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BASF Corporation Title: Hot Tap and Stopple Procedure

Function: Health & Safety

Beaumont Site No.: BMEHS-002.016

Beaumont, TX Reviewed: 09/06 Effective: 10/01/06 Revision: New

Preparer: Owner: Approver:
Health & Safety Member Health & Safety Manager Plant Manager
Signed copy on file Signed copy on file Signed copy on file

Document Revision Change Table

Revision Revision Description Revised Revision
Number By Date


10:05 am 08/29/2014
BASF Title: Hot Tap and Stopple Procedure
Corporation Function: Health & Safety
No.: BMEHS-002.016 Page:2 of 15
Beaumont Site
Beaumont, TX Reviewed: 09/06 Effective: 10/01/06 Revision: New


To establish a clear set of guidelines to be followed when performing Hot Tap and Stopple installations.


Coupon – The part of the pipe that is removed during the Hot Tap operation.

Hot Tap – The method of making a mechanical tie-in by welding an attachment to the pipe that is in
service; then installing a valve and cutting a hole in the existing pipe through the new valve using a
tapping machine specifically designed for such a purpose.

Stopple – The installation of a flow-blocking device in a piping system that cannot otherwise be isolated
depressurized or cleared.

Contractor – the Company that supplies the Hot Tap and/or Stopple machine and its operating

Hot Tap/Stopple Document Package – A collection of documentation required to obtain Hot Tap

Weldment Calculation (if applicable)

Hot Tap Penetration Calculation
Hot Tap Checklist Form A (Sections 1 – Hot Work & 2 – Owner Approval)
Hot Tap Checklist Form B
Stopple Checklist Form C (If applicable)
Piping and/or Structural Stress Analysis (if applicable)
Welding Procedure
Thickness Testing Report
Dye Penetrant Testing Report (Stainless Steel tie-ins only)
Deviation Approval(s) (if applicable)
Piping Iso of tie-in (Hand sketch is acceptable)
JSA (Provided by Operations)
Approved MOC

Completion Plug - A metal plug sometimes installed in the tie-in piping after a stopple is completed, in
order to isolate the process from the tie-in entry point without the use of a valve.

Weldment – A welded-in pipe fitting that connects the new tie-in piping spool to the existing piping
system (e.g. a split tee or a weld-o-let)

Job Coordinator – Person assigned by the Operations Manager to coordinate a job. This is
typically the Operations Coordinator.


10:05 am 08/29/2014
BASF Title: Hot Tap and Stopple Procedure
Corporation Function: Health & Safety
No.: BMEHS-002.016 Page:3 of 15
Beaumont Site
Beaumont, TX Reviewed: 09/06 Effective: 10/01/06 Revision: New

Maintenance/Construction Representative – Person assigned by the TES Manager to follow a job,

depending on whether the job is part of maintenance or a capital project.


Hot Taps and Stopples shall only be installed on piping that cannot be safely cleared and/or
isolated due to operational and/or system design constraints. It must also be evaluated to see if
the Hot Tap or Stopple could be avoided by delaying the job until an upcoming planned Outage or
Turnaround. Any Hot Tap and/or Stopple must be part of an approved MOC with Hot Tap/Stopple
Document Package and shall require a PSSR prior to being put into service.


4.1 General
4.1.1 Hot Taps are NOT to be performed on piping containing:
a. Combustible vapor/air/oxygen mixtures with-in flammable and/or explosive ranges.
b. Hydrogen, if the equipment has operated above the Nelson Curve Limits
c. Any chemicals likely to violently decompose or become hazardous from the heat
generated by welding.
d. Strong Caustics or Acids
e. Oxygen or Ammonia
f. Any process stream containing ethylene or acetylene*
* Streams with “low” concentrations of ethylene/acetylene can be considered for
Hot Tapping contingent on concurrence from Corporate Process Safety.

4.1.2 Hot Tapping shall not be performed on piping under vacuum unless approved by the
TES Manager.
4.1.3 Hot Taps shall not be performed on piping that is lined, clad, or where stress relieving
is required.
4.1.4 Hot Taps made upstream of equipment and/or in-line instrumentation that are not
adequately protected by filters and cannot be isolated, shall be carefully evaluated for
safety and operational risks that could arise from a coupon or metal shavings being left
behind in the piping system. A risk analysis shall be completed and added to the
Document Package if this paragraph is applicable.


