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Advances in Mining Engineering Education: A Case For Learning Communities

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Advances in Mining Engineering Education:

A Case for Learning Communities

M. Hitch
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Abstract—Mining engineering involves the design, planning few courses makes the NBK/UBC experience different
and management of operations for the development, pro- that most curriculum activities.
duction and eventual rehabilitation of resource extraction. The Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering
These activities draw on a diverse set of skills. University of has approximately 150 undergraduate students and in
British Columbia mining engineers have traditionally been 2009-2010 granted 25 bachelors of applied science
highly regarded for their strengths in the technical aspects (B.A.Sc.) degrees. With approximately 106 (2010-2011)
of mining and mineral process but also for their under- graduate students, the department is one of the largest in
standing of the application of principles of sustainability Canada. The department’s nine professors are expected to
and social responsibility. The current view of the UBC Min-
pursue an active research program as well as teach two
ing curriculum demands the integration of aspects of envi-
undergraduate courses per semester and one graduate
ronmental and social sciences shaping the future of tertiary
course per academic year, on average.
engineering education. The solution is developing a curricu-
lum that is focused on key learning objectives that are a In 2007, the department began a formal strategic plan-
reflection of all these external pressures. This paper exam- ning process that resulted in the periodic examination of
ines the challenge of curriculum reform and the emergence the educational direction of the unit. The department’s
of learning communities at the Norman B. Keevil Institute initial plan focused on educational objectives and the steps
of Mining Engineering at the University of British Colum- necessary to accomplish them. Thus when the time came
bia, Canada. to redesign the undergraduate program, considerable at-
tend had been paid to the professional demands of the
Index Terms—Engineering Curriculum, Engineering Edu- future of mining engineering and their relationship to an
cation, Learning Communities, Mining Engineering. undergraduate education.
A set of educational objectives and outcomes served as
the point of departure for the development of a revised
I. INTRODUCTION: THE EVOLVING LANDSCAPE OF curriculum. These outcomes reflected those characteristics
HIGHER LEVEL TECHNICAL EDUCATION of the degree program that were considered critical by the
In engineering education, there are several challenges faculty and which, through a variety of means, were simi-
that educators face in the development, course delivery larly viewed by other important constituencies (e.g. Indus-
and student assessment of their courses. There is distinct try Advisory Committee).
pressure on the curricula taught from such quarters as The program outcomes closely reflected the accredita-
national accreditation boards, Applied Science faculties, tion criteria for Canadian Engineering Accreditation
Industry advisory boards and student exit surveys. Board (CEAB), in which engineering programs must
These driving forces and personal convictions about the demonstrate that their graduates have specific abilities and
importance of engineering education have led to wide- knowledge upon graduation. Although the CEAB criteria
spread questioning of the viability of the way engineering were important, a number of other means were used to
has historically and is currently taught. The following determine the most appropriate outcomes for the educa-
paper describes the new mining engineering criteria that tional program. Students at NBK/UBC use annual surveys
was approved in June 2010 at the Norman B. Keevil Insti- to provide their opinion concerning the quality of the
tute of Mining Engineering at the University of British course in terms of what is taught and how it is delivered.
Columbia in Canada (NBK/UBC). An innovative ap- This differs from the end of term course evaluations that
proach to curriculum reform was incorporated acknowl- focus directly on the respective professor’s success over
edging the challenges and opportunities that mining engi- the term. The student responses reflect their experiences
neers will face as they enter the workforce and pursue during the three eight month co-op work terms. The sur-
rewarding careers. vey results often reflect similar issues, as do the Industry
Advisory Committee (IAC) workshops.
II. THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA CONTEXT The department’s external IAC also provide insight into
the desirable characteristics of both the graduates of the
An undergraduate mining engineering curriculum re- program as well as the curriculum. The program outcomes
flects the unique circumstances and history of the depart- that result from all of these inputs become an important
ment granting the degree. Thus, it is important to under- means of framing the discussion for future curriculum
stand the NBK/UBC context at the outset in order to place development.
the discussion of the ensuing curriculum change in con- The mining department also benefitted from some fac-
text. The opportunity to completely modify an entire un- ulty members completing the UBC Faculty Certificate in
dergraduate curriculum, rather than marginally change a


the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. From these

efforts, the department was receptive to a new approach to
curriculum development and reform through the use of
collaborative and integrative model of curricular learning


