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- ©@ POWERED BY COBUILD Md Ue Grammar Over 200 exercises to improve your English grammar Collins HarperCollins Publishers 77-85 Fulham Palace Road Hammersmith London W6 8/8 First edition 2013 Reprint 109876543210 © HarperCollins Publishers 2013 ISBN 978-0-00-749967-0 Collins* isa registered trademark of HarperCollins Publishers Limited wonw.collinseiticom A catalogue record for this book is aveilable from the British Library ‘Typeset in India by Aptara Printed in Italy by LEGO SpA, Lavis, (Trento) All rights reserved, No part ofthis book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the ] prior permission in writing of the Publisher. This book is sold subject to the conditions that it shall not, by | way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hited out or otherwise circulated without the Publisher's ptior Consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which itis published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. HarperCollins does not warrant that or any other website mentioned in this title will be provided uninterrupted, that any website will be error free, that defects will be corrected, or that the website or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or bugs, For full terms and conditions please refer to the site terms provided on the website Language Tesina oS The material in this book has been written by a team from Language Testing 123, a UK-based consultancy ‘hat specializes in English language assessment and materials. The units are by Liz Gallivan and have been based on material from the Collins Corpus and the Collins COBUILD reference range. Contents Introduction n 12 13 Is this the right book for m What does this book contain? I'm a student: how can | use this book? Study tips Iwant to improve my grammar ima teacher: how can | use this book with my classes? Lesson plan Adjectives (1) Using prepositions to change the meanings of adjectives Adjectives (2) Using adjectives before and after nouns Adjectives (3) Forming adjectives from participles (adjective/noun/ adverb + -ing / ed participle) Adjectives and adverbs Adjectives and adverbs with different forms and meanings Possessive adjectives Using possessive adjectives and pronouns before -ing participles those + participle adjectives Using -ing and -ed adjectives with those, and in relative clauses Relative clauses Whom and which Conditionals Using conditionals to express formality (conditional + if-+ should | conditional + if + were to | inversion of conditionals) Ways of using as and though Using it as an object in sentences it+ adjective/noun + clause it-+ person/institution + to-infinitive Using comparative structures for cause and effect The sooner, the better (the + a comparative adjective, adverb or noun, the + a comparative adjective, adverb or noun or verb) Using -ing clauses after certain verbs verb + object + -ing clause Focusing sentences (1) Using it (ts food that he wants) wonanuun 10 4 18 24 28 31 34 38 41 47 50 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Focusing sentences (2) Using what (What you need is a doctor) Using to-infinitive clauses as subject/object Using negatives with reporting verbs think, expect, believe and seem Passives (1) Using passives when the active verb has two objects (be + -ed participle) Passives (2) Using passive -ing and to forms (be + -ed participle | be + being + -ed participle | -ing form + -ed participle) Future perfect Making predictions about the future (will / should + have + -ed participle | will / should + have been + -ing participle) Should and the subjunctive Using reported clauses with and without modals Avoiding repetition by omitting to-infinitives Politeness Using past forms and wonder and hope to express politeness Sentence connectors and conjunctions Which, whose, how much and how many Asking questions about things outside the main clause Phrasal verbs (1) Two-word phrasal and prepositional verbs Phrasal verbs (2) Three-word phrasal and prepositional verbs Inversion (1) Inversion after so + adjective, such + be, neither and nor Inversion (2) Inversion after negative adverbials Inversion (3) Inversion after as and than Inversion (4) Inversion after adverbials of place Answer key 67 72 75 78 81 85 92 96 100 103 106 109 2 5 Introduction Welcome to Work on your Grammar — Advanced (C1) Is this the right book for me? This book, Work on your Grammar - Advanced (C1), helps students to learn and practise English ‘grammar at CEF level C1. This book is suitable for you to use if you are at CEF level C1, or just below. So, what is CEF level C1? Well, there are six Common European Framework levels. They go up from A1 for beginners, A2, 81, 82, C1 and finally C2 If the description below sounds like you, then this is probably the right book for you. If not, ‘choose Work on your Grammar - Upper Intermediate (B2) (below this level). © I can understand a wide range of texts and | can follow what almost everyone says, whether directly to me or on the TV and so on ® I can express my feelings, opinions and ideas quite fluently. © I can adjust to different situations in using English, for example from academic to work- based to social situations. ‘© When I write or speak, I can use a range of different grammatical structures and patterns. © I'm aware that there are gaps in my knowledge and | make mistakes from time to time. What does this book contain? This book contains 30 units to help you learn and practise important grammar for this Advanced (C1) level. Each unit explains the grammar point and then there is a series of exercises that gives you useful practice in this particular area, The exercises are there to help you really understand the grammar point and how to use it correctly. There are different types of exercise. This helps you to see different aspects of the grammar, and it means you have a range of practice todo. ‘The answers to all the exercises are at the back of the book. Remember! boxes highlight important information about the grammar points, soit is a good idea to read them and think about them, I'ma student: how can | use this book? You can use this book in different ways. t depends on your needs, and the time that you have. @ Ifyou have a teacher, he or she may give you some advice about using the book. © Ifyou are working alone, you may decide to study the complete book from beginning to ‘end, starting with unit 11 and working your way through to the end. @ You might find that itis better to choose which units you need to study first, which might not be the first units in the book. Take control of what you learn and choose the units you feel are the most important for you. © You may also decide to use the book for reference when you are not sure about a particular grammar point. © You can find what you want to learn about by looking at the Contents page. © Please note that, if you do not understand something in one unit, you may need to study a unit earlier in the book, which will give you more information. Study tips 1. Read the aim and introduction to the unit carefully. 2 Read the explanation, Sometimes there is a short text or dialogue; sometimes there are tables of information; sometimes there are examples with notes. These are to help you understand the most important information about this grammar point. 3. Don’t read the explanation too quickly: spend time trying to understand it as well as you can. If you don’t understand, read it again more slowly. 4 Do the exercises. Don't do them too quickly: think carefully about the answers. If you don't feel sure, look at the explanation again. Write your answers in pencil, of, even better, on a separate piece of paper. (This means that you can do the exercises again later) 5 Check your answers to the exercises using the Answer key at the back of the book. 6 Ifyou get every answer correct, congratulations! Don’t worry if you make some mistakes. Studying your mistakes is an important part of learning. 7 Look carefully at each mistake: can you now see why the correct answer is what it is? 8 Read the explanation again to help you understand. 9 Finally, ifthe unit includes a Remember! box, then try really hard to remember what it says, It contains a special piece of information about the grammar point, 10 Always return: come back and do the unit’s exercises again a few days later. This helps you to keep the information in your head for longer. | Introduction ‘Make it real: It's probably easier to remember examples than it is to remember rules. Often, it's better to try to leatn the examples of the grammar, not the explanations themselves. For example, rather than memorizing 'You can use the present simple to talk about the future; you should learn’My holiday starts on Monday’ ‘Make it personal: When you're learning a new structure or function, try to write some ‘examples about yourself or people or places you know. It’s easier to remember sentences ‘about your past than someone else's! For example, ‘'m studying art this year’ Look out: Everything you read or hear in English may contain some examples of the new ‘grammar you're learning. Try to notice these examples, Also, try to write down some of these examples, so that you can learn them, Everywhere you go: Take your notebook with you. Use spare moments, such as when you're waiting for a friend to arrive, Read through your notes. Try to repeat things from memory. ‘A few minutes here and there adds up to a useful learning system. Take it further: Don't just learn the examples in the book. Keep making your own examples, and learning those. Don't stop: It's really important to keep learning. f you don't keep practising, you won't remember for very long, Practise the new grammar today, tomorrow, the next day, a week later and a month later. Iwant to improve my grammar Good! Only using one book won't be enough to really make your grammar improve. The most important thing is you! Of course, you need to have a paper or electronic notebook. Try these six techniques for getting the best from it. Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) Introduction ma teacher: how can | use this book with my classes? better, on a separate piece of paper. (This means that they can do the exercises again r later.) Fae ee cuortforReterenceEngish Pie teSuesh Counc Core, _7_Checkthelranserst the exis using the Answer key athe backof the book iageneiotenwcanna crys and material created for Collis COBUILD English Grammar, Collins Discuss the questions and problems they have. COBUILD Pocket. English Grammar and Collins COBUILD English Usage. As such, it represents a 8 If the unit includes a Remember! box, then tell students to try really hard to remember Useful body of knowledge for students to acquire at this level, The language used is designed to ‘what it says. It contains a special piece of information about the grammar point. be of effective general relevance and interest to any learner aged 14+. 9 Depending on your class and the time available, there are different ways you could The exercises use a range of types to engage with students and to usefully practise what they extend the learning. If one of the exercises is in the form of an email, you could ask your have learnt from the explanation pages. There are a lot of exercises in each unit so it is not students to write a reply to it. If the exercises are using spoken language, then you can ith | necessary for students to do all the exercises at one sitting. Rather, you may wish to return in ask students to practise these as bits of conversation. They can re-write the exercises wi later sessions to complete the remaining exercises. sentences that are about themselves and each other. Maybe pairs of students can write an exercise of their own together and these can be distributed around the class. Maybe they The book will be a valuable self-study resource for students studying on their own, You can also can write short stories or dialogues including the focus language and perform these to integrate it into your teaching. the class. The explanations and exercises, while designed for self-study, can be easily adapted by you to 10 Discuss with the class what notes they should make about the language in the unit. Provide useful interactive work for your students in class. Encourage them to make effective notes, perhaps demonstrating this on the board for it class. You can use the units in the book to extend, back up or consolidate language work you are them, and/or sharing different ideas from th ; sew doing in class. The Contents will help you choose which units are most appropriate. 11. Always return: come back and repeat at least some of the unit's exercises again a few days later. This helps your students to keep the information in their heads for longer. You may also find that you recommend certain units to students who are experiencing particular difficulty with specific language areas. Alternatively, you may use various units in the book as an aid to revision. Lesson plan 1. Read the aim and introduction to the unit carefully: is it what you want your students to focus on? Make sure the students understand it. 2 Go through the explanation with your students. You may read it aloud to them, or ask them to read it silently to themselves, With a confident class, you could ask them to read some of it aloud. 3 If there is a dialogue, you could ask students to perform it. If there is a text, you could extend it in some way that makes it particularly relevant to your students. Certainly, you should provide a pronunciation model of focus language. ‘4 Take time over the explanation page, and check students’ understanding using concept- checking questions. The questions will vary according to content, but they may be based ‘on checking the time in verb tenses. For example, with the sentence, She came on the train that got here yesterday’ you could ask, When did she arrive?’ This might elicit the Correct answer ‘yesterday’ and the incorrect answer ‘tomorrow, and you would know if your students understood the meaning of the past simple verb. Or you could ask, ‘Where is she now?’ and correct answers would include ‘here’ while incorrect answers would include‘on the train; 5 Perhaps do the first exercise together with the class. Don't do it too quickly: encourage students to think carefully about the answers. f they don't feel sure, look together at the explanation again, 6 Now get students to do the other exercises, They can work alone, or perhaps in pairs, discussing the answers. This will Involve useful speaking practice and also more careful Consideration of the information. Tell students to write their answers in pencil, or, even Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) | Adjectives (1) Using prepositions to change the meanings of adjectives In this unit you learn to use the right prepositions to change the meanings of the adjectives | they fallow NSOMNWAA WEIGH EAA NNT SSONAOAAAANOOAN Using the correct preposition Some adjectives can be followed by a number of prepositions but the meaning changes depending on the choice of preposition. Look at the word good and six different prepositions that it can be followed by: Do you know anyone who good at mending bikes? Mum was really good about the broken vase. She didn't get upset with me. Ishould eat more fruit because I know its good for me. Tm not good with crowds. They make me anxious. Ie was good of you to babysit last night. Thank you! I’ve been so good to you, and you give me nothing back. Here are some more adjectives that can be followed by different prepositions. Read the example sentences so that you can see the differences in meaning. Adjective | Preposition | Example accountable for ‘know what 'm doing and tm accountable for my own choices! | to ‘The administrative assistants are accountable to the head ofthe department. atraid of Have you always been afraid of fying? i for “was realy fra for your safety. Sling ina storm is dangerous! bod about eet realy bad about forgetting Anna's birthday. | at____ Ive always been bad at spelling — if ‘for Everyone knows smoking is bad for your health } with im so bad with numbers. Maths has always been my weakest subject. | fvghtened of |e tightened of heights, That why het never go mountain climbing. | | by Horror movies don't usually bother me but | was rally frightened by | | that film. sled lof Its great that can give you ft il be glad ofthe company about [He was realy glad about his exam results, for | Youwon the competition imo glad for you. - happy [at She was happy at the idea of living in a new village. - for ___| That’ fantastic news! m so happy for you both wah [Ietooka long time to ix, bute’ very happy with the repatc | | rice about ‘expected you to be far more angry with me. Thank you for being so nice bout it of twas nice of him to take the time to talk to me, to Hike people who are nice to me. _ 10 Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) UNIT 1 Adjectives (1) [responsible [fr 7d ain esponslble for considerable damage to the envionment. | t© ‘The government is responsible to the National Assembly which has the | poner tore tou oie sony, | about {im really sorry about your mothers death. for | do feel abit sorry for her sometimes, although I'm sure she could make more ofan effort. [upset iby He was obviously quite upset by the remark. | | (for ‘We were really upset for Pablo, What bed luck to get an injury just ashe was | establishing himself inthe team! | I over Martha got upset over something | said on Thursday evening. | Exercise 1 Choose the correct word, as shown. 1 You looked so pale and drawn, my love. | felt so sorryfopy about you 2. Amy's a really good friend and | know | offended her. I don't feel very good about /or it. 3. You don't have to thank me. | was just glad of / for the chance to return a favour. 4 I thought | could trust Sebastian. 'm disappointed in / at him. 5 | just don't want Grace to get hurt. 'm afraid of / for her because she doesn’t seem to realize the risk she’s taking. 6 I can remember names but I'm really bad for / at remembering faces. Exercise 2 Are the highlighted words correct or incorrect in this text? HiGemmat twas fun last night, wasn't it, even if it was a bit chilly in the garden? (We were really glad ‘of our sweaters!) It was really good *for () you to help out when Jamie got so upset "over L] the dog last night - thank you so much! Poor Jamie has always been a bit anxious ‘around C) dogs. | don't know why he's frightened ‘about () them. As far as know, he's never had a bad experience with one. Is Joe OK this morning, btw? He looked so ill last night | felt a bit “for Q him, standing out there in the cold. sorry Ooh, Jamie's calling ~ better go! Love Louisa 0% Exercise 3 Complete the sentences by writing one word in each gap, as shown. 1 It’ really good of. you to help us out at such short notice. We do appreciate it 2 I know sugar’s not good me, but I'm kind of addicted to it. 3 My parents were really good me when | was short of money. I'l never forget their generosity. 4 The thing is, | know | hurt her when | ended the relationship and | don't feel very good that. 5 Tom, are you any good sewing? 6 Al's so good children. It just comes naturally to him. Exercise 4 For each sentence, tick the correct ending, as shown. 1 If something that you hoped would happen does not happen, you are Q disappointed in it. A disappointed about it. 2 If you are kind to someone when they are unhappy or ill, you are QO good for them. Q good to them. 3 If something frightens you, you are Qatraid for it. Qafraid of it. 4 Ifyou are grateful for having something, you are Ooglad of it. Oglad for it. 5 If you can be blamed for something bad that has happened, you are Oresponsible to it. Qresponsible for it. Exercise 5 ‘Match the two parts, as shown, 1 Weare responsible individuals and can be held, accountable for 2 We were slightly disappointed at 3. Olga’s always been terribly afraid of a spiders. bb your dog having cancer. © explaining complex concepts 4 Apparently, sitting all day is really bad for simply. d the lack of facilities when we 5 Melissa would make a great teacher. She's so arrived at the campsite. good at @ the spine. 6 We're so sorry about allouractions. 12 Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) UNIT 1 Adjectives (1) Exercise 6 Are the highlighted words correct or incorrect in the sentences? 1 [felt responsible for Zf all the offence that was caused. 2 Anyway, I've done all the work that needs to be done this week and I’m feeling really good about Dit. 3 Don'task me to bake a cake. I'm really bad with Q) cooking! 