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Com PU) 03344185053

Cash Crops of Pakistan

1. Introduction.
2. Cotton, rice, oil seeds and fruit are the major cash crops of Pakistan.
3. Cotton is the silver fiber of cash crops.
4. Rice of Pakistan is liked much in the foreign countries.
5. The world's famous Tobacco Virginia is cultivated in Peshawar.
6. The fruit of Pakistan are famous all over the world.
7. Government should supply agricultural machinery, seeds and interest-free
loans to the farmers.
8. Conclusion

Pakistan is an agricultural country. About 70% of its population depends

upon agriculture. A huge number of its people are living in villages. These villagers
are working in fields. They are producing two types of crops-food crops and non-food
crops. The non-food crops are cash crops. Cash crops mean those crops which earn
foreign exchange for our country. The major cash crops of Pakistan are cotton, rice,
tobacco, fruits and oil seeds. These crops are exported to foreign countries. With
the help of cash crops, the country has been earning huge foreign exchange. These
cash crops have become flourishing business for the people of Pakistan/The cash
crops of Pakistan are grown in almost all provinces of Pakistan. The farmers grow
them willingly.
Cotton is one of the major cash crops which is grown in the fertile lands of Sindh
and Punjab. It is the flourishing crop which gives a huge foreign exchange to our
country. The government helps the farmers by providing them pesticides and other
chemicals to save the crop from the severe attack of dangerous insects and diseases.
The government provides high quality seeds to the farmers and guides them about
how to grow the
crop of cotton scientifically. Cotton is exported to foreign countries. It is called
the silver fiber. Most of our textile industries depend upon the productions of
Rice is another productive crop of Pakistan. The rice of Pakistan is liked in the
foreign countries. It earns a considerable foreign exchange for the country. This
crop needs a huge amount of water for its harvest. It is grown in the provinces of
Sindh and Punjab. It has many kinds. Normally, it needs a hard soil to grow. Our
farmers grow this crop a lot.
Tobacco is one of the major crops of Pakistan. Its leaves are called the golden
leaves. This crop needs soft surface. It is cultivated throughout Pakistan. However, the
NWFP is famous for this crop. .The northern areas of NWFP like Mansehra,
Abbottabad and Swabi districts are favourable places for its cultivation. The world's
famous Tobacco called Virginia Tobacco is grown in Peshawar, Swabi and Mansehra.
The Tobacco industry is earning a huge foreign exchange. It is exported to European
countries as well.
Oil seeds of Pakistan are very famous in the world. Cotton seeds, mustard seeds
and sunflowers are the common seeds, which are used to prepare ghee. Although,
we export the oil seeds but in limited quantity. The government is trying to

70 Allama Iqbal Road Garhi Shahu Lahore Ph: 6294070 1
NAEEM SERIES NAEEM AKHTAR (M.A. English PU, M.Com PU) 03344185053

improve this production to earn foreign exchange. In the same way, the fruit of
Pakistan are famous all over the world. The apples, mangoes, kinnos and bananas
are exported to foreign countries. Our fruit are competing in the world market.
Pakistan has favourable seasons r nd productive weathers. All kinds of crops are sown
and grown easily with huge quantity. The farmers and the peasants are hard
working. They are willing to grow more food. However, our crops depend upon the
monsoon rain. If it rains in time, the crops are good and productive. The failure
of rain causes the dearth of crops. Therefore, the government should provide modern
agricultural machinery, high quality seeds and interest-free loan to the farmers
to upgrade the cash crops. Tube wells and canal system should be easily available
to the farmers to water the plants well in time. The farmers should be guided and
trained in the modern agricultural techniques. They should be provided all facilities in
the villages, so that they may pay full attention to their fields and crops.

Environmental Pollution
1. Introduction.
2. Atomic weapons and atomic energy are causing pollution.
3. Industrialism is spreading pollution.
4. Automobiles emit dangerous smoke.
5. Over population and lack of trees is a serious cause of
6. People throw garbage and litters in the streets and on the
7. Adulteration in food and drink.
8. Conclusion.

The process which spoils nature and purity of the atmosphere, is called
pollution. Pollution is one of the biggest problems of the whole world. It has
disturbed life of all the nations of the world. Pollution is not a new problem. It
also existed in the past but it was not so much dangerous as it is today. It has
created an alarming situation for all countries. There are many factors, which are
responsible for the environmental pollution. The modern scientific technology is one
of the biggest factors causing the spread of pollution. Almost all countries of the
world are discovering atomic energy and preparing atomic weapons. These atomic
weapons are emitting dangerous gases into the atmosphere. They have polluted the
air, which human beings inhale. Similarly, the world is progressing in the field
of industry. New products are being produced rapidly. During manufacturing
new products, the factories leave dangerous smoke into the air. This smoke has
polluted the air. That is the reason that the people of the world are suffering from
pulmonary diseases. The air, we inhale is full of dangerous gases, is damaging our
In the modern world, there is a race of automobiles, cars and vehicles etc. These
automobiles and vehicles are causing bad effects on human bodies. Firstly, they
leave the smoke, which is very poisonous for health. Secondly, these vehicles use
deafening horns, which have disturbed the human beings. These horns have
snatched the peace of mind. Similarly, the huge population is also a cause of
pollution. Due to increasing population, the forests and woods are being cut down.

