Foundation Coalition First Year Integrated Engineering Curriculum at Texas A&M University-Kingsville: Development, Implementation and Assessment
Foundation Coalition First Year Integrated Engineering Curriculum at Texas A&M University-Kingsville: Development, Implementation and Assessment
Foundation Coalition First Year Integrated Engineering Curriculum at Texas A&M University-Kingsville: Development, Implementation and Assessment
The changes the FC is introducing in
This paper presents a first year integrated engineering education are not isolated since several
engineering curriculum that was implemented at Texas institutions in the United States and around the world,
A&M University-Kingsville in the 1995-96 academic and revising and changing engineering curricula in
year. The curriculum is the result of the efforts by the rather innovative ways [2,3]. Many of these changes are
Foundation Coalition, a National Science Foundation driven by today’s global multidisciplinary industrial
sponsored engineering coalition of 7 institutions around environments, where in addition to technical knowledge
the United States. The goal of the Colaition is to in their fields, engineers are required to understand and
implement curriculum reform in engineering education. apply several disciplines in the solution of complex
In line with the goals of the Foundation Coalition, this problems. In addition, they need to be flexible and
curriculum was designed to incorporate changes in four adaptable to new technology and changing situations,
major thrust areas: curriculum integration, technology combine ideas to synthesize creative solutions, work
enabled learning, human interface development, and effectively in teams, have excellent written and oral
assessment, evaluation and dissemination. Traditional communications skills, and be highly productive [2].
first year courses in Science, Engineering, Math, and
English, have been modified such that topics are In line with the goals of the FC, TAMU-K’s first
delivered based on a predefined sequence which year curriculum has been developed to incorporate
emphasizes basic skills and thematic concepts rather changes to the traditional curriculum in four major thrust
than discipline boundaries, and problem solving areas: (1) curriculum integration to de-emphasize
strategies, and design. Active learning, or collaborative discipline boundaries, (2) technology enabled learning,
learning, is also being used in the classroom. (3) human interface development to foster improved
student-student, student-faculty, and faculty-faculty
interactions, and (4) assessment, evaluation, and
Introduction dissemination for continuous improvement [1].