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Analysis of Large Scale Rock Slopes


Jonny Sjöberg

Division of Rock Mechanics

Luleå University of Technology
SE-971 87 Luleå


This thesis is the end result of a four-year joint research project between Boliden Ltd. and the
Division of Rock Mechanics at Luleå University of Technology. The research work was
funded exclusively by Boliden Ltd., which is hereby acknowledged. The thesis is a partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree.

As in all projects, it was difficult to visualize, at the beginning, what the final product would
be. For this particular project, is was also difficult to determine the path to follow. It took a
lot of thinking, many hours of discussions and long project meetings with my supervisors,
and hard work before a possible approach emerged. And then, all the technical work

Instrumental throughout this process was the project supervision group, who endured all the
project meetings (23 in total) and had the stamina to read and comment on the material
produced during the course of the project. The project supervision group consisted of Dr.
Erling Nordlund (Associate Professor, Division of Rock Mechanics, Luleå University of
Technology), Mr. Norbert Krauland (former Head of Rock Mechanics at Boliden Ltd., now
retired), and Dr. William Hustrulid (Senior Consultant, Itasca Consulting Group, Inc; Dr.
Hustrulid was Head of Mining Research and Development at LKAB, Kiruna, during the main
portion of this project).

Professor Nordlund acted as my supervisor at the University, and his profound knowledge in
mechanics has been invaluable. Despite a crammed schedule, he has always found the time
to discuss my work and suggest improvements.

Mr. Krauland was responsible for initiating this project. His never-ending interest in mining
rock mechanics and his wide experience have been a great source of inspiration. Mr.
Krauland's presence in the supervision group also guaranteed the practical applicability of the
results for the Aitik mine.

Dr. Hustrulid was recruited to the supervision group because of his long experience in mining
engineering, rock mechanics, and academia. The high standards set by Dr. Hustrulid have
encouraged (and forced) me to constantly improve and refine the analyses, which, in turn, has
ensured a high quality of the work. Dr. Hustrulid also contributed to the inclusion of the
Kiirunavaara case study in this thesis.

Without the combination of great and persistent interest, and the many suggestions offered by
the supervision group, this thesis would not have been nearly as good (or as thick, for that
matter). My sincere thanks are extended to all of them!

In addition to the project supervision group, there is a long list of people who deserve
gratification for their support of this work. The staff at Aitik always made me feel welcome
during the many site visits. I am particularly grateful for the support offered by Mine
Manager Agne Ahlenius and Head of Mine Planning Bengt Marklund. The help provided by
former staff geologists Mr. Stig Abrahamsson and Ms. Tua Welin was invaluable. Their
geological description is one of the cornerstones in the geomechanical description of the
mine. I am also grateful to Mr. Stefan Romedahl, rock mechanics engineer at Boliden
(presently with Boliden Apirsa), who assisted with some of the field work. Thanks are also
due to Ms. Kristina Larsson for carrying out field work during the summer of 1997, as part of
her undergraduate studies.

The detailed information about the case studies included in this thesis would not have been
possible without input from the staff at each site. I would especially like to thank Mrs.
Christina Dahnér-Lindqvist, Mr. Taisto Paganus, and Dr. Carlos Quinteiro, of LKAB, for
providing me with data on the Kiirunavaara mine. I also had the pleasure to work for a short
time with Dr. John Lupo of Westec Inc., who did his thesis on the Kiirunavaara failures. His
input in terms of failure observations and measurement data from the mine was very valuable
and is greatly appreciated. For the Aznalcollar case study, some information was provided by
Boliden APIRSA. Thanks are also due to Dr. John Sharp, Geo-Engineering, for providing
data from measurements during a ten-year period at the site, and for fruitful discussions.

Data from open pit mines in the former Soviet Union were provided by Valeri Dolgouchin,
Associate Professor in Mining Engineering at the Russia University of Peoples Friendship,
Mining Engineering Department, in Moscow. I would also like to extend my gratitude to Dr.
Chunlin Li, Associate Professor at the Division of Rock Mechanics, Luleå University of
Technology, for help with translating key data from a Chinese study on slope failures.

Acknowledgements are also due to Ms. Kathy Sikora, Itasca Consulting Group Inc., who
helped to correct the English of this thesis. I also wish to thank my colleagues at the Division
of Rock Mechanics for their friendship and the positive working atmosphere created by them.
It has been a great place in which to work and do research. Highly recommended!

Last on the list, but most important, are my dear wife Ulrika and my beloved daughter
Cecilia. Their patience with Dad's long working hours and their never-ending support have
perhaps been the most important contributions to this thesis. More importantly, they have
helped me appreciate the really important things in life!

Finally, a word to those of you who are currently holding this thesis in your hands for the first
time. I know — it is thick and heavy, and not something you would bring along to your night
table. Nevertheless, I encourage each one of you to give it a try. Once you start, I hope you
will find it interesting and a source for continued research in this area.

Luleå, early 1999,

Jonny Sjöberg


This thesis deals with the analysis and stability of large scale rock slopes in open pit mining.
Currently, many mines worldwide are planning for pit depths exceeding 500 meters, but few
have yet reached such depths. A case in point is the Aitik open pit mine in northern Sweden,
which currently faces the design of overall slope angles for a final mining depth of around
500 meters. No large scale failures have occurred in this hard rock mine. The common
approach to design of high slopes is based on previous experience and back-calculated
strengths, but this approach fails when no precedent is available. Furthermore, a
comprehensive literature review on the subject revealed that failure mechanisms of large
scale slopes are not fully understood. In particular, quantitative descriptions of the conditions
for different mechanisms to occur are lacking, as well as descriptions of how failure develops
(initiation and propagation) in slopes.

The Aitik design problem and the lack of knowledge regarding the behavior of large scale
rock slopes was the starting point for this thesis work. The objective of the work presented in
this thesis was to (1) increase the knowledge of the behavior of large scale rock slopes,
(2) improve the ability to estimate rock mass strength for such slopes, and (3) develop an
improved design methodology for forward design of large scale rock slopes in open pits. A
fourth objective included the application of the results to the Aitik open pit, to arrive at
design slope angles for future mining.

A geomechanical model was developed for the Aitik mine, based on extensive field work and
review of previous studies at the site. The model comprised a detailed description of the
geology, joint sets and structures, mechanical properties of intact rock and joints,
geohydrological conditions, and virgin stress state. From this, representative design cross-
sections and parameter values were established, these were later used as input to stability
analysis of the pit slopes.

Case studies from open pits, natural slopes, and civil engineering slopes, were compiled into
a case study database. This comprised 19 visited open pit mines and another 26 from the
literature, 117 natural and civil engineering slopes in China, 179 cases of natural slopes in
Norway, and 3 sublevel caving mine slopes in Sweden. Simple classification schemes were
used to sort cases with respect to rock strength and jointing pattern. From this, approximate
guidelines for design of hard rock pit slopes were extracted.

Assessment of representative rock mass strength was addressed through the use of the Hoek-
Brown failure criterion in conjunction with rock mass classification. By comparing back-

calculated strengths available from the case study database, it was found that the category
disturbed rock mass gave the best agreement for rock slopes of large volume. These strength
estimates could be considered representative of post-failure conditions (after significant
displacements in the rock mass). A procedure for determining equivalent cohesion and
friction angles for the rock mass was proposed, also accounting for the rock stress conditions
in the slope. The approach was later applied to selected case studies for estimation of input
data to numerical models (see below).

Failure mechanisms were studied by means of numerical modeling. Analyses were

conducted using the finite difference code FLAC and the distinct element code UDEC. The
work was aimed at investigating failure mechanisms in more detail, at the same time
developing the modeling technique for large scale pit slopes. These analyses were not
intended to simulate a particular case in detail, but rather to explore the general
characteristics of slope failure.

The results showed that it was possible to simulate several failure mechanisms, in particular
circular shear and large scale toppling failure, using numerical modeling. It was also possible
to quantify the conditions governing the occurrence of different mechanisms. The modeling
results enabled description of the different phases of slope failures (initiation and
propagation). Failures initiated in some form at the toe of the slope, but the process leading
up to total collapse was complex, involving successive redistribution of stress and
accumulation of strain. Significant displacements resulted before the failure had developed
fully. The propagation of circular shear failures was very sensitive to post-peak strength
conditions, in particular the brittleness of the material, but limitations with the current models
prohibited quantitative conclusions to be drawn.

The deformability of the material proved to be an important parameter affecting slope

behavior, and none of the failure modes could be characterized as rigid body movements.
Hence, limit equilibrium methods are not sufficient to describe the complex behavior of such
failures. Based on these results, guidelines on how to analyze slopes in certain
geomechanical environments were formulated. This included recommendations on analysis
method as well as recommendations on how to determine input data to the models.

The modeling technique and the proposed procedure for rock mass strength estimation were
applied to the Aznalcollar and Kiirunavaara case studies. Estimates of input data using the
proposed procedure were reasonable and in fair agreement with back-calculated strengths.
Modeling results were also in good agreement with observed failure behavior. Modeling of
the two case studies also offered explanations of the complex failure behavior observed in

these two mines. Although not a formal verification, these results suggest that the design
methodology can be used also for other cases (in the hands of an experienced user). The lack
of more case studies of large scale failures in hard and strong rock implies that more work is
required to better verify the methodology.

Application of the design methodology to the Aitik pit made it possible to assess the slope
stability for the currently planned future mining geometry. The uncertainties in input data
were handled through parameter studies. It was found that currently planned slope angles are
probably stable, provided that the slopes are being drained. Slightly steeper slope angles may
be considered, but this requires more work and calibration of the model, before implemented
at the mine. Calibration can partly be achieved by comparisons with measured
displacements; hence, it is imperative that monitoring is initialized immediately at the mine.
(This also includes the hangingwall slope.) Further work at Aitik should focus on updating
the geomechanical model as mining progresses deeper and refining the numerical model as
new data become available.

This study has clearly illustrated the need for continued research in this area. This includes
(1) extension of the case study database with additional information and more cases,
(2) improving the procedure for rock mass strength assessment by further verification against
observed failures, (3) more studies of failure mechanism in large scale rock slopes, e.g.,
"underdip" toppling, (4) development of methods to predict whether failure will be rapid and
uncontrollable, and (5) improvements to the modeling technique, in particular how to handle
brittle and jointed rock masses.

Keywords: Slope stability, open pit mining, numerical modeling, rock mass strength,
failure mechanisms.


Ämnet för denna avhandling är analys och stabilitet av storskaliga slänter, främst av den typ
som uppkommer vid dagbrottsbrytning. Vid Bolidens dagbrottsgruva Aitik, belägen strax
utanför Gällivare, planerar man för närvarande för ett slutligt brytningsdjup på ca 500 meter.
Inga storskaliga stabilitetsproblem har hittills noterats. Gängse angreppssätt för
dimensionering av storskaliga slänter baseras på tillbakaräknade hållfasthetsvärden från brott,
men detta fungerar ej i de fall då brottobservationer saknas. Aitik delar detta problem med
många andra gruvor i hårt och starkt berg. En omfattande litteraturstudie visade också på den
begränsade kunskapen om brottmekanismer i storskaliga slänter. Detta gäller speciellt
beskrivningar av villkoren för olika mekanismer, samt beskrivning av hur brott utvecklas i
bergslänter (initiering och propagering).

Syftet med detta arbete var att (1) öka kunskapen om hur storskaliga slänter beter sig,
(2) förbättra metoderna för bestämning av bergmassans storskaliga hållfasthet, samt (3)
utveckla en praktiskt användbar dimensioneringsmetodik för storskaliga dagbrottsslänter. Ett
fjärde mål med arbetet var att tillämpa dimensioneringsmetodiken på Aitik, i syfte att
bestämma släntvinklar för fortsatt dagbrottsbrytning.

En geomekanisk modell för Aitikgruvan har utvecklats. Denna baserades på omfattande

fältarbete och summering av tidigare studier. Modellen innefattar en detaljerad beskrivning
av geologin, dominerande sprickgrupper och större strukturer, sprickors och intakt bergs
mekaniska egenskaper, geohydrologiska förhållanden, samt de primära bergspänningarna i
området. Representativa tvärsektioner och parametervärden har tagits fram, vilka sedan har
nyttjats som indata till stabilitetsanalyser av slänterna.

Ett stort antal praktikfall har sammanställts i en databas. Denna omfattar 19 besökta gruvor
och ytterligare 26 från litteraturen, 117 slänter i Kina (naturliga och tillskapade vid
anläggningsarbeten), 179 naturliga slänter i Norge, samt 3 slänter från skivrasgruvor i
Sverige. En enkel klassificering användes för att sortera praktikfallen med avseende på
hållfasthet och sprickmönster. Utifrån detta utvecklades approximativa riktlinjer för
dimensionering av slänter i hårt berg.

Hoek-Browns brottkriterium och bergmasseklassificering har nyttjats för bestämning av

bergmassans hållfasthet. Jämförelser med baklängesberäknade hållfasthetsvärden från
observerade brott visade att kategorin "stört berg" (disturbed rock mass) gav bäst
överensstämmelse för storskaliga bergslänter. Dessa hållfasthetsvärden kan sägas motsvara
residualhållfasheten för fullt utvecklat brott. En metodik för bestämning av ekvivalent

kohesion och friktionsvinkel för bergmassan föreslogs, vilken också tog hänsyn till
bergspänningarna i slänten. Metodiken har sedan applicerats på utvalda praktikfall för
bestämning av indata till numerisk analys (se nedan).

Brottmekanismer har studerats med hjälp av numerisk modellanalys och finita differens-
programmet FLAC samt distinkta element programmet UDEC. Detta arbete syftade till att
undersöka brottmekanismer i mer detalj, samt att utveckla modelltekniken för tillämpning på
storskaliga slänter. Analyserna var inte avsedda att simulera ett specifikt fall utan snarare
studera de allmänna egenskaperna för släntbrott.

Resultaten visade att det var möjligt att simulera flera brottmekanismer med numerisk analys,
exempelvis cirkulärt skjuvbrott och storskaligt överstjälpningsbrott. Det var också möjligt att
kvantifiera villkoren för uppkomsten av respektive brottform. Vidare så kunde de olika
faserna i brottsprocessen beskrivas (initiering och propagering). Brott startade (i någon form)
i släntfoten, men brottsprocessen fram till slutlig kollaps var komplex, med successiv
omfördelning av spänningarna och ackumulering av töjningar i bergmassan. Relativt stora
förskjutningar kunde noteras innan brottytan var helt utvecklad. Propagering av cirkulärt
skjuvbrott visade sig också vara mycket känsligt för bergmassans efterbrottsegenskaper
(sprödheten). Begränsningar i nuvarande modellverktyg omöjliggjorde dock en kvantifiering
av detta beteende.

Bergmassans deformerbarhet visade sig vara en viktig faktor med avseende på släntens
beteende. Ingen av de studerade brottformerna kunde heller karaktäriseras som stela
blockrörelser. Således är jämviktsanalyser ej tillräckliga för att beskriva det komplicerade
brottförloppet. Utifrån dessa resultat presenterades riktlinjer för stabilitetsanalys av slänter i
olika geomekaniska miljöer. Detta inkluderade rekommendationer for val av analysverktyg
samt för bestämning av indata till modellerna.

Modelltekniken och den förslagna metodiken för bestämning av bergmassans hållfasthet

tillämpades på två praktikfall. Dessa var Bolidens dagbrott Aznalcollar i Spanien, och
LKAB:s skivrasgruva Kiirunavaara i Kiruna. Uppskattade hållfasthetsvärden visade sig vara i
god överensstämmelse med baklängesberäknade dito. Modellanalyserna gav också resultat
som överensstämde med observerat brottförlopp. Dessutom bidrog modellanalyserna till att
förklara delar av brottsprocessen, vilket ej varit möjligt med jämviktsanalyser. Bristen på fler
praktikfall av brott i hårt berg visar på vikten av mera arbete för att bättre verifiera
metodiken. Resultaten hittills är dock uppmuntrande och dimensioneringsmetodiken kan
användas för praktiskt dimensioneringsarbete, under förutsättning att resultaten tolkas med

Tillämpning av dimensioneringsmetodiken på Aitikgruvan gjorde det möjligt att analysera

stabiliteten för planerad framtida brytningsgeometri. Osäkerheter i indata hanterades via
parameterstudier. Det visade sig att de planerade släntvinklarna förmodligen är stabila
förutsatt att slänterna dräneras. Något brantare släntvinklar kan vara möjligt, men ytterligare
analyser och kalibrering av modellen krävs, innan detta kan omsättas i praktiken. Kalibrering
kan delvis ske genom jämförelser med uppmätta deformationer. Det är därför av yttersta vikt
att släntövervakning påbörjas omgående i Aitik (detta innefattar även hängväggen). Fortsatt
arbete inkluderar en kontinuerlig uppdatering av den geomekaniska modellen med ökat
brytningsdjup, samt förfiningar av den numeriska modellen allteftersom ny information blir

Denna studie har visat på vikten av fortsatt forskning inom området. Detta inkluderar: (1)
utvidgning av databasen av praktikfall med mera information, samt med mera praktikfall, (2)
förbättring av metodiken för bestämning av bergmassans hållfasthet genom fortsatt
verifiering mot praktikfall, (3) mera studier av brottmekanismer i storskaliga bergslänter,
exempelvis fenomenet "understjälpning", (4) utveckling av metoder för att förutsäga om brott
blir våldsamma och okontrollerbara, samt (5) utveckling av modelltekniken, särskilt med
avseende på möjligheterna att simulera spröda, sprickiga bergmassor.


σ1 = major principal stress (compressive stresses are taken as positive)

σ2 = intermediate principal stress
σ3 = minor principal stress
σ 1´ = major principal effective stress
σ 3´ = minor principal effective stress
pw = water pressure
σn = normal stress
σn´ = effective normal stress
τ = shear stress
τmax = maximum shear stress
σv = vertical virgin stress
σH = major horizontal virgin stress (maximum principal horizontal stress)
σh = minor horizontal virgin stress (minimum principal horizontal stress)
K = ratio of horizontal to vertical virgin stress
ρ = density
g = gravitational acceleration
H = slope height
β = the inclination of the discontinuity surfaces (schistosity or layering) to the direction
of the major principal stress
θ = angle between major principal stress and normal to the joint plane
σEW = major horizontal virgin stress, oriented east-west
σNS = minor horizontal virgin stress, oriented north-south
z = depth below ground surface
λc φ = Janbu's number
Fs = factor of safety
W = weight of failing mass
Wj = weight of each slice (method of slices)
cj = rock mass cohesion for each slice (method of slices)
φj = rock-mass friction angle for each slice (method of slices)
pw,j = water pressure acting on each slice (method of slices)
"j = base length of each slice (method of slices)
αj = angle between the horizontal and the base surface of each slice (method of slices)
ntot = number of slices (method of slices)
j = current slice (method of slices)
ru = porewater (groundwater) pressure ratio

P = resultant force across failure surface (resultant of normal and friction force in
friction circle method)
C = resultant coehsion (friction circle method)
U = resultant water pressure acting on failure surface (friction circle method)
r = radius of slip circle (friction circle method)
PA = active force (Prandlt mechanism)
PB = passsive force (Prandlt mechanism)
KIc = fracture toughness for Mode I fracturing
KI = stress intensity factor
G = strain energy release rate
Gc = surface energy required for fracturing
R = resistance (strength)
S = load
mR = mean value of the strength
mS = mean value of the load
SM = safety margin
G(X) = performance function
X = all random input parameters which make up the resistance and load distribution
mG = mean of the performance function
sG = standard deviation of the performance function
Pp = probability
βR = reliability index
CT = total cost
C0 = sum of initial costs
CD = costs associated with failure
E = Young's modulus
ν = Poisson's ratio
σc = uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock
σcm = uniaxial compressive strength of the rock mass
σt = uniaxial tensile strength of intact rock
σtm = uniaxial tensile strength of the rock mass
τs = shear strength
c = cohesion of intact rock (continuum) or rock mass
cpeak = peak cohesion
cres = residual cohesion
ci = instantaneous cohesion at a certain stress
cj = discontinuity (joint) cohesion
φ = friction angle of intact rock (continuum) or rock mass

φpeak = peak friction angle

φres = residual friction angle
φi = instantaneous friction angle at a certain stress
φj = discontinuity (joint) friction angle
φj,res = residual joint friction angle
φb = basic friction angle
JRC = Joint Roughness Coefficient
JCS = Joint wall Compressive strength
αt = tilt angle
JRCn = Joint Roughness Coefficient for field scale
JCSn = Joint wall Compressive strength for field scale
JRC0 = Joint Roughness Coefficient for laboratory scale (nominal length of L0=100 mm)
JCS0 = Joint wall Compressive strength for laboratory scale
Ln = field scale
L0 = laboratory scale (nominal length 100 mm)
iu = large scale joint waviness (undulation angle)
ψ = dilation angle of intact rock (continuum) or rock mass
ψj = discontinuity (joint) dilation angle
σtj = discontinuity (joint) tensile strength
m = material constant in the Hoek-Brown failure criterion
mb = material constant in the Hoek-Brown failure criterion (= m)
mi = material constant in the Hoek-Brown failure criterion, for intact rock
mj = material constant in the Hoek-Brown failure criterion, for joints
s = material constant in the Hoek-Brown failure criterion
sj = material constant in the Hoek-Brown failure criterion for joints
a = material constant in the modified Hoek-Brown failure criterion
RQD = Rock Quality Designation
RMR = Rock Mass Rating
GSI = Geological Strength Index
Q = Tunneling Quality Index (NGI-index)
Q´ = modified Tunneling Quality Index (NGI-index)
Jw = Joint water reduction factor (parameter in the NGI-index)
SRF = Stress reduction factor (parameter in the NGI-index)
A =material constant defining the Mohr failure envelope for the Hoek-Brown failure
B = material constant defining the Mohr failure envelope for the Hoek-Brown failure

h = parameter used for calculating instantaneous friction angle from the Hoek-Brown
failure envelope
θi = parameter used for calculating instantaneous friction angle from the Hoek-Brown
failure envelope
n = number of points in regression analysis
k = slope of regression line
i = integer number
kn = joint normal stiffness
ks = joint shear stiffness
En = equivalent Young's modulus for a transversely isotropic rock material, in the
direction normal to the joints
tn = joint spacing of a transversely isotropic rock material
Em = Young's modulus for the rock mass (in GPa)
F = unbalanced force in numerical calculations (explicit finite difference formulation)
mn = nodal mass
an = nodal acceleration
α = slope angle
ϕ1 = angle between the horizontal and the joint plane
ϕ2 = angle between the horizontal and the normal to the joint plane
Bp = width of open pit at ground surface in the numerical models
Dp = depth of pit slope in the numerical models
f = yield function
fs = shear yield function
ft = tensile yield function
gs = shear potential function
gt = tensile potential function
∆εp = plastic strain increment
∆γp = plastic distortion increment
∆εv = plastic volumetic strain increment
λ = positive scalar
Nφ = slope of yield function in σ1-σ3 plane (2D)
Nψ = slope of potential function in σ1-σ3 plane (2D)
εps = shear softening parameter (measure of plastic shear strain); also used to denote
actual strain value at which the residual strength has been reached
αj = joint angle in ubiquitous joint constitutive model
zm = mine level in meters (according to mine coordinate system with z-axis positive

Ecave = Young's modulus of caved rock (sublevel caving)

Edraw = Young's modulus of "drawing" zone (simulation of ore draw in sublevel caving)

Mton = million metric tons

NPV = Net Present Value (economics)
NGI-index = Norwegian Geotechnical Institute index (rock mass classification)
Q-index = Norwegian Geotechnical Institute index/Tunneling Quality Index
(rock mass classification)
SMR = Slope Mass Rating (empirical design)
MRMR = Mining Rock Mass Rating (empirical design)
REMIT = Rock Engineering Mechanism Information Technology (empirical design)
BEM = Boundary Element Method (numerical modeling)
FEM = Finite Element Method (numerical modeling)
FDM = Finite Difference Method (numerical modeling)
DEM = Distinct Element Method (numerical modeling)
DDA = Discontinuous Deformation Analysis (numerical modeling)
FLAC = Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua (numerical modeling)
UDEC = Universal Distinct Element Code (numerical modeling)
3DEC = Three-dimensional Distinct Element Code (numerical modeling)
PFC2D = Particle Flow Code — two-dimensional (numerical modeling)
FOSM = First-Order-Second-Moment method (probability theory)
PEM = Point Estimate Method (probability theory)
VLF = Very Low Frequency (geophysical method)
ISRM = International Society for Rock Mechanics
WSM = World Stress Map
FW = Footwall
HW = Hangingwall
FN = Footwall North
FM = Footwall Middle
FS = Footwall South
HN = Hangingwall North
HM = Hangingwall Middle
HS = Hangingwall South
CRJ = Cross joint (joint set name)
FOH = High angle foliation (joint set name)
FOM = Middle angle foliation (joint set name)
FOF = Flat angle foliation (joint set name)
HAE = High angle east dipping (joint set name)

HAW = High angle west dipping (joint set name)

MAW = Middle angle west dipping (joint set name)



PREFACE....................................................................................................................... i

SUMMARY .................................................................................................................. v

SAMMANFATTNING ................................................................................................ ix

LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS.......................................................xiii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... xix

1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background........................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Objective, Approach and Scope of Work.......................................................... 3
1.3 Outline of Thesis ............................................................................................... 5
1.4 Notations and Terminology............................................................................... 7

2 LITERATURE REVIEW AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTION ................................... 11

2.1 Open Pit Mining and Slope Stability............................................................... 11
2.1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 11
2.1.2 Economics of Open Pit Mining ........................................................... 11
2.1.3 Geometry and Design of Slope Angles ............................................... 13
2.2 Mechanics of High Rock Slopes ..................................................................... 16
2.2.1 Stress State and Groundwater.............................................................. 16
2.2.2 Rock Mass Structure............................................................................ 22
2.2.3 Rock Mass Strength............................................................................. 26
2.2.4 Failure Modes and Failure Mechanisms.............................................. 32
2.2.5 Failure Velocity ................................................................................... 55
2.3 Design Methods............................................................................................... 59
2.3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 59
2.3.2 Empirical Design and Classification ................................................... 61
2.3.3 Limit Analysis and Limit Equilibrium Methods ................................. 64
2.3.4 Numerical Modeling............................................................................ 82
2.3.5 Probabilistic Methods.......................................................................... 88
2.4 Remedial Measures and Monitoring of Pit Slopes .......................................... 94

2.4.1 Drainage............................................................................................... 94
2.4.2 Artificial Support................................................................................. 96
2.4.3 Monitoring........................................................................................... 97
2.4.4 Contingency Planning.......................................................................... 99
2.5 Summary of Current Status and Future Needs .............................................. 101

3 THE AITIK MINE .................................................................................................... 105

3.1 Mine Description ........................................................................................... 105
3.1.1 Orebody and Production.................................................................... 105
3.1.2 Mining Geometry and Operations ..................................................... 106
3.1.3 Current Slope Design......................................................................... 109
3.1.4 Current Stability Conditions and Slope Monitoring.......................... 111
3.1.5 Future Mining Plans and Slope Design ............................................. 111
3.2 Development of a Geological and Geomechanical Model............................ 114
3.2.1 Introduction ....................................................................................... 114
3.2.2 Conducted Work................................................................................ 115
3.3 Geology ......................................................................................................... 117
3.3.1 Overview ........................................................................................... 117
3.3.2 Geological Units ................................................................................ 120
3.3.3 Summary............................................................................................ 128
3.4 Structures and Joints...................................................................................... 129
3.4.1 Large Scale Structures ....................................................................... 129
3.4.2 Joint Sets............................................................................................ 137
3.4.3 Summary and Discussion .................................................................. 144
3.5 Mechanical Properties ................................................................................... 147
3.5.1 Intact Rock......................................................................................... 147
3.5.2 Joints.................................................................................................. 160
3.5.3 Large Scale Structures ....................................................................... 175
3.5.4 Design Strength Values ..................................................................... 176
3.6 Geohydrological Conditions.......................................................................... 178
3.6.1 Previous Studies ................................................................................ 178
3.6.2 Drainage Program.............................................................................. 179
3.6.3 Observations and Measurements ....................................................... 184
3.6.4 Summary............................................................................................ 188
3.7 Rock Stress Conditions.................................................................................. 190
3.7.1 Regional and Local Trends................................................................ 190
3.7.2 Extrapolation to Aitik ........................................................................ 192
3.8 Design Sections and Input Data..................................................................... 194

3.8.1 Representative Cross-Section ............................................................ 194

3.8.2 Rock Mass Classification .................................................................. 197

4 CASE STUDY DATABASE .................................................................................... 201

4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 201
4.2 Open Pit Mine Slopes.................................................................................... 202
4.2.1 Visited Open Pit Mines ..................................................................... 202
4.2.2 Cases from the Literature .................................................................. 225
4.2.3 Summary and Correlations ................................................................ 242
4.3 Civil Engineering and Natural Slopes ........................................................... 247
4.4 Sublevel Caving Mine Slopes........................................................................ 252
4.4.1 Description of Case Studies............................................................... 253
4.4.2 Discussion.......................................................................................... 262
4.5 Extraction of Design Guidelines.................................................................... 263
4.5.1 Classification and Sorting of Cases ................................................... 263
4.5.2 Design Guidelines for the Aitik Pit Slopes........................................ 270

5 ASSESSMENT OF ROCK MASS PROPERTIES ................................................... 281

5.1 Introduction and Scope.................................................................................. 281
5.2 The Hoek-Brown Failure Criterion — Review and Discussion.................... 282
5.2.1 The Original Hoek-Brown Failure Criterion ..................................... 282
5.2.2 The Updated Hoek-Brown Failure Criterion..................................... 285
5.2.3 The Modified Hoek-Brown Failure Criterion ................................... 287
5.2.4 The Generalized Hoek-Brown Failure Criterion ............................... 288
5.2.5 Strength of Schistose Rock................................................................ 292
5.3 Applicability and Use of the Hoek-Brown Failure Criterion ........................ 295
5.3.1 Scale Effects and Applicability to Slopes.......................................... 295
5.3.2 Validity and Basis for Criterion......................................................... 298
5.3.3 The Original versus the Modified Criterion ...................................... 299
5.3.4 Parameter Estimation......................................................................... 301
5.4 Determination of Equivalent Cohesion and Friction Angle .......................... 305
5.4.1 Introduction ....................................................................................... 305
5.4.2 The Mohr-Coulomb Failure Criterion ............................................... 306
5.4.3 Different Methods for Determining Cohesion and Friction Angle ... 308
5.4.4 Choice of Stress Range and Regression Type ................................... 310
5.5 Estimation of Joint Shear Strength ................................................................ 315
5.6 Estimation of Deformation Modulus............................................................. 318
5.7 Comparison with Back-Calculated Strengths................................................ 322

5.7.1 Previous Studies ................................................................................ 322

5.7.2 Case Study Database: Scale Effects and Rock-Mass
Compressive Strength........................................................................ 323
5.7.3 Rock Mass Cohesion and Friction Angle from Case
Study Database .................................................................................. 328
5.8 Discussion and Recommendations ................................................................ 335

6 ANALYSIS OF FAILURE MECHANISMS IN ROCK SLOPES ........................... 339

6.1 Approach to Analysis of Slope Failures ........................................................ 339
6.1.1 Background and Requirements.......................................................... 339
6.1.2 Approach and Tasks .......................................................................... 340
6.2 Selection of Analysis Method........................................................................ 342
6.3 Model Description ......................................................................................... 344
6.3.1 Numerical Formulation in FLAC and UDEC.................................... 344
6.3.2 Finite Difference Mesh...................................................................... 345
6.3.3 Constitutive Models and Input Data.................................................. 348
6.3.4 Interpretation and Failure Detection.................................................. 357
6.4 Conducted Analyses ...................................................................................... 359
6.4.1 Model Set-Up .................................................................................... 359
6.4.2 Analyzed Failure Modes and Input Data........................................... 361
6.4.3 Guidelines on Model Size and Grid Generation................................ 369
6.5 Continuum Slope: Circular (Rock Mass) Shear Failure............................... 370
6.5.1 Simulation of Circular Shear Failure................................................. 370
6.5.2 Numerical Modeling vs. Limit Equilibrium Methods....................... 378
6.5.3 Failure Initiation and Propagation ..................................................... 393
6.5.4 Strength Softening and Progressive Failure ...................................... 408
6.5.5 Summary............................................................................................ 424
6.6 Foliated Slope: Toppling Failure.................................................................. 427
6.6.1 Simulation of Large Scale Toppling Failure ..................................... 427
6.6.2 Conditions for Large Scale Toppling Failure .................................... 436
6.6.3 Failure Initiation and Propagation ..................................................... 454
6.6.4 Summary............................................................................................ 466
6.7 Foliated Slope: Plane Shear and "Underdip" Toppling Failures .................. 468
6.7.1 Plane Shear Failure............................................................................ 468
6.7.2 "Underdip" Toppling Failure............................................................. 474
6.8 Failure in Heavily Jointed Slopes.................................................................. 481
6.9 Applicability of Modeling Results ................................................................ 485
6.9.1 Benefits and Limitations of Current Numerical Models ................... 485

6.9.2 Simulated Failure Mechanisms and Recommended

Analysis Methods .............................................................................. 486
6.9.3 Validity of Results and Future Work................................................. 490

7 APPLICATION OF MODELING TO CASE STUDIES.......................................... 493

7.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 493
7.2 The Aznalcollar Mine.................................................................................... 494
7.2.1 Background and Approach ................................................................ 494
7.2.2 Input Data to Analysis ....................................................................... 495
7.2.3 Limit Equilibrium Analyses .............................................................. 509
7.2.4 Numerical Modeling: Eastern Footwall ........................................... 515
7.2.5 Numerical Modeling: Central Footwall............................................ 542
7.2.6 Conclusions ....................................................................................... 561
7.3 The Kiirunavaara Mine.................................................................................. 564
7.3.1 Background and Approach ................................................................ 564
7.3.2 Input Data to Analysis ....................................................................... 565
7.3.3 Numerical Modeling.......................................................................... 577
7.3.4 Limit Equilibrium Analysis ............................................................... 590
7.3.5 Discussion and Conclusions .............................................................. 596

8 SLOPE DESIGN FOR THE AITIK MINE............................................................... 599

8.1 Approach and Input to Design....................................................................... 599
8.1.1 Design Approach ............................................................................... 599
8.1.2 Mining Geometry .............................................................................. 602
8.1.3 Rock Mass Properties ........................................................................ 605
8.2 Numerical Modeling...................................................................................... 612
8.2.1 Model Set-Up .................................................................................... 612
8.2.2 Parameter Study and Results ............................................................. 615
8.2.3 Analysis of Alternative Mining Geometry ........................................ 629
8.2.4 Discussion of Results ........................................................................ 634
8.3 Design Recommendations ............................................................................. 637

9 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.................................................... 639

9.1 Conclusions and Contributions...................................................................... 639
9.2 Recommendations for Slope Angles at Aitik and Continued Work.............. 642
9.3 Recommendations for Future Research......................................................... 644

REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 647


APPENDIX 1: Results from Mapping of Joint Sets (1981, 1985) and Long
Joints (1996, 1997) in the Aitik Pit

APPENDIX 2: Water Level Measurements in Production Holes at Aitik and

Observed Face Seepage in the Northern Portion of the Aitik Pit
(Summer 1997).

APPENDIX 3: Case Study Database of Open Pits, Natural Slopes, and

Engineering Slopes

APPENDIX 4: Tables for Estimation of Parameters in the Hoek-Brown Failure


APPENDIX 5: Determining Equivalent Cohesion and Friction Angle from the

Hoek-Brown Failure Criterion


1.1 Background

The overwhelming majority of all minerals and metals produced in the world comes from
surface extractions of the earth using open pit techniques. These mines range from mere
surface scratchings to gigantic excavations almost 1000 meters in depth. Many mines over
the past decade have reached depths approaching, or exceeding, 500 meter. Figure 1.1 shows
a cross-section through a typical orebody consisting of a footwall, a hangingwall, and the ore
zone itself. From the drawing, it is clear that, as the mining depth is increased, the amount of
waste rock that must be removed to expose the next slice of ore rapidly increases. There
comes a point where the value of the ore extracted cannot sustain the high costs associated
with waste removal. The mine then closes, or possibly, if the ore is rich enough, mining
continues with underground methods.





Figure 1.1 Cross-section through a typical orebody mined as an open pit (not to scale).

In reviewing Figure 1.1, the steepness of the slope created has a major impact on the amount
of waste that must be removed. For steeper slopes, the amount of waste is less, and vice
versa. Thus, for a mining company to make the best use of its mineral resource, the final
slopes must be as steep as possible. Furthermore, for disseminated orebodies, even a slightly
steeper slope angle can increase the ore reserves significantly.

However, with increased slope angles comes an increased risk of slope failure. A large scale
failure can be very disastrous both to the operation and to the personnel working in the mine.
The final pit slopes must therefore be designed to be stable; hence, this can limit the
maximum achievable slope angle. Design of final pit limits is thus governed not only by the
ore grade distribution and the production costs, but also by the geomechanical conditions at
the site.

The design basis for large scale pit slopes is poorly developed today. At the same time,
increasing mining depths worldwide (due to more efficient production techniques) will result
in a large number of such slopes being created in the near future. A case in point is the Aitik
mine in northern Sweden. This hard rock mine is owned and operated by the Boliden Ltd.
mining company. The present depth is around 250 meters, but current mining plans call for a
final pit depth of around 450 meters. To date, stability problems have been confined to
benches; there are no signs of incipient large scale failure. A complicating factor is the
location of the plant and workshops, in close proximity to the crest of the footwall (see Figure

Previous studies have not addressed the issue of large scale stability satisfactorily for the
Aitik mine. This is largely because potential failure mechanisms for large scale slopes are
poorly understood. The lack of previous large scale failures in the Aitik pit precludes purely
empirical design methods. Furthermore, one cannot allow large scale failure to occur due to
the potentially drastic consequences of such failures.

The Aitik design problem was the starting point for this thesis. However, Aitik share this
problem with many hard rock mines worldwide. In general, the fundamental knowledge of
failure mechanisms in large scale rock slopes is poor. This is partly due to the limited
occurrence of such failures in hard rock mines with significant depths. Identified failure
mechanisms for slopes of moderate height cannot safely be extrapolated to large scale slopes,
since mechanisms may change with a change in scale. However, even for observed failure
mechanisms, elementary issues, such as where failure starts and how it propagates through a
slope, are largely unresolved.

Design methods for benches and slopes of moderate height (say, up to 100 meters) are fairly
well developed, whereas reliable design methods for large scale rock slopes are lacking.
Forward design is commonly based on previous experience and back-calculated strengths
from failures, but this approach breaks down when no precedent is available. Furthermore, a
large scale failure can be much more serious to the mine, compared to a bench failure — this

warrants a precise and consistent design methodology. Unfortunately, the opposite is true

Consequently, a reliable methodology for designing overall slope angles in open pits is
lacking for cases with no precedent in terms of large scale failure. The development of such
a methodology is the subject of this thesis, including its application to the Aitik mine. The
thesis covers (1) failure mechanisms in high rock slopes, (2) analysis of failures and
assessment of slope stability, and (3) assessment of the strength of large scale rock masses.








Figure 1.2 Potential slope stability problems at the Aitik mine (figure not to scale).

1.2 Objective, Approach and Scope of Work

In this thesis, large scale slope stability in open pit mining is treated in a rather broad fashion,
as opposed to concentrating on a small topic. The general state-of-the-art needs to be
advanced, including fundamental issues such as potential failure mechanisms and large scale
rock mass strength. There are, in fact, many issues that deserve to be addressed thoroughly;
however, the danger of focusing strongly on only one such issue is that other (and potentially
more important ones) are not at all considered. This motivates a broad treatment of the
subject. Furthermore, this approach was deemed necessary to provide the Aitik mine with
practical results for mine design.

A combined empirical-analytical approach was chosen. This consisted of several smaller

tasks, which together contribute to: (1) a better knowledge of slope mechanics, (2) better
estimates of stable slope angles, and (3) better estimates of the rock mass strength. It is
implicitly understood that a complete solution to either of these issues is not presented.

The tasks undertaken included an extensive literature review, followed by the development of
a geological-geomechanical model for the Aitik mine. Empirical data in the form of case
studies (from the literature and from study trips) were collected to build a small database of
stable and unstable slopes. Analytical work, mostly in the form of numerical modeling, was
used to study different potential failure mechanisms. Verification of numerical models was
done through comparisons with a few selected and well-documented case studies. This also
included validation of a methodology for estimating large scale rock mass strength. Finally,
modeling was applied to the Aitik pit and different scenarios were analyzed and interpreted.

The overall objective of the work presented in this thesis can thus be formulated as follows:

"Application of modeling to assess large scale slope stability at Aitik, with the support of case
studies from other pits, analyses of potential failure mechanisms, and studies and verification
of design methods."

This approach allows practical results for the mine (pure design work) to be produced
concurrent with more scientific work aimed at increasing the fundamental understanding of
the mechanics of rock slopes. Although primarily concentrating on hard rock pit slopes,
some of the results are of generic nature and have application to civil engineering (and even
natural) slopes, and slopes in weak rock masses. However, the thesis focuses exclusively on
the design of large scale slopes (overall slope angles in open pits). It does not cover bench
design, or the design of ramps or other elements of open pit slopes.

The problem of failure velocity is not covered in this thesis; however, it is assumed that a
potential large scale failure in a hard rock mine (such as Aitik) will be rapid and
uncontrollable. Judging from previous experience, this is a reasonable assumption for a steep
slope in a brittle material. It is also a conservative assumption, as it implies that, once failure
has initiated, there will be no time for remedial measures. It follows that the pit slopes at the
Aitik mine (or any other hard rock mine) should be designed to prevent any large scale failure
from occurring.

1.3 Outline of Thesis

Following this introduction, a comprehensive literature review on the subject is presented in

Chapter 2. The current state-of-the-art and future requirements regarding the design of large
scale slopes is summarized, and forms the basis for the rest of the thesis. The work
conducted and presented after this, falls into two distinct categories. The first one explicitly
concerns the Aitik slope design. The second category is less site-specific and focuses on
increasing the fundamental understanding of how large scale slopes behave, including the
development of a design methodology for these conditions. In the following, each of the
tasks is described in more detail. The interrelation between the different project tasks as
presented in this thesis is shown in Figure 1.3.

Chapter 3 presents the geological-geomechanical model for the Aitik mine. Extensive field
work forms the basis for this model. All existing geomechanical data pertaining to the Aitik
mine are provided in this chapter, including new studies by the author. (This comprehensive
presentation was chosen to facilitate the data collection phase in possible future studies.) The
model provides detailed description of the geomechanical conditions at the site.
Representative cross-sections for design analyses are developed, including the input data for
such analyses.

A case study database, described in Chapter 4, includes data on several open pit mines, both
in weak and hard rock, and data from civil engineering and natural slopes. Information was
collected from study trips and field work, as well as from the literature. Simple classification
schemes are used to sort cases with respect to geomechanical conditions and observed failure
behavior. Approximate guidelines for the design of the Aitik pit slopes are also established.

Assessment of representative rock mass properties for input to design is covered in Chapter 5.
This is focused on application of the Hoek-Brown failure criterion in conjunction with rock
mass classification to determine rock-mass strength properties. A thorough review is
followed by discussions and recommendations on application to large scale slopes. A slightly
revised approach is presented and verified through comparisons with back-calculated
strengths from the case study database described in Chapter 4.

Background, Approach,
and Objective (Chapter 1)

Literature Review—
Current Status in Slope
Design (Chapter 2)

Aitik Slope Design Research and Development

Geomechanical Model
Case Study Database
of the Aitik Mine
(Chapter 4)
(Chapter 3)

Back-calculated strengths
Design sections and input from failure Selected
data to design
case studies

Empirical guidelines for

Assessment of Rock
stable slopes Mass Properties
(Chapter 5)

Procedure for estimating

rock mass strength Analysis of Failure
(Chapter 6)
Understanding of failure
Identified Failure Mechanisms
Modeling procedure

Verified modeling Procedure for

procedure estimating input data

Application to
Aitik Slope Design
Case Studies
(Chapter 8)
(Chapter 7)

Design Methodology Failure Mechanisms—Generic Slopes

Slope Angles for Aitik Modeling Procedure and Verification
Failure Mechanisms—Case Studies

Conclusions and
(Chapter 9)

Figure 1.3 Outline of thesis and major tasks undertaken in this study.

Analysis of large scale rock slopes is covered in Chapter 6. This includes (1) development of
a procedure for the application of numerical modeling to large scale slopes, and (2) studies of
different potential failure mechanisms in large scale slopes using numerical modeling. The
part dealing with development of a modeling procedure also includes comparisons with limit
equilibrium methods and a discussion on their validity. The studies of failure mechanisms
focus on (1) types of failure mechanisms, (2) conditions for the occurrence of different failure
modes — in particular, circular shear and toppling failures, and (3) different phases in the
failure process (initiation and propagation) for a certain failure mechanism. Failure
mechanisms that were studied in detail include circular shear, large scale toppling, plane
shear, and "underdip" toppling failures.

Application of modeling to selected and well-documented case studies is presented in

Chapter 7. The two case studies chosen from the database were the Aznalcollar open pit
mine and the Kiirunavaara sublevel caving mine. Both have experienced large scale failure,
and documentation and observations have been good in both cases. The modeling procedure
developed in Chapter 6 is used and input data to the models were determined using the
procedure described in Chapter 5. Modeling results are used to (1) verify the modeling
procedure, (2) verify the procedure for rock-mass strength assessment, and (3) increase the
understanding of the complex failure mechanisms in these two cases.

In Chapter 8, the input data from the geomechanical model (Chapter 3) are paired with the
approach to rock-mass strength assessment (Chapter 5) and the modeling methodology
(Chapters 6 and 7) and applied to the Aitik mine. The development of a computational model
and the obtained input data are presented. The model is used to assess the stability of the
currently planned slope geometry. The existing uncertainty in input data is accounted for
through parameter studies (strength properties, groundwater conditions, etc.).

Finally, conclusions from the conducted research and recommendations for future work are
presented in Chapter 9. This includes design recommendations for the Aitik pit, as well as
suggestions on how to improve the precision of the design guidelines offered.

1.4 Notations and Terminology

To a large extent, this thesis is concerned with failure of slopes. It is therefore necessary to
exactly define what the word failure implies. In this thesis, the term failure is used to
describe the event that occurs when the loads or stresses acting on the rock material exceed
the strength (compressive, shear, or tensile) of the rock. Thus, the same term is used to

describe failure on a small scale (an intact rock sample) as well as on a large scale (an entire
pit slope). In the latter case, failure occurs when the slope has exceeded its capacity to carry
more of the loads that are acting upon it. In most cases, the slope can still carry some load
after failure (but less than before failure). Failure mode is a macroscopic description of the
manner in which failure occurs — e.g., the shape and appearance of the resulting failure
surface. The failure mode can be regarded as a geometrical description of the failure
development. Failure mechanism refers to a description of the physical process that takes
place in the rock mass as failure initiates and propagates through the rock.

None of the above terms implies that the pit slope cannot be mined further. In fact, there are
many cases in which failure accompanied by large displacements has occurred, but in which
there are no serious interruptions in mine production. The terms slope collapse,
uncontrollable failure, and catastrophic failure, are used in this thesis to describe the
opposite case — i.e., failure leading to serious disturbances and/or mine closure. Whether
one can "live with failures" is a question of such matters as displacement magnitude,
displacement rate, failure volume, location of failure, etc. Thus, the definition of mechanical
failure given above should be replaced by an economic definition of slope failure (failure
resulting in the uneconomic recovery of ore). The problem with this definition is assigning
costs to probable or potential failure events (including long-term effects on production).
Hence, no general definition of economic slope failure can be given at this stage.

Throughout the thesis, a geomechanical sign convention is used in which compressive

stresses are taken to be positive and tensile stresses negative (see Figure 1.4). Consequently,
strains are also taken as positive under compression. In the thesis, extensive use is made of
the analysis programs FLAC and UDEC. In these programs, a different sign convention is
used — one in which compressive stresses are defined as being negative. To be consistent
with geomechanical sign convention, all equations and formulations pertaining to FLAC and
UDEC are rewritten to conform with the definition of positive compressive stresses (unless
otherwise noted in the text).

Hereafter, new symbols and terms are defined as they occur in the text. For additional
explanation of symbols used in the text, the reader is referred to the list of symbols at the
beginning of the thesis.





Figure 1.4 Geomechanical sign convention used in this thesis.



2.1 Open Pit Mining and Slope Stability

2.1.1 Introduction

Rock slopes are found in both civil and mining applications and as natural rock formations in
mountainous areas. Natural slopes are different from the others in that they have formed over
a long period of time and have reached an equilibrium state of stability. Thus, many
"dangerous" features have been eradicated by natural processes. This is not the case for
engineered slopes. In addition, open pit rock slopes are different from slopes in civil
engineering projects in many ways. Slope location is often more fixed in an open pit mine.
The only design parameters that can be varied are the shape of the slope, the slope angle and,
to some extent, the slope height. The economics of pit operation are, to a much larger extent
than in civil engineering, closely linked to slope geometry. On the other hand, the life of an
open pit slope is usually far shorter than the required life of civil engineering slopes. The
consequences of failure are also vastly different and require different approaches. In civil
projects in urban areas, for example, very safe (over-designed) slopes are necessary, whereas
some instabilities are often accepted in open pits (Ross-Brown, 1972). In the following, the
basic economics of open pit mining and the implications on slope design are described.

2.1.2 Economics of Open Pit Mining

Planning an open pit is a matter of determining the most economic pit limit and the most
economic mining program for a given mineralization (Steffen et al., 1970). Optimization of
pit limits includes defining the final pit outline and the total mineable reserves and setting
guidelines for the location of the initial pit and the optimal pit expansion. Several techniques
are available for determining the ultimate pit limit — for example, the floating cone method
and the Lerch-Grossman method. This is then followed by production planning in which
mining sequence, cutoff grades, and final layout and production plans are determined. As the
pit is being mined and more information becomes available, continuous refinements to the
design of the pit are normally necessary (Armstrong, 1990; Whittle, 1990; Hustrulid and
Kuchta, 1995).

The removal of waste rock (stripping) is intrinsic to almost all open pits, since the limits of
the orebody seldom coincide with the practically achievable slope outline. The ratio between
waste removed and ore mined is termed the stripping ratio. Stripping is necessary to facilitate

future mining of ore, see Figure 2.1. In all mining activities it is important to minimize
capital costs; hence there is a strong incentive for mining as little waste rock as possible and
to delay this stripping for as long as possible.

These concepts refer to the ultimate (final) pit limit. However, ultimate pit limits are not
achieved instantaneously, and the working pit will thus differ from the final pit. The normal
procedure is to mine a series of expanding shells, or pushbacks (see Figure 2.1). Normally,
the interim slope of a pushback will be much flatter, and often of lower height, than the
ultimate pit slope. Increasing the angle of the working slope can be advantageous from an
economical standpoint, as this will increase early revenues — i.e., delay mining of waste rock
(Halls, 1970). On the other hand, a major reason for keeping working slope angles flatter
than those planned for the final slopes is that the risk of failure is substantially reduced.
Massive slope failures at an early stage of mining could prove disastrous for the entire
operation. It may also be necessary to mine several pushbacks simultaneously to achieve
high productivity — in which case stable interim slopes are a necessity.








Figure 2.1 Interim and ultimate pit slopes along with pushbacks and working benches
(after Coates, 1981; Kim et al., 1977a).

The main benefit of steep slope angles thus results from a minimum of waste excavation for
ultimate walls and delayed waste excavation for interim slopes, whereas the principal cost of
having a steeper slope results from increasing instability and costs associated with it (Coates,
1981). There may also be a limit as to how steep the interim pit slopes can be made to allow
for efficient operation of the pit. In conclusion, both the final and the interim slopes are
extremely important to design so that costs are minimized. Whatever the implications of

failure, a thorough understanding of the mechanisms of slope behavior is fundamental, as this

is what all subsequent analysis and decisions must be based upon.

2.1.3 Geometry and Design of Slope Angles

For a typical open pit mine, several different mining units can be identified, each of which
has an associated slope angle (see Figure 2.2). The smallest unit is the bench slope. These
are separated by catch benches, which are constructed to "catch" falling rock from upper
levels (see Figure 2.3). It is relatively common to use double benching (i.e., leaving a catch
bench only for every second bench), as this allows greater catching capability (for a given
slope angle) or steeper interramp and overall slope angles (Hustrulid and Kuchta, 1995).

The next unit is the interramp slope, defined as the slope between ramps in an open pit. The
interramp slope angle is a function of bench face angle, bench height, and catch bench width.
Note that the interramp angle is defined as going from bench toe to bench toe (Figure 2.2).
This is in accordance with the current practice at the Aitik mine and many other pits
worldwide. This has a very practical advantage since interramp areas then have the same
angle as the height is being increased — which facilitates mine planning considerably. The
possible differences in the stability of different interramp heights must be considered
separately in the design process.

The overall pit slope includes all interramp slopes and all ramps. The overall slope angle is
defined as going from the toe at the pit bottom to the crest of the pit. The maximum
achievable overall angle is a function of the interramp angle and the width and number of
haulage roads.






Figure 2.2 Definition of slope angles in open pit mining.







Figure 2.3 Catch bench geomety and function of catch benches (after Call et al, 1976;
Hustrulid and Kuchta, 1995).

Each of the slope units defined above must be designed separately. Furthermore, different
failure modes will prevail at different scales and thus affect different portions of the pit. The
geomechanical environment may also vary in the horizontal direction, requiring different
slope angles in different regions of the pit. Common to almost all existing design methods is
the concept of design sectors in an open pit. A design sector is a region of the pit in which
the most important parameters influencing slope stability are constant (Coates, 1977). These
parameters include lithology, discontinuities, rock mass properties, grade distribution, pit
geometry (curvature) and operational factors (e.g., location of major haulage roads and
crushers). To be able to define design sectors correctly, knowledge of the governing
parameters for slope stability is required, and a hypothesis regarding possible failure modes
must be postulated. As more information is retrieved, this hypothesis must be updated and
perhaps modified; this implies that the design sectors may have to be revised in an iterative

The design methodology for bench slopes normally involves mapping of structures and
discontinuities, interpretation of mapping data using stereographical projection, and stability
analysis using limit equilibrium methods (see, e.g., Hoek and Bray, 1981). Probabilistic
analysis, in which the variations of input parameters are taken into account, is also commonly
used for bench design. This makes it possible to quantify the risk of failure for a certain
bench geometry. These approaches work satisfactorily, mostly because bench-scale failures
are largely structurally controlled and failure modes are well understood.

The design of large scale slopes is very rarely treated in the existing literature as a specific
case. Often, the same design methods are applied to bench, interramp and overall slope
design, and there appears to be no explicit methods specifically aimed at the problem of
designing large scale slopes. Differences in scale and potential failure modes, as well as the
implications of a large scale failure, calls for a different design methdology for overall slope
angles. Furthermore, failure modes are more difficult to identify for large scale slopes, as
failures are not necessarily controlled by single (large scale) structural features. Strength
parameters are also much more difficult to determine for a large scale rock mass than for
bench-scale discontinuities. What has emerged as a standard approach is to use previous
experience and back-calculated strengths from previous failures, for forward design in the
same geomechanical environment. As was pointed out earlier, this cannot be applied to cases
in which no precedent is available. In the sections to follow, the state-of-the-art of slope
design is reviewed, and special attention is paid to its application to large scale slopes.
Fundamental to all design methods is an understanding of the failure mechanisms. The
existing knowledge on this is reviewed initially.

2.2 Mechanics of High Rock Slopes

Stacey (1968) provided the following list of important factors that govern the stability of
open pit slopes:

− geological structure;
− rock stresses and groundwater conditions;
− strength of discontinuities and intact rock;
− pit geometry, including both slope angles and slope curvature;
− vibration from blasting or seismic events;
− climatic conditions; and
− time.

This list is probably not complete, but it serves to demonstrate the difficulty in assessing rock
slope stability. In the following, what is believed to be the most important factors for large
scale slopes are described. This is followed by a description of observed failure modes and
inferred failure mechanisms in large scale slopes.

2.2.1 Stress State and Groundwater

Virgin Stress and Induced Stress

The virgin stress (that before any excavation) in the rock is altered as an open pit is
excavated. Stresses are forced to redistribute around the created open void, as shown
schematically in Figure 2.4. In old shield regions such as Scandinavia, horizontal virgin
stresses are typically higher than vertical stresses, at least down to depths of 1000-2000
meters (see, e.g., Hoek et al., 1995 and Amadei and Stephansson, 1997). For the case shown
in Figure 2.4, this means that, compared to the virgin stress state, the pit walls will be
destressed, whereas stress concentrations (increased compressive and shear stresses) arise at
the toe of the slope. The vertical stress after excavation is still mainly due to the gravitational
load. The compressive stress concentrations at the toe of the slope promote stress-induced
failure in this region, whereas destressing of the pit walls promotes joint opening and shear
failure along pre-existing discontinuities in the rock mass.

In the literature on rock slope stability, it is often stated that stresses in slopes are low.
However, such a general statement is very dangerous, as it only applies to the regions close to
the pit walls and at the toe of small scale slopes. For large scale slopes, the stress state is

much more complex, with zones of both low and high stresses. Furthermore, with increasing
pit depths comes increased virgin stresses and an increased risk of rock mass failure.
Unfortunately, there are very few studies on the stress state in open pit slopes, and in
particular for deep open pits. Most of what has been learned is through photoelastic analysis,
(e.g., Hoek and Pentz, 1968), and numerical analysis (e.g., Stacey, 1970, 1973). The studies
by Stacey showed that destressing from horizontal stresses became more pronounced for
steeper rock slopes. The width of the pit bottom influenced the toe stresses but not the stress
state higher in the slope. Varying the lateral (horizontal) virgin stress had a very large effect
on both magnitudes and orientations of the resulting principal stresses after excavation. Later
studies (e.g., Hustrulid and Kuchta, 1995) indicate that the horizontal virgin stress only
affects the stress state in the toe region, whereas the region close to the slope face will remain
subjected to gravitational loads. The studies by Stacey (1970, 1973), Nilsen (1979), and
Coulthard et al. (1992) showed that tensile stresses developed at the crest of the slope, with
larger tensile zones for higher virgin horizontal stress and steeper slope angles.

In the above analyses of the stress state around open pits, homogeneous, isotropic and elastic
material behavior were assumed. In reality, some local stress redistributions can be expected
around pre-existing discontinuities, as well as stress redistributions due to local failure and
yielding of the rock material.


$ $

3URILOH $  $








Figure 2.4 Two-dimensional representation of the redistribution of horizontal stress

around a long open pit (large dimension perpendicular to this plane).

Comprehensive evaluations and verifications of the overall stress state in and around open
pits are relatively scarce. Stacey (1970, 1973) compared calculated stresses with measured
stresses at the Kimbley pit (Blake, 1968) and found relatively good agreement between the
two. Nilsen (1979) and Broch and Nilsen (1982) compared calculated stresses around the
Ørtfjell open pit, with measured stresses in a drift close to the pit. A qualitative agreement
was found, indicating the same orientation and the same order of magnitude of the principal

Some of the three-dimensional stress effects in pit slopes were quantified by Stacey (1973),
who used a three-dimensional numerical model. It was found that stress magnitudes at the
toe were markedly lower than in the two-dimensional model. Furthermore, when the two
virgin horizontal stresses were equal, no tensile zones were detected. On the other hand,
larger differences between the virigin horizontal stresses resulted in larger tensile zones at the
crest of the slope.

In general, for an elliptical or elongated pit, the three-dimensional effects will be most
pronounced on the short axis of the pit. In these concave regions, added confinement by the
intermediate principal stress results in less destressing of the pit walls. All principal stresses
will be compressive, except perhaps for the minor principal stress as shown in Figure 2.5
(Long, 1964; Hoek and Pentz, 1968). For convex slopes, the stress state will be much more
unfavorable, with the minor principal stress, σ3, being tensile and oriented tangential to the
slope face (Figure 2.5). The intermediate principal stress can also be very low or tensile in
this case.

These effects have been confirmed by field observations (Piteau, 1970; Hoek and Bray,
1981). Observations indicated an increase in stable slope angles of a little more than
10° when the radius of slope curvature for a concave slope decreased from 1000 feet (300
meters) to 200 feet (60 meters) for a slope height of 320 feet (100 meters). For a convex
slope with a radius of curvature less than the slope height, Hoek and Bray (1981) suggested a
flattening of the slope angle by 10°, compared to that for a stability analysis in which only a
two-dimensional geometry is considered.







σ σ 







Figure 2.5 Principal stress states in different portions of an open pit mine with varying
slope curvature (partly after Hoek and Pentz, 1968, and Long, 1964).

Groundwater and Effective Stress

The stress state in a slope is also dependent upon the groundwater conditions and the
resulting groundwater pressures in the rock mass. The undisturbed water table (before
excavation) in a rock mass depends on: (1) the infiltration of rainfall and melting snow, (2)
the surrounding topography, (3) nearby rivers and lakes, and (4) the geohydrological
characteristics of the rock mass. It follows from this that the water table changes with time
— for example, during spring runoff or heavy rainfalls. As an open pit is being mined, the
initial water table will change (be drawn down) due to flow of water into the excavation.
Thus, the water table, or the phreatic surface, will change constantly, depending upon the

development of the excavation (Morgenstern, 1971; Sharp et al., 1977). This drawdown will
result in a water table as illustrated schematically in Figure 2.6 for a homogeneous rock mass.

The actual shape and location of the water table will depend upon the slope geometry, the
permeability characteristics, and the recharge from the surrounding rock mass. Furthermore,
winter ice can prevent flow into the pit and increase groundwater pressures in the slope.
Parts in rock mass below the water table are subjected to groundwater pressure, which acts to
reduce the effective stress at a given point (through the principle of effective stress), as shown
in Figure 2.6.












Figure 2.6 Typical drawdown due to mining of an open pit and comparison of the
effective stress state in a partly saturated slope (top figure) and an almost
drained slope (bottom). (Stress states are shown for the same point in the
slopes and for two different phreatic surfaces.)

A reduction in the effective stress state leads to a reduction of the available shear strength of
a failure surface (reduced normal stress). Furthermore, existing groundwater pressures can
act as additional driving forces on failure surfaces for certain failure modes. A secondary
effect of water present in the rock mass is that some minerals react unfavorably with water,
thus reducing the material strength of a filled discontinuity for certain rock types. Erosion
brought about by flowing water can also result in reduced strength (Morgenstern, 1971; Sage,
1976; Sharp et al., 1977; Hoek and Bray, 1981).

The groundwater pressures along a surface in the saturated zone define the piezometric
surface, which is a profile of water pressure on a given surface. For static conditions (i.e., no
flow or uniform horizontal water flow), the piezometric surfaces all coincide with the water
table; in all other cases, however, there will be a different piezometric surface for each
physical surface through the zone of flow (Sharp et al., 1977). It follows that, to correctly
assess the groundwater pressure on an actual or potential failure surface, the water pressures
cannot be calculated from the location of the water table but must, instead, be measured.
Measurement methods include various types of piezometers, ranging from simple standpipe
tubes to electric piezometers. Open holes and standpipes can be used for rocks with high
permeability, whereas a closed system (preferably an electric piezometer) is required for less
permeable rocks (Hoek and Bray, 1981). Geophysical techniques (especially resistivity
measurements) have also been used to quantify flow paths and groundwater levels in the rock
mass (Kusumi et al., 1993), but pressure distributions cannot be obtained directly from such
measurements. It is often difficult (and costly) to precisely determine water pressure
distributions along failure surfaces, and an assumption of static conditions is often made. The
groundwater pressures are thus calculated from the vertical distance to the water table.

The permeability, or hydraulic conductivity, of the rock determines its ability to transmit a
fluid. Compared to a granular material such as soil, intact rock (particularly hard, igneous
rock) has a relatively low permeability. However, because the rock mass also contains
numerous discontinuities, the mass permeability can be significantly higher, as the flow of
water concentrates along pre-existing discontinuities (Louis, 1969; Londe, 1973a). The
permeability of individual discontinuities is very sensitive to changes in the joint aperture
(opening), which, in turn, depends upon the normal stress acting on the joint surfaces. Thus,
a coupled behavior between stresses and groundwater flow arises. For instance, a slope that
is being destressed close to the face will permit a higher flow of water in this portion, thus
changing the location of the phreatic surface and, in turn, changing the effective stress. The
same could occur in a rock mass that is strongly fractured. On the other hand, a decrease in
the overall permeability can be expected in regions of high compressive stress — for
example, at the toe of the slope (Sharp et al., 1977).

The coupled effects discussed above are difficult to quantify, and illustrate the difficulty in
accurately determining the groundwater pressure in a rock slope. Furthermore, groundwater
pressure will vary in all three dimensions as well as around the slope outline, as was
discussed with respect to the stress state. The three-dimensional flow of water is difficult to
analyze theoretically (Louis, 1969), particularly for jointed rock masses. Today, numerical
analyses are commonly used to assist in assessing groundwater pressure. Even when using
numerical models, coupled analyses (in particular, three-dimensional ones) are cumbersome
and seldom used. In normal engineering practice, two-dimensional approximations are
commonly used, and the coupled effects neglected.

2.2.2 Rock Mass Structure

The geological structure is obviously one of the most important factors governing the slope
stability. An example of different types of discontinuities is shown in Figure 2.7. For large
scale slopes, the discontinuities of interest are (1) discontinuities of approximately the same
scale as the slope dimensions, such as faults and large shear zones, and (2) smaller-scale
discontinuities making up the fabric of the rock mass.





Figure 2.7 Different types of joints and faults (partly after Nordlund and Rådberg, 1995).

The traditional assumption of low-stress conditions in slopes implies that structurally

controlled failures, such as plane shear and wedge failures, dominate in rock slopes. (These
and other failure modes are described in Section 2.2.4.) While this may be true for slopes
with large scale structural features, it does not necessarily apply to a rock mass with many,
but smaller, discontinuities. Using the Aitik case as an example, the mapping of structural

features and discontinuities in the rock mass indicated that the majority of the pre-existing
discontinuities in the rock mass were of limited length (less than 10 meters; see Call et al.,
1976). For a high slope, the rock mass will appear to be very fractured, as the length of
individual discontinuities is small compared to the dimensions of the slope. This difference
in scale is illustrated in Figure 2.8, Figure 2.9, and Figure 2.10 for (1) a 30-meter high bench
slope with a 70° bench face angle, (2) an interramp slope of 90-meter height and 50°
interramp angle, and (3) an overall slope with 500-meter height and a 50° overall slope angle,
respectively. In these figures, a two-dimensional cross-section of the slope is shown with two
hypothetical joint sets with the following characteristics:

Joint set A Joint Set B

Dip: 60° 135° (Fixed)

Joint length: 10 ± 1 meter 8 ± 2 meter (Normally distributed,
mean ± standard deviation)
Rock bridge: 3 ± 1 meter 5 ± 2 meter (Normally distributed,
mean ± standard deviation)
Spacing: 3 meter 7 meter (Fixed)


Figure 2.8 Discontinuity pattern for a bench slope with a slope height of 30 meters and a
slope angle of 70° with two different pre-existing joint sets.


Figure 2.9 Discontinuity pattern for an interramp rock slope with a slope height of 90
meters, a slope angle of 50° and two different pre-existing joint sets.


Figure 2.10 Discontinuity pattern for a large scale rock slope with a slope height of 500
meters, a slope angle of 50° and two different pre-existing joint sets.

The two joint sets used here crudely approximates a jointed rock mass. In reality, there are
probably more than two joint sets present, and the joint spacings and joint lengths are, in
general, much smaller than as shown in the figures above. The discontinuity pattern used

here has a RQD of 100 %, indicating very good, solid rock. Nevertheless, these three figures
clearly illustrate the dramatic difference between a slope of moderate height and a large scale

Thus, a more realistic description of large scale slope is that of a heavily fractured rock mass
in relation to the height of the slope, with block sizes being small relative to the dimensions
of the slope. A rock mass can thus be described as being closely jointed when the joint
spacing is small in relation to the scale of the entire slope (Pender and Free, 1993). From
this, it is evident that the failure mode of a large scale slope can differ significantly from that
of a small scale slope.

Piteau (1970) listed four assumptions, that usually are made (implicitly or explicitly) when
analyzing the stability of a rock slope. These are as follows.

1. Structural discontinuities are detectable features and can be described quantitatively.

2. Structural regions exist in a rock mass.
3. A reliable model representing a jointed rock mass can be constructed.
4. Failure surfaces will be essentially a plane or combinations of planes.

There is also a fifth, implicit assumption of nearly all stability analysis, namely that failure
only occurs along pre-existing discontinuities and not through intact rock. These
assumptions apply mainly to small scale slopes and joints of similar scale. Stability analyses
often involve statistical and/or probabilistic techniques (see also Section 2.3).

For a large scale slope, these assumptions may not be valid. First, it can be difficult to detect
and describe all discontinuities for a rock mass of large volume. Surface mapping (scanline
or cell mapping; see, e.g., Mathis, 1988) introduces a bias concerning discontinuites located
deeper into the rock mass. Mapping of borehole cores can increase the knowledge of such
features, but the areal coverage is poor. In addition, joint orientations are more difficult to
determine accurately from core drilling.

Second, the assumptions that structural regions exist and that a representative model can be
constructed are also difficult to validate. Perhaps the biggest problem is associated with
constructing a reliable model of the rock mass. Although advances have been made in
representing and delineating different joint sets (Priest, 1993a, 1993b; Hudson and Cosgrove,
1997), there are still problems concerning the determination of joint trace lengths (see, e.g.,
Call et al., 1977; Grossman, 1995) and the true three-dimensional shape of a discontinuity.
Discontinuities are commonly assumed to be circular disks, but this assumption is often made

for mathematical reasons since it simplifies three-dimensional calculations significantly — it

is not based on actual knowledge of discontinuity geometry. Due to the large volume
involved, constructing a representative model of the rock mass becomes even more difficult
for large scale slopes. Finally, the assumption of plane failure surfaces is difficult to justify.
Although this is likely for failure governed by a single (or a few) discontinuity, it may be
wrong for a rock mass such as that pictured in Figure 2.10. Consequently, the influence of
structures on the behavior of large scale rock slope is rather limited, and it is not clear how
they should be accounted for in the design.

2.2.3 Rock Mass Strength

Strength of Discontinuities and Intact Rock

The strengths of intact rock and single discontinuities have been devoted much attention in
the rock mechanics literature, and can be considered fairly well understood. The strength of
planar discontinuities can be fairly well described by the Coulomb shear strength criterion.
However, there is no strong dependence of friction on rock type or lithology (Byerlee, 1978).
Instead, the frictional component is mostly a function of the surface geometry of the
discontinuity. For discontinuities with surface asperities (roughness), the criteria by Patton
(1966) and, more recently, McMahon (1985) and Papaliangas et al., (1996) are more
applicable. Jaeger (1971) proposed a power law criterion that agreed better with laboratory
test data, but this criterion did not provide an explanation to the mechanisms of the shearing
process. Ladanyi and Archambault (1970, 1972) presented a criterion that accounted for the
dilation rate and the ratio of the actual shear area to the complete sample area. Barton (1976)
and Barton and Choubey (1977) developed an empirical shear failure criterion that included
terms for the roughness (asperities) of the discontinuity surface and the compressive strength
of the wall rock (see also Barton and Bandis, 1990; Bandis, 1992). Barton and Choubey
(1977) also suggested methods for determining parameters JRC and JCS. Methods for
scaling these parameters with increasing physical scale was proposed by Barton and Bandis
(1982). Although subject to debate and not always reliable, these methods can be used in the
field, making the Barton criterion practical, without having to rely on expensive and
complicated laboratory testing.

In a slope rock mass, intact rock occurs as bridges between discontinuities. Although the
failure behavior of intact rock has been studied frequently, the behavior of rock bridges
between discontinuities is less well understood. There seems to be a general consensus that
rock bridges between discontinuities primarily fail in Mode I (i.e., tensile failure); see

Einstein et al. (1983), Einstein (1993) and Shen (1993). Mode II (shear) fracturing would
occur as a secondary phenomenon, thus forming shear fractures eventually linking separate
discontinuities. Model tests and numerical modeling seem to confirm this belief (Savilahti et
al, 1990). Strength criteria for these failure mechanisms are not completely developed and
deserve more attention.

Strength of Jointed Rock Masses of Large Scale

The strength the of the composite rock mass has not been investigated as frequently as the
strengths of intact rock and single discontinuities. However, it is generally believed that
strength is significantly reduced with increasing sample size. Such a scale effect is prominent
in many materials (Weibull, 1939a, 1939b), and has been verified for rocks by laboratory
testing (see, e.g., Hoek and Brown, 1980) and through in situ tests on, for example, coal
pillars (Bieniawski, 1968). The effect of increasing scale on the rock mass strength is
illustrated by the curve in Figure 2.11. The decrease in strength with increasing volume is
primarily due the increased number of pre-existing discontinuities that are included into the
rock mass, from small scale joints to larger faults (see e.g., Krauland et al., 1989; Pinto da
Cunha, 1993a, 1993b, 1995).









Figure 2.11 Schematic illustration of the relation between strength and volume of a rock

There is also some evidence that strength may become constant for very large volumes.
From studies on coal pillars, Bieniawski (1968) concluded that the strength remained

constant for samples larger than a certain volume. Samples smaller than the average joint
spacing also exhibited constant strength. Moreover, the scatter in strength decreased with
increasing pillar size in the tests by Bieniawski (1968). Hoek and Brown (1997) also argued
that the strength will reach a constant value when the individual rock pieces are sufficiently
small in relation to the size of the structure (or slope). However, no quantitative guidelines
were given for determining the sample size for which the strength reduction vanishes.

From the above discussion, it is clear that strength values determined in laboratory tests are
several orders of magnitude larger than the large scale rock mass strength. However,
determination of rock mass strength in practice is difficult. Krauland et al. (1989) listed four
principal ways of determining the strength: (1) mathematical modeling, (2) rock mass
classification, (3) large scale testing, and (4) back-analysis of failures. To this list can be
added empirically derived failure criteria for rock masses, often used in conjunction with rock
mass classification.

Theoretical models for describing the strength of a rock mass are very scarce. The effect of
potential slip along a single discontinuity on the axial strength of a rock sample can be
described theoretically (see Figure 2.12). This has also been confirmed by laboratory tests
(see, e.g., Hoek and Brown, 1980). The theory can be extended to include a confining stress,
σ3. For multiple inclined discontinuities, the results can be added by the superposition
principle, as shown in Figure 2.12.

When the number of discontinuities increases and many strength curves are superimposed,
the rock sample will behave more and more as an isotropic material, having no preferential
direction of weakness (Hoek and Brown, 1980). More recent test results indicate, however,
that superposition cannot be done for combinations of sliding and splitting failure of a rock
sample (Yang et al., 1998).

For a rock mass of large scale, the above approach becomes difficult. Both the orientation
and the location of each discontinuity must be quantified to be able to derive a criterion that
describes the rock mass strength. There are also very few examples of criteria that describe
the strength of jointed rock masses in this manner. Ladanyi and Archambault (1970, 1972,
1980); (see also Hoek and Bray, 1981), suggested a modification of their failure criterion for
single discontinuities, making the criterion applicable to rock masses. This failure criterion
includes terms for the dilation rate, the ratio of the actual shear area to the complete surface
area, the uniaxial compressive strength of the intact rock, and the degree of interlocking
between the blocks in a rock mass. While this approach may seem attractive because it
involves some consideration of the mechanics of block movement and intact rock failure, it is

difficult to use in practice. Because of the large number of input parameters (a total of seven)
and the difficulty in describing a large scale rock mass accurately, it usually takes
considerable guesswork to come up with the input data.













Figure 2.12 Strength of a rock sample containing an inclined discontinuity (top) and
multiple inclined discontinuities (bottom), (after Hoek and Brown, 1980).

The difficulty associated with explicitly describing rock mass strength based on the actual
mechanisms of failure has lead to the development of strength criteria that treat the rock mass
as an equivalent continuum. Summary reviews of existing empirical failure criteria were
given by Helgstedt (1997) and Sheorey (1997), among others. The majority of these were
derived from triaxial testing of small rock samples, but few of them have been verified
against test data for rock masses. Undoubtedly, the most well known and most frequently

used of these criteria is the Hoek-Brown failure criterion. The criterion was first presented by
Hoek and Brown (1980), with subsequent revisions and updates by Priest and Brown (1983),
Hoek and Brown (1988), Hoek et al. (1995), and Hoek and Brown (1997). The original
criterion is written

σ 1 = σ 3 + mσ 3σ c + sσ c2 (2.1)

where σ1 and σ3 are the major and minor principal stresses at failure, respectively; σc is the
uniaxial compressive strength of the intact rock; and m and s are parameters that depend upon
the type of rock and the shape and degree of interlocking within the rock mass. Values for m
and s can be determined from rock mass classification, using the CSIR-RMR classification
system (Bieniawski, 1976). The Hoek-Brown criterion appears to work fairly well for first
estimates of rock mass strength, but actual verification of the criterion are still lacking,
particularly for application to large scale rock slopes.

The remaining alternatives of rock mass strength determination are large scale testing and
back-analysis of failures. Large scale testing is seldom economically or practically feasible
and is rarely used in slope applications. Back-analysis of previous failures is attractive, as it
allows more representative strength parameters to be determined. Obviously, failure must
have occurred and the failure mode must be reasonably well established. Furthermore,
information on geology, groundwater conditions, and other contributing factors must be
available. Some examples of back-calculated strength values for rock slopes are shown in
Figure 2.13 (Hoek and Bray, 1981). These values are for slopes of various heights and in
various rock types, ranging from very weak and weathered, to relatively hard and strong
rocks. The scatter in strength values is also quite large. Back-calculated strengths from the
hangingwall failures of the Grängesberg underground sublevel caving mine in Sweden were
also included.

Other examples of back-analysis of slope failures were given by Sancio (1981) and Sonmez
et al. (1998). In the latter study, parameters in the Hoek-Brown criterion were determined.
Otherwise, it is most common to use the linear Mohr-Coulomb criterion in back-analysis.
Thus, only two parameters need to be determined — namely, the cohesion and the friction
angle of the rock mass. However, similar to the Hoek-Brown criterion, the Mohr-Coulomb
failure criterion does not provide a true description of the physical processes that occur
during failure in a large scale rock mass. The cohesion term not only represents the true
cohesion due to fracturing of intact rock bridges; it also represents the effects of e.g., crushing
of asperities and rotation and separation of rock blocks.


Figure 2.13 Friction angle and cohesion mobilized at failure, with strength parameters
back-calculated for different slopes in Canada, England, Hong Kong, Spain,
Sweden and United States (Hoek and Bray, 1981).

To summarize, the knowledge of the shear behavior of single discontinuities is fairly good,
but the transfer from small-scale shear failures along discontinuities to failures involving
complex interaction of many discontinuities and rock bridges in a large scale rock mass is not

well understood. Furthermore, failure criteria that consider some of the actual failure
mechanisms tend to become complex and difficult to apply in practice. Continued theoretical
work is necessary, but it is doubtful whether useful results will evolve within the foreseeable

More simplified criteria greatly oversimplify the actual behavior but can be useful when
calibrated against field conditions. Unfortunately, verification of empirical criteria is lacking
for large scale slopes. Back-analysis is a tractable method for determining strength
parameters, but previous failure is an obvious requirement. More work is needed to verify
existing strength criteria such as the Hoek-Brown criterion. It is envisioned that back-
analysis of failed slopes can be used for this. Once better verification is obtained, it should
also be possible to use such methods in forward prediction of rock mass strength.

2.2.4 Failure Modes and Failure Mechanisms


Based on the geological structure and the stress state in the rock mass, certain failure modes
appear to be more likely than others in large scale slopes. The belief that the stress state
generally is low in rock slopes (Section 2.2.1) has had a major influence on what has been
reported earlier in terms of failure modes. Structurally controlled failures dominate, and
there is a chance that more plausible failure modes for large scale slopes are yet to be
discovered. Such a discovery is not unlikely, however, considering that today's deep open
pits will be superseded by much deeper pits in the future, particularly in hard rock.

There are also some factors that are very important for bench slopes, but which have less
bearing on high overall pit slopes. Blasting is one example of such a factor. Besides blast
damage and backbreak, which both reduce the bench face angle, vibrations from blasting
could potentially trigger failure, see for example, Sage (1976) and Bauer and Calder (1971).
For large scale slopes, however, blasting becomes less of a problem since backbreak and blast
damage of benches have negligible effects on the overall slope behavior. Furthermore, the
relatively high frequency of the blast acceleration waves prohibit them from displacing large
rock masses uniformly, as pointed out by Bauer and Calder (1971). Seismic events (i.e., low
frequency vibrations) could be more dangerous for large scale slopes, and several seismic-
induced failures of natural slopes have been observed in mountainous areas (Voight, 1978).
Because the Aitik mine is located in a seismically stable region, it is outside the scope of this
review to discuss this issue further.

In the following, observed failure modes in rock slopes are described. Emphasis is placed on
the most likely failure modes for large scale slopes, but typical failures in small scale slopes
are also briefly described. This is followed by a more detailed description of the governing
mechanisms for large scale failures, based on field observations, physical model tests in the
laboratory, and numerical analysis.

Observed Failure Modes

The first class of failure modes refers to various geometrical combinations of discontinuities
that form blocks or wedges of rock which are kinematically free to move. In this group are
plane shear and wedge failures. (Some examples are shown in Figure 2.14.) The failure
surface, defined as the surface along which failure develops, could be a single discontinuity
(plane failure), two discontinuities intersecting each other (wedge failure) or a combination of
several discontinuities connected together (step path and step wedge failures). A common
feature of most failure modes is the formation of a tension crack at the slope crest. The
failure modes depicted in Figure 2.14 are, with the exception of wedge and step wedge
failure, two-dimensional representations. For failure to occur, release surfaces must be
present to define the rock block in the lateral direction.

No scale is given in Figure 2.14 as the figures in this section are only intended to illustrate the
principal failure modes. For large scale slopes, plane shear and wedge failures are only
candidate failure modes if major structural features of the same scale as the slope are present.
Although this cannot be ruled out, a much more likely event would be the case where several
shorter and less prominent discontinuities connect to form a failure surface, as shown in
Figure 2.14 for step path and step wedge failures. It may also be that failure through intact
rock is involved in complex step path failures.









Figure 2.14 Combinations of discontinuities forming a failure surface (after Coates, 1977;
West et al., 1985; Call and Savely, 1990).

Closely related to step path failures are circular shear failures in rock slopes (Hoek and
Bray, 1981); see Figure 2.15. Although failure does not necessarily have to be along a
circular arc, the collective term is used here to denote shear failures in the rock mass with
curved failure surfaces. Sometimes the term "rotational shear failure" is used for this failure
mode (Coates, 1977), but this is avoided here, as rotation may not always occur. This type of
failure can occur in slopes without critically oriented discontinuities or planes of weakness,
and it is the typical mode of failure in soils.

As has been pointed out by Hoek (1970) and Hoek and Bray (1981), circular shear failure can
also occur in rock slopes if (1) there are no strong structural patterns in the slope (for
example, a heavily fractured slope with no predominant orientations of discontinuities),

(2) the individual particles in a soil or rock mass are very small compared to the size of the
slope, and (3) these particles are not interlocked as a result of their shape.

Circular shear failure in a large scale slope would probably primarily involve failure along
pre-existing discontinuities with perhaps some portions of the failure surface going through
intact rock. Also, rotation and translation of individual blocks in the rock mass would help to
create a failure surface. This is illustrated schematically in Figure 2.15, but with the
individual discontinuities drawn with very large lengths. In this figure, the failure surfaces
are drawn to be relatively deep, but they could also be more shallow. There may also be
combinations of plane failure, step path failures and circular shear failures, with or without
tension cracks at the slope crest.








Figure 2.15 Circular shear failures and combinations of circular shear and plane shear
failures (after Coates, 1977; Hoek and Bray, 1981).

In Figure 2.15, only two-dimensional representations of the failure surface are illustrated. In
reality, circular shear failure is a three-dimensional phenomenon, and the resulting failure
surface of a circular shear surface will be bowl- or spoon-shaped (Figure 2.16).

Figure 2.16 Three-dimensional failure geometry of a circular shear failure (after Hoek and
Bray, 1981; Franklin and Dusseault, 1991).

Several large scale failures with curved failure surfaces have been observed in open pits with
relatively high slopes, particularly in weak rocks such as shales (see, e.g., Brawner, 1977;
Franklin and Dusseault, 1991). Consequently, circular shear and other associated failure
modes where several sets of discontinuities together form the failure surface and where
failure through the intact material cannot be ruled out are important to consider for large rock

Coates (1977, 1981) discussed a related failure mode, named block flow failures.
Characteristic for these types of failures is the occurrence of a successive breakdown of the
rock slope. Failure can initiate by crushing of the slope toe, which in turn causes load
transfer to adjacent areas that may fail (Figure 2.17). Obviously, in situ stresses in relation to
the rock strength are important factors governing this failure mode. The presence of
discontinuities in the rock mass can result in several secondary modes of failure once
crushing of the toe has occurred. Large blocks and wedges, or assemblages of many smaller
blocks, can be relieved, and a combination of block flow and plane shear failure can develop
(Coates, 1977).





Figure 2.17 Block flow failures (after Coates, 1977)

For slopes with persistent discontinuities dipping steeply into the slope, plane shear or wedge
failures are not kinematically possible. On the other hand, toppling failures can occur (de
Freitas and Watters, 1973; Goodman and Bray, 1976; Hoek and Bray, 1981). Toppling refers
to the overturning of columns of rock formed by steeply dipping discontinuities. Goodman
and Bray (1976) distinguished between primary toppling, occurring only under the action of
gravity and in situ stresses, and secondary toppling, in which toppling is caused by another
independent phenomenon (see Figure 2.18 and Figure 2.19).

Flexural toppling (Figure 2.18) can occur in slopes with only one persistent discontinuity set,
whereas block toppling and block flexure toppling require a sub-horizontal cross joint in the
rock mass. Toppling failure can also be an important secondary mode of failure, initiated by
other failures, as shown in Figure 2.19. An example of secondary toppling initiated by
crushing at the toe of a large scale slope was described by Glawe (1991).

In several large open pit mines, deep-seated toppling has been observed to occur even in very
high slopes (Daly et al., 1988; Martin, 1990; Pritchard and Savigny, 1990; Orr et al., 1991;
Board et al., 1996). In this case, rotation and shearing along steeply dipping joints occurs
deep into the pit walls, resulting in a "base" shear surface along which a larger portion of the
rock mass can slide. The failure surface sometimes develops almost parallel to the slope face
and sometimes in a curved, near-circular shape (Figure 2.20). Thus, the failure surface does
not necessarily have to be deeply seated; hence, a better name for this type of failure could be
large scale toppling failure.

Figure 2.18 Common types of primary toppling failures (Goodman and Bray, 1976).

Figure 2.19 Types of secondary toppling failures (Goodman and Bray, 1976).









Figure 2.20 Large scale toppling failure (after Daly et al., 1988; Martin, 1990; Board et al.,

The formation of a basal failure strip due to toppling has also been observed in high natural
rock slopes (Giraud et al., 1990; Bovis and Evans, 1996). This process eventually leads to
planar slip along the base failure surface. Obviously, relatively long and continuous joints
must be present for these failure modes to develop. However, the relatively frequent
observations of this failure mode implies that further studies are warranted.

Closely related to toppling failures are failures occurring in slopes with non-daylighting
discontinuities dipping in the same direction as the slope. Kieffer (1998) referred to this
group of failures as slumping failures (see Figure 2.21). Kieffer (1998) followed the
classification of toppling failures given by Goodman and Bray (1976) and applied it to
slumping failures. Common for flexural-, block flexure-, and block slumping is that a basal
shallow-dipping discontinuity must be present for failure to occur. In kink-band slumping
(Figure 2.21d), the basal failure surface is formed as rock columns buckle. Kieffer also gave
several examples of slumping failures observed in the field.

Figure 2.21 Classes of rock slumping failures: a) flexural slumping, b) block flexure
slumping, c) block slumping, and d) kink-band slumping (Kieffer, 1998).

The term "underdip" toppling has also been used to denote failures in slopes with
discontinuities dipping in the same direction as the slope. In the examples from natural rock
slopes given by Cruden (1989), Hu and Cruden (1993), and Cruden and Hu (1994), failure
occurred as forward rotation of the rock columns, as opposed to the backward rotation
described by Kieffer (1998). Examples of slumping and "underdip" toppling failures have
also been found in natural rock slopes of large scale (see, for example, Zischinsky (1966) and
Figure 2.22). Such failures are commonly referred to as sackungen — a continuous
deformation of a mountain slope occurring over a long period of time, typically in foliated

Figure 2.22 Example of sackungen failure (Zischinsky, 1966).

There are also a number of other failure modes that have been observed in open pits over the
world and which do not easily group into the above categories. Among these are thin slab
failures, including buckling failures (Piteau and Martin, 1982; Nilsen, 1987; Hu and Cruden,
1993; Cruden and Hu, 1994), shown in Figure 2.23. These types of failures can develop in
slopes with long, continuous bedding planes or joints oriented parallel to the slope face.
Crushing failure of the toe or plane shear failure along cross joints help to initiate slab failure,
but slab failure can also be initiated by hydrostatic uplift due to high groundwater levels.
Buckling can develop if the axial stresses on the rock slab are high and the slab is very thin in
relation to its length. The conditions for these types of failures are rather unusual; there are
few cases of such failures in the field, particularly for large scale slopes.



Figure 2.23 Thin slab and buckling failures (after Piteau and Martin, 1982; Nilsen, 1987).

Inferred Failure Mechanisms

The above failure modes are only textbook models, and, the mechanisms behind these
observed failures are only known to a small extent. As will be shown in the following,
several important issues are yet to be described and explained. The review will concentrate
on circular shear and large scale toppling failures, as these are the most commonly observed
failure modes in high slopes. Furthermore, mechanisms for plane shear and wedge failures
are fairly well understood (see, e.g., Hoek and Bray, 1981).

Failure Mechanisms Inferred from Field Observations — Circular Shear Failure

Considerable work on circular shear failure has been done in the field of soil mechanics, and
some of the basic findings also apply to rock slopes. Observations of shear failures surfaces
in homogeneous soils suggest that they are almost invariably curved. One of the very early
(perhaps the first) observation of a curved failure surface was that by Alexandre Collin in the
mid-19th century. He found that the failure surface of clay failures along a canal in France
approximated a cycloidal arc (Skempton, 1949). Observations of failures of quay walls in
Gothenburg in the beginning of the 20th century also indicated a curved, near-circular failure
surface (Nash, 1987). For soils that are more heterogeneous, a non-circular, but still curved,
failure surface is more common (Skempton and Hutchinson, 1969).

The shape of the failure surface appears to be primarily controlled by the relation between the
material strength parameters and the slope geometry (Spencer 1967; Johansson and Axelsson,
1991; Bromhead, 1992). More deep-seated failures are prominent in cohesive materials; the
opposite is true for frictional materials. This is explained by the fact that the frictional
component of the shear strength increases with increased depth and increased normal stress,
whereas cohesion is not dependent on the stress level. The conditions for the location of the
failure surface can be summarized using Janbu's number, λcφ (see Figure 2.24), which is
defined as (Spencer, 1967; Janbu, 1973; Johansson and Axelsson, 1991):

ρgH tan φ
λcφ = (2.2)

where ρg is the unit weight of the material, H is the slope height, c is the cohesion, and φ is
the friction angle for the material. Piteau and Martin (1982) argued that this basic relation
probably also applies to rock slopes.

Figure 2.24 Shape and location of failure surface as a function of the value of Janbu's
number (after Janbu, 1973; Johansson and Axelsson, 1991).

Furthermore, larger differences between slope angle and friction angle result in a more deep-
seated failure. Charles (1982) also argued that a curved failure envelope would result in a
more deep-seated failure surface and a smaller radius of the slip circle, but this has not been
verified by field observations. There is currently a lack of knowledge regarding the true
three-dimensional shape of the failure surface for both soils and rocks and the parameters that
determine this shape. This is due to the limited amount of good field observations and
measurements of the three-dimensional failure behavior.

Common for both soil and rock slopes is the fact that the failure surface cannot develop at the
same instant throughout the slope. There must be a progressive mechanism of failure
development eventually leading to the full collapse of the slope (Bishop, 1967, 1971).
Pronounced progressive behavior has been observed in very brittle soils — i.e., if there is a
large difference between peak and residual shear strengths (Veder, 1981; Bromhead, 1992)
and if the drop from peak to residual strength is along a steep curve — i.e., little additional
straining of the material to reach the residual strength (Bjerrum, 1966). These findings
probably also apply to rock slopes. Müller (1966) concluded that progressive failure in rock
slopes would first involve failure along pre-existing discontinuities but that failure through
the intact rock bridges between pre-existing joints would also contribute to the failure
development. Larger deformations would be required to cause these rock bridges to fail.
According to Müller (1966), this could occur progressively as the stress distribution changes
due to failure along the discontinuities. Such a mechanism appears very plausible, and the
resulting failure surface would thus be composed mainly of pre-existing discontinuities with

some portions of initially intact rock. The shape and location of the failure surface would
thus be determined by the stresses acting on the slope, the slope geometry, and the overall
rock mass strength; failure would occur along the discontinuities that lie in this favorable
"shear band". Observations by Collin (Skempton, 1949) showed that this was even the case
for clays slopes — i.e., the failure surface almost always cuts across existing clay strata.

Unfortunately, there is very little in terms of field observations to verify this hypothesis. The
hangingwall failure of the Långsele underground mine involved failure both through intact
rock and along pre-existing discontinuities (Kolsrud and Krauland, 1979; Krauland 1975).
Furthermore, the failure surface was more-or-less planar in a vertical section, but the failure
surface was curved and shaped like a bowl in a horizontal cross-section. Other, more recent,
examples are the footwall failures at the Kiirunavaara sublevel caving mine (Dahnér-
Lindqvist, 1992, 1998; Lupo, 1996), which involved both failure along pre-existing
discontinuities and failure through portions of intact rock, probably along a curved failure

A progressive mechanism also implies that failure can occur in slopes that would appear to be
stable when considering only the peak strength, but where local failure can occur. An
example of such a failure of a dam embankment is given by Vaughan (1991). There are also
indications that it could occur in materials with a smaller difference between the peak and
residual strengths (Bernander, 1978, 1983; Bernander and Olofsson, 1983). Kamai (1998)
showed that the peak shear strength overestimated the stability of a slope, whereas the
residual strength underestimated the same.

Observations have also shown that the failure surface often has significant thickness. Thick
shear zones have been found in clay slopes where several slip surfaces were overlain on each
other, and where failure occurred across existing bedding structures in the clay (Bromhead,
1992). From experiences and measurements at the Jeffrey open pit mine (Brawner, 1977;
Sharp et al., 1977; Sharp, Lemay and Neville, 1987; Sharp, 1988), the shear zone was up to
25 meters thick, with more concentrated shear displacements in a 4- to 5-meter thick zone.
Hence, sliding on a single, well-defined discontinuity may not be the case for rock-mass
shear failures.

The interesting question now is where such a failure is initiated? There appears to be
considerable disagreement on this point in the literature. The studies by Collin (Skempton,
1949), Terzaghi (1944) and, more recently, Romani et al. (1972) and Chowdhury (1978),
suggested that failure initiated at the crest of a slope. In a soil slope (under drained
conditions), tension cracks would develop first. The upper portion of the slope (the active

zone) would then be free to move, acting to increase the load on the lower portion (the
passive zone). Overall failure occurs when the loads on the middle portion of the failure
surface exceed the shear strength; this occurs after substantial displacements have occurred
within the failing volume (Romani et al., 1972; Chowdhury, 1978). This complex failure
mechanism has been observed in clayey slopes in Sweden, where the clay is relatively ductile
(Johansson, 1995).

An alternative would be that failure initiated at the toe of the slope, where the highest shear
stresses are found (Veder, 1981; Záruba and Mencl, 1982). Záruba and Mencl (1982) also
stated that shear failure in a soil slope could begin to develop when the local shear stress is
about 60 % of the shear strength. The resulting failure can be of two types: (1) that through
an increase in volume due to shear strain, which results in a brittle failure and a fairly thin
slip surface; or (2) that through a decrease in volume leading to a ductile failure and a thicker
shear zone. The thicker shear zones would be more prone to develop under high stresses;
hence, a thick shear surface can form in the interior of the slope, and thinner shear surfaces
form at the toe and the crest of the slope (see Figure 2.25).






Figure 2.25 Development of thin (brittle) and thick (ductile) shear surfaces (after Záruba
and Mencl, 1982).

For open pit rock slopes, the first signs of instability are often tension cracks at the slope
crest, but this does not imply that failure initiates at this point. For a material in which a
substantial part of the shear strength stems from friction (such as rocks), the failure surface
will pass through the toe (Piteau and Martin, 1982). It is then more plausible that the failure
progresses from this point toward the crest of the slope (Bishop, 1971). Harr (1977)
concluded that for a failure going through the toe, it would be very unlikely to have a rupture
initiation at any point other than at the toe of the slope. In open pit mining, where the toe of

the slope is excavated continuously as the pit is being deepened, it is also more likely that
successive failures initiate at the toe. Movements at the toe of the slope could be small due to
the acting confinement. In the early stages of failure, the slope near the toe could also move
more-or-less as a rigid block, thus making it difficult to judge whether failure is developing
(Chowdhury, 1995).

One important issue that remains to be resolved is what the conditions are for a curved failure
surface in favor of a planar failure surface. One can imagine a step path failure along pre-
existing discontinuities following a more-or-less straight line from the toe to the crest of the
slope, as well as following a more curved failure surface (Figure 2.26).






Figure 2.26 Planar versus curved failure surface for a large scale slope.

A curved failure surface bounds a large volume of rock in relation to the length of the failure
surface, thus resulting in larger ratio between the self weight of the sliding volume and the
total resisting shear force of the failure surface, compared to a planar surface. This was
investigated by Chen (1975), who compared plane, circular and logarithmic spiral slip
surfaces and found that the most critical shape was that of a logarithmic spiral. This may not
be universally applicable, but it does indicate that plane failure is less likely for homogeneous
materials. For a small scale slope, plane shear failures along discontinuities are dominant
failure modes. As the height of the slope increases, the significance of individual

discontinuities decrease (with the exception of large scale structures), and a more curved
failure surface can result.

Failure Mechanisms Inferred from Field Observations — Large Scale Toppling Failure

In addition to observations from open pits, large scale toppling failure (Figure 2.20) has also
been observed in natural slopes in mountainous areas. As an example of typical volumes and
movement rates, an estimated 3·107 m3 of rock moved at a rate of less than 40 mm per year in
a slope at Affliction Creek in British Columbia (Bovis, 1982, 1990). This slope has been
moving for an estimated 4000 years. Here, flexural toppling near the slope surface was a
precursor to more deep-seated sliding. Toppling was induced as the lateral support provided
by a glacier was removed as the glacier retreated (Figure 2.27). Another very large toppling
failure, with an estimated volume of 140·107 m3, was observed by de Freitas and Watters
(1973). In addition to the common, slowly moving failures, de Freitas and Watters (1973)
also found evidence of brittle failure for some observed toppling failures. Large scale
toppling has also been observed in strong, metamorphic rocks. Furthermore, the resulting
"base" failure surface was curved in several cases. Although the initiating mechanism is
quite different, the resulting failure surface can be very similar to that of a homogeneous
continuum. There are also cases in which the resulting failure surface is more-or-less parallel
to the slope outline (see e.g., Giraud et al, 1990). Although the movement rates for this type
of failure are generally very low, the failure mechanism as such could very well apply to
open pit slopes. The constant removal of lateral support at the slope toe could induce
toppling failure — provided, of course, that steeply dipping discontinuities exist in the rock

Many observations of toppling failure in mountainous areas refer to very large, slowly
moving (time-dependent), rock masses that exhibit signs of toppling failure near the surface
and with a more deep-seated shear zone along which sliding occurs. A common denominator
for these failures appears to be that the rock mass exhibits bedding or strong foliation.
However, no pre-existing cross joints appear to be necessary for toppling to occur. Thus,
these toppling failures can be classified as flexural toppling (cf. Figure 2.18). Interestingly,
several of these failures have also been observed in slopes with discontinuities dipping in the
same direction as the slope (cf. slumping and "underdip" toppling failures, described above).
The phenomenon is known under such names as sackungen, ridge-top depression, antislope
scarps and Talzuschub, (Stini, 1941, 1942a, 1942b; Zischinsky, 1966; Clar and Weiss, 1968;
Tabor, 1971; Holmes and Jarvis, 1985; Evans, 1987; Bovis, 1982, 1990; Bovis and Evans,
1996; Dramis and Sorriso-Valvo, 1994; Moser, 1996, Noverraz, 1996).

Figure 2.27 Motion vectors, observed toppling, tension cracks, and inferred deep-seated
shear surface at Affliction Creek (Bovis, 1990).

Observations reported by Cruden and Hu (1994) suggest that many observed toppling failures
have, in fact, occurred in "underdip" slopes, in which the toppling rock columns have rotated
forward substantially — from dipping in the same direction as the slope to dipping into the
slope. Observations by McAffee and Cruden (1996) suggest that a base failure surface
formed when the angular rotation of the toppling rock columns exceeded 16°. Most of these
cases involved toppling in closely jointed (average joint spacing of less than 1 meter) rock
masses. In these cases, base failure surfaces were nearly planar. Kieffer (1998) suggested
that slumping failures (i.e., backward rotation in "underdip" slopes) could in fact have
occurred in many of the cases of sackungen failure, as the observable signs on the slope
surface are almost identical.

An example of a toppling failure in an "underdip" slope above an open pit coal mine was
described by Wyllie (1980). In this case, overturned beds toppled at the toe of a mountain
slope due to mining there. Toppling movements continued with continued mining and,
continue eventually, an upper failure surface formed from the toppling beds to the crest of
mountain, approximately 300 meters above the pit bottom (see Figure 2.28a). It was inferred
that the continued toppling had removed support from the toe of the slope, thus triggering the
upper slide. The movement of the upper slope caused continued overturning of the blocks at
the toe (Figure 2.28b); eventually failure occurred, and some 600 000 m3 of material failed
along the pit crest.

a) b)

Figure 2.28 Failure above an open pit coal mine: a) toppling failure at the toe and upper
slide in the mountain, b) toppling failure at the crest of the pit (toe of the
mountain slope), (Wyllie, 1980).

Toppling failure may also occur in rock masses without steeply dipping pre-existing
discontinuities. An interesting case of such a failure in an open pit mine was reported by
D'Elia et al. (1989). This failure occurred in a weak rock mass, consisting of clay shale and
argillaceous rocks, during excavation of a coal seam. The interpreted failure surface, based
on observations, measurements and analyses, is shown in Figure 2.29a. Installed
inclinometers clearly showed the forward rotation of the toppling rock mass and the
development of a base failure surface (Figure 2.29b).

a) b)

Figure 2.29 Toppling failure in an open pit coal mine: a) slope movements and base slip
surface, b) typical horizontal displacement profile from inclinometer
measurements in the lower portion of the slope (D'Elia et al., 1989).

The "kink" in the displacement profile corresponds to the base shear zone. In this case, the
steeply dipping discontinuities defining the toppling columns are not pre-existing
discontinuities; rather, they are the result of shear failure and developed shear bands in the
rock mass. Although similar cases have not been found in the literature, this case alone is an

indication that toppling failure with an accompanying base failure surface can also develop in
rock masses without steeply dipping pre-existing discontinuities (at least in weak rocks).

In most cases, large scale toppling failures appeared to have developed under gravity loading
only. There are a few examples of retreating glaciers assisting in failure development (Bovis,
1982, 1990 and Figure 2.27). Furthermore, for "underdip" toppling, external forces such as
groundwater pressures and frost action appear to have aided the forward rotation of rock
columns (Bovis, 1991, McAffe and Cruden, 1996). It is also clear that the limiting conditions
to large scale toppling failures are not known, nor is the failure process (initiation and
propagation of failure) understood in detail.

Failure Mechanisms Indicated by Model Tests

The relative lack of good field observations of large scale slope failures in hard rock has lead
to the use of physical model tests to explain failure behavior. A big advantage of model tests
conducted in the laboratory is that the conditions believed to influence failure can be varied
relatively easily, thereby allowing various possible failure mechanisms to be studied. One
can distinguish between three different types of model tests used to study failure mechanisms
applicable to slopes: (1) biaxial or triaxial loading of jointed models; (2) gravity loading of a
jointed pit slope model; and (3) centrifugal testing (increased gravity) of pit slope models
(homogeneous as well as jointed).

Depending on model set-up and material, significantly different results have been obtained.
Centrifugal tests of a jointed slope model conducted by Goldstein et al. (1966) showed that a
slope could fail in (1) plane shear, (2) rotational shear, or (3) a combination of plane and
rotational shear. Stacey (1973) performed both two- and three-dimensional tests of jointed
slopes loaded in a centrifuge. In these tests, failure occurred only as sliding along pre-
existing joints. Failure through the intact model material was not observed in the tests by
Stacey (1973). Barton (1971, 1972, 1974) carried out a model test of a large (2.4- by 1.2-
meter) rock slope model, with three different joint sets and a total of 40 000 discrete blocks.
The model was gravitationally loaded by its own weight and laterally loaded by stiff springs,
which permitted stress relaxation in the model as the slope was excavated. In this test, failure
only occurred along pre-existing discontinuities. The failure surface was very steep in most
cases. Both the tests by Stacey and Barton revealed that the failure mechanism was
progressive, and displacements were recorded throughout the slope. In the tests by Barton,
failure initiated at the toe, and tension cracks at the crest occurred much later (Barton, 1974;
Hoek, 1971).

The issue of failure through intact rock versus failure along pre-existing discontinuities was
explicitly addressed in the model tests by Ladanyi and Archambault (1970, 1972, 1980),
which were also reported and discussed by Hoek and Bray (1981) and Hoek (1983). In these
tests, compressed concrete blocks were sawn to different sizes and stacked together to
simulate a rock mass intersected by two joint sets. The total size of the models used varied
from 0.4 to 0.5 meter in width and 0.4 to 1.0 meter in height, with a thickness of 0.10 to 0.15
meter. The concrete blocks had a uniaxial compressive strength of around 25 MPa and a
Young's modulus of 11 GPa — i.e., fairly similar to a rock mass of medium quality. Biaxial
loading was applied to the model, and the loading direction was varied in relation to the
orientation of the simulated joint sets.

In the test with continuous joints (i.e., going through the entire model), three distinctly
different types of failure were observed, depending upon joint orientation in relation to the
loading direction — namely, (1) shear failure along a well-defined failure surface inclined to
both joint sets, (2) formation of a narrow failure zone in which block rotation and sliding
occurred simultaneously, and (3) formation of a "kink band" of rotated and separated
columns of blocks, each column consisting of three to five individual blocks. In the test with
discontinuous joints, failure occurred either as shear failure along a well-defined failure
surface or in the form of a shear zone involving several blocks. The big difference, however,
was that shear failure did not occur along the interfaces of the concrete bricks; instead shear
failure through the intact material occurred. The failure was progressive in the sense that the
intact blocks were sheared off one after another as the failure plane developed. It is
interesting to note that plane shear failure was not predominant in these tests. Instead, the
actual mechanisms of failure were much more complex. A large degree of interlocking
between the individual blocks added to this behavior.

The formation of "kink bands" was investigated in more detail in a later study (Archambault
and Ladanyi, 1993). It was found that kink-band formation reduced the strength of the rock
mass considerably. Strength values lower than the shear strength of a polished discontinuity
surface were obtained. The authors concluded thatt the kink-band formation could be a very
dangerous failure mode. Even when interlocking was observed in the kink zone, movement
inertia stored in the upper part of a slope can be sufficient to cause a rapid failure
(Archambault and Ladanyi, 1993). Hence, the kink-band failures have many similarities with
the kink-band slumping reported by Kieffer (1998); see Figure 2.21.

Triaxial loading tests on model material were conducted by Einstein et al. (1970) on a model
of smaller size (5 by 10 by 20 centimeters) and different joint configurations. In these tests,
failure occurred along the pre-existing joints for low confining stress (<10 MPa); for higher

confining stress, failure occurred mainly through the intact material. The test results also
indicated that, although failure occurred through the intact material, the overall strength of
the jointed samples was lower than the intact strength of the model material.

A set of model tests that were not primarily intended for slope design was that conducted by
Horii and Nemat-Nasser (1985, 1986). However, these tests showed that, although crack
propagation from existing "flaws" in a resin sample first started from the larger flaws in the
sample, the final failure surface developed from the flaws that were oriented most favorably
in relation to the applied load and the stress state in the sample. Hence, the failure surface
was governed by the loading conditions (i.e., the stresses acting in the sample), and not by the
length and orientation of the fracture seeds.

Base friction tests were used (e.g., Soto, 1974), to verify the mechanism of toppling failure.
Primary toppling was also studied by Barla et al. (1995), who used a tilting table frame.
Toppling and circular shear failures were also investigated by means of centrifuge testing
(Adhikary, 1995), in which the homogenous models failed in circular shear failure with
failure surfaces being very close to circular shape. Failure surfaces emanated from the toe,
progressed through the slope interior and intersected the crest at nearly right angles. For the
foliated slopes with discontinuities dipping steeply into the slope, flexural toppling failure
occurred. Subsequent to rotation of the rock columns, a base rupture surface developed in the
models. This surface started at the toe and propagated back into the slope when the collapse
load was reached.

To summarize, there appears to be some difference in the results from different model tests.
The tests by Barton (1971, 1972, 1974) and Stacey (1973) showed that failure only occurred
along pre-existing discontinuities in the model slope, while the tests of Ladanyi and
Archambault (1970, 1972, 1980) and Einstein et al. (1970) showed that failure could occur
through the intact material as well. These differences can probably be explained, to some
extent, by the differences in model material and loading conditions. To compare the different
model tests, the ratio of the uniaxial compressive strength of the model material and the
applied vertical stress in the model was calculated and is shown in Table 2.1. Note that the
reported vertical stress is only estimated for the tests by Barton (1971, 1972, 1974), Stacey
(1973) and Adhikary (1995), but is actually measured in the tests by Ladanyi and
Archambault (1970, 1972, 1980) and Einstein et al. (1970).

A strict comparison among the different tests is not possible, since the loading conditions are
different. Nevertheless, Table 2.1 shows that it is not surprising that failure through the intact
material was found in the tests by Ladanyi and Archambault (1980) and Einstein et al.

(1970), as the stress-strength ratio is relatively high for these tests, compared with the other
tests. Also, circular shear failure should be expected in the tests by Adhikary (1995) on
homogeneous slopes, since the vertical stress largely exceeds the material strength. Table 2.1
also illustrates the basic problem with all model tests. Despite very carefully engineered
model materials in each test, large differences in test results between different test set-ups are
observed, and these differences are not always easily explained. It is therefore difficult to
determine which tests best replicate actual slope behavior.

Table 2.1 Comparison of different model tests.

Material σc [MPa] σv [MPa] σv/σc

Concrete bricks (Ladanyi and
25 3.8 - 22 0.15 - 0.88
Archambault, 1970, 1972, 1980)
Plaster mix (Einstein et al., 1970) 25 31 - 43 1.24 - 1.72
Plaster mix (Barton, 1971, 1972, 1974) 0.14 0.023 0.16
Sand and cement (Stacey, 1973) 3.9 0.80 0.20
Quartz sand, gypsum and water(Adhikary,
0.09-0.10 0.25 - 0.60 2.5 - 6.7
1995) — homogeneous slopes
Sand, gypsum, water + cement, barite, etc.
2.9 - 3.0 0.53 - 0.69 0.18 - 0.24
(Adhikary, 1995) — foliated slopes
σc = average uniaxial compressive strength of model material
σv = applied vertical stress in the model, or virgin vertical stress at the slope toe

Nonetheless, the reported tests indicate some of the possible mechanisms at work in large
scale slopes. For instance, it is very likely that slope failures initiate at the toe of the slope.
This appears to be true for both toppling as well as circular shear and other more complex
failures. Furthermore, the failure surface in a jointed rock mass is probably not a single shear
surface but, rather, composed of several discontinuities linking together and also involving
block rotation and failure of the intact bridges between pre-existing joints (under the right
loading conditions). It can also be concluded that a base failure surface can develop from
toppling of rock columns.

Failure Mechanisms from Numerical Analysis

Recently, numerical analysis has largely replaced physical model tests for parameter and
sensitivity studies of slope behavior. Numerical models can also aid in interpreting and

determining failure mechanisms. A good example of this was given by Benko and Stead
(1998). Here, numerical modeling was used to examine the failure mechanisms of the Frank
slide — a 30 million m3 rock slide in Canada that occurred in 1903. This approach worked
satisfactorily and identified several contributing factors to the failure.

The issue of large scale (or deep-seated) toppling has been investigated using numerical
modeling. Examples of this can be found in Pritchard and Savigny (1990, 1991), Martin
(1990), Orr et al. (1991), Coulthard et al. (1992), Martin and Mehr (1993), and Board et al.
(1996). Common to these cases is that an observed slope behavior (in an open pit or a natural
slope) is replicated in a numerical model. Field data, such as the orientations of pre-existing
discontinuities, have been used as input to the models. In the study by Pritchard and Savigny
(1991), different parameters, such as joint spacing, joint strength and intact rock strength,
were varied in the model until good agreement was found with the observed failure geometry
(a large landslide in a natural slope). Despite the need for model calibration, the results
confirmed some phenomena not explicitly observed in the field. Furthermore, it was, for
example, shown that a deep-seated, curved, failure surface could, in fact, develop as a result
of toppling along steeply dipping joints. Curved deep-seated failure surfaces as a result of
toppling were also reported by Orr et al. (1991). These findings are further confirmation that
a base failure surface can develop in large scale toppling failures.

From these studies, it can be concluded that large scale toppling is a feasible failure
mechanism in large scale slopes with extensive, steeply dipping joints. This is supported
both by observations and by analysis of actual cases, mostly natural slopes. However, neither
of these studies could positively describe the events leading to such a failure, which implies
that further work is warranted.


The findings reported in the literature indicate that failure mechanisms in high rock slopes are
complex, involving failure both along pre-existing discontinuities as well as through intact
rock. It also appears likely that many failures are compound failures (combinations of
several different failure modes). However, the most commonly observed failure modes in
large scale slopes appear to be (1) circular shear failures and the secondary failure modes
associated with these, and (2) large scale toppling failures, as well as slumping/"underdip"
toppling failures. This review has also shown that detailed knowledge regarding the
occurrence and development of both these categories of failure are presently lacking, and that
further research is warranted.

2.2.5 Failure Velocity

The formation of a failure surface in a slope does not automatically mean that the pit slope is
impossible to mine. To avoid production losses, the consequences of a failure must either be
so small that they do not interfere with the production, or the velocity of a failure must be
predictable with some precision, thus enabling remedial measures to be taken. Most open pit
mines have some operational flexibility, at least in the early stages of mining; this can be
used fully provided that the above conditions are satisfied. A classical example of how long-
term displacement monitoring was used to reduce the risk from a slope collapse and limit
interference with production is the relatively large scale failure at Chuquicamata in 1969
(Kennedy and Niermeyer, 1970).

An attempt to describe the kinetic characteristics of large slope failures based on

displacement measurements was presented by Zavodni and Broadbent (1978), who concluded
that almost all large scale failures occurred gradually, with the exception of slides initiated by
seismic loading (earthquakes). Based on empirical data from several open pit mines, Zavodni
and Broadbent defined two stages for large scale failures: a "regressive" stage, and a
"progressive" stage (see Figure 2.30). Here, the term "progressive" does not refer to the
propagation of a failure surface but, rather, the process after such a surface is formed.
Regressive failure is defined as a failure that has started to exhibit displacement, but where
the displacement rate is almost constant and relatively low. A regressive failure will also
exhibit a decreasing displacement rate if external disturbances are removed; hence, this
should not be classified as creep behavior (increasing displacement without any change in the
loading conditions). Progressive failure, on the other hand, exhibits an increasing
displacement rate, eventually leading to a slope collapse. "Low" and "high" displacement
rates are subjective terms and must be judged individually for a specific slope.

Separating the progressive and regressive failure stages is an obvious "knee" in the curve,
which defines the "onset of failure point". The term "onset of failure" does not refer to the
initiation of failure in the rock mass, since this has occurred long before the transition
between regressive and progressive failure. Ryan and Call (1992) and Call et al. (1993) also
introduced an intermediate condition defined as "steady state". In a steady state condition,
the slope displays neither progressive nor regressive failure behavior, but is still moving at a
constant rate. This would probably correspond to the region around the transition point in
Figure 2.30.








Figure 2.30 Typical record of displacement rate versus time for large scale slope failure
(after Zavodni and Broadbent, 1978).

Zavodni and Broadbent (1978) suggested an empirical relation for predicting the time of total
slope collapse. They stated that if the transition point could be determined together with a
mine-specific constant, the time of slope collapse could be predicted. Comparisons with
actual field data showed that this relatively simple formula yielded results in close agreement
with actual failure occurrences. The relevance of these results, however, must be questioned,
as there are uncertainties regarding where measurements were taken for the different slopes.
Furthermore, the measured displacements in these cases were caused by changes in the
external forces (slope geometry, groundwater pressures, etc.) on the slope, and are thus not
strictly time-dependent.

Ryan and Call (1992) used displacement velocity as an indicator of incipient failure. The
critical velocity (i.e., the velocity defining the transition point) was 12 mm/day, on average.
The empirical data collected also suggested that, when the velocity was 50 mm/day, there
was at least a time span of 48 hours before slope collapse. However, it is not likely that these
displacement and velocity magnitudes are globally applicable. There exist cases (see Chapter
4 of this thesis) where movement rates have exceeded 500 mm/day, with the pit slope still in
place and the mine fully operational. Guidelines such as those proposed by Ryan and Call
(1992) can only be used for very crude estimates when more site-specific data are

The ideas introduced by Zavodni and Broadbent (1978) and Ryan and Call (1992) are still
interesting from a conceptual perspective. It seems likely that there could be a point in time
after which slope failures cannot be prevented, regardless of what remedial measures are

Broadbent and Ko (1972), Zavodni and Broadbent (1978), Broadbent and Zavodni (1982),
and Ryan and Call (1992) all noticed that displacements often occurred in well-defined cycles
of varying duration, as shown in Figure 2.31. These cycles could be attributed to some
external disturbance to the system, such as heavy rainfall, spring melt-off and slope
excavation. In these studies, it appeared to be more difficult to quantitatively predict the
duration and the occurrence of the displacement cycles than to describe and predict the long-
term behavior of the slope.







&\FOH  &\FOH 




Figure 2.31 Slope displacement cycles (after Broadbent and Ko, 1972; Ryan and Call,

An attempt to model the apparent cyclic behavior of slope displacements was made by
Broadbent and Ko (1972), who developed a simple rheological model consisting of a spring
connected in parallel with a dashpot (Kelvin model). Surprisingly good results were achieved
for predicting cyclic slope displacement using this simple model. The question of predicting
failure time was also discussed by Voight et al. (1989). They proposed a general relation for
failure-time prediction using a differential equation that can be applied, for example, to
measured displacements and slope stability as well as to other types of failures and measured
parameters. However, in both these cases, displacement data must be available to determine

the model parameters for a specific mine. Broadbent and Ko (1972) suggested that this could
be done for the first cycles of a failure and then used for future predictions. As Voight et al.
(1989) pointed out, constants determined in this manner strictly apply only to the time
intervals observed. They may not necessarily be the same for other time periods, since
external conditions may change. Thus, slope collapse prediction from a regressive failure
could be difficult.

The issue of ultimate slope collapse has also been studied using numerical models. A recent
study by MacLaughlin et al. (1997) showed that the sliding mass from a circular shear failure
may actually come to rest, but that the ultimate displacement can be very large. In their
simulation (using DDA, see Section 2.3.4), the ultimate displacement ranged between 0.5 and
2.5 meters for a 3-meter high slope.

