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Assignment on Leave and Working Hour

Policies in the organizations

Department: Management Studies

Program: M.B.A

Course Name: Organizational Development

Course Code: HRM-504

Course Instructor: Mr. Abu Zafar Ahmed Mukul

Group Name: “Vision Quest”

Date of Submission: 28 Dec 2016


Serial no. Name ID & SL NO.

1 Md. Dider Hossain Rabby (Leader) 1430

2 Sumsun Nahar 1420

3 Umme Kulsum 2331

4 Khandakar Sajia Tarannum Tithi 1409

5 Shahebani Noor Sayma 1421

Letter of Transmittal

28th December, 2016

Mr. Abu Zafar Ahmed Mukul
Asst. Professor,
Dept. of Management Studies,
Jahangirnagar University,
Savar, Dhaka.

Subject: Submission of Group Assignment.

Dear Sir,

With due respect, this is to inform you that we have prepared our Group Assignment. This
task has given us the opportunity to explore important information on Leave and Working
Hour Policies in Small, Medium and Large organizations. The report contains a detail of
those policies. It is a great pleasure for us to have the opportunity to work on this topic which
helped us to gain much knowledge.

Therefore, we hope that you would be kind enough to accept our Group Assignment and
oblige thereby.

Sincerely Yours,

Md. Dider Hossain Rabby

Group Leader of ‘Vision Quest’

Table of Contents

SL. Contents Page No.

1. Leave Policy of Small Organizations 04

2. Working Hour Policy of Small 04

3. Leave Policy of Medium sized 05
4. Working Hour Policy of Medium sized 06
5. Leave Policy of Large Organizations 08

6. Working Hour Policy of Large 12


7. CV of all members of the group 16

Leave Policy of Small Organizations

An employee will be entitled to 12 Holidays a year and 3 national holidays.

All Employees are required to submit a leave application to his/her Manager at least 3 days
before he/she intends to take leave except in the case of emergencies.

An employee shall not take Paid Leave for more than 3 days during a quarter during the first
two years of employment.

All leaves – unpaid and paid - needs prior approval from the manager. Leave sanctioning
authority has the full discretion to refuse, revoke or curtail the leave when required

Small organizations don’t give 3 months leaves but don’t pay for maternity/ paternity leaves.

Working Policy of Small Organizations

1. Unpaid Breaks:

Meal Period: Employees who work six or more consecutive hours a day are required to take
an uninterrupted 3 meal break of at least 30 minutes away from the work area.

2. Paid Breaks:

Supervisors reserve the right to change rest break period time or deny rest break periods to
ensure departmental needs are being met.

An employee is not permitted to accumulate unused rest breaks nor may the rest break be
used to cover an employee's late arrival or early departure from work.

Employees on a rest break should remain in the work area or close proximity to be available
if needed.

3. Overtime:

Non-exempt (hourly paid) employees must be paid for all hours worked whether preapproved
or not. However, failure to adhere to departmental procedures for preapproval of overtime
will be addressed through the Performance Management process.

4. Differential Pay:

Departments that schedule eligible non-exempt (hourly paid) employees on evening, night or
weekend shifts will pay a shift differential

5. Holiday Pay:

When non-exempt (hourly paid) employees work on the actual calendar holiday (sometimes
the observed day is different than the actual calendar holiday), they are eligible to receive
holiday pay. Holiday pay is in addition to base pay, and in addition to any applicable shift

Leave Policy of Medium Sized Organizations

Leave policy, the word become more compact, diverse and multicultural. This has affected
the way employee take leaves as many people like to celebrate different types of holidays. In
an organization leave policy is a part of HR management. Managing leaves or farming
changing a company leave policy is not so easy task to keep everyone happy. There are over
20 types of different leave policies; those are offered in medium sized Organization.

Different leave policies of Medium organizations:

Leave has been classified in following 4 categories.