10:05 am 08/29/2014
BASF Title: Hot Tap and Stopple Procedure
Corporation Function: Health & Safety
No.: BMEHS-002.016 Page:4 of 15
Beaumont Site
Beaumont, TX Reviewed: 09/06 Effective: 10/01/06 Revision: New

4.1.5 Hot Tap and Stopple machinery shall be operated by authorized Contractor personnel
only. Procurement maintains a list of approved Contractors. Potential new Contractor
must go through the Site’s procedure for qualifying new Vendors. It is the
responsibility of the Contractor to ensure such equipment is properly maintained and in
good working condition, and that their personnel are adequately trained.
4.1.6 When feasible, Hot Taps should be made on the “top” of the pipe vs. the “bottom”, in
horizontal pipe runs.

4.2 Design Considerations

4.2.1 All piping components used in a Hot Tap or Stopple installation shall be in accordance
with the relevant Beaumont Site Piping Standards, with the exception of weldments
which shall be in accordance with Table 1 of this procedure Any proposed piping
component deviation will require approval from the TES Manager or designee.
4.2.2 All welding on piping components used in a Hot Tap installation shall be in accordance
with approved welding procedures.
4.2.3 Full port ball or gate valves are required for Hot Tap and Stopple installations, the Hot
Tap Contractor will supply the cutter diameter to be used for the Hot Tap and Stopple.
BASF will confirm the cutter will fit through the valve without damaging the seat.
These valves shall comply with the appropriate Beaumont Site Piping Standard.
4.2.4 The preferred method for completion of a Hot Tap and Stopple is a full port valve with
a blind. If a completion plug is to be used in the case of a Stopple, the elastomer
components shall require review and approval by the TES Group or Process
Technology Group to ensure compatibility with the process.
4.2.5 The piping and supporting structure must have an engineering review of the stress
loading from the weight of the hot tap and stopple machine. This review can be simply
good engineering judgment, or if good engineering judgment dictates, a formal stress
analysis shall be completed and included in the Hot Tap/Stopple Document Package.
4.2.6 Table 1 has been attached as a guideline for selecting the appropriate weldment. If
this table is not used, the TES Group must review and approve.
4.2.7 The location of the Hot Tap should be more that 18” away from all flanges or threaded
connections, plus more than three inches from any existing weld seam. Deviations
from these requirements must have the approval of the TES Manager or designee.
4.2.8 The design of the hot tap will allow for adequate purging after the Hot Tap and Stopple
is complete.


10:05 am 08/29/2014
BASF Title: Hot Tap and Stopple Procedure
Corporation Function: Health & Safety
No.: BMEHS-002.016 Page:5 of 15
Beaumont Site
Beaumont, TX Reviewed: 09/06 Effective: 10/01/06 Revision: New

4.3 Preparation

4.3.1 Operations should be appraised of any requests prior to proceeding with the
preparations for the work. It is recommended a minimum two weeks advanced notice
be provided in order for Operations to have adequate time to prepare a risk evaluation
and emergency plan associated with completing the JSA, while the Contractor
performs mechanical checks in the field.
4.3.2 The location of the Hot Tap shall allow for:
a) Adequate clearance for the machine
b) Adequate support for the machine
c) Availability of air or electric power for the machine
d) Easy and safe egress for personnel making the Hot Tap or Stopple, and easy
access for emergency personnel.
4.3.3 The Contractor shall perform measurements and calculations to verify that the cutter or
the pilot drill shall not penetrate through the opposite wall of the line being Hot Tapped.
Preferably the drill should not penetrate beyond the center of the pipe. For size-on-
size or one size smaller connections, where the drill tip will have to move further into
the pipe, measurements must ensure that the drill will not contact the inner surface of
the other side of the pipe. The Maintenance/Construction representative shall review
these measurements.
4.3.4 Thickness measurements shall be taken in the location of the Hot Tap, extending out
to either side, a minimum of 12 inches, or the diameter of the branch pipe, whichever
is greater. If any of the following conditions exist, a engineering evaluation shall be
performed by a TES engineer, to determine if a Hot Tap can be safely performed:
a) Actual thickness < 3/16”
b) Actual thickness > 1”
c) Actual thickness < Nominal thickness – corrosion allowance
4.3.5 If stress cracking is possible in the service, shear wave examination of the surface of a
stainless steel pipe is required. If stress cracking exists, a qualified
engineer/technician shall determine the suitability of the existing pipe for the Hot Tap.
4.3.6 The attainable flow velocity in the line being Hot Tapped shall be verified. If the flow in
a line being hot tapped is within the following velocity ranges: Liquid: 1.5 – 15.0 feet
per second, Gas or vapor: 25.0 – 200.0 feet per second, then no engineering review is
required. For liquid or gas velocities outside these ranges, Site Engineering will review
the hot tap as per API Recommended Practice 2201 “Procedures for Welding or Hot
Tapping on Equipment in Service”, Latest Edition. The TES Group shall evaluate
required flow in vapor lines on a case-by-case basis.