The inherent assumption so far has been that slope movements can be detected in advance for
all failure types. However, failures can develop so rapidly that there are virtually no warning
signs in terms of displacements prior to a total slope collapse. These uncontrollable failures
are extremely dangerous for open pit mining situations — even if there is operational
flexibility, there is no time to adjust mining, or even evacuate the pit. There are only a few
examples of uncontrollable failures — most notably, the failures at the Brenda mine and the
Águas Claras mine (see also Chapter 4). Both these failures were rapid, with very little
measurable displacement (0.1 - 0.2 meter) before final collapse (Stacey, 1993, 1996; Sharp,
1995; Franca, 1996).

Extremely high failure speeds have also been recorded for rockslides (rock avalanches) in
natural slopes, as in the Andes in South America where velocities in excess of 300 km/h were
recorded (Voight, 1978). Many of these rockslides, however, were triggered by earthquakes
and seismic loading. Another example of an uncontrollable failure is the previously
mentioned hangingwall failure of the Långsele underground mine (Kolsrud and Krauland,
1979; Krauland, 1975). Although this failure occurred underground, it bears many
similarities to large scale failures in slopes, since the failure daylighted the ground surface.
Very little warning in the form of cracking and noticeable displacements were recorded
before failure, and the failure development was very rapid.

Existing experience suggests that rapid and uncontrollable failures are more prominent in (1)
steep rock slopes, and (2) slopes in brittle and high strength rock masses. The difference
between peak and residual strengths appears to be a key factor. A large difference means that
there is more energy, which can be released in the event of failure. This is confirmed by the
current knowledge in soil mechanics, where it is known that higher brittleness of a material

results in both larger displacements and higher displacement rates. A steep stress-strain curve
in the post-failure stage also induces more rapid displacements (Bromhead, 1992). Skempton
and Hutchinson (1969) also noted that if the soil exhibits a very small difference between the
peak and the residual strengths, there will be no tendency for progressive failure behavior.
The same behavior could be expected for rock masses, as stated by Hoek and Pentz (1969),
but no quantitative relation describing this expected behavior even for soils (much less, for
rock masses) has yet been proposed.

To conclude, it appears that the current knowledge of the kinetic behavior of rock slopes, up
to and after total collapse, is mostly empirical. In open pit mining, it is crucial that the failure
stages of a slope be determined as quantitatively as possible. In particular, this applies when
trying to design failing slopes. This requires methods whereby the deformation
characteristics can be assessed, which may limit the choice of an appropriate design method.
The proposed criteria for failure prediction and displacement behavior discussed earlier in
this section are along the right lines, but they need to be more firmly based, which implies a
better "connection" with the governing failure mechanism. Existing experience also indicates
that rapid, uncontrollable, failures are definitely possible in pit slopes, particularly for steep
slopes in hard rocks. In these cases, large scale failures should not be allowed to develop,
which implies that a slightly conservative design perhaps should be chosen.

2.3 Design Methods

2.3.1 Introduction

Available design methods are primarily aimed at predicting when failure occurs — i.e., when
the loads acting on a slope exceed the strength of the rock mass. This basic level of
prediction involves determining the acting stress and comparing it with the strength of the
construction element. There are many methods available for this type of analyses, including
both limit equilibrium and numerical analysis. The next step involves predicting
deformations as well as stresses. Although more difficult, such predictions are also much
more valuable. Numerical modeling can be used in this respect, but there are fewer methods
available for such predictions, compared to prediction of stresses. Perhaps the most difficult
type of failure predictions involve prediction of the velocity of a failure. Current design
methods are not well adapted to this. This is a serious limitation, and more work is needed in
this area. However, the difficulty in predicting failure velocity also necessitates an
accompanying development of a design methodology for cases in which precise prognoses
cannot be made.

Among the available design methods for assessing the stability (stress vs. strength) of a rock
slope, two distinctly different approaches to slope design can be distinguished: deterministic,
and probabilistic design methods. In a deterministic approach to design, a point estimate of
each variable is assumed to represent the variable with certainty (Coates, 1977). A
hypothesis and a corresponding mathematical model for failure must be postulated. Possible
uncertainties are accounted for afterward by adjusting the results through the inclusion of a
factor of safety. This is the classical engineering approach to a construction problem, and it
has the advantage that it is relatively easy to comprehend and apply. The focus in rock slope
engineering has been to develop fairly simple failure models. The corresponding
mathematical models are thus also relatively simple, but in general, this does not pose a
limitation to deterministic methods. The difficulty lies in constructing a model that is
representative of the slope behavior. As will be shown later, the assumption of a failure
surface is also a prerequisite for most probabilistic methods.

In a probabilistic approach, it is realized that all factors governing slope stability exhibit
variations and representative point estimates are very difficult, if not impossible, to obtain.
The variability of these properties is accounted for in the design process. Parameters are
described as distributions of values, each value having a different likelihood of occurrence.
By combining the probabilities of each parameter value, the probability of slope failure can
be calculated (Sage, 1976; Coates, 1977). It is important to note that the conventional
approach in probabilistic design requires that a deterministic model of failure exists. The
uncertainty in the problem is included through the variations of the parameters included in
this model (BeFo, 1985). Unlike deterministic methods, this approach recognizes that there
may be cases when the slope is unstable, although the average value of the parameters
suggests that it would be stable. Probabilistic methods emphasize the fact that it may not be
possible to completely avoid slope instabilities. Consequently, a probabilistic approach can
predict the risk of failure and be extended to a financial analysis of pit stability.

Several simplifications are necessary in all design methods. The assumed failure
mechanisms are more-or-less crude approximations of the actual failure mechanism. Certain
simplifications are also made regarding the slope geometry and the loads acting on the slope.
Simplifications are required; if they were not, the design methods would be overwhelmingly
complex and nearly impossible to use rationally. What marks a robust design method is that
the necessary simplifications have very little influence on the end result.

In the following, deterministic design methods are first described. These include
(1) empirical methods, (2) limit analysis and limit equilibrium methods, and (3) numerical
modeling. Existing probabilistic methods are covered in a separate section.

2.3.2 Empirical Design and Classification

The use of past slope behavior experience constitutes an important ingredient in all design
methods. Purely empirical methods rely solely on precedent. An early attempt to
systematically group empirical data was presented by Lutton (1970). Data from the steepest
and highest slopes in a specific open pit mine were gathered from several mines, and the
slope heights were plotted against the slope angles. This was further developed by Hoek and
Bray (1981), who added more cases (Figure 2.32). The dotted line in the figure represents an
estimated (Lutton, 1970; Hoek and Bray, 1981) upper limit for stable slopes. However, for
the higher slopes, the stable slope angle becomes almost constant, which might lead to the
conclusion that there is a lower limit to the required slope angle. In reality, this is probably
an effect of having too little data for higher slopes. Furthermore, the shape and location of
the design curve appears to be chosen somewhat arbitrarily, since there are several unstable
slopes located below the design curve (on the safe side).

Empirical data on stable and unstable slope angles and slope heights were also collected from
natural and excavated slopes by Coates (1977, 1981), who concluded that the difference
between slopes in different rocks decreased as the slope height increased — which could
partly explain the shape of the curve in Figure 2.32. These are only general guidelines, but
the limited data did not permit the establishment of more detailed design rules. As pointed
out by Lutton (1970), the design curve in Figure 2.32 represents a combined effect of many
factors, which makes it difficult to judge its applicability in a specific geomechanical
environment. Other ongoing work on empirical slope design includes the very extensive field
work on both natural and engineering slopes in China (Chen, 1995a, 1995b). More than 100
slope cases have been collected, but no guidelines for slope design have yet been published
from this work.

Trial slopes are an extreme form of empirical design. Although very cumbersome and costly,
they can yield extremely valuable results on large scale strength parameters for the rock mass
(Coates, 1977, 1981). Among the few tests actually carried out, the one at the Kimbley Pit in
Nevada stands out as the one best documented. Despite the fact that the overall slope angle
was increased from 45° to 61°, no massive failures occurred in this relatively weak rock mass
(see also Chapter 4 of this thesis). The costs are often prohibitive for full scale tests to be
considered. It is also important to recognize that even a successful trial slope test (i.e., a test
in which failure occurred) does not imply that the obtained data are representative and can be
used for the entire open pit, or even for a higher slope in the same area.

Figure 2.32 Relation of slope height (in feet) versus slope angle for hard rock slopes (Hoek
and Bray, 1981).

Rock mass classification has also been applied to slope stability. An early attempt at a rock-
mass classification scheme was presented by Deere (1975). This classification scheme was
used in the first slope stability study at Aitik, conducted by Call et al. (1976). The RMR
system (Rock Mass Rating), developed by Bieniawski (1976, 1979, 1989), has been modified
into a classification system specifically aimed at rock slopes  the SMR (Slope Mass Rating)
system (Romana, 1993). The standard RMR system is applied, and four adjustment factors

(accounting for joint and slope geometries, and the excavation method) are then added or
subtracted. The resulting SMR rating is grouped into one of five stability classes, which then
determine the overall stability for the slope and the suggested support. The SMR
classification scheme has been used, for example, in the assessment of slope stability along a
highway in Spain (Miño, 1991).

A similar, although less comprehensive, approach to slope stability classification was

proposed by Haines and Terbrugge (1991), who based their classification on the MRMR-
system (Mining Rock Mass Rating) by Laubscher (1977). The MRMR rating and the slope
height (based on a number of case studies from Africa and South America) were used to
obtain the stable slope angle. A simplified classification system was also developed by
Hawley et al. (1994) for use in the preliminary slope design of large scale pits in South
America and Canada. Relatively recently, a more universal classification system for slope
design was developed (Arnold, 1989; Mazzocola, 1992) and served as input data to the
"matrix"-based system known as REMIT  Rock Engineering Mechanisms Information
Technology (Hudson, 1992). The REMIT system is a nice way of graphically presenting the
factors that affect the stability of a slope and how they interact, but it is not a true design
system and is thus of limited use for our purposes. The same can be said for the recent
application of expert systems in this field (Sinha and Sengupta, 1989; Hao and Zhang, 1994),
since the development of expert systems relies heavily on complete knowledge of the
problem at hand. There have also been some attempts to develop a single design formula for
slopes, similar to the formulas often used in pillar design. Sah et al. (1994) formulated an
equation for the safety factor by applying regression analysis to a number of case studies.
This was purely empirical, and different failure modes were not differentiated. The reliability
of such a formula for general application must therefore be questioned.

To summarize, purely empirical design methods are not precise enough to be used for the
design of final slopes in open pit mining. This is particularly true for hard rock pit slopes,
due to the general lack of precedent (failure). It is thus desirable to extend the existing
knowledge base. Classification systems are useful for characterizing the rock mass. Systems
developed specifically for the slope design may be applicable for the design of small scale
slopes, at least as first estimates when detailed data regarding potential failure mechanisms in
the slope are not available. Learning from past experience is, however, very important and
should always be a major part of all slope design work.

2.3.3 Limit Analysis and Limit Equilibrium Methods

Limit Analysis

An exact solution to a continuum mechanics problem requires simultaneous solution of the

equations of equilibrium and compatibility in the slope. This includes the differential
equations of equilibrium, the strain compatibility equations, the constitutive equations for the
material, and the boundary conditions of the problem (Brown, 1987). A closed form solution
can only be obtained for very simple geometries and simple constitutive models; hence, the
problem must be simplified.

Limit analysis uses concepts from the classical theory of plasticity and is concerned with
determining the collapse load for a structure. A perfectly plastic material and an associated
flow rule (i.e., friction angle equal to the dilation angle) must be assumed. The collapse load
for a structure can then be calculated using the upper and lower bound theorems (Chen, 1975;
Chen and Liu, 1990). An upper bound solution is obtained if the conditions of equilibrium
are ignored, while a lower bound solution is found when the conditions of compatibility are
ignored (Nash, 1987; Johansson and Axelsson, 1991). The theory has found widespread
application in soil mechanics for analyzing the bearing capacity of footings. In the original
formulation, the soil was also assumed to be weightless.

There are only a few examples available on the application of limit theory to slope stability
problems. Michalowski (1994) used limit theory for analyzing the effect of groundwater
pressure on slope stability in soils. Furthermore, Chen (1975) used limit analysis for a slope
stability analysis, assuming a logarithmic spiral slip surface, and Chen and Liu (1990)
developed this concept further by including effects from seismic loading and applying it to
anisotropic materials. Donald and Giam (1991) developed an upper-bound solution using an
energy method. Yu et al. (1998) used finite element analysis (see also Section 2.3.4) and
linear programming to determine both the lower and upper bound solutions; they also
compared the results to the simpler limit equilibrium method (described below). Variations
of limit analysis were also used by Afrouz et al. (1989) and Afrouz (1992) for the
development of an analysis method for failure along curved failure surfaces in rock slopes.
The approach proposed by Afrouz et al. (1989) is interesting, as it is not as complex as other
limit analysis methods. However, it was assumed that the tangent to the failure surface was a
function of the stress state in the slope, and the general applicability of this relation to all
kinds of slopes is uncertain.

Limit Equilibrium Analysis — General

Limit equilibrium analysis is a simplification of the more rigorous limit theory, and has
become the preferred method for routine slope stability analysis in soil mechanics. In limit
equilibrium analysis, the failure surface must be assumed. Normally, the shear strength of
the material is described by the Mohr-Coulomb criterion. None of the basic equations of
continuum mechanics regarding equilibrium, deformation and constitutive behavior are
satisfied completely. The deformation of the material is not taken into account at all, and the
condition of equilibrium is normally satisfied only for forces (Chen, 1975; Johansson and
Axelsson, 1991). Using limit equilibrium analysis, it is not possible to judge whether the
solution represents the upper or lower bound of the collapse load. The exceptions are a
circular failure surface in a cohesive material with a friction angle equal to zero (φ = 0), and a
logarithmic-spiral slip surface in a Mohr-Coulomb material, both which give an upper bound
solution. However, the upper bound solution is not conservative, and comparisons with
lower bound solutions are few. In the study by Yu et al. (1998), both lower and upper bound
solutions were compared with results from limit equilibrium analysis. It was found that limit
equilibrium analysis gave accurate results for homogeneous slopes, but underestimated the
stability of heterogeneous slopes with low slope angles.

In the simplest form of limit equilibrium analysis, only the equilibrium of forces is satisfied.
The sum of the forces acting to induce sliding of parts of the slope is compared with the sum
of the forces available to resist failure. The ratio between these two sums is defined as the
factor of safety, Fs:

∑(Resisting forces)
Fs = . (2.3)
∑(Driving forces)

The factor of safety can also be formulated as a ratio between the actual cohesion or friction
angle of the slope and the cohesion or friction required for the slope to be stable (Stacey,
1968), or in terms of resisting and driving moments, which is useful for the analysis of
circular (rotational) shear failure.

A safety factor of less than 1.0 indicates that failure is possible. If there are several potential
failure modes or different failure surfaces that have a calculated safety factor less than 1.0, all
these can fail. It is important to note that the condition of limit equilibrium strictly means
that the only admissible factor of safety is 1.0. At this point, the resisting and driving forces
(or moments) on the slope balance each other. The shear strength along the failure surface
may not be fully developed, and the ultimate shear strength of the failure surface can thus be

larger than this value (Jennings and Steffen, 1967). This means that when back-analyzing
previous failures in a slope using limit equilibrium methods, the back-calculated shear
strength will be a lower limit to the actual strength. However, if the ultimate strength is
actually exceeded (for example, due to a large increase in slope height) the back-calculated
shear strength will be overestimated.

The assumptions implied by Equation (2.3) are, however, more far-reaching. It is assumed in
all limit equilibrium analysis that the shear strength is fully mobilized along the entire failure
surface at the time of failure. This is not true — with the possible exception of simple plane
shear or wedge failures. In other cases (and particularly for complex large scale failures of
progressive nature), the shear resistance could differ significantly from point to point on the
failure surface. This is a function of both varying shear strength and stress conditions along
the failure surface. It is also assumed that the material in the failure zone can be subjected to
unlimited deformations without loss of strength and that the displacements within the sliding
body are small compared with the displacements in the failure zone (Bernander and Olofsson,
1983). This assumption of rigid body movements is acceptable when failure occurs in the
form of massive sliding along pre-existing discontinuities and the rock mass moves more-or-
less as a coherent mass. It is less acceptable when failure is more progressive in nature and
no clearly pre-defined failure surface exists (Stacey, 1973).

Although these inherent assumptions cannot be neglected, the factor of safety is still a very
useful concept for engineering design. In civil engineering, the use of safety factors for
various loads imposed on a structure accounts for the intrinsic uncertainties in these values.
The actual safety of a slope is also influenced by the correctness of the assumptions made for
a particular analysis (Hoek, 1991; Franklin and Dusseault, 1991). From the discussion above,
it follows that a safety factor of 1.3, for example, does not have any physical meaning other
than that the strength of the slope is not yet fully developed. It is not possible to say if this
constitutes a high risk of failure or not. However, safety factors could be used as comparative
values for the same slope, thus quantifying if the slope is becoming more, or less, prone to
failure as mining progresses or other conditions change.

For slope design, Jennings and Stefan (1967) proposed that a safety factor equal to unity
(Fs = 1.0) should be used; from this, the maximum achievable slope angle can be calculated.
The slope angle would then be made slightly less steep to create a safety margin for the pit
slope. Hoek (1991) proposed different design safety factors for different types of rock
engineering problems, ranging from Fs > 1.0, for extreme loading of gravity dams, to
Fs > 1.5, for permanent rock slopes and Fs > 2.0, for block fall-outs in shallow tunnels. These
suggestions should only be viewed as very crude first estimates. A complicating factor for

large scale slope failures is that progressive failures would result in a variation of the safety
factor along the failure surface. In this case, the factor of safety must also account for model
uncertainties — i.e., the fact that the failure model is too coarse an approximation of the
actual slope behavior.

In the following, a few examples are given of how limit equilibrium analysis can be applied
to some of the more common failure modes. Special emphasis is placed on the description of
circular failures analysis. Lengthy equations and derivations are deliberately left out, as they
can be found in the original references.

Limit Equilibrium Analysis of Plane Shear and Wedge Failure

For plane shear failure, limit equilibrium analysis is very straightforward. In most cases, a
two-dimensional geometry is analyzed, assuming that release surfaces exist to define the
sliding mass in lateral directions. For wedge failures, the three-dimensional geometry must
be accounted for directly in the equilibrium analysis equations. The effect of groundwater is
included by assuming a pressure distribution along the discontinuities making up the failure
surface (usually a linear variation of the groundwater pressure). The groundwater pressure
thus acts to reduce the effective normal stress on the slip plane, which results in reduced
shear strength. Groundwater in tension cracks, on the other hand, acts as an additional
driving force on the rock wedge, as shown in Figure 2.33.






Figure 2.33 Forces acting in the case of plane failure with tension crack (after Pentz, 1971;
Sharp et al, 1977; Hoek and Bray, 1981).

A comprehensive analysis of both plane shear and wedge failures was presented in a study by
Major et al. (1977) in which even stepped failure surfaces were taken into account. An
interesting concept was Barton's (1972) simple slice method (see the next section) for
analyzing plane shear and step path failures. This approach was also used by Enoki (1996).
A simplified analysis of plane shear failure was presented by Hoek (1970). Under the
assumptions of a completely homogenous material and a single discontinuity acting as a
sliding surface and simplified groundwater conditions, Hoek derived a design chart for quick
and approximate analysis of plane shear failure. Results obtained from the chart were very
similar to analytical solutions for simple failure surfaces.

Wedge failures are more difficult to analyze with a computationally simple model. In most
cases, only wedges bound by two discontinuities and the free surfaces of the slope are
analytically treatable. A true three-dimensional wedge analysis using vector algebra was
proposed by Londe (1972, 1973b). In this approach, the cohesion and tensile strength of the
discontinuities were neglected. Furthermore, similar to analysis of plane failure, only the
resultant of the forces on the rock wedge was included in the analysis. The moments were
assumed to have a negligible influence on the slope failure. A very comprehensive analysis
of wedge failures was also presented by Hoek et al. (1973), in which the cohesion of the
discontinuities and the acting water pressure, as well as the existence of a tension crack and
external loads on the rock wedge, were included, see also Hoek and Bray (1981). Simplified
wedge analyses were given by Hoek (1973), Bray (1975), Bray and Brown (1976), Hocking
(1976), and Hoek and Bray (1981). In the last, the assumptions were made that the cohesion
of the joint planes was zero and that the slope was drained. This enabled the development of
simple charts for calculating the safety factor of potential wedge failures.

Limit Equilibrium Analysis of Circular (Rotational) Shear Failure

Background and Assumptions

Rotational (circular or not) shear failure is the most common type of failure in soil slopes. It
is therefore natural that many of the methods currently being applied to high rock slopes
originally were developed within the field of soil mechanics. Basically, the same
assumptions apply here as for limit equilibrium analysis of plane shear failure; however,
since the mathematical treatment of the problem differs, it is worthwhile to describe this in
more detail. An analysis of slope stability for possible rotational shear failure requires that a
failure surface is assumed. Circular slip surfaces are often employed, as they are
mathematically convenient and show some agreement with commonly observed slope

failures; however, as will be shown later, this is not a necessary assumption. Once the failure
surface is specified, the equations of equilibrium are postulated for the rigid block bounded
by the slope face and the failure surface. One also needs to assume a failure criterion for the
material in the slope, usually the linear Mohr-Coulomb criterion. Next, the sliding block is
divided into a number of slices (in most cases, vertical), as shown in Figure 2.34. This is
necessary since the problem is statically indeterminate. Furthermore, the mobilized shear
strength varies along the failure surface; to be able to calculate the normal stress and the
resulting shear stress along the failure surface, it is convenient to use the method of slices.
There are also simplified methods in which the slope does not have to be divided into slices,
but, in general, these yield conservative safety factors (Nash 1987).

Two-Dimensional Methods

Only a two-dimensional section of the slope is considered in this approach. Consequently,

release surfaces must be present to allow failure to occur. For the two-dimensional section
shown in Figure 2.34, the forces acting on each slice are (1) the shear and normal forces on
the failure surface, (2) the normal and shear forces acting at the boundaries of each slice
(often referred to as interslice forces), (3) the weight of the slice, and (4) the external loads
acting at the top of each slice.

Even when assuming that the weight of the material, the external loads, and the groundwater
pressure along the failure surface all are known, the problem is statically indeterminate.
Consequently, if the problem is to be solved using only the equilibrium equations, a number
of additional assumptions must be made. The assumptions usually employed are (Nash,
1987): (1) assumptions about the distribution of normal stress along the slip surface, (2)
assumptions about the position of the line of thrust of the interslice force, and (3) assumptions
about the inclination of the interslice forces.

A large number of methods for analyzing rotational shear using the above approach have
been developed — see, for example, Bishop (1955), Morgenstern and Price (1965), Spencer
(1967), Bell (1968), Janbu (1973), and Sarma (1973, 1979). These methods differ in how
well the conditions of equilibrium are satisfied and how the interslice forces are included in
the solution. They can be divided into simple, complex and rigorous methods. For simple
methods, the effects of interslice forces are neglected, whereas the interslice forces are
included in the formulation for complex methods,. Methods where all conditions of static
equilibrium are satisfied are called rigorous methods (Johansson and Axelsson, 1991). The
various slice methods also differ with respect to the failure surface shape that can be

analyzed. For many of the methods, only a failure surface in the form of a circular arc is
allowed. There are, however, an increasing number of methods where the failure surface can
be non-circular, or even partly composed of straight lines (e.g., sliding along an existing
discontinuity combined with rotational shear).










Figure 2.34 The method of slices for analyzing rotational shear failures.

Good reviews of existing methods are given by Mostyn and Small (1987), Nash (1987),
Johansson and Axelsson (1991), and Bromhead (1992); these will not be repeated here.

Nevertheless, two methods deserve to be mentioned specifically. One of the earliest and
perhaps the most widespread of these methods is Bishop's (1955) routine method for circular
slip surfaces. Bishop's routine method is a simple method, since interslice shear forces are
neglected. Thus, only vertical force and overall moment equilibrium are completely satisfied.
The resulting equation for calculating the factor of safety is written

 1 
 
(c j " j + (W j − p w, j " j ) tan φ j ) cosα tan 
Fs = ntot ∑ j

φj , (2.4)
1 + tan α 

j =1
W j sin α j j =1
 j
Fs 

where (see also Figure 2.34)

cj = rock mass cohesion for each slice,

φj = rock-mass friction angle for each slice,
Wj = weight of each slice,
pw,j = water pressure acting on each slice,
" j = base length of each slice,
αj = angle between the horizontal and the base surface of each slice,
ntot = number of slices, and
j = current slice.

Using Bishop's routine method, it is feasible to calculate the factor of safety manually,
although the equation must be solved iteratively.

The other method considered here is the rigorous method proposed by Morgenstern and Price
(1965), in which equilibrium of both vertical and horizontal forces, as well as moment
equilibrium for each slice and the sliding body as a whole, is satisfied. In the Morgenstern
and Price (1965) method, both circular and non-circular slip surfaces may be analyzed. The
resulting equations are consequently much more complex, and the method is not suitable to

Nash (1987) and Bromhead (1992) demonstrated that, for most cases, the differences in
calculated safety factors are very small among the different methods. This is especially true
when comparing the results obtained using the rigorous methods with results from Bishop's
routine method. Bishop's method gives as accurate results as the rigorous methods except for
the case when the failure surface is steeply inclined at the toe of the slope (Nash, 1987). The
high relative accuracy of Bishop's routine method can be explained by the fact that the

method is based on moment equilibrium; because the moments are normally much larger in
magnitude than the forces, force equilibrium is also almost satisfied. If only force
equilibrium is considered in the solution, a more inaccurate result will follow. Such methods
should therefore be used with caution or avoided completely. For most cases with fairly
simple slope geometry, it appears that the application of Bishop's routine method is
satisfactory, provided that the general assumptions for limit equilibrium analysis are

In the various slice methods, only forces arising from gravitational loading are considered.
Seismic loading can be accounted for in Sarma's (1973, 1979) method. Groundwater
conditions in the slope are accounted for by assuming a phreatic surface and calculating the
resulting water pressures on the failure surface (Figure 2.34). In some cases, a simplified
approach is employed in which the porewater (groundwater) pressure ratio,
ru = pw / ρgz , is used in the equations. Here, pw is the groundwater pressure, and ρgz is the
total vertical stress at a point z meters below the ground surface in a soil mass with a density
of ρ. This approach may be incorrect in many cases, particularly for materials with low
permeability, such as rocks. It should therefore be used with caution (Bromhead, 1992;
Mostyn and Small, 1987). Whenever possible, the actual phreatic surface should be used as
input to the analysis. There are also some additional difficulties for partly submerged slopes,
as discussed by Bromhead (1992). Because submerged slopes do not normally occur in
active open pit mining, this issue is not discussed any further.

Tension cracks at the slope crest can be accommodated in many, but not all, methods.
Generally speaking, the rigorous methods arebest suited for including this condition, as well
as for the analysis of heterogeneous slopes consisting of different materials. A strict
condition arising from the simplifying assumptions of limit equilibrium methods is that the
material cannot be strain-hardening or strain-softening. In most slice methods, the linear
Mohr-Coulomb criterion is assumed to describe the shear strength of the slope material. A
simplified circular arc analysis using a power-curve failure envelope was described by
Charles (1982). Hoek (1983, 1987) applied the Hoek-Brown empirical failure criterion to
Sarma's (1979) non-vertical slice method, and Perry (1994) used a power criterion with
Janbu's (1973) rigorous method.

Early applications of the slice method for analyzing rotational shear failure in rock slopes can
be found in Wilson (1959), Jennings and Steffen (1967), and Stacey (1968, 1973). The
applicability of these methods to rock slopes is a matter of discussion. As was mentioned
above, the method of slices is less suitable for brittle materials or materials, which exhibit
strain-hardening or strain-softening behavior. Experience from soil mechanics has also

shown that methods based on the theory of plasticity are less applicable for very long failure
surfaces in soils — i.e., in situations when successive development of new failure surfaces
can be expected (Sällfors, 1984). There are, nevertheless, some examples of where a circular
slip surface, although a simplification of the actual failure surface, has been used successfully
for predictions of multiple large scale rock mass failures (see, e.g., Dahnér-Lindqvist, 1992,

Three-Dimensional Methods

In reality, the failure surface of a circular shear failure will probably be bowl-shaped (see
Figure 2.16). In a two-dimensional analysis, the shear resistance of the end surfaces is not
included in the formulation; hence, this will yield conservative results when applied to a
three-dimensional geometry. Three-dimensional slice methods have been developed to
overcome these limitations — see e.g., Hungr et al. (1989), and Lam and Fredlund (1993).
Unfortunately, three-dimensional methods are much more complex than two-dimensional
analyses. The biggest drawback is not the increased calculation time, but the difficulty in
defining the three-dimensional failure surface. Currently, there is limited knowledge of how
the failure mechanism acts to form a failure surface in rock and what factors affect the shape
even in a two-dimensional cross-section of the slip surface. Before three-dimensional limit
equilibrium methods can be used routinely, at least in rock slopes, better knowledge
regarding the fundamental mechanisms of slope failure must be gained.

Progressive Failure

Relatively recent, efforts have been made to analyze progressive slope failure using two-
dimensional limit equilibrium methods (Mostyn and Small, 1987; Chang, 1992; Chowdhury,
1995). In these methods, the difference between peak and residual strengths is considered.
The factor of safety for a given failure surface is first calculated using the peak shear
strength. The shear stress acting along each slice is then calculated (analytically or by
numerical methods) and compared with the shear strength. If the shear strength is exceeded,
the residual strength is assigned to that slice, and a new factor of safety for the failure surface
is calculated. Based on the two successive values of the safety factor, the "excess shear
stress" is redistributed along the failure surface, and the resulting shear stresses are again
compared with the shear strength of each slice. This iterative procedure is repeated until two
successive safety factors remain the same. The redistribution of the "excess stress" is not
straightforward, and the calculation of the shear stress along the failure surface may require

numerical methods. This approach can thus be relatively complex and still does not account
for the true stress-strain behavior of the slope material.

Search for the Critical Slip Surface

The assumption of a certain shape and location for the failure surface in a slope and the
application of any of the slice methods to this problem only yields one value of the safety
factor, or the collapse load. This might not necessarily be the lowest value; thus, the failure
surface might not be the most critical one. Consequently, it is necessary to try several
potential failure surfaces and go through the calculations for each surface. In many cases, the
failure surface is assumed to pass through the toe of the slope, but this is not a necessary
condition for failure.

It can be a tricky mathematical problem to find the local minimum of the safety factor or
collapse load. A commonly used search technique for circular failure surfaces is to define a
grid in which each node point represents the center of a circular arc. Different radii of the
failure surface are then tested for each node point, and the corresponding factor of safety is
calculated for each of these potential slip circles. When a number of potential slip surfaces
have been analyzed, the values of the minimum safety factor in each node are contoured on
the defined grid (see Figure 2.35). If closed contours are obtained, a local minimum of the
safety factor has been found. Otherwise, a larger search grid must be defined. The obtained
local minimum does not necessarily have to be the only minimum value of the safety factor.
There may be several local minima, but only one corresponds to the critical slip surface. The
grid-search technique is simple but it can be time consuming for large problems (Nash, 1987;
Johansson and Axelsson, 1991; Bromhead, 1992).

More refined search techniques have been developed to overcome some of the problems with
the grid technique described above, and also to be able to apply search techniques for failure
surfaces that are non-circular. These more advanced search techniques are often based on
dynamic programming (see, e.g., Bardet and Kapuskar, 1990; Mostyn and Small, 1987). In
this approach, one (or several) initial estimate(s) of the slip surface is made and the
corresponding factors of safety calculated. The estimates are then modified depending upon
the relative difference between the calculated safety factors, thus moving the slip circle
toward a more critical position. Using this iterative procedure, the result is often a non-
circular slip surface. The critical slip surface obtained through dynamic programming often
has a lower factor of safety than that obtained from a standard search with circular slip
surfaces. These methods are, however, still in an early stage of development. Attempts

based on use of the calculus of variations for finding the minimum safety factor have also
been made. This requires that the function for the factor of safety is relatively simple and that
all variables can be expressed as differentiable functions. The method is thus limited to
simple geometries and failure surfaces (Mostyn and Small, 1987). An interesting new
approach is one in which numerical stress analysis is used to help define the critical slip
circle, sometimes in combination with dynamic programming (Thompson, 1993; Zou et al.,
1995; Kim and Lee, 1997); see also Section 2.3.4.





Figure 2.35 Search for critical slip circle using a grid search pattern (after Mostyn and
Small, 1987).

To conclude, it is often necessary to have some knowledge of where the critical failure
surface may be located to be able to carry out an effective search technique. Without any
information regarding the possible failure development, time-consuming calculations will be
required; in addition, the results could still be misleading, and the resulting critical failure
surface could be invalid. A good portion of engineering judgment is thus necessary in this
phase of the analysis.

The relatively large amount of calculations necessary to find the critical slip surface for a
slope and the increasingly complex mathematics for the rigorous slice methods have lead to
the utilization of computers for conducting slope stability analyses. Algorithms for computer
programs for some of the methods mentioned above are given by Sage et al. (1977), Hoek
(1987) and Bromhead (1992). There are also several commercial programs available, mostly
developed for soil slopes. Comparative reviews have been published by Johansson and

Axelsson (1991) and Oliphant and Horne (1992), among others. The main conclusion from
these reviews is that the differences between different programs and slice methods are small
for homogenous slopes and simple groundwater conditions. For more complex cases, the
differences can be larger, due both to the fact that rigorous methods are required and to
differences in the algorithms used in different programs. In the review by Johansson and
Axelsson (1991), it was stated that that the experience of the operator is probably of more
importance than the choice of slice method.

Design Charts

To avoid some of these tedious calculations, simplified graphical methods have been
developed. The first of these "chart-methods" was developed by Taylor (1937, 1948). This
was followed by, among others, Bishop and Morgenstern (1960). The charts by Bishop and
Morgenstern (1960) and several others (see Nash, 1987) were specifically aimed at slopes in
soils with slope angles lower than about 45°. Design charts for rock slopes were proposed by
Hoek (1970) and developed further by Hoek and Bray (1981), who assumed a circular failure
surface and simplified groundwater conditions. Five different groundwater conditions were
considered; they ranged from fully drained conditions to a fully saturated slope subjected to
surface recharge of water. The failure surface must pass through the toe of the slope but can
contain a vertical tension crack at the slope crest. Only homogenous slopes were considered
in this approach, and a linear, Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion was employed.

The charts produced by Hoek and Bray (1981) were based on the friction circle method; see
Taylor (1937, 1948). This was originally a graphical method in which a force polygon is
constructed, consisting of the resultant weight of the failing mass, W, the resultant cohesive
force, C, and the resultant intergranular force across the failure surface, P. (The force P is
equivalent to the resultant of the normal force and the friction force.) Failure is assumed to
take place along a circular arc, as shown in Figure 2.36. Force P is made up of small
elementary forces, p, which must act at an obliquity of φ to the failure surface, where φ is the
friction angle. In his first paper, Taylor (1937) assumed that the resultant force, P, must also
act at an angle of φ to the failure surface. Thus, P becomes a tangent to the so-called friction
circle, drawn around the center of the slip circle (see Figure 2.36). It is now possible to
calculate the stability number,


as a function of the slope geometry and the geometry of the force polygon. (The full
expression is not shown here but can be found in Taylor, 1937.) Here, c is the cohesion of
the material, ρ is the density of the material, H is the slope height, and Fs is the factor of
safety for that specific slope geometry and failure surface. The effect of water pressure can
also be accounted for by including the resulting water pressure, U, in the force polygon.
Thus, the force W is replaced by the resultant of W and U.







3 :

Figure 2.36 The friction circle method (forces acting on a circular failure surface through
the toe of a slope and the constructed force polygon).

Taylor (1937) showed that the assumption of force P being tangent to the friction circle gave
slightly conservative results. In reality, P has a line of action that passes just outside the
friction circle, and a small adjustment of the radius of the friction circle is made to make P
become a tangent to this slightly larger circle (Taylor, 1948). The adjustment was found to
depend on the central angle of the failure arc and ranged from 0, for a central angle of 20° or
less, to around a 10 % larger radius of the friction circle for a central angle of 120°. The
change in radius affects the orientation of force P in the solution. Taylor (1948) suggested
that this correction should be applied because of its simplicity, although it does not change
the results to any large degree.

The calculations must be repeated for all possible slope and failure geometries to produce the
charts given by Hoek and Bray (1981). These charts enable simple and quick determination
of the factor of safety given the above parameters and the friction angle of the material. The
solution did not satisfy the formal requirements for the bound theorems in limit analysis, but
the authors showed, by comparison with other limit equilibrium methods and limit analysis,
that the results were close to the lower bound value of the safety factor.

Hoek and Bray (1981) also included the possible existence of a tension crack in the slope.
Following the procedure by Taylor (1948), the tension crack does not contribute to the shear
resistance of the failure surface. The depth of the tension crack is normally unknown, and it
is not clearly stated how this was overcome in the analysis. Because the tensile strength of
the material is not included in the formulation, tensile failure is not explicitly taken into
account. Hence, Hoek and Bray's charts are no different from other limit equilibrium
methods, in that only shear failure along the failure surface is considered.

Hoek and Bray (1981) also presented charts for estimating the locations of the critical slip
circle and the critical tension crack in the slope, thus substantially reducing the amount of
calculation necessary. These charts were a bi-product of the calculations necessary to
produce the charts for determining factor of safety.

Design charts provide a rapid assessment of the potential for slope failure under certain
assumptions. They should be used to obtain first estimates of slope stability, particularly for
non-critical slopes, but they should not to be used as a total replacement for the more
comprehensive slice methods. Nevertheless, Hoek's charts have become sort of a standard
tool in rock mechanics slope design, due to their simplicity and the often limited amount of
detailed knowledge on strength parameters and groundwater conditions in a rock slope. In
these situations, a more detailed method of analysis might not be justified.

Analysis of Toppling Failure

Limit equilibrium methods have also been used for analyzing toppling failures. Goodman
and Bray (1976) presented a solution for block toppling along a stepped base surface that
considered both force and moment equilibrium (see also Hoek and Bray, 1981). Choquet and
Tanon (1985) used the same approach and developed nomograms for assessing whether
toppling could occur.

Aydan and Kawamoto (1992) analyzed flexural toppling using a limit equilibrium approach
and obtained good agreement with base friction model tests. Adhikary et al. (1997) adopted
this approach and modified it to allow the base failure surface to be inclined at any angle to
the normal of the discontinuities. Brown (1982) applied the principles of energy
minimization to this failure mode and derived design charts for toppling failure. In addition,
water pressures from an included phreatic surface were accounted for in this study. Nieto
(1987) made several attempts to analyze large scale (flexural) toppling failure, using the
concept of an upper active wedge and a lower passive wedge, but a rigorous and generally
applicable solution could not be derived.

Xu et al. (1994) used energy principles to derive a potential function for cusp catastrophe
applied to toppling failure. (A simplified description of cusp catastrophe theory can be found
in Polishchuk, 1994-1995.) From this, Xu et al. (1994) derived a condition for slope
instability expressed as the critical slope height, but they gave no comparisons with actual

Common to all these approaches is the assumption that a state of limiting equilibrium exists
simultaneously across all rock columns. Furthermore, blocks are assumed to be rigid (as in
all limit equilibrium methods). The development of a base failure surface is not explicitly
modeled; hence, its location and orientation are subject to some discussion.

Extensions of Limit Equilibrium Methods

An alternative approach for analyzing combinations of rotational shear and plane shear
failure was proposed by Kvapil and Clews (1979). This approach does not strictly belong to
the category of limit equilibrium methods, but it does use concepts from classical soil
mechanics and continuum mechanics. Kvapil and Clews considered a general failure surface
in a large scale slope to be composed of an upper active part and a lower resistive part. The
two portions of the slope are separated by a transition zone, which is necessary for sliding to

be kinematically possible, as shown in Figure 2.37. The concept of active and passive
pressure zones in a slope is consistent with the classical theory of earth pressure in soil
mechanics — see, for example, Terzaghi (1944). Kvapil and Clews (1979) suggested that the
transition zone can be simulated by the use of Prandtl's prism. Active pressures developed
below a foundation are transferred through the Prandtl prism to the passive zone outside the
foundation (Terzaghi, 1944). The Prandtl prism changes the direction of the stresses and
generates secondary shear fractures in the material. Kvapil and Clews (1979) derived the
basic equations and stated that an approximate numerical solution had been developed,
although it was not presented in the paper.


















Figure 2.37 Prandtl's prism in large scale slope failures (after Kvapil and Clews, 1979).

The Prandtl mechanism produces three identifiable phases of failure. In the first phase,
tensile cracks are initiated at the slope crest, and the main shear surface begins developing
from these. The second phase occurs when a continuous failure surface is formed in the
slope, which results in heaving of the slope above the transition zone. In the third failure
phase, heaving is more pronounced, as are secondary shearing and crushing. All of these are
concentrated in the vicinity of the transition zone. A similar mechanism of failure with the
resulting displacements was observed by Call et al. (1993). Kvapil and Clews (1979) also

stated that the failure process is very slow in the first and second phase but can be
significantly more rapid in the third phase.

The concept of active and passive zones in a slope has also been analyzed using standard
limit equilibrium methods utilizing both graphical and analytical solutions (see the review by
Mostyn and Small, 1987). Jennings and Steffen (1967) discussed the concept of active and
passive zones of earth pressure along a curved failure surface. A practical application to rock
slopes is given by Hoek (1983), who used the Sarma (1979) non-vertical slice method to
analyze failures with active and passive zones.

An extension to traditional slice methods was proposed by Alén (1996). In this work, a slope
was modeled as a frame work of shear beams. These beam elements should be viewed as
fictitious elements that describe the important characteristics of the slope at the point of
failure. Each beam can be given different stiffnesses, and different internal force
distributions can be simulated by constraints for the joints between the beams. The latter
corresponds to different assumptions regarding interslice forces in the slice method. One
advantage of the shear beam model is that the shear strength does not have to be
simultaneously mobilized along the entire failure surface, which is the case in standard slice
methods. Alén (1996) applied the shear beam model to a soil slope, but no formal
verification was conducted.

A review of existing design methods would not be complete without mentioning block theory
(Goodman and Shi, 1985). This is a method to identify the types of blocks that can be
formed in a jointed rock mass and which are potentially moveable. Block theory is
mathematically much more convenient than stereographic projection to delineate potentially
dangerous blocks. It can handle an unlimited number of joint sets, and the shapes and
locations of removable blocks can easily be determined. Its drawback lies in the necessary
assumptions, which include those that all joint surfaces are perfectly planar and infinitely
long. In the original formulation, the only failure mode considered was sliding along joints.
More recent work has included, for example, the rotation of blocks (Mauldon, 1992). Similar
to other limit equilibrium methods, block theory assumes that the blocks are rigid and ignores
changes in slope and block geometry caused by block movements.

2.3.4 Numerical Modeling

Approaches to Numerical Modeling

Using numerical analysis, it is possible to solve the equations of equilibrium, the strain
compatibility equations, and the constitutive equations for a material for prescribed boundary
conditions. The major benefits of numerical modeling are that (1) both the stress and the
displacements can be calculated, and (2) different constitutive relations can be employed. A
number of different numerical methods exists — e.g., Boundary Element Methods (BEM),
Finite Element Methods (FEM) and Finite Difference Methods (FDM). In boundary element
methods, only the boundaries of a problem need to be discretized into elements. For finite
element and finite difference methods, the entire problem domain must be discretized into
elements. Another class of methods is the Discrete Element Method (DEM). While BEM,
FEM and FDM all are continuum methods, DEM is a discontinuum method in which
discontinuities present in the rock mass are modeled explicitly.

Continuum Models

In continuum models, the displacement field will always be continuous. No actual failure
surface discontinuity is formed, but the location of the failure surface can be judged by the
concentration of shear strain in the model. An example of a commercially available code that
has reached widespread use within the geomechanics community is the explicit finite
difference program FLAC (Cundall, 1976; Itasca, 1995a). Examples of the application of
FLAC to slope stability can be found in Du Plessis and Martin (1991) and Board et al. (1996).
Finite element modeling has also been used in slope engineering. Examples of elastic stress
analysis of open pit slopes were those conducted by Stacey (1968, 1970, 1973) and Blake
(1968). Feng (1988) used a three-dimensional finite element model to analyze stresses
around an open pit. In soil mechanics, continuum codes have occasionally been used for
determining the shape of the critical failure surface (Huang and Yamasaki, 1993; Kidger,
1994). Conventional limit equilibrium analysis is then used to calculate the factor of safety
against rotational shear failure.

The problem with the continuum codes is that the "failure surface" is not very distinct and the
assumption of a continuum may not be realistic for large slope deformations. Several new
approaches have been proposed among which two major categories can be identified. The
first category is conventional continuum numerical analysis with new constitutive models
that better replicate the actual rock material behavior, while the second category is concerned
with simulating localization of shear bands in the material.

In the first category, are the Cosserat plasticity models. The Cosserat continuum model
accounts for both rotational and translational degrees of freedom in a material — unlike
classical plasticity models, in which only translational degrees of freedom are included.
Hence, moments and internal spins are taken into account in the formulation, and a non-
symmetric stress tensor is allowed (Dawson and Cundall, 1995, 1996). Dai et al. (1994)
presented an application of Cosserat models for the simulation of slope stability. A
reasonable failure development was reproduced, while still using a very crude model, but an
actual failure surface discontinuity is not formed in such a model. Adhikary (1995) also
developed a Cosserat model and applied it to the analysis of flexural toppling.

In the second category of numerical models, an attempt is made to simulate the localization
of shear bands in the intact material. The simplest approach involves the use of strain-
softening material models in which the rock mass is given different peak and residual
strengths. However, localization tends to be mesh-dependent. This means that, as shown by
Zienkiewicz et al. (1995) and Schlangen (1995), the shear bands have a tendency to follow
the patterns in the discretized mesh of the model rather than develop freely without
interference of the mesh. Furthermore, large numbers of elements are required to produce
localization in a numerical model, and the thickness of the shear band may still not be
simulated accurately. The inherent mesh-dependency can be tackled by adjusting the mesh to
follow the expected shear bands. This satisfies continuity of displacements over the element
boundaries, but it requires complete re-meshing (smaller elements, more elements and better
orientation of the elements) of the model during the calculations — something which is very
time-consuming. This approach was used by Zienkiewicz et al. (1995), among others.

New developments in this area are based on bifurcation theory and new numerical schemes to
simulate localization (Chambon et al., 1994). In the inter-element approach, Larsson (1990)
and Larsson et al. (1992a, 1992b, 1994) developed a finite element model that could simulate
localization in soil materials with the help of bifurcation analysis. Criteria for the formation
of shear bands were formulated in terms of a critical value for the hardening modulus or a
critical stress level, and the associated critical bifurcation directions, which can be evaluated
using analytical methods. In Larsson's approach, an incremental plasticity formulation was
used with constitutive relations that were adapted for soil materials (Mohr-Coulomb, double-
cap and Cam-Clay models). Furthermore, strains were discontinuous over the element
boundaries, and the finite element mesh was adapted to the critical bifurcation directions.
During the calculations, some re-meshing was still necessary; the element sides were aligned
with the bifurcation directions, thus obtaining the most finely discretized mesh in the region
of interest. Larsson et al. (1992a, 1992b) presented an example where the model was applied
to a slope stability problem and yielded a good representation of localized deformations at

failure (Figure 2.38). However, the slope was only loaded by a footing at the top, and no
body forces (gravity) or virgin stresses were included.

Figure 2.38 Slip line developed at the final load step in a finite element model of a slope
loaded by an elastic footing (Larsson et al., 1994).

Klisinski et al. (1995), Tano et al. (1996) and Tano (1997) used a different approach, termed
"inner softening band" in which softening occurs through displacement within an element.
Cracks can be introduced anywhere, in any orientation within the element mesh, and at any
time during the calculations. The results are less sensitive to the size and geometry of the
finite element mesh; however, the method is still very much under development. Realistic
applications to slope stability are lacking, and only elastic material behavior of the matrix
(not the fractures) can be simulated. A plasticity model is under development; to date,
however, only an associated flow rule has been implemented (Tano, 1998).

None of the above-mentioned model techniques can yet be considered practical tools for
slope stability analysis. It must also be questioned whether a numerical simulation of a very
distinct slip surface is warranted. In reality, the failure surface can be relatively thick, and a
less rigorous but much less time-consuming model may be satisfactory in many cases.

Discontinuum and Crack Propagation Models

Among the available discontinuum codes are the distinct element programs UDEC and 3DEC
(Cundall, 1971; Itasca, 1994; 1997) and the discontinuous deformation analysis program
DDA (Goodman and Ke, 1995; Pei and Shi, 1995; MacLaughlin et al., 1997). Both types of
programs require that the locations of pre-existing discontinuities are known before analysis
is begun. By including a large number of discontinuities, it is also possible, to some extent,
to simulate the path that failure will take, under the assumption that failure only occurs along

discontinuities. Failure through the intact material can be judged in the same manner as for
continuum models, but it is not possible to simulate the formation of a fracture through the
intact rock material in these programs. Examples of the use of UDEC for slope stability
analysis can be found in Martin and Mehr (1993).

A recent addition to the family of numerical programs, and one which possibly could be used
for slope analysis is the two-dimensional version of the Particle Flow Code (PFC2D)
developed by Itasca (1995b); see also Cundall and Strack (1979). PFC2D is a distinct element
program in which the individual blocks are modeled as circular particles. The particles may
represent grains in a granular material like sand, or they may be bonded together to represent
a solid material. By bonding particles together as blocks, it is, at least in theory, possible to
simulate both fracturing through intact material and failure along pre-existing discontinuities.
However, practical applications of this modeling technique are lacking.

The need for simulation of fracture growth in a material has spawned the development of
slightly different methods. Common to all of these models is their basis on principles coming
from fracture mechanics. In the model developed by Einstein et al. (1983), Mode I (tensile)
failure was assumed to generate the primary fracture through the rock bridge, while Mode II
(shear) failure generates secondary shear fractures, as shown in Figure 2.39.




0RGH , 0RGH ,,

Figure 2.39 Mode I and Mode II fracturing in a rock slope (after Einstein, 1983).

The critical failure path for a particular joint configuration was defined as that combination of
discontinuities and intact rock bridges having the minimum safety margin (shearing
resistance minus the driving force). The minimum safety margin also determines the
orientation of the failure path. This method can only handle configurations with one set of
parallel joints, and deformation of the intact material was not included in this model. As

such, it is more of a modified limit equilibrium method, accounting for fracturing through
intact rock.

A more rigorous approach was presented by Napier and Hildyard (1992), who used a
boundary element model for modeling the growth of pre-existing fractures in a rock mass.
Both extension (Mode I) and shear (Mode II) fracturing were considered. The growth
direction from an existing crack tip was determined as the angle at which the maximum
"excess shear stress" is obtained. Both tension and shear failure criteria, based on the Mohr-
Coulomb criterion, were used for determining whether fracture growth would occur. The
pre-existing fractures, as well as the newly propagated fractures, were represented by
displacement discontinuity elements in the boundary element method. Practical applications
of this model have been limited to fracturing around underground openings in brittle rock and
borehole breakouts (Napier and Hildyard, 1992; Kuijpers, 1995; Kuijpers and Napier, 1996),
in which fracture "seeds" were generated randomly around the opening or borehole.

Another approach using displacement discontinuity elements was presented by Shen (1993).
In the calculation scheme, the fracture toughness for Mode I fracturing (KIc) was compared to
the stress intensity at the fracture tip (KI), which was calculated numerically. This
automatically determined whether fracture propagation would take place and, if so, in which
direction propagation would occur. Once a propagation direction is determined, a new
displacement discontinuity element is added to the fracture tip (the fracture is extended), and
the calculations repeated for the new fracture tip. Shen (1993) also presented a model in
which both Mode I and Mode II fracturing (mixed mode fracturing), were incorporated.
Because the fracture toughness for shear fracturing is difficult to determine, Shen used a
modified energy criterion. The existing G-criterion states that fracture propagation will occur
when the strain energy release rate (G) in an elastic medium is larger than the surface energy
required to separate the material (Gc). This criterion was modified to ensure that, as had been
observed in laboratory tests, Mode I fracturing would occur prior to Mode II fracturing. Shen
(1993) successfully simulated fracture propagation and the coalescence of fractures observed
in experimental tests on small scale specimens of gypsum (Figure 2.40).

The model by Shen (1993) has not yet been applied to any practical problem of larger scale.
Currently, there are limitations to the number of pre-existing fractures, or seeds, that can be
modeled. Also, for these models to become useful, it must be possible to include different
sizes of these seeds. For both models discussed above, it is essential that calibrations against
observed failures are conducted to obtain correct values for the parameters in the growth
criterion. This has not been done for slope stability problems.





Figure 2.40 Two stages of observed and simulated fracture propagation and coalescence
(after Shen, 1993).

One of the few applications of this type of model to slope stability problems was that
presented by Zhang et al. (1989). In this study, a boundary element method was used in
conjunction with a combined strength-energy failure criterion. The direction of fracturing
was that giving the maximum energy release rate. The constitutive material model was
brittle-plastic, with different peak and residual strengths. The results by Zhang et al. (1989)
are very interesting, as they indicate that a slope can fail in successive "shells" starting from
the toe and propagating upward. However, the results have not been confirmed by
comparisons with field observations.

The above models for simulating progressive failure are all two-dimensional (although
FLAC, UDEC, and PFC2D are also available in three-dimensional versions). Extension of the
above models for localization and fracture propagation to three dimensions does not come
easily. Models for simulation of fracture propagation in rock have not yet been developed for
application to three-dimensional slope geometries. It is also questionable whether it is
feasible to do so without making substantial simplifications of the fracture geometry in three

2.3.5 Probabilistic Methods

Probability Theory

In a probabilistic design method, the stochastic nature of the input parameters is included and
the resulting chance (probability) of failure is calculated. Considering probabilities of failure
rather than safety factors is an acknowledgement that there is always a finite chance of
failure, although it can be very small. This is illustrated in Figure 2.41 for two hypothetical
distributions for the load, S, and the strength (or resistance), R, of a construction element.
The two curves overlap, meaning that failure is possible. In a purely deterministic approach
using only the mean strength and load (mR and mS, respectively), the resulting factor of safety
would have been significantly larger than unity, which implies stable conditions.


/RDG 6


6 P

Figure 2.41 Hypothetical distributions of the strength or resistance, R, and the load, S, for a
construction element.

The safety margin of the construction element is defined as

SM = R − S . (2.6)

The safety margin is one type of performance function, which is used to determine the
probability of failure. The performance function is often denoted G(X) — hence,

G ( X ) = R( X ) − S ( X ) , (2.7)

where X is the collection of random input parameters that make up the resistance and the load
distribution, respectively. An alternative formulation of the performance function, which

often is used in geomechanics, involves the factor of safety, Fs. Failure occurs when Fs is
less than unity; hence, the performance function is defined as

G ( X ) = Fs − 1 . (2.8)

The probability density function for a hypothetical performance function is illustrated in

Figure 2.42. In this case, failure occurs when the performance function (or safety margin) is
less than zero. The probability of failure, Pp(failure), is the area under the density function
curve for values less than zero.






Figure 2.42 Hypothetical distribution of the performance function, G(X).

To calculate the failure probability, a Level 2 analysis is most common in practical design
(Mostyn and Li, 1993), where probability of failure is evaluated using a reliability index, βR,
defined as

βR = . (2.9)

Here, mG and sG are the mean and standard deviations of the performance function,
respectively. The reliability index is thus a measure of the distance from the origin to the
mean value of the performance function, expressed in number of standard deviations (Figure

The performance function contains several variables describing the load and resistance;
therefore, it is often non-linear and prohibits exact analytical solutions. Commonly used

approximate methods are the first-order-second-moment method (FOSM) and the point
estimate method (PEM); see Mostyn and Li (1993) and Thoft-Christensen and Baker (1982).
In cases where the performance function is complex and contains a large number of variables,
a simulation technique, such as the Monte Carlo method, can be used instead. From each
distribution, a parameter value is sampled randomly and the value of the performance
function calculated for each set of random samples. If this is repeated many times, a
distribution of the performance function is obtained. The probability of failure can be
calculated as the ratio between the number of cases that failed and the total number of
simulations, or from the reliability index, Equation (2.9), of the resulting distribution (Kim et
al., 1978; Mostyn and Li, 1993).

Monte Carlo simulation requires many simulations, particularly in problems with small
probabilities of failure. A more efficient sampling technique is the Latin Hypercube
technique. In this method, stratified sampling is used to ensure that samples are obtained
from the entire distribution of each input variable. Consequently, fewer samples are required
to produce the distribution of the performance function, particularly for the tails of the
distribution (Nathanail and Rosenbaum, 1991; Pine, 1992). With today's powerful
computers, computational time has become less of a problem, and Monte Carlo methods
prevail as the most common simulation techniques.

Slope Stability Applications

Pioneering attempts of applying probabilistic design methods to slope stability were those by
McMahon (1971, 1974, 1975). In the same category are works by Call (1972, 1985), Call et
al. (1977a), Call et al. (1977b), and Call and Savely (1990). These attempts emphasize the
importance of the geological structure on slope behavior. Commonly assumed failure models
are plane shear, step path, and different types of wedge failures. To some extent, the failure
mechanism is determined by the distributions of the discontinuity parameters (e.g., dip, dip
direction, length and spacing). This is accomplished by using a simulation technique
(normally, Monte Carlo simulation) and sampling values from each distribution of
discontinuity parameters. This set of samples is then compared with the slope geometry, and
the failure mode is determined depending upon what is kinematically possible for that
specific set of samples. Once the kinematically possible failure mode is determined, random
samples are taken from the distributions of joint strengths, and the factor of safety is
calculated using limit equilibrium analysis. The probability of failure is then calculated as
the ratio between the number of iterations, which yield a safety factor less than unity and the
total number of Monte Carlo iterations. The overall failure probability is the product of the

probability that failure is kinematically possible (i.e., that a structure exists and that it is long
enough) and the probability that the strength is exceeded; thus,

Pp(failure) = Pp(kinematically possible failure) ⋅ Pp(strength exceeded). (2.10)

The slope geometry is analyzed in increments, typically of one bench height. By analyzing
different bench face angles, the probability of failure as a function of bench face angle can be
determined, as shown in Figure 2.43. Alternatively, the net failure volume (for each failure
mode) can be calculated for various bench face angles. This approach has been used in
various open pit mines, including Aitik (Call et al., 1976; Call et al., 1977; West et al., 1985),
the Cassiar Mine (Call & Nicholas, 1981), and Palabora (Piteau et al., 1985; Martin,
Steenkamp and Lill, 1986).






Figure 2.43 Hypothetical failure probability versus bench face angle.

Similar approaches are those by Kim et al. (1978), Major et al. (1978), Einstein et al. (1979),
Carter and Lajtai (1992), Feng and Lajtai (1998), and Morriss and Stoter (1983). A more
comprehensive analysis of wedge failures, including a more complex slope geometry and
utilizing the first-order-second-moment method, was presented by Low and Einstein (1992),
while Düzgün et al. (1995) did the same for plane shear failures. Bolle et al. (1987) applied
the point estimate method to plane shear failure. Progressive failure in the form of multiple
plane shear failures occurring one after another was addressed by Chowdhury (1986). Savely
(1987) analyzed block flow failures, particularly rolling blocks in intensely fractured rock

masses. In this study, a comparison with other assumed failure modes showed the
importance of assessing the correct failure mechanism before analyzing slope stability.

All of the above examples were for bench design (small scale slopes). They appear to have
worked well since the failure mechanisms are well-established (purely structurally controlled
failures) and input data (discontinuity orientation and strength) can be determined fairly

For large scale slopes, there have been some attempts at analyzing circular failure using a
probabilistic approach. These are also based on a limit equilibrium failure model and
examples can be found in Markland (1972), Kim et al. (1978), Fairs (1982), Priest and Brown
(1983), and Leventhal et al. (1993). In none of these attempts was a full search routine used
for determining the factor of safety for a specific set of random samples of the input
parameters. Instead, assumptions were made regarding the location of the most critical
failure surface. This reduces the calculation time (fewer iterations in the Monte Carlo
simulation), but it is not very rigorous. However, both circular and non-circular failure
surfaces can be analyzed in this way. A full search routine for circular failure surfaces was
used by Dai et al. (1993) but this is not feasible for non-circular failure surfaces.

It was shown by Oka and Wu (1990) that the failure surface with the minimum factor of
safety does not necessarily have to be the failure surface with the maximum probability of
failure. It is therefore necessary to evaluate the probability of the entire system, perhaps
including several possible failure surfaces at the same instant (Chowdhury, 1987; Mostyn and
Li, 1993). The combined probability of failure can be significantly higher than the
probability of failure along a single failure surface. Juang et al. (1998) also found that the
critical sliding surface was a "band" rather than one well-defined surface. In this study, limit
equilibrium analyses was combined with fuzzy theory.

The question as to what failure probabilities are acceptable now arises. This was discussed
by Priest and Brown (1983) and Pine (1992), who defined acceptance criteria according to
Table 2.2. For benches, failure probabilities of around 10 % would seem acceptable, whereas
for an overall slope a failure probability of less than 1 % would be more suitable. This is still
much higher than the commonly employed failure probabilities in building construction
design. However, these values are not unreasonable considering that an open pit slope
generally has a shorter life. The actual acceptance criteria to be used in a specific mine
cannot be determined from general guidelines like these; they should be subject to a more
thorough analysis of the consequences of failure. Ideally, a cost-benefit analysis should be
used to quantify this. In the next section, these and other decision tools will be presented.

Table 2.2 Acceptance criteria for rock slopes (after Priest and Brown, 1983; Pine, 1992).

Category and Reliability Failure probability

consequence of failure index, β Pp(Fs<1)
1. Not serious Non-critical benches 1.4 0.1
2. Moderately serious Semi-permanent slopes 2.3 0.01 - 0.02
3. Very serious High/permanent slopes 3.2 0.003

The problem associated with all probabilistic methods is that one must have sufficient
samples for each input parameter to form a statistical distribution with some amount of
certainty. While this is possible for joint orientations, it is more difficult for strength values,
particularly for large scale slopes. Geostatistical approaches have been tried in order to better
quantify the spatial variation of variables. An example of this approach was given by
Kimmance and Howe (1991). To some extent, the use of this approach reduces the amount
of input data, but it is yet to be developed to a practical design tool. Mostyn and Small
(1987) argued that there may also exist some correlation between different strength
parameters and that this can significantly influence the resulting failure probability.

The largest problem, however, is that all methods described above require a deterministic
failure model. Therefore, probabilistic methods have primarily been based on the same
failure models as those employed in limit equilibrium methods but with statistical
distributions assigned to all input parameters. Using this approach one must rely completely
on the assumed failure mechanism while taking account of several other uncertainties, such
as the distribution of discontinuity parameters.

Risk Analysis and Decision Theory

The risk associated with a certain event can be defined as the probability of failure combined
with the consequence or potential loss associated with that event:

Risk = Pp(failure) ⋅ (Consequence of failure). (2.11)

The consequence fo failure can involve loss of life, capital loss or non-monetary
environmental effects (Einstein, 1995). For the economics of an open pit mine, it is most
practical to consider the monetary consequences, as these can be used in a cost optimization
process. The total cost, CT, is thus defined as the sum of the initial cost, C0, and the product

of the failure probability and the costs associated with the failure, CD, (Shuk, 1970; Sexsmith
and Mau, 1972, Chowdhury, 1994) as follows:

CT = C 0 + Pp ( failure) ⋅ C D . (2.12)

Cost optimization is conceptually simple but it can be cumbersome to apply. A very wide
spectrum of instability-related costs exists, including cleanup costs, loss or re-establishment
of haulage system, cost of lost or delayed production, unrecoverable ore, loss or damage to
plant, mill and equipment, costs for engineering (design) and monitoring, and, in the worst
case, the cost of a complete shutdown (Coates, 1977; Call, 1985; Savely, 1985). These costs
can be very difficult to estimate accurately, particularly before a failure event has occurred.
An example of cost optimization for slope design is the methodology described by Kim et al.
(1977a, 1977b). In this study, the probability for failure was calculated for various mining
geometries. The costs associated with different failures were included, and a full economic
analysis including all mining costs was conducted using Monte Carlo simulation. Different
mining alternatives (different slope angles) were then compared with respect to net present
value (NPV). The difficulty in accurately quantifying failure costs currently presents the
largest obstacle with using a cost-benefit approach in slope design. Dinis da Gama (1994),
applied the methodology to a real case, but besides this, there are few such examples.

2.4 Remedial Measures and Monitoring of Pit Slopes

2.4.1 Drainage

As was shown earlier, groundwater pressure is one of the important factors affecting the
stability of a slope. It is also one of the factors that can actually be controlled to some extent.
Although regional groundwater levels and annual precipitation cannot be altered, the local
groundwater pressure distribution can be changed by draining the slope. Available drainage
methods include (1) prevention of surface water from entering the slope (sealing of cracks
and surface drains), (2) horizontal drains in the slope, (3) vertical drainage wells with down-
hole pumps, and (4) drainage galleries (see Figure 2.44).

Horizontal drains are most common, since they are inexpensive and simple to implement.
One drawback is that the length of the drain holes can be difficult to determine beforehand;
also, new drain holes are required as the pit is deepened or if existing holes are sheared off
due to a failure. Vertical wells are very effective and can be installed before open pit mining

is commenced, thus providing depressurized conditions from the start of mining. On the
other hand, they are significantly more expensive. The same can be said for drainage
galleries or adits, which are extremely efficient but also the most expensive means of slope
drainage (Sharp et al., 1977; Hoek and Bray, 1981; Brawner, 1982).










Figure 2.44 Examples of drainage methods in open pit mining (after Sharp et al., 1977;
Hoek and Bray, 1981).

When selecting a drainage system, care must be taken to ensure that maximal efficiency is
obtained. There is, however, no unique solution as to how to design and install a drainage
system. Each mine and each specific mining situation may require a certain type of
dewatering program. Ultimately, an evaluation of cost versus benefit will determine the
program. An example of applying a cost-benefit analysis to the design of a drainage system
was given by Sperling and Freeze (1987). Knowledge of the groundwater flow pattern and
the resulting groundwater pressure distribution, as well as the hydraulic properties of the rock
mass, is also necessary to optimize drainage. In absence of good knowledge of the
groundwater situation, a trial-and-error approach can prove valuable. Installation of
horizontal drains and the continuous monitoring of groundwater pressures and inflow from
these can be first steps. The experience gained can then be used to improve the drainage

system. Practical examples of successful drainage can be found in many open pit mines (see
also Chapter 4 of this thesis).

2.4.2 Artificial Support

Mechanical support of rock is frequently used in underground mining. Relatively recently,

the application of rock support and reinforcement has also become popular in surface mining.
Most of these cases concern support of small scale slopes and benches or critical areas of a
pit, such as a ramp; see, for example, Seegmiller (1974, 1984), Dight (1982), Sharp et al.
(1987), Nilsen and Hagen (1990), and Thompson et al. (1995).

Not all failure modes are equally amenable to artificial support. In general, plane shear and
wedge failures can often be supported successfully — at least on a small to moderate physical
scale. Circular shear and toppling failures are much more difficult to support, particularly for
large scale slopes (Sage, 1977; Seegmiller, 1982). Support of a potential circular slip surface
may result in a new critical and more deep-seated failure surface, as shown in Figure 2.45.
For very high and large rock slopes, artificial support is not at all a very feasible strategy.
The mere scale of an overall pit slope and the weight of a potential failure volume make it
almost impossible to use, for example, cable bolts or any type of mesh for support. Several
authors suggest that slopes can be stabilized by removing material from the top of the sliding
area, thus reducing the driving force (see, e.g., Brawner, 1982). This is only valid for a
material with both friction and cohesion and for dry conditions. If the material is only
frictional, unloading changes both the driving and resisting force equally and does not result
in any change of the slope's safety factor. If groundwater pressures exist in the slope, the
situation becomes more complicated, and it cannot generally be said that unloading increases
the stability of a slope. Furthermore, for an open pit mine, unloading is hardly a practical




Figure 2.45 Unsuccessful support of circular shear failure (after Sage, 1977).

Buttresses and retaining walls are often used in civil engineering, but experience from
highway rock cuts indicate, however, that both retaining walls and buttresses work best for
moderate slope heights up to around 60 meters (Richards and Stimpson, 1977). Furthermore,
the required size of a buttress for stabilizing large scale slope failures makes it difficult to use
buttresses in open pit mining, where space is already limited at the pit bottom (Seegmiller,

2.4.3 Monitoring

The objectives of a slope monitoring program are to (1) maintain safe operational practices,
(2) provide advance notice of instability, and (3) provide additional geotechnical information
regarding slope behavior (Call, 1982; Call and Savely, 1990). Displacement measurements
are the most common type of monitoring, complemented by monitoring of groundwater
pressure. An array of different monitoring techniques is shown in Figure 2.46.

For surface measurements of displacements, a survey network with target prisms placed on
the pit walls is the most common monitoring method. Measurements are taken from a base
point using a total station instrument to measure the distances and angles. Measurements can
be made automatically on a continuous basis. For a survey network to function properly, the
base station must be located on completely stable ground, but — at the same time — close
enough to the pit crest so that all prisms can be seen. Often, a backsight or a network of
reference points is needed to monitor the stability of the base station (see Figure 2.46). The
measurement accuracy of this type of system is typically a few millimeters under perfect
conditions. However, dust and haze, as well as long viewing distances to prisms in large pits,
can significantly reduce this accuracy.

Survey networks can be complemented with surface wire extensometers. These are, in the
simplest case, a tensioned wire positioned overa tension crack at the slope crest. Wire
extensometers are easy to use and can be moved to other unstable areas but they do not
provide the long-term monitoring of a survey network. Visual mapping of tension cracks is
another very simple method that provides some information on the extent of an unstable area.
Aerial photography can also be used to establish movement vectors, provided that photos are
taken at different times. The accuracy of this technique is lower (typically, several
centimeters at best), but it is useful when survey networks are not in place.













Figure 2.46 Examples of slope monitoring systems (after Waltham, 1994; Call, 1982).

Subsurface measurement methods include borehole inclinometers, extensometers,

piezometers, and microseismic monitoring (Call 1982; Call and Savely, 1990). Borehole
inclinometers measure the angular deflection of the borehole and, thus, the horizontal
displacement in different directions. Consequently, inclinometers are useful for locating the
failure surface in a slope that is moving. The accuracy is typically of the order of a few

millimeters. Conventional borehole extensometers only measure the deformation parallel to

the borehole and are of less benefit in slope applications. Furthermore, borehole
extensometers can only withstand very small shear displacements normal to the hole before
they become useless. Piezometers serve to monitor groundwater pressures; they were
described in Section 2.2.1. Microseismic monitoring has also found its way into open pit
mining, see, for example, Wisecarver et al. (1969), and Stateham and Merrill (1979).
Experience has shown that there is some correlation between measurable rock noise and
slope movement, but quantitative criteria are still lacking. Filtering out the noise from
mining equipment is one problem; another is correcting arrival times for the actual length of
travel for the wave (around the pit bottom rather than across the open void). Microseismic
monitoring still has its niche in open pit mines located in seismically active areas, to detect
seismically active zones which might trigger slope failure.

Implementation of a monitoring program can be done in several steps. Basic monitoring,

such as a survey network with a moderate amount of reflector prisms, should always be
conducted, even if there are no signs of instability. As unstable areas are being detected,
more prisms should be installed and one or several other monitoring systems implemented to
provide redundancy and better knowledge of the mechanisms at work. In critical mining
stages, very intense monitoring should be considered to ensure safe mining (Larocque, 1977).
Simple and reliable techniques are almost always preferred over more complex and expensive
systems. The required measurement accuracy is a question of scale and should match the
anticipated magnitude of displacement. For failing slopes, extremely sensitive measurements
might not be required. On the other hand, one needs high accuracy to detect areas of
potential failure when displacements are still small. One way of determining the accuracy is
to base it on calculated elastic displacements, using e.g., numerical models. This should
represent a lower bound to the required accuracy of a monitoring system.

2.4.4 Contingency Planning

A design based on the avoidance of failure altogether would give a far too conservative
design. Therefore, the risk of failure and the occurrence of failure up to a certain extent
(scale) has to be accepted. Despite careful design work, failures of smaller and larger scale
may still occur. It is of primary importance to make contingency plans to minimize the
impact of slope failures. Savely (1993) provided the following list of contingencies that have
proven successful in open pit mining:

− provide multiple access to the ore faces and pushbacks;

− stockpile ore;
− establish additional ore faces before instability occurs;
− plan wide pushbacks;
− plan a stepout;
− design to prevent noses in the plan geometry;
− provide for failure costs in scheduling and budgeting; and
− add lag times in production scheduling.

The keyword here is flexibility. By ensuring that several faces are accessible and that there is
more than one access road to the pit, the risk that a failure will result in complete termination
of production is reduced. The same goes for planning wide pushbacks and stockpiling some
ore as backup. For cases where the expectation for failure is high, planning a preliminary
stepout (Figure 2.47) can be beneficial, as it reduces the overall slope angle and also provides
some additional confinement at the toe of the slope. This is an additional cost, but additional
ore can be gained at a later stage if the stepout becomes unnecessary. There is also the
potential that a stepout can be recovered at the end of the mine life by doing a mass blast and
loading out the ore using remotely operated equipment.








Figure 2.47 Leaving a stepout in response to a slope failure.

Part of good contingency planning is also trying to anticipate when and where failure can
occur. This can be done by constantly comparing the pit geology and the geotechnical
database with the advance of mining. Furthermore, it is important to keep track of old

unstable areas. The geotechnical slope design should also be continuously updated as mining
progresses with depth. Good planning also makes it possible to mine critical areas selectively
to restrict the extent of potential failure areas. In general, it is important to include the
eventualities of a slope failure at an early stage in the production planning.

In instances where large scale failure actually occurs, there are only a few actions that can be
taken. Simply leaving the failure area is only an option in inactive mining areas or at the very
end of the life of the pit when restoring would be too costly. Continued mining may be an
option provided that the failure mechanism is understood, the failure is slow-moving, and
extensive monitoring is conducted. A stepout could also be planned at this stage (Stewart and
Kennedy, 1971; Munn, 1985; Call and Savely, 1990; Savely, 1993; Call et al., 1993).

However, if the failure is rapid and uncontrollable, none of these strategies works. In this
case, the time between the first detection of instability and slope collapse may even be too
short for removing equipment from the failure area. Providing enough operational flexibility
to continue mining in other portions of the pit becomes even more important in this case;
aside from this, there is very little that can be done in terms of preventive measures. Mining
under such circumstances constitutes a risk that is not currently possible to quantify; hence, a
conservative slope design may be necessary.

2.5 Summary of Current Status and Future Needs

Despite the vast amount of research that has been conducted within the field of rock slope
stability, fundamental issues regarding failure of large scale slopes are still unanswered. This
includes (1) failure mechanisms in large scale rock slopes, (2) design methods for large scale
rock slopes, and (3) input data to design analysis.

Failure Mechanisms

Failure mechanisms of large scale rock slopes are not fully understood. This is particularly
true for possible slope failures in jointed, hard rocks without large scale structural features.
This includes complex mechanisms involving failure both along discontinuities and through
intact rock bridges. Circular shear failures are an often assumed failure mode for weak
and/or heavily jointed rock masses in large scale slopes. However, even for this simplified
macroscopic representation of a slope failure, fundamental issues are still unresolved. This
includes (1) establishing conditions for the shape and location of the failure surface,
(2) determining where such failures initiate and how they progress in the slope, and

(3) determining criteria for when failure initiate. The mechanisms for purely structurally
controlled failures, such as plane shear and wedge failures, are relatively well known.
However, other failures involving a large degree of structural control, such as toppling and
"underdip" toppling and their associated mechanisms, are much more poorly understood.
This comprises (1) conditions for the occurrence of large scale toppling, and (2) description
of the different failure stages (initiation and propagation) of toppling failures. Finally, failure
mechanisms in foliated/schistose rocks are poorly understood, and deserve further studies.

Design Methods

There are many available design tools; their relative merits and shortcomings are summarized

− Purely empirical design methods, such as rock mass classification, although

attractively simple, are not precise enough to be of value for the design of overall and
final pit slopes in open pit mining. In addition, there is a general lack of precedent for
large scale slope failures in hard rock.

− Limit equilibrium methods are simple to use and, thus, very popular in engineering
practice. Drawbacks are the assumption of (1) the rock behaving as a rigid material,
and (2) the shear strength being mobilized at the same time along the entire failure
surface. Furthermore, the failure surface must be known to some extent beforehand.
(At least, its shape and/or approximate location must be known).

− The more rigorous limit analysis is more complex and not easily adapted to slope
problems. Furthermore, an assumption of associated flow (dilation angle equal to
friction angle) must be made, which is not the typical behavior of most rocks.

− Numerical modeling is very versatile and can simulate progressive failure behavior
and deforming materials. In most case, standard commercial software is sufficient for
simulating many aspects of slope failures. However, there are relatively few
examples of where this has been applied successfully. Methods that allow fracture
propagation through intact material are currently being developed, but none of these
methods has yet reached full maturity for practical application. A further drawback of
these methods is that they require an explicit description of the fracture geometry
(pre-existing discontinuities and intact rock bridges), and this is almost impossible to
accomplish for a closely jointed rock mass of large scale.

− Probabilistic methods are useful for risk assessment and to account for the inherent
uncertainties of rock mechanics parameters. On the other hand, they require large
amounts of input data and assumptions regarding the distribution functions. More
importantly, probabilistic design methods are mostly based on a deterministic model
of failure (typically limit equilibrium methods) and are thus subject to the same
limitations as these methods.

Input Data to Design Analysis

The literature review has clearly shown that a major problem is how to determine
representative input data, in particular, rock mass strength, to a stability analysis.
Mathematical models describing the strength of large scale rock masses are lacking, and it is
doubtful whether such models can be developed within the near future. Empirical criteria
oversimplify the actual behavior of a rock mass; on the other hand, they can be used today to
estimate the rock mass strength. Unfortunately, available criteria, such as the Hoek-Brown
failure criterion, have not been verified for large scale slopes. This is partly because of the
lack of case studies of large scale failure, particularly in hard rocks.

Future Needs for Development

From the reviewed literature, it is apparent that no design method is completely satisfactory
for the design of large scale slopes in open pit mining. However, it does appear that the
choice of design method is often less important than the choice of design input parameters.
In addition, the lack of knowledge concerning several potential failure mechanisms in large
scale slopes implies that more work is needed in this area before more sophisticated design
methods (e.g., crack propagation methods) are used. As was evident from the literature,
verifications of actual failure mechanisms are also lacking. Taken together, this suggests that
further studies should focus on (1) describing failure mechanisms, and (2) determining
representative rock mass parameters. Furthermore, a relatively simple and versatile design
methodology for large scale pit slopes is warranted. It is envisioned that such a methodology
could be based on existing design methods (preferably, numerical modeling) and should
include guidelines on the choice of strength parameters. This thesis tries to address these
three issues, as well as application of the design methodology to the Aitik open pit mine.


3.1 Mine Description

3.1.1 Orebody and Production

The Aitik Mine open pit is located some 60 km north of the Arctic Circle in northern Sweden
(Norrbotten County), at latitude 67°07'N and longitude 21°E. It lies about 20 kilometers east
of the city of Gällivare and 100 km south of the city of Kiruna (Figure 3.1). The mine is
owned and operated by the Boliden Ltd. mining company. The copper mineralization was
discoved in the 1930s, but mining did not start until 1968, with a fairly low annual production
(2 Mton of ore per year). Production volumes have increased steadily ever since; currently,
approximately 17 Mton of ore is mined from the pit each year, with a stripping ratio of
around 1:1.

The low-grade copper mineralization occurs as disseminated thin veinlets of chalcopyrite,

along with minor contents of silver and gold. Average ore grades are approximately 0.408 %
Cu, 3.4 ppm Ag and 0.2 ppm Au. From this, some 200 000 tons of concentrate (28.5 % Cu,
200 ppm Ag, 6 ppm Au) are produced from the plant and transported to the Rönnskär smelter
in Skellefteå. Currently, final products amount to approximately 60 000 tons of Cu, 50 000
kg Ag and 1300 kg Au. Although copper is the main metal mined, silver and in particular,
gold, contribute significantly to the profitability of the mine.

The orebody strikes approximately N20°W and dips approximately 45° to the west, and is
approximately 2000 meters long and some 300 meters wide. (A more detailed description of
the geology is given in Section 3.3.) The ore zone can be divided into two portions. In the
northern section, ore grades are relatively constant with depth, whereas they decrease with
depth in the southern section. The ore reserves in the southern section extend to a depth of
around 300 meters below the ground surface. In the northern section, the orebody is known
to be more than 800 meters deep (see Figure 3.2). The total size of the mineralization is
approximately 700 Mton, of which 200 Mton have been mined from 1968 until today.

Figure 3.1 Map of Scandinavia showing the location of the Aitik mine.






Figure 3.2 Longitudinal cross-section showing schematic ore zone geometry and
approximate current mining level at Aitik (not to scale).

3.1.2 Mining Geometry and Operations

Of the total known mineralization, there is a minimum of 200 Mton left to be mined.
According to the current mining plans, mining will continue at least until the year of 2012.
The orebody geometry dictates different final mining depths in the southern and the northern

portions of the pit. The northern section extends from approximately coordinate Y4600
northward, while the south section starts at approximately coordinate Y5100 and extends to
the south (see Figure 3.3). During 1997, the southern section was mined down to the 300
meter level, which is also the final depth. In the northern section, the final mining level will
be at approximately 460 meters, depending on metal prices and future mining costs. The
central section between the northern and southern portions is currently at the 165 meter level
(cf Figure 3.2), but it will be deepened to approximately the 300 meter level in the future.

Today, the pit measures approximately 2500 meters in length and 500 meters in width
(Figure 3.3). The mine coordinate system is roughly aligned with the ore strike. Mine north
is oriented 12° west of geographic north and 15° west of magnetic north (3° magnetic
declination). Hereafter, all orientations are given relative to mine north (Figure 3.3).

The current mining levels are 300 meters in the southern section (final pit) and 270 meters in
the northern section. Ground surface is at zero elevation in the southern end of the pit and
slopes toward the northeast. (Actual elevation above sea level is around 350 meters.) For the
northern footwall (eastern wall), the ground surface is approximately at the 40 meter mining
level; for the hangingwall, it is at the 25 meter mining level. Thus, the actual current slope
height in the northern portion is between 230 and 245 meters.

The main ramp is currently on the footwall, with additional ramps on the hangingwalls. Ore
is transported (by trucks) to an in-pit crusher at the 165 meter mining level. The crushed rock
is transported to the plant by conveyor belt through an underground drift in the southern
footwall. Waste rock is trucked along the hangingwall ramp to dumps located west of the pit.
There is also an old shaft in the footwall, going down to the 110 meter mining level, but this
is not being used today. A more detailed description of the mining operations, equipment,
and milling can be found in, for example, Chadwick (1996).

Mine North

Figure 3.3 Horizontal map showing Aitik mine geometry as of 1997.

3.1.3 Current Slope Design

Current mine design is based on the probability of small scale failures. The design was
proposed in the studies by Call et al. (1976, 1977) and West et al. (1985). Recommended
interramp angles, using a double bench configuration, are shown in Table 3.1. Single bench
heights are 15 meters, with a small drilling offset of 5.5 meters between each single bench. A
catchment area is left for every double bench (Figure 3.4). The drilling offset of 5.5 meters
was chosen so that approximately the same foliation plane would cut through the toe of both
single benches. This was based on a foliation dip angle of 69° in the north and middle
footwall. The final, effective bench face angle is flatter than this angle, due to backbreak
from blasting at the crest. Taking the northern footwall as an example, an effective bench
face angle of at least 60° must be achieved in order to have an interramp slope angle of 47°
(Figure 3.4).

Measurements from aerial photography have shown that, in general, actual interramp slope
angles are slightly flatter than those in Table 3.1 (Petersson, 1988, 1990). In most cases, this
can be attributed to the fact that required bench face angles have not been achieved due to
excessive blast damage. Furthermore, the same drilling offset has, until now, been used
throughout the mine and even on the hangingwall, despite the differences in foliation
orientation. Improved blasting techniques during the last few years have increased the ability
to create steeper bench faces, thus enabling steeper interramp angles if properly implemented
throughout the mine (Krauland, 1996). This also includes adjustment of the bench geometry
to local conditions on the hangingwall side of the mine.

Table 3.1 Recommended interramp slope angles (West et al, 1985).

Sector FN 1) FM 1) FS 1) HN 1) HM 1) HS 1)
Angle [°] 47 42 2) 49 51 56 53
FN = Footwall North, FM = Footwall Middle, FS = Footwall South
HN = Hangingwall North, HM = Hangingwall Middle,
HS = Hangingwall South
An interramp angle of 46° was also recommended, due to the
questionable existence of a large scale fault in the footwall.

Current overall slope angles (including all ramps) and slope heights of the different portions
of the pit are shown in Table 3.2. The flat angles on the hangingwall are the result of the two
pushbacks currently being mined.








Figure 3.4 Recommended catch bench design (after Call et al, 1976; West et al., 1985)
and currently used bench geometry for the northern footwall of the Aitik mine
(not to scale).

Table 3.2 Steepest overall slope angle (including ramps) and total slope height in each
sector of the Aitik mine. Angles were measured in cross-sections for every
200 meters along the strike (slope geometry as of 1998).

Angle [°] 44 42 40 32 32 47
Slope Height [m] 230 125 300 250 145 300

3.1.4 Current Stability Conditions and Slope Monitoring

The stability conditions of the slopes at Aitik are generally good. No signs of large scale
instabilities have been observed, and only relatively few bench-scale failures have occurred.
In the south-west portion of the hangingwall at the 120 meter mining level, several plane
shear failures have been observed, extending over one to two benches in height. These were
first observed in the early 1990s, and were reactivated as recently as the past summer (1998).
Plane shear failures have also occurred in the northern footwall — e.g., on the 210 and 225
meter mining levels (in August 1995). Wedge failures have been noted in the north-east
corner of the pit (spring of 1998). All of these failures occurred along well-defined
discontinuities rarely exceeding one bench in height. Mining interruptions associated with
these failures have been fairly limited.

Monitoring of slope displacements has been carried out on a fairly regular basis since the mid
1980s. A total station has been used to measure the displacement of prisms installed at
various locations in the pit. These measurements did not reveal any significant slope
movements. Due to continued mining, the base point for the total station had to be moved,
which caused an interruption of the measurements during the last few years. New prisms
have now been installed, and a new base point for the total station has been set up on the
hangingwall side of the pit (approximately at coordinates Y4600 and X7500 in Figure 3.3).
Installation and calibration of a new automatic monitoring system is currently conducted
(fall/winter of 1998), but the monitoring system is not yet fully functional.

3.1.5 Future Mining Plans and Slope Design

No additional mining is currently planned for the south section (south of coordinate Y5000 in
Figure 3.3). Two new pushbacks (pushback # 2 and 3, respectively) are currently ongoing in
the north hangingwall (to the west in Figure 3.3). Pushback # 2 is at the 240 meter level, and
pushback # 3 has progressed down to the 120 meter mining level. The fourth pushback will
be mined starting in 1999. This involves pushbacks both on the footwall and the hangingwall
sides (see Figure 3.5 and Figure 3.6). According to current plans, the main ramp will be
relocated to the hangingwall side of the pit. The first ramp on the footwall will be on the 390
meter level. The fifth pushback will start in the year 2002 and will extend down to the 460
meter mining level. Metal prices and production costs will dictate both the final mining
depth in the north section and the decision on whether additional pushbacks will be
considered in the future.

Planned interramp angles are according to Table 3.1. Overall slope angles, including all
ramps, will be approximately 46° for the footwall and 44° for the hangingwall.

Figure 3.5 Vertical cross-section at coordinate Y4000 (looking north), showing current
and future planned pit geometries at Aitik.

Figure 3.6 Future mining plans and planned final pit geometry (pit dimensions on ground surface) at Aitik.

3.2 Development of a Geological and Geomechanical Model

3.2.1 Introduction

As this thesis project was started, it became obvious that it was necessary to develop a
geomechanical model of the Aitik mine, as a basis for subsequent design work. A number of
earlier geological, geomechanical and geohydrological studies have been conducted at Aitik
(e.g., Call et al., 1976; Call et al., 1977; Eriksson and Krauland, 1976; West et al., 1985;
Agmalm, 1988; VIAK, 1981, 1990, 1991). These studies provide excellent background
material but, unfortunately, lack detailed descriptions of potential large scale structures in the
proximity of the pit, as well as data on mechanical properties for the rock mass, particularly
for pre-existing joints and large structures. Furthermore, the mine has grown significantly
deeper since some of these studies were carried out, thus extending into potentially new
geomechanical environments. More recent field observations have also indicated areas with
weaker rock in the footwall (Krauland, 1997) . This underlines the importance of collecting
more field data and updating the interpretation of the geomechanical units of the mine.

In this chapter, a geomechanical model for the Aitik mine is presented. The following six
items were believed to cover the most important geomechanical factors, those which
influence the overall slope stability, and were consequently incorporated in the model:

(1) Geological units — location and extent of the main rock types at Aitik;
(2) Large scale structures — faults, shear zones and discontinuities of the same scale as
the pit slopes;
(3) Joint sets — discontinuities of smaller scale (bench-scale);
(4) Mechanical properties — strength and stiffnesses for intact rock, pre-existing joints
and large scale structures;
(5) Groundwater conditions — geohydrological conditions in and around the pit; and
(6) Rock stress conditions — pre-mining state of stress in the Aitik area.

The potential benefits of an updated geological-geomechanical model can be summarized as


− a basis for assessing the stability conditions of the pit walls;

− input data to analytical and numerical modeling for stability analyses of the overall pit

− comparison with case studies (other open pit mines) for developing better empirical
design guidelines;

− improved mine planning in the short and long term perspective through better overall
knowledge of the geology and the geomechanical environment; and

− identification of critical issues to be investigated for the future mining at Aitik.

It is important to realize that the proposed geomechanical model is not complete. Thus, one
important objective of this work was to identify which issues need to be investigated in more
detail. Future decisions regarding final mining depth will also influence this. The current
geological-geomechanical model will, however, provide the basis for conducting a more
detailed slope design for the overall pit slope than was previously possible.

3.2.2 Conducted Work

Initially, the work was aimed at characterizing the footwall, as this was believed to be the
most critical pit wall. As the work progressed, it was realized that an updated description of
the hangingwall was necessary as well, and additional data were collected from the
hangingwall. Field data collection was concentrated on the northern section of the mine, with
only a few sets of data collected from the southern pit. This was done intentionally, as the
northern pit will stand for the entire future mining production.

A large portion of the development of the geomechanical model consisted of compiling

information from various sources and field investigations, many of which were carried out
several years ago by others. In the following, a short summary is given of what data were
collected and by whom.

A large amount of data concerning geology, geomechanical properties, and geohydrological

conditions was available through earlier studies, both mine-specific and more general
investigations. These were reviewed by the author, and data were extracted as appropriate.
Supplemental geological field mapping to characterize the variations in geology in more
detail, in addition to continuous mapping of new core drill holes, was carried out by the staff
geologist at Aitik. This work was also included in the model.

In addition to ordinary exploration core drilling, three long (350 meter) core holes were
drilled into the north footwall to better characterize the footwall rocks. The cores from these
holes were mapped and tested for strength. Additional mapping of large scale structures and
long joints was also conducted. New field tests included strength mapping using geological
hammer, and Schmidt hammer rebound tests to determine the compressive strengths for the
intact rock. Field tilt tests were used to determine joint strength properties. Various joint
roughness measurements were also conducted in the field. Additional groundwater data were
collected from field measurements and observations, in conjunction with a newly
implemented drainage program. Observations of water levels in production holes were also
used to estimate the location of the phreatic surface. All of the above work was planned and
mainly carried out by the author. However, undergraduate students and staff from the rock
mechanics group in Boliden assisted with some of the mapping and strength testing.

In the following, the data and the tests performed are described separately for each of the
items 1 to 6 in the list above. Furthermore, results from rock mass classification are
presented, and design cross-sections for future stability analysis are compiled.

3.3 Geology

3.3.1 Overview

The Aitik Mine is located along the Kiruna-Ladoga shear zone, a major structure extending
from Lake Ladoga in Russia to Kiruna in Sweden (Figure 3.7). This structure also marks the
boundary between the Karelian plate and the Svecofennian plate. The area around the Aitik
Mine consists of metamorphosed plutonic, volcanic and sedimentary rocks, all of
Precambrian age. Relatively large gabbroic bodies occur farther to the west (most notably
the Dundret gabbro mountain), whereas, farther to the east, granitic rocks dominate (the Lina
granite series). The mine surroundings are relatively flat, with some undulating hills. The
whole region is covered by a fairly uniform moraine layer, often overlain by peat. The total
thickness of the soil layers is generally less than 10 to 20 meters (Monro, 1988; Drake, 1992;
SGU, 1996a, 1996b).

The Aitik mineralization is enclosed by shear zones, which also divide the deposit into
northern and southern sections (cf. Figure 3.2). The ore strikes north-south and dips between
40° and 50° to the west. Chalcopyrite, gold and silver are the economically important
minerals at Aitik. Ore grade mineralization is hosted in the main ore zone gneiss, with minor
copper present in the footwall gneiss. The genesis of the ore has been subject to some
discussion. Monro (1988) argued that the Aitik mineralization is different from classic
porphyry copper deposits and should form its own group of mineralizations, while more
recent investigations (SGU, 1996a, 1996b) indicate the opposite.

In the following, the major geological units will be described from both geological and
geomechanical perspectives. Naming conventions are based on the mineralogical
compositions of the rocks (rather than on a genetic basis) in accordance with Monro (1988).
Historically, several different studies of the Aitik geology have been conducted with different
nomenclature. To facilitate comparisons among these, a table that relates the currently used
names to older terms is provided in Table 3.3. The currently used geological names have
been developed during the last few years, based on extensive mapping and core logging.
They are a slight simplification of the terminology used by Monro (1988). The following
detailed description of the major geological units is based on previous investigations, most
notably by Monro (1988), as well as more recent mapping by the staff at Aitik and
interpretation by the author.

Figure 3.7 Schematic geological map of the Baltic Shield (Monro, 1988).

Table 3.3 Currently used and older terminology for the major geological units (from hangingwall to footwall) at Aitik.

Current Terminology Monro (1988), Drake (1992) West et al. (1985) Call et al. (1976)
Skarnbanded gneiss and sporadic skarnbanded
Amphibole gneiss Hornblende banded gneiss Skarnbanded leptite + Amphibolite
Skarnbanded gneiss and sporadic skarnbanded

Amphibole gneiss Plagioclase hornblende gneiss Skarnbanded leptite

Skarnbanded gneiss and sporadic skarnbanded
Amphibole gneiss Fine-grained quartz-biotite gneiss Skarnbanded leptite
Amphibole gneiss Hornblende banded gneiss Skarnbanded leptite + Amphibolite Amphibolite
Thrust contact Thrust contact
Muscovite schist Muscovite schist, heavily sheared Sericite schist Mica schist
Fine-grained gray quartz-biotite gneiss with thin,
Biotite schist Gneiss Fine-grained biotite gneiss partly with garnet

brittle shear gouge zones
Ore zone

Pegmatite Pegmatite Pegmatite Pegmatite

Muscovite schist Muscovite schist Sericite schist Mica schist
Biotite schist Fine-grained gray quartz-biotite gneiss Gneiss Fine-grained biotite gneiss partly with garnet
Biotite gneiss Fine-grained gray quartz-biotite gneiss Gneiss Fine-grained biotite gneiss partly with garnet
Epidote-feldspar zone Coarse-grained amphibole-epidote-feldspar gneiss
Biotite gneiss with Fine-grained gray quartz biotite gneiss with Skarnschlieren gneiss partly with amphibolite +
Skarnbanded leptite + Amphibolite
amphibole hornblende schlieren Amphibolite

Biotite gneiss Fine-grained dark gray/gray quartz biotite gneiss Gneiss Fine-grained biotite gneiss with skarn
Porphyritic quartz-biotite gneiss (quartz
Diorite Gneiss Coarse-grained gneiss
monzodiorite intrusion)
Biotite gneiss Fine-grained gray quartz-biotite gneiss Gneiss Fine-grained biotite gneiss with skarn

3.3.2 Geological Units


The hangingwall at Aitik is dominated by amphibole gneiss, ranging in composition from

hornblende-banded gneiss, sporadically with gabbroic bodies, to quartz-biotite gneiss farther
out from the ore contact, see Figure 3.8. The hangingwall contact toward the ore zone is an
old thrust contact. Consequently, the economic ore boundary toward the hangingwall is very
distinct. The thrust contact has been subjected to intense shearing, thus reducing its strength
significantly. Clayey material is occasionally found in this zone.

Ore Zone

The main ore zone can be separated into two broad lithological units: (1) muscovite schists in
the upper part toward the hangingwall; and (2) fine-grained biotite gneiss and schist in the
lower part nearer the footwall. Lenses of muscovite schists can sometimes be found closer to
the footwall, as indicated in Figure 3.8. This rock unit exhibits significantly lower strength,
particularly near the hangingwall thrust contact. Also, the biotite schist is weaker than the
biotite gneiss. There is a gradual transition between the biotite schist and the biotite gneiss,
sometimes making it difficult to separate the two. Thin gouge zones, caused by brittle
shearing, occur in the upper part of the ore zone toward the hangingwall (see Figure 3.9).
Pegmatite dykes occur within the ore zone, more frequently nearer the hangingwall. They
typically cross-cut the stratigraphy at high angles and strike subparallel to the orebody.


The footwall rocks are dominated by diorite and biotite gneiss. The footwall biotite gneiss
and the hangingwall amphibole gneiss can be very similar in appearance and also have
similar geomechanical properties. (These two units have been grouped together in some of
the previous studies.) A zone of biotite gneiss with more amphibole occurs close to the
biotite gneiss of the ore zone. The contact between the footwall rocks and the mineralization
is not distinct; it is based on cutoff grade. The coarse-grained amphibole-epidote-feldspar
gneiss zone can be viewed as an approximate ore boundary. However, the economic
mineralization contact generally dips steeper on the footwall side compared to the
hangingwall and cuts through the stratigraphy. Consequently, the upper portion of the
footwall slope (down to approximately the 150 meter level) is located mainly in diorite. The
epidote-feldspar zone is intersected at the 180 meter level; below this, the current footwall

slope is mainly in biotite gneiss. The respective strengths of each rock unit will be discussed
in Section 3.5.

Figure 3.8 Generalized stratigraphic column for Aitik (Monro, 1988).


Figure 3.9 Structural interpretation of the upper part of the ore zone (Monro, 1988).

The majority of the rocks exhibits well-defined foliation (preferred alignment of mica
minerals). However, the foliation is weakly developed in the diorite and in microcline- and
feldspar-rich gneisses (Monro, 1988). The orientation of the foliation and associated joints
will be discussed in Section 3.4.

Updated Geology

Updated geological vertical cross-sections have been compiled for every 200 meters, ranging
from Y3200 to Y6200 (see Figure 3.3). Geological plan maps have been drawn for every 15
meter mining level down to the 400 meter level (Abrahamsson, 1996). Three representative
cross-sections corresponding to the south, middle and north portions of the pit, are shown in
Figure 3.10, Figure 3.11, and Figure 3.12, respectively. The current slope face and the
currently planned future mining geometry are also shown in these figures. A plan map for

the 200 meter mining level is shown in Figure 3.13, along with the current and planned future
pit outline on the ground surface.

From these maps, it can be seen that the diorite, which previously was believed to make up
the entire footwall, is limited in extent. Instead, biotite gneiss dominates the footwall farther
out from the ore boundary. This is most pronounced in the northern portion of the footwall.
There are, however, indices that this type of biotite gneiss is different from the one
encountered in the ore zone. The footwall biotite gneiss may originate from an intrusive rock
similar to the diorite, but it has been subjected to greater metamorphosis in later stages.
However, this requires further studies to verify. Nevertheless, the footwall biotite gneiss in
general exhibits higher strength than the biotite gneisses and schists in the ore zone (see also
Section 3.5.1).

Another important trend is that, in general, the amount of biotite schist in the ore zone
increases with depth. This can partly be attributed to the relatively scarce drilling that has
been carried out so far; hence, only a very rough interpretation of the geology has been
possible. Nonetheless, and since the biotite schist is weaker than both the gneiss and the
diorite, this trend is important to acknowledge for further studies. Also, lenses of muscovite
schist are found relatively close to the footwall, which may have an impact on the overall
slope stability. Settlements on bench scale have already been observed in some of these

Figure 3.10 Vertical cross-section at Y5600 showing major geological units and current (final) pit outline (southern section).

Figure 3.11 Vertical cross-section at Y4600 showing major geological units, along with current and future mining geometries.

Figure 3.12 Vertical cross-section at Y4000 showing major geological units, along with current and future mining geometries.

Figure 3.13 Horizontal plan map of the 200 meter mining level showing major geological units, along with current and future pit outlines
(on ground surface).

3.3.3 Summary

In conclusion, there are eight different rock units in the Aitik Mine. These are, counting from
the hangingwall toward the footwall (see also Figure 3.14):

1. Amphibole gneiss (HW);

2. Muscovite schist (Ore Zone);
3. Pegmatite (Ore Zone);
4. Biotite schist (Ore Zone);
5. Biotite gneiss (Ore Zone);
6. Biotite gneiss with amphibole (Ore Zone/FW);
7. Diorite (FW); and
8. Biotite gneiss (FW).

The pegmatite cross-cuts the general stratigraphic sequence, and muscovite schist is
occasionally found close to the footwall boundary. In addition to these major rock types, a
thin zone of epidote-feldspar marks the approximate footwall contact, whereas the
hangingwall contact is an old thrust fault. The extent of each rock type is relatively well
known for the ore zone and the hangingwall. Despite a few longer drill holes into the
footwall, large parts of the footwall still remain unknown. This suggests that further work
should be focused on better characterizing the footwall rocks and potential large structures in
the footwall (see below).




















Figure 3.14 Simplified typical geological cross-section (not to scale).


3.4 Structures and Joints

In this section, the structural features of the rock mass at Aitik are described. A distinction is
made between large scale structures and joints. Large scale structures are defined as
discontinuities (faults, shear zones, etc.) of a scale similar to the pit dimensions. Hence, the
existence of these structures can directly affect the overall stability of the pit walls. These
features are usually few in number and can be treated individually in the analysis. The word
joints is here used as a collective term for all small scale discontinuities in the rock mass. In
most cases, these are limited in length, essentially affecting the stability of individual
benches, but also the deformability and strength of the large scale rock mass. The large
number of such discontinuities in the rock mass makes it necessary to treat these in a
statistical manner, thus delineating sets of joints that have similar geometrical and mechanical
characteristics. In some cases, joints within a certain joint set can be very persistent,
extending over several benches (but still of smaller scale than those denoted as large scale
structures). These long joints are particularly important from a stability perspective, and
have been treated separately in the following.

3.4.1 Large Scale Structures

Lineament Studies and Geophysical Measurements

Several lineament studies have been conducted to quantify the potential occurrence of large
scale structures in the mine surroundings (VIAK, 1981 and 1990; Axelsson et al., 1993).
Furthermore, geophysical measurements using the VLF technique were carried out by both
VIAK (1981) and Golder Associates (Axelsson et al., 1993). Additional lineament studies
from topographical maps, satellite images and geophysical measurements have been
compiled by the author. It must be noted that these studies only indicate the possible strike of
large scale structures. No information regarding the dip can be obtained.

Starting on a large scale, aeromagnetic measurements carried out within the Nordkalott
Project (Kautsky, 1986) were studied. These revealed a distinct anomaly striking NNW-SSE
in relatively close vicinity of Aitik. This feature is probably coincident with the Kiruna-
Ladoga shear zone (Figure 3.7). A lineament map based on satellite images also showed
major lineaments with strike directions ranging from N-S to N60°W (Ehrenborg, 1984).
Recently updated geological maps (SGU, 1996a and 1996b) support this. Part of the Kiruna-
Ladoga shear zone cuts across the Sakajärvi lake, northeast of the mine. This and other
dominant lineaments, as interpreted from topography by the author, are shown in Figure 3.15.

Mine North

Aitik Pit

Figure 3.15 Major lineaments (thick black lines) interpreted from topography.

Unfortunately, interpreted orientation and location of major structures vary significantly in

other available studies. Consider, for example, the studies by VIAK (1981) and Golder
Associates (Axelsson et al., 1993), both of which claimed to have conducted lineament
analyses as well as VLF measurements. The interpreted major structures from these two
studies are shown in Figure 3.16 and Figure 3.17, respectively. Note that these studies were
conducted in the immediate mine surroundings.

The strong structural pattern in the NNW-SSE direction is evident in both Figure 3.15 and
Figure 3.17, but it is less obvious in Figure 3.16, where structures strike more WNW-ESE. In
addition to the potential weakness zones oriented subparallel to the orebody strike, both the
survey by VIAK and the one by Golder Associates indicated potential large structures cutting
across the pit (oriented approximately in N70W and N70E, respectively).

The study by VIAK also identified a number of conductive zones, running nearly parallel to
the footwall and dipping at 55 - 60° toward the west (see Figure 3.18). The spacing of these
was estimated to be between 50 and 150 meters. However, the exact location of each of the
conductive structures could not be determined (VIAK, 1991). These features could perhaps
be considered as large scale structures. It is not clear, however, whether the conductive zones
are continuous structures. A discussion on the geohydrological conditions at the site will be
given in Section 3.6.

It should be noted that neither of the studies by VIAK and Golder Associates were
specifically targeted at identifying large scale structures that could affect the pit slope
stability. Both were hydrogeological studies aimed at identifying conductive zones for
planning a drainage drilling program (VIAK, 1981) and investigating the hydrogeological
conditions at the tailings dam (Axelsson et al., 1993). Furthermore, by using VLF
measurements, one can only identify structures that are either conductive or clay-filled.
Consequently, it is possible that not all existing large scale features were identified by these

Figure 3.16 Interpreted large scale structures in the Aitik mine surroundings, also showing
current pit outline, mine offices, plant and workshops (after VIAK, 1981).

Figure 3.17 Interpreted large scale structures in the Aitik mine surroundings, also showing
current pit outline, mine offices, plant and workshops (after Axelsson et al.,

Figure 3.18 Interpreted conductive zones at the Aitik mine, also showing current pit
outline, mine offices, plant and workshops (after VIAK, 1981, 1990, 1991).

Results from Previous Mapping and Core Drilling

Call and Nicholas carried out mapping of large scale structures (Call et al., 1976; West et al.,
1985), as did Monro (1988). The NNW-SSE structural pattern indicated in the lineament
studies and by the geophysical measurements was confirmed by Call et al. (1976). Based on
mapping, they also suggested the presence of faults striking east-west in the central and south
sections of the pit. A later study by Call and Nicholas (West et al., 1985) stated that the east-
west trending faults are brecciated zones, often with gouge material. This study also
indicated the presence of "hard zones" — planar features with hard, clayey surfaces, striking
nearly north-south.

In a more detailed study, West et al. (1985) tried to identify potential structures in the central
part of the pit. Mapping revealed two major structures, named A fault and B fault,
respectively. The dip direction and dip of these two structures were 035/90 (A fault) and
300/41-55 (B fault). Re-interpretation of the mapping data suggested that the B fault
represented at least three subparallel faults (faults 1, 2 and 3) with an average dip direction of
285° and dip angles of 41° to 68° (West et al., 1985). Diamond drilling and logging of the
oriented core were conducted to confirm the existence of these faults farther into the footwall.

The results indicated two potential faults (faults 4 and 5, respectively) with an orientation of
285/38 (dip direction/dip) at the position of the suspected B fault. However, the drilling did
not conclusively prove the existence of a fault zone, since the characteristics of these fault
zones were not much different from the surrounding rock (West et al., 1985).

Boliden carried out core drilling with subsequent mapping and testing of the core to try to
identify the major structure B (Krauland, 1984; Tjärnlund, 1984). Unfortunately, structure B
could not be identified from any of these studies. On the other hand, a major structure was
identified in the position of a proposed "hard zone". This structure was characterized by high
fracture frequency (RQD of 25-45 %, but no core loss) over 2 to 6 meters in width with rust-
stained foliation planes. Also, clay material, up to 1 cm thick, could be found in some of the
boreholes. Further investigation by Boliden (Tjärnlund, 1991) also confirmed the existence
of thin (less than 5 mm) clay-filled zones in the footwall; however they were of limited
length. Similar zones were found when mapping a recently excavated drift in the middle
footwall (Lindfors, 1996). These zones strike more-or-less parallel to the ore and dip at
approximately 60° to the west. The data did not permit a more definitive conclusion
regarding the exact location and persistence of such features.

The study by Monro (1988) indicated a series of normal faults striking subparallel to the
orebody footwall and dipping 50 - 60° to the west. Furthermore, Monro (1988) found steeply
dipping east-west oriented faults in the central part of the mine. A summary of interpreted
and mapped structure orientations from the studies reviewed above is given in Figure 3.19.

Results from Recent Mapping and Core Drilling

Three long (350 meter) core holes were drilled into the northern footwall during 1996. The
holes were drilled from the 180 meter mining level with an inclination of around 30°
downward. A limited number of minor shear zones and clay-filled zones (typically of 1 to 2
cm thickness) was found during core logging. Furthermore, the holes intersected at least one
conductive structure, located between 200 to 300 meters into the footwall. The location of
this structure was compared with the interpreted lineament studies, as shown in Figure 3.20.

It is difficult to positively confirm or reject any of the major lineaments. The observed
increased frequency of shear zones in the middle borehole could perhaps be associated with
one major east-west trending structure according to Figure 3.20 a). Furthermore, the location
of the intersected conductive structure agrees relatively well with the previously interpreted

orientation of conductive zones (Figure 3.18). However, due to the limited number of
observations points, other interpretations are also possible.

The lineament studies did not indicate any large scale structures running parallel to the
hangingwall. However, the most dominant visible structure in the entire pit is the
hangingwall thrust contact. It can be seen in the entire hangingwall, although it varies in
width (from a few up to 30 meters) and composition (many fracture planes, occasionally with
clay infillings). The mapped location of the thrust contact is shown in Appendix 1, Figures
A1.6 through A1.8.

a) b)

c) d)

Figure 3.19 Interpreted and mapped orientations of larger structures, represented as poles
and great circles on a lower hemisphere spherical projection: a) lineament
study by VIAK (1981); b) lineament study by Golder Associates (Axelsson et
al., 1993); c) studies of major structures in the middle footwall by Call and
Nicholas (West et al, 1985); d) footwall faults according to Monro (1988).



Figure 3.20 Comparison of lineaments with mapped shear zones from core logging and
intersected conductive zone: a) lineaments from VIAK (1981); b) lineaments
from Axelsson et al. (1993).

3.4.2 Joint Sets

Mapping Campaigns and Results

Joints have been mapped in the pit on several occasions. In the first study by Call et al.
(1976), detail line mapping and oriented core measurements were carried out (also described
in Eriksson and Krauland, 1976). In a subsequent study, additional detail line mapping (13
lines) was conducted, and 4 oriented cores (a total of 520 meters) were studied. Also in this
study, cell mapping of 8.6 km of bench face was carried out, yielding a total of 2609 joints.
These mapping campaigns were carried out up until 1981, with final results being presented
in 1985 (West et al., 1985). Additional cell mapping was conducted by Boliden staff in 1985,
mainly of benches at deeper levels that had been created since 1981 (Agmalm, 1988). In all
these mapping efforts, joint orientation (dip and dip direction), type of joint, joint length, joint
infillings, etc. were recorded. A full description of the methodology for cell mapping is given
in Andersson et al. (1986).

Some differences in joint orientation were found when comparing the various mapping
techniques. It is beyond the scope of this report to discuss this in more detail, but the general
trends with respect to dominant joint sets are similar in all studies. West et al. (1985)
selected the cell mapping data as the most representative, and it was used as a basis for their
subsequent stability analysis. The pit was divided into six structural domains, each with
slightly different dominant joint sets (Table 3.4). Because the pit wall orientation was
relatively constant at this time, West et al. (1985) used design sectors that were identical to
the structural domains. The major joint sets for each design sector are shown in
Figure 3.21. The cell mapping campaign in 1985 (Agmalm, 1988) gave very similar results
in terms of joint orientation. However, slightly longer joint lengths and larger joint spacing
was found in the more recent study. The results are compared in Appendix 1, Tables A1.1
and A1.2, respectively.

It should be noted that in the interpretation of the cell mapping data by West et al. (1985),
virtually no distinction of joint sets in different rock types was made. As the pit has grown
deeper, it has become apparent that different joint patterns might be associated with different
geological units. One example is on the hangingwall, which clearly displays different
jointing above and below the thrust contact — i.e., in the amphibole gneiss compared to the
muscovite and biotite schists. Reinterpretation of the original mapping data from West et al.
(1985) was outside the scope of this work, but it should be considered for future studies.

Table 3.4 Joint sets at Aitik from West et al. (1985); orientations are relative to
Mine North.

Sector Joint Set Dip Direction Dip Maximum Joint Number

Name [°] [°] length [m] Spacing [m] of joints
FOH 286.0 ± 14.2 68.4 ± 13.8 3.9 ± 2.9 1.38 ± 1.0 150
FOF 302.4 ± 13.3 13.5 ± 6.4 5.0 ± 2.7 0.90 ±0.6 55
FN HAE 342.8 ± 12.7 89.1 ± 8.1 4.1 ± 2.8 0.91 ± 6.6? 150
HAW 41.5 ± 17.9 88.8 ± 8.6 2.8 ± 2.1 1.12 ± 0.9 100
MAW 237.7 ± 11.8 51.9 ± 15.4 3.4 ± 2.7 0.98 ± 0.9 41
FOH 290.5 ± 14.6 71.3 ± 12.2 4.6 ± 3.7 1.69 ± 1.0 158
FOM 288.2 ± 14.4 36.2 ± 9.5 5.5 ± 4.9 1.06 ± 0.6 91
HAE 170.7 ± 14.6 90 ± 8.7 4.6 ± 3.3 1.19 ± 0.7 147
HAW 58.6 ± 20.5 88 ± 11.9 2.9 ± 2.7 1.26 ± 0.9 123
FOF 264.1 ± 22.4 20.5 ± 7.8 5.1 ± 4.9 1.00 ± 0.7 51
FOM 271.9 ± 15.6 48.6 ± 8.3 4.1 ± 3.6 1.04 ± 0.8 66
FOH 274.5 ± 14.8 79.7 ± 7.4 3.7 ± 2.9 1.67 ± 1.0 52
HAE 354.2 ± 8.1 88.9 ± 6.0 6.6 ± 3.7 1.12 ± 1.1 90
CRJ 104.9 ± 12.6 39.4 ± 8.8 4.9 ± 1.3 1.19 ± 0.8 54
FOM 292.1 ± 11.1 45.7 ± 10.0 5.5 ± 3.9 0.94 ±0.7 74
HN FOH 284.4 ± 10.9 81.9 ± 5.7 3.8 ± 2.2 1.73 ± 0.9 21
HAE 170.7 ± 13.7 87.8 ± 8.9 4.9 ± 3.7 1.10 ± 0.8 101
HAW 52.1 ± 16.6 89.9 ± 9.7 3.0 ± 2.6 1.38 ± 0.9 87
CRJ 90.9 ± 14.8 37.1 ± 7.2 3.1 ± 1.8 1.16 ± 0.7 37
FOF 277.4 ± 19.2 17.2 ± 7.0 4.8 ± 3.3 1.11 ± 0.8 42
FOM 280.4 ± 12.3 47.9 ± 9.7 5.0 ± 3.9 1.00 ± 0.6 59
FOH 273.7 ± 12.6 77.3 ± 6.9 4.2 ± 2.8 1.82 ± 1.1 38
HAE 161.3 ± 14.7 88.8 ± 6.2 5.3 ± 3.7 1.16 ± 0.8 112
HAW 54.7 ± 13.3 85.5 ± 8.2 3.3 ± 3.0 1.33 ± 1.1 55
CRJ 75.5 ± 21.8 49 ± 12.3 3.3 ± 3.1 0.97 ± 0.7 168
FOM 262.4 ± 14.6 50.5 ± 10.0 4.6 ± 3.9 0.76 ± 0.6 170
HAE 333.6 ± 23.2 90 ± 7.8 4.5 ± 3.1 1.21 ± 1.0 236
HAW 41.4 ± 13.4 86.3 ± 8.4 3.5 ± 2.5 1.11 ± 0.9 81

FN = Footwall North, FM = Footwall Middle, FS = Footwall South

HN = Hangingwall North, HM = Hangingwall Middle, HS = Hangingwall South
CRJ = Cross joint
FOH = High angle foliation
FOM = Middle angle foliation
FOF = Flat angle foliation
HAE = High angle east dipping
HAW = High angle west dipping
MAW = Middle angle west dipping
Note: Orientations, joint lengths and joint spacing are given as mean ± standard

Figure 3.21 Joint set orientations for the six design sectors of the pit as suggested by West
et al. (1985). (Joint sets are represented as great circles on a lower hemisphere
spherical projection; projections have been oriented relative to Mine North.)

The author has carried out additional mapping of the upper levels of the new pushback (# 3)
in the north hangingwall. The resulting joint orientations (not shown here) could also be
found in the earlier cell mapping data, indicating that the overall structural trends are still

The most dominant joint sets in Table 3.4 and Figure 3.21 are the middle and high angle
foliation planes (FOH and FOM, respectively), and the steeply dipping joint sets cutting
across the orebody (HAE and HAW, respectively). These orientations can, to some extent,
be traced back to the large scale structural trends; compare Figure 3.19 and Figure 3.21.

The mapped joint lengths presented in Table 3.4 are, in general, relatively short, with
maximum lengths of less than 10 meters. Values on joint spacing were also quite small,
around 1 to 2 meters. Agmalm (1988) recorded joint spacings of up to 7 meters for the same
joint sets. It was also noted that the mapping methodology — in particular, the interpretation
of joint lengths — was associated with several uncertainties (Agmalm, 1988).

Much longer joints than those indicated in Table 3.4 are readily visible in the pit. Some of
these extend over several double benches. It is possible that the cell mapping methodology
used to identify major joint sets tended to underestimate joint lengths. To remedy this,
additional mapping specifically aimed at quantifying only longer joints (within these joint
sets) was initiated by the author.

Mapping of Long joints

A first attempt at mapping longer joints was done during the summer of 1996 (Abrahamsson,
1996). The results of this effort are shown in Appendix 1, Figures A1.1 and A1.2.
Unfortunately, neither joint lengths nor spacing within one particular set of long joints was
recorded in this study.

A more systematic mapping campaign was undertaken during the summer of 1997. In this
study, joints were mapped in the north footwall and hangingwall, and marked on face maps.
Joint orientations (dip and dip direction) were measured, as well as visible joint lengths along
strike and dip (whenever possible). Several sets of long joints occurred in fairly well-defined
fracture zones. For these cases, the width of the zone and the number of joints per zone were
recorded. The resulting face maps are shown in Appendix 1, Figures A1.3 through A1.5
(footwall) and Figures A1.6 through A1.8 (hangingwall). Recorded joint orientations, joint

lengths and joint spacings are given in Appendix 1, Tables A1.3 and A1.4, respectively. An
overview of mapped joints and fracture zones is given in Figure 3.22.

Figure 3.22 Long joints in the Aitik pit from field mapping during the summer of 1997.
(For a detailed listing of joint orientations, see Appendix 1, Tables A1.3 and

Zones with closely spaced, near-vertical, joints could be observed in both the footwall and the
hangingwall. An example of such a fracture zone in the hangingwall (approximately at
coordinate Y4500) is shown in Figure 3.23. The orientation of these joints agreed well with
that of joint set HAE in Table 3.4 — i.e., striking nearly east-west across the orebody. The
joint length along dip ranged from 15 meters (observable on the footwall) to 120 meters
(observable on the hangingwall). Hence, these joints are significantly longer than what was
indicated by the cell mapping data from West et al. (1985). Joint spacing was around 1 to 4
meters (perpendicular to the joints).

