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Advanced Maths Test: Class: VIII

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Advanced Maths Test
Advanced Mathematics Skills Class:
Test CodeVIII
: 1181

Advanced Maths Test (Prelims)

(Test Code: 1181)
Duration : 75 Minutes Max Marks : 75
General Instructions
1. Please collect the Answer Sheets (OMR) from the invigilator.
2. Mention your Test Code, Student ID, Name, Class, Section and School Name
on the OMR Sheet as per Question Paper and Hall Ticket.
3. This question paper contains 75 Questions, duration is 75 minutes.
4. Do rough work in the empty sheet provided along with this question paper.
5. Answer questions in OMR sheet only.
6. Use only Black or Blue Ball Point Pen to answer the question in OMR sheet.
7. Indicate the correct answer by darkening on the 4 or 5 responses provided.
8. After successful completion of the test please submit the OMR answer sheet
to the invigilator.

1 1 4. The sum of two rational numbers is -5, if

1. A rational number between and is?
4 3
one rational number is  , find the
7 2 6
A) B)
24 6 other.

13 24 5 6
C) D) A) B) 
48 7 16 17

2. A rational number can be expressed as

17 17
a termin atin g decimal, if the C)  D) 
8 6
denominator has factors______.

A) 2, 3 5. Which of the following statement is

B) 2, 5
A) Rational numbers excluding zero is
C) 2, 3, 5
closed under division
D) 3, 5
B) Natural numbers are closed under
3. The value of x for which two rational subtraction

3 x C) Integers are closed under addition

numbers and are equivalent is?
7 42 D) Whole numbers are not closed under
A) 10 B) 12

C) 15 D) 18
Eduranet IOF
11. Advanced Mathematics Skills Class: VIII

1 2 10. If the total of four consecutive odd

6. The area a room is 65 m . If its breadth
4 numbers is 64, Then the highest number
7 2
is 5 m , what is its length? A) 17 B) 19
C) 21 D) 23
A) m B) 12m
16 11. A number is 351 is divided into two parts
17 in the ratio 2:7. Then The product of the
C) m D) 16m numbers is?

7. The difference between the largest and A) 12294 B) 21294

C) 24294 D) 28294
5 7 1 2
the smallest of the fractions , , ,
8 12 3 5 12. The present age of Sunitha’s mother is
is four times to the present of her. After six
years the sum of their ages will be 62
5 5
A) B) years. Find present age of Sunitha’s
18 24
24 5
C) D) A) 10 years B) 35 years
5 26
C) 40 years D) 60 years
8. Find out the odd one?
13. In a two digit number, the sum of two
5 1 1 1 30 5 digits is 8. If 8 is added to the number its
,   , ,1
12 2 3 4 72 12 digits are reversed. Find the number.

5 1 1 1 A) 30 B) 35
A) B)  
12 2 3 4
C) 50 D) 80
30 5
C) D) 1 14. A motorboat goes down stream in a river
72 12
and covers the distance between two
9. The denominator of a rational number coastal towns in five hours. It covers this
is greater than its numerator by 3. If 3 is distance upstream in six hours. If the
subtracted from the numerator and 2 is speed of the stream is 2km/hour, find the
added to its numerator, the new number speed of the boat in still water?
1 A) 22kmph B) 20kmph
becomes , then the original number
C) 18kmph D) 16kmph
15. How many prime numbers are there in
5 5
A) B) between 300 and 350?
8 18
A) 5 B) 6
8 5
C) D) C) 7 D) 12
5 12

Eduranet IOF
Advanced Maths Test Test Code : 1181

16. Venkat brought a sofa set for Rs.6250 and 23. Find the greatest 4 digit number which
spent Rs.375 on its repair. Then he sold is a perfect square?
it for Rs.6890. Find his gain or loss
A) 9784
B) 9801
A) 4% loss B) 4% gain
C) 9864
C) 6% loss D) 6% gain
D) 9825
17. If the cost price of 10 greeting cards is
equal to the selling price of 8 greeting 24. A gardener wishes to plant 8289 plants
cards. Find the gain or loss percent? in the form of a square and found that
there were 8 plants left. How many plants
A) 20% loss
were planted in each row?
B) 20% gain
A) 79 B) 81
C) 25% loss
C) 91 D) 83
D) 25% gain
25. If 2 2 2 2 2 . = ?
18. Find the amount of Rs.8000 for 3 years,
compounded annually at 5% per annum.

