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Quest Journals

Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Science

Volume 2 ~ Issue 11 (2015) pp: 07-13
ISSN(Online) : 2347-2995

Research Paper

Preparation and Evaluation of Poly Herbal Fruit Face Mask

Himaja N, Ashok kumar A, Bhart kumar B
Darwin Research and Aayur Pharma, Surampalli, Vijayawada, Andhrapradesh, India-521212.

Received 31 October, 2015; Accepted 20 November, 2015 © The author(s) 2015. Published with
open access at

Objective: The main objective of the work is to formulate and evaluate poly herbal fruit face mask for cosmetic
Materials and methods: Banana, Orange peel, Amla, Tomato, Strawberry and Papaya were purchased from
the local market and dried, powdered, sieved through sieve no 40, mixed geometrically and packed in air tight
container for further use.
Result and discussion: The powders was evaluated and formulate poly herbal fruit face mask. The powder had
passable flow property which is suitable for a face mask. Particle size of the powder was found to be 25-30µm.
Antimicrobial evaluation was performed with three organisms Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus
epidermidis and Propionibacterium acnes.
Conclusion: Poly herbal face masks are used to stimulate blood circulation, rejuvenates the muscles and help to
maintain the elasticity of the skin and remove dirt from skin pores. The advantage of poly herbal cosmetics are
non toxic in nature and reduce the allergic reactions. Thus the investigation clearly concluded that the face
mask have good properties to human skin.

Keywords:- Face mask, Banana, Papaya, Evaluation, Particle size, Propionibacterium acnes.

Now a days Herbs are widely used as remedial agents because herbs are easily available at less
expensive and non toxic so the people have good faith in such remedies. From the ancient time people are using
herbs for cleaning, beautifying and to manage them. cosmetics are defined as the beauty products which posses
desirable physiological activity such as healing, smoothing appearance, enhancing and conditioning properties.
These days Acne, black head, pimples, dark circle are common among youngsters and person who suffers
from it. According to Ayurveda, Skin problems are normally due to impurities in blood. Accumulated toxins in
the blood during improper food and lifestyle are causing skin related diseases.

The face masks which are mentioned in ayurveda help women to get rid of wrinkles, dark circles,
pimples and acne. Herbal face masks increase the fairness and smoothness of skin. We can derive the maximum
benefits of herbal face masks by using them according to our skin type. These face masks increase skin glow
and are best ayurveda treatment to increase fairness. Face masks are one of the oldest and beautiful methods of
cleansing skin. There are various kinds of face masks described in Ayurveda which have nourishing, healing,
cleaning, astringent and antiseptic properties. We can prepare face mask in home with basic integrants found in
house and kitchen. [2]
Face mask is the smooth powder which is used for facial application and a good herbal face mask must
supply necessary nutrients to skin and should penetrate the subcutaneous tissues to deliver the required
nutrients. Different types of skin need different types of herbal face packs. Face masks used in ayurveda helps to
reduce wrinkles, pimples, acne and dark circles. They also increase the fairness and smoothness of the skin . [3]

The Natural face masks contain some vital vitamins that are required for the health and glow of our
skin. These substances also prove to be beneficial for our skin in many ways. Natural Facial masks are less
complicated and pretty simple to use. They help us in looking after skin and also prove its worthiness by
increasing the circulation of the blood within the veins of the face. Effects of the face masks are generally
temporary and for the regular glow it should be used 2-3 times a week. [4]

*Corresponding Author: Himaja N 7 | Page

Darwin Research and Aayur Pharma, Surampalli, Vijayawada, Andhrapradesh, India-521212.
Preparation and Evaluation of Poly Herbal Fruit Face Mask

Herbal formulations have growing demand in the world market. To overcome this entire problem was
the main intension of our work as prepared polyhedral face mask, which is a multipurpose powder for skin care.