1. Earned/ Privileged leave

2. Causal/ Sick Leave/ Medical leave.
3. Maternity leave/ Paternity leave.
4. Compensatory leave.

1. Earned / privileged leave :

i. The company gives 1.5 days of earned leave on completion of every calendar
month and it shall be credited to the leave account of the person on completion
of the month. In total there shall be 18 days leave in years.
ii. If a person has joined the company in the middle of any month, proportionate
leave shall be credited to the leave account of the person at the end of calendar
month and if a person at the has left the company in the middle of the month,
proportionate lave benefit shall be given to the person in the full and final
payment to the person.

iii. The balance leaves as on 31st march shall be carried forward to every next year
till these accumulate to 180 days.
iv. On completion of 1 year in the service, a person is enlisted to enact up to 15
days leave, once in a year.
v. On resignation, leaves not exceeding 180days shall be enchased and paid
along with full & final payment to the person. However, if a person has
applied for annual leave and it was not granted, the same can be carried
forward beyond the limits specified above with the approval of the general
manager concerned.
vi. Intervening holidays declared by the company and falling within continuation
of this leave, shall be counted on leave on that particular holiday.
vii. A person who desired to obtain Earned leave shall apply to Hr department
through Head of Department in the prescribed format at least 15 days before
the commencement of leave.
viii. If a person after proceeding on leave desires an extension thereof he shall
apply to HR. The HR will refer the same to Head of Department of the person
and on getting its consent, The HR shall send a written reply either granting or
refusing extension of leave.
ix. If a person remains absent beyond the period of leave originally granted or
subsequently extended, he shall lose his lien on his appointment. Such lien
may be restored only by a Director of the Company.
x. The EL can be taken only 3 times in a year. Additional time if any has to be
condoned by HR under special circumstance, if applied by an individual, with
specific reasons and explanations to the satisfaction of HR.
2. Causal / sick leave:
i. The company gives 1 day leave on completion of each month. In total there
shall be 12 days leave in 1 year.
ii. Such leave shall not be for more than three days at a time except in case of
iii. The balance of such leaves on 31st march shall not be carried forward to next
year. The unveiled balance of leaves shall lapse at the end of the day of 31 st
march each year.
iv. These leave are not allowed to be enchased and on resignation, no
compensation or encashment is allowed for these leaves.
3. Maternity leave/ paternity leave:
i. The company gives 90 days maternity leave for Parental or post parental or
combined for both period for care & rest of would be mother. The company
gives 15 days paternity leave to the father of would be mother.
ii. Maternity/ Paternity leave can be only 2 times in entire service of the
iii. This leave shall not be given for a 3rd child; even if any of the first 2 children
are born, adopted or received in are unions with another spouse after divorce/
iv. Parental period certificate from Doctor (MBBS Gynecologist/ Obstetricians)
shall have to be submitted to HR along with application for such a leave.
v. This leave cannot be enchased or carried forward to next year if not availed for
such an occasion.

4. Compensatory Leave:

When a person has worked for 8 hours on his weekly off day or a holiday declared by the
company, when not on tour, a day for such working is added to credit of causal leave
Account or Compensatory leave account of the person. Such a person can avail the
compensatory leave as per rules of causal leave and these leaves cannot be carried forward to
next year and will not be enchased.

Working Hour Policy of Medium Sized Organization

Working is very important for employee as well as any organization for productivity. So
working hour should be strictly maintained. For a medium size organization working policy
should be like that-

1) Daily working hour:

Any Medium size adult worker shall not normally work more than eight hours in a day. But
in case of necessity they can work 10 hour in a day.

2) Interval for rest or meal:

In an establishment no worker shall be liable to-

 Work for more than 6 (six) hours in a day, unless he is given an interval of 1 (one)
hour for rest or meal during that day
 Work for more than 5 (five) hours in a day, unless he is given an interval of half an
hour for the said purpose during that day; or
 Work for more than 8 (eight) hours in a day, unless he is given 1 (one) interval under
clause (a) or 2 (two) intervals under clause (b) for the said purpose during that day 2.
 Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Government shall, by rules,
prescribe the working and rest hours for various factories wherein the workers are
engaged in physically hazardous and laborious work including construction, re-
rolling, steel-mills, and ship breaking and welding.