A) Rs.1261 B) Rs.1621
A) 2 B) 21
C) Rs.1361 D) Rs.1461
19. At what rate of interest per annum will C) 32 . D) none of these
a sum double itself in 8 years?
26. Value of 1  1  1 +……. is
A) 25% B) 6 %
C) 12 % loss D) 10%
A) Equal to 1
20. If A: B = 2:3 and B: C =4: 5 then A: C is
equal to B) lies between 0 and 1

A) 15: 8 B) 12:10 C) lies between 1 and 2

C) 15:10 D) 8: 15 D) greater than 2

21. If x: y = 2:3 and 2: x = 1:2, then the value 27. Which of the following numbers is a
of y is_______? perfect cube?

A) 2 B) 3 A) 74088 B) 13825

C) 6 D) 8 C) 33175 D) 41656

22. If the compound ratio of 5:8 and 3:7 is 28. What is the cube root of 512?
45: x, then x =? A) 32 B) 16
A) 126 B) 138 C) 8 D) 4
C) 168 D) 186

Eduranet IOF
11. Advanced Mathematics Skills Class: VIII

29. What is the smallest number by which 36. The value of 3 3 2  7 3 6  5 3 18 ?

392 may be divided so that the quotient
A) 400 B) 500
is a perfect cube?
C) 545 D) 630
A) 2 B) 6
C) 7 D) 49 37.  3x  3 x 1  81 then the value of x ?
30. If volume of a cube is 3375 cm3, then its
A) 1 B) 3
side measure is?
C) 6 D) 9
A) 5cm B) 15cm

C) 25cm D) 35cm 38. The value of 453  653  203 ?

A) 17500 B) -175500
22001  21999
31. The value of is?
22000  21998 C) 175500 D) 178500

39. If m = 3 and n = 2 then 9m2 -10n3 is?

A) 2 B)
3 A) 0 B) 1

C) 10 D) 21000 + 1 C) -1 D) 2

40. If a+b+c =10 and a 2+b 2+c 2 =36, then

32. Express 27  4 as power with base 3 is?
ab+bc+ca =___?
A) 312 B) 3-13
A) 32 B) 64
C) 3-12 D) 3-7
C) 68 D) 136
1 1
33. The value of  is? 41. The solution of the equation
1  x m 1  xm
x(2x+3) – 2x (x-5) = 6 is?
A) 0 B) 1
C) xm D) –1 A) 3 B)

1 1 4 3
34. If x = 1, y = 2 then y
 x =? C)  D)
x y 3 4

42. The degree of the polynomial

A) 1 B) 5x3 + 6x3y2 – 7y2is:
A) 2 B) 3
3 2
C) D)
2 3 C) 5 D) 8

35. Value of (8.6)2 – (1.4) 2 =? 43. If quotient = 3x2 -2x +1, remainder = 2x -
5 and divisor = x+2, then dividend =?
A) 72 B) 70.5
A) 3x3-4x2+x-3 B) 3x3-4x2-x+3
C) 10 D) 7.5
C) 3x3+4x2-x+3 D) 3x3+4x2-x-3

Eduranet IOF
Advanced Maths Test Test Code : 1181
44. A factor of x3-1 is? 51. The area of a trapezium is 1586 cm2 and
the distance between the parallel sides
A) x2-1 B) x+1
is 26cm. If one of the parallel sides is
C) both A and B D) x2+x+1 84cm, then the measure of other side is?
45. Factors of 25(x + y)2 – 36(x - 2y)2 ? A) 30 cm B) 38 cm
A) (5x -7y)(5x+7y) C) 42cm D) 48cm
B) (15x -17y)(5x+7y) 52. Find the area of a regular hexagon, each
C) (11x -7y)(17y-x) of its side measure is 6cm.