1.1 Benefits of Applying Face Mask

1. Nourishes the skin. Fruit face masks supply essential nutrients to skin.
2. Helps to reduce, acne, pimple, scars and marks depending on its herbal ingredients.
3. Face masks usually remove dead cells of skin.
4. These face masks provide a soothing and relaxing effect on skin.
5. They help to restore the lost shine and glow of skin in short span of time.
6. Regular use of natural face masks bring glow to skin, improve skin texture and complexion.
7. The harmful effects of pollution and harsh climates can be effectively combated with judicial use of face
8. They help to prevent premature aging of skin.
9. Formation of wrinkles, fine lines and sagging of skin can be effectively controlled by using natural face
10. Natural face masks make the skin look young and healthy.
1.2 Precautions to be Taken While Applying Face Pack
1. Select the face mask according to your skin type. Take opinion of natural therapist or concerned skin expert
before applying face mask.
2. The face mask should not be left on face more than 15 to 20 minutes. Keeping for very long time may result
in formation of wrinkles, sagging of skin and enlargement of open pores.
3. Apply face mask once in a week. Don’t try to peel or scratch the dried face mask. This may harm underlying
4. Spray water (which is at room temperature) on face before removing dried face mask. After removing the
mask, roll an ice cube on facial skin. This helps to close open pores and tightens skin. It also tones and sooths
the skin.
5. Do not scrub face vigorously. This may result in eruption of pimples and dark spots. Stay away from heat
when you have applied face mask.
6. Avoid applying face mask near “eye zone”. The skin around eye is very delicate. The process of removing
face mask may damage skin around eyes. [5]


2.1 Plant Materials
The materials used in the present study were purchased from local market, dried and powdered for
further use. The below mentioned are the details of the plant materials used for the formulation of face mask. [6-

2.1.1 Emblica officinalis (Amla)

Emblica officinalis belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae holds the reputation of a very good skincare
herb. Used externally and internally, it helps to gain glow of the skin and aids to remove pimples, Produce
Colling Effect and Hydrating Effect, also the herb reported as anti bacterial, anti microbial, anti fungal and anti
aging agent. [9-12]

2.1.2 Musa paradisiaca (Banana)

Musa paradisiaca belonging to the family Musaceae is the most available fruit used externally and
internally it help to smoothen the skin, lighten the skin. It has the property of Exfoliation and is used as Sun
Burn Aid. also this herb perform anti bacterial, Anti-Acne and anti aging properties. [13-15]

2.1.3 Citrus aurantium (Orange)

Citrus aurantium belonging to the family Rutaceae acts as a natural bleach, It has instant glow
property, prevent acne, blemishes, wrinkles and aging. It showes anti bacterial, anti fungal and antioxidant
properties. [16-17]

2.1.4 Carica papaya (Papaya)

Carica papaya belonging to the family Caricaceae works as a good bleaching agent. Experts suggest
that papaya can help in removing dead worn-out skin cells and replace it with healthy new cells, thereby
lightening the color of our skin. It also Prevent pimples, blemishes, wrinkles and pre mature aging of skin. It
protects skin from ultraviolet radiation. [18]

*Corresponding Author: Himaja N 8 | Page

Preparation and Evaluation of Poly Herbal Fruit Face Mask

2.1.5 Fragaria vesca (Strawberry)

Fragaria vesca belonging to the family Rosaceae possess a high antioxidant capacity, It shows protective effect
on skin cells against UVA induced damage. It reduce acne, wrinkles and has the anti aging, anti oxidant and
skin whitening properties. [19-20]

2.1.6 Lycopersicon esculatum (Tomato)

Lycopersicon esculatum belonging to the family Solanaceae used a bleaching agent. Herb also acts as
anti oxident, antiseptic and anti aging agent. It cures acne and moisturizing effect, works as a repellent
substances and reduce black heads. [21-23]


All the herbal ingredients are in dry form and grinded to make fine powder by using size reduction mill.

3.1 Weighing
All the required herbal powders for fruit mask preparation were accurately weighed individually by using digital
balance. The quantity and compositions are listed in Table 1.