3) Weekly working hour:

Medium size organization should maintain a structured weekly working hour these are given

 No adult worker shall ordinarily work or be required to work in an establishment for

more than 48 (forty-eight) hours in a week.
 An adult worker may work for more than 48 (forty-eight) hours also in a week.
 Provided that the total working hours of such worker shall not exceed 60 (sixty)
hours in a week, and on the average 56 (fifty-six) hours per week in a year. Provided
further that the total additional working hours of a worker employed in a road
transport establishment shall not exceed 150 (one hundred and fifty) hours in a year.
 Provided further that the Government may, in the cases of some particular industries,
under conditions imposed by order in writing, relax the provisions of this section or
exempt from the provisions of this section at a time for a period of not exceeding 6
(six) months, if it is satisfied that in the public interest or in the interest of economic
development such relaxation or exemption is necessary.

4) Weekly holiday:

Every worker employed in a medium size organization-

 Shall be entitled to 1 (one and a half) day holiday in a week in the case of a shop or
commercial establishment or an industrial, establishment and 1 (one) day in a week
in the case of a factory and establishment;

 Shall be entitled to one day of twenty four consecutive hours holiday in a week in
the case of road transport establishment, and no deduction shall be made from his
wages on account of such holidays

5) Night shift:

Where the shift work of an adult worker in a Medium Size organization extends beyond

 A holiday for a whole day for the worker shall mean 24 (twenty-four) consecutive
hours beginning from the end of his shift; and
 The following day for him shall mean 24 (twenty-four) consecutive hours beginning
from the end of his shift, and the hours he has worked after midnight shall be counted
to the hours of his works of the previous day.

6) Limited hours of work for woman workers:

No woman worker shall, without her consent, be allowed to work in a Medium Size
organization between 10 O’CLOCK at night and 6 O’CLOCK in the morning.

7) Restrictions on double employment:

No adult worker shall be allowed to work in more than 1 (one) establishment on the same
day, without permission of the Chief Inspector and on such conditions as may be
imposed by him.

8) Notice of hours of work for adult workers and preparation thereof:

In every Medium Size organization a notice showing the time clearly in writing when the
adult workers employed therein are required to work shall be displayed in accordance
with the provisions.

Leave Policy of Large Organizations

Leave policy encourages its employees to take a break from work as this provides for healthy,
stress free and more productive employee. The leave policy sets out the various types of
leaves that an employee is eligible for and outlines the procedure for taking leave.

Creating a leave policy for large organizations might sound easy but we had to put a lot of
thought into this. We wanted it to be as flexible as possible but with enough rigidity to have
predictable system.

Every employee of large organization will be entitled for the following leaves:

1) Annual Leave:
 An employee is eligible for Annual Leave after completion of Probation,
effective from the employment date.
 Annual leave may be taken in units of days or half days. Application to take
leave must be duly authorized by the manager at least 2 weeks before the
period of leave commences, unless the requested leave is due to an
 The leave year will commence on 1 January and end on 31 December. An
employee shall be required to take their annual leave within the calendar year.
 An employee may carry forward no more than 10 days. Carry over beyond
this limit will be allowed under special circumstances, with approval granted
in writing by the Head of the Managing Director.
 Leave Request Forms are available from the Administration Department.
Leave forms must be filled in and signed by the employee and approved by
the manager and the Managing Director or his designee.

2) Sick Leave:
 Grants sick days for regular & part time employees in case of illness or to attend to a
close relative.
 Employees are entitled to pay sick leave of up to twelve (12) working days annually
with full pay.
 Sick leave will be granted on production of a medical certificate from a registered
medical practitioner.
 Sick leave of longer than one month will require the approval of the Managing
Director of the organization.
 An employee on sick leave for over three months due to an accident will be treated in
accordance with the insurance policy and their case will be examined by the
Managing Director of the organization.