70 Allama Iqbal Road Garhi Shahu Lahore Ph: 6294070 2
NAEEM SERIES NAEEM AKHTAR (M.A. English PU, M.Com PU) 03344185053

The greenery has disappeared and the green area is vacated to accommodate the
people. These green plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. They cause
rainfall, which purifies the atmosphere.
The growth of cities also causes environmental pollution. The cities are packed,
that is why the people throw their garbage and rubbish in the streets and on the
roads. The animals and the mosquitoes breed on these garbage and litters. These are
the breeding places for germs. When it rains, the garbage and litters are flown
into the wells from where the people get drinking water. In this way, dangerous
diseases spread in the atmosphere, which victimize the human beings. In the same
way, the factories and industries are also emitting dangerous fluid, which is
carried into the rivers, polluting the water for ever. It is damaging the marine life
Food and drink are the basic rights of all human beings, but unfortunately, the
food and drink are adulterated. They have become impure. Water is mixed with
milk. It is a common practice in society. Similarly, the solid materials are mixed with
dangerous chemicals and other impure materials. All these mixed and adulterated
things are dangerous to health.
Pakistan is an under developed country. It cannot face the serious threat of
pollution. It is, therefore, necessary to shift all work shops, factories and mills
outside the populated areas. Smoke emitting vehicles should be banned. The
vehicles should be driven by natural gas-to avoid the dangerous smoke. New trees
should be planted to absorb the huge quantity of carbon dioxide and to produce
oxygen for breathing. The garbage and rubbish should be disposed away from cities.
The government should take all other proper remedies to avoid the environmental

The Importance of Commerce Education

1. Introduction.
2. Material prosperity depends upon commerce education.
3. The modern business and trade are complex and complicated.
4. Commerce education trains the students to understand the modern business.
5. A commerce graduate keeps his eyes on the market and the customers.
6. A commerce graduate administers the business well.
7. It makes the individuals self-sufficient and independent.
8. Commerce education strengthens the economy.
9. Conclusion.

The modern world is very fast and complicated. It is a world of commerce and
business. Every country tries its level best to have frequent trade and commercial
dealings with other countries to improve its economy. The prosperity and the growth
of economy of a nation depend upon its business, trade and commerce and highly
developed industries. In the past, the business and other commercial dealings were
easy, but the high growth rate of population and development of all the nations have
made the trade and business very complicated and hard. The modern business
requires highly trained and skilful young men. This requirement has given due
importance to commerce education.
The main objectives of the commerce education are to train and to educate our

70 Allama Iqbal Road Garhi Shahu Lahore Ph: 6294070 3
NAEEM SERIES NAEEM AKHTAR (M.A. English PU, M.Com PU) 03344185053

youth to manage the highly complicated modern business, and to get the desired
results from the trade. Commerce education means to enable our youth to compete in
the modern business and to pace with the modern world. The commerce education
gives pragmatic approach of the modern economics and industry. The commerce
education enables the youth to understand and judge the various trends of trade and
business of the modern world.
A commerce graduate keeps his eyes on profit and loss, the rise and fall in the
business and the demand of the modern time. He knows well how to deal with the
customers. He can advertise the items and commodities of his company and the
country well.
A well-organized company needs a well-educated manager. A commerce graduate
manages his company well according to the needs of the hour. He judges well and
makes a good forecast of the future. He attracts the foreign companies and
customers easily. The commerce education trains the youth in the fields of costing,
income tax practice and sales tax practice.
The commerce education makes the individuals independent and self-sufficient.
They earn their livelihood by themselves. Commerce education enables them
well aware about the challenges of the modern times. After completing the
commerce education, it becomes easy for them to choose a right career, of their
choice. They reach their destination easily and gain their goals.
The commerce education has become a pressing need of the modern times. The
development of a nation is measured with its strong economy. If the economy of a
nation is strong and well built, that nation is honoured and liked in the entire
world. All the nations of the world desire to have trade and business with, that
nation. If the economy of a nation is weak and poor, that nation is left behind in the
entire world. It means, that the progress of a nation depends upon economy and a
well-set economy is possible only when it is managed by commerce graduates.
Keeping in view the importance, of • commerce and commercial education, the
government has established many commercial institutions. These institutions are
training the boys and girls in commerce education. They are complicated
prosperity objectives approach

Information Technology
1. Introduction.
2. It has facilitated man in all fields.
3. It has brought changes in business and trade.
4. It has made the world a global village.
. 5. It enables us to share ideas, views and thinking.
1. It has helped students in the field of education.
2. Teaching is done through information technology.
3. Conclusion.