1 Emblica officinalis 10%
2 Musa paradisiaca 10%
3 Citrus aurantium 10%
4 Carica papaya 10%
5 Fragaria vesca 10%
6 Lycopersicon esculatum 10%
7 Water sufficient

3.2 Mixing
All these fine ingredients were mixed thoroughly by mixer to form a homogenous fine powder.

3.3 Sieving
Then this fine powder was passed through sieve no.40, to get the sufficient quantity of fine powder.

3.4 Collection and storage

The powder mixture was collected and store in suitable plastic container and used for doing evaluation


Prepared formulations of fruit mask powder were subjected to following evaluation parameters. [6,7,24]

4.1 Organoleptic evaluation/visual appearance

Organoleptic evaluation parameters like colour, odour and texture were carried out. Colour and texture was
evaluated by vision and touch sensation respectively. For odour evaluation a team of five odour sensitive
persons were selected. [25]

4.2 Physicochemical evaluation

4.2.1 pH
The pH was measured by using digital pH Meter.

4.2.2 Moisture content

Moisture content is important for the plant drugs because insufficient drying may lead to possible
enzymatic deterioration of active principles. About 2 gm of powder drug was taken in Petri dish placed in Hot
air oven and measure the weights for 30min after cooling the dish upto standard weight.
4.2.3 Ash value

*Corresponding Author: Himaja N 9 | Page

Preparation and Evaluation of Poly Herbal Fruit Face Mask Total ash

Ash value is calculated to determine the inorganic contents which are characteristic for an herb. About
2 gm of powder drug was taken in silicon dish previously ignited and weighed. Temperature was increased by
gradually increasing the heat not exceeding to red colour. After complete burning, ash is cooled and weighed. Acid insoluble ash

Acid insoluble ash was calculated by boiling above obtained ash with 25 ml dil. Hcl for 5min, insoluble
matter was collected in crucible, washed with hot water, ignited and weighed. [26]

4.3 General powder evaluation

General powder characteristics includes evaluation of those parameters which are going to affect the
external properties (like flow properties, appearance, packaging criteria etc.) of the preparation, Characteristics
evaluated under this section are particle size, angle of repose, bulk density and tapped density.

4.3.1 Particle size

Particle size is a parameter, which affect various properties like spread ability, grittiness etc., particle
size was determined by sieving method by using I.P. Standard sieves by mechanical shaking for 10 min.

4.3.2 Angle of repose

It is defined as the maximum angle possible in between the surface of pile of powder to the horizontal
flow. Open - ended cylinder method

Required amount of dried powder is placed in a cylindrical tube open at both ends is placed on a
horizontal surface. Then the funnel should be raised to form a heap. The height and radius of the heap is noted
and recorded. For the above method, the angle of repose (θ) can be calculated by using the formula.
θ = tan -1(h / r)
Where, θ – Angle of repose, h – Height of the heap, r – Radius of the base

4.3.3 Bulk density

Bulk Density is the ratio between the given mass of a powder and its bulk volume. Required amount of
the powder is dried and filled in a 50 ml measuring cylinder up to 50 ml mark. Then the cylinder is dropped onto
a hard wood surface from a height of 1 inch at 2 second intervals. The volume of the powder is measured. Then
the powder is weighed. This is repeated to get average values. The Bulk Density is calculated by using the
below given formula.
Bulk Density = ------------

4.3.4 Tapped density

Tapped density is an increased bulk density attained after mechanically tapping a container containing
the powder sample. After observing the initial powder volume or mass, the measuring cylinder or vessel is
mechanically tapped for 1 min and volume or mass readings are taken until little further volume or mass change
was observed. It was expressed in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3).
4.3.5 Washability

Formulations was applied on the skin and then ease and extent of washing with water were checked manually.

