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Enhancing TPP Productivity

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SASTECH 23 Volume 9, Issue 1, April 2010


Nitin Solanki
, K. N. Ganapathi
, Anup Vaidya
, V. Satish

1- (Engg.) Student, 2- Assistant Professor, 3- Solidus Hi-Tech Products Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore
Centre for Manufacturing
M. S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies, Bangalore
In the current business scenario with emerging global competition and rising customer expectation, providing low
cost and high quality products is a winning mantra. These high expectations can be met through low cost automation and
by keeping low operational cost. Minimising the operation cost can be achieved by improving operational indicators like
delivery, quality, performance of machine etc. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) under its umbrella deals with all
the operational indicators at micro level which are required for achieving low cost operation. The focus of this study is on
improving OEE of Turret punching press which is also the bottleneck machine with the help of techniques such as SMED,
5S, TPM, SOP etc. The project aims to minimize levels of six big losses (breakdown, setup and adjustment, small stops,
reduced speeds, startup rejects, production rejects) thereby improving the efficiency of the machine.
Data collection format for measurement of machine utilization was finalized and then data was collected for one
week for calculation of initial OEE. The initial OEE for the machine was found to be only 27.3%. Cross-functional team
was formed to analyze the factors responsible for low OEE. Levels of six big losses were analyzed and systematic
approach was formed to increase the efficiency.
Major losses which are responsible for low OEE (setup and adjustments, reduced speeds) were improved with the
help of techniques like SMED, 5S, Kaizen, SOP. The techniques have helped in improving OEE from 27.3% to 50.5% .
Improved OEE helped in generating extra capacity and hitting the bottom-line of the company with extra income from the
existing machine. Though OEE was improved almost 2 times, few more outcome of the study were also shared with
management which need investment and having long lead time. Upon implementation this, the OEE will improve further.
Key Words: Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Losses, Maintenance, Efficiency

OEE Overall equipment Efficiency
SMED Single Minute Exchange of Die
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
TPM Total Productive Maintenance
TPP Turret Punching Press
In the current business scenario with emerging
global markets and strong competition, providing low
cost and high quality products to customer through low
cost automation and low operational cost is a winning
mantra. The focus of top management is also on
implementation of basic management principles which
helps the company to grow.
1.1 Overall Equipment Efficiency
It is an approach to monitor and improve the
effectiveness of any manufacturing process. It is a
simple and practical approach and it takes the common
productivity loss and group into three primary
categories. It is a metric which focuses on how
effectively the plant is working [1]. It can be calculated
OEE = Availability x Performance x Quality
Availability = Operating Time/Planned Production
Performance = Ideal Cycle Time/ (Operating
Time/Total Pieces)
and Quality = Good Pieces/Total Pieces
1.2 Company Introduction
Solidus Hi-tech Products Pvt. Ltd, Unit -5 is a part
of Metagraph group of companies established in 1948
in Pune. Group turnover is approx $20 Million having
manufacturing units in Pune and Bangalore. Unit-5 is
spread in 650.3 m, which involves in CNC turret
Punching, Bending and Powder Coated Parts. Total
number of employees is 186. Major customers are: APC
by Schneider Electric, Schneider Electric, ABB, John
Deere, JCB, Tyco Electronics, Tejas Networks, Mrotek,
Phoenix Mecano
1.3 Parma 1225 TPP machine
Parma1225 is equipped with advance control with
rugged frame and hydraulic ram. Features of the
machine are: It is a 200 kN punch presses, maximum
sheet thickness it can handle is 6.35 mm, it can
accommodate work piece size up to 1250 x 2500 mm, it
is a 21- station turret press with 8 A size, 8 B size, 3 C
size and 2 D size stations, maximum diameter of punch
it can be accommodate is 80 mm and it achieves
accuracy of 0.10 mm with a repeatability of 0.05
mm over the entire table
1.4 Literature Review
Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is a
mindset and it should be started throughout the
company and with top down approach. Robert Hansen