The modern science has done wonders in human life. It has given all kinds of
facilities to man. It has facilitated man not only in the field of medicine, engineering,
food, transport and ways of life but it has also reduced the distances among the people
and nations of the world. The world and its peoples are changing rapidly and

70 Allama Iqbal Road Garhi Shahu Lahore Ph: 6294070 4
NAEEM SERIES NAEEM AKHTAR (M.A. English PU, M.Com PU) 03344185053

continuously. A complete change has taken place in the entire world. All things look
new and strange. Man's views, visions and outlook have completely altered. The
modern technologies have introduced new ways and means to meet the challenges of
the new era.
Information technology is one of the wonders of the modern science and
technology. It has brought unbelievable changes in the fields of commerce and trade.
It has facilitated man in the modern business and trade. International trade,
commerce and business are in easy approach of everybody. Due to Information
Technology, everybody can easily get information about the modern
international businesses and the markets. It has converted the vast world into a
small global village. Due to this facility the businesses of all countries and the
international market is in easy approach of all businessmen. The business of the
modern time cannot be conducted without the help of information technology.
Information technology is a vast field. It consists of information system,
internet technology, hardware and software. Computer has revolutionized the
modes of thinking and reasoning today. It provides us rapid information.
Through computer technology, we can share our thinking, ideas and information.
We can easily send information and improve our business. Due to this facility, we can
get easily, the fastest and the most productive dealings. Information technology
has reduced the distances of the world. The businessmen sitting in one corner of the
world can do business with the other businessmen sitting miles and miles away
from them. Similarly, the information technology has helped us in the fields of oil,
minerals, precious stones, vegetables, rocks and sea life. Through information
technology, one can get easily the medical treatment of all dangerous diseases.
The information technology has facilitated our students a lot. They ensure their
admission in various universities through this technology. They get information
about various careers of future. They consult books and other subjects
through information technology. Due to this technology, the information and
messages are passed easily. The students consult their teachers, get guidance and
solve their problems. Similarly, the distant education is done by information
technology. The teachers teach through the medium of this technology. On the
whole, this technology has made education easy for all of us.
Apart from this, the information technology has also helped us in the field of
atomic energy, banking and medicine. All the information and calculation about
atomic energy are achieved by the information technology. The banking, especially
the business and accounts are done easily through information technology. The
money is transferred from one account to another which may be miles away from
it. The symptoms of diseases and medicines are easily obtained through this
technology. This technology has saved time and reduced the weight of the work

1. Introduction.
2. Inflation has gripped the entire world.
3. High inflation has disturbed the life of poor people.
4. Over population is one of the causes of inflation.
5. Purchase of expensive armed weapons causes inflation.
6. The industrial system and poor agriculture should be
7. Storage of goods by the industrialists and businessmen

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NAEEM SERIES NAEEM AKHTAR (M.A. English PU, M.Com PU) 03344185053

should be banned.
8. Conclusion. .

The rise in the prices of the daily commodities is called inflation. Inflation
means to gain a few items by big money. Inflation is one of the biggest problems
faced by the entire world. Even the well-developed nations are in the grip of
inflation. However, Pakistan, which is an under developed country is facing
inflation problem very seriously. The prices of the daily use items are increasing
regularly. It is creating huge and hard problems to almost all the people.
Majority of our population is poor. They work in the fields, factories, industries or
in the offices. All these people are living hand to mouth. They draw meagre salaries.
They do not have extra resources to meet their needs. They are facing the hard
situation of life. That is the reason that all members of the society are working hard
to pull the cart of their life. Inflation has created adverse effects on the society. Ours
is a joint family system. Each family,' approximately consists of seven to ten
members. To fulfill the desires and needs of all members of the family, the working
hands are compelled to adopt any other means to earn livelihood. In this way,
crimes, looting, killing and corruption are increasing day by day. The
government employees are forced to accept bribes and misuse their powers. Injustice,
cruelty and dishonour are prevailing in the society.
Pakistan is a poor country. Most of the people are living below poverty line.
Unfortunately wealth is storing and rolling in the hands of a few people. These wealthy
people buy things at huge prices. In this way, inflation increases daily. Pakistan holds a
strong geographical status on the map of the world, but unfortunately, for a long
time, it has been disturbed and teased by the neighbouring countries. To safeguard
our national interest and the country, we have to spend a huge amount of national
wealth on the purchase of weapons. We have fought two major wars with India,
which have brought severe effects on our economy.
Our country lacks industries, mills and factories. We have to purchase many items
from foreign countries. In some fields we have established our own industries, but
we are lack of raw materials, which we have to purchase from foreign countries.
Pakistan is an agricultural country. Alas! This sector is not given proper attention.
We have to purchase wheat, corn and sugar from our neighbouring countries. It
causes high inflation. The frequent elections and instability in the government
policies are wasting a huge amount of national money. The projects are almost
short termed, left incomplete and in this way the nation faces high inflation.
To meet the deficit of the budget, the government prints new currency notes.
When the money comes in abundance, the rich people waste it purchasing
things for high prices. In this way the inflation rises. Sometimes the
businessmen and the industrialists rise the prices of the things to earn a huge
profit. In the same way, the government, sometimes imposes high taxes on
some items, which causes for the high inflation and high prices. Our
population is very huge. A large number of people needs abundance of things.
This situation creates high inflation.
Pakistan is an under developed country. It cannot face high inflation. It is,
therefore, necessary to develope the economy, multiply the industrial sector, and
to pay full attention to the agriculture to improve the yield per acre. The
government should spread a network of technical educational institutions to
produce professionals and skilful graduates. Each and everybody should

70 Allama Iqbal Road Garhi Shahu Lahore Ph: 6294070 6
NAEEM SERIES NAEEM AKHTAR (M.A. English PU, M.Com PU) 03344185053

be given equal rights and the rich people should be stopped to cross the limits
of wealth.
Dignity of Labour

1 Introduction

2 Bread is the outcome of labour

3 Hard work distinguishes man in society.
4 Hard-working men are the friends of Allah,
5 Worldly success depends upon hard labour
6 Manual labour gives respect and honour.
7 Hard work gives satisfaction and peace of mind
8 Hard labour is a virtue and a great merit,
9 Hard work is worship.
10 Hard work by itself is a reward.

