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Solution of Paper of Geography

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Ans. Conurbation: This is made up of several towns joined together but
each town still maintains its identity. For example, Rawalpindi-Islamabad.
Megalopolis: This is the largest type of urban settlement. Areas larger than
cities are megalopolis. Usually its population is about more than 10 million.
For example, Karachi, Calcutta, Mumbai, New York.
ii. Ans. Advantages of Rural Settlement:
 Close to nature.
 People know each other.
 People are bound together by strong relationship and common
 Share basic facilities.
 Both male and female take part in different activities like sowing and
harvesting crops.
Disadvantages of Rural Settlement:
 Fewer job opportunities and small businesses.
 Less access to utilities.
 Lack of public transportation.
 Less use of technology.
 Distance from services.
iii. Ans. Town:
 A town is larger than a village but smaller than a city.
 It provides higher level of services such as bank, post office, hospital
and school.
 It has a population from 1 to 20,000 people.
 It has smaller-scale economic activities with a focus on local services
and agriculture.
 A city is greater than a town.
 It has more specialized functions like commercial centers, housing
societies, colleges, universities, recreational centers and
 Its population ranges from 1 lac to 10 lacs.
 It has more diverse economic activities including manufacturing,
technology and finance.
iv. Ans. Rabi crops:
Wheat, gram, lentil, rapeseed, barley, and mustard.
Kharif crops:
Rice, sugarcane, cotton, maize, moong, mash, bajra and jowar.
v. Ans. Wheat, rice and sugarcane are the main crops cultivated in Pakistan.
Wheat is a staple food, rice is a major export and dietary staple, and
sugarcane supports the sugar and ethanol industries, contributing to the
vi. Ans. The 3R’s stand for Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Decomposition of
agriculture wastes, such as crop residues and cattle manure, provide
essential nutrients for plants, makes the soil porous and improves its ability
to retain water.
vii. Ans. Climate change: It refers to the long term shift in weather patterns
and average temperature on earth.
Global impact:
 Rising sea levels.
 Extreme weather conditions.
 Disruptions in ecosystems.
 Threat to food and water security.
 Provide challenges to human societies and the environment.
viii. Ans. The greenhouse effect traps heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, causing
temperature rise. Increased greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon
dioxide, causes temperature rise, leading to global warming, altered
weather patterns, and climate change impacts such as rising sea levels
extreme weather conditions.
ix. Ans.
1. Change in precipitation patterns effect the water availability, leading
to increased droughts or floods.
2. Extreme weather conditions and rising temperatures can reduce crop
yields, effecting food production and livelihoods.
3. Natural disasters, such as flood, force people to relocate that create
social and economic challenges.
4. Climate change can cause health issues like infectious diseases and
respiratory illness.
x. Ans.
1. Coal: Used as an important energy source, especially in power
2. Copper: Valuable for electrical conductivity and widely used in
electronics and construction.
3. Chromite: Essential in the production of stainless steel due to its
corrosion-resistant properties.
xi. a) Ans. Gemstone mining is difficult in Pakistan because
1. Most gem mines are located at high altitude in Pakistan. These
areas remain usually frozen, so mining season is very short.
2. Mining companies in Pakistan do not have modern mining
equipments, safety standards and expertise of mining engineers.
3. Difficult supplies to gemstone mines in Pakistan.
b) Ans: coal mining is a risky profession because miners working in coal
mines usually face;
1. Lungs damage, such as asthma and lungs cancer, due to toxic
fumes and coal dust.
2. Lifting injuries, like back injuries and pulled muscles, while lifting
heavy loads.
3. Noise pollution, causing negative impact on miner’s psychology and
4. Explosions, due to which miners die every day.
xii. Ans. Factors associated with coal mining are:
1. Lungs damage, such as asthma and lungs cancer, due to toxic fumes
and coal dust.
2. Lifting injuries, like back injuries and pulled muscles, while lifting
heavy loads.
3. Noise pollution, causing negative impact on miner’s psychology and
4. Explosions, due to which miners die every day.

Ans. Importance of agriculture:
Agriculture is vital for Pakistan’s economy. It contributes significantly to the
Gross Domestic Product (GDP), provide employment and support exports. The
government is supporting small framers to promote growth in this sector.
Role of international institutions in agricultural developments:
1. World Bank:
 World bank provides financing advice and research to developing
 World bank acts as an organization that attempts to fight poverty by
offering developmental assistance.
2. International Monetary Fund (IMF):
 IMF is responsible for the creation and maintenance of international
monetary system.
 IMF provides a systematic mechanism for foreign exchange
 IMF offers financial assistance to the nations.
 IMF nurtures economic growth and maintains high level of
Ans. Causes of climate change:
1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels
and deforestation, release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and
methane, enhancing the natural greenhouse effect.
2. Deforestation: Clearing large areas of forests reduces the earth’s capacity
to absorb carbon dioxide, causing an increase in greenhouse gases.
3. Industrial Processes: Some industrial activities release greenhouse gases
and other pollutants into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change.
4. Agricultural Practices: Intensive agriculture, including livestock, produces
harmful gases that contribute to climate change.
1. Solar energy: Solar energy means the energy obtained from sun. It is
free and does not cause pollution. Solar panels convert the sun’s
energy into electricity that can either be used immediately or stored
in batteries for later use.
2. Hydroelectric energy: It is the world’s second most popular source of
electricity after coal. It generates electricity from the rapid flow of
water. Pakistan has been ranked third in the world for hydro power
capacity in 2018.
3. Wind energy: It is the process by which wind is used to generate
electricity. It is the most developed renewable energy resource. Wind
energy makes up more than 6% of total electricity production in
These energy resources are awesome for Pakistan’s sustainable growth.
They don’t pollute like fossil fuels, making our air cleaner. Using these
cool technologies can help our country grow without hurting nature.
They make us less dependent on one type of energy, keeping our power
supply safe. These energy resources can make sure the bright and
secure future of Pakistan.

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