A) shipping might have increased rapidly in this

A) too B) more C) much
B) the main environmental impact was on marine
D) very E) most life

C) shipping companies have adopted new

strategies to reduce fuel costs

D) ships take on a ballast of water in one port

E) they are often regarded as environmentally
A) who B) what C) where friendly

D) when E) how


A) which B) themselves

C) of whom D) whatever

E) itself

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
26. ---- that seemingly obsolete methods can still
29. Unless all countries in the developed world
work well.
reduce their fossil fuel consumption drastically,
A) The discovery delighted them ----.

B) The procedures are used for fabricating A) problems relating to global warming are far too
electronic devices numerous

C) The problem with copper was B) this was not enough to improve fuel efficiency

D) The lesson to be learned from this positive result C) the price of petrol rises steadily
D) there have been major innovations in personal
transportation vehicles

E) An ingenious solution to the problem emerged
E) the negative consequences of global warming
will increase

27. If astronauts have nothing meaningful to do, ----.

A) the two programmes should have been kept

quite separate

B) the programme clearly suffered from


C) there is no point in sending them into space

30. The search for patterns in the history of life
D) they exceeded the estimated cost by several builds on the work of generations of
billion dollars palaeontologists ----.

E) newer proposals may cut the price by half A) who went out into the field to dig up fossils

B) that the tools and data are now widely available

C) but the mathematics required was not too


D) so the database would include 36,000 genera of

marine organisms

28. Once the wind had reached the critical threshold E) which caused the extinction of the dinosaurs
of 94 miles per hour, ----.

A) the anchor-bolt systems have already weakened

B) it took only about 30 seconds for the bridge to


C) a basic problem is that of corrosion

D) but the order of collapse was related to the

complex and changing wind directions

E) it is possible to protect structures against the

force of an F-1 tornado

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
31. ----, scientists can trace their common ancestral
34. The early Arctic explorers could locate
genetic connections.
themselves by looking at the stars ----.
A) It is only in the past 20 years, however
A) for the purpose of using the most accurate
B) Whatever tools and cognitive skills the emigrants compasses available
had taken with them
B) that they worked out the latitude by using
C) Though she was not the only woman alive at the sextants
C) since longitude is difficult to determine
D) When many different populations are studied
D) as long as they could determine the exact time
through a comparison of genetic markers

E) despite matching celestial observations to
E) Since the only clues were the sparsely scattered
certain points in time
bones and artefacts our ancestors left behind

32. The discovery of planets outside our solar

system is of great importance, ----.

A) as individual dust particles are so small

B) because the triangle of light stretches along the

Sun’s path in the sky
35. Much of the scientific literature on amphibian
C) since it is the first tangible clue that we may not declines focuses on decreases in tropical
be alone in the universe countries, ----.
D) if one can communicate with extraterrestrial A) unless larger numbers were involved
B) where losses have been more dramatic
E) whether similar collections of worlds surround
other stars in the galaxy C) when the imbalance will have to be corrected

D) that organisms may suffer in unpredictable ways

E) which were notorious for fluctuating widely

33. Many species of fish are poisonous to eat, ----.

A) which have a fatally poisonous toxin called


B) but the most poisonous of all are some kinds of

fish in the Red Sea and Indo-Pacific region

C) whereas the fish’s ovaries, intestines and skin

contain the poison

D) even if less than 0.1 g of the poison is enough to

kill an adult in as little as 20 minutes

E) since some people think they are also delicious

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
36. – 38. sorularda, verilen Đngilizce cümleye
38. Contrary to popular belief, it is not Earth’s
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. magnetic field that shields people on the ground
from cosmic rays, but rather the bulk of the
36. Chemistry, as a field of study based on scientific atmosphere.
principles, came into being in the latter part of
the eighteenth century. A) Yeryüzündeki insanları kozmik ışınlardan atmos-
ferin değil daha çok yerkürenin manyetik alanı-
A) Bilimsel ilkelere dayalı bir çalışma alanı olarak nın koruduğu, yaygın bir yanlış inançtır.
kimya, on sekizinci yüzyılın son bölümünde orta-
ya çıkmıştır. B) Halkın inandığından farklı olarak, yeryüzündeki
insanları yalnız atmosferin kalınlığı değil yer-
B) Çok öncelerden beri var olan kimya, on sekizinci kürenin manyetik alanı da kozmik ışınlardan

yüzyılın son bölümünde bilimsel ilkelere dayalı
bir çalışma alanı olarak gelişmiştir.
C) Yaygın inancın tersine, yerküre kozmik ışınlar-
C) On sekizinci yüzyılın son bölümüne doğru ortaya dan kendi manyetik alanından çok atmosferin
çıkan kimya, bilimsel ilkelere dayalı bir çalışma kalınlığı sayesinde korunabilmektedir.
D) Yaygın inancın tersine, yeryüzündeki insanları
D) Bilimsel ilkelere dayalı bir çalışma alanı olan kozmik ışınlardan koruyan, yerkürenin manyetik
kimya, on sekizinci yüzyılın son bölümünde alanı değil daha çok atmosferin kalınlığıdır.
gelişmesini tamamlamıştır.
E) Yeryüzünü çevreleyen kalın atmosferin yanı sıra
E) On sekizinci yüzyılın son bölümünde ortaya yerin manyetik alanının da insanları kozmik ışın-
çıkan bilimsel ilkelere dayalı çalışma alanla- lardan koruduğuna yaygın olarak inanılmaktadır.
rından biri kimyadır.

39. – 41. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye

37. Certain species of bees and ants exist as
anlamca en yakın Đngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
colonies made up of several different individuals,
each adapted for some particular function.
39. Ateşin keşfinden sonra, insanlar, yüksek sıcaklık-
A) Arıların ve karıncaların belirli türleri, çeşitli birey- lara mâruz kalan belirli kayalar ve minerallerde
leri içeren koloniler oluşturur ve her koloninin değişiklikler fark etmeye başladılar.
farklı bir göreve uyum sağladığı bilinmektedir.
A) Following the discovery of fire, people noticed
B) Koloniler halinde yaşayan bazı arı ve karınca that, under high temperatures, certain changes
türleri, belli bir göreve uyum sağlamış birkaç in rocks and minerals began.
bireyden oluşur.
B) After the discovery of fire, people began to
C) Farklılaşmış bireylerin oluşturduğu koloniler ha- notice changes in certain rocks and minerals
linde varlıklarını sürdüren bazı arı ve karınca tür- exposed to high temperatures.
leri, belli işlevlere uyum sağlamıştır.
C) When fire was discovered, it was noticed that,
D) Belirli özel işlevlere uyum sağlamış olan arıların because of high temperature, certain changes
ve karıncaların bazı türleri, çok değişik bireyler- began to take place in rocks and minerals.
den oluşan koloniler halinde yaşar.
D) With the discovery of fire, man became aware of
E) Arıların ve karıncaların bazı türleri, her biri belli bir certain changes which began to take place in
işleve uyum sağlamış birtakım değişik birey- rocks and minerals due to high temperatures.
lerden oluşan koloniler halinde varlıklarını sürdü-
rür. E) After fire was discovered, human beings became
aware that, due to high temperatures, certain
rocks and minerals began to change.

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
40. Bilgisayarların enerji ihtiyacını azaltmaya yönelik
stratejilerin bazıları, otomobillerde yakıt tasarru- 42. – 46. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parça-
funu sağlamak için alınan önlemlere benzemek- nın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getiri-
tedir. lebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

A) In order to provide fuel efficiency in automobiles,

some of the solutions recommended for reducing 42. Engineers are problem solvers. ----. A child
the energy needs of computers are being playing with building blocks who learns how to
implemented. construct a taller structure is doing engineering.
A secretary who stabilizes a wobbly desk by
B) One of the best strategies for reducing the inserting a piece of cardboard under the short leg
energy needs of computers has been taken from has engineered a solution to the problem.
the measures often used to ensure fuel

efficiency in automobiles. A) Certainly, engineers benefit from scientific theory

C) Some of the strategies for reducing the energy B) Early in human history, there were no formal
demands of computers are similar to measures schools to teach engineering
taken to ensure the fuel economy of
automobiles. C) This approach resulted in some remarkable
D) In order to reduce the energy needs of
computers, certain strategies resembling the D) In a sense, all humans are engineers
measures recommended to provide fuel
E) Sometimes a solution is required before the
efficiency in automobiles are being used.
theory can catch up to the practice
E) The energy needs of computers can easily be
reduced by implementing some of the strategies
recommended for providing fuel efficiency in

41. En eski çağlardan beri kullanılmalarına rağmen

alaşımlar, modern teknolojide hâlâ vazgeçilmez 43. Gecko lizards can run up a wall or across a
bir yere sahiptir ve bilim adamları özel nitelikli ceiling with ease because of their remarkable
yeni alaşımlar geliştirmeye devam etmektedir. toes. But gecko toes aren’t sticky in the usual
way, like duct tape or Post-it notes. ----.
A) Although alloys have been used since the
earliest times, they still have an indispensable A) In spite of this, the ability of geckos to stick to
place in modern technology, and scientists surfaces has attracted scientific scrutiny since
continue to develop new alloys with special the time of Aristotle
B) Instead, gecko toes have a combination of
B) Alloys have been in use ever since the earliest structures that act together as a smarter
times and are still essential for modern adhesive
technology, but scientists are hard at work to
develop new alloys with special properties. C) Hence, it is not surprising that scientists are
trying to create artificial, geckolike adhesives
C) Although the use of alloys goes back to the
earliest times, scientists still continue to develop D) The theory that gecko toe pads act as suction
new alloys with special properties, which have cups has since been disproven
an indispensable place in modern technology.
E) A gecko can stop itself by re-attaching its toes to
D) Even though alloys were used in ancient times, it passing leaves or branches
is in modern technology that they have been
most indispensable and, therefore, scientists
continue to work for the development of new
alloys with special properties.

E) Alloys have continuously been in use since

ancient times and are still of essential
importance for modern technology despite the
fact that scientists continue to develop new
alloys with special properties.

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
44. ----. The dimension of length may be described by
46. Replication is not the only way to improve
units of metres, feet, inches, and so forth. Thus,
accuracy in scientific experimentation. ----.
dimension is an abstract idea, whereas unit is
Blocking is a method of experimental design that
more specific.
reduces the effects of chance errors; modelling,
on the other hand, is much less familiar to
A) The metre is currently defined by the distance
practicing scientists.
light traverses in a given length of time

B) Any measuring system must establish base units A) Accordingly, most scientists try to develop new
from which all other units are derived and more reliable methods

C) For units of measure to be useful, they must be B) Scientific data always contain a mixture of signal
standardized so that business transactions are and noise; the scientist’s job is to find the signal

C) Two other strategies, called blocking and
modelling, can provide at least one replication’s
D) The metre was first defined in 1793 by dividing
worth of accuracy at almost no cost
the “quadrant of meridian” into 10 million parts
D) Replication is one of the finest ideas in the
E) The distinction between dimension and unit is
best understood by example history of science, but it faces a severe law of
diminishing returns

E) Scientists prefer an average of two replicates to

a single unreplicated observation because the
former is likely to be more accurate

47. – 51. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş

bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bu-

45. If you have ever burned your finger on a metal 47. Michelle :
pot while waiting for the water in it to boil, you - It says here that the Russian Space Agency has
know that water heats up much more slowly than developed a new alternative to NASA’s space
metal. In fact, because of hydrogen bonding, shuttle.
water has a better ability to resist temperature
change than most other substances. ----. Don :
- ----
A) Because of this property, Earth’s giant water
supply moderates temperatures, keeping them Michelle :
within limits that permit life - Kliper, and it seems that it has gained a lot of
interest from the European Space Agency and
B) Temperature and heat are related, but different Japan.
C) Another way water moderates temperatures is
Don :
by evaporative cooling
- Well, let’s hope they get enough money to get it
D) At 66% of your body weight, water helps off the ground.
moderate your internal temperature
A) Well it’s high time somebody did so.
E) Water must absorb an unusually large amount of
B) Oh? What’s it called? Has it drawn any scientific
heat in order to vaporize because its hydrogen
bonds tend to hold the molecules in place
C) I wonder if it will be reliable.

D) Is it as complex as the space shuttle?

E) Really? Will it be able to be re-launched like the

shuttle is?

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
48. Andrew :
50. Alan :
- This book is about the early history of the - From music sets to cell phones they’re making
computer and the Internet. everything smaller and smaller. But how?

Mark : Joe :
- ---- - It’s partly due to miniaturized electronics, but
they’re making the motors smaller, too.
Andrew :
- Actually it is. It places them firmly into the Alan :
social background of the period. - ----

A) Weren’t early computers more or less Joe :
typewriters? - No; the physics principles remain the same.
The key is design and manufacturing ingenuity.
B) Obviously, much research has gone into it.
A) Are the new, smaller motors very different from
C) All I know about early computers is that they earlier ones?
were incredibly large.
B) Is it true that MP3 players usually have two
D) That doesn’t sound very interesting to me! motors?
E) It’s hard to imagine life without either of them, C) Do they still turn on small ball or cylinder
isn’t it? bearings?

D) Well, what’s happening to the prices?

E) Everything is becoming so small that we shall

soon be unable to find anything!

49. Pam :
- I can’t understand how anyone could ever 51. Hector :
dream of constructing a bridge to join so - This article talks about a double-blind test for
distant an island to the mainland. new medication.
Sarah : Val :
- ---- - ----

Pam : Hector :
- Really? What? - Well, it refers to a type of scientific testing in
which neither the subjects nor the
Sarah : experimenters know the makeup of the test and
- One day, roughly 150 children were drowned control group during the actual course of the
when the boat taking them to school was experiments.
wrecked by storms.
Val :
A) It must have cost those who designed it a lot of - I guess that’s the best way to prevent anyone
sleepless nights! affecting the outcome of the experiment.
B) The length is one problem; the weight a more A) I’ve already read it.
serious one.
B) Did you enjoy reading it?
C) It makes one wonder if anything is impossible!
C) What kind of medication?
D) It’s an amazing engineering achievement!
D) I think all medication should be thoroughly tested
E) They had a very compelling reason for doing so. before doctors prescribe it.

E) What does that mean?

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
52. – 56. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okun-
55. (I) With shipping predicted to increase threefold
duğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan within the next 30 years, there are plans for a zero-
cümleyi bulunuz. emissions ferry. (II) It will catch the wind through
computer-controlled sails covered by solar cells to
52. (I) With the advent of relativity theory, the physicist generate extra electricity. (III) The vessel will have a
Max Born was the first to develop a relativistic theory main hull surrounded by four side hulls, cutting drag.
of the rigid electron. (II) The theory brought him into (IV) This will also eliminate the need for ballast water,
contact with Albert Einstein, first in 1909 and later which can have a negative environmental impact.
during World War I. (III) He and Einstein were to (V) Shipping is one of the cheaper ways of
remain close friends. (IV) Studies in nuclear physics transporting goods across the vast oceans of our
have had a pattern of staggering progress. (V) Their planet.
correspondence is one of the treasures of 20 -
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

century history.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

53. (I) A compound is a substance containing two or

more elements in a fixed ratio. (II) The smallest unit
of an element having all the characteristics of that
element is an atom. (III) They are much more
common than pure elements in nature. (IV) In fact,
few elements exist in a pure state in nature. (V) Many
compounds consist of only two elements; for
instance, table salt (sodium chloride, NaCl) has an
equal number of parts of the elements sodium and

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

56. (I) The narwhale has an eight-foot-long spiralled

tooth that makes it resemble a unicorn of the sea.
(II) Some thought that the whale used it to break
arctic ice; others theorized that it served as a weapon
in male fights. (III) Narwhales typically live for 40 to
50 years, and seldom leave their arctic habitat.
(IV) The tooth, in fact, may be a giant sensor for
54. (I) In his article “The Future Doesn’t Need Us”, the navigating and hunting. (V) It appears capable of
scientist Bill Joy describes advances in three fields: detecting changes in water temperature, pressure,
genetic engineering, nanotechnology and robotics. and particle gradients linked with salinity and prey.
(II) The first has created the possibility of gene
therapy that could bring diseases like cancer under A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
control. (III) These technological advances carry a
strong potential for improving our quality of life in the
not-too-distant future. (IV) The second refers to
technologies that manipulate matter on the extremely
small scale of nanometres, allowing the creation of
novel plant species or new viruses. (V) Finally,
robotics will eventually raise the possibility of
intelligent and self-replicating machines that are
barely distinguishable from humans.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
57. – 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 58. It is pointed out in the passage that ----.
A) there are no similarities at all between different
Over billions of years, life has evolved into a species
spectacular diversity of forms – more than a million
species presently exist. For each, the source of its B) the combinations of proteins in living beings
uniqueness is the particular combination of proteins have yet to be fully identified
found within its cells. Yet in the midst of this diversity,
the similarities between living things are profound. C) the cause of the variety between species cannot
For example, although the fruit fly genome encodes be understood
about 14,000 different proteins, and humans have
D) the evolution of life on earth has taken a very,
two to three times that number, many proteins are
very long period of time

still recognizably similar in sequence and task,
reflecting their common ancestry. In fact, when E) the various species do not share a common
scientists have put human disease genes into flies, origin
they often cause the same symptoms in the insects
as they do in people. Furthermore, addition of a
normal human gene can sometimes compensate for
the deletion of the same gene from the fly.

59. It is emphasized in the passage that ----.

A) the huge diversity between the species is rarely

due to the process of evolution

B) species on earth show a great deal of diversity,

but, at the same time, remarkable genetic

C) the idea that human genes can be implanted into

flies has aroused much controversy among

D) the symptoms caused by disease genes can

hardly be specified at first glance

E) the variety of proteins in the fruit fly genome still

needs to be thoroughly explored

57. It is understood from the passage that ----.

A) the proteins encoded in the human genome and

that of the fruit fly bear many similarities

B) all human genes cause disease symptoms in

60. When humans and fruit flies are compared
genetically, it is seen that ----.
C) humans have the same number of proteins in
A) there are no similarities between them at all
their genome as fruit flies
B) there are many differences which still require
D) humans and fruit flies have no similarities in their
further explanation
C) human disease genes do not affect fruit flies
E) humans and fruit flies are the only species with
when implanted into them
innumerable proteins in their genomes
D) fruit flies are much more prone to suffer from

E) several of their proteins display the same pattern

of arrangement and function

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
61. – 64. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
62. It is clear from the passage that solid carbon
dioxide “snow” ----.

Carbon dioxide (CO2), like water and most other pure A) is the only form that solid CO2 usually takes
substances, exists in solid, liquid, and gaseous states under normal pressures
and can undergo changes from one state to another.
Solid CO2, however, has an interesting property: at B) is very effective in refrigeration if it is used in
normal pressures, it passes directly to the gaseous large quantities
state without first melting to the liquid state. This
property, together with the fact that this change C) has almost the same properties as dry ice
occurs at -78°C, makes solid CO2 useful for keeping although it leaves liquid residue on objects,
materials very cold. Because solid CO2 cools other making it a poor regrigerant

objects and does not leave a liquid residue, it is
D) is formed when the compressed gas obtained
called “dry ice”. As for liquid CO2, it is obtained by
from the evaporation of liquid CO2 expands and,
putting carbon dioxide gas under pressure. When
hence, rapidly cools
liquid CO2 evaporates, it absorbs large quantities of
heat, cooling as low as -57°C. Because of this E) turns into liquid CO2 when it absorbs heat and,
property, it is often used as a refrigerant. If the consequently, melts
compressed gas from the evaporating CO2 liquid is
allowed to expand through a valve, the rapidly cooled
vapour forms solid carbon dioxide “snow”. This CO2
snow is compacted into blocks and is the source of
dry ice.

63. According to the passage, solid carbon dioxide


A) differs from liquid carbon dioxide in that it has a

less significant cooling effect

B) changes right away into the gaseous state at

-78°C, without first melting into the liquid form

C) absorbs more heat than the liquid and gaseous

61. It is understood from the passage that liquid forms
carbon dioxide ----.
D) is the most common form carbon dioxide takes
A) does not exist at normal pressures, but becomes as a substance
available by pressurizing CO2 gas
E) has a wide range of properties that make it
B) changes into the gaseous state at temperatures suitable for various uses
ranging from -57°C to -78°C

C) does not have as many different uses as the

other states of CO2 have

D) is used widely in obtaining solid carbon dioxide

under high pressure
64. One can conclude from the passage that carbon
E) never stays stable but soon changes into the dioxide ----.
solid state
A) changes into a series of states only when it is
subjected to unusual levels of pressure

B) is the most common substance used in the

production of dry ice

C) requires very high pressure in order to change

from one state to another

D) is a substance which, similar to water, can be

found in three different states

E) must be stored and used at very low


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
65. – 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 66. The passage, as a whole, ----.
A) shows the superiority of seeds to spores as a
The primary means of reproduction and dispersal for reproductive method for plants
Earth’s most successful plants is seeds, which
develop from the female gametophyte and its B) focuses on spores and their advantages as a
associated tissues. Seed plants show the greatest reproductive method for plants
evolutionary complexity in the plant kingdom and are
C) describes the evolutionary complexity of seeds
the dominant plants in most terrestrial environments.
Seeds are reproductively superior to spores for three D) stresses the similarities between seeds and
main reasons. First, a seed contains a multicellular, spores
well-developed young plant with embryonic root,

stem, and leaves already formed, whereas a spore is E) explains the differences in nourishment between
a single cell. Second, a seed contains a food supply. seeds and spores
After germination, the plant embryo is nourished by
food stored in the seed until it becomes self-
sufficient. Because a spore is a single cell, few food
reserves exist for the plant that develops from a
spore. Third, a seed is protected by a resistant seed
coat. Like spores, seeds can live for extended
periods of time at reduced rates of metabolism,
germinating when conditions become favourable.

67. One similarity between spores and seeds pointed

out in the passage is that ----.

A) both of them are self-sufficient

B) they can both stay alive for a very long time,

waiting for a good time to germinate

C) their plants both thrive in terrestrial environments

65. It can be understood from the passage that ----. D) they are both protected by a hard covering

A) seeds cannot be dispersed as easily as spores E) they both have multicellular structures

B) spores, like seeds, develop from a plant’s female

gametophyte and its associated tissues

C) spores contain an adequate food supply within

their single cell

D) spores are a better method of plant reproduction

than seeds
68. It is clear from the passage that ----.
E) seeds are much more complex in structure than
spores A) the food stored in seeds can serve to germinate
plants, but not to nourish animals

B) seeds and seed plants have been intimately

connected with the development of human

C) plants coming from seeds are more commonly

found than those coming from spores

D) flowering plants are extremely diverse

E) the ovules contained in some seeds are

protected while those in others are not

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
69. – 72. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
70. We understand from the passage that, for most
scientists, ----.

The most common view among scientists is that A) logical reasoning is as essential as experiment
mathematics and physics are quite different. Physics and observation in any scientific study
describes the universe and depends on experiment
and observation. The particular laws that govern our B) mathematics and physics are the two fields of
universe, such as Newton’s laws of motion, must be science which have similar scientific concerns
determined empirically and then asserted like axioms and are, hence, interdependent
that cannot be logically proved, merely verified.
Mathematics, on the other hand, is somehow C) mathematics, like physics, is also indispensable
independent of the universe. Results and theorems, for a scientific study of the universe

such as the properties of the integers and real
D) the Newtonian laws have completely altered
numbers, do not depend in any way on the particular
man’s perception of the universe
nature of reality in which we find ourselves.
Mathematical truths would be true in any universe. E) physics is essentially empirical, whereas
mathematics is not

71. As pointed out in the passage, the idea that

mathematics and physics differ from each other

A) has often been queried and debated since


B) is accepted by most scientists

69. It is suggested in the passage that, unlike
mathematics, physics ----. C) has only recently been accepted by the scientific
A) makes much use of logic in order to reach a
conclusion D) is evidence of a prevailing prejudice among
mathematicians and physicists
B) formulates laws that need not be verified by
experimentation E) was originally put forward by Newton after he
formulated his laws of motion
C) has undergone much development since
Newton’s time

D) is essentially concerned with the world of matter

E) states facts about the universe that are taken for 72. It is clear from the passage that any information
granted physics reveals about our universe cannot be
valid ----.

A) as it is impossible for every scientist to agree to


B) so long as it is not explained mathematically

C) since it is not always proved logically

D) unless it is confirmed through experiment and


E) because the methods used for verification are

often controversial

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
73. – 76. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
74. According to the passage, in order for humans to
live permanently on the moon, ----.

The entire future of human space exploration rests A) the frigid polar areas would first need to be
on a patch of lunar ice. For the past two years NASA artificially heated
has focused on designing a new crew vehicle and
launch system that could return astronauts to the B) NASA needs to first prove the existence of water
moon by 2018. The agency’s ultimate goal is to ice there
establish a permanent lunar base and use it for a
human mission to Mars. But the grand plan depends C) NASA must first prepare a human mission to
on a risky prediction that NASA will find water ice in a Mars
permanently shadowed crater basin at one of the
D) NASA must remove the plentiful ice deposits at

moon’s poles. Plentiful ice deposits would be an
the poles
asset for lunar colonists, who could use the water for
life support or convert it to hydrogen and oxygen E) water must be carried there by the two orbiters,
rocket fuel. And two orbiters sent to the moon in the Clementine and Lunar Prospector
1990s, Clementine and Lunar Prospector, found
evidence of ice in perpetually shadowed polar areas
where consistently frigid temperatures would
preserve the water carried to the moon by comet and
meteorite impacts. But some scientists have disputed
Clementine’s radar data, and the anomalous neutron
emissions observed by Lunar Prospector could have
been caused by atomic hydrogen in the lunar soil 75. It is pointed out in the passage that Clementine
instead of ice. and Lunar Prospector ----.

A) were used to establish a permanent lunar base

B) tried to preserve the water carried to the moon

by comet and meteorite impacts

C) will be used as crew vehicles to transport

astronauts to the moon

D) returned faulty data during their exploration of

the moon’s polar regions

E) have, according to some scientists, discovered

73. It can be understood from the passage that some traces of ice in the polar areas of the moon
scientists ----.

A) think that human space exploration should not


B) want to send two orbiters to the moon, called

Clementine and Lunar Prospector
76. The passage makes it clear that NASA wants to
C) disagree with the evidence that seems to show return astronauts to the moon ----.
the existence of water ice on the moon
A) to protect it from further damage from comet and
D) do not believe that comets and meteorites could meteorite impacts
possibly have carried water to the moon
B) for a full exploration of atomic hydrogen in the
E) maintain that a human mission to Mars could not lunar soil
be successfully launched from the moon
C) in order to build a permanent base there for
space exploration

D) so that they can bring the ice found there back to


E) despite the fact that the lunar surface has frigid


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
77. – 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
78. It is understood from the passage that further
research must be carried out ----.

Despite bacteria’s presence in all parts of the planet, A) because the previous research was not
their diversity in the world’s soils is poorly conducted properly
understood. To better understand what makes the
organisms thrive, Duke University researchers B) in order to find other indicators of diversity in
trekked far and wide to collect a few centimetres of bacterial species
dirt as samples from 98 locations across North and
South America, then analyzed each sample for C) so that all the bacterial species of North and
genetic variation. To their surprise, the strongest South America can be identified
predictor of high diversity was neutral pH. The acidic
D) to determine exactly the genetic variations of

soil of the Peruvian Amazon, for example, harboured
bacterial species
far fewer bacterial species than did the neutral dirt of
the arid American Southwest. “There are a lot of E) so that scientists can increase the diversity of
variables that didn’t turn out to be very important,” bacterial species
says the researcher Robert Jackson, who adds that a
more complete search for different habitats might
turn up other stimulators of diversity, such as carbon

79. The passage points out that the best conditions

for diversity of bacteria species ----.

A) so far seem to exist in soil having a neutral pH

B) were found in the Peruvian Amazon region

C) have not yet been discovered

D) have now been fully researched

E) are found in a few centimetres of dirt

77. According to the passage, scientists were

surprised that ----. 80. It is clear from the passage that the researchers
from Duke University ----.
A) they had to trek to so many different areas to
conduct their research into bacterial species A) do not plan to do any more research into
diversity bacterial diversity
B) carbon abundance was revealed to be the most B) were more interested in the American Southwest
important predictor of diversity of bacterial than in the Amazon basin
C) have largely focused on the types of bacteria
C) bacteria is present in all parts of the planet found in acidic soil
D) the arid American Southwest is home to many D) have carried out their fieldwork to throw light
more species of bacteria than the lush Peruvian upon the causes of bacterial diversity
E) had difficulty in trekking during their search
E) they would have to perform more complete
research in the future



Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
ÜDS FEN - (EKĐM) 2006
1. D 2. C 3. B 4. E 5. D 6. A 7. E 8. B 9. D 10. E

11. C 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. A 16. E 17. D 18. E 19. B 20. D

21. C 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. E 26. D 27. C 28. B 29. E 30. A

31. D 32. C 33. B 34. D 35. B 36. A 37. E 38. D 39. B 40. C

41. A 42. D 43. B 44. E 45. A 46. C 47. B 48. D 49. E 50. A

51. E 52. D 53. B 54. C 55. E 56. C 57. A 58. D 59. B 60. E

61. A 62. D 63. B 64. D 65. E 66. A 67. B 68. C 69. D 70. E

71. B 72. D 73. C 74. B 75. E 76. C 77. D 78. B 79. A 80. D

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
5. In recent years, carbon dioxide (CO2), a naturally
1. – 18. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yer- occurring greenhouse gas, has been ---- as a
lere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulu- result of activities such as the burning of fossil
nuz. fuels and deforestation.

1. Marine biodiversity ensures that ecosystems A) setting out B) building up

recover relatively quickly after an accidental or
natural ----. C) going out D) coming in

A) disturbance B) hesitation E) reaching up

C) encouragement D) dedication

E) spectacle

2. According to kinetic theory, the absolute 6. The movement of electrons within

temperature of a gas is directly ---- to the average electromagnetic waves ---- some of the wave’s
kinetic energy of the molecules. energy, affecting the properties of the wave and
how it travels.
A) experimental B) fundamental
A) tells off B) puts in
C) negligible D) proportional
C) finds out D) uses up
E) exceptional
E) goes around

3. At times during the last Ice Age the North Atlantic

thermohaline circulation was ---- weaker than it is

A) pleasantly B) rarely 7. Some evolutionary biologists argue that if the

clock of evolution ---- to the beginning and
C) considerably D) directly
allowed to run again to the present day, the
E) fully resulting animals on Earth ---- very different from
the ones we know now.

A) has been rewound / would have been

B) is rewound / will be

C) might be rewound / will have been

4. In the 1940s, computer pioneer Konrad Zuse
began to ---- that the universe might be nothing D) had been rewound / had been
but a giant computer continually executing
formal rules to compute its own evolution. E) could be rewound / might be

A) denounce B) pressurize

C) empower D) evade

E) speculate

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
11. Until recently, some scientists ---- that many
8. Scientists who ---- alert the world to the existence
individuals of the same species ---- specific tasks
of a hole in the stratospheric ozone layer recently
better than the same number of individuals from
reported that this feature of the atmosphere ----
different species.
widening soon.
A) will think / are performing
A) help / would stop
B) were thinking / will perform
B) have helped / might have stopped
C) think / ought to perform
C) helped / may stop
D) had thought / would be performing
D) will help / might stop

E) thought / could perform
E) had helped / has stopped

9. Meteorites ---- the best available record of the

chemical and physical processes that ---- during 12. Archaeological records show evidence ---- local
the first million years of our solar system’s plants being used as medicine ---- ancient
history. Egyptian and Stone Age times.
A) provide / occurred A) about / at B) of / in
B) are providing / have occurred C) with / by D) from / for
C) had provided / occurred E) on / to
D) could provide / would occur

E) provided / might occur

10. Today one third of the carbon dioxide (CO2) given 13. The Weddell seal can swim under the ice ---- a
off by burning fossil fuels ---- the oceans, thus ---- depth of 500 metres ---- more than an hour
their naturally alkaline pH. without coming up for air.
A) is entering / reduces A) to / between B) in / during
B) enters / reducing C) at / for D) on / through
C) had entered / will reduce E) with / about
D) will enter / reduced

E) would enter / having reduced


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
14. ---- providing energy, proteins provide the raw
materials for building the body’s tissues and 19. – 23. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numa-
regulating its many activities. ralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da
ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) According to B) As regards

C) Despite D) In addition to Among the earliest events in fruit fly development are
those that determine which end of the egg cell will
E) Contrary to become the head and which end will become the tail.
These events (19) ---- in the ovaries of the mother fly
and involve communication between an unfertilized
egg cell and the cells next to it. One of the first genes
activated in the egg cell produces a protein that

leaves the egg cell and signals neighbouring follicle
15. The theory posits that Earth’s climate changes cells. Then these follicle cells (20) ---- to turn on
---- cyclic variations in the way it orbits the sun. genes for other proteins, which signal back to the
egg cell. One of the egg cell’s responses is to
A) in place of B) in case of localize a specific type of mRNA at one end of the
cell. This mRNA marks the end of the egg (21) ----
C) so as to D) in view of
the fly’s head will develop, and thus defines the fly’s
E) as a result of head-to-tail axis. (22) ----, other egg cell genes direct
the positioning (23) ---- the top-to-bottom and side-to-
side axes.

