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Math Topic 3-1

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TCNJ Lesson Plan

Math Topic 3-1 Counting 6 and 7

Student Name: Katie King

Grade Level: Kindergarten

School Name: Boudinot School

Host Teachers Name: Mrs. Babula

Guiding and/or Essential Questions:

How can we use objects to represent numbers?
How do we count to 6 and 7?
How can we use a 5 frame to represent the numbers 6 and 7?
What is one-to-one correspondence?
How does this help us understand how objects represent numbers?
Pre-lesson Assignments and/or Student Prior Knowledge (ex. background knowledge,
possible misconceptions, prior lesson content)
Students have been learning how to write and represent numbers 1 through 5. Students
are able to count to 100 with assistance and recognize numbers from 1 through 10. These lessons
focus on how to represent a number, in order to build one-to- one correspondence, and how to
write the numbers. Some students came in with prior knowledge of these concepts. However,
many students struggle with writing numerals. Students have not learned how to write the
numerals 6 and 7, as this is the following lesson. Students understand the daily math routine of
doing a video, activity, and work mat. Students have homework to review the concepts.
Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality.
When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with one
and only one number name and each number name with one and only one object.
Understand that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted. The number of
objects is the same regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted.
Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and
texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.

Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns speaking
about the topics and texts under discussion).

Learning Objectives and Assessments:

Learning Objectives


Students will use objects to represent and count

to the numbers 6 and 7.

Teacher will assess that students use objects to

represent the numbers 6 and 7. Teacher will
assess that students can demonstrate and
explain that the objects represent the numbers.
Teacher will also assess that students count
correctly to 6 and 7 using the objects. Teacher
will assess based on students verbal
responses, students visual representation of
the numbers using objects, and students work

Students will review how to represent the

numbers 6 and 7.

Teacher will assess students homework


Materials/Resources: (List materials, include any online or book references and resources)
5 frames (16)
Markers (16)
3-1 Work Mats (16)
Plan for set-up/distribution/cleanup of materials:
The Smartboard will be ready to use when we come over to the carpet. If necessary the 5
frames and whiteboard markers for the students will be laid out and ready to pass out. If we use
these, students will return them to the smiley table as they go to their seats to work on the work
mat. The work mat will be next to me and student helpers will pass them out when it is time at
the end of the lesson. Work mats will go in the students cubbies when they are finished.

Step by Step plan (numbered):

1. To begin, we will transition from doing the calendar and counting how many days we
have been in school. We will move to the green carpet by counting our steps. Students are
used to this routine.
2. Next, I will ask the students what they have learned in math recently. I will prompt and
remind them that they have learned how to count to numbers and write numerals from 1





to 5. I will review this by writing the numbers on the board and drawing circles to
represent each number.
Then, I will ask the students what numbers they think come next. They will offer 6 and 7.
Then, I will explain that is it time for the math video. We will go through the video,
which will prompt the students with questions as we go through. The video will show the
students how objects represent the numerals using objects.
Next, I will explain to the students how we can use our star fingers to help us count and
represent different numbers. I will have the student hold up their fingers and count to 6. I
will show the students that 6 fingers represent the number 6. We will repeat the same
thing with the number 7 (If necessary to help the students understand more, I will have
students come up in the front of the class to represent the numbers).
After this I will show the students a 5 frame, as we are building up to using 10 frames
with the children. I will show the students a 5 frame on the Smartboard. If there is time, I
will give the student 5 frames and white board markers as well. I will explain to the
students that now we go outside of the 5 frame. We need another 5 frame to be able show
draw 6 and 7.
After this, students will return to their seats where they will receive their work mat. We
will do the first 2 problems together as a class and then the students will be expected to
complete the last 2 problems on their own.
Closure: When students are finished, they will bring their work mat to me or Mrs.
Babula. We will check them and they will go in their mailbox to go home. Students who
finish early will be asked to read a book from the brown shelf in the library on the carpet
or at their seats. When most students are finished we will move to centers or to pack up
depending on time.

Key Questions (that you will ask):

How many objects are in the picture?
How can we tell how any objects are in the picture?
How can we use these objects to represent a number?
How can we use our bodies to show 6 and 7? Can we use our fingers?
How can we use a 5 frame to show quantities of 6 and 7?
How many slots are in the 5 frame? Is that enough? What do we need to do?
Timing: 1:10-1:45 (35 min)
Review: 2 min
Video: 5 min
Visual Examples: 5 min
5 frames: 5 min
Work Mat: 18 min
Transitions: When students are first coming to sit on the carpet, we will be moving from reading
and the calendar to math. Students will move appropriately and find a piece of tape on the carpet.
After reviewing, students will use their magic Smartboard fingers and we will turn on the video.

Following the video, I will use transition to the other activities by telling the students that there
are other ways to show how to count to 6 and 7. After this, I will use an example work mat on the
board to show the students what they are going to be completing. As student helpers pass the
work mats out to the tables, students will return their 5 frames to the smiley table and return to
their table to begin working. When students are finished with their work mat, they will lined up
to have it checked by Mrs. Ebners desk, which the children do regularly and have practiced
multiple times over the past weeks.
Classroom Management: Children will be sitting on the carpet for the majority of the lesson.
Students will be given reminders of how to sit on the carpet and to make sure they have personal
space by sitting in their own square with criss cross apple sauce legs. Visual cues and finger
signs to remind students to sit correctly and stay on task will also be used. I will remind children
that we need to use inside voices and only respond when appropriate. In order to help students
stay on task, they will all be participating in the activities of the lesson following the video.
Students will be given 2 minutes of free draw time on their 5 frames before we start to encourage
them not to play during the activity. While doing the work mat, students will also be reminded to
stay on task individually and as a group by using different class quiet signals. In addition,
students who need help will be asked to put their hands on top of their head for extra assistance.
Student S, who has difficulty paying attention and with behavior, will be encouraged to
sit on the carpet, as she has been behaving well on the carpet recently and teachers are trying to
assimilate her into the classroom routine. However, if necessary, a teacher will sit next to her
asking her questions about the topics to keep her on task. This has been successful in the past
with helping the student stay on task. If the student is misbehaving or laying down on the carpet,
she will be asked to move so she will be less distracting to the other students. Student M, who
struggles with transitions and is often resistant to doing independent work, will be encouraged
often during the lesson to complete the work on his own. I will check in to make sure he
understands the work as well, as he has shown in the past that he understands the material,
however, he often refuses to do the work. Giving him a time limit or a motivation to be able to
go to labs later on might help the student as well. Student D will be handled similarly, however,
if she misses instruction time due to pull out services, I will explain the material to her
individually. This student also struggles with fine motor skills and may be asked to circle or cross
out answers on her work mat rather than coloring. Student JH struggles with independent work
as well. He seems to question his answers and becomes very frustrated and upset. I will check in
with this student more regularly to encourage him and make sure he understands.
Students who are fidgeting on the carpet during the lesson will be given visual cues from
the teachers, such as eye contact, crossing my fingers, or pointing to my nose, all off which have
been practiced as visual cues to correct student behavior, remind them to sit properly on the
carpet, and stay on task, respectively. Students who cannot sit correctly or are fooling around will
either be asked to sit in a chair next to the carpet or at their tables depending on how many times
their behavior needs to be corrected.

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