10:05 am 08/29/2014
BASF Title: Hot Tap and Stopple Procedure
Corporation Function: Health & Safety
No.: BMEHS-002.016 Page:6 of 15
Beaumont Site
Beaumont, TX Reviewed: 09/06 Effective: 10/01/06 Revision: New

4.3.7 The WPS (Weld Procedure Specification) must be selected by the BASF’s QA/QC
department and attached to the checklist Form A. Welding will be performed by BASF
site or Maintenance Contractor.

4.4 Hot Tap and Stopple Approval

4.4.1 Section 1 and 2 of the Hot Tap Checklist Form A shall be completely filled and
approved as noted on the form, prior to the issuance of a hot work permit for the Hot
Tap weldment.
4.4.2 In some cases several days or even weeks may elapse between the completion of the
hot work step and the actual hot tap line cutting. Prior to issuing a Safe Work Permit
for the Hot Tap, the Shift Supervisor and the Maintenance/Construction
Representative shall sign off on the Hot Tap Checklist Form B, denoting the Hot Tap
can safely commence.
4.4.3 The Hot Tap Checklist Form B shall be completed as the job progresses in the field. It
is the responsibility of the Maintenance/Construction Representative to ensure the
Contractor provides all required information and signs off in the sequential order noted.
4.4.4 Prior to issuing a Safe Work Permit for a Stopple, the Shift Supervisor, Contractor
Representative, Maintenance/Construction Representative and Job Coordinator shall
sign off on the Stopple Checklist Form C, denoting the Stopple work can safely

4.5 Hot Tap and Stopple Field Work

4.5.1 The Job Coordinator together with the Maintenance/Construction Representative shall
ensure the planned location of a Hot Tap as being correct and clearly marked in the
field. The Hot Tap location shall have been cleaned as necessary to bare metal. This
includes removal of paint, insulation, and any other debris that could interfere with
potential Hot Tap operations.
4.5.2 The TES Manager, together with the Operations Manager, are responsible for
ensuring that an emergency plan has been identified and communicated appropriately.
The emergency plan must cover potential risks such as burn through during welding.
Radio communication with the control room is required while installing a Hot Tap and
while installing a Stopple.
4.5.3 All required documentation should be presented to the person issuing the hot work
4.5.4 The person issuing the hot work permit shall confirm that no unusual process
conditions exist, and the flow rate, temperature, and pressure ranges specified on the
Hot Tap Hot Work Checklist A form exist in the field.


10:05 am 08/29/2014
BASF Title: Hot Tap and Stopple Procedure
Corporation Function: Health & Safety
No.: BMEHS-002.016 Page:7 of 15
Beaumont Site
Beaumont, TX Reviewed: 09/06 Effective: 10/01/06 Revision: New

4.5.5 A pressure test of the installation shall be witnessed by the Maintenance/QC

representative upon completion of the Hot Tap welding. Valves utilized in conjunction
with the Hot Tap shall be pressure tested prior to installation.
4.5.6 After completion of the Hot Tap/Stopple, the Maintenance/Construction Representative
shall witness flow from the leak off valve on the Hot Tap/Stopple machine.
4.5.7 Before removing the Hot Tap/Stopple machine, the Maintenance/Construction
Representative shall have the Contractor verify that the requirements of the Hot
Tap/Stopple have been completed and have the technician sign the hot work permit
prior to the removal of the Hot Tap/Stopple machine.
4.5.8 For maintenance jobs, the Maintenance Department will retain the complete Hot Tap
Stopple documentation package on file for one month. For projects, the Project
Manager will provide a copy of the documentation package in the project job books,
upon completion.
4.5.9 The Maintenance/Construction Representative shall witness removal of the coupon. If
the coupon is lost, he/she shall immediately notify the shift coordinator and initiate an
Incident Report. The coupon shall be inspected by the Job Coordinator and properly
disposed of, if there is nothing unusual about its condition.

