Mcconkey-Chapter 9 Solution
Mcconkey-Chapter 9 Solution
Mcconkey-Chapter 9 Solution
Masood Khan
Kinetic energy changes, & the pressure loss in combustion, Cpg(T3 – T4) = 181.93/0.98 = 923 – T4 = 185.64/1.15
calculate: T4 = 923 – 185.64/1.15 = 761.57K
(i) The pressure b/w turbine stages; Now from ŋis,hpt
(ii) The cycle efficiency; Ŋis,hpt = (T3 – T4) / (T3 – T4S)
(iii) The shaft power. T4s= T3 –(T3 – T4)/ŋis,hpt= 923–(923–761.57)/0.83
T4s = 728.50 K
GIVEN DATA: Now, P3/P4 = (T3/T4S)γ-1/γ = (923/728.5) 1.333/0.333
Over all pressure ratio = 4/1 P3/P4 = 2.5786
Mass flow rate, mo= 60 kg/s Now since, P3 = P2 = 4.04 bar
Tmax = 650 C = 923 K P4 = P3 /2.5786 = 4.04 / 2.5786 = 1.5667 bar
Pa = P1 = 1.01 bar => P2 = 4.04 bar Pressure between turbine stages = P4 = 1.5667 bar
Ta = T1 = 25 C = 298 K Now, P5 = P1 = 1.01 bar
ŋis,c = 0.8 ŋis,hpt = 0.83 ŋiso,lpt = 0.85 P4/P5 = 1.5667/1.05 = 1.55
Shaft mechanical efficiency = 0.98 Now, T4/T5s = (P4/P5)γ-1/γ
T5s = 761.57 / (1.55) 1.333-1/1.333 = 682.59 K
REQUIRED: From Isentropic efficiency of LPT:
Pressure between turbine stages Ŋis,lpt = (T4 – T5) / (T4 – T5S)
Cycle efficiency. Shaft power. T5 = T4 – (T4 – T5S)*ŋis,lpt = 694.437 K
Work of expansion in LPT
DIAGRAM: Cpg(T4 – T5) = 1.15(761.57 – 694.437) = 77.20 kJ/kg
cycle = WNet/Qs= 77.20/Cpg(T3 – T2) = 0.15 = 15 %
SOLUTION: Shaft Power = mo* WLPT / Shaft Efficiency
Compression process: Shaft Power = 60*77.20/ 0.98 = 4726.53 kW
T2S/T1 = (P2 / P1)γ-1/γ
=> T2S = T1*(P2 / P1)γ-1/γ = 298*(4) 1.4-1/1.4 = 442.82 K PROBLEM # 9.3:
From Isentropic efficiency of compressor: For the unit of problem 9.2, calculate the cycle efficiency
Ŋis,c = (T2S – T1) / (T2 – T1) obtainable when a heat exchanger is fitted. Assume a
T2 = T1+(T2S – T1)/ŋis,c = 298+(442.82–298)/0.80 thermal ratio of 0.75.
T2 = 479.025K
Work of Compression DATA:
Cpa(T2 – T1) = 1.005*(479.025 – 298) = 181.93 kJ/kg From previous problem
This Work + Some Frictional Work = HPT Work Heat exchanger is fitted
Expansion Work of HPT = Compression Work/ŋm,shaft Thermal ratio = 0.75
Gas Turbine Cycle Designed by Sir Engr. Masood Khan
2 % loss for each turbine power WLPT = Cpg(T8 – T9) =1.15(873–634.7) =274.045kJ/kg
Thermal Ratio of Heat Exchanger = 0.7 Generator Work
mo = 115 kg/s Reheat to Tmax. = Expansion Work–Compression Work–losses
= 274.045–143.21–2/100*(274.045) =125.3541 kJ/kg
REQUIRED: Shaft Power=125.3541*mo=125.3541*115=14146kW
Power Output, Overall Efficiency, Thermal Ratio = (T5 – T4)/(T9 – T4)
T5 = (T9–T4)*0.7+T4=(634.7–435.5)*0.7+435.5
DIAGRAM: T5 = 574.94 K
Qs = Cpg(T6 – T5)=1.15(873–574.94)=342.769kJ/kg
SOLUTION: Qs reheat =Cpg(T8–T7)=1.15(873–745.93) =146.13 kJ/kg
Compressor side: Total Heat Supplied=342.769 + 146.13 = 488.89kJ/kg
T2S/T1 = (P2/P1)γ-1/γ where P2/P1 = √10 = 3.16 Cycle Efficiency = Net work / Total Heat Supplied
T2S = T1*(P2/P1)γ-1/γ = 293*(3.16) 0.4/1.4 = 407 K ηCycle = 125.3541 / 488.89 = 0.256 = 25.6 %
Ŋis,C = (T2S – T1)/(T2 – T1)
T2 = T1+(T2s–T1)/ŋis,C = 293+(407–293)/0.8 = 435.5K PROBLEM # 9.5
Wc=Cpa(T2 – T1) = 1.005(435.5–293) = 143.21 kJ/kg A motor gas turbine unit has two centrifugal compressors
Same amount of work is required by HPC, which is provided by in series giving an overall pressure ratio of 6/1. The air
HPT leaving the HP compressors passes through a heat
Cpg(T6 – T7) – 2/100*Cpg(T6 – T7) = 143.21 exchanger before entering the combustion chamber. The
T6 – T7 – 2/100(T6 – T7) = 143.21/Cpg expansion is in two turbine stages, the first stage driving
T7 = T6 - 143.21/(Cpg*0.98) = 745.93 K the compressors & the second stage driving the car through
Ŋis,T = (T6 – T7)/(T6 – T7S) gearing. The gases leaving the LP turbine pass through the
T7S = T6 – (T6 – T7S)/ŋis,T heat exchanger before exhausting to atmosphere. The HP
T7S = 873 – (873 – 745.93)/0.85 = 723.5 K turbine inlet temperature is 800 C & the air inlet
Now P6/P7 =(T6/T7S)γ-1/γ = (873/723.5) 1.333/0.333 = 2.12 temperature to the unit is 15 C. The isentropic efficiency of
Now since P6 = P4 = 10.10 bar the compression is 0.8, & that of each turbine is 0.85. The
P7 = P6/2.12 = 10.10/2.12 = 4.76 bar mechanical efficiency of each shaft is 98%. The heat
P7 = P8 and P9 = P1= 1.01 bar exchanger thermal ratio may be assumed to be 0.65.
T8/T9S = (P8/P9)γ-1/γ Neglecting pressure losses & changes in Kinetic energy,
T9S = T8 / (P8/P9)γ-1/γ = 873 / (4.76/1.01) 0.333/1.333 = 592.68 K calculate:
Ŋis,T = (T8 – T9)/(T8 – T9S) (i) The overall cycle efficiency;
T9 = T8 – (T8 – T9S)*ŋis,T = 873 – (873–592.68)*0.85 (ii) Power developed.
T9 = 634.7K (iii) Specific Fuel Consumption.
Gas Turbine Cycle Designed by Sir Engr. Masood Khan