4 I'm so sorry with Q) the noise we made last night. It was really thoughtless of us. 5 | thought Michael was a good friend. I'm afraid I'm a bit disappointed in Q) him. 6 The Government is responsible to Q) parliament. Exercise 7 For each sentence, tick the correct ending. 1 Pedro has done a very small repair on my bike, QO but he’s not very happy for it. Q but he’s not very happy with it. i but he’s not very happy at it. 2 Maria has broken Paul’s MP3 player and he’s very upset about it. Q and he's very upset for it. and he’s very upset with it. 3. My mother was very angry when she got home, (and demanded to know who was responsible with the mess. Q and demanded to know who was responsible to the mess. Q1and demanded to know who was responsible for the mess. 4 Felicity cannot seem to get a job Q and t feel really sorry for her. Q and | fee! really sorry with her. Qand | feel really sorry about her. 5 When Jamil saw his friends after his father's death Q everyone was very nice of him. Qeveryone was very nice to him. Q everyone was very nice about him. | Adjectives (2) Using adjectives before and after nouns In this unit you learn that some adjectives can only be used before a noun, while others are used after nouns. SSAA Koon AHAAAAAATGHANY SHANE Adjectives that do not come before nouns When used with a particular meaning, some adjectives are normally used only after linking verbs like be. They are not used before nouns. You say The boy was asleep, NOT an-asieep-boy, and you say The plant was still alive, NOT an-alive plant. ‘The following adjectives are normally used only after linking verbs, alive awake hurt il asleep ready alight sorry ashamed sure glad well alone alike afraid Remember! Putting an adjective after a linking verb has the effect of focusing attention on the adjective. Fortunately, there are other adjectives with similar meanings that you can use before the noun: alive and living Iwas the only living person in 100 miles. asleep and sleeping The sleeping boy woke up when the door opened. hurt and injured The injured animal ran away. alike and similar Thave a similar coat to that one. 14 Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) UNIT 2 Adjectives (2) Other adjectives with similar meanings include: afraid and frightened alight and burning jone and solitary glad and happy Adjectives with different meanings before or after the noun ‘There are a few adjectives that have a different meaning depending on whether they come before the noun or after it. responsible A responsible person would take charge ofthe situation and sort it out! The person responsible for this terrible thing should be punished. present The present students are not so hard working, unlike last year’ group. 12 like to say ‘welcome’ to all the students present at this meeting. concerned ‘here area lot of extremely concerned people who are worried about the damage that this will do. ‘Much to the relief ofthe families, the four people concerned were located. named ‘The investigation found that the named individuals and firms colluded to decide who would win contracts. The certificate is issued to the individual named below and must be returned before May 20. Proper Why don’t you enrol in the University and take a proper course? Applicants may be required to complete a period of preliminary study before they are admitted to the diploma course proper. | involved To choose between so many top-class designs has, inevitably, meant a very long and involved process. With the help of demonstrators, you can see the process involved in producing a finished piece of jewellery Adjectives that you can use after a noun There are some adjectives that you can use after a noun when the noun has a superlative or first, last, only, every or any before it. ‘Mrs Morgan is the only teacher available to take the class. ‘That's the best result possible! Tve got every book written on the subject. He wrote the most beautiful poetry imaginable. | Exercise 1 For each sentence, tick the correct ending. 1 She would never forget the afraid faces of the children as they clung to their parents. O frightened faces of the children as they clung to their parents. 2 Toher surprise, in the back of the car she saw OQ two sleeping babies. O two asleep babies. 3 The couples whose relationships endured were very compatible, with O similar outlooks on life. Qalike outlooks on life. 4 In dramatic scenes last night, three men were rescued from the O burning building. Qiatight building. 5 Inthe distance, she spied Qa solitary figure. Qian alone figure. Exercise 2 Are the highlighted words correct or incorrect in the sentences? 1 According to the poll, Rickman is the 19th greatest living Q film star. 4 The injured Q soldiers were transferred to Rafah Central Hospital. 5 It was such a delight to see the children’s happy O) faces. Exercise 3 Match the sentence halves. tackling a marathon Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) 2 With no alive (] relatives, and few surviving friends, Maggie is sometimes very lonely. 3 Paramedics arrived within minutes and took the hurt ) passengers to Queen Anne Hospital. 6 So here's the question on every parent's lips: what does it take to raise glad Q) children? 1 Ever since the vaccine was approved 2 without proper training. more than a decade ago, 2 According to three of the people b tothe present day. 3 No information about named ¢ before the first round proper involving individuals is given to third parties the Premier League clubs. 4 The book outlines the history of the d without written consent from the region from the seventeenth century individuals concerned. 5 The Cup begins with two preliminary € present at the meeting, the biggest rounds topic of conversation was staffing level 6 I wouldn't ever recommend anybody f concerned parents have been questioning its use. UNIT 2 Adjectives (2) Exercise 4 (Which sentences are correct? ‘4 pages 4 and 5 contain information about the involved people in the transatlantic slave trade. nw |2 The putting together of classes is, as 'm sure you'll appreciate, a very involved process for our teachers. a 3 They were her parents and thus the ones responsible for her care and wellbeing. a 4 So are teenagers capable of being responsible parents? Qa 5 This morning we look at the origins of the present crisis in the region, Qa ‘6 If there are any present people when the officer arrives at the crime scene, he or she will detain them, a Exercise 5 Match the two parts. 1 the present candidates |2. the candidates present 3 concerned patients € patients who are worried 4 the patients concerned a patients affected by something b doctors who can be trusted the doctors in charge of something or the doctors who did a particular thing 5 an involved process @ acomplicated process 6 the process involved f people who are candidates now 7 the doctors responsible candidates who are at an event 18 responsible doctors hh the process that is a part of something ‘Exercise 6 | Complete the sentences by writing one phrase in each gap. 1 Krystal was only five years old and had suffered some of the imaginable for a child that age. 2 She got a total of 86, which is the ____possible. 3 We resorted to burgers because it was the available. 4 Seconds before impact, the doomed plane made a desperate call. 5 This advance payment shall be deducted from the —___due, in accordance with paragraph 12. 6 The Vina package is the —___in any way comparable with Jadd’s. conscious in the cockpit of the Adjectives (3) Forming adjectives from participles d participle I adjective/noun/adverb + -ing In this unit you learn to use adjectives formed from -ing and -ed participles, compound adjectives formed from noun/adjective/adverb + participle and also adjectives formed from preposition + participle. SSA HAHAHAHA ANNAN EAN TR AAT TN To: Helen From: Sophie Subject: Nick's boss Hiya Helen Guess what? We had dinner lastnight with Nick’s boss, Al, and his longsuffering wife. (realy don’ row how she pu up with im Alls one of the loudest, most opinionated people I've ever met, ‘though not all bad. When you first meet him, his manner is quite off-putting, but you warm to him a bit as you get to know him. For one thing, he’s very thick-skinned - you can say whatever you lke to him and he's not offended. Aso, he's quite easy-going, Nick, (my absent-minded boyfriend), hhad completely forgotten to buy a gift to take, so we arrived empty-handed, but Al was relly nice about it Also, Nick hadn't warned me that he and All would be wearing smart suits, 50 | did fee alittle bit underdressed in my jeansl! Oh, postman at the door ~ must dash, Speak later Love Sophie Adjectives formed from participles Adjectives formed from the -ed participle Most-ed adjectives have a passive meaning. They show that something has happened or is happening tothe thing being described. She’ a very frightened woman. He had a disappointed expression on his face. We have a long list of satisfied customers. We cannot refuse to teach children the required subjects. Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) UNIT 3 Adjectives (3) “A few -ed adjectives are related to intransitive verbs and have an active meaning. ‘The capsized ship lay at the bottom of the ocean. | She is the daughter of a retired army officer. Police are hunting three dangerous escaped prisoners. She was wearing faded jeans and a T-shirt. ‘Adjectives with the same form as irregular -ed participles that do not end in -ed are also known as-ed adjectives. Was it a broken bone or a torn ligament? He had a a black eye and a swollen mouth. ‘The country road was blocked by a fallen tree. Adjectives formed from the -ing participle S88 Some -ing adjectives describe the effect that something has on your feelings and ideas, or on the feelings and ideas of people in general. They can be used with words like very and rather and have comparatives and superlatives. ‘There has been an alarming rise in accidents on this road. Thad a very amusing evening. ‘The whole experience is still rather disturbing. She spoke in a low voice that was far more frightening than a shout. He is the most annoying man I have ever met. | Other -ing adjectives are used to describe a process or state that continues over a period of time. They are net used with words like very and rather but can often be modified by adverbs that describe the speed with which the process happens. The rock band had a fast-growing number of fans. When 1 am driving in a car, I get very frustrated by slow-moving traffic. First time buyers are finding it difficult to keep up with rapidly-rising prices. Adjectives formed from noun/adjective/adverb + participle Compound adjectives are made up of two or more words. ‘These include: adjective or adverb + -ed participle low-paid, well-behaved She went into her store, but came back empty-handed. Iwas in a light-hearted mood. A well-balanced diet includes all the necessary vitamins and supplements you are likely to need, adjective, adverb or noun + -ing participle s00d-looking, long-lasting, man-eating There was no denying that Marta was quite a nice-looking girl. Their behaviour had made them feared in the community, not least by their long-suffering neighbour. He hung by one hand from his parachute strap in a death-defying stunt thousands of feet above the ground | noun + -ed participle tongue-tied, wind-swept | He was breathing heavily and looked panic-stricken. ‘The pictures are displayed in a purpose-built modern gallery. There was a row of silver-plated dishes on the hotplate. Adjectives formed from preposition + participle Some adjectives can be made from a preposition and a participle: underdressed, overbearing, underachieving Their gardens were overgrown with weeds and brambles, He looked downcast and nervous. The cake may be slightly underdone in the middle but it should be edible. He was trying to sound casual, but I could hear the underlying tension in his voice. The river was shadowed by overhanging branches. Remember! Compound adjectives are often written with a hyphen when they come before the noun, but without a hyphen when they come after the noun. Exercise 1 Complete the sentences by writing one word in each gap. 1 Iduly made the amendments and sent the publisher. experience. 3 So how will the bottled water industry respond to the from environmentalists worldwide? 4 So, finally, here it is - the much writer, 5 We must take steps to ensure that our our members. 6 ‘You seemed quite friendly towards him yesterday’ she said, in an that | took exception to. 20 Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) 2 I gained a lot of confidence and self-worth from the course and generally found it to be an tide of criticism novel from the bestselling Swedish crime representatives reflect the profile UNIT 3 Adjectives (3) Exercise 2 Rearrange the letters to find words, as shown. Use the definitions to help you. 4 fof-ttupnigd f (describes a quality or feature of something or someone that. makes you dislike them, or not want to get involved with them) 2 banest-denimd __ (describes a person who often forgets things or does not pay attention to what they are doing, often because they are thinking about something else) 3 bael-deidob __ (physically strong and healthy; not disabled) la chitk-der {not easily upset by criticism or unpleasantness) '5 ghilt-raedhet ____(cheerful and happy) 6 nolg-solt __ (describes someone or something that you have not seen for a long time) Exercise 3 For each question, tick the correct answer ‘1 Ifsomeone does not have a present to give a person that they are visiting, how might you describe them? Qempty-hand Qempty-handed Qempty-handing '2 If someone is unable to say anything because they feel shy or nervous, how might you _— describe them? Otongue-ti Qtongue-tied Otongue-tying 3 How would you describe an action that was extremely dangerous? Qdeath-defied Odeath-defying Qdeath-defies 4 How would you describe someone who is so anxious or afraid that they may act without thinking carefully? Opanic-strike Oanic-stricken Opanic-stricking 5 How would you describe someone who patiently puts up with a lot of trouble or unhappiness, especially when it is caused by their husband or wife? Qlong-suffer Olong-suffered Qlong-suffering a Exercise 4 verb in brackets. 1 Ido think it’s possible for a man to wear shorts without looking like an (grow) schoolboy. 2 The school appointed a new member of staff responsible for helping (achieve) children to realize their full potential. 3. I wouldn't go so far as to say he's a bad actor, but I certainly think he’s, (rate). 4 The almost perpetual shadow. 5 If we are to solve the problem of poverty we must first identify the causes. 6 Three waiters had called in sick that evening, so the restaurant was seriously (staff). Exercise 5 Decide if the pairs of sentences have the same meaning, as shown. 1 AI met Sean and his long-suffering wife. 8 I met Sean and his wife, who suffers froma chroniciliness, 2 A Lucy is very insensitive, and very thick-skinned, B Lucy is very insensitive, and she doesn't mind if you criticize her or laugh at her, 3A For once, | found myself tongue-tied. B For once, | found myself prevented by someone else from expressing my real opinion, 4 A [felt underdressed. B I feltas if my clothes were too casual compared with everyone else's, O 5A. That was such an overrated movie. B That movie was nothing like as good as most people said it was, 22 Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) (hang) branches of my neighbour's trees mean that my garden is in (lie) I a UNIT 3 Adjectives (3) Exercise 6 Complete each sentence with an adjective that combines ‘over’ or ‘under’ with a form of the put each sentence into the correct order, as shown. 1 trees. / with / was / track / overhanging / darkened / The The track was darkened with overhanging trees. 2 were cancelled / hospi 1 /./ the / because / Operations / understaffed / was “3 In/,/overrated / the / my / band /./ view /is 4 eat /fish / Never /./ underdone / meat or 5 underdeveloped /./ depend on / Many / grants / countries | 6 The/ was / with / grass / overgrown / path /. | Exercise 7 _ Decide if the pairs of sentences have the same meaning. ” wer orar>ororar We couldn't get past because fallen trees blocked the road. We couldn't get past because overgrown trees blocked the road. Rosa looked very disappointed when she heard that Ben was not coming. Rosa had hoped that Ben was coming, and looked sad to hear that he was not. The film is about the adventures of escaped z00 animals. ‘The film is about the adventures of animals that have managed to get out of the zoo. She had an annoying habit of laughing at all her own jokes. She had an annoyed habit of laughing at all her own jokes. Iwona’ new boyfriend is very good-looking. (4 Iwona’s new boyfriend looks very nice. Jorge felt very nervous, but tried to sound light-hearted. Jorge felt very nervous, but tried not to show it. Q Q Oo Oo UNIT 4 Adjectives and adverbs { Adverbs with two forms and meanings Sometimes, two adverbs are related to the same adjective. One adverb has the same form as the Adjectives and adverbs seiner and the the sored by edna -y rail ith di F ‘There was plenty of room for the children to run free. | Adjectives and adverbs with different forms and meanings Packs of dogs ran freely, barking at the cars. ‘she woke up in the morning feeling fine {In this unit you learn to use adjectives and adverbs that have the same form. You also learn Peel and finely chop the onion. to use adverbs that have two forms and meanings and other adverbs that have different ‘The shirt stretched tight across his chest. L ‘meanings depending on their position in a clause. Her skin stretched too tightly over her cheekbones. “Marcia opened her eyes wide. SHAAHAAAAAAAAAAARAAAASANANAANNNY — Austria is widely regarded as one of the most expensive countries to visit. "Here are some common adverbs that have both these forms: Adjectives and adverbs that have the same form ~ hard) Some adverbs of manner have the same form as adjectives and have similar meanings. clear - clearly hard - hardly He's always listened to loud music. clean - cleanly high - highly The guitarist played too loud for the singer’s voice to be heard. close - closely last — lastly She didn't know what the right answer was. | = dear late - lately These are questions that most children get right. ca deep - deeply right ~ rightly These are the most common ones: direct - directly sharp - sharply direct right 1 casy—easity thick - thickly 7 fost slow fine finely thin — thinly hard solo first ~ firstly tight - tightly late straight free -freely wide - widely loud tight quick wrong Remember! “The -ly adverb often has a different meaning from the adverb with the same form as the adjective. ‘The water was running high. He thought highly of his teacher. She worked hard all year. We could hardly hear him speak Adverbs that have a different meaning from their related adjectives Some -ly adverbs have a different meaning from the meanings of their related adjectives. For ‘example, hardly means not very much or almost not at all and is not used with any of the ‘meanings of the adjective hard. This has been a long hard day. Her bedroom was so small she could hardly move in it. Food was scarce and so was fuel. They could scarcely believe their great good fortune. Here are some adverbs ending in -ly that have a different meaning from the meanings of their related adjectives: barely presently hardly scarcely lately shortly 25 24 — Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) Exercise 1 Decide ifthe pairs of sentences have the same meaning. 1A Would you just give mea direct answer please? Please answer me immediately. Meet me at 12 sharp. Meet me at precisely 12 o'clock. My late grandmother taught me how to bake. My grandmother, who died two years ago, taught me to bake. You're free to do whatever you want this afternoon. This aftemoon's activities are free. a We'e cleanout of slag, mafrald. 5 I'm sorry, but we've no salad left at all x » a wo o> a>ora> Qa o Exercise 2 Which sentences are correct? 1 Fem arrived so lately that her friends had started to worry. 2 The chef chopped the onions and garlic finely before adding them to the hot pan. 3 Our seats were direct in front of the stage so we had a great view of the performers, 4 They arrived at 9 sharp, just as the meeting began. 5 The boy ran past at full speed, close followed by his brother. 6 Right, 've had enough of this. 'm getting out of here. Exercise 3 Choose the correct word. 1 Her eyes were wide / widely open when she was born. 2 He was right / rightly annoyed with me for telling everyone his secret. 