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Lesson Plan Template: Objectives/Outcomes (Indicate GCO and SCO) (Indicate SCO in Student Friendly Language)

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TEACHER Ms. McInnis-Hicks

Subject/Class/Course Math
Topic Counting (1-5)/Subitizing
Grade Level Kindergarten Duration 10:20-11:00 (40 min)

Objectives/Outcomes (Indicate GCO and SCO) (Indicate SCO in student friendly language)
GCO: (N) Develop Number Sense.
SCO: N1: Say the number sequence by 1s starting anywhere from 1 to 10 and from 10 to 1. I will be able to count from 1 to 5. I
will be able to count 1 to 5 objects.
N2: Recognize, at a glance, and name familiar arrangements of 1 to 5 objects or dots.

*Prior to class beginning, materials will be set up on tables.

7 min
APK: Cross-curricular with literacy. Show and discuss the daily outcomes with students (on board). Remind them that we are
concentrating on learning numbers to 5.
Read Aloud (to follow them theme of 1-5): Five Black Cats.
As teacher reads the book, stop every few pages and count the cats as a whole class.

Informal/Formative Assessment:
Checklist: Teacher will have a checklist present for the subitizing activity. If student can subitize the number correctly without
counting, they receive a checkmark, if not, they receive an X. *This activity will be done over a number of days to ensure every
student participates and is assessed.

Develop the Instruction

(3 min) Calendar- Show students what day of the week it is (numeral) and ask them to repeat it. Ask the following questions and
pick quiet student to answer, "Today is ______, "Yesterday was _______, "Tomorrow will be ________". Give students hints as to
which letter is the beginning sound in each day of the week. Model the date for students: “Today is Wednesday, October 18th,

(7 min) Counting Seats: Seat 5 students in chairs in front of the class. (1 round)

 As the whole class counts, the seated students stand up one at a time.
 Next, name a number between 1-5 and get that number of students to stand up. (3,2,4, 0)
 C4U: “When do you stand up?”

Transition: “Now boys and girls, we are going to do mingle, mingle. So when I say freeze you have to stop.”

C4U: “What do you do when I say freeze?”

(3 min) Brain Break Mingle-Mingle: Students begin by walking around the room. Teacher says “Freeze. Mingle, mingle, we like to
mingle, put yourselves in a group of....(any number between 1-5).”
(7 min) Subitizing Cards: (Whole class activity) Show students the different ways to represent numbers 1-5 (hand, tallys, dots,
dice, 5 frames, etc.). Teacher will show students different representations of five on subitizing cards; holds one up for 3 seconds,
then hides it and asks what the amount was. Ask whole class first, then individual students. *Can test conservation principle.

(7-10 min) Number BINGO (Independent game)-Teacher begins by modelling activity on the carpet while students sit in a circle
around teacher. Each student is provided with a dice, counters and Bingo game board (which will be on their tables). Students
play by rolling the dice and cover the matching quantity on their game board with a counting chip. *Can test 1 to 1

Remind students:

 If they roll a 6, roll again. *C4U

 Play continues until the entire game board is covered. Then they remove the counters and begin again. *C4U

Attention Getter/Transition: Touch your nose, touch your mouth, hands on your head. Eyes on me and freeze. When I say
unfreeze, I want you to put your counters and dice in the basket, and your sheets in a pile, and sit at your table.” Dismiss students
to carpet by most quiet table.

If Extra Time: Quick Count-Teacher leads activity where students are to do a series of actions 5 times. (slap knees 5 times, touch
nose 5 times, stomp 5 times, tap toe 5 times, etc.). Students and teacher count aloud and copy teacher’s actions.


Counters on table-Teacher places a pile of counters on the center of each table. Teacher names a number from 1-5 and students
must count out the counters and place them in front of them. Teacher will circulate and give a thumbs up to whoever has the
correct amount. Students will then slide counters back to center of table. *1 to 1 correspondence

(3 min) Counting Circle: Students will form a circle on the carpet and pass (Shark puppet or chosen item) around the circle.
Teacher starts off as number one, then passes it to next student. Students continue to count up to 5 (person with the item says
the number and passes it to the next person, who says the next number in sequence). Once we get to 5, we start back at 1 and
count up again. *stable order principle

Materials, Technologies, Safety or Special Considerations

Counters (on each table in trays)
Star Pointer (on ledge of board)
Days of the Week Velcro stickers (on board)
Shark Puppet (blue Math shelf, next to board)
Bingo Board Game (on each table)
Dice (big and small dice-20-on Math shelf)
Subitizing Cards (Math shelf)

Were my students successful in meeting the outcomes and objectives? How do I know? Did my instructional decisions meet the
needs of all students? What could I do to improve the lesson?

Ran out of time to do bingo.

Use different attention getter-“touch your nose, touch your elbow, both hands on your head”. This way students cannot continue
to work, and you will know who is not listening by observing who does not have their hands on their head.
Use intervention for S. She can go on the bike, she can stand on her spot to stretch her legs, she can go for a walk to the office
with a “break” card. Tell her you would like her to deliver a message to the office, and for her to come right back.

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