3) Casual Leave:
 All permanent employees are eligible to avail this leave.
 All employees are entitled to 12 days casual leave in a year.

4) Maternity Leave:
 Maternity Leave shall be available to all female employees of the company in
accordance with the law.
 Female employees who have worked for at least one year are entitled to Maternity
 When applying for maternity leave the employee must submit a medical certificate
from a qualified medical practitioner stating the expected date of delivery.
 The company will provide a total of 6 month as maternity leave with pay.
 Breast-feeding mothers will be given two hours off in a day for nursing purposes,
until the child is four (4) months old. The employee and the manager will agree on the
appropriate timings.

5) Paternity Leave:
 A male employee shall be eligible to paid paternity leave of ten (10) working days per
delivery by their registered spouse.
 Paternity leave must be taken within four weeks period before or after the wife’s

6) Compassionate Leave:
 An employee shall be granted up to a maximum of paid 5 calendar days to attend to
personal misfortunes such as death of an immediate member of the family or
household member (spouse, parents, parents-in-law, and child), or other comparable
 Compassionate leave is not deducted from annual leave, and must be approved by the

7) Professional Leave:
 Administrative professional employees are eligible for professional leave program.

 This policy provides an opportunity for study, research, and creative activities for
enhancement of the organization.

8) Leave without pay:

 Unpaid leave may be granted in writing at the discretion of the Managing Director
when an employee wishes to interrupt service with the company for professional or
exceptional personal reasons.
 This leave is generally eligible for those type of employees who have rendered at least
………………. years of continuous service.
 The maximum period of leave without pay shall not exceed six months for the entire
period of employment with the company, except in special circumstances to be
approved by the Managing Director of the organization.
 During the period of leave without pay, employees are not entitled to their salaries or
their allowances or benefits, with the exception of medical insurance.

9) Festival Holidays:
 Every employee of the organization shall be entitled to festival holidays with full
wages for seven (07) days in a calendar year.

Working Hour Policy of Large Organizations

In our in developing country there are many large companies keeping a vital role in the
economic growth. And they have also various policies they follow and maintain. To keep a
work life balance properly and to get the best output from the worker these above working
hour policies can be followed:

1. Working Hours, breaks off, days off:

1.1) In general: The working hours should not exceed 36 to 40 hours per week or 6 hours per
day excluding break.

1.2) Day off: Employers should grant employees at least 1 day off per week or 4 days off per
month .It should not be only the holidays but also by the agreement between the employer
and employees.

2. Unpaid breaks:

2.1) Meal period: Employees who work 6 hours a day are required to take an uninterrupted
meal break of at least 30 to 45 minutes, this increases to one hour break where working hours
exceeds 8 hours.

2.2) Breaks for breastfeeding mothers: should be for one year after the child’s birth.
Female employees those who have child should consult with the immediate supervisor or
manager to communicate the frequency and duration of the breaks.

3. Paid breaks:

Employers in the organizations must grant 7-10 days' paid breaks to employees that worked
for six consecutive months from the time of hiring and who worked on not less than 80 per
cent of all schedule work days. This paid break or leave may be taken consecutively or

4. Others:

4.1. Holiday Pay:

When hourly paid employees work on the actual calendar holiday (sometimes the observed
day is different than the actual calendar holiday), they are eligible to receive holiday pay.
Holiday pay is in addition to base pay, and in addition to any applicable shift differential.
Each holiday covers the 24-hour period that begins at 12:00 midnight on the actual holiday,
and ends at 11:59 p.m. on the same day. In this case they should get the festival bonus or
holiday pay as half or more of their basic payment with their work payment.