3 Hold on tight / tightly, the train is starting to move. 4 Don't worry ~ everything will turn out finely / fine. 5 He held the book close / closely to his chest and refused to let us see it. 6 She didn't speak very clearly / clear and | couldn't tell what she was saying, Exercise 4 Are the highlighted words correct or incorrect in the sentences? 1 Security was very tight O) during the international athletics competition. 2 The kid came right up to me and stuck his tongue out, 3 Itis wide Q) understood that walking here alone at night is best avoided. 4 Ifyou don't look sharply Q) we're going to miss our train. 5 Sara freely O) admits that she was in the wrong, 6 The chewing gum stuck fast Q to the sole of my shoe. 26 Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) UNIT 4 Adjectives and adverbs { Exercise 5 Choose the correct word, as shown. My friend Lyn has been dating a guy for a few weeks, He swept her teeair/ cleanly off her feet at first with romantic meals and flowers, but ‘late / lately he seems to have cut out the extravagant gestures and I've heard him speak quite ’sharp / sharply to her a couple of times, | although he always apologizes “direct / directly afterwards. It doesn't seem “right / rightly to me but maybe I'm being “over / overly sensitive about it. Exercise 6 Choose the correct word. She looked up ‘clearly / freely / sharply as | entered the room. ‘What do you want?’ ‘she - demanded. She was certainly very “direct / right / close, but I'd heard that was her way with | newcomers to the firm.‘ wondered if you could show me how to organize the database?'! asked nervously. ‘Sit down, she ordered. | did as | was told, immediately noticing that her chair ‘was much higher than my own. She turned her gaze “directly / rightly / tightly upon me. Her eyes were a ‘elose / clear / clean, piercing blue, cold and ‘right / fine / sharp like her manner. | ‘ll show you what to do but don't interrupt me while I'm speaking; she said. My new boss was “clearly / freely / lately a woman who didn’t like to waste time on pleasantries. | Exercise 7 For each sentence, tick the correct ending. | 1 Adam had to go to see the headteacher because he had arrived lately to school. O because he had arrived late to school. 2 Aliwasill yesterday, O but today he's feeling fine. O but today he's feeling finely. 3 Ines was so tired Q that she could scarce open her eyes. Q that she could scarcely open her eyes. 4 {hope | am feeling better in time for the wedding, O because | would dearly love to go. O because I would dear love to go. 5. However hard she tried to hit the ball, Q Lara couldn't do it rightly. Q Lara couldn't do it right. 6 Leo did well at school O because he always hardly worked. O because he always worked very hardly. O because he always worked very hard. AAAAOOANNANHIHNY Idd never caught Sita lying to me before. Sita is the person who is caught. She is also the person who is doing the action of lying. The balt hit Alfie in the chest and sent him sprawling to the ground. Although its a few years since my mother died, I can still picture her sitting at the table. The look on Maria's face stopped him saying anything more. J could hear her speaking to someone on the phone. Remember! When the second verb (or auxiliary) isan -ing participle, a possessive adjective is sometimes used in front of it, instead of a pronoun, This is rather formal, He did not like my living in Paris. His having been a Goth when he was a teenager came as a surprise to ‘me, since he was now so conventional. The dog's barking kept me awake all night. Jane’s being unemployed was starting to get me down, Some verbs are used with an object and an -ing participle in a less formal way. ‘She observed James walking down the road, You can use these verbs with an object and an -ing participle: catch keep describe leave feel like find listen to hear notice imagine observe | 28 Work on your Grammar Advanced (Ci) spot pcre . ’ . dj . prevent ° Possessive adjectives te wont | Using possessive adjectives and pronouns before ~ing participles 0 = send In this unit you learn to use a possessive adjective or object pronoun before the present panies participle. Put the correct word in each gap. St Ifyou want to talk about two closely linked actions that are performed by different people, you HiJamie follow the first verb with an object. This object then functions as the subject ofthe second veri ie For example: po 7 , vem Zoe and | met up with Chaz and Luigi last night. They're great fun. | found out loads about Chaz She saw Brian taking her diary. Brian is the person who is seen. He is also the person who is doing the action of taking her diary, ant orphanage in Sri Lanka for a idn’t know. He was telling us that he'd worked at an elep! i fi here : all laughing at his stories. He said the elephants would see na ‘coming towards them with a cleaning brush and they'd take it from him id run away with it. having worked at such a place surprised me — he likes an ; nothing better than to stay at home watching TV! 4 chatting to be getting on better these days. | watched __ sey tke os tends used tbat "Tsteing to her complain about Chaz being boring. | don’t like ° criticizing my friends - you want everyone to get ‘on well, don't you? Anyway, speak soon. Chris Exercise 2 ‘Match the sentence halves. 1 Idon’t mind him 2 They spotted us 3 She watched him 4 It bothers me, 5 Ican't stand you 6 She worries them, Exercise 3 Find the wrong or extra word in each sentence. 1 The baby’s crying kept me up all the night. 2 Kate heard him creeping up beside the stairs. 3 She doesn't mind us being here as long as we're remain quiet. 4 Heidis screaming at the television was getting far on my nerves. 5 Her stealing me the limelight came as no great surprise. 6 I can't bother watch him putting in his contact lenses ~ urgh! ‘a going about his daily chores. b seeing her as long as | don’t have to. € staying out as late as she does. d nagging at me all the time! Please leave me alone. € reading the papers in the café. hearing him talk about his wife in that way. Exercise 4 Put each sentence into the correct order. 1 her/fired /./ having / lowered / been / self-esteem / Her hose + pa rticiple adjectives 2 It/her, /not/ allowed / his /to / iPad / borrow /./ bothered / being Ising -ing and -ed adjectives with those, and in relative clauses 3 didn't / not / away / holiday / going / on / She /./ mind i this unit you learn to use participle adjectives after those. You also learn that you can use participle adjectives in relative clauses. 4 us / driveway / up / watched / coming /They / the /./ but / refused / door / to / the / open HAGE 5 ./Emie / her / at / smiled / him / and / saw / looking 6 a/Julio’s /being/./ t/ impressed / Cindy Exercise 5 ‘Complete the sentences by writing one word in each gap. 1 Her___gone blonde gave me the shock of my life! 2 Itdoesn’t bother seeing Emily ~ its Greg | can't stand. 3 They caught us spying on from the balcony and waved up at us. 4 Idon't you ‘borrowing’ money from my purse ~ just ask me first! 5 He heard __coughing and went to see if she was OK. 6 Them having bought ‘own car at last was a relief to everyone. Using -ing and -ed adjectives with those You can use a clause containing an -ed participle directly after those to show that something or someone has been produced or affected by an action. All those made of paper quickly caught fire. Those written before 1900 are very different in style. Those sent to inpatient care are closely monitored until they are well enough to go home. You can use a clause containing an -ing participle directly after those to show that someone or something is doing something. All those going to London should pay the deposit today. Those containing errors will be returned immediately for correction. Those making today’s deliveries will start loading at 6 a.m. 31 30 Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) UNIT 6 those + participle adjectives 4 Defining relative clauses cercise ing. ‘You can sometimes reduce a defining relative clause to the -ed or -ing participle adjective that pecide if the pairs of sentences have the same meaning, : follows it without changing the meaning. For example: ‘A The chef working in the kitchen offered to show us around his workplace. Id give us a tour of his workplace. The chef who was working in the kitchen said he woul We looked through the papers which were lying on the table. id the field. ‘Ted shouted encouragement to the boys running rouns Sle on well wt ie man ol Be eg our to Tha boys nho wer in thei responded to Teds encouragement by cunning fst, You'll get on well with the man leading your tour. Coral nodded to the woman sitting on the bench, a 8 A B A The decisions that had been made by the directors were very poor. 'B Coral nodded to the woman when she sat down on the bench. A B A 8 The decisions made by the directors were very poor. ‘The research carried out by our team proved to be inconclusive. ‘The research that our team carried out didn’t reach any clear conclusion. Exercise 1 5 A She eyed the last piece of cake lft onthe plate Write the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete each sentence, as shown. r She eyed the last piece of cake remaining on the plate. 1 Allthose __worriea (worry) by the plans had an opportunity to voice their concerns, 2 Allthose __(want) to attend the after-school club should put their names o the list. rcise 5 {t each sentence into the correct order. 3 Allthose (concern) about the new policy should take it up with the Head 4 girl / the sofa / on / Lucy is /./ the / lying of Transport. 4 Allthose ___(wish) to travel to Cairo, please go to Gate B. . were / the wind / by / We / awake / howling / kept / round / the house 5 Allthose _____(intend) to stay for the lecture, please remain seated, 6 All those (affect) by the job cuts will be compensated for their losses. ./ advertised / was / holiday / The / a / great / in the newspaper / bargain Exercise 2 Find the wrong or extra word in each sentence, as shown. 1 All those competitors wo remaining in the room have passed the final test - well done! 2 The men were running away from me must have been the ones who'd stolen my money. 3 | couldn't be bothered to open the book that lying on my bedside table. 4 The boy was playing a game on his phone looked up as | sat down next to him, 5 | approached the man who sitting by the entrance door. 6 All those were surprised by the result of the experiment please raise your hands. a/by /./ complete surprise / delivered / the boy / The message / was 5 under / found / desk / lying /The missing / was /./ cat / my / teaching / person / today / is / fantastic / The / yoga 1 The drama unfolding / unfolded was watched by tourists in the harbour. mere ise 3 ntence hah 2 Alice has a job given / giving guided tours of the city centre to young people, 1e sentence halves. 1 We looked through the papers made by the directors caused allthe problems. > TM® 2s Passed / passing by the new government were welcomed by most people. 2 The decisions b growing in the garden looked beautiful 4 All those not travelling / travelled to Antigua please leave the ship now. / i 5 The man sitting / sat in front of him had a very large head, so Ethan couldn't see the band, 3 You'll get on well with the guide € being prepared smelled delicious. BETES comutton jpg 1 edged by tha amour hoenaropher had some gest prizes, 4 The meal d sitting over there is Mike's sister. 5 The girl leading the tour. 6 The flowers f lying on the table. 32 Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) UNIT 7 Relative clauses e1 nich sentences are correct? | Relative clauses Se torn phone whiten only sng ther bang pled d for most of her life. i This is the cottage in what she live ior and which had three great friends with whom I went travelling in the holidays. I did some gardening for an elderly neighbour, for whom | was paid £6 per hour. We were given plastic cutlery with which to eat our food. ‘There was a large oak tree, under whom we sheltered until the rain had passed. | tm ehis unit you learn to use more complex relative clause structures oooooon Relative pronouns with prepositions Seis 2 A relative pronoun can be the object of a preposition. The preposition usually goes towards theChoose the correct word or words, end of the clause, and not in front of the pronoun. 4 The career for what / which / that he had given up so much was now in ruins. the job which Id been studying for. the boy who Aunt Sophie left her money to. estions that there were no answers to, She didn’t recognize the man who / whom / which had spoken. He wanted a companion with whom / who / which he could share his love of nature. Each of them were given a pile of wood and some rope with which construct / constructing / to construct a raft. Who / Whom / From whom gave you the money to buy the car? He wrote extensively about the tribe from who / from which / from that he had learned so much. i The preposition can go at the beginning of a clause in front of whom or which but this is usval in more formal English. «+. the job for which I'd been studying. .. the boy to whom Aunt Sophie left her money. ++ questions to which there were no answers. rcise 3 it the correct word in each gap. Remember! You cannot put the preposition atthe beginning ofa clause in front of , who (br tia hile researching the life of the poet James Arnull, | spoke to several of the ith whom he grew up in a small Welsh village. All of them remember the energy and with which he approached everything in life, from friendship to work to Jove. Arnull was always a handsome boy, and he had several *_ some of whom have found themselves the subject of his poems. Relative clause structures introduced by determiners, quantities and superlatives Words such as some, many and most can be put in front of of whom or of which at the beginning of a non-defining relative clause. Arnull had three brothers, the of whom died at 11 ina car accident ~ a A group of men, all of whom were armed, surrounded us, These men, the tallest of whom was tragedy that he says has been with him ever since. He lives with Wendy Casey, a Canadian about seven foot, were clearly angry. At the door of the hospital we were greeted by the patients, most of whom were children. is crammed with souvenirs from their frequent travels to China and There are hundreds of species native to the island, many of which are endangered. with whom he has three children. The large © to which Relative clause structures followed by infinitive clauses An infinitive clause can be put after of whom, of which or with. which, They wanted money with which to buy food for their families 34 Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) 36 UNIT 7 Relative clauses Exercise 4 ‘Complete the sentences by writing one word in each gap. 1 The restaurant may be closed, which case welll have to cook for oursel 2 We came to a building, inside______we found a family hiding from the soldier; 3 Heis the friend______ whom she dedicated her last novel. cercise 7 _— ‘the highlighted words correct or incorrect in this text? Nature or nurture? much of who we are as adults is down to our genes, and how much to our upbringing? jow : neighbours. They have three sons, two of ‘whom O are happily married, have stable ke my. 4 He handed me the key _______which to open the case. ps and have wonderful children of their own, Unfortunately, the third son, >whom C) Is much 5 Icalled all my friends, none of _____was able to help. age has been nothing but trouble. At the age of 19, he was involved in a robbery, for 6 These are matters ___which | have no control, hat CJ he received an 18-month prison sentence. Exercise 5 Write the missing words in sentence B so that it means the same as sentence A, as shown, 1A. I wrote the poem for him. B Heis the person for whom _ | wrote the poem. 2 A. The house was built on this land. chim out ofall again. B Thisis the land the house was built. 3A They gave us some money to spend on food. le was only out fora few months before committing a string of burglaries, ‘which O) landed im back in jail for another year. His parents, for ‘which () | have the greatest respect, have ne everything in their power to help him. Nothing has helped. And if he is convicted of the stest crimes of ‘that C) he is accused, they will have to face the fact that they may not live to cercise 8 jut each sentence into the correct order. B They gave us some money, to buy food dedicated to / without whom / it could not have / been written /./The book is / my parents, 4 A Svetlana has six brothers. The oldest is 25. B Svetlana has six brothers, the ___is 25, a special device /./ The dentist / with which / my teeth / gave me /to clean between 5 A bought six peaches, and two of them were rotten, B I bought six peaches, two were rotten, The folder contains / of people, /is stamped / several photographs / ./ on top of which / the 6 A Most of Joey’s many friends came to his wedding, B Joey has many friends, word ‘traitor’ ‘came to his wedding, to be known / by which / Ellen is the name / is Elise, but / Her real name / she prefers /. Exercise 6 Are the highlighted words correct or incorrect in the sentences? 1 This is a cause for Q) which these men are prepared to die. 2 I talked to some of the athletes, many of who have never competed here before. 3 We were each given a small bag in which for keeping 1) our food. 4 They told me their salaries, most of whom () were more than | am likely to earn in my lifetime, 5 We received over 100 stories, the best of which Q) will be published on our website. 6 Five people are accused of the theft, two of whom () have already admitted their guilt. the man / she had been /./ the previous year / living since / with whom / Hoskins was allimit above which / The company pays / we are not / for our hotel and food, / allowed to g0/./ but there is Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) UNIT 8 Conditionals cise 1 {de ifthe pairs of sentences have the same meaning. jon, 'd tell her what | think, Were she to ask my opinion, / It’s not very likely she'll ask for my opinion, but if she does, I'll tell her. A 8 [A Ifyou were to be elected, what changes would you make? > B_ What changes would you have made if you'd been elected? A Had I tried harder, | might have done better. B A 8 A B Conditionals Using conditionals to express formality conditional + if + should Comme PLO ELAINE I didn't try very hard, so | was lucky to do that well. Ifthe post should come early, can you put it on my desk? a it desk? ‘The post might come early. fit does, can you put it on my Should you wish to talk to me, you know where I'll be. a ‘You know where to find me if by any chance you want to talk to me. inversion of conditionals In this unit you learn other ways of using conditionals to express uncertainty and/or formali You also learn how to form inversion of conditionals by not using the if conjunction, thoose the correct word. Were / Should | to call a meeting, do you think people would come? If the letter should / would arrive tomorrow, I'll let you know straight away. When / Had I realized you were sick, | would have come to visit you. Should / Were Sven decide to come to the festival, I'l book him a ticket. Were / Had it not for you, Id have given up a long time ago. Should / If you were to agree to work for us, how many hours could you do? Conditionals with if + should A more formal way of talking about a possible future situation is to use should in the conditional clause. For example, instead of saying if the letter arrives tomorrow, I will reply immediately, you can say if the letter should arrive tomorrow, | will reply immediately. If you should see him, tell him I called. If that should happen, you will be blamed. Conditionals with if + were to Another way of talking about a possible future situation is to use were and a to-infinitive in a conditional clause. For example, instead of saying /f you went to France next year, | would go too) you can say If you were to go to France next year, | would go too. cise 3 “omplete the sentences by wi would | have | is | did | should | had | are | were \'d have called back earlier, ______| known what you wanted. Please contact us in writing, _______ you require any further information. He wouldn't have anything to talk about, _ it not for his interest in wild flowers. "li consider accepting the post if the senior managers who interviewed me serious about the project, but 'm not convinced of it. Had you asked Clarissa to go with you, she ________ definitely have said yes. Ifyou should see Amanda, could you tell her the police__ been looking for her for the last week? 7 I don't expect him to remember that I'm allergic to shellfish ~ in fact, Id be amazed if he ing one word in each gap. If you were to marry him, I would never speak to you again. If we were to move to Nottingham, we would be able to buy a cheaper house. Inversion in conditionals If the first verb in an if-clause is should, were or had, this verb is sometimes put at the beginning of the clause and if is omitted. For example, you can say Should Ibe there, will speal to them instead of If should be there, | will speak to them. Should ministers demand an inquiry, we would welcome it Were they to stop advertising, prices would be significantly reduced. Had I known what you wanted, I have called, You can call our toll-free number, should you require assistance. Remember! Inversion tends to be used in formal or literary English. Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) Exercise 4 Are the highlighted words correct or incorrect in the sentences? 1 If| should Q) lend your brother this book, can you make sure | get it back? 2 Were Fiona to invite you to her wedding, what did Q) you say? 3 Had he C) not been for Kevin, I'd never have passed my driving test. 4 Had Q you wish to discuss anything further, please don’t hesitate to contact me. 5 Had | known ) that Mary was bringing Pierre with her, Id have gone out. 6 If Harry should Q) ask you to marry him, would you say yes? ays of using as and though this unit you learn to use concessive clauses to show a contrast between two statements. ‘can do this by using an adjective or adverb followed by as, though, much as, as though, ot s if, as for + noun/pronoun or as to + noun, Exercise 5 Which sentences are correct? 1 Weren't it for Angela, | wouldn't be here now. djective/adverb + as or though ough ‘en a clause beginning with though ends with a linking verb like be or seem and @ noun or n adjective (= a complement), you can bring the complement forward to the beginning of the Jause. For example, instead of saying Though he was tired, he insisted on coming to the meeting, 1u can say Tired though he was, he insisted on coming to the meeting. 2 Should anyone wish to join us for a snack, we'll be in the café on the corner. 3 If Nina were come to the party, who do you think she would bring with her? 4 If the car were to break down again, | wouldn't bother trying to fix it yourself. 5 Had | realized you were waiting for me in the hall ail that time, 'd get ready more quickly, 6 Hed have refused to pay the builders, had he realized how little work had been done. ‘Tempting though it may be to cheat, itis not acceptable. Thave to believe him, improbable though his story is. ‘Astute businessman though he was, Philip was capable of making mistakes. ‘Strange though it seems, we have never properly sat down and talked about this issue. ‘Surprising though it may seem, most fires in people’ homes are caused by the careless use of chip pans. 1g words in sentence B so that it means the same as sentence A. 1A fit wasn't for Petra, Amir would never do any travelling. B ____not for Petra, Amir would never do any travelling, 2 A If played this computer game all day, do you think Id get to the end of it? B Ifiwere___this computer game all day, do you think I'd get to the end of it? Ss /hen the complement is an adjective, you can use as instead of though. Stupid as it sounds, I believed her. harming as it may be to outsiders, the way of life is one that many people wish to escape. 3 A If by any chance the door’s locked when you arrive, use this key. crane a3 is may be to y hora nthe sdverbat the wi e beg Qu rb, you can. B Should thedoor____ when you arrive, use this key. fhen a clause beginning with though ends with an adverb, you can p beginning of the clause. 4A If I'd known you were coming, 'd have baked a cake! B Had Some members of staff couldn't handle the pressure, hard though they tried. you were coming, 'd have baked a cake! Using much as When you are talking about a strong feeling or desire, you can use much as instead of although. For example, instead of saying Although | like Venice, | couldn't live there, you can say ‘Much as | ike Venice, | couldn't live there. Much as I like you, I couldn't marry you. ‘Much as Ta like to go to the cinema, I have to stay in and write my essay. Much as I hate to admitit, he was right. Much as they hope to go home tomorrow, they know they have to stay on until the end of the year, 40 Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) en Using as though and as if You sometimes want to say that something is done in the way that i something else were the case. You do this by using as the clause of manner. would be done if or as though. You use a past tense in, He behaved as though he owned the place (= he does not own the place). She carried on as if nothing had happened (= something has happened). She acted as though she had no idea who I was (= she does know who I am), | put some water on my clothes to make it look as if Thad been sweating (= I had not been sweating). s i Using as for + noun/pronoun or as to + noun ‘You can use the prepositional phrases as for and as to to introduce a new topic or a different aspect of the same topic, As to what actually happened on that day, there are many differing accounts, We will continue to invest in the company. As for our staf, they will receive more targeted train| He had heard it said that time heals all wounds. As to that, he doubted it. As for what Ive told you about lastnight, we'll keep it quiet as much as possible. Exercise 1 Match the sentence halves, 1 Much as Id prefer to come to the concert, a she's actually very talkative socially. 2 Challenging as she may be, 3 Intelligent though she appears, b I'mnot inviting her to my wedding, © Mohammed didn't realize Sarah was annoyed with him, 4 Obvious though it was to everyone else, 5 Much as | like her, 6 Quiet as she is at work, d she didn’t do very well in her degree. @ I'm going to ask her to join our team. £ I'm afraid | have to go and watch my daughtel school play. Exercise 2 if the pairs of sentences have the same meaning. As for Bruno, | can't see that hell ever make it asa professional footballer, B Bruno is unlikely ever to play football for a professional team. A He's a very demanding boss, nice though he is. B He would be a nice boss ifhe expected less ofhis start, OI A "like to go camping this weekend. Whether Ill actually go depends on whether | finish my work. B If! finish my work, tl go camping this weekend. Ruby's vegetarian and loves fresh vegetables. As for her husband, he can’t stand them. Ruby's husband is as keen as Ruby to eat fresh vegetables, Tired as | am, I'm still coming clubbing with you! a B I'm tired, but | am going clubbing with you even so. 42 Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) As _— Carol has pizza practically every night. As ‘Unlucky ——————| osethe correct word. ‘As to / for Gina, | don't know where she got to. They behaved as if / for they owned the place! The parents ate out every night, As to / for the kids, they made their own meals. {As to / though the cause of the row — I've no idea what started it. Milena's always sticking her nose in. It’s as though / to she can’t bear to be left out, Nelly always stays in at the weekend. As to / for her husband, he goes out with his friends. Weird though it sounds, can only sleep during the day. [As to you, get back indoors! You've nothing on your feet! UNIT 9 Ways of using as and though reise 3 i plete the sentences by writing one word in each gap. _______you ~ be quiet while I'm talking! me, hate the stuff. it was, Bob failed his 17th driving test. top behaving as ‘the world owes you something! ‘ye booked our flights. to the hotel, | can't find one | like. as Id like the weather to brighten up, it's looking unlikely, ise 4 cise 5 sentences are correct? It's asif she thinks I'm her personal slave, the way she orders me about! She acts as though she's never seen me before, yet | walk past her on Reception every day. ‘As she seems friendly, | wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of her. Childish though they are, | love practical jokes. sing word or words in sentence B so that it means the same as sentence A. A She can be funny but she can be serious as well. B Funny ‘A | must get an early night tonight, even though I'd really lke to see you. 5 a Id like to see you tonight, ! must have an early night. ‘A The bus was late because of the traffic. But | really don’t know why it broke down. B The bus was late because of the traffic. But the reason it broke down - ve no idea. ‘A Michael was exhausted after the long trip but Emma was keen to explore, 8 Michael was exhausted after the long trip. As _______, she was keen to explore. can be, she has a serious side too. oooooo 4B _ Using it as an object in sentence... CERTReuou eee (eT eee In this unit you learn to use it in a number of ways. SONATA To: Belle From: Helen ‘Subject: Phil's birthday cise 1 rch the sentence halves. The rail strike made it Hey Belle! Hoos life? I've been really busy recently, what with orgarising Phils 40" birthday party. m not keen on organising stuff ete yeit because | find ita bit stressful | think it'd be easier if! had Someone to help me out with it but | want it to be a surprise 50 HlTeave it tim keeping it to myself for now. My biggest problem is knowing it Who to invite. Phil won't like It | forget anyone important. So ent fm going through his address book to make sure get it right. Thate it You know my brother’ @ DJ? 'm going to leave it to him to sort out the music ~ he knows what Phi likes. Hopefully! can make ita party to remember! Watch out for your invite in the post. coe He'll see it reise 2 hich sentences are correct? Helen ~ it after find, think, make, etc. After verbs like find and think, you can use it as the object, followed by an adjective, and eith a to-infinitive or a that-clause. The baby loves when you tickle her tummy! I found it strange that he kept silent. The thick snow made it difficult to sce very far in front of me. itafter see, regard, etc. ae? After verbs like see, take and regard, you can use it as the object, followed by as, followed by an adjective or noun and a clause. They'll regard it as insulting if we don't accept the present. He saw it as a sign that things were about to improve, it after like, love, hate, etc. After verbs like love, like and hate, you can use it as the object, followed by a clause with wht or that. ‘happened to her, ‘My cat loves it when you stroke her neck. Thate it when Jane keeps me waiting. They didn’t ike it that we refused their invitation, My children demanding more. 44 Work on your Grammar Advanced (Ci) are some more verbs that are used in this way: like loathe love prefer il leave it to you to choose which cake we have. You owe it to your country to work as hard as you can. as rude if you don't go with him. UNIT 10 Using itas an object in sentences to you to decide what music to play. when you leave wet towels on the floor. impossible for me to get home. to your team to play as well as you can, odd that he hadn't contacted her. They didn’t like we turned down their invitation. She'll regard it as an insult if we don't accept her generosity. found it strange that he stayed silent throughout the meeting. He saw as a sign that things were about to take a turn for the better. We'll leave it to the children to decide what games to play at the party. “omplete the sentences by writing one word in each gap. My sister will______itas a personal affront if don’t go to her party. You sometimes____it very difficult for me to get my point across $ Judewil_it odd that there's nobody at home when he gets back from ____ it when their grandparents play with them, and keep oooooo it to your brother to apologize for interrupting his meeting. |_____itwhen my wife comes home late from work, as | worry that something's trip. 45 Exercise 4 Put each sentence into the correct order. 1 it/ difficult / me / made / for / He/. / the job offer / to refuse sing comparative structures or cause and effect he sooner, the better 2 it /upsetting /1/ dismissed / to be / found / ./ by text message 3. ./We /it / when / compliments / we receive / like / all 4 it/leaves /his / organize /./ their / social life / to / wife / Bob / to the +a comparative adjective, adverb or noun, the + a comparative bree on kami co 5 it/yourself/ to / owe / hard / You /./ to work this unit you learn to use the comparative structure the +a comparative adjective, adverb wultaneous cause and effect. 6 sees /as /it/ insulting / him / incorrectly / ./ if / people / address / He noun to show sim PSAHOOOON Exercise 5 Complete the sentences by writing one word in each gap. 1 The traffic jam made____impossible for me to arrive on time. 2 She sees it____her right to do whatever she wants. 3 Lara takes it very badly she loses a match, 4 When she phoned, he tookit____a sign that he was forgiven. 5 You owe it yourself to do well in your exams. 6 Healways_______it to me to clear up after a meal, which I find very annoying. Exercise 6 For each sentence, tick the correct ending. 1 Looking around the room, Q Lena thought it strange to be few personal photographs. Q Lena thought it strange that there were few personal photographs, 2 The bright torch O made easier to see in the thick fog. O made it easier to see in the thick fog. 3. When | said you had a very relaxed attitude, Qi didn’t mean you to take it as a criticism. Q I didn’t mean you to take it for a criticism. 4 Clara was so bored with her work that, when the doorbell rang, Q she sawit a welcome interruption. O she saw it as a welcome interruption. 5 When I met her for the first time, Oi thought it surprising that she already knew my name. C1 I thought it surprising to already know my name. 6 Both websites contain a section on this topic and 1 you may find it interesting in comparing the two. O you may find it interesting to compare the two. ‘The more birds the cat eats, the fatter the cat will get. ou can show that one amount of a quality or thing is linked to another amount by using two ontrasted comparatives preceded by th The longer we stay, the harder it will be to leave. The more the atoms vibrate, the hotter the wire becomes, The less I see of him, the better. The more I find out about her, the less I want to get to know her. Remember! ‘The two clauses have a comma between them. (ess 6 47 Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) Exercise 1 Match the sentence halves. 1 The braver the bird, 2 The greater the artist, 3 The bigger they are, 4 The worse the wedding, 5 The colder the winter, 6 The harder the battle, a the greater the paintings. b the sweeter the victory. € the better the marriage. d the warmer the spring. the harder they fall f the fatter the cat. Exercise 2 Put each sentence into the correct order. 1 ./the/I/learn /,/ more /1/less / know /The UNIT 11 Using comparative structures for cause and effect rcise 5 ‘the wrong or extra word in each sentence. ine louder they shout, the less | want to listen them, ne more passionately they argue, the less | inclined believe them. the more time | have, the less I seem to get more done. he bigger is my handbag, the more | find to put init. faster | pedal, the sooner | will be reach my destination. .e more money I make, the more I can donate it to others. cise 6 jde if the pairs of sentences have the same meaning. ‘The more she thought about It, the more she realized that she had been wrong. ¢ 2 ,/ the /it/ darker /The /is /./ harder / to / it / see /is 'B Thinking about it more made her convinced that she had been wrong, The more freedom the children have, the more dangers they will face. 3 ./ chicken / the / the /,,/ fox / the / fatter / The / bigger 'B The children are dangerous when they are given more freedom. ‘The greater the height, the greater the fall. 4 the /sleep/less /,/1/./ tired / more /I/The / become 'B_Being higher up means that there is further to fall. The less he spoke, the more he heard. 5 the/rains/,/The/it/ more /./it/ti lier /to /is / flood B He couldn't hear very well when he was speaking, The harder Petra tried to put things right, the worse the problems became. 6 ./the / colder /The /it /less /1/is/,/ want / to / out / go Petra trying to put things right made the problems worse. The less sugar you put in the dessert, the healthier it will be. Q Exercise 3 Which sentences are correct? 1 The hungrier | am, the more I'm eating. 2 The harder | work, the luckier | become. 3. The sooner we get there, sooner we can leave. 4 The more exercise | do, the fitter I get. 5 The less | see of Mickey, the better. 6 The longer we stay, the harder is it to leave. oooooo Exercise 4 already been added. 1 The more | see him, the m__1 want to ~ he's lovely! 2 The more work | have to do, the | want to do it -it's so boring! 3. The more money | make, the w. I become. 4 The funnier she is, the h. Haugh. 5 The more he eats, the f he becomes. 6 The more they persist, the morea_________I become. 4B Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) Complete the sentences by writing one word in each gap. The first letter of the word has B. Sugar is healthier when you putit in a dessert. reise 7 each sentence, tick the correct ending. less the teacher knows Qlabout what you have been doing, better. Qiabout what you have been doing, the better. easter Emma ran, (O the harder her heart pumped. O her heart pumped harder. ‘The more he learned about them, (OQ he felt he knew them better. ‘O the better he felt he knew them. The hotter the climate, ‘O the higher the sun protection you will need. O the higher you will need sun protection. The more space you have, the easier is it to exercise indoors. O the easier its to exercise indoors, The less you earn, the less you will pay in tax. ess you will payin tax, 49 Using -ing clauses after certain verbs Troe In this unit you learn to use complementary -ing clauses after certain verbs, Many of these verbs are about our senses. SHANA SON AHHH To: Sandy From: Dan | Subject: Leather factory i Hi Sandy i How are you? What have you been up to? | went toa ether factory yesterday as part of my course wes very ely andro, 3 went you could hes the workers cutting enna ‘Kins no eglres on machines. Ten we ved eto re next pat ofthe process and you coud smell the skins boiling insome sr a skit tas dsgusng! Ming you sual find wing factories boing hs emai wasnt when we otto the end of the proces ard | touched tome anther ying ono woe tas ike sik- soso and delete Te guy taking us round explained that there ae fos of ferent Auaies of eather an he got us grading some samt He ‘Was ely ood a promoting the nds, he had us a Seriously considering tox a career opton ‘And you never know, | might go into it, See you Dan You can use an -ing clause after certain verbs plus an object. smelt the roses growing outside the window. Did you watch the children playing football? I found them having an argument. She'll get everyone talking to each other. ‘There are a number of verbs that can be used in this type of clause. 50 Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) TO EEEEEEESSE'! Serr UNIT 12 Using -ing clauses after certain verbs Many of them are verbs about our senses: hear listen to feel notice smell wateh However, there are other verbs that can also be used in this way: find catch get leave have Exercise 1 For each sentence, tick the correct ending. 1 The film was so funny, Q Ithad ourselves crying with laughter. Q ithad to cry with laughter. 1 ithad us crying with laughter. 2 It's so lovely to have Q flowers that growing in the garden. flowers growing in the garden, flowers grew in the garden. 3 | found my sister, who claims never to eat cake, O cutting herself a huge slice of cheesecake, D having cutting a huge slice of cheesecake. O cutting her a huge slice of cheesecake, 4 How do you find living in that remote farmhouse? Q tolive in that remote farmhouse? Q live that remote farmhouse? 5 Nancy always gets O talking everyone to each other at parties, everyone talking to each other at parties, Q everyone talking each other at Parties. 6 eventually managed to get O the clock working again. O the clock worked again. Q the clock works again. a I __—_—_—____ EO, UNIT 12 Using -ing clauses after certain verbs Exercise 2 Exercise 6 Match the sentence halves. Decide if the pairs of sentences have the same meaning. 1 [smelt the sausages 2a sleeping on the bench to wake him up. 1A We sat on the patio and listened to the children playing in the gard 2 I heard the children coating the doughnut. B We sat onthe patio and heard the sounds thatthe children made as they pl 3 {saw the ship ¢ leaving on its last voyage. the garden. they played in) 4 I touched the old man d grilling on the barbecue. 