Bread is hidden in the blood and sweat of human beings. Bread is the outcome of
labour. Man is a rational creature. He has been given wisdom and caliber. He is
declared as the crown of all the creations of Almighty Allah. However, his life is
complex because he has feelings, goals, missions and ambitions. To fulfill his
desires and to achieve his goals, man has been working hard since the start of the
world. He has been working in the fields, industries and offices to earn his livelihood.
Man's hard work has distinguished him among all other creatures:
We are Muslims and we follow the true religion Islam. It is the religion which is
against idleness and wastage of time. Our religion teaches us to work hard to earn
livelihood. The Holy Quran says,
"Man is given that much for which he strives hard." The Holy Prophet
(P.B.U.H) said,
"He, who works hard is friend to Allah."
The above holy sayings prove that the dignity of a man is hidden in hard labour.
Our worldly progress mainly depends upon the manual labour. Manual labour gives
respect, honour and greatness to the hard-working man. He is liked and
respected by all in the society. He is trusted and considered as a symbol of success and
achievement. New hopes and desires always spring in his heart and mind. For the
fulfillment of his desires, he works hard day and night. This hard work brings him
close to his destination. Hard work gives man satisfaction and peace of mind. A farmer
sows seeds in the field. He waters the plants and the crops. He cares for all his crops
regularly. At the end of the harvest year, when he cuts the crops and gets the fruit of
his hard labour, he gets relaxation, contentment and spiritual peace. He feels
proud of his performance. He feels happy when he sees his children eating the food
of his hard labour.
We are Muslims and we are not allowed to waste time. On the other hand, hard
labour is a virtue. It brings us close to

70 Allama Iqbal Road Garhi Shahu Lahore Ph: 6294070 7
NAEEM SERIES NAEEM AKHTAR (M.A. English PU, M.Com PU) 03344185053

Almighty Allah. Hard work changes the situation of human life. It makes man self-
sufficient and contented. Hard labour makes man active and independent. It
makes man brave and encouraging. Our religion Islam has laid great stress on
the dignity of labour. Work is a worship, which distinguishes man from all other
creatures. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) used to do all his works with his own hands. He
mended his shoes, washed his clothes, swept the floor and milked the goat with his
own sacred hands. He dug trenches during the battle of Khandaq. Similarly, our
ancestors worked hard and ruled the entire world. Manual work brings prosperity
and changes the fates of the nations, The World War II ruined Japan and Germany
but they did not lose their hearts. They worked hard and rose to high position.
Unfortunately, we are misled by the idea of the nature of work. The work may be
small or big, once, if it is done honestly, it is a reward. Humble and low work
should not make us ashamed of ourselves. The only thing we should be ashamed of is
the idleness and wastage of time. It is the honesty and dedication to hard work,
which give dignity to all types of work.

1. Introduction.
2. Unemployment is destroying the youth.
3. Unemployment is a problem faced even by thf
4. Over population has increased unemployment.
5. Lack of industries, factories and mills.
6. Long tenure of employment and entry of retired people
other jobs.
7. Poor agricultural system.
8. Lack of technical and commercial education.
9. Conclusion.

When a person is not engaged in any kind of work to earn his livelihood, such a
state of life is called unemploymafH, Unemployment is one of the serious and
grave problems of entire world. Unemployment has not only disturbed a
confused the third world countries, but it has also gripped West where the people
are highly skilled, educated an 1 progressive. A huge population of the world is
unemploy However, Pakistan is facing the critical state of unemployment
Pakistan is an under developed country. It has been its level best to overcome
this problem of unemployment, unfortunately the problem of unemployment is
increasing day day. The youth are the future-builders of our nation and the of the
country will come in their hands in the days to co Alas! The youth, due to
joblessness rre becoming criminals rascals. They are being wasted. These
unemployed youthi looting, robbing and stealing the things to meet their nee
Most of the unemployed youths have associated with gangsters, extremists and
terrorists, who exploit them for own benefits. Apart from these factors, there are
countl educated people, holding Master degrees and most of them