A fracture zone with different orientation was found in the northernmost portion of the
footwall, at the 150 meter level. These joints had a dip direction of around 60° (i.e., roughly
the same as the joint set HAW). However, this fracture zone also contained joints with a dip
direction of 175° (similar to joint set HAE), making this zone highly fractured. Water

seepage has also been noted in this area for many years. Also, a wedge failure, delineated by
these steeply dipping joints was recently observed here (Norström, 1998).

Figure 3.23 Fracture zone with steeply dipping, closely spaced, long joints, observed in the
hangingwall (approximately at coordinate Y4500; compare to Figure 3.3).
The ramp visible is at the 210 meter mining level.

The long, steeply dipping joints appeared to be more frequent in the upper portion of the
footwall (above the 180 meter mining level) and on the hangingwall. Below the 180 meter
level on the footwall, long joints oriented subparallel to the orebody and dipping at 45° to 65°
toward the west dominated (see Figure 3.24). These joints strike nearly parallel to the
foliation of the footwall. However, they are significantly longer than mapped foliation joints,
with observable joint lengths along strike of 50 meters or more. It was also interesting to find
that these joints showed a significant undulation both along strike and along dip, with
variations of up to ± 10° relative to the average orientation.

Figure 3.24 Long joint planes observed in the footwall, striking subparallel to the orebody
and dipping out into the pit (dip of around 45° to 65°). Also shown are the
headframe and the plant (for reference).

These structures coincide with the change in geological setting. The upper levels of the
footwall are located mainly in diorite, whereas the lower portion (roughly below the 180
meter mining level) are located in biotite gneiss. Some of the joint planes are clearly
associated with the epidote-feldspar zone between the diorite and the gneiss.

In addition to the above described features, a few single long joints could be observed both in
the hangingwall and in the footwall. On the footwall, most of these were sub-vertical,
striking nearly perpendicular to the orebody, whereas, on the hangingwall, a few longer joints
oriented roughly parallel to the joint set CRJ (dipping toward the east), could be observed
(see Appendix 1, Figures A1.3 through A1.8 for their location).

Recent mapping has further verified the existence of relatively weak (slick) joint and shear
zones in the lower portion (between the 210 and 270 meter level) of the northern footwall
(Norström, 1998). These features strike parallel to the foliation and dip between 70° and 90°
toward the west and may be associated with the existence of weak muscovite schist in the

It should be noted that the mapping method used here is far from being unbiased. It is likely
that some joint orientations are not adequately represented. In particular, it is difficult to
identify joints that strike parallel to the orebody, except for those that are visible in the
current slope face. Thus, these might be under-represented in the interpretation given above.
On the other hand, it is believed that the majority of the east-west trending, sub-vertical joints
were included.

3.4.3 Summary and Discussion

Large Scale Structures

The existence of large scale structures in the Aitik pit surroundings was assessed through
lineament studies, core drilling, and reviews of previous investigations (lineament studies,
geophysical measurements, mapping and core drilling). Significant discrepancies were found
between the different studies conducted at the site. It was difficult to judge the validity of
some of these studies, as the underlying observation data were not reported by the
investigators. However, some general conclusions could be drawn, as follows.

− There is a strong structural trend in NNW-SSE for the Aitik mine surroundings. The
largest structures appear to follow the regional shear zones (such as the Kiruna-
Ladoga shear zone) in the area.

− Weaker zones subparallel to the footwall are indicated in some of the above studies.
However, the existence of such structures has not been possible to confirm definitely
through core drilling.

− The hangingwall contact consists of a distinct thrust fault that ranges in thickness
from a few to 30 meters. The fault zone is fractured and sometimes contains clayey
material as joint infillings. The hangingwall thrust fault exists throughout the
hangingwall pit slope.

− Several of the studies also indicated the presence of structural features striking east-
west — i.e., nearly perpendicular to the orebody.

It is noteworthy that there is very little actual evidence of larger structures parallel to the
footwall. Although such structures were suggested in several studies, efforts to confirm their
existence through core drilling have failed so far. There are two possible conclusions to be

drawn from this: either the the methods used for verifying such structures are not sufficient,
or the lack of evidence actually means that there are no such features in the northern footwall.

The relative thorough investigations and the fact that both core logging and geophysical
techniques have been used, support the latter statement. Thus, it is assumed that no large
scale structures are present in the footwall. More detailed studies should, nevertheless, be
considered. This could include geophysical borehole logging, but any additional
investigations should be preceded by a quantification of the resolution such methods have
and what can be expected of them in terms of identifying adversely oriented structures.

Joint Sets and Long Joints

Extensive joint mapping (oriented core, detail line and cell mapping) had been carried out
previously and indicated the existence of five to six major joint sets in the pit. The most
dominant of these are the foliation sets, striking nearly parallel to the orebody and dipping
toward the west, and the two joint sets with steeply dipping joints striking NW-SE and nearly
E-W, respectively. Most of these joints are of limited length. Average spacing is between 1
and 2 meters, which makes the rock mass relatively blocky.

In addition, there are also some joints of significantly larger length, as revealed by recent
field mapping. The most dominant of these are steeply-dipping and striking nearly east-west
(perpendicular to the orebody). In addition to these longer joints striking subparallel to the
orebody and dipping toward the west, are found in the footwall. The latter occur more
frequently in the lower portion of the footwall and are associated with the change in footwall
geology (from diorite to biotite- and muscovite schist).

There is some correlation between observed weaker zones in the footwall and the orientation
of the foliation in the footwall rocks. In addition, the steeply dipping joint sets HAW and
HAE (Table 3.4), which form conjugate sets cutting across the orebody, can be associated
with larger structures with similar orientation. The existence of three different sets of
foliation with essentially the same strike but with different dip (as seen in Table 3.4 and
Figure 3.21) is subject to some debate. A proposesd explanation (Abrahamsson, 1996) is that
these joints have formed around stiffer zones in the rock mass, thus creating elongated, "boat-
like" structures (Figure 3.25). This appears to be the case both in horizontal and vertical
cross-sections. A particular example is the southern footwall, which contains a large
intrusive body of diorite that is stiffer than the surrounding gneiss. Consequently, the
variation in foliation dip is also very noticeable in the southern footwall (see Figure 3.21).

However, it is not known whether this occurs both on the small and the large scale; more
work is required to verify the hypothesis.




Figure 3.25 Principal sketch showing "boat-like" structures forming around stiffer rock

Future studies should focus on determining the structural differences among the various rock
types in the pit. It is believed that this can be achieved by sorting the existing cell mapping
data with respect to rock type. No additional mapping of small-scale joints is necessary at
this stage, but it should be considered when the pit has been deepened. Longer joints should
be mapped continuously as the pit is deepened. In particular, the lower portions of the
footwall should be mapped, as this may involve a different geomechanical environment than
previously encountered. A more robust and easy-to-use mapping technique needs to be
developed for this task.

3.5 Mechanical Properties

In this section, the mechanical properties of each of the elements of the rock mass at Aitik are
described. These include the strength of the intact rock material, the strength of joints, and
the strength of large scale structures. The composite strength of the rock mass is not covered
here, but will be discussed later in this thesis. In the following, all known test results are
summarized and representative values extracted. These include data from previous studies as
well as tests and observations by the author.

3.5.1 Intact Rock

Uniaxial Compression Tests

Drill core samples were collected and tested by Call et al. (1976). All tests were carried out
at the University of Arizona Rock Mechanics Laboratory. Core diameters were 32 and 42
mm, and a total of 34 compression tests were completed. The samples were tested normal to
foliation. Ultimate uniaxial compressive strength was recorded, and Young's modulus and
Poisson's ratio were calculated from the stress-strain curves. These test data were later
reinterpreted by West et al. (1985), leading to a reduced set of data. Using the current
naming convention for the geological units at the mine, these test results are shown in Table

Table 3.5 Results from uniaxial compression tests (normal to foliation) from West et al.

Sector Rock Type Compressive Young's Number Poisson's Number

strength, σc modulus, E, of tests ratio, ν of tests
[MPa] [GPa]
HW Amphibole gneiss 138.0 ± 46.6 145.5 ± 119.5 7 0.66 ± 0.68 6
Ore Muscovite schist 104.9 ± 54.7 96.1 ± 100.5 3 0.22 ± 0.09 2
Ore Biotite gneiss 72.3 ± 37.5 47.9 ± 46.7 6 0.26 ± 0.22 4
Ore Pegmatite 93.2 ± 14.5 78.0 ± 61.7 2 0.58 ± 0.11 2
FW Biotite gneiss with
67.8 ± 5.8 40.2 ± 1.4 2 0.24 ± 0.01 2
HW = Hangingwall, FW = Footwall
Note: Values are given as mean ± standard deviation.

The uniaxial compressive strength values appear reasonable, but values on Young's' modulus
and, in particular, Poisson's ratio are unrealistically high. This is especially obvious for the
amphibole gneiss. The scatter is also high for the elastic constants.

Brazilian Disk Tension Tests

Brazilian disk tests were carried out at the University of Arizona Rock Mechanics Laboratory
by Call et al. (1976). A total of 51 tests were conducted; these were reinterpreted and
reduced by West et al. (1985). Results are summarized in Table 3.6. The tensile strengths
vary relatively little with rock type.

Table 3.6 Results from Brazilian disk tension tests from West et al. (1985).

Sector Rock Type Tensile Number

strength, σt of tests
HW Amphibole gneiss 11.9 ± 5.5 15
Ore Muscovite schist 12.4 ± 4.0 6
Ore Biotite gneiss 8.2 ± 2.9 12
Ore Pegmatite 10.1 ± 2.8 6
FW Biotite gneiss with amphibole 8.8 ± 5.3 6
Note: Values are given as mean ± standard deviation.

Triaxial Compression Tests

Triaxial compression tests were also performed at the University of Arizona Rock Mechanics
Laboratory by Call et al. (1976). Confining stresses were in the range of 0 to 15 MPa. These
tests were combined with the uniaxial compression tests to determine the friction angle, φ,
and the cohesion, c, of the intact rock (assuming a linear Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion).
The results were reinterpreted and the values reduced by West et al. (1985), based on an
empirical relation between estimated shear strengths from uniaxial tests and shear strengths
determined from triaxial tests. This resulted in a reduction of cohesion by 2 % and a
reduction of the friction angle by 15 %. However, the validity of this adjustment is difficult
to assess. Final values are shown in Table 3.7.

Table 3.7 Intact rock shear strength, from Call et al. (1976) and West et al. (1985).

Values from Call et al. Values from West et al.

(1976). No reduction (1985). Reduced values.
Sector Rock Type
Cohesion, c Friction angle, φ Cohesion, c Friction angle, φ
[MPa] [°] [MPa] [°]
HW Amphibole gneiss 19.1 61.6 19.8 49
Ore Muscovite schist 13.8 60.5 17.6 44
Ore Biotite gneiss &
12.4 58.6 11.9 45
biotite schist
Ore Pegmatite - - 15.0 46
FW Biotite gneiss with
8.9 60.7 12.0 43
Note: Values are given as mean ± standard deviation.

Point Load Tests

Extensive point load tests on drill cores were carried out by Boliden personnel in conjunction
with the 1976 year study by Call et al. (1976). A total of 160 tests were conducted with
loading normal to the foliation — axial point load tests accoding to ISRM (1984), see Figure
3.26. A total of 281 diametral point load tests were also conducted, in which the loading was
parallel to the foliation. The test results were converted into uniaxial compressive strength
according to ISRM (1984) and are summarized in Table 3.8.



Figure 3.26 Axial and diametral point load tests on drill cores, as tested at Aitik (after
ISRM, 1984).

Table 3.8 Results from point load testing carried out by Aitik staff and reported by Call
et al. (1976).

Sector Rock Type Strength normal to Number Strength parallel to Number

foliation [MPa] of tests foliation [MPa] of tests
HW Amphibole gneiss (1) 197.7 ± 38.4 18 157.1 ± 35.4 36
HW Amphibole gneiss (2) 191.0 ± 39.1 12 167.0 ± 50.7 18
Ore Muscovite schist 137.9 ± 39.5 24 52.2 ± 33.2 35
Ore Biotite gneiss (1) 175.2 ± 33.9 17 117.4 ± 32.6 30
Ore Biotite gneiss (2) 153.0 ± 12.9 12 92.4 ± 10.6 6
Ore Biotite gneiss (3) 147.8 ± 35.4 18 88.7 ± 31.3 36
Ore Pegmatite 149.6 ± 51.4 18 172.9 ± 37.6 36
FW Biotite gneiss with
166.8 ± 37.8 18 121.7 ± 39.1 36
amphibole (1)
FW Biotite gneiss with
amphibole (2) 109.2 ± 20.5 11 73.4 ± 18.8 30
FW Diorite 158.8 ± 42.5 12 104.0 ± 33.7 18
Note: Values are given as mean ± standard deviation.

Table 3.8 presents several sets of values for some rock types. This is due to the different
geological terminology used earlier at Aitik. For the purpose of this report, these values have
been grouped together using the current naming convention for the major geological units.

Point load testing was also carried out by Boliden in 1984 and 1991 (Tjärnlund, 1984, 1991).
These tests were done on core samples from the middle footwall in order to better quantify
the rock strengths for this region. The results showed generally high strength values for the
diorite (> 180 MPa). The biotite gneiss exhibited large strength variations, ranging
approximately between 50 and 200 MPa (similar both normal and parallel to the foliation).
Very low strengths were measured for more biotite-rich gneiss with strengths of
approximatley 32 MPa normal to the foliation and 19 MPa parallel to the foliation planes.

Additional point load testing was conducted by the author on cores from six more recently
drilled boreholes. Boreholes 817 (208 meters long), 826 (254 meters long) and 829 (290
meters long) were drilled into the south footwall in the fall of 1995. Core logging and point
load testing on the 32 mm core was conducted in November 1995. A total of 220 point load
tests were carried out at this time. Boreholes number 841, 855 and 856 were drilled into the
north footwall in the spring of 1996. Borehole lengths were 350 meters for all three holes,
and the obtained core diameter was 42 mm. Core logging and point load tests were

performed in August 1996. In total, 304 tests were conducted on these drill cores. Each
borehole was divided into sections with nearly constant fracture frequency and geology. One
sample was collected from each of these sections. Only diametral tests, with loading
subparallel to the foliation, were carried out for all six holes. Test results are summarized in
Table 3.9.

In all three boreholes in the northern portion of the pit (841, 855 and 856), diorite was only
encountered during the first 30 to 70 meters of drilling into the footwall slope. Farther into
the footwall, biotite gneiss with and without amphibole dominated. The footwall biotite
gneiss in the northern footwall (see Table 3.9) exhibits slightly higher strengths than the
biotite gneiss and schist found in the ore zone (see Table 3.8). As was mentioned in Section
3.3, this could perhaps be attributed to the different geological origin of these two rock types.

Table 3.9 Results from point load testing carried out by the author, with the assistance of
Boliden staff. Core samples are from three boreholes in the south footwall and
three boreholes in the north footwall.

Sector Rock Type Core diameter Strength parallel to Number

[mm] foliation [MPa] of tests
FS - Ore zone Muscovite schist 32 111.8 ± 64.0 32
FS – Ore/FW Biotite gneiss 32 133.8 ± 69.3 55
FS – Ore/FW Biotite gneiss with amphibole 32 62.2 ± 61.3 29
FS – FW Diorite 32 119.9 ± 64.2 104
FN –FW Diorite 42 139.6 ± 49.4 34
FN – FW Biotite gneiss with amphibole 42 121.7 ± 44.0 80
FN - FW Biotite gneiss 42 119.2 ± 46.9 190
FN = Footwall North, FS = Footwall South, FW = Footwall rock
Note: Values are given as mean ± standard deviation.

It should be noted that the diametral test (strength parallel to the foliation) is quite sensitive to
the orientation of the load relative to the foliation orientation. Efforts should be made to
ensure that the load is applied along a single weakness plane (ISRM, 1984); otherwise the
results may be misleading. Some of the tests reported in Table 3.9 were not loaded along a
single foliation plane; hence, these values are less reliable. Furthermore, care should be taken
when comparing diametral point load tests with uniaxial compressive tests with loading
parallel to the foliation, as the loading conditions are not exactly the same.

Schmidt Hammer Tests

Strength testing using a Schmidt hammer was carried out by the author during the fall of
1995 and 1996. Testing was conducted in accordance with the ISRM suggested methods
(Brown, 1981). In total, 110 tests were carried out. The majority of these were done in the
northern footwall and hangingwall, from the 90 meter mining level down to the 255 meter
level. A few tests were also done on bench faces in the southern portion of the pit. All tests
were conducted normal to subnormal to the foliation. The obtained rebound values were
corrected for measurement angle and rock density, and the uniaxial compressive strength was
determined according to Brown (1981). The results, grouped by rock type, are presented in
Table 3.10.

Table 3.10 Results from Schmidt hammer tests.

Sector Rock Type Compressive strength Number

normal to foliation, [MPa] of tests
HW Amphibole gneiss 72.0 ± 34.3 15
Ore Muscovite schist 46.0 ± 13.8 6
Ore Biotite schist 75.0 ± 24.8 3
Ore Biotite gneiss 81.1 ± 21.0 27
Ore Biotite gneiss - more foliated 51.8 ± 20.4 6
Ore Pegmatite 82.5 1
Epidote-feldspar gneiss 101.5 ± 43.3 7
FW Amphibole-epidote-feldspar gneiss 88.2 ± 18.9 22
FW Diorite 82.8 ± 28.5 23
Note: Values are given as mean ± standard deviation.

Strength Mapping using Index Tests

A qualitative strength measurement can be obtained by performing a manual index test using
a knife and a geological hammer (Table 3.11). Ideally, this type of test should be performed
on hand-sized pieces of freshly broken rock. Due to difficulties in obtaining samples of
similar size, a slightly different method was adopted in which tests were carried out directly
on the rock surface of bench faces.

Table 3.11 Strength mapping using knife and geological hammer (after Brown, 1981).

Grade Description Field identification Approximate

σc [MPa]
S1 Very soft clay Easily penetrated several inches by fist < 0.025

S2 Soft clay Easily penetrated several inches by thumb 0.025-0.05

S3 Firm clay Can be penetrated several inches by thumb with moderate effort 0.05 - 0.10

S4 Stiff clay Readily indented by thumb but penetrated only with great effort 0.10 - 0.25

S5 Very stiff clay Readily indented by thumbnail 0.25 - 0.50

S6 Hard clay Indented with difficulty by thumbnail > 0.50

Extremely weak
R0 Indented by thumbnail 0.25-1.0
Crumbles under firm blows with point of geological hammer, can
R1 Very weak rock 1.0-5.0
be peeled by a pocket knife
Can be peeled by a pocket knife with difficulty, shallow
R2 Weak rock 5.0-25
indentations made by firm blow with point of geological hammer
Medium strong Cannot be scraped or peeled with a pocket knife, specimen can be
R3 25-50
rock fractured with single firm blow of geological hammer
Specimen requires more than one blow of geological hammer to
R4 Strong rock 50-100
fracture it
Very strong Specimen requires many blows of geological hammer to fracture
R5 100-250
rock it
R6 Specimen can only be chipped with geological hammer > 250
strong rock
Note: Grades S1 to S6 apply to cohesive soils, for example clays, silty clays, and combinations of silts and
clays with sand, generally slow draining. Discontinuity wall strength will generally be
characterized by grades R0-R6 (rock), while S1-S6 (clay) will generally apply to filled
discontinuities. Some rounding of strength values has been made when converting to SI units.

Strength mapping was done in the north footwall for benches on the mining levels at 90, 150,
180, 210, 240, and 255 meters. On the mining levels at 90, 150, and 180 meters in the north
footwall, strengths were tested every 2 to 5 meters, thus making it possible to draw a diagram
of the strength variations. Strength variations for these are shown in Figure 3.27, Figure 3.28,
and Figure 3.29, respectively. Strength mapping was also conducted in the north end of the
pit on the 120 meter level and in the north hangingwall on the 165 meter mining level, but
with larger intervals between test points (not shown here)

Footwall 90 meter level


x=7900 y=3800 x=7850 y=4600

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Profile number from north to south [meters]

Figure 3.27 Mapped strength values using Table 3.11 for the north footwall, 90 meter

Footwall 150 meter level


x=7852 y=4031 z=150 x=7817 y=4177 z=172

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Profile number from north to south

Figure 3.28 Mapped strength values using Table 3.11 for the north footwall, 150 meter

Footwall 180 meter level


x=7852 y=4031 z=159 x=7752 y=4619 z=180 x=7716 y=5014 z=170

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Profile number from north to south

Figure 3.29 Mapped strength values using Table 3.11 for the north footwall, 180 meter

Strength variations are relatively modest, yielding a value of R2 as the lowest (corresponding
approximately to a range of 5 to 25 MPa for σc). Average values are in the R4-R5 range
(50 < σc < 250 MPa) — i.e., in good agreement with laboratory test results. The lowest
strengths were found in the north hangingwall where thin zones of muscovite schist yielded
an R1-value (1 < σc < 5 MPa). In general, strengths varied more on the hangingwall side,
indicating that a more detailed survey of the hangingwall rocks should be undertaken.

Correlations and Summary

Testing of core samples, either through point load tests or actual laboratory tests, is time-
consuming. A simpler method, such as the strength mapping method described above is
desirable. Since Schmidt hammer testing was conducted simultaneously with the strength
mapping, values from the two can be compared. An example is shown in Figure 3.30 for the
180 meter level in the north footwall. All tests results (Schmidt hammer tests versus
estimated strengths from mapping) for all rock types are summarized in Figure 3.31. Also
plotted is the proposed range for uniaxial compressive strength according to Brown (1981)
(see Table 3.11).

Footwall 180 meter level

6 Strength Mapping 160

σ c from Schmidt hammer tests [MPa]


3 80

Schmidt Hammer Tests
x=7852 y=4031 z=159 x=7752 y=4619 z=180 x=7716 y=5014 z=170

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Profile number from north to south

Figure 3.30 Mapped strength values using Table 3.11 and strengths from Schmidt hammer
tests for the north footwall, 180 meter level.

Strength Correlation: Schmidt hammer tests vs. strength mapping

(all rock types)
Approximate range for σ c (Brown, 1981)
σ c from Schmidt hammer tests [MPa]

Average values







0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Estimated strength (R-value)

Figure 3.31 Correlation between mapped strengths using Table 3.11 and strength
determinations from Schmidt hammer tests. (Average values marked with

There is some correlation between the mapped and the tested strengths, but the scatter is very
large. Also, mapping using Table 3.11 tends to overestimate the strength when compared
against earlier observations by Brown (1981). This could be due to testing being done on the
bench faces, rather than on hand-held samples. It was also found that the correlation was
somewhat stronger for certain rock types, such as the epidote-feldspar zone.

In the nearby Liikavaara deposit, strength mapping was conducted in parallel with point load
testing (Romedahl, 1996). The rock types at this site are similar to those at Aitik, with a few
exceptions. A correlation between these two test methods is shown in Figure 3.32. The
scatter is large for both high and low strength rocks.

Correlation strength mapping vs. point load tests at Liikavaara


range for σ c
σ c from point load tests

250 Average values 1981)





0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Estimated strength (R-value)

Figure 3.32 Correlation between mapped strengths using Table 3.11 and strength
determinations from point load tests, for rocks at Liikavaara. (Average values
marked with circles. Values from Romedahl, 1996).

Further refinements of the strength mapping technique are necessary, but the method shows
some interesting potential. Currently, it can be used for distinguishing weak rock from strong
rock. Furthermore, it is possible to estimate the strength of very weak rocks, something
which is difficult with other methods. The relative simplicity of the method suggests that it
can be used for rapid strength estimates of large areas of the pit walls. A possible area of
application is routine strength mapping of new bench faces as they are created in the pit.

Also, the strength of drill cores can be routinely estimated using this method, thus increasing
the available database on rock strength.

To summarize, the strength of intact rock has been determined using a variety of methods —
in particular the determination of compressive strength. A summary is provided in Table
3.12, in which strengths for similar rock types have been grouped together and averaged. The
determined strength values vary significantly, depending on the test method. Nevertheless,
some trends can be found.

− The muscovite schist exhibits the lowest strength of all the major rock units.

− Biotite schist and biotite gneiss found in the ore zone are both weaker than the
footwall diorite and the hangingwall amphibole gneiss.

− The pegmatite dykes in the ore and the epidote-feldspar zone in the footwall exhibit
high compressive strength.

− In general, most of the tested rocks show lower strength parallel to the foliation
compared to perpendicular to the foliation, but the difference can be relatively small.

It must be noted that the number of strength determinations available from the footwall and
the ore zone are much larger than from the hangingwall. A better description of the
hangingwall rock, also from a rock mechanics perspective, is strongly recommended for
future studies. Also, significantly weaker zones of biotite schist have sporadically been
observed in the footwall. These must be better quantified in the future. An attempt to
provide design rock strengths based on the tests summarized here is given in Section 3.5.4.

Table 3.12 Average values for compressive strengths for rock types at Aitik, determined by uniaxial compression, point load, and Schmidt
hammer tests.

Schmidt hammer tests Laboratory tests Point load tests Point load tests Point load tests
[MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa]
Sector Rock Type
Normal to Number Normal to Number Normal to Number Parallel to Number Parallel to Number
foliation of tests foliation of tests foliation of tests foliation of tests foliation of tests

HW Amphibole gneiss 72.0 ± 34.3 15 138.0 ± 46.6 7 194.3 30 162.1 54

Ore Muscovite schist 46.0 ± 13.8 6 104.9 ± 54.7 3 137.9 ± 39.5 24 52.2 ± 33.2 35 111.8 ± 64.0 32
Ore Biotite schist 75.0 ± 24.8 3
Ore Biotite gneiss 81.1 ± 21.0 27 72.3 ± 37.5 6 158.7 47 99.5 72 133.8 ± 69.3 55
Ore Biotite gneiss – foliation 51.8 ± 20.4 6

Ore Pegmatite 82.5 1 93.2 ± 14.5 2 149.6 ± 51.4 18 172.9 ± 37.6 36
Epidote-feldspar zone 101.5 ± 43.3 7
FW Epidote-feldspar gneiss,
88.2 ± 18.9 22 (67.8 ± 5.8) (138.0) (97.6) 62.2 ± 61.3 29
often with amphibole
FW Diorite 82.8 ± 28.5 23 158.8 ± 42.5 12 104.0 ± 33.7 18 124.8 ± 61.3 138
FW Biotite gneiss
67.8 ± 5.8 2 138.0 29 97.6 66 120.0 ± 46.0 270
(with amphibole)
References This study West et al. (1985) Call et al. (1976) Call et al. (1976) This study
Note: Values are given as mean ± standard deviation.
Values in parentheses indicate possible strength values. (The source location of samples are not known for some of the previous

3.5.2 Joints

Small-Scale Laboratory Shear Tests — Residual Strength

Shear tests were performed at the University of Arizona Rock Mechanics Laboratory by Call
et al. (1976). Small-scale direct shear tests of planar, unfilled fractures were conducted by
testing 32- and 42-mm core samples. Core samples were sawn in half, thus creating an
artificial planar fracture. Testing of these fractures provided values for the residual friction
angle. Tests were carried out under both dry and wet conditions and for different normal
loads (0 to 5 MPa). The residual shear strength values were plotted versus normal stress, and
a straight line was then fitted through these points, thus obtaining values for cohesion and
friction angle. The test results were re-evaluated by West et al. (1985) and are presented in
Table 3.13. Negative cohesion values are solely an effect of the curve-fitting. As can be
seen, all cohesion intercepts are close to zero, indicating that the residual shear strength only
has a frictional component, as is expected.

Table 3.13 Results from small-scale shear tests on sawn surfaces of 32- and 42-mm drill
cores (West et al., 1985).

Dry conditions Wet conditions

Rock Type Friction Cohesion Number Friction Cohesion Number
angle [o] [MPa] of tests Angle[o] [MPa] of tests
Amphibole gneiss 29.9 ± 0.6 -0.057 ± 0.04 3 27.2 ± 3.1 0.036 ± 0.06 6
Muscovite schist 25.6 ± 0.1 0.027 ± 0.02 2 24.1 ± 0.9 0.001 ± 0.06 3
Biotite gneiss 24.7 ± 5.1 -0.067 ± 0.14 4 25.9 ± 2.3 0.006 ± 0.04 8
Biotite gneiss with
28.1 ± 6.0 -0.042 ± 0.08 2
Note: Values are given as mean ± standard deviation.

Large-Scale Laboratory Shear Tests

Large-scale direct shear tests were conducted at the University of Arizona Rock Mechanics
Laboratory by Call et al. (1976). Natural fractures in gneisses and schists, oriented parallel to
the foliation and parallel to the cross joint sets, respectively, were tested by shearing mated
joint samples of 150 by 150 mm size. These were denoted as "large scale shear tests" by Call
et al. (1976), although in reality, they measure the joint shear strength on a relatively small
scale. Tests were run for both dry and wet conditions under different normal loads ranging

from 0 to approximately 4 MPa. For each normal load, two forward and two reverse shear
tests were done. The residual shear loads and the corresponding normal loads were used to
calculate residual shear and normal stresses, which were fitted to a linear Mohr-Coulomb
relation, thus obtaining cohesion and friction angle for each sample.

Slightly higher friction angles were found for forward shearing than for reverse shearing.
This could be due to the shearing off of asperities of the joint surface during forward shearing
and accumulation of gouge on the surfaces, which would reduce the shear strength during
subsequent reverse shearing. Also, existing surface asperities could play different roles,
depending on the direction of shearing. To negate the effects of fracture surface tilt and to
account for variability in surface roughness, the forward and reverse values were averaged by
Call et al. (1976). These results were later re-evaluated by West et al. (1985) and are shown
in Table 3.14. In addition to the test results under dry and wet conditions, West et al (1985)
also provided shear strengths for combined wet and dry conditions. The combined values
were obtained by simply averaging results from those conditions, and are shown in Table
3.14 (obvious misprints have been corrected from the original report).

Table 3.14 Results from direct shear tests on natural fractures, 150 by 150 mm size (West
et al., 1985).

Dry conditions Wet conditions Combined wet and dry

Rock Type conditions
and Joint Set Friction Cohesion Friction Cohesion Friction Cohesion
angle [°] [MPa] angle [°] [MPa] angle [°] [MPa]
Amphibole gneiss —
26.5 0.27 ± 0.18 29.1 0.18 ± 0.13 27.8 0.23 ± 0.14
Amphibole gneiss —
27.9 0.17 ± 0.20 29.7 0.18 ± 0.11 28.8 0.17 ± 0.13
Cross Joint
Muscovite schist —
26.3 0.18 ± 0.13 26.2 0.75 ± 0.96 26.2 0.13 ± 0.11
Muscovite schist —
34.2 0.18 ± 0.20 29.0 0.21 ± 0.17 31.6 0.20 ± 0.17
Cross Joint
Note: Values are given as mean ± standard deviation.

Call et al. (1976) and West et al. (1985) also fitted a power curve (as proposed by Jaeger,
1971) to the experimental data. This resulted in only slightly better curve fits, which do not
justify the use of a more complicated failure criterion. Consequently, only the linear Mohr-
Coulomb parameters are presented here.

Field Tilt Tests

To supplement the laboratory shear tests, the author conducted simple tilt tests in the field.
Using a portable tilt table, which allowed testing of sample sizes up to approximately 0.3 by
0.2 meter in area, joint samples were collected from various portions of the pit and tested on
site. Only mated joints were tested. Actual joint orientations in situ for each collected
sample were also measured. In total, 73 joint samples were successfully tested, with each
sample being tilted 3 to 4 times and the average tilt angle determined. Most of the tilt tests
were done in the dip direction of the joints. For joints showing varying roughness in different
directions, tilt tests in different directions were carried out and the results averaged. All tilt
angles are summarized in Figure 3.33.

The tilt angle represents the total friction angle for the joint (including the effect of asperities)
at low normal stresses. At higher normal stresses, the resulting friction angle will be lower.
This is accounted for in Barton's shear strength criterion for joints, which can be written
(Barton, 1976; Barton and Choubey, 1977):

  JCS  
τ s = σ n ⋅ tan JRC ⋅ log  + φ b 
 (3.1)
  σn  

τs = shear strength,
σn = normal stress,
JRC = Joint Roughness Coefficient,
JCS = Joint Wall Compressive Strength, and
φb = basic friction angle.

The basic friction angle is the shear resistance of flat, unweathered rock surfaces; thus
Equation (3.1) is applicable for unweathered joints. For a more general case, the parameter
φb can be replaced with the residual joint shear strength, φj,res. For dry, unweathered joint
surfaces, the residual friction angle is equal to the basic friction angle, whereas it can be

significantly lower for weathered surfaces. Barton and Choubey (1977) also suggested a
method to calculate φj,res from φb. However, since most joints at Aitik show very little
weathering and only minor joint infillings, this has not been used here.

Histogram of Tilt Angles (All Tests)

16 100.00%

Frequency (No. of Tests)


8 50.00% Frequency

Cumulative %

0 .00%
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Tilt angles [°]

Figure 3.33 Histogram of tilt angles obtained from field tilt test.

Using Equation (3.1), the Joint Roughness Coefficient, JRC, can be determined from the tilt
test results, as follows:

α t − φb
JRC = (3.2)
 JCS 
log 
 n 

αt = tilt angle when sliding occurs, and

σn = normal stress (effective stress) when sliding occurs.

To be able to calculate JRC, it is necessary to have values for JCS and φb. The joint wall
compressive strength, JCS, was determined from Schmidt hammer tests conducted for each
sample. (Results from these were shown in Table 3.10.) The basic friction angle was
determined from tilt tests on planar, diamond-sawn surfaces. Samples were collected for

each major rock type in the mine and prepared and tested accordingly in the Rock Mechanics
Laboratory at the Luleå University of Technology. In total, 98 tests on 25 different samples
were performed. The resulting basic friction angles are presented in Table 3.15. All samples
were cut parallel to the foliation and were thus tested with sliding parallel to the foliation.
Additional tests on drill cores with sliding normal to the foliation gave somewhat higher
values for the basic friction angle (35° to 38° for the diorite and biotite gneiss, respectively).
In the following, only values for sliding parallel to the foliation from Table 3.15 are used,
thus giving slightly conservative estimates of the total joint shear strength.

Table 3.15 Results from tilts tests on diamond-sawn surfaces, parallel to foliation.

Sector Rock Type Basic friction Number

angle [°] of tests
HW Amphibole gneiss 26.7 ± 3.3 28
Ore Muscovite schist 29.7 4
Ore Biotite gneiss 30.1 ± 3.6 16
Ore Pegmatite 27.5 4
FW Amphibole-epidote-feldspar gneiss 29.8 ± 3.0 19
FW Diorite 31.1 ± 1.4 27
Note: Values are given as mean ± standard deviation.

The values in Table 3.10 and Table 3.15 were used together with Equation (3.2) to calculate
the value of JRC from each separate tilt test. All calculated JRC values are presented in the
histogram in Figure 3.34. These values were then grouped per joint orientation and according
to rock type; the final results are shown in Table 3.16.

Histogram of JRC -values from Tilt Test

16 100.00%

Frequency (No. of Tests)


8 50.00% Frequency
Cumulative %

0 .00%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Figure 3.34 Summary of calculated values of JRC from field tilt tests.

Table 3.16 Calculated values of JRC from field tilt tests.

Joint Set Dip Direction/Dip Rock Type JRC Number

Name of tests
CRJ 054/52 Amphibole gneiss 5.7 ± 0.9 2
FOH 259-295/60-74 Biotite gneiss 4.0 ± 1.6 16
FOM 255-315/45 Amphibole gneiss 5.1 ± 1.7 14
FOM 230-290/42-55 Muscovite schist 2.8 ± 1.6 14
FOM 243-290/40-55 Biotite gneiss 4.9 ± 2.5 4
FOM 266/57 Diorite 5.3 ± 0.3 2
FOF 295/20 Diorite 6.5 ± 0.1 2
HAE 345/84 Diorite 2.6 ± 2.5 2
HAW 243/86 Diorite-biotite gneiss 3.8 ± 0.5 2
320/64 320/64 Biotite gneiss 5.6 ± 2.1 4
306/44 306/44 Diorite-biotite gneiss 2.9 ± 1.3 3
280/85 280/85 Diorite 1.6 ± 1.5 2
055/20 055/20 Diorite 6.0 ± 0.5 2
Horizontal 0/0 Diorite 3.7 ± 1.4 4
Note: Values are given as mean ± standard deviation.

Scale Relations

Because these values represent the shear strength on a small scale (typically 10 to 15 cm
length), they must be scaled to the actual joint length that is involved in a particular failure.
With increasing scale, the relative importance of the joint roughness decreases (Bandis et al.,
1981). Barton and Bandis (1982) suggested the following relations for scaling JRC and JCS:

−0 .02⋅ JRC o
L 
JRC n = JRC o  n  (3.3)
 Lo 

−0 .03⋅ JRCo
L 
JCS n = JCS o  n  (3.4)
 Lo 


JRCn = JRC-value for field scale,

JRC0 = JRC-value for laboratory scale,
JCSn = JCS-value for field scale,
JCS0 = JCS-value for laboratory scale (nominal length of L0 = 100 mm),
Ln = field scale, and
L0 = laboratory scale.

Equations (3.3) and (3.4) were derived from shear tests on blocks ranging in size from 100 to
1000 mm, and extrapolated outside this range (Barton and Bandis, 1982). As was shown by
Helgstedt (1997), these scaling relations are generally not reliable for values of JRC0 > 10
and Ln > 5-10 meters.

Based on previous joint mapping results (see Section 3.4.2), it was decided to scale the joint
strength parameters to lengths of 1, 5, and 10 meters, respectively. The results are shown in
Table 3.17. As expected, the average JRC-values decrease with increasing joint length, as
does the standard deviation. JRC typically ranges from 1 to 4, with most values in the
interval of 3 to 4, for Ln = 5 meters.

Table 3.17 Scaled values of JRC from field tilt tests and using Equations (3.3) and (3.4).

Joint Set Dip Direction/Dip Rock Type JRCn JRCn JRCn

Name Ln = 1 m Ln = 5 m Ln = 10 m
CRJ 054/52 Amphibole gneiss 4.5 ± 0.8 3.8 ± 0.6 3.5 ± 0.5
FOH 259-295/60-74 Biotite gneiss 3.3 ± 1.2 2.9 ± 0.9 2.7 ± 0.8
FOM 255-315/45 Amphibole gneiss 4.2 ± 1.2 3.5 ± 0.9 3.2 ± 0.8
FOM 230-290/42-55 Muscovite schist 2.4 ± 1.2 2.1 ± 0.9 2.0 ± 0.8
FOM 243-290/40-55 Biotite gneiss 3.9 ± 1.8 3.2 ± 1.3 3.0 ± 1.2
FOM 266/57 Diorite 4.3 ± 0.2 3.6 ± 0.1 3.4 ± 0.1
FOF 295/20 Diorite 5.1 ± 0.1 4.1 ± 0.1 3.8 ± 0.0
HAE 345/84 Diorite 2.3 ± 2.2 2.1 ± 1.9 2.0 ± 1.7
HAW 243/86 Diorite-biotite gneiss 3.2 ± 0.4 2.8 ± 0.3 2.7 ± 0.2
320/64 320/64 Biotite gneiss 4.2 ± 1.0 3.5 ± 0.6 3.2 ± 0.5
306/44 306/44 Diorite-biotite gneiss 2.5 ± 1.0 2.3 ± 0.8 2.2 ± 0.7
280/85 280/85 Diorite 1.5 ± 1.3 1.3 ± 1.1 1.3 ± 1.1
055/20 055/20 Diorite 4.7 ± 0.3 3.9 ± 0.2 3.6 ± 0.2
Horizontal 0/0 Diorite 3.2 ± 1.0 2.8 ± 0.7 2.7 ± 0.6
Note: Values are given as mean ± standard deviation.

Field Estimates of Joint Roughness

Additional estimates of the joint roughness were obtained through field measurements using a
profile meter. Joint profiles were measured over a length of 10 cm. The obtained profiles
were compared with the typical joint roughness profiles and corresponding JRC-values
published by Barton and Choubey (1977). This enabled crude but rapid estimates of the joint
roughness to be undertaken for a larger number of joints in the open pit. The results from this
survey are summarized in Table 3.18. The average values have also been scaled to a joint
length of 5 meters, using Equations (3.3) and (3.4). JRC-values determined from tilt tests of
the same joint sets are shown for comparison.

It can be concluded that the average values obtained from profile measurements are similar to
those determined from tilt tests. However, the JRC-values from the profile measurements
indicate slightly larger variability of the joint roughness. Furthermore, it was possible to
measure the joint roughness for more joint sets, compared to the tilt tests. (It was not

possible to obtain mated samples for all joint sets.) Finally, when scaled to larger joint
length, JRC tends to converge to values of around 3 to 4.

Table 3.18 Estimated values of JRC from roughness measurements in the field using a
profile meter, and corresponding JRC-values from tilt tests. Also shown are
average JRC-values scaled to joint lengths of 5 meters, using Equations (3.3)
and (3.4).

Joint Set Rock Type JRC JRC- Number JRC JRC — JRC from
Name Mean range of tests from tilt profile meter tilt test
Value tests (Scaled to: (Scaled to:
Ln = 5 m) Ln = 5 m)
FOM Amphibole gneiss 6.0 4 – 10 14 5.1 ± 1.7 3.7 3.5 ± 0.9
HAE Amphibole gneiss 6.1 4–8 7 3.8
HAW Amphibole gneiss 6.0 4-8 6 3.7
FOH Biotite gneiss 4.7 2–8 26 4.0 ± 1.6 3.2 2.7 ± 1.1
FOM Biotite gneiss 5.5 4–8 4 4.9 ± 2.5 3.6 3.2 ± 1.3
HAE Biotite gneiss 4.4 2–8 30 3.1
HAW Biotite gneiss 4.3 2–6 3 3.1
MAW Biotite gneiss 4.7 2–6 7 3.2
301/79 Biotite gneiss 4.5 2–6 4 3.2
088/69 Biotite gneiss 6.3 4–8 6 3.8
053/20 Biotite gneiss 5.0 4–6 2 3.4
Horizontal Biotite gneiss 5.4 2 – 10 10 3.5
CRJ Diorite 5.7 4–8 3 3.6
FOM Diorite 5.7 2 – 10 22 5.3 ± 0.3 3.6 3.6 ± 0.1
FOH Diorite 4.3 2–6 3 3.1
HAE Diorite 5.0 2 – 10 52 2.6 ± 2.5 3.4 2.1 ± 1.9
HAW Diorite 4.6 2–8 9 3.8 ± 0.5 3.2 2.8 ± 0.3
MAW Diorite 6.3 4–8 3 3.8
Horizontal Diorite 6.6 4 – 10 18 3.7 ± 1.4 3.9 2.8 ± 0.7

In addition to this, measurements were taken of the flattest dip angle on observed fall-outs
and slides on benches in the northern footwall of the pit. The flattest dip angle thus
represents the frictional resistance (basic friction angle plus asperity angle) that must have

been overcome for sliding to occur. Measurements were done over approximately a 10 cm
length of the joint surfaces. The results are summarized in Figure 3.35.

It is obvious that this is not a very precise measure of the joint friction, since it also includes
variations in dip of the pre-existing discontinuities in the rock mass (and perhaps different
joint sets). Furthermore, fall-outs may have occurred under the action of external forces,
such as blasting, elevated groundwater pressure, or frost action. Variations are therefore
large, but Figure 3.35 shows that values as low as 30 - 35° can occur. The data did not permit
correlations between observed slide angles and different locations in the mine. However, for
each of the mining levels mapped, the minimum slide angle was in the range of 30 - 40°, thus
corresponding to relatively smooth joint surfaces. The majority of the measured slide angles
are in the range of 45° to 55°, which corresponds well to the tilt angles shown in Figure 3.33.

Histogram of Slide Angles

40 100.00%

Frequency (No. of Tests)


20 50.00% Frequency

0 .00%
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Slide angles [°]

Figure 3.35 Histogram of measured flattest dip angle of fall-outs and slides in the northern

Equivalent Cohesion and Friction Angle

The Barton criterion [Equation (3.1)] results in a curved shear strength envelope (dependent
on the normal stress acting on the joint plane). Most of the available analytical and numerical
design methods do not have the ability to model a curved strength envelope. Rather, they
rely on the linear Mohr-Coulomb criterion for describing joint strength. Consequently, it is
often convenient to calculate equivalent joint cohesion, cj, and joint friction angle, φj, from
the Barton criterion.

The instantaneous friction angle can be calculated by differentiating the Barton criterion (idea
from Hoek et al. (1995) with corrected misprints):

 ∂τ 
φ j = arctan s  , (3.5)
 ∂σ n 

∂τ s  JCS  JRC   
= tan JRC log + φ b  − 1 + tan 2  JRC log JCS + φ b   . (3.6)
∂σ n σn   σn 
  ln 10   

The instantaneous joint cohesion is determined from

c j = τ s − σ n tan φ j , (3.7)

with τs from Equation (3.1).

This requires that the normal stress on the joint plane, σn, is known. The normal stress can
vary significantly depending on the location of the joint plane in relation to the slope face
(higher normal stress in the toe and the interior of the slope compared to the crest and the
face). However, for the purpose of determining approximate values of the cohesion and the
friction angle, an estimate of the normal stress is sufficient. In the following, normal stress
levels of 1 and 5 MPa were assumed. Furthermore, only values from the field tilt tests were
used, as JCS was not determined for each joint roughness measurement.

The instantaneous cohesion and friction angle were calculated from JRC- and JCS-values
scaled to joint lengths of 5 meters. An example is shown in Figure 3.36. The Barton
envelope is only slightly curved and the linear Mohr-Coulomb envelope approximates it
relatively well. Hence, a more rigorous curve-fitting (such as regression analysis) is not
warranted for this case.

The obtained values on cohesion and friction angle were averaged per joint set, and are
shown in Table 3.19. Friction angles vary from around 30° to 35°. More importantly, the
scatter within each joint set is typically equal to or less than 2°. Furthermore, the friction
angles are approximately the same for joint sets in different rock types, perhaps with the
exception of joints in amphibole gneiss, which have slightly lower friction angles. Values on
the cohesion are in general low and close to zero, particularly for σn = 1 MPa. The friction
angles are, in general, higher, and the cohesion lower, than the values obtained from previous
laboratory tests under the same normal stress range (West et al., 1985 and Table 3.14).

The curvature of the Barton shear strength envelope is modest for most cases, which explains
the relatively small difference between the obtained friction angles for different normal stress
levels. Virtually all joints at Aitik have only minor infillings. Furthermore, the joint surfaces
are relatively planar. Taken together, this implies that it is reasonable to set the joint
cohesion to zero and only use the friction angles in Table 3.19 as design strengths. This also
yields slightly conservative values.

Joint Shear Strength Criteria

Barton vs. Mohr-Coulomb

Tangent at σ n =1 MPa

Shear Stress [MPa]

3 Tangent at σ n =5 MPa
Barton Criterion
Mohr-Coulomb (1 MPa)

1 Mohr-Coulomb (5 MPa)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Normal Stress [MPa]

Figure 3.36 Barton shear strength envelope (solid line) for a joint with JRC = 2.8,
JCS = 65.3, φb = 29.8, and linear Coulomb slip criteria fitted as tangents
to the Barton envelope at σn = 1 and 5 MPa, respectively, giving φj = 33,
cj = 0.1 (σn =1 MPa), and φj = 31, cj = 0.2 (σn = 5 MPa).

Table 3.19 Calculated instantaneous cohesion and friction angle from tilt tests at Aitik.

Joint Set Dip Direction/ Rock Type Ln = 5 m Ln = 5 m

Name Dip σn = 1 MPa σn = 5 MPa
φj [°] cj [MPa] φj [°] cj [MPa]
CRJ 054/52 Amphibole gneiss 29 ± 2.2 0.1 ± 0.0 27 ± 1.8 0.2 ± 0.1
FOH 259-295/60-74 Biotite gneiss 34 ± 1.3 0.1 ± 0.0 32 ± 1.3 0.2 ± 0.1
FOM 255-315/45 Amphibole gneiss 30 ± 2.6 0.1 ± 0.0 28 ± 2.4 0.2 ± 0.1
FOM 230-290/42-55 Muscovite schist 31 ± 0.6 0.0 ± 0.0 30 ± 0.2 0.1 ± 0.1
FOM 243-290/40-55 Biotite gneiss 32 ± 2.1 0.1 ± 0.0 29 ± 2.5 0.2 ± 0.1
FOM 266/57 Diorite 35 ± 0.4 0.1 ± 0.0 32 ± 0.3 0.3 ± 0.0
FOF 295/20 Diorite 34 ± 0.0 0.1 ± 0.0 31 ± 0.0 0.3 ± 0.0
HAE 345/84 Diorite 33 ± 1.4 0.0 ± 0.0 32 ± 0.2 0.2 ± 0.1
HAW 243/86 Diorite-biotite gneiss 33 ± 1.6 0.1 ± 0.0 31 ± 1.4 0.2 ± 0.0
320/64 320/64 Biotite gneiss 32 ± 0.2 0.1 ± 0.0 30 ± 0.3 0.3 ± 0.0
306/44 306/44 Diorite-biotite gneiss 33 ± 0.9 0.0 ± 0.0 32 ± 0.4 0.2 ± 0.1
280/85 280/85 Diorite 32 ± 1.1 0.0 ± 0.0 32 ± 0.3 0.1 ± 0.1
055/20 055/20 Diorite 35 ± 0.1 0.1 ± 0.0 33 ± 0.0 0.3 ± 0.0
Horizontal 0/0 Diorite 34 ± 0.4 0.1 ± 0.0 32 ± 0.1 0.2 ± 0.1
Note: Values are given as mean ± standard deviation. The standard deviation for cj is
often less than 0.1 MPa, hence the zero values in the above Table.

Large scale waviness of long joints

The tilt tests only account for small scale undulations of the joint surface. For undulations of
larger scale, an undulation angle, iu, can be incorporated into the Barton criterion (see e.g.,
Bandis, 1992)

  JCS n  
τ s = σ n ⋅ tan JRC n ⋅ log  + φ b + iu  .
 (3.8)
  σn  

The undulation angle was estimated for the long joints mapped in the Aitik pit (Appendix 1,
Table A1.3). Based on the variation in dip and dip direction, an undulation angle of
iu = 5 - 10° appeared reasonable. This applies to the subvertical fracture zones (parallel to
joint sets HAE and HAW) and the long joints on the footwall (roughly parallel to the

foliation). Taking the previously determined values of JRCn and JCSn for 5 and 10 meter
joint lengths, the equivalent friction angle and cohesion can be calculated, using Equations
(3.5) through (3.7). This was done for the steeply dipping joints (joint sets HAE and HAW)
with an assumed normal stress of σn = 5 MPa, thus yielding the values in Table 3.20.

Table 3.20 Calculated friction angle and cohesion for long joints at Aitik.

Joint Set Undulation Ln = 5 m Ln = 10 m

Name Angle, σn = 5 MPa σn = 5 MPa
iu [°] φj [°] cj [MPa] φj [°] cj [MPa]
HAE 5 36 ± 0.0 0.2 ± 0.2 36 ± 0.1 0.2 ± 0.2
HAE 10 41 ± 0.2 0.3 ± 0.3 41 ± 0.3 0.3 ± 0.2
HAW 5 36 ± 1.3 0.3 ± 0.1 36 ± 1.3 0.3 ± 0.0
HAW 10 41 ± 1.3 0.4 ± 0.1 41 ± 1.2 0.3 ± 0.1
Note: Values are given as mean ± standard deviation.


Several methods have been used to determine the joint shear strength for the different joint
sets and different rock types at Aitik. The field tilt tests are believed to give the most reliable
and representative values of the joint shear strength. Field estimates of joint roughness using
a profile meter gave similar JRC-values. Previous laboratory shear tests gave, in general,
lower friction angles, but the number of tests were also very few. Hence, it can be questioned
whether these tests were representative.

The joint shear strength values from the tilt tests and the roughness measurements are
summarized in Table 3.21, sorted by rock type and joint set. JRC-values were scaled to joint
lengths of 5 meters, and the equivalent friction angle is for a normal stress of 5 MPa. Zero
cohesion was assumed for all joints, hence giving slightly conservative strength estimates.
All friction angles are in the range of 27° to 32° — i.e., fairly close to the basic friction
angles for the rock types (Table 3.15). For longer joints (when including these explicitly in a
stability analysis), the large scale waviness is typically between 5° and 10°, giving total joint
friction angles of around 35 - 40°. The relatively small difference in friction angles for
different joint sets might imply that similar values apply to other joint sets, but this could not
be tested in this study. Design joint shear strengths will be presented in Section 3.5.4 of this

Table 3.21 Summary of joint shear strengths at Aitik, determined from tilt tests and field
estimates of joint roughness, sorted by location, joint sets and rock type.

Sector Joint Set Name Rock Type Ln = 5 m Ln = 5 m

σn = 5 MPa
JRCn φj [°]
FOH Biotite gneiss 2.7 - 3.2 32
FOM Biotite gneiss 3.2 - 3.6
HAE Biotite gneiss 3.1
HAW Biotite gneiss - diorite 2.8 - 3.1 31
FW- 1)
MAW Biotite gneiss 3.2
320/64, 301/79 Biotite gneiss 3.2 - 3.5 30
088/69 Biotite gneiss 3.8
053/20 Biotite gneiss 3.4
Horizontal Biotite gneiss 3.5
FOM Diorite 3.6 32
FOH Diorite 3.1
FOF Diorite 4.1 31
HAE Diorite 2.1 - 3.4 3
HAW Diorite 3.2
FW MAW Diorite 3.8
306/44 Diorite-biotite gneiss 2.3 32
055/20 Diorite 3.9 33
280/85 Diorite 1.3 32
Horizontal Diorite 2.8 - 3.9 32
CRJ Diorite 3.6
HW FOM Muscovite schist 2.1 30
CRJ Amphibole gneiss 3.8 27
FOM Amphibole gneiss 3.5 - 3.7 28
HW 1)
HAE Amphibole gneiss 3.8
HAW Amphibole gneiss 3.7
Only JRC-values available; hence, friction angle could not be calculated.
FW = Footwall, HW = Hangingwall

3.5.3 Large Scale Structures

The only positively identified large scale structure at Aitik is the hangingwall thrust fault.
This fault zone contains numerous joints. Tilt tests were conducted on small scale samples of
the joint within the fault zone. This gave the strength values presented in Table 3.22.

Table 3.22 Properties of joints within the hangingwall fault zone.

Ln = 5 m Ln = 5 m
L0 = 0.09-0.15 m Ln = 5 m
φb σn = 1 MPa σn = 5 MPa
φj [°] cj [MPa] φj [°] cj [MPa]
[MPa] [MPa]
29.7 41 2.6 ± 1.4 30.7 2.6 ± 0.9 31 ± 0.6 0.0 ± 0.0 30 ± 0.1 0.2 ± 0.1
Note: Values are given as mean ± standard deviation.

These values are representative for joints without infillings. The clay material occasionally
found in the fault zone has a significantly lower compressive strength. Index testing, using
Table 3.11, gave a strength grade of S3 to S5, roughly corresponding to σc = 0.05 - 0.5 MPa.
Taking this into account, the overall shear strength of the fault zone may have to be
downgraded from the values in Table 3.22. Furthermore, these values are only representative
of the small scale joints within the fault zone. The shear strength of the fault zone as such (on
a larger scale) may be different. This strength is very difficult to assess quantitatively, since
the large physical scale makes testing practically impossible. Existing experience reported in
the literature (Hökmark and Pusch, 1992; Leijon, 1993; Pusch, 1996) indicates that the
friction angle for fracture zones of a scale similar to the hangingwall fault varies from around
15° to 30°.

Taken together, this indicates that the friction angle of the hangingwall fault is at most 30°,
but values as low as 15 - 20° may have to be considered in a stability analysis. Furthermore,
the fault should be represented as a fractured medium with a finite thickness, rather than as a
single discontinuity.

3.5.4 Design Strength Values

The strength values for both intact rock and joints can now be summarized and simplified
into design strengths for Aitik, for subsequent use in stability analyses. For the design
strengths parallel to the foliation, more emphasis were put on the uniaxial compressive tests,
since some of the point load tests were not loaded along the same foliation plane (subparallel
to the foliation, cf. Figure 3.26). The resulting design strengths are presented in Table 3.23
and Table 3.24. For intact rock strengths, it should be noted that the pegmatite and the
epidote-felspar zone are not foliated; hence, they show no strength anisotropy. The diorite is
less foliated than the gneiss and therefore also exhibits less strength anisotropy.

Table 3.23 Design intact rock strengths (values in parenthesis are estimated without any
test data).

Compressive strength Compressive strength

parallel to foliation normal to foliation
Sector Rock Type Typical Approximate Typical Approximate
value range [MPa] value range [MPa]
[MPa] [MPa]
HW Amphibole gneiss 150 100-200 175 100-200
Ore Muscovite schist 50 30-100 50 30-140
Ore Biotite schist (65) (50-100) 75 50-100
Ore Biotite gneiss 100 50-150 120 50-150
Ore Pegmatite 150 100-200 150 100-200
Epidote-feldspar zone (100) (60-140) 100 60-140
FW Amphibole-epidote-feldspar gneiss 70 60-100 100 70-110
FW Diorite 120 60-180 140 80-200
FW Biotite gneiss (with amphibole) 120 70-160 140 80-160

Because the differences, in general, were small, the same strengths have been given to all
joint sets. However, a slight distinction has been made with respect to rock type, thus giving
the lowest friction angles for joints in the amphibole gneiss and the highest for joints in the
diorite. Cohesion has been assumed zero for all joint sets.

Table 3.24 Design joint shear strengths (values in parenthesis are estimated without any
test data).

Friction Angle
Joint Set
Sector Rock Type Typical Approximate
value [°] range [°]
HW Amphibole gneiss All 28 27-30
Hangingwall fault All 25 20-30
Ore Muscovite schist All 30 30-32
Ore Biotite schist All (30) (30-32)
Ore Biotite gneiss All 32 30-34
Ore Pegmatite - - -
Epidote-feldspar zone (30) (30-34)
FW Amphibole-epidote-feldspar gneiss All (30) (30-34)
FW Diorite All 32 30-35
FW Biotite gneiss with amphibole All (32) (30-35)
All All rock types — Long joints HAE, HAW 36 34-41

3.6 Geohydrological Conditions

3.6.1 Previous Studies

A number of studies on the groundwater conditions at Aitik have been conducted by VIAK
(1980, 1990, 1991). In addition, Call et al. (1976) and West et al. (1985) discussed the
hydrological conditions at the mine. In the latter study, it was argued that the location of the
phreatic surface was that of a slightly inclined plane. This was contrasted by the more
detailed groundwater studies by VIAK, in which it was stated that this was an overly
simplistic model of the groundwater conditions. The studies by VIAK included structural
analysis for identifying potential conductive structures, observations of wet areas in the pit,
test pumping, etc. The later studies (VIAK, 1990, 1991) focused on the conditions in the
footwall. In these studies, it was found that water inflow in boreholes occurred suddenly, as
coming from relatively distinct zones. The same was noted during construction of the
conveyor belt tunnel in the sourthern footwall (approximately located at coordinate Y5200,
see Figure 3.3). It was also observed that the old shaft in the footwall (approximately at
coordinates Y4700, X7950 in Figure 3.3) was partly filled with water. From the VIAK
studies (1980, 1990, 1991), the following was concluded.

− The south portion of the footwall is relatively impermeable, whereas the northern
portion of the footwall is considered much more permeable.

− The water table is located fairly close to the slope face of the footwall.

− The groundwater flow (both on the hangingwall and the footwall) is controlled by
large scale conductive zones around the pit.

− The orientation of the most conductive zones is subparallel to the orebody and
dipping at 55° to 60° toward the west, with an estimated spacing of around 100
meters, as shown in Figure 3.18. However, the exact location of each of the
conductive zones could not be determined.

A drainage plan was suggested to penetrate the conductive zones (VIAK, 1990, 1991).
However, drilling of the first drainage hole in 1993 resulted in virtually no water inflow at all,
and further drilling was suspended. In this program, it was also suggested that a hole be
drilled from the pit to penetrate and drain the shaft, but this was not implemented at that time.

3.6.2 Drainage Program

The previously described drilling of the three long core holes into the northern footwall
provided an opportunity to test the hypothesis of hydraulically conductive structures in the
footwall. Furthermore, these holes can be thought of a first step toward implementing a mine
drainage program. During drilling, any sudden increases in water inflow were noted, along
with the corresponding drilling depth. Significant water inflow was encountered in all three
core holes at a depth of between 150 and 250 meters. Water inflow was initially of the order
of 4-6 m3/h, declining to a value of around 1-2 m3/h after a few weeks, with the exception of
hole 856 from which markedly higher flow rates were recorded (see Figure 3.37).

Water Inflow - Footwall North

856 855


Water inflow m /h


Core hole no. 856

4.00 Core hole no. 855
Core hole no. 841
3.00 Total Inflow



05-maj 10-maj 15-maj 20-maj 25-maj 30-maj 04-jun 09-jun 14-jun
Date - Spring-Summer 1996

Figure 3.37 Water inflow from core holes in the northern footwall of the Aitik pit,
measured during 1996.

The various hole depths at which water was encountered could, tentatively, be joined by a
plane as shown in Figure 3.38. (Water inflow measurements confirmed that at least two of
the holes were hydraulically connected.) The orientation of this plane agrees very well with
the major hydraulically conductive orientations in Figure 3.18. Since only three points were
used to construct this plane, the dip of the plane could not be determined with any accuracy.

Figure 3.38 Interpreted conductive structure from drilling into the northern footwall in
1996 (hatched area), compared with conductive zones according to VIAK
(1981, 1990, 1991).

A more comprehensive drainage program was planned and implemented in the mine during
the summer of 1997. The program was aimed at dewatering the northern footwall of the pit
and comprised drilling of sub-horizontal drainage holes. The drainage program was planned
with a successively decreased spacing of drainage holes should the first holes not provide
sufficient drainage of the pit walls. An initial hole spacing of 120 meters was used, with
possible extra holes at a spacing of 60 meters. A hole diameter of 140 mm was used, and all
holes, except one, were drilled 15° downward, partly to allow for possible geophysical
logging of the holes at a later stage. The remaining hole was drilled 15° upward. Water
inflow was recorded during drilling, as well as during the following months. Concurrent with
the drilling of these drains, a single, longer hole was drilled toward the bottom of the shaft
(110 meter level), to empty the shaft of water.

The necessary length of the drainage holes should be related to the volume affected by a
potential failure. Assuming a circular mode of failure and a rock-mass friction angle of 30°
(conservative estimate), the critical location of the failure surface was calculated using the
charts published by Hoek and Bray (1981). This was done for the cases of a fully saturated
and a fully drained slope, respectively, and is shown in Figure 3.39. For drainage of the
upper mining levels (drilling from the 180 and 270 meter mining level), a hole length of 120

meters appeared sufficient. Longer holes might have to be considered for deeper mining
levels (more deep-seated potential failure surface).

Figure 3.39 Estimated necessary length of drainage holes based on assumed circular
failure and a 30° friction angle for the rock mass.

Initially, drilling was planned on the 180 and 90 meter level, to be followed by the 270 meter
level when mining reaches this depth. It was also planned to install 30 meter long casing in
all boreholes and to attach a manometer and a valve at the hole collar. The latter would
enable water pressures to be measured.

However, as drilling started from the ramp on the 180 meter mining level, only the upward
oriented hole (Hole no. 3) yielded a consistent water inflow. Minor leakage was observed
during drilling of holes nos. 4 and 5, but, after drilling stopped, no inflow could be observed.
All other holes remained dry. Additional holes were drilled (at 60-meter spacing), but none
yielded any water. As a consequence, no drainage drilling was conducted on the 90 meter
mining level. The locations of the drilled drainage holes are shown in Figure 3.40.

Figure 3.40 Horizontal map showing the locations of drilled drainage holes and previously
drilled long core holes on the 180 meter mining level.

In hole no. 3, a distinct increase in water inflow was noted at a depth of 106 meters. The total
inflow into the pit from this hole and two of the previously drilled core holes is shown in
Figure 3.41. The amount of inflow increased significantly after a heavy rainfall. It appears
unlikely that one single rainfall event immediately raised the groundwater table within the
rock mass. Hence, this increase in flow rate might have originated from water flowing into
open joints located close to the slope face. Apart from this increase, the inflow remained
fairly constant over time.

The rate of water inflow is not a very good measure of the water pressures within the slope.
However, since most drainage holes were dry, groundwater pressures could not be measured
as planned. Casing (30 meters long), a manometer, and a valve were only installed in hole
no. 3. Recorded water pressure versus time after the valve was closed is shown in Figure
3.42. The water pressure reached a constant value fairly quickly. This pressure correspondes
to approximately 27 meter head of water. With the hole collar approximately 150 meters
below the ground surface, it is clear that the footwall is not subjected to very high
groundwater pressures.

Water Inflow - Footwall North

Heavy rainfall (40
2.50 mm) on July 8.
Water also flowing Core hole no. 855
from holes no. 4
and 7 Drainage hole no. 3
2.00 Core hole no. 841
Moderate rainfall
on July 16
Water inflow [m /h]




16-Jun 6-Jul 26-Jul 15-Aug 4-Sep 24-Sep
Date - Summer-Fall 1997

Figure 3.41 Water inflow from drainage holes and core holes in the northern footwall of
the Aitik pit, measured during 1997. (For location of the holes, see Figure

Water Pressure in Drainage Hole No. 3


Water Pressure [MPa]


Drainage hole no. 3,
measured on September 30


0 60 120 180 240 300 360
Time after closing valve [minutes]

Figure 3.42 Water pressure measured at the collar of hole no. 3 in September 1997.

3.6.3 Observations and Measurements

Earlier measurements of groundwater levels in vertical boreholes located around the pit crest
have shown that the groundwater level has remained fairly high despite the increase in pit
depth. In 1994, the water table was approximately between 10 and 30 meters below the
ground surface. Perhaps more important is that deepening of the pit has not been
accompanied by a similar lowering of the water table. During the period 1988 - 1994 (six
years), the average lowering of the water table was 0.70 meter per year. The pit was
deepened 60 meters during the same period (Abrahamsson, 1995).

The latest of these measurements was conducted in 1994. Since then, measurement has
become impossible in several of these holes, or the holes themselves have been lost due to
mining activities. Rather than spending time on drilling new observation holes, it was
decided to use existing production holes to estimate the level of the drawdown curve in the
pit walls. A measurement campaign to determine water levels in production holes was
carried out during the summer of 1997. A total of 10 blasts were covered, of which 2 were
from the pit bottom at the southern portion of the pit, 3 were from pushback # 2 on the
hangingwall (210 meter level) and 5 from pushback # 3 on the hangingwall (90 meter level)
(see also Figure 3.43).

The results are presented in Appendix 2, Figures A2.1 through A2.11. In addition to these
measurements, observations of face seepage on the pit walls of the northern portion were
recorded during 1997. These data are presented in Appendix 2, Figures A2.12 through

For all the blasts on the hangingwall side, water levels in the production holes varied from
being close to the borehole collar near the unblasted rock to almost dry holes near the new
bench face, as shown in Figure 3.44. This is in accordance with what could be expected and
indicates that the water level within the pit hangingwall is fairly high. The dry zone near the
face can be related to horizontal blast damage (holes 41 to 43 in Figure 3.44 b). Additional
measurements at the pit bottom of the southern section of the mine showed consistently high
water levels (2 to 3 meters below the pit floor). The fact that the uppermost 2 to 3 meters of
the boreholes were dry both in the hangingwall and the pit bottom can perhaps be attributed
to blast damage in the vertical direction.

516 517

612 & 612-2


449 615

Figure 3.43 Location of blasts (blast number in boxes) for which water levels in the
production holes were measured.

The observed face seepage also gives an indication of the possible location of the water table.
On the footwall, there was virtually no observable seepage, except for the northeast corner,
where two fracture zones intersected. On the hangingwall side, face seepage was observable
on many levels and over almost the entire pit wall. Assuming that the slope face intersects
that water table at the points of observed seepage, it is possible to construct an approximate
water table for the hangingwall. Measured water levels from the production boreholes were
also included. Three cross-sections, each containing information from two blasts on two
different levels, were chosen for constructing the drawdown curve. These were located at
coordinates Y4200, Y4341, and Y4500. Cross-sections Y4200 and Y4500 also coincide with
the location of drainage hole no. 3 and boreholes nos. 855 and 841, respectively (compare
Figure 3.40). The resulting interpreted location of the water table in these cross-sections is
shown in Figure 3.45, Figure 3.46 and Figure 3.47, respectively.

One general conclusion is that the water table is located close to the slope face on the
hangingwall side. On the footwall side, however, the lack of face seepage and water in the
drainage holes suggest that there is a drained zone of approximately 100 to 120 meters
(horizontal distance) close to the slope face.

a) Water in production holes - blast 517

Hole 158 to 162

Hole 157 to 153
Hole 136 to 140
Hole 135 to 120
Hole 114 to 124
Hole 113 to 102
Hole number

Hole 90 to 101
Hole 89 to 78
Hole 66 to 77
Hole 65 to 54
Hole 41 to 53
Hole 40 to 28
Hole 15 to 27
Hole 14 to 1
Row number 13
Bench face 1

b) Water Levels - Production Holes # 41 to 53 (Blast 517)

7.5 m

Hole Number
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53


Interpreted Water Table
Depth [m]




14.00 Water-Filled


Figure 3.44 Example of measured water levels in production holes of blast no. 517,
northern hangingwall (90 meter mining level). The bars indicate the distance
from the borehole collar to the water level in each borehole: a) all blast holes;
b) holes # 41 to 53 (one row).

Figure 3.45 Vertical cross-section (looking north) at coordinate Y4200, showing

constructed water table (dashed line) based on observed face seepage and
measured water levels in production holes.

Figure 3.46 Vertical cross-section (looking north) at coordinate Y4341, showing

constructed water table (dashed line) based on observed face seepage and
measured water levels in production holes.

Figure 3.47 Vertical cross-section (looking north) at coordinate Y4500, showing

constructed water table (dashed line) based on observed face seepage and
measured water levels in production holes.

3.6.4 Summary

The geohydrological conditions at Aitik are complex, and the present knowledge is still fairly
limited. Based on the data presented above, the following conclusions can be drawn.

− In the northern hangingwall slope of the pit, the water table is located very close to
the slope face. Fully saturated conditions can thus be assumed for the northern

− In the northern footwall, it appears that drained conditions apply to a 100- to 120-
meter wide zone close to the slope face.

− A potential conductive zone in the northern footwall was intersected by core holes at a
distance of around 200 meters from the slope face. The studies by VIAK (1980,
1990, 1991) suggested a spacing of around 100 meters for such zones, but this could
not be verified in the present study. Furthermore, no signs of such zones were found
in the pit ends, where it is logical that they should have been exposed.

Although the findings by VIAK could not be verified in the present study, they cannot be
discarded. Conductive zones were confirmed during the construction of the conveyor belt
tunnel in the southern portion of the footwall, while their existence in the northern footwall
are more doubtful.

It would be desirable to investigate this further; from a practical perspective, however, it is

probably better to spend existing resources on implementing a mine drainage program. It is
important to continue drainage drilling in the northern footwall, to ensure drained conditions
as mining proceeds downward. Furthermore, since the hangingwall is subjected to high
groundwater levels, drainage drilling should also be considered on the hangingwall, when
final pit walls are being developed (pushback # 4 and/or # 5).

3.7 Rock Stress Conditions

No stress measurements have been conducted at Aitik. Consequently, the local virgin stress
state can only be estimated. In the following, regional and local trends are described and
extrapolated as appropriate to arrive at a plausible pre-mining stress state at Aitik.

3.7.1 Regional and Local Trends

The World Stress Map is a worldwide database containing information on the contemporary
tectonic stresses in the Earth's crust. The database is currently maintained at the Geophysical
Institute of Karlsruhe University (WSM, 1998). It contains data on the stress state derived
from earthquake focal plane mechanisms, wellbore breakouts, hydraulic fracturing stress
measurements, overcoring stress measurements, fault slip data, and volcanic vent alignments
(for a description see, e.g., Amadei and Stephansson, 1997). To date, the interpretation has
focused on determining the overall stress pattern (tectonic regime and orientation of
maximum principal horizontal stress). An example of this for Scandinavia is shown in Figure
3.48. The orientation of maximum horizontal stress varies significantly. However, for the
northern part of Sweden, an E-W orientation seems to dominate. Also, by examining the
individual data points in the database, one finds that the two horizontal stress components
both are larger than the vertical stress (thrust faulting stress regime). The vertical virgin
stress is attributed to the weight of the overlying material.

A more precise estimate of the magnitude of the stress field can be obtained from conducted
measurements in Scandinavia. Amadei and Stephansson (1997) summarized linear
regression data from overcoring and hydraulic fracturing measurements. Stress
measurements using hydraulic fracturing were conducted in deep boreholes and can, in most
cases, be regarded as representative of the virgin stress. Most of the overcoring data were
conducted in underground mines, with varying distance to nearby excavations. Hence, it is
likely that many of these measurements reflected the induced, rather than the virgin, stress
state. Because these have not been adjusted, data from overcoring measurements are less
reliable in this respect. The average stress state from hydraulic fracturing measurements in
Fennoscandia is as follows, with stresses in MPa and z being the depth below the ground
surface in meters (Amadei and Stephansson, 1997; 0 - 1000 meter depth):

σ H = 2.8 + 0.0399 z , (3.9)

σ h = 2.2 + 0.0240 z . (3.10)


0˚ 10˚ 20˚ 30˚

focal mechanism
hydro. fractures
geol. indicators
70˚ Regime: 70˚
 (1996-97) World Stress Map

60˚ 60˚

0˚ 10˚ 20˚ 30˚

World Stress Map Rel. 1997-1 Projection: Mercator
Heidelberg Academy of the Humanities and Sciences
University of Karlsruhe / International Lithosphere Program

Figure 3.48 Orientation of maximum principal horizontal stress in Scandinavia. Tectonic

stress regimes are indicated by the symbols; NF = normal faulting (σv > σH >
σh), SS = strike slip (σH > σv > σh), TF = thrust faulting (σH > σh > σv), U =
unknown (WSM, 1998).

The virgin vertical stress is normally assumed to be purely due to the weight of the overlying
rock — i.e.,

σ v = 0.027 z . (3.11)

In addition to these data, stress measurements have been conducted both in the Kiirunavaara
mine (some 100 kilometers north of Aitik) and the nearby Malmberget mine (approximately
20 kilometers northwest of Aitik). Both are underground iron ore mines, owned and operated
by the LKAB mining company. Measurement results from both sites indicate higher
horizontal than vertical virgin stress. At Kiirunavaara, a stress gradient of 0.036 (σh) to 0.04
(σH) MPa/m was found from regression analysis on the measured stress (Paganus and
Stephansson, 1990). The major horizontal stress was found to be oriented perpendicular to
the orebody strike (i.e., nearly east-west).

At the Malmberget mine, even higher stress gradients were found for the induced stress.
Rutqvist and Sjöberg (1987) conducted a back-calculation of the virgin stress state using
numerical modeling, which gave stress gradients that were about twice as large as those in
Equations (3.9) and (3.10). However, the finite element mesh used in this analysis was very
coarse, which might have seriously influenced the results. Therefore, these data are regarded
as being less reliable.

3.7.2 Extrapolation to Aitik

All evidence points to the fact that the virgin stress state at Aitik is characterized by higher
horizontal than vertical virgin stresses. Furthermore, the major principal horizontal stress is
likely to be oriented approximately east-west — i.e., nearly perpendicular to the orebody. In
absence of stress measurements at the site, the magnitude of the virgin stress can be assumed
to follow local trends in Sweden and the nearby surroundings. Equations (3.9) through (3.11)
are considered to be the best estimates available of the local stress field at Aitik, with
orientations as described above. The resulting equations are reproduced below:

σ EW = σ H = 2.8 + 0.0399 z , (3.12)

σ NS = σ h = 2.2 + 0.0240 z , (3.13)

σ v = 0.027 z , (3.14)


σEW = σH = maximum principal horizontal stress, oriented east-west (perpendicular

to the orebody) in MPa,
σNS = σh = minimum principal horizontal stress, oriented north-south (parallel
to the orebody) in MPa,
σv = vertical virgin stresss in MPa, and
z = depth below the ground surface in meters.

This gives a K-value (σH/σv) of between 2.5 at 100 meters, and 1.7 at 500 meters below the
ground surface.

3.8 Design Sections and Input Data

3.8.1 Representative Cross-Section

The geomechanical model presented in this chapter forms the basis for subsequent design
analyses of the overall stability of the Aitik pit slopes. It is practically unreasonable to
analyze several cross-sections of the pit. Rather, it was decided to construct a representative
cross-section of the north pit, as all future production will be concentrated in this portion of
the pit. The representative cross-section was based on the existing geological cross-sections
oriented east-west (cf. Figure 3.11 and Figure 3.12). It is envisioned that primarily two-
dimensional design analyses will be conducted; hence, a cross-section located roughly in the
middle of the future northern pit was selected, at coordinate Y4000 (see also Figure 3.5 and
Figure 3.6).

The typical geology of the northern portion was drawn on section Y4000 by transferring
geological maps from several cross-sections (such as those shown in Figure 3.11 and Figure
3.12) onto section Y4000. The geology was simplified somewhat to facilitate analysis. The
resulting geological interpretation is shown in Figure 3.49. Pegmatite dykes were not
included, as they are relatively limited in width, and of relatively high strength, and thus not
believed to affect the overall stability of the pit slopes. The only positively confirmed large
scale structure is the hangingwall fault, as shown in Figure 3.50. This fault zone overlies and
sometimes coincides with the muscovite schist zone in the hangingwall.

All rock types, except diorite, exhibit pronounced foliation. For the northern footwall
(including the ore zone), the most dominant foliation orientation strikes parallel to sub-
parallel to the ore and dips, on average, 68° toward west. On the hangingwall side, the
foliation dips between 46° (most frequent) and 82° toward west. The foliation is not shown
in the figures below, but it needs to be accounted for in the stability analysis. Input data in
the form of strength values should be taken from the design strength values presented in
Table 3.23 and Table 3.24 in Section 3.5.4.

For future mining without any additional drainage, the water table will most likely follow the
slope face, as shown in Figure 3.51. Alternatively, if drainage is conducted in a similar
manner as outlined in Section 3.6.2 (120-meter long holes on 30- to 60-meter spacing), it is
conceivable that an approximately 100-meter wide drained zone can be obtained both on the
footwall and the hangingwall (see Figure 3.52).

Figure 3.49 Representative cross-section at Y4000 (looking north) showing current and
future mining geometries and major rock units.

Figure 3.50 Representative cross-section at Y4000 (looking north) showing current and
future mining geometries and confirmed large scale structures.

Figure 3.51 Representative cross-section at Y4000 (looking north) showing current and
future mining geometries and probable location of the water table without
further drainage drilling (worst case).

Figure 3.52 Representative cross-section at Y4000 (looking north) showing current and
future mining geometries and probable location of the water table with
continued drainage drilling in the future (best case).

3.8.2 Rock Mass Classification

The above presented data allow the rock mass at Aitik to be classified. The purpose of the
classification is to: (1) facilitate comparisons with other open pits with respect to
geomechanical environment, and (2) enable assessment of the rock mass strength, using the
Hoek-Brown failure criterion. The latter approach will be described in Chapter 5 and used on
the Aitik data in Chapter 8. For this purpose, it was decided to use the original version of the
CSIR-RMR Geomechanics Classification System (Bieniawski, 1976). This is reproduced in
Table 3.25.

Each of the major rock units was classified according to Bieniawski's recommendations. Dry
conditions were assumed, corresponding to a rating of 10 for the groundwater parameter in
Bieniawski's system, and no adjustments for joint orientation were made. Instead, the effect
of joint orientation and groundwater conditions should be accounted for in the stability
analysis. Typical (representative) values for each of the parameters were chosen for each
rock type. The results are summarized in Table 3.26.

The hangingwall thrust contact zone has been classified as a rock unit, as it has significant
thickness and comprises several discontinuities. The rock within the thrust fault zone is
normally muscovite schist of varying quality. It was found that all rock types were in the
range of "good rock" (RMR = 61 to 80; see Bieniawski, 1976), except for the muscovite
schist and the hangingwall thrust contact, which could be considered as "fair rock" (RMR =
41 - 60). The values in Table 3.26 are average values for each rock unit. The rock mass
quality can vary considerably within one unit; hence, it is important to allow for some
variation of the RMR-values in the stability analysis (e.g., through a parameter study).
Application to the design of the Aitik pit slopes will be presented in Chapter 8.

Table 3.25 The 1976 version of the CSIR Geomechanical Classification System (after Bieniawski, 1976).


For this low range —
Strength > 8 MPa 4 - 8 MPa 2 - 4 MPa 1 - 2 MPa uniaxial compressive
strength index
of intact test is preferred
1 rock Uniaxial
material 10-25 3-10 1-3
compressive > 200 MPa 100 - 200 MPa 50 - 100 MPa 25 - 50 MPa
Rating 15 12 7 4 2 1 0
Drill core quality RQD 90 % - 100 % 75 % - 90 % 50 % - 75 % 25 %-50 % < 25 %
Rating 20 17 13 8 3
Spacing of joints >3m 1-3m 0.3 - 1 m 50 - 300 mm < 50mm
Rating 30 25 20 10 5

Slickensided surfaces
Very rough surfaces Slightly rough Slightly rough OR Soft gouge > 5 mm
Not continuous surfaces surfaces Gouge < 5 mm thick OR
Condition of joints
4 No separation Separation < 1 mm Separation < 1 mm OR Joints open > 5 mm
Hard joint wall rock Hard joint wall rock Soft joint wall rock Joints open 1-5 mm Continuous joints
Continuous joints
Rating 25 20 12 6 0
Inflow per 10 m
None < 25 liters/min 25 - 125 liters/min > 125 liters/min
tunnel length
Ratio pw/σ1 0 0.0 - 0.2 0.2 - 0.5 > 0.5
5 water
General Moist only Water under
Completely dry Severe water problems
conditions (interstitial water) moderate pressure
Rating 10 7 4 0

Table 3.26 Rock mass classification of rock types at Aitik, using the RMR classification system (Table 3.25).

Sector Rock Type Rating 1 Rating 2 Rating 3 Rating 4 Rating 5 Total RMR
HW Amphibole gneiss 12 17 10 20 10 69
HW Thrust contact/Muscovite schist 7 13 10 12 10 52
Ore Muscovite schist 7 13 10 20 10 60
Ore Biotite schist 7 17 10 20 10 64
Ore Biotite gneiss 12 17 10 20 10 69
FW Amphibole-epidote-feldspar gneiss 7 17 10 20 10 64
FW Diorite 12 17 10 20 10 69
FW Biotite gneiss (with amphibole) 12 17 10 20 10 69



4.1 Introduction

Case studies are invaluable sources of information. In particular, studies of slope failures in
open pits can lead to a better understanding of the types of failure and the mechanisms that
lead to failure. Back-analysis of such failures can provide data on the rock mass strength for
a specific site. Furthermore, when designing new slopes, precedent information from a set of
case studies can be used to improve the design. In this chapter, a compilation of case studies
of large scale rock slopes is presented. The selection of cases and the extraction of guidelines
were specifically targeted for the design of the Aitik open pit mine.

The first portion of the database consists of open pit rock slopes. Cases were selected based
primarily on the criteria that (1) the slopes were of significant height, (2) the rock mass was
hard and of high strength (similar to the Aitik mine), and (3) large scale slope failures had
occurred, or were expected to occur. Rather than excluding cases because they did not fulfill
all three criteria, several cases with somewhat weaker rock and a long history of stability
problems were included in the list. Some of these date back to the early 1970s; thus, it was
difficult to obtain detailed information from these mines. These cases do, however, provide a
wider spectrum of the possible problems that can occur in large scale slopes. One of these
cases is also an actual full scale test. Nineteen (19) open pit mines were visited within the
framework of this project, and another 26 were included from a literature review and through
personal communication. The compilation of empirical data by Hoek and Bray (1981) was
included for comparison. A short description of reach of these cases is given (in alphabetical
order). For the cases found in the literature, the observations, descriptions and interpretations
of stability problems included are those given by the authors referenced for each case. One
of the mines that was visited — the Aznalcollar mine in Spain — proved to be particularly
interesting because multiple failures had occurred and the data was of very high quality. This
case is described in more detail, as it will be used for verification of analysis methods later in
this thesis (see Chapter 7).

The second portion of the database comprises civil engineering and natural slopes. These
data were taken from primarily two sources; a recent and very comprehensive Chinese study
on engineering and natural slopes, comprising 117 cases (Chen, 1995a, 1995b), and two
studies of natural slopes in the mountainous areas of Norway with a total of 179 cases (Broch
and Nilsen, 1977; Nilsen, 1979; Dahlø, 1976, 1996). The Norwegian slopes are particularly
interesting, as the geomechanical environment is similar to that of Aitik (fairly strong,
foliated rocks).

The third portion of the database consists of experiences from large scale failures in sublevel
caving mines. Although associated with a different mining method, these failures share many
similarities with failures observed in open pits. Failures have been observed in both
hangingwalls and footwalls of sublevel caving mines, typically as shear failures in the rock
mass. The geometry is similar to that of an open pit mine, but with the notable addition of
caved rock material between the hangingwall and the footwall. The database includes
experiences from Swedish caving mines only, but these cases are interesting since they show
that large scale failure is also possible in hard rocks. Two of the three cases presented have
also been visited. One case — the Kiirunavaara mine — is described in more detail, as it will
be used for verification of analysis methods later (see Chapter 7).

Because the data collection was carried out during a number of years (1995 to 1997), slope
angles and slope heights may have changed slightly since then. Furthermore, the list of cases
is far from complete. It was not possible to visit all interesting pits, within the framework of
this project. Furthermore, the referenced cases were selected from those accessible in the
existing literature. There are, without doubt, more cases and more detailed information
available — e.g., from consultants working on the properties. Nevertheless, the collected
cases provide a starting point for developing empirical guidelines for the design of hard rock
pit slopes, something that is currently lacking. More cases can be added later to this list to
improve on the guidelines presented in Section 4.5.

4.2 Open Pit Mine Slopes

4.2.1 Visited Open Pit Mines

Aznalcollar Mine, Spain

The Aznalcollar mine is situated in southern Spain, some 40 km northwest of the city of
Seville. Open pit mining started in the early 1970s, but portions of the orebody were mined
underground much earlier than this (Roman times). The mine was acquired by Boliden
Mineral AB in 1987 and has since been operated by Andaluza de Piritas SA (APIRSA), a
subsidiary of Boliden. Mining continued until September 1996, when the pit was closed
down. Production during the last few years of operation amounted to approximately 2.3
Mton of ore annually, with a stripping ratio of up to 8.7:1 (waste:ore). Mining has continued
in the nearby Los Frailes open pit.

Lead and zinc was mined from the east-west striking orebody. The orebody dips to the north
at an angle of 45° to 60° (becoming flatter with depth). The dominant footwall rock types are
slates and schists with well-developed foliation. The foliation discontinuities dip between
45° and 70° (55° on average), running subparallel to the orebody. They have been observed
to be continuous over 80 meters length. Phyllites and quartz veins are also found in the
footwall. The hangingwall comprises slates, tuffs, felsites and dacites/rhyolites. The rock
material is slightly weathered, and strengths are generally low (estimated uniaxial
compressive strength of 25 MPa for the slate and the schist). In addition to the foliation, a
total of six joint sets have been identified. Groundwater conditions at Aznalcollar are very
complex, with two phreatic surfaces present that in turn have been modified by mining of the
pit. Heavy rainfall periods during the year add to the complex hydrogeological conditions.

At the end of mining, the pit measured approximately 1300 by 700 meters, with a pit depth of
270 meters (see also Figure 4.1). Overall slope angles varied from 30° to 38° for the
footwall, and around 40° for the hangingwall. Despite the relatively moderate slope height
and the flat slope angles, the mine has suffered several large scale failures of the footwall
slope. In the central portion of the footwall, the first large scale movements were observed in
October 1979, and these were followed by large scale failures in 1983, 1987, 1988, 1989 and
1992 (Krauland 1987, 1988; Golder Associates, 1989a; 1989b, 1990, 1992).









Figure 4.1 Schematic map of the Aznalcollar open pit (not to scale).

A comprehensive monitoring program has been in use at the mine; it involves aerial
photogrammetry, surface displacement stations, and inclinometers for measuring
deformations, as well as piezometers for recording changes in groundwater pressure. These
have helped to determine the location of the failure surfaces, as shown in Figure 4.2. The
interpreted failure surfaces proved to be relatively shallow, with tension cracks at the slope
crest. Several failure surfaces sliding on top of each other could be identified in the footwall.

Figure 4.2 Cross-section through the central portion of the footwall of the Aznalcollar
open pit (section 212 737.5) showing inclinometer locations (I1, I2, I3),
monitoring points (P1/1 to P1/9) with displacement vectors, and inferred
failure surfaces (Golder Associates, 1989a).

The failure mechanism is relatively complex and probably involves failure both through
intact rock and along pre-existing discontinuities. The tension cracks are believed to develop
along the foliation planes, but the major portion of the failure surfaces cuts across the
dominant foliation in the footwall. The large scale failures of the footwall have probably
been initiated by changes in the mining geometry. However, large increases in movement
rates have, in most cases, been preceded by periods of heavy rainfall, suggesting that changes
in groundwater pressures triggered larger displacements along the developed failure surface.
During dry weather, the slope moved at a rate of about 5 mm/day; after periods of heavy

rainfall, the movement rate could be as high at 170 mm/day. The total displacement of the
slope at the end of this measurement campaign (1990) was of the order of 7 meters.

The 1992 failure was more dramatic than those encountered previously. In July 1992, slope
movement rates increased dramatically from 3 to 5 mm per day to up to 40 mm/day (July 22).
This was followed by a period of extremely high movement rates between July 22 and July
24, when the maximum recorded movement rates reached 1680 mm/day, corresponding to 66
mm/hour. Unlike most of the other failures, this failure could not be correlated to any rainfall
events (Golder Associates, 1992, 1995).

The pit was operational throughout all these failures, with only slight interruptions of the
mining production. Partly based on this, it was decided to deepen the mine during the final
two years of mining. Final mining of the eastern footwall (approximately from Section
213 300 in Figure 4.1) of the pit also involved steepening the overall slope angle. To secure
mining, an extensive monitoring program was installed. This included additional
inclinometers, extensometers, a hydraulic leveling system, surface displacement
measurement, and piezometers for monitoring groundwater pressures (see Figure 4.3).

Figure 4.3 Cross-section through the eastern footwall of the Aznalcollar mine (section
213 300) showing mining geometry, inclinometer measurements (I1, I3),
installed extensometers (E2, E1), water table (max, min) and interpreted
failure surfaces (after Geo-Engineering, 1997a).

Mining was successfully completed in the fall of 1996. However, subsequent to the
finalization of mining, large scale failure developed in the eastern footwall, resulting in huge
scarps in the footwall ramp (Geo-Engineering, 1995 and 1997a). The pit is currently being
backfilled with waste material from the Los Frailes pit.

To date, stability analysis has included (1) fairly simple limit equilibrium models with
various assumed groundwater conditions (Golder Associates, 1989a and 1995), and
(2) various attempts to simulate the slope behavior using numerical models (Proughten, 1991;
McCullough, 1993). The back-analyzed and estimated strengths are summarized in Table
4.1. Additional limit equilibrium analyses were carried out by the author and by Krauland
(1995), with the results shown in Table 4.2.

The hangingwall of the Aznalcollar mine has proven to be significantly stronger than the
footwall. Despite the steeper slope angle, the hangingwall did not experience any failure
until mine closure (Golder, 1996a and 1996b).

Table 4.1 Summary of estimated strengths for the Aznalcollar footwall.

Rock Type φ c Comments Reference

[°] [kPa]
Schist - rock mass 30-40 ? Back-analysis using limit Golder (1989a)
equilibrium method
Schist - foliation 22-30 0 Estimated Golder (1989a)
Schist - rock mass 24-40 120 Back-analysis using Proughten (1991)
numerical modeling
Slate - intact rock 30-32 0-2000 Back-analysis using McCullough (1993)
numerical modeling
Slate - dry joints 27 0 Back-analysis using McCullough (1993)
numerical modeling
Slate - wet joints 20-25 0 Back-analysis using McCullough (1993)
numerical modeling
Slate - rock mass 25-28 0 Back-analysis using limit Golder (1995)
Active zone equilibrium method
Slate - rock mass 35 35-325 Back-analysis using limit Golder (1995)
Passive zone equilibrium method

Table 4.2 Strength values from back-analysis of previous failures at the Aznalcollar mine, using different limit equilibrium methods.
(Analyses with the program SLIDE 2.05 (Curran et al., 1995), using Bishop's routine method, were carried out by the author.)

Failure Geometry Limit equilibrium analysis Limit equilibrium analysis using Hoek and Bray (1981)
using SLIDE 2.05 charts for circular failure (Krauland, 1995)
Year Section Slope Slope Slope Slope Drained Conditions Drained Conditions Chart 3 Chart 5
Crests Toe Height Angle φ c φ c φ c φ c
[m] [m] [m] [°] [°] [kPa] [°] [kPa] [°] [kPa] [°] [kPa]
1983 212 800 90 5 85 30 20 57 20 70 20 150 20 170
22 44 25 30 25 100 25 130
28 20 28 70 28 100
1987-shallow 212 850 90 -10 100 32 20 115 20 160 20 310 20 360
22 95 25 60 25 210 25 280
28 30 28 150 28 220
1988 213 000 95 -85 180 31 20 140 20 160 20 320 20 380
22 100 25 60 25 220 25 290

28 30 28 160 28 230
1989 212 850 95 -105 200 31 20 150 20 170 20 350 20 420
22 120 25 70 25 240 25 320
28 40 28 170 28 250
1989 212 737.5 95 -105 200 31 20 145
22 105
1992 212 800 85 -125 210 34 20 170 20 210 20 400 20 490
22 135 25 100 25 280 25 400
28 60 28 220 28 320
1996 213 300 85 -155 240 34 20 235
22 175
213 300 85 -185 270 37 20 300
1996 213 410 85 -185 270 38.5 20 330
22 275

Bjørnevatn dagbrudd, Kirkenes, Norway

A/S Sydvaranger operated this iron ore open pit, which is located in the northeast corner of
Norway, close to the Russian border. The mine was closed down in 1996, due to poor
financial results over a long period of time. Production during the final years of mining
amounted to 2.0 Mton of ore with an additional 0.5 Mton of waste rock. The ore was a
taconite (quartzbanded magnetite) with 32 % Fe; the host rock was gneiss. The strengths of
both the ore and the waste rock were very high (estimated σc > 200 MPa). The main open pit
consisted of two lenses, one to the east and one to the west. Both lenses were mined, and the
final pit depth was 190 meters in the western pit and 210 meters in the eastern pit. Interramp
slope angles varied from 47° to 54°. Stability problems have included slip along schistosity
planes in the footwall, mainly affecting bench stability. A larger failure occurred in the
footwall of the eastern pit, involving some 70 000 m3 of rock. Failure was governed by slip
along a large discontinuity, oriented parallel to the footwall. This failure resulted in the
production being terminated for 1 week (Hansen, 1994; Krauland et al., 1996). Stress
measurements conducted at the site have indicated high horizontal virgin stresses in the area,
but this does not seem to have affected the stability of the pit slopes (Myrvang et al., 1993).

Carol Lake, Carol Mining and Concentrating, Newfoundland, Canada

IOC (Iron Ore Company) of Canada owns and operates the Carol Lake mine, located in
Labrador City in northeastern Canada. Carol Mining and Concentrating is the IOC division
that runs the mine and the mill. Annual production amounts to 35 Mton of iron ore and 20
Mton of waste rock. The ore reserves are huge and can last for 35 years with current
production rates. The ore is a mixture of hematite and magnetite (ratio 70:30), with an
average grade of 38.4 % Fe. The orebody is overlain by quartzite and quartz-carbonate rocks.
It varies in composition from massive to highly foliated. Both the ore and the waste rock is
of relatively high strength (σc ≤ 250 MPa), although areas with weaker rock also occur.

The entire mining area measures 8000 by 2000 meters, with six active pits. The largest of
these is the Humphrey Main Pit, with a current pit depth of 220 meters and a planned final
depth of 400 meters. Interramp angles for the footwall are normally around 45°. The
footwall is mined along the foliation, with catch benches every third bench. The design is
based on structurally controlled failures. In the hangingwall, dominant structures dip into the
wall, which enables steeper slope angles. Due to practical constraints, a maximum interramp
angle of 58° is used. Only few small scale failures in the footwall were observed, mostly in

the form of plane shear failures along the foliation. No large scale failures have been
observed (Sjöberg et al., 1996).

Carlin Trend, Nevada

The Carlin Trend consists of several gold orebodies in a larger "belt" close to the towns of
Carlin and Elko in Nevada. Newmont Gold operates a number of open pits in this area, the
largest being the Gold Quarry and the Genesis/Blue Star Pit. Newmont Gold also owns half
of the Post Pit; the other half is owned by Barrick Goldstrike, which is also the operator of
the Post Pit. Average ore grade is around 1 ppm Au for all pits. The annual production from
all of Newmont Gold's mines in the Carlin Trend amounts to 165 Mton. Barrick Goldstrike
produces 130 Mton per year from the Post Pit, resulting in a total production of over 300
Mton of rock per year from this area. The geology is very complex with siltstones,
limestones, mudstones, and breccias as the dominant rock types. The rock exhibits altering
and weathering and has, in general, very low strength. There are, however, also intrusive
rocks with uniaxial compressive strengths greater than 200 MPa — for example, in the west
portion of the Post Pit. Faulting is very intense with an average spacing between faults of the
order of 30 meters. There are also wider fault zones, up to 30 meters in width, containing
clay minerals. The rocks are typically overlain by 60-200 meters of overburden.

Pit depths are approximately 240 meters in the Gold Quarry, 175 meters in the Genesis/Blue
Star Pit and 210 meters in the Post Pit (as of 1995). Interramp slope angles vary from 28° to
50° at Gold Quarry, depending on rock type. In the Post Pit, interramp slope angles are all
close to 35°. Several large scale failures (of circular shape) have been observed in the Post
Pit and involved up to 8 Mton of rock. These have been stabilized with buttresses and
stepouts. Extensive drainage is conducted to keep the water table approximately 30 meters
below the current pit bottom at all times. There are also zones with perched water in the pit
walls. The Post Pit is currently planned to a final depth of between 430 (south portion) and
550 (north portion) meters (Krauland and Sjöberg, 1995).

Empire Mine, Michigan, USA

The Empire mine is located just west of the city of Marquette in northern Michigan. The
mine is owned by the Empire Iron Mining Partnership, of which the mining company
Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Company is a part. Cleveland-Cliffs operates the pit, which currently
produces 65 Mton of rock (iron ore and waste) per year. The stripping ratio is 1.42:1, and the

cutoff is 21.5 % Fe. The orebody consists of magnetite in a banded formation with siliceous
and carbonate rocks. The ore dips at 35 - 40° and exhibits pronounced foliation. Steeply
dipping cross-joints occur, whereas larger scale structures normally follow the foliation. The
strengths of both the ore and the sidewall rocks are very high with σc in the range of 100 to
400 MPa, and the rocks exhibit brittle behavior.

Currently, production comes from five different areas in two separate pits. The current
maximum pit depth is 280 meters, but the pit is planned to a depth of 455 meters. Interramp
slope angles vary from 30° to 50°. The design is solely based on potential structurally
controlled failures of smaller scale. Most of the observed failures were also of small size,
with the exception of plane shear failure along relatively flat-dipping structures (28° dip),
which extends 55 meters in height. No large scale failures have been observed. Currently,
all slopes are interim slopes. Consequently, steeper angles may be used when creating final
pit walls. No drainage drilling has been carried out, but the design is based on fully saturated
slopes (Sjöberg et al., 1996).

Endako Mine, British Columbia, USA

Placer Dome Canada Ltd. operates the Endako mine located in middle British Columbia,
west of the city of Prince George. Eleven (11) Mton of molybdenum ore is mined annually,
along with another 11 Mton of waste rock. The current average ore grade is 0.13 % Mo, with
a cutoff of 0.07 % Mo. The stockwork and vein-type ore occurs in a quartz-monzonite host
rock. Rock strengths are estimated to be relatively high. The orebody dips about 50° and is
bounded to the south by the hangingwall fault contact. Several faults intersect and divide the
3000-meter long orebody into three different zones, of which only the largest one (the
Endako pit) is mined today. The ore is also intersected by several veins and larger structures.

Current slope height is about 265 meters, and the final depth is planned to 300 meters.
Overall slope angles vary from 43° to 55°. Wedge failures are relatively frequent, often
occurring over the height of several benches. In the footwall, a more complex wedge failure,
also involving failure through the weaker rock mass, has occurred. No failure involving the
entire slope height has been observed. Larger structures and faults are continuously mapped,
which enables some prediction of potential wedge failures. Displacement monitoring of
potentially unstable areas is also conducted. Consequently, there have not been any larger
production disturbances due to slope failures. When larger movements are observed, a
stepout is normally created, which decreases the overall slope angle and provides some
support to the toe area. No drainage drilling has been conducted as yet (Sjöberg et al., 1996).

Highland Valley Copper, British Columbia, Canada

The Highland Valley mine is located outside Kamloops, some 20 km west of Logan Lake in
British Columbia. Highland Valley Copper is a partnership between Cominco Ltd., Rio
Algom Ltd., and Teck Corporation. The partnership was formed in 1986. Currently, two pits
are being actively mined in the Highland Valley; the Lornex pit, and the Valley pit. The
combined annual production is 45 Mton of ore; with a stripping ratio of 1:1 a total of 90 Mton
of rock is mined annually. The average ore grade is 0.40 % Cu and 0.007 % Mo. The cutoff
grade is 0.20 % Cu (Scales, 1989; Sporleder, 1989; Holmgren et al., 1994).

Valley Pit

Of the two pits currently being mined, the Valley Pit accounts for 80 % of the total
production. Mining at the Valley Pit, which is located in the northern portion of the Highland
Valley, started in 1983. The porphyry orebody strikes nearly north-south, with near-vertical
dip. The west wall of the pit currently measures 380 meters in height, whereas the northeast
wall is slightly lower but with up to 200 meters of weaker overburden. The final pit depth
will be around 630 meters and is planned for the year 2008. The host rocks are mainly
diorite, granodiorite or quartz monzonite, and porphyry, all of which are relatively jointed.
Three to four well-defined joint sets have been mapped. The uniaxial compressive strengths
for the intact, unaltered rock are in the range of 120-140 MPa. Argillaceous alteration occurs
sporadically, which reduces the intact rock strength to less than 3 MPa.

The slopes are designed with interramp slope angles of between 38° and 45°. Large scale
failure has been observed in the west wall. The failure is believed to be deep seated and
associated with toppling movements on steeply dipping faults and joints. An interramp angle
of 38° is being used in regions of observed toppling failure. Slope monitoring includes
distance measurements on prisms, surface extensometers to measure crack openings and
pneumatic piezometers for groundwater monitoring. The failed zone moves at a rate of
between 25 and 200 mm/day, with the largest movements occurring in the spring due to snow
melting and increased groundwater pressure. A relatively extensive drainage program is also
in use at the pit (Brawner, 1970; Sperling et al., 1989; Stacey, 1993; Krauland and Sjöberg,

Lornex Pit

The Lornex Pit accounts for 20 % of the total production at the Highland Valley. It is located
in the south wall of the Valley. The copper-molybdenum orebody is some 2100 meters long
and 700 meters wide and plunges to the northwest at about 20°. Mining of the pit started in
1972. The pit currently measures 2500 meters in length, 1700 meters in width and 350
meters in depth. The host rocks are diorite, granodiorite, and quartz porphyry, which all
show some alteration. The strength and quality of the rock mass is fairly good, but several
intersecting joint sets can be found. Rock strengths are similar to the Valley Pit. The
orebody is bounded to the west by the Lornex Fault, which strikes north-south and dips
between 45° and 85° to the west. This fault zone is 50 to 90 meters wide. There are also
several smaller faults with similar orientation, typically 5-6 meters wide and containing clay
gouge and breccia.

Instabilities and large scale failures have been observed in the east, west, and southwest walls
of the pit. In the east wall, a relatively complex and deep-seated toppling mechanism is
believed to have developed, aided by adverse groundwater conditions. Movement rates of up
to 200 mm/day have been measured. Overall slope angles had to be limited to around 30°
(interramp angles of 35°). In the west wall, a similar failure mechanism developed when the
slope was around 110 meters high, with an interramp angle of 36° - 42° (Figure 4.4). Slope
monitoring revealed that the slope had moved a horizontal distance of up to 70 meters during
a period of 8 years. An extensive dewatering program slowed the movement rates to around
35 mm/day, but drainage holes tended to get sheared off and new holes must be drilled
constantly. Surface cracking is currently visible up to 100 meters behind the slope crest.
These cracks partly follow the weak fault zones. In the southwest wall, very large but
relatively local movements were recorded.

The failure mechanism for the above failures is believed to involve toppling along the steeply
dipping faults in the pit wall. The base of rotation is believed to be deep seated, almost down
to the toe elevation of the slope (see Figure 4.5). Flattening of the slope angles, planning of
stepouts and extensive drainage have been conducted to control failures, accompanied by
continuous monitoring. The ability of both these pits to "live with failure" is aided by the
relatively slow and stable failure process (Daly et al, 1988; Krauland and Sjöberg, 1995).

Figure 4.4 Vertical section through the west wall of the Lornex Pit (Daly et al, 1988).

Figure 4.5 Interpreted failure mode of the west and east walls at the Lornex Pit (Daly et
al., 1988).

Island Copper, Vancouver Island, Canada

The Island Copper Mine is located near Port Hardy on Vancouver Island. The mine was
owned and operated by BHP (Broken Hill Proprietary) Minerals Canada Ltd. Mining started
in 1971 and was completed in July 1995. Processing of the stockpile ore continued until
January 1996, when the mine was closed down and flooded by blasting against the Rupert
inlet (see below). The ore averaged 0.4-0.5 % Cu, and the cutoff (1995) was 0.3 % Cu,
although the ore previously had been mined at a cutoff grade of only 0.2 % Cu. The annual
production in 1994-1995 was around 12 Mton of ore and a total of 20 Mton of rock. This
was significantly less than during the 1980s, when the total production was around 60 Mton
of rock. The porphyry orebody occurs as two lenses in andesite with some breccia and
limestone. The host rocks are basalt and rhyolite, all of fairly high strength and stiffness.

The final pit depth was 400 meters. An interesting aspect is that the slope crest is at sea level,
meaning that the bottom of the pit is 400 meters below sea level. The pit was located
immediately north of the Rupert Inlet on Vancouver Island, and special precautions were
made to control the potential water problems. A barrier wall was constructed to prevent
seepage from the sea during the final pushback of the south wall, as shown in Figure 4.6.

The barrier wall functioned very well, but the south slope experienced a relatively large
failure during mining of the pushback. Failure appeared to follow a large fault zone in the
upper portion of the slope and pass through a zone of weaker rock at the toe. Inclinometer
measurements and surface monitoring indicated a failure surface, which would outcrop
behind the barrier wall. It was decided to do a stepout of the slope to reduce the slope angle
from a planned 40° to 35°. The total movement of the slope amounted to 35 meters, but
flattening of the slope stabilized the area. There have also been some failures in the east wall,
in a weaker sericite zone. Apart from this, the slopes behaved very well, and there were very
few failures even on a bench scale. The interramp angles employed at the mine ranged from
35° for the south slope close to the sea, to 50° for the even higher (500 meter) north slope.
Estimated rock mass strengths (from classification) ranged from a friction angle of 24° and a
cohesion of 0.05 MPa, to a friction angle of 40° and a cohesion of 0.09 MPa (Mathis et al.,
1993; Holmgren et al., 1994; Krauland and Sjöberg, 1995).

+25,=217$/ 3/$1 0$3  ,6/$1' &233(5 3,7








9(57,&$/ 6(&7,21 7+528*+ 7+( 6287+ :$// $)7(5 386+%$&.








Figure 4.6 Horizontal and vertical sections (not to scale) of the Island Copper Pit (partly
after Mathis et al., 1993).

Mont-Wright, Québec, Canada

Québec Cartier Mining (QCM) owns and operates the Mont-Wright mine, located 30 km
west of Labrador City, in the province of Québec. The annual production of iron ore amounts
to 38 Mton, with an additional 22 Mton of waste rock. Average ore grade is 32.3 % Fe.
Currently known ore reserves will last until the year 2010. The orebody consists mainly of
hematite and has been heavily folded. It is surrounded by quartzitic rocks and amphibolites.
The intact rock strength is relatively high, with σc in the range of 83 to 166 MPa. Foliation is
well developed, along with a cross-joint set and a steeply dipping transversal joint set.

The mining area is 8 by 4 km in size and contains 8 different pits (initially planned as one
gigantic pit). Current pit depths vary from 56 to 238 meters, with planned maximum final
depths of 400 meters or more, depending on metal prices and mining costs. The footwall ore
contact is a very distinct shear zone with a hard surface. Hence, the footwall slope is mined
along this contact, without catch benches. Very careful blasting is exercised to prevent
undercutting the shear zone. Footwall slope angles vary from 30° to 60°. The hangingwall is
mined traditionally with catch benches and interramp angles of 55 - 60°. The slope design is
based on the potential for structurally controlled failures. Large scale failures involving the
entire slope height have not been observed and were not accounted for in the design. The
largest observed failure occurred due to undercutting of the foliation, which resulted in
sliding of 100 000 m3 of rock. A stepout was done that stabilized the area and reduced the
slope angle to around 50°. Similar, but smaller failures, have also been observed elsewhere
in the mining area. Extensive drainage drilling is carried out in areas with expected high
groundwater pressures (Sjöberg et al., 1996).

Nickel Plate Mine, British Columbia, Canada

This gold mine in southern British Columbia was owned and operated by Homestake Canada
Ltd. The orebody occur in a skarn-altered limestone, and the host rock is also skarn, with
smaller lenses of diorite. The mineralized zone contains several ore lenses overlain on each
other, all of which dip at around 25-30° to the west. The bedding is poorly developed, and
the majority of faults and joint sets are steeply dipping. The rock is very strong and
competent, with uniaxial compressive strengths ranging between 250 and 450 MPa. The
groundwater levels were believed to be low, as the mine was located at the crest of a ridge
(Figure 4.7), and the ore was drained by the previous underground workings.


Figure 4.7 Orebody geometry and pushbacks at Nickel Plate Mine, also showing
previously mined underground stopes (Krauland and Sjöberg, 1995). (Figure
not to scale.)

The ore was previously mined underground using room and pillar mining. Underground
mining ceased in 1955, leaving several open stopes on four different mining levels. The
stopes were up to 90 meters long with 12 meter high pillars. Open pit mining began in 1986.
Several small pits were mined initially, but, during the end of the mining, only the North pit
was mined. Mining followed the plunge of the ore zones; hence, the pit was horseshoe
shaped, with pit walls in the north, west, and south. As new pushbacks were mined toward
the west, the west wall became lower (see Figure 4.7). After the final (fourth) pushback, the
north and south pit walls were 280 meters high (from the ridge crest) and the pit measured
approximately 600 by 450 meters in horizontal projection. The mine produced some 5.5
Mton of rock (stripping ratio 9:1) per year, until it was closed in the end of 1996.

The slope was designed with bench face angles of 83° and a modified double bench design,
that resulted in interramp angles of 63°. The slope was mined through the underground
stopes by blasting and collapsing the stope roofs. Larger stopes were first backfilled with
waste rock. No signs of large scale instabilities were observed in the pit walls. Some small
scale failures were observed at the bench crests, but catch benches, which were cleaned
periodically, proved to be very effective. A monitoring system was also installed, and miners
were trained to observe potential instability problems with the very steep pit walls. A failure
of intermediate size did occur in the east wall, where a fault and an altered, weaker zone
intersected, causing a wedge-type failure. This was stabilized using tie-backs and steel rails
(Golder Associates Vancouver, 1992; Stacey, 1993; Krauland and Sjöberg, 1995).

Republic Mine, Michigan, USA

The Republic pit is located in the city of Republic in northern Michigan (close to the Empire
mine, described above). Mining of the iron orebody started in 1871, and the mine was owned
and operated by Cleveland- Cliffs (as part of a consortium) from 1914 to its closure in 1981.
The Republic pit was relatively small, 1000 by 600 meters, with a maximum depth of 120
meters. The ore occurs as a banded hematite-silex formation, overlain by quartzite. The
most interesting feature of this mine is the north wall, which was mined along a diabase sill.
The wall was mined without any catch benches, and the resulting slope angle is between 80°
and 90°, locally slightly overhanging. The north wall was designed for a height of 180
meters, but it was only mined to a height of 120 meters. The 45-meter wide diabase sill is
very competent, of high strength and with very few visible discontinuities. No stability
problems of any kind have been observed, but wire mesh and bolting have been used to
protect against minor rock fall. The pit is currently being backfilled and flooded (Brawner,
1977; Sjöberg, et al.,1996).

Robinson/Ely/Ruth Mining District, Nevada

The Robinson mining district is a group of open pit mines located just outside the town of Ely
in eastern Nevada. The area is interesting; it has a history of slope failures and a full scale
test on slope stability was conducted in one of the pits in the 1960s. At that time, Kennecott
Copper Corporation owned and operated the five larger open pits in the area: Kimbley, Ruth,
Liberty, Tripp and Veteran. The last two were subsequently merged into one pit, the
Veteran-Tripp pit (Figure 4.8). Kennecott closed the last of these mines in 1978.

In 1991, Magma Nevada Mining Company (a subsidiary of Magma Copper) bought the
mining rights for the Robinson district. Magma is currently cleaning up the old pits and
constructing a new plant. Mining of the old pits started in late 1995, with a production target
of 50 Mton of rock per year and an expected project life of 16 years. Mining commenced in
the Liberty pit and will be followed by the Veteran-Tripp pit, the Ruth pit and, finally, the
Kimbley pit. All the copper orebodies are porphyry copper deposits in quartz monzonite host
rocks. These rocks are relatively weak, with various degrees of alteration and oxidation. In
the west region of the district (Veteran-Tripp and Liberty pits), there is also a strong rhyolite
intrusion, but the other rock types are weaker here compared to the east region of the district
(Kimbley and Ruth pits). The average ore grades are 0.55 % Cu and 0.3 g/ton of gold (Au).

Figure 4.8 Map showing the relative location of the open pits in the Robinson/Ely/Ruth
mining district, Nevada (Magma, 1995).

Liberty Pit

The Liberty Pit was mined until the late 1960s by Kennecott. Initially, the ore was mined
underground using block caving. The pit has experienced several large scale failures —
some due to caving of underground stopes, and some due to the open pit mining itself. A

large slide occurred in May 1966 (Brawner, 1977). The slide involved somewhere between 5
and 12 Mton of material and occurred in the form of a large wedge bounded by two faults.
At the time of failure, the slope was 76 meters high, and the overall slope angle was 33°. The
slide took place during the spring melt, suggesting that increased groundwater pressure was a
triggering factor. Movements were observed several years before the slide, but the major
failure displacements occurred, in comparison, very rapidly (Zavodni and Broadbent, 1978).
Current pit dimensions are 1800 by 1500 meters, and the pit depth is approximately 150
meter. Monitoring has shown that the pit walls are currently stable, with movements of only
a few millimeters over 3 years' time. The new slope design to be used by Magma involves
interramp slope angles of 26° near fault zones and up to 50° in the stronger rhyolite rocks.

Veteran-Tripp Pit

The Veteran-Tripp Pit was originally mined as two pits but were subsequently merged into
one. Mining was carried out by Kennecott from 1950 to 1971. The rock is more fine-grained
here, but rock strengths are similar to the other pits. A large failure named the Northeast
Tripp Slide occurred in 1970 and involved some 11.7 million m3 (approximately 30 Mton) of
material. At the time of failure, the pit was about 220 meters deep. The failing volume was
bounded by faults forming a large wedge. The intersection of these faults dipped at 13°
toward the open pit, but the existence of a thick (6-12 meter) clay gouge in the fault zones
enabled sliding. Measurements of the shear strength of the clay gouge and back-calculation
of strength parameters revealed a friction angle of only around 10° and a cohesion of 0.06
MPa. The slide at first accelerated, probably initiated by heavy precipitation, and then
reached a recessive stage with decelerating displacements. This was most likely due to the
cessation of mining at the slope toe and to the rubblized rock that came down into the pit,
which added some constraint to the toe of the failure (Miller, 1982). Kieffer (1998)
interpreted theis failure as a possible block slumping failure (see Figure 2.21). There has
been significant raveling of the individual benches since the pit closed but no more large
scale failures have occurred.

Ruth Pit

The Ruth Pit is located in the eastern region of the Robinson district. It measures 1000 by
800 meters, with a depth of about 120 meters. Several faults transverse the pit. Massive
raveling has been observed since Kennecott closed the pit in the 1970s, but there have been

no large scale failures. Currently, the pit is partly water-filled, and it will be pumped dry
before Magma continues mining.

Kimbley Pit

The Kimbley Pit is the smallest of the pits in the Robinson district. The pit is slightly
elliptical, being approximately 500 meters wide in the east-west direction and 400 meters
wide from north to south. In 1961, Kennecott Copper Corporation began a joint research
project with USBM (United States Bureau of Mines) in this mine. The objective was to
safely mine additional ore contained in the pit walls by steepening them from the original 45°
overall slope angle. The Kimbley pit was chosen because it had not been mined for six years
and had remained stable during this time. Also, it was located outside the stressed zone from
other pits in the area (Figure 4.8). The dominant rock is monzonite, varying from altered to
fresh. Young's modulus for the rock was determined from laboratory tests and found to be in
the range of 3.5 to 10.5 GPa — i.e., relatively soft rock. Flat-dipping faults, dipping away
from the pit wall, were found in the western wall of the pit, as shown in Figure 4.9. In
addition, a dominant, steeply dipping (60° to 70°) joint set was found to exist. At this time,
the pit was generally quite dry, with the water table at the pit bottom and only isolated areas
with water inflow, mostly in the south wall of the pit. Based on this, USBM proposed
interramp slope angles of 67° for the north and 60° for the west walls. Including the ramp
and some minor modifications, the overall slope angles became 61° for the north wall and
56° for the west wall (Broadbent, 1967; Blake, 1968; Merrill, 1968, 1995).

An elliptical pit shape was chosen to accommodate slightly steeper angles in the north wall.
Hence, the slope angles continuously increased from 45° in the south wall to 56° in the west
wall and 61° in the north wall of the pit. In addition to steepening the walls, the pit was also
deepened some 15 meters, from a pit depth of 150 meter to a final depth of 165 meters.
Mining of this slope configuration started in February 1966 and was completed in October of
the same year. Scrapers were used to remove the upper 30 meters of more weathered
material, and conventional drilling and blasting was used for the bottom section (Bellum,
1967). A total of 2.55 Mton were mined from the pit during this period (Merrill, 1968).

The slope was monitored carefully during the mining. Two instrumentation adits were
excavated in the west wall and instrumented with borehole extensometers, stress monitoring
cells and convergence measurement stations. Surface monitoring and microseismic
monitoring (Wisecarver, 1968; Wisecarver, Merrill and Stateham, 1969), were also
conducted. This was followed by a comprehensive stability analysis (Blake, 1968;

Broadbent, 1969; Merrill, 1995). Stress changes and induced displacements due to mining
were, in general, quite small. Significant displacements were only recorded at points where
the slope was both steepest and highest. Microseismic rates were also low and decreased to
almost zero after mining was completed.