2A My parents will be angry if they catch us borrowing their car. 5 | felt the wind e giggling in the kitchen. B_ My parents will be angry if they chase us in their car. Qa 6 {tasted the sweetness of the sugar £ blowing through my hair. 3 A His remark had me thinking that it would be nice to go on holiday. B_ He remarked that he thought it would be nice to goon holiday. Exercise 3 4A Mia could smell the hot dogs and hamburgers cooking on the open gril Wie the correct form ofthe verb in brackets to complete each sentence. B The smell of the hot dogs and hamburgers on the open grill reached Mia.“ 1 Doyoufind (go) to work by train quicker than by car? 5 A |watched her putting on her coat and leaving the house. 2 See that man (wear) a white shirt? That’s my new neighbour. 6 a hheroten ee i oo ston sraetithetoue, 3 found the children (play) in the garden. B When his mother left, he wos filing out th npn a 4 You've got me (worry) about where my mobile phone is. re application form. 5 I can't smell the onions (fry): have you turned the gas on? Exercise 7 6 Getall the children (sit) down before you start the lesson. Put each sentence into the correct order. 1 living / How / the countryside /?//she find /in / does / out Exercise 4 Find the wrong or extra word in each sentence. 2 had /all/./ Zoe /laughing /ws/soon 1 You've got me to thinking | might apply for that job. hi i iden while | inner? a 2. Could you watch the children who playing in the garden while | cook dinner 3 catch / You / wearing /a/me /wor't /./ bikini 3 can hear it the man in the flat above playing the violin every weekend. 4 Please get everyone themselves sitting down before you make the announcement. eee a ve 9 x 4 blowing / the trees / We / could / the wind /./ hear / through 5 How do you find to working in such a small office? 6 Can you see the bird with white tail feathers that feeding by the gate? i ‘9 5 noticed them /to / during / each other / talking / Leo /./ the break Exercise 5 a Which sentences are correct? 6 brushing against / her face / in the darkness / something /../ Michelle / could fee! 1. My sports coach has got me running ten kilometres twice a week now. 2. Alot of people find that saving for the future very hard to do. 3. From my hotel window I could hear the waves crashing on the shore during the storm. 4 Doyou think you could get my old watch works? 5 Can you see that woman in a red dress dancing with Stephen? 6 How do you find to study in the new library? oooooo 52 Work onyour Grammar Advanced (C1) 53 Focusing sentences (1) Using it In this unit you learn to use focusing sentences with it. SHHHMHBHOAHWNK SO ‘One way of focusing on a particular part of a sentence is to use a split sentence. This involves Using the verb be, either with it as an impersonal subject or with a clause such as a relative clause or a to-infinitive clause. If you want to emphasize one noun phrase, you can use It is or It was and follow it with a relative clause. For example, instead of saying Sarah gave the right answer, you may want to stress the fact that Sarah did it by saying It was Sarah who gave the right answer. In the next ‘two sentences, you can see how you can use It is or It was to focus on different parts of the sentence: It was Colin who married my sister. It was my sister that Colin married. ‘Similarly, instead of saying Betty makes cakes, you can say It’s cakes that Betty makes. It’s food that he wants. It’s younger children that Maria most enjoys teaching. It’s money that he needs, not advice. It was his sense of humour that she missed the most. Remember! Im some cases, the that in the that-clause can be omitted Its money he needs, not advice. Ina split sentence, you usually focus on a noun phrase, However, you can focus on other clause ‘elements or even on a whole clause. You then use a relative clause beginning with that. In order to stress the circumstances of an event, you can make a prepositional phrase, a time adverbial or an adverb of place the focus of a split sentence. It was from her dad that she first learned to drive. Could it have been then that I first realized I was in love? It was in London that I met my first boyfriend. Was it then that you decided to become a lawyer? You can also focus on an -ing form if you are stressing an action. It was getting a car that really started me off on my career. It was seeing the expressions on the faces of the patients that persuaded me. It was going to South America as a teenager that made Anya love travelling. 54 Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) Nn ’<:—- Ee a oo n—an—n—n“— or>oraD Exercise 3 Write the simple past form of the verb in brackets to complete each sentence. 1 The only thing | need now is something _____ (drink). 2 Books to read on the beach 3 Itmust be hard to find a place 4 The plan to build a skate park in Morley Park ago by the city council, (be) selling well at the moment. (stay) when you're in the jungle. (be) announced a few hours 5 live a tong way from my mum and | miss having her ___(talk) to. 6 On the first day of the course, Selma (not know) where to go for classes but she soon found out. Exercise 4 Put each sentence i (0 the correct order. 1 dolphins / in their /To see /./ natural environment / magical / was 2 ison / page 45 / The text / to read for homework / 3 to look after / sick /./ The hospital / needs / two nurses / children 4 anyone / doesn't / Stefan / to sit /in his seat /. /like 5-50 much /To win / make / would / happy / ./ anyone / money 6 was what / this moment /../he / Something tasty / wanted most at / to eat 6 a Exercise 5 For each sentence, tick the correct ending. 1 [need to go clothes shopping because | haven't got anything OQ wearing. OQ wear. Oto wear. 2 To swim in the Norwegian sea in winter Qiis madness! Q being madness! Q and it’s madnes: 3. What I'm looking for is a good film Q to watch, i do you watch? D like watching. 4 Atent we could carry on our bl Dis the whole trip. CQ were very light. Q was difficult to find. 5 Tobe so beautiful Dis being wonderful. must be great. ' O she is happy. Exercise 6 For each sentence, tick the correct ending. 1 Harriet is O the first girl at our school to win a scholarship. O the first girl at our school who wins a scholarship. 2 Mario enjoys being outdoors and loves Q an opportunity of playing sport. Q any chance to play sport. 3 They all did well at school, ( but Rita was the only one to go to university. O but Rita was only one who went to university. 4 We've sold our house, but Q we haven't found a house that we can move yet. (we haven't found a house to move into yet. 5 The company often sends employees on courses O to learn new skills. O for learn new skills. 6 You must be thirsty - Would you Q want to drink of anything? QO like anything to drink? 62 Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) UNIT 15 Using to-infinitive clauses as subject/object Exercise 7 Decide if the pairs of sentences have the same meaning. 1A. They ate looking for a person to answer the phone and deal with all the correspondence. B They are hoping to employ someone who will answer the phone and deal with all Q) the correspondence. 2A Giuseppe gave Manda a call to check if she was coming to the party. B Giuseppe phoned Manda because he wanted to know if she was coming to the party. 3A My boss presented me witha list of things to be done, B_ My boss showed me all that he had to do. 4,4 On the school trip, Tanja was given six children to look after. 4 B Six children went on the school trip with Tanja. 5 A To.come first in the ace would be a great achievement for Youssef. B Youssef achieved a great thing by coming first in the race. 6 A There's lots to be done in preparation for the wedding. B There are lots of jobs to do to prepare for the wedding. Exercise 8 Put the correct word or words in each gap. Do you think you could start your own business one day? If so, then ' what people will want to buy is a good starting point in the process. For example, ideas ~ people money are always popular, so selling a product that can do this. Similarly, products which *__people time are likely to be good sellers. Most people are also keen to learn how * new things, so products that enable this are likely to succeed. Finally, customers are very interested in products that can improve their health: creating something * relaxed may be your first step to making yourself a fortune! people sleep or feel more 63 Using negatives with reporting verbs think, expect, believe and seem In this unit you learn to use negatives with reporting verbs such as think, expect, believe, seem, etc. This is called transferred negation. You also learn when transferred negation is not used. ON SHOOT HAHAHAHA SANNA Reporting verbs with a negative With a small number of reporting verbs, you usually make the reporting clause negative rather than the reported clause. For example, you would usually say | don’t: ‘think Mary is at home rather than | think Mary is net at home. Don't you suppose he’s heard the news already? He doesn't believe that I'll win. They don’t seem to be expecting us. I don't imagine it is possible to have a successful club without a good manager. Ido not expect that we will have a balanced budget in this current financial year. She didn’t think that it was Mohammed’ fault. ‘The following reporting verbs are often used with a negative in this way. reckon believe expect seem feel suppose imagine think propose Reporting verbs where negation can’t be transferred With other verbs it is the reported clause that takes the negative form. The reporting verb stays in the positive and the negative cannot be transferred. You usually say / assume you. haven't heard, NOT Ldon'tassumeyouhaveheard. Thope the euro doesn't get any weaker. Tsuspect we won't hear from him again. She promised she would never do it again. would guess she didn’t profit that much. They concluded that death was not due to natural causes, ‘The doctor predicted that she would never run again, Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) UNIT 16 Using negatives with reporting verbs The following reporting verbs are examples of verbs not used in the negative accept deny admit feel agree guess allege hope argue predict assume presume claim promise concede stress conclude suggest confess suspect declare Remember! Usually the that in the that-clause is not used. I guess that the minister won't retire. Exercise 1 Match the sentence halves. 1 It’s rumoured that management aren’t too ‘a he'll be in this company too much impressed with him. | don't reckon longer. 2 He looks pretty laid back. | don't imagine 3 She's in the office till 9 o'clock most evenings. don't suppose 4 He's pretty lean. | don't imagine there's too much stress in his life. 5 He's quite an attractive guy. | don't suppose @ she sees too much of her kids. 6 She doesn't seem very keen on him.!don't reckon fhe eats too many burgers. Exercise 2 ‘Complete the sentences by writing one phrase in each gap. 1 Camilla inherited so much money when her grandmother died. | don't reckon 2 I suppose it’s possible that she'll succeed, but | don’t believe 3 I guess she might be under 50, but | don’t suppose 4 I guess its just possible she loves him, but | don't imagine . 5 The irritating thing is, she’s incredibly thin and yet | don’t think 6 I know so much about her and yet | don’t suppose _. b he has any trouble getting dates. € that relationships going to last. 65 | 66 Exercise 3 Put each sentence into the correct order. 1 predict he / won't /1/ the / win /. /election 2 bet he / even / remember /1/me/./ won't 3. assume you / heard / the / | / news /./ haven't 4 hope the/./1/ doesn't / crash / market / sincerely 5 presume they /left/I/yet /haven't/. 6 suspect they /./don’t/ much /1/ have / money Exercise 4 Which sentences are correct? 1 Idon't guess you'll be going to the party tonight, as Jess is ill. 2 don’t assume you know what's happened. 3 I bet she won't even notice me, 4 I guess you won't be going away this summer. 5 I suspect Kelly won't be fit enough to compete. 6 | really don’t hope the euro collapses. oooooo Exercise 5 Choose the correct word. 1 Idon't guess / assume / suppose you saw Kerry on your travels? 2 Tobe honest, | don't think / predict / bet she'll make it as an actress. 3 She doesn't suspect / expect / presume she'll see him again. 4 We don't imagine / predict / guess they'll be coming to visit any time soon. 5 | just don't suspect / believe / assume he has the drive to succeed. Exercise 6 Write the missing words in sentence B so that it means the same as sentence A. 1A I don't imagine she'll want to go. B Isuspect 2A Iguess he can't be more than 30. B I don't reckon : 3A Lassume Clare hasn't spoken to her manager. B don't expect 4 A I don't suppose they'll visit us again. B assume Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) Passives (1) Using passives when the active verb has two objects | L In this unit you learn to use alternative passives from active verbs having two objects, SS SHH, “Great customer service” 88:80 Reviewed 6 November 2012 We arrived atthe hotel in the early evening and were given our room keys / our room keys were given to us. We were delighted to discover that we had been allocated the best room in the hotel / the best room in the hotel had been ros am ueeter allocated to us, A porter catied our cases up for us and demonstrated how to use the airconditioning, We certainly needed it, because it was a hot and humid night Reviewer We ate at a very good restaurant that was recommended to us by the hotel Sree receptionist, and went back to the hotel feeling very happy. @ revewsina ies Unfortunately, the air conditioning proved to be so noisy we couldn't sleep, and when ‘we phoned reception to complain, they explained that there was a fault in the system and an engineer would be called the next day, which wasn't much good to us! However, we were given a large discount to make up for the inconvenience. Stayed November 2012, travelled on business ww880 Value eames Rooms ‘e80 Lotion esa0 Cleanliness {80000 Sleep Quality eae Senice Was this review helpful? ‘When you use a passive form of a verb with two objects such as send, pay, buy, give, teach and show, either the direct object or the indirect object can become the subject. For example, instead of The firm paid the sales staff a bonus, you can say A bonus was paid to the sales staff, where the direct object of the active clause (the bonus) is the subject of the passive clause. The indirect object (sales staff) can be mentioned after to or for. Sometimes it is unnecessary to mention the indirect object at all A bonus was paid at the end of the year. But you can also say The sales staff were paid a bonus, where the indirect object of the active clause is the subject of the passive clause. Tim sure the letter was sent to Laura. The dog was bought for him as a birthday present. The children do not speak Gaelic at home, though they are taught it in school. 67 NT | He was shown a photocopy of the certificate. I was given this necklace by my grandmother, Remember! ‘There are some verbs that can have two objects but can only have one passive form. For example, you can say They explained the situation | to the manager. However, there is only one possible passive, one that starts with the direct object, The situation was explained to the manager. You cannot say i i ‘Verbs such as want, demonstrate, exclude, emphasize, deliver behave | in the same way. | Exercise 1 Write the missing words in sentence 8 so that it means the same as sentence A. 1A The letter was shown to the pol | B The police 2 A The leftovers were fed to the ct B The chickens 3 A His wife was given his medals. B His medals 4 A Several prizes were awarded to her for her work. B She for her work. 5 A Everything he wanted was bought for him. 8B He ____he wanted. 6 A Half an hour was allocated to us for our presentation. B We___for our presentation. Exercise 2 Write the correct passive form of the verb in brackets to complete each sentence, as shown. 1 The prize will __be awarded (award) to the team with the most correct answers. 2 it____{announce) yesterday that the couple are to divorce. 3 She claimed that the money (give) to her by an admirer. 4 We_________(show) great courtesy by our hosts. 5 After several phone calls, a place on another flight (find) for Martha so she was able to attend the meeting. 6 More than £50,000 year (pay) to outside consultants. Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) UNIT 17 Passives (1) Exercise 3 Choose the correct words or phrases. 1. He was given his job back when his employer was proved / it was proved to his employer that he had not committed fraud. 2 Abonus will be paid to all staff / will be paid all staff at the end of the year. 3 They were happier once they were explained the safety measures / the safety measures were explained to them. 4 Allhis children / For all his children were bought their own apartments. 5 The documents were sent / were sent to his lawyer. 6 We were reported the findings / The findings were reported to us before they were published in the press. Exercise 4 Put each sentence into the correct order. 1 allocated / at the back / We were /. / of the building / an office 2 explained to us / were not /. /It was / that the tickets / refundable 3 the audience that /../ was sick / announced to / the lead actor / It was, 4 She was sent a letter / had been excluded / that her daughter / to tell her / by the school /. 5 special passes / were given / the conference hall / The journs s / ./ to allow them into 6 agrant / over a wider area / The charity /./ to extend its services / has been awarded Exercise 5 Complete the sentences by writing one word in each gap. 1 Samir was ‘a scholarship to a prestigious music school. to us by Michael's problems. 2 The importance of staying within the law was 3 Wewere_________arrecording of his speech. 4 Max was a large glass of water by his brother. 5 Histrialwas______on national TV, 6 The prisoners were a diet of bread and water. Co a a 70 Exercise 6 Are the highlighted words correct or incorrect in the sentences? 1 To me was guaranteed () a job when | came out of the army. 2 Apetition opposing the building of a new airport was delivered to the prime minister Cl. 3 Toall staff Q1 will be sent a copy of the report. 4 His family were not told () the cause of his death. 5 When he arrived at the house, he was refused entry Q) by a bodyguard. 6 Avaluable necklace was lent the princess C) by an admirer. Exercise 7 Which sentences are correct? 1 Participants were each given a map and a set of instructions. 2 They were emphasized that the area can be dangerous in bad weather. 3 Thankfully, he was found some dry clothes by his teacher. 4 Aletter was sent Mr Jones, explaining the changes to the contract. 5. Hannah was told the infection had spread to her lungs. 6 The children were explained how to set up the experiment. oooocoo of sentences have the same meaning. 1A Nointerviews were given to the press. B The press were not given any interviews. 2. A He was told that there were things that he could do about his condition and was taught relaxation exercises, Q B_ He was told that there were things that he could do about his condition with relaxation exercises. 3A Noone on the board of directors was paid a bonus for the last financial year. ‘A bonus was not paid to some people on the board of directors for the last. financial year. [A photograph of Sven was shown to all the children in the school, All the children in the school were photographed with Sven. All members of the club were sent a postal questionnaire. a ‘A questionnaire was sent through the post to all members of the club. The car was bought for Erika by her husband. Erika was bought the car by her husband. w wr orao> Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) UNIT 17 Passives (1) Exercise 9 For each sentence, tick the correct ending. 1 The trophy Q will be presented to the winning gymnast at the end of the tournament. Q will present to the winning gymnast at the end of the tournament. 2 They make such a fuss of their dog and Q the finest beef steak is only fed to him, O he is only fed the finest beef steak. 3 Allthe main curriculum subjects Q are taught on the course, Qare having been taught on the course. 4 End of year reports Q will be sent home to your parents. Q will be shown home to your parents. 5 The document was highly confidential, and QO the need for secrecy was emphasized to all staff. Q all staff were emphasized the need for secrecy. 