5. Responsibilities

Maintenance/Construction Representative – Ensure Section 1 of the Hot Tap Checklist

Form A is accurate and closely monitor Contractor activities in the field.

Job Coordinator – Ensure process conditions needed to perform the job safely exist, and
ensure adequate communication occurs between the Contractor, Maintenance/Project, and
Operations. Ensure Section 2 of the Hot Tap Checklist Form B is accurate.

Contractor – Provide equipment in good working order and properly trained personnel, in
additional to strictly following all safety and operations rules and procedures. Complete
Checklist Forms B and/or C if applicable.

Operations Manager – Ensure there are no other alternative to performing the Hot Tap
and/or Stopple work. Evaluate potential risks associated with the job and establish an
emergency plan to cope with these risks.

TES Manager – Ensure the job has been properly engineered and that all required
preparations have been carried out.

Safety Department Manager – Review the job scope and set-up in the field from a safety
perspective to help ensure all identifiable precautions have been taken.


10:05 am 08/29/2014
BASF Title: Hot Tap and Stopple Procedure
Corporation Function: Health & Safety
No.: BMEHS-002.016 Page:8 of 15
Beaumont Site
Beaumont, TX Reviewed: 09/06 Effective: 10/01/06 Revision: New

ANSI B31.3 Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping
API Recommended Practice 2201 “Procedures for Welding or Hot Tapping on Equipment in
OSHA 1910.119 Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals
Beaumont Management of Change Procedure
Beaumont Pre-Startup Safety Review Procedure
Beaumont Hot Work Procedure


10:05 am 08/29/2014

This table is to be used to select hot tap fittings for pipelines only. A selection from this table does
not require engineering review or mechanical calculations. NOTE: Incase of conflict with Pipe
Spec, Hot Tap Procedure will govern.


1" 1-1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 24"
1" T or
1-1/2" T or T or
2" W T or T or
3" W W T or T
4" W W W T T
6" W W W T T T
8" W W W P T T T
10" W W W P P T T T
12" W W W P P T T T T
14" W W W P P T T T T T
16" W W W P P P T T T T T
18" W W W P P P T T T T T T
20" W W W P P P P T T T T T T
24" W W W P P P P T T T T T T T

W- Integrally reinforced fitting (weld-o-let).
T- Full encirclement split tee.
P- Reinforcement pad is required. Pad width shall equal half of branch nominal size, and
thickness shall be no less than the header pipe wall thickness.
1. For branch diameters greater than 2", reinforcement is required - either repad or split tee
as shown in Table 1. 1/8" NPT tapped holes shall be provided in pad or tee and shall be
sealed with RTV sealer. Repads will be pneumatically tested at 15 psig. Where
pneumatic testing is not practical (hot services), the use of integrally reinforced fittings
(O-lets) will be considered, use of these fittings must be approved in advance by the
2. All branch fittings must meet or exceed main pipe schedule.


10:05 am 08/29/2014
SECTION 1 (Hot Work) Hot Tap Checklist Form A
To be completed by the Maintenance/Construction Representative Prior to Welding

Plant Section MOC No. ______________

Project No. ______________
MWO No. ______________
Existing Line To Be Hot Tapped:

Line Number: Pipe Specification: Design Pipe sch./thickness: ___________

Pipe Material: Corrosion Allowance: ___________ Actual Pipe sch./thickness: ___________

Process Fluid: ______________________________

Fluid Flow velocity: ft/s Liquid ( ) Gas/vapor ( )

Operating Pressure: psig Temperature:_____________ deg F

Test Requirements for Weldment:

NDE required ( )Root pass dye check ( )Final pass dye check ( ) Radiography ( ) Ultrasonic
( )Hydrostatic test @ psig ( )Pneumatic test @ psig ( ) Test Medium ___________
( ) Shear Wave

( ) Y ( ) N ( ) n/a Does this job fully comply with the Site Hot Tap/Stopple Procedure?

