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De Lab Manual

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List of Experiments

1. Verification of Logic Gates

2. Arithmetic Circuit- construction and testing using 74xxICs

a. Half adder and Full adder.
b. Half subtractor and Full subtractor.

3. Combinational logic circuit design using 74xxICs.

4. Encoders and Decoders.

5. Multiplexer and Demultiplexer.

6. Study of Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU) using IC 74181.

7. Construction of 1- bit comparator using 74xxICs and study of 4-bit comparator IC 7485.

8. code converters – Binary to gray and Gray to binary.

9. Verification of basic flip flops using 74xxICs and master- slave JK flip-flop using IC 7476

10. Asynchronous counter design and Mod-n counter.

10. 3-Bit synchronous counter design

11. Shift register- SIPO/SISO & PISO/PIPO.

12. Study of RAM.

Demonstration of Electronic Tools:-

The Breadboard

The breadboard consists of two terminal strips and two bus strips (often broken in the centre).
Each bus strip has two rows of contacts. Each of the two rows of contacts is a node. That is, each
contact along a row on a bus strip is connected together (inside the breadboard). Bus strips are
used primarily for power supply connections, but are also used for any node requiring a large
number of connections. Each terminal strip has 60 rows and 5 columns of contacts on each side
of the centre gap. Each row of 5 contacts is a node. You will build your circuits on the terminal
strips by inserting the leads of circuit components into the contact receptacles and making
connections with 22-26 gauge wire. There are wire cutter/strippers and a spool of wire in the lab.
It is a good practice to wire +5V and 0V power supply connections to separate bus strips.

The 5V supply MUST NOT BE EXCEEDED since this will damage the ICs (Integrated circuits)
used during the experiments. Incorrect connection of power to the ICs could result in them
exploding or becoming very hot - with the possible serious injury occurring to the people
working on the experiment! Ensure that the power supply polarity and all components and
connections are correct before switching on power .

Experiment No: 1
Aim: - To realize Basic Logic Gates and Universal Gates.

Apparatus Required: -
Breadboard, Connecting chords, IC 7400, IC 7402, IC 7404, IC 7408, IC 7432, IC
7486, etc.

Procedure: -
a) Turn the power (Trainer Kit) off before you build anything!
b) Make sure the power is off before you build anything!
c) Connect the +5V and ground (GND) leads of the power supply to the power and ground bus strips
on your breadboard.
d) Plug the chips you will be using into the breadboard. Point all the chips in the same direction with
pin 1 at the upper-left corner.
e) Connect +5V and GND pins of each chip to the power and ground bus strips on the breadboard.
f) Select a connection on your schematic and place a piece of hook-up wire between corresponding
pins of the chips on your breadboard. It is better to make the short connections before the longer
ones. Mark each connection on your schematic as you go, so as not to try to make the same
connection again at a later stage.
g) Make the connection as per the diagram for each IC switch on power supply and verify the truth
table one by one for different different values of inputs.

Circuit Diagram:- As circuit connection shown connects all other IC’s and by applying different
input values 0 and 1 verifies the truth table of that particular gate.

Useful IC Pin details

Experiment No: 2
Aim: - To realize half/full adder and half/full subtractor. Using X-OR and basic gates

Apparatus Required: - Breadboard, connecting chords, IC 7486, IC 7432, IC 7408, IC 7400,


Procedure: -

1. Verify the gates.

2. Make the connections as per the circuit diagram.

3. Switch on VCC and apply various combinations of input according to truth table.

4. Note down the output readings for half/full adder and half/full subtractor sum/difference

and the carry/borrow bit for different combinations of inputs.

Circuit Diagram for Half Adder and Full Adder:-

Truth Table:-

Circuit Diagram for Half Subtractor and Full Subtractor:-

Truth Table:-
Conclusion: - The Half adder , half subtractor, full adder and full subtractor has been
Experiment No: 3

Aim: - To verify the truth table of MUX and DEMUX .