16. Life on Earth would be impossible without water,
---- all life forms, from bacteria to plants and A) instruct B) dispel C) embrace
animals, contain it.
D) identify E) occur
A) since B) even so

C) unless D) that
E) when
A) will be stimulated B) stimulate

C) are stimulated D) have been stimulated

E) are stimulating
17. Obtaining nutrients is of ---- vital importance ----
both individual organisms and ecosystems are
structured around the central theme of nutrition,
the process of taking in and using food. 21.

A) more / than B) such / that A) who B) what C) whom

C) so / as D) much / like D) where E) how

E) either / or


A) On the contrary B) Similarly

18. Butterflies have some characteristics that are ---- C) Nevertheless D) Despite this
for professional scientists to understand ----
amateur enthusiasts. E) As a result

A) easier / than B) the easiest / as

C) as easy / so D) so easy / that 23.

E) easiest / like A) behind B) to

C) about D) of

E) at


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
24. – 35. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
27. Having taken in more carbohydrates than it
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
needs, ----.

24. Long before Linnaeus established his system for A) sugar can contribute to nutrient deficiencies only
th by displacing nutrients
naming plants in the 18 century, ----.

A) around the world, orchids have long been B) the body uses glucose to meet its energy
symbols of fertility and potency as in the Greek requirements, fills its glycogen stores to
legend of Orchis capacity, and may still have some left over

B) the common names of flowers should be highly C) researchers agree that unusually high doses of
evocative or imaginative refined sugar can alter blood lipids to favour
heart disease

C) early attempts at growing orchids had consisted
of placing plants in pots filled with a thick mixture D) high-fibre foods not only add bulk to the diet, but
of rotting wood and leaves are economical and nutritious

D) many Amazonian orchids are referred to locally E) a high-fat diet raises the risks of heart disease,
as “monkey love-potions” some types of cancer, hypertension, diabetes
and obesity
E) people throughout the world called plants by
their own inventive names

28. ----, yet the “software programmes”, or genes,

inside our bodies have not changed much in
25. While air quality may improve with increased thousands of years.
biofuel use, ----.
A) Computer software has come down in price by
A) water quality can suffer due to over-use of half annually
fertilizers and overdrawn water supplies
B) There is a gene that tells fat cells to hold on to
B) worldwide ethanol demand has pushed up the every calorie in order to protect the body during
cost of corn by 25% and sugar by 100% periods of starvation

C) meanwhile, fuel crops had increased in value C) Scientists are researching new methods to
overcome the difficulties of gene therapy
D) the energy balance of today’s ethanol is positive
D) A human gene is composed of two sets of 23
E) 75 million gallons of biodiesel and 4 billion chromosomes
gallons of ethanol were made last year
E) Our computers and other electronic devices
typically have their software updated every few

26. When sunlight hits a raindrop, ----.

29. ---- because at these speeds they can propel the
A) a ray of sunlight actually consists of a mixture of car without using engine power.
differently-coloured light
A) The two-mode hybrid systems contain two
B) a typical raindrop is spherical in shape electric motors surrounding two planetary gear
C) the rainbow is actually a circle which is centered
on the point that is directly opposite the sun from B) At higher velocities, engine power is required
the observer
C) The systems can deliver continuous power in the
D) there is a reduction in its speed and this causes required amounts
the light to bend
D) Single-mode hybrid automobile systems are
E) refraction is the bending of light as it passes more fuel-efficient at lower speeds
from one medium to another
E) Two-mode systems switch between modes
without the driver realizing it


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
30. Biological psychology is interdisciplinary by
33. Physical activity limits the rise in blood glucose
nature ----.
that would normally occur after a meal ----.
A) now that about half the people who have
A) but aerobic exercise is typically recommended
advanced degrees in psychology will work in
for people who want to lose weight
colleges and universities
B) since research is ongoing in this area
B) if our treatment of consciousness reflected both
the biological and cognitive perspectives C) whereas it takes weeks to months of aerobic
training to improve physical fitness
C) since it seeks to establish relationships between
pyschological processes and biological ones D) that it will be required only under certain specific

D) just as biological researchers have often
attempted to explain psychological principles in E) by making insulin work better in moving glucose
terms of biological ones into muscle
E) and so cognitive science and cultural psychology
are further examples of this phenemenon

31. Most viruses cannot survive very long outside a

living host cell, ----. 34. ----, astronomers want to take pictures of galaxies
of various ages from infancy to maturity.
A) although temperate bacteriophages do not
always destroy their hosts A) Because Hubble has taken long exposures of
small patches of sky
B) but the type of attachment proteins on the
surface of a virus determines what type of cell it B) In order to get an idea of what the Milky Way
can infect might have looked like in the past
C) since viruses have several ways to penetrate C) Even though old galaxies were smaller in size
animal cells and more irregular in shape than modern ones
D) so their survival depends to a great extent on D) As one would expect, if today’s galaxies formed
their being transmitted from animal to animal from the union of several smaller ones
E) yet under a microscope, most bacteria appear E) If the rate of star formation reached its peak
similar in size and form around seven billion years ago

32. ----, it is now actually quite a simple matter to

make electrons oppose the “push” of applied
electric and magnetic fields. 35. RNA interference, ----, can turn specific genes off.
A) Although this process might have seemed A) that a new technology could be developed
impossible in the past
B) whose ability to understand the brain was
B) Rather than the wave reacting to an individual accelerating
C) just as hypertension in animals is common
C) Whether there is a collective response of milions
of molecules D) in that nanoparticles can latch onto cancer cells

D) Because one wants to understand how negative E) which scientists have only recently begun to
refraction can arise understand

E) Since much remains to be done to turn such

visions into reality


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
36. – 38. sorularda, verilen Đngilizce cümleye
38. Even if all fossil-fuel power stations worldwide
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. were switched off tomorrow, global temperatures
would continue to rise for another fifty years.
36. Most scientists are of the opinion that hurricane
Katrina, which caused colossal damage to the A) Fosil yakıta dayanan enerji santralleri tüm dün-
coastal areas of Louisiana in America, was yada durdurulsa bile küresel sıcaklıkların hızla
clearly linked with global warming. artması sorunu en az bir elli yıl daha çözüleme-
A) Pek çok bilim adamı, Amerika’da Louisiana sahil
bölgelerinde büyük tahribata yol açan Katrina ka- B) Tüm dünyadaki fosil yakıtla çalışan enerji sant-
sırgasının, küresel ısınmanın bir sonucu olduğu ralleri yarın kapatılsa bile, bu durum küresel sı-
görüşünü benimsemektedir. caklığın artmasını elli yıl daha durduramaz.

B) Çoğu bilim adamı, Amerika’da Louisiana’nın sa- C) Eğer fosil yakıtlı enerji santralleri tüm dünyada
hil bölgelerinde çok büyük hasara neden olan hemen kapatılabilse, küresel sıcaklık ancak elli
Katrina kasırgasının, küresel ısınmayla açıkça yıl daha yükselmeye devam eder.
bağlantılı olduğu görüşündedir.
D) Fosil yakıt kullanan enerji santralleri yarın tüm
C) Pek çok bilim adamına göre küresel ısınmayla dünyada kapatılsaydı, küresel sıcaklığın artması
açıkça bağlantılı olan Katrina kasırgası, Ameri- sadece elli yıl sürerdi.
ka’da Louisiana kıyılarında çok büyük tahribata
yol açmıştır. E) Dünyadaki tüm fosil yakıtlı enerji santralleri yarın
devreden çıkarılsa bile, küresel sıcaklıklar bir elli
D) Çoğu bilim adamına göre küresel ısınmayla ke- yıl daha yükselmeye devam edecektir.
sin ilişkisi olan Katrina kasırgası, en korkunç et-
kisini Amerika’nın Louisiana sahillerinde göster-

E) Birçok bilim adamı, küresel ısınmadan kaynakla-

nan kasırgaların Amerika’da Louisiana’nın sahil
bölgelerini vuran Katrina gibi, büyük hasarlara
neden olacağını düşünmektedir.

39. – 41. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye

anlamca en yakın Đngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
37. The fact that the majority of the scientific world
subscribes to a particular view does not make it
absolutely right. 39. Darwin’in ileri sürmüş olduğu başlıca düşünceler,
bilimdeki pek çok kavram gibi, eski Yunanlılara
A) Belirli bir görüş mutlak doğru olmasa da bilim kadar izlenebilir.
dünyasında çoğunluk tarafından benimsenmiş
olabilir. A) The main ideas Darwin advanced, like many
concepts in science, can be traced back to the
B) Bilim dünyasında çoğunluğun aynı görüşe sahip ancient Greeks.
olması, bu görüşün mutlaka doğru olduğu anla-
mına gelmez. B) Similar to many concepts in science, the majority
of ideas put forward by Darwin are often
C) Bilim dünyasının çoğunluğu belirli bir görüşü attributed to the ancient Greeks.
mutlak doğru kabul etmiş olsa da gerçek bunun
tam tersi olabilir. C) Like a number of scientific concepts, most of the
ideas suggested by Darwin may have been
D) Bilim dünyasının çoğunluğunun belirli bir görüşü derived from the ancient Greeks.
kabul etmesi, bu görüşü mutlak doğru kılmaz.
D) Many ideas advanced by Darwin can, like the
E) Belirli bir görüş bilim dünyasında çoğunlukla be- majority of concepts in science, be related to the
nimsenmiş olsa bile, mutlaka doğru olmayabilir. ancient Greeks.

E) Like a lot of ideas in science, a great majority of

concepts developed by Darwin are referred to in
the works of the ancient Greeks.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
40. Tür olarak varlığımızı sürdürmemiz toprağa bağ-
lıdır; ancak erozyon ve kimyasal kirlilik, bu ya- 42. – 46. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parça-
şamsal kaynağı tüm dünyada tehdit etmektedir. da anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirile-
bilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
A) Erosion and chemical pollution throughout the
world threaten our survival as a species, which
depends on soil as a vital resource. 42. Hippopotamuses can be irritable and aggressive
when it comes to defending their territory and
B) Soil is indispensable for our survival, and yet this their young. ----. They have trampled or gored
resource of vital importance is threatened by people who came too near, dragged them into
erosion and chemical pollution worldwide. lakes, tipped over their boats, and bitten off their
C) For our survival as a species, we especially

depend on soil, and yet this important resource A) Hippos are led by dominant males, which can
is threatened worldwide by erosion and chemical weigh 6,000 pounds or more
B) Agricultural irrigation systems and other
D) Our survival as a species depends on soil, and developments have depleted the hippos’
yet erosion and chemical pollution threaten this wetland, river and lake habitats
vital resource throughout the world.
C) Although hippos occasionally fight with
E) Throughout the world, erosion and chemical crocodiles, a growing number of their attacks are
pollution threaten soil, which, as a vital resource, on humans
is indispensable for our survival.
D) A decade ago there were about 160,000 hippos
in Africa, but the population has dwindled to
between 125,000 and 148,000 today

E) In countries beset by civil unrest, where people

are hungry and desperate, hippos are hunted for
their meat

41. Đki galaksinin çarpışması, evrenin kütlesine hük-

mettiği sanılan görünmez kara maddenin bugüne 43. The historian G. Sarton said that the development
kadar elde edilen en iyi kanıtını sağlar. of mathematics is unknown to the general public.
----. Cayley’s seminal investigations of matrix
A) Following the collision of two galaxies, there algebra were crucial for the development of linear
appears the best evidence so far known of the algebra. The terms matrix, determinant and
invisible dark matter which is believed to Jacobian, familiar to most science students, were
pervade the mass of the universe. invented by Slyvester.

B) The collision of two galaxies provides the best A) Cayley was a Trinity College fellow at
evidence yet obtained of the invisible dark matter Cambridge for a few years until he married
assumed to dominate the mass of the universe.
B) It isn’t clear when they met, but by 1847 they
C) The only evidence so far of the invisible dark were corresponding to share thoughts about
matter thought to penetrate the mass of the mathematics
universe is provided by the collision of two
galaxies. C) Each had triumphed on the University of
Cambridge’s fearsome Tripos examinations
D) It is from the collision of two galaxies that the
best evidence yet of the invisible dark matter D) Certainly very few have ever heard of A. Cayley
which is assumed to hold together the mass of or J.J. Slyvester, two of the most prolific
the universe has been obtained. mathematicians of the Victorian era

E) The invisible dark matter which is thought to E) J.J. Slyvester was not only a mathematician but
dominate the mass of the universe is best also an enthusiastic poet who called himself the
understood through the evidence provided by “mathematical Adam”
the collision of two galaxies.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
44. ----? The answer to that question can range from 46. Why do young chameleons prefer to stay
days to months to decades on the one extreme close to the ground? In a recent study published in
and from centuries to millenia, and possibly even Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, biologists
longer depending on such diverse and argue that cannibalism in the common
interrelated factors as design, construction and chameleon has resulted in a habitat shift. ----.
maintenance. Juvenile chameleons tend to stay in low grasses,
whereas adults make better use of their
A) How old is the world-famous Brooklyn Bridge anatomical gifts by living primarily in trees.

B) Can a bridge possibly be designed to last a A) That is, as individuals develop, their choice of
century habitat changes

C) How long did London’s Millennium Bridge stay B) With its prehensile tail and strong, opposing

open toes, the common chameleon is a natural
D) The Tacoma Narrows Bridge lasted only four
months before it fell to the wind, didn’t it C) Young chameleons showed little change in
behaviour when with other juveniles
E) How long can a bridge last
D) The biologists placed a one-way mirror between
an adult and a juvenile, so that the adult could
see the juvenile but not the other way round

E) Whether an attack was likely when there was

close contact between the generations was also

47. – 51. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş

bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi
45. Detecting a virus on any nanosize particle usually
means fixing it to a substrate or attaching a 47. Maeve :
fluorescent probe to it, neither of which is - l learned today that there are actually two types
practical for detecting particles in real time. ----. of synapses in an animal’s nervous system.
The system splits a laser beam in two, sending
one half to a sample. When the light hits a small Charles :
particle, it is reflected back and recombined with - ----
the reserved half of the laser beam, producing a
detectable interference pattern only when a Maeve :
moving particle is present. - Which type transmits signals faster?

A) The method works because it relies on the light’s Charles :

amplitude rather than its intensity - The second, because it sends signals directly,
without using a neurotransmitter.
B) The investigators have so far detected single
particles as small as seven nanometres across A) Oh, really? I only know of one type.

C) Now physicists have assembled a simple system B) Most people have only heard of chemical
for doing just that synapses.

D) A substrate is a substance that reacts when it C) Electrical synapses were first found in crayfish
comes into contact with a particular enzyme in 1957.

E) Amplitude is the square root of intensity D) Yes, chemical and electrical synapses.

E) Synapses send information from the nervous

system to the brain, and vice versa.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
48. Tim :
49. Mary :
- Did you know that NASA is going to send - I watched a news report this evening about a
another manned mission to upgrade and repair man who had started many forest fires.
the Hubble space telescope? Investigators were able to find him by
examining the areas where the fires had
Max : started.
- Oh? I thought that, after the 2003 Columbia
shuttle disaster, they were going to send Paul :
manned spacecraft only to the International - ----
Space Station.
Mary :

Tim : - No; they looked very carefully, sometimes with
- ---- a magnifying glass or metal detector, to find the
match or other agent that had been used to set
Max : the fire, and then they traced it back to the
- I hope NASA’s taking the proper precautions person. It almost always works.
this time.
A) Have you ever been near a forest fire when it
A) The space telescope is deteriorating because of was burning?
dust and radiation.
B) A fire last August nearly burnt up my aunt’s
B) Well, NASA changed its mind because a robotic home in California. I hope they catch whoever
mission has turned out to be impossible. set that fire, too.

C) Hubble was first launched into space in 1990. C) How could they possibly have done that?
Did you know that? Weren’t all the clues burnt up in the fire?

D) I learned from this article that Edwin Hubble D) How could they find the place where the fire had
was the first astronomer to describe the started?
expansion of the universe.
E) I think people should be very careful with
E) The Hubble telescope has sent back thousands matches or cigarettes when they are in the
of valuable images. I think it’s worth the forest.
mission, don’t you?


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
50. Carol :
51. Brenda :
- Do you know what makes birds’ vision better - Have you heard of the new Internet technology
than ours? that allows people to conduct a search for
information by entering a photo taken with a
Mike : mobile telephone into the search engine?
- ----
Ryan :
Carol : - ----
- Why do they have that ability when humans
don’t? Brenda :
- Well, for example, sending a photo of a nearby

Mike : landmark building might give you a street map
- I think it’s because early mammals were active of the area.
at night, when there’s no ultraviolet light from
the sun, and so they lost the ability, but birds Ryan :
didn’t. - That would be useful if you were lost in a
foreign city.
A) It’s partly because they can see ultraviolet light
wavelengths, while humans can’t. A) I can barely use my mobile to call someone, let
alone to send a picture over the Internet!
B) They need to see better in order to determine
the health of a potential mate. B) Who told you that?

C) It’s impossible for humans to know what birds’ C) What good would that be?
perception of colours is actually like.
D) Oh, another new technology.
D) I think their vision is always strengthened by
ultraviolet light. E) Don’t believe everything you read or see on the
E) Insects can also see ultraviolet wavelengths.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
52. – 56. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okun- 55. (I) Plant biologists estimate that 25-50% of all
duğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan plant species are polyploids, that is, having three or
cümleyi bulunuz. more sets of chromosomes. (II) Hybridization
between two species accounts for most of this
polyploidy, perhaps because the unusually diverse
52. (I) Are humans the only primates that cry? (II) The
assortment of genes a hybrid inherits from parents of
answer depends on how you define “crying”. (III) If it different species can be advantageous. (III) Many of
is defined as tears coming from the eyes, then the the plants we grow for food are polyploids, including
answer is yes. (IV) Others take a conservative stance oats, potatoes, bananas, plums, apples and wheat.
and say that it is too difficult to tell whether or not (IV) Cotton, also a polyploid, is the source of one of
non-human primates have feelings. (V) However, if the world’s most popular clothing fibres. (V) Cotton
crying is vocalization that occurs under the conditions thread is made from the long white plumes that
of distress, then you can find crying in almost all extend from the seeds of the plant.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

53. (I) Vertebrate skeletons must be both rigid and

strong. (II) However, there are disadvantages to
having grossly under- or overbuilt bones. (III) Animals
have to balance the needs for strength and stability
against the cost of producing, maintaining and
manufacturing a heavier skeleton. (IV) Consequently,
skeletal size tends to match mechanical
requirements closely. (V) Indeed, limb-bone fractures
are relatively rare.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
56. (I) Migration is a very precise evolutionary adaptation
to seasonal changes, but the benefits of migration
are not without cost. (II) Many weeks may be spent
each year on energy-demanding journeys. (III) Some
animals may become lost or die along the way.
(IV) Green turtles migrate more than 2,000 kilometres
across open ocean between their feeding area off the
coast of Brazil and their nesting place on Ascension
Island. (V) And migrating individuals are often at
greater risk from predators in unfamiliar areas.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
54. (I) The world’s coral reefs are in trouble.
(II) According to an international consortium of
scientists and volunteers, only 30 per cent of reefs
are healthy now. (III) Modern coral reefs as we know
them have been accumulating since the Holocene
Epoch 10,000 years ago. (IV) US government
agencies, conservation organizations and other
scientists echo the point. (V) A few go so far as to
say that coral reefs in some areas may be doomed.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
57. – 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
58. It is clear from the passage that the mice native
to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone ----.

During our visit in the summer of 1994 to the A) had suffered extensive chromosomal damage
Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, a region within a 30 km
radius of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, we B) were found to have very high radiation levels in
were amazed by the diversity of mammals living in their bodies
the shadow of the ruined reactor only eight years
after the meltdown. During our excursion through the C) were not affected by the radiation as much as
woods, we trapped some of the local mice for the mice which had been brought in from outside
examination in a makeshift laboratory. We were the Exclusion Zone
surprised to find that, although each mouse
D) were not put in cages by the scientists studying

registered unprecedented levels of radiation in its
bones and muscles, all the animals seemed
physically normal, and many of the females were E) showed less genetic diversity than mice from
carrying normal-looking embryos. We found that the other areas
mice did not have any obvious chromosomal
damage. We wondered whether the absence of
injury could be explained by some sort of adaptive
change, perhaps a more efficient DNA-repair 59. According to the passage, the lack of subsequent
mechanism, after many prior generations had been chromosomal damage in mice brought into the
exposed to radiation. But when we transplanted wild Chernobyl Exclusion Zone from radiation-free
mice from uncontaminated regions into cages in the areas proves that ----.
Exclusion Zone and then examined their
chromosomes, they were likewise unaffected by the A) mammals can suffer the effects of radiation and
radiation. In at least this respect, the mice seemed to still carry a normal embryo
have a natural “immunity” to harm from radiation.
B) the radiation found in the mice native to the
Exclusion Zone had compounded with each new

C) the mice native to the Exclusion Zone had,

actually, not developed their immunity to
radiation after the explosion occurred

D) unprecedented levels of radiation in an animal’s

tissues always signal extensive chromosomal
57. We see from the passage that the scientists who
visited the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone in 1994 E) trapping animals is a difficult task, best left to
concluded that ----. hunters native to the area
A) all mice appear to have inborn protection against
the harmful effects of radiation

B) only the mice born in the Exclusion Zone were

immune to the chromosomal damage caused by 60. We understand from the passage that, on their
high levels of radiation visit to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, the
scientists ----.
C) mice certainly have better-developed DNA-repair
mechanisms than other animals A) did not expect to find animals that were
physically normal
D) the meltdown of the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl
caused greater than usual diversity among the B) themselves began to suffer from exposure to
mammals living nearby high levels of radiation
E) their makeshift laboratory did not produce valid C) mainly wanted to observe the effects of the
results for their experiments with the mice reactor’s meltdown on the surrounding plant life

D) transported mice from the Exclusion Zone to an

uncontaminated area to see if their radiation
levels would decrease

E) were surprised to find that animals in the

Exclusion Zone did not look the same as animals
from outside the Exclusion Zone


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
61. – 64. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
62. We understand from the passage that, as part of
cevaplayınız. an effort to prove the existence of ice on the
moon, NASA ----.
In an attempt to settle the question of whether ice
exists on the moon, NASA plans to launch the Lunar A) will make no use of high-resolution radio
Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) in 2008. Travelling in telescopes
a polar orbit only 50 kilometres above the moon’s
surface, the probe will focus a high-resolution B) is currently observing the moon from Earth
neutron sensor on the suspected ice deposits to
determine their precise locations. But because the C) is planning to send one spacecraft to orbit the
ice is probably buried and mixed with lunar dirt, moon and another to land there
NASA will also need to land a probe to dig up and
D) is going to send a landing craft that will rely

analyze soil samples. This mission, scheduled for
solely on solar power
2011, is a challenging one because instruments
operating in shadowed areas cannot use solar E) has already sent a spacecraft there to take
power. The craft could land at a sunlit site and send pictures
a battery-powered vehicle into a dark crater, but the
batteries would quickly die. A radioisotope thermal
generator could provide electricity using heat from
plutonium decay, but NASA is leaning against this
option because it is expensive and controversial.
Another idea under consideration is sending a probe
that could hop from place to place on the lunar
surface by restarting its landing rockets, lifting the 63. It is pointed out in the passage that, since there
craft to 100 metres above its original landing site and may be more ice on one part of the moon’s
moving it to another spot in the crater basin to hunt surface than on another, ----.
for ice. Investigating more than one site is crucial
because the ice may be unevenly distributed. Yet A) a battery-powered vehicle is an essential part of
another alternative would be to fire ground- the probe
penetrating instruments at several places in the
shadowed basin, either from a lander at the crater’s B) facilities which will examine the ice must be built
rim or from an orbiting craft. near larger ice patches

C) the search there for ice is expensive and


D) it is essential to test for ice in several different


E) it will not be possible to use the ice for future

space exploration

61. It is clear from the passage that ----.

A) firing ground-penetrating instruments at the

moon could upset the balance of its surface 64. We see from the passage that the main problem
of landing a probe on the moon to test for ice in
B) there are several options for producing a probe shadowed areas is ----.
that could work in the shadowed areas of the
moon A) that the public is not interested in the project

C) NASA will use plutonium decay to provide power B) the hard, rocky surface of the moon
for its newest landing probe
C) lack of government funding for the project
D) the spacecraft that NASA wants to send to the
moon will probably never actually be D) the extremely cold temperatures the probe would
manufactured have to work in

E) NASA plans only to send a probe to orbit the E) that it would not be able to use solar power
moon, not to land on it


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
65. – 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
66. As regards the therapeutic possibilities, the
passage emphasizes the advantages of ----.

Stem cells, unlike all other cells in the body, can copy A) developing human embryonic stem cells based
themselves indefinitely. So-called adult stem cells are on mouse cells
found in many parts of the body, constantly
rejuvenating the brain, remodelling arteries so blood B) embryonic stem cells over adult stem cells
can bypass clogs, and growing new skin to heal
wounds. However, adult stem cells have more limited C) human embryonic stem cells over mouse
power than embryonic stem cells, which can turn into embryonic skin cells
any type of cell in the body. Indeed, scientists are
D) man-made embryonic stem cell lines
hoping that embryonic stem cells could be turned into

neurons to fix damaged brains, cardiac cells to repair E) adult stem cells when used to rejuvenate the
damaged hearts, or pancreatic cells to create insulin blood
for people with diabetes. Maybe they could even be
used to regenerate whole organs. To date, scientists
worldwide have made more than 100 different human
embryonic cell lines. Still, the existing lines have
serious limitations. Most have been grown on a
lattice of mouse embryonic skin cells for support.
Consequently, the human embryonic cells are
contaminated by mouse cells, and though they’re still
useful for research, they cannot at present be used
to develop therapies for humans.
67. We see from the passage that embryonic stem
cells ----.

A) are far less versatile than adult stem cells

B) hold no possibility of being used to cure disease

C) in the past were able to treat illnesses, but

cannot be used for this purpose today

D) might, in the future, be used to treat humans with

damaged brains or hearts

E) cannot reproduce themselves, unlike adult stem


65. According to the passage, the main problem with

the currently existing embryonic stem cell lines is
----. 68. lt is understood from the passage that adult stem
cells ----.
A) the fact that they could be turned into neurons
A) have been manipulated by scientists in order to
B) the lack of diversity between the different lines produce new organs

C) that there are not enough of them to develop B) are not as well-understood as other types of
therapies useful for treating human diseases cells in our bodies

D) that they are contaminated by the mouse cells C) are always actively engaged in our bodies
upon which they have been grown
D) will someday be used to regenerate whole
E) that they do not produce reliable research results organs

E) can turn into any other cell type


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
69. – 72. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
70. According to the passage, although atmospheric
carbon dioxide levels continue to rise, ----.

The concentrations of methane (CH4) and carbon A) atmospheric methane levels are no longer rising
dioxide (CO2) gases in the atmosphere have both
risen dramatically since the start of the Industrial B) an increase in tropical thunderstorms may
Revolution. However, unlike its more familiar reduce these carbon dioxide levels
greenhouse-gas cousin, atmospheric methane has
recently stopped increasing in abundance. This C) this rise is expected to level out some time in the
development wasn’t entirely unanticipated, given that next quarter-century
the rate of increase has been slowing for at least a
D) scientists are trying very hard to explain this
quarter-century. The recent stabilization of methane

levels is something that some scientists are trying
very hard to explain. Methane has many sources. E) they are not evenly distributed
Some are natural, such as wetlands and plants, and
some are the consequences of modern society, such
as landfills and wastewater treatment. Methane is
destroyed principally by its reaction with the hydroxyl
radical (OH) in the lower atmosphere. One theory
about the stabilization of methane levels is that
deforestation has reduced the number of plants
contributing to atmospheric methane. Another idea is
that an increase in the prevalence of tropical
thunderstorms may have raised the amounts of the 71. We understand from the passage that landfills
various nitrogen oxides high in the atmosphere. and wastewater treatment facilities are examples
There, these gases have the side effect of boosting of ----.
the production of OH, which in turn acts to destroy
methane. A) natural sources of carbon dioxide

B) ways to boost the production of OH in the


C) man-made sources of methane

D) high levels of atmospheric methane

E) the recent stabilization of methane levels

72. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.

69. It is pointed out in the passage that methane in
the atmosphere is destroyed primarily by ----. A) atmospheric methane is produced only by
human activity
A) the interventions of scientists
B) the greenhouse effect of methane is not as
B) the presence of carbon dioxide gas widely-known as that of carbon dioxide

C) wetlands and plants C) scientists expect atmospheric methane levels to

continue rising
D) contact with OH, the hydroxyl radical
D) deforestation contributes to increasing
E) the Industrial Revolution atmospheric methane levels

E) carbon dioxide is not as important as methane in

terms of causing global warming


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
73. – 76. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
74. It is pointed out in the passage that the cloud of
dust caused by the supposed meteor impact ----.

In 1980, the physicist Luís Alvarez and his son A) caused the fossils of that period to be particularly
Walter advanced a startling theory about the demise easy to extract
of the dinosaurs: that it was caused by forces that
came from beyond this world. They hypothesized B) poisoned the plants and animals living on Earth
that perhaps a meteor impact had ended the age of at that time
the dinosaurs. The primary evidence was that in soil
core samples taken in locations around the globe, C) made the Earth dark and cold for a very long
iridium, a substance very rare on Earth but prevalent time, causing plants and animals to die
on asteroids, had been found in a thin layer of clay
D) did not contain iridium

separating the fossil-rich rock of the late Cretaceous
period (the end of the dinosaur age) and the sparsely E) formed a very large crater in Mexico when it
fossiled rock of the Tertiary period that followed. The settled
Alvarezes hypothesized that a very large
extraterrestrial object had slammed into the planet,
sending an enormous fireball into the stratosphere,
along with vast amounts of debris. A great cloud of
dust enshrouded Earth, blocking sunlight for months,
even years, and plants and animals perished in the
ensuing cold and dark. When the dust finally settled
back to Earth, it formed the telltale worldwide layer of
iridium in the clay. The scientific world was not
impressed by the theory. Indeed, some scientists 75. We understand from the passage that, by the
scoffed at the Alvarezes’ hypothesis, but in 1990 time of the Tertiary period, ----.
scientists realized that a crater of 112 miles in
diametre in Mexico and dated at 65 million years old A) the dinosaurs had died out
might be evidence that the dinosaurs had indeed
died out due to the effects of a giant meteor. B) forces from beyond this world had invaded the

C) the dust from the meteor impact had still not


D) fossils were well-preserved

E) the age of the dinosaurs was thriving

73. It is clear from the passage that, when the 76. According to the passage, the main proof given
Alvarezes advanced their meteor-impact theory, by Luís and Walter Alvarez of a giant meteor
----. impact that could have destroyed the dinasours
was ----.
A) their focus was mostly on the Tertiary period
A) the fossil-rich rock of the late Cretaceous period
B) it was not a surprising idea
B) a great cloud of dust surrounding Earth
C) they didn’t make use of core samples
C) the 112-mile-wide crater they had discovered
D) few scientists believed them
D) an enormous fireball in the stratosphere
E) there were vast amounts of debris in the
stratosphere E) the presence of iridium in soil all over the world


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
77. – 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
78. We can understand from the passage that the
cevaplayınız. pushing of the African continental plate beneath
the European continental plate ----.
Mount Vesuvius in southern Italy is actually a
volcano inside the exploded skeleton of an older A) does not create magma containing sulfur dioxide
volcano. Looked at from above, the remaining ridge and other unstable gases
of a much larger volcano can be seen on the north
side. This older volcano had probably erupted B) is the result of volcanic activity such as we see in
violently long before human settlement. Southern Southern Italy
Italy is unstable ground. The African continental
plate, on which most of the Mediterranean Sea rests, C) makes Southern Italy a region prone to volcanic
is actually diving beneath the European plate. That eruptions

kind of underground collision produces molten rock,
D) has made Northern Africa a “hot spot” for
or magma, rich in volatile gases such as sulfur
volcanic activity
dioxide. Under pressure underground, these gases
stay dissolved. But when the magma rises to the E) means that the Mediterranean Sea is slowly
surface, the gases are released. Accordingly, when widening
volcanoes like Vesuvius erupt, they tend to erupt
explosively. To this day, in fact, Vesuvius remains
one of the world’s most dangerous volcanoes; some
3.5 million Italians live in its shadow. Although
monitoring devices are in place to warn of the
volcano’s activity, if there were a major eruption with 79. We understand from the passage that Mount
little warning, there could be a tremendous loss of Vesuvius’s eruptions are usually very explosive
life. because of ----.