Curricular learning communities are a purposeful at-
tempt to create rich, challenging and nurturing academic
communities where they might not otherwise exist; see [1]
and [2]. Proponents of this approach presume that the
purposeful creation of academic community is necessary,
especially where the decision-making dynamic involves
several powerful interest groups. This is a complex, multi-
faceted challenge that requires rethinking the way the
curriculum is divided into discrete three-or four-credit
classes, the connection between courses, and the way they
are taught.
In their most basic form, curricular learning communi-
ties intentionally cluster two or more courses taken by a
cohort of students, typically around an interdisciplinary
theme. There is a great diversity in the type of structures
and models that exist, requiring different levels of faculty
and student engagement, faculty collaboration and restruc-
turing of the students’ and faculty’s time, credits and ac-
tivities [2]. These systems are particularly effective in the
university Environment because, rather than using the
traditional lecture format, it forces the students to take a
more active and responsible role in the learning process,
causing students to look forward to the class, to feel re-
spected and needed in the pursuit of knowledge, and to
respect and rely upon each other in these endeavours [3].
The learning community approach fundamentally re- Figure 1. Some common curricular learning community models
structures the curriculum, and the time and space of stu-
dents. Curricular learning community models intentional- Engineering, mining engineering in particular is no
ly link together courses or coursework to provide greater longer a single dimension discipline. Most, if not all engi-
curricular coherence, more opportunities for active learn- neering problems involve aspects of social, cultural and
ing, and interaction between students and faculty. Changes environmental importance, not to mention other engineer-
in linked courses, for example, may simply combine a ing discipline inputs. Project-oriented capstone course
skills course and a content course with little change in the development depends on the incorporation and synthesis
pedagogy. Reconfiguring time and space is absolutely of multiple areas of expertise that serves not only to enrich
essential to create a more effective arena for learning. the outcome of the problem solving exercise but also to
encourage students to critically analyze ‘real-world’ tasks
Curricular learning communities are usually associated
in an educational setting while dealing with the softer
with collaborative learning approaches, an emphasis on
issues such as interpersonal communication and team-
writing and critical thinking, interdisciplinary studies, and
classroom-based assessment. Students are encouraged to
become responsible learners, to work with the complexity The curricular learning community effort is especially
of real-world problems, and to develop a personal voice or important because it can provide a comprehensive context
point of view. While little research has been done to com- for curriculum reform. The effort firmly recognizes the
pare the different models, preliminary evidence suggests complexities of higher education today and the powerful
that the more thematically integrated and team-taught forces of fragmentation.
models do have higher pay-off in terms of student en-
gagement and learning (Figure 1).
Similarly, problem-based learning immediately draws
upon the same learning skills associated with learning The success of curriculum reform through learning
communities. Engineering in particular fosters the notion communities is dependent on a number of factors both
of ‘learning by doing’ and students are directly able to link within and outside the sphere of influence of an individual
the theoretical knowledge and the practical problem. Cur- faculty department. Engstrom [4] posits four contributions
ricular learning communities provide the support for a that create engaging curricular learning environments.
systems approach to design and operational performance These include:
and the ability to function effectively as an individual in a • Active learning pedagogies. Through the use of ac-
multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural team. tive learning pedagogies, faculty can create vehicles
for students to familiarize themselves with each other