Measurement results confirmed the fact that the pit walls remained stable when steepened.
During the mining, only two small failures occurred. One failure took place in the north wall,
where tensile cracking around a "nose" and a subsequent wedge failure was observed
(Bellum, 1967; Merrill, 1995). This failure involved less than 500 m3 of material
(approximately 1500 tons). The other failure occurred in the lower (90 meter high) south
wall, which was in weaker material and designed with a 50° slope angle. This failure
occurred in September 1966 and involved some 3000 m3 (8000 tons) of rock in a soft and
weak rhyolite zone. The failure surface was relatively shallow, subparallel to the slope face,
and bounded by the weak Kimbley fault at the toe and laterally by stronger limestone,
sandstone and porphyry (see Figure 4.10). Failure developed over a period of 2 days, but the
main failure was relatively rapid. Initially, the failing volume moved as a rigid body, rotating
about the toe of the slope; then it disintegrated as more cracking developed. A contributing
factor to this failure could have been the higher water pressure known to exist in the south
wall. Back-analysis of the failure in the south wall yielded a rock-mass friction angle of
between 35° to 42° and a cohesion of 0.05 to 0.07 MPa (Hamel, 1971; Pariseau and Voight,
1979). Both of the above failures occurred when mining was almost completed (Merrill,

After the pit wall steepening, the two adits where charged with explosives and blasted in
1970 (a so-called "coyote blast"). This effectively undercut the west wall of the pit, and the
slope angle was thus increased to 69°. The slope failed and caved back to a residual angle of
around 58°. Copper was then recovered from the caved material using leaching (Michaelson,
1979; Broadbent and Zavodni, 1982). Today, the pit is partly backfilled, as it has been used
as a waste dump by Kennecott. Slight raveling of individual benches can be observed ,but
there are no signs of large scale instabilities (Krauland and Sjöberg, 1995).

Figure 4.9 Vertical section through the Kimbley Pit, showing the original and the final
(steepened) slope outlines (Blake, 1968).

Figure 4.10 Geometry of slope failure in the south wall of the Kimbley Pit (Hamel, 1971).

Tellnes dagbrudd, Hauge i Dalane, Norway

Titania A/S operates the Tellnes open pit, located south of Stavanger in southern Norway.
The ore is a norite-ilmenite intrusion from which ilmenite (FeTiO3) is being extracted.
Ilmenite is used for manufacturing pigment. The surrounding rock is anorthosite, frequently
intersected by diabase dykes. Intact rock strengths are generally high, but the rock mass is
also relatively fractured — particularly the anorthosite. The ore extends to a depth of
approximately 300 meters, and mining has reached to an approximative depth of 155 meters
as of 1996. The interramp pit slope angles vary between 50° and 55°. The annual production
amounts to 3 Mton of ore and an additional 3 Mton of waste rock.

Local instability problems in benches have been experienced. A slightly larger slope failure
started to develop in 1989, following a heavy rainfall, when a large rock wedge formed by
intersecting discontinuities started to move. The dominant discontinuities dip at 30° to 35°
and strike subparallel to the footwall slope; they also contain clay minerals, some which also
exhibit swelling behavior. It was estimated that the moving mass was of the order of 300 000
- 400 000 tons of rock. Measurable subsidence could be recorded close to a haulage ramp
and in close vicinity to the crusher. A stability analysis was undertaken and support
recommendations were proposed. Due to difficulties in accessing the slope face, it was
recommended to drill large diameter vertical holes from the haulage ramp and install several
rebar rock bolts in each hole. This was to be accompanied by extensive scaling of the loose
rock masses above the haulage ramp (Nilsen and Hagen, 1990).

The proposed reinforcement was never undertaken, due to the high associated costs. Instead,
approximately 110 000 tons of the unstable volume was mined out. In addition, a safety
berm was constructed below the unstable area. A new crusher is currently being built in a
safe area. The unstable area is monitored using a survey network, and wire extensometers are
used to monitor tension cracks. More recently, smaller failures have been noted in this area
(Krauland et al., 1996).

Ørtfjell dagbrudd, Rana, Norway

Rana Gruber A/S operates the Ørtfjell iron ore open pit, which is located in northern Norway.
The rock at Ørtfjell is dominated by various schists, often with high mica content and with
marble. Consequently, there is a very pre-dominant schistosity that runs parallel to the
footwall. The intact rock strength is relatively high, and the rocks are moderately stiff.
Young's modulus is in the range of 12-52 GPa, and the uniaxial compressive strength is

approximately 49-75 MPa. The initial mine plan called for a final pit depth of 500 meters for
this mine. A thorough stability analysis was conducted at the startup of mining to aid in the
design of the overall slope angle. In this study, particular interest was focused on the
influence of rock stresses on the wall stability. This was due to the relative absence of large
structural features and the fairly high tectonic stresses measured in this mountainous region.
The planned overall slope angle was 51°, and a stability analysis confirmed that the pit would
remain stable even with a slight increase in overall slope angle (Broch and Nilsen, 1977;
Nilsen, 1979; Broch and Nilsen 1982).

At present, the pit is 230 meters deep; the current mining plans call for a final pit depth of
(only) 260 meters. The annual production is 1.4 Mton of ore, with an additional 0.6 Mton of
waste rock. No stability problems have been observed, and the interramp angles have been
increased to 54°. This corresponds to the overall angle in the hangingwall, which has no
ramps. The pit is planned to be mined out during 1998, after which a switch to underground
mining will be made (Hansen, 1994; Krauland et al., 1996).

4.2.2 Cases from the Literature

Afton Mine, British Columbia, Canada

The Afton copper deposit is located 13 km west of Kamloops. The orebody occurs in a
dioritic rock mass that has been extensively altered. The south wall of the pit is dominated by
diorites, whereas sandstones, mudstones, shales, tuffs and arkoses occur in the north portion.
Faulting within the pit has been intense. Intact rock strengths for the rocks in the northern
portion vary from 3.5 MPa for the mudstones to 210 MPa for dacites. In the south wall, the
diorites exhibit a uniaxial compressive strength in the range of 20 to 110 MPa.

The north wall of the pit was designed with a 40° overall slope angle, whereas the remainder
of the pit, including the south wall, was designed at 45°. Several failures have been
experienced in the pit. In the north wall, a large slide occurred in 1984 that involved some
200 000 tons of overburden and rock, probably sliding along a pre-existing fault. Movement
rates were very high, up to 1200 mm/hour, but production was only partly affected by the
failure due to stockpiling of ore beforehand and fast remedial work, including cleanup and
crest flattening.

Several small to medium scale wedge failures were also encountered in the north wall, as
well as a larger failure in mudstones surrounding a dacite laccolith structure. This failure

involved around 200 000 tons of rock, and the slope was flattened from 40° to 30°. A
circular failure involving over 1 Mton of overburden and highly weathered sediments also
occurred in the northeast corner of the pit (Stewart and Reid, 1986).

In the south wall, a large scale failure occurred in 1985/1986. The failure mechanism was
believed to be large scale toppling along pre-existing east-west striking faults. These dip at
65° to 90° to the south and have an average spacing of around 30 meters. The faults are
continuous and have mineral infillings. The overall slope height at the time of failure was
nearly 300 meters, but the portion of the slope involved in the failure was approximately 170
meters high (Figure 4.11).

Figure 4.11 Section through the south wall of the Afton pit, showing slope outline, mapped
structures and movement vectors (Martin, 1990).

Movement rates were at first relatively modest, around 2 mm/day. During 1985 and 1986,
around 3000 meters of horizontal drainholes were drilled; however, but as the spring thaw of
1986 advanced, movement rates increased to 30 to 60 mm/day. The measured displacements
prior to failure were largest at the slope crest (see also Figure 4.11). In early June,
uncontrollabe failure occurred over a period of 45 minutes and involved approximately
300 000 tons of material. After failure, movement rates decreased to around 10 mm/day.

The volume of rock which showed measurable movements was, however, significantly
larger. It was estimated that the entire area of deep-seated toppling involved a total of 7.4
Mton (Stewart and Reid, 1986; Reid and Stewart, 1986; Martin, 1990). The fast-moving
failures appeared to occur within the "rubbled" rock formed by the toppling movements, thus
being much more shallow than the toppling failure itself (Stacey, 1996). Production at the
Afton mine was suspended in 1991. The mine and the mill are still maintained for a potential
restart of production in the future.

Águas Claras, Brazil

A very rapid and partly unexpected failure occurred at the Águas Claras mine in 1992. The
mine is owned and operated by MBR (Minerações Brasileiras Reunidas). It is located 10 km
southeast of the city center of Belo Horizonte. Mining of the rich (67 % on average) iron ore
started in the early 1970s. Current annual production is 6.5 Mton of ore, with a stripping
ratio of 0.8:1 (waste rock:ore). The hematite ore occurs in the form of a tabular-shaped lens,
followed by a sequence of alternating soft to hard itabirites (also iron ore), surrounded by
chlorite schists, phyllites and, in some areas, quartzites. Rock strengths are low, particularly
for the hematite, which often can be mined without blasting. There are also lenses of harder
and jointed hematite with higher strengths. Foliation also occurs, with a dip of 30° to 60°.

The 1992 failure occurred in the Patrimônio Ridge, located in the northwest corner of the
mine. A monument was erected at the crest of the Ridge in the early 1980s; to avoid
disturbances, the slope below the ridge was excavated in a convex shape. Mining continued
at the toe of the slope, which consisted of soft hematite ore. Behind this fairly thin slab of
iron ore, a medium-hard itabirite occurred. The contact between the two contained soft
itabirite. The first sign of incipient failure was an observed crack in a concrete-lined ditch on
April 8. Cracks at the slope crest were observed on April 23, and the area was cleared. The
slope failed on April 29, and the debris traveled about 500 meters, coming to rest at the other
side of the pit. The debris buried the in-pit crusher and damaged two trucks, but no personnel
was injured (partly due to the fact that failure occurred at 6 am). The failure involved some 3
Mton of material. At the time of failure, the slope was 240 meters high (from elevation 1340
to elevation 1100), with an overall slope angle of 44° (see Figure 4.12). The thickness of the
failed area was 40 meters (maximum); the lateral extent was 180 meters.

The area was monitored and showed that cumulative movements up until the time of failure
were only 7 to 15 cm. Failure involved sliding along the weak contact between the soft
hematite and the harder itabirite. At the toe, failure progressed through the soft ore. Stress

analysis showed that the toe stresses exceeded the laboratory strength of the soft ore. Failure
was partly anticipated, but the failure behavior was much faster than expected in this weak
rock. Also, the small amount of displacement before failure made it impossible to predict the
occurrence. The area has been stable ever since. Continued mining below the 1100 elevation
is planned, with the weak contact zone as the final face (Franca, 1996; Stacey, 1996).






Figure 4.12 Failure geometry at the Águas Claras mine (Patrimônio Ridge). Figure not to

Bingham Canyon, Utah, USA

Kennecott Copper Corporation operates one of the largest open pit copper mines in the world,
located in Bingham Canyon, Utah. Annual production amounts to approximately 50 Mton of
ore (total of 100 Mton of rock). The average ore grade is 0.60 % Cu. The rock mass consists
mainly of quartz monzonite along with some quartzite and limestone. Four different rock
units have been identified, ranging from very competent to very weak rock. Intact rock
strengths vary widely, from 1 to 140 MPa. In general, the rock mass is very fractured, with
both minor joints and larger fault structures. The mine has experienced several large scale
instabilities, most notably in the Main Hill area in the NW corner of the pit. A large failure
involving some 2 Mton of material occurred in 1967. This was followed by another slide in
1968 and one in 1974. The 1974 slide was partly stabilized by successful dewatering. Slope

angles in this portion of the pit were around 29°. The large failures in the Main Hill area
were believed to be a combination of circular shear failure initiated at the weak toe by
excessive water pressure, and plane shear failure along pre-existing discontinuities in the
upper portions of the slope (Zavodni and McCarter, 1977).

Currently, the overall slope height is 2800 ft (850 meters) with an overall slope angle of 37°,
but the upper 600 ft (180 meters) has an angle of 50°. Circular shear failure has occurred in
the lower portion of the slope, whereas the upper, steeper portion shows no signs of
instability. A classification scheme developed by Call & Nicholas Inc., has been used to
estimate friction and cohesion of the rock mass. Friction angles range from 28° to 46°, and
average cohesion is around 0.1 MPa. The stress state is characterized by horizontal stresses
being slightly higher than the vertical stresses (K = 1.1). Furthermore, the water table is
believed to be almost parallel to the slope and about 200 ft (60 m) behind the slope face,
going from the toe to near the crest of the slope. There have also been some recent attempts
to predict future failures using numerical analysis and the computer code FLAC but the
results have not been published (Hustrulid, 1995).

Brenda Mine, British Columbia, Canada

The Brenda mine is located at Peachland, 40 km west of Kelowna in southern British

Columbia. The mine is now closed. Copper and molybdenum was mined from the orebody,
which was part of a relatively homogenous quartz diorite. The rock also exhibits some
schistosity. Numerous clay gouges exist throughout the mine. The most dominant set of
discontinuities strikes approximately east-west, dipping at around 70° to 80° to the south, and
has an average spacing of about 15 to 27 meters. The long axis of the pit is oriented east-
west. Two other joint sets were also identified: one striking north-south and dipping steeply
to the northeast, and one striking east-west and dipping around 30° to the north. Both of
these sets are less continuous than to the first one, but they exhibited smaller joint spacing.
The uniaxial compressive strength of the intact rock (for the south wall) was estimated to be
greater than 150 MPa. The meteorological conditions are adverse, with highly varying
temperatures and high annual snowfall resulting in a heavy spring runoff (Blackwell and
Calder, 1982; Martin, 1990).

Production from the mine started in 1970, with overall wall slopes designed at 45°. The
south wall experienced instability since the mid-1970s. In the spring of 1978, a failure began
in the lower part of the pit, extending from the ramp to the pit bottoma height of some 90
meters. The failure was believed to be structurally controlled by the clay gouges, and the

spring runoff was probably the triggering factor (Blackwell and Calder, 1982). This failure
was of relatively limited size.

During final mining of the south wall, more extensive instabilities were observed. The final
cut was started in mid-1988. The south wall was designed at a slope angle of 45° but
experienced rockfalls after the first 30-meter high bench was mined. Continued mining
resulted in movement rates of around 50 mm/day; these increased up to 750 mm/day
immediately after blasting of the benches. Flattening of the slope angle in the lower portion
of the south wall to an overall angle of 40° and extensive drainage (6000 meters of drainage
holes) kept the failure under control. The south wall was then approximately 200 meters high
(end of 1988). Measured vertical deformations were significantly larger at the slope crest,
compared to the lower portions of the slope (see Figure 4.13). The failure mechanism was
identified as large scale toppling along the steeply dipping gouge-filled faults in the south

Figure 4.13 Vertical section through the Brenda mine south wall (Pritchard and Savigny,

Observations and numerical modeling indicated that the base of the toppling movements was
relatively deep seated in the slope and that "graben" toppling (downward movement of blocks

at the crest, resulting in an outward thrust on the other blocks) occurred at the slope crest
(Martin, 1990; Pritchard and Savigny, 1990).

A completely different behavior was observed in the west wall of the Brenda mine. This
slope was mined with a 45° overall slope angle, using careful blasting and continuous scaling
of the slope face. No stability problems were observed until the end of mining in December
1989. At this time, the slope height was 335 meters. In April 1990, minor cracking was
observed in the slope, and five days later the entire slope failed rapidly. The failure involved
around 5 million m3 of rock (approximately 13 Mton), probably triggered by increased
groundwater pressures. Failure occurred along a pre-existing structure, but the location and
dip of this feature were not completely known at the time of failure. Later inspections
showed that the dip of the structure changed from 55°, in the upper portion, to 45°, in the
lower portion of the slope, thus running parallel to the slope face. The failure probably
propagated through the rock mass between the toe of the slope and the large scale structure,
as shown in Figure 4.14 (Sharp, 1995; Stacey, 1996).








Figure 4.14 Schematic figure of rapid failure at the Brenda mine (not to scale).

Cassiar Mine, British Columbia, Canada

Asbestos was mined at the Cassiar mine, owned and operated by the Cassiar Mining
Corporation. The mine was located in the mountains in northern British Columbia, some
1200 km north of Vancouver. Major slope instabilities developed during the final phase of
mining in the hangingwall (east wall) of the open pit. The final height of this wall was 370
meters. The upper 250 meters of the hangingwall consisted of relatively competent volcanic
rocks and argillites with compressive strengths of about 80 MPa. The lower portion of the
hangingwall consisted of serpentinite of lower strength (σc < 50 MPa). Several shear zones
and major fault structures were also present, as well as clearly defined sets of discontinuities.
The overall slope angles were 40.5° for the ore and the shear zones, 43° for the serpentinite
and 54.5° for the volcanic rocks and the argillite.

Several instabilities of smaller scale were observed in benches and the layout adjusted
accordingly (Call & Nicholas, 1981). A larger slope failure was initiated in 1989 during final
mining of the hangingwall. The final slope was steepened an additional 3° (from 39° to 42°)
in the northeast corner of the pit. Instabilities started during the spring thaw in June 1988. It
was not economically feasible to flatten the slope; hence, a program of accelerated mining
was adopted to complete the pit before the spring thaw in 1989. During this period, 2.5 Mton
of ore were mined until accelerated movements forced the pit to close in June 1989. At this
time, movement rates were greater than 130 mm/day but then slowed to about 40 mm/day
during the winter. Some additional mining from the bottom of the pit was conducted at this
time. The failure process was relatively slow, with low displacement rates, occurring over
two years time (Martin and Mehr, 1993).

Continuous monitoring and mapping enabled the failure surface to be determined. The
mechanism proved to be quite complex and involved sliding of a large block on a steep-
dipping serpentinite dyke which, in turn, caused toppling of neighboring blocks (Figure 4.15).
The whole assemblage of blocks was bounded by a flat-dipping structure, dipping away from
the slope. At the toe of the slope, intact failure in the weak serpentinite occurred, and blocks
were pushed out from the slope along the flat-dipping structure. Steeply dipping cracks
between larger blocks were formed by the intersection of numerous short discontinuities in
the rock mass, and shearing and tensile failure occurred throughout the rock mass. High
groundwater pressures were also acting on the slope. The failure occurred over a height of
about 180 meters and involved approximately 17.6 Mton of material. Measurements showed
that the upper section of the slope moved much more than the lower section (Martin, 1990;
Martin and Mehr, 1993). Open pit mining at the Cassiar Mine ended in 1990. Underground
mining started the same year and continued until 1993 when the mine closed.










Figure 4.15 Diagram of the failure mechanism at Cassiar mine (after Martin and Mehr,

Chuquicamata, Chile

Codelco operates the world's largest metal mine and open pit at Chuquicamata in northern
Chile. This copper mine produces around 140 Mton of rock annually, of which around 56
Mton is ore. The pit depth is 658 meters (May 1994). Future mining plans call for a pit
depth of 788 meters in the year of 2012 and a final depth in excess of 1000 meters. The
Chuquicamata mine is divided by a fault zone into two distinctly different geomechanical
environments. The East Sector is fairly competent (granodioritic rock), with compressive
strengths for the ore of the order of 60 to 80 MPa. This rock mass tends to behave elastically,
and stability problems are governed by failure along pre-existing joint planes. Joints are also
more persistent and continuous in the East Sector compared to the rest of the pit. The West
Sector also consists of granodiorite, but of lower strength. The fault zone is much weaker
and exhibits plastic behavior. In the West wall, there is also a very continuous joint set
dipping at around 70° into the wall. Compressive strengths vary from around 30 MPa for the
ore and the fault zone, to 100 MPa for the granodiorite. The West side of the pit displaces
continuously (stable failure), sometimes as much as 100 mm per day. Consequently, the

slope angles differ in the East and West Sectors of the mine. In the West wall, an overall
slope angle of 37° is used, whereas slope angles ranging from 40° to 46° are used in the East
wall (Rapiman, 1993).

The mine has experienced several large scale slope failures during the years. One of the most
famous was the large failure of the East wall in 1969 (Kennedy and Niermeyer, 1970). The
total amount of failed material was around 1 Mton, but the volume of rock that experienced
substantial movements corresponded to somewhere between 12 and 15 Mton of material
(Broadbent and Zavodni, 1982). The complex failure surface was composed of pre-existing
fractures and major structures. Careful monitoring and a relatively slow failure process (up
to the point of collapse) resulted in a minimum of production delays due to this failure. The
East wall is still experiencing wedge failures — both on the bench scale and on multiple
bench scale.

More recent large scale instabilities have been concentrated to the West wall of the pit.
These failures are a combination of structurally controlled failures and failure through the
intact but weak rock in the fault zone. The failure mechanism is believed to be toppling
along the steeply dipping continuous joints in the West wall and shearing along a failure
surface almost parallel to the slope face at a depth of around 100 meters. This is
accompanied by tension cracks at the crest and heaving and failure of the fault zone at the toe
of the slope, as shown in Figure 4.16. The weaker fault zone is believed to act as a "passive"
wedge facilitating, and at the same time restricting, sliding of the upper failure zone (Kvapil
and Clews, 1979; Call et al., 1993; Board et al., 1996).










Figure 4.16 Conceptual sketch of the failure behavior of the west wall at Chuquicamata
(after Board et al., 1996).

Cyprus Bagdad, Arizona, USA

Cyprus-Amax operates a copper and molybdenum mine (Cyprus Bagdad) some 160 km
northwest of Phoenix. The average ore grade is 0.43 % Cu, and the annual ore production is
around 25 Mton. The orebody occurs within a stockwork of small quartz veins developed
within a large quartz monzonite stock. The quartz monzonite has intruded into a complex of
metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rocks. Some weathering and erosion have taken
place, and the rocks have been overlain by alluvial fans and gravel, and capped by rhyolite
tuff and olivine basalt. In the south wall, which has experienced stability problems, the
dominant rock type is a relatively competent quartz monzonite with an estimated uniaxial
compressive strength of more than 100 MPa. Rocks in the upper section of the slope are
weathered and have compressive strengths less than 30 MPa. Several sets of discontinuities,
mostly steeply dipping, are also present.

The south wall was designed with an overall slope angle of 45°. Instability problems began
in 1974 and have continued ever since. The total displacements amount to several tens of
meters. Typical movement rates are only about 2 to 3 mm/day, increasing to 10 to 20
mm/day when the slope is being actively mined. The current overall slope angle is 39°, and
the slope height is approximately 250 meters. No uncontrollable failures have been
experienced. There is some evidence that the failure mechanism is associated with large

scale toppling along a steeply dipping joint set. However, movements in the weaker upper
portion of the slope could also be due to a circular shear failure. Drainage has been
conducted, but this has only slightly reduced the movement rates. Increased movement rates
follow when mining activity occurs at the toe of the slope (Martin, 1990).

Highmont Mine, British Columbia, Canada

The Highmont mine is located near Logan Lake, approximately 50 km southwest of

Kamloops. The porphyry orebodies were mined for copper and molybdenum, starting in
1980. The two principal rock types found at Highmont are granodiorite and quartz diorite.
Various degrees of alteration are found throughout the mine. Intact rock strengths vary
significantly, from 1 to 140 MPa. A large, 15-meter wide, gouge-filled fault intersects the
pit, striking 20-30° toward the east and dipping at 60° to the west. In addition to this, six sets
of structural discontinuities have been identified in the pit. Slope angles are around 40°.

In May 1983, failure occurred in the southeast portion of the pit. At this time, the pit depth
was around 60 meters. Mining continued down to 110 meters depth, accompanied by
frequent slope movements involving 1-2 Mton of rock. Increases in movement rates could be
correlated to mining at the toe of the slope, and increased precipitation and runoff. Failure
was believed to be a combination of sliding along structural discontinuities and failure
through the poor-quality low-strength rock mass in the lower section of the slope. The failure
was also relatively deep seated. Back-calculation of the strength parameters for the rock
mass indicated that, for a friction angle of 33°, the rock mass cohesion would be of the order
of 0.1 to 0.4 MPa (Newcomen and Martin, 1988).

Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada

The Jeffrey mine is located at Asbestos, Quebec, and is operated by JM Asbestos Inc.
Asbestos fiber is mined from ultrabasic host rocks dominated by peridotites, dunites and
serpentinites. The rock mass is intersected by several thick shear zones and smaller scale
discontinuities. In general, the rock does not exhibit any structural consistency. Strength and
deformability for the rock materials vary widely from very soft and weak (E = 0.14 GPa,
φ = 23°) to moderately stiff and strong rock (E = 8.6 GPa, φ = 60°). The mine, particularly
the south-east corner, has suffered several large scale failures during the period from 1970 to
1986. Failures are very critical in this region due to its close proximity to the town of

In 1970, the slope height was 180 meters plus 60 meters of overburden (clay, silt and sand).
Failure occurred in relatively fractured, serpentinized peridotite in which a major shear zone
was present. Sliding in the overburden was observed first, followed by local wedge failures
and, finally a major slide in 1971 that involved some 33 Mton of rock. The dimension of the
slide area was 210 meters in height, 610 meters in width and 75 meters in depth (Figure

Figure 4.17 Cross-section through the Jeffrey mine showing the 1971 failure surface
(Pariseau and Voight, 1979).

The overall slope angle in this wall was of the order of 30°. Failure was believed to have
started in the weak shear zone, which then led to failure of the upper portions of the slope.
Overstressing of the slope toe followed. Mining at the toe also helped to initiate the failure,
and adverse water conditions reduced the effective shear strength of the rock. Movement
rates of the order of 1500 mm/month (50 mm/day) were recorded. The slide was stabilized
with comprehensive drainage of the slope and unloading by removal of the overburden.

In 1974-75, a reactivation of the 1971 failure occurred. Displacement rates of 1000-1500

mm/month were again recorded. The slide was stabilized by water control measures. To this
point, a total of 30 meters of displacement had occurred in the slope. In 1982, a new major
zone of movement developed in the southeast corner area — this time in more undisturbed
rock. A major pushback had resulted in slope heights of around 390 meters.

Movement rates were much lower for this failure, of the order of 10-30 mm/month, but a
more rapid failure occurred in 1985, with movement rates of up to 300 mm/month. In fact,
multiple failures probably occurred, with two failure surfaces sliding on top of each other.
The total mass of the moving material was estimated to be between 40 and 50 Mton. The
displacement rates for this failure showed a strong correlation with the amount of
precipitation in the area; in the spring of 1986 and 1987, movement rates increased up to
almost 2000 mm/month. Common to these failures is that the failure surfaces were relatively
shallow in relation to the slope dimensions (Figure 4.18).


Figure 4.18 Cross-section through the 1971, 1974 and 1983 failure zones at Jeffrey mine
with relative slope locations (after Sharp et al., 1987a).

The interpreted failure surface was subparallel to the slope face, except for the upper and
lower zones. It was concluded that the failure surface did not appear to be controlled by any
particular geological weaknesses. Inclinometer measurements revealed that the failure zone
(shear zone) was around 25 meters thick, with more concentrated shear displacements in a 4-
to 5-meter thick zone (Brawner, 1977; Sharp et al., 1977; Sharp et al., 1987a; Sharp, 1988).
Recently, numerical modeling using both distinct element and finite element codes has been
conducted, but the results have not been published (Sharp, 1995).

The north wall of the Jeffrey mine mainly consists of slate with well-developed foliation.
The uniaxial compressive strength of the slate ranges from 15 to 50 MPa, depending upon the
sample orientation relative to the foliation. The foliation dips at around 55° to the south
(subparallel but steeper than the slope), a situation not unlike the Aitik mine. A major

expansion of the north wall was conducted between 1976 and 1986, resulting in a 300-meter
high slope at an interramp slope angle of 50°. The slope was mined using controlled blasting
with pre-split and buffer rows. Furthermore, the upper bench in the double-bench
configuration was reinforced using tensioned, 16 mm tendons, with large faceplates. Hence,
bench face angles of 65 - 70° could be maintained, despite the foliation dip of 55°.
Monitoring of slope movements indicated that the slope was stable, exhibiting only
essentially elastic displacements (Sharp et al., 1987b).

Kemi Mine, Finland

Outokumpu Oy operates a chromium open pit in Elijärvi, 10 km NE of Kemi, Finland. The

dominant rocks are basic to ultrabasic intrusions in granite and schist host rocks. The rock
types range from hard, high-strength albite (σc = 147 MPa) to very weak talc-carbonate rocks
(σc = 12 MPa). The annual production is around 1 Mton of chromium ore, and the depth of
the pit, as of 1988, was 120 meters. The length and width are 1400 and 370 meters,
respectively. The pit slopes are currently stable, and the recommended slope angles range
from 35° to 55° (Feng, 1988). Preparations for a switch to underground mining will
commence in 1999.

Las Encinas, Colima, Mexico

Las Encinas is a nearly circular pit with a diameter of 400 meters that was mined to a depth
of approximately 200 meters. In an attempt to recover more ore, the overall slope angle was
increased from 55° to 80°. Heavy reinforcement in the form of cable bolts, wire mesh and
Split Set bolts were installed to keep wedges and smaller blocks in place. The rock is
considered slightly weaker than the rocks at Aitik. A large scale slope collapse occurred in
May 1994, with only 2 months of mining remaining. Deformation was observed before
failure, but the final collapse was very rapid (Call, 1994).

Palabora, Republic of South Africa

The Palabora Mining Company Ltd. operates a copper open pit in the northeast corner of the
Republic of South Africa. Mining started in 1966, and annual production amounts to around
29 Mton of ore and a total of 92 Mton of material (Leroy and Lill, 1990). The orebody is
about 1440 meters long and 800 meters wide; the pit is thus slightly elliptical in shape.

Current mining is planned for a final pit depth of 836 meters, which should be reached in the
year 2000. The interramp slope angles used in the pit vary from 37° at the crest to 58° near
the pit bottom (Leroy and Lill, 1990).

The igneous rocks at Palabora are dominated by carbonatites (ultra-basic igneous intrusive
dykes) of various types (Evans, 1980), such as banded carbonatite and transgressive
carbonatite. There are also zones of foskerite (coarse-grained basic rock) and dolerite dykes.
The copper content varies from 0.3 % to 1.0 % in these rock types. The rocks are generally
unweathered, with uniaxial compressive strengths of the order of 70 MPa for the foskerite,
130 MPa for the carbonatites and up to 300 MPa for the dolerite dykes. Weaker and more
weathered rocks are found near the ground surface. Three major faults have been identified
in the pit and several sets of joints have been delineated. Slopes with heights of up to 370
meters have performed very well, with no major instabilities for interramp slope angles in
excess of 50°. Monitoring of movements have shown displacements of up to 200 mm in
these slopes, with movement rates of about 25-35 mm/year (Martin et al., 1986; Du Plessis
and Martin, 1991; Stacey, 1993). The Palabora Mining Company is presently considering
plans for continued underground mining of this orebody using block caving.

Twin Buttes, Arizona, USA

This mine is located just south of Tucson, Arizona and was formerly known as the Anamax
mine. The typical rock types are quartzite, conglomerate, tuff, andesite and dacite. These are
overlain by up to 135 meters of alluvial gravel. Thus, the upper part of this mine is very soft,
and the rock is removed with scrapers. The underlying rock is stronger, with uniaxial
compressive strengths of up to 140 MPa (unweathered). Numerous faults and several joint
sets are found throughout the rock mass. Seegmiller (1972, 1979) reported a large slope
failure, which occurred in the south slope of the pit in 1970-1971. The annual production at
that time amounted to 12 Mton of ore. The pit depth was 330 meters, in which the upper 110
meters consisted of alluvial gravel. Slope angles of 37° in the overburden and 45° in the rock
were employed. The failure developed over several years. Failure initiated in the form of
small wedge failures, which grew to a massive block flow failure. The failure was very
shallow, approximately 18 meters deep, and ran parallel to the slope face. Involving almost
the entire slope height, the total failure volume was approximately 3 Mton.

Another major slide occurred in 1974. This failure involved over 10 Mton of material and
occurred in a relatively weathered rock. Evidence of toppling failure and sliding on
discontinuities was found. Water was believed to be a governing factor as was excessive

blast damage from early workings (Brawner, 1977). There have also been other large scale
failures in this rock which is probably weaker than the typical rock at Aitik, mostly due to
weathering (Call, 1994). The mine is currently in its final mining stage and is now operated
by Cyprus-Amax. Ore from the Twin Buttes mine is used to supplement production from the
nearby Sierrita mine, also owned by Cyprus-Amax.

Summary Reviews

In addition to the specific cases presented above, data from three summary reviews have been
included in the database. The first of these was provided by Sharp (1995) and covered
foliated pit slopes in phyllites and slates. The cases included were Wellington Pool,
Northern Garret and Penrhyn Slate Quarry, all in North Wales, and the Atalaya and South
Lode pit in Spain. Slope heights for these varied from 96 to 180 meters, with slope angles in
the range of 27° to 75°. Failure has been observed in the South Lode pit, whereas the other
cases have been stable.

Data from pits in the former Soviet Union were supplied, courtesy of Valeri Dolgouchin at
the Russia University of Peoples Friendship in Moscow. Eight cases were included in this
compilation; Muruntau, Sibai, Medvezhiy, Nikolaevskiy, Kalmakyr, Kounrad, Agarakskiy
and Gaiskiy N 1 — all non-ferrous metal mines. Slope heights range from 160 to 375 meters
and overall slope angles are between 11° and 38°. Intact compressive rock strengths vary
from 40 to 180 MPa. Only one pit, the Muruntau mine in Uzbekistan, has experienced slope
failures. The largest of these occurred in 1991 and involved sliding along discontinuities.
The volume of the failing mass was 250 000 m3. A brief summary of all (about 100) non-
ferrous metal mines in former Soviet Union countries was also provided. Of these, only 6 %
had slope heights of 300 meters or more, and 19 % were mined with slope angles steeper than
45° (55° maximum). Most of these are hard rock mines with intact rock strengths in the
interval of 50 to 350 MPa (Dolgouchin, 1998).

The third set of data was that published earlier by Hoek and Bray (1981). This includes data
on slope height and slope angle (steepest and highest slope for each specific case) from open
pits, quarries, dams, and highway cuts. A total of 103 cases were compiled (including data
originally collected by Lutton, 1970, and Ross-Brown, 1972). Slope angles ranged from 13°
to 89°, with slope heights in the interval of 15 to 670 meters.

4.2.3 Summary and Correlations

The collected data from the visited mines, cases referenced in the literature, and the above
summary reviews, are summarized in Appendix 3, Tables A3.1 through A3.3. Plots of slope
heights versus slope angles are presented in Figure 4.19 and Figure 4.20. The plotted angles
are overall slope angles (interramp angles for cases where the overall angle was not known).
Currently used slope angles at the Aitik mine are shown for comparison (actual overall angles
— not planned interramp angles; see Table 3.1 and Table 3.2).

The older data by Hoek and Bray (1981) are limited in terms of slope heights, and the
compiled cases in Figure 4.19 extend the height range significantly. Among the visited and
referenced cases, 23 had experienced large scale failures. The most common failure mode
was toppling failure (8 cases), followed by circular shear failure (5 cases), wedge failure (3
cases), and plane shear failure (1 case). Added to this are the two cases of rapid failure at the
Águas Claras and Brenda mines, which partly occurred along pre-existing large scale
discontinuities, coupled with rock-mass shear failure at the toe. The failure at the Aznalcollar
pit is a more complex failure, which probably involves a large degree of rock-mass shear
failure. The failure mechanism of the last case of failure — the Las Encinas pit — is
unfortunately unknown.

The different failure mechanisms and the associated slope geometry are shown in Figure
4.21. There is no distinct correlation between either slope height or slope angle with
observed mechanism of failure. Wedge failure are perhaps more common for lower slopes,
whereas circular and toppling failures are more common in higher slopes. It is interesting to
note that the unstable slope angles are (with one exception) within the range of 30° to 50°.

Case Studies: Open Pits

Failure - Visited mines
Failure - Review
Failure - FSU mines
800 Stable - Visited mines
Stable - Review
Stable - FSU mines
700 Aitik Today

Slope Height [m]






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Overall Slope Angle [°]

Figure 4.19 Slope height versus slope angle for visited and referenced open pits.

Case studies from Hoek & Bray (1981)

(Open Pits, Quarries, Dams, Highway Cuts)
Unstable slopes
800 Stable slopes
Aitik Today


Slope Height [m]






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Slope Angle [°]

Figure 4.20 Slope height versus slope angle for pits, quarries, dams, and highway cuts,
compiled by Hoek and Bray (1981).

Unstable Slopes and

Failure Mechanisms
700 Plane + Rock Mass Shear

600 Unknown
Slope Height [m]






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Overall Slope Angle [°]

Figure 4.21 Slope height versus slope angle for observed failure mechanisms of the visited
and referenced open pits (Appendix 3, Table A3.2).

The experiences from the visited pits can be summarized as follows.

1. There are few hard rock pits with slope heights exceeding 500 meters, and none that
has experienced large scale failure. Most of the visited mines do, however, plan for
future mining depths of this magnitude.

2. There were few slopes with interramp angles exceeding 55°. This is probably due to
the difficulties associated with mining such a steep slope (which requires careful
blasting and safe benches — unsafe, failing benches are too dangerous in steep

3. The slope design of most of the visited mines is based on the potential for structurally
controlled failures. The design is often adjusted with respect to geological structures
as new ones are discovered during continued mining. However, large scale rock mass
failures involving the entire slope height are seldom considered in the design process,
even for future mining depths of the order of 500 meters.

4. It is possible to mine very steep slopes provided that the geological conditions are
appropriate (see, e.g., the Republic Pit or Nickel Plate Mine). This implies that a
good understanding of the geomechanical environment is crucial.

5. Obviously, theres is an upper limit for the maximum combination of slope height and
slope angle, even in hard rock. However, this limit is currently unknown. The lack of
reliable design methods is also one reason why large scale failure is so seldom
accounted for in the design of high pit slopes. Rather, successively deeper open pits
are being tested using careful monitoring and follow-up. This approach rests on the
assumption that failure would not occur without sufficiently early warning signs (e.g.,
measurable displacements). However, this has not been vertified for steep slopes in
hard and brittle rock.

4.3 Civil Engineering and Natural Slopes

Data on natural and engineering slopes were collected mainly from two sources: a Chinese
study of engineering and natural slopes (Chen, 1995a, 1995b), and two studies of natural
slopes in Norway (Broch and Nilsen, 1977; Nilsen, 1979; Dahlø, 1976, 1996).

From the Chinese study, only a brief summary has been published in English. The
underlying database is (so far) only available in Chinese. Data on slope heights, slope angles,
stability conditions and general geologic environment, were translated from Chinese to
English. This data set is presented in Appendix 3, Table A3.4. Slope angles ranged from 8°
to 90°; slope heights were between 40 and 1340 meters. Of these 117 slopes, large scale
failures were observed in 38 cases and creeping displacements (slow-moving failures) were
observed in 23 slopes. The other 56 slopes were stable. Slope angles versus slope heights
are shown in Figure 4.22 and Figure 4.23, along with the current slope geometry of Aitik.
Much more data exist in the Chinese study (e.g., on laboratory-tested shear strengths) but
these were outside the scope of this work to translate and include.

Data on natural slopes in Norway have been published previously. However, the study by
Dahlø (1976) is not available in print (nor in English). Therefore, these data were re-
compiled and are presented in Appendix 3, Table A3.5, together with the data set from Nilsen
(1979). These studies included some information on rock type and jointing pattern, but none
on rock strength. Minimum and maximum slope heights for these cases were 100 and 1540
meters, respectively. Slope angles ranged from 30° to 86°. All of these 179 slopes are stable
(see Figure 4.24 and Figure 4.25).

Other studies on failure in natural slopes — in particular landslides — have been given by
Cruden (1996) and Schuster (1996), among others. Some of these are very violent events
(rock avalanches), which may be of interest for engineered slopes. However, it was outside
the scope of this work to also include these into the database.

Natural and Engineering Slope Cases from

China (Chen, 1995)
Failure - River Bank Slopes
Failure - Reservoir Slopes
Failure - Engineering Slopes
1200 Stable River Bank Slopes
Stable Reservoir Slopes
Stable Engineering Slopes
Aitik Today
Slope Height [m]





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Slope Angle [°]

Figure 4.22 Slope height versus slope angle for stable and unstable natural and engineering
slopes in China (data from Chen, 1995a, 1995b).

Natural and Engineering Slope Cases from

China (Chen, 1995)

Creeping - River Bank

1200 Creeping - Reservoir
Creeping - Engineering
Aitik Today
Slope Height [m]





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Slope Angle [°]

Figure 4.23 Slope height versus slope angle for creeping natural and engineering slopes in
China (data from Chen, 1995a, 1995b).

Natural Slopes in Norway (Nilsen, 1979)

1500 Stable Slopes (Mica Schist)

1400 Aitik Today

Slope Height [m]

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Slope Angle [°]

Figure 4.24 Slope height versus slope angle for natural slopes in Norway (data from Broch
and Nilsen, 1977; Nilsen, 1979).

Stable Natural Slopes in Norway (Dahlö, 1976)

1600 Möre Gneiss
Granite/Granitic Gneiss
1400 Devonian Sandstone
Cambro-Silurian Rocks
1300 Aitik Today

Slope Height [m]

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Slope Angle [°]

Figure 4.25 Slope height versus slope angle for natural slopes in Norway (data from
Dahlø, 1976).

4.4 Sublevel Caving Mine Slopes

Three case studies from sublevel caving mine slopes were studied — from Swedish mines.
Large scale instabilities have also been reported in other caving mines abroad (see, e.g.,
Lupo, 1998b), which confirms the existence of these types of rock mass failures. A
conceptual model of progressive footwall and hangingwall failure was given by Lupo (1996)
and is reproduced in Figure 4.26.

The three cases are the Grängesberg mine, the Malmberget mine, and the Kiirunavaara mine.
The Grängesberg mine is now closed, but the other two are still in production. These two
mines have also been visited by the author. A description of each case is given in the

Figure 4.26 Conceptual model of progressive hangingwall and footwall failure in a

sublevel caving mine (Lupo, 1996).

4.4.1 Description of Case Studies

Grängesberg, Sweden

The Grängesberg mining area consists of several parallel iron orebodies striking North-South.
The largest of these is Exportmalmen, with a length of 1500 meters and a width of 20 to 90
meters. It is known to be more than 1000 meters deep, but it has been mined to a depth of
approximately 600 meters. The orebody dips at about 65° to the east, under the city of
Grängesberg. Mining started at the turn of the century as an open pit operation, which
continued until the pit depth was around 100 meters. In the 1950s, underground mining using
sublevel caving commenced and continued (with increasing scale) until the mine was closed
down in 1990 (Herdocia, 1991).

The iron ore is hosted in schistose leptites (fine grained quartz-feldspar rocks), which in turn
are surrounded by granite. Rock strengths are relatively high. On the hangingwall side, a
large regional fault strikes parallel to the orebody and dips at 45° to the west. The fault
intersects the orebody at about 650 meters depth. The fault is named the Brewery fault,
because it daylights on the ground surface near the local brewery (Herdocia, 1991).

Hangingwall failures as a result of sublevel caving has occurred through the life of the mine.
A fault-slip (earthquake) event occurred along the Brewery fault in 1974. It was believed that
the hangingwall failures could develop, at least partly, along this large fault, thus resulting in
very wide-spread disturbances on the ground surface. The break angles (between the
horizontal and a straight line from the active mining level to the surface crack) are also
relatively flat, around 40°, compared to other caving mines (see below).

Rock-mass strength parameters for the hangingwall have been back-analyzed in several
published studies. All of these used limit equilibrium methods, assuming a plane shear
failure, to arrive at limiting strength properties. The results from these studies are
summarized in Table 4.3. Lupo (1996) pointed out that the analysis by Hoek (1974) was
partly incorrect, because vertical force equilibrium was not fully satisfied. The impact of this
will be discussed later.

In addition to the calculated cohesion and friction angle, an equivalent compressive strength
according to the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion was calculated (for the rock mass) — i.e.,

2c ⋅ cos φ
σ cm = . (4.1)
1 − sin φ

This was used more as an index value to facilitate comparisons between the different studies,
because it is often easier to compare one value than two (cohesion and friction angle); cf.
Table 4.3.

Table 4.3 Back-calculated strengths for observed failures of the Grängesberg

hangingwall (Hall and Hult, 1964; Herdocia, 1991).

Reference Friction Cohesion, c Equivalent compressive

angle, φ [°] [MPa] strength, σcm [MPa]
Hall and Hult (1964) 25 0.45 1.41
Hoek (1974) 40 0.485 2.08
Borg (1987) 30 0.3 1.04
Herdocia (1991), 2D 36 0.75 2.94
Herdocia (1991), 3D 29 0.67 2.27
Brewery Fault
20 0.1 0.29
Borg (1987)

Kiirunavaara, Kiruna, Sweden

LKAB (Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara Aktiebolag) operates one of the world's largest

underground mines in the city of Kiruna, northern Sweden. The mine is located 144
kilometers north of the Arctic Circle. The Kiirunavaara mine was initially mined as an open
pit, starting at the top of the Kiirunavaara mountain. During the 1950s, a switch to
underground mining using sublevel caving was conducted. Current annual production
amounts to 20 Mton of magnetite iron ore.

The Kiirunavaara orebody is about 4000 meters long (see Figure 4.27), with an average width
of 90 meters, and probably extends to a depth of more than 2000 meters below the ground
surface. It strikes nearly north-south and dips, on average, 60° to the east. Average ore grade
(all magnetite) is 67 % in the low-phosphorous ore and 60 % in the high-phosphorous zone.
The orebody is of relatively high strength (σc ≈ 115 - 190 MPa), surrounded by competent
quartz porphyry on the hangingwall (σc ≈ 100 - 225 MPa) and syenite porphyry on the
footwall (σc ≈ 140 - 300 MPa). The rock mass is slightly stronger in the southern portion of
the mine (approximately south of Y3000 in Figure 4.27). Somewhat weaker contacts are
present both on the hangingwall and on the footwall side of the orebody. The rock mass is
relatively jointed, with two to three joint sets occurring in 8 different structural domains of

the mine. One joint set is oriented roughly parallel to the orebody, whereas the other two
strike obliquely to the orebody. All dip fairly steeply (60 - 90°). There are very few
observable larger structural features (Holmstedt, 1994; Lupo, 1996).



Figure 4.27 Horizontal map of the Kiirunavaara orebody, also showing the Luossajärvi
lake, the city of Kiruna, and the railroad (Lupo, 1996).

The mine has experienced large scale stability problems. Sublevel caving requires that the
hangingwall continuously cave as the ore is mined. This has the unwanted side-effect of
large subsidence on the ground surface, which has been observed in Kiruna ever since the
start of underground mining in the early 1960s (see also Figure 4.28 and Figure 4.29).
Continuous mapping of surface cracking and displacement monitoring once a year has been
conducted. These instabilities have largely been expected, although the lateral extent has not
always been easy to predict. A good prediction is essential, as both the railroad and the city
of Kiruna are located on the hangingwall side of the mine (Herdocia, 1991).

Beginning in 1984, instabilities were also observed in the footwall of the Kiirunavaara mine.
These ranged from minor cracking to fall-outs and, in some cases, total collapses of footwall
drifts. During the early 1990s, surface cracking could also be observed in the benches of the

old open pit (Figure 4.29). This was also evidence that the footwall was subject to a large
scale failure. These failures were most prominent in the northern portion of the mine (North
of Y3000; see Figure 4.27). In the short term, these instabilities are even more important
than the hangingwall failures, as they have direct impact on the mine infrastructure.
Ventilation shafts, ore passes, and portions of the main access ramps are all located in the
footwall relatively close to the orebody (Figure 4.28). The absence of large scale structures
indicates that failure occurs through the jointed rock mass. Observations underground have
shown that the failure follows pre-existing discontinuities where present, but otherwise cut
through intact rock. The displacements associated with the footwall failures are still quite
small, probably because the caved rock provides some constraint to the failing mass (Dahnér-
Lindqvist, 1992, 1998).

Figure 4.28 Schematic cross-section (not to scale) through the Kiirunavaara orebody
showing hangingwall fracturing and mine infrastructure on the footwall (Lupo,

Two- and three-dimensional physical model tests of the hangingwall failures were carried out
by Stephansson et al. (1978). More recently, several limit equilibrium analyses have been
carried out to back-analyze rock mass strengths for both the hangingwall and the footwall
failures. Some of these assume a planar failure surface, whereas others have applied the

concept of a circular failure surface. The latter have been used to predict new failure surfaces
with some accuracy, which served as the basis for locating new underground drifts and shafts
in the footwall (Dahnér-Lindqvist, 1992, 1998). A more recent approach involves a limit
equilibrium method that analyzes the footwall and the hangingwall in a coupled fashion
(Lupo, 1996). The resulting limiting strengths from the analyses of the footwall failures are
summarized in Table 4.4 and Table 4.5; those for the hangingwall failures are summarized in
Table 4.6, Table 4.7, and Table 4.8. The results are also presented graphically in Figure 4.30.

Surface cracks

Underground crack

Figure 4.29 Cross-section Y2300 (compare Figure 4.27), of the Kiirunavaara mine,
showing mining levels and year of mining, location and year of observed
cracking in the footwall and hangingwall, and mapped larger structures (after
Lupo, 1996).

Simulation of the failures has also been attempted using numerical modeling (Singh et al.,
1993), but without detailed calibration against observed failures. In addition, it is believed
that the mechanism simulated in the study by Singh et al. (1993) was incorrect (simulated
tensile failure as opposed to observed shear failure).

Table 4.4 Back-calculated strengths for observed failures of the Kiirunavaara footwall
assuming a circular failure surface (Dahnér-Lindqvist, 1992).

Mine Section, Y Friction Cohesion, c Equivalent compressive

angle, φ [°] [MPa] strength, σcm [MPa]
2000 30 1.5 5.20
2000-2300 30 1.5 5.20
2300-2450 30 1.15 3.98
2450-3000 30 1.5 5.20
>3000 30 1.5 5.20
Average 30 1.43 4.95

Table 4.5 Back-calculated strengths for observed failures of the Kiirunavaara footwall
assuming a planar failure surface and a coupled hangingwalll-footwall model
(Lupo, 1996).

Mine Section, Y Friction Cohesion, c Equivalent compressive

angle, φ [°] [MPa] strength, σcm [MPa]
2000 32 1.37 4.94
2100 37 1.18 4.73
2200 37 1.03 4.13
2300 37 1.18 4.73
2400 37 1.18 4.73
2500 37 1.08 4.33
2600 37 1.18 4.73
2700 35 1.27 4.88
2800 37 1.37 5.50
2900 35 1.37 5.26
3000 35 1.96 7.53
Average 36 1.29 5.05

Table 4.6 Back-calculated strengths for observed failures of the Kiirunavaara

hangingwall assuming a planar failure surface (Herdocia, 1991).

Analysis type Friction Cohesion, c Equivalent compressive

angle, φ [°] [MPa] strength, σcm [MPa]
2D 39 0.56 2.35
3D 38 0.5 2.05

Table 4.7 Back-calculated strengths for observed failures of the Kiirunavaara

hangingwall assuming a circular failure surface (Hustrulid, 1991).

Mine Section, Y Friction Cohesion, c Equivalent compressive

angle, φ [°] [MPa] strength, σcm [MPa]
1300 30 0.7 2.42
1333 30 0.7 2.42
1366 30 0.4 2.39
1465 30 0.4 2.39
1498 30 0.6 2.08
1597 30 0.7 2.42
1663 30 0.6 2.08
1729 30 0.7 2.42
1762 30 0.7 2.42
1795 30 0.8 2.42
1894 30 0.7 2.42
2026 30 0.7 2.42
2059 30 0.6 2.08
2389 30 0.6 2.08
2900 30 0.7 2.42
3600 30 1 3.46
3775 30 1 3.46
4303 35 >1
4798 35 >1
4963 35 ?
Average 36 0.68 2.36

Table 4.8 Back-calculated strengths for observed failures of the Kiirunavaara

hangingwall a planar failure surface and a coupled hangingwall-footwall
model (Lupo, 1996).

Mine Section, Y Friction Cohesion, c Equivalent compressive

angle, φ [°] [MPa] strength, σcm [MPa]
2000 32 1.18 4.26
2100 37 1.08 4.33
2200 37 1.08 4.33
2300 37 1.13 4.53
2400 37 1.27 5.09
2500 37 1.13 4.53
2600 37 0.98 3.93
2700 35 0.98 3.77
2800 37 0.98 3.93
2900 35 0.98 3.77
3000 35 0.69 2.65
Average 36 1.04 4.10


Kiirunavaara footwall
(Lupo, 1996)
Kiirunavaara footwall
(Dahnér-Lindqvist, 1991)
Cohesion [MPa]

1.5 Kiirunavaara hangingwall

(Lupo, 1996)

Kiirunavaara hangingwall
(Hustrulid, 1991)
Kiirunavaara hangingwall -
3D (Herdocia, 1991)

0.5 Kiirunavaara hangingwall -

2D (Herdocia, 1991)

28 30 32 34 36 38 40
Friction Angle [°]

Figure 4.30 Summary of back-calculated strengths for the Kiirunavaara hangingwall and

Malmberget, Sweden

LKAB also operates the Malmberget iron ore mine, located just north of the Arctic Circle.
Iron ore was first mined in the area as early as the 17th centrury. Today, the mine consists of
several relatively large orebodies, which are currently being mined using sublevel caving.
Annual ore production amounts to approximately 6 Mton. The magnetite orebodies are
surrounded by leptite rocks (metamorphosed igneous rocks). Rock strengths are relatively
high, with uniaxial compressive strengths of the intact rock of around 180 to 230 MPa (on
average). However, markedly weaker zones of gray, biotite-rich leptite (compessive strength
less than 50 MPa) also occur near the orebodies (Rutqvist and Sjöberg, 1987).

Similar to the Kiirunavaara mine, caving of the hangingwall has occurred, accompanied by
extensive ground subsidence. In particular, mining of the Kapten orebody has caused
extensive surface caving. The Kapten orebody was also first mined as an open pit, but it has
been mined underground exclusively since the 1960s. The orebody dips at approximately
45° to 60° to the southeast, but the southernmost end also plunges under the city of
Malmberget. As a consequence of surface cracking, portions of the city have been evacuated.
Another orebody, Fabian, is located east of the Kapten orebody. The Fabian orebody strikes
parallel to the Kapten orebody, but dips in the opposite direction. The two orebodies are
likely to interact, causing a more complicated failure pattern.

The plunge of the orebody has delayed surface cracking toward the south, but more extensive
cracking was noted also in this direction during 1998. Unlike the Kiirunavaara mine, no
other footwall failures have been noted at Malmberget. Surface and underground failure
mapping at the mine is carried out continuously, as is monitoring of surface displacements
(once or twice a year, more-or-less continuous from 1972). The failures have been identified
as shear failures through the relatively jointed rock mass. Secondary to these, toppling
movements are observed near the ground surface (Rutqvist and Sjöberg, 1987).

The hangingwall failures of the Kapten hangingwall have also been the subject of several
back-analyses using limit equilibrium methods. Results from these are summarized in Table
4.9. All studies assumed a plane shear failure geometry with a vertical tension crack. The
large differences in resulting strengths can be attributed to differences in how the caved rock
was treated in the analysis. Furthermore, geometry of the Kapten orebody is truly three-
dimensional; hence, the geometrical simplifications necessary in the analyses may have
impacted the results.

Table 4.9 Back-calculated strengths for observed failures of the Kapten hangingwall in
Malmberget (Rutqvist and Sjöberg, 1987; Herdocia, 1991).

Analysis type and Friction Cohesion, c Equivalent compressive

reference angle, φ [°] [MPa] strength, σcm [MPa]
Rutqvist and Sjöberg
24 0.5 1.54
Herdocia (1991), 2D 51 0.7 3.95
Herdocia (1991), 3D 41 0.67 2.94

4.4.2 Discussion

The large scale failures described above are clearly rock mass failures, perhaps with the
exception of the Grängesberg mine, for which failures partly occurred along the Brewery
fault. As such, the back-calculated strengths can be used as crude estimates of the rock mass
strengths for each of these geomechanical environments. Beause the rock masses in all three
cases are fairly similar to that of Aitik, these strength values are very valuable additions to the
case study database. The strength aspects will be discussed further in Chapter 5; the values
presented here will be used to verify a procedure for assessing rock mass strength.

The large uncertainty with the back-calculated strengths is the difference in how the caved
rock material has been treated in the analysis. In the analysis of the Kiirunavaara footwall
failures by Dahnér-Linqvist (1992), the footwall was given a slope angle of 90°, thus
simulating the footwall as overlain by portions of the caved rock, but with no lateral support.
In the analysis of the hangingwall (e.g., by Hustrulid, 1991), the caved rock was totally
excluded from the computational model. The analysis by Lupo (1996) included lateral forces
provided by the caved rock to the hangingwall and the footwall faces. During ore draw, this
lateral support decreases, but the subsiding rock induces shear traction on the sidewalls,
which thus assists in failure (resultant force oriented downward).

In Lupo's model, footwall failure occurred for nearly the same strength values as in the
analysis by Dahnér-Lindqvist that did not include the support of the caved rock. On the other
hand, the back-analyzed hangingwall strength valuess by Lupo (1996) were significantly
higher than those from any of the other analyses that neglected the effect of the caved rock
(almost twice as high equivalent compressive strength). Judging from this, it appears as if the
action of the caved rock was more pronounced on the hangingwall side. However, it is

premature to discard the effects from the caved rock on the footwall failures. Undoubtedly,
the caved rock acts as a passive support, inhibiting larger displacements of the footwall rock
mass, but failure may still occur during ore draw. More work is required in this area.

The extent of cracking in the above-noted caving mines has often been defined by a break
angle. The break angle is defined as the angle (measured from the horizontal) of a straight
line connecting the outermost surface crack with the current mining level. Compilations by
Herdocia (1991) and Lupo (1998b) indicated that the break angles tend to decrease with
increasing mining depth. As most of these data concern hangingwalls, the geometrical
differences make it difficult to compare them to open pit slopes. Perhaps, however, the
Kiirunavaara footwall failures can be regarded as being similar to a pit slope failures.
Footwall instabilities were first recorded when the "slope" was approximately 400 meters
high. Surface cracking occurred later, when the slope height was approximately 500 meters
(counting from the active mining level to the location of the surface crack; see Figure 4.29).
The "slope" angle at failure can be taken as the footwall dip — in this case, approximately
60°. This value will be used in the next section, when extracting design guidelines applicable
to the Aitik mine.

4.5 Extraction of Design Guidelines

4.5.1 Classification and Sorting of Cases

For design guidelines to be useful, it is essential that the slope height-slope angle data are
related to the geomechanical environment of the slopes. One way to do this is to use rock
mass classification to sort the data. Rock mass classification will be used to link rock mass
strength to rock characteristics in Chapter 5, but only for a few selected cases. For the bulk
portion of the database, there was not enough available information to carry out a
classification of the rock mass using either the CSIR-RMR (Bieniawski, 1976) or the NGI
(Barton et al., 1974) classification schemes.

In the following, a simpler approach is being used. The cases in the database were sorted
with respect to rock strength and general rock characteristics. For the visited open pits,
information from laboratory tests was generally available. This also applied to most of the
cases from the literature. For the natural slopes in Norway, test results were not available,
but the strengths could be estimated based on the geological setting. Here, the limits
suggested by ISRM for index tests (Brown, 1981) were used (see also Table 3.11). In the
Chinese study on natural and engineering slopes, no rock strength was provided. However,

the slopes were grouped with respect to (1) blocky rock, (2) foliated rock, and (3) crushed
and soil-like rock, respectively. The open pit cases and the natural slopes in Norway can be
grouped into four different classes of strength:

(1) R2: Weak rock (σc ≈ 5 - 25 MPa);

(2) R3: Medium strong rock (σc ≈ 25 - 50 MPa);
(3) R4: Strong rock (σc ≈ 50 - 100 MPa); and
(4) R5: Very strong rock: (σc ≈ 100 - 250 MPa).

Slope heights and slope angles for each of these classes of strength for the open pit slopes and
one sublevel caving slope are shown in Figure 4.31. In Figure 4.32, data from both pit slopes
and natural slopes are plotted for strength grades R4 and R5 (i.e., the typical strength of rocks
at Aitik; compare with Chapter 3). Data from the Chinese study are shown in Figure 4.33 for
foliated and blocky rock, respectively.

From these figures, some broad trends can be distinguished. It appears that slightly steeper
stable slopes are found for higher intact rock strength (compare e.g., grades R4 and R3 in
Figure 4.31). On the other hand, there are several cases of failed slopes with flatter slope
angles than those of stable slopes. This is most evident for the higher rock strength (grades
R4 and R5 in Figure 4.31). This is even more obvious when including the natural slopes in
Norway (see Figure 4.32). Most of these cases have slope angles and slope heights that
largely exceed those of the failed pit slopes. The data on engineering and natural slopes in
China (Figure 4.33) are more difficult to interpret, as failed and stable cases, to a large extent,
overlap each other.

For the natural slopes in Norway, a further distinction can be made with regard to the jointing
pattern of the slopes. Data were available on the orientation of the foliation or the dominant
joint set relative to the strike of the slope. Five different jointing patterns were noted:

(1) joints striking parallel to the slope but dipping into the slope;
(2) joints striking parallel to the slope but dipping out of the slope;
(3) joint striking perpendicular to the slope;
(4) joints striking oblique to the slope; and
(5) joints oriented horizontally.

Slope heights and slope angles for each of the six different rock types and for different
jointing patterns are shown in Figure 4.34. For the mica schist, data on the dip of the
dominant joint sets were also available and is shown in Figure 4.35.

Sorted Cases - Open Pit Slopes Sorted Cases - Open Pit Slopes

900 900
Failure - R3
800 Failure - R2 800
Stable - R3

700 700

600 600
Slope Height [m]

Slope Height [m]

500 500

400 400

300 300

200 200

100 100

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Slope Angle [°] Slope Angle [°]

Sorted Cases - Open Pit Slopes Sorted Cases - Open Pit and
Sublevel Caving Slopes
900 900
Failure - R5
Failure - R4
800 800 Kiirunavaara FW failure - R5
Stable - R4
Stable - R5
700 700

600 600
Slope Height [m]

Slope Height [m]

500 500

400 400

300 300

200 200

100 100

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Slope Angle [°] Slope Angle [°]

Figure 4.31 Slope heights versus slope angles for open pit slopes, sorted with respect to
intact rock strength.

Open Pit Slopes and Natural Slopes in Norway Open Pit Slopes and Natural Slopes in Norway
1600 1600
Failure - R5
1500 Failure - R4 1500
Stable - R5
1400 Stable - R4 1400
1300 Kiirunavaara
1300 FW failure - R5
1200 1200

1100 1100

1000 1000

Slope Height [m]

Slope Height [m]

900 900

800 800

700 700

600 600

500 500

400 400

300 300

200 200

100 100

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Slope Angle [°] Slope Angle [°]

Figure 4.32 Slope heights versus slope angles for open pit slopes and natural slopes in
Norway, for rock strength classes R4 and R5.
Sorted Cases - Slopes in China Sorted Cases - Slopes in China
1600 1600
1500 Failure - Foliated Rock 1500 Failure - Blocky Rock

1400 Stable - Foliated Rock 1400 Stable - Blocky Rock

1300 1300
1200 1200
1100 1100
1000 1000
Slope Height [m]

Slope Height [m]

900 900
800 800
700 700
600 600
500 500
400 400
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Slope Angle [°] Slope Angle [°]

Figure 4.33 Slope heights versus slope angles for natural and engineering slopes in China
for the categories of foliated and blocky rock, respectively.

Sorted Cases - Natural Slopes in Norway Sorted Cases - Natural Slopes in Norway
1600 1600
Mica Schist (R4) foliation parallel into slope Granite/Granitic Gneiss (R4) parallel into slope
1500 1500
Mica Schist (R4) foliation perpendicular to slope Granite/Granitic Gneiss (R4) parallel out of slope
1400 1400
Mica Schist (R4) foliation oblique to slope Granite/Granitic Gneiss (R4) perpendicular to slope
1300 1300 Granite/Granitic Gneiss (R4) oblique to slope

1200 1200
1100 1100
1000 1000
Slope Height [m]

Slope Height [m]

900 900
800 800
700 700
600 600
500 500
400 400
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Slope Angle [°] Slope Angle [°]

Sorted Cases - Natural Slopes in Norway Sorted Cases - Natural Slopes in Norway
1600 1600
Gabbro (R4) parallel into slope Möre Gneiss (R5)
1500 1500 parallel into slope
Gabbro (R4) parallel out of slope
1400 1400 Möre Gneiss (R5)
Gabbro (R4) perpendicular to slope parallel out of slope
1300 1300 Möre Gneiss (R5)
Gabbro (R4) oblique to slope perpendicular to slope
1200 1200
Möre Gneiss (R5)
1100 1100 oblique to slope

1000 1000
Slope Height [m]

Slope Height [m]

900 900
800 800
700 700
600 600
500 500
400 400
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Slope Angle [°] Slope Angle [°]

Figure 4.34 Slope height versus slope angle for natural slopes in Norway. (Data plotted
for different rock types and different jointing pattern in the slopes.)

Sorted Cases - Natural Slopes in Norway Sorted Cases - Natural Slopes in Norway
1600 1600
Devonian sandstone (R4) parallel into slope
1500 1500 Cambro-Silurian Rocks (R4) parallell out of slope
Devonian sandstone (R4) parallel out of slope
Cambro-Silurian Rocks (R4) perpendicular to slope
1400 1400
Devonian sandstone (R4) perpendicular to slope
Cambro-Silurian Rocks (R4) oblique to slope
1300 1300
Devonian sandstone (R4) oblique to slope
Cambro-Silurian Rocks (R4) horizontally jointed
1200 1200
1100 1100
1000 1000
Slope Height [m]

Slope Height [m]

900 900
800 800
700 700
600 600
500 500
400 400
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Slope Angle [°] Slope Angle [°]

Figure 4.34 (concluded).

Slightly flatter slope angles and lower slope heights were found for slopes with joints striking
parallel to the slope face and dipping out of the slope (high potential for plane shear failure),
especially for slopes in gneissic rock. Furthermore, slopes with joints oriented perpendicular
to the slope have somewhat steeper slope angles than the other cases.

For slopes in mica schist and gabbro, the differences in stable slope height-slope angle for the
different joint orientations are relatively small. The largest scatter is found for the slopes in
Möre gneiss, which also exhibits the highest and steepest slopes. The latter implies that this
rock is of very high strength. Jointing was also sparse for nearly all of the slopes in Möre
gneiss (Dahlø, 1976); the same can be said for the slopes in Devonian sandstone. In addition,
nearly all cases of slopes in sandstone displayed a joint dip between 60° and 90°.

Sorted Cases - Natural Slopes in Norway Sorted Cases - Natural Slopes in Norway
1600 1600
Mica Schist foliation parallel into slope, dip=60-90
1500 1500 Mica Schist (R4) foliation perpendicular to slope
Mica Schist foliation parallel into slope, dip=30-60
1400 1400 Mica Schist (R4) foliation oblique to slope
Mica Schist foliation parallel into slope, dip=0-30
1300 1300
1200 1200
1100 1100
1000 1000
Slope Height [m]

Slope Height [m]

900 900
800 800
700 700
600 600
500 500
400 400
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Slope Angle [°] Slope Angle [°]

Figure 4.35 Slope height versus slope angle for natural slopes in mica schist for different
orientation of the dominant joint set.

To summarize, the available data from natural slopes in Norway suggest that the joint
orientation has a measurable influence on the overall slope stability. However, the scatter is
also relatively large, making it difficult to establish design curves from these data.
Furthermore, these natural slopes are all located in hard, high-strength rock — some even in
extremely strong rock. This proves that slopes can be very high, provided that the geological
conditions are favorable. This was also obvious for the open pit slopes. Higher and steeper
slopes were also found for the rocks with higher strength (strength classes R4 and R5,
respectively). On the other hand, fewer cases of large scale failure were available for these
rocks. For the low strength rocks, there were many cases of failure but fewer stable slopes.

Taken together, this made it difficult to establish a dividing curve between stable and
unstable regions in these charts. It is envisioned, however, that this can be achieved with
additional effort. The broad classification used here did not provide enough information to
positively identify the various factors contributing to failure (e.g., the influence of major
structural features on failure mode). A more refined sorting process, involving more
quantitative rock mass classification as well as better descriptions of the failure mechanism,
could conceivably give a better resolution. Other studies, such as those by Coates (1977,

1981), even suggested that the difference between slopes in different rocks decreased as the
slope height increased. Although this appears reasonable, such conclusions cannot be drawn
from the currently available material, as there is too little data on higher slopes.

4.5.2 Design Guidelines for the Aitik Pit Slopes

In the following, the most relevant cases in terms of similarity to Aitik were extracted from
the database. The selection of similar cases was based on rock types (igneous and/or
metamorphosed, hard rocks) and moderate to high intact rock strength (grades R4 to R5
according to the ISRM index tests, Table 3.11). Cases for which no information on rock type
was available were discarded. (This included all pit slopes in Russia and all cases from the
Chinese study.) The resulting selection included 16 open pit slopes and 75 cases of natural
slopes in mica schist, gabbro and granitic gneiss in Norway.

It is important to note the differences between natural slopes and open pit and civil
engineering slopes. The first category has undergone a "natural selection process", in that
everything affected by "dangerous" structures has already failed. These slopes can thus be
considered as something of a "best case" — i.e., the best result that can be achieved in that
specific rock mass. Man-made slopes, however, still contain potentially dangerous structures
that may cause failure for higher and/or steeper slopes.

A further distinction could be made with respect to the orientation of the dominant foliation
relative to the pit slope. Cases from pit slopes could be divided into footwall and
hangingwall environments (foliation dipping out of or into slope, respectively). Furthermore,
the natural slope cases could be sorted with respect to (1) foliation striking parallel to and
dipping out of the slope ("footwall"), (2) foliation striking parallel to and dipping into the
slope ("hangingwall"), and (3) foliation being oriented perpendicular and/or oblique to the
slope face. The last category can tentatively be compared to the corners and end sections of
the Aitik pit.

Summary information of the selected cases is shown in Table 4.10. Slope heights versus
slope angles for all cases are shown in Figure 4.36, along with the current slope geometry at
Aitik. A better resolution is obtained when separating the cases into "footwalls",
"hangingwalls", and "pit corners", as shown in Figure 4.37, Figure 4.38, and Figure 4.39,

Table 4.10 Selected cases similar to Aitik in terms of geomechanical environment.

Mine/Slope Name Rock Type Slope Height Slope Angle Dip Comment Rock Strength
[m] [°] (Table 3.11)
Stable Open Pit Slopes
Chuquicamata EW Granodiorite 658 46 FW R4
Ørtfjell dagbrudd Mica schist 230 54 FW R4
Island Copper NW Andesite 500 50 HW R4
Ørtfjell dagbrudd Mica schist 120 54 HW R4
Bjørnevatn dagbrudd Taconite 210 54 FW R5
Carol Lake Quartzite, quartz- 220 58 FW R5
carbonate rocks
Empire Mine Carbonate rocks 280 50 FW R5
Endako Mine Quartz-monzonite 265 48 FW R5
Mont-Wright Quartzite, 238 60 FW R5
Nickel Plate Mine Skarn, skarn-altered 280 63 FW R5
Tellnes dagbrudd Anorthosite 155 55 FW R5
Palabora Carbonatites 500 58 R5
Republic Mine, NW Diabase 120 90 R5
Bjørnevatn dagbrudd Taconite 210 54 HW R5
Carol Lake Quartzite, quartz- 220 58 HW R5
carbonate rocks
Empire Mine Carbonate rocks 280 50 HW R5
Endako Mine Quartz-monzonite 265 55 HW R5
Mont-Wright Quartzite, 238 57 HW R5
Nickel Plate Mine Skarn, skarn-altered 280 63 HW R5
Failure — Open Pit Slopes
Afton Mine SW Diorite 300 45 HW R4
Chuquicamata, WW Granodiorite, 658 37 HW R4
moderate strength
Cyprus Bagdad Quartz monzonite 500 39 HW R4
Lornex Pit Diorite, granodiorite, 350 30 HW R4
quartz porphyry
Valley Pit Diorite, granodiorite, 380 35 HW R4
quartz monzonite
Brenda Mine, WW Quartz diorite 335 45 FW R5
Brenda Mine, SW Quartz diorite 200 40 HW R5

Sublevel Caving Mine Failure

Kiirunavaara FW Syenite porphyry 500 60 FW R5
FW = Footwall, HW = Hangingwall
NW = North Wall, SW = South Wall, EW = East Wall, WW = West Wall , SEW = Southeast Wall.

Table 4.10 (continued).

Mine/Slope Name Rock Type Slope Height Slope Angle Dip Comment Rock Strength
[m] [°] (Table 3.11)
Natural Slopes in Mica Schist (Stable)
Eiterådal V Mica schist 390 50 Parallell, into R4
Eiterådal V Mica schist 430 47 Parallell, into R4
Örtfjell N Mica schist 310 65 Parallell, into R4
Brunstadfjell Mica schist 610 37 Parallell, into R4
Örtfjell NÖ Mica schist 610 39 Parallell, into R4
Örtfjell NÖ Mica schist 330 51 Parallell, into R4
Örtfjell NÖ Mica schist 290 58 Parallell, into R4
Örtfjell NÖ Mica schist 600 42 Parallell, into R4
Stormdalen Mica schist 750 38 Parallell, into R4
Kollfjellet Mica schist 435 41 Parallell, into R4
Stormdalstind Mica schist 635 39 Parallell, into R4
Stormdalsfjell Mica schist 325 57 Parallell, into R4
Gåbrok Mica schist 240 65 Parallell, into R4
Eiterådal N Mica schist 360 59 Perpendicular R4
to slope
Eiterådal N Mica schist 360 62 Perpendicular R4
to slope
Örtfjell N Mica schist 255 54 Perpendicular R4
to slope
Storfjellet Mica schist 545 39 Perpendicular R4
to slope
Örtfjell N Mica schist 210 56 Perpendicular R4
to slope
Langvann Mica schist 325 52 Oblique to R4
Langvann Mica schist 245 55 Oblique to R4
Stormdalen Mica schist 800 36 Oblique to R4
FW = Footwall, HW = Hangingwall
NW = North Wall, SW = South Wall, EW = East Wall, WW = West Wall , SEW = Southeast Wall.

Table 4.10 (continued).

Mine/Slope Name Rock Type Slope Height Slope Angle Dip Comment Rock Strength
[m] [°] (Table 3.11)
Natural Slopes in Granite/Granitic Gneiss (Stable)
Svarteisen Granite/Granitic 200 55 Parallell, into R4
gneiss slope
Svarteisen Granite/Granitic 200 34 Parallell, out of R4
gneiss slope
Svarteisen Granite/Granitic 510 32 Parallell, out of R4
gneiss slope
Svarteisen Granite/Granitic 100 34 Parallell, out of R4
gneiss slope
Svarteisen Granite/Granitic 400 42 Parallell, out of R4
gneiss slope
Svarteisen Granite/Granitic 500 41 Parallell, out of R4
gneiss slope
Svarteisen Granite/Granitic 200 53 Perpendicular R4
gneiss to slope
Svarteisen Granite/Granitic 215 62 Perpendicular R4
gneiss to slope
Svarteisen Granite/Granitic 300 47 Perpendicular R4
gneiss to slope
Svarteisen Granite/Granitic 200 45 Perpendicular R4
gneiss to slope
Svarteisen Granite/Granitic 550 55 Perpendicular R4
gneiss to slope
Svarteisen Granite/Granitic 100 63 Oblique to R4
gneiss slope
Svarteisen Granite/Granitic 300 51 Oblique to R4
gneiss slope
Svarteisen Granite/Granitic 200 43 Oblique to R4
gneiss slope
Svarteisen Granite/Granitic 110 53 Oblique to R4
gneiss slope
Svarteisen Granite/Granitic 300 38 Oblique to R4
gneiss slope
Svarteisen Granite/Granitic 500 43 Oblique to R4
gneiss slope
Svarteisen Granite/Granitic 600 61 Oblique to R4
gneiss slope
Svarteisen Granite/Granitic 400 55 Oblique to R4
gneiss slope
Svarteisen Granite/Granitic 220 55 Oblique to R4
gneiss slope
Svarteisen Granite/Granitic 340 50 Oblique to R4
gneiss slope
Svarteisen Granite/Granitic 420 38 Oblique to R4
gneiss slope
Svarteisen Granite/Granitic 240 62 Oblique to R4
gneiss slope
FW = Footwall, HW = Hangingwall
NW = North Wall, SW = South Wall, EW = East Wall, WW = West Wall , SEW = Southeast Wall.

Table 4.10 (continued).

Mine/Slope Name Rock Type Slope Height Slope Angle Dip Comment Rock Strength
[m] [°] (Table 3.11)
Natural Slopes in Gabbro (Stable)
Lyngen Gabbro 600 41 Parallell, into R4
Lyngen Gabbro 600 46 Parallell, into R4
Lyngen Gabbro 900 33 Parallell, into R4
Lyngen Gabbro 900 35 Parallell, into R4
Lyngen Gabbro 600 54 Parallell, into R4
Lyngen Gabbro 700 39 Parallell, into R4
Lyngen Gabbro 500 58 Parallell, into R4
Lyngen Gabbro 300 65 Parallell, into R4
Lyngen Gabbro 500 49 Parallell, into R4
Lyngen Gabbro 640 41 Parallell, into R4
Lyngen Gabbro 300 62 Parallell, into R4
Lyngen Gabbro 400 66 Parallell, out of R4
Lyngen Gabbro 530 45 Perpendicular R4
to slope
Lyngen Gabbro 600 52 Perpendicular R4
to slope
Lyngen Gabbro 840 42 Perpendicular R4
to slope
Lyngen Gabbro 900 50 Perpendicular R4
to slope
Lyngen Gabbro 1010 46 Perpendicular R4
to slope
Lyngen Gabbro 600 49 Perpendicular R4
to slope
Lyngen Gabbro 700 46 Perpendicular R4
to slope
Lyngen Gabbro 700 45 Perpendicular R4
to slope
Lyngen Gabbro 800 45 Perpendicular R4
to slope
Lyngen Gabbro 300 49 Perpendicular R4
to slope
Lyngen Gabbro 900 40 Oblique to R4
Lyngen Gabbro 300 66 Oblique to R4
FW = Footwall, HW = Hangingwall
NW = North Wall, SW = South Wall, EW = East Wall, WW = West Wall , SEW = Southeast Wall.

Table 4.10 (concluded).

Mine/Slope Name Rock Type Slope Height Slope Angle Dip Comment Rock Strength
[m] [°] (Table 3.11)
Natural Slopes in Gabbro (Stable)
Lyngen Gabbro 320 61 Oblique to R4
Lyngen Gabbro 800 50 Oblique to R4
Lyngen Gabbro 400 48 Oblique to R4
Lyngen Gabbro 300 70 Oblique to R4
Lyngen Gabbro 200 61 Oblique to R4
Lyngen Gabbro 300 71 Oblique to R4
Lyngen Gabbro 200 77 Oblique to R4
FW = Footwall, HW = Hangingwall
NW = North Wall, SW = South Wall, EW = East Wall, WW = West Wall , SEW = Southeast Wall.

A curve delineating stable and unstable regions has been sketched into these figures (not
curve-fitted). There are few cases of failure for both the footwall and hangingwall
environments. Footwall failures are limited to the Kiirunavaara sublevel caving mine and the
south wall of the Brenda mine (Figure 4.37). The latter was a very rapid failure (as described
previously), involving sliding along a large scale structure and failure through the rock mass
at the toe. Thus, it does not resemble the conditions at Aitik and has therefore been given less
weight in determining the limiting curve for the footwall.

Hangingwall failures are all large scale toppling failures inopen pit mines. These have
occurred in moderately strong rock masses, most of which are weaker than the rocks typically
found in the Aitik hangingwall. Furthermore, these slopes exhibited pronounced jointing
and/or faulting with steeply dipping discontinuities (typically more than 70°), whereas the
dominant foliation in the Aitik hangingwall is flatter (cf. Chapter 3). The current
hangingwall slope at Aitik is also (in some portions) steeper and higher than some of these
unstable slopes. This indicates that these cases are not representative of the conditions at
Aitik. Consequently, two design curves have been sketched into Figure 4.38 — one based on
toppling failure cases and the other based on the stable natural slopes in Norway.

Selected Cases Similar to Aitik

Stable Natural Slopes in
Stable Open Pit Mines
Failure - Open Pit Mines

Sublevel Caving Mines

Aitik Today

Slope Height [m]







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Slope Angle [°]

Figure 4.36 Slope heights versus slope angles for selected cases similar to Aitik.

Selected Cases Similar to Aitik - Footwall

Norwegian Slopes - Foliation Out of Slope

Stable Open Pit Mines FW

Failure - Open Pit Mines FW

Kiirunavaara Sublevel Caving Mine

Aitik FW Today

Slope Height [m]


Rapid Failure in
Brenda Mine; Plane
400 Failure + Rock
Mass Shear



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Slope Angle [°]

Figure 4.37 Slope heights versus slope angles for selected cases similar to the Aitik

Selected Cases Similar to Aitik - Hangingwall

Norwegian Slopes - Foliation Into

900 Stable Open Pit Mines HW

Failure - Open Pit Mines HW (All

Toppling Failures)
Aitik HW Today

Design curve based
on toppling failures Unstable
Slope Height [m]


500 Design curve based

on natural slopes





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Slope Angle [°]

Figure 4.38 Slope heights versus slope angles for selected cases similar to the Aitik

Selected Cases Similar to Aitik - Corner and End

1000Slopes - Foliation
Perpendicular to Slope
Norwegian Slopes - Foliation Oblique to
Stable Open Pit Mines - All Cases

Kiirunavaara Sublevel Caving Mine

Aitik Today (FW & HW) ?

Slope Height [m]

Stable Unstable





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Slope Angle [°]

Figure 4.39 Slope heights versus slope angles for selected cases similar to the Aitik pit end
and pit corners.

Based on the presented data, it appears that the current slope angles used at Aitik are
somewhat conservative and that there is potential for increasing the slope angles in the future,
despite increasing mining depths. With a final slope height of 420 (footwall) to 450
(hangingwall) meters, it may be possible to have slope angles of around 55° to 60° for both
the footwall and the hangingwall without jeopardizing the overall slope stability. The
empirical data indicate an upper limit of around 60° for a slope height of 500 meters.

The data collected here do not permit more quantitative guidelines to be extracted. To be
able to provide better predictions, it is necessary to have more cases of observed failures in
hard rock slopes. As far as the author is aware, there are no such cases available at present.
Only time will tell if such cases will arise (i.e., if failure will occur). It is also necessary to
sort and classify the different rock slopes better, with respect to factors governing stability
and failure mechanisms. This might include factors such as block size, joint strength vs. rock
strength, and the ratio between joint lengths and intact rock bridges (in relation to the slope
height). More data collection is necessary, as well as more research directed toward
examining the influence from these (and other potential) factors on the slope stability.


5.1 Introduction and Scope

Rock mass strength constitutes perhaps the most important input parameter to any analysis of
large scale slope stability. At the same time, it is one of the most difficult parameters to
determine. Laboratory tests on small core samples are not representative of a rock mass of
significantly larger volume. On the other hand, in situ strength testing of a rock mass is
seldom practically or economically feasible. Back-analysis of observed failures can provide
representative values of large scale rock mass strength; obviously, however, this is only
possible for cases in which rock mass failure has occurred. The more general problem of
forward strength prediction is much more difficult, and previous efforts in this area have only
been partly successful (see Section 2.2.3).

An improved method for rock-mass strength determination requires a better and more
fundamental understanding of the behavior of large scale rock masses. It is realized that this
is an enormous effort, which easily can expand into a large research project involving several
researchers over several years of time, thus far exceeding the scope of a single thesis project.
Rather than attempting to solve the problem of determining the large scale rock mass
strength, a more pragmatic and empirical approach was chosen in this thesis. The approach is
based on the currently more-or-less accepted use of the Hoek-Brown failure criterion in
conjunction with rock mass classification to estimate the rock mass strength.

This methodology is relatively well established but is not without its difficulties. In
particular, its application to slope stability is not well proven and documented. This is partly
due to the limited amount of published data on rock mass strength. In addition, the few
published cases often lack detailed description of the rock mass; hence, strength data cannot
be related to the type of rock mass. Nevertheless, the Hoek-Brown criterion has been widely
used, and practical experience (by Hoek and co-workers) has been fed into the continuous
updating and redevelopment of the criterion. There are other empirical failure criteria that
may be more appealing from a theoretical perspective (see e.g., Sheorey, 1997), but these
have only been used in one or two cases, or not at all.

Rather than trying to select the most appropriate empirical criteria or develop a new one, it
was decided to take the existing Hoek-Brown approach and apply it, perhaps with minor
modifications, to the problem of large scale slope stability. In this chapter, strength estimates
using the Hoek-Brown failure criterion are compared with back-calculated strength values

from a few documented case studies from Chapter 4, in an attempt to validate the
applicability of the criterion.

First, it was deemed necessary to critically review and discuss the approach to strength
estimation. In the following, the development history of the Hoek-Brown failure criterion is
reviewed in some detail. The notations and names used for each revision of the criterion are
those given by the original authors. The review also covers methods to estimate equivalent
strength properties for the rock mass, and a discussion of the ambiguities and uncertainties
associated with different versions of the Hoek-Brown criterion. Comparisons are then made
between estimated and back-calculated strength values for selected case studies. Finally,
recommendations are given for practical rock-mass strength assessment for the design of
large scale rock slopes. Assessment of rock-mass deformation modulus is also covered. In
situations where failures are governed by large scale structural features, an assessment of the
discontinuity shear strength is required. This issue is also discussed briefly, and some
recommendations for strength estimation are given.

5.2 The Hoek-Brown Failure Criterion — Review and Discussion

5.2.1 The Original Hoek-Brown Failure Criterion

The Hoek-Brown failure criterion was developed in the early 1980s in response to the lack of
suitable failure criteria for rock masses. Hoek and Brown (1980) listed three requirements
for such a criterion. It should (1) describe the response of intact rock samples under stress
conditions ranging from uniaxial tensile stress to triaxial compressive stress, (2) be capable of
predicting the influence of discontinuities on the behavior of a rock sample, and (3) provide a
projection (even approximate) for the behavior of a full scale rock mass with several sets of
discontinuities. Hoek and Brown (1980) noted that there were no criteria available that met
all three requirements; they therefore chose to develop a new criterion. The conceptual
starting point for the new Hoek-Brown failure criterion was the Griffith theory for brittle
fracture, but the process of deriving the criterion was one of pure trial-and-error.

The original Hoek-Brown criterion was proposed in 1980 (Hoek and Brown, 1980) and is
defined as

σ 1 = σ 3 + mσ 3σ c + sσ c2 (5.1)


m = constant depending on the characteristics of the rock mass,

s = constant depending on the characteristics of the rock mass,
σc = uniaxial compressive strength of the intact rock material,
σ1 = major principal stress at failure, and
σ3 = minor principal stress at failure.

The uniaxial compressive strength for the rock mass, σcm , can be expressed by setting
σ3 = 0 in Equation (5.1), thus obtaining

σ cm = σ c s . (5.2)

The uniaxial tensile strength of the rock mass, σtm , can be found by setting σ1 = 0 in Equation
(5.1), thus yielding

σ tm =
(m − m 2 + 4s . ) (5.3)

There is no fundamental relation between the constants in the failure criterion and the
physical characteristics of the rock mass. The justification for choosing this particular
formulation was the good agreement with observed rock fracture behavior and the
convenience of its application to a range of engineering problems (Hoek, 1983). Also,
because the authors were most familiar with the design of underground excavations, it was
chosen to formulate the criterion in terms of principal stresses. This is, however, a problem
for certain applications — e.g., slope stability analysis in which the shear strength of a failure
surface as a function of the normal stress is required. A Mohr envelope in τ-σn-space can be
generated by using Equation (5.1) to calculate a series of values and then determine the Mohr
envelope through curve fitting of the following relation:

 σ − σ tm 
τ = Aσ c  n  , (5.4)
 σc 

where A and B are material constants defining the shape of the Mohr failure envelope.
Procedures to calculate equivalent cohesion and friction angles from this will be discussed in
Section 5.4 of this report.

For intact rock, s = 1 and m = mi. Values for mi can be calculated from laboratory triaxial
testing of core samples at different confining stresses, or extracted from reported test results.
Hoek and Brown (1980) provided a relatively thorough compilation of such data. It should
be noted that only data for a confining stress range of 0 < σ3 < 0.5σc were included. In
essence, they found trends suggesting that rock types could be grouped into five classes, with
mi = 7, 10, 15, 17 and 25, respectively (see Appendix 4, Table A4.1). However, Hoek and
Brown noted that the scatter within each group was considerable.

For jointed rock masses, 0 ≤ s < 1 and m < mi. The values for each of these parameters can
be difficult to assess, since this also requires triaxial testing. At that time, there were very
few such data sets available for rock masses. (This is probably also true today.) Hoek and
Brown (1980) reported results from, in their opinion, one of the most complete sets of triaxial
test data, those resulting from tests conducted on Panguna andesite from the Bougainville
open pit in Papua New Guinea. Because these test data formed the basis for estimating
values for m and s, it is worthwhile to describe them in more detail. The tested rock samples
varied in composition and different testing methods were employed, as follows (the list given
below is reproduced from Hoek and Brown, 1980):

– Intact Panguna andesite. Tests on 25 mm and 50 mm core samples.

– Undisturbed core samples. 152-mm diameter samples of jointed rock (joint spacing
typically 25 mm) recovered using triple tube coring technique and tested triaxially.

– Recompacted graded samples. Samples taken from bench faces (loose material),
scaled down and compacted back to near in situ density, and tested in a 152-mm
diameter triaxial cell.

– Fresh to slightly weathered Panguna andesite. Samples taken from the open pit
mine, compacted to near in situ density, and tested in a 571-mm diameter triaxial cell.

– Moderately weathered Panguna andesite. Samples taken from the mine, compacted
to near in situ density and tested in a 571-mm diameter triaxial cell.

– Highly weathered Panguna andesite. Compacted samples tested in a 152-mm

diameter triaxial cell.

It is worth noting that most of these tests were done on recompacted samples from the mine,
which may not be totally representative of the in situ rock mass conditions. Nevertheless,
these tests did provide a means of assessing the influence of increasing size and decreasing
quality (more weathering), on the triaxial strength. The triaxial tests showed a decrease in the
values of m and s with increasing degree of jointing and weathering. The value of m ranged
from 0.278 to 0.012, with mi = 18.9; s was in the interval of 0.0002 to 0.

It was realized that extensive testing of larger samples is not feasible in most practical
projects. Hoek and Brown therefore proposed the use of rock-mass classification techniques
to estimate the value of the two parameters, m and s. Using the test data for the Panguna
andesite, and assuming that those samples were representative of the rock mass (i.e., scale
independent), they fitted two lines relating m/mi and s to classification ratings. Both the
CSIR-RMR (Bieniawski, 1976) and the NGI-Q (Barton et al, 1974) classification schemes
were utilized for this. As pointed out by Hoek and Brown, these relations suffer from the
limited amount of test data. For example, the relation between s and RMR was based on only
two data points. Hoek and Brown extrapolated their findings and constructed a table with
approximate relations between the values of m and s and classification ratings (see also
Hoek, 1983, and Appendix 4, Table A4.1). Suggested values for the constants A and B in
Equation (5.4) are also included in this Table. Hoek and Bray (1981) reproduced the same
table in their book on slope design.

5.2.2 The Updated Hoek-Brown Failure Criterion

In 1988, Hoek and Brown presented an update to the original Hoek-Brown failure criterion.
One part of this update was the formulation of Equation (5.1) in terms of effective stress,
assuming that the effective stress law (σ' = σ - pw, where pw is the water pressure) applied. In
fact, Hoek and Brown (1980) had discussed this earlier and concluded that the effective stress
law was applicable. The 1988 update also focused on ways to determine the constants m and
s and techniques for estimating the equivalent cohesion, c, and friction angle, φ, of the
material. The latter will be discussed in more detail in Section 5.4.

Based on the attempts by Priest and Brown (1983) to calculate the constants m and s, the
following updated empirical relations were presented (Brown and Hoek, 1988; Hoek and
Brown, 1988):

Undisturbed (or Interlocking) Rock Masses

RMR −100

m = mi e 28

RMR −100

s=e 9

Disturbed Rock Masses

RMR −100
m = mi e 14

RMR −100

s=e 6


mi = the value of m for the intact rock, and

RMR = Rock Mass Rating (Bieniawski, 1976).

The introduction of the categories undisturbed and disturbed rock mass, was prompted by
experiences of Hoek and Brown from practical use of the criterion for a few years. The
predicted strengths using the original relations (Table A4.1, Appendix 1) had proven to be too
conservative (giving strengths that were too low) for most applications. From this, it was
concluded that, in reality, the specimens of Panguna andesite probably were disturbed and
the particle interlocking destroyed (Hoek and Brown, 1988). The previously suggested
relations between classification ratings and values for m and s (Hoek and Brown, 1980) were
therefore viewed as representative of a disturbed rock mass [Equations (5.7) and (5.8)]. Such
strength values were considered reasonable when used for:

(1) slope stability studies in which the rock mass is usually disturbed and loosened due to
the excavation of the slope (in particular the boundaries of the slope);

(2) underground excavations in which the rock has been loosened by poor blasting
practice; and

(3) waste dumps and embankments (Brown and Hoek, 1988; Hoek and Brown, 1988).

For underground applications in which the confining stress would not permit the same degree
of loosening as would occur in a slope, the category undisturbed rock mass was introduced.
This would apply to all cases in which the interlocking between particles and blocks is still
significant. Back-calculation of rock mass strengths from a number of cases gave the
relations in Equations (5.5) and (5.6). A summary is also provided in Appendix 4, Table
A4.2. Unfortunately, the data supporting these revisions and the development of Equations
(5.5) and (5.6) have not been published.

The value of RMR is obtained through rock mass classification using the CSIR classification
system (RMR-system) according to Bieniawski (1976). It should be noted that, for the
purpose of using RMR to estimate m and s, dry conditions should be assumed (a rating of 10
for the groundwater parameter in Bieniawski's system). Also, no adjustments for joint
orientation should be made. Instead, the effect of joint orientation and groundwater
conditions should be accounted for in the stability analysis. Finally, because there are several
versions of the RMR-system and parameters are weighted differently in subsequent versions
of the classification system, the above equations require the use of the 1976 version of
Bieniawski's system. This version is reproduced in Appendix 4, Table A4.3.

5.2.3 The Modified Hoek-Brown Failure Criterion

Hoek et al. (1992) stated that, when applied to jointed rock masses, the original Hoek-Brown
failure criterion gave acceptable strength values only for cases where the minor principal
stress had a significant compressive value. For low confining stress, the criterion, in general,
predicted axial strengths that were too high as well as a finite tensile strength. For a jointed
rock mass, the true tensile strength is generally very low, if not zero. A modified criterion
that satisfied the condition of zero tensile strength was presented in 1992 by Hoek et al.
(1992) as

 σ´ 
σ = σ + σ c  mb 3  ,
´ ´
 σc 
1 3


σ 1´ = major principal effective stress at failure,

σ 3´ = minor principal effective stress at failure,
mb = the value of the constant m for broken rock, and
a = constant for broken rock.

The constant mb in Equation (5.9) is equivalent to the constant m in Equation (5.1). Hoek et
al. (1992) provided tables for estimating the value of the constant a and the ratio mb/mi, based
on a simplified description of the rock mass. The rock mass was described in terms of rock
structure and surface condition for discontinuities. Rock structure comprised four classes:
blocky, very blocky, blocky/seamy and crushed, whereas surface conditions ranged from very
good to very poor (five classes); see also Appendix 4, Table A4.4.

5.2.4 The Generalized Hoek-Brown Failure Criterion

A general form of the Hoek-Brown failure criterion was first presented in the book by Hoek
et al. (1995). This formulation was also used by Hoek and Brown (1997) in their summary
paper on the failure criterion. With notations as defined earlier, the generalized Hoek-Brown
criterion is written

 σ´ 
σ = σ + σ c  mb 3 + s  .
´ ´
 σc
1 3

For intact rock (i.e., s = 1 and mb = mi), Equation (5.10) can be written as

1/ 2
 σ´ 
σ = σ + σ c  mi 3 + 1
´ ´
. (5.11)
 σc
1 3

For rock masses of good to reasonable quality with relatively tight interlocking, the constant
a is equal to 0.5, thus reducing Equation (5.10) to the Equation (5.1) — the original criterion.
For poor quality rock masses, the modified Hoek-Brown criterion is more applicable, which
is obtained by setting s = 0 in Equation (5.10), thus reducing it to Equation (5.9).

Hoek and Brown (1997) provided instructions for conducting triaxial tests to determine the
constant mi. In order to be consistent with the original development, a confining stress range
of 0 < σ3 < 0.5σc should be used for the triaxial tests. If triaxial test data are not available,
the value of mi can be estimated from the tabulated data provided by Hoek and Brown
(1997); see Appendix 4, Table A4.5 and Table 5.1. Laboratory tests should also be carried
out to determine the value of σc. If laboratory tests are not possible, Hoek and Brown (1997)
suggested that the uniaxial compressive strength could be estimated by simple index tests; see
Appendix 4, Table A4.6 (Brown, 1981).

Table 5.1 Values of the constant mi for intact rock, by rock type (Hoek and Brown,
1997). Values in parenthesis are estimates.

To estimate the value of the other parameters in the criterion, the following relations were
suggested (Hoek et al., 1995; Hoek and Brown, 1997). The parameter mb is calculated as

GSI −100

mb = mi e 28
. (5.12)

Parameters s and a are determined differently, depending on the quality of the rock mass, as

For GSI > 25 (Undisturbed rock masses)

GSI −100

s=e 9
, (5.13)

a = 0.5 . (5.14)

For GSI < 25 (Undisturbed rock masses)

s=0, (5.15)

a = 0.65 − , (5.16)

where GSI is the Geological Strength Index.

GSI was introduced as an alternative to using Bieniawski's RMR system. Hoek and Brown
(1997) presented a table for estimating GSI based on rock mass structure and surface
conditions of discontinuities (see Appendix 4, Tables A4.7 and A4.8, and Figure 5.1).

Hoek et al. (1995) also presented a table from which values for the constant a, the ratio mb/mi
and the constant mi for intact rock could be determined directly based on the previously
mentioned simplified description of the rock mass in terms of rock structure and surface
condition for discontinuities (see Appendix 4, Table A4.9). This was abandoned in the latest
(and final?) version of the criterion (Hoek and Brown, 1997).

By examining Equations (5.13) through (5.16), one finds that, for GSI > 25, the original
failure criterion applies, while, for GSI < 25, the modified criterion is applicable. The switch
at GSI = 25 is purely arbitrary, but, according to Hoek and Brown (1997), the exact location
of this switch has negligible practical importance.

Table A4.7)

Figure 5.1 Estimation of Geological Strength Index, GSI (after Hoek and Brown, 1997).

The Geological Strength Index was also linked to RMR — both Bieniawski's original system
and the newer version (Bieniawski, 1976, 1989). The following relations were developed:

For RMR76' > 18:

GSI = RMR76 . (5.17)

For RMR89' > 23:

GSI = RMR89' - 5 . (5.18)

For both versions, dry conditions should be assumed — i.e. assigning a rating of 10 in RMR76'
and a rating of 15 in RMR89' for the groundwater parameter in each classification system. In
addition, no adjustments for joint orientation should be made.

Hoek and Brown (1997) recommended that RMR should only be used to estimate GSI for
better quality rock masses (i.e., for GSI > 25). For very poor quality rock masses, it is
difficult to estimate RMR from the table provided by Bieniawski (1976). The system is not
sufficiently sensitive for these situations. Hoek et al. (1995) suggested using the NGI-index
(Barton et al., 1974) in these circumstances — i.e., those not covered by Equations (5.17) and
(5.18). In doing this, both the joint water reduction factor (Jw) and the stress reduction factor
(SRF) should be set to 1. The modified Tunneling Quality Index (Q') thereby obtained can be
related to GSI as

GSI = 9 ln Q' + 44 . (5.19)

Hoek and Brown (1997) did not specifically recommend the use of the NGI-index; rather they
recommended using their own GSI-classification directly (Figure 5.1). Their simplified
classification is probably adequate in many cases, particularly for first estimates of the rock
mass quality. Hoek and Brown (1997) also point out the importance of carrying out the
classification on a rock mass that is not disturbed or damaged by, e.g., blasting or careless
excavation; otherwise, compensation must be made for the lower GSI-values obtained from
such locations.

5.2.5 Strength of Schistose Rock

Foliated and anisotropic rocks (e.g. schists and shales) exhibit different properties depending
on the loading direction relative to the schistosity or foliation. Application of the Hoek-
Brown criterion to these rocks presents some difficulties. Hoek and Brown (1980) proposed
an extension of the original Hoek-Brown failure criterion to resolve this situation. In this

approach, a set of empirical equations was used to modify the material constants m and s.
This method gives good agreement with actual test data, but a major drawback is the large
number of constants (six in total) whose values must be determined before applying the
criterion. This obviously requires extensive laboratory testing.

Hoek (1983) used a slightly different approach. Assuming that the shear strength of the
discontinuity surfaces in schistose rocks is defined by an instantaneous friction angle, φj, and
an instantaneous cohesion, cj, the axial strength, σ1, of a triaxial specimen containing inclined
discontinuities at an angle of β is given by

2(c j + σ 3 tan φ j )
σ1 = σ 3 +
(1 − tan φ j tan β )sin 2 β
. (5.20)

Equation (5.20) defines the joint strength, but it must be used in combination with Equation
(5.1), for example, to obtain the intact rock strength, and to fully describe the strength of the
schistose material for different inclinations of the schistosity. For low values of β, Equation
(5.20) will yield strength values that are higher than those predicted by Equation (5.1). The
same can occur for high values of β. Furthermore, Equation 5.20 can yield negative strengths
when β is high. The physical meaning of this is that, for both these cases (shown as dashed
lines in Figure 5.2), the strength is instead governed by the intact rock strength according to
Equation (5.1); see Figure 5.2.

To determine the strength envelope in Figure 5.2, the instantaneous friction angle and
cohesion for the discontinuity surfaces must be known. Hoek (1983) proposed the use of the
original Hoek-Brown failure criterion to also describe the discontinuity strength, but with m-
and s-values for the joint (discontinuity), mj and sj. Provided that these values can be
determined (e.g., from shear tests), the instantaneous friction angle and cohesion can be
calculated (compare Section 5.4) for the normal stress acting on the surface:

σn =
(σ 1 + σ 3 ) − 1 (σ 1 − σ 3 )cos 2 β . (5.21)
2 2

Because σ1 is the strength to be determined, an iterative procedure is necessary. This

involves the following steps (Hoek, 1983):

1. Calculate the axial strength, σ1, for the intact rock using Equation (5.1).
2. From this, calculate the normal stress, σn, using Equation (5.21).
3. Calculate the axial strength of the schistose rock using Equation (5.20).

4. Use this value of σ1 to calculate a new value of the normal stress, σn, again using
Equation (5.21).
5. Repeat this procedure until the difference between successive values of σ1 is less than
1 %, which normally requires three to four iterations.

This procedure also gave good agreement with actual test results on anisotropic rock (Hoek,
1983). The main disadvantage is the iterative procedure, which slows down calculations. In
addition, mj and sj must be determined for the discontinuity surfaces; this requires more test
results, preferably direct shear or triaxial test data. Obviously, if the cohesion and friction
angle of the discontinuity surface are known or can be determined, these values can be used
directly in Equation (5.20), thus avoiding the need for an iterative procedure.











Figure 5.2 Strength of a rock specimen containing an inclined discontinuity (after Hoek,

It is worth noting that, according to Equation (5.20) and Figure 5.2, the minimum strength is
achieved for a loading direction oblique to the discontinuity. Existing rest results reported by
Hoek and Brown (1980, 1997) sometimes indicate higher strengths for loading normal to the
foliation (β = 90°) compared to loading parallel to the foliation (β = 0°).

Although it is recognized that strength varies substantially with loading direction, it can be
practically difficult to use such a strength envelope. The orientation of the major principal
stress relative to the foliation normally varies throughout a slope and is influenced by the

rock characteristics (for a fixed foliation orientation), thus giving different strength values at
different points in the slope. A composite strength estimate can be obtained by selecting the
most "representative" uniaxial compressive strength for the rock in question. However, it is
difficult to assess which strength value is the most representative. Hoek and Brown (1997)
suggested that the maximum value of σc should be used for hard and interlocked rock masses,
while the lowest value should be used for tectonically disturbed and poor quality rock
masses. This is a practical and easy-to-use approach, although it was not stated what these
recommendations were based upon.

5.3 Applicability and Use of the Hoek-Brown Failure Criterion

5.3.1 Scale Effects and Applicability to Slopes

Rock strength is strongly dependent on the sample size — larger samples typically result in
significantly reduced strength, due to the inclusion of more "defects", such as discontinuities,
in the rock substance (see also Section 2.2.3). The Hoek-Brown criterion provides a means
of assessing the strength of a rock mass of larger scale, under the assumption that the
individual rock pieces are small in relation to the overall size of the construction element
studied (Hoek and Brown, 1997). Hoek et al. (1995) summarized the rock mass conditions
for which the Hoek-Brown failure criterion can be applied, as shown in Figure 5.3.

The underlying assumption of the failure criterion is that of isotropic rock and rock mass
behavior; it is thus strictly only applicable to intact rock or heavily jointed rock masses that
can be considered homogeneous and isotropic. For cases in which the rock mass behavior is
controlled by a single discontinuity or joint set, the stability analysis should focus on the
behavior of rock wedges formed by discontinuities, and a criterion that describes the shear
strength of joints should be used instead (e.g., the Barton shear strength criterion or the Mohr-
Coulomb criterion applied for discontinuities).

There are, however, no definite guidelines as to when the Hoek-Brown failure criterion can
be applied. This must be based on judgement of potential anisotropy of the rock mass, block
size in relation to size of the excavation, and mode of failure (structural control versus rock
mass failure). Proposed qualitative guidelines for judging whether the rock is isotropic were
given by Helgstedt (1997), but following these recommendations still involves much

Figure 5.3 Rock mass conditions under which the Hoek-Brown failure criterion can be
applied (after Hoek et al., 1995).

The case of schistose rocks was treated in Section 5.2.5. Existing approaches for determining
the strength of anisotropic rock have distinct disadvantages, and both are difficult to apply in
practice. Consequently, there are few examples of such analyses. Instead, the original Hoek-
Brown criterion has often been used with some adjustment of the material constants m and s,
based on jointing and rock mass quality. Thus, an "equivalent" strength for the intact rock
and the discontinuities combined is achieved.

For slope stability problems, the Hoek-Brown criterion must be used wisely. It is often stated
that rock slopes are subject to low stress conditions and consequently, structurally controlled
failures driven by the self-weight of the material dominate. This is applicable to bench-scale
geometries and small scale failures. When examining large scale failures, the reality is a bit

more complex. Using numerical modeling, it can indeed be shown that a relatively large
region close to the slope face will be destressed, compared to the virgin stress state (see
Section 2.2.1). However, the stress conditions within a slope will also vary substantially
from very low stress regimes at the crest, with both the minor and major principal stresses
being low, to relatively high major and minor principal stresses at the slope toe. The degree
of confinement therefore depends on the location of the failure surface and the portion of the
failure surface considered, as shown in Figure 5.4.








Figure 5.4 Schematic illustration of the stress state at different points along two potential
failure surfaces in a rock slope and on a corresponding curved failure

The potential for purely structurally controlled failures, such as plane shear and wedge
failures, is largest close to the slope face. It is thus very important to first analyze the slope
for such failures (Hoek and Brown, 1997). However, for higher slopes in closely jointed rock
masses, the implicit assumption of the Hoek-Brown criterion of small block size in relation to

size of the construction element is valid (compare with Figure 5.3). Moreover, stress
conditions are more complex, with relatively high stresses at the toe and the interior of the
slope. As a consequence, rock-mass shear failure can no longer be ruled out, and the Hoek-
Brown criterion is thus most likely applicable.

5.3.2 Validity and Basis for Criterion

The Hoek-Brown criterion is the most widely used failure criterion for estimating the strength
of jointed rock masses, despite its lack of theoretical basis and the very limited amount of
experimental data that went into the first development of the criterion. Only one rock type
(Panguna andesite) was tested, although it was of varying quality. There was only one test
series of "jointed rock mass" — namely, the 152-mm undisturbed core samples. The triaxial
tests on larger samples (571-mm size) were recompacted samples, not necessarily equivalent
to actual in situ conditions. The lack of data became particularly obvious in the development
of the original relations between classification ratings (RMR) and the parameters m and s.
This was also clearly stated by Hoek and Brown (1980) as a major limitation.

Nevertheless, the rock mechanics community has gladly adopted these approximate
equations suggested by Hoek and co-workers. This is somewhat surprising — which also
was noted by Hoek (1994b) who stated that he originally only intended the criterion to be
used for initial and preliminary estimates of the rock mass strength. Hoek should be
complemented for his attempts to provide a tool for predicting the triaxial strength of rock
masses. It was probably the apparent lack of such a criterion that led to the large acceptance
of the criterion. Even today, there are no good alternatives available for practical design
work. Also, the concept of a curved failure envelope similar to what is found for intact rock
seemed fair and reasonable, although there were not much available data to support
applicability to rock masses.

The widespread use of the Hoek-Brown failure criterion has not been complemented by
equally increasing efforts to verify the same. There are very few reported cases in which the
application of the Hoek-Brown failure criterion has been verified against actual observations
of failure. It appears that many engineers and researches have been busy applying the failure
criterion without taking the time to assess its validity. Some of the available and published
data for verification are summarized in Section 5.7.1.

There is, however, little merit in trying to develop a completely new empirical criterion.
Rather, more efforts should be focused on trying to tie predicted Hoek-Brown strengths with

field estimates and back-analyzed strengths from failed construction elements. Only by
publishing such data is it possible to improve on the current lack of verification (as pointed
out by Hoek on several occasions). In Section 5.7 of this thesis, an attempt is made to
calibrate the criterion to observed large scale rock mass failures in slopes and back-analyzed
strengths. In the following, some other aspects of the criterion are discussed and some
modifications are suggested.

5.3.3 The Original versus the Modified Criterion

The original, Equation (5.1), and the modified, Equation (5.9) Hoek-Brown criteria differ
somewhat with respect to the predicted strength values. The failure envelope for each of
these are plotted in Figure 5.5 and Figure 5.6 for the set of parameters shown below
(representative of a poor quality rock mass). This is also the type of rock mass for which the
modified criterion is best suited (GSI < 25). The values for parameters mb, s and a were
determined using Equations (5.12) through (5.16), for the following assumed rock mass

σc = 25 MPa,
mi = 10,
GSI = 20,

which gave

mb = 0.5743
Original criterion, Equation (5.1): s = 0.00138 a = 0.5
Modified criterion, Equation (5.9): s = 0 a = 0.55.

In general, the two failure envelopes do not differ very much when compared to each other
(Figure 5.5). However, if one looks at little closer at these two (particularly for low
compressive and tensile minor principal stresses) the differences are more obvious (see
Figure 5.6).

Hoek-Brown Failure Envelope


Major principal stress [MPa]


15 Original criterion
Modified criterion


-1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
Minor principal stress [MPa]

Figure 5.5 Hoek-Brown failure envelopes for a poor quality rock mass (σc = 25 MPa,
mi = 10, GSI = 20).

Hoek-Brown Failure Envelope

Major principal stress [MPa]

0.5 Original criterion
Modified criterion
-0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Minor principal stress [MPa]

Figure 5.6 Hoek-Brown failure envelopes for a poor quality rock mass (σc = 25 MPa,
mi = 10, GSI = 20) and for low minor principal stress (same as above but with
different scales).

First, the modified criterion does not predict any tensile strength for the rock mass. This is
typical of a granular material, or a rock mass without any interlocking. For rock masses with
multiple joint sets providing some interlocking of blocks, it is conceivable that at least small
tensile stresses can be transferred through the rock mass. This is an effect of interlocking of
the blocks (Hoek and Brown, 1997); nevertheless, it is relatively common to assume zero
tensile strength for the rock mass when conducting design analysis, since this will err on the
safe side. The lack of a tensile strength in the modified criterion can thus be considered
reasonable and acceptable from a practical perspective.

Second, and perhaps more important, the modified criterion predicts that the uniaxial
compressive strength of the rock mass is zero (no intercept with the vertical axis in Figure
5.6). This is odd; in reality, it means that, unless there is some confinement acting on the
rock, the rock mass has no strength whatsoever.

In this particular case, the predicted uniaxial tensile and compressive strengths are very low
because of the assumed very poor quality rock mass. For practical purposes, the relatively
small difference between the two curves in Figure 5.5 and Figure 5.6 may not be very
significant. For higher values of GSI and σc, the discrepancies between the modified and the
original criteria are much larger. This is probably one reason why the modified criterion
should only be used when GSI < 25. However, if the differences between the original and
modified criteria is small for GSI < 25, as indicated in this study, the reason for using the
modified criterion at all should be questioned.

In the author's opinion, the lack of unconfined strength for the rock mass in the modified
Hoek-Brown criterion is not physically correct, even for very weak rock masses. Therefore,
the modified criterion should be used with caution in any situation where very low or no
confining stresses are anticipated. Because the differences in general are quite small, one
could use the original criterion (perhaps complemented with a "tension cut-off") routinely
without any great loss of accuracy.

5.3.4 Parameter Estimation

The many revisions and additions to the original Hoek-Brown failure criterion can lead to
some confusion as to what to use for practical applications. Hoek and Brown (1997) tried to
"set the record straight" regarding how to use and interpret the criterion. There are still some
ambiguities in the published information that deserve to be discussed.

Values for mi

If test results for determining the constant mi for intact rock are not available, it is possible to
estimate the value of mi from tabulated values. The most updated version of suggested mi-
values is given in Appendix 4, Table A4.5 (Hoek et al., 1995; Hoek and Brown, 1997). As
Helgstedt (1997) pointed out, these values only represent the average mi-values for the
different rock types. In reality, the scatter of the mi-values can be very large, as shown in
Table 5.2. Tabulated values should therefore be used with some caution and only if triaxial
test data are lacking.

Table 5.2 Mean and standard deviation of mi for a few selected rock types, based on data
from Doruk (1991), and published in Helgstedt (1997).

Rock type Number of Range of Average Standard Suggested mi-value

test sets mi-values mi-value deviation of (Hoek et al., 1995)
Dolomite 8 5.2 - 18.2 11.4 4.3 8-10
Granite 18 7.9 - 42.6 25.3 9.5 33
Limestone 26 3.9 - 51.7 11.2 9.4 8-10
Marble 14 4.7 - 16.0 8.0 3.2 9
Mudstone 7 8.6 - 46.6 19.2 14.5 9
Quartzite 7 5.6 - 28.4 18.2 7.3 24
Sandstone 57 4.7 - 35.5 16.0 8.6 19

Undisturbed versus Disturbed Rock Mass

In the latest version of the criterion (Hoek et al., 1995; Hoek and Brown, 1997) only the
category undisturbed rock masses was considered. For underground excavations (treated by
Hoek et al., 1995), the degree of confinement is considerable, and the category undisturbed
rock mass is applicable. In an unpublished note that preceded the final publication, Hoek
(1994a) stated that:

"The effects of blast damage, stress relief in excavated slopes and other processes
which may disturb the interlocking of the rock pieces making up the rock mass should
be taken into account by using a lower RMR value."

Consequently, it is suggested the category undisturbed rock mass should also be used for
slopes, contrary to previous recommendations. Brown and Hoek (1988) stated that they used
values for undisturbed rock mass for preliminary design calculations of both slopes and
underground excavations. On the other hand, several consultants working in the field of
slope design (e.g., Stacey, 1996) tend to agree that the category disturbed rock, although
slightly over-conservative, is more applicable for rock slope design. It can also be argued
that large scale slope failures have failure surfaces that are deep and therefore subjected to
relatively high confinement but there are also portions of significant stress relief within a
slope (compare Section 5.3.1). Unfortunately, virtually no data have been published to
support either of the approaches described above. The lack of sufficient data is bothersome
and makes it difficult to justify the choice of either category in practical design.

The difference between estimated strength values using undisturbed and disturbed rock
masses can be huge, depending on the value of RMR (or GSI). Consider two cases, one with
an RMR of 80 and one with an RMR of 35 (good and poor rock, respectively). The calculated
uniaxial compressive strengths for the rock mass, using the original Hoek-Brown criterion
and Equations (5.6) and (5.8) to determine the value of s, are shown in Table 5.3. The ratio
between the calculated strengths for undisturbed and disturbed rock masses is also shown.
The difference can be quite large — up to 6 times for RMR = 35, but "only" a factor 1.7
higher for RMR = 80.

Table 5.3 Calculated uniaxial compressive strength for the rock mass, using parameters
for undisturbed and disturbed rock mass.

RMR = 35 RMR = 80
Uniaxial compressive strength: Undisturbed rock mass [MPa] 0.675 65.8
Uniaxial compressive strength: Disturbed rock mass [MPa] 0.111 37.8
σcm,Undisturbed / σcm, Disturbed 6.08 1.74
Adjusted RMR to achieve σcm, Undisturbed = σcm, Disturbed 3 70
RMR-difference -32 -10

A similar strength reduction could be achieved by reducing the RMR-value as shown in Table
5.3. While this is reasonable for relatively good rock quality (high RMR), the reduction is
unrealistically large for lower RMR-values. Whether this is because the disturbed values are
simply too low (or the undisturbed values too high) is difficult to determine, and highlights
the problem of the limited amount of data forming the basis for the criterion.

Finally, a small note on the relation between disturbed and undisturbed rock strengths. This
ratio is constant for a constant RMR-value [compare Equations (5.5) and (5.7)]. In reality,
this means that it is independent of rock type (does not depend on mi), which might not
necessarily reflect actual conditions. Some rock types (e.g., igneous rocks with high intrinsic
interlocking), could exhibit a larger reduction in strength if this interlocking is destroyed
(becoming disturbed), compared to, e.g., clastic, sedimentary rocks.

Use of Rock Mass Classification

The use of the CSIR (RMR) or NGI classification systems is in itself coupled with
uncertainties. Neither system can be said to fully characterize the rock mass, and several of
the factors included are very subjective and difficult to assess quantitatively, which may also
influence the strength estimates. It should also be noted that the CSIR classification system
(Appendix 4, Table A4.3) includes jointing twice (parameters RQD and "spacing of joints").
Furthermore, the intact uniaxial compressive strength, σc, is included in the rock mass
classification; hence, this parameter is accounted for twice in the strength estimate for the
rock mass. However, the implications of this are probably limited, considering the other
uncertainties in the process of parameter estimation, as discussed above.

The Geological Strength Index, GSI, proposed by Hoek and Brown (1997) is much easier to
use than other classification systems. There is still too little feedback available from using
this system to draw any conclusion as to its reliability and precision. By using well-known
and established classification systems, it is easier to gain acceptance of the criterion and,
perhaps more importantly, to have a common basis upon which improvements and
enhancements can be made. On the other hand, a simple system such as GSI greatly
facilitates classification, even when only few data are available.

In all rock mass classification, it is important to quote a range of GSI- or RMR-values, rather
than just giving one value for the rock mass quality (Hoek and Brown, 1997). This is
particularly important when using these values for rock-mass strength assessment since the
resulting strengths are very sensitive to RMR-value (cf. Equations 5.5 to 5.8). The CSIR-
RMR system is in fact relatively coarse, with only 100 discrete values. High precision in the
strength estimation should therefore not be expected.


Taken together, these facts show that the procedure for estimating parameters for the Hoek-
Brown failure criterions is far from being clean cut. Depending on what version of the failure
criterion one uses, large differences in final strength values can be obtained, simply by
choosing values for undisturbed or disturbed rock mass. The meaning of each of these
categories is not clearly defined. Particularly for rock slopes, these discrepancies are
troublesome, and a word of caution is warranted. Ideally, values obtained should be
correlated to field estimates (e.g., through back-analysis), before being used in stability
analyses of critical slope sections. An alternative interpretation of the categories undisturbed
and disturbed rock mass will be discussed in Section 5.7.