4.2. Compensatory Time Off:

Hourly paid employees granted compensatory time off for hours worked over 40 in the first
week of the pay period must be allowed to take the time off in the second week of the same
pay period in which it is worked; and the compensatory time off provided during the second
week must be computed at the rate of one and one half times for hours worked over 40 in the
previous week (based on the required overtime calculation)..

4.3. Overtime:

Any employer that requires workers to work in excess of statutory working hours or on
statutory days off in company must submit a Notification of Agreement on Overtime and
Work on Days off to its local Labor Standards Inspection Office Hourly paid employees who
work in excess of 40 hours during the work week, must be paid at the employee's overtime
rate for the hours worked in excess of 40 hours. The employees can do overtime work at best
10 hours of work day, not more than of that. The overtime payment should be increased 50%-
75% add to their basic payment.

2. Compensatory Time Off:

Hourly paid employees granted compensatory time off for hours worked over 40 in the first
week of the pay period must be allowed to take the time off in the second week of the same
pay period in which it is worked; and the compensatory time off provided during the second
week must be computed at the rate of one and one half times for hours worked over 40 in the
previous week (based on the required overtime calculation).

3. Holiday Pay: When hourly paid employees work on the actual calendar holiday
(sometimes the observed day is different than the actual calendar holiday), they are eligible to
receive holiday pay. Holiday pay is in addition to base pay, and in addition to any applicable
shift differential. Each holiday covers the 24-hour period that begins at 12:00 midnight on the
actual holiday, and ends at 11:59 p.m. on the same day. In this case they should get the
festival bonus or holiday pay as half or more of their basic payment with their work payment.

4. On-call: Some departments provide system on-call compensation if they require hourly
paid employees to be available during a specified period other than their regular shift or
working hours. On-call pay is for hours that an employee is "on-call" while off the premises
and required to be available if called in to work within a specified period of time. In this extra
work time they should paid one and half to double as their payment for extra work period.

5. Travel Time: Travel time considered work time too. If employee travel for company
purpose ,the company should bear all cost of that employee travelling costs .He should get
the extra facilities like meal break, transportation even accommodation where necessary
.Other side he may get a compensation 20%-25% bonus at the scale of his payment .

6. Training/Conference Time: Attendance at lectures, meetings, training programs,
seminars, conferences or similar activities are counted as hours worked when the training is
related to the employee's job. Employees should obtain supervisory approval prior to
attending such programs.

7. Flextime: Another system under which working hours can be adjusted within a monthly
period is the flextime system. Under this, the total number of working hours that a worker
must work during a fixed period of not more than one month is established, and workers are
free within limits to determine what time they start and stop work each day provided that they
meet the total number of working hours required.

Curriculum Vitae

of the members of the group

Curriculum Vitae

Md. Dider Hossain Rabby

C/O, Md. Ayub Ali Cell: 01632-285360
Cherag Ali Bepari Kandi, Vill: Mulpara,
P.O: Naria, P.S: Naria, District: Shariatpur-8020. E-mail:

Career Objective: To provide the best performance to achieve the professional skill as well
as the goal of the institution.

Educational Qualifications:
Name of Name of Year of CGPA / GPA Group/ Board/
Exam Institution Passing Department University

M.B.A Jahangirnagar 2016 H.R.M Public

(Master of University (In Progress) --- (Human University
Business Resource
B.B.A Jahangirnagar 2015 CGPA- 3.10 Major in Public
(Bachelor of University (out of 4.00) Management University
Business Studies
H.S.C Notre Dame 2011 G.P.A- 5.00 Business Dhaka
(Higher College (Pure G.P.A Studies
Secondary 5.00)
S.S.C Kadamtala 2009 G.P.A- 4.88 Business Dhaka
(Secondary Purbo Basabo Studies
School School

Internship Experience:
Working Areas Name of Organization Address

General Banking & HR First Security Islamic Bank Motijheel, Dhaka

Practices Limited

Computer Literacy:
1. Microsoft Office 2. Internet
3. Avro Bangla Typing
4. Graphics Designing (Adobe Photoshop & Adobe Illustrator)

Extra Course:
Name of Course Name of Institution Address

IELTS Fast Forward Shantinagar, Dhaka

Language Efficiency:
Language Reading Listening Writing Speaking

English Excellent Excellent Excellent Good

Bangla Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent


1. 100% Perfect Attendance Certificate- by 4. Jahangirnagar University Financial Help

Notre Dame College, Dhaka. Scholarship.