6 Olga was sad to lose her watch as CQ ithad been given to her by Ben. Q Ben had been given it by her. a Passives (2) Using passive -ing and to forms eee PET pe Tou In this unit you learn to use passives formed by be + -ed participle, be + being + -ed participle or -ing form + -ed participle. SS Kanani Ss Passive infinitive The ordinary passive infinitive consists of to be, followed by the -ed participle. ‘They opted to be flown home the next day. We need these clothes to be cleaned by Friday. ‘There was nothing to be done for the unfortunate animal. She appears to have been totally forgotten. ‘Women seem to be being promoted more often than in the past. Here are the passive infinitives. The passive infinitives marked with a star are very rarely used. to be eaten to be being eaten* to have been eaten to have been being eaten* Passive -ing forms The ordinary passive -ing form consists of being and the -ed | participle. Tobject to being asked to do it. Being told to do something one doesn't want to do is awful. Having been declared fit, he was allowed to leave the hospital. ‘They were taken to the airport after having been issued with visas. Here are the passive -ing forms. The -ing form marked with a star is very rarely used. being eaten having been eaten having been being eaten* 72 Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) UNIT 18 Passives (2) Exercise 1 Match the sentence halves. 1 The princess prefers not 2 Most people hate b tobe treated differently from everyone else. 3 Lisa often imagines her life € tobe given to charity. 4 The millionaire wants most of his money being changed by a win on the lottery. 5 The poet dreamt about his poems @ being accepted by a leading publisher. a being stared at. Exercise 2 Choose the correct word or words. 1 Few problems were caused by the baby to be / being born a month early. 2 The staff expect to be / being paid on Wednesday. 3 I'm interested in to be / being taught to sing. 4 Areall these people waiting to be / being seen by Dr Ronalds? 5 The cherry cakes from that shop are said to be / being the best in the North. 6 The team are hoping to be / being awarded a national prize for design this year. Exercise 3 ‘Complete the sentences by writing one word in each gap. 1. When would you like dinner tobe _? 2 The children were enjoying themselves so much that they forgot about given jobs by their parents. 3 There is nothing to be 4 The police ought to be that can help them. about the accident. 5 Did you being mistaken for your sister? Exercise 4 Decide if the pairs of sentences have the same meaning. 1A Being given so much money was not necessarily a good thing for Mark. B It was not necessarily good for Mark to be given so much money. 2 A Lars needs his employment history o be checked before he gets offered the job. B Lars should ensure that he has the right employment history before he can go for the job. 3 A Isthe chicken ready to be taken out of the oven? (4 B Isit time to take the chicken out of the oven? 4 A The Earth was once believed to be flat. B People used to believe the Earth was flat. 5 A Jack and Sita enjoyed being shown the place where celebrities got married. B_Jack and Sita enjoyed showing celebrities where they got married. 73 a a 74 Exercise 5 Which sentences are correct? 1 Rita allowed her daughter to be taken sailing across the lake. 2 The 200 is getting ready being inspected by an animal welfare organization. 3. How did you be managed to award three free tickets? 4 [refuse to be told what to do by a four-year-old! 5 The tickets to see the band had to give to someone else because | was ill. 1g began to be seeing as a masterpiece as soon as it was finished. Exercise 6 Find the wrong or extra word in each sentence. 1 The bones are being thought to be from a meat-eating dinosaur. 2. He puta helmet on because he didn't want to be hit himself by a falling rock. 3 I didn’t mean what | said to be taken there seriously. 4 Being me chosen to play in the match was a big surprise. 5 Does your son remember being put him to bed last night? 6 Putting the lid on the pan prevents the rice for drying out. Exercise 7 For each sentence, tick the correct ending. 1 The district Qiis said to have been named after Christopher Columbus. iis said to having been named after Christopher Columbus. 2 Pierre resented Q tobe spoken to like a naughty child. Q being spoken to like a naughty child. 3 Time is running out, and O something has to be done soon. Q something has to be doing soon. 4 The 16 crew are believed to be safe after to have been rescued by emergency services. D after having been rescued by emergency services. 5 At school, Arabella chooses O to be known as Bella. ( being known as Bella. 6 As Javier turned the corner, O he noticed that he was being followed. Oi he noticed that he has been followed. ‘Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) oooooo Future perfect Making predictions about the future CA ee will | should + have been + -ing participle In this unit you learn to use the future perfect and the future perfect continuous for prediction of the present or future. ANA AEHGNAS By the end ofthe year, will have ‘won the junior championships, When finish high schoo Iwill have be en training on my own for along time butby the time tm twenty Iwill have started training with a professional ‘coach ~ and by the time tm thirty | will have gota gold medal tthe ‘Olympic Games! Future perfect ‘The future perfect is formed by using will or shall, followed by have and the -ed participle of the main verb. You can use it to talk about something that has not happened yet but will happen before a particular time in the future. Even after a year, they won't have forgotten you. By next week we will have reached the end of the project. By that time, I shall have left the country. The children won't have tidied up before they left. 75 Remember! You must indicate the specific future time referred to by using a time | adverbial or another clause. This structure can also be used to make predictions or assumptions about the present time. As you will have noticed, there are no ashtrays. | She will have found my note by now. | By the middle of June all my new furniture will have arrived. | Future perfect continuous Hf you want to indicate the duration of an event at a specific time in the future, you can use the future perfect continuous. By the time the year ends, I will have been living here for eighteen months. How long will you have been studying Greek when you finish this course? At Christmas, Ana will have been working at the company for a year. Remember! You need to use a time adverbial to indicate the future time and an adverbial of duration to state how long the event will last. } Exercise 1 Choose the correct word or words. 1 By the time we get to the party, all the food will go / have gone, won't it? 2 When they see Leon’s haircut, they'll get / have got a shock! 3 Let's have the party on the 25th - we'll do / have done our exams by then. 4 Your parents will already meet / have met Mr Gibbs at your school, is that right? 5 Jenny will tell / have told us her news when she gets here. Exercise 2 Put each sentence into the correct order. 1 arrived / will / have /? / Katya / yet, / she / won't 2 won't / have / They / the house / to clean / had / properly yet. / time 3. mind by / will /./ tomorrow / change / Helen / her 4 for 60 years next / been / My grandparents / have /./ married / August / will 5 | presume. / told / about / Chris's / won't / promotion yet, / Lucia / have / been 6 midday? / finished / runners / will / How many / have / by 76 Work on your Grammar Advanced (1) UNIT 19 Future perfect Exercise 3 Complete the sentences by writing one word in each gap. 1 The car will have been repaired the time Paddy finishes work. 2 Their wedding was in 1990, so in 2020 they will have been for 30 years. 3 Do you think the postman will have delivered my birthday cards _________Igoto school tomorrow? 4 How long will you have waiting if the bus doesn’t come until 6.30? 5 Paola won't have that the play is starting early - shall we phone her? 6 I bet they won't have looked on the table so they won't have our note, Exercise 4 Are the highlighted words correct or incorrect in the sentences? 1 He'll have been teaching () at this school for six years by this time next month. 2 When I take my Spanish exams in May, Ill only have been studied (it for three months. 3 Kitty will have left school by the time Robbie starts Q). 4 know Giuseppe won't have Q] washed up. He never does! 5 When we've painted this room, we will have done (] the whole house. 6 The train leaves in an hour - have you finished Q packing by then? Exercise 5 Find the wrong or extra word in each sentence. 1 The train will have left by the time we shall get to the station. 2. I'm going into town on Saturday, but the jeans | want will probably have being sold out by then. 3 When the Smiths will leave tomorrow evening, we'll have had a whole weekend of thelr complaining! 4 The restaurant will have close before we get there if you don’t hurry up. 5 Don't worry, that noise will only have been made my brother's motorbike. 6 The rain is forecast to carry on until Tuesday, by which time it will have been caused the river to overflow its banks. Exercise 6 Write the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete each sentence. 1. We'll be at the cinema in half an hour - will the film (start) by then? 2 Do you think the baby will have ____ (go to sleep) by the time I come home? 3 My mum will have texted me a hundred times before the plane's even (leave) the airport! 4 I think my phone battery will have 5 Iwill have been by the end of the year. 6 |_____{not think) those guests will have understood a word the receptionist said. (run out) long before | arrive at the hostel. (write) for the college magazine longer than anyone else 7 Should and the subjunctive Using reported clauses with and without modals | In this unit you learn to use should in an object clause. You also learn that when you leave out the modal you form the subjunctive. ed Qn nn gn Submitting assignments It is imperative that assignments be handed in on or before their due date. We request that students inform their course tutors as soon as they realize that their deadline will not be met. That students agree on a new due date with the tutor is also a requirement. When assignments are submitted late, marks will be deducted from the score awarded for the work, according to how late they are. So it is clearly vital that students make every effort to meet their submission deadlines. Itis strongly advised that students read very carefully the rules and guidelines given to them at the beginning of their course. Remember! ‘Students should hand in their assignments on or before the due date. Students should inform their course tutors that the deadline will not be met. * Students should agree on a new date with the tutor. * Students should make every effort to meet the deadline. * Students should read the rules and guidelines carefully. Should When someone makes a suggestion about what someone else should do, you report it by using a that-clause. In British English, this clause often contains a modal, usually should. ‘They recommended that the proposal should be accepted. 2B Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) UNIT 20 Should and the subjunctive The subjunctive When you leave out the modal, the verb in the reported clause still has the form it would have if the modal were present. This verb form is called the subjunctive. They recommended that the proposal be accepted. It was his doctor who advised that he change his job. I suggested that he bring them all to the party. He insists that the regulations be followed. It + be + important, etc., that + subjunctive You can also say that something is important or necessary by using a sentence beginning with the impersonal pronoun it, followed by is, an adjective such as important and a that-clause. As above, you can leave in the modal, or remove it to form the subjunctive, Itis essential that the minister (should) be informed immediately. Itis vital that you (should) know precisely what's happening. Exercise 1 Complete the sentences by writing one word in each gay 1 We decided it was vital that we should ‘a good night's sleep before our journey. 2 Isitreally necessary that Bill___so hard? 3 Dave that | sing a few songs at the concert. 4 They've proposed that the footpath be closed while work is carried out onit. 5 Jackson has suggested that! ______his band. 6 When we broke his car window, the man next door demanded that we ______ for itimmediately. Exercise 2 Decide if the pairs of sentences have the same meaning. The band leader suggested the guitarist play faster. The band leader always wants the guitarist to play louder. Anja insisted on me being the one who went to the show. Anja insisted that | should be the one to go to the show. How much hay did Eleanor ask that we give each horse? How much hay did Eleanor tell us to give each horse? It is essential that we be united in our approach to the problem. ‘We must solve all our problems at once. It’s most important that an injured person stay warm, Most importantly, an injured person must stay warm, a Q w e>ararorar 79 Exercise 3 Match the sentence halves. 1 tis essential that the area in front of the school entrance always a_be sold to raise funds. 2 The teachers are insisting that the schoo! tie b bereduced. 3 Itis not desirable that pupils. © be kept clear 4 Some of the children have requested that their homework load be worn. 5 It has been proposed that some of the school playing fields @ be driven to school. Exercise 4 Write the simple past form of the verb in brackets to complete each sentencé 1 Would you recommend that jackets be______(wear) for the trip? 2 It___ (be) absolutely vital that you listen carefully to these instructions now. 3 How much food do you suggest that we (take)? 4 Group leaders have requested that you_____ (leave) expensive gadgets at home. 5 Some of the parents suggested they should__ (accompany) their children. 6 It___(be) necessary that we book the bus for the trip last June, to ensure we got the right vehicle. Exercise 5 Find the wrong or extra word in each sentence. 1 Who on earth suggested the canteen to be painted bright purple? 2 itis vital that everyone should be understand the safety procedure. 3 It's not essential that ail employees approve it the new design, as long as most do! 4 My friends recommended us that we should eat in the Greengate Café. 5 Can | just ask for that the cat be well looked after while we're away? 6 Itis vital that Tilly must see the doctor as soon as possible. 80 Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) Avoiding repetition by omitting to-infinitives In this unit you learn to avoid repetition of the main verb by omitting the to-infinitive (with or without the need to retain the fo). SSN HNN HHH NN A SSNAHHGHAN To: Julia Fl From: Ella Subject: James HiJutia Good to hear from you! You asked after James. Actually, | don't see as much of him as I'd ‘ike to. (Mind you, '™m to blame — | was supposed to call him last right and completely forgot!) | think he's happy ~ he certainly deserves to be. Such a lovely guy, Don’t know about you but | need a holiday. I'd fly off somewhere hot tomorrow if | could afford to, !hate my job. I'd resign iF | dared to, but then I'd have even less money, Anyway, I've got some work to do before bedtime, if! can bear 't0, thats. Very dull call tomorrow for a chat. Much love Ela In order to avoid repetition, you can leave words out of to-infinitive clauses. Instead of using a full to-infinitive clause after a verb, you can just use to if the action or state has already been ‘mentioned. Instead of He failed his exam but | don't think he deserved to faill it, you can say: He failed his exam but I don't think he deserved to. Remember! ‘You can also do this in conversation to avoid repeating what the other person has said. A Do you ever visit a doctor? B No. We can't afford to. 81 Exercise 1 Match the sentence halves. 1 Iwondered you could give Simon a lift. 2 Iwas hoping b Simon getting a lift with you? © give Simon a lift? might give Simon a lift? @ to give Simona lift? £ if you would mind giving Simon a lift? 3 Were you planning 4 Did you think you could 5 Was there a possibility that you 6 Is there any chance of Exercise 2 Put each sentence into the correct order. 1 borrow /1/ hoping / was / to / car tonight /./ your 2 of /were / you / jacket / looking / What /? / for / kind 3 there /?/ an /Was / particularly liked / you / author 4 if 2 / were / wondering / donation / you could / us / We /a/ give 5 to/I/ask/if/ wanted / be / could / turned down / ./ the heating 6 me/,/you/?/ did / Excuse / want / something Exercise 3 Choose the correct word. 1 Iwas hoping / wondering / expecting if you could help me. 2 | wondered if | might / am / said ask you a question? 3 Was / Could / Might there something I can help you with? 4 We were hoping / wondering / asking you could help us. 5 I hoping / will hope / hoped you might be able to lend me some money. Exercise 4 Write the missing words in sentence B so that it means the same as sentence A. 1A Would it be possible for me to leave my bag with you and collect it later? B Iwas 2 A Did you want a double or a single room, madam? B ____ you like a double ora single room, madam? 3A. What kind of suitcase did you want, sir? B What kind of suitcase were you 4 A Doyou think you could repair this watch? B Iwas that you could repair this watch. if | could leave my bag with you and collect it later. for, sir? Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) UNIT 22 Politeness Exercise 5 Decide if the pairs of sentences have the same meaning. e>araor>arar '1was planning to come and see youlater. 11am thinking about coming to see you later. Which of these cakes did you want? What kind of cakes did you use to like? Ii like to get tickets for the show at 7 p.m. Q Iwas hoping to get tickets for the show at 7 p.m. We were wondering if you'd like to come with us. We thought about asking you tocome with us, Was it the chocolate or the strawberry ice cream that you wanted? Would you like the strawberry or the chocolate ice cream? a Exercise 6 Which sentences are correct? 1 We were wondering you could help us? 2 We hoped you wouldn't mind wait for us. 3 How many large envelopes did you need? 4 Thope you could post this letter for me. 5 Were you trying to find the exit? 6 | just wanted to ask you if you could move your car ~ it's blocking the road. oooooo Exercise 7 ‘Complete the sentences by writing one word in each gap. 1 Iwas 2 Would it be possible to book the hall for tomorrow, we. 3 | just wanted to if could have another cup of coffee? wondering? you a question. 4 Was a refund or a credit note that you wanted? 5 We wondered 'we might come and visit you later? 