70 Allama Iqbal Road Garhi Shahu Lahore Ph: 6294070 8
NAEEM SERIES NAEEM AKHTAR (M.A. English PU, M.Com PU) 03344185053

professionals like doctors, engineers and computer specialists, I ii it they are jobless
and unemployed.
There are many factors responsible for the unemployment. I he first and foremost
is over population. Our population is very huge and gigantic, while the resources
are meagre. The population is increasing rapidly, but the resources are not
multiplying at the same speed. On the other hand, the tjovernment cannot
provide so many jobs to such a huge population. Education is the birth right of all
of us. All parents dosire to educate their children. As a result, the universities are
inducing innumerable graduates every year. On the other, the government cannot
give so many jobs to all the people.
Unfortunately, the money of the national treasure is accumulated in the
hands of a few people. They deposit this money either in banks or homes or waste it
on unnecessary pomp ad show. They are hot ready to invest this huge money in
productive businesses like establishing factories, industries and mills. Similarly most
of our politicians have stored the national money in the foreign banks and so the
government does not have sources to employ the huge number of youths. The
government cannot establish new projects to wash off the spot of unemployment.
The tenure for job and service is long. The people who are working in
government offices are not ready to retire from the job. They are old and weak and
cannot serve well. They get extension of tenure for their jobs. If by any means, these
old employees retire from one office, they enter other jobs. In this way the chances
for the young people are snatched and they are left unemployed. Similarly, there is
a quota system in all departments. The son, whether deserves or not, is supposed to
succceed his father. In this way the right of intelligent people is snatched and they are
deprived of justice and employment.
Pakistan is an agricultural country. About 70 % of its
population depends upon agriculture, but unfortunately, ihli sector is left
untouched. If agriculture is given proper attention, the problem of unemployment
would be solved considerably, The education system of our country is not pacing
with tht modern world. It is not challenging and productive. It is baBfd on
theoretical approach. The practical approach is absent In It, The youth have Master
degrees in their hands, but they can not utilize their knowledge practically. There
should be profession!!, technical, industrial 'and commercial education. The youth
should be trained in proper skills and arts so that they may depend on themselves in
the future.
Unemployment has disturbed the entire world. However, It can be controlled.
The government and the private sect@f should establish industries, factories and
mills. The educated youth should be given interest-free loans to establlih
businesses of their own. The universities should product professionals. People,
retired from any job should be banned to work on any other post. The merit
system should bf implemented and corruption should be avoided by all means,

The Role of Banks in Economic Development

I Introduction and history of banking.
,' The start of the money lending system.
.1 Meaning of the term "bank".
'1 Interest system in the banks.

70 Allama Iqbal Road Garhi Shahu Lahore Ph: 6294070 9
NAEEM SERIES NAEEM AKHTAR (M.A. English PU, M.Com PU) 03344185053

i The banks conduct sale and purchase for the customers.
ii Commercial banks give loan to the customers.
/ On-line banking and ATM system are the wonders of the
banks. H Islamic view of interest-free banking system.

Bank is an institution which conducts transactions of money. I he people deposit

their money in the safe custody of banks. The transaction of money in the banks is
conducted through nccount numbers. The origin of banking can be traced in the
history. It is believed that the Babylonians used their temples as hanks 2000 B.C. ago
and the priests acted as bankers. With the pnssage of time the Greeks and the Romany
organized private hnnks in such a way that the public had full confidence in them. I
hey followed proper rules and regulations. As the time passed, linde and commerce
started expanding and the money lenders myanized themselves.
Originally, the money lenders used to lend their own money hut then they started
lending money of other people which had I ii-en entrusted to them. This was the start
of depositing money into the banks and the banking system. The Goldsmith had built
< . m l t s and strong rooms to save their money and other possessions. The
common public entrusted their money to the Goldsmith for the safe custody. The
public seldom wanted to withdraw all their savings at one time. In this way, the
bankers and the Goldsmith used to lend that money to other people. They kept a
percentage of the deposits to,meet day to day withdrawals and lent out the rest on
interest. Next, the bankers began to lend their own currency notes. Later on,
these currency notes were replaced by cheques.
The word Bank, which is derived from the Latin word Banco, means a bench
upon which the early bankers used to transact their business in the market place.
The word Bank may mean the joint stock fund. The modern banking system is a
huge organization. Usually six banking structures work in a country. These are the
State Bank, Commercial Banks, Saving Banks, Co-Operative Banks, Exchange
Banks and Specialized 1 Financial Institution.
The Banks play various functions. They accept deposits of the public. The
people deposit their money in banks for security purposes. This money is used by
the government for various developmental projects. The government gives interest
to the people for their deposited money. This is the oldest banking form and
function. All Commercial Banks act as agents for payment. They allow their
customers to have current accounts on which they can with draw money from the
bank by cheque system. The State Bank, which is the sole authority, issues
currency notes. The public uses these currency notes in various business and earns
profit. Sometimes, these new currency notes cause inflation. The banks lend
money to the customers. It is a profitable business for the bank. The banks receive
due interest and mark up for the loan given to the customers. The people use the
money of the banks and invest it in various types of business. They pay interest as
well as tax for the money to the government.
The banks act as agents for the customers. They conduct

70 Allama Iqbal Road Garhi Shahu Lahore Ph: 6294070 10
NAEEM SERIES NAEEM AKHTAR (M.A. English PU, M.Com PU) 03344185053

commercial transactions. For example, the banks purchase cars and other vehicles
for the customers. The people return the money with full interest to the bank in
various instalments. Similarly, the banks allow credit cards to the customers.
The customers purchase various items and the money is paid through the
credit card. In this way, the banks earn money for the government through
interest system. The banks issue bank drafts and traveller cheques. In this way
the money of the people is saved. The banks also accept payments of insurance
premiums, electricity, telephone and gas bills etc.
The commercial banks provide loans to farmers, industrialists, traders
and businessmen. These people flourish their businesses with the money given by
banks and as a result, they provide an increase in national output, employment
and per capita income. The banks have provided on-line banking facility to the
customers. There is ATM facility which has enabled us to withdraw money from
the banks round the clock. The banks help the customers in doing export and
import trade. The banks have facilitated the purchase and sale of foreign
Modern banking is based on interest. Interest is strictly forbidden in
Islam. Those scholars, who are expert both in Islamic economic system and
modern economic system, have given many practicable suggestions to launch
interest-free banking. Islam is not against banking, but it is against the
interest because interest is producing accumulation of wealth in few hands. For the
sake of wide and real circulation of wealth, interest-free banking is essential.
According to the Islamic concept of Economics, we have the-best interest-free
Banking system, and the authorities must implement it.