( ) Y ( ) N ( ) n/a Are approved welding procedures included with the Hot Tap/Stopple Document Package?

( ) Y ( ) N ( ) n/a Does the new installation fully comply with Site Piping Standards and/or approved deviations?

( ) Y ( ) N ( ) n/a Has the Hot Tap location been clearly marked in the field and the pipe cleaned to bare metal?

( ) Y ( ) N ( ) n/a Has the added stress loading on the existing pipe and support structure been addressed?

( ) Y ( ) N ( ) n/a Does the Hot Tap/Stopple location allow for sufficient clearance and easy access/egress?

( ) Y ( ) N ( ) n/a Have thickness and dye penetrant (per Section 4.3.3) results been reviewed and determined to be

( ) Y ( ) N ( ) n/a Has the weldment been either selected from Table 1 or approved by Site Engineering?

( ) Y ( ) N ( ) n/a Has Site Engineering confirmed the required flow, and is it available for the Hot Work?

( ) Y ( ) N ( ) n/a Welder is Code Certified?; Welder's Name:


Maintenance/Construction Representative
Print Name:
Signature: Date:

TES Manager or Designee

Print Name:
Signature: Date:

Safety Department Manager or Designee

Print Name:
Signature: Date:

A hot work permit CANNOT be issued if Sections 1 & 2 are not signed and/or there are any “No” answers.
10:05 am 08/29/2014
SECTION 2 (Owner Approval) Hot Tap Checklist Form A
To be completed by the Job Coordinator Prior to Welding

( ) Y ( ) N ( ) n/a Has a JSA been completed and attached to this form?

( ) Y ( ) N ( ) n/a Does the JSA address the risks associated with losing a coupon or introducing metal

( ) Y ( ) N ( ) n/a Does the JSA denote measures taken to reduce the risk of burn through, and provide
a contingency plan in the event of burn through?

( ) Y ( ) N ( ) n/a Will radio communication with the Control Room be available during the execution of
this work?

( ) Y ( ) N ( ) n/a Has a complete Hot Tap/Stopple Document Package been provided to the Operations
Manager or designee?

( ) Y ( ) N ( ) n/a If a stopple is going to be used, does the JSA address measures to be taken if the
stopple fails?

To ensure compliance with OSHA's Lockout/Tag-out Standard under 1910.147, the hot tap must be
justified. The OSHA standard, as proposed, stipulated that hot tap operations would be exempt from the
requirements of the standard if the employer could demonstrate that: (1) Continuity of service is essential;
(2) shutdown of the system is impractical; and (3) documented procedures and special equipment are
utilized which will provide effective protection for employees.

Details of Requirement for continuity of service and/or impracticality of system shutdown:

NOTE: Operation Signatures signify that the Hop Tap location and size are correctly identified, that the risks
of performing a hot tap and the alternatives to a hot tap have been reviewed, and that performing a hot tap is


Operations Manager or Designee

Print Name:
Signature: Date:

Job Coordinator
Print Name:
Signature: Date:

A hot work permit CANNOT be issued if Sections 1 & 2 are not signed and/or there are any “No” answers.


10:05 am 08/29/2014
Hot Tap Checklist Form B

To be completed by the Hot Tap Contractor Prior to Drilling the Coupon

Valve Tested Before Installation? Y ( ) Name of Shop performing Test _______________________________

Pressure Test of branch weld: ( ) Hydro ( ) Pneumatic Test Pressure _________ psig ( ) Passed ( ) Failed
( ) Radiography ( ) Other __________________ ( ) Passed ( ) Failed ( ) n/a
Fluid Flow velocity: miles/hour Liquid ( ) Gas/vapor ( )
Machine support arrangement approved by the TES Engineer? ( ) Y
Machine bit rated for the maximum flow velocity of the process? ( ) Y
Dimensional Checks Completed (see machine dimension sheet)? ( ) Y

Shift Supervisor
Print Name:
Signature: Date:

Maintenance/Construction Representative
Print Name:
Signature: Date:

Job Coordinator
Print Name:
Signature: Date:

Prior to proceeding with the Hot Tap, the above information shall be completed and confirmation of successful test
results provided, and radio communication established with the Control Room