iJEP ‒ Volume 5, Issue 2, 2015 49


and develop respect and trust, leading to students’ in- C. Personalization

creased comfort in participating in a community of Because individual identity and organizational identity
learners. are mutually and reciprocally linked, they are largely
• Faculty collaboration and an integrative curriculum. conducted for others in order to convey impressions that
Faculty must work together to develop curricular serve the individuals' self- interests. Educators seek to
links between courses. Students perceive these inte- define and understand phenomena themselves and to im-
grated experiences to foster deeper learning, student press their understanding on others through an interaction
engagement, fluid teacher-learner roles, and more ef- occurring in a particular context with a salient classroom
ficient use of their time. audience. Professors and instructors enter a social interac-
• Development of wider learning strategies. Faculty tion with prior beliefs about their self-concepts, values,
can introduce structured opportunities and even in- and goals, and they make initial assessments of classroom
centives for students to learn skills, habits and com- audience (e.g. their expectations, goals, and beliefs) and
petencies critical to navigating their University pro- situational characteristics (e.g. social rules and roles) with-
gram and promoting ongoing academic success. in which interaction will occur. This level of personaliza-
• Student validation. Faculty will validate students tion is the essence of the learning community model. It is
through their high expectations, recognition of stu- this richness of experience and knowledge that is transmit-
dents’ expertise and knowledge, and their continued ted in a communal setting that is the wealth intrinsic in the
assurance that they were able to perform at the high- model.
est level. D. Support for Teaching
Each one of the aforementioned elements is almost a The literature is rich with scholarly work on the rela-
teaching/learning strategy unto its own. To achieve each tionship between teaching and research. Some believe
and every one of these, there are several conditional as- research increases teaching effectiveness by increasing
pects that drive or motivate the development of the curric- awareness and currency (e.g. [8]) whereas others (e.g. [9])
ular learning community. believe that research productivity is unrelated to teaching
effectiveness. The relationship between teaching and re-
A. Institutional Self Determination and Autonomy search can never be satisfactorily demonstrated. Learning
According to self-determination theory, psychological however is the vital link between research and teaching. It
needs are nutriments essential for psychological growth is a shared process in these two enterprises. Learning acts
and well being in every human being [5] [6]. Specifically, as a powerful intervening factor in all of the studies at-
the theory posits that within any significant life domain, tempting to demonstrate a relationship between teaching
opportunities to experience autonomy, competence, and and research since it is the epistemological process
relatedness (each representing a basic psychological need) whereby an individual - teacher, researcher, student comes
are essential in promoting life satisfaction and well being. “to know”. This is not to say that research is wholly about
This sense of well being can easily translate to the indi- learning any more than facilitating learning is the whole of
vidual faculty department. Individual members of the teaching. But learning is the significant and substantial
department naturally tend toward contexts, activities, and element shared by research and facilitated learning.
relationships that support the satisfaction of these needs. Teaching and research are correlated where they are co-
This suggests that on any given day, satisfaction of each related, (i.e. when what is being related are two aspects of
of these basic needs is a necessary condition for well- the same activity = learning).
being and effective functioning. This is a critical feature in
the early development of curricular learning communities E. Functional Accountability
(i.e. to achieve the level of comfort to collaborate and Active learning and curricular learning communities are
share ideas, content, materials and values). the embodiment of continuous improvement systems.
Critical to their success are the multiple forms of assess-
B. Identity ment beyond the traditional students’ grade and resulting
An Institutional identity, although variously perceived, teaching assessment at the end of the term. Assessment
has a reality independent of individual members and its strategies with curricular learning communities reflect
significance depends on a collective audience, amongst personal learning and the ability of the student to demon-
whom there is a level of internal consensus in the form of strate knowledge.
a shared vision/mission statement and thematic focus. Another important aspect is maintaining credibility and
This is quite different from what some management scien- under this model, with the students’ achievement being
tists refer to as organizational identity or the construed the ultimate measure as well as demonstrating credibility.
external image [7]. Although independent from the con- There is a clear emphasis on demonstrating and actually
stituent members’ individual identity, they are closely ‘being’ a faculty with an attitude of efficacy, commitment
linked and the development of learning communities is and collective responsibility for student learning.
just one other way of articulating the reciprocal nature of
these relationships. Institutional identity is best understood V. BARRIERS TO SUCCESS
as contested and negotiated through iterative interactions The first barrier to the success of curricular learning
between managers and stakeholders and their meaning for communities is cultural expectation. We have a deeply
strategic action. The stakeholders in the case of embedded, difficult to displace culture of what university
NBK/UBC include students, staff, faculty, and the Indus- undergraduate education should be and should have.
trial Advisory Committee. It is the discourse amongst Many of us subscribe to a certain ‘collective nostalgia’
these stakeholders that shapes and colours how we see when it comes to academia. There are certain ‘sacred
ourselves in relation to the mandate. cows’ that many people (i.e. likely senior faculty and