Technical Education
1. Introduction.
2. Education is divided.into three groups: Religions, Social and
3. Technical education gives us training in various fields.
4. It is the r>eed of modern times.
5. It reduces unemployment and improves economy.
6. It ensures material prosperity.
7. Technical experts do the works correctly and in less time.
8. Technical education makes the country independent and
self sufficient.
Education means to communicate knowledge for enlightenment, and
awareness. It is a process which shows man difference between true and false,
right and wrong. It enables a man to recognize his rights, duties and
responsibilities. Education makes man conscious and purifies him both bodily and
spiritually. Education brings man close to Allah Almighty. It shows man the right
path and makes him a useful, productive and responsible member of the society and

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NAEEM SERIES NAEEM AKHTAR (M.A. English PU, M.Com PU) 03344185053

citizen of the country. The Holy Quran says that educated and uneducated men
cannot be equal. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said, "It is the duty of every Muslim,
man and woman to get knowledge". These holy sayings prove that education is the
inheritence of the Muslims. Education brush off difference between the high and
the low, the rich and the poor, the white and the 'black. It preaches justice and
According to the needs of the human beings a"nd the modern world,
education can be divided into three main groups, the spiritual or religious education,
the social education and the technical education. The religious education develops
our personality and character. Social education teaches us how to live usefully in a
society, while the technical education enables us how to earn our livelihood.
The technical education is closely associated with vocational education, and this
kind of education teaches us scientific techniques and makes us pragmatic. The
technical education deals with some practical and mechanical art. It gives training in
the fields of trade, commerce, carpentry, textile, agriculture and engineering. It
gives practical instructions and training in technical fields which have practical
utility, and it makes people independent and earning hands in the future. It enables
us to meet the needs of the industrial age which ensures progress and prosperity.
Technical education is indispensable in the modern times. The developed
countries and the western nations are rich, prosperous and resourceful, because
they ate promoting technical education. The technical education produces the
doctors, engineers, builders and mechanics who are the dire need of the time.
Technical education helps to check the unemployment and to increase the
number of industries, ' factories and mills which give jobs to millions of people.
Technical education improves the poor economy. It produces the honest, sincere
and the skilful workers who make real and
important contribution to the welfare of society. Technical education
increases the material resources of the country. It ensures material prosperity
and advancement of economy.
The technical experts pay full attention to their 'duties. They do their work
correctly. The technical persons save the time and perform their jobs according to
the needs of the hour. They are experts in the use of machines. They improve the
exports of the country and earn a huge foreign exchange. They make the country
self sufficient and independent in various products. They are the source of
fame for the country. The technical education reduces the imports. This kind of
education helps the government to solve the problems of the people, provides them
jobs and improves the economy. Technical education reduces poverty. Our
country is rich in raw material. We can get advantage of these materials only
when we are equipped with technical education. The governmnet should
establish institutions of technical education to meet the needs of time.

70 Allama Iqbal Road Garhi Shahu Lahore Ph: 6294070 12
NAEEM SERIES NAEEM AKHTAR (M.A. English PU, M.Com PU) 03344185053

1. Introduction.
2. Advertisements are source of information about the new
3. Advertisements show the merits and the claims of the
4. Advertisements appeal to the human senses.
5. Advertisements appeal to the customers.
6. Advertisements increase the sale of the products.
7. Advertisements bring forth good income.
8. Advertisements compete for the consumer's attention and
9. Advertisements have also negative impact..

Advertisement means to show and popularise different products.

Advertisement is a process in which information about nature of the things are
circulated among the people. Advertisement is conducted both in spoken
arid written manners. These advertisements are published in the
newspapers or small pamphlets are printed which are distributed among the
people or pasted on the walls. The main aim of the advertisement is to inform the
people about the new products displayed in the markets. These advertisements
show the qualities of the things and attract the people to buy the newly
manufactured items.
Advertisements are very important in modern time. They play a great role in
the development of a business. There is a hard competition among the
businessmen of the present world.
Nowadays things must be shown to be accepted good and valuable. The things
meant for selling must be displayed in such a way that the world's buyers are
bewitched by it. Advertising is a means to communicate to public the merits and
claims of a product or service through newspapers, play cards, posters,
handbills, radio and television. Advertising is conducted to appeal the five
senses of human beings such as the sense of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and
smelling. On a large scale advertising agencies, with all their creative talent
and professional skills, play the key role. Advertisement displays one basic
common idea to boost up the sale.
Advertisement is a difficult task but it is very productive and useful that it
attracts the customers and allures them to buy the produced objects. It informs
the customers well in time, introduces the items in the market and uplifts the
graph-sale of the production: It saves the time of the customers because the
customers before buyings the items, have got the basic information about
the things by means of the advertisement. Advertisement facilitates both
the customers and the manufacturers. The addresses of the show rooms are
given in the advertisement. The customers easily go to the spot and buy the things.
Similarly, the things are sold at the doorsteps of the customers.
Advertising nourishes the consuming power of men. It creates want and
need for a better standard of livihg. It sets up before a man a goal of a better
home, better clothing, better food for himself and his family. It spurs individual