SASTECH 24 Volume 9, Issue 1, April 2010
[2] gave a concept that it should first be applied on
bottlenecks which affects the throughput of the system
and on other critical machnies and expectations should
be set and communicated down the line to all the
employees. It is a multiple factor of availability, speed
and quality and the result gives the actual effectiveness
of factory floor output. The productivity development
team [3] mentions that it is also an indicator of
equipments health.
Hansen [2], makes a point that OEE can be
calculated accurately with very ease, and the calculation
gives the information of the areas of concern or areas
for improvement. Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance
[4], touch upon that for improving OEE, company has
to look upon the six big losses: breakdowns, setup and
adjustments, small stops, reduced speeds, start-up
rejects and production rejects
The important factor for any sucessful OEE
implementation starts from managements mindset
towards improvement [5]. The main challenge in
starting an OEE implementation is that OEE tools and
processes should posses different roles and disciplines
in the company [6]. OEE programs must be on daily use
for production line operator and should be followed up
by manufacturing professionals and management,
support maintenance technicians and design engineers,
and fulfill many other functions throughout the plant.
Dr. Shigeo Shingo [7] has given a concept of
single-minute exchange of dies (SMED) which focuses
on bringing the changeover within ten minutes. This
methodology worked for even huge machines. Kenichi
Sekine and Keisuke Arai [8] in their book carried this
improvement to next level and given concept that
changeover shouldnt be measured in minutes but in
seconds. They termed their approach as zero
changeovers. This approach focuses on bringing
changeover to less than three minutes. All
improvements related to quick changeover are based on
the principle that any set-up is a waste and there is
always a scope or improvement.
Fletcher Birmingham and Jim Jelinek [9] have
given a concept that setup reduction involves basically
three components and these are the cornerstones of
setup reduction and the changeover race is won or lost
in the pits.
The productivity development team [3] has given a
concept that total productive maintenance (TPM) is a
approach used by operators to prevent problems related
to equipment with the help of knowledge and
familiarity and Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance [4]
have touched upon a concept that if a company has to
perform better, than their aim should be to move
company from traditional preventive maintenance to
productive maintenance and then finally to Total
productive maintenance
Many people are thinking that maintenance
problem is solved if they will purchase new equipments
but unfortunately this is not the correct answer. In
absence of regular and preventive maintenance new
equipment will also breakdown. In todays competitive
world companies cant afford to wait for breakdown,
infact breakdown calls should be like surprise for a
maintenance person [10]. Maintenance person has to
come out of his/ her mental block regarding the
philosophy fix it when it breaks. New measure of
maintenance operation should be related to uptime not
in the number of breakdowns repaired.
To improve Overall equipment effectiveness
(OEE) of turret punching press (TPP) by 15 % through
reduction of the six big losses
2.1 Methods and Methodology
Level of six big losses were reviewed and analyzed
by help of machine utilization chart, quality check
sheet and Machine maintenance history
Operating time of the machine was improved by:
reduction of setup through implementation of
quick changeover technique (SMED)
Scheduling of planned maintenance through
implementation of total preventive maintenance
Quick changeover technique was implemented
Total Preventive Maintenance was implemented
Performance of the machine was increased by:
understanding and developing the standard
operating procedure, training of operator on best
operating practices of the machine and training of
operator on seven types of waste and how to
identify them
Quality of the components was improved
The process was reviewed
Standard operating procedures were documented,
controlled and efficiency was measured
Data was collected using machine utilization chart
for a period of 1
October to 7
October for calculation
of initial OEE. The initial OEE for the machine was
found to be only 27.3%. The levels of six big losses
were determined.

Fig. 1 Levels of big losses
Contribution of big losses was analyzed based on
machine utilization and systematic approach was
formed to increase the efficiency. More than 80% was
contributed by
Low speed
High set-up time
4.1 Reason for Low Speed
Reason for low speed was as follows: Standard
operating procedure for the machine was not available,
no structured training was given to operator for
operating parameters, improper clearance between