A) the exploded skeleton of an older volcano within

which it is located

B) the strong skelatal structure of the volcano

C) its proximity to a large body of water

D) the unstable gases released when the volcano’s

magma reaches the surface of the Earth

E) the monitoring devices placed near the volcano

77. We see from the passage that although Mount 80. It is clear from the passage that ----.
Vesuvius is a very dangerous volcano ----.
A) Mount Vesuvius is a dying volcano which will
A) it is safe to live nearby because of the monitoring someday cease to erupt
devices that warn of the volcano’s activity
B) the Mediterranean Sea is part of the European
B) many people still live nearby continental plate
C) it is more dangerous than the older volcano that C) the European continental plate will one day
used to be in its place completely cover the African one
D) it does not result from an underground collision D) 3.5 million Italians lost their lives in Vesuvius’s
of continental plates last eruption
E) its eruption would never result in people’s deaths E) there was once a much larger volcano where
Mount Vesuvius is today



Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
ÜDS FEN - (MART) 2007
1. A 2. D 3. C 4. E 5. B 6. D 7. E 8. C 9. A 10. B

11. E 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. E 16. A 17. B 18. A 19. E 20. C

21. D 22. B 23. D 24. E 25. A 26. D 27. B 28. E 29. D 30. C

31. D 32. A 33. E 34. B 35. E 36. B 37. D 38. E 39. A 40. D

41. B 42. C 43. D 44. E 45. C 46. A 47. D 48. B 49. C 50. A

51. C 52. D 53. E 54. C 55. E 56. D 57. A 58. B 59. C 60. A

61. B 62. C 63. D 64. E 65. D 66. B 67. D 68. C 69. D 70. A

71. C 72. B 73. D 74. C 75. A 76. E 77. B 78. C 79. D 80. E


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
5. Several research groups have been racing to ----
1. – 18. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yer- how to regenerate hair cells.
lere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulu-
nuz. A) figure out B) go for

1. The greatest ---- to the spread of nuclear C) connect with D) set up

technology and nuclear power reactors to
E) make up
developing countries is that it will increase the
risks of nuclear weapons proliferation.

A) obligation B) contribution

C) solution D) condition

E) objection

6. An important aspect of the application of
mathematics is that different ways of making
mathematical sense of everyday questions ----
different answers.

2. A combination of factors made the 1984 accident A) keep up B) bring over

in a storage tank at a Union Carbide plant in India
C) lead to D) show off
almost ----.
E) find out
A) crucial B) inevitable

C) vulnerable D) bearable

E) permanent

7. Earthquake rupture ---- to occur by enlargement

3. In the opinion of most scientists, engineering
of a crack, but more recent observations ---- a
does not ---- offer universally acceptable
“pulse-like” mode of rupture enlargement.
A) had been thought / would be indicated
A) randomly B) previously
B) can be thought / had indicated
C) necessarily D) excessively
C) was thought / will have indicated
E) extremely
D) has been thought / indicate

E) must be thought / may have indicated

4. Scientists suggest that huge amounts of

greenhouse gases will be ---- into the atmosphere
if rising temperatures cause the Arctic
permafrost to melt.

A) produced B) accelerated

C) disrupted D) released

E) joined

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
8. Cosmologists are addressing some of the
11. Sea bindweed Calystegia soldanella ---- a fleshy-
fundamental questions that people ---- to resolve
leaved cousin of the more widespread, white-
over the centuries through philosophical
flowered hedge bindweed (C. sepium) that ----
thinking, but they ---- this based on systematic fences and hedges everywhere in the summer.
observation and quantitative methodology.
A) might be / had clothed
A) would attempt / have done
B) is / clothes
B) attempt / will do
C) should be / has clothed
C) may attempt / did
D) could be / would have clothed
D) attempted / should do

E) was / can clothe
E) have attempted / are doing

12. In February 1996, ---- a meeting in Bermuda,

9. The shuttle ---- the atmosphere at precisely 38°
international partners in the Human Genome
for heat shields below the fuselage and the wings
Project agreed to formalize the conditions of data
---- the craft from heat damage.
access, including release of the sequence into
public databases ---- 24 hours.
A) must re-enter / to protect

B) has re-entered / having protected A) at / within B) from / in

C) re-entered / to have protected C) in / by D) during / to

D) re-enters / to be protecting E) on / through

E) should re-enter / to have been protecting

10. From the year 1665, when Robert Hooke ---- cells, 13. The United States government is about to start
monitoring the air ---- major cities for biological
until the middle of the twentieth century,
weapons ---- looking for bacteria and viruses in
biologists ---- only light microscopes for viewing
cells. the air filtres that now monitor pollution.

A) used to discover / could have had A) of / on B) at / towards

B) had discovered / would have C) out of / with D) in / by

C) discovered / had E) from / through

D) has discovered / have had

E) could discover / have

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
14. Comets are thought to have changed very little
over the last 4 billion years, ---- their composition 19. – 23. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numa-
should hold clues to the origin of the solar ralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da
system. ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) but B) whereas
Names and numbers were causing trouble long
C) just as D) in that before the Internet age. Biology had a naming crisis
th th
in the 17 and 18 centuries. The problem wasn’t so
E) so much a shortage of names but an excess of (19) ----.
Plants and animals (20) ---- by many different names
in different places. Then came the great reform of
Carolus Linnaeus and his system of Latin binomials,

(21) ---- each organism by genus and species. The
new scheme revolutionized taxonomy, not because
15. Robots will never be much good at household there is any magic in Latin or in two-part names, but
tasks such as pouring coffee or polishing shoes because Linnaeus and his (22) ---- laboured to
---- they can calculate their position accurately. preserve a strict one-to-one mapping between
names and organisms. Official codes of
A) since B) when nomenclature continue to enforce this rule – one
name, one species – although rooting out synonyms
C) unless D) so that
and homonyms is a (23) ---- struggle.
E) in case


A) them B) that C) theirs

16. About half of all women over 65 years of age take D) those E) themselves
some type of nutrition supplement, ---- only about
one-fifth of older men do.

A) before B) because 20.

C) that is D) while A) were to be known B) would be known

E) despite C) are known D) were known

E) will be known


17. Coal produces ---- CO2 per energy unit ---- any A) to have been identifying B) identified
other fossil fuel.
C) to have identified D) to be identifying
A) also / as B) more / than
E) identifying
C) such / that D) either / or

E) so / as

A) participants B) followers

C) occupants D) suppliers
18. Every rock, ---- copper-veined, silver-clad, or
black-glazed, tells a story about the Earth as a E) practitioners

A) both B) also
C) whether D) all
A) constant B) primary
E) that
C) rapid D) similar

E) partial

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
24. – 35. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
27. ---- when they are exposed to higher than normal
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

24. Shortly after the Golden Gate Bridge was opened, A) Recent climate warming is associated with
----. genetic change

A) some aesthetic and artistic concerns may have B) Recent global warming might already be driving
dominated the visual design of the bridge such changes

B) it has been an enormously successful bridge by C) Researchers compiled data on chromosomal

most aesthetic and functional criteria polymorphism covering periods of 13 to 46 years

C) its roadway proved to be overly flexible under D) Some organisms undergo genetic change

certain wind conditions
E) Weather records for the same periods and
D) the design of the bridge’s towers was tested on locations are studied
scale models, and construction of the bridge

E) a number of such structures were acting similarly

25. ----, yet relatively few have been identified in 28. ---- as to why human mental capacities are so
modern organisms. much greater than those of chimpanzees.

A) Scientists hypothesize that the human hepatitis A) Two scientists recently reported
delta virus (HDV) arose from a ribozyme
B) Scientists have always suspected
B) The CPEB3 ribozyme is structurally and
biochemically related to human hepatitis delta- C) Researchers have found a clue
virus (HDV) ribozymes
D) The newly adopted scheme also includes a third
C) This ribozyme occurs exclusively in mammals category

D) The selection had yielded several ribozymes E) Such a decision was reached after days of
E) Ribozymes are thought to have played a pivotal
role in the early evolution of life

26. Should the cabin pressure somehow be lost, ----.

A) the oxygen canisters located above the 29. Although stem cells are found in many tissues,
passenger seats in a plane provide oxygen to ----.
the passengers through masks
A) they have great potential to treat diseases
B) the oxygen-generator canisters must be
B) the most promising ones seem to be those in
replaced periodically to ensure that they will
bone marrow
operate properly when needed
C) specialists have been very enthusiastic
C) the oxygen canister contains a core of sodium
chlorate, which is activated by a small explosive D) special staining techniques revealed that the
charge cells were indeed dividing
D) the airline maintenance rules made it clear that a E) the results of that study have yet to be
bright yellow safety cap must be installed on the announced
oxygen canisters

E) a small explosion was initiated when a

passenger pulled the oxygen mask toward

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
30. Our eyes can detect photons, the smallest
33. Until fairly recently, we viewed the ocean as a
quantum unit of an electromagnetic wave, ----.
bountiful, virtually limitless resource, ----.
A) whose frequencies lie in the narrow visible range
A) so many countries are also taking steps to
B) in which the human retina has more “pixels” than restore and conserve wetlands
a consumer digital camera
B) unless we are now seeing the effects of our
C) that it increases our knowledge of the structure disregard for marine communities
of atoms
C) yet seafood would become less plentiful
D) because scientists have lacked a detector able
D) and we have harvested the ocean heavily and
to see an individual photon
used it as a dumping ground for wastes

E) if a revolution in photon detection is now under
E) regardless of the fact that laws in many countries
now prohibit disposal of sewage and other
wastes at sea

31. Abnormally heavy and early rainfall in the Sudan 34. In the Pacific Ocean, the analogue of the Gulf
caused the River Nile to overflow in 2007, ----. Stream Current in the Atlantic is the Kuroshio
Current, ----.
A) so global land surface temperatures in January
and April had reached the highest levels ever A) which flows north along the coast of Asia to the
recorded for those months east coast of Japan

B) because the first documented tropical cyclone in B) as it flows northeast across the Atlantic from its
the Arabian Sea hit Oman and Iran, causing 50 source in the Gulf of Mexico
C) so the Gulf Stream Current indeed contributes to
C) but in May, ocean waves up to 5 metres high Europe’s warmth
swamped parts of the Maldive Islands
D) where it transports no heat to locations on the
D) unless other extreme weather events include the eastern side of the Pacific
summer heatweave in southeastern Europe
E) but ocean currents do little to warm the region
E) while unusually heavy snowfall affected South
Africa and parts of South America

35. Researchers have found that the DNA in bacteria

32. ALH84001 is one of several meteorites that are
deteriorates sharply after about 1.1 million years,
generally acknowledged to have come from Mars
A) whereas the DNA of the average bacterium has
A) when it is named for the place in Antarctica
about 3 million units
(Allan Hills) and the year (1984) it was found
B) which consisted of just 210 units linked together
B) because they contain trapped gases that match
the Martian atmosphere C) after which the size of the DNA gets cut in half
C) while geologists at NASA discovered in the rock D) but older microorganisms didn’t perform as well
a variety of surprising characteristics at a
microscopic level E) and some of the oldest microorganisms were
watched for as long as a year
D) where it turned out to be the oldest known rock
from any planet

E) so that the findings were based on meticulous

studies and the papers of scientists at NASA

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
36. – 38. sorularda, verilen Đngilizce cümleye
38. Meteorites provide the best available data about
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. the chemical and physical processes that
occurred during the first few million years of our
36. Scientists tell us that 90 per cent of all matter in solar system’s history.
the universe consists of hydrogen.
A) Güneş sistemimizin tarihinde, ilk birkaç milyon yıl
A) Bilim adamlarının bize söylediğine göre, hidrojen içinde ortaya çıkmış olan kimyasal ve fiziksel
içeren maddeler evrendeki tüm maddelerin yüz- oluşumlara ilişkin elde edilebilen en iyi veriler
de 90’ını oluşturmaktadır. göktaşlarında bulunmaktadır.

B) Bilim adamları bize, evrendeki tüm maddelerin B) Güneş sistemimizin başlangıcındaki birkaç mil-
yüzde 90’ının hidrojen içerdiğini söylemektedir. yon yıl içinde meydana gelmiş kimyasal ve fizik-
sel süreçlerle ilgili kullanılabilir verilerin en iyileri

C) Hidrojenin evrendeki tüm maddelerin yüzde 90’ı- göktaşlarından elde edilmiştir.
nı oluşturduğu, bize bilim adamlarınca söylenen
bir gerçektir. C) Göktaşlarının sağladığı veriler, güneş sistemimi-
zin tarihinin ilk birkaç milyon yıllık sürecindeki
D) Bilim adamlarının bize söylediği gibi, hidrojen, kimyasal ve fiziksel oluşumları anlayabilmemize
evrendeki maddelerin yüzde 90’ında bulunmak- en büyük katkıyı sağlamıştır.
D) Güneş sistemimizin ilk birkaç milyon yıllık tarihin-
E) Bilim adamları, hidrojenin, evrendeki tüm mad- de meydana gelen kimyasal ve fiziksel süreçlerle
delerin yüzde 90’ını oluşturduğunu söylüyor. ilgili verilerin en güvenilir olanları göktaşlarından

E) Göktaşları, güneş sistemimizin tarihinin ilk birkaç

milyon yılında meydana gelmiş olan kimyasal ve
fiziksel süreçler hakkında mevcut en iyi verileri

39. – 41. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye

37. Inventions of modern science are no longer the anlamca en yakın Đngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
creations of a single person, as they were in the
39. Bilim adamlarına göre, atmosfere yayılmakta olan
A) Çağdaş bilimin buluşları, artık, geçmişte olduğu atık gazlar nedeniyle dünyadaki iklimler daha sı-
gibi tek bir kişinin yaratıları değildir. cak bir hale gelmiştir.

A) Scientists claim that so much waste gas has

B) Çağımızda bilimsel buluşlar, geçmişte olduğu-
been spread into the atmosphere that the
nun tersine, bir kişinin yaratıcılığına dayanma-
climates in the world have become increasingly
C) Çağdaş bilimde artık, geçmişte olduğu gibi, tek
kişinin yaratıcılığına dayanan buluşlara rastlan- B) As scientists have pointed out, due to waste
mamaktadır. gases that pollute the atmosphere, the world’s
climate has become much warmer.
D) Çağdaş bilimle ortaya konan buluşlar, geçmişten
farklı olarak, birden çok kişinin ortaya koyduğu C) According to scientists, the climates in the world
yaratılardır. have become warmer because of waste gases
that are spreading into the atmosphere.
E) Geçmişteki buluşlar, çağdaş bilimdekilerin tersi-
D) For scientists, the atmosphere has been so
ne, bir tek kişinin yaratılarıydı.
polluted by waste gases that the climates in the
world have already become much warmer.

E) As far as scientists are concerned, the world’s

climate has become extremely warm owing to
waste gases in the atmosphere.

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
40. Evrenin sakinleri olarak, ışığın ilk kaynağının na-
sıl oluştuğunu, hayatın nasıl meydana geldiğini 42. – 46. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parça-
ve bu çok büyük boşlukta akıllı varlıklar olarak da anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirile-
bizim yalnız olup olmadığımızı merak etmekten bilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
kendimizi alamayız.

A) How the first light was formed, how life started, 42. Engineers are hired by clients (and employers)
and whether we are the only intelligent beings in specifically for their specialized expertise. ----.
this huge emptiness are the questions that, as Therefore, engineers have ethical obligations to
inhabitants of the universe, we cannot keep their clients, because the client often cannot
ourselves from asking. assess the quality of the engineer’s technical
advice. These obligations are part of engineering
B) As inhabitants of the universe, we cannot help ethics, the set of behavioural standards that all

wondering how the first source of light formed, engineers are expected to follow.
how life came into existence and whether we are
alone as intelligent beings in this vast emptiness. A) Civil engineering is generally considered the
oldest engineering discipline
C) As this universe’s only intelligent inhabitants, it is
up to us to ask questions such as how the first B) Successful teamwork results in
light source was formed, how life on Earth accomplishments larger than those that can be
started, and how we came to inhabit a tiny planet produced by individual team members
in this vast emptiness.
C) Generally, the client knows less about the
D) As inhabitants of this universe, we cannot help subject than the engineer
asking such pressing questions as how the first
light source was formed, how life started, and D) Biochemical engineers combine biological
whether there are other intelligent beings living processes with traditional chemical engineering
in this vast emptiness. to produce foods and pharmaceuticals and to
treat wastes
E) Being inhabitants of the vast emptiness that is
our universe, we cannot help wondering how E) An engineer does not need to have a licence to
light was formed, how life started, and whether practise engineering, but those who do may
we are quite alone as intelligent beings in the have more career opportunities

41. ABD Ticaret Bakanlığı, hassas teknolojik bilgilere

ulaşımı sınırlandırmaya ilişkin politikaların göz- 43. An athlete’s body must be heavier for its height
den geçirilmesi gerekip gerekmediğini incelemek than a nonathlete’s body because the athlete’s
üzere bir grup uzmanı görevlendirmiştir. bones and muscles are denser. ----. However, this
is not true. Weight standards that may be
A) A group of experts commissioned by the US appropriate for others are inappropriate for
Department of Commerce are examining how athletes. Therefore, measures such as fatfold
the policies concerning limited access to tests yield more useful information about body
sensitive technological information should be re- composition.
A) When athletes consult standard weight-for-
B) A group of experts have been appointed by the height tables and see that they are on the heavy
US Department of Commerce to review the side, they may mistakenly believe that they are
policies that limit access to confidental too fat
technological information.
B) The increasing incidence of abnormal eating
C) The US Department of Commerce has recruited habits among athletes, especially young women,
a group of experts to find out to what extent the is causing concern
policies for the limitation of access to delicate
technological information can be revised. C) Athletes are particularly likely to develop eating
D) The US Department of Commerce has
commissioned a group of experts to examine D) They fail to realize that the loss of lean tissue
whether policies on limiting access to sensitive that accompanies energy restriction actually
technological information should be reviewed. impairs their physical performance

E) The policies on limited access to confidental E) Male athletes, especially wrestlers and
technological information are being reviewed by gymnasts, are affected by these disorders as
a group of experts, appointed by the US well, but research shows that females have a
Department of Commerce. greater tendency

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
44. Thanks to their status as one of the world’s top
46. Seismologists have struggled for years to find a
predators, great whites are among the best
reliable earthquake predictor. Could balls of light
known sharks on Earth, yet essentially nothing is
in the sky preceding quakes hold the key? The
known about their mating habits. That could soon
US Federal Emergency Management Agency
change, as researchers have discovered a remote
(FEMA) has begun asking that very question. ----.
spot in the North Pacific Ocean that may be a
Thus, they have funded NASA to study
mating ground for great whites, according to a
earthquake lights using weather satellites and the
recent study. ----. But, as scientists have
MODIS research satellite during the past few
explained, the theory that the area is a feeding
ground for great whites may be incorrect.
A) In 1999, floating balls of light in the sky were
A) It’s not an area that a shark would logically go to
broadcast on Turkish television, reportedly
from California to find something to eat
filmed the night before the earthquake in Đzmit

B) At first, scientists nicknamed the region, 1,553
B) In 1968, the first photographs of “earthquake
miles west of the Baja Peninsula, the “great
lights” were taken by Yutaka Yasui of the
white café” because they suspected sharks
Kakioka Magnetic Observatory
could be going there to feed
C) The main problem facing FEMA is that
C) The sharks migrate long distances seasonally
earthquake lights still don’t have an accepted
from the coast of California to Hawaii and to the
scientific explanation
offshore area
D) Most earthquakes occur at plate boundaries,
D) On average, the sharks dive every 10 minutes,
where one plate slides beneath another
325 metres down, perhaps to sniff for mates,
hundreds of kilometres below the Earth’s surface
whose scent could be detected at a certain level
of depth E) Mainstream geologists had dismissed these
earlier claims as coincidental
E) Sharks gather at marine mammal habitats in
California during autumn and winter months,
feeding on the abundant elephant seals and
other prey before migrating to the offshore

45. The dark side of nanotechnology is the nightmare

possibility that “nano-robots” could be
programmed to turn everything on Earth into
more nano-robots. ----. Some researchers,
however, say that while they also have some
worries about nanotechnology, they don’t want it
banned because its benefits outweigh its risks.

A) R. Smalley discovered the three-dimensional

nanoscale carbon cages called fullerenes

B) E. Drexler says he invented the word


C) The inventors of nanotechnology were awarded

a Nobel Prize

D) In 1990, a team of scientists found they could

use a scanning tunnelling microscope to drag
individual atoms of xenon over the surface of a
crystal of nickel

E) There are other fears, such as nanoscale

particles creating unforeseen toxic hazards

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
47. – 51. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş 48. Lisa :
bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi - What are you reading?
Andy :
- A book about caterpillars in the Costa Rican
47. Sarah : tropical forests. Did you know that there’s one
- Have you ever thought about how type of caterpillar that looks like a snake’s
paleontologists name the new fossils they find? head?
They don’t only give the fossils a boring,
descriptive name in Latin. Lisa :
- ----
Laura :

- ---- Andy :
- I should imagine, only to scare away predators.
Sarah :
- Well, in this article it says that one A) Looking at caterpillars always makes me feel like
paleontologist named a newly discovered type I’ve got one crawling up my arm!
of dinosaur fossil gojirasaurus after the original
Japanese name for Godzilla! B) How strange. I wonder why?

C) I don’t know why this type of caterpillar lives in a

Laura :
tropical forest.
- That’s funny! I wonder if they’ll name any
fossils after King Kong. D) How interesting. Does the book mention other
A) I have a cousin who’s studying paleontology;
why don’t we ask him? E) Why did the writer choose to focus on only the
forests in Costa Rica?
B) Certainly. There are rules for how new species
and fossils must be named.

C) Well, they surely have a catalogue of names

they can use for every fossil they discover.

D) Oh, really? What kinds of names do they give

them, then?

E) Paleontologists have a sense of humour, too!

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
49. Kathy :
51. Keith :
- I went to a lecture yesterday given by a - It looks like more and more countries in the EU
microbiologist. He focused on bacteria caught are turning to wind power for their energy.
in Antarctic ice millions of years ago, and
stressed their importance in understanding Cherie :
how life on Earth works over long periods of - ----
Keith :
Bruce : - Actually it’s not, because sometimes the wind
- ---- turbines are built without proper planning, and
this affects the surrounding environment

Kathy : negatively.
- He said that life on Earth consists mostly of
microbes, and they can adapt to every possible Cherie :
environment. - Oh, I wasn’t aware of that.

Bruce : A) I think a combination of wind and solar power

- That sounds interesting. Did he suggest any would be best.
reading material on the subject?
B) I think that’s very good. Yes?
A) What is the lecturer’s special area of study within
the field of microbiology? C) What’s your opinion of wind power?

B) Did you ask him any questions after the lecture? D) I thought wind turbines couldn’t generate enough
power to make a difference.
C) I find microbiology incredibly interesting; don’t
you? E) Do you think wind power will help reduce carbon
D) Who else attended the lecture besides you?

E) How can anything so tiny have an influnce on

the planet as a whole? Amazing. Anything else?

50. Terry :
- Did you know that scientists have found
perfectly preserved comet dust in the ice in

Lynne :
- ----

Terry :
- Yes, it is. The samples found previously in
Antarctica and in Greenland had been
compacted and changed by the ice around
them, but these new samples haven’t.

Lynne :
- Then their larger size and good condition must
make them easier to analyse.

A) That’s nothing new! Don’t you think?

B) Are the dust samples taken from a comet’s tail

by spacecraft similar to this?

C) Where in Antarctica was the dust discovered?

D) It must have been difficult for the scientists to

locate the dust.

E) That was Jean Duprat’s study, wasn’t it?

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
52. – 56. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okun-
55. (I) Humans have a long history of studying,
duğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan appreciating, and using animal diversity, but
cümleyi bulunuz. classifying a new animal isn’t always easy.
(II) Imagine you were the first European zoologist to
52. (I) When their nuclear fuel is exhausted, stars die, encounter a strange animal in Australia that has the
and the residual iron core collapses on itself. (II) The following physical features. (III) It has a bill and
outcome of a star’s death depends on mass, webbed feet similar to a duck’s, but the rest of its
however. (III) Stars with between 10 and 20 times the furry body looks very much like that of a muskrat or
mass of the Sun collapse in a spectacular explosion other aquatic rodent, and it lays eggs. (IV) Unlike the
known as a supernova, leaving behind a neutron rest of the world, Australia has relatively few
star, whereas those larger than 20 solar masses placental mammals. (V) How would you classify it?
implode to form black holes in a hypernova. (IV) In

both cases, copious bursts of neutrinos are released A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
along with optical, x-ray and gamma radiation.
(V) Recent studies indicate that some massive stars
may be rotating only slowly or not at all.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

53. (I) Since the cloned-sheep Dolly’s birth, researchers

have cloned many other mammals, including mice,
cats, horses, cows and pigs. (II) Such reproductive
56. (I) Reefs are under attack from all sides. (II) Coral
cloning has many potential applications. (III) Their
reefs are one of the oldest and most diverse
most advanced embryo, however, had stopped
ecosystems on Earth. (III) Hurricanes and tsunamis
growing at about six cells, and their intention was
can cause injuries that take decades for a reef to
solely to harvest embryonic stem cells. (IV) By using
repair naturally. (IV) Meanwhile, destructive fishing
genetically engineered donor nuclei, geneticists can
practices, pollution, ships running aground and
study the effects of changing single genes or
climate change pose an even more serious threat.
combinations of genes. (V) And in the future,
(V) A report issued by the UN Environment
biologists may routinely produce genetically identical
Programme warned that 30 per cent of the world’s
animals for experimentation, a potential benefit to
coral reefs are either already dead or seriously
genetics research.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

54. (I) The algal ancestors of plants may have carpeted

moist fringes of lakes or coastal salt marshes over
500 million years ago. (II) Both groups have similar
microscopic structures for making their cellulose cell
walls and a similar mechanism for forming the cell
plate that divides the cytoplasm during cell division.
(III) These shallow-water habitats were subject to
occasional drying, and natural selection would have
favoured algae that could survive periodic droughts.
(IV) Some species accumulated adaptations that
enabled them to live permanently above the water
line. (V) The modern-day green alga Coleochaete
may resemble an early plant ancestor, and it grows
at the edges of lakes as disk-like, multicellular

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
57. – 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
58. It is clear from the passage that robots used in
the United States for weedkilling ----.

Robots make unlikely green warriors, but they could A) are a technological challenge that farmers in
soon be doing their bit for the environment. Trials of Denmark and the United States face
a Danish robot that maps the position of weeds
growing among crops suggest that herbicide use B) were first invented and widely used by farmers in
could be reduced by 70 per cent if farmers used it to the United States
adopt more selective spraying techniques. Actually,
the robot drives across fields scanning the ground for C) will never be useful for improving traditional
any weeds and noting their positions. A later version spraying techniques
will be able to kill the weeds too by applying a few
D) are convenient for use only on railways and

drops of herbicide. But the longer-term goal is to
airport runways rather than in farming areas
avoid herbicides altogether by having the robot pluck
the weeds out of the ground rather than poisoning E) are being developed and tested in Denmark
them. Although weedkilling robots have already been
put to work in the United States, they cannot be used
for agricultural purposes because they do not
distinguish between plant species and tend to treat
anything green as a weed. Instead, they are used to
clear unwanted plants from railways and airport
59. It is implied in the passage that herbicides used
for weedkilling ----.

A) have certainly done much damage to the

environment in Denmark

B) can be most effective if they are sprayed along

with fertilizer

C) are more commonly preferred in the United

States than in Denmark
57. As one understands from the passage, when the
ultimate version of the weedkilling robot comes D) cause no environmental damage if applied only
into use, ----. in small amounts
A) there will be no need for the use of herbicides E) are poisonous and, therefore, threaten the
since weeds will simply be pulled out by the environment

B) herbicides will no longer be used anywhere in

the world

C) the American type of weedkilling robots will still

be used since they are very efficient
60. As is clear from the passage, the type of robot
D) farmers will be able to upgrade their spraying currently under trial in Denmark ----.
techniques in order to kill the weeds among their
crops A) is actually adaptable to all kinds of agricultural
E) many of the environmental problems farmers
face will be solved much more efficiently B) has been regarded by farmers as a major step
forward in agricultural technology

C) identifies the weeds among crops but does not

pluck them

D) has been copied from the type which is used in

the United States and is far more efficient

E) is not able to tell the difference between different

plant species

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
61. – 64. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
62. We see from the passage that Seversky’s 1942
book Victory through Air Power ----.

The first documented scheme for in-flight refuelling A) made him more famous than his ideas for in-
came from a young Russian aviator named flight refuelling
Alexander de Seversky. His father owned a plane
and taught him to fly when he was in his early teens. B) was extremely unpopular in Bolshevik Russia
In 1917, when he was 23, Seversky proposed a
method for extending flight: One plane could carry C) was used as a training manual by the US War
extra fuel and deliver it to another through a hose. Department
After the Russian Revolution, Russia’s new Bolshevik
D) extensively detailed his plans for in-flight
government sent him to the United States to study

aircraft design, and he stayed there when political
developments made his return to Russia dangerous. E) remained unpublished at the time of his death
He got a job as an aeronautical engineer for the US
War Department and was awarded the world’s first
patent for air-to-air refuelling, in which large fuel
tankers would supply fuel to fighter aircraft while in
flight. Seversky went on to a distinguished career in
airplane design and achieved perhaps his greatest
fame as the author of the influential 1942 book
Victory through Air Power. He never put his refuelling 63. According to the passage, Seversky was unable
plan into action, though, and other aviators later to return to Russia due to ----.
came up with ideas of their own.
A) his employment as an aeronautical engineer for
the US War Department

B) the dangers of international travel at the time

C) changes in the political situation there

D) the fact that he was an extremely popular aircraft


E) the political nature of the book he published in


61. One understands from the passage that although

Alexander de Seversky was the owner of the first
patent for in-flight refuelling ----.

A) the US War Department was uninterested in his

64. It is clear from the passage that Seversky’s
B) his true passion was always flying, which he original plan for in-flight refuelling ----.
learned as a teenager
A) was perceived as a threat by the Russian
C) Russia’s Bolshevik government did not support government
his schemes
B) involved the transfer of fuel from one airborne
D) his plans were never implemented aircraft to another by means of a hose

E) other inventors made use of his ideas on aircraft C) gave him a clear advantage when he was
design applying for work in the United States

D) was inspired by his aeronautical studies in


E) was completely revised, following suggestions

from the US War Department

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
65. – 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
66. It is clearly pointed out in the passage that it is
very hard to ----.