Apparatus Required: - Breadboard, connecting chords, IC 74153, IC 74139 etc.

Procedure: - (IC 74153) For Mux

1. The Pin [16] is connected to + Vcc.

2. Pin [8] is connected to ground.

3. The inputs are applied either to ‘A’ input or ‘B’ input.

4. If MUX ‘A’ has to be initialized, Ea is made low and if MUX ‘B’

has to be initialized, Eb is made low.

5. Based on the selection lines one of the inputs will be selected at the

output and thus verify the truth table

Procedure: - (IC 74139) For Demux

1. The inputs are applied to either ‘a’ input or ‘b’ input

2. The demux is activated by making Ea low and Eb low.

3. Verify the truth table .

Conclusion: - The Multiplexer and Demultiplexer has been studied.
Experiment No: 4
Aim: - To convert given binary numbers to gray codes.

Apparatus Required: - Breadboard, connecting chords, IC 7486, etc

Procedure: -

1. The circuit connections are made as shown in fig.

2. Pin (14) is connected to +Vcc and Pin (7) to ground.

3. In the case of binary to gray conversion, the inputs B0, B1, B2 and B3 are given

at respective pins and outputs G0, G1, G2, G3 are taken for all the 16 combinations

of the input.

4. In the case of gray to binary conversion, the inputs G0, G1, G2 and G3 are given at

respective pins and outputs B0, B1, B2, and B3 are taken for all the 16

combinations of inputs.

5. The values of the outputs are tabulated.

Circuit Diagram:-
Truth Table:-

Conclusion: - The binary numbers can be converted to grey codes.

Experiment No: 5

Aim: - To verify the truth table of one bit and four bit comparators using logic Gates and
IC 7485
Apparatus Required: - Breadboard, connecting chords, IC 7486, IC 7404, IC 7408, IC 7485etc.

Procedure: -

1. Verify the gates.

2. Make the connections as per the circuit diagram.

3. Switch on Vcc.

4. Applying i/p and Check for the outputs.

5. The readings of outputs should be tabulated .

Circuit diagram:-

Truth Table:-
Tabular column:-

Conclusion: - Truth table of one bit and four bit comparators using logic Gates and IC 7485has
been verified.
Experiment No: 6
Aim: - Realization of 3-bit Asynchronous counter and Mod-N counter design.

Apparatus Required: - Breadboard, connecting chords, IC 7408, IC 7476, IC 7400, IC 7432 etc.

Procedure: -

1. Connections are made as per circuit diagram.

2. Clock pulses are applied one by one at the clock I/P and the O/P is observed at QA, QB

& QC for IC 7476.

3. Verify the Truth table .

Circuit Diagram:
Conclusion:- 3-bit Asynchronous counter and Mod-N counter design has been studied.
Experiment No: 7
Aim: - Realization of 3-bit synchronous counter design.

Apparatus Required: - Breadboard, connecting chords, IC 7408, IC 7476, IC 7400, IC 7432 etc.

Procedure: -

1. Connections are made as per circuit diagram.

2. Clock pulses are applied one by one at the clock I/P and the O/P is

observed at QA, QB & QC for IC 7476.

3. Verify the Truth table .

Circuit Diagram& Truth table:

Truth table :-

Conclusion:- The truth table has been verified.

Experiment No: 8
Aim:- Truth table verification of Flip-Flops: (i) RS-Type
(ii) D- Type
(iii) T- Type.

Apparatus Required: - Breadboard, connecting chords, IC 7400,IC 7404 etc.

Procedure: -

1. Connections are made as per circuit diagram.

2. Verify the truth table for various combinations of inputs.

Circuit Diagram& Truth table:

i)RS Flip-Flop

Qn /Qn R S Qn+1 /Qn+1

0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 1
1 0 0 1
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 1 1
ii) D Flip-Flop

iii) T Flip-flop
Conclusion:- All the flip flops has been verified.

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