2. Dhaka Board Scholarship on H.S.C 5. Certificate for Business Case

Result. Competition- by Jahangirnagar
University Career Club.
3. Certificate for ‘Team Building & Self
Branding’- by Prothom Alo Jobs & 6. Got Chance in Dhaka University,
Accounting Research Club of Jahangirnagar University & Jagannath
Jahangirnagar University. University in University Admission Test
in 2011.

Job Experiences:
Name of Position Name of Institution Experienced for Address

Teacher Protiva Academy 2 years AGB Colony,

Motijheel, Dhaka.
Campus Reporter/ 3 years Uttara, Dhaka.

Assessment Online Assessment 5 years
Consultant Solution Different Countries
For International

English Article different foreign 6 years Different Countries

Writer websites

Extra Activities:
 Member: Jahangirnagar University Journalist Association (JUJA),
Jahangirnagar University Career Club (JUCC),
Jahangirnagar University Management Club (JUMC).

Personal Information:
 Father’s Name: Md. Ayub Ali
 Mother’s Name: Abeda Begum
 Permanent Address: Cherag Ali Bepari Kandi, Vill: Mulpara, P.O: Naria, P.S:Naria,
District: Shariatpur-8020.
 Marital Status: Single
 Date of Birth: 21 June, 1994
 Height: 5’10’’
 Weight: 56 kg
 Religion: Islam (Sunni)
 Nationality: Bangladeshi
 Hobby: Travelling
 Blood Group: A+
 National ID No: 19942696805000028
 Passport No: AF 3531368

Mr. Md. Awal Al Kabir Mr. Lutfor Rahman Joy
Chairperson & Asst. Professor CEO, Probashi Palli Group
Department of Management Studies Director & Associate Professor
Faculty of Business Studies Canadian University of Bangladesh
Jahangirnagar University Cell: 01711-131685, 02-8963369
Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh E-mail:
E-mail: House: 19, Road: 14, Sector: 13,
Uttara, Dhaka-1230.

Signature with Date

Umme Kulsum
Address: 29/D Tejkunipara, Farmgate, Dhaka-1215.
Contact No. 01936-322769

Career Objective
To learn & implement new things & to work in a growth oriented organization where I can
integrate my skills & knowledge & also want to work through punctuality, consistency,
honesty, hard work in a very challenging and competitive environment to achieve the
organizational goals.

Computer Proficiencies

 Windows Operating System: Windows 7, 8 & 10, Vista, XP.

 Excellence in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, SPSS &
Internet Browsing & E-mail.

Work Experience

Work Place Employment Type Duration Job Responsibility

Janata Bank Internship From April 11 – Foreign Exchange
Limited June 02, 2016 Department

Others Experience

 Attend different types of seminar & workshop such as Job fair program which was
organized by EMC, Philip Morris International Seminar, Business Case
Competition (Biz-Pro) & I Develop Brand which was organized by Independent
 Almost 5 years Tuition Experience and still involved with it.

Educational Qualification

Degree Major Institute Passing Result

MBA Human Jahangirnagar University On progress ----
Resource (1stSemister)
BBA Management Jahangirnagar University 2015 CGPA-
3.49 out
of 4.00
HSC Business Chatkhil Women’s College 2011 GPA 5.00
Studies out of

SSC Business Teory ML High School 2009 GPA 4.75
Studies out of
Personality Traits

 Ability to work hard under any circumstances.