One of the most pressing international priorities is to A) reach an international understanding that the
control the dissemination of nuclear materials that dissemination of nuclear materials must be fully
could be used in attacks by terrorists or rogue states. controlled
Nuclear materials contain unstable isotopes, which
emit x-rays and gamma rays. The characteristic B) trace how highly-enriched uranium can be
energies of these photons provide a fingerprint smuggled and marketed internationally
revealing which radioactive isotopes are present.
Unfortunately, some isotopes that occur in benign C) distinguish between gamma rays emitted by
applications emit gamma rays with energies that are nuclear materials used for constructive or
destructive purposes

very similar to those emitted by materials used in
weapons, which leads to ambiguous identifications
D) force rogue states to give up their efforts to
and false alarms. This problem has been worrying
develop nuclear weapons
the United States, which is installing thousands of
radiation portal monitors to detect the gamma rays E) identify all radioactive isotopes that emit x-rays
emitted by nuclear materials carried by vehicles and gamma rays
crossing the Canadian and Mexican borders. One of
the worst fears of the authorities is that terrorists
might smuggle highly-enriched uranium into the
country to build a crude Hiroshima-style atomic
67. As pointed out in the passage, the United States

A) is so worried about the dissemination of nuclear

materials that it is making every effort to isolate
rogue states

B) has started taking technological precautions

along its Canadian and Mexican borders to
65. The point is made in the passage that an issue of control the entry of nuclear materials into the
extremely compelling urgency in the world ----. country
A) is to ensure that nuclear materials are used not C) is confident that the only type of atomic bomb
in weapons but in benign applications terrorists or rogue states can build will be no
better than a Hiroshima-style one
B) has been the international threat posed against
the United States by terrorists and rogue states D) strongly maintains that nuclear materials should
be used only in useful and benign applications
C) is to make sure that nuclear energy facilities are
much safer and more reliable than ever E) claims that the nuclear materials used in
weapons are controlled strictly to prevent any
D) has been to find out how rogue states have
come to possess highly-enriched uranium

E) is the prevention of the spread of nuclear

materials, serving the aims of terrorists and
rogue states
68. As one understands from the passage, the kind
of radioactive isotopes present in nuclear
materials are ----.

A) more useful for weapons than for any other


B) only revealed when they are activated for any


C) those which mostly emit a large amount of

gamma rays

D) identified by the energies typical of their nature

E) those that emit far more energy if uranium is

highly enriched

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
69. – 72. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
70. It is maintained in the passage that although
more than 50 per cent of paper used is recycled
The world now recycles just over 50 per cent of the
paper it uses. Reprocessing plants are being A) there is still much dependence in the paper
established in most countries. However, trees will industry on the use of wood pulp
never be fully spared because of the use of wood
fibres themselves. Pure pulp is rich in water, which B) the world’s paper industry is still in its early
provides for ample hydrogen bonding that holds stages and needs to upgrade itself in terms of
fibres together when made into paper. But each time efficiency and cost
a fibre is cleaned, de-inked and dried in a
reprocessing plant, only 80 per cent of the bonds are C) most countries regard this as minimal and,
therefore, encourage the establishment of more

recovered. After four or five recyclings, a fibre can no
longer make strong enough bonds. Engineers can do paper plants
little that is economically viable to overcome this
D) this is not enough to save forests from total
physical limitation, so they focus on reducing the cost
destruction due to widespread exploitation
of reprocessing fresher fibres. One main challenge is
finding a better way to neutralize “stickies”, which is E) engineers are working hard to develop new
the mess of adhesives from stamps, labels, seals, technologies in order to increase the amount to
tape, magazine spines and various other sources, 80 per cent
that jam the machinery. The industry has been
working for a decade to find a chemical process that
will break down stickies, but no full solution has been
found yet.

71. It is pointed out in the passage that as the

number of recyclings increases ----.

A) the dependence on wood fibres will no longer be


B) less and less pure pulp will be used in the paper

69. According to the passage, in the recycling of
waste paper, ----. C) the problem of adhesives becomes less and less
serious and urgent
A) engineers have developed a chemical process to
get rid of adhesives D) the cost of reprocessing is reduced to a viable
B) it is essential that, among other chemical
procedures, de-inking is first to be completed to E) the ability of a fibre to make strong bonds
enable fibres to bond strongly decreases
C) there is actually no need to depend on pure pulp
since the fibres are adequately bonded

D) various countries have developed new

techniques except for an effective solution for 72. It is pointed out in the passage that engineers in
the removal of “stickies” the paper industry ----.
E) one serious and costly handicap is the problem A) do not regard “stickies” in waste paper as a
of adhesives that get stuck in the machines serious challenge

B) have made a breakthough in strengthening the

bonding capacity of recycled fibres

C) are mostly interested in reducing the cost of

reprocessing the fresher fibres found in waste

D) do not consider the recycling of waste paper to

be a viable way of making profit

E) maintain that wood fibres make better paper

although it can cost much more

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
73. – 76. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
74. It is clear from the passage that the tectonic
plates in the Pacific Ocean ----.

Mount Everest is the highest mountain on Earth A) move constantly and, thus, undermine the
above sea level, but it is not the world’s tallest. That formation of a volcanic chain in the region
honour goes to the Hawaiian volcano Mauna Kea.
When measured from its base on the Pacific Ocean B) prevent the formation of convection streams that
floor, it is about 1,000 metres taller than Mount cause eruptions on the ocean floor
Everest. Mauna Kea is part of a 5,600-kilometre-long
chain of volcanoes stretching westward from the C) are so thick that the so-called “hot spots” have
main Hawaiian island. This volcanic chain is formed no physical effect on them
by small convection streams called “hot spots”, just
D) play a part in the formation of volcanic chains on

below the Earth’s crust, where magma rises from the
the ocean floor
hotter parts of the mantle, the region between the
crust and the core of the earth. These hot spots melt E) cover the mantle so well that no eruption of
sections of the tectonic plates moving above them, magma can take place on the ocean floor
causing magma and bits of the molten plate to erupt
onto the sea floor. Over time, the lava accumulates,
forming a mountain that rises above sea level. The
moving tectonic plates carry the newly-formed
mountain away from its original location, as newer
volcanoes continue to form in the same spot.

75. According to the passage, the lava which erupts

onto the Pacific Ocean floor ----.

A) mainly consists of magma but also includes

small pieces of the molten tectonic plate

B) is constantly dispersed in all directions because

of the movements of the tectonic plates

C) soon forms a chain of mountains that are

relatively high but hardly rise above sea level
73. One understands from the passage that, as much D) flows from newly-formed mountains such as the
of Mauna Kea is below sea level, ----. Hawaiian volcano Mauna Kea
A) nobody knows how high it actually is since it E) can cover a very large area that may extend for
cannot be measured precisely thousands of kilometres in all directions
B) it looks lower than Mount Everest, but in fact, it is
not when measured from its bottom

C) its volcanic activity is actually much more

extensive than is generally thought

D) the process of its geological formation is only 76. In this passage, the writer ----.
now being revealed scientifically
A) gives an account of the benefits that convection
E) the so-called “hot spots” on the ocean floor streams provide to the Hawaiian Islands
continue to add lava to its base
B) describes in detail the movements and effects of
the tectonic plates under the Pacific Ocean

C) gives information about how Mount Everest was


D) explains how the volcanic chain extending

across the Pacific Ocean was formed

E) states that different types of volcanoes will

continue to form across the Pacific Ocean

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
77. – 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
79. As is pointed out in the passage, the growth of
planets in the early solar system ----.

Meteorites offer glimpses of the earliest stages of A) can only be understood through a close study of
planetary formation. Stony-iron meterorites come in mesosiderites rather than pallasites
two main classes: pallasites and mesosiderites, and
it was previously thought they may have had similar B) was mainly due to the oxygen isotope properties
origins. A new study, however, has revealed that of certain meteorites
their oxygen isotope properties differ and that they
come from distinct places. Accordingly, the C) depended on mixed core-mantle material from
characteristics of mesosiderites suggest they came disrupted asteroids
from the third largest asteroid, Vesta, which is the
D) was essentially influenced by Vesta, which is the

target of the NASA Dawn Mission. On the other
third largest asteroid
hand, pallasites are made of mixed core-mantle
material from a disrupted asteroid, indicating that E) was closely connected with the large-scale
extensive asteroid deformation was an integral part deformation of asteroids
of planetary enlargement in the early solar system.

77. According to the passage, while scientists think

they know the asteroid from which mesosiderites
came, ----.
80. As one learns from the passage, pallasites and
A) its oxygen isotope properties need to be fully mesosiderites ----.
studied and explained
A) have their origins in various disrupted asteroids
B) the original asteroid with which pallasites are including the asteroid Vesta
associated is not named
B) provide us full knowledge of how planets were
C) its characteristics are only now being revealed in formed in the early solar system
a series of new studies
C) are the two major groups of meteorites that have
D) there are conflicting views among scientists as a stony-iron nature
regards pallasites
D) played a formative role in planetary enlargement
E) the NASA Dawn Mission has not yet established in the early solar system
its position in the solar system
E) have always remained a scientific mystery,
which NASA is trying to unravel

78. As one understands from the passage,

meteorites ----.

A) are scientifically useful because through them is

partially revealed the very early development of

B) have been the major target of the NASA Dawn

Mission, which is primarily concerned with
planetary formation

C) are made up of the material that has come from

disrupted asteroids such as the asteroid called

D) are known as either pallasites or mesosiderites,

both of which have the same physical properties
E) clearly show that, in the early solar system,
every asteroid underwent a process of structural CEVAPLARINIZI KONTROL EDĐNĐZ.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
ÜDS FEN – (EKĐM) 2007


ÜDS FEN - (EKĐM) 2007

1. E 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. E 9. A 10. C

11. B 12. A 13. D 14. E 15. C 16. D 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. D

21. E 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. E 26. A 27. D 28. C 29. B 30. A

31. E 32. B 33. D 34. A 35. C 36. B 37. A 38. E 39. C 40. B

41. D 42. C 43. A 44. B 45. E 46. C 47. D 48. B 49. E 50. A

51. B 52. E 53. C 54. B 55. D 56. B 57. A 58. D 59. E 60. C

61. D 62. A 63. C 64. B 65. E 66. C 67. B 68. D 69. E 70. A

71. E 72. C 73. B 74. D 75. A 76. D 77. B 78. A 79. E 80. C


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
5. For decades, scientists have theorized that much
1. – 18. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yer- of the universe is ---- nearly undetectable dark
lere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulu- matter and dark energy.
A) made up of B) taken over by
1. Throughout history, many ---- in engineering and
science have come about as the result of the C) lost in D) held on
development of weapons.
E) broken away from
A) applications B) resolutions

C) representations D) innovations

E) amplifications

6. Exploring the human genome for clues to human

evolution and migration is something of a
battlefield, and the ground rules of this new
2. Because of the time needed to develop expertise, science are still being ----.
scientists tend to continue working in a single
area for a ---- length of time, perhaps even A) worked at B) worked out
throughout their lives.
C) worked through D) worked back
A) substantial B) thorough
E) worked for
C) moderate D) qualitative

E) comprehensive

7. Geology and biology ---- since life ----.

A) are intertwined / has begun

3. Although the red flames of lithium and strontium
B) were intertwined / had begun C)
appear similar, the light from each can be
separated by means of a prism into ---- different have been intertwined / began D)
would be intertwined / begins E)
A) excessively B) distinctly
could be intertwined / will begin
C) conventionally D) properly

E) familiarly

8. ---- missing heat-shield tiles or a failed

undercarriage door have allowed the airframe

A) Could / to melt

B) Would / melt
4. The continents ---- their existence to Earth’s long
history of plate-tectonic activity. C) Might / to be melting
A) endanger B) result C) proceed D) Can / melting
D) compile E) owe E) Will / be melting

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
9. In April 1953, Watson and Crick ---- the scientific 13. Sunspots, a barometer ---- solar activity in
world with a succinct paper ---- their model for general, seem to have been unusually numerous
DNA. ---- the last century.

A) were shaking / to explain A) for / at B) of / over C) within / by

B) had been shaking / to have explained D) for / about E) above / from

C) have shaken / to be explaining

D) shook / explaining 14. Fish often spend much of their time in the deep,
cool waters of a lake ---- oxygen levels there

E) had shaken / having explained become depleted by decomposers.

A) as if B) just as

C) now that D) unless

10. Common fungicides ---- for the puzzlingly high E) so as
levels of DDT still found in some soils, even in
regions where this potent insecticide ---- decades
15. In 2002, ---- Australia’s Great Barrier Reef was hit
A) are blamed / would have been banned hard by unseasonable warming, 95 per cent of its
coral was adversely affected.
B) could be to blame / was banned
A) so that B) if
C) were blamed / must be banned
C) when D) so long as
D) might be blamed / would be banned
E) in case
E) are to blame / has been banned
16. ---- a violent storm is over, it leaves a cooler
ocean behind, lowering the likelihood that more
storms will flare up, at least not immediately.
11. Rockets ---- to have originated with the Chinese
before the thirteenth century, which is when they A) Once B) Even so
---- to appear in Europe.
C) Even if D) Since
A) may be believed / were beginning
E) While
B) could be believed / have begun

C) were believed / had begun

17. Humans, like all warm-blooded animals, can keep
D) have been believed / could begin their core body temperatures pretty much
constant ---- differences in the temperature in the
E) are believed / began world around them.

A) as of B) regardless of
12. Gregor Mendel probably chose to study garden C) instead of D) in terms of
peas because he was familiar with them ---- his
rural upbringing; they were easy to grow, and E) because of
they came ---- many readily distinguishable

A) from / in B) at / for C) with / on 18. The part of an animal ---- gases are exchanged
with the environment is called the respiratory
D) in / by E) on / over surface.

A) how B) which C) whatever

D) what E) where

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
19. – 23. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numa- 24. – 35. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
ralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
ifadeyi bulunuz.
24. Despite the fact that no one has ever seen it
Small planes should be safe enough for normal, non- happen, ----.
risk-taking people to trust their lives to them. NASA
wants (19) ---- the accident rate by 90 per cent within A) there is evidence to suggest that rocks of up to
twenty-five years. The planes should become fast 320 kilograms are moved by the wind across the
enough for their effective speed to be at least three floor of Death Valley in California
times (20) ---- great as that of cars on the highway.
B) the Grandstand is a 20-metre-high island of rock

The existing small-plane fleet averages 150 knots;
that should be raised to 300 knots within a decade, that looks like the top of a mountain buried in a
and eventually to 450 knots, (21) ---- small planes sea of sediment
could compete with the jetliners’ speed. The planes
should be more efficient and environmentally safer, C) most of southeastern California is a region torn
using less fuel, creating less pollution, and generating by earthquakes and eroded by wind and rain
less noise. They should be more (22) ---- in their
operations and far simpler to fly, much like cars that D) Death Valley lies 86 metres below sea level and
vary little from one rental site to another. And they is surrounded by peaks of more than 3,000
should be radically more reliable and cheaper to metres
maintain – following the example of automobiles, with
E) Death Valley was formed as the Amargosa and
their quality revolution (23) ---- the 1980s and 1990s.
Panamint mountain ranges were pulled apart
19. from each other

A) to have reduced B) reducing

C) having reduced D) to reduce 25. As the Hubble Space Telescope continues its
mission, ----.
E) to have been reducing
A) Edwin Hubble encouraged this idea in
connection with his own research

20. B) Eta Carinae is one of the most massive stars

known in the Milky Way, and is thought to be on
A) as B) such C) much the verge of becoming a gigantic supernova

D) so E) more C) millions of people have already learned a great

deal about the solar system

D) we tend to think of science in terms of great

21. minds coming up with great ideas

A) if only B) in that E) it sends home new revelations about the life and
death of stars and the nature of our expanding
C) so that D) by which universe

E) as if

26. When the first transistor amplifiers came along,

A) there were a number of design deficiencies
A) tentative B) consistent
B) the engineers identified these problems and
C) deliberate D) reluctant fixed them
E) recurrent C) people would have been astonished by the
magic of it all
D) Shockley, Bardeen and Brattain developed the
A) at B) for C) about transistor in 1947 and 1948
D) of E) with E) the extent of their achievements will never be

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
27. As soon as scientists realized the power of DNA 30. Fullerenes are carbon molecules ----.
technology, ----.
A) that the simplest fullerene molecule, C60, has a
A) early concerns focused on the possibility that soccer-ball shape
they might create new pathogens
B) whose shapes are made up of pentagons and
B) the Human Genome Project has yielded many hexagons that meet three at a time, in such a
other unexpected results way that no two pentagons are adjacent

C) they claim that these proteins could be tested for C) whereas, mathematically, the combinatorics of
their ability to cause allergic reactions fullerenes is an application of Euler’s formula

D) they began to worry about its potential dangers D) although other fullerenes, such as C80, have
been made in the laboratory
E) one safety measure is a set of strict laboratory
procedures designed to protect researchers from E) while every fullerene contains exactly 12
infection pentagons with no limit to the number of
hexagons it contains

31. Twenty years have passed since the accident at

28. Although geologists tended to dismiss the Chernobyl ----.
attempt of the physicist Kelvin to estimate the
age of Earth as being too simplistic, ----. A) when many of the studies have been showing an
elevated rate of mutations among the animals in
A) the theory of continental drift might have been the area
accepted decades earlier
B) so that scientists studying the effects find
B) early nineteenth-century geologists largely themselves in unpopular positions
accepted that Earth was of unlimited age
C) wherever policy makers want concrete
C) many people believe that his calculation failed conclusions and results, not probability estimates
through his ignorance of radioactivity on the dangers of radiation exposure
D) Kelvin began writing on this subject when he was D) because many public servants do not share the
16 scientists’ enthusiasm for the scientific process
E) the model he used has in fact proved very useful E) but the extent to which people and the
in geology environment have been harmed is still being
hotly debated

29. Since albatross have the longest wings in nature,

----. 32. Geologists note that coal is similar to tar ----.

A) their populations had already begun to decline A) as we might expect coal to last another 200
B) they came ashore far more frequently
B) unless environmental issues may limit how much
C) they can glide for hundreds of kilometres without of this resource is exploited
flapping their wings
C) in that both are relatively difficult to mine without
D) from time to time they went in search of new dangerous environmental consequences
breeding grounds
D) because the world is using these energy sources
E) most pairs mate for life, producing and raising so inefficiently at the moment
one chick every two years
E) while tar is also formed by tobacco burning

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
33. Practically all the problems associated with the
musculo-skeletal and body-fluid systems could 36. – 38. sorularda, verilen Đngilizce cümleye
be alleviated or avoided in space ships ----. anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

A) if artificial gravity similar to that on Earth could be 36. In North America, the electrical grid has evolved
provided in piecemeal fashion over the past 100 years.
B) as current countermeasures are limited to the A) Kuzey Amerika’daki mevcut elektrik şebekesi,
use of exercise equipment geçen 100 yıl boyunca aşama aşama oluşturul-
C) since technological progress might have solved
this problem B) Kuzey Amerika’daki elektrik şebekesi, geride

kalan 100 yıl boyunca parça parça ancak kuru-
D) before further complications had developed labilmiştir.
E) although the spaceship could be linearly C) Kuzey Amerika’da, elektrik şebekesi, geçen 100
accelerated in the desired direction yıl içinde düzensiz bir şekilde gelişmiştir.

D) Kuzey Amerika’daki elektrik şebekesinin bir

bölümü, geçen 100 yıl içinde geliştirilmiştir.

E) Kuzey Amerika elektrik şebekesinin adım adım

34. The Mariner 10 space probe determined ----.
gelişmesi, geçen 100 yıl içinde gerçekleşmiştir.
A) since planetary scientists have speculated about
Mercury’s magnetic field

B) that Mercury, unlike Venus and Mars, has a

significant magnetic field

C) while there is no way to judge whether iron on 37. Global competition regarding limited petroleum
Mercury is solid or liquid and natural gas resources is intense, and even a
mild production shortage can send prices
D) until the new project uses radar reflections to
skyrocketing, as we have been seeing for some
determine subtle oscillations in Mercury’s
rotation rate
A) Sınırlı petrol ve doğal gaz kaynakları konusunda
E) which presumably creates a strong magnetic
küresel rekabet yoğundur ve, bir süredir gördü-
ğümüz gibi, hafif bir üretim açığı bile fiyatları bir-
den yükseltebilir.

B) Petrol ve doğal gaz kaynakları sınırlı olduğu için

küresel rekabet oldukça yoğundur ve üretimde
35. One of the most important aspects of our planet’s en ufak bir azalma, son zamanlarda görüldüğü
evolution is the formation of the atmosphere, ----. gibi, fiyatları fırlatmaktadır.

A) if continents and oceans, encircled by an C) Sınırlı olan petrol ve doğal gaz kaynaklarına
oxygen-rich atmosphere, support familiar life yönelik küresel rekabet o denli yoğundur ki,
forms yakın zamandan beri gözlemlediğimiz gibi, en
küçük bir üretim açığı bile fiyatları birden yük-
B) although such constant change has seltmektedir.
characterized Earth since its beginning some 4.5
billion years ago D) Küresel rekabetin yoğun olduğu petrol ve doğal
gaz kaynakları oldukça sınırlıdır ve, bir süredir
C) whether understanding the carbon dioxide görüldüğü gibi, üretimde oluşan en küçük bir kı-
content of the early atmosphere is crucial for sıtlama bile fiyatları oldukça yükseğe çekmek-
understanding climatic control tedir.

D) because it is this assemblage of gases that E) Sınırlı petrol ve doğal gaz kaynakları konusun-
allowed life to come out of the oceans and to be daki yoğun küresel rekabet nedeniyle, bir süredir
sustained gördüğümüz gibi, üretimin hafif de olsa düşmesi
sonucu fiyatlar alabildiğine yükselmektedir.
E) as continental shift has been altering the face of
Earth for nearly a billion years

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
38. Until recently, there was no reliable method to 40. Kozmik ışınlar, aslında, atmosferin tepesine he-
measure the age of dinosaurs, and thus, to figure men hemen ışık hızına yakın bir hızda çarpan ve
out the conditions in which they grew. çoğunlukla güneş sisteminin ötesinden gelen
A) Son yıllara kadar kullandığımız hiçbir yöntem
dinozorların yaşını ölçmek ve büyüdükleri ko- A) Cosmic rays, usually called ions, come from
şulları ortaya koymak için güvenilir değildi. across the solar system, hitting the outer layers
of the atmosphere at a speed close to that of
B) Dinozorların yaşını ölçmek ve dolayısıyla büyü- light.
dükleri koşulları ortaya koymak için bugüne ka-
dar hiçbir güvenilir yöntem bulamadık. B) The fact is that cosmic rays, also called ions,
come from the other end of the solar system and

C) Yıllardan beri, dinozorların yaşını ölçmeye ve constantly hit the top of the atmosphere at the
böylelikle nasıl büyüdüklerini belirlemeye yöne- full speed of light.
lik herhangi bir yöntem bulamadık.
C) Cosmic rays are in fact ions that strike the top of
D) Uzun zamandan beri, dinozorların yaşını ölçe- the atmosphere at nearly the speed of light and
rek büyüdükleri koşulları kesin olarak belirleme- mostly come from beyond the solar system.
de kullanılabilecek herhangi bir yöntemimiz yok-
tu. D) It is true that cosmic rays are ions which cut
across the solar system and strike the upper
E) Son zamanlara kadar, dinozorların yaşını ölçmek layer of the atmosphere at about the speed of
ve böylece büyüdükleri koşulları anlamak için gü- light.
venilir bir yöntem yoktu.
E) What we call ions are in fact cosmic rays that,
coming from the depths of the solar system,
strike the upper parts of the atmosphere at
exactly the speed of light.

41. Leibniz, bilgisayar programının icadından 250 yıl

39. – 41. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye
önce yaşamış olmasına rağmen, modern algorit-
anlamca en yakın Đngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
mik bilgi düşüncesine çok yaklaşmıştı.

39. Darwinizme göre, mümkün olduğunca sık üre- A) Although Leibniz lived 250 years before the
mek, her canlının temel amacıdır. invention of the computer programme, he came
very close to the modern idea of algorithmic
A) Darwinism upholds the view that every organism information.
always strives to reproduce so long as it is
possible. B) Leibniz, who lived some 250 years before the
introduction of the computer programme, was in
B) According to Darwinism, frequent reproduction is fact fully familiar with the idea of modern
what every organism has as a major aim. algorithmic information.

C) As one infers from Darwinism, for every C) It was just 250 years before the development of
organism, the essential goal is to reproduce so the computer programme that Leibniz lived and
far as possible. put forward the modern idea of algorithmic
D) According to Darwinism, it is the basic goal of
every organism to reproduce as often as D) Living 250 years before the launching of the
possible. computer programme, Leibniz had a notion of
modern algorithmic information.
E) With reference to Darwinism, it is to be stated
that reproduction is what every organism has as E) Even though the computer programme was
its ultimate aim. invented 250 years after Leibniz, he was actually
aware of the idea underlying modern algorithmic

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
44. Only a few large meteorites have struck the earth.
42. – 46. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parça- The largest we know about fell in Arizona and
da anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirile- made what is now called Meteor Crater, a hole
bilecek cümleyi bulunuz. about a mile across and 600 feet deep. ----. Other
big meteorites fell in ancient times, in Texas, in
42. Carbon nanotubes have been hailed as a Argentina, in northern Siberia and in Greenland.
semiconducting wonder ingredient that will make
materials stronger. ----. Moreover, their ability to A) When a meteor reaches the earth, it is called a
act as filters might one day be exploited to build meteorite
artificial livers.
B) This big meteorite may have fallen as much as
twenty-five thousand years ago

A) In the molecules of a polar liquid, some atoms
are slightly positively charged while others carry
a balancing negative charge C) The amazing thing about these meteor showers
is that they come year after year
B) Some experts in nanotube chemistry have
published extensively D) Most meteors are small, probably a few inches in
C) Accordingly, it is possible to make nanotubes
generate electricity E) The most remarkable meteor shower was seen
in Connecticut on the night of November 12,
D) Thus, their importance has been greatly 1833

E) In addition, they will help miniaturize electronics


45. Although a soccer ball can be put together in

many ways, there is one design so ubiquitous
43. Locomotion can be considered to be a flow of that it has become iconic. This standard soccer
mass from one location to another. ----. They seek ball is glued together from 32 polygons, 12 of
and find paths and rhythms that allow them to them five-sided and 20 six-sided, arranged in
move their mass the greatest distance per such a way that every pentagon (five-sided) is
expenditure of useful energy while minimizing surrounded by hexagons (six-sided). ----. This
thermodynamic imperfections such as friction. colour scheme was introduced for the World Cup
in 1970 to enhance the visibility of the ball on
A) All of these designs allow for the maximum television, although the design itself is older.
transfer of material with the least amount of
resistance A) 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons form a figure
known to mathematicians as a “truncated
B) A flow is an equilibrium of areas with high and icosahedron”
low resistivities
B) To a mathematician, the iconic black and white
C) Animals move on the surface of Earth in the soccer ball is an intriguing puzzle
same way as rivers, winds and oceanic currents
C) A number of questions can be tackled about the
D) A river basin configures and reconfigures itself arrangement of pentagons and hexagons using
so that the water is discharged with the least the language of mathematics
resistance through the mouth of the river
D) The usual way to colour such a ball is to paint
E) One of the basic goals of any design – whether the pentagons black and the hexagons white
it’s an animal or a machine – is to get maximum
output for minimum energy E) Every soccer ball contains at least 12 pentagons,
but may well contain more

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
46. This year researchers from some 60 nations are 48. Ken :
participating in the International Polar Year, an - Do you know? I’m really getting very interested
intensive burst of interdisciplinary research in the movement of glaciers.
focusing on the polar regions. ----. For instance,
water from the melting ice sheet is flowing into Sherrie :
the North Atlantic much faster than scientists had - What have you learned now?
previously thought possible.
Ken :
A) Greenland, especially, has become a kind of - ----
barometer for the rest of the world because of its
sensitivity to climate changes Sherrie :
- That’s right; the ice moves out to the sides

B) Climatologists have found that the best places to because of the greater weight and pressure at
study global warming are the coldest regions on the centre.
A) That when glaciers move, they don’t only move
C) Thus far, the data the researchers have seen straight downhill.
has been alarming
B) Well, some glaciers flow into the sea, but others
D) A glacier that accelerates with a warming end on land.
atmosphere is within the realm of scientific
expectation C) Glaciers store about 75% of the world’s
E) Arctic climatologist Konrad Steffen has spent 18
consecutive springs on the Greenland ice cap, D) I found out that where an ice sheet flows into the
personally building and installing the weather ocean and floats, it forms an ice shelf.
E) Ice sheets flowing over land usually form piles of
rocks and dirt at their ending points.

49. Michelle :
- It says in this article that Jupiter’s moon Europa
47. – 51. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş has relatively few craters on it – only one or two
significant ones.
bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi
Kathy :
- I wonder why it has so few, when some of
47. Angela : Jupiter’s other moons and our own moon have
- How was your visit to Crater Lake National Park so many.
last summer?
Michelle :
Sharon : - ----
- It was wonderful. The lake is very beautiful, with
a clear, deep-blue colour. And I learned Kathy :
something new about it: it’s a closed basin lake. - Oh, yes, I’ve read about that. It has to do with
tides changing the surface features, doesn’t it?
Angela :
- ---- A) The article says that it would be surprising if the
tides weren’t still active.
Sharon :
- Well, there are no permanent streams that enter B) Scientists think that the surface has been
or exit the lake. completely re-made in the cosmically recent
A) I plan to visit the lake this summer.
C) The continously changing surface would create
B) How did you learn that? organisms, if there are any, that could adapt
easily to the changes.
C) You’re very informed, aren’t you?
D) Since there are many tiny bodies in the outer
D) What does that mean? solar system, they would normally have hit
Europa, forming craters.
E) How many visitors are allowed into the park each
year? E) The weak ice on Europa’s surface cannot
support high mountains.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
50. Ann :
- Did you know that the use of graph paper for 52. – 56. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okun-
plotting functions and data was first made duğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan
common by Professor John Perry, when he was cümleyi bulunuz.
still an assistant of the famous physicist Lord
Kelvin? 52. (I) In science fiction, the worst threats to space
travellers are large ones: asteroids, ravenous
Jane : creatures, and imperial battle cruisers. (II) The
- No, I didn’t. How did he make it available to the journey time from Earth to Mars could be reduced
public? from six months to less than six weeks. (III) In reality,
though, the scariest menaces for humans in space
Ann :

are the tiniest: fast-moving elementary particles
- ---- known as cosmic rays. (IV) On a long journey, these
would give astronauts a dose of radiation serious
Jane : enough to cause cancer. (V) Unlike most of the other
- Well, that’s really something. challenges of venturing into deep space, which
engineers should be able to solve, cosmic rays pose
A) He was a tireless educator in engineering and irreducible risks.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
B) He challenged Lord Kelvin’s hypothesis about
the temperature of the Earth.

C) Perry came up with the idea that heat moved

more easily deep inside the Earth than it does
close to the surface.

D) Perry insisted that mathematics was basic to all 53. (I) A dramatic cut in the cost of a super-efficient new
the sciences. breed of solar cell could put domestic solar power on
a more economic footing. (II) The cells, which helped
E) Simply, it was because of him that the price of take NASA’s electric-powered aircraft Helios to
graph paper became affordable for everybody. record altitudes, have until now been too expensive.
(III) But their manufacturer has found a way to make
them as much as 20 times cheaper. (IV) The cells
convert light energy into electricity with an efficiency
of 20 per cent – which means they generate one-third
more electrical power than conventional silicon solar
51. Peter :
cells. (V) NASA’s electrically powered plane Helios
- It seems that higher sea-surface temperatures
soared to altitudes above 96,000 feet (29 kilometres)
could give rise to ever larger and more frequent
– a world record for a winged plane not powered by a
rocket engine.
Frank : A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
- ----

Peter :
- True. What do you think is going to happen?

Frank :
- Let’s just wait and see!