5.4 Determination of Equivalent Cohesion and Friction Angle

5.4.1 Introduction

In most of the currently available design methods for rock mechanics analysis, such as limit
equilibrium methods and numerical models, strength is expressed in terms of the linear Mohr-
Coulomb failure criterion. There are few numerical methods that can handle the curved
Hoek-Brown failure envelope for plasticity calculations. Pan and Hudson (1988)
implemented the Hoek-Brown criterion as a yield function in a finite element analysis.
However, to be able to simulate non-associated flow (dilation angle ≠ friction angle), a
simplified version of the criterion had to be used. Practical applications using this method are
still lacking. Other methods — e.g., the explicit finite difference code FLAC (Itasca, 1995a)
— can "convert" a curved failure envelope to a linear Mohr-Coulomb envelope by
determining the tangent to the curved envelope at the calculated stress in each element and
for each calculation step. Consequently, the Mohr-Coulomb cohesion and friction angle will
vary throughout the model. The drawback of this method is that calculation times increase
significantly. Finally, there are only a few limit equilibrium programs, for example,
GALENA (Clover Technology, 1999) that include the Hoek-Brown criterion as one of several
failure criteria. Most programs and methods rely on the linear Mohr-Coulomb criterion. The
use of a curved failure criterion would involve additional iterations for each slice to
determine the instantaneous cohesion and friction angle.

Consequently, for practical applications it is often necessary to approximate the curved Hoek-
Brown failure envelope with a single set of strength parameters for the straight-line Mohr-
Coulomb failure envelope. Thus, one needs a methodology for determining an equivalent

cohesion and friction angle for the Hoek-Brown failure envelope. For applications in which
only the major and minor principal stresses and their relation to the strength of the rock is of
importance, determining equivalent cohesion and friction angle can be done by finding the
tangent to the Hoek-Brown envelope at a specified minor principal stress. An alternative
would be to calculate a regression line over a specified interval for the minor principal stress,
thus determining "average" values for cohesion and friction angle. Both approaches will be
described below.

In other applications (notably, slope stability analysis using limit equilibrium methods) the
shear strength of a failure surface under specified normal stress is required. For this, it may
be necessary to express the Hoek-Brown failure criterion in terms of shear and normal
stresses. Once this has been done, equivalent cohesion and friction angle can be determined
either from the tangent at a specified normal stress or from a regression line over an
anticipated normal stress range. The conversion of the Hoek-Brown criterion to a
corresponding Mohr envelope differs, depending on whether one adopts the original or the
modified Hoek-Brown criterion. These two must therefore be treated separately.

It is important to realize that by using a linear failure envelope in place of a curved one, the
final result of a stability analysis can be affected. For slopes, Charles (1982) showed that
when applying limit equilibrium analysis to rock-mass shear failures, a curved failure
envelope resulted in a more deep-seated critical failure surface. A drastic change in failure
mechanism is, however, not likely when converting to a linear failure envelope, as long as a
stress range appropriate for the problem at hand is used. Choice of stress range for
determining equivalent strength parameters will be discussed at the end of this section.

5.4.2 The Mohr-Coulomb Failure Criterion

The Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion is defined as

τ s = c + σ n´ tan φ (5.22)


1 + sin φ
σ 1´ = σ c + σ 3´ (5.23)
1 − sin φ


τs = shear stress at failure,

σn´ = effective normal stress,
c = cohesion, and
φ = friction angle of the material.

Equations (5.22) and (5.23) are both straight lines in the τ-σn- and σ1-σ3-planes, respectively,
compared to the curved Hoek-Brown failure envelope (compare Figure 5.5 and Figure 5.7).


k = tanφ


σ3 = 0 σ1 = σc σn


1 + sin φ
1 − sin φ



Figure 5.7 Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope in the τ-σn-plane and the σ1-σ3-plane.

The uniaxial compressive and tensile strengthd for a Mohr-Coulomb material, σc and σt,
respectively, can be expressed as

2c ⋅ cos φ
σc = , and (5.24)
1 − sin φ

2c ⋅ cos φ
σt = − . (5.25)
1 + sin φ

The tensile strength predicted from Equation (5.25) is often quite high, particularly for low
friction angles. Furthermore, Equation (5.22) does not have any physical meaning when the
normal stress becomes negative. Based on this, it is customary to use a lower value for the
tensile strength by specifying a "tension cut-off" for the failure envelope (see Figure 5.7).

5.4.3 Different Methods for Determining Cohesion and Friction Angle

For determining equivalent friction angle and cohesion from the original Hoek-Brown
criterion, five different approaches can be identified, as follows:

(1) tangent to the Hoek-Brown failure envelope at a specified normal stress;

(2) tangent to the Hoek-Brown failure envelope at a specified minor principal stress;

(3) equal compressive strengths for the Hoek-Brown and Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria
(tangent at zero minor principal stress);

(4) linear regression over a specified stress range; and

(5) linear regression over a specified stress range and with equal uniaxial compressive
strength for the Hoek-Brown and Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria.

A full description of each of these methods, including all equations necessary to determine c
and φ, is given in Appendix 5. A comparison of the five methods is shown in Figure 5.8.


(v) (iv)
(i) (ii)
Major principal stress [MPa]

Hoek-Brown Envelope
(i) tangent at normal stress
(ii) tangent at minor principal stress


(iii) equal uniaxial compressive strength
100 (iv) standard regression

50 (v) regression with equal uniaxial compressive strength

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Minor principal stress [MPa]

Figure 5.8 Examples of different methods for determining equivalent cohesion and friction angle from the original Hoek-Brown failure
criterion, for a rock mass with σc = 200 MPa, mi = 25, GSI = RMR = 80: (i) tangent at σn = 15 MPa; (ii) tangent at σ3 = 15
MPa; (iii) equal uniaxial compressive strength for the Hoek-Brown and Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria; (iv) linear regression
over σ3 = 0 - 50 MPa; and (v) linear regression over σ3 = 0 - 50 MPa, with equal uniaxial compressive strengths for the Mohr-
Coulomb and the Hoek-Brown failure criteria.

For the modified Hoek-Brown criterion, only two methods for determining c and φ are
identified — namely, (1) regression over a specified stress range, and (2) a tangent at a
specified minor principal stress. The equations are slightly different and are treated
separately in Appendix 5.

5.4.4 Choice of Stress Range and Regression Type

The choice of method to use for determining equivalent cohesion and friction angle is largely
a matter of taste. An equivalent cohesion and friction angle at a specified normal or minor
principal stress give the most accurate values, but only for that specific stress state. By using
a regression line over a larger stress range, average values applicable to a wider range of
conditions are obtained. However, this could lead to an underestimate of the strength for low
stress and an overestimate of strength values for high stress (see Figure 5.8).

In any case, the choice of stress state at which the equivalent cohesion and friction angle are
to be evaluated should be based on the anticipated stress in the rock mass around the
excavation at question, as was also pointed out by Charles (1982). The stress range will thus
be different for different types of slopes or underground excavations. An upper bound
estimate of the stress state can be found from an elastic stress analysis of the opening or
slope. In reality (particularly after failure has occurred), the actual stress state will be lower
than that predicted from a purely elastic analysis. Using the elastic stress range in the
estimation of equivalent cohesion and friction angle could thus give slightly underestimated
friction angle and slightly overestimated cohesion, depending, obviously, on the curvature of
the actual Hoek-Brown failure envelope.

Hoek and Brown (1997) recommended that the regression be carried out over a stress range
corresponding to

0 < σ 3 < 0.25σ c , (5.26)

with 8 equally spaced values of σ3 in this range. This was based purely on trial and error to
obtain "consistent" values. In an earlier attempt, Hoek et al. (1995) proposed that regression
be conducted over a stress range of 0 < σ3 < 0.5σc, with varying spacing of the σ3-values to
capture the pronounced curvature of the Hoek-Brown envelope at low confining stress (Hoek
et al., 1992). Unfortunately, this introduces incorrect weighting in the regression analysis,
giving too-high friction angles and too-low cohesive strengths. The revised approach with
equally spaced σ3 -values corrects this error. Hoek and Brown (1997) recommended the use

of Equations (A5.22) through (A5.27) in Appendix 5 to determine c and φ. The Hoek-Brown

envelope and the resulting Mohr-Coulomb envelope are shown in Figure 5.9 for the same
rock mass as in Figure 5.8. Note that, in Figure 5.8, 20 equally spaced σ3-values were used
for the regression analysis. The obtained equivalent strength parameters do not differ very
much for the two approaches (see Table 5.4). The number of regression points thus seems to
be of minor importance. However, if the intercept with the vertical axis is fixed at the value
of the rock-mass compressive strength predicted by the Hoek-Brown criterion [Equation
(5.2)], a slightly higher friction angle and a significantly lower cohesion are obtained.

Regression According to Hoek and Brown (1997)


Major Principal Stress [MPa]



200 Hoek-Brown Envelope

Linear regression



0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Minor Principal Stress [MPa]

Figure 5.9 Suggested method for determining equivalent cohesion and friction angle from
the Hoek-Brown failure criterion, according to Hoek and Brown (1997 —
linear regression over σ3 = 0 - 50 MPa (0 to 0.25σc), for a rock mass with
σc = 200 MPa, mi = 25, GSI = RMR = 80.

Using Equation (5.26) to determine the regression stress range results in different stress
ranges for different values of the uniaxial compressive strength of the rock. This is perhaps
acceptable in cases where the actual stress state is unknown. However, for the case of a rock
mass comprising several rock types with varying strength, it will lead to different regression
intervals for each rock type, even if, in reality, these rocks are subjected to the same stress
state after excavation or mining. In fact, Hoek and Brown (1997) did not recommend the use
of Equation (5.26) for rock slopes; rather, they suggested fitting a tangent to the shear
strength curve in the range of normal stresses applying in practice. In any case, the same

stress range should be used for all parameter estimates. A representative stress range can be
determined from e.g., elastic stress analysis of the construction element (slopes and
underground excavations).

Table 5.4 Calculated equivalent cohesion and friction angle from the Hoek-Brown
failure criterion for a rock mass with σc = 200 MPa, mi = 25, GSI = RMR = 80.

Regression method Linear regression Linear regression Linear regression

according to Hoek (line (iv) in Figure with fixed intercept
and Brown (1997) 5.8). with the σ1 -axis (line
(Figure 5.9) (v) in Figure 5.8)
Number of regression
8 20 20
Cohesion, c [MPa] 20.0 21.6 11.9
Friction angle, φ [°] 47.1 46.7 50.1
Rock-mass compressive
102 109 65.8
strength, σcm [MPa]

Unfortunately, this requires a stress analysis prior to selecting parameter values. If numerical
analysis is used, a linear-elastic analysis can be run without much additional work, assuming
that the model has already been set up. For limit equilibrium analyses, significant additional
efforts are required just to get appropriate values of c and φ. An alternative is to use some
form of approximation of the stress state in slopes. Stacey (1970) carried out finite element
analysis for an idealized slope geometry. Four different slope angles were simulated (30, 45,
60 and 75°) for two different virgin stress states: one purely gravitational (σH = 0), and one
with σH = 3σv. The vertical virgin stress was assumed to be solely due to the weight of the
overburden — σv = ρgz, where z is the depth below the ground surface. Stacey (1970)
presented the results in the form of stress contours for the vertical, horizontal, and shear
stresses in the two-dimensional model plane.

These results can be used to estimate the range of σ3 for different slope geometries. The
results from Stacey's work were used, and major and minor principal stresses were
determined for the crest and the toe region. The resulting confining stress ranges, σ3, are
summarized in Table 5.5 for three different slope heights: 100, 300 and 500 meters. The rock
mass density was assumed to be 2700 kg/m3. The results are grouped into two categories
depending on the width of the pit bottom. Stacey (1970) found that the extreme values for
the stresses were obtained for the case of: (1) zero pit floor width, and (2) a very wide pit

floor (80 % of the slope height). Since these clearly are extreme pit geometries, the actual
stress in most pit slopes can be said to lie somewhere between these two cases. Furthermore,
a closer examination of the charts presented by Stacey (1970) revealed that the high toe stress
only involved a relatively small area of the toe region. Taking this into consideration, the
following confining stress ranges can be extracted from Table 5.5 as being representative of
the most common open pit slope geometries. These can also be used for estimating the
regression range, if no other data are available.

100-m slope height

σH = 0: 0 < σ3 < 1.5 MPa
σH = 3σv : 0 < σ3 < 6.0 MPa

300-m slope height

σH = 0: 0 < σ3 < 4.0 MPa
σH = 3σv : 0 < σ3 < 15 MPa

500-m slope height

σH = 0: 0 < σ3 < 6.0 MPa
σH = 3σv : 0 < σ3 < 20 MPa

Table 5.5 Minor principal stress, σ3, calculated from stress analysis results by Stacey (1970). Tensile stresses are negative.

Slope height = 100 m Slope height = 300 m Slope height = 500 m

Slope height and
Virgin stress Virgin stress Virgin stress
stress state
σH = 0 σH = 3σv σH = 0 σH = 3σv σH = 0 σH = 3σv
Pit bottom Slope σ3 - range σ3 - range σ3 - range σ3 - range σ3 - range σ3 - range
width Angle [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa]
30 0 < σ3 < 0.5 0 < σ3 < 6.0 0 < σ3 < 1.5 0 < σ3 < 17.9 0 < σ3 < 2.5 0 < σ3 < 29.9
Zero pit 45 0 < σ3 < 0.2 0 < σ3 < 1.4 0 < σ3 < 0.7 0 < σ3 < 4.4 0 < σ3 < 1.2 0 < σ3 < 7.3
floor width 60 0 < σ3 < 0.4 -0.4 < σ3 < 4.2 0 < σ3 < 0.8 -1.2 < σ3 < 12.6 0 < σ3 < 1.3 -2.0< σ3 < 21.0
75 0 < σ3 < 1.2 -0.4 < σ3 < 8.2 0 < σ3 < 3.6 -1.2 < σ3 < 24.7 0 < σ3 < 6.1 -2.0 < σ3 < 41.2
0 < σ3 < 0.3 0 < σ3 < 5.7 0 < σ3 < 0.9 0 < σ3 < 17.0 0 < σ3 < 1.6 0 < σ3 < 28.4

Wide pit 45 0 < σ3 < 0.3 0 < σ3 < 3.7 0 < σ3 < 0.9 0 < σ3 < 11.1 0 < σ3 < 1.5 0 < σ3 < 18.5
bottom 60 0 < σ3 < 0.7 0 < σ3 < 2.2 0 < σ3 < 2.2 0 < σ3 < 6.7 0 < σ3 < 3.8 0 < σ3 < 11.1
75 0 < σ3 < 1.2 -0.3 < σ3 < 2.1 0 < σ3 < 3.6 -0.2 < σ3 < 6.2 0 < σ3 < 6.1 -1.3 < σ3 < 10.3

5.5 Estimation of Joint Shear Strength

In situations where failure is clearly related to single large scale structures, or one very
dominant joint set orientation, the failure strength is governed by the shear strength of these
discontinuities (compare with Figure 5.3). The joint shear strength has been the subject of
massive investigations over the years (some of the findings were summarized in Section
2.2.3). The strength of a small-scale joint sample can be described relatively satisfactorily
and can also be tested relatively easily. The real problem lies in describing and assessing the
strength of discontinuities of large scale, from several meters to several hundreds of meters in
length. It is outside the scope of this work to treat this issue in detail. However, some
practical guidelines can be given as to how to estimate the joint shear strength (both small
and large scale) for use in design.

The Mohr-Coulomb shear strength criterion is also often used for describing joint shear
strength. This is applicable primarily for planar discontinuities and discontinuities with thick
infilling (shearing only of the infilling). For discontinuities with significant roughness,
criteria such as Barton's shear strength criterion are better suited (see also Section 2.2.3). On
the small scale, strength parameters can be determined using Barton's approach, as used in
Chapter 3 for the Aitik case. The criterion is written

  JCS  
τ s = σ n tan JRC ⋅ log  + φ b 
 (5.27)
  σn  


τs = shear strength,
σn = normal stress,
JRC = Joint Roughness Coefficient,
JCS = Joint wall Compressive Strength, and
φb = basic friction angle.

The basic friction angle can be determined from tilt tests on sawn surfaces of the rock in
question. JCS can be determined from Schmidt hammer tests or manual index tests and JRC
can be determined from field tilt tests. A full description of how this is done in practice was
given in Chapter 3. For a more general case, φb can be substituted with the residual joint
friction angle, φj,res . In many cases, particularly for unweathered joints in hard rock, it is
acceptable to set φj,res = φb. The Barton criterion has been subject to massive criticism, mostly

for being too empirical and not mechanically sound. Nevertheless, it is one of few joint shear
strength criteria for which the parameters can be determined fairly easily, and thus can be put
to practical use.

In stability analysis, it is often necessary to calculate equivalent cohesive strengths and

friction angles from the curved Barton envelope. The instantaneous friction angle can be
calculated from (idea from Hoek et al., 1995, with corrected misprints):

 ∂τ 
φ j = arctan s  , (5.28)
 ∂σ n 

∂τ s  JCS  JRC   
= tan JRC log + φ b  − 1 + tan 2  JRC log JCS + φ b   . (5.29)
∂σ n σn   σn 
  ln 10   

The instantaneous joint cohesion is determined from

c j = τ s − σ n tan φ j . (5.30)

Alternatively, a regression analysis can be conducted over a representative range of normal

stresses, much like the procedure described previously for the rock-mass strength parameters.
A tangent at a representative normal stress is sufficient in many cases, unless the Barton
strength envelope is very curved.

It has been shown that both JCS and JRC decrease with scale — i.e., the small scale
roughness becomes less important with increasing joint length and only a large scale
roughness remains. Scaling relations have been suggested to reduce the joint shear strength
with increasing joint length. As was shown by Helgstedt (1997), these scaling laws give
somewhat contradictory results for long joint lengths, but still indicate that, for longer joints,
the large scale roughness is almost independent of the small scale roughness. Thus, for
longer joints, it is not important to measure JRC with absolute accuracy. The large scale
roughness (the inclination of large scale undulations) can, however, be difficult to quantify
and measure in the field. A conservative approach would then be to use the basic friction
angle as a lower limit to the shear strength of unfilled joints. Furthermore, the basic friction
angle varies relatively little for different rock types (Barton and Choubey, 1977); see Table
5.6. This table can be used when actual test data are lacking. For weathered joints, the

residual friction angle can be significantly lower, and, therefore, should be determined from

Table 5.6 Basic friction angles for unweathered rocks (Barton and Choubey, 1977).

Rock type Moisture conditions Basic friction angle, φb [°]

Sandstone Dry 26 - 35
Sandstone Wet 25 - 33
Shale Wet 27
Siltstone Dry 31
Siltstone Wet 27 - 31
Conglomerate Dry 35
Chalk Wet 30
Limestone Dry 31-37
Limestone Wet 27-35
Basalt Dry 35 - 38
Basalt Wet 31 - 36
Fine-grained granite Dry 31 - 35
Fine-grained granite Wet 29 - 31
Coarse-grained granite Dry 31 - 35
Coarse-grained granite Wet 31 - 33
Porphyry Dry 31
Porphyry Wet 31
Dolerite Dry 36
Dolerite Wet 32
Amphibolite Dry 32
Gneiss Dry 26 - 29
Gneiss Wet 23 - 26
Slate Dry 25 - 30
Slate Wet 21

To summarize, the following guidelines can be given for estimating joint shear strength.

1. Use Barton's shear strength criterion and methodology to estimate parameters to

estimate the small-scale shear strength. If cohesion and friction angle are required,
calculate the equivalent Mohr-Coulomb parameters for a representative normal stress.

2. Estimate the large scale shear strength as the basic friction angle plus the inclination
of large scale undulations (zero cohesion). If the undulations cannot be measured,
assume that the joint friction angle is equal to the basic friction angle. This gives a
conservative value on the joint shear strength.

5.6 Estimation of Deformation Modulus

The deformability of a rock mass must depend on (1) the degree of jointing, (2) the stiffness
of the joints, and (3) the stiffness of the intact rock material between the joints. A more
jointed rock mass should thus be more deformable than an intact rock sample. Indeed,
various investigations have shown that the deformability of the rock mass can be less than
that of an intact laboratory sample. However, the scale effect is much less pronounced than
for the rock mass strength (Pinto da Cunha, 1993a, 1993b, 1995). One explanation could be
that the deformability of the rock mass is also dependent on the stress level. Consider the
simple case of a transversely isotropic rock material with joints spaced at a distance, tn, a joint
normal stiffness, kn, and a Young's modulus for the intact material, E. The equivalent
modulus of elasticity normal to the joints, En, can be written (Goodman, 1980)

1 Ek n t n
En = = . (5.31)
1 1 E + kntn
E tn kn

For increasing joint normal stiffness and/or increasing joint spacing, the equivalent modulus
of the rock mass, En, approaches the value of Young's modulus for the intact rock, E. The
normal joint stiffness is highly dependent on the level of normal stress acting across the joint
— see, for example, Swan (1981), Ludvig (1981), Bandis et al. (1983), and Bandis (1992).
As the stress increases, it becomes successively more difficult to compress the joint more
(when the two joint planes are in contact). It follows that when kn increases, the equivalent
Young's modulus (En) tends asymptotically toward the value of E. Some tests indicate that kn
tends to infinity already at normal stress levels of 15 to 20 MPa (Bandis et al., 1983).
Obviously, this depends on joint characteristics (roughness, initial aperture, etc.). It is not

possible to give a generally applicable stress limit for when En becomes approximately equal
to E.

Equation (5.31) is for a one-dimensional case, but the concept as such also applies to a
fractured rock mass with several joint sets present. Theoretically, it is possible to extend the
relation formulated in Equation (5.31) to rock masses with more than one joint set (see, e.g.,
Fossum, 1985), but this is not a very practical solution. Furtherore, large scale testing of rock
masses is neither simple nor inexpensive, and therefore difficult to use routinely. Rather,
empirical methods in which the deformability is determined from rock-mass classification
ratings have become the method of choice for determining elastic constants for input to
design analysis.

One of the first attempts at this was presented by Deere et al. (1967), who compared the ratio
of rock mass modulus to intact rock modulus with RQD-values. The idea was that, the
deformation modulus should decrase with smaller joint spacing [(cf. Equation (5.31)].
Experimental results from plate jacking tests at at a dam site confirmed this. Kulhawy (1978)
extended this by incorporating joint normal stiffness into the relation and presented a chart
from which the ratio Em/E could be determined, where Em is the Young's modulus for the
rock mass.

Bieniawski (1979) proposed the following relation, making use of the RMR classification

E m = 2 RMR − 100 (5.32)

with Em expressed in GPa.

Equation (5.32) was empirically derived from 22 case histories of in situ tests of the rock
mass deformability (mostly dam foundations). Unfortunately, this relation leads to negative
values for Em when RMR < 50. Serafim and Pereira (1983) extended Bieniawski's database
and proposed a new relation

RMR −10

E m = 10 40
, (5.33)

which also could handle rock masses with low classification ratings. Hoek and Brown (1997)
stated that Equation (5.33) worked well for better quality rocks, but that it predicted too high
values for poor quality rocks. Based on practical observations and back-analysis of

excavation behavior, Hoek and Brown (1997) proposed the following modification to
Equation (5.33) when σc < 100 MPa:

σ c GSI40−10
Em = 10 (5.34)

Equations (5.32) through (5.34) are illustrated in Figure 5.10. For moderately strong rock,
the differences between Equations (5.33) and (5.34) are relatively small. For rocks with very
low uniaxial compressive strength, Equation (5.34) predicts a significantly lower rock-mass
deformation modulus — at least for moderate to high RMR-ratings. Hoek and Brown (1997)
stated that, based upon measured deformations, Equation (5.34) worked well, but that
modifications may be necessary as more field data are gathered. From a practical
perspective, one can probably use either Equation (5.33) or (5.34) without any great loss of
accuracy, considering the other factors of uncertainty in an analysis.

Rock Mass Deformability

Young's Modulus for the Rock Mass, E m



70 (1) Bieniawski (1979)

60 (2) Serafim & Pereira (1983)

(3a) Hoek & Brown (1997), σ c = 75
(3a) (3b) Hoek & Brown (1997), σ c = 25
(1) (3b)



0 20 40 60 80 100
Rock Mass Rating, RMR or GSI

Figure 5.10 Different methods of estimating Young's modulus for the rock mass.

Neither of these relations includes the effect of stress level on the deformability, as was
discussed earlier. Equations (5.32) and (5.33) were fitted to test data from dam foundations
in which the rock mass is (probably) subjected to relatively low, normal stress levels. The
data supporting Equation (5.34) have not been published; hence, it is not possible to judge
whether the stress level is implicitly taken into account. It appears that Equations (5.32) to

(5.34) only account for a higher degree of jointing and a reduction of intact rock
deformability in the calculation of rock mass deformability.

Furthermore, none of these relations relates the rock-mass deformation modulus to the
modulus of the intact rock. One would assume that the Young's modulus determined from
tests on laboratory size samples of intact rock is always larger than the rock mass modulus.
However, Equations (5.33) and (5.34) can predict very high values of Em for high values of
RMR or GSI, and no comparison is done to see if Em is higher than E. This is a serious flaw
common to all these equations.

In summary, one could use either Equation (5.33) or (5.34) to estimate Young's modulus of a
rock mass. However, some care should be taken when evaluating the results. Because none
of the equations relate the rock mass deformability to the deformability of intact rock
samples, it is necessary to compare the two. If Em is higher than E, only the value of E should
be used in the design. Furthermore, if the anticipated stress level acting on the construction
element is high (say, above 15 to 20 MPa), the Young's modulus of the rock mass should not
be much different from the Young's modulus of the intact rock, and appropriate adjustements
should be made.

5.7 Comparison with Back-Calculated Strengths

5.7.1 Previous Studies

As was mentioned earlier, there is a shortage of published data comparing predicted strengths
using the Hoek-Brown failure criterion with actual or back-calculated rock mass strengths. In
the following, a review of published slope stability cases is given, with particular reference to
the choice of parameters in the Hoek-Brown criterion (disturbed vs. undisturbed conditions).

Priest and Brown (1983) applied the Hoek-Brown criterion to circular shear failures in
fractured rock slopes. The parameters m and s were estimated using their own developed
relations, which later formed the basis for the category disturbed rock mass. The strength
values obtained thereby were used in a probabilistic analysis of a limestone pit slope. Since
no failures had been observed in this pit, it can only be stated that the obtained strength
values represent the minimum strength of the rock mass (conservative values). Singh and
Gahrooee (1990) also used values for disturbed rock mass, but they did not provide any valid
comparisons with back-analyzed strengths.

Ulusay and Aksoy (1994) compared the Hoek-Brown estimated strength with back-analyzed
strengths from a circular shear failure in an open pit coal mine. These failures occurred in the
overburden marl and over a height of only 15 to 20 meters. There was good agreement
between back-calculated and estimated strength values when assuming disturbed conditions.
In this case, relatively heavy blasting was conducted to loosen the overburden. Normally,
blasting would not have any large effect on a deeply seated failure surface. However, in this
case, failure occurred over a limited height, and blasting might have affected the rock mass,
even at the position of the failure surface.

This case study, supplemented by two other cases, were used by Sonmez et al. (1998) in the
development of a more general methodology for back analysis of slope failures. This
procedure gave as a result values for RMR corresponding to the parameters m and s in the
Hoek-Brown criterion and, subsequently, a common RMR for the rock mass. From the three
case studies presented by Sonmez et al. (1998), the agreement between actual and back-
calculated RMR was good. Disturbed rock mass was assumed in one case, but this
information is missing for the other two.

Pender and Free (1993) calculated the mobilized strength envelopes of stable slopes in
greywacke. These strength curves represented a lower bound of the actual strength, since no
slope failures were included in this study. Comparisons with the modified Hoek-Brown

criterion (and the category undisturbed rock mass) showed that the predicted Hoek-Brown
strength was significantly higher than the back-calculated strength values.

Some attempts to verify the criterion were provided in a recent study by Helgstedt (1997),
who compared predicted strengths with back-calculated values from a dam foundation and a
large scale natural slope, as well as from tests on rockfill. Helgstedt (1997) concluded that
the generalized Hoek-Brown criterion (and the category undisturbed rock mass) consistently
predicted too-high shear strengths for these cases. All these cases were rock masses of poor
to medium quality, with GSI-values in the range of 9 to 60, and for confining stresses ranging
from 0 to 5 MPa.

5.7.2 Case Study Database: Scale Effects and Rock-Mass Compressive Strength

In this section, a further check is provided on the correlation between back-calculated

strength values and predicted strengths from the Hoek-Brown criterion. For this, some case
studies and their reported strength values from Chapter 4 were utilized. These data primarily
include failures of footwalls and hangingwalls in sublevel caving mines, as well as a few
open pit slope failures at the Aznalcollar mine. Unfortunately, most of other pit slope failures
reported in Chapter 4 were not back-analyzed and could not be used here. Back-calculated
strengths were obtained from limit equilibrium analyses assuming a linear Mohr-Coulomb
failure criterion. A first correlation between back-calculated and predicted strengths can be
obtained by comparing only the uniaxial compressive strength of the rock mass. From the
back-calculated cohesion and friction angle, an equivalent compressive strength was
calculated using Equation (5.24). These data are summarized in Table 5.7, together with
classification ratings for each case (obtained from the literature). For comparison, a case of
sill pillar failure in a hard rock mine was added to this table (see below).

Using the Hoek-Brown criterion, the compressive strength is calculated using Equation (5.2),
which is reproduced below

σ cm = σ c s .

This can be rewritten

σ cm
s= , (5.35)

which shows that the square root of the parameter s can be interpreted as a scale factor for the
rock mass strength. Here, it must be remembered that the parameter s also depends on the
jointing of the rock mass. The parameter s can be calculated using Equations (5.6) and (5.8),
depending on if one assumes undisturbed or disturbed conditions for the rock mass. These
equations can also be rewritten

RMR −100

s=e x


x = 9 for undisturbed rock mass, and

x = 6 for disturbed rock mass.

The value of x can be calculated by inserting Equation (5.35) into Equation (5.36) and
solving for x, which gives

RMR − 100
x= 2
. (5.37)
σ 
ln cm 
 σc 

Calculated values of x are shown in Table 5.7. It can be seen that all values, except for the
sill pillar failure, are close to or less than 6. Consequently, it appears that an assumption of
disturbed rock mass fits these data best, as shown in Figure 5.11 and Figure 5.12. The scatter
of the back-calculated strength values is considerable (see Figure 5.12), but all data are
grouped to the left of the curve defining the category disturbed rock mass. Values for
undisturbed rock mass are significantly higher. For the sill pillar failure, the variable x varies
from around 6 to nearly 12. This indicate that, for higher values of the normalized strength
and high RMR-values, the results are very sensitive to the choice of RMR-rating.

Table 5.7 Summary of back-calculated strengths from observed rock mass failures (partly from Chapter 4).

Mine and Intact rock strength, Rock mass strength, RMR Calculated value for
Mining Element Reference σc : low - high σcm : low - high low - high x in Equation (5.37)
Method (average) [MPa] (average) [MPa] (average) low - high
Cut-and-Fill and Open Stoping
Zinkgruvan Sill pillar Sjöberg et al. (1996) (220) (90) 2500 79 - 90 (84) 5.6 - 11.7
Sublevel Caving Mines
Malmberget Hangingwall Herdocia (1991) (108) (2.94) 2.9⋅107 (80) 2.8
Malmberget Hangingwall Rutqvist and Sjöberg, 1987) 180 - 230 (200) (1.54) 2.9⋅10 (80) 2.1
Grängesberg Hangingwall Hall and Hult (1964) (186) (1.41) 2.8⋅10 53 - 67 (60) 3.4 - 4.8
Grängesberg Hangingwall Hoek (1974) (186) (2.08) 2.8⋅10 53 - 67 (60) 3.7 - 5.2
Grängesberg Hangingwall Borg (1987) (186) (1.04) 2.8⋅10 53 - 67 (60) 3.2 - 4.5
Grängesberg Hangingwall Herdocia (1991) (186) (2.27) 2.8⋅10 53 - 67 (60) 3.7 - 5.3

Grängesberg HW - Brewery fault Borg (1987) (186) (0.29) - 15 6.6
Kiirunavaara Hangingwall Herdocia (1991) - 3D (186) (2.05) 1.9⋅10 60 - 63 (60) 3.9 - 4.2
Kiirunavaara Hangingwall Lupo (1996) 170 - 215 (200) 2.65 - 5.09 (4.10) 1.9⋅10 60 - 63 (60) 4.8 - 4.9
Kiirunavaara Hangingwall Hustrulid (1991) 170 - 215 (200) 1.39 - 3.46 (2.36) 1.9⋅10 60 - 63 (60) 4.2 - 4.5
Kiirunavaara Footwall Lupo (1996) 140 - 300 (230) 4.13 - 7.53 (5.05) 5.5⋅10 (60) 5.4 - 5.7
Kiirunavaara Footwall Dahnér-Lindkvist (1992) 140 - 300 (230) 3.98 - 5.20 (4.95) 5.5⋅10 (60) 4.9 - 5.6
Open Pit Mining
Aznalcollar Central Footwall Proughten (1991) 35 - 50 (25) 0.370 - 0.510 (0.440) 3.3⋅107 44 - 58 (51) 4.6 - 6.2
Aznalcollar Central Footwall Golder (1995) 35 - 50 (25) 0.134 - 1.249 (0.692) 3.3⋅107 44 - 58 (51) 5.0 - 5.7
Aznalcollar Central Footwall Krauland (1995) 35 - 50 (25) 0.067 - 1.085 (0.505) 3.3⋅10 44 - 58 (51) 4.5 - 5.5
Aznalcollar Central Footwall This thesis 35 - 50 (25) 0.130 - 0.486 (0.333) 3.3⋅10 44 - 58 (51) 4.5 - 5.0
Aznalcollar Eastern Footwall This thesis 35 - 50 (25) 0.519 - 0.943 (0.755) 3.3⋅10 44 - 58 (51) 5.3 - 6.6

Normalized Rock Mass Strength vs. RMR

(Maximum and Minimum Values)



Undisturbed rock mass
0.7 Disturbed rock mass
σ cm /σ c (=√s )

Sill Pillar Zinkgruvan

Hangingwall Malmberget
0.5 Hangingwall Grängesberg
Grängesberg - Brewery Fault
Hangingwall Kiirunavaara
0.3 Footwall Kiirunavaara
Aznalcollar Footwall


100 80 60 40 20 0

Figure 5.11 Comparison of back-calculated strength values and predicted strengths using
the Hoek-Brown criterion, for normalized strength vs. RMR. (Values are from
Table 5.7).

Normalized Rock Mass Strength vs. RMR

(Maximum and Minimum Values)



Undisturbed rock mass
Disturbed rock mass
σ cm /σ c (=√s )

Hangingwall Malmberget
Hangingwall Grängesberg
Grängesberg - Brewery Fault
Hangingwall Kiirunavaara
Footwall Kiirunavaara
0.010 Aznalcollar Footwall


80 60 40 20 0

Figure 5.12 Normalized rock mass strength vs. RMR (same as Figure 5.11 but with
different scale).

It should be noted that the sill pillar failure was of relatively violent nature in a brittle rock
mass under high stress conditions. Thus, the sill pillar failure mechanism was different from
those observed in the slopes, footwalls and hangingwalls listed in Table 5.7. The higher rock
mass strength obtained for the sill pillar failure can partly be attributed to this (failure at peak
strength with little deformation), but it could also be due to the difference in scale (volume)
for the sill pillar compared to the other construction elements.

The volume of the open pit slopes and the sublevel caving footwalls and hangingwalls is at
least four orders of magnitude larger than that of the sill pillar (Table 5.7). The normalized
strength versus the volume of the rock mass for these cases is shown in Figure 5.13. From
this, it is not surprising that a single equation cannot be used to estimate both the strength of
the sill pillar and the strength of the slopes. It is conceivable that the data used by Hoek and
co-workers simply did not cover rock masses of very large scale. Since these data have not
been published, it is not possible to determine whether this was, in fact, the case. To
summarize, these findings contradict the recommendations by Hoek and Brown (1997). It
appears that the category undisturbed rock mass cannot be used routinely for all types of rock
mass failures and at all scales. The categories disturbed rock mass fit the data from large
scale slopes much better. Additional proof of this will be given in the next section.

Normalized Strength vs. Rock Mass Volume


Sill Pillar
Normalized strength, σ cm /σ c

Hangingwalls - Sublevel Caving

0.3 Footwalls - Sublevel Caving

Footwall - Open Pit

0.2 Approximate strength

reduction curve (not fitted)



1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 100000000 1000000000
Volume [m ]

Figure 5.13 Normalized rock mass strength vs. volume of construction element. (Data
from Table 5.7).

5.7.3 Rock Mass Cohesion and Friction Angle from Case Study Database

As a next step, a more detailed study was conducted by comparing back-calculated data from
the Aznalcollar open pit mine and the footwall of the Kiirunavaara sublevel caving mine,
with estimated cohesion and friction angle using the Hoek-Brown criterion and the procedure
described in Chapter 5.4 (linear regression on the Hoek-Brown envelope).

The Aznalcollar Slope Failures

A brief mine description was provided in Section 4.2.1 and is not repeated here. Back-
analyzed strengths from the observed failures at the Aznalcollar pit were also summarized in
that section (see Table 4.1 and Table 4.2). All back-analyses were conducted using limit
equilibrium methods. The obtained strength values varied, depending on the failure instance
from which they were back-calculated. It is believed that groundwater conditions
significantly influenced the failure strengths and that these were not properly included in
some of the analyses. Furthermore, the limit equilibrium models failed to explain some
failure characteristics. Nevertheless, it appears that the strength of the footwall rock mass can
be said to lie within the following range:

φ = 20° - 28°,
c = 15 - 500 kPa.

In estimating the strength of the footwall, three sets of classification ratings and estimated
values of the uniaxial compressive strengths of intact rock were used:

(1) RMR = 58, σc = 25 MPa (Proughten, 1991);

(2) RMR = 58, σc = 50 MPa (Proughten, 1991; Intecsa, 1988); and
(3) RMR = 44, σc = 35 MPa (McCullogh, 1993).

In addition, two different values for mi were used; mi = 8 and mi = 9, corresponding to the two
dominant rock types in the footwall — schist and slate, respectively. Values for mi were
estimated from Table 5.1. The values for RMR listed above probably represent upper limits
of the rock mass quality. McCullough (1993) stated that RMR was reduced to a value of 22
at some surface exposures, indicating the wide variability of the rock mass quality.

To be able to determine the equivalent cohesion and friction angle, the stress state must be
estimated. Without resorting to numerical analysis, this can be done using the guidelines of
Section 5.4.4. The Aznalcollar footwall has an overall slope angle of approximately 30°.

The slope height at the time of failure varies from around 100 to a little less than 300 meters.
The virgin horizontal stress has been assumed to be around 1.5 to 2.5 times the vertical virgin
stress (Proughten, 1991). Taken together, this gave the following stress ranges:

(1) Aznalcollar (100 m slope height): 0 < σ3 < 6 MPa; and

(2) Aznalcollar (300 m slope height): 0 < σ3 < 15 MPa.

The resulting strength values assuming disturbed rock mass and a stress range of σ3 = 0 - 6
MPa, are shown in Table 5.8. Estimated strengths for schist assuming undisturbed rock mass
are shown in Table 5.9 for comparison. The equivalent cohesion and friction angle for a
disturbed rock mass with a stress range of σ3 = 0 - 15 MPa are shown in Table 5.10. To be
consistent with previously published values, the cohesion is given in kPa.

The estimated strengths assuming disturbed rock mass are relatively low, particularly for Set
3 (RMR = 44, σc = 35 MPa) and for the stress range of 0 < σ3 < 15 MPa. Furthermore, the
standard regression generally yielded high cohesive strengths, compared to the regression
with the value of the rock-mass compressive strength fixed. For the stress range 0 < σ3 < 6
MPa and Set 1 and Set 2, friction angles in the range of 23° to 28° was obtained, as were
cohesions of 250 to 450 kPa. This is in good agreement with the back-analyzed failure
strengths. Assuming undisturbed rock mass conditions gave much higher strengths — in
particular, the cohesion is largely overestimated for this category (see Table 5.9).

Table 5.8 Estimated rock mass strength for the Aznalcollar footwall assuming disturbed
rock mass for a stress range of σ3 = 0 - 6 MPa.
Standard regression Fixed intercept [Equations
[Equations (A5.13)-(A5.18)] (A5.15)-A(5.20)]
Rock Type mi σc RMR σ3-min σ3-max φ c σcm φ c σcm
[MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [°] [kPa] [kPa] [°] [kPa] [kPa]
Schist (1) 8 25 58 0 6 20.0 720 2060 23.8 250 750
Schist (2) 8 50 58 0 6 24.7 1000 3110 28.5 450 1510
Schist (3) 8 35 44 0 6 16.0 530 1400 19.7 120 330
Slate (1) 9 25 58 0 6 20.8 750 2160 24.8 240 750
Slate (2) 9 50 58 0 6 25.7 1020 3250 29.6 440 1510
Slate (3) 9 35 44 0 6 16.7 550 1470 20.6 110 330

Table 5.9 Estimated rock mass strength for the Aznalcollar footwall assuming
undisturbed rock mass for a stress range of σ3 = 0 - 6 MPa.
Standard regression Fixed intercept [Equations
[Equations (A5.13)-(A5.18)] (A5.15)-(A5.20)]
Rock Type mi σc RMR σ3-min σ3-max φ c σcm φ c σcm
[MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [°] [kPa] [kPa] [°] [kPa] [kPa]
Schist (1) 8 25 58 0 6 24.2 2210 6840 28.5 720 2420
Schist (2) 8 50 58 0 6 29.4 3010 1030 33.5 1300 4850
Schist (3) 8 35 44 0 6 23.2 1990 6050 27.7 470 1560

Table 5.10 Estimated rock mass strength for the Aznalcollar footwall assuming disturbed
rock mass for a stress range of σ3 = 0 - 15 MPa.
Standard regression Fixed intercept [Equations
[Equations (A5.13)-(A5.18)] (A5.15)-(A5.20)]
Rock Type mi σc RMR σ3-min σ3-max φ c σcm φ c σcm
[MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [°] [kPa] [kPa] [°] [kPa] [kPa]
Schist (1) 8 25 58 0 6 14.5 1020 3090 18.0 270 750
Schist (2) 8 50 58 0 6 18.5 1630 4520 22.3 510 1510
Schist (3) 8 35 44 0 6 11.2 880 2150 14.4 130 330
Slate (1) 9 25 58 0 6 15.2 1250 3260 18.8 270 750
Slate (2) 9 50 58 0 6 19.4 1690 4760 23.3 500 1510
Slate (3) 9 35 44 0 6 11.8 920 2280 15.1 130 330

Because the footwall rock at Aznalcollar exhibits a pronounced foliation, the question as to
whether this affects the rock mass strength arises. The strength anisotropy can be assessed
using Equation (5.20), as described in Section 5.2.5. The friction angle of the foliation was
estimated to be in the range of 22° to 30° (Golder, 1989a). Using values for the rock mass
according to Set 1 (RMR = 58, σc = 25 MPa) and a worst case of φj = 22° for the foliation, the
resulting strength as a function of the inclination of the foliation relative to the major
principal stress was calculated. Here, the minor principal stress was taken to be σ3 = 6 MPa.
The upper bound to the discontinuity strength was set to the rock mass strength with
parameters for disturbed rock mass conditions. The resulting strength as a function of
discontinuity inclination is shown in Figure 5.14.

The strength is reduced for certain orientations of the foliation relative to the major loading
direction. Typically, the minimum strength is found for inclinations of around 30 - 35°. The
inclination between the foliation and the major principal stress obviously varies from point to
point in the pit slope. Close to the slope face, the major principal stress is parallel to the face.
Farther from the slope, the major principal stress reorients toward the direction of the major
virgin principal stress — in this case, becoming horizontal. This is schematically illustrated
in Figure 5.15, along with the average dip of the foliation (55°). From this, and for a slope
angle of 30 - 40°, one finds that the inclination between the foliation and the major principal
stress generally is within the interval of 15-55°.

This value for the discontinuity inclination (β) falls within the range giving the lowest
strength in Figure 5.14. The difference between the strength of the discontinuity and the rock
strength is relatively small, which indicates that the rock mass in this case has a strength that
is fairly close to that of the foliation. In conclusion, the anisotropy effects are probably
relatively small, and the obtained strength values in Table 5.8 can be regarded as "average"
strengths of the footwall schist, including discontinuities. Furthermore, the best match with
back-calculated strengths is obtained for the category disturbed rock mass.

Strength of Schistose Rock, Aznalcollar Footwall

Disturbed Rock Mass


Rock mass strength

Axial Strength [MPa]


Discontinuity strength

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Discontinuity Inclination [°]

Figure 5.14 Axial strength (σ1) as a function of the inclination of the foliation (β) relative
to the major principal stress, σ1 (values for Set 1 (RMR = 58, σc = 25 MPa),
disturbed rock mass, σ3 = 6 MPa, and a foliation friction angle of 22°).





Figure 5.15 Orientation of the foliation and the major and minor principal stresses in the
Aznalcollar footwall slope.

The Kiirunavaara Footwall Failures

The footwall failures at the Kiirunavaara sublevel caving mine were briefly described in
Chapter 4, and back-analyzed strengths from limit equilibrium analyses were presented in
Table 4.4 and Table 4.5. Generally, the rock-mass friction angle was in the interval of 30° to
37°, with cohesive strengths ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 MPa. Equivalent compressive strength
according to the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion was in the range of 4 MPa to 5.5 MPa.

To estimate the strength, the classification ratings and compressive strengths from Table 5.7
were employed. Thus, the following two sets were used in the strength assessment:

(1) RMR = 60, σc = 140 MPa (Herdocia, 1991; Holmstedt, 1994; Lupo, 1996); and
(2) RMR = 60, σc = 300 MPa (Herdocia, 1991; Holmstedt, 1994; Lupo, 1996).

The dominant footwall rock type is syenite porphyry. Unfortunately, this rock type is not
listed in Table 5.1. Syenite porphyry is an intermediate, intrusive rock, with medium texture.
Its closest siblings in Table 5.1 are probably rhyolite and andesite. Hence, mi-values for these
two were used, which gave mi = 16 and mi = 19, respectively. It is worth mentioning that

triaxial tests of the hangingwall quartz porphyry gave mi = 18.4 (Paganus and Stephansson,

The stress range to be used for determining the equivalent cohesion and friction angle can be
estimated using the approximate relations from Section 5.4.4. The caved rock has a
significantly lower stiffness than the footwall and hangingwall rock mass. Thus, it cannot
carry high stresses and has a small impact on the stress state within the footwall. Neglecting
the caved rock and only considering the footwall, the geometry is similar to a conventional
open pit slope, with a slope angle of approximately 60° and a slope height of some 500
meters. The virgin horizontal stress is larger than the vertical virgin stress, generally with K<
3 (Paganus and Stephansson, 1990). This gives the following approximate stress range:

(1) Kiirunavaara footwall (σH = 0): 0 < σ3 < 6 MPa; and

(2) Kiirunavaara footwall (σH = 3σv): 0 < σ3 < 20 MPa.

In this case, only regression with a fixed intercept (rock-mass compressive strength) was
conducted, and only for the category disturbed rock mass. The resulting equivalent Mohr-
Coulomb strengths are shown in Table 5.11 and Table 5.12.

Table 5.11 Estimated rock mass strength for the Kiirunavaara footwall assuming
disturbed rock mass, for a stress range of σ3 = 0 - 6 MPa.

Fixed intercept [Equations

Rock Type mi σc RMR σ3-min σ3-max φ c σcm
[MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [°] [MPa] [MPa]
Syenite porphyry
16 140 60 0 6 43.5 1.07 4.99
(rhyolite) (1)
Syenite porphyry
16 300 60 0 6 48.2 2.04 10.70
(rhyolite) (2)
Syenite porphyry
19 140 60 0 6 45.2 1.03 4.99
(andesite) (1)
Syenite porphyry
19 300 60 0 6 50.0 1.95 10.70
(andesite) (2)

Table 5.12 Estimated rock mass strength for the Kiirunavaara footwall assuming
disturbed rock mass, for a stress range of σ3 = 0 - 20 MPa.

Fixed intercept [Equations

Rock Type mi σc RMR σ3-min σ3-max φ c σcm
[MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [°] [MPa] [MPa]
Syenite porphyry
16 140 60 0 20 34.8 1.30 4.99
(rhyolite) (1)
Syenite porphyry
16 300 60 0 20 40.4 2.47 10.70
(rhyolite) (2)
Syenite porphyry
19 140 60 0 20 36.5 1.26 4.99
(andesite) (1)
Syenite porphyry
19 300 60 0 20 42.1 2.37 10.70
(andesite) (2)

The obtained strength estimates are generally higher than those from back-analysis. In
particular, the friction angles are overestimated. The best agreement is found for the
confining stress range of 0 < σ3 < 20 MPa and for σc = 140 MPa. This parameter set gave
friction angles of around 35° to 37°, with cohesion values around 1.3 MPa, which is very
similar to the values obtained by Lupo (1996). The higher stress range is also the more likely
one, considering the high horizontal virgin stress at the site. However, the interaction of the
caved rock may also affect the stress distribution and/or the limiting strength values . These
issues will be explored in more detail in Chapter 7. In any case, it is clear that the category
disturbed rock mass gives strength values that are comparable (although slightly
overestimated) with the back-calculated strengths.

5.8 Discussion and Recommendations

The comparisons with back-calculated strength values from observed large scale rock mass
failures, showed that parameter estimates assuming disturbed rock mass, gave the best
agreement. There are several possible explanations for this. First, the parameter s is
probably not scale independent. In the formulation by Hoek and co-workers, s only depends
on the value of RMR (or GSI). Hoek and Brown (1997) also argued that the strength would
reach a constant value when the size of individual rock blocks is small enough in relation to
the slope height. It can be questioned, however, if this limit has been reached for the cases
against which the Hoek-Brown criterion has been calibrated. Consequently, it is also
questionable whether the same s-value can be used for rock masses of significantly different

Second, the back-calculated strength values from limit equilibrium analyses must be
representative of post-failure conditions — i.e., failure fully developed with ongoing
displacements. The limit equilibrium method inherently assumes that the shear strength is
fully mobilized over the entire failure surface. Thus, back-calculated strength values are
"average" strengths for the entire failure surface in the slope. It follows that these strengths
can be regarded as being equivalent to the residual rock mass strength along a fully
developed shear surface. Ulusay and Doyuran (1993) also found good agreement between
laboratory derived residual shear strengths (for coal) and results from back-analysis of slope
failures in a coal mine. Consequently, the category disturbed rock mass can correspond to
residual strength conditions. The term disturbed rock mass infers that the interlocking of the
rock mass has been destroyed (as opposed to undisturbed conditions; see Hoek and Brown,
1988). This can occur as a result of large displacements of the failing mass.

One must remember that cohesion and friction angles are merely parameters used in an
attempt to fit observed behavior to a simplistic mechanical model. The friction angle of the
rock mass can be interpreted as the friction resistance along pre-existing discontinuities and
asperities on these discontinuities (overriding of asperities). The cohesion can be thought of
as the shear resistance of intact rock bridges in the rock mass, or the shear resistance of the
asperities on a discontinuity surface (shearing through asperities). However, in post-failure
conditions and after large displacements, the cohesion of the rock mass must, by necessity, be
very low, as most of the interlocking along the failure surface has been destroyed. Estimated
cohesion values from Section 5.7.3 are also relatively low, as can be expected for residual
conditions. A small cohesion may indicate that, e.g., local irregularities still exist along the
failure surface, or that interlocking is completely destroyed. Thus, it is conceivable that at
least some "apparent" cohesion also can develop along the failure surface.

Following this trail of thoughts, one could also imagine that the category undisturbed rock
mass corresponds, in reality, to pre-failure conditions — i.e., being representative of peak
rock mass strength. Hoek and Brown (1997) did in fact use the Hoek-Brown criterion to
estimate peak strength (assuming undisturbed rock mass). They also discussed how the
residual strength could be estimated for three "typical" rock masses (good, average and poor
quality), but no definite guidelines were given.

A good quality, hard rock mass exhibits larger differences between the peak and the residual
strengths, compared to a medium quality rock mass. Very poor quality rock masses can
exhibit perfectly plastic behavior with no strength reduction in the post-failure region (Hoek
and Brown, 1997). If this is compared to the curves for estimating the parameter s assuming
undisturbed and disturbed rock mass, one finds that the difference between the two is largest
for RMR-values between and 50 and 80, which then decrease substantially (see Figure 5.16).

Normalized Rock Mass Strength vs. RMR


Undisturbed rock mass
Disturbed rock mass
σ cm /σ c (=√s )







100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Figure 5.16 Normalized rock mass strength, σcm /σc = s , versus RMR-rating assuming
undisturbed and disturbed rock masses, (Equations (5.6) and (5.8),

This agrees with the fact that a poorer quality rock mass should exhibit less difference
between the peak and residual strength. However, for high RMR-values, the difference
between an undisturbed and a disturbed rock mass is also decreasing. The relations

describing undisturbed and disturbed conditions are thus not consistent. The differences
between the two are very small for very good quality rock masses, whereas a destruction of
the interlocking (reduction to disturbed conditions) probably results in a relatively large
strength drop for such rock masses. Above all, it is clear that more work and more strength
data from actual large scale failures are required to provide a better description of the
physical meaning of the two categories and their applicability.

As seen in Figure 5.16, the estimated rock mass strength is very sensitive to the chosen RMR-
value. This implies that RMR should be determined with high precision. In practice, it is
difficult to determine an "exact" value of RMR, due to the natural variability of geological
materials. Hence, it is more appropriate to determine a range of values that apply at the site
or for a particular rock unit (Hoek, 1998). In any case, a high precision in the strength
estimation should not be expected. Values should be treated as first estimates , which
subsequently can be improved with enhanced and extended data collection.

To summarize, by assuming disturbed rock mass conditions, one obtains strength values that
can be viewed as "average" strengths for an entire pit slope. These are representative of the
residual strength of the large scale rock mass (volumes exceeding 1 million m3). It should be
noted that these findings are based solely on empirical data, as is the Hoek-Brown criterion
itself. The following practical guidelines can be offered for estimating the strength of large
scale rock masses in pit slopes.

1. Use the original Hoek-Brown criterion, Equation (5.1), to characterize the strength of
large scale rock masses.

2. The value of parameter mi should be determined from triaxial tests, or estimated

fromTable 5.1 or if no test data are available.

3. The uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock should be determined from

laboratory tests, or, if no test data are available, by manual index tests (Appendix 4,
Table A4.6).

4. Rock mass classification should be carried out using either the 1976 version of the
RMR system (Appendix 4, Table A4.3) or the GSI system (Figure 5.1).

5. Parameters m and s should be estimated assuming disturbed rock mass conditions,

using Equations (5.7) and (5.8).

6. Equivalent cohesion and friction angle should be estimated from a linear regression
analysis, with the intercept with the σ1-axis fixed at the value of the rock mass
strength in the Hoek-Brown criterion [Equations (A5.20), (A5.18) and (A5.15) in
Appendix 5].

7. Regression should be conducted over a representative stress range for the slope in
question. The stress range can be determined from an elastic stress analysis or
estimated from Table 5.5.

8. Young's modulus of the rock mass can be estimated using Equation (5.33) for low
stress environments. If high stresses (say, above 20 MPa) are anticipated, or if
Equation (5.33) yields values that are higher than Young's modulus for intact rock
(E), then the latter value (E) should be used instead.

The obtained strengths are probably conservative, particularly for brittle materials. It follows
that a safety factor of 1.0 should be sufficient for these rock masses, whereas, for poorer
quality rocks, a slightly higher factor of safety may be required. Hoek (1998) suggested
using Fs = 1.3 to be on the "safe side", but this was not based on any rigorous analysis.

In this section, it has been found that the category disturbed rock mass corresponds to
residual strength conditions for a well-developed failure surface in a large scale rock slope.
Using these strength values in a stability analysis, one only calculates the safety against slip
along an already developed failure surface. In fact, this is an implicit assumption in all limit
equilibrium analysis. The use of a higher factor of safety is one way of accounting for the
fact that failure may initiate at a higher (peak) rock mass strength. This limitation also partly
applies to stability analysis using numerical models and residual strength values. This will be
explored in more detail in Chapter 6.

Finally, Hoek (1998) stated that it is unlikely that accurate methods for rock-mass strength
estimation will ever be developed, and that the numbers produced by the Hoek-Brown
procedure (or any other procedure) are not unique and reliable. One could not agree more
with Hoek's statement. Thus, it is important to explore the effects of possible variations of
the parameters in the failure criterion. A healthy dose of parameter studies should therefore
be an integral part of any stability analyses.


6.1 Approach to Analysis of Slope Failures

6.1.1 Background and Requirements

A realistic design of high rock slopes requires (1) a good understanding of the dominant
failure mechanisms in large scale slopes, and (2) a design tool that can be used to assess the
stability of a slope subjected to various failure mechanisms. The latter of these requirements
is the subject of all types of stability analyses. Methods for stability analysis span a very
wide range. In the simplest form, they can be purely empirical guidelines based on precedent
(such as those extracted in Chapter 4). More complex analysis methods can explicitly
account for slope geometry, geological structure, rock stress conditions, geohydrological
conditions and rock mass characteristics. In this group, one finds both limit equilibrium
methods and numerical modeling (see Section 2.3).

The basis for design must be an understanding of the failure mechanisms in rock slopes.
Unfortunately, failure mechanisms of high slopes, especially in hard, jointed rock, are
generally poorly understood and/or known. This is due to the fact that there are few hard
rock open pits with slope heights of 300-500 meters that have experienced large scale failures
(see Chapters 2.2.4 and 4). Even for slightly lower slopes in weaker rocks, there is a general
lack of knowledge regarding the fundamental characterstics of overall slope failures. The
most urgent unresolved issues are (see also Section 2.5):

(1) conditions for the occurrence of different failure mechanisms;

(2) conditions for failure initiation (stress levels at which failure starts);

(3) shape and the location of the failure surface;

(4) failure development and propagation (different failure stages) including failure
development during progressive mining of a slope; and

(5) effect of slope geometry on the mechanism of failure.

Consequently, in order to increase our understanding, there is a need to study these aspects
for the most commonly observed and assumed large scale failure mechanisms. This includes
circular shear failure and large scale toppling failure, as discussed in Section 2.2.4.

The limited amount of failure observations is not sufficient to quantify the issues listed
above. Furthermore, the large physical scale of the problem precludes the use of laboratory
tests as a means of investigating failure mechanisms. Physical model tests present a possible
solution, but they suffer from the difficulties associated with down-scaling the material
properties. Among the available analysis methods that can be considered, limit equilibrium
methods are not suitable, as they require an assumption of failure mode. Also, purely
empirical methods are inadequate since they do not provide any "new" information about
failure mechanisms. Probabilistic methods suffer from the same model uncertainty as limit
equilibrium methods.

A more appealing and suitable approach is to use numerical modeling for the study of failure
mechanisms. Numerical modeling is much more general and more flexible than the above
mentioned analysis methods. Because numerical models also handle deformations and their
development, more relevant comparisons can be made with measured and observed slope
movements. Furthermore, numerical models can be used as a "laboratory" in which advanced
parameter studies are conducted. These parameter studies can by far exceed the number of
laboratory experiments normally afforded, and in much shorter time. Thus, clever use of
several types of numerical models can help in identifying factors that govern various failure
mechanisms. In doing this, the few cases of observed large scale slope failures can be
complemented with additional data for slightly different slope geometries, strength
properties, etc. This can help sort out the conditions governing different failure mechanisms.
The acquired knowledge can then be applied to concrete slope stability problems.

6.1.2 Approach and Tasks

The approach to analysis of slope failures can be subdivided into three different tasks: (1)
development of a methodology for numerical modeling of slopes; (2) application of modeling
to the study of failure mechanisms, attempting to resolve the issues listed above; and (3)
application to case studies.

Numerical modeling is not without its difficulties. Models can quickly become very
complex, and there are many pitfalls for the user. Consequently, there is a need for a
methodology describing how to apply modeling to slope problems. This is the objective of
the first task outlined above, which includes the selection of a suitable numerical code
(described in Section 6.2, with the numerical scheme described in detail in Section 6.3), as
well as resolving the particular aspects of modeling slope problems (covered in Section 6.4).

The second task constitutes the bulk part of this chapter. Here, numerical modeling is applied
to study failure mechanisms in large scale pit slopes, concentrating on some typically
observed failure types for some "typical" generic slope geometries. This exercise is not
intended to simulate a particular case in detail; rather, it explores the general characteristics
of various failure mechanisms. In this study, attention is primarily focused on circular shear
and large scale toppling failures. A few additional failure mechanisms have been studied
more superficially. The reasons for choosing these mechanisms are outlined in Section 6.4.2.
The problem of model verification is addressed through qualitative comparisons with
generally observed slope behavior, comparisons with laboratory model tests, and
comparisons with other analysis methods. The expected outcome of this work was to:

(1) describe the conditions leading to a certain failure mechanism in large scale pit
slopes; and

(2) describe the different phases in the failure process (initiation and propagation) for a
certain mechanism.

Results from modeling of selected failure mechanisms are presented in Sections 6.5 through
6.8. Some comparisons with other design methods are presented as verification tests. Failure
mechanisms are discussed in detail, the conditions governing these are defined, and the
occurrences of different failure mechanisms are linked to geomechanical properties. In
addition, the limits of applicability regarding numerical models are discussed — i.e., for
which cases can these types of numerical models adequately reproduce observable failure
behavior. This last issue is also important for identifying areas of required future
development and research.

Validation of the modeling procedure can be obtained by applying models to a well-defined

case of slope failure. In the third task, the acquired knowledge of slope failure mechanisms
and the developed methodology are applied to case studies of large scale slope failures. This
also enables fine-tuning of the methodology as such, and is a step toward practical use of
modeling in slope design. Application to two different case studies is presented in Chapter 7.

6.2 Selection of Analysis Method

The choice of modeling tool deserves some explanation. There is a vast amount of numerical
methods available today, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Besides the general
prerequisites, such as the ability to handle different slope geometries, it is essential that the
modeling tool allow the simulation of rock mass failure.

The simulation of failure differs depending on whether a continuum or a discontinuum

approach is used. In a continuum approach, plasticity theory is usually employed to model
material failure. Once a point in a material yields, it cannot carry additional loads. For
overall failure to occur, a contiguous line of actively yielding zones must form in the model.
Because the displacement field always is continuous in continuum models, an actual failure
surface (discontinuity) does not form in the model. However, if the numerical model has
enough degrees-of-freedom (i.e., elements), it is possible to simulate shear bands in the
model. Shear bands correspond to the localization of shear strain in a narrow band rather
than being uniformly distributed in the material (Itasca, 1997). The location of the shear
band corresponds to the location of the failure surface in the material. Unfortunately, one of
the major difficulties with continuum models is the correct representation of the shear bands
in a material. The mesh used in the models can affect both the orientation of the shear bands
and the band thickness. Most commercially available programs cannot simulate the real band
thickness very well, whereas the problem with correct orientation and location of the shear
band can be overcome to some extent with careful mesh generation. Much effort has been
devoted toward solving the inherent mesh-dependency of localization in numerical models.
Brief reviews of some of these attempts were given in Section 2.3.3 and Sjöberg (1996).
Unfortunately, most of these methods are still under development, and even fewer (if any)
can be applied to modeling of pit slopes of large scale.

In a discontinuum approach, discontinuities such as joints and faults are included explicitly
in the model. Thus, failure along one or several of these features is automatically handled by
the program. Because discontinuous displacements are allowed, it is easy to determine the
location of the formed failure surface. In discontinuum models, it is difficult instead to
simulate fracture propagation from pre-existing cracks and through intact rock bridges.
Crack propagation can be reasonably simulated on a laboratory scale using boundary element
methods, but there are few examples in which this has been applied at a scale of engineering
interest. Here, the problem is the large number of fractures existing in, say, a 500-meter high
slope. Although computer capacity continuously increases, an approach in which every
single discontinuity and rock bridge is included in the model will probably not be feasible for
many years yet (if ever), as was also stated by Bekaert and Maghous (1996).

It is likely that no single program can be used for all types of analyses. Poisel (1990)
correctly pointed out that rock behaves both as a continuum and as a discontinuum,
depending on geomechanical characteristics and loading conditions. The review in Section
2.3 also showed that there are no methods in which all expected characteristics of a slope
failure can be simulated. Therefore, one might need several methods for analyzing typical
rock mechanics problems. The above described methods, and many others, have the
limitation that they can only handle one class of failure, making comparisons between
different cases difficult.

Continued development of numerical methods that can handle crack propagation and shear
band localization is an important step toward better models for slope failures. This will
undoubtedly require large efforts and many years of work before validated models are
available. The current research project is oriented toward practical methods of stability
analysis; hence, developing new modeling tools is outside the scope of this study. By using
already developed and verified numerical codes, attention can be focused on the mechanics of
rock slopes. In fact, the available mathematical methods of analysis are, in most cases, much
more refined than can ever be expected of the input data to the analysis (Poisel, 1990).
Commercially available methods also have the advantage that they are more developed and
can handle various boundary and loading conditions, including groundwater, in the
calculations and allow different constitutive models to be used. Not to be forgotten is that
they also have good post-processing capabilities for outputting the results in useable form. In
the author's opinion, it can be very advantageous, not least from a practical perspective, to use
an existing numerical method to investigate alternative scenarios and the effect of different
properties on the behavior of rock slopes. Therefore, the approach explored here is a step
away from the more traditional research trend of code and method development.

In this study, several simplified models were run to investigate the influence of various
parameters. This increases understanding and allows a physical explanation of observed
behavior to be made. This approach was chosen in favor of trying to build a very complex
model with every conceivable detail included. Such a model can be, if not impossible, at
least very difficult to interpret correctly. It is also important to point out that the word
"model" implies a simplification of the real world, as the real world often is too complex for
us to understand (Starfield and Cundall, 1988). Even a relatively simple model can be very
beneficial for increasing the basic understanding of a problem, whereas a model that is too
complex may not lead to any additional explanation of the problem.

In this context, it was decided to use existing programs that have proven to be reliable for
many types of rock engineering problems. The choice fell on the finite difference and

distinct element programs FLAC and UDEC, respectively (Itasca, 1995a, 1997). These are
specifically developed for geomechanical analysis, can easily handle varying loading and
water conditions, and have several pre-defined material models. They are also well-suited for
handling non-linear and highly unstable problems. FLAC is primarily suited for continuum
problems, although a limited number of discontinuities (in the form of interfaces) can be
included. UDEC, on the other hand, is a discontinuum program that can handle large
numbers of blocks and discontinuities. The two programs, FLAC and UDEC, complement
each other and can be used for verification and cross-checking of results.

Both are two-dimensional programs, thus requiring an assumption of plane strain conditions.
For relatively long open pits, a two-dimensional model is justified, except at the pit corners
and, of course, at the lateral boundaries of slope failures. It is believed that many
fundamental issues regarding failure mechanisms can be studied without entering the
complexities of three-dimensional modeling. In addition, there are still uncertainties
associated with modeling of a rock mass in three dimensions (see Section 2.2.2). In the next
section, both FLAC and UDEC will be described in more detail, along with a description of
the models being run in this project.

6.3 Model Description

6.3.1 Numerical Formulation in FLAC and UDEC

Both FLAC (Cundall, 1976; Itasca, 1995a) and UDEC (Cundall, 1971; Itasca, 1997) use an
explicit time-marching scheme to find the solution to a problem. The equations of motion are
solved to derive new velocities and displacements from stresses and forces. Both velocities
and displacements are calculated from a central difference equation (centrered in time).
Velocities are then used to calculate strain rates, from which new stresses can be found
through a constitutive equation. These calculations are carried out over one timestep, during
which velocities are assumed to be constant (see also Figure 6.1). This requires that the
timestep is smaller than the time it takes for information to pass from one element to another.
The advantage of using this explicit formulation is that the numerical scheme stays stable
even when the physical system being modeled is unstable. This is particularly advantageous
when modeling non-linear, large-strain behavior and physical instability. The main
disadvantage with a time-marching explicit scheme is the longer calculation times than those
for implicit formulations (Itasca, 1995a). The advent of more powerful computers has
reduced the practical impact of this.

) PD



Figure 6.1 Calculation cycle for explicit time-marching scheme in FLAC and UDEC
(after Itasca, 1995a).

As seen in Figure 6.1, both FLAC and UDEC automatically handle dynamic analyses. A
static solution is obtained by applying a damping to the system. In short, the damping is used
to quickly achieve a steady state in a numerically stable and physically sound manner. To
accomplish this, a damping force is applied at each node in the model. The magnitude of the
damping force is proportional to the magnitude of the unbalanced force (F in Figure 6.1) and
opposite in direction. The amount of damping thus varies from point to point in the model.
The above scheme has proven to give relatively fast and very stable damping for static and
quasi-static solutions (Itasca, 1995a). In this study, only static analyses have been conducted.

FLAC and UDEC share the same numerical formulation, with a few exceptions. Most
notable is that FLAC can do calculations in large strain mode — i.e., coordinates are updated,
and the mesh moves and deforms with the material. UDEC cannot handle large strains in the
intact material; instead, it allows large deformations between blocks in the model; blocks can
slip, separate and rotate relative to each other.

6.3.2 Finite Difference Mesh


When modeling a problem in FLAC, the solid body is divided into a finite difference mesh
consisting of quadrilateral elements. Inside the program, each element is subdivided into two
overlayed sets of constant-strain triangular elements. This is advantageous for large

deformations when one set of triangles may become distorted, as the other set can still be
used and calculations can continue. Furthermore, stresses and strains are calculated for each
of the four triangles and averaged to give the stress and strain for that element. In addition to
this, a so-called "mixed discretization scheme" is used to alleviate problems with
overprediction of collapse load due to overly stiff elements. The term refers to different
discretizations being used for the isotropic and deviatoric parts of the stress and strain
tensors. (A more detailed description is given in Itasca, 1995a.) This type of mesh
formulation makes FLAC very apt at handling plasticity calculations and large deformations
within a continuum.

One drawback with this type of mesh formulation is that it can sometimes be difficult to set
up the model geometry. Because all elements are quadrilateral, some adjustments must be
made to make them conform to an irregular excavation boundary. FLAC includes a routine
for adjusting the grid to fit a prescribed boundary shape. One disadvantage of this is that it
can result in distorted elements (triangularly shaped but four-noded elements), which do not
perform well for plastic material models. (An example is given in Figure 6.2.) Because these
elements are somewhat "softer" (only one set of triangles in the element), they will yield too
early, thereby overestimating the extent of failure. For a slope geometry, an alternative is to
keep the quadratic grid by "marking" the zones that are closest to the desired slope angle, also
shown in Figure 6.2. Both approaches were tested in the current study. A third alternative
would be to align the grid to be parallel to the excavation surface. However, this is not
feasible when modeling both a hangingwall and a footwall slope in the same model.

Other problems with grid generation are associated with correctly representing localization of
deformations in the slope. For this study, a grid with constant grid size (quadratic elements)
and grid orientation (horizontally and vertically aligned) was used to minimize grid effects.
An example of such a grid is shown in Figure 6.3.


UDEC may be used for analyzing the movements of both rigid (undeformable) and
deformable blocks. For analysis of deformable blocks, the model is first divided into rock
blocks that are then internally discretized into finite difference triangular elements. In fact,
the entire model geometry, including excavations, is created using discontinuities, which
makes it fairly easy to create complex geometries in UDEC. The above restrictions regarding
grid geometry vs. excavation shape do not apply to UDEC.

Unlike FLAC, mixed discretization is not used in UDEC. This is due to difficulties in
implementing the procedure for arbitrarily shaped blocks. Consequently, UDEC may
overestimate the collapse load. An alternative formulation may be used with diagonally
opposed triangular elements ("quad" elements in UDEC), which improves the accuracy of
plastic calculations (Itasca, 1997). These elements were used whenever possible in this
study, but they were restricted to four-sided blocks. Therefore, UDEC is less well suited for
solving problems involving large amounts of yielding of intact material (the blocks).







Figure 6.2 Different techniques for generating slope geometry in FLAC.


JOB TITLE : FLAC Grid (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30)


9/02/1997 11:37
step 0
-1.050E+02 <x< 1.750E+02
-1.900E+02 <y< 9.000E+01 .000

Grid plot

0 5E 1
Boundary plot -.500

0 5E 1



Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -.750 -.250 .250 .750 1.250

Figure 6.3 Generated quadratic grid in FLAC by adjusting grid nodes to the slope face.

6.3.3 Constitutive Models and Input Data

Both FLAC and UDEC allow a large number of constitutive models to be employed. Some
of these are specifically suited for modeling of soils and soft backfill, while others are more
generally applicable for rock materials. In this study, the following constitutive relations
were used in FLAC:

(1) elastic, isotropic model (linear-elastic);

(2) elastic-perfectly plastic (Mohr-Coulomb) model;
(3) ubiquitous joint model (weak planes of a specified orientation embedded in a
perfectly plastic Mohr-Coulomb solid); and
(4) strain-softening plastic model (elastic-plastic Mohr-Coulomb model with softening).

In UDEC, the following constitutive models were used:

(1) intact rock: elastic, isotropic model (linear-elastic);

(2) intact rock: elastic-perfectly plastic (Mohr-Coulomb) model; and

(3) joints: elastic-plastic (Coulomb slip criterion).

These constitutive relations and the necessary input data for these will be described in more
detail below (see also Figure 6.4). The description is mainly based on Itasca (1995, 1997).

Linear-Elastic, Isotropic Model

This constitutive model prescribes a linear-elastic stress-strain behavior for a homogeneous,

isotropic and continuous material (see Figure 6.4). This corresponds to the well-known
Hooke's law. (Non-linear elasticity is not included in any of the constitutive models.) The
input parameters are density, bulk and shear modulus (or Young's modulus and Poisson's
ratio). Rock seldom behaves as a purely elastic material and even less as a linear-elastic
material; hence, this model has been used sparsely.






Figure 6.4 Stress-strain relations for different constitutive models in FLAC and UDEC.

Mohr-Coulomb Model

All plastic models used in FLAC and UDEC are based on fundamental plasticity theory. The
models are characterized by their yield function, hardening/softening functions, and flow
rule. The yield function defines the stress state at which plastic flow takes place and is
represented by a yield surface. All points inside the yield surface behave elastically, whereas
a point on the yield surface is said to be at yield. The yield function is denoted as f with the
condition that f = 0 at yield. The material is elastic if f < 0. The softening/hardening
functions determine whether the material is perfectly plastic or if its strength increases or
decreases with increased straining. Finally, the flow rule specifies the direction of the plastic
strain increment vector as that normal to the potential surface defined by the potential

In FLAC and UDEC, the basic plasticity model is termed the "Mohr-Coulomb model". As
the name implies, this is based on the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion (see Section 5.4.2),

τ s = c + σ n tan φ (6.1)


1 + sin φ
σ1 = σ c + σ3. (6.2)
1 − sin φ

The Mohr-Coulomb model in FLAC and UDEC is an elastic-perfectly plastic material model.
Under the condition that the yield function must be zero at yield, Equation (6.2) can be
rewritten and formulated as a shear yield function, which is used in both FLAC and UDEC:

f s = σ 1 − σ 3 N φ − 2c N φ (6.3)

1 + sin φ
Nφ = , (6.4)
1 − sin φ

where σ1 and σ3 are the major and minor principal stresses, respectively, c is the cohesion,
and φ is the friction angle of the material. FLAC and UDEC use a sign convention with
tensile stresses taken as positive. However, Equation (6.3) is formulated with compressive
stresses taken as positive, to conform with the convention used in this thesis (see also Section

1.4). Note that the intermediate principal stress has no effect on yield (see also Figure 6.5).
The tensile yield function is written

f t = σ t −σ3 . (6.5)

The potential functions used in FLAC and UDEC are written

g s = σ 1 − σ 3 Nψ (6.6)

1 + sin ψ
Nψ = (6.7)
1 − sin ψ

gt = σt −σ 3 (6.8)

for shear and tensile failure, respectively, where ψ is the dilation angle for the material. The
potential function is illustrated in Figure 6.5. The dilation angle can be defined as the
ratio of plastic volumetric strain rate over plastic distortion rate (Vermeer and de Borst,
1984), which is written

∆ε v
sin ψ = , (6.9)
∆γ p

where ∆γp is the rate of plastic distortion (which is twice the plastic shear strain increment)
and ∆εv is the volumetric strain increment (or rate). Simply put, a dilation angle of zero
means that there is no volume change of the material when the material is being sheared. If
ψ > 0, then the volume increases after failure, and vice versa.

Finally, the flow rule defines the magnitude and orientation of the plastic strain increment,
∆εp , as

∂g s
∆ε p = λ (6.10)
∂σ i
i = 1, 3

where λ is a non-negative multiplier.



∆ εS



F 1φ

σW σ σ

Figure 6.5 Yield function and plastic potential function for the perfectly plastic Mohr-
Coulomb constitutive model.

The flow rule is said to be associated if the yield function and the plastic potential function
coincide. Otherwise, it is non-associated. An associated flow rule means that the friction
angle is equal to the dilation angle (see Figure 6.6). For rock material, the friction angle is
typically significantly larger than the dilation angle; hence, a non-associated flow rule must
be used. This is also the default condition in FLAC and UDEC. A more detailed discussion
on dilatancy and non-associated flow rules can be found in Vermeer and de Borst (1984).

As shown above, the tensile strength is defined separately from the shear strength. For this,
an associated flow rule is used. Furthermore, the tensile strength is set to zero (instantaneous
softening) when tensile failure occurs. This is physically reasonable, as there is no tensile
strength over a newly formed tensile fracture.

The numerical implementation of the Mohr-Coulomb model in FLAC and UDEC is as

follows. First, an elastic "guess" for the stress increment is calculated using Hooke's law. If
the total stresses exceed the yield criteria, the stresses are corrected using the flow rule and
"brought back" to the yield surface. The positive scalar λ is determined in this process,
thereby also determining the plastic strain increment. All of this is done during one timestep,
and the whole procedure is then repeated for subsequent timesteps. In both FLAC and
UDEC, the out-of-plane stress is included in the formulation, so that yielding (failure) in the
out-of-plane direction is possible (or prevented, depending on the magnitude of the out-of-
plane stress).


XVHG LQ )/$& DQG 8'(&
∆ εS ∆ εS

φ ψ φ

σQ σQ

Figure 6.6 Associated and non-associated flow rules.

The Mohr-Coulomb model represents a linear yield criterion. Neither FLAC nor UDEC
includes the curved Hoek-Brown criterion as a plasticity model. The difficulties with this
was discussed in Chapter 5. In this work, it was chosen to use only the built-in Mohr-
Coulomb model. Material properties that must be specified when using the Mohr-Coulomb
model (in addition to those for elastic material) are cohesion (c), friction angle (φ), dilation
angle (ψ), and tensile strength (σt) for the material, as defined above.

The Coulomb slip criterion is also used as a constitutive model for joints in UDEC. Here,
failure occurs if the shear stress acting along the joint plane reaches the shear strength defined
by Equations (6.1) and (6.2). Input parameters for this model are joint cohesion, (cj) joint
friction angle (φj), and joint tensile strength (σtj). Furthermore, the elastic deformation of the
joint is assumed to follow a linear relation both for normal and shear deformations. Input
parameters for this are the joint normal (kn) and joint shear (ks) stiffnesses. Using this
constitutive model in UDEC, deformation can occur over the joints both in the shear and
normal directions. In addition, it is possible to simulate peak and residual strength of joints
(with instantaneous strength loss at failure). Tensile failure is modeled using a simple tensile
strength criterion, which states that tensile failure occurs when the minor principal stress
reaches the joint tensile strength, σtj . The joint tensile strength is set to zero (instantaneous
softening) when tensile failure occurs.

Plastic, Strain-Softening Model

The strain-softening model is a plastic material model based on the Mohr-Coulomb model,
but with the added capability of simulating strength loss with increased straining of the
material. Softening can take place through the reduction with strain for one or all of the
strength parameters cohesion, friction angle, and dilation angle. An example of this is shown
in Figure 6.7. Input data to the model, besides those needed for the Mohr-Coulomb model,
are tabulated values of cohesion, friction angle, and dilation angle, versus a shear softening
parameter, εps. The softening parameter, εps, is calculated from the principal shear strain
increments (see Vermeer and de Borst, 1984) and is essentially a measure of the plastic shear
strain. The yield function and flow rule are identical to those described in Equations (6.3)
through (6.10). However, as the strength parameters change with plastic shear strain, the
yield surface moves with increased straining (Figure 6.7). It is also possible to have different
softening strains for different material parameters.

The strain-softening model is very attractive, as it can simulate the process of strength loss
that is believed to occur as the peak strength of the rock material is reached; thus, a
progressive failure behavior with successive weakening of the material can be modeled. It is
conceivable that such failures can spread in rock masses with fairly high peak strengths
(higher than for a perfectly plastic model), provided the residual strength is low.
Furthermore, because the material has a "memory" of what has happened, simulation of
multiple failures is possible.

The formation of shear bands is possible to simulate in FLAC fairly accurately, as shown by,
e.g., Cundall (1989). There is, however, a fundamental problem associated with using a
strain-softening constitutive model. The slope of the softening curve is strongly grid-
dependent and inversely related to the element size of the finite difference mesh in the model.
This is because the strain concentrated in a shear band depends on the width of the band,
which, in turn, depends on grid size. In reality, the shear band thickness depends on some
material characteristics — e.g., grain size in a soil or perhaps block size in a rock mass.
Vermeer and de Borst (1984) reported that the shear band in sand is approximately 20 times
the mean grain size. Furthermore, a weaker rock will most likely produce a thicker shear
band, whereas the opposite is true for a hard and brittle rock (see also Section 2.2.4). In
FLAC, however, the shear band collapses down to the smallest width that the grid can resolve
— one grid-width if the band is parallel to the grid, or three grid-widths if it cuts across the
grid (Itasca, 1995a). Smaller elements will thus give a thinner shear band, which will give
more softening.





F φ

ε ε






Figure 6.7 Strain-softening constitutive model and examples of strength softening for
different parameters.

Taken together, this means that the softening parameters used are only valid for the grid size
of that particular model. Thus, the model should be calibrated for a given zone size — e.g.,
by modeling a test specimen showing shear band localization. This approach is difficult
since one needs a test specimen of substantial size, due to the relatively large grid size
required for the slope models (5 to 9 meters in this project). The models used are typically
around 10 to 30 Mbytes in size and can be run within reasonable time (one to two mining
steps overnight with currently available personal computers). Smaller grid sizes would make
the models extremely large, thus requiring large amounts of computer memory (increases
roughly with the square of the total number of elements). Such models would also take an
enormous amount of time to run. Future powerful computers could alleviate this to some
extent, but the basic deficiency of the strain-softening material model will remain. For
models with 5- to 9-meter grid sizes, the shear band thickness will be relatively large (around
20 meters). A brittle material will typically exhibit much thinner shear bands. Whether this
will also affect the ability to simulate other failure characteristics in such materials is not
known. Currently, there is no easy way out of this, which means that one has to treat the
results very carefully and avoid over-extrapolating the results.

Other options to solve the inherent grid-dependency of strain-softening material models is to

build a length scale into the constitutive model, or to use an entirely different numerical
formulation, as discussed in Section 2.3.4. Even when a length scale is included into a
continuum formulation, it is still necessary to have a very fine mesh in the area of the
localization (see, e.g., Tano, 1997). This is still an area under development, and no practical
methods have yet been presented. Kuijpers and Napier (1996) demonstrated some other
problems associated with using a strain-softening formulation in FLAC. They showed that
FLAC (and other continuum formulations) only reproduced Mode II fracture propagation
(shear failure), while the potential for simulating Mode I fracturing (tensile failure) was
limited. The practical implications of this are not known.

To summarize, strain-softening models can be used conceptually to demonstrate some

interesting phenomena and characteristics of a material with different peak and residual
strength. For design purposes, strain-softening models are not recommended, particularly if
calibration against previous failures is not possible.

Ubiquitous Joint Model

This plasticity model is also based on the Mohr-Coulomb model, but adds strength
anisotropy, such as weak joints in a specified orientation. The yield function and flow rule
for the Mohr-Coulomb solid are identical to that described earlier. For the "joints" (actual
joints in the form of discontinuities are not simulated), a Coulomb slip criterion is used
[Equations (6.1) and (6.2)]. Input data, besides those for the Mohr-Coulomb model, are joint
angle (αj), joint cohesion (cj), joint friction angle (φj), joint tensile strength (σtj), and joint
dilation angle (ψj). Only one weak orientation is allowed simultaneously. The numerical
implementation is similar to the Mohr-Coulomb model. First, the elastic "guess" is
calculated and analyzed for shear failure of the solid Mohr-Coulomb material (intact rock),
and plastic corrections are made. Second, the resulting stress components are examined for
failure on the weak plane ("ubiquitous joints"); if yield occurs, new plastic corrections are
applied to bring the point back to the yield surface. In large strain mode, the orientation of
the ubiquitous joints is adjusted to follow body rotations.

6.3.4 Interpretation and Failure Detection

The explicit time-marching algorithm used in FLAC and UDEC permits modeling of non-
linear systems that evolve with time (or, rather, calculation cycles). Unlike conventional,
implicit, finite-element programs, which produce a solution after the calculation phase, the
results from FLAC and UDEC must be interpreted by the user to assess whether the system is
stable, unstable or in steady-state plastic flow. There are four different indicators that can be
used for this: (1) maximum unbalanced force at gridpoints, (2) gridpoint velocities, (3) plastic
indicators, and (4) gridpoint displacements (Itasca, 1995a).

A model is considered stable when the maximum unbalanced force (maximum F in Figure
6.1 for the entire grid) is almost zero, and when gridpoint velocities have decreased to near-
zero values. For a stable model, the velocity vectors often appear random in direction.

If, however, gridpoint velocities have converged to a non-zero value, it is likely that steady
plastic flow is occurring in the model. In this case, the velocity vectors show some
systematic orientation. The unbalanced force can still be almost zero for this case. Plastic
indicators can be used to assess whether a failure mechanism has developed. The condition is
that there must be a continuous band of actively yielding zones that join two excavation
surfaces. Outside this region, there may be several elements that have yielded in past but
now have moved away from the yield surface. These do not contribute to the failure

mechanism. When plastic flow takes place, gridpoint displacements in the failure zone
increase with time.

The system can also be unstable, meaning that it is heading for ultimate failure or collapse.
In addition to the above criterion for steady plastic flow, an unstable model is usually
characterized by a non-zero, often fluctuating, maximum unbalanced force, as well as
increasing velocities and displacements. The model can also collapse due to displacements
becoming very large, thus distorting individual elements badly and prohibiting further

To summarize, failure can be detected relatively easily in the models by examining plastic
indicators, gridpoint velocities and maximum unbalanced force. It is necessary to use all
three indicators combined to assess with certainty if failure is occurring. As discussed by
Axelsson (1992), by using only plastic indicators to assess failure, the collapse load can be
underestimated. Normally, the plastic zone spreads first, followed by increasing velocities
and displacements once the slope has become fully plasticized.

Once unstable or steady plastic flow has been identified, the question of where the failure
surface forms must be answered. Because formation of new fractures through intact material
cannot be simulated in FLAC or UDEC, the location of a failure surface must be judged, for
example, by plasticity indicators, displacement field and localization of shear strain. The
extent of the zone of actively yielding elements forms the outer limit as to where the failure
surface can develop. By looking at the displacement pattern in the model, a more precise
estimate can be made. The failure surface should form where an obvious increase of
displacements can be seen. This can sometimes be difficult to judge in a continuum model
and is somewhat subjective. A better method is to use the accumulation of shear strain into
shear bands as a failure surface indicator. The shear band normally varies in thickness and
should not be regarded as a measure of the actual thickness of the failure surface (compare
with Section 6.3.3). However, the location of the failure surface can be estimated as lying
within the region of maximum accumulated shear strain, as was also shown by Kidger

6.4 Conducted Analyses

6.4.1 Model Set-Up

An entire cross-section through an open pit was modeled, including both the hangingwall and
footwall. In addition to minimizing boundary effects, this also enabled simulation of two
different slope angles — one for each wall — in the same run. A typical model is shown in
Figure 6.8. Three different final pit depths were modeled: 100, 300 and 500 meters, with
several different slope angles. The majority of the models were mined in only one mining
step. Although not entirely realistic, this made it easier to quantify the effects of different
slope heights. In addition, sequential mining was carried out for selected models with mining
increments of 30 meters (100-meter pit), 50 and 100 meters (300- and 500-meter pits), each
representing a new pushback of the hangingwall (Figure 6.9). In these models, the bottom
width of the pit was held constant.

Roller boundaries were applied on the left and right sides of the model, as well as on the
bottom boundary, restricting movement perpendicular to each boundary. The ground surface
was left as a free boundary (see Figure 6.10). The virgin stress state was initialized in the
model, which was then allowed to come to initial (pre-mining) equilibrium. Different virgin
stress states were simulated, ranging from K = 0.5 to K = 2.0, where K is the ratio between
horizontal and vertical virgin stress. The vertical virgin stress was assumed to be solely due
to the weight of the overlying rock mass. An out-of-plane horizontal stress was also
specified, to avoid yield failure in the out-of-plane direction due to loss of confinement. The
out-of-plane stress was set equal to the in-plane horizontal virgin stress.

Mining of the slope was done in two ways. For the models that are mined in only one
increment, the large and sudden change of model geometry will give an inertial reaction (for
plastic material models). For static analysis, it is very important to minimize these transient
effects. There are different ways of accomplishing this — e.g., to gradually reduce the stress
and density of the excavated material (Itasca, 1995a; Axelsson, 1992). A simpler and more
tractable solution is to set the shear and tensile strengths of the material to high values (high
cohesion and tensile strength), excavate the slope, and let the model come to equilibrium.
Then the strengths can be set their original values and the model run to a new steady state.
This procedure was used for all analyses in this study, except for those simulating sequential
mining. For these analyses, the models were run to a steady state for each mining step, using
the correct strength values, before the next mining increment was taken. Since mining steps
were smaller, the transient effects were deemed to be of small magnitude for these cases.

JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -300 m. Plastic: fi=30, c=0.10, t=0, d=0. High/low.

FLAC (Version 3.30)


2/14/1997 14:18
step 17000
-1.275E+03 <x< 2.225E+03
-2.200E+03 <y< 1.300E+03

Boundary plot 0 meters

0 1E 3 40 degree slope 30 degree slope -.250

- 300 meters




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -1.000 -.500 .000 .500 1.000 1.500 2.000

Figure 6.8 Model geometry for a 300-meter deep open pit.

JOB TITLE : 300 meter pit. Hangingwall pushbacks.

FLAC (Version 3.30)



9/02/1997 11:27
step 3000
-5.634E+01 <x< 9.966E+02 1.000

-6.548E+02 <y< 3.981E+02

Hangingwall pushbacks
Boundary plot

0 2E 2
Marked Gridpoints

50 meter mining steps



Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 1.000 3.000 5.000 7.000 9.000

Figure 6.9 Sequential mining of a 300-meter deep pit, in mining increments of 50 meters.

σ+ . σ Y

σ+ . σ Y

σ+ .σ Y

Figure 6.10 Boundary conditions and initialized stress state for slope models in FLAC and

A phreatic surface in the form of a water table was included in some of the analyses. The
water table was static — i.e., it did not change with excavation (no flow). Groundwater
pressures are thus calculated by FLAC and UDEC as static head below the specified water

6.4.2 Analyzed Failure Modes and Input Data

The modeling consisted of several portions. The first portion focused on studying the
influence of several modeling parameters, such as model size, element size and shape, etc.
The next portion involved studying parameters influencing the failure process in slopes. It
was not possible to simulate all imaginable failure mechanisms in high rock slopes; hence,
this work concentrated on the following cases (see also Figure 6.11):

(1) "circular" shear (rock mass) failure in continuum slopes or in highly jointed or weak
rock masses; and

(2) toppling, plane shear, and other structurally controlled failures in foliated, or
persistently jointed, discontinuum slopes.









Figure 6.11 Analyzed failure modes.


The reason for choosing these cases can be explained as follows. Circular (or rock mass)
shear failure is probably the most commonly assumed failure mechanism for large scale
slopes without any obvious structural control (i.e., heavily and randomly jointed rock masses
or very weak and weathered rock masses). This failure mode is similar to that normally
observed in soils. The failure surface need not be circular, but this collective term is often
used to denote shear failures with curved failure surfaces. Sometimes the term "rotational
shear failure" is used for this mode, but this is avoided here, since rotation of the failing mass
may not always occur. Circular shear failures have mostly been observed in weak rocks, but
there are also one or two cases that have been observed in hard rock slopes (see Chapter 4).
Hoek and Bray (1981) stated that this type of failure can occur when the particles (blocks)
making up the slope are small in relation to the slope height. The actual mechanism is not
fully understood, but it probably involves shear failure along pre-existing discontinuities
complemented, perhaps, by some failure through bridges of intact rock between the joints.
This is difficult to model explicitly, as the actual percentage of discontinuities versus intact
rock bridges is difficult to quantify and is rarely known. It is more common to use a
continuum approach with equivalent properties for the rock mass as a whole. With a pseudo-
continuum approach, the aim is to simulate the macroscopic failure behavior. However, even
when using this simplified failure model, fundamental questions such as where failure
initiates and how it progresses through the rock mass have not been sufficiently described,
which warrants further studies, such as this one.

Another current example is large scale (or deep-seated) toppling failure, which has been
observed relatively frequently in high pit slopes (Chapter 4). This failure mode typically
occurs in rock masses with several steeply dipping large scale discontinuities, or in highly
foliated rock masses. The mechanism leading to such failures, particularly the formation of a
base failure surface, is not clearly defined. This can partly be attributed to the lack of good
measurement data, but the analytical treatment of this failure mechanism has also been
inadequate. Closely related to toppling failures are other varieties of structurally controlled
failures in foliated rock masses — i.e., where the failure is governed by one very dominant
discontinuity orientation. These have also been modeled, thus covering most of the plausible
failures in foliated rock masses and persistently jointed rock masses.

The above-selected failure modes clearly represent only a subset of all conceivable failure
mechanisms in high rock slopes. Failures governed by single, large scale discontinuities such
as wedge failures have not been considered. The primary reason for this is that these types of
failures are relatively well described in the literature. Furthermore, analysis methods for
these failures (stereographic projection combined with limit equilibrium analysis) seem to
work satisfactorily. The problem is more related to an accurate detection of large scale

features in the rock mass. This must be accounted for in the design methodology, but it is not
discussed further in this chapter.

The model geometry used was identical for both the FLAC and the UDEC models. In FLAC,
a foliated rock mass was simulated using the ubiquitous joint constitutive model; in UDEC,
however, discontinuities were modeled explicitly. In addition to including steeply dipping
joints to simulate toppling failure, a more random joint geometry was simulated. This was
achieved using a special polygon generator — a Voronoi tessellation — built into UDEC.
For the ubiquitous joint models in FLAC and the models with one dominant joint set in
UDEC, joint angles were specified according to Figure 6.12. Different material properties
were used for the different constitutive models. A summary of the used parameters and the
range of values for these are given in Table 6.1. A summary of all analyzed cases is given in
Table 6.2 and Table 6.3. In total, some 300 FLAC models and around 100 UDEC models
(including all models and parameter studies) have been run.



ϕ α





Figure 6.12 Definition of joint angles.

In UDEC, discontinuities are used to define real joints as well as excavations and material
boundaries. For "fictitious joints", such as material boundaries, the joint shear and tensile
strengths were set to high values, to avoid any slip along these discontinuities.

Note that the material properties used here are not representative of any particular rock mass
or case study. They are chosen to produce failure and then varied to study the conditions for

which different failures can occur. Some of these parameter combinations may be unrealistic
for hard rocks, but they still serve to provide the bounds for different failure behavior.

Table 6.1 Elastic constants and strength parameters used in numerical models.

Parameter FLAC UDEC

Density of the rock, ρ [kg/m3) 2700 2700
Young's modulus, E [GPa] 5 - 70 5 - 200
Poisson's ration, ν 0.25 0.25
Tensile strength, σt [MPa] 0-5 0 - 0.5
Cohesion of the intact rock, c [MPa] 0.01 - 40.0 0.01 - 10.0
Friction angle of the intact rock, φ [°] 20 - 40 30 - 40
Dilation angle of the intact rock, ψ [°] 0 - 35 -
Softening strain, εp [%] 0.0001 - 1.0 -
Joint normal stiffness, kn [GPa/m] - 1.0 - 10.0
Joint shear stiffness, ks [GPa/m] - 1.0 - 10.0
Cohesion of the discontinuities, cj [MPa] 0 0
Friction angle of the discontinuities, φj [°] 15 - 30 5 - 30
Dilation angle of the discontinuities, ψj [°]. 0 0
Tensile strength of the discontinuities, σtj [MPa] 0 0

The normal and shear stiffnesses of discontinuities are often subject to debate. It is often
argued that they are difficult to determine, which is true, and that they have significant
influence on the result, which is not necessarily correct. The limited amount of published
data on joint stiffnesses indicate that shear stiffness is lower than the normal stiffness, but that
the differences between the two become smaller for higher normal stress — see, e.g., Bandis
et al. (1983). However, for the modeling approach used in this work, exact values of joint
stiffnesses are not a necessity. The joint stiffness only affects displacements before joint slip,
which are very small in most cases and not very interesting — particularly when extensive
joint slip is expected. Furthermore, it has been shown that the elastic stress distribution is
relatively insensitive to the choice of joint stiffness (Kulatilake et al., 1992). Finally, a too-
high joint stiffness will result in a smaller timestep and longer calculation times in UDEC
(Itasca, 1997). The values used in this work were chosen in accordance with these criteria —
not based on laboratory tests. Modeling results also confirmed the relative insensitivity
regarding choice of joint stiffness parameters.

Table 6.2 Summary of FLAC analyses.

Type of FLAC model 100-m slope 300-m slope 500-m slope

Slope Angle Slope Angle Slope Angle
40° 30° 40° 30° 60° 50°
Elastic: Comparison of model sizes. X X
Perfectly Plastic (Mohr-Coulomb):
Comparison of grid generation
techniques (mapped nodes vs. marked
nodes; see Figure 6.2)
Strain-Softening: Comparison of grid
generation techniques.
Perfectly Plastic (Mohr-Coulomb):
Comparison with Limit Equilibrium X X X
Analysis (circular failure).
Perfectly Plastic (Mohr-Coulomb):
Effect of groundwater - fully saturated X X
vs. fully drained slope.
Perfectly Plastic (Mohr-Coulomb):
Influence of virgin stress X X Partly
(K = 0.5, 1.5, 2.0).
Perfectly Plastic (Mohr-Coulomb):
Longer runs to study failure kinetics.
Perfectly Plastic (Mohr-Coulomb):
Effect of dilation angle (5° - 35°).
Strain-Softening: Sequential mining,
(30-meter mining steps).
Strain-Softening: Sequential mining,
(50-meter mining steps).
Strain-Softening: Sequential mining,
(100-meter mining steps).
Strain-Softening: Effect of dilation
angle (5°, 10°) (50-m mining steps).

Table 6.2 (concluded).

Type of FLAC model 100-m slope 300-m slope 500-m slope

Slope Angle Slope Angle Slope Angle
40° 30° 40° 30° 60° 50°
Strain-Softening: Effect of shorter
and longer cycling for each mining X
step (50-m mining steps).
Strain-Softening: Effect of grid size,
strength and softening parameters.
Strain-Softening: Varying strength
(high/low) of the rock mass.
Strain-Softening: Reproduction of
the analysis by Zhang et al. (1989),
and parameter study of the same (60°
slope angle, 100-meter slope height).
Ubiquitous Joint: Toppling failure
Ubiquitous Joint: Comparison with
centrifuge model tests by Adhikary
(1995); 61° slope angle, 330-mm slope
height, 80° joint dip.
Ubiquitous Joint: Parameter study
300-m pit: Joint angles 30° - 160°. X X X X
500-m pit: Joint angles 40° - 140°.
Ubiquitous Joint: Influence of intact
material stiffness.
Ubiquitous Joint: Influence of intact
material strength
Ubiquitous Joint: Longer runs (80°
joint angle).
Ubiquitous Joint: Longer runs (60°,
70°, 130°, 140° joint angle).
Ubiquitous Joint: Sequential mining
(80° joint angle, 50-m mining steps).
Ubiquitous Joint: Sequential mining
(80° joint angle, 100-m mining steps).

Table 6.3 Summary of UDEC analyses.

Type of UDEC model 100-m slope 300-m slope 500-m slope

Slope Angle Slope Angle Slope Angle
40° 30° 40° 30° 60° 50°
Elastic Continuum: Comparisons
with FLAC.
Perfectly Plastic (Mohr-Coulomb)
Continuum: Circular failure X X
Elastic Discontinuum: Voronoi
blocks (5 m), random jointing.
Elastic Discontinuum: Voronoi
blocks (10 m), random jointing.
Perfectly Plastic (Mohr-Coulomb)
Discontinuum: Voronoi blocks (10 X
m), random jointing.
Elastic Discontinuum: Voronoi
blocks (5 m) + steeply dipping joints.
Elastic Discontinuum: Multiple joint
Perfectly Plastic (Mohr-Coulomb)
Discontinuum: Steeply dipping joints
(80°), varying spacing, strength and
intact rock stiffness.
Perfectly Plastic (Mohr-Coulomb)
Discontinuum: Steeply dipping joints X
(80°), sequential mining.
Perfectly Plastic (Mohr-Coulomb)
Discontinuum: Steeply dipping joints X
Perfectly Plastic (Mohr-Coulomb)
Discontinuum: Flat-dipping joints X
(140°) to simulate plane shear failure.

6.4.3 Guidelines on Model Size and Grid Generation

Results from modeling showed that, for accurate analysis of pit slopes using plastic models,
the size of the model should be roughly 3 times the pit width and 3 times the final pit depth.
For elastic models, an even larger model width is required (4 x pit width) to eliminate
boundary effects (see Figure 6.13). To obtain accurate values on stresses and displacements,
it was in fact found necessary to model the entire pit, not just one pit wall. The boundary
condition that appeared to work best was to have roller boundaries on all sides except the
ground surface. In this case, stresses were initialized in the model, as illustrated in Figure
6.10. It should be noted that this works best for a flat, or gently undulating, ground surface.
For other cases, virgin stresses should be applied at the boundaries, thus letting the stresses
"develop" in the model.

To minimize effects from the grid in FLAC, a uniform, quadratic, grid with equal zone size
should be used. Generating a slope outline by adjusting the grid to conform to the slope face
causes more yielding along this boundary. This should therefore be used with caution and
only for the slope face (not for material boundaries). The alternative approach to generate the
slope face (marking quadratic zones to conform to a slope angle; see Figure 6.2),
unfortunately results in local failure and exaggerated displacements of the slope face. The
zones close to the slope face exhibit large displacements and become distorted, which
prohibits the model from being run longer. This method is still useful for defining the slope
face in areas where little or no failure is expected. It should also be used for defining
material boundaries, to eliminate excessive yielding along these.

[%S WR [% S

[' S
[' S

Figure 6.13 Required model size to minimize the influence from artificial boundaries.

6.5 Continuum Slope: Circular (Rock Mass) Shear Failure

6.5.1 Simulation of Circular Shear Failure

General Characteristics

It was found that circular shear failure could be simulated in FLAC using a Mohr-Coulomb
perfectly plastic constitutive relation. This was done for all three pit depths (100, 300 and
500 meters). Examples of calculated displacements, shear strains, and plasticity indicators
are shown in Figure 6.14 through 6.18, for a completely dry slope, and in Figure 6.20 through
6.22 for a fully saturated slope (in which the water table coincides with slope face and ground
surface). Note that these models have not been run for the same exact "time" (different
timesteps in different models); hence, absolute values on displacements and shear strains
should not be compared.

As can be seen from Figure 6.16, Figure 6.19 and Figure 6.22, active yielding occurred along
a curved, nearly circular path. At the slope crest, elements yielded in tension. Because there
was a contiguous line of actively yielding elements in the models, the condition for a
developed failure mechanism was satisfied. Furthermore, both velocities and displacements
were increasing, proving that these models were unstable.

Tensile yielding was more dominant in the steeper, 500-meter slope (Figure 6.19) and for the
fully saturated slope (Figure 6.22). For the fully saturated slope, possible locations of a
tension crack could be interpreted (the vertical band in Figure 6.21), although an actual
discontinuity is not formed in the model. Furthermore, the area of actively yielding zones
was larger than for the dry slopes, and failure more deep-seated, as expected.

The location of the failure surface can be judged from the maximum shear strain, the onset of
large displacements, or the area of active yielding. These three gave slightly different failure
surfaces, but they all conformed to a curved, nearly circular failure surface. A circular arc
was fitted to the calculated shear strain, displacements and plasticity indicators, as shown in
Figure 6.23. Displacements and shear strains both indicated similar failure surfaces, whereas
the region of active yielding extended slightly outside the actual failure surface. The
localization of maximum shear strain is the most convenient measure of the location of the
failure surface, and will be used in the following. Note that the failure surface did not pass
exactly through the toe. This issue will be discussed in Section 6.5.2.

JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -300 m. Plastic: fi=30, c=0.10, t=0, d=0. High/low.

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


2/01/1997 23:19 -.500

step 17000
-2.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-6.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02
Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 3.588E+00

0 1E 1
Boundary plot

0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.14 Calculated displacements for a 300-meter deep pit with a 40° slope angle in a
plastic, Mohr-Coulomb material (completely dry slope).
JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -300 m. Plastic: fi=30, c=0.10, t=0, d=0. High/low. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


2/01/1997 23:18 -.500

step 17000
-2.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-6.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02
Max. shear strain increment
1.50E-02 -2.500

3.50E-02 -3.500

Contour interval= 5.00E-03

Boundary plot

0 2E 2


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.15 Calculated shear strain for a 300-meter deep pit with a 40° slope angle in a
plastic, Mohr-Coulomb material (completely dry slope).

JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -300 m. Plastic: fi=30, c=0.10, t=0, d=0. High/low.

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


2/01/1997 23:18 -.500

step 17000
-2.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-6.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02
Plasticity Indicator
* at yield in shear or vol.
X elastic, at yield in past
o at yield in tension
Boundary plot -2.500

0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.16 Plasticity indicators for a 300-meter deep pit with a 40° slope angle in a
plastic, Mohr-Coulomb material (completely dry slope).
JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -500 m. Plastic: fi=40, c=0.45, t=0, d=0. High/low.

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


2/05/1997 07:06
step 17000
-3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 -1.500

Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 2.589E+00

0 5E 0
Boundary plot
0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.17 Calculated displacements for a 500-meter deep pit with a 60° slope angle in a
plastic, Mohr-Coulomb material (completely dry slope).

JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -500 m. Plastic: fi=40, c=0.45, t=0, d=0. High/low.

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


2/05/1997 07:05
step 17000
-3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 -1.500

Plasticity Indicator
* at yield in shear or vol.
X elastic, at yield in past -2.500

o at yield in tension
Boundary plot

0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.18 Calculated shear strain for a 500-meter deep pit with a 60° slope angle in a
plastic, Mohr-Coulomb material (completely dry slope).
JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -500 m. Plastic: fi=40, c=0.45, t=0, d=0. High/low.

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


2/05/1997 07:05
step 17000
-3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 -1.500

Max. shear strain increment

2.50E-03 -2.500


Contour interval= 2.50E-03

Boundary plot

0 2E 2


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.19 Plasticity indicators for a 500-meter deep pit with a 60° slope angle in a
plastic, Mohr-Coulomb material (completely dry slope).

JOB TITLE : Fully saturated. K=1.5. -300 m. fi=30, c=0.60, t=0, d=0. High/low.

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


6/24/1997 23:59 -.500

step 17000
-2.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-6.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02
Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 6.029E-01

0 2E 0
Boundary plot

0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.20 Calculated displacements for a 300-meter deep pit with a 40° slope angle in a
plastic, Mohr-Coulomb material (fully saturated slope).
JOB TITLE : Fully saturated. K=1.5. -300 m. fi=30, c=0.60, t=0, d=0. High/low. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


6/24/1997 23:59 -.500

step 17000
-2.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-6.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02
Max. shear strain increment
7.00E-03 -3.500

Contour interval= 1.00E-03

Boundary plot

0 2E 2


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.21 Calculated shear strain for a 300-meter deep pit with a 40° slope angle in a
plastic, Mohr-Coulomb material (fully saturated slope).

JOB TITLE : Fully saturated. K=1.5. -300 m. fi=30, c=0.60, t=0, d=0. High/low.

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


6/24/1997 23:58 -.500

step 17000
-2.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-6.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02
Plasticity Indicator
* at yield in shear or vol.
X elastic, at yield in past
o at yield in tension
Boundary plot -2.500

0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.22 Plasticity indicators for a 300-meter deep pit with a 40° slope angle in a
plastic, Mohr-Coulomb material (fully saturated slope).

Figure 6.23 Interpreted failure surface from FLAC analysis of a 300-meter high,
completely dry slope.

A few analyses of continuum slopes were also carried out using UDEC. Despite its less well-
suited element formulation, circular shear failure was produced, for approximately the same
strength properties as in FLAC.

Other examples of the use of FLAC to simulate circular shear failure were given by Adhikary
(1995), Itasca (1995) and Stewart et al. (1996), among others. Adhikary (1995) carried out
centrifuge tests of homogeneous slopes and then compared the experimental results with
numerical modeling using FLAC. It was found that FLAC could reproduce the observed
near-circular failures in the centrifuge tests with good accuracy. Collapse loads were slightly
underestimated (5 % to 10 %) by FLAC, but the failure surfaces were close to those observed.
Stewart et al. (1996) compared centrifuge test results with numerical modeling using both
FLAC and UDEC. Both programs produced good agreement with observed shear failures in
slopes, but the computed collapse loads from FLAC were quite sensitive to relatively small
changes in the grid orientation — which affected strain localization. Nevertheless, these
studies confirm that FLAC can reproduce circular shear failure in a continuum, homogeneous

Influence of Virgin Stress

The results from the FLAC modeling also showed that the influence of different horizontal
virgin stress states on the mode of failure was small. Circular failure occurred for the same
strength parameters, and the shape and location of the failure surface was virtually the same
for the different stress states simulated (see Table 6.2). For higher horizontal virgin stress,
local failure (yielding) took place at the toe and below the pit bottom, but this did not appear
to affect the overall failure mechanism. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that
the virgin horizontal stress is forced under the pit bottom, resulting in a destressed zone in the
pit wall. Thus, pure gravitational loads and no significant horizontal stress characterize the
stress regime close to the slope face.

The above findings are not necessarily valid for other virgin stress states than those analyzed,
although they are believed to cover the most commonly encountered stress regimes.
However, in cases with very high local tectonic stresses, the effect of the virgin stress field
may be more pronounced, but this has not been studied. Also, when the slope is mined
sequentially, a higher virgin horizontal stress may cause local yielding at the toe in an early
stage, which subsequently can influence the overall failure mode. The latter will be dealt
with in Section 6.5.3.

The effect of varying pit bottom width was not simulated. It is believed that a wider pit
bottom will lead to slightly lower compressive and shear stresses at the toe and below the pit
floor and, consequently, less yielding in this region. This can be of importance for sequential
mining, but it was not studied further.

Dilation Effects

For all the above analyses, a non-associated flow rule was used — i.e., the dilation angle was
different from the friction angle; in this case, the dilation angle was set to zero. The effect of
dilation angle on the initiation and propagation of failure in perfectly plastic and strain-
softening materials was studied separately. The modeling results showed that modest values
of the dilation angle (much less than the friction angle values) had very little effect on the
initiation of failure or on the shape and location of the failure surface. However, an increase
in dilation angle did result in smaller displacements after failure initiation and a "slow-down"
of the failure behavior, with stabilizing velocities and displacements. The limiting cohesions
(i.e., the highest cohesion value that produced failure) decreased slightly with increasing
dilation angle. For a 300-meter slope and 30° friction angle, the limiting cohesion decreased
from 0.135 MPa for a zero dilation angle, to around 0.10 MPa for a dilation angle of 25°.
Because the dilation angle was set equal to the friction angle (associated flow rule) only large
heaving of the pit toe occurred, and a "true" circular shear failure did not develop. For a
dilation angle higher than the friction angle, no localization at all could be observed in the

The above findings are in agreement with those found by Zienkiewicz et al. (1975) and
Vermeer and de Borst (1984). For cases involving little displacement constraint, such as
slopes, the dilation angle has relatively little effect on the collapse load. For highly
constrained problems, a higher dilation angle should produce a higher failure load. The
above analyses also show the importance of using a non-associated flow rule, as the dilation
angle normally is considerably smaller than the friction angle for rock masses. Programs or
analysis methods that can only handle associated flow (such as limit analysis, see Section
2.3.3) will predict not only slightly higher failure loads, but perhaps even the wrong failure
mechanism. More studies are necessary to quantify the effect of a dilatant material upon the
formation of multiple failure surfaces.

6.5.2 Numerical Modeling vs. Limit Equilibrium Methods

Circular Shear Failure

Traditionally, limit equilibrium methods have dominated the field of slope design, due to
their simplicity and ease of use. For many cases, limit equilibrium methods have proven to
give relatively reliable results despite their limitations — see, e.g., Nash (1987). However,
they tend to give conservative values of the factor of safety, since the full shear strength is
assumed to be mobilized simultaneously along the entire failure surface. In addition, most of
the methods require that the shape or the location of the failure surface be known beforehand.

The results from the FLAC analyses of dry slopes of 100, 300 and 500 meter heights, and for
fully saturated slopes of 300 and 500 meter heights, were compared with limit equilibrium
analyses for the same slope geometries and water conditions. Only the Mohr-Coulomb
material model was used for this comparison. Limit equilibrium methods suitable for
analysis of circular shear failure are the various slice methods and some simplified chart
methods based on the friction circle method (see Section 2.3.3). Note that in the slice
methods, a rotational mechanism is assumed, and moment equilibrium is taken into account.
A circular slip surface is often assumed; this is mathematically convenient, but it also often
approximates observed failures accurately. More rigorous slice methods can consider also
non-circular failure surfaces, but the failure surface must then be specified in advance. For
circular slip surfaces, a search of the most critical slip circle is conducted. In this study, three
different limit equilibrium methods capable of calculating safety factors for circular slip
surfaces were used:

(1) slope stability charts from Hoek and Bray (1981);

(2) Bishop's routine method (Bishop, 1955) using the program SLIDE (Curran et al.,
1995); and
(3) Bishop's routine method (Bishop, 1955) with an algorithm according to Bromhead
(1992), and programming by the author.

Bishop's routine method is a slice method, whereas the charts by Hoek and Bray were based
on the friction circle method. More thorough descriptions of the two were given in Section
2.3.3. In FLAC, the factor of safety cannot be determined directly; hence, a different
approach was used in which the limiting cohesion at failure for a specified friction angle was
determined. This then corresponded to a safety factor of 1.0. Note that the rock-mass tensile
strength was set to zero in these models. The resulting limiting cohesion values are
summarized in Table 6.4 and 6.5, for dry and water-saturated slopes, respectively.

Good agreement was found between FLAC results and results from limit equilibrium
analysis, particularly for the dry slopes. However, FLAC consistently predicts failure for
higher cohesion values than do the limit equilibrium methods, with the exception of the chart
method by Hoek and Bray (1981). Analysis using Bromhead's (1992) algorithm for Bishop's
routine method consistently gave lower values for the limiting cohesion. In an actual
application using this approach or the program SLIDE, one might come to the conclusion that
failure is not possible, although both Hoek and Bray's method and FLAC predict the opposite.

Table 6.4 Limiting cohesion calculated using FLAC and three different limit equilibrium
methods for a completely dry slope.

Slope Slope Friction Limiting cohesion, c, in MPa (Fs=1) calculated using:

Height Angle angle, φ
[m] [°] [°] FLAC Hoek & Bray SLIDE 2.05 Bishop (Bromhead,
charts 1992)
100 40 30 0.045 0.055 0.045 0.035
300 40 30 0.135 0.166 0.135 0.102
500 60 40 0.45 0.450 0.400 0.300

Table 6.5 Limiting cohesion calculated using FLAC and three different limit equilibrium
methods for a fully saturated slope.

Slope Slope Friction Limiting cohesion, c, in MPa (Fs=1) calculated using:

Height Angle angle, φ
[m] [°] [°] FLAC Hoek & Bray SLIDE 2.05 Bishop (Bromhead,
charts 1992)
300 40 30 0.60 0.55 0.54 0.52
500 60 40 1.60 1.12 1.55 1.23
Tensile strength set high (σt = 5 MPa) to produce shear failure. For zero tensile strength,
only tensile failure occurred for this case.

For the case of fully saturated slopes, the agreement was fair for a slope height of 300 meters.
For the 500-meter high slope, FLAC predicted a shallow tensile failure; hence, no circular
slip surface developed for low values of the tensile strength, even for very low values of the
cohesion. This can be explained as follows. In steep slopes, a larger zone of low
compressive or tensile stress develops close to the slope face. For high water tables, the
effective stress becomes even lower, and the slope fails in tension rather than in shear. Using

FLAC, the tensile strength was gradually increased and shear failure occurred for high values
(1 < σt < 5 MPa), and for approximately the same cohesion as predicted by the limit
equilibrium analyses (see Table 6.5). It thus appears that, for steep slopes and under high
water pressures, limit equilibrium methods can overestimate the stability of slopes, because
they do not account for tensile failure of the rock mass.

It should be noted that the above conclusions only hold when a perfectly plastic material
model is used in FLAC. Thus, for a brittle rock mass, these strength values are more
representative of residual conditions. For a strain-softening material model, failure could
potentially develop for higher peak strengths (progressive failure), something that is very
difficult to simulate in limit equilibrium methods (see Section 2.3.3). Progressive failure in
numerical models will be discussed in Section 6.5.4.

In the limit equilibrium analyses, the limiting cohesion was calculated for the most critical
circular slip surface. Thus, the actual location of the critical slip circle could vary in the
different analyses. In FLAC, neither the shape nor the location of the failure surface is pre-
determined. For comparison with the limit equilibrium analyses, the failure surface
interpreted from shear strain was used. The fitted failure circles from FLAC were compared
with the critical slip circles obtained from limit equilibrium analysis (see Figure 6.24 through
6.27). The failure surfaces indicated by FLAC are, in general, more deeply seated than the
critical slip circles found from limit equilibrium analysis. For saturated slopes, the failure
surface also incorporated a tension crack at the slope crest (Figure 6.25 and 6.27).

Failure surfaces indicated in FLAC did not pass through the toe of the slope. This is partly a
grid discretization effect. The localized shear band collapsed to the smallest width that could
be resolved by the mesh — in this case, three elements wide; hence, it cannot pass exactly
through the toe. Another explanation is that the relatively high confining stress at the toe
does not permit failure to go through this part, but "pushes" the failure surface slightly above
the toe. A wider pit bottom, or a lower horizontal virgin stress, might enable failures to pass
through, or very close to, the slope toe. However, the limit equilibrium analysis using
methods 2 and 3, also predicted, in good agreement with FLAC, that the critical failure circle
cuts the slope slightly above the toe. Using the stability charts by Hoek and Bray (1981), one
of the assumptions is that failure should pass through the toe, as shown in Figure 6.24 to 6.27.
This assumption was based on theoretical studies by Terzaghi (1944), which indicated that a
toe circle gave the lowest safety factor for materials with φ > 5° and for slopes with slope
angles larger than 10°. The modeling results showed that these assumptions cannot always
be justified. On the other hand, it is improbable that the failure surface would pass below the
toe for a material with substantial friction.

Figure 6.24 Location of failure surface for a 300-meter high, completely dry slope,
calculated by different methods of stability analysis.

Figure 6.25 Location of failure surface for a 300-meter high, fully saturated slope,
calculated by different methods of stability analysis.

Figure 6.26 Location of failure surface for a 500-meter high, completely dry slope,
calculated by different methods of stability analysis.