 Have a sense of strong responsibility.
 Able to work with a team or group & have a leading power.


 Ability to learn quickly

 Smart worker & loyal
 Positive thinking & self motivated.

Language and Communication skills

 Bengali: Mother tongue.

 English: Fluent in reading, writing, listening and speaking in English.

Interest/ Hobby/Skills

 Reading books, Newspapers, articles and different types of magazine.

 Travelling.
 Watching movies, football and cricket.
 Love to play Badminton.
 Website browsing.
 Presentation skills both English and Bengali.

Personal Information

Nick Name : Kamey

Father’s Name : Abul Kalam
Mother’s Name : Sajeda Begum
Date of Birth : 30 December 1993.
Nationality : Bangladeshi (By born)
Religion : Islam
Marital Status : Single
Permanent Address : Vill: Bhisnupur; Post Office: Bhatra Bazar;
P.S: Ramganj; Dist: Lakshmipur.
1. Awal al Kabir 2.Md. Sahanur Alam
Professor & Chairperson Executive Officer
Department of Management Studies Janata Bank Limited
Faculty of Business Studies Farmgate Corporate Branch
Jahangirnagar University 14, Tejkunipara, Farmgate

Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Dhaka, Bangladesh-1215
Mob: 01676-835673 Mobile: 01615-251515, 9101404 E-mail:


(Umme Kulsum)

TITHI Career objective:

To work for an organization which provides me the opportunity to

improve my skills and knowledge to growth along with the
organization objective.

Special Training:

Training on basic Computer Course form Microsoft Corporation, a

course on graphic designing & course on German Language .

Computer Skill:

Operating System : Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows 7.

Software Application : MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point

Typing : Bangla & English.

Contact no-01831013477


Language Proficiency:

 Bengali : Mother Language.

Present Address : Fazilatunnesha Hall,Room no -  English : Spoken & Written Ability.
519 . Jahangirnagar University.  Germany :Spoken & written ability.


Permanent Adress: Village: Chabagan,P/O:

Surfing Internet, reading books, watching English movie and
Chabagan; P.S: Kaliakoir, District: Gazipur .

Self-motivated, quick learner, patient, hard worker, leading
Personal Information: capability, honest, dedicated, team work .

Name : Kh. Sajia TarannumTithi

Father’s Name: Khandakar Shahidul Islam

Mother’s Name: Khandakar Nasrin Sualtana Weakness:

Date of birth:31/12/1993 Perfectionist , very much optimistic.
Nationality: Bangladeshi


Blood group : AB+

Achievement :

Member of Kaliakoir Students Forum and got award in 2010.

Scholarship from DBBL for H.S.C result.

Being student of Jahangirnagar University.

Academic Profile:

Name Of Board/University Group/ Year Of CGPA

Subject passing

MBA (in progress) Jahangirnagar University Management 2016


BBA Jahangirnagar University Management 2015 3.53

Internship : HRM
policies of DBBL

HSC Dhaka Board Business 2010 5.00


SSC Dhaka Board Science 2008 4.69


Md. Alauddin Md. Rubel

Branch Manager Lecturer

Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. Department of Management Studies

Abdullahpur Branch Jahangirnagar University

Mobile: 01938801698 Mobile: 01760057684


I do hereby declare that above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.



Shahebani Noor Saima

Want to build up my career as a professional in any environment where punctuality,
sincerity and creativity are always appreciated.


University : Jahangirnagar University
Subject : Major on Management studies
Result : 3.43

Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C):

Board : Dhaka
Institute : Stamford College
Group : Business Studies
Passing Year : 2010
Result Obtain : GPA-5.00

Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C):

Board : Dhaka
Institute : Mohammadpur Girls High School
Group : Business Studies
Passing Year : 2008
Result : GPA- 5.00


 Ability to adjust in any kind of environment.

 Ability to work under pressure
 Strong analytical ability
 Good sense of responsibility and reasoning.