6 Were any problems that | could help you with? 387 Sentence connectors and conjunctions In this unit you learn to use conjunctions between clauses in a sentence and connectors between sentences. This helps you to form coherent texts when you write or speak. SNARE NH HNN HN Connections between clauses ina sentence When you put two clauses into one sentence, you use a conjunction to link them and to show the relationship between them. They went by bus because it was cheap. The cake looked wonderful, but it was too dry to eat. Jalila had learnt to cook in order that her mother could have a day off sometimes. Her sister told her nothing about it, except that the event had taken place. He put the book back in place just as it had been. You can use one of the following conjunctions: Connections between clauses in a sentence Coordinating conjunctions ‘and | but “or in order that soasto so that because incase | since although despite even if except that, not that, whereas while Conjunctions used in purpose clauses Conjunctions used in reason clauses Conjunctions used in concessive clauses Conjunctions used in clauses of manner as like |just as 88, Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) UNIT 23 Sentence connectors and conjunctions Connections between sentences You use sentence connectors to show what sort of connection there is between one sentence and another. We arrived early. However, the bus had already left. ‘Taxis were provided for the delegates. Therefore, the rain was not an issue. ‘She struggled with the problem of gaining weight. Furthermore, there was no advice that helped. “You are what you eat’ does have some truth to it. By the same token, before we are born, we are what our mothers eat. She didn't know how long he might be. In the meantime, she could only sit there waiting. You can introduce a related comment of an extra reinforcing piece of information the following connectors: ing one of Connections between sentences To compare with something already mentioned ‘also as well furthermore moreover [again | bythe same token equally likewise “alternatively “by contrast conversely even so however nevertheless on the contrary on the other hand rather then again accordingly | asa result consequently hence | “therefore | To indicate that something takes place after or before an at the same time event that you have already mentioned or at the same time beforehand as that event finally | in the meantime later meanwhile next previously simultaneously soon subsequently throughout To add a fact that illustrates the same point as the one you have just made, or a suggestion that has the same basis To contrast with the previous sentence or give another point of view To say that the fact you are mentioning exists because of the fact or facts previously given 89 Exercise 1 Are the highlighted words correct or incorrect in this text? ‘Adam was going to be speaking to you this morning, but unfortunately he’s unable to be here. ‘Consequently (2, I've been asked to say a few words about the launch of this product. *However (), before | start I'd like to look back, for a moment, on the last two years. | think we'd all agree it’s been a challenging undertaking and we've encountered our fair share of problems. Hence (2, its been exhausting and, at times, frustrating. “Furthermore Q), it’s been extremely ‘enjoyable and rewarding. *Furthermore (), | think we've all learned a lot along the way. “Therefore QI think we can all be very proud of ourselves and proud of the product that we've Jointly created, Exercise 2 Rearrange the letters to find words. Use the definitions to help you. 1 rofherete (used to introduce a logical result or conclusion) 2 whemanile (while a particular thing is happening) 3 heewras (used to introduce a comment which contrasts with what is said in the main clause) 4 ewohrev (used when you are adding a comment which is surprising or which contrasts. what has just been said) 5 yb snortact {used to show that you are now mentioning a very different situation from the one you have just mentioned) 6 venretehsels (used when saying something that contrasts with what has just been Exercise 3 For each sentence, tick the correct ending. 1 Ihave two dresses in my wardrobe whereas O my sister has 23. Q1Ineed a couple more. 2 We had a tiny house and very little money. Nevertheless, we were quite dissatisfied with our lives. Owe were perfectly content with our lives. 3 We had our health and enough money to live on. Furthermore, it wasn't enough. Q we had each other. 4 I had spent all but $50 of my budget. Consequently, Q Iwas living on a meagre diet of bread and water. Qt was still having a marvellous time. 5 There is a limited supply of apartments on the campus. Therefore Q we are confident that we will be able to provide you with accommodation. we recommend that you apply for housing before the official deadiine. 90 Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) Exercise 4 Decide if the pairs of sentences have the same meaning. 1 A This is by no means an easy task. Nevertheless, we persevere, trusting that our efforts will be rewarded, B This is by no means an easy task, but we persevere, trusting that our efforts will be rewarded. 2A I spent a modest £30 on my trainers. By contrast, my husband spent £120 on hist B I spent a modest £30 on my trainers, whereas my husband spent £120 on his! 3 A_Itwas an exhausting trip and not without stress. Nevertheless, we found it useful and in parts, even enjoyable. B It was an exhausting trip and not without stress. However, we found it useful and in arts, even enjoyable, 4 A Wearrived at 9 otlock. Consequently, the bus had already left. B We arrived at 9 olock but the bus had already left. a Qa Qa Exercise 5 Which sentences are correct? 1 Our headquarters are currently being refurbished. Meanwhile, we're using the building ‘opposite as a temporary office. 2 The job isn't ideal in that | have to travel too much and the hours are long. However, it’s not all bad. 3 It'sa lovely, spacious apartment and it’s in a very nice part of town. Furthermore, it’s very close to where | work. 4 The company | work for are great actually, and my colleagues are first-rate. Nevertheless, Id like to stay with them for a few years. 5 No one was willing to give evidence in court. Accordingly, the case was dropped. 6 Sara does a job share for 20 hours a week, whereas I do something very similar. ooo occ Exercise 6 Choose the correct word or phrase. 1 Ihave a tiny, one-bedroom apartment sister has a huge house in the country. 2 | lived on my own. Consequently / Hence / However, | wasn't lonely. 3 He never went out and met anyone. Consequently / By contrast / Nevertheless, he didn't have any friends to speak of, 4 People generally admire Michael professionally. Nevertheless / Therefore / Furthermore, they like him as a person, and that’s definitely more important. 5 She wasn’t the most reliable of colleagues and her behaviour was quite erratic. Furthermore / Nevertheless / Meanwhile, she could be quite inspired and she was fun to work with. the city. Meanwhile / Nevertheless / Therefore, my 91 Which, whose, how much and how many Asking questions about things outside the main clause In this unit you learn to use pushdown questions with which, whose, how much and how many. SS SSHNANAANAHANGHN AN NABH AHNANAHNT HNN SAAN In pushdown questions, the thing being questioned is not directly in the main clause, itis only part of an element, for example, part of the object, part of an adjunct or part of a subordinate clause. If the main clause is Mike caught measles, then Whose child did Mike catch measles from? is a pushdown question because it questions part of the adjunct. However, Who did Mike catch ‘measles from? is not a pushdown question because it questions the adjunct in the main clause. If the main clause is / bought presents for the children, then How many presents costing under £5 did you buy for the children? is a pushdown question because it questions part of the adjunct, that is not in the main clause. However, How many presents did you buy for the children? is not a pushdown question because it questions the adjunct in the main clause. Examples of pushdown questions: Which of our neighbours did you meet the son of? This is a pushdown question because it does not question the main clause but a prepositional phrase that is part of the object. However, Which of our neighbour's sons did you meet? is not a pushdown question as itis questioning the main clause: / met your neighbour's son. How much of the free time you had at the weekend did you spend watching TV? This is a pushdown question because it questions part of the adjunct that is not in the main clause. However, How much time did you spend watching TV? is not a pushdown question as itis questioning the main clause: | spent time watching TV. Examples that are not pushdown questions: How much time do you need to finish your work? This is not a pushdown question because it questions the object in the main clause: You need some time. Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) UNIT 24 Which, whose, how much and how many Exercise 1 Match the sentence halves. 1. Which aspect of the research a lead you to search for additional sources on the same subject? 2 What was the precise point b had to be discarded after you realized they were inaccurate? 3. What have the responses to the € led you to expect with regard to likely survey you carried out future trends? 4 Which figures did you say d do you consider most likely to present difficulties in writing up? 5 Do you know the title of the journal © at which you realized that your theory ‘was untenable? 6 Where did your initial findings in which the article you're looking for appeared? Exercise 2 Complete the sentences by writing one phrase in each gap. 1 How useful of an essay before writing it? 2 Which system of providing source references. bby the majority of researchers? to draft an outline 3 Which methods the discussion group to use in order to provide feedback on your proposals? 4 Which section of your dissertation to write up first? 5 What prevents them from starting to write up their work? 6 What sample size the evidence you're using? based on that provided Exercise 3 Which sentences are correct? 1 Which type of cheese did you tell me you wanted to buy for the party? 2 Whose father you said you went to university with? 3. How long do you think should I wait for her to arrive? ‘4 Which river did they say they tried to swim across? 5. How many matches are you glad because the team won? 6 Which file is the form that I need to complete in? ooocoo 93 UNIT 24 Which, whose, how much and how many Exercise 4 Are the highlighted words correct or incorrect in the sentences? 1 Who should children under the age of 14 be accompanied by (1 if they want to see the film? 2 Who you said offered to help us Q) if we got into any difficulty? 3 Whose children should we not disturb C1? 4 Where did you go where had you never been (] before? 5 What did John offer to help us by doing C)? 6 Which car manufacturer has just withdrawn their latest model () from the market? Exercise 7 For each sentence, tick the correct ending. 1 The experiment was to see Q which sort of tree trapped the most air pollution. O how much of the trees trapped the most air pollution. 2 Amelia asked him Q whose daughter he had taken her to the cinema. Q whose daughter he had taken to the cinema. 3 Which of the chairs QO did you make a cover for? O made you a cover for? 4 How many of the apples that we picked at the weekend Q you put in the pies? Q did you put in the pies? 5 Nobody knew Q whose essay Michel had copied his from. QO whose essay did Michel copy his from. 6 How much of their worktime Q do staff spend speaking on the phone? Q do staff spend to speak on the phone? Exercise 5 Find the wrong or extra word in each sentence. 1. How large a percentage of people who buy three socio-economic classes? 2 Which station did you say whether | should get off at? 3 How much more did Mario spend during his holiday than had he intended? 4 Who do you think Stefan saw him crossing the road outside the supermarket? 5 How long did he say if he was going to wait for? 6 What do you think we should ask that Daphne to bring to the meeting? brand of washing powder are they in the top Exercise 6 Decide if the pairs of sentences have the same meaning. 1 A_ How many shoes costing under £20 do they sell in the shop? How many shoes do they sell in the shop? ‘Whose book did you tell the teacher you had borrowed? When you told the teacher you had borrowed a book, who did you say you O) borrowed it from? How much money did you say that her father earnsin a year? Tell me how much money her father earns in a year. Which of the college rules is considered by you to be the most important? Which of the college rules do you consider to be the most important? Which shelf are the clothes that you're wearing to the party on? Can you show me the shelf where the clothes that you're wearing to the party are? Did you say how long Matthew is staying for? How long did Matthew say that he would be staying for? a x o> a> Qa Qa e>ararar 94 Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) 95 Phrasal verbs (1) | Two-word phrasal and prepositional verbs In this unit you learn to use two-word phrasal and prepositional verbs and the correct, position of the object. SSRN SANNA SHANNA There isa special group of verbs formed of two or three words. These are called phrasal verbs, They consist of: a verb followed by an adverb: They sat down. The music gradually died away. a verb followed by a preposition (sometimes called a prepositional verb): She looked after her sick mother. She fell down the steps. Don't count on James. Remember! ‘The nouns at the end of the examples above (sick mother, the steps, James) are objects of the prepositions and not direct objects of the verbs. Therefore the noun phrase always comes after the preposition, even when it is a pronoun. Don't count on him. NOT Dowteount-hin-or. When you are using a phrasal verb with an object that is a short noun phrase, you usually have a choice as to where you put the object. It can be placed either after the second word of the phrasal verb or after the first word and before the second word. He filled up his car with petrol, She filled my glass up. When the object consists of a long noun phrase, itis more likely to come after the second word of the phrasal verb. Officials have been asked to hold back all documentation relating to the court case. He promised to give away five per cent of all of his future earnings to charity. knocked over the table at the side of her bed as I walked past. Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) UNIT 25 Phrasal verbs (1) ‘When the object is a pronoun it usually comes before the second word of the phrasal verb. This is because it is not new information, and so it is not put in a position of prominence at the end of the clause, I waited until he had emptied it out. He tied it up and threw it into the car. If the object of a phrasal verb is an abstract noun such as hope, confidence or support, it usually comes after the second word of the phrasal verb. We are hoping to build up confidence in the company. His opponent put up a lot of resistance. She didn't hold out much hope for their return, With a small number of phrasal verbs, the object is always placed between the first and the second words of the verb. For example, you can say I can’t tell your brothers apart but not tean't tell apart your brothers, Here are some more examples: The headmaster was ordering everybody about. He answered his father back. Remember! Some phrasal verbs have more than one transitive sense. For example, take back has the object between the first and the second word when it means remind someone of something but when it means regain something the object can come in between or at the end. The smell of the corridor took the man back to his schooldays, The athlete’s ambition of taking back his world title remained unfulfilled, Exercise 1 Are the highlighted words correct or incorrect in this text? HiSammy ‘Thanks for your email - it was lovely to find your news from home when | 'switched on my computer this morning. | started my Swedish course on Monday, and so far it’s been really good. There’s a huge amount of new language “for me to take in, so I'm working hard after classes as well as at school. ‘The course goes on till 6 every evening, so it’s quite intense! | feel like I'm “picking them up. very slowly but that's probably because there's such a lot to learn. I've started writing my first assignment today and we've got to “hand in next Friday. 've made some great new friends, and we all ‘hang us out together when we have any free time. Write again soon Anita 97 Exercise 2 For each sentence, tick one or two correct endings. 1 This old cars always breaking Ditdown. O down. Q itself down. Q down the car. 2 I've dropped an earting under your chair ~ please can you pick Qupit? Q up my earring? Qup? | Qitup? 3 I've decided to give OD up all the things | do that get me down. QD all up the things I do that get me down. Dall the things | do that get me down up. Qall the things that get me up down. 4 | need to watch what | eat because ofall the weight I've recently put Qon. Qiton. Qonit. Qontome. 5 Ferdinand has gon Qanew bike for. QO fora new bike. Q it fora new bike. O for him a new bike. Exercise 3 Put each sentence into the correct order. 1 come / you / and / Can / pick / from Lara's /?//me/ up 2 not to/ Please try / us /up/./ wake 3 his / for /looking / ./ phone / the café / in / Jacob's 4 mustn't /give / in /You / to /1/ temptation 5 Have / when / found / out / Rick / is / you / stay / coming / to /? 6 across / dance music / I've never before / type / come / this / of /. 98 Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) Exercise 4 Find the words or phrases that do not belong. [1 look it up for 22 filtin him it (3 take it | back off (4 come | across it coutit Exercise 5 Find the wrong or extra word in each sentence. UNIT 25 Phrasal verbs (1) ‘over the gaps for ‘offit 1 The concert organizers have decided to put it off concert until the singer has recovered. 2 Please go away you until I've finished my work, 3 | hope they never find out who it made the mistake. 4 My grandparents brought me and my brothers up them. 5 know I can always count him on Tom. 6 She filled in writing the form very quickly. Exercise 6 Match the two parts together. 1 saw the bus leaving the stop and ran, but | couldn't catch 2 I shared a flat with Tessa for a while but it didn’t work 3 | always liked fast food until a documentary put me 4 I tried to solve the puzzle but | couldn't work 5 You must see the doctor soon - don't put 6 Id finished all my coursework but I forgot to hand a itin. b off out. d itoff. e itup. f itout. Phrasal verbs (2) Three-word phrasal and prepositional verbs In this unit you learn to use three-word phrasal and prepositional verbs and the correct position of the object. Karsnnsananan anon ANSAAAHNANOAAAANHAGAAHAAAHANNY SHANAHAN To: Alun From: Laura Subject: Meeting with Antonio Hello Alun | had a meeting with Antonio yesterday and he let me in on the deal. We are going to go to two other businesses and get them both to make us an offer. Then we are going to play the two of, ‘them off against each other. We'll take the highest bidder. t could be a tricky negotiation though and I'm not sure what I've let myself in for. Regards Laura Some phrasal verbs consist of three words: a verb, an adverb and a preposition. This type of verb is sometimes called a phrasal-prepositional verb. Most three-word phrasal verbs are intransitive. ‘The preposition at the end is followed by its own object. His girlfriend walked out on him. They got away with overcharging us for six months. How did you put up with it? ‘A few three-word phrasal verbs are transitive. The direct object of the verb comes immediately after the verb. A second noun phrase is put after the preposition, as normal, They tried to turn us out of our home. Bill tried to talk them out of it Who put you up to this trick? These are some transitive three-word phrasal verbs: do out of put down to frighten out of put upto let in for take out on let in on take up on play off against talk out of ut down as tum out of pt 100 Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) UNIT 26 Phrasal verbs (2) Exercise 1 Choose the correct words or phrases. 1 Nicola looks really well at the moment. | put it down to / down to it the fact she's changed her job. 2 I'm so disappointed that our holiday was cancelled. | was really looking forward to a break / looking forward a break to. 3 Martin argued with his girlfriend, but now he wants to make her up with it /it up with her 4 Good teachers always look students out for / out for students who might be struggling to keep up. 5 Jim always stood up for what he believed in / what he believed in up for and people respected him for that. Exercise2 - Put the correct word or words in each gap. Hi Stef Hope you found your bike lock key and you managed to get ' to your flat Ok yesterday? It was great to catch? with everyone again after the holidays, especially Tom. He's so nice, I don’t think anyone could ever fall out with? ttm glad he’s decided not to drop out of He's going to live in halls of residence this year and I've offered to help him move all © into the flat on Tuesday. f you're around then, it would be great if you could come and help © out with the move. and Tom Are yor tonight? | could pop over to see you. Bye for now Ned Exercise 3 Write the words in brackets in the correct order to complete each sentence. 1 Ahmet'’s a naughty little boy but he never gets caught. How does he get (with it away)? 2 Let's meet, so I can catch (up your news on). 3 The shop where Anthony worked closed, so that put (of him out) a job. 4 Sara's lovely. You'd (on get her with) really well, think. 5 Was it Mohammed who put (you to up) playing this trick on me? 6 You've bought so many tinned tomatoes that we won't (out them run of) for about five years! 101 | Exercise 4 Put each sentence into the correct order. 1 to/I/cut/ need /| spend / down / of money / on /./ the amount 2 with /Be/!/you / off 3 the broken vase /. / wrapped / She / up in / and / newspaper / away /it / threw 4 with /it/on/t/Get 5 do/set/ you /When/ work/ off /?/ for 6 annoyed if / don't / you / along /. / go / with / He / his wishes / gets Exercise 5 Exercise 6 Which sentences are correct? 1 Ivan fell Nina out with, because she forgot his birthday! 