Contractor Hot Tap Checklist:

Hot Tap Machine Used Wt lb Max Working pr psig Test date__________

Boring bar travel set at " Do-not-exceed dimension " to prevent drill through

Coupon holding pins on cutter ( ) Y ( ) N Number ______

Machine bleed off verified: ( ) Y ( ) N

Coupon Retrieved: ( ) Y ( ) N


Hot Tap Contractor Representative

Print Name:
Signature: Date:

Maintenance/Construction Representative
Print Name:
Signature: Date:


10:05 am 08/29/2014
Stopple Checklist Form C

To be completed by the Stopple Contractor Prior to Installing the Stopple

Machine support arrangement approved by the TES Engineer? ( ) Y ( ) N

Stopple o-ring material acceptable for service? ( ) Y ( ) N

Expected o-ring life at process conditions: ____________________

Stopple Machine Used Wt lb Max Working Pressure psig Test date__________

Machine support arrangement approved by the Job Coordinator? ( ) Y ( ) N

Completion Plug to be used ( ) Y ( ) N; If yes, elastomer material: ___________________

If an existing completion plug is to be removed, the integrity of the o-rings must be verified before
starting the job.


Shift Supervisor
Print Name:
Signature: Date:

Maintenance/Construction Representative
Print Name:
Signature: Date:

Stopple Contractor Representative

Print Name:
Signature: Date:

Job Coordinator
Print Name:
Signature: Date:

Prior to proceeding with the Stopple the above information shall be signed off, and radio
communication established with the Control Room


10:05 am 08/29/2014


SIZE " SIZE " RATING lb 'A' MAX " 'B' MIN " 'C' MIN " MODEL lbs
1 All 15 67 28 T-101 50
1-1/4 All 15 67 28 T-101 50
2 1-7/16 All 16 53 28 T-101 50
150 19
3 2-7/16 300 20 54 29 360 250
600 20
150 18 54 29 360 250
4 3-7/16 300 19 54 29 360 250
600 37 (61) 78 (102) 31 660 (760) 700 (900)
150 35 (59) 80 (104)
6 5-15/32 300 34 (58) 80 (104) 31 660 (760) 700 (900)
600 32 (56) 82 (106)
150 32 (56)
8 7-5/16 300 33 (57) 82 (106) 31 660 (760) 700 (900)
600 33 (57)
150 30 (54) 84 (108)
10 9-1/2 300 36 (60) 79 (103) 31 660 (760) 700 (900)
600 29 (53) 85 (109)
150 33 (57)
12 11-1/2 300 34 (58) 82 (106) 31 660 (760) 700 (900)
600 32 (56)
150 35 (59) 80 (104) 31 660 (760) 700 (900)
14 12-3/4 300 60 132 56 1200 3000
600 126 56 1200 3000
150 59 132
16 14-9/16 300 56 135 56 1200 3000
600 60 131
150 56 133
18 15-1/16 300 60 133 56 1200 3000
600 130
150 57 133
20 17 300 130 56 1200 3000
600 56 133
150 53 136
24 21 300 132 56 1200 3000
600 132

- These are dimensions/weights for a typical (Topaz or T D Williams) machine for planning purposes only. These
parameters may vary for a different machine.
- Values given in parentheses are for a heavier and larger machine.


10:05 am 08/29/2014



Tapping Machine E

Hot Tap Machine Used

Pipe OD to face of valve flange (A) "
Machine end to adapter flange (B) "
Machine width (C) ".
Check Clearance to operate machine ( )Y
Valve flange to plug/gate (D) "
Header pipe inside radius (R) "
Header pipe nominal thickness (T) "
Retract boring bar: adapter flange to drill tip (E) " E < D to allow valve to close ( ) Y
Drill tip projection from cutter (F) ". F<R to prevent contact with back of pipe ( )Y.
Boring bar travel - Drill to touch pipe OD (A-E) - = "
Cutter to touch pipe OD (A-E+F) - + = "
To prevent drill from going through other side of pipe:
Do not exceed (A-E+R+T) - + + = "
Only for size-on-size and one size smaller:
Do not exceed (A-E+T+2R) - + +2X = "
Boring bar travel stops set to limit travel to "
Boring bar travel is less than Do-not-exceed dimension ? ( ) Y


10:05 am 08/29/2014

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