 Office Software : MS (Office)
 Internet : Browsing & Operating E-mail.

 Bengali-Excellent both in writing & speaking
 English-Excellent at both writing & speaking.

What Makes me Different

 Excellent negotiation and interpersonal communication skills
 The ability to work with group
 Effective presentation skills
 Being able to interact with people at all levels
 Immensely observant and adaptive to new environment
 Like to take challenge
 Ready to work in a stress worthy environment


Father's Name : Md. Shameem Rahman

Mother's Name : Hamida Jahan
Present Address : House-33, Road-4, PC Culture Housing Society,
(Shekhertek), Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207
Permanent Address : Vill-Charmahish Khali, P.S.-Sokhipur,
P.O.-DM Khali, Dist-Shariatpur.
Date of Birth : 20/05/1992
Religion : Islam (Sunni)
Marital Status : Unmarried
Nationality : Bangladeshi
National id : 19922690230000831

Sumsun Nahar
Sumsun Nahar
129/B,Begum Khaleda Zia Hall,
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka- 1342.
Mobile No : +8801703992957
E-mail :
Skype: snj.nishat
Shahebani Noor Saima

Career Objective:
To become a dynamic and versatile person who is capable of merging innovative ideas and facing challenges &
also getting me in an organizational environment where honesty, creativity, punctuality, sincerity, diligence and
performance are the key to success.

Work Experiences:

Internship (April, 5- June 10, 2016)

Human Resource Division
Sonali Bank Ltd, Nabinagar Branch
General banking, Customer Management, Customer Service, Banking Operations, HR department and Database
Work in save children Australia & national children taskforce (NCTF) as a Secretary.

Academic Qualifications:

2011-2015: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Concentration: Management Studies
Department: Dept. of Management Studies
Institution: Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342.
Result: CGPA-3.20 out of 4.00.
Internship Report: General Banking and HR Practice on Govt. Banking in Bangladesh: A Case Study on
Sonali Bank Limited.
2009-2010: Higher Secondary School Certificate(HSC)
Concentration: Business Studies
Institution: Dr. ABUL Hossain Degree College.
Board: Dhaka Education Board
Result: GPA-5.00 out of 5.00.

2007-2008: Secondary School Certificate(SSC)

Concentration: Business Studies
Institution: Rajbari Govt. Girls High School, Rajbari.
Board: Dhaka Education Board
Result: GPA-5.00 out of 5.00.

Special Qualifications:

Sense of Responsibility, Willingness to Hard Work, Passion for Continuous Learning, Highly Self-motivated,
Ability to Work Under Pressure, Sense of Good Organizational Behavior, Excellent Communication Skill.

Language Proficiency:

Have an organized communication capability both in Bengali and English with superior.

Computer & Data Analysis Skills:

Excellent in Statistical Data Analysis tool SPSS& Database software Microsoft Access, Conversant in Microsoft
Office, PowerPoint, Excel, and Social Networking.
Personal Details:
Father's Name : Md.Sirajul Islam
Mother's Name : Mazeda Khatun
Date of Birth : August 4, 1993
Gender : Female
Marital Status : Unmarried
Nationality : Bangladeshi
Religion : Islam
Permanent Address : Village: Bhabinipur, Post Office :Rajbari, Upazilla: Rajbari, Zilla: Rajbari

Interests & Leisure:

Social Volunteer, Cooking, Tree Plantations, Internet surfing ,Listening music & Travelling

Reference (s):

Name : Mrs. Nafiza Islam Muhahammd Abu Syed

Faculty of Business Studiess Jahangirnagar
Organization : Sonali Bank Ltd.
Senior officer, Sonali Bank Limited,
Designation : Lecturer, Dept. of Management Studies
local office, Dhaka
Mobile : +8801912027635 +8801911908027
E-Mail :
Relation : Academic Well known.

I hereby declare that the above written particulars are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.

Sumsun Nahar


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