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NAEEM SERIES NAEEM AKHTAR (M.A. English PU, M.Com PU) 03344185053

exertion and •greater production. It brings together the producer and the
consumer, the employers and those who want to be employed. It is the basis of
newspapers and it brings in good income. It has raised the standard of living of
people. The advertising promotes progress of a business.

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NAEEM SERIES NAEEM AKHTAR (M.A. English PU, M.Com PU) 03344185053

All advertisements compete for consumers' attention and interest. The

advertisement should be creative to get success in the market. New ideas,
concepts, modernity, novelty and ingenuity should be part of an advertisement.
A creative and successful advertisement should startle up the readers, listeners and
the viewers. Sometimes even the best products are not popular only due to lack of
proper advertisements.
Sometimes the advertisement creates negative impact on the minds of the
people..The sub-standard things are shown beautifully and tactfully. They are
sold for high prices. Advertisement depresses the poor people. They feel
disappointed to see beautiful advertisements showing new products because
they do not have money to buy them.
1. Introduction.
2. Corruption has created disappointment and discontentment
in the community.
3. Corruption has made the people criminal as well as sinful.
4. Factors responsible for the prevalence of corruption.
5. It decreases the economy of the country.
6. Measures to stop corruption.

The misuse'of. power and wealth is called .corruption. Corruption means to

accept bribery, undue gain and to break the law for selfish motive. It is a world
wide problem. It is the problem that has been prevailing for the time
immemorial. In fact, it is a universal problem which has been existing in all the
ages, it has clung to mankind like an incurable disease. It is a disease which has
victimized mankind. The true reason for corruption is to become rich over night
by hook or by crook. In a free and competitive society, investment of capital can
yield only reasonable returns in the long run, but corruption and acceptance
of bribe bring forth a rapid change in financial and material conditions. The
prevailing attitude towards corruption f has spread in almost all departments of
the country. Even the sacred courts of justice and the pure and holy educational
institutions are no exception.
The impact of corruption has created disappointment and discontentment
in the entire community. The machinery of government gets rusty and
ceases to work in the desirable manners. Corruption decreases obedience to law
and sense of loyalty for the government. It makes the people sinful, senseleM to
morality and devoid of manners. In a society governed by corrupted officials,
the whole system of moral, ethical and

70 Allama Iqbal Road Garhi Shahu Lahore Ph: 6294070 15
NAEEM SERIES NAEEM AKHTAR (M.A. English PU, M.Com PU) 03344185053

n'ligious values is impaired.

The difference between the right and wrong vanishes. The truth and false are
treated in the same manner. Flattery creates the wicked rules and the purity sinks
down gradually. Injustice prevails commonly. Cruelty and barbarism are
seen everywhere. The rights of the poor are not given. One section of the society
flourishes and enjoys all facilities of life while the other section is deprived of
legal rights. In such a situation, the downfall of a nation is inevitable.
There are so many factors which are responsible for the prevalence of
corruption. When the economic condition of a state is weak, everyone tries to
grind his own axe. Secondly, the salaries of the employees are low. They are
deprived of the basic needs of life. They are tempted to accept bribe to meet
their needs and to get comforts of life. Thirdly, the general price level and living
standard are very high. The honest means of a person fail to meet the general
conditions. The survival has become very hard. Fourthly, social conditions and
customs demand lavish expenditure of money. Everyone tries his level best to
compete in the race of life. Fifthly, corruption is not disliked, .as it has become
a common practice, rather, it is considered as a right. It is not condemned
nowadays. It is accepted willingly. Sixthly, the government has given unlimited
powers to its officials. They misuse their powers. There is no check and balance in
our system. Finally, there are no adequate means to prevent corruption, and to
bring the offenders to the court of law to punish them for their crimes.

Corruption has created disharmony among the people. The crimes like suicide,
murder and robbery are increasing dav by day. The people, deprived of their basic
rights are compelled to kill and rob the rich just to feed their children. Law and
order Mluations, chaos and panic are common in the society. The national
economy is decreasing, the national treasure is dried up, the merit is falling and the
intelligence is settling abroad. Few educated, dull, unskilled and undeserving people
are sitting in the offices while the intelligent and capable candidates are being wasted
To root out corruption, a complete change of the political, social and economic
system is essential. Anti-corruption Department should be made more effective.
Moral values, manners and religious principles should be taught to the people through
media. The offenders and bribe giving people should be publicly punished. There
should be strict check and balance.
The best approach to eradicate corruption on individual level is to minimize the
worldly desires, and to inculcate the concept of individual accountability before Allah
on the Day of Judgment for all his malpractices and corruption. The more you
minimize desires; the more comfortable you are.