A) At present, it is all pure speculation. Let’s change

the subject. 54. (I) Our knowledge of cell structure took a giant leap
forward as biologists began using the electron
B) Why have you become so interested in global microscope in the 1950s. (II) Instead of light, the
warming? electron microscope (EM) uses a beam of electrons.
(III) Actually, specimens should have been cut into
C) But which parts of the globe would be affected? extremely thin sections and stained with atoms of
heavy metals such as gold. (IV) The EM has a much
D) Yes; I’m familiar with that theory. But there are greater resolution than the light microscope.
opposing theories too. (V) Under special conditions, the most powerful EMs
can detect individual atoms.
E) Hurricanes will certainly increase in number and
severity. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
55. (I) Early in the 20 century, oranges and grapefruits
were ripened for market in sheds equipped with 57. – 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
kerosene stoves. (II) Before leaves fall, many of their cevaplayınız.
essential elements are stored in the stem. (III) Fruit
growers thought it was the heat that ripened the fruit, There were many heated debates in the nineteenth
but when they tried newer, cleaner-burning stoves, century about the relationship between chemical
the fruit did not ripen fast enough. (IV) Plant reactions and living organisms. Some scientists felt
biologists learned later that ripening in the sheds was that fermentation was an activity of living things and,
actually due to ethylene, a gaseous by-product of therefore, could not take place outside of living cells.
kerosene combustion. (V) We now know that plants This was proved by the work Louis Pasteur
produce their own ethylene, which functions as a undertook for the French wine industry. Indeed, in the
hormone that triggers a variety of aging responses,

1850s, the French wine industry was having serious
including fruit ripening and programmed cell death. trouble with wine that had spoiled. The French
emperor, Napoleon III, called in Pasteur to help.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V Pasteur knew that the fermentation which produced
wine was caused by living yeast cells. But now he
found that certain bacteria could also carry out
fermentation. He discovered that fermentation by
bacteria spoils wine because it produces vinegar
(acetic acid) instead of the alcohol produced by
yeast. Pasteur suggested that the winemakers heat
the wine for a short time to destroy the bacteria. They
were horrified, but it worked. The process,
pasteurization, is still used today, especially for milk.

57. It is clear from the passage that the fundamental

56. (I) Since the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001, principle of pasteurization, especially as
anti-aircraft missile batteries have been installed to practised in the milk industry today, ----.
protect buildings in US cities. (II) However, less
drastic solutions have also been suggested. (III) No A) aroused a fierce controversy among the French
software simulation is going to be sufficient to scientists of the nineteenth century
convince any pilot about the new avionics systems.
(IV) An aerospace company, for instance, has B) was already known in France before the time of
proposed installing the electronics from its pilotless Pasteur
plane in passenger aircraft to allow ground control to
take over a hijacked plane and land it remotely. C) was given a full scientific explanation by
(V) Others say automatic landing systems could steer scientists working for Napoleon III
planes to safety without human intervention.
D) was discovered only after a long period of
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V experimentation by French winemakers

E) is the destruction, by heating, of the bacteria

which cause fermentation

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Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
58. One understands from the passage that, in the 60. As pointed out in the passage, the idea that ----.
nineteenth century, ----.
A) bacteria spoiled wine was accepted among the
A) a major controversy among scientists concerned French scientists of the nineteenth century, but it
whether living organisms played any role in was Pasteur whom Napoleon III appointed to
chemical reactions improve wine-making in the country

B) Napoleon III was seriously interested in scientific B) bacteria in wine could best be destroyed through
matters and favoured Pasteur more than any a prolonged process of heating was
other scientist commonplace among nineteenth-century French
C) French winemakers had so much trust in

Pasteur’s work on bacteria that they fully C) pasteurization prevented milk from spoiling
followed his instructions for the process of quickly spread outside France in the nineteenth
pasteurization century and has never since been challenged by
D) French scientists especially focused on
fermentation, since the wine industry was of vital D) fermentation by bacteria spoils wine is no longer
importance for France current, since various new methods have been
developed for better wine-making
E) the French wine industry was remarkably
advanced since it made use of various E) fermentation was caused by a chemical reaction
innovations and scientific discoveries in living cells wasn’t accepted by many scientists
until well into the nineteenth century

59. According to the passage, Pasteur discovered

that ----.

A) most French winemakers were far more skilled

at producing vinegar than wine

B) the problem French winemakers faced needed to

be dealt with immediately

C) most scientists of his time knew little about the

variety of chemical reactions taking place in
living organisms but they were prepared to
debate about them

D) what really spoiled wine was not fermentation

brought about by living yeast cells but that
caused by bacterial activity

E) not only the French wine industry but also its

milk industry could be greatly improved through
the use of pasteurization

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Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
62. It is clear from the passage that fossils ----.
61. – 64. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. A) greatly fascinated prehistoric peoples, who
revered them as sacred
Fossils are the remains of organisms which have
endured for fantastic periods of time. Fossils can be B) are always found in rocks as bones or teeth
bones or teeth or even plant or animal imprints
C) date back to very early prehistoric times
preserved in rock since prehistoric times. The
appearance of fossils in rock has been a source of D) were not as serious a concern for Aristotle as
wonder and fascination to man for centuries. The they were for others
fossil of an ancient sea animal was even found

among the possessions of a prehistoric man. Many E) were regarded by prehistoric man as evil spirits
people have tried to explain fossils. Aristotle believed preserved in rocks
they were the remains of living creatures, but thought
the creatures grew in the rocks. Some people
believed that fossils were placed in rocks by evil
spirits. Other explanations were remarkably modern.
For example, Herodotus, an ancient Greek historian,
observed fossil seashells in the Libyan desert in 450
B.C. and guessed that the Mediterranean Sea had
once reached much farther south than it does today. 63. According to the passage, Herodotus speculated
that the Libyan desert, ----.

A) which was rich in the remains of various

organisms, had been the original home of
prehistoric man

B) which was vast and dry, had been flooded on

several occasions in the past by the
Mediterranean Sea

C) through which he often travelled, had in the past

61. It is clear from the passage that ----. made up a major part of the Mediterranean Sea
A) throughout history, there have been many D) where he saw fossil seashells, had once been
different views and explanations as regards the covered by the Mediterranean Sea
nature and cause of fossils
E) where there were plant and animal imprints in
B) it is only in modern times that there has been rocks, had no connection whatsoever with the
any serious interest in fossils Mediterranean Sea
C) human interest in fossils has only been aroused
through the fascinating explanations and
discoveries made by modern science

D) Herodotus travelled extensively in the

Mediterranean world and was particularly
attracted by the geography of Libya 64. It is pointed out in the passage that ----.

E) the study of fossils by modern scientists has A) Aristotle was particularly interested in the fossils
mostly focused on the preserved imprints of found in rocks
plants and animals in rocks
B) there are many different kinds of fossils

C) the earliest kinds of fossils were those of sea

plants and seashells

D) Herodotus and Aristotle were the earliest

pioneers of fossil studies

E) the very first discovery of fossils was in the

Libyan desert

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
66. According to the passage, what is called a
65. – 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre “population” in biology ----.
A) can be defined as any group of organisms that is
A population is a group of individual organisms of the not subject to loss and replacement
same kind that are limited to some particular space.
The most familiar example is the human population, B) is a biological unit that has only the function of
but there are also populations of animals and plants growth
everywhere on Earth. In fact, scientists regard a
C) is a group of animals and plants that can survive
population as a biological unit that has both structure
all kinds of environmental changes
and function. The parts of a population are its

individual members. The functions of a population are D) solely refers to any human group that lives in a
similar to those of other biological units: growth, specific region on Earth
development, and self-maintenance in a changing
environment. Individuals enter a population by birth E) is a unit that consists of the same kind of
and by moving in, that is, by immigration. Individuals individual organisms living in a particular area
leave a population by death and by moving out, that
is, by emigration. If the environment of a population
remains the same, loss and replacement of members
are in balance. The population will be able to survive
in that particular environment. If the environment
changes, however, loss or addition of members 67. It is clear from the passage that, so long as a
increases or decreases the size of the population. population lives in a constant environment, ----.

A) the growth, development, and self-maintenance

of its members can be fully controlled

B) its size remains more or less stable

C) it usually undergoes a rapid structural change,

which considerably affects its size

D) the replacement of its members is relatively

slow, compared with other populations in
different environments

E) its survival becomes difficult owing to the

uncontrollable increase in its size

65. It is pointed out in the passage that the changes

that occur in the environment of a population ----.

A) have an impact, negative or positive, on the 68. As it is indicated in the passage, if the addition of
members of that population new members to a population exceeds loss, ----.
B) speed up the process of replacement of the A) this can have a restrictive effect on emigrations
members of the population from the population
C) always contribute greatly to the survival of all the B) this has no effect whatsoever on the
members of that population environment in which the population lives
D) are mostly caused by the uncontrollable size of C) the survival of the population can be maintained
that population in a balanced way
E) can be reduced through an increase in the size D) the size of the population shows a growing
of the population pattern

E) new measures must be introduced to prevent

environmental changes

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Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
70. As is pointed out in the passage, Pluto ----.
69. – 72. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. A) is on the outer edge of the solar system

Pluto, which was until recently regarded as the B) has extensive ice caps at both its poles
outermost and smallest planet in the solar system,
C) was a major god in antiquity, worshipped by the
has never been visited by an exploring spacecraft. So
Romans as well as by other peoples
little is known about it that it is difficult to classify. Its
distance from Earth is so great that the Hubble Space D) and Neptune seem to have similar orbits that
Telescope cannot reveal its surface features. bring them closer to the Sun
Appropriately named for the Roman god of the

underworld, it must be frozen, dark, and dead. Its E) looks so dark that nothing whatsoever can be
mean distance from the Sun is 5,900 million observed on it
kilometres. In fact, it has the most eccentric orbit in
the solar system, bringing it at times closer to the Sun
than Neptune. Furthermore, there is evidence that
Pluto has an atmosphere, containing methane, and a
polar ice cap that increases and decreases in size
with Pluto’s seasons. It is not known to have water.
The Hubble Space Telescope’s faint-object camera
revealed light and dark regions on Pluto, indicating
an ice cap at the north pole. It is not known if there is
an ice cap at Pluto’s south pole.

69. According to the passage, Pluto’s orbit around

the Sun ----.

A) takes so long that each of its seasons has a long


B) has not yet been described accurately

C) brings it, on occasion, closer than Neptune to the


D) follows a pattern which is uniform and stable

E) has been studied again and again through the

Hubble Space Telescope

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Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
71. It is stated in the passage that, since Pluto is so 72. As is stated in the passage, from the data
far away from Earth, ----. provided by the Hubble Space Telescope about
Pluto ----.
A) its regions and poles can best be studied
through a powerful telescope A) some scientists have suggested that its
exploration ought to be started soon
B) almost nothing is known about even its exterior
B) one can conclude that it has a climate which is
C) the density of the methane in its atmosphere stable and temperate
cannot be measured
C) it has a dull surface with absolutely no variety
D) the Hubble Space Telescope clearly shows how

completely frozen its surface is D) it is understood that there is an ice cap on its
north pole
E) only some minor explorations have so far been
made by means of a spacecraft E) one becomes aware of the fact that every planet
in the solar system has a similar cycle of

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Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
74. According to the passage, the water resources of
73. – 76. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre the world ----.
A) are largely confined to the Indus and the Nile
Today the world faces a growing crisis over the B) have been increased through the solutions
management of its great rivers. In recent years, most proposed by water engineers, and so the need
of the great rivers in the world, such as the Yellow for clean drinking water will be met well before
River in China, the Indus, the Colorado, and the Nile, 2015
have all periodically run empty because mankind has
used their every last drop. Indeed, there is a huge C) are so limited that it is doubtful whether the
unmet demand in the world for water. More than a number of people with no access to clean

billion people have no access to clean drinking water, drinking water can be halved, as hoped, by 2015
and while it is hoped that this figure will be halved by
2015, nobody is sure where the water will come from. D) have become a major concern among politicians
With today’s trends, one-third of the world population in many countries and, therefore, new policies
will be seriously short of water by 2025. Politicians in have been proposed for an efficient
China, India, Pakistan, Egypt and other water- management of the great rivers
stressed countries want their water engineers to find
solutions – and fast. E) need to be upgraded by 2025 in order to catch
up with the growth rate of the world population

73. In the passage, there is a clear warning that, ----.

A) sooner or later, water shortages could lead to

serious political crises in China and other

B) despite the solutions proposed by water

engineers, the people of China, India, Pakistan,
and Egypt will soon face a serious shortage of

C) unless more precautions are taken, more than a

billion people will have almost no access to
water in the near future

D) so long as politicians remain indifferent to the

growing water crisis in the world, most countries
will be unable to provide clean drinking water for
their people

E) by the end of the first quarter of this century,

there will be a severe water shortage affecting
one-third of the world population

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
75. As can be understood from the passage, the fact 76. One concludes from the passage that efficient
that even some great rivers have from time to management of the water resources of the world
time run dry due to the overuse of their capacity is essential ----.
A) if the growing worldwide demand for water is to
A) demonstrates how the growth of the populations be met adequately
in some countries has had an adverse effect on
the water resources B) and the waters of the Nile and the Indus, in
particular, must not be used so wastefully
B) shows how irresponsible the water engineers of
most countries have been C) since China and India, with their large
populations, are heading for a serious shortage

C) signifies that there must be a national water of water well before 2015
authority in each country for the preservation of
the water resources D) as one-third of the population in China is unable
to get clean drinking water
D) makes it urgent for water engineers to discover
new water resources in the southwestern US E) in order to maintain political stability in the
countries most affected by an acute shortage of
E) is a clear indication of how urgent the demand drinking water
for water is in the world today

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
79. According to the passage, when the top layers of
77. – 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre the ice sheet melt, ----.
A) the ice mass ceases to slide towards the ocean
The huge ice sheet covering Greenland, which is the
world’s largest island, provides a habitat for many B) water seeps down to the rocks below aiding the
arctic species and holds nearly 8 per cent of the ice mass to slide into the sea
world’s freshwater. It is, on average, 5,000 feet thick
C) it has an adverse effect on various arctic species
and is constantly being replaced as snow falls each
winter. Over the course of centuries, the snow D) the rock under the ice mass is fully exposed
compacts into ice, which slides towards the ocean. In

recent years, higher atmospheric concentrations of E) there is a noticeable increase in the volume of
heat-trapping gases have accelerated that process. liquid water
As temperatures rise, the top layers melt, giving way
to darker, heat-absorbing ice and liquid water. The
meltwater seeps down to the rock below, lubricating
the ice mass and speeding its slide into the sea.

77. As one can see, the passage ----.

A) focuses on the importance of Greenland as a

major source of the world’s freshwater
80. As pointed out in the passage, Greenland, with its
B) is mainly concerned with the geographical 5,000-foot-thick ice sheet, ----.
features of Greenland’s surface and highlights its
natural beauty A) is so affected by the atmospheric concentrations
of heat-trapping gases that the amount of the
C) deals in detail with the causes of global warming meltwater on the island has risen to a dangerous
and its effects on the arctic species in Greenland level

D) explains how global warming is having an B) has lost much of its freshwater capacity due to
environmental impact on Greenland’s ice mass the process of extensive melting which has been
going on for centuries
E) extensively describes the process whereby the
ice mass of Greenland has formed over the C) will soon lose its ice mass, since the amount of
course of centuries snowfall on the island each winter has dropped
dramatically over the course of the last few

D) not only accommodates different kinds of arctic

species but also preserves a significant amount
78. It is pointed out in the passage that the slide into of the world’s freshwater
the ocean of the ice mass in Greenland ----.
E) can no longer provide a habitat for some arctic
A) has caused much damage to a wide range of species that have lived on the island over the
arctic species and their habitat course of many centuries
B) can be prevented completely so long as
temperatures are stable

C) is of vital importance because, through this

process, the world’s freshwater capacity is

D) has only been observed in recent years, but

environmentally, this phenomenon is of no TEST BĐTTĐ.
E) has been faster than usual in recent years as a
result of global warming

Diğer sayfaya
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Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
ÜDS FEN - (MART) 2008
1. D 2. A 3. B 4. E 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. B

11. E 12. A 13. B 14. D 15. C 16. A 17. B 18. E 19. D 20. A

21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. E 26. A 27. D 28. E 29. C 30. B

31. E 32. C 33. A 34. B 35. D 36. C 37. A 38. E 39. D 40. C

41. A 42. E 43. C 44. B 45. D 46. C 47. D 48. A 49. B 50. E

51. D 52. B 53. E 54. C 55. B 56. C 57. E 58. A 59. D 60. E

61. A 62. C 63. D 64. B 65. A 66. E 67. B 68. D 69. C 70. A

71. B 72. D 73. E 74. C 75. E 76. A 77. D 78. E 79. B 80. D


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
4. Twenty-five per cent of excess nitrogen from
1. – 18. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yer- overfertilization of fields ---- into the oceans via
lere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulu- rivers.
A) brings B) carries C) swims
1. Europe’s deep-ocean margin, stretching from the
Arctic to the Mediterranean and to the Black Sea, D) expels E) flows
contains an ---- of biological energy and mineral

A) extension B) influence

C) abundance D) element
5. The SOS (Space Observatories in School)
E) assumption
programme was ---- to make young people more
aware of opportunities to study the fundamental
sciences, especially those related to the universe.

A) thought over B) built in

C) made up D) set up

E) found out

2. Cloud seeding, a technique which attempts to

make precipitation by dispersing silver iodide
particles into clouds, remains ---- because it is
quite difficult to prove whether it actually works.
6. Ever since the sixteenth century, when Central
A) valuable B) confidential
America first appeared on European maps,
C) essential D) fascinating schemes have been ---- to build canals there.

E) controversial A) set off B) put forward

C) run down D) taken up

E) sent off

3. Some frozen areas of Greenland have always 7. Scientists predict that should the current rate of
melted each summer, but recent research has deforestation in the rainforests ----, a great many
shown that the extent of snowmelt in Greenland of the species they support ---- completely by the
increased ---- between 1992 and 2005. turn of the 22nd century.

A) vaguely B) roughly A) continue / will have disappeared

C) scarcely D) drastically B) is continued / will disappear

E) marginally C) was continued / would disappear

D) had continued / would have disappeared

E) will continue / would have disappeared

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

8. Cosmologists believe that equal amounts of 11. If all of the Arctic ice ----, global sea levels ---- by
matter and antimatter ---- in the early universe, 23 feet, submerging most coastal areas.
but since matter and antimatter annihilate each
other, something ---- to create an excess of A) melted / will rise
matter, leading to the universe we see today.
B) is to melt / are rising
A) are created / happened
C) were to melt / could rise
B) have been created / had happened
D) will melt / rise
C) had been created / has happened
E) had melted / rose
D) may have been created / must have happened

E) would be created / has been happening

12. We need to worry ---- the effects of fossil-fuel

carbon dioxide ---- the atmosphere.

A) onto / below B) on / by

C) for / at D) about / in

E) towards / on

9. Since 1997, when the spacecraft ‘‘The Mars

Global Surveyor’’ ---- over the surface of Mars for
the first time, scientists ---- by the considerable
magnetic anomalies identified on the planet.

A) has flown / are intrigued

13. There’s a broad range of opinions ---- the
B) flies / were intrigued biological consequences of being exposed ----
the contaminated environment near Chernobyl.
C) had flown / had been intrigued
A) for / of B) in / with
D) was flying / may have been intrigued
C) on / to D) about / at
E) flew / have been intrigued
E) through / from

10. In 1998, 16 per cent of the world’s coral reefs ---- 14. Recently, researchers have found that ---- certain
by bleaching caused by El Nino, but half of those genes remain activated long enough, they can
reefs ---- signs of recovery, especially in dramatically enhance an organism’s health and
protected areas where it is illegal to harvest coral. extend its life span.
A) have been killed / showed A) even if B) while C) in case
B) were killed / are showing D) if E) although
C) had been killed / would have shown

D) have been killed / show

E) could be killed / had shown

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

15. Tourists gathered to admire the mushroom
clouds during nuclear tests in Nevada between 19. – 23. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numa-
1951 and 1963 ---- at the time there was complete ralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da
ignorance of the dangers of radioactive fallout. ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) since B) so as to C) when Although radon causes many deaths, it is clear that a

lot of them are preventable. Radon tests are cheap,
D) so that E) unless and when the gas (19) ----, diverting it from buildings
is (20) ---- a simple matter of fitting vents, fans or
membranes. (21) ---- in people’s homes, rates of
testing and remediation have been slow-moving. And
(22) ---- it comes to workplaces, the dangers (23) ----
radon are barely recognized.

16. Genetic engineering is primarily considered a

field of applied microbiology, ----, the exploitation
of microorganisms for a specific product or use. 19.

A) but rather B) as such A) was found B) is found C) will find

C) and then D) for example D) finds E) found

E) that is


A) hardly B) ever C) never

D) usually E) finally

17. A laptop maker recently released a model that

lets users change the processor, graphics card
and other parts by just removing one panel, ----
spending hours disassembling the computer. 21.
A) due to B) on behalf of A) Though B) Also C) Just
C) instead of D) with regard to D) If E) Yet
E) in order to


A) while B) when C) until

D) since E) after
18. Wetlands filter out excess nutrients and
pollutants by trapping them in roots and soil, ----
plants and bacteria break them down into less
harmful substances.
A) where B) which C) wherever
A) within B) at C) in
D) how E) whether
D) on E) of

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

27. ----, but let’s not forget where we live now – that
24. – 35. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun is, our own planet.
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) We have almost completely focused on space
24. Although the evolutionary origin of animals is exploration
unclear, ----.
B) As scientists, we are able to monitor and predict
A) scientists are no longer working on new theories environmental threats

B) evolutionary biologists have abandoned C) Satellite images help researchers track

traditional views about it hurricanes and glacial melting

C) the cells that make up the animal body are D) Scientists pose intricate questions about the
specialized to perform specific functions land, sky and oceans

D) biologists have gathered enough evidence to put E) Scientists make precise predictions about
forward a new theory about it climatic changes

E) much of the vegetation on land is similar to that

found in the water

28. As investigators learn more about what is

happening in the brain during the exact moment
of insight, ----.
25. ---- if Gregor Mendel had never lived?
A) physicians are placing their hopes on stem cells,
A) Is it possible to compare the science of genetics which have reversed some symptoms in
to mathematics in that it consists of some basic monkeys
B) one aspect of mental imagery has been more or
B) Can the basic rules of genetic inheritance in less neglected
human beings be fully discovered
C) the primary visual cortex seemed to be activated
C) Are geneticists interested in the study of the during the process of imagination
transmission of genes
D) people are able to attribute new meanings to
D) Will our understanding of the relationship objects in their inner eye
between an organism’s genes and its
characteristics be more advanced E) all of us want to know what we can do to
maximize the conditions that allow us to have
E) Would the development of the science of brilliant thoughts
genetics in the 20th century have been any

29. ---- because its ice sheet exerts a tremendous

influence on many ecological cycles.
26. ---- that large amounts of Greenland’s melted
freshwater could dilute the salinated water of the A) We probably have more information on nearby
Gulf Stream. planets than we do on Greenland

A) With regard to the new data, it has been B) The climatic change on Greenland is an indicator
questioned of things to come in the rest of the world

B) A team of ecologists from Norway have C) What happens on Greenland over the next
wondered decade does not worry scientists

C) An increasing number of scientists from around D) The average temperature on Greenland has
the world believe been steady in recent years

D) In view of new evidence, one is puzzled E) Less than one per cent of all the water on Earth
is drinkable and not locked up in ice
E) Despite a great deal of reliable evidence, most
environmentalists will not be certain

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

30. Scientists worry ----. 33. By the end of the year, the NASA scientists
should know for certain ----.
A) so that NASA may develop ways to shield
astronauts from radiation on Mars A) where the colourful images of Mars’ south pole
give indications of water
B) just as exposure to radiation is a serious danger
for manned spaceflight B) whether there is water on Mars in the form of ice

C) unless serious measures are taken to prevent C) even though water once flowed over the surface
fire on a space shuttle of Mars

D) that high-energy cosmic rays could cause much D) as life, similar to our own on Earth, could have
damage to space shuttles existed on Mars

E) provided that monitoring systems are placed E) because the surface of Mars could only have
throughout a spacecraft been formed by flowing water

31. ----, it rode aboard the massive Saturn V rocket. 34. Future computers will be able to tell us ----.

A) Even if the scientists at NASA were concerned A) even if the universe consists mostly of dark
about the quality of the spacecraft Apollo 11 matter and dark energy

B) Since the spacecraft Apollo 11 had been B) unless we produce more work for less effort
designed by a special team of engineers
C) so far as human beings can find new sources of
C) Whether the spacecraft Apollo 11 was to be food
used for lunar missions
D) while landmines in war zones will be detected
D) Although a lot of money was spent for the
development of the spacecraft Apollo 11 E) how we can improve our performance at work

E) When the spacecraft Apollo 11 went to the Moon

in 1969

35. ----, one cannot notice right away that it is

32. Sulphur dioxide emissions in Europe, ----, were moving.
reduced by 67% between 1980 and 2000.
A) While an iceberg is simply a chunk of ice
A) which contribute to Arctic haze
B) When glacier ice reaches the sea
B) as environmental pollution has adverse effects
on our life C) Since a glacier creeps downhill at a few metres a
C) because there have been serious attempts so far
D) If glacier ice is not static
D) if the melting of the Arctic ice can be prevented
E) Before a glacier forms from accumulated
E) since pollution from industry and forest fires has snowfall
become a major concern

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

38. By stimulating dead brain tissue, neuroscientists
36. – 38. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye have concluded that a specific receptor found in
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. the outer layer of neurons functions differently in
schizophrenic brains.
36. The change in temperature distribution in the
Arctic would also affect ocean currents in the A) Ölü beyin dokularını uyaran sinirbilimciler, şizof-
Atlantic, which would, in turn, influence ren hastalarda sinirlerin dış katmanındaki bir tür
atmospheric circulation in the region. reseptörün daha farklı işlev gösterdiğini ortaya
A) Kuzey kutup dairesindeki sıcaklık değişimi Atlan-
tik okyanusunda akıntıları da etkileyeceği için B) Sinirbilimcilerin ölü beyin dokularını uyarmaları,
bölgede atmosfer dönüşümü de değişecektir. şizofrenlilerin beyinlerinde bulunan özel bir re-
septörün sinirlerin dış katmanında farklı işlevler
B) Kuzey kutbunda sıcaklık dağılımının değişmesi gösterdiğini kanıtlamıştır.
sonucu, Atlantik’teki okyanus akıntıları da buna
karşılık bölgedeki hava dolaşımını etkileyecektir. C) Sinirbilimciler, ölü beyin dokularının uyarılması
durumunda, sinirlerin dış katmanında bulunan
C) Kutuplarda sıcaklık değişiminin dağılımı Atlan- özel bir reseptörün şizofren hastaların beyinle-
tik’te de okyanus akıntıları üzerinde etki göste- rinde farklı tepkilere neden olduğunu anlamışlar-
recek, buna bağlı olarak, bölgedeki atmosfer ba- dır.
sıncı da etkilenecektir.
D) Ölü beyin dokularını uyararak, sinirbilimciler si-
D) Sıcaklık dağılımının kutuplardaki değişimi Atlan- nirlerin dış katmanında bulunan belirli bir resep-
tik’te okyanus akıntılarına da yansıyacak, bu da törün şizofrenik beyinlerde farklı biçimde işlev
bölgenin hava dolaşımı üzerinde etkili olacaktır. gösterdiği sonucuna varmışlardır.

E) Kuzey kutup bölgesinde sıcaklık dağılımındaki E) Sinirbilimcilerin elde ettiği sonuçlara göre, ölü
değişme Atlantik’teki okyanus akıntılarını da et- beyin dokularının uyarılması yüzünden, sinirlerin
kileyecek, dolayısıyla, bu durum bölgedeki hava dış katmanında yer alan belirli bir reseptör şizof-
dolaşımını etkileyecektir. ren hasta beyinlerinde daha farklı çalışmaktadır.

37. Breaking the hypersonic barrier of 6,000 km/h for

commercial air transport is a very serious
research field for today’s European aircraft

A) Günümüzde, Avrupalı hava taşıtı üreticilerinin

çok ciddi bir araştırma alanı da, ticari hava taşı-
macılığında 6.000 km/s lik hiper ses hızı sınırını

B) Ticari hava taşımacılığı için, günümüzde Avrupa-

lı hava taşıtı üreticilerinin çok ciddi bir araştırma
alanı 6.000 km/s lik hiper ses hızı sınırının aşıl-
ması konusudur.

C) Ticari hava taşımacılığındaki 6.000 km/s lik hiper

ses hızı sınırını aşmak, günümüz Avrupalı hava
taşıtı üreticileri için çok ciddi bir araştırma alanı-

D) 6.000 km/s lik hiper ses hızı sınırını aşmak, gü-

nümüzde Avrupalı hava taşıtı üreticilerinin ticari
taşımacılıkta çok ciddi bir araştırma alanı haline

E) Ticari hava taşımacılığı için 6.000 km/s lik hiper

ses hızı sınırını aşmak, günümüzde Avrupalı ha-
va taşıtı üreticileri için çok ciddi bir araştırma ala-
nı olarak görülmektedir.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

41. Dil teknolojilerinin en büyük ilerleme gösterdiği
39. – 41. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye uygulama alanlarından biri ses komutuyla çalışan
anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. ev aletleri alanıdır.

39. Tek bir türün yok olması çok etkili değildir ama A) Voice command operated domestic appliances
bir ikinci, üçüncü veya daha fazla sayıda tür yok constitute the field of application in which
olduğunda ekosistemin tutarlılığı tehdit altına gi- language technology is progressing the fastest.
B) One of the fields of application in which language
A) The disappearance of a single species is not technology is progressing the most is that of
dramatic but when a second, third, or greater domestic appliances operated by voice
number of species becomes extinct, the stability command.
of the ecosystem is threatened.
C) One of the newest and most exciting fields of
B) The stability of an ecosystem is not threatened application for language technology is that of
by the disappearance of a single species but domestic appliances operated by voice
with the extinction of a second or third species, command.
the risk becomes dramatic.
D) Domestic appliances which are operated by
C) Not only is the disappearance of a single species voice command are an interesting, if not new,
dramatic but the extinction of a second, third, or application of language technology.
greater number of species also threatens the
stability of the ecosystem. E) Language technology’s most profitable and
promising field of application is surely domestic
D) While the disappearance of a single species may appliances operated by voice command.
not be dramatic, when a second, third, or greater
number of species becomes extinct it may
threaten the stability of the ecosystem.

E) When a single species disappears, there is no

cause for alarm; however, with the extinction of a
second, third, or greater number of species, the
very stability of the ecosystem is threatened.

40. 2006 yazında Mars’ın atmosferinde oluşan bulut-

lar, ilk defa olarak beklenmeyen bir yükseklikte
sıcaklığın -193°C olduğu 80-100 km arasında göz-

A) At an unexpected height of 80 to 100 km and a

temperature of -193°C, cloud formations were
observed in the atmosphere of Mars for the first
time in the summer of 2006.

B) Scientists observed clouds in the atmosphere of

Mars for the first time in the summer of 2006, at
the unusual height of between 80 and 100 km,
where the temperature is -193°C.

C) For the first time in the summer of 2006, clouds

were observed forming in the atmosphere of
Mars at an extreme height between 80 and 100
km with a temperature of -193°C.

D) In the summer of 2006, clouds forming in the

atmosphere of Mars were observed for the first
time at an unexpected height between 80 and
100 km, where the temperature was -193°C.