Figure 6.27 Location of failure surface for a 500-meter high, fully saturated slope,
calculated by different methods of stability analysis.

Other comparisons between limit equilibrium analysis and numerical modeling have also
shown relatively small differences in calculated safety factor for the two (see, e.g. Wright et
al., 1973; Zienkiewicz et al., 1975; Thompson, 1993; Itasca, 1995; and Adhikary, 1995).
Wright et al. (1973) showed that the assumption of simultaneously fully mobilized shear
strength along the failure surface in limit equilibrium analyses is generally not justified.
Nevertheless, the average safety factor calculated by Bishop's routine method was within a
few percent of that obtained from finite element analysis. Yu et al. (1998) showed that for
cohesive-frictional materials, Bishop's method gave results that were very close to results
from limit analysis using the upper and lower bound theorem. The difference was less than
5 %, although limit equilibrium results were generally closer to the lower bound solutions.
Adhikary (1995) compared results from centrifuge tests with Bishop's routine method. The
calculated factor of safety at collapse load only deviated 6 % from unity.

Although the limiting strengths obtained from numerical modeling and limit equilibrium
analysis did not differ much, this is not proof that the two methods produce results that are
comparable. In FLAC, the deformation behavior of the failing mass is taken into account.
The impact of this, compared to the assumption of rigid body movements in limit equilibrium
analysis, will be discussed in Section 6.5.3.

Retrogressive Failures

Because circular shear failures do not develop along a pre-defined failure surface, there is
always the possibility that a new and more critical failure surface can develop behind the first
one. This is, of course, assuming that all (or almost all) of the failed material slides away,
thus resulting in loss of support (see Figure 6.28). The phenomenon is termed retrogressive
failure and has been observed in clays (notably overconsolidated clays and quick clays) and
silts, often overlain by a stiffer cap rock (Skempton and Hutchinson, 1969). There are
examples of landslides in Norway that started as small slips in trenches and then propagated
backward, finally involving thousands of cubic meters of material. There are also some
examples of retrogressive failure in weak rock slopes (Ulusay and Doyuran, 1993).

Alternatively, retrogressive failures could occur even if the failed material were not
completely removed — if, instead, a tension crack is formed and some separation occurs over
this crack. This would effectively relieve support from this portion of the slope, thus making
it possible for failure to progress farther backward (see Figure 6.29).




Figure 6.28 Example of retrogressive failure behavior.



Figure 6.29 Retrogressive failure propagating from a tension crack.

The potential for retrogressive failures in high and steep rock slopes was analyzed using
Bishop's routine method and the program SLIDE (Curran et al., 1995). Three different slope
heights were analyzed; 100, 300 and 500 meters, respectively. Slope angles were varied in

the range of 40° to 70°. Initially, strength parameters were chosen so that the slope was
marginally unstable (safety factor = 1.0 or very near unity). The resulting slip circle was then
taken as the new slope profile, thereby assuming that the failed material was removed
completely. A new calculation was done; this was repeated until the calculated safety factor
for the critical slip circle was above 1.0. The results are summarized in Table 6.6. Some
examples of simulated retrogressive failures are shown in Figure 6.30 and Figure 6.31, for a
300-meter high slope, and Figure 6.32 for a 500-meter high slope.

A few additional analyses were also conducted to investigate whether failure could retrogress
even if only part of the failed material was removed. Results from these calculations are
shown in Table 6.7. Unfortunately, retrogressive failure initiating from a tension crack could
not be simulated realistically using a slice method. Nevertheless, this is a plausible
mechanism in a real case.

From the results, it can be concluded that the critical slip surface obtained from a limit
equilibrium analysis assuming circular failure does not necessarily represent the final slope
outline. A new and more critical slip circle can develop if almost all of the failed material is
removed. If only part of the material slides away, the potential for retrogressive failures is
small. Variations in material strength (within the limits analyzed here) have little influence
on the occurrence of retrogressive failures. A lower safety factor for the "first failure" did not
seem to result in more pronounced retrogressive failure.

The analyses showed that retrogressive behavior was most prone to occur in flatter slopes
(slope angles of 30° to 40°). For steeper slopes, the second failure surface became stable.
This can be explained by the fact that the resulting failure surface after slip creates a local
slope that is much steeper than the original slope profile (near the crest). This slope becomes
more unstable than the original, flatter, geometry. Naturally, this difference in slope
steepness is more pronounced for originally flatter slopes.

The analysis method used here only considers circular slip surfaces. It is possible that the
resulting failure surface is closer to the "final" failure surface obtained from this study, if a
method is used that considers non-circular failure surfaces and which also can search for the
most critical surface, regardless of shape. Such methods are, however, not readily available;
therefore they were not used in this study.

Table 6.6 Summary of calculated safety factors for different slope heights and simulated
retrogressive failures using the program SLIDE (Curran et al, 1995). (Results
are for a completely dry slope.)
Slope Height Slope Angle Friction Angle Cohesion Factor of Comment
[m] [°] [°] [MPa] Safety
100 40 30 0.044 1.000 1st failure
0.935 2nd failure
1.012 STABLE
300 30 20 0.140 0.993 1st failure
0.815 2nd failure
0.813 3rd failure
0.876 4th failure
1.017 STABLE
300 40 30 0.135 1.004 1st failure
0.950 2nd failure
0.978 3rd failure
1.134 STABLE
300 40 30 0.130 0.999 1st failure
0.916 2nd failure
0.985 3rd failure
1.045 STABLE
300 40 20 0.395 0.997 1st failure
0.964 2nd failure
1.008 STABLE
300 50 30 0.220 1.000 1st failure
1.039 STABLE
300 50 20 0.435 0.998 1st failure
1.078 STABLE
500 60 40 0.400 1.003 1st failure
1.096 STABLE
500 60 40 0.300 0.929 1st failure
1.004 STABLE
500 60 30 0.770 0.999 1st failure
1.136 STABLE
500 70 40 0.650 0.990 1st failure
1.082 STABLE

a) b)

Figure 6.30 Calculated safety factor for a 300-meter, 40° slope with a friction angle of 30° and a cohesion of 0.130 MPa; a) original slope
profile, b) slope profile after first failure.

Figure 6.31 Calculated safety factor for a 300-meter, 40° slope with a friction angle of 30° and a cohesion of 0.130 MPa; a) slope profile
after second failure, b) slope profile after third failure (stable slope).

Figure 6.32 Calculated safety factor for a 500-meter, 60° slope with a friction angle of 40° and a cohesion of 0.400 MPa; a) original slope
profile, b) slope profile after first failure (stable slope).

Table 6.7 Summary of calculated safety factors (using SLIDE) for retrogressive failures
when part of the failing material is left supporting the slope. (Results are for a
completely dry slope.)

Slope Height Slope Angle Friction Angle Cohesion Factor of Comment

[m] [°] [°] [MPa] Safety
300 40 30 0.130 0.999 1st failure
0.954 2nd failure
Slope Profile
1.042 STABLE

300 40 30 0.130 0.999 1st failure

1.046 STABLE
Slope Profile

The above results can also be compared to the FLAC results. One of the few discrepancies
between the FLAC results and the limit equilibrium analyses concerns the location of the
failure surface (see e.g., Figure 6.24. When compared with the retrogressive failure
simulations, a better agreement was found between FLAC and SLIDE (see Figure 6.33), but
this was only for the 300-meter slope, as retrogressive failure did not occur for the 500-meter

FLAC does not implicitly assume any retrogressive behavior or removal of failed material.
Hence, the above findings cannot be explained by saying that FLAC automatically simulates
retrogressive failures. The fact that the retrogressive failure did not occur for all slope
geometries supports this. Instead, the differences in location in failure surface can be
attributed to differences in analysis method. Limit equilibrium analysis assuming circular
slip surfaces is a very coarse method. Besides the assumption of only circular slip surfaces,
there is also the assumption of rigid block movement and simultaneous mobilization of shear
strength along the failure surface. FLAC, on the other hand, allows the material to deform
under failure, and stresses to redistribute successively. The failure surface can therefore
develop successively in response to induced stresses and movements.

Furthermore, the effect of tensile failure at the slope crest is implicitly accounted for in
FLAC, but not in the slice methods. This is probably a very important difference between
limit equilibrium analysis and numerical modeling. Tensile stresses are more pronounced for

steeper slopes, which could explain the larger discrepancies in predicted failure surfaces for
the 500-meter, 60° slope. To conclude, perfect agreement between limit equilibrium analysis
and more sophisticated methods such as FLAC should not be expected.

Figure 6.33 Predicted failure surface from FLAC for a 300-meter high, completely dry
slope, compared with final failure surface after retrogressive failure simulated
using the program SLIDE.


1. FLAC predicted failure for approximately the same values of rock strength as those
predicted by limit equilibrium methods — in this case, Bishop's routine method and
Hoek and Bray's chart method. These values were for a perfectly plastic material
model, which is more representative of residual conditions. For most problem
geometries, Bishop's routine method has proven to give as accurate results as more
rigorous slice methods (Nash, 1987; Bromhead, 1992). Thus, it can be concluded that
limit equilibrium methods with circular slip surfaces can be used in many situations
for prediction of stability, particularly for dry slopes, without any great loss of
accuracy. Prediction of the location of the failure surface is less reliable; see below.

2. For steep slopes subjected to high water pressures, tensile failure became a more
dominant failure mechanism. In this case, the slice methods described above are
inadequate because they do not account for tensile failure of the rock mass. Care
should thus be taken when applying limit equilibrium methods for these cases.

3. The shape of the failure surface predicted by FLAC (for a perfectly plastic material)
was circular or near circular for all cases. Consequently, the shape of the failure
surface agreed well with the assumption of circular slip surfaces in the limit
equilibrium methods used here. For fully saturated slopes, a vertical tension crack
was also predicted by FLAC, which is not accounted for in the limit equilibrium

4. The location of the failure surface predicted by FLAC differed substantially from that
predicted by limit equilibrium analyses. In general, FLAC gave a more deep-seated
failure surface. The discrepancies can partly be attributed to the lack of tensile
strength failure criteria in the limit equilibrium methods. Furthermore, the common
assumption of failure going through the toe of the slope may not be justified, as
shown in this study. For materials exhibiting both substantial cohesion and friction, it
is likely that the critical failure surface will pass through or slightly above the toe (see
Section 2.2.4). A note must be made that this conclusion is valid only when the slope
is mined in one mining increment.

5. It appears that despite its restrictions and required assumptions, limit equilibrium
analysis work well for simple slope geometries and when the failure surface is
circular or nearly circular and estimates the collapse load with fairly good accuracy.
They are less well suited for more complex geometries — in particular, when the
shape of the failure surface cannot be predicted.

6.5.3 Failure Initiation and Propagation

The time-marching solution scheme of FLAC makes it possible to study initiation and
propagation of failure. Care must be taken, however, as the calculation time does not
represent actual time (pseudo-static analysis). Nevertheless, the path up to failure can be
studied, at least qualitatively. Furthermore, by mining the slope in increments, initiation and
propagation of new failure surfaces can be investigated.

Mining in One Step (Full Slope Height)

To study the progression of failure in the slope, three points representative of the toe region,
the middle interior, and the crest of the slope, were selected for detailed interpretation. The
location of these points for the 300- and 500-meter slopes are shown in Figure 6.34. The
stresses and displacements at these points were monitored during the calculations. In FLAC,
compressive stresses are negative; in the following, however, they have been adjusted to
conform to the convention of positive compressive stresses.

Results showed that yielding (i.e., stresses reaching the failure envelope) first occurred at the
toe, after approximately 100 timesteps. Yielding then spread quickly through the slope; after
1000 to 2000 timesteps (slightly different for different models), a band of actively yielding
zones had formed, going from the toe to the crest of the slope.

At the toe, the initially high, elastic stress lying outside the yield surface was reduced due to
plastic failure (see Figure 6.35). In the middle of the slope, the elastic stress was also
reduced, although it was inside the yield surface at all times (Figure 6.36). Once the failure
envelope was reached, only minor changes in stress state occurred, with points moving up
and down along the yield surface (cycles of local loading and unloading). At the crest, tensile
failure took place both for the 300- and 500-meter slope, but the path up to failure differed.
For the 500-meter slope, the elastic stresses were tensile; hence, these were reduced to zero
(zero tensile strength) as failure occurred (Figure 6.37). For the 300-meter slope, the low
compressive confining stress at the crest was reduced at failure (Figure 6.38). Note that in
these models, the tensile strength of the rock mass was zero — hence, the vertical "cut-off" of
the Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope.

JOB TITLE : -300 m. Plastic, Mohr-Coulomb. Additional interpretation points. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500

LEGEND Crest Point

9/21/1997 14:25 -.500

step 17000
-2.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02 Middle Point
-6.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02
Max. shear strain increment
1.00E-02 Toe Point
1.50E-02 -2.500

3.50E-02 -3.500

Contour interval= 5.00E-03

Boundary plot

0 2E 2


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

JOB TITLE : -500 m. Plastic, Mohr-Coulomb. Additional interpretation points.

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500

Crest Point

9/03/1997 09:27
step 17000
-3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 -1.500

Max. shear strain increment Middle Point

2.50E-03 -2.500

Toe Point

Contour interval= 2.50E-03

Boundary plot

0 2E 2


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.34 Calculated shear strain and location of interpretation points in the toe, middle
and crest regions of the a) 300-meter, and b) 500-meter high slope in a plastic,
Mohr-Coulomb material.

Slope Toe - Stresses and Strengths



Strength Envelope
8.0 Initial value (elastic mining)
Timestep +100
σ1 [MPa]

Timestep +1000
Timestep +2000
Timestep +3000
4.0 Timestep +4000
Timestep +7000


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
σ2 [MPa]

Figure 6.35 Calculated principal stresses at the toe of a 500-meter high, 60° pit slope in a
Mohr-Coulomb material, shown together with the yield surface, for different
calculation timesteps. (Principal stresses are in the x-y-plane of the model, but
in the failure criterion [Equation (6.2)], σ3 has been substituted with σ2.)
Middle of Slope - Stresses and Strengths


Strength Envelope
8.0 Initial value (elastic mining)
Timestep +100
σ1 [MPa]

Timestep +1000
6.0 Timestep +2000
Timestep +3000
Timestep +4000
Timestep +6500
Timestep +7000

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
σ2 [MPa]

Figure 6.36 Calculated principal stresses in the middle of a 500-meter high, 60° pit slope
in a Mohr-Coulomb material, shown together with the yield surface, for
different calculation timesteps, in the x-y-plane of the model.

Slope Crest - Stresses and Strengths



2.0 Strength Envelope

Initial value (elastic mining)
σ1 [MPa]

Timestep +100
Timestepe +1000
Timestep +4000
1.0 Timestep +7000


-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
σ2 [MPa]

Figure 6.37 Calculated principal stresses at the crest of a 500-meter high, 60° pit slope in a
Mohr-Coulomb material, shown together with the yield surface, for different
calculation timesteps, in the x-y-plane of the model.

Slope Crest - Stresses and Strengths




Strength Envelope
0.6 Initial value (elastic mining)
σ1 [MPa]

Timestep +100
Timestepe +1000
0.4 Timestep +4000
Timestep +7000



-0.5 -0.3 -0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5
σ2 [MPa]

Figure 6.38 Calculated principal stresses at the crest of a 300-meter high, 40° pit slope in a
Mohr-Coulomb material, shown together with the yield surface, for different
calculation timesteps, in the x-y-plane of the model.

Shear strain accumulation began in the interior of the slope and gradually spread toward the
toe and the crest. This was accompanied by plastic deformation of the slope material.
Taking the 500-meter slope as an example, the shear band started to form after approximately
2700 timesteps (see Figure 6.39). After approximately 3500 timesteps, the shear band
extended from the toe to the crest. At this stage, significant displacements had already
developed in the slope — up to 0.2 to 0.4 meter for the 500-meter slope. This marked the
starting point for overall failure of the yielding mass and can be seen as a change in
displacement rate in Figure 6.39. A similar development occurred also in the model of the
300-meter high slope, although the onset of larger displacements is not as distinct as for the
higher slope (compare with Figure 6.40.)

The increase in displacement rate started at the toe, followed by the middle and the crest of
the slope. This was most noticeable for the 500-meter slope. The displacement vectors
changed from being oriented slightly upward and into the pit (corresponding to the elastic
rebound of the slope) to becoming oriented downward and into the pit. This is clearly shown
in Figure 6.41 and Figure 6.42 for a few selected points along the failure surface and within
the failing mass. It can also be seen that the displacements were larger closer to the slope
face. This was evident also after failure had developed fully.

The changes in displacements of the failing mass are shown in Figure 6.43 for the 500-meter
slope. In this figure, incremental displacements are shown for each of the four chosen steps
(0 to 2000 cycles, 2000 to 3000 cycles, etc.). The corresponding incremental volumetric
strains for the four chosen timesteps are shown in Figure 6.44. It can be seen that a "curved"
deformation pattern conformable with the location of the failure surface already had
developed between the 2000 and 3000 calculation cycles — i.e., during the formation of the
shear band in the slope (Figure 6.43b). After the shear band was fully developed (3500
cycles), displacements increased markedly in magnitude (Figure 6.43 d).

The calculated incremental volumetric strain for each of the four calulation stages is shown in
Figure 6.44. Initially, the slope is in an extensional region (elastic rebound of slope); see
Figure 6.44a). It is worth noting that the location of the failure surface appears to be in the
extensional region for all shown timesteps, and that a fairly large zone of compression
developed below the failure surface in the lower portion of the slope. As failure developed,
the volumetric strain changed from extension (Figure 6.44a) to compression in some portions
of the failing mass (Figure 6.44b, c, and d). The regions of extension and compression also
changed position within the failing mass. Thus, it can be concluded that the failing mass
deforms substantially during failure and that rigid body movements generally cannot be

500 m Slope: Horizontal and Vertical Displacements

1.2 Toe

1.0 Middle

0.6 Toe Horizontal Displacements
Displacement [m]

0.4 Middle Horizontal Displacements

Crest Horizontal Displacements

Toe Vertical Displacements
Middle Vertical Displacements
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Crest Vertical Displacements
Active yielding Toe
-0.4 in entire slope Shear band fully
Shear strain accumulation
-0.8 (shear band) starting to
develop Middle
Calculation Timesteps

Figure 6.39 Calculated horizontal and vertical displacement at the toe, middle and crest of
a 500-meter high, 60° pit slope in a Mohr-Coulomb material.

300 m Slope: Horizontal and Vertical Displacements

1.2 Middle
0.8 Crest Toe Horizontal Displacements
Displacement [m]

0.6 Middle Horizontal Displacements

0.4 Crest Horizontal Displacements
0.2 Toe Vertical Displacements
0.0 Middle Vertical Displacements
-0.2 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Toe Crest Vertical Displacements
-0.4 Shear band
fully developed
-0.6 Shear band Middle
starting to form
Active yielding Crest
-1.0 in entire slope

Calculation Timesteps

Figure 6.40 Calculated horizontal and vertical displacement at the toe, middle and crest of
a 300-meter high, 40° pit slope in a Mohr-Coulomb material.

a) 100 calculation cycles (after elastic state) b) 1000 calculation cycles

c) 3000 calculation cycles d) 6000 calculation cycles

Figure 6.41 Calculated displacement vectors (total displacements including elastic

displacements), using FLAC, at the toe, middle and crest of a 500-meter high,
60° pit slope in a Mohr-Coulomb material, at four different timesteps. (Note
that a different vector scale was used in d), compared to the others to
encompass the larger displacement at this stage.)

a) 100 calculation cycles (after elastic state) b) 1000 calculation cycles

c) 3000 calculation cycles d) 6000 calculation cycles

Figure 6.42 Calculated displacement vectors (total displacements including elastic

displacements) using FLAC, at the toe, middle and crest of a 300-meter high,
40° pit slope in a Mohr-Coulomb material, at four different timesteps. (Note
that a different vector scale was used in d), compared to the others to
encompass the larger displacement at this stage.)

a) 0 to 2000 calculation cycles (after elastic state) b) 2000 to 3000 calculation cycles

JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -500 m. Plastic: fi=40, c=0.45, t=0, d=0. Incremental displacements. (*10^2) JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -500 m. Plastic: fi=40, c=0.45, t=0, d=0. Incremental displacements. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500 FLAC (Version 3.30) .500

-.500 -.500

4/03/1998 04:49 4/03/1998 05:05

step 12000 step 13000
-3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02 -3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 -1.500 -7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 -1.500

Displacement vectors Displacement vectors

Max Vector = 2.861E-01 Max Vector = 1.757E-01
-2.500 -2.500

0 5E -1 0 5E -1

Boundary plot Boundary plot
-3.500 -3.500
0 2E 2 0 2E 2

-4.500 -4.500

-5.500 -5.500

-6.500 -6.500

Division of Rock Mechanics Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000
Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000
(*10^2) (*10^2)

Figure 6.43 Calculated displacements in FLAC, at four different timesteps, for mining of a 500-meter high, 60° pit slope in a Mohr-
Coulomb material. (Displacements are incremental values (elastic displacements excluded and displacements set to zero for
each new step) for each timestep, a) to d).)

c) 3000 to 3500 calculation cycles d) 3500 to 4000 calculation cycles

JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -500 m. Plastic: fi=40, c=0.45, t=0, d=0. Incremental displacements. (*10^2) JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -500 m. Plastic: fi=40, c=0.45, t=0, d=0. Incremental displacements. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500 FLAC (Version 3.30) .500

-.500 -.500

4/03/1998 05:13 4/03/1998 05:22

step 13500 step 14000
-3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02 -3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 -1.500 -7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 -1.500

Displacement vectors Displacement vectors

Max Vector = 1.794E-01 Max Vector = 2.225E-01
-2.500 -2.500

0 5E -1 0 5E -1

Boundary plot Boundary plot
-3.500 -3.500
0 2E 2 0 2E 2

-4.500 -4.500

-5.500 -5.500

-6.500 -6.500

Division of Rock Mechanics Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000
Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000
(*10^2) (*10^2)

Figure 6.43 (concluded).


a) 0 to 2000 calculation cycles (after elastic state) b) 2000 to 3000 calculation cycles

JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -500 m. Plastic: fi=40, c=0.45, t=0, d=0. Incremental displacements. (*10^2) JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -500 m. Plastic: fi=40, c=0.45, t=0, d=0. Incremental displacements. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500 FLAC (Version 3.30) .500

Future location of failure surface

-.500 -.500

4/04/1998 02:53 4/04/1998 03:09

step 12000 step 13000 Extension
-3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02 -3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 -1.500 -7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 -1.500

Volumetric strain increment Volumetric strain increment Compression

Contour interval= 2.50E-03 Contour interval= 4.50E-03
Minimum: -2.50E-03 -2.500 Minimum: -4.50E-03 -2.500

Maximum: 2.50E-03 Maximum: 4.50E-03

Boundary plot Boundary plot

-3.500 -3.500
0 2E 2 Extension in this region 0 2E 2
Compression Extension

-4.500 -4.500

-5.500 -5.500

Compression in this region -6.500 -6.500

Division of Rock Mechanics Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000
Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000
(*10^2) (*10^2)

Figure 6.44 Calculated volumetric strain in FLAC, at four different timesteps, for mining of 500-meter high, 60° pit slope in a Mohr-
Coulomb material. (Volumetric strains are incremental values for each timestep, a) to d), set to zero for each new step.)

c) 3000 to 3500 calculation cycles d) 3500 to 4000 calculation cycles

JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -500 m. Plastic: fi=40, c=0.45, t=0, d=0. Incremental displacements. (*10^2) JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -500 m. Plastic: fi=40, c=0.45, t=0, d=0. Incremental displacements. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500 FLAC (Version 3.30) .500

Failure surface
Failure surface
-.500 -.500

4/04/1998 03:17 4/04/1998 03:25

step 13500 Compression step 14000
-3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02 -3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02 Compression
-7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 Compression
-1.500 -7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 -1.500

Volumetric strain increment Volumetric strain increment

Contour interval= 4.00E-03 Contour interval= 6.00E-03 Compression
Minimum: -4.00E-03 -2.500 Minimum: -6.00E-03 -2.500

Maximum: 4.00E-03 Maximum: 6.00E-03

Boundary plot Boundary plot
-3.500 -3.500
0 2E 2 0 2E 2

-4.500 -4.500

Compression -5.500 -5.500

Extension Compression Extension

-6.500 -6.500

Division of Rock Mechanics Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000
Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000
(*10^2) (*10^2)

Figure 6.44 (concluded).


Sequential Mining in Increments

By mining the pit in increments, multiple failure surfaces can be simulated. Different slope
heights and strength parameters were analyzed to study when failure developed and how it
progressed through the slope. In most of these models, the strain-softening material model in
FLAC was used. These analyses should therefore be viewed as conceptual and
phenomenological studies of failure behavior.

By specifying a low strength for the rock mass, failure could be produced for the first mining
steps. The modeling results showed that new failure surfaces were then created at each new
mining step. The "old" failure continued to move relative to the newly created failures, and,
as displacements increased, the moving masses "merged", making it impossible to identify
more than two to three surfaces simultaneously (see Figure 6.45 and Figure 6.46). The first
failure started at different mining heights depending on strength parameters. Strength values
at which the first failure instance occurred compared well to those obtained in the analyses in
which only one mining increment was used. Using the strain-softening material model,
however, it was possible to force the model to produce failure at higher strengths than was
possible for an ideal-plastic material. This will be discussed in more detail later in this

During sequential mining, new failure surfaces initiated from the pit bottom. Local yielding
at and below the pit bottom weakened the strain-softening material — hence, making this
portion the obvious starting point for a new failure surface. The new failure surface then
propagated upward, in most cases connecting with the previous failure surface (see
Figure 6.46) and then spreading slightly backward, thus becoming more deep-seated for each
new mining step.

It was also interesting to find that the shape and location of the final failure surface were not
greatly influenced by a change of the height of mining increment. Different intermediate
failure surfaces developed at each mining step, but, at the final mining depth, the most deep-
seated surface was virtually identical in runs with small and large mining increments. With
the relatively coarse grid used (grid sizes of 6 to 9 meters), it is impossible to model this
process in more detail.

Horizontal displacement [m]







Depth [m] (- 175 m)

-250 m

Inclinometer position
(-325 m)

Failure Surfaces

Figure 6.45 Typical calculated horizontal displacements for comparison with inclinometer
measurements. (Displacements were calculated for a 250-meter, 40° pit slope,
mined sequentially in 50-meter mining increments, at the position indicated in
the figure. Note that at least two failure surfaces are evident.)

As failure develops and a model becomes unstable, displacements continue to increase.

Eventually, the model will crash due to severe grid distortion. When attempting to model
multiple failures within a slope, it is interesting to know whether the failure process is altered
depending on how long each mining step is run (i.e., how large displacements that are
allowed to develop). This is particularly important when calibration against measurements is
not possible. The effect of shorter and longer calculation times (the number of timesteps used
for each mining increment) was found to be relatively small. Failure occurred for the same
strength parameters and at the same mining height for both short and long calculation times.

This requires, however, that enough timesteps are taken to allow failure to develop fully,
(compare with Figure 6.39 and Figure 6.40). It should be noted that the total displacement of
the failing mass would be different depending on how far the model is driven.

On the other hand, for cases in which failure develops over a relatively long period of time,
and in response to several mining increments, the above statements are not valid. For these
cases, the only feasible solution is to compare calculated displacements against measured
values and move on to the next mining step when these are of the same magnitude.
Application of modeling to such a case will be described in Chapter 7.

JOB TITLE : 6 m grid, 1 %. 300 m pit. -300 m. SS: fi=30/30, c=0.045/0. Total. disp. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


11/03/1997 09:37 -.500

step 24000
-2.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-6.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02
Contour interval= 5.00E-02
Boundary plot

0 2E 2


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.46 Calculated shear strain after mining to a depth of 250 meters, in increments of
50 meters, for a 40° slope angle in a plastic, strain-softening material.

Failure Velocity and Stability

The issue of whether a failure ultimately will stabilize, is of large practical importance for
slope design. Likewise, the velocity of failure governs whether failure can be allowed in a pit
slope. In this respect, a slowly moving failing mass can be accepted, provided that it does not
accelerate or lead to ultimate collapse of the slope.

The velocity of a failure and whether it eventually will stabilize, is difficult to quantify from
the types of numerical analyses presented in this study. Some of the analyses indicated that,
once circular shear failure has developed, displacements and velocities continued to increase
until the model collapsed. However, only a limited number of cases have been studied, and
only from a qualitative perspective. A more in-depth study was outside the scope of this
thesis. Consequently, it is not possible to draw any definite conclusions regarding failure
velocity and stability from this work.

The large practical impact and the limited knowledge of these issues warrant further studies.
It is envisioned, for example, that energy calculations can be employed for describing how
failure develops. UDEC can be used for simple energy calculations, but an even better
choice of method would be the Particle Flow Code, PFC2D (Itasca, 1995b), in which dynamic
energy changes can be calculated more easily. The computer code DDA could also be
considered for such analyses (see MacLaughlin et al, 1997). Analytical methods could also
be used to try to quantify for which situations violent failure is most likely (e.g., by
comparing potential driving and resisting forces of a slope).

6.5.4 Strength Softening and Progressive Failure

Slope Failures in Rocks with High Peak Strength

In the strain-softening analyses presented here, only cohesion softening was used. The
cohesion was reduced to zero after a prescribed amount of plastic shear strain (Figure 6.47).
This can be considered equivalent to an intact rock bridge being sheared through, thus losing
its cohesive strength but maintaining frictional shear strength along the newly formed
fracture. It can be argued that a rock mass should also exhibit some friction hardening, and
perhaps even dilation hardening after failure (see Vermeer and de Borst, 1984), but this has
not been simulated. In the following, some conceptual and qualitative results from
progressive failure simulation in a softening material are presented.




Figure 6.47 Cohesion softening as a function of plastic shear strain.

For the case of the 300-meter high pit slope mined in one increment, the limiting cohesion for
an ideal-plastic model was about 0.13 MPa for a friction angle of 30°. Using a strain-
softening model, it was possible to produce failure at a considerable higher cohesion, if the
cohesion was reduced with straining of the material. In this particular case, a peak cohesion
of 1.0 MPa could still produce failure, if the material was fairly brittle with complete loss of
cohesion after only 0.01 % of plastic shear strain (Remember, this is mesh-dependent.) The
developed failure differed from those shown previously (cf., e.g., Figure 6.14 and Figure
6.16) in that it did not extend to the crest of the slope (see Figure 6.48 and Figure 6.49).

For even higher peak cohesion (2.0 MPa), circular failure occurred only in the lower portion
of the slope. The largest shear stresses were found at the toe, thus making this the starting
point for failure. The high toe stresses caused local failure and once this material had
softened, the low residual strength permitted circular failure to develop. Shear stresses were
smaller farther from the toe, which prevented failure from propagating farther. This is also
an explanation as to why the failure in Figure 6.48 and Figure 6.49 does not extend to the
crest of the slope. It is conceivable that a slightly more brittle material (steeper softening
curve in Figure 6.47) could cause failure to progress to the crest of the slope.

Sequential mining of the 300-meter high slope (same properties as for the model in Figure
6.49) showed that failure initiated after the second mining increment (-200 meters). Failure
did not extend to crest but terminated at the -100-meter depth. This is probably because the
toe had softened previously, thereby providing a "connection point" for failure. During the
third mining step, failure extended from the pit bottom, connecting to the previous failure
surface (see Figure 6.50 and Figure 6.51). At the same time, tensile failure occurred and
propagated from the -100-meter depth and downward, connecting with the shear failure
surface propagating from the toe.

JOB TITLE : 6 m grid, -300 m. No mix: fi=30/30, c=1.0/0. 0.01 %. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


8/28/1997 02:29 -.500

step 28070
-2.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-6.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02
Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 1.374E+01

0 2E 1
Boundary plot

0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.48 Calculated displacements for a 300-meter deep pit with a 40° slope angle in a
strain-softening material with a peak cohesion of 1.0 MPa and a residual
cohesion of 0 (after 0.01 % of plastic shear strain). (Mining in one step.)
JOB TITLE : 6 m grid, -300 m. No mix: fi=30/30, c=1.0/0. 0.01 %. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


8/28/1997 02:29 -.500

step 28070
-2.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-6.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02
Plasticity Indicator
* at yield in shear or vol.
X elastic, at yield in past
o at yield in tension
Boundary plot -2.500

0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.49 Plasticity indicators for a 300-meter deep pit with a 40° slope angle in a strain-
softening material with a peak cohesion of 1.0 MPa and a residual cohesion of
0 (after 0.01 % of plastic shear strain). (Mining in one step.)

JOB TITLE : 6 m grid, 0.01 %. 300 m pit. -300 m. SS: fi=30/30, c=1/0. Total. disp.

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


7/29/1997 08:48 -.500

step 24000
-2.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-6.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02
Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 1.380E+01

0 2E 1
Boundary plot

0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.50 Calculated displacements for a 300-meter deep, 40° pit slope excavated in
increments of 100 meters in a strain-softening material with a peak cohesion
of 1.0 MPa and a residual cohesion of 0 (after 0.01 % of plastic shear strain).
JOB TITLE : 6 m grid, 0.01 %. 300 m pit. -300 m. SS: fi=30/30, c=1/0. Total. disp. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


7/29/1997 08:47 -.500

step 24000
-2.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-6.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02
Plasticity Indicator
* at yield in shear or vol.
X elastic, at yield in past
o at yield in tension
Boundary plot

0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.51 Plasticity indicators for a 300-meter deep pit with a 40° slope angle excavated
in increments of 100 meters in a strain-softening material with a peak cohesion
of 1.0 MPa and a residual cohesion of 0 (after 0.01 % of plastic shear strain).

To further investigate the effect of strain-softening, models were run with different strength
parameters assigned to vertically oriented zones in the rock mass ( Figure 6.52). These
models also showed that failure could occur for relatively high peak strengths, if the material
softened quickly. As can be seen from Figure 6.53 and Figure 6.54, the developed failure
surface extended almost to the crest of the slope (compare Figure 6.46 and Figure 6.48). In
these models, yielding first occurred in the weaker zones, followed by progressive failure of
the stronger zones. Thus, failure could not develop fully until the stronger zones had yielded
and a contiguous band of active yielding had formed in the model.

JOB TITLE : Fine grid. K=1.5. 300 meter pit. Pre-mining.

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500

High -.500
8/22/1997 15:43 Low
step 3000 Low
-2.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-6.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 High
Boundary plot

0 2E 2 High

Marked Gridpoints Low -2.500


Low -4.500


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.52 Varying material strength in strain-softening model of a 300-meter deep pit
with a 40° slope angle (high strength — cpeak = 1.0 MPa, cres = 0 after 0.01 %
of plastic shear strain; low strength — cpeak = 0.1 MPa, cres = 0 after 1 % of
plastic shear strain).

JOB TITLE : 6 m grid, -300 m. Mixed properties. High: fi=30/30, c=1.0/0. 0.01 %. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


8/28/1997 02:25 -.500

step 28430
-2.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-6.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02
Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 1.365E+01

0 2E 1
Boundary plot

0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.53 Calculated displacements for a 300-meter deep pit with a 40° slope angle in a
strain-softening material with varying strength according to Figure 6.52.
JOB TITLE : 6 m grid, -300 m. Mixed properties. High: fi=30/30, c=1.0/0. 0.01 %. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


8/28/1997 02:25 -.500

step 28430
-2.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-6.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02
Plasticity Indicator
* at yield in shear or vol.
X elastic, at yield in past
o at yield in tension
Boundary plot -2.500

0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.54 Plasticity indicators for a 300-meter deep pit with a 40° slope angle in a strain-
softening material varying strength according to Figure 6.52.

Failure of Brittle Rock (Near-Instantaneous Softening)

A failure behavior similar to that in the strain-softening models with high peak strength was
presented by Zhang et al. (1989). They modeled progressive failure using a boundary
element method and a combined strength-energy criterion. Fractures were allowed to form in
the model, and the direction of fracturing was that giving the maximum energy release rate.
The strength of the material was modeled using a brittle-plastic model with different peak and
residual strengths.

Their findings indicated that failure started at the toe, followed by fracturing of the slope into
several large blocks (see Figure 6.55). The letters with subscripts represent the order in
which fractures occurred in their model (A prior to B, A1 prior to A2). Zhang et al. (1989)
modeled a completely brittle material (instantaneous strength loss after the peak strength was
reached). Only gravity loading was modeled, and only one slope angle and one set of
material strengths. However, a fault (with different dips) was included in some of their
models (not shown here).

Figure 6.55 Simulated failure pattern in a 100-meter high, 60° slope by Zhang et al. (1989)
— material properties: cpeak = 0.5 MPa, cres = 0, φpeak = 30°, φres = 20°
(completely brittle material).

Using FLAC, it was possible to replicate their results — in this case, using a very brittle
strain-softening material model with strength loss after only 0.0001 % of plastic shear strain.
Results from the FLAC model are shown in Figure 6.56, for four different timesteps during

the calculations. A similar failure behavior was observed with the slope failing in three to
four "shells" successively progressing from the toe of the slope.

In FLAC, shear failure initially occurred at the toe. This was followed by tensile failure of
the upper portion of the slope. Shear failure then spread successively upward, finally
reaching the crest of the slope (see Figure 6.57). Note that in this figure, plasticity indicators
are shown for earlier timesteps than those in Figure 6.56. Shear strain accumulation and
accompanying displacements started after the slope was in a state of active yielding.
Consequently, the failure surfaces were forming in shear, although large portions of the slope
initially yielded in tension. Zhang et al. (1989) observed a similar behavior. Referring to
Figure 6.55, failure surfaces A1, B1, C1, and D1 are all formed in shear, whereas failure
surfaces A2 to A4, B2 to B4, and C2 to C4 all failed initially in tension.

Since Zhang et al. (1989) only modeled one set of strength values, it was decided to carry out
a parameter study to try to quantify the conditions for which these types of failure occur. The
following parameter variations were analyzed:

(1) less brittle material (εps = 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001 %, respectively);
(2) higher residual strength — only cohesion softening (φpeak = φres = 30°, different cpeak);
(3) higher tensile strength (σt = 0.2 and 0.5 MPa); and
(4) no strength loss in post-peak region (perfectly plastic behavior).

The resulting failure patterns from some of these analyses are summarized in Table 6.8 and
Table 6.9. From this, it can be concluded that the failure behavior shown by Zhang et al.
(1989) is relatively sensitive to the choice of material strength parameters. A less brittle
material (flatter slope of the post-peak strength curve) gave fewer failure surfaces in the
slope. For even higher softening strains (εps = 0.1 %), no failure at all could be observed (not
shown here). Furthermore, a smaller difference between the peak and residual strengths
resulted in fewer failure surfaces, compared to the base case. A lower peak strength also
resulted in fewer failure surfaces. The models with a perfectly plastic material exhibited, as
expected, only one distinct failure surface. In these two cases, limiting strength values
(maximum strength that could produce failure) were used. The failure surfaces in these
models were, in general, more deep-seated than the failure surfaces obtained in the strain-
softening and brittle models. Another parameter that greatly impacted on the resulting failure
pattern was the tensile strength of the material. Even slightly higher tensile strengths resulted
in failure being limited to the toe region — thus, not extending to the crest of the slope. This
is further proof that the failures first propagate in tension and that a higher tensile strength
might prevent this from happening.

To summarize, it can be concluded that a brittle material exhibits a different failure process
compared to a more ductile material. The modeling indicated that for multiple failure
surfaces to develop during one mining increment, the material must indeed be very brittle,
and also posses a very low tensile strength.

Furthermore, failure can propagate in a material with relatively high peak strength
(considerably higher than for a perfectly plastic material) if the strength is reduced with
straining of the material. The more brittle the material is, the higher the peak strength that
can produce failure propagation. Even a more ductile material can produce failure, but there
appears to be an upper limit to both the peak strength and the softening strain when this

Obviously, a propagating failure also requires that the residual strength is substantially lower
than the peak strength. An upper bound to the residual strength must be the limiting strength
for a perfectly plastic material. If the residual strength is higher than this strength, failure
cannot propagate even if the material is very brittle.

The above are merely qualitative conclusions based on the fairly limited number of cases
included in the parameter study. A more quantitative description of the relations between
these parameters cannot be offered at this stage.

The work by Zhang et al. (1989) appears to be the only one, besides this study, in which this
behavior is observed. The fact that similar behavior was found in two different numerical
analyses indicates that this phenomenon must be taken seriously. Unfortunately, field
observations of actual failures are lacking. Therefore, it is difficult to judge whether this is a
relatively unusual phenomenon in reality. Nevertheless, the practical consequences of these
findings can be considerable. Analyses using a perfectly plastic material model, such as the
Mohr-Coulomb constitutive relation, can give unconservative results for brittle materials
(overestimated stability of the slope). Furthermore, the mechanism of failure (in particular,
its progression) can be significantly different in a brittle material, compared to a perfectly
plastic material.

Some comfort can be found in the fact that the failure surfaces predicted by perfectly plastic
models and residual strength values were more deep-seated than those in the strain-softening
models. Thus, a conservative approach would be to analyze the stability using residual
strength values in a Mohr-Coulomb (perfectly plastic) constitutive model.

a) 2000 calculation cycles (after elastic state) b) 2500 calculation cycles

(*10^2) (*10^2)
JOB TITLE : Zhang analysis, 60-degree slope. SS: fi=30/20, c=0.5/0, t=0, d=0. JOB TITLE : Zhang analysis, 60-degree slope. SS: fi=30/20, c=0.5/0, t=0, d=0.

FLAC (Version 3.30) FLAC (Version 3.30)

.200 .200

3/11/1998 10:06 3/11/1998 10:15

step 15000 step 15500
1.250E+02 <x< 3.500E+02 1.250E+02 <x< 3.500E+02
-1.750E+02 <y< 5.000E+01 -.200 -1.750E+02 <y< 5.000E+01 -.200

e_plastic e_plastic
Contour interval= 1.00E-02 Contour interval= 1.00E-02
Minimum: 0.00E+00 Minimum: 0.00E+00
Maximum: 2.50E-01 Maximum: 2.50E-01

-.600 -.600
Boundary plot Boundary plot

0 5E 1 0 5E 1 0.01 - 0.02

0.01 - 0.02
-1.000 -1.000
0 - 0.01
0 - 0.01 0.02 - 0.03

0.02 - 0.03 0.03 - 0.04

-1.400 -1.400

Division of Rock Mechanics Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 1.400 1.800 2.200 2.600 3.000 3.400
Lulea University of Technology 1.400 1.800 2.200 2.600 3.000 3.400
(*10^2) (*10^2)

Figure 6.56 Calculated shear strain using FLAC at four different timesteps for mining of a 100-meter, 60° slope in a strain-softening
material. (Model geometry, loading conditions and strength parameters are the same as those of Zhang et al. (1989) —
compare Figure 6.55 — except that strength loss occurs after 0.0001 % of plastic shear strain.)

c) 3500 calculation cycles d) 4500 calculation cycles

(*10^2) (*10^2)
JOB TITLE : Zhang analysis, 60-degree slope. SS: fi=30/20, c=0.5/0, t=0, d=0. JOB TITLE : Zhang analysis, 60-degree slope. SS: fi=30/20, c=0.5/0, t=0, d=0.

FLAC (Version 3.30) FLAC (Version 3.30)

.200 .200
0.02 - 0.03
3/11/1998 10:34 3/11/1998 10:52
step 16500 step 17500
1.250E+02 <x< 3.500E+02 1.250E+02 <x< 3.500E+02
-1.750E+02 <y< 5.000E+01 0.02 - 0.03 0.02 - 0.03 -.200 -1.750E+02 <y< 5.000E+01 -.200

e_plastic e_plastic 0.04 - 0.05

Contour interval= 1.00E-02 Contour interval= 1.00E-02
Minimum: 0.00E+00 Minimum: 0.00E+00
Maximum: 2.50E-01 Maximum: 2.50E-01

-.600 -.600
Boundary plot 0.01 - 0.02 Boundary plot

0 5E 1 0 5E 1

0.01 - 0.02
-1.000 -1.000
0.02 - 0.03
0.02 - 0.03 0 - 0.01
0.03 - 0.04
0.03 - 0.04 0.04 - 0.05 0 - 0.01
0.05 - 0.06 0.06 - 0.07
0.04 - 0.05 0.05 - 0.06
-1.400 -1.400

Division of Rock Mechanics Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 1.400 1.800 2.200 2.600 3.000 3.400
Lulea University of Technology 1.400 1.800 2.200 2.600 3.000 3.400
(*10^2) (*10^2)

Figure 6.56 (concluded).


a) 400 calculation cycles (after elastic state) b) 1500 calculation cycles

(*10^2) (*10^2)
JOB TITLE : Zhang analysis, 60-degree slope. SS: fi=30/20, c=0.5/0, t=0, d=0. JOB TITLE : Zhang analysis, 60-degree slope. SS: fi=30/20, c=0.5/0, t=0, d=0.

FLAC (Version 3.30) FLAC (Version 3.30)

.200 .200

4/09/1998 09:04 4/09/1998 09:25

step 13400 step 14500
1.250E+02 <x< 3.500E+02 1.250E+02 <x< 3.500E+02
-1.750E+02 <y< 5.000E+01 -.200 -1.750E+02 <y< 5.000E+01 -.200

Plasticity Indicator Plasticity Indicator

* at yield in shear or vol. * at yield in shear or vol.
X elastic, at yield in past X elastic, at yield in past
o at yield in tension o at yield in tension

-.600 -.600
Boundary plot Boundary plot

0 5E 1 0 5E 1

-1.000 -1.000

-1.400 -1.400

Division of Rock Mechanics Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 1.400 1.800 2.200 2.600 3.000 3.400
Lulea University of Technology 1.400 1.800 2.200 2.600 3.000 3.400
(*10^2) (*10^2)

Figure 6.57 Plasticity indicators in FLAC at four different timesteps for mining of a 100-meter, 60° slope in a strain-softening material.
(Model geometry, loading conditions and strength parameters are the same as those of Zhang et al. (1989) — compare Figure
6.55 — except that strength loss occurs after 0.0001 % of plastic shear strain. "Circles" (o) indicate tensile failure, and "stars"
(*) indicate shear failure.)

c) 2500 calculation cycles d) 3500 calculation cycles

(*10^2) (*10^2)
JOB TITLE : Zhang analysis, 60-degree slope. SS: fi=30/20, c=0.5/0, t=0, d=0. JOB TITLE : Zhang analysis, 60-degree slope. SS: fi=30/20, c=0.5/0, t=0, d=0.

FLAC (Version 3.30) FLAC (Version 3.30)

.200 .200

4/09/1998 09:45 4/09/1998 10:05

step 15500 step 16500
1.250E+02 <x< 3.500E+02 1.250E+02 <x< 3.500E+02
-1.750E+02 <y< 5.000E+01 -.200 -1.750E+02 <y< 5.000E+01 -.200

Plasticity Indicator Plasticity Indicator

* at yield in shear or vol. * at yield in shear or vol.
X elastic, at yield in past X elastic, at yield in past
o at yield in tension o at yield in tension

-.600 -.600
Boundary plot Boundary plot

0 5E 1 0 5E 1

-1.000 -1.000

-1.400 -1.400

Division of Rock Mechanics Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 1.400 1.800 2.200 2.600 3.000 3.400
Lulea University of Technology 1.400 1.800 2.200 2.600 3.000 3.400
(*10^2) (*10^2)

Figure 6.57 (concluded).


Table 6.8 Simulated failure patterns using FLAC for a 100-meter high, 60° slope, based on the model geometry by Zhang et al. (1989).
(Numbers in bold show the parameter that has been changed in each of the models.)

Friction angle Cohesion Tensile strength Softening strain

Failure pattern
Analysis φpeak [°] φres[°] cpeak [MPa] cres [MPa] σt [MPa] εps [%]

Base case
(Zhang et 30 20 0.5 0 0 0.0001
al., 1989)

Less brittle
material 30 20 0.5 0 0 0.01
(higher εp)

30 30 0.5 0 0 0.0001

Table 6.9 Simulated failure patterns using FLAC for a 100-meter high, 60° slope, based on the model geometry by Zhang et al. (1989):
results for material with high tensile strength, and materials with similar peak and residual strengths (no strain-softening
behavior) for limiting cohesion (maximum cohesion that produced failure).
Friction angle Cohesion Tensile strength Softening strain
Failure pattern
Analysis φpeak [°] φres[°] cpeak [MPa] cres [MPa] σt [MPa] εps [%]

tensile 30 20 0.5 0 0.2 0.0001

No strain-
30 30 0.16 0.16 0 -

No strain-
20 20 0.25 0.25 0 -

Strength Properties for Strain-Softening Material Models

Although it is impossible to extrapolate the strength properties used for the particular cases
discussed above to other models, the phenomenon can be discussed conceptually. In Figure
6.58, the peak and residual strengths that produced failure are shown together with the
strength that produced failure in a perfectly plastic model. In this case, the peak uniaxial
compressive strength is approximately seven times higher than the corresponding strength in
the perfectly plastic model, whereas the residual strength is of approximately equal
magnitude. This is reasonable, since the residual strength governs continued failure behavior
once failure has developed fully (and the material has softened completely).












Figure 6.58 Peak and residual strengths in a strain-softening model, compared to strengths
in a perfectly plastic model.

It must be remembered that these strength values are composite values for the entire rock
mass, as individual joints and rock bridges are not simulated in the FLAC models. Hence, the
strength values are considerably lower than the corresponding intact rock strengths. The

strength of an intact rock bridge in a typical slope is probably lower, depending on block size.
The relation between these strengths is currently not known. Furthermore, it is not possible
to provide any estimates on selection of strength values for strain-softening models, because
of the qualitative nature of these analyses, and the limitations with the constitutive models
used here (as described in Section 6.3.3).

From a practical perspective, it is probably better to use a perfectly plastic Mohr-Coulomb

constitutive relation in favor of a strain-softening (or strain-hardening) relation, due to the
difficulties associated with determining input parameters to strain-softening models. This is
despite the fact that the failure process can be quite different for a brittle and a perfectly
plastic material. Until better constitutive models or better methods to estimate input data are
developed, it is recommended to use the Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model with residual
strength values.

6.5.5 Summary

The failure process for a circular (rock mass) shear failure has been successfully simulated.
For rock masses with similar, or relatively small, differences between peak and residual
strengths, the different failure stages can be summarized as follows (Figure 6.59).

I. Before failure, only elastic displacements (rebound) result from the removal of rock.

II. Mining to a larger slope height, resulting in yielding of the rock mass. Actively
yielding points lie within a region bounded by a curved, nearly circular surface.
Stresses redistribute and "flow" around the yielded area.

III. Accumulation of shear strain starts at the toe where the highest stresses are found, and
start progressing upward. This is accompanied by slightly increasing displacements
and a change in displacement orientation from upward and into the pit (elastic
rebound) to becoming oriented downward and into the pit.

IV. A shear band has progressed from the toe to the crest of the slope. This is interpreted
as equivalent of a failure surface being formed. At the crest, a sub-vertical tensile
fracture is formed.

V. Larger displacements start to develop, beginning at the toe of the failure surface,
followed by the middle and the crest.

VI. The slope has deformed after substantial displacements of the failing rock mass. It is
believed that the failing mass then will slide away from the slope (ultimate failure),
although this could not be simulated in the models.








Figure 6.59 Failure stages for circular (rock mass) shear failure in a slope.

It should be noted that significant displacements develop before overall failure occurs.
This is of practical importance, as this amount of movement is measurable. The failure
sequence described above is general and probably valid for many types of rock masses (in
which circular failure can develop).

Furthermore, the modeling results showed that for rock masses with significantly different
peak and residual strengths, and with a very brittle behavior (almost instantaneous strength
loss), failure may develop in a different manner. Failure starts at the toe for this case as well,
but it does not propagate directly to the crest. Rather, several intermediate fractures are
formed, which may eventually reach the crest (see Figure 6.60). The modeling showed,
however, that this is not always the case. For material with high peak strength, failures can

terminate at mid-slope, as stresses in the upper portion of the slope are not high enough to
drive the failure farther. A high tensile strength can also prevent continued failure
propagation, particularly in steep slopes.










Figure 6.60 Failure development in a brittle material with high peak strength.

For the sequential mining of a pit, a somewhat similar behavior can occur. In this case, local
yielding at the toe of the slope results in weakening of the rock at this point. During the next
mining step, failure can propagate from the new toe and to this weakened zone, rather then
propagating to the crest. This also could develop for rocks with less brittle characteristics,
compared to those above. It is conceivable that this behavior is more pronounced in regions
with high horizontal virgin stress, although this is not explicitly studied in this project.

It is important to note that good field observations of these types of behavior are still lacking.
Continued research efforts should be directed toward quantifying the bounds (in terms of
material characteristics) for this failure mechanism. Furthermore, it cannot be ruled out that
other failure mechanisms than those simulated here can develop for certain combinations of
material properties. One example is tensile failure, which can prove to be an important
failure mechanism in steep slopes — something that was partly indicated by the modeling
results presented here. This should also be studied in the future.

6.6 Foliated Slope: Toppling Failure

6.6.1 Simulation of Large Scale Toppling Failure

General Characteristics and Comparisons with Observations

Foliated (or persistently jointed) slopes were simulated by explicitly modeling these
discontinuities in UDEC and by using a ubiquitous joint model in FLAC. In these models,
the joints were assumed to be very persistent. Slopes with non-persistent joints have also
been modeled (see Section 6.8). Toppling and other structurally controlled failures were
studied through a parameter study in which the joint dip (Figure 6.12) was varied for different
slope angles and slope heights.

In slopes with joints dipping steeply "into the slope", toppling failure developed. This was
evident in both the UDEC and the FLAC models. Toppling failure also induced a "base
failure surface". Examples of calculated block movements (magnified for clarity) and shear
displacements in UDEC are shown in Figure 6.61 to Figure 6.64. This can be compared to
the calculated displacements, shear strains and plasticity indicators in FLAC for the same
slope geometry and parameters (Figure 6.65 through Figure 6.70).

The results from the UDEC models clearly showed the depth to which reverse shearing on
the joints occurred (see Figure 6.62 and Figure 6.64). The depth of shearing compared
relatively well with the onset of displacements in the FLAC model (Figure 6.65 and Figure

The above model results resembled the type of toppling failures that have been observed
fairly recently in several open pits (see Section 2.2.4 and Chapter 4). Typical features of such
observed failures are (1) "obsequent scarps" or "goat trails" at the slope face, (2) larger
deformation of the central and upper portions of the slope compared to the toe, and (3)
"graben" deformations (subsidence) behind the crest of the slope (Martin, 1990); see Figure
6.71. All these features were, to various extent, reproduced in the numerical models (see e.g.,
Figure 6.61 and Figure 6.63).

JOB TITLE : Plastic disc. 80 deg. 20 m. -300 m. K=1.5. jf=15, c=1.5 t=0

UDEC (Version 3.00) .500


1-Nov-97 2:17 -.500

cycle 35000
time 3.004E+01 sec

magnified block deformation -1.500

magnification = 1.000E+02





Division of Rock Mechanics

Lule University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.61 Calculated block movements using UDEC (magnified 100 times) for a 300-
meter deep pit with a 40° slope angle, with steeply dipping joints (80°); (intact
rock strength: c =1.5 MPa, φ = 30°, σt = 0 MPa).
JOB TITLE : Plastic disc. 80 deg. 20 m. -300 m. K=1.5. jf=15, c=1.5 t=0

UDEC (Version 3.00) .500


1-Nov-97 2:17 -.500

cycle 35000
time 3.004E+01 sec

shear displacement on joint -1.500

max shear disp = 1.043E-01
each line thick = 2.086E-02
boundary plot





Division of Rock Mechanics

Lule University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.62 Calculated shear displacements using UDEC for a 300-meter deep pit with a
40° slope angle and steeply dipping joints (80°).

JOB TITLE : Plastic discontinuum I. -500 m. K=1.5. fi=40, c=1.5, jfi=30 jc=0. High/Low. (*10^2)

UDEC (Version 3.00) .500


11-Mar-97 1:47
cycle 25000
time 2.350E+01 sec

magnified block deformation

magnification = 4.000E+01






Division of Rock Mechanics

Lule University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.63 Calculated block movements using UDEC (magnified 40 times) for a 500-
meter deep pit with a 60° slope angle and steeply dipping joints (80°).
JOB TITLE : Plastic discontinuum I. -500 m. K=1.5. fi=40, c=1.5, jfi=30 jc=0. High/Low.

UDEC (Version 3.00) .500


11-Mar-97 1:47
cycle 25000
time 2.350E+01 sec

boundary plot
shear displacement on joint
max shear disp = 2.464E-01
each line thick = 4.928E-02 -2.500





Division of Rock Mechanics

Lule University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.64 Calculated shear displacements using UDEC for a 500-meter deep pit with a
60° slope angle and steeply dipping joints (80°).

JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -300 m. Ubi.: 80 deg, f=30 c=1.5, t=d=0. jf=15 jc=0 jt=jd=0 (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500

Ubiquitous joints


80 degrees -.500
2/01/1997 23:15
step 17000
-2.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-6.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02
Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 1.120E+01

0 2E 1
Boundary plot

0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.65 Calculated displacements for a 300-meter deep pit with a 40° slope angle,
using a ubiquitous joint model with 80° joint angle in FLAC (intact rock
strength: c =1.5 MPa, φ = 30°, σt = 0 MPa).
JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -300 m. Ubi.: 80 deg, f=30 c=1.5, t=d=0. jf=15 jc=0 jt=jd=0 (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


2/01/1997 23:14 -.500

step 17000
-2.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-6.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02
Max. shear strain increment
7.50E-02 -2.500

1.75E-01 -3.500

Contour interval= 2.50E-02

Boundary plot

0 2E 2


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.66 Calculated shear strain for a 300-meter deep pit with a 40° slope angle, using a
ubiquitous joint model with 80° joint angle in FLAC.

JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -300 m. Ubi.: 80 deg, f=30 c=1.5, t=d=0. jf=15 jc=0 jt=jd=0

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


2/01/1997 23:14 -.500

step 17000
-2.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-6.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02
Plasticity Indicator
* at yield in shear or vol.
X elastic, at yield in past
o at yield in tension
+ shear along ubiq. joints -2.500

v tens. fail. ubiq. joints

Boundary plot

0 2E 2 -3.500



Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.67 Plasticity indicators for a 300-meter deep pit with a 40° slope angle, using a
ubiquitous joint model with 80° joint angle in FLAC.
JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -500 m. Ubi.: 80 deg, f=40 c=1.5, t=d=0. jf=30 jc=0 jt=jd=0

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500

Ubiquitous joints

2/04/1997 09:59
step 17000
-3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
80 degrees
-7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 -1.500

Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 1.078E+01

0 2E 1
Boundary plot
0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.68 Calculated displacements for a 500-meter deep pit with a 60° slope angle,
using a ubiquitous joint material with 80° joint angle in FLAC.

JOB TITLE : Sh=5+0.04z. -500 m. Ubi.: 80 deg, f=40 c=1.5, t=d=0. jf=30 jc=0 jt=jd=0 (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


2/05/1997 16:11
step 17000
-3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 -1.500

Max. shear strain increment

2.50E-02 -2.500


Contour interval= 2.50E-02

Boundary plot

0 2E 2


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.69 Calculated shear strain for a 500-meter deep pit with a 60° slope angle, using a
ubiquitous joint material with 80° joint angle in FLAC.
JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -500 m. Ubi.: 80 deg, f=40 c=1.5, t=d=0. jf=30 jc=0 jt=jd=0

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


2/04/1997 09:58
step 17000
-3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 -1.500

Plasticity Indicator
* at yield in shear or vol.
X elastic, at yield in past -2.500

o at yield in tension
/+ shear along ubiq. joints
v tens. fail. ubiq. joints
Boundary plot

0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.70 Plasticity indicators for a 500-meter deep pit with a 60° slope angle, using a
ubiquitous joint material model with 80° joint angle in FLAC.





Figure 6.71 Typical features of large scale toppling failures (partly after Martin, 1990;
Franklin and Dusseault, 1991; Skempton and Hutchinson, 1969).

Recent model tests (Adhikary, 1995; Adhikary et al., 1997) have confirmed that flexural
toppling of steeply dipping rock columns can result in a base failure surface being formed. It
is important to note that the mechanism of flexural toppling is very much different from that
of block toppling. Block toppling involves rotation and sliding of rock columns along a pre-
existing basal failure plane (Goodman and Bray, 1976). In analyses of block toppling, rigid
body movements are often assumed.

Other studies (Hsu and Nelson, 1995) have shown that toppling can develop in slopes with a
weak, horizontal discontinuity at the slope toe. However, neither a horizontal weakness plane
nor pre-existing base failure surfac is a strict requirement for toppling failures to occur. The
modeling results presented above indicated that, instead, the failure plane can develop as a
result of flexural toppling, in which the deformability of the rock mass is an essential factor
contributing to failure.

Comparison with Laboratory Model Tests

To further verify that FLAC can be used to simulate flexural toppling, a model was run to
simulate the laboratory centrifuge tests carried out by Adhikary (1995). A FLAC model was
set up to simulate test "FLEX04" in Adhikary's work. This was a 330-mm high slope with a
slope angle of 61° and joints dipping 80° into the slope. Input data to FLAC were taken from
Adhikary (1995) to exactly reproduce the material characteristics used in the centrifuge tests
(ρg = 23.8 kN/m3, E = 240 GPa, φ = 33.1°, c = 0.75 MPa, σt = 1.1 MPa, φj = 22°, cj = 0). In
his test, the gravity levels were increased successively by increasing the speed of the
centrifuge until ultimate collapse occurred. This was simulated in FLAC by increasing the
vertical gravity in increments of 2g and letting the model run for 10 000 timesteps for each
gravity level.

The results from the FLAC modeling agreed qualitatively well with observed failure behavior
in the centrifuge test of model "FLEX04". Toppling failure developed throughout the slope
and the inclination of the base failure surface from the horizontal was around 27° in the
FLAC model, compared to 30° in the test by Adhikary (1995). The calculated displacements
at two monitoring points were also in fair agreement with measured displacements in the
centrifuge tests (compare Figure 6.72 and Figure 6.73). However, the displacements in
FLAC were somewhat dependent on how many timesteps were taken for each gravity level.
(The model was not completely stable at each gravity level.) Also, test "FLEX04" collapsed
at a load of 86 g, whereas the FLAC model could be run also for higher g-levels.
Nevertheless, this comparison showed that toppling failure can be reproduced, at least
qualitatively, by using a ubiquitous joint constitutive model in FLAC.

collapse level

Figure 6.72 Horizontal displacement for test "FLEX04" by Adhikary (1995).

Horizontal displacement, u x [mm]






0 20 40 60 80 100

Figure 6.73 Calculated horizontal displacement using FLAC to reproduce test "FLEX04"
above (ρg = 23.8 kN/m3, E = 240 GPa, φ = 33.1°, c = 0.75 MPa, σt = 1.1 MPa,
φj = 22°, cj = 0).

6.6.2 Conditions for Large Scale Toppling Failure

The occurrence of large scale toppling failure was found to be governed by several factors —
e.g., the strength and orientation of the joints, the strength of the intact rock material, and the
stiffness of the intact material. In the following, the influence of each of these factors will be
quantified, based on the modeling results. There might also be other factors that influence
failure (such as the virgin stress state), but this has not been studied within the framework of
this thesis. For all analyses presented in the following, a K-value (σH/σv ) of 1.5 has been

Effect of Joint Orientation and Joint Strength in Relation to Stress State

Large scale toppling failure developed only for certain combinations of slope angle, joint dip
and joint friction angle. A parameter study in which these were varied showed that toppling
was most pronounced for:

− steep slopes,
− slopes with steeply inclined joints, and
− joints with relatively low joint friction angle.

The results from the parameter study are summarized in Table 6.10. Other observed failure
modes such as plane shear failure and "underdip" toppling failure are included, but these will
be discussed separately in Section 6.7.

For toppling to occur, there must first be sliding along the joints in the slope. The potential
for slip can be assessed from the orientation and magnitude of the shear stress in the model
before failure. The elastic stress state before the introduction of weaker joints is shown in
Figure 6.74. The possible orientations for the maximum shear stress are ± 45° from the
orientation of σ1 (according to Mohr's circle). These orientations are shown principally in
Figure 6.74. It can be seen that the maximum shear stress is nearly vertical for the 40° slope.
It follows that the potential for slip is greatest for joints that are oriented subparallel to this
direction. The principal stress difference (σ1 -σ2) is shown in Figure 6.75. This is equivalent
to twice the maximum shear stress, τmax = (σ1 -σ2)/2. (Since only the two-dimensional stress
state is considered, the minor principal stress in the model plane is denoted σ2.) The shear
stress is thus largest at the toe. Consequently, the potential for sliding is largest here, and it is
likely that reverse shearing starts at the toe and progresses toward the crest.

Table 6.10 Occurrence of toppling failure as a function of joint friction angle, joint
angle/joint dip (see Figure 6.12) and slope angle, as inferred from numerical
modeling using FLAC.
Joint Friction Joint Angle Slope Height and Slope Angle
Angle, φj ϕ1 300 m 500 m
[°] [°] 30° 40° 50° 60°
30 80 No No - (not run)
15 90 Toppling Toppling - -
15 80 Toppling Toppling - -
15 70 No Toppling - -
15 60 No No - -
15 50 No No - -
15 40 No No - -
15 30 No No - -
15 20 No - - -
"Underdip "Underdip
15 100 - -
toppling" toppling"
"Underdip "Underdip
15 110 - -
toppling" toppling"
"Underdip "Underdip
15 120 - -
toppling" toppling"
"Underdip "Underdip
15 130 - -
toppling" toppling"
"Underdip No
15 140 - -
15 150 No Plane shear - -
15 160 - Plane shear - -
30 90 - - Toppling Toppling
30 80 - - Toppling Toppling
30 70 - - Toppling Toppling
30 60 - - No Toppling
30 50 - - No No
30 40 - - No No
30 100 - - No No
30 110 - - No No
30 120 - - No
30 130 - - No
30 140 - - Plane Shear Plane Shear

JOB TITLE : Possible orientations of maximum shear stress. Elastic stresses.

FLAC (Version 3.30)


Maximum principal stress // slope face

3/10/1998 10:57
step 10000
-1.064E+02 <x< 3.627E+02 -.500
-3.821E+02 <y< 8.697E+01
Possible orientations of maximum shear stress
Principal stresses
Scaled to Max = 1.000E+07
Max. Value = 3.182E+07

0 5E 7 Possible orientations of -1.500

Boundary plot maximum shear stress

0 1E 2 -2.000




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -.750 -.250 .250 .750 1.250 1.750 2.250 2.750 3.250

Figure 6.74 Calculated principal stress vectors, and possible orientations for the maximum
shear stress for a 300-meter slope with 40° slope angle, using FLAC.
JOB TITLE : Principal stress difference (2 x maximum shear stress). Elastic stresses.

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


3/10/1998 10:55 -.500

step 10000
-2.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-6.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02
Princ. Stress Dif. contours
Contour interval= 5.00E+06
Minimum: 0.00E+00 0 - 5 MPa
Maximum: 2.50E+07 20 - 25 MPa
Boundary plot -2.500

0 2E 2


5 - 10 MPa 15 - 20 MPa


10 - 15 MPa


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.75 Calculated principal stress difference (elastic stresses), σ1 - σ2 = 2τmax, for a
300-meter slope with 40° slope angle, using FLAC.

Goodman and Bray (1976) proposed a criterion expressing the kinematic condition that, for
toppling to occur, there must first be slip along the joints. This criterion is written

α ≥ φ j + (90 − ϕ 1 ) = φ j + ϕ 2 , (6.11)

where α is the slope angle, φj is the friction angle of the joints, ϕ2 the angle between the
horizontal and the normal to the joint planes, and ϕ1 is the dip of the joint, all according to
Figure 6.12. This criterion is derived under the assumption that, close to the slope face, the
major principal stress is parallel to the face, and the minor principal stress is so small that it
can be neglected (see also Figure 6.76). This assumption is very acceptable, as shown by the
modeling results (compare with Figure 6.74). Equation (6.11) also agrees very well with the
modeling results (compare Table 6.10 and Figure 6.77) although it appears to be slightly
conservative, as was also noted by Adhikary et al. (1997). Thus, the criterion can be used for
first estimates of the potential for toppling failure.

Obviously, the joints must strike parallel to the slope for toppling to occur. Goodman and
Bray (1976) suggested that the joint normal should lie within ± 10° of the dip direction of the
slope. Cruden (1989) showed that under certain conditions (steep slopes and low joint
friction angle), the kinematic condition in Equation (6.11) was satisfied even in cases with
70° to 80° between the slope direction and the joint normal. However, this merely indicated
that slip is possible along the discontinuities — not if toppling could develop fully. For
practical design, an orientation difference of around 10° to 20° appears to be reasonable as a
limiting criterion for toppling failure. In the following, all joint normals are assumed to be
parallel to the slope dip direction.

Chouquet and Tanon (1985) proposed a modification of the kinematic condition by adding a
factor to Equation (6.11). This shifts the lines in Figure 6.77 slightly downward for high joint
friction angles (φj > 20°). The changes are, however, small and probably insignificant from a
practical perspective. Furthermore, Choquet and Tanon (1985) originally derived their
criterion for block toppling assuming a pre-existing base failure surface. Hence, this might
not be appropriate for pure flexural toppling.



ϕ σ



! θ α ϕ
  ≥ φ

Figure 6.76 Stress acting on a joint plane in the vicinity of the slope face, with free-body
diagram and kinematic criterion for joint slip.

Kinematic Condition for Slip According to

Toppling Not Possible in
Goodman and Bray (1976)
This region for 15 < φ j < 30°




60 Slip Criterion, φ j =15°

Joint Dip, ϕ 1 [°]

50 Slip Criterion, φ j =30°

Toppling in FLAC, φ j =15°
40 Toppling Not Possible in Toppling in FLAC, φ j =30°
This Region for φ j < 15°



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Slope Angle, α [°]

Figure 6.77 Limiting conditions for toppling according to Goodman and Bray (1976) and
results from numerical analysis using a ubiquitous joint model in FLAC.

Goodman and Bray's kinematic condition only applied at the slope face. As one moves away
from the slope face, the major principal stress changes orientation from being parallel to the
face to becoming oriented parallel to the virgin horizontal stress. At the same time, the minor
principal stress increases significantly in magnitude. Consequently, it becomes more difficult
to induce slip along the joint, as the normal stress on the joint plane increases and the shear
stress decreases. Using the same approach as that of Goodman and Bray (1976), one can
derive a criterion that accounts for this change in stress conditions. The normal and shear
stresses acting on the joint plane can be expressed using common stress transformation (see,
e.g., Hoek and Brown, 1980), as follows:

σn =
(σ 1 + σ 2 ) + 1 (σ 1 − σ 2 )cos 2θ , (6.12)
2 2

τ =
(σ 1 − σ 2 )sin 2θ , (6.13)

where θ is the angle between the normal to the joint plane and the major principal stress. The
orientation of τ is that shown in Figure 6.76 — i.e., here defined as negative for up-dip
shearing along the joint. Since only up-dip shearing occurs during toppling, the absolute
value of τ is used in the following. The shear strength, τs, is written using the Mohr-Coulomb
failure criterion, Equation (6.1); by inserting Equation (6.13), one finds that

1 
τ s = c j +  (σ 1 + σ 2 ) + (σ 1 − σ 2 )cos 2θ  tan φ j .
2 2 

For slip to occur, the shear stress acting on the plane must be equal to or larger than the shear
strength. Using this, and assuming that the joint cohesion is zero, one obtains

(σ 1 − σ 2 )sin 2θ ≥  1 (σ 1 + σ 2 ) + 1 (σ 1 − σ 2 )cos 2θ  tan φ j = τ s . (6.15)
2 2 2 

By setting σ2 = 0, it is found that slip is only possible if θ ≥ φj. This is also the basis for
Equation (6.11). Equation (6.15) can now be used to assess whether slip also can occur at
other points within the slope — i.e., when σ2 ≠ 0. Consider the case of a joint dipping 80°
into a slope with a slope angle of 40°, and for which the joint friction angle is 15° — i.e., the
conditions simulated in Figure 6.61. The stress state before failure is that shown in Figure
6.74. Slip is possible when the major principal stress is oriented obliquely to the joint. If the
major principal stress is perpendicular to the joint, no slip can occur, since the induced shear

stress on the joint plane is zero for this case. This represents one extreme case for the angle
between the normal to joint plane and the major principal stress — namely, θ = 0°. The other
extreme is at the slope face where θ = 30° (see Figure 6.78). The shear stress and the shear
strength can now be plotted for this range of values for θ and for different values of σ2. The
results are shown in Figure 6.79. The stresses have been normalized with respect to the
major principal stress, σ1.



θ = 0o


Figure 6.78 Principal sketch showing angle between the normal to the joint planes and the
major principal stress, σ1, and how this changes with distance from the slope

According to Figure 6.79, slip along the joints is possible for high values of θ. For lower
angles (i.e., farther from the slope face), the potential for slip decreases. From Figure 6.79, it
is found that the normalized shear strength is only marginally influenced by increased minor
principal stress in the x-y-plane. However, the shear stress on the joint plane decreases
substantially with an increase in σ2. Consequently, the possibility of joint slip decreases with
increasing confining stress. This is in good agreement with the modeling results. In the
models, reverse shearing on the joint planes only extended to a certain depth into the slope,
due to increasing confinement and decreasing angle between σ1 and the normal to the joint

For higher values of the joint friction angle, the region in which slip can occur decreases.
The stress- and strength-curves in Figure 6.79 move closer to each other and shift to the right.

For this case, slip is possible only for high values on the angle θ — i.e., close to the slope
face. Modeling results confirmed that for high joint friction angles, toppling only developed
in a shallow zone close to the face.

Possibility of Slip Along an 80° Joint Plane,

for Different Stress States

Slip possible in Shear Stress, σ 2=0
0.45 this region
Shear Stress,σ 2=0.1σ 1
Normalized Shear Stress, τ/σ 1

Shear Stress,σ 2=0.2σ 1
Shear Stress,σ 2=0.3σ 1
Shear Stress,σ 2=0.5σ 1
Strength, σ 2=0
Strength, σ 2=0.1σ 1
Strength, σ 2=0.2σ 1
Strength, σ 2=0.3σ 1
Strength, σ 2=0.5σ 1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
θ [°]

Figure 6.79 Normalized shear stress and shear strength for joints dipping 80° into a 40°
slope, with a joint friction angle of 15°, versus the angle between σ1 and the
normal to the joint planes (highest value of θ at slope face, decreasing with
increasing distance to the face; see Figure 6.78).

The modeling also showed that the depth of the shearing surface depended on joint angle.
For less steeply dipping joints, only the upper portion of the slope failed (see Figure 6.80).
The conditions at the slope face permitted slip along the joints also in this case (Equation
(6.11) satisfied). However, for flatter joints, angle θ decreases, which gives higher normal
stresses and, thus, higher shear strength (see Figure 6.79). Both the normal and the shear
stresses are largest at the toe (right behind the slope face), but the normal stress in this case
can be so high that it effectively prevents shear along the joints. Farther from the toe, the
normal stress is lower, and slip can occur. Thus, for this case, reverse shearing and
subsequent toppling failure can only develop in the upper portion of the slope. The depth of
shearing is limited, since the range of values for θ is smaller compared to a case with more
steeply inclined joints. Hence, slip cannot propagate very deep into the slope, as shown in
Figure 6.80.

JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -500 m. Ubi.: 60 deg, f=40 c=1.5, t=d=0. jf=30 jc=0 jt=jd=0 (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500

LEGEND 60 degrees

3/05/1997 11:45
step 17000
-3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 -1.500

Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 1.613E+00

0 5E 0
Boundary plot
0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.80 Calculated displacements for a 500-meter deep pit with a 60° slope angle,
using a ubiquitous joint model with 60° joint angle in FLAC.

Obviously, the persistence and continuity of the jointing are the single most important factors
contributing to large scale toppling failure. In the above models, joints were assumed to be
both persistent and continuous (i.e., an ideal situation for the occurrence of toppling failure).
In most rock masses, joint lengths are limited, and joints are separated by bridges of intact
rock. Although not explicitly simulated, it is believed that toppling also can develop for non-
continuous steeply dipping and closely spaced joints — e.g., in foliated rock masses where
rock bridges often are small in relation to joint lengths (provided, of course, that the
kinematic conditions for slip are satisfied) For more sparsely jointed rock masses and when
the rock bridges are long in relation to joint lengths, toppling is less likely, as the rock bridges
must fail in order for inter-layer slip and subsequent toppling to occur.

Effect of Intact Material Strength

The most distinct toppling failures were found for relatively high strengths of the intact rock
(much higher than the limiting strength for circular shear failure) and relatively low friction
of the discontinuities. Analyses with different intact rock strengths showed that, above a
certain intact rock strength (in this case c = 1.5 MPa and φ = 30°), no significant alterations to
the failure mode could be seen, although displacements decreased slightly.

Large scale toppling involved tensile failure at the base of the toppling columns. The
modeling results showed that reverse shearing on the discontinuities was followed by tensile
(bending) failure of the intact rock at the base where shearing along the joints stopped. The
upper portion of the slope was then kinematically free to translate and had to" break off" from
the lower, confined portion. The results from the FLAC models also showed that, once a
basal failure surface formed, the overlying material could slide downward. A very distinct
boundary developed between the lower confined portion and the overlying moving mass (see
Figure 6.81 and Figure 6.65). The inclination of the base failure surface was typically
between 15° to 30° above the normal to the joint plane, with the higher angle for steeper
slopes and higher joint friction angle. This can be compared to an inclination of 12° to 20° in
the tests by Adhikary (1995).

The modeling showed that high tensile strength of the intact rock prevented this process. Slip
along the steeply inclined joints still occurred, but the overall displacements were greatly
reduced (compare Figure 6.82 and Figure 6.65). These displacements are attributed to
toppling movements (overturning of rock columns) and plastic deformation of the slope. For
the cases analyzed here, there was an upper limit to the tensile strength, above which toppling
and bending failure did not occur at all. This tensile strength limit was of the order of 1 to 2
MPa. A more precise estimate could not be obtained from the models. This value obviously
depends on the stress state (which, in turn, depends on slope angle and slope height). For a
higher and steeper slope, tensile bending failure can occur also for higher tensile strengths.
This also depends to some extent on the slenderness of the formed rock columns. A slender
column will bend more easily than a thicker column. However, Adhikary (1995) showed that
the ratio between the slope height and the joint spacing had relatively little influence on the
initiation of toppling failure. This was for a range of 30 to 200 (slope height/joint spacing)
using a limit equilibrium approach, which agreed well with test results. The effect of joint
spacing will be discussed more in the section below.

Horizontal displacement [m]











Depth [m]


(-75 m)

"Inclinometer" position

(-275 m) -300 m

Figure 6.81 Calculated horizontal displacement along a vertical line in the model of a 300-
meter high, 40° slope, in a ubiquitous joint material, with an 80° joint angle
and φj = 15° (intact rock strength: c =1.5 MPa, φ = 40°, σt = 0).

The effect of lower intact rock shear strength was also studied. For lower strength values of
the intact material, the base failure surface changed shape from nearly planar to more curved
(see Figure 6.83 and Figure 6.84), for a cohesion of 0.4 MPa and a friction angle of 40° for
the intact rock. This can be compared with Figure 6.68 and Figure 6.69, in which the
cohesion was 1.5 MPa (for the same friction angle). The strengths used in Figure 6.83 and
Figure 6.84 are actually lower than the limiting strength for circular shear failure of the slope,
(compare with Table 6.4), but the location of the failure surface differed somewhat from that
of the continuum slopes (Figure 6.17 and 6.18). The failure surface extended farther back
compared to a circular shear failure in a continuum.

JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -300 m. Ubi.: 80 deg, f=30 c=1.5, t=2.0. jf=15 jc=0 jt=jd=0 (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


1/09/1998 06:08 -.500

step 17000
-2.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-6.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02
Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 1.060E+00

0 2E 0
Boundary plot

0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.82 Calculated displacements for a 300-meter deep pit with a 40° slope angle,
using a ubiquitous joint model with 80° joint angle in FLAC (intact rock
strength: c =1.5 MPa, φ = 30°, σt = 2.0 MPa).

It is also important to note that for low intact rock strengths, the rock failed in shear at the
location of the failure surface, as opposed to tensile bending failure for the case of high intact
shear strength (described earlier). Reverse shearing still occurred along the steeply dipping
joints. Thus, this behavior is a form of transition between pure toppling failures and circular
shear failures.

The effect of intact material strength (shear vs. tensile strength) on the occurrence of toppling
failure is summarized in Figure 6.85. Similarly, toppling failure mode as a function of intact
shear strength vs. joint shear strength is shown in Figure 6.86.

JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -500 m. Ubi.: 80 deg, f=40 c=0.4, t=d=0. jf=30 jc=0 jt=jd=0

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500

80 degrees

10/15/1997 12:48
step 17000
-3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 -1.500

Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 1.011E+01

0 2E 1
Boundary plot
0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.83 Calculated displacements for a 500-meter deep pit with a 60° slope angle,
using a ubiquitous joint material with 80° joint angle in FLAC (intact rock
strength: c = 0.4 MPa, φ = 40°, σt = 0).
JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -500 m. Ubi.: 80 deg, f=40 c=0.4, t=d=0. jf=30 jc=0 jt=jd=0 (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


10/15/1997 12:48
step 17000
-3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 -1.500

Max. shear strain increment

2.50E-02 -2.500


Contour interval= 2.50E-02

Boundary plot
0 2E 2


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.84 Calculated shear strain for a 500-meter deep pit with a 60° slope angle, using a
ubiquitous joint material with 80° joint angle in FLAC (intact rock strength:
c = 0.4 MPa, φ = 40°, σt = 0).











Figure 6.85 Failure mechanisms in slopes with steeply dipping joints, as a function of
intact material strength (kinematic condition for slip, Equation (6.11), satisfied
for the above cases).









Figure 6.86 Failure mechanisms in slopes with steeply dipping joints as a function of intact material shear strength and joint shear strength.
(Low tensile strength of the intact rock is assumed for the above cases.)

Effect of Rock Mass Deformability

For the ubiquitous joint models in FLAC, the stiffness of the intact material was found to not
drastically influence the overall failure mechanism. A higher Young's modulus did, however,
result in a slightly less distinct failure surface, whereas the opposite was true for a lower
modulus. It must be remembered, though, that, in FLAC, ubiquitous joints are present
"everywhere" — hence, making the rock mass relatively deformable in itself (similar to a
rock mass with pronounced schistosity). By modeling the joints explicitly in UDEC, it was
found that the deformability of the rock mass is, in fact, a key factor in controlling whether
large scale toppling failure can develop. Two different models were run, one with joints in
the entire pit slope and one in which joints were only included in the upper portion of the
slope. The results showed that toppling movements were greatly reduced in the model with
no joints in the toe portion (compare Figure 6.61 and Figure 6.62 with Figure 6.87 and Figure
6.88). A similar effect could be found by increasing Young's modulus of the intact rock by a
factor of 10 (from 20 to 200 GPa). As can be seen from Figure 6.89, shear deformation only
occurred in the upper portion of the slope, not unlike the situation for the case with no joints
at the toe (Figure 6.88), but with larger magnitude of the shear displacement. It should be
noted that the timestep used in UDEC is affected by the stiffness of the intact material (higher
stiffness gives shorter timestep). Hence, these models were run to the same "calculation
time" (different total timesteps), to enable valid comparisons.

Furthermore, the displacements predicted by UDEC were much smaller than those predicted
by FLAC. The blocks in the UDEC model are simply less deformable. This obviously
depends on joint spacing, but also on the different mesh formulation used in UDEC.
Analyses with different joint spacing using UDEC showed that toppling was less pronounced
for larger joint spacing. However, reverse shearing and some bending of columns could be
observed even for relatively large joint spacing (a slope height-joint spacing ratio of 6).

For the situation, in which there is a soft, weak zone (that can yield) at the toe, toppling
becomes much more pronounced. This was not simulated here, but has been shown by Board
et al. (1996) to be a key factor for the development of toppling failure at the Chuquicamata
mine (see Section 4.2.2).

JOB TITLE : Plastic disc. 80 deg II. 20 m. -300 m. K=1.5. jf=15, c=1.5 t=0 (*10^2)

UDEC (Version 3.00) .500


2-Nov-97 20:30 -.500

cycle 35000
time 3.071E+01 sec

magnified block deformation -1.500

magnification = 1.000E+02





Division of Rock Mechanics

Lule University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.87 Calculated block movements, using UDEC (magnified 100 times), for a 300-
meter deep pit with a 40° slope angle, with joints only in the upper portion of
the slope (intact rock strength: c =1.5 MPa, φ = 30°, σt = 0 MPa.)
JOB TITLE : Plastic disc. 80 deg II. 20 m. -300 m. K=1.5. jf=15, c=1.5 t=0

UDEC (Version 3.00) .500


2-Nov-97 20:30 -.500

cycle 35000
time 3.071E+01 sec

shear displacement on joint -1.500

max shear disp = 3.203E-02
each line thick = 6.405E-03
boundary plot





Division of Rock Mechanics

Lule University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.88 Calculated shear displacements using UDEC for a 300-meter deep pit with a
40° slope angle, with joints only in the upper portion of the slope.

JOB TITLE : E=200 GPa, 80 deg. 20 m. -300 m. K=1.5. jf=15, c=1.5 t=0

UDEC (Version 3.00) .500


6-Mar-98 3:31 -.500

cycle 97842
time 2.778E+01 sec

shear displacement on joint -1.500

max shear disp = 2.251E-01
each line thick = 4.502E-02
boundary plot





Division of Rock Mechanics

Lule University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.89 Calculated shear displacements using UDEC for a 300-meter deep pit with a
40° slope angle, for a stiffer intact material (10 times stiffer compared to
Figure 6.62).

A highly deformable rock mass allows larger deformations to develop. Thus, the rock
columns formed by the steeply dipping joints can start to bend more easily than in a less
compressible material. Even the elastic deformations of the rock mass can be enough to
create the "room" necessary for the rock columns to bend slightly, particularly for a high
slope. It should be noted that the columns do not behave as rigid bodies, but deform
substantially. Figure 6.90 shows both the undeformed and the deformed slope profiles at the
toe of the slope. Extensive heaving has occurred, which can be attributed to the elastic
rebound of the material. The blocks at the toe have also been compressed, thereby creating
the necessary space for a slight rotation of the neighboring block up the slope. This block is
also compressed, creating "room to move" for the next block, and so on. The accumulated
compression over a high slope can be quite large; therefore, the blocks near the crest can
bend significantly. The process of compression, followed by rotation of the rock columns,
starts at the toe and progresses up the slope.

JOB TITLE : Plastic disc. 80 deg. 20 m. -300 m. K=1.5. jf=15, c=1.5 t=0 (*10^2)

UDEC (Version 3.00)

LEGEND Deformation = Heaving (elastic rebound) +
compression of blocks
1-Nov-97 2:17
cycle 35000
time 3.004E+01 sec Deformed blocks

block plot
magnified block deformation
magnification = 3.000E+01

Deformed blocks
Original position



Significant compression
Division of Rock Mechanics of rock block
Lule University of Technology 3.200 3.300 3.400 3.500 3.600 3.700

Figure 6.90 Close-up of calculated block movements at the toe (magnified 30 times) of a
300-meter deep pit with a 40° slope angle and steeply dipping (80°) joints.

6.6.3 Failure Initiation and Propagation

Mining in One Step (Full Slope Height)

A number of interpretation points at the toe, the middle and the crest of the toppling slopes
were used to investigate the failure mechanism in more detail. The locations of these points
for the 300- and 500-meter slopes are shown in Figure 6.91.

Toppling failure clearly initiated at the toe of the slope. Shear strain accumulation started at
the toe and spread upward. Displacement plots also showed failure initiating at the toe (see
Figure 6.92 and Figure 6.93). Displacements were generally larger at the crest, compared to
the toe. Hence, there must be significant compression of the failing material in the slope.
This supports the hypothesis that it is necessary for the slope material to compress to give
necessary "room" for toppling movements to take place.

JOB TITLE : -300 m. Ubiquitous joints, 80 deg. Additional interpretation points. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) 1.500


9/21/1997 14:30
step 17000 Crest Point
-3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-6.000E+02 <y< 2.000E+02 -.500

Max. shear strain increment

0.00E+00 Middle Point
2.50E-02 -1.500

5.00E-02 Toe # 2, 3, 4
1.25E-01 Toe Point

Contour interval= 2.50E-02
Boundary plot

0 2E 2


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

JOB TITLE : -500m. Ubiquitous joints, 80 deg. Additional interpretation points.

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


9/21/1997 14:33
step 17000
-3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 -1.500

Max. shear strain increment

0.00E+00 Middle
2.50E-02 -2.500

1.25E-01 Toe 1
Toe 2, 3

Contour interval= 2.50E-02

Boundary plot

0 2E 2


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.91 Calculated shear strain and location of interpretation points in the toe, middle
and crest region of the a) 300-meter, and b) 500-meter high slope in a
ubiquitous joint material with 80° joint angle.

300 m Slope: Horizontal and Vertical Displacements

Joint shear slip
in entire slope
Base failure
2.000 surface starting
at the toe Middle Toe Horizontal Displacements
Displacement [m]

Failure surface Toe

1.500 Middle Horizontal Displacements
progressed to
slope crest Crest Horizontal Displacments
1.000 Toe Vertical Displacements

Middle Vertical Displacements

Crest Vertical Displacements
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000

Calculation Timesteps

Figure 6.92 Calculated horizontal and vertical displacements at the toe, middle and crest of
a 300-meter, 40° slope in a ubiquitous joint material with a joint angle of 80°.

500 m Slope: Horizontal and Vertical Displacements

Joint shear slip
in entire slope Crest
Base failure
surface starting
5.000 at the toe Middle

4.000 Failure surface

Displacement [m]

Toe Horizontal Displacements

progressed to
slope crest Middle Horizontal Displacements
Crest Horizontal Displacements
2.000 Toe
Toe Vertical Displacements

Middle Vertical Displacements

Crest Vertical Displacements
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Toe
Crest Middle
Calculation Timesteps

Figure 6.93 Calculated horizontal and vertical displacements at the toe, middle and crest of
a 500-meter, 60° slope in a ubiquitous joint material with a joint angle of 80°.

The failure development was studied by plotting the principal stresses at selected points and
comparing them to the position of the yield surface. Here, both the yield surfaces for intact
rock and for the ubiquitous joints must be considered. The principal stresses calculated by
FLAC were extracted and transformed to obtain the normal and shear stress acting on the
ubiquitous joint planes in FLAC. The joint rotation (as a result of toppling) was also
accounted for in the stress transformation (with some exceptions). It was found that, at the
toe, the initially high elastic stresses were reduced significantly almost immediately after
mining. After some time, points started to move up along the yield surface for the joints (see
Figure 6.94). Note that a negative shear stress here indicates up-dip shearing of the
ubiquitous joints.

In the center of the failure surface (middle point in Figure 6.91), stresses were almost
immediately reduced to near-zero values, and tensile failure (both for the intact rock and for
the ubiquitous joints) occurred. Farther back, and just outside the base failure plane (toe
point # 2 in Figure 6.91), stresses were reduced successively, and joint shear slip dominated
(see Figure 6.95 and Figure 6.96). At the crest, stresses were, in general, very low. Tensile
failure occurred relatively early, followed by joint shear slip at later timesteps (see Figure

Figures 6.94 through 6.97 clearly showed that, as failure occurred, stresses were reduced in
the region of failure. This must result in stress redistribution, thus forcing stresses to pass
under the failing mass. This stress redistribution is shown in Figure 6.98, in which the
principal stress difference (twice the maximum shear stress) after fully developed toppling
failure is plotted. This can be compared to the elastic stress state before failure (see Figure
6.75). After failure has developed, the highest shear stresses were found below the final base
failure surface in the model, whereas the toppling mass exhibited considerable lower shear

Ubiquitous Joints (80°) - Slope Toe # 1

Normal and Shear Stresses on Joint Plane

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0

0.0 σ n [MPa]

-0.5 Note: Joint plane rotation not accounted for,

except last step (+ 7000)

-1.0 Strength Envelope Joints

Strength Envelope Intact Rock
Initial value (elastic mining)
τ [MPa]

-1.5 Timestep +100

Timestep +1000
Timestep +4000
-2.0 Timestep +7000

"Up-dip" shearing


Figure 6.94 Calculated principal stresses at the toe of a 300-meter high, 40° pit slope with
ubiquitous joints (80°), shown together with the yield surface for the intact
rock and the joints, respectively, for different calculation timesteps.

Ubiquitous Joints (80°) - Middle

Normal and Shear Stresses on Joint Plane

0.5 Note: Joint plane rotation not accounted for,

except last step (+ 7000) - estimated for + 4000

0.0 σ n [MPa]
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Strength Envelope Joints
Strength Envelope Intact Rock
τ [MPa]

Initial value (elastic mining)

Timestep +100
-1.5 Timestep +1000
Timestep +4000
Timestep +7000

-2.5 "Up-dip" shearing


Figure 6.95 Calculated principal stresses in the middle of a 300-meter high, 40° pit slope
with ubiquitous joints (80°), shown together with the yield surface for the
intact rock and the joints, respectively, for different calculation timesteps.

Ubiquitous Joints (80°) - Slope Toe/Middle # 2

Normal and Shear Stresses on Joint Plane

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0

0.0 σ n [MPa]


Strength Envelope Joints

Strength Envelope Intact Rock
τ [MPa]

Initial value (elastic mining)

-1.5 Timestep +100
Timestep +1000
Timestep +4000
Timestep +7000

-2.5 "Up-dip" shearing

σn [MPa]

Figure 6.96 Calculated principal stresses just outside the base failure surface in a 300-
meter high, 40° pit slope with ubiquitous joints (80°), shown together with the
yield surface for the intact rock and the joints, respectively, for different
calculation timesteps.
Ubiquitous Joints (80°) - Crest
Normal and Shear Stresses on Joint Plane

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

0.0 σ n [MPa]

Note: Joint plane rotation not accounted for,

except last step (+ 7000)

Strength Envelope Joints

Strength Envelope Intact Rock
Initial value (elastic mining)
τ [MPa]

-0.1 Timestep +100

Timestep +1000
Timestep +4000
Timestep +7000

"Up-dip" shearing


Figure 6.97 Calculated principal stresses at the crest of a 300-meter high, 40° pit slope
with ubiquitous joints (80°), shown together with the yield surface for the
intact rock and the joints, respectively, for different calculation timesteps.

JOB TITLE : Principal stress difference (2 x maximum shear stress). Stresses after developed toppling failure. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500

Approximate location of base failure surface


4/21/1998 15:28 -.500

step 17000
-2.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02 0 - 2.5 MPa
-6.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02
Princ. Stress Dif. contours
2.5 - 5 MPa
Contour interval= 2.50E+06
Minimum: 0.00E+00 2.5 - 5 MPa
Maximum: 1.25E+07
Boundary plot

0 2E 2
2.5 - 5 MPa

5 - 7.5 MPa

> 12.5 MPa -4.500

7.5 - 10 MPa
10 - 12.5 MPa


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.98 Calculated principal stress difference, σ1 - σ2 = 2τmax, for a 300-meter slope
with 40° slope angle and ubiquitous joints (80°), using FLAC (stresses after
fully developed large scale toppling failure).

To summarize, the process of toppling failure starts with shearing along the steeply dipping
joints. Results from the UDEC models, showed that shearing started at the toe and gradually
spread upward (see Figure 6.99). As slip develops along the joints, stresses are forced to
redistribute and pass below the region of joint slip. Thus, the rock columns can deform more
easily. As they start to bend slightly, tensile stresses are induced at the base of the rotation; if
the tensile strength of the rock mass is low, tensile failure occurs. Tensile bending failure of
the columns starts at the toe and gradually propagates upward. In the model tests by
Adhikary (1995), the base failure surface also propagate from the toe and backward into the
slope and toward the crest. In some cases, when the shear stresses are very high at the toe,
some shear failure can occur close to the toe. This helps to soften the material, but the rest of
the failure surface propagates through tensile bending failure. Once the failure surface has
propagated to the crest, the failing material can start to slide out toward the open pit. This
last stage in the failure development cannot be simulated in detail using UDEC or FLAC, as
an actual failure surface (discontinuity) is not formed (see also Section 6.6.4 and Figure

a) 1000 calculation cycles (after elastic state) b) 2500 calculation cycles

JOB TITLE : Plastic disc. 80 deg. 20 m. -300 m. K=1.5. jf=15, c=1.5 t=0 (*10^2) JOB TITLE : Plastic disc. 80 deg. 20 m. -300 m. K=1.5. jf=15, c=1.5 t=0 (*10^2)

UDEC (Version 3.00) UDEC (Version 3.00)

.000 .000


6-Mar-98 15:08 6-Mar-98 15:33

cycle 21000 cycle 22500
-1.000 -1.000
time 1.797E+01 sec time 1.926E+01 sec

shear displacement on joint shear displacement on joint

mag > 1.000E-01 not plotted mag > 1.000E-01 not plotted
mag < 0.000E+00 not plotted -2.000
mag < 0.000E+00 not plotted -2.000
max shear disp = 1.000E-01 max shear disp = 1.000E-01
each line thick = 1.000E-02 each line thick = 1.000E-02
boundary plot boundary plot

-3.000 -3.000

-4.000 -4.000

-5.000 -5.000

Division of Rock Mechanics Division of Rock Mechanics

Lule University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000
Lule University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000
(*10^2) (*10^2)

Figure 6.99 Calculated shear displacements using UDEC at four different timesteps (a) to d), respectively) for mining of a 300-meter, 40°
slope with steeply dipping joints (80°).

c) 4000 calculation cycles d) 15 000 calculation cycles

JOB TITLE : Plastic disc. 80 deg. 20 m. -300 m. K=1.5. jf=15, c=1.5 t=0 (*10^2) JOB TITLE : Plastic disc. 80 deg. 20 m. -300 m. K=1.5. jf=15, c=1.5 t=0 (*10^2)

UDEC (Version 3.00) UDEC (Version 3.00)

.000 .000


6-Mar-98 15:58 1-Nov-97 2:17

cycle 24000 cycle 35000
-1.000 -1.000
time 2.056E+01 sec time 3.004E+01 sec

shear displacement on joint shear displacement on joint

mag > 1.000E-01 not plotted mag > 1.100E-01 not plotted
mag < 0.000E+00 not plotted -2.000
mag < 0.000E+00 not plotted -2.000
max shear disp = 1.000E-01 max shear disp = 1.100E-01
each line thick = 1.000E-02 each line thick = 1.000E-02
boundary plot boundary plot

-3.000 -3.000

-4.000 -4.000

-5.000 -5.000

Division of Rock Mechanics Division of Rock Mechanics

Lule University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000
Lule University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000
(*10^2) (*10^2)

Figure 6.99 (concluded).


Sequential Mining in Increments

Analyses with incremental mining in a ubiquitous joint material were conducted using FLAC
for the 500-meter deep pit, with mining increments of both 50 and 100 meters. These
analyses were only done for an 80° joint dip. Unlike circular shear failure, which initiated at
different slope heights depending on the material strength, the ubiquitous joint models
produced failure at the first mining increment. It appeared that whether or not failure
occurred was purely a question of satisfying the kinematic condition described by Equation
(6.11) In these FLAC models, the base shear surface did not go through the toe. This could
partly be due to the relatively coarse discretization (grid size) being used, preventing a shear
band to pass through the toe. The distance from the toe to the daylighting point of the failure
surface also remained fairly constant for all simulated mining steps. Thus, as mining
progressed deeper, a relatively larger portion of the slope was involved in the failure process.
It is also possible that stress redistribution resulting from toppling failure can affect the slip
potential (and the location of the base shear surface) for future mining increments. Several
different "zones of movement" could be distinguished in the slope. These corresponded
closely to actual mining increments (see Figure 6.100).

JOB TITLE : Fine grid 500 m pit. -300 m. Ubi:80. f=40 c=1.5 t=d=0. jf=30 jc=jt=jd=0. Incr d (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


9/04/1997 13:24
step 33000
-3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02 -100 m
-7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 -1.500
-150 m
Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 8.467E+00
-250 m -2.500

0 2E 1
Boundary plot
0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.100 Calculated displacements after mining to a depth of 300 meters, in increments
of 50 meters, for a 60° slope angle in a ubiquitous joint material (incremental
displacement for the last mining step).

Compared to the analyses in which mining was done in one single increment, displacements
were less uniform due to the incremental excavation of the slope. The displacements in
Figure 6.100 are those corresponding only to the last mining step. This clearly illustrates that
failures that occurred for lower slope heights continued to move relative to the new failure.
These multiple "failure surfaces" were also clearly seen in the plot of horizontal movements
along a vertical profile in the model (inclinometer-type plot); see Figure 6.101.

Horizontal displacement [m]









Depth [m] 0m

(-125 m)

Inclinometer position

- 300 m
(-375 m)

Figure 6.101 Calculated horizontal displacement along a vertical line in the model of a 300-
meter high, 60° pit slope in a ubiquitous joint material. (The slope was mined
sequentially in 50-meter mining increments down to a depth of 300 meters —
final pit depth is 500 meters — and the displacements shown are those for the
last mining step.)

At the same time, failures initiating for deeper mining depths did not necessarily progress to
the crest of the slope. Rather, these new failures "connected" to previous failures, resulting in
concentrated movement relatively close to the slope face. In the case simulated here, the
failing mass was of a smaller total volume compared to the case in which the slope was
mined in one step. However, the total accumulated displacements were significantly larger
when the slope was mined in increments (in FLAC).

In the ubiquitous joint model in FLAC, joints are present everywhere in the model. This is
one explanation why toppling failures also initiate for very low slope heights. It is reasonable
that for more widely spaced joints, toppling would be less likely for low slope heights. This
was analyzed using UDEC, for 20-, 35- and 50-meter joint spacing and a total slope height of
300 meters (mined in 100-meter increments). For 20-meter joint spacing, toppling started
after mining to a depth of 200 meters, whereas for 35- and 50-meter joint spacing, toppling
did not develop until the slope was 300 meters high. The models also showed that, by mining
the pit sequentially, displacements at the final mining step were larger than when the slope
was mined in one step (for the same material characteristics).

Failure Velocity and Stability

As was discussed in Section 6.5.3, the velocity and ultimate stability of a slope failure are of
large practical importance. The modeling results did indicate that displacements tended to
become constant when models were run longer (see e.g., Figure 6.92), but this was not
observed for all modeled cases. One can argue that toppling failures are less violent
compared to circular shear failures. This is because the process of flexural toppling must
consume considerable amounts of energy, due to shear work on the joints and plastic work in
the intact material. There is thus less energy available to move the slope, but this has not
been confirmed by any analyses. Since this subject was not part of the scope of this work, no
conclusive statements can be made. Nonetheless, the large practical significance should
make it worthwhile to direct future research efforts to this area.

6.6.4 Summary

It can be concluded that for large scale toppling to occur, the following conditions must be

1. The joints must dip relatively steeply into the slope and they must be able to slip
relative to each other. The kinematic condition for initiation of slip is well described
by Equation (6.11), and depends only on slope angle, joint friction angle, and dip of
the joints.

2. The rock-mass tensile strength must be low to allow tensile bending failure at the base
of the toppling columns. The modeling results showed that the tensile strength must
be at least lower than the rock mass cohesion.

3. The rock mass must be able to deform substantially for toppling to have "room" to
develop. A highly foliated rock mass with very closely spaced joint fulfills this
condition. Likewise, a rock mass with more widely spaced joints, but with lower
stiffness and strength, can also allow large plastic deformation.

The different failure stages for large scale toppling failure can be summarized as follows
(Figure 6.102):

I. Before failure, only elastic rebound results from the removal of rock.

II. Mining to a larger slope height results in joint slip along the steeply dipping joints in
the slope. Joint shear displacements initiate at the toe of the slope.

III. Joint slip is activated at more joints, propagating from the toe toward the crest and
into the slope. Stresses redistribute around the region of joint shearing, as this region
is failing and cannot carry additional loads.

IV. Rock columns are compressed, which creates the necessary space for slight rotation of
the columns, starting at the toe of the slope. As rotation takes place, tensile bending
failure occurs at the base of the toppling columns. In some cases, shear failure may
occur locally at the toe, but the overall mechanism behind the formation of a failure
surface is one of tensile bending failure.

V. Tensile bending failure propagates from the toe and toward the crest of the slope as
more columns deform and rotate.

VI. The base failure surface has developed fully and the failed material slides toward the
open pit.

Sliding of the failing mass in the last stage (stage VI) is a likely outcome of fully developed
toppling failure. It should be noted that this process could not be simulated in detail in this
study. The modeling results did show that the failed material deformed substantially all
through the failure development. Thus, it is not likely that the failed material moves like a
rigid body, even in stage VI. Rather, relative shearing and deformation of the material will
continue during the process of sliding. Whether failure ultimately will accelerate could not
be simulated using the current modeling tools.









Figure 6.102 Failure stages for large scale toppling failure in a slope.

6.7 Foliated Slope: Plane Shear and "Underdip" Toppling Failures

6.7.1 Plane Shear Failure

For joints that "daylighted" the slope, plane shear failure occurred in the FLAC models (see
Table 6.10). This is in accordance with what could be expected for this joint configuration.
The conditions for plane shear failure were that (1) the joints should daylight the slope, and
(2) the joints should have a dip that was larger than the joint friction angle, expressed as

α > 180 − ϕ 1 > φ j , (6.16)

with definitions according to Figure 6.12. This criterion is shown graphically in Figure 6.103
for the case of φj = 15°.

Kinematic Condition for

Plane Shear Not Possible in
Plane Shear Failure
This Region for φ j =15°



Joint Dip, ϕ 1 [°]

100 Slip Criterion, φ j =15°

Slip Criterion, φ j =15°
80 Plane Shear in FLAC, φ j =15°
Plane Shear Not Possible in
This Region for φ j =15°


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Slope Angle, α [°]

Figure 6.103 Limiting conditions for plane shear failure for a joint friction angle of 15° and
results from numerical analysis using a ubiquitous joint model in FLAC.

Using the ubiquitous joint model in FLAC, there was no well-defined "base failure surface".
Rather, sliding occurred simultaneously on several ubiquitous joints. The ubiquitous joint
model is thought to resemble a foliated rock mass in which the joints are not necessarily
continuous. Hence, in some of the FLAC models, joint slip did not occur simultaneously in
all elements along a "joint plane" going through the toe of the slope, which one would think

is the most critical failure surface (see Figure 6.104). This may seem surprising at first, but,
because there is no continuous "joint plane", slip may or may not occur in each individual
element, depending on the local stress conditions. Because the failing mass can deform, the
stresses within the rock mass can change accordingly. Thus, portions of the potential failure
plane could become "locked up" and prevent plane shear failure to develop fully. This
resulted in a more shallow failure surface, as shown in Figure 6.105.

The change in stress condition is illustrated for two different interpretation points, shown in
Figure 6.106. Close to the slope face, slip occurred in all elements and at all timesteps during
the calculations (see Figure 6.107). This can be compared to point # 2, which, after initial
yielding (during the first few calculation cycles), moves away from the yield surface (see
Figure 6.108). Moreover, stresses change constantly throughout the simulation. For the
portion of the slope that exhibits large displacements, the lower portion of the slope moved
before the upper (see Figure 6.109). Plane shear failures did not stabilize, but showed
increasing displacements and velocities with increasing calculation time.

To check these results, UDEC modeling was conducted for the same slope geometry with
densely spaced joints (10-meter joint spacing in a 500-meter high slope). In this model,
joints were, in fact, continuous throughout the slope height. Nevertheless, plane shear failure
did not occur on all joint planes that were kinematically free to move (see Figure 6.110).
Rather, shear displacements were concentrated to the joints planes close to the slope face
(Figure 6.111).

To summarize, plane shear failure can occur when the kinematic condition expressed in
Equation (6.16) is satisfied. This criterion appears to be valid both for rock masses with a
few large scale structures and for highly foliated rock masses. However, in a foliated or
persistently jointed rock mass, plane shear failure does not necessarily develop along the
most deeply seated discontinuity. For these cases, a more shallow failure was observed in the

In this study, only a handful of cases of plane shear failure has been analyzed. It is not
possible to define the limits (in terms of spacing and continuity of joints) to when failure
becomes more limited in extent, rather than developing along the most deeply seated joint
plane. It is believed that this is a possible behavior under certain circumstances (many joint
planes in a high, deformable rock slope), but more studies are necessary to confirm this and
to quantify the limiting conditions.

JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -500 m. Ubi.: 140 deg, f=40 c=1.5, t=d=0. jf=30 jc=0 jt=jd=0 (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


3/05/1997 11:46
step 17000
-3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 -1.500

Plasticity Indicator
* at yield in shear or vol.
X elastic, at yield in past -2.500

o at yield in tension
+ shear along ubiq. joints
Boundary plot

0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.104 Plasticity indicators for a 500-meter deep pit with a 60° slope angle
(ubiquitous joint model, joint angle = 140°).
JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -500 m. Ubi.: 140 deg, f=40 c=1.5, t=d=0. jf=30 jc=0 jt=jd=0

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500

Ubiquitous joints

3/05/1997 11:46
step 17000
-3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02 140 degrees
-7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 -1.500

Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 4.819E+00

0 1E 1
Boundary plot
0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.105 Calculated displacements for a 500-meter deep pit with a 60° slope angle
(ubiquitous joint model, joint angle = 140°).

JOB TITLE : 500 m, Ubiq. joints, 140 deg, plane shear. Interpretation points. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500

140 degrees -.500

5/15/1998 10:54
step 17000
-3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02 Point 2
-7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 -1.500

Boundary plot

0 2E 2 -2.500
Point 1


Orientation of ubiquitous joints




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.106 Location of interpretation points in a 500-meter high slope in a ubiquitous

joint material with 140° joint angle.

Ubiquitous Joints (140°) - Point 1

Normal and Shear Stresses on Joint Plane




0.7 Strength Envelope Joints

Strength Envelope Intact Rock
Initial value (elastic mining)
τ [MPa]

0.5 Timestep +100

Timestep +1000
Timestep +4000
0.3 Timestep +7000

0.1 "Down-dip" shearing

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
σn [MPa]

Figure 6.107 Principal stresses close to the slope face of a 500-meter high, 60° pit slope
with ubiquitous joints (140°), shown together with the yield surface for the
intact rock and the joints, and for different calculation timesteps.

Ubiquitous Joints (140°) - Point 2

Normal and Shear Stresses on Joint Plane


Strength Envelope Joints
Strength Envelope Intact Rock
1.4 Initial value (elastic mining)
Timestep +100
Timestep +1000
τ [MPa]

1.0 Timestep +4000

Timestep +7000



0.2 "Down-dip" shearing

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
σn [MPa]

Figure 6.108 Principal stresses close to the slope face of a 500-meter high, 60° pit slope
with ubiquitous joints (140°), shown together with the yield surface for the
intact rock and the joints, and for different calculation timesteps.

500 m Pit: Horizontal and Vertical Displacements


1.500 Middle (Close to Face)

Crest (Close to Face)

Displacement [m]

Middle Horizontal Displacements

Crest Horizontal Displacements
Middle Vertical Displacements
Crest Vertical Displacements

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000


Calculation Timesteps

Figure 6.109 Calculated horizontal and vertical displacements at the middle and the crest of
a 500-meter, 60° slope in a ubiquitous joint material with a joint angle of 140°.

JOB TITLE : Plane shear failure, 140 deg, 10 m. -500 m. K=1.5. fi=40, c=1.5, jfi=30 jc=0. t (*10^2)

UDEC (Version 3.00) .500


14-May-98 17:45
cycle 35000
time 1.702E+01 sec

magnified block deformation

magnification = 3.000E+01






Division of Rock Mechanics

Lule University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.110 Calculated block movements using UDEC (magnified 30 times) for a 500-
meter deep pit with a 60° slope angle, and flat-dipping joints (joint angle =
140°; intact rock strength: c =1.5 MPa, φ = 30°, σt = 0 MPa).
JOB TITLE : Plane shear failure, 140 deg, 10 m. -500 m. K=1.5. fi=40, c=1.5, jfi=30 jc=0. t

UDEC (Version 3.00) .500


14-May-98 17:45
cycle 35000
time 1.702E+01 sec

shear displacement on joint

mag > 1.250E+00 not plotted
mag < 0.000E+00 not plotted
max shear disp = 1.250E+00 -2.500

each line thick = 5.000E-02

boundary plot





Division of Rock Mechanics

Lule University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.111 Calculated shear displacements using UDEC for a 500-meter deep pit with a
60° slope angle, and flat-dipping joints (joint angle = 140°).

6.7.2 "Underdip" Toppling Failure

Flexural toppling can not develop for the case of joints dipping parallel to or steeper than the
slope. For this joint configuration, a different type of behavior was observed (Table 6.10), as
shown in Figure 6.112 and Figure 6.113. This could also be simulated in FLAC (see Figure
6.114 and Figure 6.115). Shearing along the steeply inclined joints was followed by
increasing horizontal displacements toward the pit. Displacements were significantly smaller
than those produced by either plane shear or toppling failures. Furthermore, the models
stabilized after these relatively small displacements.

The condition for this type of behavior can be formulated as (from a paper by Cruden, 1989):

α ≥ φ j + (90 − ϕ 1 ) (6.17)


ϕ 1 ≥ 90 . (6.18)

Adding to this the condition that the joints must be parallel to, or dip steeper than the slope,
Equation (6.17) can be written

φ j + (90 − ϕ 1 ) ≤ α ≤ 180 − ϕ 1 . (6.19)

Equations (6.18) and (6.19) thus define when "underdip" toppling can occur. An example is
shown in Figure 6.116 for the case of φ =15°. Equations (6.17) and (6.19) are simply slight
extensions of Goodman and Bray's criterion for toppling [Equation (6.11)]. Cruden (1989)
termed this failure mode "underdip", or cataclinal toppling. Thus, Equations (6.17) and
(6.19) only express the condition for slip along the joints. By examining this a little closer,
one finds that slip is possible if the slope angle, α, is larger than the joint friction angle, φj.
Still, this does not give any information about what might happen after joint slip. In order for
this rock column configuration to actually topple (forward-rotate), there must be an external
force (besides gravity) acting on the columns, such as seismic load or water pressure, as
noted by Bovis (1991). This did not occur in the models, which were loaded only by gravity
and virgin stresses. Furthermore, the models did not become unstable.

JOB TITLE : Plastic disc. 120 deg. 20 m. -300 m. K=1.5. jf=15, c=1.5 t=0 (*10^2)

UDEC (Version 3.00) .500


20-Feb-98 23:46 -.500

cycle 35000
time 2.939E+01 sec

magnified block deformation -1.500

magnification = 1.000E+02





Division of Rock Mechanics

Lule University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.112 Calculated block movements using UDEC (magnified 100 times) for a 300-
meter deep pit with a 40° slope angle and steeply dipping joints (120°), using
JOB TITLE : Plastic disc. 120 deg. 20 m. -300 m. K=1.5. jf=15, c=1.5 t=0 (*10^2)

UDEC (Version 3.00) .500


20-Feb-98 23:46 -.500

cycle 35000
time 2.939E+01 sec

shear displacement on joint -1.500

max shear disp = 9.850E-02
each line thick = 1.970E-02
boundary plot





Division of Rock Mechanics

Lule University of Technology -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.113 Calculated shear displacements using UDEC for a 300-meter deep pit with a
40° slope angle and steeply dipping joints (120°), using UDEC.

JOB TITLE : -500 m. Ubiquitous joints, 120 deg. Additional interpretation points. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


9/21/1997 14:38
step 17000 120 degrees
-3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 -1.500

Max. shear strain increment

2.50E-03 Middle -2.500

Toe 2
Contour interval= 2.50E-03
Boundary plot Toe 1

0 2E 2


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.114 Calculated shear strain and location of interpretation points in the toe, middle
and crest region of a 500-meter deep pit with a 60° slope angle (ubiquitous
joint model, joint angle = 120°).
JOB TITLE : K=1.5. -500 m. Ubi.: 120 deg, f=40 c=1.5, t=d=0. jf=30 jc=0 jt=jd=0 (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .500


9/04/1997 09:20
step 17000
-3.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-7.000E+02 <y< 1.000E+02 -1.500

Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 5.435E-01

0 1E 0
Boundary plot
0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.115 Calculated displacements for a 500-meter deep pit with a 60° slope angle
(ubiquitous joint model, joint angle = 120°).

Kinematic Condition for

"Underdip" Toppling

"Underdip" Toppling Not Possible
in This Region for φ j =15°
Slip Criterion, φ j =15°
Joint Dip, ϕ 1 [°]

Slip Criterion, φ j =15°

Underdip Toppling in FLAC, φ j =15°


40 "Underdip" Toppling Not Possible

20 in This Region for φ j =15°

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Slope Angle, α [°]

Figure 6.116 Limiting conditions for "underdip"toppling for a joint friction angle of 15° and
results from numerical analysis using a ubiquitous joint model in FLAC.

In a recent study by Kieffer (1998), these types of failures were referred to as "rock
slumping" (see also Section 2.2.4). In his description, back-rotation of the columns takes
place, as opposed to the forward rotation of columns in toppling failures. The back-rotation
is facilitated by the existence of a basal, shallow-dipping discontinuity. However, Kieffer
(1998) also states that slumping can occur when there are no cross-joints — so-called "kink-
band slumping" — in which a kink band forms at the toe of the slope. This statement was
supported by a few field examples and reported cases in the literature. This appears to be the
same type of behavior that was simulated in the above models (see, e.g., Figure 6.112).

To further examine this behavior, three points were selected for detailed interpretation
(Figure 6.114). As shown in Figure 6.117, displacements are generally small and tend to
stabilize at a constant level. It was also found that the initially high stresses at the toe were
reduced and shear failure along the ubiquitous joints occurred. For the 500-meter slope,
shear failure of intact rock also occurred at the toe (see Figure 6.118). Joint slip progressed
deeper into the slope, to the point that the kinematic condition for slip [Equation (6.18)] no
longer was satisfied. Both up-dip and down-dip shearing along the joints could be observed
close to the slope face early in the failure process (Figure 6.119). As failure progressed, up-
dip shearing dominated close to the slope face. Farther from the face, only up-dip shearing
could be observed.

500 m Slope: Horizontal and Vertical Displacements

0.350 Middle Horizontal

0.300 Toe 1 Horizontal Displacements

Toe 2 Horizontal displacements

Displacement [m]

Middle Horizontal Displacements

Toe 1 Vertical Displacements

Toe 2 Vertical displacements

0.150 Middle Vertical Displacements

Toe 2 Horizontal

Toe 1 Vertical
Toe 2 Vertical

0.050 Middle Vertical

Toe 1 Horizontal
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Calculation Timesteps

Figure 6.117 Calculated horizontal and vertical displacements at the toes and the middle (cf.
Figure 6.114) of a 500-meter, 60° slope in a ubiquitous joint material with a
joint angle of 120°.

Ubiquitous Joints (120°) - Slope Toe #1

Normal and Shear Stresses on Joint Plane



Strength Envelope Joints
Strength Envelope Joints
5.0 Strength Envelope Intact Rock
σ n [MPa]
τ [MPa]

Strength Envelope Intact Rock

0.0 Initial value (elastic mining)
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 Timestep +100
-5.0 Timestep +1000
Timestep +4000
-10.0 Timestep +7000

+ = "Down-dip shearing
-15.0 - = "Up-dip" shearing

- +

Figure 6.118 Principal stresses at the toe (Toe # 1) in a 500-meter high, 60° pit slope with
ubiquitous joints (120°), shown together with the yield surface for the intact
rock and the joints, for different calculation timesteps.

Ubiquitous Joints (120°) - Slope Toe #1

Normal and Shear Stresses on Joint Plane

0.5 Note: Joint rotation not accounted for,

except last step (+7000)

Strength Envelope Joints
0.2 Strength Envelope Joints
Strength Envelope Intact Rock
Strength Envelope Intact Rock
τ [MPa]

σ n [MPa]
0.0 Initial value (elastic mining)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Timestep +100
Timestep +1000
-0.2 Timestep +4000
Timestep +7000
+ = "Down-dip shearing
-0.4 - = "Up-dip" shearing

- +
σn [MPa]

Figure 6.119 Principal stresses at the toe (Toe # 1) in a 500-meter high, 60° pit slope with
ubiquitous joints (120°), shown together with the yield surface for the intact
rock and the joints, for different calculation timesteps (same as above but with
different scale).