D) (11x +7y)( x+17y) A) 92.53

46. One of the factors of 4x2 –y2 +6y – 9 is? B) 82.53

A) (2x –y–3) B) (2x +y –3) C) 62.53

C) (–2x +y–3) D) (2x –y +6) D) 29.53

47. Four angles of a quadrilateral are in the 53. If the circumference of a circle is 22cm,
ratio 3:5:7:9, then the least angle is then the area is?

A) 45° B) 60° A) 12.25

C) 75° D) 90° B) 21.24

48. The ratio of two sides of a parallelogram C) 32.5

is 4:3, it its perimeter is 56cm, then the D) 38.5
length of small side is?
54. From the following figure, find the area
A) 10cm B) 12cm of shaded region.
C) 14cm D) 16cm

49. The diagonals intersect at right angles

in a__________

A) Parallelogram

B) Trapezium

C) rectangle

D) Rhombus

50. If the measure of a side and diagonal A) 92.25

are given, which of the following
quadrilateral can construct? B) 94.5

C) 96.25
A) Rectangle B) Square
D) 98.5
C) Trapezium D) Rhombus

Eduranet IOF
11. Advanced Mathematics Skills Class: VIII

55. If each side of a rectangle is increased 62. Name of the polygon with 12 sides
by 50%, then its area is increased by? A) 2-Decagon
A) 50% B) 56% B) Bi - Decagon
C) 125% D) 150% C) Do -decagon
56. The diagonal of a square is doubled D) Un-decagon
then the area of the square becomes?
63. Vertical and horizontal cross section of
A) 2 times B) 4 times a right circular cyl inder alw ays
C) 6 times D) 16 times represents_____?

57. A quadrilateral is a cyclic quadrilateral if A) Rectangle, Square

A) Its vertices lie on the circumference of B) Square, Circle

the circle C) Rectangle, Ellipse
B) One of its vertex lie on the circumference D) Rectangle, Circle
C) Most of its vertices lie on the 64. pie- chart consists of
A) Triangles B) Squares
D) Its vertices lie inside the circle
C) Sectors D) Rectangles
58. A rectangle polygon is inscribed in a
65. The point (3, 0) is lies on?
circle. If its each side subtends an angle
of 30° at the center of the circle, find the A) Positive x -axis
number of sides of the polygon.
B) Positive y-axis
A) 2 B) 4
C) Negative x-axis
C) 6 D) 12
D) Negative y-axis
59. In the following which is suitable for a
66. Euler’s formula for any polyhedron,
concave polygon?.
where F is the number of faces, V stands
A) 90° for number of vertices and E stands for
number of edges?
B) 180°
A) F + V + E =2
C) more than 180°
B) F –V +E =2
D) more than 270°
C) F + V – E =2
60. Three dimensional figure formed by
rotating a triangle is D) F –V – E =2

A) Sphere B) Cone 67. Two cylinders of same volume have

heights in the ratio 1:3, then the ratio of
C) Prism D) cube
radii is?
61. Number of edges a square pyramid has?
A) 2 :1 B) 3 :1
A) 3 B) 6

C) 8 D) none of these C) 5 :1 D) 2 : 5

Eduranet IOF
Advanced Maths Test Test Code : 1181
68. Two cubes have volume in the ratio 1:27,
72. What is the major expenditure?
the ratio of the area of the face of one
to that of the other is? A) Food B) Taxes

A) 1:3 B) 1:6 C) Housing D) other stuff

C) 1:9 D) 1:18 73. How much percentage will he use for

69. What is the probability of choosing a
vowel from the alphabet? A) 6% B) 8%

C) 10% D) 12%
5 21
A) B)
26 26 74. What is the ratio between Entertainment
and Food?
C) D) 5 A) 1:2 B) 2:3

70. A die is thrown, the probability that the C) 3:4 D) 1:3

number comes up is even? 75. How much taxes are more than savings?

1 1 A) 8 % B) 10%
A) B)
5 4 C) 12% D) 20%
1 1
C) D)
3 2

(71-75) Directions: The following pie- chart

explains Mr. Pavan expenditure in a year. Read
the pie-chart carefully and answer the following

71. Which of the follo wing is least


A) Insurance B) Entertainment

C) Housing D) utilities

Eduranet IOF
11. Advanced Mathematics Skills Class: VIII

Eduranet IOF

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