E) Clouds were observed forming in the

atmosphere of Mars for the first time since the
summer of 2006 at an unusual height between
80 and 100 km, where the temperature is
Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

43. In 1815, on the Indonesian island of Sumbawa,
42. – 46. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parça- Mount Tambora blew up in the largest volcanic
da anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirile- eruption in recorded history, ejecting 20 times the
bilecek cümleyi bulunuz. amount of rock that flew from Vesuvius in 79 A.D.
Superhot ash and rock burned or buried all in its
42. Is there such a thing as a “gay brain”? ----. Gay path, including the tiny kingdom of Tambora. The
men tended to have brains that were more like death toll was 92,000. Wind-blown clouds from
those of straight women than of straight men – the 27-mile-high plume of ash dimmed the Sun’s
the right and left sides were about the same size, rays. ----. After the eruption, Sumbawa was
the researchers found. Gay women's brains largely uninhabited for decades.
tended to be more like those of straight men than
of straight women – the right side tended to be A) Scientists have uncovered three houses under
slightly larger than the left. ten feet of ash near Tambora

A) Such research is full of uncertainty, and it could B) As a result of the darkness, crops in the
not rule out the possibility that the findings were surrounding regions failed, and many people
the result of changes that occurred in response went hungry
to experiences and behaviours, rather than being
inborn C) Volcanologists are searching the area with
ground-penetrating radar
B) Some scientists say the new findings are part of
an increasingly convincing body of evidence that D) Archaeologists will continue excavating the area
suggests sexual orientation results from
E) Some scientists say that Tambora could be the
fundamental developmental differences that are
Pompeii of the East
probably caused by hormonal exposures in the

C) Some scientists remain sceptical, saying that

there has been a history of jumping to
conclusions and over-interpreting findings in the
field of human sexual orientation

D) In 1991, brain scientists reported that the 44. The honeybees that pollinate agricultural crops in
hypothalamus, which is involved in sexual the US were bred from stock originally brought
behaviour, tended to be smaller in gay men than over from Europe in the 1600s. ----. Whether
in straight men caused by a new insecticide, disease, or a mix of
stressors, the losses have resulted in a great deal
E) To find out, scientists used magnetic resonance of research and a query: Could native bees take
imaging, or MRI, to compare the symmetry of the their place? Of the thousands of US species,
brains of 25 “straight” men and 25 “straight” some efficiently tend crops like apples and
women with those of 20 gay men and 20 gay alfalfa. A few, like the orchard mason bee, are
women already in commercial use. Advocates are
fighting to preserve wild and weedy lands that
support these natives.

A) The US honey yield for 2006 was 155 million

pounds, and 33% of the US diet was tied to
honeybee services
B) The big, social colonies of honeybees are ideal
for commercial pollination, and entire colonies
are often transported to different farms
C) However, some once common native bee
species are in decline and data on others are
D) Honeybees remain important workers in the US,
where the value of their pollination work is $14.6
billion a year
E) Since 2006, however, hundreds of thousands of
these honeybees have died out in what is being
called colony collapse disorder

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

45. The biofuels currently manufactured in the US are 46. ----. Forests are dying, most impressively by
doing great things for some farmers and some burning. The damage done by wildfires in the US,
large agricultural companies, but little for the the vast majority of them in the western states,
environment. The corn used to manufacture has increased greatly since the late 1980s. In
ethanol requires large doses of herbicide and 2006, nearly ten million acres were destroyed.
nitrogen fertilizer and can cause more soil With temperatures in the region up by 2°C over
erosion than any other crop. ----. Biodiesel from the past 30 years, spring is coming sooner to the
soybeans is only slightly better. western mountains. The snowpack – already
Environmentalists also fear that rising prices for diminished by drought – melts earlier in the year,
both crops will push farmers to plow up some 35 drying the land and creating perfect conditions
million acres of marginal farmland now set aside for wildfires. As hotter summers extend into
for soil and wildlife conservation, potentially autumn, the fires are ending later as well.
releasing even more carbon from the soil in those
fields. A) People in the western part of the US are not yet
suffering from water shortage, but trees are
A) Unlike the ancient carbon unlocked by the
burning of fossil fuels, the carbon in biofuels B) It is thought that precipitation in the
comes from the atmosphere and is returned southwestern US will decline steadily over the
there when the fuels are burned next few decades

B) Such renewable fuels could also improve the C) The fires are not only more frequent; they are
US economy and help it to become less also hotter and more damaging
dependent on other countries D) Most forests in the southwest of the US have
C) The boom in corn production has pushed corn always burned frequently, but at low intensity
prices to levels not seen in years, causing US E) The typical tree bears the marks of many such
growers to plant the largest crop since World fires, with black scars where the flames
War II consumed the bark
D) Additionally, producing corn ethanol consumes
just about as much fossil fuel as the ethanol
itself replaces
E) The key to intelligent biofuel production is to
learn how to make it from plant material other
than food, such as plant stalks, grasses, fast-
growing trees, or even algae

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

49. Brian :
47. – 51. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş - Have you ever heard of “exoplanets”?
bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi
bulunuz. Duncan :
- Exoplanets? No. What are they?
47. Fred :
- I am sure you are familiar with Darwin’s theory Brian :
of evolution, aren’t you? - ----

Student : Duncan :
- Well, I can’t say I am. Can you summarize it for - So you mean they are extrasolar planets
me? orbiting their own suns.

Fred : A) The vast majority of exoplanets use what is

- ---- called “the radial-velocity method”.

Student : B) Well, most of these planets are of a type known

- Now I can understand clearly what he meant by as hot gas giants.
his theory.
C) So far, some 300 such bodies have been
A) I would suggest that Darwin’s theory detected.
revolutionized our perception of life science.
D) Put simply, they are planets outside our own
B) Simple. For Darwin, new species arise naturally solar system.
by a process of evolution.
E) They are planets with their own life forms.
C) It would be useful first to do some research on
Darwin’s theory.

D) Let me first urge you to do some reading in life


E) Before we discuss the theory, let’s remember

how Darwin formed his theory.

48. Karen :
- Did you know that nicotine actually changes the
structure of the brain in a way that may cause

Scott :
- ----

Karen :
- And that’s not all; between 1998 and 2004,
tobacco companies increased the amount of
nicotine in cigarettes.

A) Yes, and ten per cent of new smokers become

addicted within only two days!

B) But aren’t there new anti-smoking medications?

C) That’s right; after one smoke-free year, the risk

of coronary artery disease is reduced by half.

D) I read that each year more than 19 million people

try to quit smoking.

E) Most people who want to stop smoking try many

times before they succeed.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

50. Stephen : 51. Anthony :
- Currently, the plastics industry is undergoing a - Our research shows that the continents contain
major change. rocks up to 4 billion years old.

Timothy : Simon :
- How do you mean? - That is amazing, isn’t it?

Stephen : Anthony :
- ---- - ----

Timothy : A) To the contrary. We have found evidence that

- That is good news because, as you know, supports the theory of plate tectonics, which
petrochemicals have adverse environmental explains how plates converge and disperse.
B) According to the theory of plate tectonics, the
A) Plastic shopping bags, which are produced from Earth has a rigid outer layer known as the
petrochemical materials, are widely used lithosphere.
throughout the world.
C) Indeed. It’s really dazzling to think of how the
B) As you know, the plastics industry has always landmasses we see around us today were
depended on petrochemicals as raw material. formed billions of years ago.

C) It is a fact that the production and burning of D) As most scientists suggest, over millions of
petrochemical plastics increases CO2 levels in years, mountains rise where plates collide, and
the atmosphere. oceans form where plates diverge.

D) Evidently, recycling bioplastics into fuel could E) In fact, it is generally accepted that almost all of
reduce concerns about the use of food crops in the oceanic floor is less than 180 million years
biofuels production. old.

E) There is a radical shift in the industry from

petrochemicals to bio-based renewable

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

55. (I) The global climate is changing as it always has;
52. – 56. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okun- species will go extinct as they always have; other
duğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan species will prosper. (II) Humans may be influencing
cümleyi bulunuz. the change, but they didn’t create the change.
(III) Global warming is as dynamic as many other
52. (I) More people than ever before live in areas earthly processes. (IV) Of course it is important to
vulnerable to natural disasters. (II) For average monitor which changes are being influenced by
citizens, this research translates to better humans, but it must be remembered that change is
preparedness when faced with the unexpected. natural, and Earth will continue to change no matter
(III) Over a billion people live under the shadow of the what humans may or may not do. (V) Humans as a
world’s 1,900 active volcanoes, yet only a few of species must accept this, and figure out how best to
these volcanoes are adequately monitored. adapt to the change, not how to control it.
(IV) Accurate weather forecasting is the best defense
against hurricanes, but landfall predictions remain A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
inaccurate by an average of 70 miles, and many
hurricane warnings go unheeded. (V) Tsunamis can
form too quickly for an official warning, but
recognizing the immediate signs, such as a rapidly
receding ocean, can give people precious minutes to
reach safety.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

53. (I) Moving slowly helps the pygmy three-toed sloth

escape the notice of predators. (II) The sloth can
move quickly when threatened, but generally
expends no more energy than is necessary to hang 56. (I) The fate of the polar-region ice sheets will
around all day eating leaves. (III) Confined to one determine how much the sea level rises in the
remote island that separated from Panama long ago, coming century. (II) Under the frozen surfaces of
this smaller cousin of mainland sloths has managed Himalayan glaciers on the flanks of Mount Everest
to survive quietly so far, but any disruption to its and its fellow giant peaks, caves wind through the
habitat could have huge consequences. (IV) Algae ice. (III) They follow twisting paths carved out by
that sometimes coats its fur adds another level of flowing meltwater, with unusual underground
camouflage. (V) Nearby development could well be formations and narrow passages that open into huge
the end of it. galleries. (IV) The way meltwater moves inside
glaciers is poorly understood, so scientists are going
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V beneath the surface to track how water eats away at
glaciers from the inside. (V) What we see on the
surface is just part of the story.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

54. (I) The magnificent Philippine eagle is one of the

planet’s most endangered birds of prey. (II) There is
no competition for prey from tigers, leopards, bears,
or wolves in the Philippine islands, the eagle’s only
home, so it became the top predator in the rain
forest. (III) However, with deforestation rates in the
Philippines among the highest in the world, the eagle
has been reduced to a population estimated at
several hundred breeding pairs. (IV) The forest that
allowed them to prosper is almost gone, and if the
forest disappears, the eagle will become extinct.
(V) A series of devastating floods and mud slides in
the past decade has convinced Filipinos that the loss
of forest affects not just wildlife, but people too.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

58. It is pointed out in the passage that the mapping
57. – 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre of dark matter ----.
A) has only been possible on the basis of a theory
formulated by Einstein
Dark matter is the invisible and mysterious material
that makes up 22 per cent of the stuff in the universe. B) has been an easy task for astronomers, since
It is one of the greatest scientific unknowns. It does they know its exact location
not emit light; nor does it reflect light or absorb it.
While we are unable to see dark matter itself, we are C) was originally suggested by Einstein, but it is
able to create maps of it. We can clearly pinpoint its only now that this has been achieved
location by observing the effects of its mass on light
from distant galaxies. This can be explained with D) has revealed a much closer and more extensive
reference to Einstein, who points out that a massive interaction among galaxies
object will curve the fabric of space and that light will
follow this deformed path. So we can look at how E) was first attempted by Einstein, who had already
light from galaxies has been bent and, consequently, studied the light emitted by galaxies
infer the quantity and location of the matter that did
the bending. In fact, by using this method, a team of
astronomers have recently managed to create the
first three-dimensional map of the immense structure
of dark matter.
59. It is clear from the passage that the mass and
size of dark matter ----.

A) have been measured through the use of a three-

dimensional map of space

B) have ceased to be one of the greatest mysteries

ever known in science

57. One understands from the passage that dark C) distort the fabric of space and, therefore, cannot
matter ----. be explored properly

A) has a very complex structure that has caused D) are so immense that it is out of question to study
much controversy among astronomers them in detail

B) has been thoroughly explored and studied by a E) can only be understood through the curves made
number of astronomers by the light from galaxies

C) accounts for more than half of the material that

makes up the universe

D) has a bending effect on the light that comes from

distant galaxies

E) with its great mass was already known by 60. One can maintain that the passage ----.
Einstein and a team of astronomers
A) focuses solely on the process whereby Einstein
was able to locate dark matter

B) deals with the nature of dark matter and how its

presence has been revealed

C) clearly explains where in space dark matter can

be located and observed

D) sheds a great deal of light on the amount of

research astronomers have done

E) largely dwells on the question of how light from

galaxies becomes curved in space

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

62. Emphasis is put on the fact that the United States
61. – 64. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre ----.
A) has the ability to drastically decrease
Using coal to make electricity accounts for about a greenhouse gases in the country
third of America’s carbon emissions. As a result,
tackling emissions from coal-fired power plants B) has developed efficient technologies for the
represents our best opportunity to make sharp prevention of environmental pollution
reductions in greenhouse gases. Fortunately, the
C) is the only country in the world that largely
United States already has the technology to do that.
depends on coal for its energy needs
Unfortunately, right now the country is addicted to
coal, a cheap, abundant power source. Burning coal D) has made great technological advances in
produces more than half the country’s electricity, processing large amounts of waste
despite its immense human and environmental costs.
Air pollutants from coal-fired power plants cause E) is seriously concerned about the human and
somewhere between 20,000 and 30,000 premature environmental effects of its energy policy
deaths in the United States each year. Besides, fifty
tons of mercury are pumped into the atmosphere
annually from coal plants. In addition, the extraction
of coal, from West Virginia to Wyoming, devastates
the physical environment, and its processing and
burning produce gigantic volumes of waste. 63. As one learns from the passage, coal ----.

A) has always been used as a primary source of

energy, but new technologies are needed to
extract it more cheaply

B) is so abundant in America that more and more

coal-fired power plants are being constructed
throughout the country

C) is extracted in gigantic amounts in West Virginia

and Wyoming, since these two states have the
richest reserves in the country
61. It is stated in the passage that coal-fired power D) is so indispensable for the production of
plants in the United States ----. electricity that nobody is concerned about its
adverse effects on the environment
A) are noted for lower carbon emissions than other
kinds of power plants E) is a major power source in America, although it
has various human and environmental
B) are concentrated in West Virginia and Wyoming disadvantages
more than in any other area

C) produce a great amount of the country’s


D) are blamed more for mercury emissions than for 64. In the passage, the writer ----.
carbon emissions
A) clearly explains the adverse effects that coal-
E) have caused widespread environmental fired power plants have in America
destruction in West Virginia and Wyoming
B) criticizes the United States government for not
following a clear energy policy

C) is fully in favour of the use of coal, as it is a

readily-available and cheap energy source

D) calls for the development of new technologies for

the reduction of carbon emissions

E) is worried about how gigantic volumes of power-

plant waste can be efficiently treated

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

66. It is emphasized in the passage that mass ----.
65. – 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. A) is the weight of a thing and is wholly dependent
on gravity
According to the most accurate scientific theory ever
created and generally known as the standard model, B) is fundamentally different from weight and the
all of space is filled with a mysterious stuff called “the two terms should not be confused
Higgs field”. Unlike magnetic or gravitational fields,
C) can only be observed in magnetic and
which vary from place to place (as, for instance, the
gravitational fields
fact that things weigh more on Earth than on the
surface of the Moon), the Higgs field is exactly the D) shows no difference on Earth and on the surface
same everywhere. What varies is how the different of the Moon
fundamental particles interact with it. That interaction,
the theory goes, is what gives particles mass. In E) is essentially a function of how particles interact
other words, the Higgs field is what makes some with the Higgs field
particles, such as protons and neutrons, relatively
heavy, others (like electrons) subatomic lightweights,
and still others (like photons) utterly massless. If
photons weren’t so light, a person would be shredded
by a photon hailstorm every time he or she was
exposed to a sunbeam. Then again, if protons and
neutrons weren’t so heavy, one wouldn’t dare to go
outside to sunbathe anyway. So without mass and its 67. As is pointed out in the passage, the Higgs field
affinity for gravity, there would be no galaxies, no ----.
stars, and no us.
A) covers space completely and is of a
homogeneous nature

B) has the same characteristics as a magnetic or

gravitational field

C) has been known for centuries and led to the

theory of gravity

D) has had no impact on the formation of galaxies

and stars
65. One learns from the passage that, in magnetic or
gravitational fields, ----. E) is only related to the interactions of photons,
protons, and neutrons
A) photons have an equal mass to that of protons
and neutrons

B) things do not interact at all and are therefore


C) the weight of things is never the same, but

changes according to location 68. In the passage, attention is drawn to the fact that
the theory of the Higgs field ----.
D) there are still many mysteries that need to be
explained accurately A) has been used as the standard model for an
explanation of magnetic fields
E) it is not clear how different fundamental particles
interact with each other B) is absolutely reliable and sheds light on how the
universe was formed

C) helps us understand how to avoid the dangerous

effects of solar rays

D) constitutes the basis of nuclear physics, since it

is concerned with nuclear elements

E) is indispensable for an understanding of the

Moon’s gravity and its effects

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

70. It is suggested in the passage that global
69. – 72. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre warming ----.
A) has always been considered to be the single
Hurricanes, which are circular storms spinning most important cause of hurricanes throughout
around a region of low atmospheric pressure, are the world
powered by energy released by spiralling surface
winds that draw heat from the ocean. Warmer seas B) has been a major topic of research among
provide more energy and make hurricanes stronger. climate scientists over the past 50 years or so
This is what happened during Hurricane Katrina in
C) is most intense in regions where atmospheric
August 2005, which submerged New Orleans and the
pressure is very low and sea surface
vicinity. In fact, according to climate scientists, both
temperatures very high
the intensity and destructiveness of hurricanes have
increased markedly since the 1970s. In other words, D) was first recognized by climate scientists in the
the energy released by an average hurricane 1970s and has always been correlated with
appears to have increased by about 70 per cent hurricanes
within the past 30 years. This increase correlates
very closely with rises in sea surface temperatures. E) may have played a major role over the years in
Furthermore, tropical oceans have warmed about the rise of temperature in the oceans in tropical
one degree Fahrenheit in the past 50 years, a rise regions
that is believed to be chiefly the result of global
71. It is explained in the passage that a hurricane ----.

A) can only be destructive so long as the surface

temperatures of tropical oceans continue to rise

B) releases its energy when the temperature of the

sea surface increases markedly and causes
spiralling winds

C) develops from spiralling surface winds that,

according to climate scientists, mostly happen in
69. One understands from the passage that
tropical regions
Hurricane Katrina was obviously extremely
destructive because ----. D) is a storm that has a circular pattern and moves
quickly around an area of low atmospheric
A) no measures had been taken over the last 30
years to protect New Orleans and its
surroundings E) derives its energy from the oceans, whose
surface temperature has changed very little over
B) New Orleans, situated so close to the ocean, has
the past 50 years
always had adverse effects on global warming

C) at the time, global warming affected the New

Orleans area more than anywhere else

D) the increasingly warm ocean must have provided 72. One of the points emphasized in the passage is
it with an unusual amount of energy that, over the last 30 years, ----.

E) climate scientists did not believe that such a A) the average hurricane’s energy has risen by
hurricane could happen in the New Orleans area almost three-quarters

B) Katrina has been the only destructive hurricane

in the New Orleans area

C) climate scientists have made no progress in

understanding hurricanes

D) there has been a marked decrease in the

strength of spiralling surface winds

E) a great deal of research has been done

regarding the causes of global warming

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

74. A point made in the passage is that the
73. – 76. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre organisms found in rivers and streams
cevaplayınız. ----.

Rivers and streams generally support communities of A) live in the silt that is formed by the accumulation
organisms quite different from those of lakes and of various kinds of organic material
ponds. A river or stream changes greatly between its
source and the point at which it empties into a lake or B) are completely consumed by waterfowl, frogs,
the sea. Near the source, a stream’s water is usually and fish
cold, low in nutrients, and clear. The channel is often
C) are more abundant nearer to the source
narrow, with a swift current that does not allow much
silt to accumulate on the bottom. Most of the D) depend on worms and insects for their food
organisms found here are supported by the rather than on algae and other nutrients
photosynthesis of algae attached to rocks or by
organic material, such as leaves, carried into the E) are quite unlike the ones found in lakes and
stream from the surrounding land. Downstream, a ponds
river or stream generally widens and slows. The
water is usually warmer and may be cloudier
because of sediments and other particles suspended
in it. Worms and insects that burrow into the mud are
abundant, as are waterfowl, frogs, fish, and other
water animals.

75. As is clear from the passage, there is a sharp

contrast between ----.

A) the variety of waterfowl upstream and


B) rivers and lakes as regards the kind of water

plants found in them

C) the kinds of organic material found upstream and

73. It is maintained in the passage that, near the end
of its course, a river or stream ----.
D) the quality of the water at a river’s source and
A) flows so fast that no sediment or silt accumulates
on the bottom
E) the types of organisms found in different rivers
B) becomes so polluted that no use can be made of
and streams
its water

C) shows a significant ecological and physical

difference from its source

D) is usually rich in algae indispensable for the

survival of various water animals

E) loses much of its nutrient capacity and turns into

a muddy waterway 76. The passage gives us ----.

A) a biological and ecological description of rivers

and streams

B) a warning about the dangers of pollution in rivers

and streams

C) a full picture of the kinds of organisms found in

rivers and lakes

D) an insight into adverse environmental effects on

rivers and streams

E) an account of how water animals, including

worms and insects, feed

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

79. According to the passage, it is over the last
77. – 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre century that ----.
A) deforestation in the world has become
People have been pushing into forestlands for dangerously extensive
thousands of years, but during the last century,
scientists say, the rate of global forest reduction has B) scientists have become aware of the variety of
reached alarming levels. About 50 million acres of ecosystems in North America
forest are cleared every year. Much of Europe’s
C) the paper industry in America has become
original forests are gone. The forests of North
dependent on forest farms
America, which once dominated the landscape, have
shrunk by almost 40% in the last two centuries to D) solutions for the conservation of natural
make room for people and meet the demand for forestlands have gone into effect
lumber and paper. Not only have many of the animals
that depend on these ecosystems disappeared, but E) the reduction of natural forests has been brought
various species of trees have also been depleted. under control
Timber farms on land that once sustained natural
forests have little of the biodiversity of the original
forests, with pesticides and other chemicals allowing
the land to support only a few kinds of life.

77. The passage as a whole deals with ----. 80. It is stressed in the passage that, over the last
two centuries, ----.
A) the process of deforestation in Europe taking
place over thousands of years A) the demand in the world for lumber and paper
has reached alarming levels
B) the steps taken for the restoration of lost
forestlands in North America B) many lost species of trees have been recovered
in Europe’s forestlands
C) the biodiversity that the lost forests of Europe
once had C) no pesticides and chemicals have been allowed
in North America’s forests
D) the alarming question of deforestation and its
harmful impact on ecosystems D) nearly half of North America’s forestlands have
been cleared for various reasons
E) the uses of pesticides and chemicals for the
protection of forestlands E) the area of natural forests has been sustained
throughout the world

78. It is claimed in the passage that forest farms

planted for timber ----.

A) can be most useful in recovering the lost

forestlands in Europe

B) lack the extensive biodiversity found in natural


C) have a beneficial impact on the environment

because of the variety of trees there TEST BİTTİ.
D) have become widespread in North America and CEVAPLARINIZI KONTROL EDİNİZ.
are preferable to natural forests

E) have increased throughout the world over the

last two centuries

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


1. - 18. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere 7. It is hoped that the construction of the world’s
uygun düsen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. tallest residential building, the Chicago Spire,
which ---- at the end of last year, ---- by late 2010.
A) was commenced / will have been completed
1. A team of scientists at the California Institute of
Technology has developed a lensless B) commences / will complete
microscope which is the size of a coin and can C) has been commenced / would be completed
quickly and cheaply scan blood ---- for tumour D) has commenced / has been completed
cells and parasites. E) had commenced / is to be completed
A) features B) variations
C) maladies D) samples 8. Humanity ---- an unusual period of food surplus
E) assessments since the Green Revolution ---- in the mid-1960s.
A) enjoyed / was beginning
2. For the past 40 years, the ---- view about the B) was enjoying / had begun
formation of our universe has been that it began C) has enjoyed / began
about 14 billion years ago in a cosmic fireball D) has been enjoying / has begun
known as the “Big Bang.”
E) is enjoying / would begin
A) complete B) common
C) profound D) bearable
9. Scientists ---- the common cold as ---- by a family
E) vulnerable of over 200 viruses.
A) were regarded / having been caused
3. For those obsessed with punctuality, B) are regarded / having caused
new-generation clocks, which tune into the
nearest official time transmitter to keep time ----,l C) regard / being caused
have been developed. D) have regarded / to have caused
A) sensibly B) accurately E) regarded / to have been caused
C) adequately D) irreversibly
E) inevitably 10. If Australian conservationists ---- an extensive
preservation campaign back in the 1960s, the
population of saltwater crocodiles of the north ----
4. Studies of the negative effects of plastic on the even less than the present number of 100.
human body show that the plastic products we
use every day ---- with our hormone systems. A) have not implemented / is
A) restrict B) associate B) would not implement / would have been
C) dismay D) unite C) weren’t implementing / will have been,
E) interfere D) weren’t implemented / will, be
E) had not implemented / would be
5. A Japanese information technologies company
has produced an amazing mirror that enables 11. Scientists are worried that the use of biofuels
customers to ---- clothes that shops don’t have in instead of fossil fuels ---- little to reduce carbon
stock. emissions, although this ---- a widespread
A) hold onto B) put out assumption until quite recently.
C) try on D) count on A) does / will be
E) draw out B) will do / wasB
C) had done / has been
6. The sun ---- electromagnetic radiation that ranges D) will have done / had been
from infrared to ultraviolet. E) would have done / would be
A) throws into B) gives off
C) breaks down D) brings up 12. Today, spam mail constitutes more than 90 per
E) makes up for cent ---- all e-mail traffic all ---- the world.
A) with / through B) to / across
C) at / around D) by / within
E) of / over


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22

13. Some types of microscopic organisms, called 19. - 23. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmis
hyperthermophilic bacteria, can survive ---- yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
extremely high temperatures, sometimes even ----
Probably every literate person is familiar with the famous
A) under / for B) on / with
relativity equation: E=mc2. (19) ---- by Albert Einstein in
C) in / by D) at / above 1905, this equation has been used by many scientists. In
E) within / as fact, it is (20) ---- formula in modern physics. (21) ---- no
new theory has as yet invalidated this fundamental
14. In less-developed parts of the world, there are equation, though physicists are (22) ---- testing its validity
few modern urban water networks, ---- the people by means of experiments. The latest one of (23) ----
living in these areas do not have access to safe experiments was conducted last year at the Institut
drinking water. Laue-Langevin.
A) so B) even if C) because 19.
D) while E) though A) To be formulated B) To formulate
C) Formulating D) Formulated
15. Every year, more than 15,000 scuba dives are E) Having formulated
performed off the coral reefs of Cayman Islands, 20.
---- these sites can actually support only 5,000 A) more famous than B) the most famous
dives per year without any damage to the reefs. C) most famous D) more famous
A) since B) but C) if E) famous
D) just as E) in case 21.
A) However B) Although
16. What you say about the problem may be true in C) Nevertheless D) Still
theory, ---- in practice it does not contribute to the
E) Moreover
solution of the problem.
A) when B) so that
A) effortlessly B) continually
C) although D) for
C) recklessly D) fundamentally
E) because
E) strongly
17. Thanks to a newly developed battery-charging
device called “the Chargepod,” we will no longer A) most B) any C) whose
have to use different chargers ---- recharge D) such E) as such
different mobile gadgets, like cell phones and
24. - 35. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde
A) with reference to B) due to tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
C) in order to D) with regard to
E) according to
24. Though wind power certainly has the advantage
of being a clean source of energy, ----.
18. Scientists recently completed the largest-ever A) it was increasingly used in many countries with
astronomical survey of the sky, during ---- they relatively stable weather patterns
retained images that are expected to help them
B) it can hardly be a reliable one as weather
understand the origins of galaxies.
conditions are so changeable
A) whose B) that C) when
C) many governments are investing in wind power
D) whom E) which projects in greater amounts
D) wind turbines are not too costly to produce
E) changes in weather can be predicted, which
makes it possible to take timely precautions


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22

25. If the global desertification process continues at 29. ----, but now scientists know that some cells in
its current rate, ----. the eye can detect light even when the eyes are
A) the effects of the environmental changes of the closed.
past few decades have been dramatic A) Until recently, little was known about why
B) more than 60,000 square kilometres of sleeping people feel alert in brightly-lit rooms
productive land is being lost every year B) Sleep has always been a mysterious state of
C) the world will lose much of its arable land to mind for psychologists
barren desert C) Hormonal imbalances are known to cause sleep
D) 26% of the Earth’s land surface is classified as disorders
severely degraded D) Light travels faster than sound in both the
E) reforestation programs are being initiated by atmosphere and in water
governments in a number of countries E) The eye is a complex structure enabling the
organism to visually perceive its surroundings
26. ----, yet there are also rare penguin species that
inhabit warmer regions of the Earth. 30. Swedish researchers have found that most
A) Most penguins are black on the back and white white horses, which are actually born coloured,
in front and seldom have any other colour carry a mutation called “greying with age,” ----.
B) Most penguins are flightless birds that live in the A) despite the fact that their tendency to age more
cold waters of the Southern Hemisphere quickly is observable
C) Penguins live in crowded colonies with B) as if the greying of these animals were similar to
populations ranging from hundreds of thousands the greying of human hair
to several million C) in case they are more prone to skin cancer than
D) In the 19th and 20th centuries, penguins were other horses
threatened by hunters and the penguin oil D) and this makes them rapidly turn grey and then
industry completely white within eight years
E) The features of the life cycle vary with the body E) so that the changes in colour do not always
size of the specific penguin species indicate poor health

27. Whereas life forms in the world’s cold and icy 31. ----, it is believed that the effect is intensified
lands are scarce, ----. artificially by the emission of greenhouse gases
A) the ice sheet of Antarctica contains about 30 into the atmosphere as a result of human activity.
million cubic kilometres of ice A) Although the greenhouse effect is a naturally
B) Antarctica supports only a few species of occurring phenomenon
cold-adapted land plants and animals B) Since the atmosphere includes different types of
C) marine life in the seas surrounding Antarctica is gases
rich and diverse C) Despite the fact that human activity is one of the
D) Antarctica is fifth in size among the world’s causes of global warming
continents D) Even if the Earth’s climate changes due to the
E) the geologic evolution of Antarctica has followed high rate of greenhouse gas emissions
a course similar to those of the other southern E) As the emission of carbon dioxide is partly
continents related to the use of fossil fuels

28. Home to more than 400 types of coral, over 1,500 32. Climate change commands the most attention
fish species, and 200 types of birds, ----. as the major factor causing the disintegration of
A) they are known to constitute the fauna of the the Earth’s ice shelves, ----.
Great Barrier Reef of Australia A) since scientists are trying to find ways to control
B) climate change and environmental pollution climate change
pose a serious threat to the Great Barrier Reef B) still, the other causes of the breaking up of the
C) the /Australian government spends huge ice should not be ignored
amounts of money on preserving the Great C) for global warming is the major cause of a
Barrier Reef variety of environmental problems
D) oceanographers are still trying to map the D) in case the ecological balance of the planet has
currents in the Great Barrier Reef been disturbed by it
E) Australia’s Great Barrier Reef accommodates an E) so climate change has been the result of a
astonishing diversity of life myriad of factors


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22

33. For centuries, mapmakers noted that the Earth’s 36. - 38. sorularda, verilen ingilizce cümleye
continents seemed to fit together like giant anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.
puzzle pieces, ----.
A) and they were able to discover new continents
36. According to some experts, rebuilding efforts
B) because they are far from one another commenced in southwestern China following the
C) yet they explained in detail how continental May 12 earthquake could damage the pandas’
movements occur largest remaining natural habitat.
D) as if they had once been joined together A) Bazı uzmanlar, pandaların geriye kalan en geniş
E) for they believed that continents could not move doğal yaşam alanının 12 Mayıs’ta güneybatı
Çin’de meydana gelen depremin ardından
başlayan yeniden inşa çalışmalarının
34. A laptop on board the International Space sonucunda zarar görmesinden endişe
Station was infected last month with a virus that duymaktadır.
was later discovered to have been harmless, ----.
B) Bazı uzmanlar, güneybatı Çin’de 12 Mayıs’ta
A) since cosmonauts did not know where the virus meydana gelen depremin ardından başlatılan
\ might have come from yeniden inşa çalışmalarının pandaların kalan en
B) if it had been quarantined instantly by the geniş doğal yaşam alanının zarar görmesi-ne
security software sebep olabileceğini düşünmektedir.
C) unless they lose important data because of it C) Güneybatı Çin’de 12 Mayıs depreminden bu
D) however, it was understood that cosmonauts had yana sürdürülen yeniden inşa çalışmaların
updated it recently gözlemleyen bazı uzmanlar, pandaların kalan
E) nevertheless, cosmonauts updated their virus en geniş doğal yaşam alanlarının bu yüzden
protection systems immediately zarar görmesinden endişe etmektedir.
D) Güneybatı Çin’i 12 Mayıs’ta vuran depremin
35. Weather patterns are notoriously complex, ----. ardından başlatılan yeniden inşa çalışmaları
bazı uzmanlara göre, pandaların kalan en geniş
A) since there are currently over 150 weather
doğal yaşam alanlarını yok edebilirdi.
modification projects
E) Bazı uzmanlara göre, güneybatı Çin’de 12 Mayıs
B) in place of which a broad range of instruments is depreminin ardından başlatılan yeniden inşa
used while studying them
çalışmaları pandaların geriye kalan en geniş
C) which is why they are so hard to predict doğal yaşam alanına zarar verebilir.
D) so that new methods of predicting sudden
changes can be developed 37. Human contamination of the atmosphere, which
E) owing to the technological advances that have has been happening since mankind first began to
helped scientists to understand them use fire for heating and cooking, occurs in a
variety of forms.
A) insanoğlu ateşi ısınmak ve yemek pişirmek için
kullanmaya başladığından beri atmosferin
kirlenmesi farklı şekillerde devam etmektedir.
B) insanoğlunun ateşi ısınmak ve yemek pişirmek
için kullanmaya başlamasından bu yana
süre-gelen bir durum olan atmosferin insan
tarafından kirletilmesi, farklı şekillerde
C) Atmosferin kirlenmesi, insanoğlunun ateşi
ısınma ve yemek pişirme gibi farklı şekillerde
kullanmasıyla başlamıştır.
D) insanoğlu, ateşi ısınma ve yemek pişirme
amacıyla kullanmaya başladığından beri
atmosferi farklı şekillerde kirletmiştir.
E) Atmosferin insan tarafından kirletilmesi,
insanoğlunun ateşi ısınma ve yemek pişirme gibi
farklı amaçlarla kullanmaya başlamasından bu
yana çeşitli şekillerde süregelen bir durumdur.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22