In the region of joint slip, the material can no longer carry high stresses; these are
redistributed around this region. The major principal stress decreased and reoriented parallel
to the joints. Below the region of joint slip, stresses are virtually unaffected (see Figure
6.120). This stress unconformity caused localization of shear strain along a band
(presumably a kink band), which was roughly perpendicular to the joint orientation —
compare with Figure 6.114. When mining the pit sequentially, such a shear band may form
at each new mining increment. Obviously, this depends on the size of the mining step in
relation to the joint spacing. This was not studied in this thesis. Nevertheless, this behavior
can result in a complex deformation pattern and a successive weakening of the rock mass.
The possibility of the kink band developing into a discontinuity/shear surface should also be
considered, as this can provide additional kinematic freedom to the overlying rock columns
(cf. Kieffer, 1998).

In this study, only a very limited range of conditions leading to "underdip" toppling was
studied and modeled. It appears that this failure mode can indeed occur in slopes with joints
dipping parallel to, or steeper than, the slope face, although the bounds to this behavior are
not known in detail. This phenomenon needs to be quantified — in particular how

deformations and potential shear bands develop during sequential mining. This is outside the
scope of this work, but the results presented here can be used as a starting point for continued
research on this topic. Currently, Söderhäll (1998) is carrying out such a study but results are
not yet published.

, ,,





Figure 6.120 Reorientation of principal stresses due to slip along joints dipping steeper than
the slope face.

6.8 Failure in Heavily Jointed Slopes

The typical rock mass usually comprises more than one dominant joint orientation. Each
joint set also exhibits varying orientation, joint spacing, and persistence. To simulate a
heavily jointed rock mass, a random joint pattern was simulated in UDEC. An example of
such a joint geometry is shown in Figure 6.121. Analyses were carried out for three different
slope heights (100, 300 and 500 meters) and two different block sizes — 5 meters (100-meter
slope) and 10 meters (300- and 500-meter slopes). The blocks were modeled as an elastic
material, with joint slip governed by the Coulomb slip criterion.

It was found that failure could only develop for very low values of the joint friction angle.
For the 500-meter, 60° slope, a joint friction angle of 20° resulted in visible shear
displacement and separation along joints close to the slope face, but not extending into the
slope (see Figure 6.122 and Figure 6.123). For lower joint friction angles, shear
displacements progressed deeper into the slope, as did joint separations (Figure 6.124 and
Figure 6.125). It was interesting to note that the failure pattern seemed to develop from the
toe and progress into and upward along the slope, not unlike what was found by Zhang et al.
(1989); compare Section 6.5.4.

JOB TITLE : Elastic discontinuum. 500 m pit. K=1.5. Pre-mining. (*10^2)

UDEC (Version 3.00) .500


20-Dec-97 3:22
cycle 10000
time 4.522E+00 sec

block plot






Division of Rock Mechanics

Lule University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.121 Random joint geometry for a 500-meter high slope in UDEC. (Average block
size is 10 meters.)

JOB TITLE : Elastic discontinuum I. -500 m. 10 m blocks. K=1.5. jf=20, jc=jt=0

UDEC (Version 3.00) .500


15-Jan-98 1:45
cycle 40000
time 1.924E+01 sec

boundary plot
shear displacement on joint
mag > 1.400E+00 not plotted
mag < 0.000E+00 not plotted -2.500

max shear disp = 1.400E+00

each line thick = 2.000E-02





Division of Rock Mechanics

Lule University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.122 Calculated shear displacements along joints in a 500-meter slope with random
jointing and a 20° joint friction angle.
JOB TITLE : Elastic discontinuum I. -500 m. 10 m blocks. K=1.5. jf=20, jc=jt=0

UDEC (Version 3.00) .500


15-Jan-98 1:45
cycle 40000
time 1.924E+01 sec

boundary plot
joint opening
mag > 9.000E-02 not plotted
mag < 0.000E+00 not plotted -2.500

max jnt opening = 9.000E-02

each line thick = 1.000E-02





Division of Rock Mechanics

Lule University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.123 Calculated joint separation across joints in a 500-meter slope with random
jointing and a 20° joint friction angle.

JOB TITLE : Elastic discontinuum I. -500 m. 10 m blocks. K=1.5. jf=10, jc=jt=0 (*10^2)

UDEC (Version 3.00) .500


13-Jan-98 7:41
cycle 40000
time 1.924E+01 sec

boundary plot
shear displacement on joint
mag > 1.400E+00 not plotted
mag < 0.000E+00 not plotted -2.500

max shear disp = 1.400E+00

each line thick = 2.000E-02





Division of Rock Mechanics

Lule University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.124 Calculated shear displacements along joints in a 500-meter slope with random
jointing and a 10° joint friction angle.
JOB TITLE : Elastic discontinuum I. -500 m. 10 m blocks. K=1.5. jf=10, jc=jt=0 (*10^2)

UDEC (Version 3.00) .500


13-Jan-98 7:41
cycle 40000
time 1.924E+01 sec

boundary plot
joint opening
mag > 9.000E-02 not plotted
mag < 0.000E+00 not plotted -2.500

max jnt opening = 9.000E-02

each line thick = 1.000E-02





Division of Rock Mechanics

Lule University of Technology -3.000 -2.000 -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 6.125 Calculated joint separation across joints in a 500-meter slope with random
jointing and a 10° joint friction angle.

Plastic analyses, in which the material in the blocks was allowed to yield, were also
conducted. The intact rock strength was set to relatively low values (comparable to those
obtained in Section 6.5.2). These analyses gave somewhat larger shear displacements, but
only for low joint friction angles, and the overall failure pattern was very similar.

The main reasons for failure not developing for higher friction angles of the joints are that (1)
fairly large block sizes were used in these models, (2) calculations were only done in small
strain mode, and (3) no fracturing of blocks could be simulated in the UDEC models.

The relatively large block sizes caused high interlocking to develop between the blocks,
which gives a high "effective" friction angle. For smaller block sizes, it is likely that failure
could develop for higher values on the joint friction angle. In reality, block sizes probably
vary considerably within a rock mass, with some blocks being significantly smaller than the
10-meter size simulated here. Furthermore, because the blocks cannot fracture, no additional
degrees of freedom can develop. Calculations in large strain mode could also allow the
blocks to deform more, hence "loosening" portions of the rock mass.

Neither of these issues can be resolved using the program UDEC. It was not possible to
simulate smaller block sizes, as the models were very (computer) memory-consuming and
took a long time to run. Napier and Pierce (1995) used the boundary element method to
adress the problem of failure progression in a randomly jointed medium. This study showed
that a reduced block or element size alone might not be sufficient to increase the ability of the
rock mass to fracture. In the same study, the inclusion of a fracture growth mechanism had a
dramatic effect on the failure load and pattern. Fracturing through blocks modified the
angularity of the grains, thus reducing the interlocking substantially.

Consequently, it would be more productive to pursue this type of modeling using a different
numerical code, one which alleviates the above constraints. A viable alternative is the
Particle Flow Code, PFC2D (Itasca, 1995b), which can handle large numbers of blocks more
efficiently. By clustering several particles together, it is also possible to model fracturing of
intact blocks in PFC2D. The main drawback with this code is the limited amount of
verification, particularly regarding the strength parameters. Thus, this could be an important
task for future research work within this field.

Additional analyses were conducted to simulate a rock mass with three different joint set
orientations. A few parameter studies with varying joint spacing and persistence were
conducted. These models gave results similar to what was shown above — i.e., relatively

shallow failure developing close to the slope face and for relatively low joint friction angles.
Only joint spacing of the order of 5 to 10 meters could be simulated in these models.

Liao and Hencher (1997) and Hencher et al. (1996) presented results from UDEC modeling
of slopes with two orthogonal joints sets. Their results indicated that the failure mechanism
changed depending on block size. Small block sizes gave shallow, translational failure,
whereas larger block sizes resulted in toppling and plane shear failure, depending on joint set
orientation. It is reasonable that a smaller block size would give rise to slightly different
failure mechanism; however, judging from their published data, it appears that the models
with the smallest block size only showed very small displacements and not a real "failure",
similar to what was found in this study. Furthermore, the model size used by Liao and
Hencher (1997) and Hencher et al. (1996) was very small and possibly introduced boundary

To summarize, it appears that, for randomly jointed rock masses with large block sizes, the
"effective" friction angle is very high due to interlocking of the blocks. For low joint friction
angles, failure initiated at the toe and progressed upward and into the slope, in "shallow",
curved segments. However, this could not be simulated for more realistic block sizes and
strength properties representative of hard rocks, due to constraints associated with the
numerical formulation in UDEC. Future attempts to model heavily jointed slopes should be
pursued using different numerical codes.

6.9 Applicability of Modeling Results

6.9.1 Benefits and Limitations of Current Numerical Models

Numerical models have been used to study some typical failure mechanisms in large scale
rock slopes. Here, only generic models of typical slope geometries and rock characteristics
have been employed. These types of models are suitable for studies of fundamental failure
behavior and qualitative comparisons with generally observed failure behavior. The other
class of models that can be distinguished is quantitative models of a specific slope. With
these models, the aim is to simulate observed behavior as closely as possible and match
measured parameters. This approach will be used in Chapter 7, in which the model
techniques developed here are applied to actual case studies of slope failures.

In the beginning of this chapter, the choice of analysis method was discussed. Numerical
modeling was chosen for the current studies, because of its ability to handle deformations and

the general flexibility of the method compared to, for example, limit equilibrium methods.
The results presented in this chapter have further reinforced these advantages. Perhaps the
greatest benefit of using numerical analysis is that the deformation pattern for a slope can be
calculated. Furthermore, by calculating displacements, it is possible to calibrate site-specific
models against measurements of deformations in a real pit slope. For example, it was also
shown that the occurrence of toppling failures are strongly correlated to the deformability of
the rock mass; this requires a numerical analysis method. Simpler criteria, such as the
kinematic slip condition [Equations (6.11), (6.15), (6.16), (6.18) and (6.19)] or limit
equilibrium methods, only indicate whether these failures have a chance to occur — not
whether they actually will develop and how this process evolves. Using an explicit, time-
marching formulation, it is possible to simulate the initiation and propagation of failure and
development of deformations until overall failure has fully developed. Unlike limit
equilibrium methods, it is not necessary to assume any pre-defined failure surface.

At this point, it is necessary to consider the limitations of the numerical modeling tools used
in this study. Perhaps the most serious problem is the difficulty to quantitatively simulate
failure progression in a brittle and strain-softening material Another issue is that none of the
codes used here could simulate the formation and growth of new fractures (discontinuities) in
a previously intact material. Both these factors affect the ability to simulate failure in a
closely jointed discontinuum in a realistic manner. The implications of this in terms of
validity of the results will be discussed in Section 6.9.3, along with some recommendations
on further work in this area. In the next section, the failure mechanisms simulated in this
project are summarized, including guidelines on the choice of analysis method for these.

6.9.2 Simulated Failure Mechanisms and Recommended Analysis Methods

The simulated failure mechanisms and the conditions under which they can occur are
summarized in Table 6.11, along with recommended methods for analyzing these
mechanisms and suggested tools for estimating the necessary input data to the analysis. The
occurrence of the different failure modes simulated in this study is governed, to a large
extent, by the structural conditions of the rock mass and the strength characteristics of the
rock. The most likely failure mechanisms for foliated rock masses, or rock masses with one
dominant joint set orientation, have successfully been modeled and quantified, but it has been
more difficult to simulate failure in heavily jointed rock masses.

Table 6.11 Simulated failure mechanisms, their occurrence and recommended method of analysis.

Failure mechanism Geomechanical environment Recommended method of Input data to analysis

Circular (rock mass) − Weak and/or weathered rock Limit equilibrium methods Rock mass strength
shear failure masses Only for circular slip surfaces Hoek-Brown failure criterion and
and (1) moderately steep slopes the approach outlined in Section
− Rock masses with many joint with or without groundwater; or 5.8
sets with different orientation, (2) steep, dry slopes.
and relatively closely spaced Numerical analysis Rock mass deformability
joints − Complex conditions (those Rock mass classification
not listed above) according to Section 5.6

− FLAC, to study failure
Large scale toppling failure (1) Rock masses with one dominant Kinematic slip criterion Rock mass strength
joint set, dipping steeply into the − For estimating slip potential, Hoek-Brown failure criterion and
pit wall — e.g., (a) foliated rock Equations (6.11) and (6.15) the approach outlined in Section
masses, and (b) rock masses Numerical analysis 5.8
with large scale structures − FLAC for foliated rock Joint strength
(2) Higly deformable rock masses masses with closely spaced Field tilt tests and precedent
(densely jointed and/or low joints/foliation planes experience (Section 5.5)
stiffness) − UDEC for rock masses with Rock mass deformability
(3) Rock masses with relatively low discrete, large scale structures Rock mass classification
tensile strength according to Section 5.6

Table 6.11 (concluded).

Failure mechanism Geomechanical environment Recommended method of Input data to analysis

"Underdip" toppling failure (1) Rock masses with one dominant Kinematic slip criterion Rock mass strength
joint orientation, dipping steeper − For estimate of slip potential, Hoek-Brown failure criterion and
than the pit wall, such as: Equations (6.18) and (6.19) the approach outlined in Section
- Foliated rock masses 5.8
- Rock masses with many large Numerical analysis Joint strength
scale structures − FLAC or UDEC to study Field tilt tests and precedent
failure development experience (Section 5.5)
(2) Higly deformable rock masses Rock mass deformability

(densely jointed and/or low Rock mass classification
stiffness) according to Section 5.6
Plane shear failure Rock masses with one dominant Kinematic slip criterion Joint strength
joint orientation, dipping flatter than − For estimate of slip potential, Field tilt tests and precedent
the slope, such as: Equation (6.16) experience (see Section 5.5)
− Foliated rock masses Limit equilibrium methods
− Rock masses with one or several − Analysis of sliding along
large scale structures joint planes (for one or two
distinct joint planes)
Numerical analysis
− FLAC or UDEC (for foliated
rocks, non-continuous joints)

From Table 6.11, it can be seen that numerical modeling is the preferred analysis method,
except for plane shear failure along a continuous joint plane in which the failure surface is
more-or-less pre-defined. For this case, limit equilibrium analysis works satisfactorily. Limit
equilibrium analysis can also be used for first estimates of the factor of safety against circular
failure — but under the assumption that the shape of the failure surface is known. In all other
cases, there is a real risk that one may fail to recognize a more critical mode of failure, if a
certain failure surface is assumed.

Three-dimensional failure geometries have not been simulated in this study. This was quite
intentional, given the current limited knowledge of rock structure in three dimensions. Thus,
it can be more confusing than enlightening to model failure in three dimensions. Moreover,
observations of the actual three-dimensional shape of the failure surface are scarce, and it is
thus difficult to validate such models. For practical design, it is better to rely on two-
dimensional design tools, as these are slightly conservative in most cases. (A three-
dimensional surface will add lateral constraints and thus increase the total sliding resistance.)

The observable appearance of different failure modes can often be confusingly alike.
Toppling failures are often associated with visible "differential settlements" on the slope face,
often termed "obsequent scarps". Such signs may occur also for other failure modes; in
general, the observed behavior on the ground surface is not sufficient to state with certainty
which failure mechanism is really occurring. As was shown here, the actual mechanism is
widely different — e.g., for circular shear and toppling failures. Numerical modeling can
help to distinguish the types of failures that can occur in different geomechanical

Another example of where visual observations may be misleading is the starting point for
large scale slope failures. In the literature (see Chapter 2), it has often been stated that the
first signs of failure are observed at the crest. This does not necessarily mean that failure
initiates at this location. The numerical models showed that failures initiated in some form at
the toe of a slope and propagated toward the crest. This was true for all analyzed modes of
failure (circular, toppling and plane shear). This is an important finding, as it influences the
choice of monitoring system to be used to detect failure at an early stage. It is clear that
mapping of tensile fractures at the crest is not sufficient and that more efforts should be
devoted to monitor activities at the toe and inside the slope (despite the higher cost of such
methods). This is also a good example of how numerical modeling, by calculating
displacements, can provide important information normally not attainable from other design

6.9.3 Validity of Results and Future Work

In this chapter, a selection of failure mechanisms has been analyzed. These are believed to be
some of the most important mechanisms in large scale rock slopes. Furthermore, the models
seem to replicate generally observed failure behavior. A more detailed verification of the
methodology will be offered in Chapter 7. However, the limited amount of failure
observations, especially in hard rock slopes, makes it difficult to assess whether these really
are the most dominant mechanisms. There are, without a doubt, many other possible
mechanisms, which have not been studied in this work. There is also the possibility that
these currently unknown or little studied mechanisms are crucial for higher and steeper slopes
than those currently existing. Consequently, the study of currently known and observed
mechanisms serves as the first step toward understanding other potential failure mechanisms
in rock slopes.

The validity of the modeling results deserves to be discussed. The trademark of a "good"
model is that the simplifications introduced do not seriously affect the results (at least the
most important characteristics of a simulated failure). However, it is difficult to rate the
quality of different models, particularly when the amount of real failure observations is
limited. Nevertheless, it is believed that the models developed and used in this chapter can be
considered to be good for simulating:

(1) large scale toppling failure in foliated or densely jointed rock masses;

(2) circular shear failure in weak rock masses, which can be assumed to behave nearly
perfectly plastic; and

(3) circular shear failures in jointed rock masses, provided that these exhibit relatively
little difference between peak and residual strength (alternatively, if only residual
strength values are considered in the design).

The results are probably less valid for rock masses that exhibit pronounced brittleness, with
large differences between the peak and residual strengths. The modeling results were very
sensitive to the choice of strength and softening parameters. Because the constitutive model
is sensitive to the element size used in the model, it is difficult to calibrate the models and
relate strength parameters in the models with actual strength properties of the rock mass.

It was also difficult to simulate failure in a jointed rock mass, when modeling this as a
discontinuum with many different joint orientations and varying persistence and continuity of

the joints. This is more of a numerical problem with currently used models. It is essential
that some form of failure through the intact rock blocks (between pre-existing discontinuities)
be allowed in these cases. On the other hand, it is not possible to simulate the true joint
geometry of a large scale slope in a typical, closely jointed rock mass. The number of
discontinuities present in such a rock mass is simply too high to be able to include all of them
in any numerical model. Hence, one has to rely on simplifications and idealized
representations of the problem geometry to be able to do any sort of calculations. In addition,
it is doubtful whether a detailed and accurate description of the jointing pattern in a high
slope can ever be achieved. Simplified discontinuum approximations will continue to be an
important tool for simulating structurally controlled failures, as will continuum
approximations for analyzing circular shear failures.

An implicit assumption has been made that failures, once fully developed, are rapid and
uncontrollable. This is a conservative assumption, but its validity was not checked in this

This study has clearly illustrated the requirement for continued work in this area. There is a
multitude of problems left to be solved for prospective researchers. The most urgent issues to
address can be grouped into two categories:

(1) improvements to the modeling technique; and

(2) increasing the knowledge of failure mechanisms in rock slopes.

The first category include issues such as (a) better methods to model strain-softening
materials, (b) development of models that can simulate fracturing of intact rock on an
engineering scale, and (c) inclusion of other criteria for failure — e.g., the extension strain
criterion, which is applicable for brittle rocks (Stacey, 1981).

A better understanding of the mechanics of high rock slopes can be achieved by conducting
more studies of the same types as those presented in this work. In particular, it is important
to further study (a) "underdip" toppling failures and the limiting conditions for this failure
mechanism, (b) plane shear failure in rock masses with non-continuous joints, (c), the effect
of tensile strength on the failure mechanism, (d) failure velocity (kinetics of slope failures)
under different conditions, (e) the effects of varying groundwater pressures on the initiation
and progression of failure, and (f) failure in jointed rock masses, preferably using another
numerical code.


7.1 Introduction

In the previous chapter, numerical models were used to analyze generic slope geometries, not
focusing on any particular case. To verify the modeling technique, it is necessary to apply
the modeling tools to well-defined case studies of slope failures in open pits.

From the case study database presented in Chapter 4, two cases could be considered
candidates for more in-depth analysis. These were the Aznalcollar open pit mine and the
Kiirunavaara sublevel caving mine. The Aznalcollar mine has experienced multiple failures
of the footwall during a 15-year period. The rock mass is fairly weak, but observed failure
surfaces have cut across the dominant foliation, indicating a complex mechanism of rock
mass failure. Comprehensive monitoring has been carried out — in particular, during the last
few years of mining. Consequently, the data on failure observations and slope movements
are exceptionally good. Unfortunately, data on rock strength are more scarce.

The opposite can be said about the Kiirunavaara mine, from which a very comprehensive
database on intact and joint strengths exists. This sublevel caving mine has experienced
failures of both the hangingwall and the footwall as a result of mining. The footwall failures
are of the most interest for this study, since these resemble slope failures in many aspects.
Furthermore, these failures have occurred in a hard and strong rock mass, not unlike what is
found at Aitik. The data on failure observations are good, for both the surface and
underground (in footwall drifts), but displacement monitoring data are scarce and of poorer
quality compared to the Aznalcollar case. In addition, the effect of the caved rock material
should be accounted for in the modeling, which adds complexity to the models.

Taken together, these two cases span a fairly wide range in rock mass properties, failure
behavior, and mining conditions. It was believed that if the modeling methodology could be
used successfully for these two cases, it could also be applied to the Aitik case. The objective
of this task was to verify the modeling procedure presented in Chapter 6, as well as the
proposed methodology for assessing rock mass properties outlined in Chapter 5. A second
objective was to provide additional explanations of the observed failure behavior at these two
sites, since the actual failure mechanisms are still partly unresolved.

Input parameters to the models were estimated using rock mass classification and the Hoek-
Brown failure criterion, as described in Chapter 5. Some calibration against observed failures
(by varying input parameters) was also conducted.

Finally, a word on the basic approach underlying all the work presented here. It is difficult, if
not impossible, to simulate all aspects of rock mass behavior in a single numerical model.
This is especially true in complex cases such as the two considered here. The approach taken
in this study was to run several models to investigate the influence of various parameters. By
doing this, complexity is added to the model successively. The "final model" is not
necessarily capable of simulating all observed characteristics, but it should represent the most
important ones. Along the way, one will also have acquired substantial knowledge about the
governing parameters behind the failures.

7.2 The Aznalcollar Mine

7.2.1 Background and Approach

A description of the mine and the geomechanical environment was given in Section 4.2.1,
along with a description of observed large scale failures of the footwall. The observed
failures showed somewhat different characteristics in the central and the eastern footwall of
the slope. The central footwall is interesting, as it has experienced multiple failures with
several failure surfaces overlain on each other. Unfortunately, data regarding mining
sequences are of lower quality for this portion of the mine. Also, geohydrological and
measurement data are not continuous from the start of mining.

In the eastern portion of the footwall, a massive follow-up was carried out in conjunction
with the final mining of this portion, starting in early 1995. There were signs of a previous
failure in the upper portion of the slope. Failure involving the entire slope did not develop
fully until after the final mining cut in 1996. Quantitative data from the eastern footwall are
generally of better quality, both in terms of geometrical data and measurement data.

Previous attempts to model the Aznalcollar footwall failures focused on the central footwall.
This includes the studies by Proughten (1991), McCullough (1993), and Hencher et al.
(1996). These studies provided some data on possible rock mass strengths (see Table 4.1),
but neither of them could fully explain the observed failure behavior. Quantitative
comparisons with measurement data were also lacking. Furthermore, these models were very
small and boundary effects cannot be ruled out.

In the present study, it was apparent that both the central and the eastern portions of the
footwall deserved to be modeled. Some attempts to model the central footwall were carried
out initially, but a more comprehensive and detailed study of the eastern footwall was

initiated concurrent with the final mining of this portion. This also led to additional modeling
of the central footwall. In the following, the results from modeling of the eastern footwall are
presented first, although, in reality, it was mined later.

Modeling was conducted in order to assess the failure mechanisms governing the observed
complex behavior of the footwall. The finite difference program FLAC was used for these
analyses. Some complementary limit equilibrium analyses were also carried out, using the
program SLIDE with Bishop's routine method (Curran et al., 1995). Input data to the
analyses, including mining and failure geometry, are presented in the next section.

7.2.2 Input Data to Analysis

Problem Geometry — Eastern Footwall

For the eastern footwall, two "typical" sections had been used for interpretation of
measurements (Geo-Engineering, 1997a). These were sections 213 300 and 213 410, (see
Figure 7.1 and Figure 4.1). Using a two-dimensional program such as FLAC, plane strain
conditions can probably be assumed for section 213 300, but not necessarily for section 213
410, as this is too close to the pit corner. Since section 213 300 also included more
measurement data, it was decided to concentrate the modeling of the eastern footwall to this
cross-section. An overview of section 213 300 is shown in Figure 7.2; a close-up of the
mining sequence during the last two years of mining is shown in Figure 7.3.

An important geological feature is the location of the pyrite ore boundary. As can be seen in
the figures below, a slice of ore was left in the footwall during final mining. This was
intentional, as it was believed that this would provide some support during the final critical
stages of mining. The pyrite ore is believed to be both stiffer and stronger than the footwall
rocks; hence, this might also have affected the "delayed" failure of the eastern footwall. The
location of the ore boundary was estimated from core drilling results supplied by mining staff
at Aznalcollar (Krauland, 1997).
213 300 213 410


Figure 7.1 Plan map of the eastern portion of the Aznalcollar mine showing slope geometry after the final mining cut, monitoring points,
and observed cracks in the slope as of March 1997 (Geo-Engineering, 1997a).

Figure 7.2 Cross-section through the eastern footwall of the Aznalcollar mine, section
213 300 (after Geo-Engineering, 1997a).

Figure 7.3 Close-up of section 213 300 of the Aznalcollar footwall showing mining
geometry during final mining of the footwall (after Geo-Engineering, 1997a).

However, the location shown in Figure 7.2 and Figure 7.3 probably represents a "worst case"
— i.e., the absolute maximum of ore being left in the footwall. The ore boundary varies
substantially along strike, and the ore was exposed during final mining in several other
sections of the footwall — in particular, farther east.

The water table in section 213 300 was interpreted from piezometer measurements (Geo-
Engineering, 1997a). Since no failures were observed until the final mining step, it was
decided to carry out analyses with a fixed water table only, representative of the final mining
step (maximum water table according to Figure 7.2).

Problem Geometry — Central Footwall

For the central footwall, several candidate cross-sections for analysis could be identified. As
these generally showed similar failure characteristics and the slope geometry was relatively
constant, the choice of modeling section was not critical. In this study, two sets of mining
geometries were simulated, both representative of sections 212 850 through 213 000 of the
central footwall. Two failure surfaces were positively identified in this cross-section (see
Figure 7.4). Furthermore, no failures were observed between approximately the -15 and the
-80 meter mining levels. Whether this was actually the case, or if one or several surfaces
have eluded identification, is not known.

The mining sequences are less well documented for the central footwall, particularly during
the early stages of mining (before 1987). From 1987 on (mining levels -80 and downward),
the actual mining geometry is fairly well known. The mining levels and the year of mining,
as modeled, are listed in Table 7.1. The geohydrological conditions are also partly unknown
for previous mining. Later measurements indicate a phreatic surface, as shown in Figure 7.4.
It was assumed that the same shape of the water table was applicable for previous mining
stages as well (see Figure 7.5). On the hangingwall, the water table was assumed to follow
the slope face.

In the central footwall, the location of the pyrite ore boundary is much more uncertain than
was the case for the eastern portion. Since the ore boundary had a relatively steep dip
(around 50 - 55°), the footwall slope was located in waste rock (schist) until approximately
the -50 meter mining level, after which it followed the ore contact. However, some pyrite
was left in the footwall below this level. (Whether this was ore or merely a mineralization is
not known.) The minimum amount of pyrite left was estimated from the drilling of drainage
holes by the mining staff (Krauland, 1997). The presence of pyrite in the footwall was

established by drilling between sections 212 850 and 213 050, starting at the -55 meter
mining level and going down to the -125 meter level. Below this level, virtually nothing is
known about the extent of the pyrite. Thus, the location of the ore boundary is open to
several interpretations. In this study, four different cases were modeled (see also Figure 7.6):

(1) no ore in the footwall (slope follows footwall);

(2) ore boundary located in the footwall, starting at the -55 meter level and continuing
downward below the pit bottom (maximum extent of ore according to drilling);

(3) ore boundary starting at the -55 meter mining level and finishing at the -125 meter
level; and

(4) a thinner slice of ore in the footwall, starting at -the 55 meter mining level and
continuing downward below the pit bottom.

Figure 7.4 Cross-section through the central portion of the footwall of the Aznalcollar
open pit (section 212 850) showing inclinometer locations (I4, I5), monitoring
points with displacement vectors, and inferred failure surfaces (Golder
Associates, 1989a).

Table 7.1 Approximate mining sequence for the central portion of the Aznalcollar mine.
(Failures were not observed in all cross-sections of the central portion. )

Mining level [m] Year Footwall failure

+70 ?
+40 1979
+10 1983 Yes
-20 ? ?
-50 ? ?
-80 1987 Yes
-95 1987/1988 Yes
-110 1989 Yes
-125 1992 Yes
-125 (HW Pushback) 1995 ?

Figure 7.5 Simplified mining geometry and location of water table on the footwall as
used in modeling of the central footwall.

Case 1:

Case 2:

Figure 7.6 Four alternative interpretations of the location of the ore boundary in the
central footwall of the Aznalcollar mine, as used in numerical modeling.
(Also shown is the location of inclinometer I4.)

Case 3:

Case 4:

Figure 7.6 (concluded).


Rock Mass Properties — Eastern and Central Footwall

In the majority of the models, a perfectly plastic constitutive model was used. A few models
were also run with strain-softening and ubiquitous joint constitutive models. Input data to the
perfectly plastic models include density (ρ), elastic constants for the rock mass (Em and ν),
and rock mass strength (c, φ, and σtm). Initial estimates of these parameters are given below.


The strength of the rock mass was estimated using the Hoek-Brown approach, as described in
5. In the following, the recommended procedure (Section 5.8) for determining rock mass
cohesion and friction angle is demonstrated for one set of parameters that is representative of
the footwall schist.

The Hoek-Brown failure criterion is written (Equation 5.1)

σ 1 = σ 3 + mσ 3σ c + sσ c2 .

The uniaxial compressive strength of the intact rock, σc, was estimated to be 25 MPa
(Proughten, 1991); see also Table 7.2). Parameters m and s are determined using Equations
(5.7) and (5.8) assuming disturbed rock mass conditions:

RMR −100
m = mi e 14

RMR −100

s=e 6

The value of parameter mi can be estimated from triaxial test results compiled by Hoek and
Brown (1997). For schist, a value of 4 to 8 is applicable (see Table 7.3). In this case, the
higher value was chosen giving

mi = 8.

For the footwall, RMR was estimated to 58 (see Section 5.7.3 and Proughten, 1991).
Inserting the value of mi and RMR gives

RMR −100 58 −100

m = mi e 14
= 8⋅e 14
= 0.398 ,

RMR −100 58 −100

s=e 6
=e 6
= 0.00091 .

The failure criterion for the rock mass can thus be written

σ 1 = σ 3 + mσ 3σ c + sσ c2 = σ 3 + 9.957σ 3 + 0.570 .

Table 7.2 Uniaxial compressive strength estimated from index test (table after Brown,

Grade Description Field identification Approximate

σc [MPa]
S1 Very soft clay Easily penetrated several inches by fist < 0.025

S2 Soft clay Easily penetrated several inches by thumb 0.025-0.05

S3 Firm clay Can be penetrated several inches by thumb with moderate effort 0.05 - 0.10

S4 Stiff clay Readily indented by thumb but penetrated only with great effort 0.10 - 0.25

S5 Very stiff clay Readily indented by thumbnail 0.25 - 0.50

S6 Hard clay Indented with difficulty by thumbnail > 0.50

Extremely weak
R0 Indented by thumbnail 0.25-1.0
Crumbles under firm blows with point of geological hammer, can
R1 Very weak rock 1.0-5.0
be peeled by a pocket knife
Can be peeled by a pocket knife with difficulty, shallow
R2 Weak rock 5.0-25
indentations made by firm blow with point of geological hammer
Medium strong Cannot be scraped or peeled with a pocket knife, specimen can be
R3 25-50
rock fractured with single firm blow of geological hammer
Specimen requires more than one blow of geological hammer to
R4 Strong rock 50-100
fracture it
Very strong Specimen requires many blows of geological hammer to fracture
R5 100-250
rock it
R6 Specimen can only be chipped with geological hammer > 250
strong rock
Note: Grades S1 to S6 apply to cohesive soils, for example clays, silty clays, and combinations of silts and
clays with sand, generally slow draining. Discontinuity wall strength will generally be
characterized by grades R0-R6 (rock), while S1-S6 (clay) will generally apply to filled
discontinuities. Some rounding of strength values has been made when converting to SI units.

Table 7.3 Value of constant mi chosen from tabulated values (table from Hoek and
Brown, 1997).

The curved Hoek-Brown failure envelope must be "translated" to a linear Mohr-Coulomb

envelope, for use as input into the numerical models. This is done using linear regression
over a representative stress range. The intercept with the vertical axis (σ1) was fixed at the
value of the uniaxial compressive strength of the rock mass, σcm. This value is obtained from
Equation (5.2) as

σ cm = σ c s = 25 0.00091 = 0.75 MPa.

For the regression, an assumed stress range of 0 < σ3 < 6 MPa was used (cf. Section 5.7).
This stress range was confirmed by elastic stress analysis as being representative of the
footwall, excluding the toe zone. Linear regression (with 20 regression points) was
conducted according to the procedure described in Section 5.4.4 and Appendix 5 [Equations
(A5.20), (A5.15), and (A5.18)]. The resulting Mohr-Coulomb envelope is shown in Figure
7.7. The resulting values of c and φ for the rock mass are:

c = 0.25 MPa,
φ = 23.8°.

Finally, the unaixal tensile strength of the rock mass is calculated from Equation (5.3), giving

σ tm =
( )
m − m 2 + 4s =
( )
0.398 − 0.398 2 + 4 ⋅ 0.00091 = −0.06 MPa.



Major principal stress, σ 1 [MPa]



6 Hoek-Brown Failure Envelope

4 Mohr-Coulomb Envelope (Fixed

Intercept Regression)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Minor principal stress, σ 3 [MPa]

Figure 7.7 Hoek-Brown and Mohr-Coulomb failure envelopes for the footwall schist rock
mass at Aznalcollar (RMR = 58, mi = 8, σc = 25 MPa, disturbed rock mass).

This procedure was repeated for several other parameter sets (the same as those given in
Section 5.7.3) and gave the values in Table 7.4.

Table 7.4 Estimated rock mass strength for the Aznalcollar footwall assuming disturbed
rock mass, for a stress range of σ3 = 0 - 6 MPa.

Fixed intercept
[Equations (A5.15)-(A5.20)]
Rock Type mi σc RMR σ3-min σ3-max φ c σcm σtm
[MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [°] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa]
Schist (1) 8 25 58 0 6 23.8 0.25 0.75 0.06
Schist (2) 8 50 58 0 6 28.5 0.45 1.51 0.11
Schist (3) 8 35 44 0 6 19.7 0.12 0.33 0.02
Slate (1) 9 25 58 0 6 24.8 0.24 0.75 0.05
Slate (2) 9 50 58 0 6 29.6 0.44 1.51 0.10
Slate (3) 9 35 44 0 6 20.6 0.11 0.33 0.02

Young's modulus of the rock mass, Em, was estimated from rock-mass classification data
using the relation proposed by Serafim and Pereira in1983 (Equation 5.33)

E m = 10 (RMR −10 ) / 40 [GPa].

Using an RMR-value of 58, this gives

Em = 15.8 GPa.

Poisson's ratio, ν, and rock mass density, ρ, for the footwall rocks were estimated as

ν = 0.25,
ρ = 2700 kg/m3.

Pyrite Ore

In this particular case, Young's modulus of the rock mass was estimated, rather than
calculated using Equation (5.33). Previous experience from underground pyrite mines has
shown that the value of Young's modulus for intact pyrite ore can exceed 100 GPa (see, e.g.,
Stephansson, 1981). Furthermore, since the pyrite is located at the toe, where the highest
compressive stresses are found, it is likely that the value of the rock mass deformability will

approach that of the intact rock (compare with Section 5.6). Consequently, the following
values of the elastic constants and the density, based on previous experience, were used:

Em = 100 GPa,
ν = 0.30, and
ρ = 3000 kg/m3.

Using the Hoek-Brown approach and assuming an RMR-value of 72, mi =16, and a regression
stress range of 0 < σ3 < 15 MPa (stresses in the toe zone from elastic stress analysis), the
values seen in Table 7.5 were obtained (the same procedure as described above).

Table 7.5 Estimated rock mass strength for the pyrite ore assuming disturbed rock mass,
for a stress range of σ3 = 0 - 15 MPa.

Fixed intercept
[Equations (A5.15)-(A5.20)]
Rock Type mi σc RMR σ3-min σ3-max φ c σcm σtm
[MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [°] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa]
Pyrite (1) 16 100 72 0 15 40.3 2.25 9.7 0.43

In the modeling, the following strengths were used for the pyrite ore:

φ = 40°,
c = 2.3 MPa, and
σtm = 0.5 MPa.

The virgin stress state must also be input to the models. No stress measurements have been
carried out at Aznalcollar; hence, stresses can only be estimated. Proughten (1991) estimated
the horizontal-to-vertical stress ratio to be between 1.5 and 2.7. For most of the models, a
value of

K= = 1.5

was used, where σH is the virgin horizontal stress, and σv the virgin vertical stress. A few
models were also run with a higher K-value, yielding similar results. A more detailed study
on the influence of virgin stress conditions was outside the scope of this work.

7.2.3 Limit Equilibrium Analyses

The failures at the Aznalcollar mine have been subject to several limit equilibrium analyses,
which were summarized in Section 4.2.1. In these analyses, it was assumed that there was no
pyrite in the footwall slope. To assist the numerical models, an additional limit equilibrium
analysis with the ore boundary located inside the footwall was conducted.

Only the eastern footwall was analyzed. The pyrite ore and the interpreted water table
according to Figure 7.2 were included. The slope geometry was simplified from that of
cross-section 213 300 and is shown in Figure 7.8. The problem geometry is shown in Figure
7.9. Analysis was conducted with four different sets of properties for the pyrite ore, as

(1) cohesion, c = 2.3 MPa, friction angle, φ = 40°, density, ρ = 3000 kg/m3;
(2) cohesion, c = 1.0 MPa, friction angle, φ = 30°, density, ρ = 3000 kg/m3;
(3) cohesion, c = 0.5 MPa, friction angle, φ = 30°, density, ρ = 3000 kg/m3; and
(4) same strength for the footwall and the pyrite ore, but with ρ = 3000 kg/m3 for the ore.

Figure 7.8 Actual mining geometry (solid line) and simplified geometry for stability
analysis (thick dashed line) of the eastern footwall, section 213 300.

Figure 7.9 Problem geometry for limit equilibrium analysis of section 213 300, eastern footwall at Aznalcollar using the program SLIDE:
a) slope geometry and grid for slip circles, and b) close-up of slope geometry showing different material, water table and
observed failure surface (compare with Figure 7.2).

The strength of the footwall was varied until the calculated factor of safety for the observed
failure surface (see Figure 7.9) was 1.0. All calculations were carried out using the program
SLIDE (Curran et al., 1995) and assuming circular slip surfaces. The program uses Bishop's
routine method of slices for calculating the factor of safety. Calculations were carried out for
six different friction angles (20°, 22°, 24°, 26°, 28° and 30°) for a dry slope, as well as for the
water table shown in Figure 7.9 (Geo-Engineering, 1997a). Results from these calculations
are shown in Table 7.6 and Table 7.7 for dry and partly saturated slopes, respectively. A
comparison between these two cases is also shown in Figure 7.10.

Table 7.6 Back-calculated strengths for section 213 300, Aznalcollar footwall, assuming
dry conditions and using the program SLIDE.

Water Conditions Strength of Ore Strength of Footwall

φ [°] c [MPa] φ [°] c [MPa]
Dry 40 2.300 20 0.080
22 0.010
24 0
Dry 30 1.000 20 0.235
22 0.160
24 0.080
26 0
Dry 30 0.500 20 0.280
22 0.210
24 0.130
26 0.055
28 0
Dry Same properties for 20 0.320
the ore and the 22 0.250
footwall 24 0.180
26 0.105
28 0.030
30 0

Table 7.7 Back-calculated strengths for section 213 300, Aznalcollar footwall, assuming
high water table (see Figure 7.2) and using the program SLIDE.

Water Conditions Strength of Ore Strength of Footwall

φ [°] c [MPa] φ [°] c [MPa]
Max water, see Figure 7.2 40 2.300 20 0.260
22 0.200
24 0.140
26 0.080
28 0.010
30 0
Max water, see Figure 7.2 30 1.000 20 0.395
22 0340
24 0.280
26 0.225
28 0.165
30 0.105
Max water, see Figure 7.2 30 0.500 20 0.450
22 0.390
24 0.335
26 0.280
28 0.220
30 0.155
Max water, see Figure 7.2 Same properties for 20 0.460
the ore and the 22 0.410
footwall 24 0.355
26 0.305
28 0.250
30 0.190

The analysis using SLIDE showed that the most critical slip circle was relatively close to the
interpreted failure surface from measurements (see Figure 7.11), although the interpreted
surfaces do not conform exactly to a circular arc shape. However, it is also possible to fit a
circular arc to the existing inclinometer measurements, as is demonstrated in Figure 7.11.




No pyrite, High Water
Pyrite, c=0.5, fi=30, High Water
Cohesion [MPa]

0.30 Pyrite, c=1.0, fi=30, High Water

0.25 Pyrite c=2.3, fi=40, High Water

No pyrite, Dry Slope

Pyrite, c=0.5, fi=30, Dry
Pyrite, c=1.0, fi=30, Dry
Pyrite, c=2.3, fi=40, Dry

18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Friction Angle [°]

Figure 7.10 Back-calculated strengths for section 213 300, Aznalcollar footwall, using the
program SLIDE.

Figure 7.11 Comparison between interpreted failure surfaces (Geo-Engineering, 1997a)

and calculated critical slip circle(thick dashed line) using the program SLIDE,
for high water table (strength of pyrite ore: φ = 40°, c = 2.3 MPa; strength of
footwall: φ = 24°, c = 0.140 MPa).

The inclusion of a strong ore at the toe of the slope had a very large influence on the back-
calculated strengths for the footwall. Particularly for dry conditions and high strength pyrite
ore, a very small cohesion was required for stability. Under the assumptions of a partly
saturated slope, cohesion values were, in general, 0.15 to 0.20 MPa higher than for
completely dry conditions. Also, a change in the strength of the pyrite ore did not lead to
totally different strength values for the footwall (see Table 7.7 and Figure 7.10).

Based on the above, the following strength values appeared to be reasonable as input into the
numerical modeling:

φ = 24° c = 0.280 - 0.355 MPa,

φ = 26° c = 0.225 - 0.305 MPa,
φ = 28° c = 0.165 - 0.250 MPa.

The limit equilibrium analysis of the central footwall, carried out by Golder Associates (UK)
Ltd. (1995) introduced the concept of an active upper failure zone and a passive zone at the
toe (see Table 7.6). This was based purely on observed failure behavior — not on actually
observed material differences. Nevertheless, the obtained strength values for the passive
zone are relatively similar to the ones used above for the pyrite ore. Strength values for the
active zone are generally slightly lower in the analysis by Golder compared to the present
one. It is conceivable that, in reality, the passive zone represents a slice of pyrite ore being
left in the central footwall.

7.2.4 Numerical Modeling: Eastern Footwall

Model Set-Up

Modeling of section 213 300 in the eastern footwall required a relatively detailed model, due
to the small mining increments (see Figure 7.3). However, to reduce calculation times, it was
decided to construct a simplified model with a grid element size of 5 meters and only every
second mining increment of the final mining sequence explicitly included (see Figure 7.12).
The overall mining sequence of the simplified model is shown in Figure 7.13, with the pyrite
ore boundary and the water table shown in Figure 7.14. Note that the slope profile has been
somewhat simplified compared to the actual profile (compare with Figure 7.2). The position
of monitoring points in the model (for comparison with observations) is shown in Figure 7.15
(cf. Figure 7.1).

A summary of the conducted numerical analyses is given in Table 7.8. A few models were
run with a strain-softening constitutive model, but the majority of the models were analyzed
with a perfectly plastic (Mohr-Coulomb) constitutive relation. Furthermore, one analysis was
conducted with a ubiquitous joint model in which the joints represented the footwall foliation.


FLAC (Version 3.30)


6/23/1997 07:33
step 0 -1.000
2.926E+02 <x< 4.496E+02
-2.154E+02 <y< -5.847E+01
-110 m level
Grid plot -1.200
-125 m level
0 2E 1
Marked Gridpoints
-140 m level -1.400

-160 m level -1.600

-183 m level
Pyrite ore boundary


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 3.000 3.200 3.400 3.600 3.800 4.000 4.200 4.400

Figure 7.12 Grid and mining geometry of simplified model (5-meter grid size) of section
213 300 (close-up of final mining).

JOB TITLE : (*10^3)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .600


6/23/1997 07:32
step 0 .200
-7.028E+02 <x< 1.353E+03
-1.313E+03 <y< 7.428E+02 Ground surface

Boundary plot

0 5E 2
Marked Gridpoints
Pyrite ore boundary



Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -.400 .000 .400 .800 1.200

Figure 7.13 Mining sequence of simplified model of section 213 300.

JOB TITLE : Aznalcollar FWE E213.300. Mining geometry and water table. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30)


10/28/1997 12:38
step 15000
-1.000E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-3.250E+02 <y< 2.250E+02 .500

Boundary plot
Water table
0 1E 2
Marked Gridpoints -.500
Water Table
-80 m

-110 m

Footwall slate/schist -1.500

-160 m

-183 m

Pyrite ore -2.500

Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -.500 .500 1.500 2.500 3.500

Figure 7.14 Close-up of model geometry showing water table, pyrite ore boundary, and
mining increments.

JOB TITLE : Monitoring points
FLAC (Version 3.30)

LEGEND 1.250

6/23/1997 07:56 J1
step 0 .750

-5.000E+01 <x< 4.500E+02

-3.000E+02 <y< 2.000E+02
Boundary plot
0 1E 2 -.250

History Locations

E1 -1.250
-125 m
Extensometers -1.750
- 183 m


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -.250 .250 .750 1.250 1.750 2.250 2.750 3.250 3.750 4.250

Figure 7.15 Position of monitoring points in model of section 213 300.

Table 7.8 Summary of FLAC analyses of eastern footwall of the Aznalcollar pit.

Type of FLAC model Eastern Footwall

E 213 300
Strain-Softening: 5-meter grid size;
30-meter mining steps from +55 to -110 m,
15-20 meter steps from -110 to -183 (simplified);
varying strength, stiffness, groundwater, etc.
Perfectly Plastic (Mohr-Coulomb): 5-meter grid
size; mining down to -80 meter level in one step,
15-20 meter steps from -80 to -183 (simplified); X
varying strength properties, groundwater included,
ore boundary in footwall.
Ubiquitous Joint: Joint angle = foliation;
mining down to -80 meter level in one step,
15-20 meter steps from -80 to -183 (simplified); X
varying strength properties, groundwater included,
ore boundary in footwall.

Model Calibration

The strain-softening models were unable to reproduce the observed failure behavior. Local
failure with large shear strains occurred at the toe of the slope for virtually all mining stages.
This is not unreasonable; however, because of strength loss, some of these elements
deformed badly and the model could not be run further. Also, these local failures and
associated large movements tended to "overshadow" any large scale (overall) slope failure.
This, coupled with the uncertainties of determining softening parameters, led to the decision
to abandon strain-softening models in favor of perfectly plastic Mohr-Coulomb models. The
drawback of using a Mohr-Coulomb model is that multiple failure surfaces cannot be
visualized as clearly as in strain-softening models. These issues were discussed in detail in
Chapter 6.

Model calibration using the perfectly plastic Mohr-Coulomb models focused on achieving a
good correlation with the final failure developed in the eastern footwall. During actual
mining, displacements were relatively small up until the final mining cut (-183 meter level).
It is imaginable that this failure started to develop when final mining of the eastern pit was
initiated (-140 meter level). However, it was not fully developed until after mining to the
-183 meter level, with increasing displacements and visible fracturing. It is possible that
some movements had occurred already before the commencement of final mining, but these
were of unknown origin and magnitude.

Therefore, it was decided to mine the model first down to -80 meter depth, not permitting any
failure (other than elastic movements), and then to mine the model with "correct" strength
parameters down to the -183 meter level. This involved mining of the -110, -125, -140, -160,
and -183 meter levels (see Figure 7.14). Evaluation and interpretation of the eastern footwall
models were done for the four evaluation periods suggested by Geo-Engineering (1997a); see
Table 7.9. The corresponding mining steps in FLAC are also shown. Note that, due to model
simplifications, periods 2 and 3 had to be grouped together when comparing measured and
calculated displacements.

It should also be noted that, during Period 1, only displacement monitoring of surface points
in the upper portion of the slope was carried out (points PJ1 and PJ3 in section 213 300; see
Figure 7.15 and Figure 7.1). All other measurements commenced in Period 2. The
automated system for monitoring surface movements was taken out of operation on January
12, 1997. However, the accuracy of the measurement data from the last month of operation
is much lower (suggested accuracy ± 25-50 mm) than for previous periods (Geo-Engineering,
1998). This period (December 15, 1996 to January 12, 1997) is treated separately from the

others (see Table 7.9). In addition to these measurements, a manual survey of a few still
accessible survey points was conducted in April 1997 (Romedahl, 1997) — i.e., nearly seven
months after the completion of mining.

Table 7.9 Evaluation periods (Geo-Engineering, 1997a) and corresponding mining steps
in the FLAC model.

Time Period Start and stop-date Mining increments Corresponding

mining step in FLAC
Period 1 Nov 94 to end of April 95 -110 to -140 meter -110 to -140
Period 2 May 95 to end of March 96 -140 to -153 meter
-140 to -183
Period 3 April 96 to end of Sept 96 -153 to -183 meter
Period 4 Oct 96 to Dec 96 - 183 meter -183
(mining completed) (mining completed)
Period 4 Oct 96 to Dec 96 + - 183 meter -183
extended Dec 15, 96 to Jan 12, 97 (mining completed) (mining completed)

Model calibration started with the strength values for the footwall determined in Section
7.2.2, which were varied until a satisfactory agreement with observed failure behavior was
achieved. The results from five different sets of footwall strengths are briefly summarized

Case 1: Footwall strength: φ = 28°, c = 0.25 MPa

No failure occurred, except local yielding at the toe.

Case 2: Footwall strength: φ = 28°, c = 0.15 MPa

Local yielding at the toe, but no overall failure surface formed.

Case 3: Footwall strength: φ = 26°, c = 0.15 MPa

Failure started to develop for the -183 meter mining level. A "shear band" formed;
displacements increased but finally stabilized at a higher level.

Case 4: Footwall strength: φ = 25°, c = 0.15 MPa

A shear band of yielded material developed for the -160 meter mining step, but no dramatic
increase of displacements could be noted until mining down to the -183 meter level.
Furthermore, with continued timestepping in FLAC, displacements continued to increase (no
stabilization). This is believed to closely represent what actually happened during and after
mining. A typical time history of displacements versus mining step (and calculation
timesteps) is shown in Figure 7.16, which clearly indicates that the slope becomes unstable
after the final mining cut.

JOB TITLE : E213.300 (from -80). -183 m. FW SS: fi=25, c=0.15. High H20. HW: t=0.5. TOTAL.

FLAC (Version 3.30)

Horizontal displacement - PJ3

10/28/1997 08:21 .800

step 155000
Y-axis :
X displacement(158,133) .400
Y displacement(158,133)
X-axis :
Number of steps .200 - 80 m - 110 m - 125 m - 140 m - 160 m
- 183 m mining




Vertical displacement - PJ3

2 4 6 8 10 12 14

(10 )
Division of Rock Mechanics
Lulea University of Technology

Figure 7.16 Vertical and horizontal displacements for survey point J3 (PJ3); see Figure

Case 5: Footwall strength: φ = 24°, c = 0.15 MPa

A shear band already start to develop for the -140 meter mining step. Displacements showed
dramatic increase when mining down to -160 meter, unlike what was measured at the site.

Comparison with Observations

To summarize, a cohesion of 0.15 MPa and a friction angle of 25° (Case 4 above) gave the
best correlation with generally observed behavior. The "best-case" parameter values are
summarized in Table 7.10.

Table 7.10 Parameter values from calibration runs for the eastern footwall of the
Aznalcollar mine.

Footwall Ore and Hangingwall

Constitutive model Plastic, Mohr-Coulomb Plastic, Mohr-Coulomb
Young's modulus 15.8 GPa 100 GPa
Poisson's ratio 0.25 0.30
Cohesion 0.15 MPa 2.3 MPa
Friction angle 25° 40°
Tensile strength 0 MPa 0.5 MPa
Dilation angle 0° 0°

Calculated displacements for this case and for the -140 meter mining step are shown in
Figure 7.17. For this mining step, shear strains developed along the ore boundary as shown
in Figure 7.18 (see Figure 7.14 for position of the ore boundary). However, only sporadic
yielding occurred in the footwall (see Figure 7.19). With continued mining to the -160 meter
mining level, a band of actively yielding zones developed in the footwall (see Figure 7.20 and
Figure 7.21). Note that shear strains were still relatively small (less than 1 %). For the final
mining cut (-183 meter level), the failure surface has become slightly more deep-seated and
larger shear strains have developed (see Figure 7.22). Calculated displacements are larger
and also show the development of a failure (Figure 7.23).

In Figure 7.24, the same model has been run longer (more timesteps) and shear strains have
increased substantially. Furthermore, the failure surface extends through the ore to the toe of
the slope, thus "breaking" into the stronger ore material. Note that the failure surface in the
slope is in active shear failure (Figure 7.25) and that tensile failure occurs in the ore zone and
along the ore boundary, as well as at the slope crest. It should also be noted that the sense of
shearing is different along the ore boundary and along the base failure surface in the footwall.
Along the base failure surface, shearing is "down-dip", whereas the opposite is the case along
the ore boundary (see Figure 7.26).

JOB TITLE : E213.300 (from -80). -140 m. FW MC: fi=25, c=0.15. High H20. HW:t=0.5. TOTAL. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30)


10/28/1997 08:06
step 95000
-1.000E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-3.250E+02 <y< 2.250E+02 .500

Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 2.014E-01

0 5E -1
Boundary plot

0 1E 2



Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -.500 .500 1.500 2.500 3.500

Figure 7.17 Calculated displacement vectors using FLAC after mining down to the -140
meter level of the eastern footwall, section 213 300 (displacements are total
displacements counting from the -80 meter mining step).
JOB TITLE : E213.300 (from -80). -140 m. FW MC: fi=25, c=0.15. High H20. HW:t=0.5. TOTAL. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30)


10/31/1997 16:06
step 95000
-1.000E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-3.250E+02 <y< 2.250E+02 .500

Max. shear strain increment

1.50E-03 -.500

2.50E-03 shear strain > 0.003

Contour interval= 5.00E-04

Boundary plot

0 1E 2


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -.500 .500 1.500 2.500 3.500

Figure 7.18 Calculated shear strain using FLAC after mining down to the -140 meter level
of the eastern footwall, section 213 300 (shear strains are total values counting
from the -80 meter mining step).

JOB TITLE : E213.300 (from -80). -140 m. FW MC: fi=25, c=0.15. High H20. HW:t=0.5. TOTAL. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30)


10/28/1997 08:06
step 95000
-1.000E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-3.250E+02 <y< 2.250E+02 .500

Plasticity Indicator
* at yield in shear or vol.
X elastic, at yield in past
o at yield in tension
Boundary plot -.500

0 1E 2



Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -.500 .500 1.500 2.500 3.500

Figure 7.19 Plasticity indicators after mining down to the -140 meter level of the eastern
footwall, section 213 300.
JOB TITLE : E213.300 (from -80). -160 m. FW MC: fi=25 c=0.15. High H20. HW: t=0.5. TOTAL. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30)


10/28/1997 08:10
step 115000 Tensile failure
-1.000E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
Active shear failure (at yield)
-3.250E+02 <y< 2.250E+02 .500

Plasticity Indicator
* at yield in shear or vol.
X elastic, at yield in past
o at yield in tension
Boundary plot

0 1E 2

Tensile failure



Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -.500 .500 1.500 2.500 3.500

Figure 7.20 Plasticity indicators after mining down to the -160 meter level of the eastern
footwall, section 213 300.

JOB TITLE : E213.300 (from -80). -160 m. FW MC: fi=25 c=0.15. High H20. HW: t=0.5. TOTAL. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30)


10/31/1997 16:10
step 115000
-1.000E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-3.250E+02 <y< 2.250E+02 .500

Max. shear strain increment

1.50E-03 -.500

2.00E-03 Shear strain > 0.003


Contour interval= 5.00E-04

Boundary plot

0 1E 2


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -.500 .500 1.500 2.500 3.500

Figure 7.21 Calculated shear strain using FLAC after mining down to the-160 meter level
of the eastern footwall, section 213 300 (shear strains are total values counting
from the -80 meter mining step).
JOB TITLE : E213.300 (from -80). -183 m. FW SS: fi=25, c=0.15. High H20. HW: t=0.5. TOTAL.

FLAC (Version 3.30)


10/31/1997 16:14
step 135000
-1.000E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-3.250E+02 <y< 2.250E+02 .500

Max. shear strain increment

7.50E-03 -.500
shear strain > 0.0175
Contour interval= 2.50E-03
Boundary plot

0 1E 2


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -.500 .500 1.500 2.500 3.500

Figure 7.22 Calculated shear strain using FLAC after mining down to the -183 meter level
of the eastern footwall, section 213 300 (shear strains are total values counting
from the -80 meter mining step).

JOB TITLE : E213.300 (from -80). -183 m. FW SS: fi=25, c=0.15. High H20. HW: t=0.5. TOTAL.

FLAC (Version 3.30)


10/28/1997 08:15
step 135000
-1.000E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-3.250E+02 <y< 2.250E+02 .500

Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 7.515E-01

0 2E 0
Boundary plot

0 1E 2



Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -.500 .500 1.500 2.500 3.500

Figure 7.23 Calculated displacement vectors using FLAC. after mining down to the -183
meter level of the eastern footwall, section 213 300 (displacements are total
displacements counting from the -80 meter mining step).
JOB TITLE : E213.300 (from -80). -183 m. FW SS: fi=25, c=0.15. High H20. HW: t=0.5. TOTAL.

FLAC (Version 3.30)


10/31/1997 16:20
step 155000
-1.000E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-3.250E+02 <y< 2.250E+02 .500

Max. shear strain increment

shear strain > 0.03 -.500

Contour interval= 5.00E-03

Boundary plot

0 1E 2


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -.500 .500 1.500 2.500 3.500

Figure 7.24 Calculated shear strain using FLAC after mining down to the -183 meter level
of the eastern footwall, section 213 300, longer timestepping (continuing from
Figure 7.22).

JOB TITLE : E213.300 (from -80). -183 m. FW SS: fi=25, c=0.15. High H20. HW: t=0.5. TOTAL. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30)

LEGEND Tensile failure 1.500

10/28/1997 08:21 Active shear failure (at yield)

step 155000
-1.000E+02 <x< 4.500E+02
-3.250E+02 <y< 2.250E+02 .500

Plasticity Indicator
* at yield in shear or vol.
X elastic, at yield in past
o at yield in tension
Boundary plot
Tensile failure
0 1E 2



Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -.500 .500 1.500 2.500 3.500

Figure 7.25 Plasticity indicators after mining down to the -183 meter level of the eastern
footwall, section 213 300, longer timestepping.





Figure 7.26 Sense of shear movements in the models.


Figure 7.17 and Figure 7.23 show that the calculated displacements were oriented downward
and subparallel to the slope in the upper portion (approximately down to the -80 meter
mining level). For the lower portion of the slope, displacements were upward oriented. This
is consistent with measured displacements at the site. Calculated displacements at the
location of survey points PJ1, PJ3, and PJ5 (Figure 7.15) were compared with measured
displacements for the different evaluation periods in Table 7.9. These comparisons are
shown in Figure 7.27 to Figure 7.30.

Calculated displacements in FLAC are smaller than measured displacements for evaluation
period 1 (Figure 7.27), but the displacement vectors have the same orientation. For period 2
and 3 grouped together, both vector orientation and length are relatively similar when
comparing measured and calculated values (see Figure 7.28).

In period 4, which represents the state after completion of mining, displacements continue to
increase in the FLAC model (see Figure 7.16). To provide comparisons with measured
values, calculated values were retrieved from different timesteps in the FLAC model — in
this case, every 5000 timesteps. Results from period 4 are shown in Figure 7.29. In this case,
calculated displacements are compared with measured displacements during the period
October to December 1996. During the following month (up to January 12, 1997),
displacement increased significantly. This is shown in Figure 7.30, together with calculated
displacements (after an additional 15 000 timesteps in FLAC). The magnitude of calculated
and measured displacements is fairly similar. The displacement vector orientation is also
similar, except for survey point PJ5 (located at the toe), which shows more upward oriented
movements in the FLAC model than in the measurements. The latter can probably be
explained by the fact that the ore width is slightly exaggerated in the model, thus resulting in
more dilatant behavior of the toe zone.

It was also interesting to find that the measured displacement rates for survey points PJ1, PJ3,
and PJ5 increased significantly after the completion of mining. This was even more evident
when also incorporating the manually measured displacements in April, 1997 (Romedahl,
1997). The latter measurements were done on only seven points, one of which was in section
213 300. With the exception of two points farther east, all these survey points showed total
displacements of around 4 to 5 meters between January and April 1997. The average
displacement rates during Periods 3 and 4 and the continuation of period 4 are shown in
Figure 7.31. It is difficult to exactly compare this with the calculations, since actual time is
not simulated in the models. However, the model became unstable after the final mining cut,
as shown in Figure 7.16, which compares qualitatively well with the measured increase in
displacement rate in Period 4, shown in Figure 7.31.

Period 1


Vertical Vector Component [mm]



20 PJ1 - FLAC
10 PJ5 - FLAC
PJ1 Measured
0 PJ3 Measured




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Northerly Vector Component [mm]

Figure 7.27 Measured and calculated (using the parameter values in Table 7.10)
displacements for selected survey points and for Period 1.

Period 2 and 3
Note: Calculated displacements
400 from FLAC are dependent on
from which timestep the values
300 are being taken (unstable model
after mining to -183 m)
Vertical Vector Component [mm]


PJ1 Measured
-200 PJ3 Measured
PJ5 Measured



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Northerly Vector Component [mm]

Figure 7.28 Measured and calculated (using the parameter values in Table 7.10)
displacements for selected survey points and for Periods 2 and 3.

Period 4 (140 000 timesteps in FLAC)

Note: Calculated displacements from
FLAC are dependent on from which
timestep the values are being taken
Vertical Vector Component [mm]

50 (unstable model)

PJ1 Measured
-50 PJ3 Measured
PJ5 Measured


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Northerly Vector Component [mm]

Figure 7.29 Measured and calculated (using the parameter values in Table 7.10)
displacements for selected survey points and for Period 4 (Oct to Dec 1996).

Period 4 extended to January 12, -97

(155 000 timesteps in FLAC)

Note: Calculated displacements from
FLAC are dependent on from which
Vertical Vector Component [mm]

timestep the values are being taken

(unstable model)

0 PJ3 - FLAC
PJ1 Measured
-200 PJ3 Measured
PJ5 Measured


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Northerly Vector Component [mm]

Figure 7.30 Measured and calculated (using the parameter values in Table 7.10)
displacements for selected points and for Period 4 extended to Jan 12, 1997.

Displacement Rate


Displacement Rate [mm/day]


30.0 PJ1 Measured

PJ3 Measured
PJ5 Measured



Period 3 (April to Period 4 (October to Period 4 continued Period 4 continued
September -96) December -96) (Dec 15,-96 to Jan (Jan 12 to April 21, -
12, -97) 97)
Evaluation Periods

Figure 7.31 Measured average displacement rates in periods 3 and 4 for survey points in
section 213 300.

In summary, it is concluded that the general agreement between measured and calculated
slope response is good. However, it is important to realize that the "best-case" parameter
values arrived at here are not unique. Another set of slightly different parameters values
could also give the same good agreement with measurements and observations.
Nevertheless, the mechanism leasing to these results would be the same. Thus, these
modeling results have identified a plausible mechanism for the behavior of the eastern
footwall. Furthermore, the order of magnitude for the strength parameters has been

The calculated and observed failure surfaces can also be compared. Figure 7.32 shows the
final failure surface in FLAC inferred from the accumulation of shear strain, along with the
failure surfaces interpreted from observations and measurements at the site (Geo-
Engineering, 1997a). The failure surface in the FLAC model was more deep-seated and also
daylighted farther back at the crest of the slope, compared to the observed failure surface.

The inclinometer measurements also indicated the presence of an upper, more shallow failure
surface. This was not visible after the final mining step (-183 meter) in the FLAC model.
However, the final failure surface started to develop during the -160 meter mining step (see
Figure 7.21), occurring approximately at the location of the interpreted upper failure surface
(see Figure 7.32). Thus, a possible explanation is that this was an intermediate failure
surface, which subsequently moved into the slope as the failure developed fully.

Figure 7.32 Interpreted failure surfaces from observations (dashed lines) and calculated
failure surfaces using FLAC (solid lines) for section 213 300 of the eastern
Aznalcollar footwall, also showing the pyrite ore boundary as simulated in

The inclinometer measurements can also be compared directly with the modeling results.
Measured horizontal displacements using inclinometers I3, I1 and I4 are shown in Figure
7.33. Inclinometer I1 was found to be too short; hence, an additional inclinometer, I4, was

installed at the toe (same mining level) but offset 75 meters to the west, during August 1996.
At this time, inclinometer I3 had already ceased to function (last reading in May 1996).
Comparisons between inclinometer readings from I3 and surface displacements showed that
I3 had recorded smaller displacements before it stopped working. This indicates that
inclinometer I3 was too short to record the most deep-seated failure surface. In any case, it
cannot be used for deducing the location of the final failure surface, which developed after I3
ceased to function.

In FLAC, one can plot inclinometer data for longer inclinometer lengths, which can be used
to compare against recorded displacements. The locations of installed inclinometers (I1, I3,
I4), along with the longer inclinometers used in FLAC are shown in Figure 7.34. The
recorded displacements in Figure 7.33 can now be compared with calculated displacements at
the inclinometer position I3 in Figure 7.35 and inclinometer positions I1 and I4 in Figure
7.36. The agreement for inclinometers I1 and I4 at the toe of the slope is fair, particularly for
I1. For inclinometer I3, calculated displacements indicate a more deep-seated failure than the
measurements did, as could be expected. The intermediate, upper failure surface (see Figure
7.21 and Figure 7.32) was not visible in the model once the more deep-seated final failure
surface had developed.

To further investigate the influence of the pyrite ore on the slope behavior and recorded
displacements, additional "inclinometers" were used in the FLAC model, as shown in Figure
7.37. Horizontal displacements along positions a through f are shown in Figure 7.38.
Position a gives results similar to those at inclinometer positions I1 and I4 (compare Figure
7.38 and Figure 7.33). At position b, a "kink" can be seen in the displacement profile. This
is also evident for position c. Both these "inclinometers" go through the ore zone and out into
the footwall rocks and the "kink" corresponds roughly to the location of the ore boundary (see
Figure 7.37). As one moves away from the ore boundary and toward the upper portion of the
slope, this "kink" is less distinct (compare positions d, e, and f in Figure 7.38).

Although this displacement profile has not been recorded in the eastern footwall, it has been
seen in earlier measurements in the central footwall. A distinct "kink" and a displacement
profile resembling a "boot" were recorded during 1989 by inclinometers in the central
footwall. This will be explored in more detail in Section 7.2.5, where the central footwall is
discussed explicitly.

a) I3 b) I1 c) I4

Figure 7.33 Measured horizontal displacement from inclinometers (Geo-Engineering,

1997b); a) Inclinometer I3, b) Inclinometer I1, c) Inclinometer I4.

Figure 7.34 Observed and calculated (using FLAC) failure surfaces for section 213 300 of
the eastern Aznalcollar footwall, also showing the pyrite ore boundary as
simulated in FLAC and the location of installed inclinometers.

Horizontal displacement [m]










Depth [m]


Figure 7.35 Calculated horizontal displacement (using FLAC) at the position of

inclinometer I3 but for a length of 200 meters (Installed I3 is 120 meters
long.), in the eastern footwall of the Aznalcollar pit.

a) I1 b) I4
Horizontal displacement [m] Horizontal displacement [m]
















Depth [m] Depth [m]








Figure 7.36 Calculated horizontal displacement (using FLAC) at the position of:
a) inclinometer I1 but for a length of 100 meters (installed I1 is 65 meters
long), b) inclinometer I4 and for a length of 120 meters (installed length 120
meters), in the eastern footwall of the Aznalcollar pit.

Figure 7.37 Additional "inclinometer positions" (a through f) used for evaluation of slope
movements in the FLAC model of section 213 300 of the Aznalcollar pit.

Horizontal displacement [m] Horizontal displacement [m] Horizontal displacement [m]

a b c
























Depth [m]
Depth [m]

Depth [m]







Horizontal displacement [m] Horizontal displacement [m] Horizontal displacement [m]
d e f



































Depth [m] Depth [m]


Depth [m]












Figure 7.38 Calculated horizontal displacements (using FLAC) at positions a through f in Figure 7.37. (Note the different displacement

Influence of Foliation

A ubiquitous joint model of the eastern footwall was also analyzed. This was aimed
particularly at investigating whether the presence of the foliation could be linked directly to
the observed failures. In this model, the footwall foliation was simulated as ubiquitous joints
dipping at 55° (average foliation dip). The joint strength was estimated from Table 4.1 as
φj = 22°, cj = 0. The intact rock was represented as a perfectly plastic material with a friction
angle of 26° and cohesion of 0.15 MPa (see also Table 7.11). Analysis was conducted for the
same mining steps as described above.

Table 7.11 Parameter values from calibration runs for the Aznalcollar mine using a
ubiquitous joint model.

Footwall Ore and Hangingwall

Constitutive model Ubiquitous joint, plastic Plastic, Mohr-Coulomb
Intact Rock Properties
Young's modulus 15.8 GPa 100 GPa
Poisson's ratio 0.25 0.30
Cohesion 0.15 MPa 2.3 MPa
Friction angle 26° 40°
Tensile strength 0 MPa 0.5 MPa
Dilation angle 0° 0°
Ubiquitous Joint Properties
Joint angle (dip) 55° (steeper than slope)
Cohesion 0 MPa
Friction angle 22°
Tensile strength 0 MPa
Dilation angle 0°

The results showed larger displacements for the first few mining steps (down to the -125
meter level). After this, the ubiquitous joint model showed smaller displacements than the
calibrated Mohr-Coulomb model. Displacements were also oriented more upward at the toe
(see Figure 7.39). Otherwise, the overall displacement pattern was not dramatically different
compared to the Mohr-Coulomb model (Figure 7.23). Calculated displacements at selected
survey points confirmed that the ubiquitous joint model gave smaller magnitudes (see Figure
7.40). The displacement vector orientations differed slightly compared to measured values.

JOB TITLE : E213.300. -183 m. FW Ubi 55 deg. fi=26, c=0.15, jfi=22. High H20. HW: t=0.5. TO (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30)

LEGEND 1.250

10/30/1997 15:01
step 135000 .750

-5.000E+01 <x< 4.500E+02

-3.000E+02 <y< 2.000E+02
Ubiquitous joints
Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 7.063E-01
0 2E 0
Boundary plot

0 1E 2





Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -.250 .250 .750 1.250 1.750 2.250 2.750 3.250 3.750 4.250

Figure 7.39 Calculated displacement vectors using FLAC and a ubiquitous joint model
after mining down to the-183 meter level of the eastern footwall, section 213
300 (displacements are total displacements counting from the -80 meter
mining step; parameter values according to Table 7.11).
Period 2 and 3


Vertical Vector Component [mm]

-100 PJ1 - FLAC

PJ1 Measured
PJ3 Measured
-300 PJ5 Measured

-400 Note: Calculated displacements from

FLAC are dependent on from which
timestep the values are being taken
-500 (unstable model after mining to -183

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Northerly Vector Component [mm]

Figure 7.40 Measured and calculated (using the parameter values in Table 7.11 and a
ubiquitous joint model in FLAC) displacements for selected survey points and
for Periods 2 and 3.

The inclinometer response at the toe (inclinometer I1, I4) was relatively similar in the
ubiquitous joint model compared to the Mohr-Coulomb model, but only for mining down to
the -160 meter level. More importantly, no overall failure surface developed in the
ubiquitous joint model with continued mining. Displacements increased slightly with time,
but no dramatic increase after the final mining cut could be seen, unlike what was observed
and measured in the pit.

The orientation of the foliation relative to the slope face made the footwall slope a candidate
for exhibiting "underdip" toppling, as described in Chapter 6. From the beginning, the
displacement pattern was also similar to that of "underdip" toppling failure. However, with
continued mining, no base failure surface developed in these models, contrary to actual
observations at the site. In conclusion, the ubiquitous joint model did not agree well with
measurements and observations. This is a further indication that the observed failure is a
shear (circular) failure. The models suggested that foliation plays a less dominant role in the
initiation of failure at Aznalcollar. However, it is also plausible that the failure mechanism
(on a small scale) in a foliated rock mass is not accurately reproduced in the current
ubiquitous joint models.

Inferred Failure Mechanism

The modeling results have indicated a plausible mechanism for the observed failure in the
eastern footwall. Four stages could be identified, which are shown in Figure 7.41 and
described as follows.

I. Active yielding develops along a band going from the ore boundary to the crest of the
slope for the -160 meter mining step (critical slope height). Displacements are still
small (only slightly larger than elastic displacements). An upper failure surface could
also have developed previously, daylighting above the ore boundary, since there is
nothing restraining this portion of the slope.

II. As mining continues to the -183 meter level, shear strain starts to accumulate in the
yielded zone. Shear strain accumulation starts from the ore boundary and spreads
toward the crest. Displacements have increased slightly but are still small (less than
0.3 meter in this case). Shear strain also accumulates along the ore boundary as the
ore starts to move slightly upward relative to the footwall schist.

III. A failure surface has formed from the ore boundary to the crest of the slope. This
portion of the footwall is moving downward (translational movements), forcing the
toe zone (pyrite ore) to rotate out and toward the pit. Tensile bending failure is
induced in the ore.

IV. The failing footwall continues to translate, thus forcing the ore zone to move out
toward the open pit. Toe displacement vectors change orientation, becoming
essentially horizontal (only partially inferred from models, but supported by
measurements). Shear failure occurs in the ore zone as it is being pushed out. Thus, a
failure surface going from the toe to the crest form.

The failure sequence is quite complex and involves several interacting processes. In this
particular case, the failure surface did not develop from the toe of the slope and upward, as
was found in Chapter 6. However, in Chapter 6, only homogeneous slopes (one material)
were simulated, whereas, in this case, the presence of the strong and stiff ore zone altered the
behavior. Nevertheless, shear strain accumulation in the footwall schist initiated at the ore
boundary, where stresses were largest, and spread toward the crest.

During the development of this failure surface (stages I and II), displacement within the slope
were still quite small (less than 0.3 meter). This is approximately equivalent to an average
strain of less than 1 %. Some of these movements can thus be accommodated within the rock
mass, before failure breaks through the ore zone at the toe.

The restraining effect of the ore zone is a key factor in this case. Modeling results showed
that the compressive stress acting across the pyrite boundary was around 2 to 3 MPa
(perpendicular to the ore boundary). This amount of support pressure is difficult to achieve
through artificial support such as rock bolts.

It was also interesting to find that the development of failure occurred over a relatively long
period of time, possibly starting with the mining of the -140 meter mining level and
continuing relatively long after the cessation of mining. Dumping of waste material into the
pit commenced shortly after mining was completed. In spite of the potential supporting
effect of the waste rock, particularly at the toe zone, the slope continued to move. As was
mentioned earlier, measured displacements in April 1997 (almost 7 months after the final
blast) indicated movements of about 4 to 5 meters in the upper portion of the slope
(Romedahl, 1997).



  P   P












!  P




Figure 7.41 Summary of possible failure development in the eastern footwall of the
Aznalcollar mine, as inferred from observations and modeling results.

The models indicated that the slope became unstable, which is not surprising. Once failure
has broken through the ore buttress, there is nothing restraining the failing mass. This is also
in agreement with the measured increase in displacement rate; however, the backfilled waste
rock prevented accelerated displacements in the toe zone. Thus, an uncontrollable and rapid
failure could have resulted had the pit not been backfilled.

7.2.5 Numerical Modeling: Central Footwall

Model Set-Up

Several different models were used for analysis of the central footwall (see Table 7.12).
Strain-softening and ubiquitous joint models were run with the model geometry shown in
Figure 7.42. A further simplified model in terms of geometry, but with the inclusion of the
ore boundary and a water table, was used for the Mohr-Coulomb models, as shown in Figure
7.43. This model was used for most of the analyses and for comparisons with measured
displacements. Altogether, 10 mining steps were included in the model, as shown in Figure
7.44. The locations of monitoring points (surface survey reflectors and inclinometers) are
shown in Figure 7.45 (compare with Figure 7.4).

Table 7.12 Summary of FLAC analyses of the central footwall of the Aznalcollar pit.

Type of FLAC model Central Footwall

E 212 850 -
213 000
Strain-Softening: 5-meter grid size;
30-meter mining steps (+55 m to -110 m); X
varying strength for calibration. No groundwater.
Ubiquitous Joint: Joint angle = foliation;
30-meter mining steps (+55 m to -110 m). X
No groundwater, no ore in footwall.
Perfectly Plastic (Mohr-Coulomb): 5-meter grid
size; 6 to 10 mining steps, varying strength
properties, groundwater included. Varying location
of ore boundary (four cases).

JOB TITLE : (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) 1.500

+ 96 meter level
Hangingwall pushbacks
2/11/1997 13:38
step 0
-1.000E+01 <x< 7.900E+02 -15 meter level
-6.000E+02 <y< 2.000E+02 -.500

Boundary plot

0 2E 2 -1.500

-155 meter level

Marked Gridpoints





Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology .500 1.500 2.500 3.500 4.500 5.500 6.500 7.500

Figure 7.42 Simulated mining geometry for the central footwall, cross-section 212 850, of
the Aznalcollar pit. (Note that the entire model is not shown; it extends farther
out both to the left and right.)
JOB TITLE : Aznalcollar Central Footwall. Mining geometry.

FLAC (Version 3.30)


+110 meter
1/15/1998 15:09
step 0
-1.500E+02 <x< 8.000E+02
-6.500E+02 <y< 3.000E+02 .000

Boundary plot
0 2E 2
Marked Gridpoints -125 meter



Pyrite ore boundary (maximum-Case 2)


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000

Figure 7.43 Simulated mining geometry for the central footwall, cross-section 212 850 -
213 000, of the Aznalcollar pit. Note that the entire model is not shown; it
extends farther out both to the left and right.)

JOB TITLE : Aznalcollar Central Footwall. Mining geometry. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30)



1/15/1998 15:09
step 0 1.500

-1.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02

-3.000E+02 <y< 3.000E+02

Boundary plot + 70 m
0 1E 2 + 40 m
+ 10 m
Marked Gridpoints
- 20 m
-50 m -.500

- 80 m
-95 m
-110 m

-125 m -1.500


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 7.44 Close-up of model geometry showing pyrite ore boundary and mining
increments of the central footwall.
JOB TITLE : Aznalcollar Central Footwall. Monitoring points.

FLAC (Version 3.30)


Survey points Photogrammetry points
1/15/1998 15:14
step 0 1.500

-1.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02

-3.000E+02 <y< 3.000E+02 P2/1
11 P2/2
Boundary plot P2/3
PE (+25) .500
0 1E 2 39 P2/4
49 P2/5
History Locations Inclinometer I5
62 PE (-35)
P2/7 -.500


Inclinometer I4



Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 7.45 Position of monitoring points in model the central footwall. (Points # 11, 39,
49, and 62 are photogrammetry points; all others are surface prisms.)

Model Calibration and Comparisons with Observations

Model calibration using strain-softening models showed that it was possible to simulate
multiple failures, but that relatively low strengths were required to produce a failure surface
that compared favorable with both the earlier (1983) and the later (1988-1992) observed
failures. An example of calculated displacements and shear strains for mining between the
-80 and -110 meter levels are shown in Figure 7.46 and Figure 7.47. In this case, a friction
angle of 22° (same peak and residual value) was used for the footwall schist. The peak
cohesion was 0.20 MPa, with a residual cohesion of zero reached after 0.1 % of plastic strain.

The lack of water table in this model can partly explain the low strengths. It should also be
noted that this model was not calibrated in detail against the magnitude of measured
displacements. The generally observed upward oriented movements at the toe of the slope
were not reproduced in this model. This indicates that one or several important features of
the footwall were missing in the model.

Additional analysis using a ubiquitous joint model with joints oriented in the direction of the
foliation (approximately 55° dip) and with a joint friction angle of 15° did not produce any
overall failure surfaces, similar to what was found for the eastern footwall.

The effect of the pyrite ore boundary potentially being located in the footwall was quantified
using perfectly plastic (Mohr-Coulomb) models. The four cases shown in Figure 7.6 were
analyzed and compared with measured displacements and observed failures. The models
were calibrated to reproduce failures, starting with the 1987 year failure (-80 meter mining
level; see Table 7.1). Once failure developed in the models, they were run until calculated
displacements agreed with measured displacements. The evaluation periods and the
corresponding mining steps are shown in Table 7.13. No measurement data were available
for the pre-1987 failures.

Initially, the "best-case" strength values for the eastern footwall were used (see Table 7.10).
To produce failure, slightly lower strengths were required, as shown in Table 7.14. The
results from each of the four cases simulating different locations of the orebody boundary are
summarized in the following.

JOB TITLE : Aznal FWC E212.850.0. FW SS: 22/22, 0.20/0, 10/10. e_p=0.1 %. Nov -88, -110 m. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30)

LEGEND 1.750

3/17/1997 09:03
step 83000 1.250

-1.000E+02 <x< 4.000E+02

-2.500E+02 <y< 2.500E+02
Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 1.162E+01
0 2E 1
Boundary plot

0 1E 2





Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -.750 -.250 .250 .750 1.250 1.750 2.250 2.750 3.250 3.750

Figure 7.46 Calculated displacement vectors using FLAC and the model in Figure 7.42
(displacements are incremental values for the mining step from the -80 to -110
meter level).
JOB TITLE : Aznal FWC E212.850.0. FW SS: 22/22, 0.20/0, 10/10. e_p=0.1 %. Nov -88, -110 m. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30)

LEGEND 1.750

3/17/1997 09:02
step 83000 1.250

-1.000E+02 <x< 4.000E+02

-2.500E+02 <y< 2.500E+02
Max. shear strain increment
5.00E-02 .250
2.00E-01 -.250

Contour interval= 5.00E-02

Boundary plot

0 1E 2


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -.750 -.250 .250 .750 1.250 1.750 2.250 2.750 3.250 3.750

Figure 7.47 Calculated shear strain using FLAC and the model in Figure 7.42 (shear strains
are incremental values for the mining step from the -80 to -110 meter level).

Table 7.13 Evaluation periods, type of measurement data, and corresponding mining steps
in the FLAC model of the central footwall (partly from Golder Associates,
1989a, 1990, 1992).

Time Period Start and stop-date Type of measurements Mining step in FLAC
Period 1 March 87 to January 88 Aerial -80 to -95 meter
Period A August 88 to July 89 Surface prisms,
inclinometers (only -95 to -110 meter
part of this period)
Period B July 89 to June 90 Surface prisms -110 meter cont.
Period C June 90 to December 92 Surface prisms -110 to -125 meter
Period D December 92 to 95 None -125 m HW Pushback

Table 7.14 Parameter values from calibration runs for the central footwall of the
Aznalcollar mine.

Footwall Ore and Hangingwall

Constitutive model Plastic, Mohr-Coulomb Plastic, Mohr-Coulomb
Young's modulus 15.8 GPa 100 GPa
Poisson's ratio 0.25 0.30
Cohesion 0.05 MPa 2.3 MPa
Friction angle 25° 40°
Tensile strength 0 MPa 0.5 MPa
Dilation angle 0° 0°

Case 1: No ore in the footwall

Failure occurred for every new mining step, starting with the -80 meter mining level.
However, the model could not be run for the last mining steps, due to locally exaggerated
displacement at the toe.

Case 2: Maximum ore in the footwall

Failure developed for the -80 meter mining level, daylighting just above the ore boundary.
With continued mining of the -95, -110 and -125 meter mining levels, this failure showed

increasing displacements, but no new failure surfaces developed below this one (see Figure
7.48), although some yielding occurred along the ore boundary (Figure 7.49). This was the
case even for a tested set of lower strengths for the pyrite (φ = 35°, c = 0.5 MPa).

Case 3: Ore slice from -55 to -125 m in the footwall

Failure developed first for the -80 meter mining level. With continued mining, displacement
increased, but no new failure surfaces formed until mining of the -125 meter level. At this
stage, a failure initiated from the toe, propagating below the ore zone and toward the crest of
the slope. Thus, two failure surfaces occurred simultaneously in the model, as shown in
Figure 7.50 to Figure 7.52.

The resulting failure surfaces resemble the observed failure surfaces in cross-section 212 850
of the central footwall (compare Figure 7.4 with Figure 7.53). However, the failure surface
indicated by the FLAC models is more deep-seated. This is amply shown by comparing
inclinometer data with calculated horizontal displacements (see Figure 7.54 and Figure 7.55).
Note that, in this case, calculated displacements have been extracted from a previous
calculation stage in FLAC, and for mining to the -110 meter level, to correspond to the period
during which inclinometer measurements were conducted. The computed displacements for
inclinometer I5 agree well with the measured ones, but with a more deep-seated movement
base in the model. By plotting calculated displacements for a longer inclinometer, one finds
that the failure surface is located at approximately 50 - 60 meters below the slope face (see
Figure 7.56). At the later mining stage (-125 meter), two surfaces were visible. In the upper
portion of the slope, these two virtually coalesced into one, as the grid size used in the models
was too coarse for separating them.

The measured displacements for inclinometer I5 can also be compared with measured surface
displacements. Inclinometer I5 was located between survey points P2/4 and P2/5 (see Figure
7.4 and Figure 7.45). Both these points showed an increase in horizontal displacement of
around 150 - 170 mm during the same period that inclinometer I5 was active (data from
Golder Associates, 1989a). The maximum horizontal displacement recorded by the
inclinometer was approximately 115 mm. This is an indication that the inclinometer might
have been too short to reach the base of movements, thus recording smaller displacements
than those exhibited by the surface points. Therefore, it is possible that the real failure
surface was more deep-seated, as suggested by the numerical model.

JOB TITLE : Central Footwall: -125 m. FW: fi=25 c=0.050 t=0. HW: fi=35 c=0.5 t=0.5. TOTAL. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30)



5/28/1998 09:40
step 140000 1.500

-1.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02

-3.000E+02 <y< 3.000E+02

Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 8.193E+00 .500

0 2E 1
Boundary plot

0 1E 2 -.500


Ore boundary


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 7.48 Calculated displacement vectors for Case 2 of the central footwall, using
FLAC, after mining down to the -125 meter level (displacements are total
displacements starting with the -80 meter mining step).
JOB TITLE : Central Footwall: -125 m. FW: fi=25 c=0.050 t=0. HW: fi=35 c=0.5 t=0.5. TOTAL. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30)



5/28/1998 09:39
step 140000 1.500

-1.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02

-3.000E+02 <y< 3.000E+02

Plasticity Indicator
* at yield in shear or vol. .500
X elastic, at yield in past
o at yield in tension
Boundary plot

0 1E 2 -.500



Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 7.49 Plasticity indicators for Case 2 after mining down to the -125 meter level of
the central footwall, section 212 850.

JOB TITLE : Central Footwall: -125 m. FW: fi=25 c=0.050 t=0. Ore -125: fi=40 c=2.3 t=0.5. T (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30)



5/28/1998 08:51
step 140000 1.500

-1.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02

-3.000E+02 <y< 3.000E+02

Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 1.186E+01 .500

0 2E 1
Boundary plot

0 1E 2 -.500

Ore slice in footwall


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 7.50 Calculated displacement vectors for Case 3 of the central footwall, using
FLAC, after mining down to the -125 meter level (displacements are total
displacements starting with the -80 meter mining step).
JOB TITLE : Central Footwall: -125 m. FW: fi=25 c=0.050 t=0. Ore -125: fi=40 c=2.3 t=0.5. T (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30)



5/28/1998 09:12
step 140000 1.500

-1.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02

-3.000E+02 <y< 3.000E+02

Max. shear strain increment

0.00E+00 .500
1.25E-01 -.500

Contour interval= 2.50E-02

Boundary plot

0 1E 2


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 7.51 Calculated shear strain for Case 3 of the central footwall, using FLAC, after
mining down to the -125 meter level (shear strains are total values starting
with the -80 meter mining step).

JOB TITLE : Central Footwall: -125 m. FW: fi=25 c=0.050 t=0. Ore -125: fi=40 c=2.3 t=0.5. T

FLAC (Version 3.30)



5/28/1998 09:00
step 140000 1.500

-1.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02

-3.000E+02 <y< 3.000E+02

Plasticity Indicator
* at yield in shear or vol. .500
X elastic, at yield in past
o at yield in tension
Boundary plot

0 1E 2 -.500



Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 7.52 Plasticity indicators for Case 3 after mining down to the -125 meter level of
the central footwall, section 212 850.

Figure 7.53 Calculated (using FLAC) failure surfaces Case 3 of the central footwall, also
showing the pyrite ore boundary as simulated in FLAC, location of installed
inclinometers, and the longer ones used in FLAC (compare with Figure 7.4).

a) I5 b) I4
Horizontal displacement [m] Horizontal displacement [m]

















Inclinometer I4
Inclinometer I5


Depth [m] Depth [m]





Figure 7.54 Calculated horizontal displacement for Case 3 (using FLAC) at the position of:
a) inclinometer I5, and b) inclinometer I4, in the central footwall of the
Aznalcollar pit after mining to the -110 meter level (see Figure 7.53 for
locations of inclinometers).
a) I5 b) I4

Figure 7.55 Measured horizontal displacement from inclinometers: a) inclinometer I5, and
b) inclinometer I4, in the central footwall of the Aznalcollar pit (Golder
Associates, 1989a).

Horizontal displacement [m]







Depth [m]

Inclinometer I5 - longer

Figure 7.56 Calculated horizontal displacement for Case 3 (using FLAC) at the position of
inclinometer I5 in the central footwall (mining to the -110 meter level), but for
a length of 100 meters (installed I5 is 44 meters).

For inclinometer I4, calculated displacements are significantly smaller than those measured.
The recorded "boot-shaped" displacement profile of inclinometer I4 (see Figure 7.55 b) could
only partly be reproduced in the model. In the model, larger displacements had already
developed by the mining of the -80 meter level, but these increased relatively slowly with
new mining steps — hence, the small displacements in Figure 7.54. With failure below the
ore zone at the -125 meter level, displacements within the pyrite zone increased drastically.
Total horizontal displacements at the position of inclinometer I4 at the end of mining is
shown in Figure 7.57.

Comparisons of measured (Golder Associates, 1989a, 1990, 1992) and calculated

displacement vectors for cross-section 212 850, are shown in Figure 7.58 to Figure 7.61 (see
Figure 7.45 for location of monitoring points). The general agreement regarding vector
orientation is good with the exception of a few of the toe points, for which the upward
oriented movement could not be reproduced in FLAC. Note that the displacement
magnitudes have been calibrated against measured values; hence, these two should be equal.

Horizontal displacement [m]








Inclinometer I4

Depth [m]

Figure 7.57 Calculated horizontal displacement for Case 3 (using FLAC) at the position of
inclinometer I4, after mining to the -125 meter level in the central footwall.

Photogrammetry Vectors
Period 1 (March 1987 to January 1988)

Vertical Vector Component [mm]

Point 11 FLAC
Point 39 FLAC
-500 Point 49 FLAC
Point 62 FLAC
Point 11 Measured
-1000 Point 39 Measured
Point 49 Masured
Point 62 Measured


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Horizontal Vector Component

Figure 7.58 Comparison of measured and calculated displacements for Case 3 (using
parameter values in Table 7.14) for selected survey points in section 212 850
(Period 1: Mining from -80 to -95 meter mining level).

Surface Survey Reflector Stations

Period A (from August 1988 to October 1989)

Vertical Vector Component [mm]

-400 P2/2 FLAC

-600 P2/5 & P2/6 FLAC
P2/2 Measured
-800 P2/3 Measured
P2/4 Measured
P2/5 Measured
-1000 P2/6 Measured


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Horizontal Vector Component

Figure 7.59 Comparison of measured and calculated displacements for Case 3 (using
parameter values in Table 7.14) for selected survey points in section 212 850
(Period A: Mining from -95 to -110 meter mining level).

Surface Survey Reflector Stations

Period B (only from November 6, 1989 to January 15, 1990)


Vertical Vector Component [mm]

P2/5 & P2/6 FLAC
PE (+25m) FLAC
0 PE (-35 m) FLAC
-500 P2/3 Measured
P2/4 Measured
-1000 P2/5 Measured
P2/6 Measured
PE (+25 m) Measured
PE (-35 m) Measured
P1/9 Measured

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Horizontal Vector Component

Figure 7.60 Comparison of measured and calculated displacements for Case 3 (using
parameter values in Table 7.14) for selected survey points in section 212 850
(Period B: Continued calculation for the -110 meter mining level).

Surface Survey Reflector Stations

Period C (only July 1992)

Vertical Vector Component [mm]

-1000 P2/3 FLAC
-1500 P2/5 FLAC
PE (+25m) FLAC
P2/2 Measured
-2000 P2/3 Measured
P2/4 Measured
-2500 P2/5 Measured
PE (+25 m) Measured


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Horizontal Vector Component

Figure 7.61 Comparison of measured and calculated displacements for Case 3 (using
parameter values in Table 7.14) for selected survey points in section 212 850
(Period C: Mining from -110 to -125 meter mining level).

Case 4: Thin ore zone in the footwall

This case exhibits virtually the same behavior as Case 2, with one important exception — for
the final mining step (-125 meter), yielding also occurred within the ore zone. This occurred
for a reduced set of the pyrite-ore strength (φ = 35°, c = 0.5 MPa); see Figure 7.62. In
addition, shear strain started to accumulate along a path through the ore buttress (see Figure
7.63). Neither of these occurred for the same strength set in Case 2 (thicker pyrite zone).
The mechanism resembles that observed in the eastern footwall models. However, failure did
not develop fully in Case 4, as displacements in the toe zone still were small (Figure 7.64).

Calculated and measured displacements are compared in Figure 7.65 through Figure 7.68.
The agreement is fair for periods 1, A, and B, although calculated displacements are slightly
smaller than measured displacements due to poorer calibration. For period C, calculated
values are about an order of magnitude smaller, as a result of failure not having developed
fully in the model. An even thinner pyrite zone in the footwall could conceivably have led to
a fully developed failure. This would have required a much more detailed model, with
smaller grid size, and was not pursued within this project.

JOB TITLE : Central Footwall: -125 m. FW: fi=25 c=0.050 t=0. HW: fi=35 c=0.5 t=0.5. TOTAL. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30)



7/02/1998 17:27
step 140000 1.500

-1.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02

-3.000E+02 <y< 3.000E+02 Tensile failure

Plasticity Indicator
* at yield in shear or vol. .500
X elastic, at yield in past Active shear failure (at yield)
o at yield in tension
Boundary plot

0 1E 2 -.500
Pyrite ore boundary



Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 7.62 Plasticity indicators for Case 4 after mining down to the -125 meter level of
the central footwall, section 212 850.
JOB TITLE : Central Footwall: -125 m. FW: fi=25 c=0.050 t=0. HW: fi=35 c=0.5 t=0.5. TOTAL. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30)



7/02/1998 17:27
step 140000 1.500

-1.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02

-3.000E+02 <y< 3.000E+02

Max. shear strain increment

0.00E+00 .500
Shear strain > 0.02 Failure developing through ore zone
1.25E-02 -.500

Contour interval= 2.50E-03

Boundary plot

0 1E 2


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 7.63 Calculated shear strain for Case 4 of the central footwall, using FLAC, after
mining down to the -125 meter level (shear strains are total values starting
with the -80 meter mining step).

JOB TITLE : Central Footwall: -125 m. FW: fi=25 c=0.050 t=0. HW: fi=35 c=0.5 t=0.5. TOTAL.

FLAC (Version 3.30)



7/02/1998 17:27
step 140000 1.500

-1.500E+02 <x< 4.500E+02

-3.000E+02 <y< 3.000E+02

Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 8.178E+00 .500

0 2E 1
Boundary plot

0 1E 2 -.500



Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology -1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000

Figure 7.64 Calculated displacement vectors for Case 4 of the central footwall, using
FLAC, after mining down to the -125 meter level (displacements are total
displacements starting with the -80 meter mining step).
Photogrammetry Vectors
Period 1 (March 1987 to January 1988)

Vertical Vector Component [mm]

Point 11 FLAC
Point 39 FLAC
-500 Point 49 FLAC
Point 62 FLAC
Point 11 Measured
-1000 Point 39 Measured
Point 49 Masured
Point 62 Measured


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Horizontal Vector Component

Figure 7.65 Comparison of measured and calculated displacements for Case 4 for selected
survey points in section 212 850 (Period 1: Mining from -80 to -95 meter
mining level).

Surface Survey Reflector Stations

Period A (from August 1988 to October 1989)

Vertical Vector Component [mm]

-400 P2/2 FLAC

-600 P2/5 & P2/6 FLAC
P2/2 Measured
-800 P2/3 Measured
P2/4 Measured
P2/5 Measured
-1000 P2/6 Measured


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Horizontal Vector Component

Figure 7.66 Comparison of measured and calculated displacements for Case 4 for selected
survey points in section 212 850 (Period A: Mining from -95 to -110 meter
mining level).

Surface Survey Reflector Stations

Period B (only from November 6, 1989 to January 15, 1990)


Vertical Vector Component [mm]

P2/5 & P2/6 FLAC
PE (+25m) FLAC
0 PE (-35 m) FLAC
-500 P2/3 Measured
P2/4 Measured
-1000 P2/5 Measured
P2/6 Measured
PE (+25 m) Measured
PE (-35 m) Measured
P1/9 Measured

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Horizontal Vector Component

Figure 7.67 Comparison of measured and calculated displacements for Case 4 for selected
survey points in section 212 850 (Period B: Continued calculation for the
-110 meter mining level).

Surface Survey Reflector Stations

Period C (only July 1992)


Vertical Vector Component [mm]

-500 P2/2 FLAC

-1000 P2/4 FLAC
PE (+25m) FLAC
P2/2 Measured
P2/3 Measured
-2000 P2/4 Measured
P2/5 Measured
-2500 PE (+25 m) Measured


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Horizontal Vector Component

Figure 7.68 Comparison of measured and calculated displacements for Case 4 for selected
survey points in section 212 850 (Period C: Mining from -110 to -125 meter
mining level).


The central footwall proved to be more challenging to model than the eastern footwall. These
difficulties were mainly due to insufficient geological information — namely, the lithology
and its mechanical properties. A major uncertainty in this respect is the occurrence of pyrite
(ore) within the footwall. It was not possible to simulate all observed failure characteristics
in a single model. Nonetheless, the modeling results provide some explanation of the
observed failure behavior. First, it was demonstrated that failure would occur for every new
mining increment if the slope consisted of only one material with constant properties,. In
reality, failures "skipped" some of the mining steps (e.g., from the -15 to the -80 meter
mining level). The modeling results offered a possible explanation for this. Only a thin slice
of ore (Case 3 or Case 4) is enough to prevent failure from occurring. However, at some
point (with increasing pit depth), the acting force on the remaining ore buttress will be so
high that failure also occurs through the ore zone. The mechanism is thus similar to that
observed in the models of the eastern footwall. However, in the eastern footwall, the extent
of ore remaining in the footwall was much larger; hence, a higher and steeper slope was
required before failure occurred.

The existence of a pyrite ore buttress in the central portion could also explain the more rapid
failure of 1992. This failure occurred during the dry season, but still exhibited the largest
movement rates of any of the footwall failures. This could perhaps be correlated to a sudden
failure of the ore zone. More studies are necessary to further verify this hypothesis.

The early failures (1979, 1983) occurred when the slope height was very moderate (less than
100 meters). The modeling, as well as the limit equilibrium analyses, showed that low
strengths were required for these failures to occur (lower than for the eastern footwall). One
possible explanation is that the rock mass is, in fact, weaker in the upper portions of the
central footwall. However, the lithology of the upper footwall is largely unknown, and
further examination is difficult, as the pit is now closed. Thus, it is doubtful that this issue
can be resolved completely.

7.2.6 Conclusions

The modeling results presented here have contributed to the understanding of the apparent
complex failure behavior of the Aznalcollar footwall. For the eastern footwall, it has been
shown that the remaining pyrite ore acted as a buttress at the slope toe, prohibiting overall
slope failure to develop at early mining stages. As mining progressed, the driving force
increased gradually, finally resulting in failure through the ore zone as well. This occurred
after substantial straining of the rock mass and significant displacement of the slope face and
the interior of the slope. The failure mechanism involved several different stages, which
could be described with the aid of the modeling results.

Before failure was fully developed, the slope was relatively insensitive to changes in, e.g.,
groundwater pressure, with resulting displacement rates of less than 5 mm/day. Once failure
developed fully and broke through the ore zone, displacement rates increased significantly,
with values up to 50 mm/day recorded. Total displacements amounted to several meters,
indicating that post-failure conditions were reached at this stage.

The agreement between calculated and measured displacements was generally good for the
eastern footwall, but failure in the model was more deep-seated than recorded by installed
inclinometers. This suggests that the installed inclinometers in the eastern footwall were too
short, especially inclinometer I3. Further proof of this was found through comparisons with
measured surface displacements. Furthermore, inclinometer I3 did not record displacements
associated with fully developed failure, as it had ceased to function before this occurred.

In the central footwall, multiple failure surfaces were observed, moving on top of each other.
Monitoring indicated that even small changes in conditions (e.g., fluctuating groundwater
pressures) resulted in large changes in displacement rates. This suggests that post-failure
conditions were reached for these failures (large movements having occurred). The modeling
indicated that failure occurred for each new mining increment (for a homogeneous slope).
However, it was difficult to identify several failure surfaces simultaneously in the models, as
they coalesced into one with the relatively coarse grid used.

For the lower portion of the central footwall, failure did not occur for every new mining step.
The most notable case was the 1992 failure, since it also occurred in the dry season and
exhibited much larger displacement rates compared to previous failures. The modeling
results offered a possible explanation for the more rapid failure in 1992. The key factor was
the inclusion of a stronger and stiffer material in the footwall, in the form of a slice of pyrite
ore. Even a relatively thin slice of pyrite may have been enough to "delay" failure for one or
several mining steps. Once failure broke through the pyrite zone, a more violent failure

The resulting failure surface in the model of the central footwall was slightly more deep-
seated than suggested by inclinometer measurements. It is possible that the installed
inclinometer I5 in the central footwall also was too short. The fact that the inclinometer only
recorded some 75 % of the measured surface displacement supports this hypothesis.

Lower rock mass strengths had to be used in the model of the central footwall to produce
good agreement with observations. This can partly be attributed to the lack of detailed
knowledge about the lithology of the central footwall. The lower strength can be due to small
differences in geology, but this cannot be verified.

In conclusion, the eastern and central footwalls exhibited widely different behavior. In the
central footwall, failures (with the exception of the 1992 event) were fully developed
(essentially post-failure conditions), making the slope sensitive to minor changes in loading
conditions. In the eastern footwall, post-failure conditions were not reached until after
significant displacement and after mining was completed. However, the final failure of
eastern footwall showed characteristics similar to the 1992 failure of the central footwall. It
is not unreasonable that similar displacement rates could have been experienced (> 500
mm/day). Considering that the eastern footwall had steeper slope angles and was mined to a
larger depth, even higher movement rates and a sudden, catastrophic failure could have
resulted had the pit not been backfilled.

The modeling indicated that the foliation in the footwall had a relatively small direct
influence on initiation of failure. Rather, footwall failures displayed the typical
characteristics of a circular (rock mass) shear failure. The footwall foliation does, however,
most likely contribute to the relatively low rock mass strength of the footwall. It must be
recognized that, although the macroscopic behavior of the footwall was simulated
successfully, the mechanism of failure of the foliated schist and slate (possible involving kink
band phenomena) cannot yet be satisfactorily explained.

To conclude, it appears that the modeling methodology, including the procedure for rock-
mass strength assessment described in Chapters 5 and 6, worked satisfactorily in this case.
However, the estimated rock mass strengths are only representative of post-failure conditions.
In this particular case, failure behavior was also relatively sensitive to small changes of the
rock mass strength. The Hoek-Brown approach used here does not provide such resolution.
Nevertheless, the estimated and calibrated strength values are of the same magnitude,
indicating that the procedure is applicable for first estimates and input to design. Thus,
numerical modeling with input data from rock mass classification and the Hoek-Brown
approach can be used as an engineering tool for the design of large scale slopes (in the hands
of an experienced user). The major problem with this approach lies in the accuracy of the
predictions than one can make. Although better than previously existing approaches, a
precision of the order of a few degrees for the overall slope angle for a typical pit slope is
probably not attainable.

7.3 The Kiirunavaara Mine

7.3.1 Background and Approach

A description of the Kiirunavaara mine was given in Section 4.4.1, along with a description
of the observed large scale rock mass failures in the footwall and the hangingwall of the
mine. These failures are very interesting, since they have occurred in a hard, jointed rock
mass of large volume. The mining geometry — in particular, that of the footwall —
resembles that of pit slopes in many aspects, but with the important addition of the caved
rock left in the mined-out void. It is also believed that the failures at Kiirunavaara are
associated, to some extent, with the action of the caved rock (Lupo, 1996).

Field observations have shown that failure involves both slip along pre-existing
discontinuities as well as failure through portions of intact rock. Failure observations are
generally good, whereas measurement data (displacements) are of varying quality.
Particularly for the footwall, there are virtually no reliable displacement records.

Several limit equilibrium analyses have been conducted in which equivalent strength
parameters were back-calculated, as summarized in Section 4.4.1. The caved rock was partly
accounted for in some of these analyses, most notably in the one by Lupo (1996). An attempt
to simulate the Kiirunavaara failures using FLAC was presented by Singh et al. (1993). In
this study, it was found that hangingwall failure occurred primarily as tensile failure. This is
contrasted by field observations and the findings by Lupo (1996), both of which indicated
that the primary mode of failure is shear failure. These differences could partly be due to the
relatively high shear strength (c = 8.6 MPa) used in the models by Singh et al. This could
have suppressed shear failure in favor of tensile failure. Furthermore, in one of the models,
increases in strength and stiffness with mining depth were simulated, although this is not
generally believed to be the case at Kiirunavaara. It was not stated how these strength
parameters were obtained. Also, in this model, the mined out orebody was represented as an
open void, rather than filled with caved rock material. Finally, the grid size used in the model
was relatively large (approximately 25 meters), which made it difficult to accurately
represent failure close to the ore boundary. Quantitative comparisons with the observed
location of failures on the footwall and hangingwall were also lacking. Taken together, this
study did not provide a satisfactory explanation of the observed failure behavior, nor did it
provide representative data of the rock mass strength.

In the following, the results from numerical modeling applied to the Kiirunavaara case study
are presented. The modeling was concentrated on simulating the footwall failures at
Kiirunavaara, as these bear more resemblance to pit slope failures, than do the hangingwall
failures. However, both the hangingwall and the footwall side were included in the model.
Because observed failures did not appear to be directly controlled by large scale structures, a
continuum modeling approach was chosen with equivalent strength properties for the rock
mass as a whole. The finite difference program FLAC was used for these analyses. Models
were run both with and without the caved rock explicitly included. Some additional limit
equilibrium analyses were also carried out to quantify the effect of the lateral support
provided by the caved rock. For this purpose, the program SLIDE with Bishop's routine
method was employed. Input data to the modeling and the limit equilibrium analyses,
including mining and failure geometry, are presented in the next section.

7.3.2 Input Data to Analysis

Problem Geometry and Failure Observations

Footwall failures are most prominent in the northern portion of the mine (north of coordinate
Y3000; see Figure 7.69). Two cross-sections from this part of the mine (Y2100 and Y2300)
are shown in Figure 7.70 and Figure 7.71. Both these sections show similar failure behavior,
with cracking within the footwall observed on several levels underground as well as on the
ground surface both on the footwall and the hangingwall side.

Rather than analyzing several different cross-sections, a representative section was chosen for
the numerical modeling — namely, cross-section Y2300. The ore dip and thickness are fairly
constant in this section. Section Y2300 is also located relatively far from the edge of the
mine; hence, a two-dimensional analysis is justified. Furthermore, this cross-section was at
some distance from the old waste rock pillar between the footwall and the hangingwall
(located between coordinates Y1900 and Y2100). The pillar had proven to "delay" surface
cracking in this portion (before the pillar itself failed), but these effects are thought to be
negligible in cross-section Y2300. The mining sequence is well known for this part of the
mine. Furthermore, the elevation of the caved rock has been fairly well known (from aerial
photography) for the last 10 years.



Figure 7.69 Horizontal map of the Kiirunavaara orebody, also showing the Luossajärvi
lake, the city of Kiruna, and the railroad (Lupo, 1996).

Surface cracks

Underground crack

Figure 7.70 Cross-section Y2100 (cf. Figure 7.69) of the Kiirunavaara mine, showing
location and year of observed cracking as well as mapped larger structures
(after Lupo, 1996).

Figure 7.71 Cross-section Y2300 (cf. Figure 7.69) of the Kiirunavaara mine, showing
location and year of observed cracking as well as mapped larger structures
(Lupo, 1996).

A slightly simplified geometry, which is shown in Figure 7.72, was used in the analysis.
Also shown are mining levels for selected years. Note that not all sublevels (mining
increments) have been included. The most recent failure observations in section Y2300
(jointly by the author and John Lupo in 1998) are shown in Figure 7.73.

It can be seen that the first signs of failure in the footwall were observed in 1985, with more
widespread cracking underground in 1989. At this time, mining was between the -526 and
-586 meter levels. Note that the ground surface is at approximately the -60 meter level on the
footwall side and at the -190 meter level on the hangingwall side. (All depth coordinates are
in the mine coordinate system.) Some additional cracking could be observed underground in
1998, but the failure surface does not appear to have moved much farther into the footwall
since 1993/1994. However, observed cracks appeared to have undergone more movements
since the latest mapping (Lupo, 1998a). Failure observations on the ground surface of the
footwall showed a similar pattern, with wider cracks and increased deterioration of the old pit
benches, but with the outermost crack observations at the same location as in 1995. A failure
surface connecting the different failure observations has not been drawn in these figures. It
should be noted that Lupo (1996) fitted a semi-planar failure surface to the observations,
while Dahnér-Lindqvist (1992, 1998) fitted a circular failure surface to the same data.

Figure 7.72 Simplified geometry of cross-section Y2300 of the Kiirunavaara mine,

showing mining levels and year of mining (in parenthesis) as well and location
and year (in circles) of observed cracking.

Figure 7.73 Simplified geometry of cross-section Y2300 of the Kiirunavaara mine, with
the most recent failure observations marked. (Dashed circles indicate that
failure observations were extrapolated from a different cross-section.)

Geomechanical Conditions

The geology is fairly consistent throughout the mine. There are a few different types of
syenite porphyry in the footwall and quartz porphyry in the hangingwall. For simplicity,
these were grouped together into one rock unit on the footwall and one unit on the
hangingwall, as the mechanical properties were not widely different.

The hydrogeological conditions of the mine are only known in detail to some extent.
Generally, the rock mass in the northern end of the mine is more permeable than in the
southern portion. Hence, groundwater inflow into the mine is larger in the northern part. In a
study by Lindberg and Nõmtak (1985), it was found that the phreatic surface was located
approximately below the 700 meter mining level. It can thus be assumed that most of the
footwall and hangingwall is drained. Consequently, no water table was included (fully
drained conditions assumed) in any of the analyses.

Mining and Caved Rock

Only some mining steps were chosen for inclusion into the model. This started with the final
open pit mining (-210 meter level), followed by sublevel caving mining down to the current
working level (-713 meter level). Larger mining increments were used initially, as no failure
had been observed for these (approximately down to the -586 meter level). Subsequent
mining steps corresponded approximately to the time of observed failures (see Figure 7.74).

The caved rock continuously subsides as a result of mining activity. Surface elevation was
measured from aerial photography (reported by Lupo, 1996) during 1989 to 1994, and these
measurements were used as input to the analysis. Furthermore, Lupo (1996) reported the
average subsidence rate of the surface of the caved rock to be between 5 and 6 meters per
year during this period. This corresponds to an elevation change of, on average, 0.3 meters
per meter mining. Assuming the same subsidence rate before 1989, it was possible to back-
calculate the surface of the caved rock for all mining steps in Figure 7.72; this was
subsequently used in the models. On the hangingwall side, the lateral extent of the caved
rock is not known. In this study, it was assumed that the caved rock boundary extends
vertically from the actual mining level up to the ground surface (see Figure 7.74). Some
observations indicate that this is probably the minimum extent of the caved rock on the
hangingwall side (Rutqvist and Sjöberg, 1987).

1: Open pit mining (~1950) 2: -365 m level (~1970)

3: -478 m level (~1980) 4: -526 m level (~1984)

5: -586 m level (1988) 6: -632 m level (1992)

7: -659 m level (1993) 8: -713 m level (1995-1998)

Figure 7.74 Simplified mining sequence for Section Y2300 of the Kiirunavaara sublevel
caving mine (actual year of mining in parenthesis).

Rock Mass Properties

Initially, a linear-elastic model was run. All other models were run with a perfectly plastic
constitutive model. Input data to this include density (ρ), elastic constants for the rock mass
(Em and ν), and rock mass strength (c, φ, and σtm). Initial estimates of these parameters are
given below.

Elastic Constants

Young's modulus for the rock mass was estimated from rock-mass classification data, using
Equation (5.33), reproduced below:

E m = 10 (RMR −10 ) / 40 [GPa].

Rock mass classification has been conducted previously by Herdocia (1991) and Barton
(1988; reported in Paganus and Stephansson, 1990). Additional classification was conducted
by the author. The range in RMR-values and the corresponding Young's modulus for the rock
mass are shown in Table 7.15. In the analysis, the higher values of the rock mass stiffness
were used. Values on Poisson's ratio, ν, and rock mass density, ρ, were taken from
laboratory tests on intact rock published by Stephansson and Paganus (1990) and are shown
in Table 7.15.

The elastic constants of the caved rock were estimated based on previous experience. In a
review by Stephansson et al. (1978), values ranging from Em = 20 MPa to Em = 600 MPa
were quoted. Stephansson et al. (1978) concluded that a conservative value for the Young's'
modulus of the caved rock would be 30 MPa, with a Poisson's ratio of 0.25. The same value
was used as a starting point in the current study. The density of the caved rock was taken
from Lupo (1996).

Table 7.15 Estimated elastic constants and density for the rock mass at Kiirunavaara.

Sector Rock Type RMR Em [GPa] ν ρ [kg/m3]

FW Syenite porphyry 52 - 65 9.44 - 28.2 0.27 2800
Ore Magnetite ore 46 - 68 11.2 - 23.7 0.25 4700
HW Quartz porphyry 49 - 68 7.94 - 28.2 0.22 2700
Caved rock Caved rock - 0.03 0.25 2200

Rock Mass Strength

The strength of the rock mass was estimated using the Hoek-Brown approach, as described in
Chapter 5. The procedure is demonstrated below for one set of parameters corresponding to
the footwall syenite porphyry.

The Hoek-Brown failure criterion is written [Equation 5.1)]

σ 1 = σ 3 + mσ 3σ c + sσ c2 .

The uniaxial compressive strength of the intact rock, σc, was obtained from laboratory tests.
For the syenite porphyry, the strength typically varies between 140 and 300 MPa (Paganus
and Stephansson, 1990; Holmstedt, 1994; Lupo, 1996). In the following demonstration, the
lower bound estimate, σc = 140 MPa, was used.

Parameters m and s are determined using Equations (5.7) and (5.8) assuming disturbed rock
mass conditions:

RMR −100
m = mi e 14

RMR −100

s=e 6

The value of the parameter mi can be estimated from triaxial test results compiled by Hoek
and Brown (1997). Unfortunately, the syenite porphyry is not among the rock types listed in
this compilation (see Table 7.16). The closest match is probably rhyolite and/or andesite,
with mi-values of 16 and 19, respectively (see also Section 5.7.3). Triaxial tests on the
hangingwall quartz porphyry gave similar values (mi = 18.4 reported by Paganus and
Stephansson, 1990).

For the footwall, RMR was determined to lie in the range of 49 to 68, with an average value
of RMR = 60 (Herdocia, 1991). Inserting the value of mi = 16 and RMR = 60 gives

RMR −100 60 −100

m = mi e 14
= 16 ⋅ e 14
= 0.919 ,

RMR −100 60 −100

s=e 6
=e 6
= 0.0013 .

Table 7.16 Value of constant mi chosen from tabulated values (table from Hoek and
Brown, 1997).

The failure criterion for the rock mass can thus be written

σ 1 = σ 3 + mσ 3σ c + sσ c2 = σ 3 + 128.6σ 3 + 24.9 .

The curved Hoek-Brown failure envelope must be "translated" to a linear Mohr-Coulomb

envelope for use as input into the numerical model and the limit equilibrium analysis. This

was done using linear regression over a representative stress range. The intercept with the
vertical axis (σ1) was fixed at the value of the uniaxial compressive strength of the rock mass,
σcm. This value is obtained from Equation (5.2) as

σ cm = σ c s = 140 0.0013 = 4.99 MPa.

For the regression, an assumed stress range of 0 < σ3 < 20 MPa was used (cf. Section 5.4.4).
This stress range was confirmed by elastic stress analysis as being representative of the
footwall at Kiirunvaara. Linear regression was conducted according to the procedure
described in Section 5.4.4 and Appendix 5 [Equations (A5.20), (A5.15), and (A5.18)], with
20 regression points. The resulting Mohr-Coulomb envelope is shown in Figure 7.75.



Major principal stress, σ 1 [MPa]




30 Hoek-Brown Failure Envelope

20 Mohr-Coulomb Envelope (Fixed

Intercept Regression)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Minor principal stress, σ 3 [MPa]

Figure 7.75 Hoek-Brown and Mohr-Coulomb failure envelopes for the footwall syenite
porphyry rock mass at Kiirunavaara (RMR = 60, mi = 16, σc = 140 MPa,
disturbed rock mass).

The resulting values of c and φ for the rock mass are:

c = 1.30 MPa,
φ = 34.8°.

Finally, the unaixal tensile strength of the rock mass is calculated from Equation (5.3),

σ tm =
m − m 2 + 4s = )
( )
0.919 − 0.919 2 + 4 ⋅ 0.0013 = −0.19 MPa.

This procedure was repeated for a few other parameter sets. This gave the values in Table
7.17. These values should be viewed as first estimates of the actual rock mass strength. As
was shown in Section 5.7.3, the estimated strengths were generally higher than those from
back-analysis using limit equilibrium methods. In the modeling, the strength parameters
were varied starting with the values in Table 7.17, to investigate how this influenced the
failure behavior.

The caved rock was simulated as a purely frictional material with zero cohesion. Lupo
(1996) used a value of 35° for the friction angle for the caved rock; the same value was used
in the present study.

Table 7.17 Estimated rock mass strength for the Kiirunavaara footwall and hangingwall
assuming disturbed rock mass, for a stress range of σ3 = 0 - 20 MPa.