senior administration) are unwilling to consider doing • From Pre-awareness Stage to Awareness Stage. At
differently. this stage all stakeholders are made aware of the ex-
Another issue that arises is the comprehensive nature of ternal motivations for curriculum reform (e.g. meet-
engineering education and the many “moving parts” that ings, workshops, surveys, seminars),
comprise a four-year program. Conventionally depart- • From Awareness Stage to Initiative Stage. At this
mentalized faculty, rigid student placements, standard stage the curriculum reform team is selected,
timetables all combine to make adoption of the curricular • From Initiative Stage to Mobilization Stage. At this
learning community model difficult. stage there is a mobilization of a critical mass of fac-
Change takes time and certainly a prominent barrier to ulty members to begin considering what curriculum
the success of curriculum reform is the demand by admin- means to them and consider where efficiencies exist,
istration for improved results too early in the life of the • From Mobilization Stage to Action Plan Stage. At
reformed curriculum. The demand for instant evidence of this stage there should be an overall shared vision
success often leads to compromises that seem necessary and model of curriculum with specific attention to
for survival but decrease the possibility for long-term learning outcomes and vertical and horizontal curric-
success [10]. ulum integration, and
Carefully developed standards adequately serve univer- • From Action Plan Stage to Practice Stage. Curricu-
sity departments, faculties and the profession as a whole. lum changes need to be approved at the faculty level
Unfortunately, the approved criteria restrict the adoption executed and continually monitored for their success.
of more new material given the time constraints of a four
year program. To a large extent, this approach has made The progress of the curriculum reform, measured using
almost impossible the fast, entrepreneurial, high- these stage descriptions, are presented below. It should be
flexibility, customer-driven response that is admired in the noted that in the case of the NBK/UBC, some of these
world of engineering practice. stages were either blended or not as fully developed as
Some faculty, many of who have been teaching for a [12] propose.
long time, perceives the critique and close examination of A. From Pre-awareness Stage to Awareness Stage
what and how they teach to be personal and respond de-
fensively. It is important to bring these department mem- At the end of the winter term in 2007, the students con-
bers on side and demonstrate how collaborative teaching ducted a survey to poll opinion as to the relevance of a
models and the community based model are a benefit to number of courses in the existing curriculum. The survey
them in terms of both time and energy required. polled the relevancy of course work to their industry expe-
rience. Furthermore the survey provided the opportunity
There may be a tendency to get ‘caught between the
for the students to provide feedback on every course taken
why and how’ of curriculum reform. It is important for
during their academic career in the department.
early, broad-based involvement by all stakeholders in
decisions and detailed planning. Workshops, surveys and The Industry Advisory Committee was then polled and
hallway discussions bring focus to the benefits of the a facilitated meeting was held to provide feedback from
proposed reform. industry’s perspective of what a mining engineering cur-
riculum should contain, particularly the newly hired engi-
Finally, there is a human temptation to settle for too lit-
neer entering the workforce for the first time.
tle. We may believe that external forces prevent us from
having more than complete success. We need to test the The mining engineering department had been under a
boundaries of those things we believe limit our options. reduced three-year accreditation period (i.e. largely due to
space restrictions) and was aware of a pending CAEB
We now move on to a discussion of how curricular
review. The faculty was very aware of the evolving re-
learning communities were applied to a mining engineer-
quirements for accreditation and was beginning the plan-
ing department at the University of British Columbia;
ning cycle to achieve them.
Canada’s second largest comprehensive university.
Finally, each faculty member was asked to reflect on
VI. CURRICULUM REFORM AT NBK INCORPORATING what they taught and ways in which the methods and
LEARNING COMMUNITIES materials could be updated to meet the changing needs
that had been identified.
So far in this paper we have introduced the NBK/UBC
context and the whys and wherefores of curriculum learn- Based on these motivators, it was concluded that some
ing communities. As indicated above, there are new man- measure of curriculum reform was required. For the most
dates and requirements to implement explicit learning part, there was consensus amongst all faculty members
outcomes and assessment policies for all undergraduate and an emerging sense of cooperation was developing.
curricula. The literature is rich with cases of faculties’ Additionally, there was a need to review and adsorb the
responses to all of the mentioned external pressures that NBK 5 Year Strategic Plan as defined by the NBK de-
are common to the experience at the University of British partment, and frame any potential curriculum changes to
Columbia [11]. closely align with the department’s mission statement and
When the mining engineering department (NBK/UBC) educational statement of purpose. It was concluded that
was faced with a need to revisit its curriculum, a staged three areas that needed attention and could be addressed
approach to its development and implementation was with some measure of curriculum reform included:
employed. For clarity, these stages or integration phases 1. A skillset/toolkit to prepare the graduating student for
are presented using the terminology presented by [12] and a changing world. This included an emphasis on crit-
include: ical thinking and continuous self learning;