2 That watch was my dad's, so please take it good care of, 3 Itdoesn’t matter. Please put it out of your mind, 4 Why were you turned away from the club? 5 He and Marti had never got each other on well with. 6 What did you get up to in Greece? oooooo Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) Decide if the pairs of sentences have the same meaning. 1 A I'll look out for your glove while I'm cleaning. a B I'll look out your glove for you while I'm cleaning. 2 A |was brought up by my aunt and uncle. a B My aunt and uncle brought me up. 3 A Hannah turned up with a bunch of flowers for me. a B Hannah turned a bunch of flowers up at the door for me. 4 A Doyou get along with all your brothers? a B Do you get all your brothers along with you? 5 A When it comes to cleaning, | definitely don’t keep up to the same standard as my mum! B | definitely don’t keep my cleaning up to the same standard as my mum's. a Inversion (1) Inversion after so + adjective, such + be, neither and nor In this unit you learn to use structures that require inversion to give emphasis or show a shared negative between two parts of a sentence. Inversion means that you swap the normal position of the verb and the subject. \ aang 9980 5A ANITA HANNA Inversion after so + adjective You can use so to emphasize an adjective. For example, you can say It’s so cold today. You can also put the so + adjective at the beginning of the sentence, but the verb and the subject must be inverted. You say: So well-funded was the research that results were achieved within months NOT So-well-funded the-research-was So successful were the kits that the group's toy division soon became too big for the company to handle. So angry was he with his father that Ben didn't talk to him for a few years. Inversion after such + be Ifyou want to emphasize a noun or noun phrase use such + be. Ag be need to be inverted. ‘the subject and the verb Such were the problems at the airport that no planes took off for several hours. Such was her fear that she refused to drive on the motorway. Such was the noise that none of them heard David when he spoke again. Such were the pressures of the business that Ines had to return to work three days later. Inversion after neither and nor You also use inversion after neither and nor when you are saying that the previous negative statement also applies to another person or group. We aren't going to Spain this year, and neither are the Watsons. I don't know where my phone is, nor does anyone else! Tye got nothing to lose, and neither has Michelle, He himself isn’t talking, and nor are his lawyers. 103 UNIT 27 Inversion (1) Exercise 1 Choose the correct words. 1 I wasn't interested in history and neither was Eva / Eva was. 2 Our problems were so great / so great were that we had to give up the journey. 3 So splendid was the palace / the palace was that even the emperor was impressed. 4 My computer isn’t working and nor my phone is / is my phone. 5 Such was her dismay /her dismay was at the news, thought she might faint. | 6 My brother is such a liar / such a liar is that | never know whether to believe him. Exercise 5 Put each sentence into the correct order. 1 bus fare /I couldn't / could Amy /./ afford the / and neither 2 I should have done / far more than / that | ate / were the cakes /./ So delicious 3 Such was / quite frightened / ./ we were / the force of / his anger that 4 the post office /. / isn't open / neither is / The bank/ today and Exercise 2 Mitch thie sentence Halves: 5 these soldiers / Such were the / that many of them /./ never recovered / dangers faced by 1 We aren't going to Spain this year, 2 I decided to make an excuse and leave. 2. Such was the panic as we ran outside that b and neither are the Watsons. Shee even isis behaviour become /tred of him Soioutmageous.dll/#farnly grew 3 So relieved were his parents that € and nor has my wife, 4 I've never been abroad, d they forgot to reprimand him. Exercise 6 5 Such was the awkwardness of the situation, € and neither did | Write the missing words in sentence B so that it means the same as sentence A. 1A The mountain was so high, we could not climb it in a day. 6 Kirsty didn’t want to go skiing, f forgot to pick up my handbag. Exercise 3 B So we could not climb it in a day. Semaleth hraenceed beet ee 2 A Ididn’t go to the concert and Jan didn’t either. B I didn’t goto the concert and neither 3 A We felt so happy, we wanted to celebrate straight away. 1 Such is his he believes that nobody can beat him. B Such _____happiness that we wanted to celebrate straight away. 2 So ___________was she that she stayed in her room for a week. 4 A Neither chemistry nor physics interests me much. 3 Such were the__ on our movements that we could rarely leave the city. B Chemistry doesn't interest me much and nor 4 So______were her debts that they dominated her life. 5 A The restaurant was so expensive, | barely had enough money to pay the bill 5 Such was the ___of contacting him that we spoke only three times in the year BSo______that I barely had enough money to pay the bill. he was away. 6 A My brother and my father both hate opera. 6 So___are his paintings, people travel from distant countries to see them. B_ My brother doesn’t like opera and neither Exercise 4 Which sentences are correct? 1 I'm not intending to go to university and neither are most of my friends. 2 So beautiful the girl was, everyone was staring at her. 3 Barbara hasn't finished her essay and nor Kamal has. 4 Such is the difficult to pass the exam, most students are not successful. 5 So valuable were her jewels, they were kept in a special safe at night. 6 Such was the greed of these people, they were prepared to cheat their own friends. oooooo 104 Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) 105, UNIT 28 Inversion (2) Remember! | Inversion also occurs in formal speech and writing after adverbials preceded by only. Only with exceptional luck will you win anything. Only when the music stopped did Sue finally stop dancing. Inversion (2) Inversion after negative adverbials In this unit you learn to use inversion in structures that use negative adverbials to give emphasis. Exercise 1 Ls HOHHNHHNHAHHENLEHEA NG Tr E Match the sentence halves: 1 Never has there been a he launched into a torrent of accusations. Inversion occurs when broad negative adverbs or other negative adverbials are put at the 2 Seldom have | encountered b when | was not reminded of Larry. beinning of cause foremphe This strctreis sein formal speech and wing to show 3° No sooner liad Carla woken, «¢ for our opinion on the matter. something is surprising or original in some way. 4 Rarely did a day go by such despair in one so young. Never 5 Not once did he think to ask than she insisted on calling Max again. Never have I experienced such suffering. 6 Scarcely had we sat down when f better time to invest in gold. Barely Exercise 2 Barely had the film ended when everyone got up to go. Complete the sentences by writing one word in each gap. 1 Rarely have|____such a magnificent floral display. Seldom Seldom has hard work been so rewarded. Rarely 2 Never in his life would he ___such success again. Rarely has so much money been wasted by an individual. 3 Only once did she _ short of her own high standards of honesty. 4 Not once did he any doubts about his course of action. Only once Only once have I declined their invitation. 5 Barelyhadhe______ the room when Olivia started shouting wild accusations at him, 6 Little did we _________what difficulties lay ahead of us. No sooner ... than ‘No sooner had I seen the man than he disappeared. Exercise 3 Put each sentence into the correct order. 1 did we suspect / had the document / all along /./ Little / that she had Scarcely Scarcely had he got up when someone started hammering at the front door. Little Little did he realize what would happen to him. 2 Only after /./ spot the repair / was it / careful examination / possible to Not once 3 was the problem / the armed forces / . / than within / more evident / Nowhere Not once did they think to ask how I was. Not ina 4 her colleagues / had she / Rarely / to this extent /../ had to rely on Not in a thousand years would I agree to marry you. 5 this disease / children with /./ so many /had | seen / Never before 6 when chaos / Barely had / in the hall / broke out /./ the speaker finished Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) 107 Exercise 4 Decide if the pairs of sentences have the same meaning. 1A Never had | been so frightened in my life. Thad never been so frightened before, Rarely has there been a more popular prime minister. 4 Prime ministers are usually unpopular Only with a great deal of effort did we complete the work, We made a great deal of effort and completed the work. No sooner had | mended the chair than Michael broke it again. Michael broke the chair just before | mended it again. | usually dined alone in the evenings. Seldom was there an evening when | dined alone, only locked up for the night after the last people had left. Only when the last people had left did I lock up for the night. Q D> ar>ar>ar>a> o> Exercise 5 Which sentences are correct? 1 Nowhere were the documents to be found. 2 Not only I did all the shopping, but | had to cook dinner too. 3. Barely the music had finished when the fighting began. 4 He never did a day's work in his life, and neither did his father. 5 Never there were two people less suited to parenthood. 6 Little did we know what would happen next. Exercise 6 1 A. Ihave never felt so sick in my life. Never in my life sick, You will only succeed with a lot of hard work. Only with a lot of hard work He would not hurt his mother in a million years. Not in a million years There weren't any windows in the room either. Neither room. had hardly finished my dinner when he called, Hardly She didn’t thank us once, Not once mother. when he called. 2 eo r>oror>ararea Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) Write the missing words in sentence B so that it means the same as sentence A. ooooogo Inversion (3) Inversion after as and than In this unit you learn to use inversion in structures that compare or show similarity between two different things. SAAAANHNNAHAN SS ~~ NMA, Inversion after as As can be followed by an auxiliary verb (or the verb to be) which is inverted with the subject. ‘The structure indicates a similarity between the two things compared in the sentence. For example, The sitting room was found to be filthy, as was the kitchen focuses on the fact that both rooms were similarly dirty. Our neighbours refused to pay the money, as did we once we knew the plumber was overcharging. James is going to go to the local school, as will Harry when he’ old enough. Inversion after than Than can be followed by an auxiliary verb (or the verb to be) which Is inverted with the subject. The structure indicates a comparison between things or people. For example, People living in the countryside have fewer leisure opportunities than do those living in the city focuses on the ‘comparison between the two groups of people. The stars of US films are often better known than are the stars of our own, home-grown cinema. Delegates attending my afternoon session will have a shorter lunch break than will those attending Mr Wilson's session. Exercise 1 Match the sentence halves. 1 Learning in a class is, for me, far more effective 2 Aprinted dictionary is nicer to use 3 Learning my third and fourth languages seemed easier a than do those with larger type. b than doing it online, ¢ than do those that are more relaxed, than did learning my second. | e than an online version, | think, 4 Tired and stressed students remember less 5 Books that have very tiny print seem harder to understand 6 Doing my shopping at the supermarket is more time-consuming f than learning independently. 109 10 Exercise 2 Find the wrong or extra word in each sentence. 1 Henry always gave his children stunning birthday presents, as they did his mother and father. 2 Bus ticket prices will rise in the new year, as will rise train and underground prices. 3 Pedro and Nina have just started as going dancing on a Friday night, as have their friends Mike and Tanya. 4 The vegetables we get from Mr Tyson's shop are more fresher than those we buy anywhere else. 5 Facial expressions can communicate more feelings than can express words. 6 My sister has got a boyfriend at the University of Hong Kong, as has got my friend, Natasha. Exercise 3 Choose the correct word. 1 The train station is usually very busy in the mornings, as / than is the bus station. 2 Klaus is passionate about painting, as / than is his father. 3 Tom followed the leader, as was / did the rest of the climbing group, up the south side of the peak and finally to the top. 4 The books on the tables in the centre of the shop sell much more quickly than de / sell those on the shelves. 5 Id like to offer you many congratulations on your engagement, as had / would everyone else in my family, 6 The people who had arrived earliest got a much better view of the performance than did / had the rest of us. Exercise 4 Write the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete each sentence. 1 Children who (eat) healthily generally behave better i those with unhealthy diets. 2 Katy ___(have) a natural ability to run fast, as does her brother. 3 House prices in the east of the country (inctease), as did those in the south. 4 Johnnie had business together. school than do (know) Jorge for ten years, as had Jim, before they set up a (teach) me much more than has reading thousands of {still wait) for my results, as is everyone who took the exam on 20 May. Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) T_T T_— | UNIT 29 Inversion (3) Exercise 5 Complete the sentences by writing one word in each gap. 1 The horse escaped through the open gate, as 2 Athletes need to eat a lot more carbohydrates than little. 3 Simon thought that the hotel was superb, as there. the cows, People who exercise ‘most people who stayed 4 My great aunt Janie looks more like me than ‘anyone else in my family. 5 His latest thriller will in the future be recognized as a masterpiece, as, his three earlier works, 6 Teri’s got much more self-confidence than many people of our age, Exercise 6 Which sentences are correct? 1 Children attending the morning swimming classes will have longer sessions than will those in the afternoon, a 2 The names of French wines are still better known than do the wines of most other nations. a 3 Some of the singers at the festival were worse than were those at my five-year- old daughter's school concert! Qa 4 The ferry left on time, than did the train and the bus that | had to take to get to the meeting. Qa 5 Gerald will be pleased with the outcome of our discussion, as will Harry, | think. a 6 After the interview Jane was sure, as did her interviewer, that she would be the right person for the job. Qa Exercise 7 Are the highlighted words correct or incorrect in the sentences? 1 The front door was open, as was () the outer door. 2 After the operation, your hand will feel tight, as will do your lower arm C) 3 Indoor plants need more light and water than do () the same plants outdoors. 4 When asked who was responsible, Lucia remained silent, as did () the others. 5 Doctors are better equipped to make these decisions as are () the patients. 6 Frozen foods retain more nutrients than do retain those Q) which are tinned. m Inversion (4) Inversion after adverbials of place In this unit you learn to use inversion in structures that add emphasis to the position or motion of the subject. Kos HE NILA GI ER 2 ™yE EQ To add emphasis and drama to speech or writing it is possible to have adverbs of direction or place at the beginning of a clause, followed by a verb of motion and a noun subject. The verb and subject are inverted. Down the stairs came the queen, dressed in a silk gown. Out went the soldier, into the dark night. However, if the subject is a pronoun, you put it before the verb, so there is no inversion, Down the stairs she came. Out he went, into the dark night. In written English, adverb phrases introduced by prepositions such as in the corner can be followed by verbs indicating position, such as crouch, hang, lie, stand, etc, followed by a noun subject. From the ceiling hung party decorations. Im the corner stood an old chest of drawers. Again, if you use a pronoun as the subject, you put it before the verb, so there is no inversion. From the ceiling they hung. In the corner it stood. ‘You can follow here and there by the verbs be, come and go and a noun subject. Used at the beginning of the sentence, here and there carry more stress than they do when they come after the verb and there is usually a difference in meaning. Here is the bus. There is Jasmine. There goes our train. Here comes the food. If the subject is a pronoun, it comes before the verb, so there is no inversion. Here it comes. There they go. Work on your Grammar Advanced (Ci) UNIT 30 Inversion (4) Exercise 1 Match the sentence halves. 1 Onthe seat lay a a pair of red leather gloves, 2. Down came the rain b tothe 25th floor, 3 Up wewent in the lift € from your little hiding place, 4 Out you come d the orchard for a picnic, 5 There you are, © and watered the arid soil, 6 Off we went into £ I've been looking for you for ag Exercise 2 Choose the correct word. 1 Down /On//In you get, and don't forget to put your seat belt on. 2 Off /On/ Under you go, and take your coat because it'll get cold later. 3 Over / Out / In they came from the stadium, waving their football scarves. 4 Up/Down / Over came the sun as we had breakfast on the terrace. 5 Under / Over / Along the shore came a lone rider on a white horse. 6 Next / Beside / Besides the driver sat a small boy. Exercise 3 Find the wrong or extra word in each sentence. 1. Beside to me, my daughter was sleeping peacefully. 2 There is you are, playing computer games as usual. 3. Out you get from, and don’t go in there again! 4 Down did he fell from his horse. 5 Under the floorboards beneath, we found what looked like a hand-drawn map. 6 There goes it our bus! Exercise 4 Are the highlighted words correct or incorrect in the sentences? 1 Beside Othe lake sat an elderly woman wearing a strange hat. 2 Well, along Q) you go, and have a nice day at the festival, 3 Out Ci came the sun and dried up all the puddles. 4 Where Q) you are? Why didn’t you answer when | called? 5. Off Q you go, and don't be back late; di 6 Into Q the room came a very distinguished-looking man. ner’s at 7. Exercise 5 sentences are correct? 1 Off went we on our weekend camping trip. 2 Out of the tree flew a beautiful multi-coloured bird. 3. There are you; | thought Id find you here! | 4 Get up you. Have you hurt your knee? 5. Down the flag came at the end of the ceremony. | 6 Next to the river runs a narrow path. oocoou l) Exercise 6 Write the missing words in sentence B so that it means the same as sentence A. 1A Oh, that’s where you are. B Oh, there 2. A Get up and I'l wipe the mud off your trousers. B Up and I'll wipe the mud off your trousers, 3A. There's stream that flows through the farm. B Through __ a stream, | 4 A There was a stranger standing next to my mother. B Next to my mother was 5 A Goandplay now. B now and play. 6A and shut the door. B In and shut the door. 114 Work on your Grammar Advanced (C1) Answer key 1 Adjectives (1) Exercise 1 1 for 3 of 5 for 2 about 4in oat Exercise 2 1 of 3 overy ‘5 about x 2 forx 4 aroundy 6 fory Exercise 3 lof 30 Sat 2 for 4 about 6 with Exercise 4 1 disappointed about it. 2 good to them. 3 afraid oft 4 glad of it. 5 responsible frit. Exercise 5 qf 3a Sc 2d ae 6b Exercises 1 fory 3 with x Sinv Dabouty — 4 with 6 tov Exercise 7 1 but he's not very happy with it. 2 and he's very upset about it. 3 and demanded to know who was responsible for the mess, 4 and I feel really sorry for her. 5 everyone was very nice to him. 2 Adjectives (2) Exercise 1 1 frightened faces of the children as they clung to their parents. 2 two sleeping babies. 3 similar outlooks on life. 4 burning building. 5 asolitary figure. Exercise 2 1 living v 2 alivex 3 hunx Exercise 3 if ad ze ab Exercise 4 1 No 2 Yes 3 Yes Exercise 5 iF 29 36 4a Exercise 6 1 worst abuse 2 highest score 3 only thing 3 Adjectives (3) Exercise 1 1 corrected 2 empowering 3 rising Exercise 2 1 off-putting 2 absent-minded 3 able-bodied Exercise 3 1 empty-handed 2 tongue-tied 3 death-defying 4 injured y 5 happy v 6 glade Sc 6a 4 Yes 5 Yes 6 No Se 6h 76 ab 4 last man 5 first payment 6 only softwa 4 anticipated 5 elected 6 insinuating 4 thick-skinned 5 light-hearted 6 long-lost 4 panic-stricken 5 long-suffering

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