38. A significant outcome of air pollution is the high 39. - 41. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye
cost of pollution cleanup and prevention, an anlamca en yakın ingilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
example of which is the global effort to control
emissions of CO2, a gas produced from the
combustion of fossil fuels such as coal or oil, or 39. Her ne kadar 43 000 yıllık Neandertal fosillerinden
of other organic materials like wood. elde edilen DNA örneklerinin modern insanlarınki
ile aynı mutasyonlara sahip olduğu bulunmuş
A) Hava kirliliğinin önemli bir sonucu olan kirlilik
olsa da, bu atalarımızın konuşabildiği anlamına
giderme ve önlemenin yüksek maliyetini
düşürmek için küresel çapta yapılan en önemli
girişim, kömür ve petrol gibi fosil yakıtların veya A) DNA samples from 43,000-year-old Neanderthal
odun gibi diğer organik maddelerin yanması fossils are found to have had the same
sonucu ortaya çıkan CO2 salımının kontrolünü mutations as those of modern humans, but no
sağlamaya yönelik çabadır. one can claim that our ancestors could talk.
B) Kömür ve petrol gibi fosil yakıtların veya odun B) No matter how similar DNA samples from
gibi diğer organik maddelerin yanması sonucu 43,000-year-old Neanderthal fossils and modern
ortaya çıkan CO2 salımının kontrolüne yönelik humans are in terms of mutations, this does not
küresel girişim, hava kirliliğinin önemli bir sonucu mean that our ancestors could talk.
olan kirlilik giderme ve önlemenin yüksek C) Despite mutational similarities between DNA
maliyetini düşürmeye yöneliktir. samples from 43,000-year-old Neanderthal
C) Hava kirliliğinin önemli bir sonucu kirlilik giderme fossils and those of modern humans, our
ve önlemenin yüksek maliyetidir ki bunun forefathers cannot be said to have had the ability
örneklerinden biri kömür ve petrol gibi fosil to talk.
yakıtların veya odun gibi diğer organik D) Although DNA samples from 43,000-year-old
maddelerin yanması sonucu ortaya çıkan CO2 Neanderthal fossils are found to have had the
salımının kontrolüne yönelik küresel girişimdir. same mutations as those of modern humans, this
D) CO2 sahmı kömür ve petrol gibi fosil yakıtların does not mean that our forefathers were able to
veya odun gibi diğer organik maddelerin yan- talk.
ması sonucu ortaya çikmakta, bunun kontrolüne E) While DNA samples from 43,000-year-old
yönelik küresel girişim ise hava kirliliğinin önemli Neanderthal fossils suggest that they had the
bir sonucu olan kirlilik giderme ve önlemenin same mutations as those of modern humans,
yüksek maliyetini düşürmeye yönelik olarak this is not an indication of their ability to talk.
E) Kirlilik giderme ve önlemenin yüksek maliyeti 40. İnsan vücudundaki en sert madde olan diş
hava kirliliğinin en önemli sonucu olup, bunu minesi kayba uğradığında yenilenemez.
düşürmeye yönelik en önemli küresel girişim A) Tooth enamel, which is the hardest substance in
kömür ve petrol gibi fosil yakıtların veya odun the human body, cannot be replaced if lost.
gibi diğer organik maddelerin yanması sonucu B) If it is lost, tooth enamel cannot be replaced as it
ortaya çıkan CO2 salımnın kontrolünü is the hardest substance in the human body.
C) Tooth enamel, which cannot be replaced if lost,
is the hardest substance in the human body.
D) Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the
human body and it cannot be replaced if it is lost.
E) In the human body, tooth enamel is the hardest
substance and it cannot be replaced if it is lost.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22

41. Astronotlara daha rahat bir uçuş sağlamak için 43. The Internet is a computer-based global
NASA’nın yeni nesil roketleri sok emicilere sahip information system. ----. Each of these networks
olacak. may link tens, hundreds, or even thousands of
A) In NASA’s new-generation rockets, shock computers, enabling them to share information
absorbers have ensured a more comfortable with one another. The Internet, in this sense, has
flight for the astronauts. made it possible for people all over the world to
communicate with one another effectively and
B) NASA has used more shock absorbers in its inexpensively.
new-generation rockets so as to provide
astronauts with a comfortable flight. A) It does not have a centralized distribution system
as do radio and television
C) In order to ensure a more comfortable flight for
the astronauts, NASA’s new-generation rockets B) It is composed of many interconnected computer
will have shock absorbers. networks
D) To ensure that astronauts have a comfortable C) It has become increasingly common, especially
flight, NASA will fit its new-generation rockets over the past two decades
with shock absorbers. D) Anyone who has access to the Internet can
E) In NASA’s new-generation rockets, shock reach a vast source of information
absorbers have been used with the purpose of E) Many individuals use the Internet for
providing astronauts with a more comfortable communication and research
44. Astronomy is the study of the universe and the
42. - 46. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada celestial bodies, gas, and dust within it.
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek Astronomy includes observations and theories
cümleyi bulunuz. about the solar system, the stars, the galaxies,
and the general structure of space. People who
study astronomy are called astronomers. ----.
42. In physics, a force is a push or pull on an object. These methods usually involve ideas related to
There are four fundamental forces, three of which the laws of physics, so most astronomers are, at
are involved in keeping stable atoms in one piece the same time, astrophysicists.
and determining how unstable atoms will decay. A) A wide range of astronomical objects are
----. The electromagnetic force keeps electrons accessible to astronomers
attached to their atom; the strong force holds the
B) Astronomy is the oldest science, dating back
protons and the neutrons together in the nucleus;
thousands of years
and the weak force governs how atoms decay
when they have too many protons or neutrons. C) Using a variety of equipment, they analyze the
The fourth fundamental force, gravity, only objects in the sky
becomes apparent with objects much larger than D) They use a wide variety of methods while
subatomic particles. performing their research
A) These are the electromagnetic force, the strong E) The astronomers’ field of study is distinct from
force, and the weak force that of the astrophysicists
B) There is a fourth fundamental force, which
scientists have not yet been able to identify
C) Decay of unstable atoms is a phenomenon that
has been discovered recently
D) To describe in detail how atoms behave,
scientists have developed the quantum theory
E) Under certain conditions, unstable atoms are
affected by other forces


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45. Geneticists seek to understand how the 47. - 51. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş
information encoded in genes is used and bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.
controlled by cells, and how the smallest
differences in genes can disrupt an organism’s
development. Increasingly, modern genetics 47. Jerry: Have you heard that South Korean
involves genetic engineering, a technique used scientists recently cloned a pit bull terrier for its
by scientists to manipulate genes. Genetic American owner?
engineering has led to many advances in Sarah: Yes, and the owner paid $25,000 for five
medicine and industry. ----. genetically identical copies.
A) Nevertheless, there has been less misconduct Jerry: _________
than was once predicted Sarah: Never, even if it were for free!
B) For instance, there are controversies over the A) Would you be willing to pay that much money for
possible unethical use of this technique cloned copies of your pet?
C) In fact, much of the controversy over the use of B) Have you ever seen a cloned animal?
genetic engineering has nothing to do with C) Would you consider having your cat cloned, if you
recreating life had the chance?
D) As a result, there has been much unethical use D) Have you ever thought about the ethical
of genetic engineering implications of cloning animals?
E) However, the potential for abuse of this E) Do you regard the cloning of animals for research
technique has also provoked many ethical and purposes as acceptable?
legal controversies
48. Harry: The government may soon be able to
46. Weather forecasting involves predicting how the access everyone’s phone calls and e-mails.
present state of the atmosphere will change.
Sally: ___________
Present weather conditions are obtained by
ground observations, observations from sea and Harry: Yes, and that is the main concern about it.
aircraft, Doppler radars, and satellites. ----. These But the purpose of the proposed regulation is to
charts, maps, and graphs are then sent counteract terrorism.
electronically to forecast offices, where local and Sally: Still, officials should make sure that civil
regional weather forecasts are made. In addition, liberties are not infringed.
these offices prepare weather advisories and A) It could be an effective way of preventing
warnings of severe weather. terrorism.
A) Electronically transmitted observations are B) Wouldn’t that be a violation of privacy?
generally used instead of charts, maps, and C) Has the government approved of the proposed
graphs regulation?
B) Forecast offices send charts, maps, and graphs D) Are you concerned about its implications?
to satellites and other sources of information E) Would you want your communications to be
C) This information is sent to meteorological accessed by the government?
centres, where data are collected, analyzed, and
made into charts, maps, and graphs
49. Peter: Are you still using the old version of your
D) Such equipment is controlled electronically by Internet browser?
charts, maps, and graphs in forecast offices
Susan: Yes, and I’m quite happy with it.
E) Weather advisories and warnings of severe
weather help meteorologists to prepare charts, Peter: ____________
maps, and graphs Susan: Oh, I didn’t know about that. I’ll take your
advice, for I really don’t want to be hacked.
A) Do you know the cost of updating your browser?
B) I’ve been attacked by hackers myself!
C) When was the last time you updated that
D) You should have had your computer upgraded a
long time ago; then you wouldn’t have lost all
your important data.
E) You should use the new version, which was
developed after a major security vulnerability was
discovered in the old one.


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22

50. Brenda: I want to buy a good telescope for my 53. (I) We benefit from the results of mathematical
son. Do you have any suggestions? research every day. (II) The fibre-optic network
Shop Assistant: You should check out this new carrying our telephone conversations, for example,
amateur device. It is handheld, so there is no was designed with the help of mathematical
need for a tripod, it is easy to use, and it is quite research. (III) Our computers are the result of millions
inexpensive. of hours of mathematical analysis. (IV) Mathematics
Brenda: _________ is a basic component of the primary and secondary
education curricula. (V) Weather prediction, the |
Shop Assistant: Then you should be prepared to design of fuel-efficient automobiles and airplanes,
spend a little more. traffic control, and medical imaiginigi alli depend upon
A) But he already has something amateurish. I want mathematical analysis.
to get him something more sophisticated. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
B) The price tag on it confirms that.
C) I want my son to decide which to get.
D) I heard that not all expensive telescopes are 54. (I) Any given place may have several different
necessarily good in performance and quality. ecosystems that vary in size and complexity.
E) I can’t afford to get a professional instrument, and (II) Humans benefit from these smoothly-functioning
this handheld one seems quite convenient. ecosystems in many ways. (III) A tropical island, for
example, may have a rain forest ecosystem that
51. Sharon: I need a memory card that is compatible covers hundreds of square miles, a swamp
with my laptop. ecosystem along the coast, and an underwater coral
Shop Assistant: ___________ reef ecosystem. (IV) No matter how the size or
Sharon: I think two gigabytes will be enough to complexity of an ecosystem is characterized, all
store all my files. ecosystems exhibit a constant exchange of matter
and energy between the living and non-living
Shop Assistant: Then I suggest this one. It has
elements. (V) This constant exchange between these
the memory volume you want, and it is quite
elements makes ecosystems highly interconnected.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) Do you have enough money for a two-gigabyte
B) What is the operating system on your laptop? 55. (I) Photosynthesis is a very complex process that
plant biologists divide into two stages. (II) In the first
C) How much memory capacity do you need?
stage, the light-dependent reaction, the chloroplast
D) Where do you store your files? traps light energy and converts it into chemical
E) What do you think about this memory card? energy. (III) In the second stage, called the light-
independent reaction, glucose is formed and
synthesized. (IV) These two stages reflect the literal
52. - 56. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
meaning of the term photosynthesis, to build with
okun-duğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüqünü
light. (V) Most plants, therefore, produce more
bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
glucose than they use during photosynthesis.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
52. (I) Volcanic eruptions in populated regions are a
significant threat to people, property, and agriculture.
(II) Most volcanoes have steep sides, but some can
be gently sloping mountains or even flat tablelands, 56. (I) There are two main categories of polluting
plateaus, or plains. (III) The volcanoes above sea materials, or pollutants. (II) Biodegradable pollutants
level are the best known, but the vast majority of the are materials, such as sewage, that rapidly
world's volcanoes lie beneath the sea, formed along decompose by natural processes. (III) Pollution has a
the global oceanic ridge systems. (IV) More than dramatic effect on natural resources. (IV) These
1,500 above-sea volcanoes have been active during pollutants become a problem when added to the
the past 10,000 years, 539 of them erupting one or environment faster than they can decompose. (V)
more times in recorded history. (V) On average, 50 to Nondegradable pollutants are materials that either
60 above-sea volcanoes worldwide are active in any do not decompose or decompose slowly in the
given year; about half of these are continuations of natural environment, and when these pollutants
eruptions from previous years, and the rest are new. contaminate the environment, it is difficult or
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V impossible to remove them.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22

57. - 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 59. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.
cevaplayınız. A) the flexibility and efficiency of AI has matched
and even surpassed that of humans
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of a digital computer B) developing a system that has human-like
or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly features will obviously remain an impossibility
associated with intelligent beings. The term is frequently C) humans are still better than computers in such
applied to the project of developing systems endowed tasks as proving mathematical theorems
with the intellectual processes characteristic of humans, D) despite the continuing advances, computer
such as the ability to reason, discover meaning, technology cannot be used efficiently in fields
generalize, or learn from past experience. Since the such as voice or handwriting recognition
development of the digital computer in the 1940s, it has E) although a lot has been achieved, AI is as yet in
been demonstrated that computers can be programmed its infancy particularly when there is a need for
to perform very complex tasks, such as discovering proofs everyday knowledge
for mathematical theorems or playing chess, with great
proficiency. Still, although there are continuing advances
in computer-processing speed and memory capacity,
there are as yet no programs that can match human
flexibility over wider domains or in tasks requiring much
everyday knowledge. On the other hand, some
extraordinary programs have attained performance levels
beyond those of human experts and professionals
engaged in certain specific tasks. AI, in this limited sense, 60. According to the passage, some outstanding AI
is used efficiently and found in applications as diverse as applications ----.
medical diagnosis, computer search engines, and voice A) are fully-developed in terms of processing speed
or handwriting recognition. and memory capacity
B) are not as efficient as desired in a number of
57. It can be understood from the passage that some fields, including medical diagnosis
programs equipped with AI ----. C) are soon to be employed in the development of
A) perform certain tasks much better than humans new and diverse systems that reach beyond
human flexibility
B) have very limited memory capacity
D) have surpassed the performance levels of
C) successfully make use of much everyday
human experts
E) are still at the stage of safety testing before they
D) have far more flexibility than is found in human
can be used in such fields as medicine and
computer sciences
E) are very limited in scope

58. According to the passage, AI ----.

A) matches human flexibility over domains wider
than ever before
B) is a term used to refer to certain human-like
features associated with intelligence in
man-made machines
C) refers to tasks associated with such intelligent
beings as humans
D) is used to describe humans’ ability to reason,
discover meaning, generalize, or learn from past
E) has caused a decline in the overall performance
of humans with difficult tasks


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22

61. - 64. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 63. It can be understood from the passage that ----.
cevaplayınız. A) parasitic life forms cannot survive in open sea
B) the left side of the young pink salmon is more
According to a recent study by the University of Alberta, prone to infection
parasitic sea lice are killing a population of young wild C) adult pink salmon start to lose their scales after
pink salmon along Canada’s west coast in alarming eight years
numbers. The authors of the study say that the entire wild D) wild pink salmon are used to cleanse the water
population may be gone within eight years. With their of sea lice
protective scales, adult salmon can safely harbour the E) aqua farms are a threat to the young pink
lice, but young salmon do not yet have the protective salmon
scales, leaving them prone to deep, infection-prone
wounds left by the lice. Juveniles live in coastal waters,
which are normally far from parasite-carrying adults living
farther out to sea. Now, however, aqua farms are often
located in these same waters, destroying the young
salmon’s safe haven. Scientists argue that fish farms
must be relocated or reduced, but so far, no government
regulations have been launched to this end.

61. According to the passage, adult pink salmon ----.

A) live in harbours and coastal waters
B) often carry parasites, but are not affected by
C) suffer greatly from infections caused by sea lice 64. The young pink salmon ----.
D) protect their young from parasites with their A) destroy the safe haven of other types of salmon
scales B) are bred in aqua farms
E) become more prone to infection as they grow C) live closer to the coast than do the adults
D) have recently been relocated for safety
E) are a type of fish protected by law

62. The researchers at the University of Alberta

believe that ----.
A) pink salmon may not be able to find lice to feed
on within eight years
B) Canada’s west coast has not been protected
well for eight years
C) the wild pink salmon population could disappear
within eight years
D) the rate of increase of the pink salmon
population is alarming
E) it takes about eight years for the pink salmon to
grow into adults


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22

65. - 68. sorular aşağıdaki parçaya göre 67. The author explains the decrease in the number
cevaplayınız. of engineering students in colleges by calling
attention to ----.
A) the diversity among college students majoring in
Much has been said and written about the declining
numbers of and disappointing lack of diversity among
college students majoring in engineering. Among the B) the insufficient mathematics and science
factors cited to explain this paucity are the lack of backgrounds of many college candidates
exposure of high school students to the very idea of C) the importance of gaining entrance to
engineering and the fact that many have insufficient engineering schools
mathematics and science background to gain entrance to D) the enthusiasm for integrating ideas of
engineering school, even if they identify the profession as engineering into the curricula
a possible career. This is unfortunate, for the ideas of E) the identification of engineering as a possible
engineering should be integrated into the curricula not career for college-bound youth
only of high schools but also of middle and primary
schools. By not being exposed properly throughout their
education to engineering activities, children are being
done a disservice. After all, even preschool children have
the necessary conditions in their play for appreciating
exactly what engineering is: design. Indeed, design is
practised throughout their school day, even in their
before- and after-school activities. It only should be
pointed out to them that they are designing something,
and, therefore, are future engineers in the making.

65. The writer believes that ----. 68. It can be understood from the text that ----.
A) it is unfair to children not to familiarize them with A) most children are naturally drawn to activities
engineering related to design
B) not all children should participate in engineering B) a school day is not long enough to get children
activities to practice what they learn
C) it is inappropriate to include engineering in the C) the ability to design is a rare skill among pre-
curricula of middle and primary schools school and schoolchildren
D) integrating engineering into the curricula is D) it is too early to include engineering activities in
unfortunate primary and middle schools
E) involving children in engineering activities is a E) only specially-talented children are exposed to
disservice to them actual engineering activities

66. It is clear from the passage that ----.

A) the idea of engineering seems disappointing to
most college students
B) most schoolchildren do not enjoy the learning
activities provided at school
C) the factors causing the decline in interest in
engineering are insufficient
D) children are not aware that they are actually
designing things
E) engineering students do not write much about
how they feel about their field


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22

69. - 72. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 71. According to the passage, electromagnets ----.
cevaplayınız. A) have magnetic fields that function in accord with
an electric current
The magnets that are used most commonly, such as the B) are more commonly found than permanent
ones on compasses, those used for fridge decorations, magnets
and in many other everyday tools, are called permanent C) lose their strength when their domains are
magnets. This type of magnet produces an external nudged out of alignment
magnetic field that attracts or repels iron, and it may lose D) may damage the structure of such instruments
its strength when mistreated. Inside a magnet are groups as telephone receivers
of atoms called domains. The magnetizing process, which E) have domains that are usually out of alignment
exposes a material to increasingly strong magnetic fields,
aligns these domains in a single direction, where they
become locked in a crystalline structure. High heat,
radiation, strong electrical currents, or other nearby
magnets, though, can damage that structure, nudging the
domains out of alignment and diminishing the attractive
force. Electromagnets, or non-permanent magnets, a less
familiar type, have magnetic fields that rely on an electric
current. They, thus, do not lose their strength; instead, the
strength of the field can be varied as needed. This makes
them appropriate for various applications, such as
telephone receivers.
72. It can be understood from the passage that
69. Non-permanent magnets are appropriate for a domains in permanent magnets ----.
variety of applications ----. A) become stronger in higher levels of heat or
A) even if they rely on an electric current radiation
B) although they lose their strength when exposed B) cannot produce a magnetic field when they are
to high heat or electric current locked in a crystalline structure
C) because the strength of their magnetic fields can C) align the magnetic fields in a single direction
be varied D) are what give these magnets their attractive
D) excluding communication devices force
E) and, indeed, are far more versatile than are E) cannot be altered by outward circumstances
permanent magnets

70. It can be understood from the passage that

permanent magnets ----.
A) have magnetic fields that can be varied as
B) are not suitable for use in our ordinary, everyday
C) perform better when exposed to radiation or high
D) form domains when they are found in groups
E) may, in certain circumstances, become


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22

73. - 76. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 75. We can understand from the passage that the use
cevaplayınız. of metal catalysts ----.
A) caused a decline in yield, and an increase in
Glucose, nature’s most abundant sugar, may soon be
petroleum’s fiercest rival. Chemists have long searched B) is more expensive than using acid catalysts
for cheap, renewable, and non-polluting alternatives to the C) is a more efficient way of breaking down glucose
245 million tonnes of petroleum-based plastics produced than is the use of acid catalysts
annually. For years, they have been able to convert D) resulted in impurities in plastics
sugars into the chemical hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), E) involves the use of HMF
which can be used to make plastic. But the process,
which used acid catalysts to break the sugars down, was
costly and complicated by impurities and low yields.
Researchers at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
(PNLL) in Washington replaced the acid catalyst with a
metal catalyst, chromium chloride, and used it to break
down glucose, a sugar found in plant starches and
cellulose. The result: HMF yields increased 10 to 70
percent over the old processes and impurities were
eliminated. The next step to replacing petroleum is to find
a low-impact renewable source for the glucose. Scientists
hope to soon obtain glucose from cellulose rather than 76. The passage mainly deals with ----.
from plant starches. Cellulose is found in straw and A) a new and efficient way of producing plastic from
sawdust, two waste products from the agricultural and petroleum
wood industries that do not require precious farmland to
be taken away from food crops. B) different types of catalysts used in the production
of plastics
C) the environmental advantages of using plastics
73. It can be understood from the passage that made from glucose
cellulose ----.
D) ways of increasing yield in the production of
A) requires an extensive use of farmland plastics
B) is generally extracted from plant starches E) a new alternative to petroleum in plastic
C) can be derived from any kind of agricultural production
waste product
D) is not the first choice of the researchers at PNLL
E) is a more environmentally friendly option than
are plant starches _

74. According to the passage, scientists have, for

years, used acid catalysts to ----.
A) get rid of impurities in plastics
B) convert sugar into HMF
C) increase yields
D) extract cellulose from plants
E) make plastics from petroleum


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22

77. - 80. sorular aşağıdaki parçaya göre 79. Underground fires in China ----.
cevaplayınız. A) release about 200 tonnes of pollutants into the air
every year
Contrary to popular belief, underground fires are a B) cause as much air pollution as do all the
surprisingly frequent phenomenon, the fuel being coal vehicles in the United States
and the fire travelling along the seams, or the thin layers C) have been burning for more than five millennia
of rock or mineral. Such fires travel slowly due to the D) consume as much energy as do all the cars in
limited supply of oxygen, but can burn for a very long the United States
time: the underground fire at Burning Mountain Nature E) are most frequently the result of industrial activity
Reserve in Australia is thought to have been continuing
for the past 5,500 years. The number of such
subterranean fires worldwide is countless. According to
one study, subterranean fires in China alone are
consuming some 200 million tonnes of coal a year and
pumping into the air as many pollutants as all the cars in
the United States. Along with numerous human-related
factors, such fires are also contributing substantially to
global warming.

77. It can be understood from the passage that

underground fires ----.
A) are a direct result of human activities
B) are a rare phenomenon that is observed solely in
Australia and China 80. According to the passage, the limited supply of
C) play an important role in the process of global oxygen underground ----.
warming A) travels along the thin layers of rock or mineral
D) could contribute to efforts to prevent climate B) is a very frequent phenomenon in Australia and
change resulting from global warming China
E) have not been witnessed for the past 5,500 C) prevents underground fires from burning for any
length of time
D) slows down the speed at which underground
fires travel
E) has been contributing to global warming for the
past 5,500 years

78. According to the passage, one misconception

about underground fires is that they ----.
A) are not common
B) don’t last for a very long time
C) don’t have a limited supply of oxygen
D) travel fast
E) contradict the laws of nature


Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22
22 MART 2009



1. D 21. E 41. C 61. B

2. B 22. B 42. A 62. C

3. B 23. D 43. B 63. E

4. E 24. B 44. D 64. C

5. C 25. C 45. E 65. A

6. B 26. B 46. C 66. D

7. A 27. C 47. C 67. B

8. C 28. E 48. B 68. A

9. C 29. A 49. E 69. C

10. E 30. D 50. A 70. E

11. B 31. A 51. C 71. A

12. E 32. B 52. A 72. D

13. D 33. D 53. D 73. E

14. A 34. E 54. B 74. B

15. B 35. C 55. E 75. C

16. C 36. E 56. C 76. E

17. C 37. B 57. A 77. C

18. E 38. C 58. B 78. A

19. D 39. D 59. E 79. B

20. B 40. A 60. D 80. D


Meşrutiyet Cad. No:27 Kat:6 Kızılay ANKARA
Tel: (312) 417 07 20 - 417 07 22

1. - 18. sorularda, cümlede bof bırakılan yerlere uygun 7. Scientists ---- that by the year 2050, robot brains
düf en sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. based on computers that have the ability to
execute 100 trillion instructions per second
rivalling human intelligence.
1. The cells of all living organisms have the ---- to A) are predicting / are starting
harvest energy from the breakdown of organic
B) have predicted / would start
fuel molecules.
C) predicted / would have started
A) amount B) clarity
D) predict / will start
C) performance D) reliance
E) would predict / will have started
E) ability

8. NASA ---- experiments on the surface of the moon

2. Bacteria are truly remarkable in terms of their
for eight years when they ---- them down in 1977
adaptations to extreme environments and their
for financial reasons.
abilities to survive in parts of Earth that are ---- to
other forms of life. A) conducted / would have to shut
A) distasteful B) cordial B) has been conducting / have to shut
C) inhospitable D) persuasive C) had been conducting / had to shut
E) discreet D) was conducting / have had to shut
E) would have conducted / would have had to shut
3. In December 1831, at the age of 22, Darwin began
a round-the-world sea voyage that ---- influenced 9. It is predicted that the world’s fossil fuel sources
his thinking. ---- completely by the turn of the century unless
A) obscurely B) legitimately C) hopefully strict policies to use them wisely ---- at present,
before it is too late.
D) respectfully E) profoundly
A) will have been exhausted / are implemented
B) will be exhausted / would be implemented
4. All organisms have some capacity to adapt to
environmental changes, but the extent of this C) would be exhausted / would have been
adaptive capacity ---- greatly. implemented
A) executes B) varies C) discards D) would have been exhausted / were implemented
D) abolishes E) merges E) were exhausted / were to be implemented

5. The geological history of the Grand Canyon 10. If microchips ---- back in the late 1950s, computer
region ---- to be a lot more complex than technology ---- as advanced as it is today.
previously thought when scientists examined the A) weren’t developed / isn’t
area in more detail.
B) hadn’t been developed / wouldn’t be
A) put off B) gave up
C) wouldn’t have been developed / weren’t
C) brought about D) turned out
D) wouldn’t be developed / wouldn’t be
E) set out
E) weren’t being developed / won’t be

6. Most space rockets plunge into the oceans or

become space litter when they are ---- completely. 11. It is hoped that alternative forms of energy, such
as wind energy and geothermal energy, ---- more
A) taken up B) fallen out C) given out widely used in the near future, once technical
D) made up E) used up problems ---- completely resolved.
A) become / had been
B) are becoming / will be
C) will become / are
D) have become / were
E) would have become / have been

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA ‐ (312) 417 07 20 ‐ (312) 417 07 22   
12. Insects that live in colonies, such as ants, bees, 19. - 23. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
wasps, and termites, have long fascinated numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da
everyone, ---- naturalists ---- artists. ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) among / with B) about / between
C) in / of D) between / above Air pollution is one of the major challenges that most major
E) from / to cities face. The task of cleaning up air pollution, (19)----
difficult, is not believed to be insurmountable. Use of fuels
that are low in pollutants, such as low-sulphur forms of
13. A gene giving humans a preference ---- sweet petroleum; more complete burning of fossil fuels, often in
foods was recently identified ---- researchers. (20)----with a recycling of the pollutants; and the shift to
A) over / among B) on / with less polluting forms of power generation, such as solar
energy (21)---- place of fossil fuels - all are methods that
C) to / at D) for / by can be used for controlling pollution. Over the past few
E) into / within decades, the example of London as well as of some other
cities (22)---- that 10 years or less is enough to control
this problem to a certain extent. In fact, this period is
14. The existence of galaxies was not recognized (23)---- enough to achieve major improvements in air
until the early 20th century, ---- since then galaxies quality.
have become one of the focal points of
astronomical investigation.
A) even B) because C) but 19.