SASTECH 25 Volume 9, Issue 1, April 2010
punch and die resulting increased pressure on the
machine and operators were reducing the speed based
on the sheet thickness:
For sheet thickness between 1.0 to 1.5, speed was
being kept 75%.
For sheet thickness between 1.5 to 2.5, speed was
being kept 50%.
For sheet thickness above 2.5, speed was being
kept 25%.
4.2 Improvements for Low Speed
Following activities were carried out to improve
speed and performance:
Training for best practices for operating TPP
Developing of standard operating procedure
Training for basic punch and die geometry,
clearance and TPP master tool list
4.3 Reason for High Set-up Time
The initial changeover process was as follows:
searching for appropriate punch and Die, setting of
Punch and Die accordingly, searching for material in
stores, loading of sheet on the machine, applying of
kerosene incase of copper sheet and applying cello-tape
in case of coated sheet and transfer of programming on
the machine
The changeover time varies from 40 min to 90
4.4 Improvements for High Set-up Time
Setup time was reduced by quick changeover
technique known as SMED and implementation of 5S
Activities were categorized as internal and external
o Internal activities : Setting of Punch and
Die accordingly, loading of sheet on the
machine, setting of the program
o External activities :Searching for
appropriate punch and Die, searching for
material in stores, applying of Kerosene
in case of copper sheet and applying
cello tap in case of coated sheet
Internal activities were converted to external
Streamlining of internal and external activities by:
Implementation of 5S, providing punch and die
storage racks, and labelling for easy retrieval,
keeping raw material close to machine
Manufacturing of shadow board
Developing of standard operating procedure for
4.5 Standardization
Once the improvements were implemented, next
and most important step was to standardize and sustain.
To ensure other parameter does not nullify, the
following activities were carried out:
Some lubrication schedules were added to the
existing process of daily, weekly and monthly
preventive maintenance, for smooth operation and
to avoid breakdowns
My machine campaign was organized to increase
the awareness towards importance of preventive
Zonal leader and Deputy zonal leader were made
to involve everybody in the shop floor for
maintaining quality
Suggestion scheme and Kaizen process was
initiated, employees were recognized for this and
then this activity was started companywide
Techniques like quick changeover (SMED), 5S,
developing of SOP for changeover, making of shadow
board and providing punch and die storage rack helped
in reducing set-up time.
Developing of SOP for TPP operating, TPP master
tool list and providing training on best practices on
machine operating and basic punch, die geometry
helped in increasing the machine speed.
Kaizen and suggestion scheme has motivated
employees. Data was collected for a period of 4

January to 5
February with the help of machine
utilization chart and together all these techniques has
facilitated in improving OEE from 27.3 % to 50.5 %.
Though OEE was improved almost 2 times, few
more outcome of the study was also shared with the
management which needs investment and with mid
term goal. Upon implementation, this will also improve

Fig. 2 Initial and final loss percentage

Fig. 3 Initial and final OEE
Tangible Benefits
OEE was improved by 23 %

SASTECH 26 Volume 9, Issue 1, April 2010
Cost Savings through Kaizen for TPP is Rs
48910/- per month
Changeover time improvement:
10 min~30 min from 40 min~90 min
Speed improvement:
Speed is increased from 75 % to 90 % for
thickness up to 2 mm and 50 % to 60 % for
thickness above 2 mm
Intangible Benefits
Improved House Keeping level
Reduction in tool search time
High employee morale
Improved motivation level and Team Work
OEE was improved by reducing six big losses
through implementation of techniques like,
SOP Standardizing the process and following the
standard process has helped in increasing
performance of the machine
Training On the job training and sharing the best
way to do the job has helped in increased
performance of the machine
5S Implementation of 5S technique has
improved availability of the machine
Quick changeover This has helped in reducing
the changeover time and increased availability of
Kaizen This has helped in enhancing synergy in
shop floor people to give improvement ideas and
increasing OEE
Recognition This tools has helped in continual
motivation of employees and keeping them attach
to the work
My Machine My area It has provided sense of
ownership for workforce
[1] Vorne industries, (2008) The fast guide to OEE.
Retrieved August 28
, 2009, from
[2] Robert C. Hansen, (2001) Overall Equipment
Effectiveness: A Powerful production/maintenance
tool for Increased Profits. New York: Industrial
Press Inc
[3] Productivity Development Team, (2004) OEE for
Operators: Overall Equipment Effectiveness. New
York: Productivity Inc.
[4] Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance, Nihon
Puranto Mentenansu Kyokai, (1992) TPM for
every operator. Portland: Productivity Inc
[5] Frost and Sullivans (May 2005). Improving plant
performance: Overall Equipment effectiveness
(OEE). Retrieved October 21
, 2009 from:
t_Whitepaper_-_Improving _
[6] Ulf Stern (Jun 2006). Next generation of Overall
Equipment Efficiency (OEE). Retrieved Oct 21st,
2009 from:
[7] Shigeo Shingo, (1996) Quick Changeover for
Operators: The SMED System. New York:
Productivity Inc
[8] Kenichi Sekine and Keisuke Arai, (1992) Kaizen
for quick changeover: going beyond SMED. New
York: Productivity Inc
[9] Fletcher Birmingham and Jim Jelinek, (2007)
Quick changeover simplified: the managers guide
to increasing profits with SMED. New York:
Productivity press
[10] John M Gross, (2002) Fundamental of Preventive
Maintenance. New York: AMACOM

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