iJEP ‒ Volume 5, Issue 2, 2015 51


2. An integrated approach to curriculum and course de- was split into two separate courses, each of three
velopment including aspects of mine-mill integration credits. These courses would be taught in terms one
and an overall switch to more complex systems and two of the second year (Reverse Related Interest
thinking; and model of Figure 1).
3. Establishing a learning continuum that consists of re- 4. The IAC indicated that graduating students required
curring themes or threads that move through one more leadership and project management skills for
course to others. the workplace. It was concluded that each of the third
and fourth year design courses be amended to em-
Based on these conclusions, an offsite curriculum phasize these traits and incorporate more team and
workshop was planned. project oriented assignments.
B. From Awareness Stage to Initiative Stage 5. It was concluded that we should blur the distinction
The purpose of the retreat was to look at our curriculum between mining and mineral processing. Processing
and to assess any needs for future change in light of the starts at the pit wall or at the face but the overall goal
inputs received. This involved the analysis of what may is to produce metal or minerals. Much of the depart-
work, what doesn’t work and how it can be fixed. An ment’s research involves mine-mill integration and
important aspect was the recognition that there needed to therefore we should emphasize this model. This is
be serious action and implementation beyond just plan- similar to the Coordinated Studies model (Figure 1).
ning. The then current undergraduate advisor, curriculum This may ultimately enable the department to elimi-
committee, and the incumbent curriculum advisor were nate the current practice of two constrained elective
assigned the task to lead the group through a facilitated streams; one for mining engineering and one for
development exercise and to address the issues raised in mineral processing. Most graduating students take
the undergraduate survey, IAC workshop, accreditation both streams as a general practice and this would al-
expectations, faculty expectations of knowledge gaps and low credit room for four new elective courses.
areas of needed focus, and alignment with the depart- 6. All survey sources and opinions of the faculty con-
ment’s areas of teaching focus. At the onset of the retreat cluded that there had to be more linkages between
we discussed whether the curriculum required a radical individual courses (Linked Courses model from Fig-
overhaul or just incremental changes to make it more ure 1.) These efforts will be part of a continual im-
reflective of the collective vision. The results of the ses- provement model encouraged by the CEAB.
sions at first glance appear incremental, however, the 7. Technical courses (e.g. Surface Mining and Design
overall result was more radical in total. and Underground Mining) should be taught in the
same year (Year 3) in order to give the student the
C. From Initiative Stage to Mobilization Stage through fundamental building blocks needed to complete
to Action Stage their 4th year senior design projects. For the same
Based on the feedback from the students and the IAC, reason, the second year Ore Body Modeling course
there was a long discussion about how the curriculum was moved to 3rd year.
should change. Proposed changes included: 8. Several courses were brought in–house (i.e. not
1. Combining a mineralogy and petrology course taught taught by outside departments and faculties) to more
by an outside department and faculty (e.g. Depart- accurately address problems specific to mining and
ment of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Faculty of Sci- mineral processing. Other courses were strengthened
ence), with an internal course on process mineralogy. to include increasingly relevant new material.
It was felt that the material could be streamlined to
suit mineral processors specifically as opposed to a Examples of changes to the NBK/UBC Curriculum are
general mineralogy course open to all faculties (Re- presented in Figure 2.
lated Interest model of Figure 1). Furthermore, it was VII. CONCLUSION
determined that more chemistry needed to be includ-
ed in this course. The development of the mining engineering curriculum
2. The second year statistics course is taught by the De- described in this paper was based on several principles
partment of Statistics and is designed as a universal that are likely to serve as basic points for departure for
statistics course for all engineering students. The Sta- similar curriculum development activities.
tistics Department also offers the same course under Learning communities do not represent the final answer
a different number to science faculty students. The to student learning. As with any other pedagogy, there are
message from the students was that the material limits to their effectiveness. Some students do not like
taught had little to do with statistical applications in learning with others and some faculty find collaborating
mining and all of the examples used in the course with other faculty and staff difficult. Nevertheless, like
were foreign. Furthermore, the department faculty other efforts to enhance student involvement in learning,
found that in the 3rd and 4th year courses where sta- such as cooperative learning and service learning, there is
tistics played a greater role in problem solving and ample evidence to support the contention that their appli-
analysis, the students retained little. For reasons be- cation enhances student learning and persistence and en-
yond the scope of this paper, it was decided to work riches faculty professional lives. It is no surprise, then,
with the Statistics Department to provide problem that so many institutions have initiated learning communi-
sets that were relevant to the mining course of study. ties and a number of foundations have established pro-
3. Due to the increasing demand of the CEAB and the grams to support their development.
faculty’s belief that more material was needed, the But curriculum redevelopment and learning communi-
introductory course of mining and mineral processing ties are ultimately limited insofar as they can only respond


Figure 2. NBK Mining Curriculum (Shadowing indicates curriculum changes)

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AUTHOR Michael Hitch is with the Norman B. Keevil Institute
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iJEP ‒ Volume 5, Issue 2, 2015 53

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