D) if E) whether A) though B) as if C) unless

D) whether E) in case

15. A gemstone used in the making of jewellery must

be durable, ---- it cannot withstand the process of 20.
being handled or shaped. A) discrimination B) combination
A) thus B) even if C) although C) purification D) authorization
D) or else E) while E) utilization

16. ---- it has a great potential for creating new 21.

organisms, experimental recombination of genes
is viewed by some scientists as dangerous and A) over B) at C) for
unethical. D) by E) in
A) As long as B) Unless
C) Just as D) Before 22.
E) Because A) had shown
B) would have shown
17. ---- does geology provide a better understanding C) will have shown
of the Earth’s evolution and its present features,
D) has shown
but it also serves society in a variety of practical
ways. E) was showing
A) Either B) So C) Not only
D) So long as E) Not once 23.
A) nor B) either C) as well as
18. Geometry, ---- name is derived from Greek words D) neither E) also
meaning “earth measurement,” is one of the
oldest branches of mathematics.
A) as B) which C) that
D) whose E) its

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24. - 35. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun fekilde 28. ----, which, in turn, makes animal husbandry more
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. profitable than it used to be in the past.
A) People with rising incomes consume more meat
and livestock products
24. Whereas ordinary solids have a definite size and
shape, ----. B) The world’s poor have been getting poorer and
less able to produce food
A) most liquids do, too
C) Much of the world’s starving population lives in
B) gases have none the sub-Saharan region, where farming is poor
C) their volumes are definite, as well D) Debate continues over whether climate change
D) liquids don’t take the form of the container will further reduce the world’s ability to feed itself
E) gases consist of a vast number of molecules E) Most countries in Africa need to invest more in
their agriculture sectors

25. Although rain forests occupy a very small

percentage of the land surface on Earth, ----. 29. Physicists have established that, before the
universe existed in its present form, ----.
A) it is true that, in addition to high rainfall and
humidity, mild winters are good for them A) the Milky Way is one of billions of galaxies in the
B) most governments have introduced severe
measures to stop and eliminate environmental B) astronomy attracted many high school students
pollution to study it in depth
C) they contain a very large variety of plant and C) all of its matter was concentrated in one mass
animal species that are mostly rare D) they knew what to look for
D) many species living in those areas are faced with E) their existence would not have been
the threat of extinction questionable
E) the Brazilian government has long-term plans to
open up the Amazon basin for mining
30. Experts differ greatly in their estimates of the
number of plant and animal species, ----.
26. ----, but a significant part of this land is unsuitable A) since the exact number of these species has only
for either agriculture or habitation. recently been identified
A) China’s first nature reserve was established in B) but they all agree that the distribution of these
the 1950s species is highly uneven
B) China is located in Far East Asia C) in case many of the currently endangered
C) The population of China has been increasing species go extinct in the near future
dramatically D) unless they focus their attention on those
D) One of China’s major problems is environmental species that have increased in number
pollution E) despite the fact that the populations of certain
E) China covers a vast area in Asia species have soared dramatically

27. Experts fear that, unless significantly higher 31. Atoms have several properties ----.
yields are achieved with genetically modified A) in case they have different numbers of protons
(GM) crops, ----. and electrons
A) genetic engineers are determined to continue to B) in which they are the smallest particles of all
work on crops that can grow in a shorter period matter
of time
C) that help distinguish one type of atom from
B) these trends led to economic development and a another
significant reduction in global hunger and poverty
D) because physicists have split the atom into many
C) certain circles are concerned about the possible subatomic particles
negative effects of GM crops on human health
E) while the electrons in an atom are very much
D) massive environmental degradation will be the smaller than the protons and neutrons
inevitable result of trying to feed the world’s
increasing population
E) the impacts of climate change on agriculture will
not be fully understood in the years ahead

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32. Quantum theory specifies new rules for 36. - 38. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye
describing the universe, ----. anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.
A) although efforts to explore it are continuing
B) as it is considered an ancient science 36. According to some physicists, the universe is
C) unless the universe cannot be described with the just a little lighter than a black hole of the same
help of its principles size.
D) just as it has introduced new ways of thinking A) Bazı fizikçilere göre, bir kara delik, aynı boyuttaki
about matter and energy evrenden sadece biraz daha ağırdır.
E) for it has not been proven or validated B) Bazı fizikçiler, evrenin, aynı büyüklükteki bir kara
scientifically delikten, sadece biraz daha hafif olduğunu öne
C) Bazı fizikçiler, evrenin, aynı boyuttaki bir kara
33. Climatologists are not certain about the number
delik kadar hafif olduğunu varsaymaktadırlar.
of hurricanes that occurred worldwide before
1970, ----. D) Bazı fizikçilere göre, evrenin ağırlığı, aynı
boyuttaki bir kara deliğin ağırlığnı
A) although the historical data are too inconsistent
to allow firm conclusions
E) Bazı fizikçilere göre, evren, aynı boyuttaki bir ka
B) given that sea-surface temperatures are a key
ra delikten yalnızca biraz daha hafiftir.
driver of hurricane formation
C) since an unprecedented four hurricanes hit
Florida in the summer of 2004 37. The discovery in Japan of a 130 million year old
lizard fossil may redetermine the date when
D) which global warming has led to more intense
flowering plants are believed to have emerged on
E) when satellite observations became routine
A) Çiçekli bitkilerin yeryüzünde ortaya çiktığı tarihin
yeniden belirlenmesi, Japonya’da 130 milyon
34. Some of the world’s natural resources, such as yaşında bir kertenkele fosilinin keşfiyle
natural vegetation and solar energy, are gerçekleşmiştir.
renewable, ----. B) Japonya’da 130 milyon yaşnda bir kertenkele
A) which cannot be renewed easily at a low cost fosili keşfedildikten sonra, çiçekli bitkilerin
yeryüzünde ortaya çıktığına inanılan tarih
B) while others like fossil fuels are non-renewable yeniden belirlenmiştir.
C) since they are not reliable sources of energy C) Japonya’da 130 milyon yaşnda bir kertenkele
D) if conserving them is not possible fosilinin keşfi, çiçekli bitkilerin yeryüzünde ortaya
E) some of which are non-renewable çıktığına inanilan tarihi yeniden belirleyebilir.
D) Japonya’da 130 milyon yasnda bir kertenkele
fosilinin keşfedilmesinden önce, çiçekli bitkilerin
35. New bioplastics are a lot less hazardous to our yeryüzünde daha yakın bir zamanda ortaya
planet and our natural resources, ----. çıktığına inanılıyordu.
A) even though their reserves are gradually E) Japonya’da 130 milyon yasnda bir kertenkele
shrinking due to increasing use by industries fosilinin keşfedilmesiyle, çiçekli bitkilerin
B) as plastics cannot be degraded biologically like yeryüzünde ortaya çıktığna inanilan tarih
organic materials yeniden belirlenmiştir.
C) since they require less oil and energy to produce
than traditional plastics
D) so traditional plastics are used in a wide range of
industries, including textiles and packaging
E) for the damaging effects of plastic waste on the
environment are undeniable

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA ‐ (312) 417 07 20 ‐ (312) 417 07 22   
38. With an estimated 200,000 species of plants and 40. Her element, diğer bir elementin atomlarından
animals, Madagascar is among the top five most farklı, tek tip atomdan oluşur.
biologically diverse countries in the world. A) An element contains only one type of atom,
A) Aşağı yukar 200.000 bitki ve hayvan türüne entirely different from other atoms.
sahip olan Madagaskar, biyolojik çeşitliliği en B) The kind of atom that makes up an element is
fazla olan dünyadaki ilk beş ülkeden biridir. usually different from the atoms of other
B) Biyolojik çeşitlilik bakımından dünyanın en elements.
önemli bes ülkesinden biri olan Madagaskar, C) Each element consists of one kind of atom, which
tahminî olarak 200.000 bitki ve hayvan türüne is different from the atoms of any other element.
D) The atoms that each element has are completely
C) Madagaskar’ ın sahip oldugu bitki ve hayvan türü different from those of other elements.
200.000 civarındadır ve böylece dünyada
biyolojik çeşitliliği en zengin olan ilk beş ülke E) Each element has one set of atoms which are
arasındadır. very different from the atoms of all the other
D) Madagaskar, gerek zengin biyolojik çeşitliliği ve
gerek sahip oldu ü u 200.000 civarındaki bitki ve
hayvan türüyle, dunyanın ilk beş ülkesi arasında 41. Çin’deki sanayileşme, öyle büyük çevresel
yer almaktadır. değişikliklere yol açmıştır ki fabrikaların yaratığı
E) Tahminî 200.000 bitki ve hayvan türüyle, kirlilik dağlık alanlardaki yağışı, yüzde 50’ye varan
Madagaskar, dünyada, biyolojik olarak en çok miktarda düşürmüştür.
çeşitliliğe sahip, ilk beş ülke arasndadır. A) Industrialization in China has brought about such
massive environmental changes that pollution
created by factories has reduced the rainfall in
39. - 41. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye mountainous areas by as much as 50 per cent.
anlamca en yakın ngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
B) Massive environmental changes in China have
resulted from industrialization, and,
39. X- ışını görüntüleme yöntemleri, kırkların consequently, the rainfall in mountainous areas
tanılanmasını bir yüzyıldan fazla zamandır daha has dropped as much as 50 per cent due to the
kolay kılmıştır, ancak X-ışınları, her zaman daha pollution caused by factories.
ince ayrntıların saptanmasında yardımcı olamaz. C) The amount of the rainfall in the mountainous
A) Although the diagnosis of fractures has been areas in China has fallen by as much as 50 per
easier for over a century, thanks to X-ray cent because of the pollution caused by
imaging methods, X-rays do not always help to factories, as massive industrialization led to
detect the finer details. environmental changes.
B) X-ray imaging methods have made diagnosing D) Industrialization in China has caused so much
fractures easier for more than a century, but environmental change that the amount of the
X-rays cannot always help to detect the finer rainfall in the country’s mountainous areas has
details. fallen 50 per cent due to the pollution brought
about by factories.
C) For over a century, it has been much easier to
diagnose fractures thanks to X-ray imaging E) China’s industrialization has led to extensive
methods, even though X-rays fail to detect the environmental changes - so much so that,
intricate parts. because of the pollution caused by factories, the
rainfall in mountainous areas has dropped to 50
D) X-rays have helped to detect the inner parts of per cent.
fractures, and, therefore, the diagnosis of
fractures has been much easier for over a
E) Thanks to X-ray imaging methods, the diagnosis
of fractures has been possible for more than a
century, but the details of fractures cannot
always be detected fully.

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42. - 46. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada 44. ---- As a residential fuel, it is burned in furnaces,
anlam bütünlüğün sağlamak için getirilebilecek water heaters, cooking stoves, and clothes
cümleyi bulunuz. dryers. As an industrial fuel, it is burned in
special furnaces to bake bricks and ceramic tiles
and to produce cement. In addition to its use as a
42. Photosynthesis, the process by which green fuel, natural gas serves as a raw material for
plants and certain other organisms use the creating petrochemicals, which are used as a
energy of light to convert carbon dioxide and base product for fertilizers, detergents,
water into simple sugar glucose, occurs in green pharmaceuticals, plastics, and numerous other
plants, seaweeds, algae, and certain bacteria. goods.
These organisms are veritable sugar factories, A) Historical records show that natural gas was
producing millions of new glucose molecules per burned as a fuel as early as 250 A.D. in China.
second. ---- Some plants produce more glucose
than they use, however, and they store it in the B) There is a growing concern among developed
form of starch and other carbohydrates in their nations about the future availability of energy
roots, stems, and leaves. sources.
A) The sugar we use in our everyday lives is C) Among the most common residential fuels are
derived from plants like sugar cane and is natural gas, coal, and bottled butane and
processed in factories. propane.
B) An extremely important by-product of D) Natural gas is used both as a fuel and as a raw
photosynthesis is oxygen, on which most material in the manufacture of chemicals.
organisms depend. E) The use of fossil fuels is generally regarded as
C) Being unable to produce it, humans and other harmful to the environment, since it is a major
animals rely on the glucose produced by these cause of global warming.
D) Plants use much of this glucose as an energy 45. Ecology is the study of the relationship of plants
source to build leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds. and animals to their physical and biological
E) In plants, photosynthesis occurs in leaves and environment. The physical environment includes
green stems within specialized cell structures light and heat or solar radiation, moisture, wind,
called “chloroplasts”. nutrients in soil, water, and atmosphere. The
biological environment includes organisms of the
same kind as well as other plants and animals.
43. Insects are often regarded as pests because ---- For this reason, it draws upon such fields as
some bite, sting, spread diseases, or compete climatology, hydrology, oceanography, physics,
with humans over crop plants. ---- Without chemistry, geology, and soil analysis as well as
insects to pollinate flowers, the human race animal behaviour, taxonomy, physiology, and
would soon run out of food because many of the mathematics.
crop plants that we rely on would not be able to
reproduce. In addition, insects themselves are A) Different kinds of organisms often share the
valued as food in many parts of the world. Also, same environment, which makes the relationship
they help to recycle organic matter by feeding on between them significant.
wastes and on dead plants and animals. B) However, due to the climate and other natural
A) Therefore, humans use chemicals to get rid of factors, physical and biological environments
harmful plants growing among agricultural crops. show great diversity in the world.
B) Scientists have so far been able to identify about C) An increased public awareness of environmental
one million species of insects. problems has made ecology a common but often
misused word.
C) Nevertheless, they are of undeniably great value
to nature and to humans. D) Our understanding of environmental problems
has increased by a very large extent over the last
D) Pollination is the process by which most plants few decades.
reproduce, but there are exceptions.
E) Although the field is a distinct scientific discipline,
E) While some insects protect themselves with their it has a close relationship with other disciplines.
poison, others use camouflage.

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA ‐ (312) 417 07 20 ‐ (312) 417 07 22   
46. The principle of all the sciences, including 48. Customer: I’d like to buy a good camera for a
physics, is generally considered to be the reasonable price. What would you recommend?
ordering of the complex appearances detected by Shop assistant: Well, we have this professional
our senses. In other words, this is the ordering of series, with which you can get extra
what we often refer to as the “world around us”. high-resolution images and at least three types of
In fact, many people think of science as a lenses. Their prices start from $3,000.
mechanical process of collecting facts.
Essentially, science is a creative activity that in Customer: ____________
many respects resembles other creative activities Shop assistant: Then, maybe you’d consider one
of the human mind. from this series, which comes with only the
A) This is not the case at all. standard lens, but can be upgraded when
necessary. Plus, they provide equally
B) Aristotle believed that the natural state of an high-resolution images.
object is to be at rest.
A) Oh, I didn’t expect that they would be so simple.
C) It was Galileo who founded our modern view of
motion. B) Actually, photography has been a major interest
of mine for a long time.
D) As a result of Einstein’s theory of relativity, our
concepts of space and time have been C) I can see you are very informed about cameras.
completely altered. D) Oh, I don’t think I want something so
E) The list of ways in which physics, for example, professional.
relates to other fields is extensive. E) Well, that really is a good value.

47. - 51. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan 49. Thomas: Did you know that e. coli, the bacteria
kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz. that upsets stomachs and kills people, can
be useful?
47. Joseph: I read that Taiwanese researchers have
Julie: How so?
developed a motorcycle that runs on
compressed air. Thomas: ___________
Maria: So, what’s so special about it? Julie: Wow! That means it is going to serve as an
alternative energy source.
Joseph: _____________
A) You know, it is actually present in the intestines.
Maria: Oh, then it really is a significant invention.
B) Well, scientists have genetically engineered it to
A) The prototype has not aroused much interest
excrete biodiesel.
among the public yet.
C) It obtains the energy it needs from the intestinal
B) It requires electricity to compress the air.
C) Well, it could help to solve the problem of
D) The new method involves mixing the bacteria
with sugar cane.
D) Actually, they have been working on it for quite
E) The newly-developed biodiesel is not as efficient
some time.
as a fossil fuel.
E) Well, they might soon start mass producing

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA ‐ (312) 417 07 20 ‐ (312) 417 07 22   
50. Jeffrey: The swine flu outbreak seems to have 53. (I) Weight, lift, thrust, and drag are the four primary
emerged without warning, don’t you think? sources acting upon an airplane. (II) Since the 1950s,
Nathan: Yes, you have a point. But I think the aircraft technology has developed at an amazing
virus existed for some time before it was speed, making especially great advances in thrust.
discovered. (III) Weight, which is the force caused by gravity, is
also the force that offsets lift, which is the upward
Jeffrey: ____________ force on the plane, because it acts in the opposite
Nathan: The answer is likely “yes”, if more direction. (IV) Thrust, which is provided by a propeller
attention had been paid to the human-animal or a jet engine, or a combination of the two, is the
interactions that enable new viruses to emerge. force that pushes the airplane forward in the air.
(V) The fourth force, drag, is created by the friction
A) Do you think governments have taken the
that the airplane produces when moving through the
necessary measures against it?
B) Could there be a more effective way of
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
monitoring the course of the disease?
C) Do you think the world faces more pandemics like
this one? 54. (I) Volcanic eruptions in populated regions are a
significant threat to people, property, and agriculture.
D) Couldn’t it have been detected and the spread of
(II) The danger is mostly from fast-moving hot flows
it prevented?
of explosively erupted materials, falling ash, and
E) Do you think vaccination against such highly destructive flows of lava and volcanic debris.
pandemics would solve the problem? (III) On the contrary, they can also be rich in natural
resources, especially with the materials that they
51. Peter: Weren’t you thinking of getting a new job as erupt. (IV) In addition, explosive eruptions, even from
a laboratory assistant? Well, here is an volcanoes in unpopulated regions, can eject ash high
advertisement. into the atmosphere, posing a danger to distant
Joanna: Oh, I have already seen that one, but I’m populations. (V) Such explosions also create drifting
not the one they are looking for. volcanic ash clouds that represent a serious hazard
to airplanes.
Peter: _______________
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
Joanna: Yes, all but a very important one. I’m not
a British citizen.
55. (I) Water vapour is the most common greenhouse
A) Don’t you want to work in Britain?
gas in the atmosphere, accounting for about 60 to 70
B) But why? You meet all the requirements. per cent of the natural greenhouse effect. (II) Humans
C) Why? Don’t you have a licence to work as a lab do not have a direct effect on water vapour levels in
assistant? the atmosphere. (III) But human activities do
increase the concentration of other greenhouse
D) Are they looking for better qualified people? gases in the atmosphere, producing warmer
E) You’re wrong; I’m sure they don’t care about temperatures. (IV) Indeed, global warming has now
citizenship. become one of the most passionately argued issues
of our time. (V) This results in an increase in the
evaporation of oceans, lakes, and rivers, raising the
52. - 56. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla amount of water vapour in the atmosphere.
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüqünü bozan
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
cümleyi bulunuz.

56. (I) For a long time, science was more or less a united
52. (I) The Anacostia River, which flows through the whole known as “natural philosophy,” and wasn’t that
heart of Washington, DC, is just one of dozens of far removed from art. (II) Then, in the 18th century,
severely polluted rivers in the US. (II) It is the distinctions between the scientific fields began to
contaminated with the molecular remnants of dyes, appear. (III) Later, in the 19th century, to take two
plastics, asphalt, and pesticides. (III) Recent tests examples, physics and chemistry went their separate
have shown that up to 68% of the river’s brown ways. (IV) Actually, several physicists in the 1930s
bullhead catfish suffer from liver cancer. (IV) Water and 1940s tried to apply their knowledge to
pollution comes from many sources, such as microbiology. (V) So, the sharp border that we now
wastewater from textile and pulp mills, agricultural see between the arts and sciences is but only a few
waste, and residential sewage. (V) Wildlife officials centuries old.
recommend that anyone who catches the river’s fish
toss them back uneaten, and swimming has been A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA ‐ (312) 417 07 20 ‐ (312) 417 07 22   

57. - 60. sorular afağıdaki parçaya göre 58. It is clearly stressed in the passage that, before
cevaplayınız. the development of different dating methods, ----.
Palaeontology was once limited to digging up fossils A) the molecular clock was used by scientists to
and trying to deduce their age with inaccurate determine the age of fossils
methods. However, fossil analysis improved B) the age of fossils could not be determined
dramatically in the 1960s, with the advent and reliably
refinement of two techniques: radiometric dating and
C) palaeontology was regarded as a field of study
stratigraphy. The first radiometric method was also
that was only concerned with the excavation of
known as carbon-14 dating, and it was usable for
specimens younger than 50,000 years. Later,
potassium-argon dating revolutionized the field by D) it was impossible to know whether Africa was the
enabling scientists to detect the radioactive decay of home of the first human beings
elements found naturally in rocks and soil surrounding E) only the age of fossils which were older than
much older fossils. Stratigraphy, which is the study of 50,000 years could be determined accurately
rock layering, actually was developed well before the
1960s, but that was the decade scientists began to
better understand how geological conditions, earthen
layers, and fossil records all relate. The resulting
refinement of biostratigraphy, i.e., the study of the
complete life of a stratum of earth, allowed scientists
to determine the environment and lifestyle of human 59. According to the passage, stratigraphy ----.
ancestors based on fossilized flora and fauna found
within the same layer as the hominine fossils. Since A) helped scientists to understand the relationship
the 1960s, DNA testing has come to be used widely. among only fossil records
As all living organisms have the same genetic code, B) deals mainly with vegetative life in a given region
scientists can use DNA variations as a molecular C) started to be used in the study of fossils long
clock. After splitting with a common ancestor, each after its emergence as a science
generation develops a constant rate of genetic
mutations. The molecular clock allows scientists to D) later established the basis for DNA dating
calculate how long ago the split occurred based on E) allowed scientists to refine the methods of
the number of differences between species. The biostratigraphy
method is now helping scientists map the routes that
humans took out of Africa.

60. The passage is mainly concerned with ----.

57. It can be understood from the passage that the
carbon-14 method ----. A) the advanced methods palaeontologists use to
date fossils
A) involves the use of radioactivity to make fossils
decay B) how palaeontology came to be recognized as a
field of science
B) can be used to date fossils of any age
C) recent advances made in the study of genetic
C) revolutionized potassium-argon dating
D) was no longer practiced after the 1960s
D) the development of DNA testing and its use in
E) was the earliest form of radiometric dating deciphering the genetic code
E) the relationship between humans and the
environment they live in

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61. - 64. sorular aşağıdaki parçaya göre 62. According to the passage, baleen whales are
cevaplayınız. different from toothed whales because they ----.
A) use their trachea to produce sounds
Baleen whales and toothed whales each have a unique B) communicate with other whales through whistles
way of vocalizing. Only baleen whales produce long C) can dive to immeasurable depths and find their
sequences of deep sounds known as whale songs. They ways in full darkness
have a larynx, an organ at the top of the trachea, which
D) are much more efficient in locating feeding areas
may be involved in sound production. Researchers are
in the sea
unclear about the organ’s role in the songs as whale
larynxes are unlike those of humans, which have vocal E) produce what is called the “whale song”
chords. Toothed whales, on the other hand, rely on
sequences of high-pitched clicks and whistles for both
echo location and communication with their mates. Their
phonic lips, a structure analogous to human nasal
passages, press together when air is forced through them, 63. It is clear from the passage that toothed whales
vibrating the surrounding tissue. The sound waves then
penetrate an oily organ in the whale’s head, called the A) can hardly find where their prey is located
“melon”, where they are focused into a beam of sound. B) navigate through the echoes of the sounds they
When this beam strikes a fish, the seabed, or another make
object, the sound is reflected back to the whale as an
echo. Toothed whales can thus locate prey and navigate C) often come up to the sea surface to inhale
in total darkness. However, during their long, deep dives, enough air
toothed whales cannot inhale air every time they want to D) generally swim close to the seabed while they
produce a sound. So they collect it in a sac at the back of are hunting
their head and reuse it. E) are better hunters than baleen whales, especially
in deep waters

61. It is pointed out in the passage that there is some

uncertainty as to ----. 64. The passage ----.
A) why both baleen and toothed whales use sounds A) doesn’t explain clearly how toothed whales
in order to find their ways vocalize
B) whether toothed whales can travel long distances B) gives a full account of the study researchers
in the sea without inhaling fresh air have made of baleen whales
C) how a baleen whale’s phonic lips function in the C) focuses more on toothed whales than on baleen
production of sound whales
D) how baleen whales produce sound D) points out the similarities of sound production in
E) how far whale songs travel in the sea when whales and human beings
whales communicate with their mates E) describes in detail how toothed whales hunt in
total darkness

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA ‐ (312) 417 07 20 ‐ (312) 417 07 22   

65. - 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 67. It is emphasized in the passage that annual
cevaplayınız. population growth in the world ----.
A) can be reduced effectively through the
implementation of the Kyoto Protocol
The human population continues to grow by more than 75
million people annually. Since the first Earth Day in 1970, B) has the effect of raising the amount of carbon
emission rates have remained steady at about 1.2 metric emissions
tons of carbon per person per year. Unfortunately, the C) plays no role in the increase in greenhouse gas
1997 Kyoto Protocol has had little measurable effect on emissions
these per-capita emissions, even in the countries that
D) is constantly watched by the US Census Bureau
have agreed to national targets. More than any other
so that it can be kept stable
factor, population growth drives rising carbon emissions,
and the US Census Bureau and United Nations both E) has alarmed many countries and forced them to
project that the global population, currently 6.6 billion, will take measures to prevent it
surpass 9 billion before 2050. The implication is that one
of the best strategies for reducing future greenhouse gas
emissions is population stabilization, as quickly as can be
achieved by noncoercive means.

68. As claimed in the passage, by 2050, the world’s

65. It is suggested in the passage that one feasible population will ----.
way of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the A) increase by more than half
future ----. B) definitely reach a stable level
A) may be through the control of population growth C) cease to have any effect on gas emissions
B) is through the enlargement of the measures D) have a much lower growth rate
included in the 1997 Kyoto Protocol
E) decrease by 75 million people per year
C) will be through the assignment of more
responsibility to the United Nations
D) can best be found through cooperation among all
the countries in the world
E) depends to a large extent on the revision of the
1997 Kyoto Protocol

66. One understands from the passage that the 1997

Kyoto Protocol ----.
A) was originally inspired by the celebration of Earth
Day in 1970
B) can be considered a major achievement by the
United Nations and the United States
C) does contain a set of extremely harsh sanctions
on gas emissions
D) has been most effective in the reduction of
greenhouse gas emissions
E) has been largely disregarded by the countries
that have signed it

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA ‐ (312) 417 07 20 ‐ (312) 417 07 22   

69. - 72. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 71. It is clear from the passage that natural spider
cevaplayınız. silk is produced ----.
A) in large quantities for use in the production of
various materials
Scientists are exploring ways of producing spider silk
artificially, a process difficult to repeat effectively. A B) only when the spider’s silk gland has stored
spider’s silk gland is a very efficient chemical factory. enough liquid proteins
Inside its gland, the spider stores a mixture of liquid C) shortly before the spider’s silk gland undergoes a
proteins, which it is able to transform into light, strong chemical reaction
fibres. Artificial spider silk could have many applications,
D) through the transformation in the spider’s silk
from lightweight and durable packing materials to
gland of liquid proteins into fibres
parachutes, surgical sutures, and even bullet-proof vests.
Producing it synthetically is a two-part process: scientists E) even though the spider’s silk gland fails to have
must first manufacture the proteins and then find a way to an adequate amount of liquid protein mixture
form them into superfine threads. They have had success
with the first part, by producing proteins through genetic
modification. Binding proteins into fibres as thin and strong
as spider silk, however, has proved to be a challenge.
Recently, however, a group of German scientists have
attempted to solve that problem by using a device
modelled on a spider’s glands. Like the arachnid method,
the proteins are mixed with potassium phosphate, and
then the pH is lowered before pressure is applied as the
72. It is pointed out in the passage that, in making
mixture flows through tiny channels, hardening and
binding the proteins. So far, researchers have been able synthetic silk, scientists have so far been
to make fibres of only a fraction of an inch long, but they successful in ----.
hope to be able to produce longer, stronger fibres in the A) imitating the entire natural process of silk
future. production
B) producing fibres suitable for parachutes and
69. As stressed in the passage, with regard to the bullet-proof vests
production of artificial spider silk, the main C) understanding the importance of proteins
problem is ----. D) producing artificial fibres about an inch in
A) the difficulty in mixing proteins with potassium thickness
phosphate E) obtaining the necessary proteins through genetic
B) that scientists are not seriously interested in it modification
C) how to make fibres as fine and long as natural
spider silk
D) whether the material can be used for various
E) whether it can be commercially and
technologically viable

70. According to the passage, artificial spider silk ----.

A) could have various uses in industry
B) is produced only in chemical factories
C) is commonly known as a very profitable product
D) is a material that has already had a wide range of
E) is currently being produced in threads longer
than an inch

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA ‐ (312) 417 07 20 ‐ (312) 417 07 22   

73. - 76. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 75. It is clear from the passage that what makes the
cevaplayınız. newly-found organism unique is that it ----.
A) lives in an environment that lacks any kind of
organic life
An organism discovered deep in the ground has taken
astrobiologists by surprise. The organism’s unique ability B) can survive only through photosynthesis
to live in complete isolation from other species, or even C) feeds on the remains of dead organisms
light or oxygen, suggests it could be the key to life on
D) does not have to produce proteins
other planets. It was discovered in fluid-filled cracks in a
South African gold mine, nearly three kilometres beneath E) exists only in the depths of the Earth
the Earth’s surface. When US scientists analyzed the fluid,
they expected to find genes from a mix of species. Instead,
they found that 99.9 per cent of the DNA belonged to just
one bacterium, a previously unknown species. Such a
self-sufficient organism is virtually unheard of. It means
that this organism extracts everything it needs from an
otherwise dead environment. Almost all other known
organisms on the Earth that do not use sunlight directly do
use some product of photosynthesis. However, this
76. One understands from the passage that
newly-found organism gets its energy from the radioactive
astrobiologists ----.
decay of uranium in the surrounding rocks. It also has
genes to extract carbon and nitrogen from its A) have focused all their efforts on the search for life
environment, both of which are essential for making on other planets
proteins. Scientists believe that this organism is just the B) regard organisms as indispensable for the
type that could survive on a planet other than the Earth. solution of environmental problems
C) were astonished by the discovery of so unusual
73. As suggested in the passage, for scientists, the an organism in the depths of the Earth
newly-discovered organism ----. D) have now shifted their attention to the study of
A) can be useful in preventing environmental organisms deep in the Earth
deformation E) have been particularly interested in the DNA
B) is unique only to Africa’s ecosystem structure of a large variety of organisms
C) can provide clues about life on other planets
D) seems to reveal the beginnings of life on the
E) can survive only in an environment where there
is plenty of protein

74. According to the passage, upon the analysis of

the fluid found in a South African gold mine,
scientists have learned that ----.
A) proteins discovered in it were made through
carbon and nitrogen
B) it contained only one type of organism, unlike any
of those already known
C) the Earth and other planets have similar
environmental conditions
D) the radioactive effects of uranium can be seen
very deep down in the Earth
E) all kinds of organisms can be found not only on
the Earth but also on other planets

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA ‐ (312) 417 07 20 ‐ (312) 417 07 22   

77. - 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 79. It is clear from the passage that theories ----.
cevaplayınız. A) usually provide guidelines for new discoveries
B) always arouse a great deal of controversy
A scientific view of something is always an intimate among scientists
mixture of theories and observed facts. The theories are C) sometimes exist separately from observed facts
broad, general ideas together with arguments based on
D) can be maintained unless they are validated by
them. The arguments are designed to show that, if the
new facts
general ideas are accepted, then this or the other thing
ought to be observed. If this, that, or the other actually is E) are specific formulations that are taken for
observed, then the theory is a good one; if not, then the granted by many scientists
theoreticians have to think again. Thus, theoretical ideas
and arguments are continually subjected to the severe
test of comparison with the facts, and scientists are proud
of the strictness with which this is done. On the other
hand, theories often suggest new things to look for; in other
words, they lead to predictions. These predictions are
frequently successful, and scientists are entitled to be
proud of that, too. But it follows that no theory is
immutable; any scientific view of any subject may, in
principle, be invalidated at any time by the discovery of
new facts.

77. The point made in the passage is that theories

are subject to revision or may lose their validity
A) if and when new facts are brought to light
B) so long as they are not supported through 80. According to the passage, the validity of a theory
A) can seldom be rejected once all the theoreticians
C) because the arguments about them are not share a common view
based on facts
B) is always hard to maintain, since scientists
D) even though they have been tested and usually come up with contrary views
compared with facts
C) can only be established after a series of
E) due to the fact that most of the observations they arguments put forward by various theoreticians
are based on cannot be tested
D) is determined through the test of its comparison
with observed facts
E) always makes scientists proud of their work for
the progress of science

78. It is asserted in the passage that, when

something is understood scientifically, ----.
A) it shows how essentially the theory rather than
the observation is important
B) this involves not only the relevant theory but also
an observation of facts themselves TEST BİTTİ.
C) this means the rejection of the arguments put
forward against it
D) the predictions made so far lose their CEVAPLARINIZI KONTROL EDİNİZ.
significance and are not taken into consideration
E) this is because new facts have not been
discovered yet

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA ‐ (312) 417 07 20 ‐ (312) 417 07 22   


1. E 21. E 41. A 61. D

2. C 22. D 42. D 62. E

3. E 23. E 43. C 63. B

4. B 24. B 44. D 64. C

5. D 25. C 45. E 65. A

6. E 26. E 46. A 66. E

7. D 27. D 47. C 67. B

8. C 28. A 48. D 68. A

9. A 29. C 49. B 69. C

10. B 30. B 50. D 70. A

11. C 31. C 51. B 71. D

12. E 32. D 52. D 72. E

13. D 33. E 53. B 73. C

14. C 34. B 54. C 74. B

15. D 35. C 55. D 75. A

16. E 36. E 56. D 76. C

17. C 37. C 57. E 77. A

18. D 38. E 58. B 78. B

19. A 39. B 59. C 79. A

20. B 40. C 60. A 80. D

Meşrutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kızılay ANKARA ‐ (312) 417 07 20 ‐ (312) 417 07 22   

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