4.4 Antimicrobial evaluation

Formulation was tested for antibacterial activity against test organisms namely S. aureus, S.
epidermidis and P. acnes using modified agar well diffusion method. Aerobic bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus
(MTCC 96), Staphylococcus epidermidis (MTCC 2639) and anaerobic bacteria: Propionibacterium acnes
(MTCC 1951) were obtained from the Microbial Type Culture Collection Centre. In this method, nutrient agar
plates and reinforced clostridial agar (RCA) were seeded with 100μl of standardized bacterial suspension. After
optimization of dose, 200 mg of formulation was mixed with distilled water and poured into the wells. Standard
clindamycin (1% w/w) was used as positive control. The plates were then incubated at optimum temperature
conditions and antibacterial activity was evaluated by measuring the diameter of zones of inhibition (mm)
including cup size. The experiments were repeated three times. [34]

*Corresponding Author: Himaja N 10 | Page

Preparation and Evaluation of Poly Herbal Fruit Face Mask


The results of evaluation are displayed in Table 2 For organoleptic and physico-chemical and general
powder evaluation. The study of nature, color, odour, taste, texture, ash values, moisture content and pH of dried
powders of combined form under investigation provided the important feature of organoleptic and
physicochemical evaluation.

The presence of ash in the dried powder of combined form was evaluated for total ash and acid
insoluble ash values. The yielded was found to be 4.3g total ash and 2.9g acid insoluble ash. And moisture
content value was found to be 5%. The moisture content values observation clearly indicated that the powder of
combined form was hygroscopic in nature. The acidic or alkaline nature of the dried powder of combined form
was determined by preparing 1% dispersion of powder form in distilled water and measuring the pH with pH
meter. The pH of 1% dispersion of powder was obtained as 7.21 which indicated that the powder of combined
form were slightly alkaline in nature.
Dried powder of combined form was evaluated for particle size, angle of repose, bulk density and
tapped density before being formulated.Values of particle size, angle of repose, bulk density and tapped density
obtained for powder of combined form were found to25-30μm, 15°±1°05”, 0.486g/cc and 0.408g/cc
respectively, have good flow properties. The powder had passable flow property which is suitable for a face
pack.And its easily washable with water.
Antimicrobial evaluation was performed with three organisms Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus
epidermidis and Propionibacterium acnes Zone of inhibition was found for clindamycin and formulaton was
displayed in table 3.


S. No. Evaluation parameters Observation
Organoleptic evaluation
1 Nature (appearance) Powder
2 Color Brownish red
3 Odour Slight
4 Taste Characteristic
5 Texture Fine
Physicochemical Evaluation
Ash values
6 Total ash 4.3g
7 Acid insoluble ash 2.9g
8 pH 7.21
9 Moisture content 5%
General powder Characters
10 Particle size 25-30µm
11 Angle of repose 15°±1°05”
12 Bulk density 0.486g/cc
13 Tapped density 0.408g/cc
14 Washability Easily washable
15 Grittiness No gritty particles were found
when mixed with water
16 Nature of face after wash Soft and fresh, Clean from dirt

*Corresponding Author: Himaja N 11 | Page

Preparation and Evaluation of Poly Herbal Fruit Face Mask


S.No Samples Zone of inhibition (mm)
Staphylococcus Staphylococcus Propionibacterium
aureus epidermidis acnes
1 Clindamycin 11 10 12
2 Poly herbal fruit face mask
7 9 8

Herbal formulations are more acceptable in the belief that they are safer with fewer side effects than the
synthetic ones. Herbs have growing demand in the world market. It is a very good attempt to establish the poly
herbal fruit face mask containing different powders of fruits. Thus in the present work found good properties for
the face masks on human use as cosmetic product.
Formulation showed good antimicrobial activity when compared to clindamycin and the results of
formulation was very nearer compared to standard drug which clearly indicates that the prepared formulation is
best suits for skin as cosmetic.

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Preparation and Evaluation of Poly Herbal Fruit Face Mask

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*Corresponding Author: Himaja N 13 | Page

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