The Economic Problems of Pakistan

Outline Introduction.
2. Frequent elections and instable government decreases
3. The developmental projects are left incomplete.
4. Foreign accounts of the politicians have damaged national

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NAEEM SERIES NAEEM AKHTAR (M.A. English PU, M.Com PU) 03344185053

5. The rich people have stored up money and do not pay
6. Money is wasted on imports while exports are decreasing
7. Lack of industries has affected the economy.
8. Lack of commerce education causes for weak economy.
9. Poor agriculture system has affected the economy.
10.Security of the country has decreased economy.
11. Conclusion.
The economy of a nation is called the backbone of a country. If the economy of a
country is strong, the country flourishes day and night and that country is reparded
stable all over the world. The strong economy means prosperity, self-
sufficiency and development of the country. Strong economy gives comforts,
education and all basic necessities of life to the inhabitants of the country.
Pakistan is a developing country. It is trying its level best to improve and
strengthen its economy. However, there are some problems, which are the main
obstacles on the way of economy. Since independence Pakistan has been striving
hard for strong democracy, permanent assemblies and parliamentary system.
Unfortunately, we have been facing frequent elections. In this way a huge amount
of economy has been wasted. As a result, we tolerate the harsh dictatorship, in
which all foreign aids are stopped, the foreign oompanies run away and due to
harsh rules most of the factories and industries are closed temporarily. Secondly,
the developmental projects started by any government are checked and
stopped by the next coming government. All projects are left incomplete and
the money invested in these projects is wasted forever. Furthermore, the
developmental projects are usually short termed. The period fixed for the
completion of the project is not enough and in this way most of the projects are
done in hurry having no durability. These projects should-be long-term projects to
save economy.
Unfortunately, our politicians are not sincere and honest to the country. They
accept bribe and misuse the national treasury. Most of the projects are shown
completed in the office papers while in reality, the projects are absent and not
done. Our country has a strong banking system which gives due facilities to the
customers, but alas! Most of our rich people have deposited their money in
the foreig i banks. In this way our national money is being used abroad.
Similarly, these rich people never pay taxes to the government. They either get
exempted their taxes or they pay a very small amount as a tax to the government.
Similarly the tax paid to the government is not deposited in the national treasure
rather it is misused by the high officials.
Our country is divided into two groups of people. One group

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NAEEM SERIES NAEEM AKHTAR (M.A. English PU, M.Com PU) 03344185053

lives below the poverty line and is deprived of each and. every facility of life. On the
other hand, the second group is enjoying life. They have huge amounts of money.
They have stored up the money. They are not ready to invest this money in
developmental projects. Therefore, there is a lack of industries, factories and
mills in the country. We have to spend a considerable amount of money on
import. We import things from foreign countries. Instead of earning foreign
exchange, we are spending money on purchase of foreign things. Our
industrial sector is very poor and weak. It depends upon raw material imported
from abroad. In this way, we always face inflation problems.
There is shortage of professional experts and commerce graduates. The
economic policies are useless and unproductive. Unfortunately, the
industries and mills owners are not commerce literate. They cannot run their
businesses according to the rules of commerce and trade. Most of the products
are not competing in the world market. They produce low quality products. In this
way we are unable to earn huge foreign exchange to enhance our economy.
Most of the common things are imported from foreign countries. These things
co'st huge prices which affect directly our economy. For example, the things
imported from China have damaged our industries of leather, plastics, toys and
garments. In this way, the government gets low taxes as our own industries are
failed. Their production ratio has decreased.
Pakistan is an agricultural country. About seventy percent of our population
depends upon agriculture and livestock. But alas! This field is given no attention.
The farmers are not provided modern machinery of agriculture. They are not
given high quality seeds. Similarly, our crops depend upon monsoon rains. If the
rain does not fall, the crops are damaged and dried up. The farmers do not have
alternate way of water's production. Furthermore, the farmers are not given
facilities of farming.
Therefore, they are not showing any interest in their fields.
Pakistan is facing huge inflation problem. The prices of the things are increasing
day by day. To provide the basic and daily used items to the people, the government
has to purchase many items from the foreign countries which cost huge amount of
economy. Pakistan has to face severe security problems from its neighbouring
countries. Pakistan has fought three major wars which have destroyed our
economy. To safeguard our country, the government has to buy armed weapons for
its army. A huge amount of economy is wasted in the purchase of these weapons.-
Apart from these factors, the government is facing the big and intolerable weight of
foreign debts and loans. Every year, the government pays considerable interest for the
foreign debts and loans. Unfortunately, the rich people, the politicians and the high
officials draw loans from the banks. At the end, they do not return these loans to the
banks. In this way the economy of the country is damaged.
The economy of a country plays a big role in the prosperity of a country. There
should be stable government in the country. The agriculture should be improved.
Foreign accounts of the corrupt people should be banned, commerce graduates
should be produced and the industries, mills and factories should be developed to
earn foreign exchange. Export should be increased and foreign debts and loans
should be decreased.

70 Allama Iqbal Road Garhi Shahu Lahore Ph: 6294070 18
NAEEM SERIES NAEEM AKHTAR (M.A. English PU, M.Com PU) 03344185053

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