Fixed intercept
[Equations (A5.15)-(A5.20)]
Rock Type mi σc RMR σ3-min σ3-max φ c σcm σtm
[MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [°] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa]
Syenite porphyry
16 140 60 0 20 34.8 1.30 4.99 0.19
(rhyolite) (1)
Syenite porphyry
16 300 60 0 20 40.4 2.47 10.7 0.41
(rhyolite) (2)
Syenite porphyry
19 140 60 0 20 36.5 1.26 4.99 0.16
(andesite) (1)
Syenite porphyry
19 300 60 0 20 42.1 2.37 10.7 0.35
(andesite) (2)
Quartz porphyry
16 100 60 0 20 32.2 0.98 3.57 0.14
(rhyolite) (1)
Quartz porphyry
16 225 60 0 20 38.4 1.94 8.03 0.31
(rhyolite) (2)

Virgin Stress State

Many stress measurements have been conducted in the mine using overcoring. Some of these
measurements were done in fairly close vicinity of underground openings and, undoubtedly,
are disturbed. These results reflect the redistributed stress rather than the virgin stress. On
the other hand, many measurements were carried out farther from the mining area, with
results being more representative of the virgin stress. It is outside the scope of this work to
re-interpret all these measurements. Instead, it was decided to use the average stress
components presented by Paganus and Stephansson (1990) for input to the models. With
compressive stresses defined as positive, and using the mine coordinate system with negative
values for the depth-coordinate (see, e.g., Figure 7.72), these stresses are:

σ v = −0.027 z m − 4.0 ,

σ H = −0.036 z m − 8.9 ,

σ h = −0.04 z m − 8.0 ,


σv = vertical virgin stress in MPa,

σH = major horizontal virgin stress in MPa, oriented parallel to the orebody
(roughly north-south),
σh = minor horizontal virgin stress in MPa, oriented perpendicular to the orebody
(roughly east-west), and
zm = mine level in meters (values according to mine coordinate system with z-axis
positive upward; hence, all mine levels correspond to negative values).

These equations were formulated so that the vertical stress was zero at a ground surface
elevation of -148 meters. For cross-section Y2300, this would give negative (tensile) stresses
at the highest elevation (-60 meters) for all stress components. This is not physically
reasonable; hence, the above equations were rewritten and adjusted to a ground surface
elevation of -60 meters (all stresses zero at the ground surface, but with the same stress
gradient). The lack of detailed information about the horizontal stress near the ground
surface makes it impossible to assess the magnitude of the horizontal stress at the ground
surface. Although this is generally believed to be larger than zero in Scandinavia, both
horizontal virgin stress components were set to zero in this case. Furthermore, it was shown
in Chapter 6 that the magnitude of the virgin horizontal stress had a relatively small effect on

the resulting failure mechanism and strengths at failure. The resulting virgin stress for input
into the numerical models is as follows:

σ v = −0.027 z m − 1.62 ,

σ H = −0.036 z m − 2.16 ,

σ h = −0.04 z m − 2.40 .

7.3.3 Numerical Modeling

Model Set-Up

A detailed model (small grid size) was required to be able to represent failure on the footwall
(located fairly close to the ore boundary). A grid element size of 5 meters (quadratic grid)
was used in the FLAC model. The total size of the model was 2000 x 1300 meters (width x
depth); see Figure 7.76. A close-up of the mining geometry is shown in Figure 7.77.

The different mining steps and the corresponding extent of the caved rock were shown in
Figure 7.74. The caved rock was simulated in a few different ways in the models.
Observations have shown that the drawing of ore at the active mining level creates "pipes" in
the caved rock. These "pipes" frequently extend up to the surface of the caved rock,
indicating that bulking (volume increase due to caving) of the caved rock is relatively small
(Lupo, 1996). Hence, during active draw, the caved rock subsides, and lateral support on the
sidewalls is virtually removed. In addition, it is believed that ore draw induces a downward
oriented force on the footwall, which assists in failure. On the other hand, when active ore
draw is not taking place, the caved rock must provide significant lateral support to the
footwall and hangingwall.

It is not possible to exactly replicate the drawing of ore and removal of material using FLAC
(or UDEC for that matter). Although this would be theoretically possible using other
computer codes (e.g., PFC2D), this was outside the scope of this work. Rather, it was decided
to model the caved rock as a material with low stiffness (Ecave), and to simulate ore draw by
adding zones with even lower stiffness (Edraw). Four cases were run, as shown in Figure 7.78
and described in the following:

(1) no caved rock in the mined-out void;

(2) caved rock simulated as a perfectly plastic material with frictional strength and low
Young's modulus (starting values according to the previous section);

(3) as above, but with the addition of a zone with even lower stiffness, to simulate the
drawing of ore at the active mining level and the creation of "pipes" in the caved
material; and

(4) as above, but with the addition of two zones of "ore draw"; one extending vertically
up from the active mining level, and one extending horizontally across the active
mining level.

The low-stiffness zones allow larger displacements of the caved rock material (similar to the
drawing of ore). The relative displacement of the caved rock relative to the footwall also
induce shear forces on the footwall. Furthermore, the stress that can be transferred across the
caved rock zone is reduced, thus effectively reducing lateral support on the sidewalls. For
Case 4, the soft zone at the active mining level allow even larger displacements at the bottom
of the caved rock zone, while still maintaining some lateral support above this zone.

Not all mining steps were run for all the four cases above. The bulk part of the work focused
on comparisons with the first instances of footwall failures, roughly corresponding to mining
step 5 (-586 meter level mined in 1988, see Figure 7.74). When simulating mining without
caved rock, the ore was first mined out with strengths set to high values to prevent excessive
yielding and inertial effects. The model was allowed to come to equilibrium, after which
strength values were reduced and calculation continued. Besides one linear-elastic model,
only models with an elastic-perfectly plastic (Mohr-Coulomb) constitutive model were run.
In the cases with the caved rock included, the ore was first removed and the created void then
"back-filled" with the caved rock. This set the initial stress to zero in the caved rock. During
the calculations, stress can build in the caved material, but only to some point dictated by the
difference in stiffness between the caved rock and the sidewall rock.

JOB TITLE : Kiirunavaara, Y2300. Model geometry (*10^3)

FLAC (Version 3.30)

Ground surface
9/29/1998 07:57
step 8200
4.989E+03 <x< 7.211E+03
-1.821E+03 <y< 4.011E+02
Boundary plot

0 5E 2
Marked Gridpoints




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 5.200 5.600 6.000 6.400 6.800

Figure 7.76 Model geometry (in FLAC) of cross-section Y2300 of the Kiirunavaara mine.

JOB TITLE : Kiirunavaara, Y2300. Model geometry

FLAC (Version 3.30) Elevation of caved rock surface

LEGEND Open Pit -1.500

Ground surface
9/29/1998 07:58
step 8200
5.650E+03 <x< 6.350E+03 -210 m -2.500
-7.400E+02 <y< -4.000E+01

Boundary plot

0 2E 2 -3.500
-365 m
Marked Gridpoints Footwall Hangingwall


-478 m

-526 m Assumed caved

rock boundary -5.500

-586 m

-632 m
-659 m

-713 m
Division of Rock Mechanics
Lulea University of Technology 5.700 5.800 5.900 6.000 6.100 6.200 6.300

Figure 7.77 Close-up of model geometry of section Y2300 of the Kiirunavaara mine.

1. No caved rock. 2. Caved rock with uniform stiffness (Ecave).





3. Caved rock with one low-stiffness zone 4. Caved rock with two low-stiffness zones
to simulate ore draw. to simulate ore draw.







Figure 7.78 Four different approaches used for simulating the action of the caved rock.

Modeling Results and Discussion

It was not possible to obtain failure in the models for the estimated strength parameters
according to Table 7.17, especially when including the caved rock in the model. Hence, the
strengths were varied (lowered) until failure could be observed in the models. For Case 1 (no
caved rock), failure occurred for slightly to significantly lower values than those in Table
7.17. The limiting strengths to obtain failure are summarized in Table 7.18 for two different
mining steps. The model responses for these two steps are shown in Figure 7.79 through
Figure 7.82. As is clearly shown, shear failure develops along a curved surface within the
footwall, with some tensile failure at the crest.

For Cases 2, 3, and 4, Young's modulus of the caved rock, Ecave, was set to 30 MPa. The
stiffness of the "drawing" zones in Cases 3 and 4 was set to 25 % of the stiffness of the caved
rock material — i.e., Edraw = 7.5 MPa. Both for Cases 2 and 3, it was not possible to produce
failure other than for very low strengths (φ ≈ 30-35°, c < 0.1 MPa). Lower stiffness of the
caved rock was tested for Case 2, but failure could not be produced even for Ecave = 10 MPa.
Lower values of Edraw were also tested for Case 3. However, this resulted in exaggerated
displacements within the zones of ore draw and distorted grid zones in the model, making it
impossible to finish the calculations. Hence, none of these cases are shown in the following.

For Case 4, failure could be produced for strengths that were closer to, but still less than,
those for Case 1 (see Table 7.18). Plasticity indicators and calculated shear strain for mining
to the -586 meter level are shown in Figure 7.83 and Figure 7.84.

Table 7.18 Limiting strength for failure of the Kiirunavaara footwall from FLAC.

Case Mining Step Friction Cohesion, c Compressive

(cf. Figure 7.78) (cf. Figure 7.74) Angle, φ [°] [MPa] Strength, σcm [MPa]
1 -586 m 30 0.80 2.77
1 -586 m 35 0.60 2.31
1 -586 m 40 0.50 2.14
1 -659 m 35 0.80 3.07
1 -659 m 40 0.60 2.57
4 -586 m 35 0.40 1.54
4 -586 m 40 0.10 0.43

JOB TITLE : Case 1. -586 m, fi=35 c=0.60 (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) Tensile failure


10/07/1998 12:50
step 38200
5.500E+03 <x< 6.200E+03
-7.200E+02 <y< -2.000E+01 -2.500

Plasticity Indicator
* at yield in shear or vol.
X elastic, at yield in past
No caved rock
o at yield in tension -3.500

Boundary plot

0 2E 2

Active yielding (shear)




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 5.550 5.650 5.750 5.850 5.950 6.050 6.150

Figure 7.79 Plasticity indicators from FLAC for mining to the -586 m level with no caved
rock (Case 1; footwall strength: φ = 35°, c = 0.60 MPa).
JOB TITLE : Case 1. -586 m, fi=35 c=0.60 (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30)


10/07/1998 12:50
step 38200
5.500E+03 <x< 6.200E+03
-7.200E+02 <y< -2.000E+01 -2.500

Max. shear strain increment

5.00E-03 -3.500

1.50E-02 -4.500
2.00E-02 No caved rock

Contour interval= 2.50E-03

Boundary plot -5.500

0 2E 2


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 5.550 5.650 5.750 5.850 5.950 6.050 6.150

Figure 7.80 Calculated shear strain using FLAC for mining to the -586 m level with no
caved rock (Case 1; footwall strength: φ = 35°, c = 0.60 MPa).

JOB TITLE : Case 1. -659 m, fi=35 c=0.80 (*10^2)

Tensile failure -.500

FLAC (Version 3.30)


10/07/1998 12:52
step 38200
5.500E+03 <x< 6.200E+03
-7.200E+02 <y< -2.000E+01 -2.500

Plasticity Indicator
* at yield in shear or vol.
X elastic, at yield in past
o at yield in tension -3.500

Boundary plot

0 2E 2
No caved rock -4.500

Active yielding (shear)


-659 m

Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 5.550 5.650 5.750 5.850 5.950 6.050 6.150

Figure 7.81 Plasticity indicators from FLAC for mining to the -659 m level with no caved
rock (Case 1; footwall strength: φ = 35°, c = 0.80 MPa).
JOB TITLE : Case 1. -659 m, fi=35 c=0.80
FLAC (Version 3.30)


10/07/1998 12:52
step 38200
5.500E+03 <x< 6.200E+03
-7.200E+02 <y< -2.000E+01 -2.500

Max. shear strain increment

2.00E-03 -3.500

Contour interval= 5.00E-04 -4.500
Boundary plot

0 2E 2

No caved rock

-659 m

Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 5.550 5.650 5.750 5.850 5.950 6.050 6.150

Figure 7.82 Calculated shear strain using FLAC for mining to the -659 m level with no
caved rock (Case 1; footwall strength: φ = 35°, c = 0.80 MPa).

JOB TITLE : Case 4. -586 m, fi=35 c=0.40 (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30)


10/07/1998 12:48
step 83000
5.500E+03 <x< 6.200E+03
-7.200E+02 <y< -2.000E+01 Caved rock -2.500

Plasticity Indicator
* at yield in shear or vol.
X elastic, at yield in past
Boundary plot -3.500

0 2E 2
Active yielding (shear)




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 5.550 5.650 5.750 5.850 5.950 6.050 6.150

Figure 7.83 Plasticity indicators from FLAC for mining to the -586 m level (Case 4: two
"draw" zones with low stiffness; rock mass strength: φ = 35°, c = 0.40 MPa).
JOB TITLE : Case 4. -586 m, fi=35 c=0.40 (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30)


10/07/1998 12:49
step 83000
5.500E+03 <x< 6.200E+03
-7.200E+02 <y< -2.000E+01 -2.500

Max. shear strain increment

Caved rock with two "draw zones" (Case 4)
4.00E-04 -3.500

Contour interval= 1.00E-04 -4.500
Boundary plot

0 2E 2


Shear strain > 0.001


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 5.550 5.650 5.750 5.850 5.950 6.050 6.150

Figure 7.84 Calculated shear strain (in FLAC) for mining to the -586 m level (Case 4: two
"draw" zones with low stiffness; rock mass strength: φ = 35°, c = 0.40 MPa).

The tensile strength of the footwall rock mass was also varied in the models, from the
estimated values provided in Table 7.17 to σtm = 1.0 MPa. This did not produce any drastic
change in the failure behavior of the footwall. Failure also occurred for the same limiting
shear strength, for different values on the tensile strength. This implies that failure occurs
primarily as shear failure — except for at the crest, where tensile failure is to be expected.

The simulated failure in the models can be compared to actual failure observations. The
inferred failure surface from the models of Case 1 for two different mining depths (-586 and
-659 meters) is shown in Figure 7.85 and Figure 7.86. The failure surfaces indicated by the
models are, in general, more deep-seated than indicated by actual observations at the time of
mining (year of 1988). Mining of the -659 meter level took place in 1993, and with the
exception of observed cracks on the ground surface, the obtained failure surface for this
mining increment fits observations better, compared to the simulation of the previous mining
step. If one compares cross-sections Y2300 and Y2100 (Figure 7.70 and Figure 7.71), it can
be seen that observed cracking on the ground surface extends farther out in section Y2100,
but still less than the inferred failure surfaces in the models.

The resulting failure surface for a higher value of the rock-mass friction angle is shown in
Figure 7.87. This gives a slightly shallower failure surface (compare with Figure 7.86). For
Case 4, the failure does not extent down to the active mining level; rather, it exits about
halfway down the footwall "slope" (see Figure 7.88). The failure surface is also more deep-
seated than indicated by observations.

The way in which the caved rock is simulated appears to be a controlling factor for the
modeling of the Kiirunavaara footwall failures. Case 1 (no caved rock) is clearly an over-
simplistic representation of the action of the caved rock. However, the models did show that
failure could occur for only slightly lower strengths than those estimated. With the addition
of caved rock with uniform stiffness (Case 2), failure did not develop other than for very low
strengths. The caved rock acts as a "buttress", preventing larger displacements from
developing in the footwall. Consequently, failure could not develop fully, as this requires
some amount of displacement (cf. Chapter 6, Section 6.5.3), and only local yielding could be

Figure 7.85 Inferred failure surface from FLAC for Case 1 and mining to the -586 meter
level (footwall strength: φ = 35°, c = 0.60 MPa).

Figure 7.86 Inferred failure surface from FLAC for Case 1 and mining to the -659 meter
level (footwall strength: φ = 35°, c = 0.80 MPa).

Figure 7.87 Inferred failure surface from FLAC for Case 1 and mining to the -659 meter
level (footwall strength: φ = 40°, c = 0.60 MPa).

Figure 7.88 Inferred failure surface from FLAC for Case 4 and mining to the -586 meter
level (footwall strength: φ = 35°, c = 0.40 MPa).

On the other hand, if the caved rock is allowed to move, the amount of restraint that it
provides to the footwall is reduced, and failure at higher strength values is possible. This is
exactly what was simulated in Case 4. In addition to reduced restraint, the caved rock moved
downward, with the largest displacements in the "drawing" zones. The calculated vertical
displacements for Case 4 are shown in Figure 7.89. The downward movement induced shear
stresses on the footwall boundary, which, in turn, caused failure to occur for higher strength
values compared to when the caved rock was simulated without "drawing" zones (Case 2) or
with only a vertical "drawing"zone (Case 3).

JOB TITLE : Case 4. -586 m, fi=35, c=0.40 (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) Ground surface


11/02/1998 10:40 Caved rock surface

step 83000
5.500E+03 <x< 6.200E+03 Vertical displacements > 5 m
-7.200E+02 <y< -2.000E+01 -2.500
Y-displacement contours
Contour interval= 1.00E+00
Minimum: -5.00E+00
Maximum: 0.00E+00 -3.500
Boundary plot
0 2E 2 Vertical displacements < 1 m
3-4m -4.500

2-3m -5.500


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 5.550 5.650 5.750 5.850 5.950 6.050 6.150

Figure 7.89 Calculated vertical displacements using FLAC for mining to the -586 m level
Case 4 (two "draw" zones with low stiffness). Rock mass strength: φ = 35°,
c = 0.40 MPa.

At the same time, the caved rock clearly provided some lateral support, which prevented
failure from also developing in the lower portion of the slope (see Figure 7.88). The
calculated stresses that developed in the caved rock for Case 4 are shown in Figure 7.90. The
major principal stress is oriented nearly vertical, with the exception of near the footwall
where it becomes more inclined. The possible orientations for the maximum shear stress are
± 45° from the orientation of σ1 (according to Mohr's circle). Thus, the maximum shear
stress is oriented almost parallel to the footwall. The sense of shear movement is down-dip

along the footwall with magnitudes of up to 2 MPa. Thus, this model simulates a "drag-
down" force along the footwall, as well as significant lateral support from the caved rock.

Figure 7.90 Schematic figure showing calculated principal stresses (σ1 and σ3 drawn to
approximate scale), typical stress magnitudes, and orientation of the maximum
shear stress (dashed line) for Case 4 and mining to the -586 meter level
(footwall strength: φ = 35°, c = 0.40 MPa).

However, failure in Case 4 above occurred for markedly lower strengths than for Case 1 (no
caved rock). This indicates that the action of the caved rock is not accurately simulated even
in this model. A more accurate representation would probably require a discontinuum
modeling approach, with successive removal of material at the active mining levels.

7.3.4 Limit Equilibrium Analysis

Limit equilibrium analyses were carried out to supplement the numerical modeling. A
parameter study was conducted in which the magnitude and orientation of support pressure
provided by the caved rock were varied. The analyses were performed using the program
SLIDE and Bishop's routine method (Curran et al., 1995). Analyses were only done for
mining to the -586 meter level, and only for the footwall side. One analysis without caved
rock, corresponding to Case 1 for the numerical models, was also conducted.

To estimate the amount of pressure generated by the caved rock, classical silo theory was
used. Although classical silo theory is only valid for vertically oriented chambers, the error is
less than 10 % if the inclination to the vertical is less than 30° (Knutsson, 1981). Hence, silo
theory can be used with good approximation for the Kiirunavaara orebody. Following the
procedure given by Knutsson (1981), the pressure perpendicular to the silo wall (in this case
the footwall) was calculated for the northern portion of the Kiirunavaara orebody (90 meter
average width and 1000 meter average length of the silo). The surface of the caved rock was
assumed horizontal and at an average elevation of -200 meters. The results are shown in
Figure 7.91. The pressure distribution was approximated as being piece-wise linear for input
into the program SLIDE.

Lateral Pressure from Caved Rock (Silo Theory)

Pressure against long side [kPa]

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
0 1000 m
90 m
Depth below surface of caved rock


Silo Pressure
Piece-wise linear
200 approximation



-586 m mining level

Figure 7.91 Pressure perpendicular to the footwall calculated using classical silo theory,
and a piece-wise linear approximation of the same for input to analysis.

Silo theory prescribes that the pressure acts perpendicular to the silo walls. This was taken as
the base case on which parameter studies were based. During ore draw, downward oriented
forces act on the footwall; to simulate this, analyses were conducted with varying orientations
of the pressure, ranging from normal to the footwall to 40° up from the normal (about 70°
from the horizontal). These values were not based on any theoretical calculations, but merely
chosen to check the sensitivity of the results to the pressure orientation. In addition, two
other pressures distributions were tested, corresponding to evenly distributed pressures of
1500 kPa and 2000 kPa (no variation of pressure with depth), respectively, with varying
orientation. Examples of the mining geometry and applied pressures are shown in Figure

Fs = 1.003


Figure 7.92 Calculated safety factor for the footwall with c = 0.23 MPa and φ = 35° for
mining to the -586 meter level with applied pressure (from silo theory)
oriented 30° up from the normal to the footwall.

The assumed pressures can be compared with the calculated stresses within the caved rock in
the FLAC model. For Case 4, normal stresses acting on the footwall ranged from 0 at the

surface of the caved rock to between 2000 and 3000 kPa just above the active mining level —
i.e., of the same order of magnitude or slightly higher than those used as input to the limit
equilibrium analysis.

The limiting strength (Fs = 1.0) was calculated for each case. The results are presented in
Figure 7.93, together with the back-calculated strengths from Lupo (1996). The analyses
showed that the limiting strengths were relatively sensitive to the orientation of the applied
pressure from the caved rock, but less sensitive to the magnitude of the support pressure.
Higher limiting strengths were obtained for larger inclination of the support pressure. The
same conclusion was also reached by Lupo (1996). However, the strength values obtained by
Lupo were significantly higher than those from the SLIDE analyses with support pressure.
The limiting strength for Case 1 (no caved rock) analyzed with SLIDE was also lower than
Lupo's strength values.

Influence of Support from Caved Rock

Section Y2300, φ =35°
Lupo (1996) - 37 degree
friction angle
1.0 SLIDE, Case 1 (No caved
rock), -586 m
Cohesion [MPa]

0.8 Pressure from silo theory,

-586 m

1500 kPa along FW, -586

0.6 m

2000 kPa along FW, -586

0.4 m

Angle from
0.2 normal to

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Orientation of Support Pressure (from normal to footwall) [°]

Figure 7.93 Limiting strength (Fs = 1.0) calculated using SLIDE, for different magnitudes
and orientations of applied pressures on the footwall, together with back-
calculated strengths by Lupo (1996).

The critical slip circles obtained from the limit equilibrium analyses are shown for two
different cases in Figure 7.94 and Figure 7.95. The failure surfaces are shallower in both
these cases compared to the results from the numerical models (Figure 7.85 through Figure
7.88). The match between the slip circles and actual failure observations is also better in
these cases.

The discrepancies between Lupo's limit equilibrium analysis and the current one are
somewhat puzzling, considering the similarities in how the caved rock is treated. In Lupo's
model, the static equilibrium for the hangingwall and the footwall were considered separately
and then "linked" together through the caved rock. The thrust against the sidewalls due to the
cave material was calculated based on the weight of the caved rock and a stress coefficient,
which was determined assuming active pressure conditions (similar to the active state of a
soil against a retaining wall). This was thought to better replicate the conditions during ore
draw than static equilibrium. The active pressure coefficient is generally lower than the static
equilibrium coefficient, thus resulting in a reduction of the lateral stress acting against the
sidewall rocks. The thrust was assumed to be inclined to the normal to the sidewall at an
angle corresponding to the friction between the caved rock and the sidewall.

Using Lupo's equations, the lateral thrust force on the footwall can be calculated for the
above simulated case (mining to the -586 meter level, caved rock surface at the -200 meter
level). For friction angles of 35° and 45° for the interface between the caved rock and the
footwall, the thrust force came out as 870 and 691 MN, respectively. This is equivalent to an
evenly distributed pressure of 2038 and 1623 kPa inclined at 35° and 45° to the normal of the
footwall, respectively. These values are approximately the same as those used in the SLIDE

Figure 7.94 Critical slip circle calculated using SLIDE for the Kiirunavaara footwall with
1500 kPa support pressure oriented 30° up from the normal to the footwall
(footwall strength: φ = 35°, c = 0.095 MPa).

Figure 7.95 Critical slip circle calculated using SLIDE for the Kiirunavaara footwall with
2000 kPa support pressure oriented 40° up from the normal to the footwall
(footwall strength: φ = 35°, c = 0.350 MPa).

Consequently, an explanation to the discrepancies must be sought elsewhere. In Lupo's

analysis, tension cracks were included explicitly. The shear resistance along the tension
crack was set to zero. Sensitivity analysis by Lupo (1996) also showed that the safety factor
decreased with increasing tension crack depth. The safety factor for a slope with a 250
meter-deep tension crack was 25 % lower than for a slope with no tension crack. In his back-
analysis of rock mass strengths, the resulting tension crack depths were quite large, up to
between 200 to 250 meters. An example is shown in Figure 7.96. The length of the shear
surface in the footwall is therefore much smaller than for the case without tension crack. For
mining to the -586 meter level (-600 in Lupo's model), the shear surface in Lupo's model is
around 350 meters long, whereas the shear surface in the SLIDE analysis with caved rock is
between 530 to 650 meters (cf. Figure 7.96 and Figure 7.94 through Figure 7.95). To balance
the same weight of rock (driving force), the cohesion must be higher for a shorter shear
surface. Assuming that the weight of the rock block is the same in both cases (constant
frictional force), the cohesion would have to be increased by as much as 50 % to give the
same resisting force for the shorter shear surface. It is thus not surprising that the current
analysis yielded consistently lower values than the analysis by Lupo (1996).

Tension crack

Predicted failure surface

Figure 7.96 Calculated failure surfaces by Lupo (1996) for cross-section Y2300 and
mining to the -600 meter level.

The assumption of deep tension cracks has not been verified by observations in the footwall
slope (although long vertical tension cracks have been observed in the hangingwall). The
shallowest mining level at which failure observations were made is the -230 meter level (cf.
Figure 7.96). The majority of observed cracking at this level could be interpreted as shear,
rather than tensile, failure. Furthermore, the numerical models showed that tensile failure
only occurred at the crest and only to a relatively limited extent. The maximum extent of
tensile failure in the models was down to approximately the -250 meter mining level. Thus,
the maximum length of a tension crack is at least 100 meters shorter than in Lupo's analysis.

To conclude, the differences in back-calculated strengths from different analyses can be

attributed to differences in (1) how the caved rock is treated, and (2) how tensile failure is
accounted for in the models. The resulting strengths proved to be relatively sensitive to these
different assumptions. Hence, it is also difficult to state which of the strength values
presented above are most correct.

7.3.5 Discussion and Conclusions

Modeling the Kiirunavaara footwall failures proved to be quite challenging. The main
difficulty is the representation of the caved rock. The numerical models and the limit
equilibrium analyses without caved rock generally produced failure for higher strengths than
the models simulating the caved rock. Inferred failure surfaces were more deep-seated than
those indicated by observations.

The limit equilibrium models with an inclined support pressure from the caved rock applied
to the footwall showed that a downward oriented force component was necessary to produce
failure. The agreement between predicted and observed failure was fairly good for this
analysis. The numerical models showed that failure could occur for what is thought to be
reasonable strength values, provided that the caved rock was allowed to move relative to the
footwall. However, the current models were not capable of simulating the drawing of ore in
detail; hence, the location of the failure surface in the models did not match the field
observations of failure. Quantitative comparisons with displacement measurements were not
done, as the monitoring data for the footwall was in poor shape. Back-calculated strengths
from modeling and limit equilibrium analysis are summarized in Figure 7.97.

Strength Values Section Y2300

Estimated strength
1.2 (Hoek-Brown approach)
Limit equilibrium
Cohesion [MPa]

Limit equilibrium (Dahnér-

Lindqvist, 1992)
SLIDE, Case 1, -586 m

0.6 FLAC, Case 1, -586 m

0.4 FLAC, Case 1 , -659 m

FLAC, Case 4, -586 m


28 30 32 34 36 38 40
Friction Angle [°]

Figure 7.97 Limiting strength as calculated by different limit equilibrium and numerical
analysis for the Kiirunvaara footwall failures, section Y2300.

With regard to the strength parameters, the results presented in this chapter all gave limiting
strengths that were lower than those obtained earlier by, e.g., Lupo (1996). This can partly be
explained by the differences in the underlying assumptions for each analysis method, as
discussed in the previous section. However, at this stage, it cannot be stated which of these
analyses yield the most representative values for the footwall rock mass strength.

Nevertheless, the results presented above indicate that failure of the footwall is possible for
rock mass strengths that are fairly close to those estimated using the Hoek-Brown failure
criterion and the procedure described in Chapter 5. The problem is that the back-calculated
strengths are consistently lower than the estimated strengths, as shown in Figure 7.97. Had it
not been possible to back-calculate strength values, this would have lead to an unconservative
design. This can partly be attributed to the sensistivity of the strength estimates with respect
to RMR-value. As discussed in Chapter 5, the estimated rock mass strength is more sensitive
to changes in RMR for high RMR-values. Using the syenite porphyry of the Kiirunavaara
footwall as an example, the rock-mass compressive strength was determined for RMR-values
ranging from 50 to 60 (the latter value was the one used in the previous strength estimates),
while keeping all other parameters constant. The results are shown in Figure 7.98, together

with the back-calculated strengths. The estimated strength for a slightly lower RMR-value
better fits the back-calculated strengths.

Strength Values Section Y2300

Estimated strength
(Hoek-Brown approach)
Compressive Strength, σ cm [MPa]

5.0 Limit equilibrium


4.0 Limit equilibrium

(Dahnér-Lindqvist, 1992)

SLIDE, Case 1, -586 m

FLAC, Case 1, -586 m
FLAC, Case 1 , -659 m

FLAC, Case 4, -586 m

48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62

Figure 7.98 Estimated strength as a function of RMR-value and back-calculated strengths

for the Kiirunavaara footwall (only values for φ = 35° shown).

Neither the RMR classification system nor the Hoek-Brown failure criterion provides the
necessary resolution for arriving at exact estimates of the rock mass strength. A practical
lesson from this is to never base any design on a single estimated RMR-value; rather, several
different values should be used in a parameter study. This is a general conclusion, which
applies both to the cases studied in this chapter, as well as to future application of the design

For the Kiirunavaara case in particular, the action of the caved rock is still somewhat
uncertain and difficult to model correctly, and the question of what the "correct" strength for
the footwall remains. Thus, additional analyses are necessary to be able to predict future
stability problems with better certainty.


8.1 Approach and Input to Design

8.1.1 Design Approach

The geomechanical conditions at the Aitik mine were described in detail in Chapter 3 of this
thesis. The geomechanical model — in particular the design section presented in Section 3.8
— forms the basis for the design work presented in this chapter. Design analyses were
carried out using the numerical modeling technique described in Chapters 6 and 7. Input data
to the stability analysis were estimated using rock mass classification and the Hoek-Brown
failure criterion, as described in Chapter 5 and applied in Chapter 7. Additional input into the
determination of stable slope angles was the empirical guidelines from the case study
database presented in Chapter 4, Section 4.5.2.

The representative design cross-section for the Aitik pit is reproduced in Figure 8.1 and
Figure 8.2. The interpreted geohydrological conditions are shown in Figure 8.3 and Figure
8.4 (the worst and best cases, respectively). The various rock types encountered in the mine
needs to be accounted for in the model, as they exhibit slightly different properties. The only
confirmed large scale structure is the hangingwall fault zone. This is a fairly wide zone
containing numerous smaller discontinuities. The lack of other confirmed large scale
structures justifies the use of a pseudo-continuum modeling approach with equivalent
properties for the rock mass as a whole. Consequently, the program FLAC was chosen for
the numerical modeling. Using FLAC, the fault zone can be represented with a ubiquitous
joint material model. The other rock units were initially modeled as perfectly plastic (Mohr-
Coulomb) materials. Subsequent to this, a ubiquitous joint constitutive model was tested to
simulate the pronounced foliation and resulting strength anisotropy of the schist and gneiss
rocks. The fault zone could also have been modeled as a single or a set of discontinuities,
using a program such as UDEC. This was not done for this study, but it should be considered
an option for future additional analyses.

The mining geometry is somewhat simplified in that the individual benches and the ramps
have been left out and replaced by an overall slope angle. This is thought to be a reasonable
simplification considering the scale of the problem. The actually modeled mining sequence
will be described later.

Figure 8.1 Representative cross-section at Y4000 of the Aitik mine (looking north)
showing current and future mining geometries and major rock units.

Figure 8.2 Representative cross-section at Y4000 of the Aitik mine (looking north)
showing current and future mining geometries and confirmed large scale

Figure 8.3 Representative cross-section at Y4000 of the Aitik mine (looking north)
showing current and future mining geometries and probable location of the
water table without further drainage (worst case).

Figure 8.4 Representative cross-section at Y4000 of the Aitik mine (looking north)
showing current and future mining geometries and probable location of the
water table with continued drainage drilling in the future (best case).

Input data to the models were taken from the design strength values and rock mass
classification ratings of the geomechanical model (Chapter 3). These data were used to arrive
at rock-mass strength estimates for each of the rock types. The procedure will be described
in the sections to follow.

Because there have been no previous large scale failures at Aitik, the validity of the strength
estimates cannot be checked by comparison with observations. This makes it even more
important to carry out several parameter studies in which the strength properties and the
hydrological conditions are varied, as was done in this study.

8.1.2 Mining Geometry

The future mining of the Aitik pit involves three pushbacks. The current pushback (# 3) will
continue down to the 325 meter level. Both the fourth and fifth pushback will be mined to
final depth at the 460 meter level. Pushback # 4 will involve mining on both the footwall and
the hangingwall side, while pushback # 5 only involves the hangingwall (see Figure 8.5).

Some simplifications were necessary to model the mining sequence,. Pushback # 3 was
mined to its final depth at the 325 meter level in one increment. For the remaining two
pushbacks, it was decided to mine four benches (two double benches) in each mining step,
corresponding to a 60-meter vertical drop (see Figure 8.6). This ensured that reasonable
calculation times were maintained without sacrificing the resolution of the model. Pushback
# 4 was mined simultaneously on the footwall and the hangingwall, and was completed
before pushback # 5 was started. This is not entirely realistic, as there will probably be
mining activity on two pushbacks at the same time; however, the simulated mining geometry
represents a worst case of the probable mining sequences, as the pit is mined along the final
overall angle rather than with a flatter interim slope angle over several pushbacks.

Models with multiple mining steps are very time-consuming. Consequently, the final pit
geometry was also analyzed by excavating the pit in one step from the current mining level.
This is a simplification and may give slightly different results compared to excavating the pit
in several increments; however, it enables more parameter studies to be conducted within
reasonable time.

Figure 8.5 Vertical cross-section at coordinate Y4000 (looking north) showing current
and future planned pit geometries at Aitik.

Figure 8.6 Simplified mining sequence for future pushback mining of the Aitik pit.

In addition to the currently planned future mining geometry, one case with slightly steeper
slope angles was modeled. In this model, overall slope angles of 50° were used for the
hangingwall and the footwall (as opposed to 44° and 46°, respectively, in the current mining
plans). The steeper slope angle for pushback # 4 and # 5 was applied from the currently
planned slope crest (see Figure 8.7). This resulted in a slightly wider pit bottom compared to
that resulting from the flatter angles. Possible changes in ore reserves/ore boundary due to
the change in slope angle and stripping ratio, and their impact on mine plans, were not
considered. The assumed location of the water table with continued drainage drilling (100-
meter drained zone) for this mining geometry is shown in Figure 8.8.

Figure 8.7 Steeper overall slope angles (50°) on the hangingwall and footwall for future
pushback mining of the Aitik pit.

Figure 8.8 Assumed location of water table with continued drainage drilling in the future
(best case) for the case of steeper overall slope angles (50°) on the
hangingwall and footwall of the Aitik pit.

8.1.3 Rock Mass Properties

Input data to the perfectly plastic models include density (ρ), elastic constants for the rock
mass (Em and ν), and rock mass strength (c, φ, and σtm). For the ubiquitous joint constitutive
model, values on joint cohesion (cj), joint friction angle (φj) and joint tensile strength (σtj), as
well as the orientation of the joints, must also be supplied.

The procedure described in Chapter 5 was applied to assess the rock mass strength using the
classification ratings presented in Chapter 3. The RMR-ratings are reproduced in Table 8.1.
Values on joint strength were also taken from Chapter 3. The procedure was demonstrated in
Chapter 7 and is only briefly reviewed in the following. Summary tables with parameter
values are given for all rock types.

Table 8.1 Rock-mass classification ratings for major rock types at Aitik (cf. Figure 8.1).

Sector Rock Type RMR

HW Amphibole gneiss 69
HW HW Thrust contact/Muscovite schist 52
Ore Muscovite schist 60
Ore Biotite schist 64
Ore Biotite gneiss 69
FW Amphibole-epidote-feldspar gneiss 64
FW Diorite 69
FW Biotite gneiss (with amphibole) 69

Elastic Constants

Young's modulus for the rock mass was estimated using the relation by Serafim and Pereira
(1983), given in Equation (5.33), and reproduced below

RMR −10

E m = 10 40
. [GPa].

Using the RMR-values in Table 8.1, the resulting values for Young's modulus for the rock
mass were calculated; these are shown in Table 8.2.

Table 8.2 Estimated Young's modulus for the rock mass using Equation (5.33).

Sector Rock Type RMR Em [GPa]

HW Amphibole gneiss 69 29.9
HW HW Thrust contact 52 11.2
Ore Muscovite schist 60 17.8
Ore Biotite schist 64 22.4
Ore Biotite gneiss 69 29.9
FW Amphibole-epidote-feldspar gneiss 64 22.4
FW Diorite 69 29.9
FW Biotite gneiss (with amphibole) 69 29.9

Poisson's ratio, ν, and rock mass density, ρ, for all rock types were estimated as

ν = 0.25,
ρ = 2700 kg/m3.

Rock Mass Strength

The strength of the rock mass was estimated using the Hoek-Brown approach. Input data to
these calculations were RMR-value (Table 8.1), parameter mi in the Hoek-Brown failure
criterion, and the uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock, σc. The value of mi can be
determined from triaxial test results compiled by Hoek and Brown (1997). The rock types at
Aitik fall somewhere between gneiss (mi = 33) and schist (mi = 8). With the exception of the
hangingwall fault zone and the muscovite schist, none of the rock types can be characterized
as pure schists. Rather, they range in composition from only slightly metamorphosed, acidic,
fine-grained rocks, to more coarse-grained gneiss. Consequently, mi-values of around 17
(dacite) to 33 (gneiss) apply (see Table 8.3). Furthermore, diorite (mi = 28) and amphibolite
(mi = 25-31) occur in the footwall and the hangingwall, respectively. Rather than assigning a
single value on mi, it was decided to estimate minimum, maximum, and typical values for
each of the rock types as shown in Table 8.3.

Values of the intact rock strength (σc) were taken from the design strength values presented
in Section 3.5.4. Minimum and maximum values were taken from the strengths both parallel
to the foliation, and normal to the foliation, respectively. Typical values were taken from the
strengths normal to the foliation.

The RMR-ratings in Table 8.1 were used as typical values. However, the results presented in
Chapter 7, particularly those for the Kiirunavaara case study, showed how sensitive the
strength estimates were to changes in RMR. Hence, a lower and upper bound range of
RMR ± 5 was considered reasonable (cf. Figure 7.98).

Parameters m and s in the Hoek-Brown criterion were calculated assuming disturbed rock
mass conditions. The curved Hoek-Brown failure envelope was then "translated" to a linear
Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope by conducting a linear regression over a representative stress
range. The intercept with the σ1-axis was kept constant at the value of the rock-mass
compressive strength, σcm, and 20 regression points were used. A linear-elastic analysis was
used to estimate the magnitude range of the minor principal stress. This gave 0 < σ3 < 7.5
MPa for the entire slope, excluding the most highly stressed toe zone. An example of the

resulting Hoek-Brown and Mohr-Coulomb failure envelopes for the biotite schist within the
ore zone is shown in Figure 8.9. The resulting rock-mass strength parameters (typical, low,
and high values) for all rock types are presented in Table 8.4. As can be seen, the difference
between low and high strength values is large for all rock types, and in particular for the
muscovite schist and fault zone. The difference between low and typical values is also quite
large for several rock types, further underlining the importance of conducting the parameter

Table 8.3 Values of constant mi from tabulated values (table from Hoek and Brown,

Values for
amphibole gneiss:
mi = 25 - 31

Values for muscovite

schist: mi = 8- 17

Values for footwall Values for biotite

diorite: mi = 28 gneiss and schist:
mi = 17 - 33



Major principal stress, σ 1 [MPa]




15 Hoek-Brown Failure Envelope

10 Mohr-Coulomb Envelope (Fixed

Intercept Regression)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Minor principal stress, σ 3 [MPa]

Figure 8.9 Hoek-Brown and Mohr-Coulomb failure envelopes for the biotite schist in the
ore zone (RMR = 64, mi = 25, σc = 65, disturbed rock mass; resulting rock-
mass strength values: c = 0.71 MPa, φ = 43°, σcm = 3.24 MPa).

The tensile strength for the Hoek-Brown failure criterion is relatively low, particularly for the
muscovite and biotite schist. A different set of tensile strength values was also tested in the
analysis. For this purpose, the tensile rock mass strength was estimated to be 10 % of the
rock-mass compressive strength. These values are shown in Table 8.5.

For the ubiquitous joint model, the joint friction angles were taken to be equal to the design
joint strength values in Section 3.5.4. The cohesion and the tensile strength of the joints were
set to zero. Joint friction angles are shown in Table 8.6. Only the foliation joint set was
simulated in the ubiquitous joint models, as this is the most dominant joint set both in the
footwall and hangingwall. The dip of the foliation varies from, on average, 68° on the
footwall to 46° in the hangingwall. In the models, a foliation dip of 68° was used for the
biotite gneiss, diorite, and amphibole-epidote-feldspar gneiss rocks, whereas a foliation dip of
46° was used for the biotite schist, muscovite schist, and amphibole gneiss rock types.

Table 8.4 Estimated rock mass strength for rock types at Aitik assuming disturbed rock
mass for a stress range of σ3 = 0 - 7.5 MPa [typical value (in bold and italic),
and estimated low and high values (RMR ± 5)].

Fixed intercept
[Equations (A5.15)-
Rock Type mi σc RMR σ3-min σ3-max φ c σcm σtm
[MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [°] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa]
33 150 69 0 7.5 53 1.88 11.3 0.24
Amphibole gneiss 25 100 64 0 7.5 46 1.01 4.98 0.13
33 200 74 0 7.5 57 3.43 22.9 0.51
17 50 52 0 7.5 31 0.26 0.92 0.03
HW Thrust contact-
8 20 47 0 7.5 16 0.09 0.24 0.02
Muscovite schist
17 70 57 0 7.5 36 0.50 1.94 0.07
17 50 60 0 7.5 35 0.46 1.78 0.07
Muscovite schist 8 30 55 0 7.5 22 0.24 0.71 0.05
17 140 65 0 7.5 45 1.58 7.58 0.29
25 65 64 0 7.5 43 0.71 3.24 0.08
Biotite schist 17 50 59 0 7.5 35 0.43 1.64 0.06
33 100 69 0 7.5 51 1.35 7.55 0.16
33 100 69 0 7.5 51 1.35 7.55 0.16
Biotite gneiss 17 50 64 0 7.5 37 0.62 2.49 0.10
33 150 74 0 7.5 53 1.88 11.3 0.24
Amphibole- 28 70 64 0 7.5 44 0.73 3.49 0.08
epidote-feldspar 28 60 59 0 7.5 41 0.45 1.97 0.04
gneiss 33 110 69 0 7.5 51 1.45 8.31 0.17
28 120 69 0 7.5 50 1.63 9.06 0.22
Diorite 28 60 64 0 7.5 43 0.65 2.99 0.07
28 200 74 0 7.5 57 3.43 22.9 0.51
33 120 69 0 7.5 52 1.56 9.06 0.19
Biotite gneiss (with
17 70 64 0 7.5 40 0.82 3.49 0.13
33 160 74 0 7.5 55 2.84 18.3 0.41

Table 8.5 Estimated tensile strength for the rock mass as one-tenth (10 %) of the
uniaxial compressive strength for the rock mass (cf. Table 8.4).

Sector Rock Type Compressive Tensile

strength, σcm strength, σtm
[MPa] [MPa]
HW Amphibole gneiss 11.3 1.13
HW HW Thrust contact 0.92 0.09
Ore Muscovite schist 1.78 0.18
Ore Biotite schist 3.24 0.32
Ore Biotite gneiss 7.55 0.76
FW Amphibole-epidote-feldspar gneiss 3.49 0.35
FW Diorite 9.06 0.91
FW Biotite gneiss (with amphibole) 9.06 0.91

Table 8.6 Estimated joint friction angle for the foliation in each of the rock types.

Sector Joints in rock type Joint friction angle

φj [°]
HW Amphibole gneiss 28
HW HW Thrust contact 25
Ore Muscovite schist 30
Ore Biotite schist 30
Ore Biotite gneiss 32
FW Amphibole-epidote-feldspar gneiss 30
FW Diorite 32
FW Biotite gneiss (with amphibole) 32

8.2 Numerical Modeling

8.2.1 Model Set-Up

The finite difference program FLAC was used exclusively for all modeling. A fairly detailed
model was used, with a grid size of 7.5 meters (quadratic zones). The total size of the FLAC
model was 3405 x 1260 metes (width x depth); see Figure 8.10 and Figure 8.11. The geology
represented in the model was that of the design section shown in Figure 8.1, with parameter
values according to the previous section.

The virgin stress state used in the models was that presented in Section 3.7, and is reproduced
here for convenience:

σ EW = σ H = 2.8 + 0.0399 z , (8.1)

σ NS = σ h = 2.2 + 0.0240 z , (8.2)

σ v = 0.027 z , (8.3)


σEW = σH = maximum principal horizontal stress, oriented east-west (perpendicular

to the orebody) in MPa (in-plane stress in the model),
σNS = σh = minimum principal horizontal stress, oriented north-south (parallel
to the orebody ) in MPa (out-of-plane stress in the model),
σv = vertical virgin stress in MPa, and
z = depth below the ground surface in meters.

Only one set of virgin stresses was used in the analysis. The groundwater conditions have
been partly quantified for the current slope geometry. The water table in Figure 8.3 was
taken as a first guess as input to the models. In addition, a case with drained slopes to a
distance of approximately 100 meters from the slope face was modeled (Figure 8.4).

JOB TITLE : Aitik Model Geometry

FLAC (Version 3.30)


10/21/1998 13:54
step 0
5.611E+03 <x< 9.394E+03
-2.519E+03 <y< 1.264E+03 Ground surface

Boundary plot

0 1E 3 Hangingwall Footwall

Marked Gridpoints Final planned pit geometry





Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 6.000 6.500 7.000 7.500 8.000 8.500 9.000

Figure 8.10 Model geometry (in FLAC) of the Aitik pit (only current and final mining
geometry shown).
JOB TITLE : Aitik Model Geometry (*10^3)

FLAC (Version 3.30) .200


10/21/1998 13:55 -10 m level Ground surface .000

step 0 -50 m level

6.850E+03 <x< 8.250E+03
-1.100E+03 <y< 3.000E+02 Current mine geometry
Boundary plot

0 2E 2 Pushback # 3

Marked Gridpoints Pushback # 5 (final pit) -.400




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 7.000 7.200 7.400 7.600 7.800 8.000 8.200

Figure 8.11 Close-up of model geometry (in FLAC) of the Aitik pit (only current mining
geometry and pushback nos. 3 and 5 shown).

Mining was simulated starting with the current mining geometry (1998), and continued with
pushback nos. 3, 4, and 5. Altogether, 14 mining steps were simulated in the plastic models
(see Table 8.7). To minimize inertial effects, each mining step was first excavated with
strengths set to high values. The model was allowed to come to equilibrium, and strength
values were then reduced to their correct values. The model was then run to a new
equilibrium state. This technique is less appropriate if extensive failure develops in an early
mining step and the failure development is being studied. However, in the Aitik case, the aim
is to design the slopes to be stable; hence, multiple failures need not be modeled in detail.
For the purpose of comparing displacement magnitudes, a linear-elastic model was also run
for the mining steps 1, 2, 8, and 14 in Table 8.7.

For the case in which the final pit geometry was excavated in one step, the model was first
allowed to come to equilibrium for high strength values. Strength values were then reduced
to their correct values, all done to minimize intertial effects. However, since plastic models
are path-dependent, mining in one step can give different results compared to multiple-step
analyses. Nevertheless, these models could be used as indicators to what might happen. One
or two of the most interesting cases, could then be selected for more detailed analysis with all
mining steps.

Table 8.7 Simulated mining steps in the FLAC model of the Aitik pit.

Mining Step Description and Mining Level

1 Current (1998)
2 Pushback # 3, 325 meter level
3 Pushback # 4, 145 meter level
4 Pushback # 4, 205 meter level
5 Pushback # 4, 265 meter level
6 Pushback # 4, 325 meter level
7 Pushback # 4, 400 meter level
8 Pushback # 4, 460 meter level
9 Pushback # 5, 145 meter level
10 Pushback # 5, 205 meter level
11 Pushback # 5, 265 meter level
12 Pushback # 5, 325 meter level
13 Pushback # 5, 400 meter level
14 Pushback # 5, 460 meter level

8.2.2 Parameter Study and Results

Parameter studies were conducted to quantify the sensitivity of the model, including the
different groundwater conditions shown earlier, as well as different constitutive models
(perfectly plastic and ubiquitous joint models, respectively). Typical and low strength values
for all rock types (Table 8.4) were tested in different simulations. One analysis was also
conducted in which low strength values were assigned only to the footwall rocks, with typical
strength values for all other rock units.

For the ubiquitous joint models, the effect of slightly lower joint friction angles was also
tested. Because the actual joints in the rock mass have been found to be relatively short, it
can be argued that a small cohesion could apply for these. Hence, the effect of adding a small
joint cohesion was also tested. Most of the parameter studies were conducted for the model
simulating only the current and the final mining steps. The following cases were run.

Linear-elastic model

Only one case with elastic constants according to Table 8.2 and for mining steps 1, 2, 8, and
14 in Table 8.7.

Only current (1998) and final (pushback # 5, 460 meter level) pit geometry

A. Perfectly plastic (Mohr-Coulomb) model

Typical strength values according to Table 8.4
High water table according to Figure 8.3

B. Perfectly plastic (Mohr-Coulomb) model

Typical strength values according to Table 8.4
Drained conditions according to Figure 8.4

C. Ubiquitous joint model

Typical strength values according to Table 8.4
Drained conditions according to Figure 8.4

D. Ubiquitous joint model

Low strength values according to Table 8.4
Drained conditions according to Figure 8.4

E. Ubiquitous joint model

Typical strength values according to Table 8.4, but with joint cohesion added;
cj = 10 kPa
High water table according to Figure 8.3

F. Ubiquitous joint model

Typical strength values according to Table 8.4, but with joint cohesion added;
cj = 10 kPa
Drained conditions according to Figure 8.4

G. Perfectly plastic (Mohr-Coulomb) model

Typical strength values according to Table 8.4 for the hangingwall rocks
Low strength values (from Table 8.4) for the footwall rocks
High water table according to Figure 8.3

H. Ubiquitous joint model

Typical strength values according to Table 8.4, but with reduced joint friction angle of
-2° (from the values in Table 8.6) for all rock types
High water table according to Figure 8.3

All 14 mining steps

1. Perfectly plastic (Mohr-Coulomb) model

Typical strength values according to Table 8.4
High water table according to Figure 8.3

2. Perfectly plastic (Mohr-Coulomb) model

Typical strength values according to Table 8.4, but with the higher tensile strength
from Table 8.5
High water table according to Figure 8.3

3. Perfectly plastic (Mohr-Coulomb) model

Low strength values according to Table 8.4
High water table according to Figure 8.3

4. Ubiquitous joint model

Typical strength values according to Table 8.4
High water table according to Figure 8.3

5. Ubiquitous joint model

Typical strength values according to Table 8.4
Drained conditions according to Figure 8.4

Calculated maximum displacements from the linear-elastic model are shown in Table 8.8.
The modeling results from the plastic and ubiquitous joint models are summarized in Table
8.9 and Table 8.10.

Table 8.8 Calculated maximum displacements using FLAC and a linear-elastic model.
Displacements are total values (absolute magnitude of displacement vector)
from the start of mining (not reset for each new mining step).

Mining step Maximum displacement (footwall

and hangingwall [m]
Current (1998) mining geometry 0.126
2 (pushback # 3, 325 meter level) 0.171
8 (pushback # 4, 460 meter level) 0.274
14 (pushback # 5, 460 meter level) 0.281

The models with 2 and 14 mining steps gave similar results for comparable cases (compare
e.g., Case A with Case 1, and Case 5 with Case C). This implies that the simplified model
with 2 mining steps produces as reliable results as the model with more mining steps. In
addition, the models showed that failure of the hangingwall occurred for the case of high
water table and typical strength values, both for perfectly plastic and ubiquitous joint models.
Failure developed after mining to the 400 meter level of pushback no. 4; failure occurred
primarily as circular shear failure but with a large region of tensile failure (see Figure 8.12
and Figure 8.13).

It was also found that the tensile strength of the rock mass had a distinct effect on the results.
Comparing Cases 1 and 2 (Table 8.10), failure of the hangingwall occurred for an earlier
mining step (the 400 meter level compared to the 460 meter level) for the lower set of tensile
strengths. However, the resulting failure surface was similar in both cases.

The footwall was stable when simulated as a perfectly plastic material with only elastic
displacements (maximum of 0.3 meters); compare Table 8.8. However, using a ubiquitous
joint model (Case 4), the footwall started to exhibit relatively large displacements at the toe,
already for mining of the 265 meter level of pushback 4. This failure was similar to the
"underdip" toppling failures described and simulated in Chapter 6, with large displacements
at the toe and the crest (see Figure 8.14). When mined to the 460 meter level, maximum
footwall displacements amounted to more than 5 meter and displayed a curved failure path
(Figure 8.15). These displacement did not stabilize, but increased with calculation time. At
this stage, a base failure surface can be said to have developed. However, failure of the rock
mass was primarily tensile (bending) failure. Failure of the rock mass in the ubiquitous joint
models only occurred for the cases with high water table (Case 4 and Case H).

For the models with low strength values for all rock types, failure occurred as early as the
current (1998 year) mining geometry (Case 3 and Case D). Shear and tensile failure could be
observed around the hangingwall fault zone and in the amphibole gneiss on the hangingwall,
with very large displacements developing. Since there are no signs of such failures in the pit
today, it can be concluded that these strength values are not representative of the rock mass
on the hangingwall.

The case with low strength values for only the footwall rocks resulted in large scale shear
failure of the footwall for the final pit depth (Case G). Shear failure dominated in the lower
portion and extensive tensile failure occurred in the upper portion of the footwall (see Figure
8.16 and Figure 8.17). However, failure did not occur for the 1998 mining geometry,
indicating that these strength values cannot be discarded.

A reduction of the joint friction angle for the ubiquitous joints while keeping other strength
values constant (for typical strengths) resulted in extensive joint slip in the footwall (Case H).
Large displacements (maximum of 3.8 meters at the toe) also developed in the footwall.
(These values cannot be directly compared to those of Case 4, since the mining sequence was
different.) The hangingwall failed in circular shear failure, similar to what was observed for
typical strength values. This indicates that even a slight decrease of the joint friction angle
could result in large displacements of the footwall and an unstable situation.

Non-continuous foliation joints were simulated by adding a small joint cohesion (cj = 10 kPa)
to the ubiquitous joints (Case E). Failure did still occur in the hangingwall (circular shear
and tensile failure), and fairly large displacements developed in the footwall (maximum of
1.1 meters). Both the hangingwall and the footwall were unstable, displaying increasing
displacements with calculation time. The displacement pattern of the footwall differed
somewhat compared to the models with zero joint cohesion but with lower joint friction angle
(compare Cases E and H in Table 8.9). Furthermore, a base failure surface could only be
inferred for Case H. Whether such a surface could develop with increasing calculation time
is not known. In conclusion, a small joint cohesion does not affect the stability of the
hangingwall slope in any significant manner, but slightly different displacement pattern was
obtained for the footwall slope.

Perhaps the most interesting result from this parameter study is that no large scale failure
could be observed in the models with typical strength values when drained conditions were
simulated (Cases B, C, and 5). The same was found for the models with joint cohesion added
(Case F). This implies that the groundwater conditions have a very large impact on the
stability of pit slopes at Aitik. The calculated displacements for the final mining step for
Case 5 (ubiquitous joint model, typical strengths) are shown in Figure 8.18 and Figure 8.19
for the hangingwall and the footwall, respectively. Displacements are still fairly large (nearly
1 meter) on the footwall side.

Table 8.9 Results from parameter study for current and final pit geometries.

Case Description Results Failure mechanism and displacement pattern

A Perfectly plastic model Current pit: No failure for current (1998) mining Final pit geometry
Typical strength values geometry.
High water table Final pit: Circular shear failure of the hangingwall. Tensile
failure No failure
No failure of the footwall.

Shear failure

B Perfectly plastic model Current pit: No failure for current (1998) mining Final pit geometry
Typical strength values geometry.

Drained conditions (100 m) Final pit: No failure for final pit geometry.
Maximum displacement 0.4 meters. No failure 0.4 m No failure

C Ubiquitous joint model Current pit: No failure for current (1998) mining
Final pit geometry
Typical strength values geometry.
Drained conditions (100 m) Final pit: No failure for final pit geometry.
Maximum displacement 0.9 meters. No failure 0.9 m No failure

Table 8.9 (continued).

Case Description Results Failure mechanism and displacement pattern

D Ubiquitous joint model Current pit: Tensile and shear failure around the Current pit geometry
Low strength values hangingwall fault zone, with large
Tensile failure
Drained conditions (100 m) displacements (13 meters). No failure
Final pit: Model could not be run further. Shear failure

E Ubiquitous joint model Current pit: No overall failure for current (1998)
Final pit geometry
Typical strength values mining geometry, but local large

Joint cohesion, cj = 10 kPa displacements around the HW fault. Tensile
High water table Final pit: Circular shear failure of the hangingwall. failure
10 m
Extensive joint slip and tensile failure in
1.1 m "Underdip"
Shear failure
footwall, with displacements of 1.1 meters toppling
(increasing displacements, not stable).
F Ubiquitous joint model Current pit: No overall failure for current (1998)
Final pit geometry
Typical strength values mining geometry, but local large
Joint cohesion, cj = 10 kPa displacements around the HW fault.
Drained conditions (100 m) Final pit: No failure for final pit geometry. No failure 0.7 m No failure
Maximum displacement 0.7 meters.

Table 8.9 (concluded).

Case Description Results Failure mechanism and displacement pattern

G Perfectly plastic model Current pit: No failure for current (1998) mining
Final pit geometry
Typical strength values HW geometry.
Low strength FW Final pit: Large scale failure of the footwall and Tensile Tensile
High water table hangingwall. Maximum displacement failure failure

13.7 meters (unstable).

Shear failure Shear failure

H Ubiquitous joint model Current pit: No overall failure for current (1998) Final pit geometry
Typical strength values mining geometry, but local large

Reduced φj with 2° displacements around the HW fault. Tensile
failure 3.8 m
High water table Final pit: Circular shear failure of the hangingwall.
10 m
Extensive joint slip and tensile failure in
Shear failure "Underdip"
the footwall, with displacements of 3.8 toppling
meters (increasing displacements, not

Table 8.10 Results from parameter study for mining of all 14 mining steps.

Case Description Results Failure mechanism and displacement pattern

1 Perfectly plastic model Large scale slope failure of the hangingwall first 400 meter level
Typical strength values developed for mining step 7 — i.e., the 400 meter
High water table level of pushback # 4 (see Table 8.7). Failure Tensile
failure No failure
occurred as circular shear failure with a relatively
large region of tensile failure.
Shear failure
The footwall was stable for all mining steps.

2 Perfectly plastic model Circular shear failure of the hangingwall first

460 meter level
Typical strength values occurred for mining step 8 (460 meter level of

Higher tensile strength pushback # 4). Tensile
High water table The footwall was stable for all mining steps. failure No failure

Shear failure

3 Perfectly plastic model Tensile and shear failure developed around the
Current pit geometry
Low strength values hangingwall fault already for the current (1998)
High water table mining geometry. Model could not be run further. Tensile failure
No failure
Shear failure

Table 8.10 (concluded).

Case Description Results Failure mechanism and displacement pattern

4 Ubiquitous joint model Relatively large displacements developing in the 460 meter level
Typical strength values footwall when mining pushback # 4 (1.1-meter total
High water table displacement already for the 265 meter level). For Tensile
failure 5.4 m
the 460 meter mining level (step 8), maximum
10 m
displacements in the footwall amounted to 5.4
Shear failure "Underdip"
meters (increasing displacements, not stable). toppling
Mining step 8 (460 meter level) also resulted in
circular shear failure of the hangingwall, similar to
Case 1 and 2.

5 Ubiquitous joint model Local failure (tensile) around the hangingwall fault
Final pit geometry
Typical strength values for mining step 4 (205 meter level of pushback # 4),
Drained conditions (100 m) but no large scale failure of the hangingwall or the
footwall for any of the mining steps. Maximum No failure 1.0 m No failure
displacement was 1.0 meter (displacements

JOB TITLE :Case 1. Typical strength, high water table. Pushback 4, 400 m level. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) 1.000


11/18/1998 13:47
step 290000
6.850E+03 <x< 7.650E+03
-6.500E+02 <y< 1.500E+02 -1.000

Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 9.921E+00

0 2E 1
Boundary plot
0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 6.900 7.000 7.100 7.200 7.300 7.400 7.500 7.600

Figure 8.12 Calculated displacement vectors for the hangingwall using FLAC for mining
to the 400 meter level of pushback 4, Case 1: Perfectly plastic (Mohr-
Coulomb) model with typical strength values and high water table.
JOB TITLE : Case 1. Typical strength, high water table. Pushback 4, 400 m level. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) 1.000


11/18/1998 13:48
step 290000
6.850E+03 <x< 7.650E+03
-6.500E+02 <y< 1.500E+02 Tensile failure -1.000

Plasticity Indicator
* at yield in shear or vol.
X elastic, at yield in past -2.000

o at yield in tension
Boundary plot

0 2E 2


Shear failure


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 6.900 7.000 7.100 7.200 7.300 7.400 7.500 7.600

Figure 8.13 Plasticity indicators in the hangingwall from FLAC for mining to the 400
meter level of pushback 4, Case 1: Perfectly plastic (Mohr-Coulomb) model
with typical strength values and high water table.

JOB TITLE : Case 4. Typical strength, high water table. Pushback 4, 265 m level. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) 1.000


11/18/1998 13:54
step 210000
7.550E+03 <x< 8.350E+03
-6.500E+02 <y< 1.500E+02 -1.000

Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 1.081E+00

0 2E 0
Boundary plot
0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 7.600 7.700 7.800 7.900 8.000 8.100 8.200 8.300

Figure 8.14 Calculated displacement vectors for the footwall using FLAC for mining to the
265 meter level of pushback 4, Case 4: Ubiquitous joint model with typical
strength values and high water table.
JOB TITLE :Case 4. Typical strength, high water table. Pushback4, 460 m level. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) 1.000


11/18/1998 13:52
step 329110
7.550E+03 <x< 8.350E+03
-6.500E+02 <y< 1.500E+02 -1.000

Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 5.427E+00

0 1E 1
Boundary plot
0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology
7.600 7.700 7.800 7.900 8.000 8.100 8.200 8.300

Figure 8.15 Calculated displacement vectors for the footwall using FLAC for mining to the
400 meter level of pushback 4, Case 4: Ubiquitous joint model with typical
strength values and high water table.

JOB TITLE :Case G. Low strength FW rocks, high water table. Final pit depth. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) 1.000


11/18/1998 13:55
step 94310
7.550E+03 <x< 8.350E+03
-6.500E+02 <y< 1.500E+02 -1.000

Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 1.199E+01

0 2E 1
Boundary plot
0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 7.600 7.700 7.800 7.900 8.000 8.100 8.200 8.300

Figure 8.16 Calculated displacement vectors for the footwall using FLAC for mining to the
460 meter level of pushback 5, Case G: Perfectly plastic (Mohr-Coulomb)
model with low strength values for the footwall rocks and high water table.
JOB TITLE : Case G. Low strength FW rocks, high water table. Final pit depth. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) 1.000


11/18/1998 13:55
step 94310
Tensile failure
7.550E+03 <x< 8.350E+03
-6.500E+02 <y< 1.500E+02 -1.000

Plasticity Indicator
* at yield in shear or vol.
X elastic, at yield in past -2.000

o at yield in tension
Boundary plot

0 2E 2

Shear failure -4.000



Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 7.600 7.700 7.800 7.900 8.000 8.100 8.200 8.300

Figure 8.17 Plasticity indicators in the footwall from FLAC for mining to the 460 meter
level of pushback 5, Case G: Perfectly plastic (Mohr-Coulomb) model with
low strength values for the footwall rocks and high water table.

JOB TITLE : Case 5. Typical strength, drained conditions. Pushback 5, 460 m. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) 1.000


11/18/1998 13:58
step 570000
6.800E+03 <x< 7.600E+03
-6.500E+02 <y< 1.500E+02 -1.000

Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 3.999E-01

0 1E 0
Boundary plot
0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 6.850 6.950 7.050 7.150 7.250 7.350 7.450 7.550

Figure 8.18 Calculated displacement vectors for the hangingwall using FLAC for mining
to the 460 meter level of pushback 5, Case 5: Ubiquitous joint model with
typical strength values and drained conditions.
JOB TITLE : Case 5. Typical strength, drained conditions. Pushback 5, 460 m. (*10^2)

FLAC (Version 3.30) 1.000


11/18/1998 13:59
step 570000
7.550E+03 <x< 8.350E+03
-6.500E+02 <y< 1.500E+02 -1.000

Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 9.762E-01

0 2E 0
Boundary plot
0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 7.600 7.700 7.800 7.900 8.000 8.100 8.200 8.300

Figure 8.19 Calculated displacement vectors for the footwall using FLAC for mining to the
460 meter level of pushback 5, Case 5: Ubiquitous joint model with typical
strength values and drained conditions.

8.2.3 Analysis of Alternative Mining Geometry

The model with steeper slope angles (see Figure 8.7) was run for a few selected sets of
parameters for one mining step, corresponding to the final pit depth after pushback no. 5 is
completed. Considering the uncertainties in input data and the relative sensitivity of the
model to parameter changes, it was believed that more parameter studies and/or variations of
the mining geometry could not be justified at this stage. The models only serve to
demonstrate whether a steeper slope angle is at all feasible. Further studies are necessary to
confirm the findings from this limited study. The following cases were run.

A. Perfectly plastic (Mohr-Coulomb) model

Typical strength values according to Table 8.4
Drained conditions according to Figure 8.8

B. Ubiquitous joint model

Typical strength values according to Table 8.4
Drained conditions according to Figure 8.8

C. Perfectly plastic (Mohr-Coulomb) model

Typical strength values according to Table 8.4
High water table (no additional drainage in the future)

D. Ubiquitous joint (Mohr-Coulomb) model

Typical strength values according to Table 8.4
High water table (no additional drainage in the future)

The results are summarized in Table 8.11. For drained conditions (Cases A and B), failure
did not occur in the models. However, relatively large displacements developed in the
ubiquitous joint model (see Figure 8.20 and Figure 8.21). For the case of high water table
and typical strengths, failure occurred in the hangingwall both in the perfectly plastic and in
the ubiquitous joint model (Cases C and D); footwall failure occurred only in the ubiquitous
joint model (Case D). The hangingwall failed in shear and tension, resulting in very large
displacements (see Figure 8.22 and Figure 8.23). The footwall exhibited extensive slip along
the ubiquitous joints and relatively large displacements at the toe (up to 6 meters); see Figure
8.24 and Figure 8.25.

Table 8.11 Results from parameter study of future mining with steeper (50°) overall slope angles.

Case Description Results Failure mechanism and displacement pattern

A Perfectly plastic model Final pit: No large scale failure for final pit
Typical strength values geometry. Maximum displacement = 0.5
Drained conditions (100 m) meter. No failure 0.5 m No failure

B Ubiquitous joint model Final pit: No large scale failure for final pit
Typical strength values geometry, but local yielding below pit
Drained conditions (100 m) bottom and along ubiquitous joints in the No failure 0.9 m No failure
footwall. Maximum displacement = 0.9

meters at the toe of the footwall.
C Perfectly plastic model Final pit: Large scale circular shear failure of the
Typical strength values hangingwall. Local tensile failure in the
High water table upper portion of the footwall. Tensile Local tensile
+ shear failure

D Ubiquitous joint model Final pit: Large scale circular shear failure of the
Typical strength values hangingwall. Extensive slip along
High water table ubiquitous joints in footwall and large Tensile
+ shear
displacements (6.7 meters) at the toe of 6.7 m "Underdip
the footwall.

JOB TITLE : Aitik. 50 degree FW, HW. Ubiquitous joints. Typical strength. Drained.

FLAC (Version 3.30) 1.000


11/18/1998 14:00
step 110000
7.550E+03 <x< 8.350E+03
-6.500E+02 <y< 1.500E+02 -1.000

Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 8.543E-01

0 2E 0
Boundary plot
0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 7.600 7.700 7.800 7.900 8.000 8.100 8.200 8.300

Figure 8.20 Calculated displacement vectors for the footwall using FLAC for steeper slope
angles (50°) and final pit depth (460 meter level), Case B: Ubiquitous joint
model with typical strength values and drained conditions.
JOB TITLE : Aitik. 50 degree FW, HW. Ubiquitous joints. Typical strength. Drained.

FLAC (Version 3.30) 1.000


11/18/1998 14:01
step 110000
6.800E+03 <x< 7.600E+03
-6.500E+02 <y< 1.500E+02 -1.000

Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 6.638E-01

0 2E 0
Boundary plot
0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 6.850 6.950 7.050 7.150 7.250 7.350 7.450 7.550

Figure 8.21 Calculated displacement vectors for the hangingwall using FLAC for steeper
slope angles (50°) and final pit depth (460 meter level), Case B: Ubiquitous
joint model with typical strength values and drained conditions.

JOB TITLE : Aitik. 50 degree FW, HW. Ubiquitous joints. Typical strength. High water.

FLAC (Version 3.30) 1.000


11/18/1998 14:02
step 97330
6.800E+03 <x< 7.600E+03
-6.500E+02 <y< 1.500E+02 -1.000

Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 4.686E+01

0 1E 2
Boundary plot
0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 6.850 6.950 7.050 7.150 7.250 7.350 7.450 7.550

Figure 8.22 Calculated displacement vectors for the hangingwall using FLAC for steeper
slope angles (50°) and final pit depth (460 meter level), Case D: Ubiquitous
joint model with typical strength values and high water table.
JOB TITLE : Aitik. 50 degree FW, HW. Ubiquitous joints. Typical strength. High water.

FLAC (Version 3.30) 1.000

Slip along ubiquitous joints


11/18/1998 14:03
step 97330
6.800E+03 <x< 7.600E+03
-6.500E+02 <y< 1.500E+02 Tensile failure -1.000

Plasticity Indicator
* at yield in shear or vol.
X elastic, at yield in past -2.000

o at yield in tension
+ shear along ubiq. joints
v tens. fail. ubiq. joints
Boundary plot

0 2E 2



Shear failure


Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 6.850 6.950 7.050 7.150 7.250 7.350 7.450 7.550

Figure 8.23 Plasticity indicators in the hangingwall from FLAC for steeper slope angles
(50°) and final pit depth (460 meter level), Case D: Ubiquitous joint model
with typical strength values and high water table.

JOB TITLE : Aitik. 50 degree FW, HW. Ubiquitous joints. Typical strength. High water.

FLAC (Version 3.30) 1.000


11/18/1998 14:03
step 97330
7.550E+03 <x< 8.350E+03
-6.500E+02 <y< 1.500E+02 -1.000

Displacement vectors
Max Vector = 6.745E+00

0 2E 1
Boundary plot
0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 7.600 7.700 7.800 7.900 8.000 8.100 8.200 8.300

Figure 8.24 Calculated displacement vectors for the footwall using FLAC for steeper slope
angles (50°) and final pit depth (460 meter level), Case D: Ubiquitous joint
model with typical strength values and high water table.
JOB TITLE : Aitik. 50 degree FW, HW. Ubiquitous joints. Typical strength. High water.

FLAC (Version 3.30) 1.000


11/18/1998 14:03
step 97330
7.550E+03 <x< 8.350E+03
-6.500E+02 <y< 1.500E+02 -1.000

Plasticity Indicator
* at yield in shear or vol. Slip along ubiquitous joints
X elastic, at yield in past -2.000

o at yield in tension
+ shear along ubiq. joints
Boundary plot

0 2E 2




Division of Rock Mechanics

Lulea University of Technology 7.600 7.700 7.800 7.900 8.000 8.100 8.200 8.300

Figure 8.25 Plasticity indicators in the footwall from FLAC for steeper slope angles (50°)
and final pit depth (460 meter level), Case D: Ubiquitous joint model with
typical strength values and high water table.

To conclude, the models indicate that the steeper slope angle could also cause failure of the
footwall if the slopes are left undrained. Furthermore, hangingwall failure is even more
pronounced for this case, compared to the flatter slope angles simulated previously (larger
displacements). For drained conditions, relatively large displacements occurred, but no large
scale failure — implying that steeper slope angles are possible under the right conditions.

8.2.4 Discussion of Results

The above parameter studies should be interpreted cautiously. The model is not calibrated
against any failure observations or against any measurements. The only "calibration point" is
today's stable slope geometry. Furthermore, the input parameters have significant uncertainty
associated with them. Knowledge of the lithology of the footwall and the hangingwall is still
limited. Furthermore, the exact occurrence of significantly weaker lenses of muscovite schist
in the ore zone has not been quantified. Only one "representative" cross-section has been
analyzed, and different conditions may apply to other cross-sections of the Aitik pit. In
reality, the location of each geological unit varies along the orebody and this was not
simulated in the current models.

Nevertheless, some conclusions can be drawn from this work. It was found that the models
were more sensitive to some parameters than to others. The location of the water table was
perhaps the factor having the most drastic impact on the model results. Also, changes in the
rock mass strength from typical to low strength values (according to Table 8.4) gave
significantly different results. On the other hand, small changes to the joint strengths
(cohesion and friction angle) had a much smaller influence on the results. The dominant
failure mechanisms in the models were (1) circular shear failure of the hangingwall with a
large region of tensile failure in the upper portion, (2) "underdip" toppling failure of the
footwall, and (3) circular shear (and tensile) failure of the footwall (for low strength values).

The model results showed that low strength values do not apply to the hangingwall rocks, as
these caused failure for the current (1998) mining geometry. However, the low strength
values could still apply to the footwall rocks — in which case, large scale failure could occur
for deeper mining levels. For typical strength values, failure can probably be expected in the
hangingwall slope for the final mining steps (the 400- and 460-meter levels), whereas large
displacements can be expected in the footwall for the same mining geometry.

The fact that failure of the hangingwall does not occur until mining of the 400 meter level,
indicates that no changes to the mine geometry may be necessary at this time. Furthermore,
if the hangingwall pushback is mined with a flatter interim slope angle, the risk of a large
scale failure is greatly reduced. However, for the final pushback of the hangingwall, there is
a real risk of large scale failure that cannot be overlooked.

The models also showed that local failure occurred around the hangingwall fault even for
typical strength values. Although this has not yet been observed, it is important to conduct
additional investigations of the hangingwall fault characteristics, and to determine how it
should be represented in a model. This includes displacement monitoring of the fault and the
surrounding area to detect potential instabilities at an early stage.

Large scale toppling failure of the hangingwall could not be observed in the models. This is
mainly due to the relatively shallow dip of the foliation in the hangingwall (on average 46°),
and the fairly high friction angles (around 30°). Thus, the kinematic condition for slip
[Equation (6.11)] was not satisfied. For toppling to occur, the foliation would have to be
steeper and/or the joint friction angle lower. Future work should include such parameter
studies to quantify the risk for toppling failure.

One important conclusion that can be drawn from the models is that the groundwater
condition is a critical parameter with regard to stability. High groundwater levels lead to
small effective stresses and an increased risk of tensile failure in the slopes. However, if the
slope were drained and the phreatic surface kept at some distance from the slope face,
stability conditions would drastically improve. The models indicated that a drained zone of
at least 100 meters width should be maintained. More detailed studies are necessary to
confirm the required extent of drainage, as well as the practical implementation of a drainage

The strength parameters used in the above analyses represent the current best estimates of the
residual strength for large scale slopes. The applicability of these strengths to the Aitik rock
mass deserves some discussion. It was shown that the derived procedure worked
satisfactorily for weak rocks such as the Aznalcollar mine (see Section 7.2), but strengths
were slightly overestimated when compared to back-analyzed strengths for the Kiirunavaara
hard rock mine (Section 7.3). Furthermore, for brittle materials, a different and more
progressive failure behavior may occur, as indicated in the generic slope models in Section
6.5.4. A different failure behavior could not be ruled out for the Aitik mine either, but this is
not possible to assess at this stage. Nonetheless, the conducted parameter studies have shown
that the model was more sensitive to changes in groundwater conditions than to small

changes of some of the strength parameters. Additional parameter studies of this type can be
used to further quantify the governing parameters for slope stability. This includes the effects
of e.g., the foliation dip and the location and extent of different rock types.

A more general issue concerns the precision of the strength assessment. As was discussed,
the low, typical, and high strength values span a very wide range. This is primarily due to the
variation in test results (uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock) and the assumed
variability of RMR-ratings (± 5). The intact rock strength can be determined fairly
accurately; however, it is notoriously difficult to determine RMR precisely, even within a
range of ± 5 ratings. This is the most serious limitation of this approach and it can restrict the
applicability of this methodology to detailed design work. On the other hand, this thesis has
amply demonstrated the lack of alternatives. Obviously, more research is very much
warranted, but for now, one must rely on the approach demonstrated in this work,
complemented by parameter studies and engineering judgement.

To conclude, the models need to be calibrated against displacement measurements and/or

failure observations. Obviously, the former alternative is preferable. Because the models
display different displacement patterns depending on the choice of parameter values and
constitutive model, even for the earlier mining steps, it should be possible to do a rough
calibration of the models against measured displacements of the pit walls. This will improve
the numerical model, which in turn can be used for more detailed predictions and a refined
monitoring system, in an iterative process. This implies that measurements should be
commenced immediately. The new monitoring system for the footwall (described in Section
3.1.4) is a step in the right direction, but this system must be continuously refined by adding
more prisms as mining continues deeper. The hangingwall needs to be monitored as well,
since the models showed that this slope will become critical for deeper mining levels. The
hangingwall fault is the weakest unit and the models indicated that the failure initiates first in
this zone. Hence, detailed monitoring of the hangingwall fault should also be conducted.

It is important to remember that calibration against displacement monitoring does not validate
the model for predictions of failure — for this, calibration against failure is a necessity. For
the Aitik case, this means that the final design decision must be based on monitoring results,
rather than on the modeling results.

8.3 Design Recommendations

The previously derived empirical guidelines (see Section 4.5) support the modeling results
saying the currently planned slope angles are sound. Previous experience also suggests that
the steeper slopes are possible in this geomechanical environment. Based on the models and
the empirical data, the following recommendations can be given.

1. The currently planned slope angles (overall angles of 44° for the hangingwall and 46°
for the footwall) are reasonable. However, calibration of the numerical model is
necessary to confirm this (see below). Furthermore, drainage of the pit slopes is
necessary to maintain stability.

2. Monitoring should be started immediately. Measurements of slope displacements will

provide an opportunity to calibrate the numerical model before failure occurs.
Monitoring is also necessary for the hangingwall.

3. Drainage is essential for maintaining stable slopes at Aitik. Without continued

drainage drilling, failure can be expected both in the footwall and in the hangingwall
for larger pit depths. Thus, it is important to continue the implemented drainage
program with continued mining. A drained zone of at least 100 meters from the slope
face should be maintained. This applies to both the footwall and the final pushback of
the hangingwall.

4. Judgin both from the modeling results and from the empirical database, slightly
steeper slopes may be possible. However, the empirical data is limited and the
models are lacking calibration. Consequently, a potential steepening of the slopes
requires: (a) extensive drainage (as described above), (b) calibration of models against
monitoring data (see above), and (c) continued updating of the geomechanical model
as mining goes deeper.

These results are preliminary, and further work is required to verify these findings,
particularly regarding potential steepening of the pit walls. New studies should include (1)
additional investigation of the footwall geology farther into the footwall (where a new slope
face may be located), (2) investigation of the exact location and the mechanical properties of
the hangingwall fault, and determination of how it should be represented in a model,
(3) increased knowledge of the mechanical properties of the amphibole gneiss in the
hangingwall, and (4) more parameter studies of the effects of foliation dip and varying
location of the geological units.


9.1 Conclusions and Contributions

The present study has resulted in both an increase of the general knowledge of large scale
slope behavior and an improved design methodology, which was applied to a specific case —
the Aitik mine. The major contributions and the main conclusions from the "generic" portion
of this work are presented below; site-specific results pertaining to the Aitik pit are covered
in Section 9.2.

Case Study Database

A case study database was compiled, comprising pit slopes, natural slopes, civil engineering
slopes, and sublevel caving mine slopes. This compilation is a significant update and
extension of previously available empirical data on rock slopes. The most common failure
mechanisms of high rock slopes were identified (circular shear failure and large scale
toppling failure). Finally, approximate guidelines for the design of pit slopes in hard rock
were extracted. These can be used for initial design of overall slope angles when additional
information is not available.

The limitation associated with these results relates to the relatively few cases of large scale
rock slopes in hard rock. Even fewer of these have experienced failure. The precision of
established guidelines is uncertain, and further studies are warranted.

Rock Mass Strength Assessment

Estimation of the equivalent rock mass strength for jointed rock masses was addressed using
the Hoek-Brown failure criterion. The applicability of this criterion was extended to include
large scale slopes. It was shown that disturbed rock mass conditions could be considered
representative of post-failure strengths for large-volume rock slopes. A procedure for
estimating the residual rock mass strength (cohesion and friction angle) based on rock mass
classification, laboratory test data, the Hoek-Brown criterion, and the stress state in the slope,
was also proposed. The resulting strength values are believed to be representative of the
composite rock mass strength — i.e., the effect of small-scale joints on rock strength is
implicitly included, since these cannot be included explicitly in a calculational model of a
large scale slope (regardless of model choice). On the other hand, larger structures (of the

same scale as the slope) can be included in a model explicitly. Their strength should
therefore be assessed separately.

The approach to rock-mass strength estimation appeared to work satisfactorily for forward
design for rock masses of low to moderate strength and for prediction of fully developed
failure. When compared to back-calculated strengths from modeling, slightly overestimated
strengths were obtained for hard and strong rocks. Failure initiation can still occur at higher
(peak) strengths, but the applicability of the Hoek-Brown criterion to this situation has not
been studied. This approach suffers from the same limitation as in the case study database —
i.e., there are too few cases of large scale slope failure in hard rocks. In addition, the results
are very sensitive to the choice of RMR-value, in particular for high RMR-ratings.

Neither the RMR system or the Hoek-Brown criterion itself is sufficiently precise to give
exact estimates of the rock mass strength. Consequently, the procedure presented in this
work is only applicable for first estimates of the residual rock mass strength. Furthermore, it
is essential to always try several different values of RMR and the Hoek-Brown parameters in
a parameter study (instead of basing any design a single estimated value). An improved
classification system for this particular purpose is warranted. However, the nature of the
problem implies that exact assessments of the rock mass strength cannot be expected within a
reasonable time.

Failure Mechanisms and Analysis

Some of the most common failure modes in large scale slopes were studied. This included
circular shear failure, large scale toppling failure, plane shear failure, and "underdip" toppling
failure. The initiation and progression of such slope failures has been described to a larger
extent than previously available. Several distinguishable phases in the failure process, and
their sequence, have been identified and described in detail.

Furthermore, the conditions for large scale toppling failure have been quantified. For
toppling (with an accompanying base failure surface) to develop the rock mass must
(1) contain steeply dipping discontinuities, and these must be able to slip relative to each
other, (2) have low tensile strength, and (3) be highly deformable. Analysis of the case
studies also revealed previously undiscovered features of the failures at Aznalcollar and
Kiirunavaara, and confirmed some of the findings from the study of failure mechanisms in
"generic" slopes.

One particularly interesting finding from this work is that a slope exhibits significant
displacements (several decimeters or more) before a base failure surface is fully developed
(consider, for example, the Aznalcollar footwall failures). This appears to be the case for
both large scale toppling and circular shear failures. It was also shown that failure initiated
(in some form) from the toe of the slope for these failure mechanisms. However, significant
movements also occurred within the failing mass, even before failure had developed fully.
These are important findings as they indicate that slope movements before a failure are
measurable, and that displacement monitoring should include measurements in the toe zone
of a pit slope. In addition, displacement measurement inside the slope should be considered
(despite the higher cost of such methods).

Many of the above phenomena cannot be simulated without the aid of numerical modeling.
As was shown in this work, the deformability of the rock mass is a key parameter for several
failure mechanisms. Limit equilibrium methods work fairly well for simple slope geometries
and well-defined failure surfaces, but they lack the ability to simulate deforming materials.
Furthermore, numerical modeling enable simulation of the influence of major discontinuities
on the slope behavior.

Consequently, numerical modeling is the better alternative for complex slope analysis.
However, there are particular problems related to the simulation of brittle, strain-softening
material. Modeling results indicate a distinctly different failure behavior for these materials,
but quantitative conclusions could not be drawn due to limitations associated with the
modeling technique. However, field observations of this failure behavior are also lacking,
which makes it difficult to assess the importance of being able to simulate this material
behavior in detail.

Design Methodology

A practical approach to the design of large scale slopes has been developed and partly
verified. This approach involves numerical modeling (using the finite difference program
FLAC) with input parameters determined using rock mass classification and the Hoek-Brown
failure criterion. Estimated strength values are representative of post-failure conditions; in
most cases, these values are considered to be conservative. The use of a perfectly-plastic
constitutive model is preferred, as existing strain-softening models are not yet considered
reliable (particularly the determination of input data to these models).

Application of the design methodology to two case studies gave results that were in good to
fair agreement with the observed failure behavior. Although not a formal verification, this
indicates that the design methodology is probably applicable to other cases — if the results
are interpreted with some caution.

The largest problem with the developed approach is associated with the precision of the
predictions than one can make. A precision of the order of a few degrees for the overall slope
angle for a typical pit slope is probably not achievable. To increase the accuracy, it is
necessary to verify the methodology against more cases.

9.2 Recommendations for Slope Angles at Aitik and Continued Work

The site-specific portion of this work included the development of a geomechanical model of
the Aitik mine and application of the design methodology to the final pit slopes. The
geomechanical model of the mine comprises detailed descriptions of the geology and
structures, the mechanical properties of the rock mass, the geohydrological conditions, and
the rock stress conditions at the site. Representative design cross-sections were compiled and
used as input into stability analysis. Based on this, design recommendations for the final pit
slopes were developed and are summarized as follows.

− The inherent assumption in all this work is that failure of the Aitik pit slopes will be
rapid and that the time for remedial measures is limited. Hence, a conservative design
approach is required.

− Currently planned slope angles (overall angles of 44° for the hangingwall and 46° for
the footwall) are probably stable, provided that the pit walls are drained.

− To ensure stability of the pit wall, modeling showed that a drained zone of at least 100
meters from the slope face should be maintained for both the footwall and the final
pushback of the hangingwall.

− The modeling results, as well as the empirical guidelines, indicated that slightly
steeper slopes may be feasible under drained conditions. However, these results are
preliminary and must be verified by calibration of the models against displacement
measurements before steepening is implemented at the mine.

− Displacement monitoring of footwall slopes should be started immediately.

Monitoring serves as input to calibration of the numerical model as well as a rough
check on the overall stability situation at the mine. Monitoring is necessary also for
the hangingwall, in particular when developing pushback # 4 and # 5 (which both will
extend to the planned final depth of the pit).

The present numerical model of the mine is simplified and not yet calibrated. Furthermore,
strength estimates are still riddled with uncertainty, although this work has narrowed the
uncertainty significantly. Nevertheless, at this stage, the model is already a useful tool for
carrying out additional parameter studies, and to quantify which parameters need to be
investigated more thoroughly. Refinements to the model should be made as the
geomechanical model is updated (see below). This also includes analyzing a few other cross-
sections of the future pit. The modeling results also showed that the hangingwall fault could
have a large impact on the stability of the hangingwall slope; hence, additional modeling of
this feature (e.g., representing it as a single discontinuity), as well as monitoring, should be

With additional calibration of the model against measured displacements, it can be used as a
tool in the mine planning design process to analyze different mining alternatives from a
stability perspective. The work presented in this thesis provides the basic tool for such a
development, but it is only a first step. An improved design process for the Aitik pit slopes
requires many additional analyses and a close cooperation between rock mechanics engineers
and mine planning personnel.

Additional investigations and improvements of the geomechanical model are necessary.

These include:

− additional investigation of the footwall geology, including the potential existence of

large scale structures farther from the current slope face (The latter could be
investigated using geophysical borehole logging.);

− better quantification of the existence and the mechanical properties of weak

muscovite/biotite schist lenses in the ore zone;

− quantification of the mechanical properties of the hangingwall fault and the

surrounding hangingwall rocks;

− quantification of structural differences between the various rock types by sorting

mapped joint orientations with respect to rock type;

− mapping of long joints as new benches are exposed in the lower portion of the
footwall; and

− routine strength mapping/index testing (using knife and geological hammer) of drill
cores and new bench faces.

9.3 Recommendations for Future Research

This study has clearly shown the need for continued research in this area. More specifically,
the following issues need to be addressed (listed in order of priority).

1. Currently, the velocity of a slope failure, once fully developed, is not possible to
predict. From a practical perspective, it is extremely important to develop better
methods for assessing whether a failure will be rapid or slowly moving. Present
approaches are only descriptive. Additional work on this should be attempted,
perhaps using energy approaches.

2. The proposed procedure for rock-mass strength assessment needs to be further

verified, particularly for hard rocks. This can be achieved by carrying out additional
comparisons with back-analyzed strengths of relevant cases. Such an effort could be
conducted jointly with the proposed update and extension of the case study database.
From a practical perspective, it is better to spend time on verifying the existing
approach involving the Hoek-Brown criterion, than trying to develop a completely
new failure criterion for rock masses. However, some features of the Hoek-Brown
criterion deserve more attention, such as a clearer definition of the categories
undisturbed and disturbed rock mass.

3. More work is required on failure mechanisms in large scale rock slopes. This
includes (a) conditions for the occurrence of "underdip" toppling failures, (b) analysis
of plane shear failure in rock masses with non-continuous joints, (c) quantifying the
effect of tensile strength on the failure mechanism, (d) assessing the effects of varying
groundwater pressures on the initiation and propagation of failure, and (e) additional
studies of failure behavior in very brittle rock masses, preferably including field

4. This work has shown some of the limitations with currently available analysis
methods. Continued work in this area should focus on developing: (a) better methods
to model strain-softening materials, including brittle rocks; and (b) models that can
simulate fracturing of intact rock on an engineering scale (large scale slope with
realistic jointing pattern). It is important to focus on developing practical tools for the
stability analysis and design of large scale slopes. Methods already exist that can
handle fracture propagation and/or strain-softening materials in a more stringent
manner, but none of these are practical for pit slopes at this time, and more efforts are
needed to drive the development in this direction.

5. The case study database needs to be extended, in terms of both information on

currently included cases and addition of more cases. A more refined classification of
the cases with respect to factors governing stability and failure mechanisms is
warranted. This could include factors such as block size and the ratio between joint
lengths and intact rock bridges. Such key data could potentially be used to "transfer"
back-calculated strengths from one case to another. It is also desirable that more
cases be added to the database — particularly from rock slopes in hard rock that have
experienced failure. Hence, an important task of future studies is to continuously
update the database as pit depths increase in active open pits. There is also significant
potential in increasing the number of natural slope cases from mountainous areas


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Results from Mapping of Joint Sets (1981, 1985) and

Long Joints (1996, 1997) in the Aitik Pit

Table A1.1 Joint sets at Aitik as found from cell mapping in 1981 (West et al., 1985).
(Orientations are relative to Mine North.)

Sector Joint Set Dip Direction Dip Maximum Joint Number

Name [°] [°] length [m] Spacing [m] of joints
FOH 286.0 ± 14.2 68.4 ± 13.8 3.9 ± 2.9 1.38 ± 1.0 150
FOF 302.4 ± 13.3 13.5 ± 6.4 5.0 ± 2.7 0.90 ±0.6 55
FN HAE 342.8 ± 12.7 89.1 ± 8.1 4.1 ± 2.8 0.91 ± 6.6? 150
HAW 41.5 ± 17.9 88.8 ± 8.6 2.8 ± 2.1 1.12 ± 0.9 100
MAW 237.7 ± 11.8 51.9 ± 15.4 3.4 ± 2.7 0.98 ± 0.9 41
FOH 290.5 ± 14.6 71.3 ± 12.2 4.6 ± 3.7 1.69 ± 1.0 158
FOM 288.2 ± 14.4 36.2 ± 9.5 5.5 ± 4.9 1.06 ± 0.6 91
HAE 170.7 ± 14.6 90 ± 8.7 4.6 ± 3.3 1.19 ± 0.7 147
HAW 58.6 ± 20.5 88 ± 11.9 2.9 ± 2.7 1.26 ± 0.9 123
FOF 264.1 ± 22.4 20.5 ± 7.8 5.1 ± 4.9 1.00 ± 0.7 51
FOM 271.9 ± 15.6 48.6 ± 8.3 4.1 ± 3.6 1.04 ± 0.8 66
FOH 274.5 ± 14.8 79.7 ± 7.4 3.7 ± 2.9 1.67 ± 1.0 52
HAE 354.2 ± 8.1 88.9 ± 6.0 6.6 ± 3.7 1.12 ± 1.1 90
CRJ 104.9 ± 12.6 39.4 ± 8.8 4.9 ± 1.3 1.19 ± 0.8 54
FOM 292.1 ± 11.1 45.7 ± 10.0 5.5 ± 3.9 0.94 ±0.7 74
HN FOH 284.4 ± 10.9 81.9 ± 5.7 3.8 ± 2.2 1.73 ± 0.9 21
HAE 170.7 ± 13.7 87.8 ± 8.9 4.9 ± 3.7 1.10 ± 0.8 101
HAW 52.1 ± 16.6 89.9 ± 9.7 3.0 ± 2.6 1.38 ± 0.9 87
CRJ 90.9 ± 14.8 37.1 ± 7.2 3.1 ± 1.8 1.16 ± 0.7 37
FOF 277.4 ± 19.2 17.2 ± 7.0 4.8 ± 3.3 1.11 ± 0.8 42
FOM 280.4 ± 12.3 47.9 ± 9.7 5.0 ± 3.9 1.00 ± 0.6 59
FOH 273.7 ± 12.6 77.3 ± 6.9 4.2 ± 2.8 1.82 ± 1.1 38
HAE 161.3 ± 14.7 88.8 ± 6.2 5.3 ± 3.7 1.16 ± 0.8 112
HAW 54.7 ± 13.3 85.5 ± 8.2 3.3 ± 3.0 1.33 ± 1.1 55
CRJ 75.5 ± 21.8 49 ± 12.3 3.3 ± 3.1 0.97 ± 0.7 168
FOM 262.4 ± 14.6 50.5 ± 10.0 4.6 ± 3.9 0.76 ± 0.6 170
HAE 333.6 ± 23.2 90 ± 7.8 4.5 ± 3.1 1.21 ± 1.0 236
HAW 41.4 ± 13.4 86.3 ± 8.4 3.5 ± 2.5 1.11 ± 0.9 81

FN = Footwall North, FM = Footwall Middle, FS = Footwall South

HN = Hangingwall North, HM = Hangingwall Middle, HS = Hangingwall South
CRJ = Cross joint
FOH = High angle foliation
FOM = Middle angle foliation
FOF = Flat angle foliation
HAE = High angle east dipping
HAW = High angle west dipping
MAW = Middle angle west dipping
Note: Orientations, joint lengths and joint spacing are given as mean ± standard

Table A1.2 Joint sets at Aitik as found from cell mapping in 1985 (Agmalm, 1988).
(Orientations are relative to Mine North.)

Sector Joint Set Dip Direction Dip Maximum Joint Number

Name [°] [°] length [m] Spacing [m] of joints
FOH 293 ± 14.3 68 ± 9.5 6.6 ± 4.2 1.0 ± 1.0 66
FOF 254 ± 36.8 14 ± 6.7 3.5 ± 1.0 1.9 ±1.8 19
HAE 351 ± 12.1 88 ± 7.3 6.8 ± 4.2 4.8 ± 3.3 69
HAW 48 ± 17.8 89 ± 6.7 3.5 ± 2.5 2.2 ± 2.0 26
FOH 291 ± 11.4 66 ± 9.5 5.7 ± 4.6 2.3 ± 1.1 70
FOM 284 ± 12.4 37 ± 7.9 8.7 ± 2.0 3.3 ± 2.8 56
HAE 169 ± 10.1 88 ± 5.1 12.1 ± 7.0 7.2 ± 3.2 115
HAW 70 ± 19.5 68 ± 8.3 6.0 ± 2.0 3.6 ± 3.6 33
FOF 266 ± 24.8 13 ± 5.0 5.8 ± 3.1 2.1 ± 1.1 112
FOM 276 ± 16.3 42 ± 8.6 5.7 ± 3.5 2.1 ± 1.5 107
FOH 275 ± 14.7 76 ± 8.9 6.9 ± 4.3 1.8 ± 1.4 184
HAE 347 ± 9.8 89 ± 5.6 10.0 ± 5.0 5.4 ± 3.6 137
CRJ 99 ± 13.5 37 ± 8.6 5.7 ± 2.9 5.5 ± 4.2 24
FOM 291 ± 9.7 50 ± 12.9 6.6 ± 3.0 2.4 ± 1.9 97
HAE 164 ± 9.4 90 ± 7.4 6.8 ± 3.4 4.5 ± 2.5 89
HAW 75 ± 15.8 88 ± 7.5 5.8 ± 3.8 2.3 ± 1.4 33
CRJ 114 ± 25.5 49 ± 9.2 5.5 ± 3.2 1.6 ± 1.0 17
FOF 282 ± 36.2 15 ± 0.5 2.2 ± 1.5 1.4 ± 0.5 8
FOM 278 ± 10.7 52 ± 6.8 4.2 ± 3.2 0.9 ± 0.8 31
FOH 279 ± 14.8 78 ± 7.2 4.5 ± 2.5 1.4 ± 1.4 30
HAE 169 ± 9.6 90 ± 6.5 5.1 ± 3.2 3.3 ± 2.5 32
HAW 93 ± 16.4 85 ± 2.6 3.4 ± 2.1 1.3 ± 1.4 6
CRJ 68 ± 16.4 47 ± 9.8 5.2 ± 3.4 1.4 ± 1.2 80
FOM 264 ± 13.3 48 ± 12.2 4.9 ± 2.6 1.8 ± 1.3 192
HAE 158 ± 18.8 88 ± 6.7 7.2 ± 3.7 2.6 ± 2.5 209
HAW 47 ± 12.8 82 ± 9.4 5.4 ± 4.0 1.3 ± 0.9 54

FN = Footwall North, FM = Footwall Middle, FS = Footwall South

HN = Hangingwall North, HM = Hangingwall Middle, HS = Hangingwall South
CRJ = Cross joint
FOH = High angle foliation
FOM = Middle angle foliation
FOF = Flat angle foliation
HAE = High angle east dipping
HAW = High angle west dipping
Note: Orientations, joint lengths and joint spacing are given as mean ± standard

Figure A1.1 Mapped joints (June, 1996), which extended over several benches in the open pit
(Abrahamsson, 1996).

Figure A1.2 Pole plots of long joints mapped in June 1996 (Abrahamsson, 1996).

Figure A1.3 Mapped long joints (summer of 1997) in the north footwall of the Aitik pit, part 1 (for details, see Table A1.3).

Figure A1.4 Mapped long joints (summer of 1997) in the north footwall of the Aitik pit, part 2 (for details, see Table A1.3).

Figure A1.5 Mapped long joints (summer of 1997) in the north footwall of the Aitik pit, part 3 (for details, see Table A1.3).

Table A1.3 Results from mapping of long joints (summer of 1997) in the north footwall of the Aitik pit.
Number Type Dip Dip Variation in Variation Length along Length along Number Zone Spacing Comments
direction dip direction in dip strike dip of joints width
[°] [°] [°] [°] [m] [m] [m] [m]
1 285 50
2 235 90
3 235 90
4 235 90
5 345 80
6 275 50 265 - 285 40 - 65
7 285 60 280 - 305 55 - 65
8 280 60 50 10

9 285 60 275 - 295
10 290 65 285 - 295 60 - 70
11 315 80
12 335 80
13 245 70
14 265 40 40 10
15 235 80
16 305 80
17 275 60
18 143 86
19 265 44 260 - 275 40 - 52 50 30
20 345 70

Table A1.3 (concluded).

Number Type Dip Dip Variation in Variation Length along Length along Number Zone Spacing Comments
direction dip direction in dip strike dip of joints width
[°] [°] [°] [°] [m] [m] [m] [m]
21 175 85 80 - 90
22 315 50 285 - 320 45 - 55
23 305 60 285 - 310 50 - 70 wavy
24 175 70
25 fz 150 80 30 35 50 1.4 approximate
26 fz 155 85 140 - 155 80 - 90 30 48 80 1.7
27 fz 145 85 80 - 90 15 - 30 35 70 2.0
28 fz 175 90 170 - 175 30 7 30 4.3

29 fz 60 85 45 - 65 80 - 90 30 38 30 0.89
30 fz 170 90 15 13 15 1.1
31 fz 165 90 155 - 175 30 15
32 fz 165 90 10
33 275 40 270 - 187 38 - 42 35 15
34 155 85 145 - 165 85 - 90
35 fz 145 90 20 10 10 1.0
36 265 42 40 - 45 15
37 fz 155 90 30 13 15 1.1
38 fz 150 90 145 -160 30 20 25 1.2
39 fz 163 90 160 -165 30 27 20 0.7
fz = fracture zone

Figure A1.6 Mapped long joints (summer of 1997) in the north hangingwall of the Aitik pit, part 1 (for details, see Table A1.4).

Figure A1.7 Mapped long joints (summer of 1997) in the north hangingwall of the Aitik pit, part 2 (for details, see Table A1.4).

Figure A1.8 Mapped long joints (summer of 1997) in the north hangingwall of the Aitik pit, part 3 (for details, see Table A1.4).

Table A1.4 Results from mapping of long joints (summer of 1997) in the north hangingwall of the Aitik pit.

Number Type Dip Dip Variation in Variation Length along Length along Number Zone Spacing Comments
direction dip direction in dip strike dip of joints width
[°] [°] [°] [°] [m] [m] [m] [m]
H1 fz 185 90 80 - 90 120 24 20 0.8
H2 fz 185 90 80 - 90 30 - 60 30 50 1.7
H3 fz 185 90 60 50
H4 105 50 80 approximate dip
H5 fz 185 90 120 40
H6 fz 185 85 120 40
H7 85 45 80 approximate dip

H8 195 90 120 approximate dip
H9 85 45 50 approximate dip
H10 85 45 100 approximate dip
H11 90 45 75 approximate dip
H12 105 45 Hangingwall fault
fz = fracture zone

Water Level Measurements in Production Holes at Aitik and

Observed Face Seepage in the Northern Portion of the Aitik Pit
(Summer 1997)

Mine North

516 517

612 & 612-2


449 615

Figure A2.1 Horizontal map of the Aitik pit showing locations of blasts where water level
measurements have been conducted.
Water in production holes - blast 289
Hål 1 - 6

Hål 12 - 7

Hål 13 - 18

Hål 24 - 19

Hole number
Hål 25 - 30

Hål 36 - 31

Hål 37 - 42

Hål 48 - 43

Row number 2
Hål 49 - 54

Hål 60 - 55

Hål 61 - 66

Hål 72 - 67

Hål 73 - 78

Hål 84 - 79

Hål 85 - 90











Figure A2.2 Measured water levels in production holes of blast no. 289, southern portion of
the mine, 300 meter level. (The bars indicate the distance from the borehole
collar to the water level in each borehole.)

Water in production holes - blast 290

Hål 26 - 29

Hål 25 - 22
Hole number

Hål 18 - 21

Hål 17 - 15

Hål 12 - 14
Row number

Hål 11 - 10

Hål 9 - 8

Hål 6 - 7

Hål 5 - 4

Hål 3

Hål 2

Hål 1
Bench face






Figure A2.3 Measured water levels in production holes of blast no. 290, southern portion of
the mine, 300 meter level. (The bars indicate the distance from the borehole
collar to the water level in each borehole.)

Water in production holes - blast 515

Hål 1 - 2

Hål 14 - 10
Hål 5 - 3

Hål 15 - 20
Hål 6 - 9

Hål 27 - 21

Hål 28 - 34

Hål 41 - 35

Hål 42 - 48

Hole number
Hål 55 - 49

Hål 56 - 62

Hål 68 - 63

Hål 69 - 74

Hål 80 - 75

Hål 81 - 86
Hål 92 - 87

Hål 105 - 110

Hål 104 - 99
Hål 93 - 98

Hål 116 - 111

Hål 117 - 122
Hål 128 - 123
Hål 129 - 134
Hål 140 - 135
Hål 141 - 146
Hål 152 - 147
Hål 153 - 157

Bench face



Figure A2.4 Measured water levels in production holes of blast no. 515, northern
hangingwall of the mine, 210 meter level. (The bars indicate the distance
from the borehole collar to the water level in each borehole.)

Water in production holes - blast 516

Hål 154 - 149

Hål 143 - 148

Hål 142 - 137

Hål 130 - 136

Hål 129 - 123

Hål 116 - 122

Hål 115 - 109

Hål 101 - 108

Hole number

Hål 100 - 93

Hål 85 - 92
Row number

Hål 84 - 77

Hål 68 - 76

Hål 67 - 59
Bench face 7

Hål 50 - 58

Hål 49 - 41

Hål 31 - 40

Hål 30 - 21

Hål 11 - 20

Hål 10 - 1

Figure A2.5 Measured water levels in production holes of blast no. 516, northern
hangingwall of the mine, 210 meter level. (The bars indicate the distance
from the borehole collar to the water level in each borehole.)

Water in production holes - blast 517

Hål 158 - 162

Hål 157 - 153

Hål 136 - 140

Hål 135 - 125

Hål 114 - 124

Hål 113 - 102

Hole number
Hål 90 - 101

Hål 89 - 78

Hål 66 - 77

Hål 65 - 54

Hål 41 - 53

Hål 40 - 28

Row number 13
Hål 15 - 27

Hål 14 - 1

Bench face

Figure A2.6 Measured water levels in production holes of blast no. 517, northern
hangingwall of the mine, 210 meter level. (The bars indicate the distance
from the borehole collar to the water level in each borehole.)

Water in production holes - blast 449

Hole number

Hål 12 - 22
Hål 11 - 1

Hål 176,177,179 - 189

Hål 33 - 23

Hål 178,200,199 - 190

Hål 34 - 44
Hål 55 - 45
Hål 56 - 66

Hål 217,212,218 - 211

Hål 77 - 67

Hål 102 - 113

Hål 101 - 90
Hål 78 - 89

Hål 114 - 125

Hål 126 - 137

Hål 202,201 - 209

Hål 149 - 138

Hål 215,216 - 210

Hål 150 - 162
Hål 175 - 163
Row number

Hål 219,220
Bench face 5

10.00 Depth

Figure A2.7 Measured water levels in production holes of blast no. 449, northern
hangingwall of the mine, 90 meter level. (The bars indicate the distance from
the borehole collar to the water level in each borehole.)

Water in production holes - blast 615

Hål 10 - 1

Hål 11 - 19

Hål 28 - 20

Hole number
Hål 29 - 37

Hål 46 - 38

Hål 47 -55

Hål 64 - 56

Hål 65 - 73

Hål 82 - 74

Row number
Hål 83 - 91

Hål 101 - 107

Hål 100 - 92

Hål 112 - 108

Hål113 - 116

Hål 117 - 119

Bench face 3
Hål 120

10.00 Depth

Figure A2.8 Measured water levels in production holes of blast no. 615, northern
hangingwall of the mine, 90 meter level. (The bars indicate the distance from
the borehole collar to the water level in each borehole.)

Water in production holes - blast 6151

Hål 6 - 1
Hole number
6 Hål 7 - 12
Row number 5 Hål 18 - 13
4 Hål 19 - 25
Hål 32 - 26
1 Hål 33 - 39
Hål 45 - 40
Bench face






Figure A2.9 Measured water levels in production holes of blast no. 6151, northern
hangingwall of the mine, 90 meter level. (The bars indicate the distance from
the borehole collar to the water level in each borehole.)

Water in production holes - blast 612

Hål 3 -1

Hål 4 - 6

Hål 10 - 12

Hole number
Hål 20 - 13
Hål 9 - 7

Hål 28 - 21

Hål 29 - 36

Row number
Hål 44 - 37

Hål 45 - 52

Hål 60 - 53

Hål 61 - 68

Hål 76 - 69

Hål 77 - 84

Hål 106 - 100
Hål 92 - 85

Hål 107 - 113

Hål 93 - 99

Hål 120 - 114

Hål 121 - 127

Bench face





Figure A2.10 Measured water levels in production holes of blast no. 612, northern
hangingwall of the mine, 90 meter level. (The bars indicate the distance from
the borehole collar to the water level in each borehole.)

Water in production holes - blast 612-2

Hål 1 - 7

Hål 15 - 8

Hål 16 - 23

Hål 33 - 24
Hole number

Hål 34 - 42

Hål 51 - 43

Hål 52 - 59

Hål 66 - 60

Hål 67 - 72

Hål 77 - 73
Row number

Hål 78 - 81

Hål 84 - 82

Hål 85 - 86
Bench 5
face 3







Figure A2.11 Measured water levels in production holes of blast no. 612-2, northern
hangingwall of the mine, 90 meter level. (The bars indicate the distance from
the borehole collar to the water level in each borehole.)

Figure A2.12 Observed face seepage (summer of 1997) in the north footwall of the Aitik pit, part 1.

Figure A2.13 Observed face seepage (summer of 1997) in the north footwall of the Aitik pit, part 2.

Figure A2.14 Observed face seepage (summer of 1997) in the north footwall of the Aitik pit, part 3.

Figure A2.15 Observed face seepage (summer of 1997) in the north hangingwall of the Aitik pit, part 1.

Figure A2.16 Observed face seepage (summer of 1997) in the north hangingwall of the Aitik pit, part 2.

Figure A2.17 Observed face seepage (summer of 1997) in the north hangingwall of the Aitik pit, part 3.


Case Study Database of Open Pits, Natural Slopes, and Engineering Slopes

Table A3.1 Summary of mining data from visited pits and cases from the literature.

Mine Company Location Country Ore Production Ore Grade Total Employes Current Planned Planned Comments
[Mton/year] Production (1996) Status Closing Final
[Mton/year] (1996) Date Depth
Mines Visited
Aznalcollar Boliden Apirsa Seville Spain 3.0 Pb, Zn 12.0 Closed 1996 225 Central-
FW Central western part of
Aznalcollar Boliden Apirsa Seville Spain 3.0 Pb, Zn 12.0 Closed 1996 285 Eastern
FW East footwall
Bjørnevatn A/S Sydvaranger Kirkenes Norway 2.0 32 % Fe 2.5 80 Closed 1996 220 Some
dagbrudd underground
Carol Lake IOC Canada Labrador City, NF Canada 35.0 38.4 % Fe 55.0 1200 Producing 2030 400 Several pits
Empire Mine Empire Iron Mining Marquette, MI USA 27.0 21.5 % Fe 65.0 Producing 2016 455 Two pits,

Partnership several areas
Endako Mine Placer Dome Endako, BC Canada 11.0 0.13 % Mo 22.0 200 Producing 2006 300
Canada Ltd.
Gold Quarry Newmont Gold Elko, NV USA 1 ppm Au 93.0 Producing ?
Island Copper BHP Minerals Port Hardy, BC Canada 17.0 0.50 % Cu 20.0 445 Closed 1995 500
NW Canada Ltd.
Island Copper BHP Minerals Port Hardy, BC Canada 17.0 0.50 % Cu 20.0 445 Closed 1995 400
SW Canada Ltd.
Kimbley Pit Magma Nevada Ely, NV USA 1 % Cu Closed Coyote blast to
Mining 69° => failure
Liberty Pit Magma Nevada Ely, NV USA 0.55 % Cu entire area Reopened 2011 Reopened
Mining 50 1995
Lornex Pit Highland Valley Logan Lake, BC Canada 9.0 0.40 % Cu 18.0 Producing 2006
Mont-Wright Québec Cartier Fermont, PQ Canada 38.0 32.3 % Fe 60.0 900 Producing 2010 400 Several pits

Table A3.1 (continued).

Mine Company Location Country Ore Production Ore Grade Total Employes Current Planned Planned Comments
[Mton/year] Production (1996) Status Closing Final
[Mton/year] (1996) Date Depth
Mines Visited
Nickel Plate Homestake Canada Penticton, BC Canada 0.55 2.1 ppm Au 5.5 139 Producing 1996 280 Mining
Mine Ltd. through
Post Pit Barrick Goldstrike Elko, NV USA 1 ppm Au 130.0 Producing ? 550 Maximum 200
m high
Republic Mine, Empire Iron Mining Marquette, MI USA Closed 1981 120
NW Partnership
Ruth Pit Magma Nevada Ely, NV USA 0.55 % Cu entire area Reopened 2011 Reopened
Mining 50 1995

Tellnes Titania A/S Hauge i Dalane Norway 3.1 FeTiO3 6.0 300 Producing >2036 290
Valley Pit Highland Valley Logan Lake, BC Canada 36.0 0.40 % Cu 72.0 1096 Producing 2006 630
Veteran/Tripp Magma Nevada Ely, NV USA 0.55 % Cu entire area Reopened 2011 Reopened
Pit Mining 50 1995
Ørtfjell Rana Gruber A/S Storforshei Norway 1.4 34 % Fe 2.0 50 Producing 1998 260 Going
dagbrudd underground
in 1998
Literature Review
Afton Mine Afton Operating Kamloops. BC Canada 3.0 Cu 170 Suspended 1997
NW Corporation
Afton Mine Afton Operating Kamloops. BC Canada 3.0 Cu 170 Producing 1997 170 m height
SW Corporation involved in
Águas Claras M.B.R. Belo Horizonte Brazil Fe 6.5 Producing

Table A3.1 (continued).

Mine Company Location Country Ore Production Ore Grade Total Employes Current Planned Planned Comments
[Mton/year] Production (1996) Status Closing Final
[Mton/year] (1996) Date Depth
Literature Review
Bingham Kennecott UT USA Cu Producing 50° slope
Canyon angle for
upper 180 m
Brenda Mine, Peachland, BC Canada Cu Closed
Brenda Mine, Peachland, BC Canada Cu Closed 335
Cassiar Mine Cassiar Mining BC Canada Asbestos Closed 1990 370 Undergound
Corporation mining til
Cassiar Mine Cassiar Mining BC Canada Asbestos Closed 1990
HW Corporation

Chuquicamata, Codelco Chile 56.0 Cu 140.0 Producing 1000
Chuquicamata. Codelco Chile 56.0 Cu 140.0 Producing 1000
Cyprus Bagdad Cyprus-Amax Bagdad, AZ USA 0.43 % Cu 25.0 Producing
Highmont Logan Lake, BC Canada Cu Closed
Jeffrey Mine, J.M. Asbestos Inc. Asbestos, PQ Canada Asbestos Producing
Jeffrey Mine, J.M. Asbestos Inc. Asbestos, PQ Canada Asbestos Producing
Kemi Mine Outokumpu Oy Elijärvi, Kemi Finland Cr 1.0 Producing
Las Encinas Colima Mexico Fe Closed 200
Palabora Palabora Mining South Africa 29.0 Cu 92.0 Producing 2000 836 Plans for
Company Ltd. underground
Twin Buttes Cyprus-Amax Tucson, AZ USA Cu Producing/

Table A3.1 (concluded).

Mine Company Location Country Ore Production Ore Grade Total Employes Current Planned Planned Comments
[Mton/year] Production (1996) Status Closing Final
[Mton/year] (1996) Date Depth
Summary Reviews: Foliated Slopes
Wellington Dinorwig power North Wales UK Civil
Pool plant engineering
slope, slate
Northern Dinorwig power North Wales UK Civil
Garret plant engineering
slope, slate
Penrhyn Slate North Wales UK Quarry slope,
Quary slate
Atalaya RTZ Spain Closed Open pit,
South Lode Spain Closed Open pit,

South Lode Spain Closed Open pit,
Summary Reviews: Pits in the Former Soviet Union
Muruntau Uzbekistan Au Producing 1000
Sibai Kazakhstan Cu Producing 471
Medvezhiy Ruchei Producing 435
Nikolaevskiy Russia Cu Producing 445
Kalmakyr Kazakhstan Cu, Mo Producing 610
Kounrad Kazakhstan Cu Producing 405
Agarakskiy Producing 458
Gaiskiy N 1 Kazakhstan Cu Producing 350

FW = Footwall, HW = Hangingwall
NW = North Wall, SW = South Wall, EW = East Wall, WW = West Wall, SEW = Southeast Wall.

Table A3.2 Summary of geomechanical data from visited pits and cases from the literature.

Total Interramp angle Overall angle Intact Rock Strength

Unstable/Stable Large Scale Failure Failure
Mine Height
Height [m] Min σc Max σc Failure Mechanism Date
Stability Comments
[m] Min [°] Max [°] Min [°] Max [°]
[MPa] [MPa]
Mines Visited
Aznalcollar 225 225 30 35 31 25 Yes ? 1979- Multiple, slow-moving
FW Central 1992 failures, mining continued.
Aznalcollar 285 285 30 40 37 25 Yes ? 1996 Failure after final mining
FW East step
Aznalcollar 245 245 39 50 70 No Steepest section of
HW hangingwall, E212 925
Bjørnevatn 210 210 47 54 54 Very high No Wedge failure along steep
dagbrudd structures, 112 m high,
70 000 m3
Carol Lake 220 220 45 58 58 250 No Small plane failure along

Empire Mine 280 280 36 50 50 100 400 No Plane failure, several
benches high (55 m)
Endako Mine 265 265 43 55 43 55 High No Wedge failure, several
benches high
Gold Quarry 240 240 28 50 50 Low Yes Circular Several large failures
Island Copper 500 500 50 50 Medium No
Island Copper 365 365 40 35 Medium Yes Wedge 1993? Large, slow failure along
SW failure structure & intact rock;
Kimbley Pit 165 165 60 67 56 61 15 70 No Only small-scale failures,
< 3000 m3. Coyote blast to
69° => failure
Liberty Pit 150 76 33 Low Yes Wedge 1966 Large, 5-12 Mton wedge
failure failure

Table A3.2 (continued).

Total Interramp angle Overall angle Intact Rock Strength
Unstable/Stable Large Scale Failure Failure
Mine Height
Height [m] Min σc Max σc Failure Mechanism Date
Stability Comments
[m] Min [°] Max [°] Min [°] Max [°]
[MPa] [MPa]
Mines Visited
Lornex Pit 350 350 35 35 30 30 3 140 Yes Toppling 1980? Deep-seated toppling
Mont-Wright 238 238 30 60 30 60 83 166 No Plane failures, 100 000 m3
Nickel Plate 280 280 63 63 250 450 No
Post Pit 210 210 35 35 30 30 Low Yes Circular Several large failures,
failure approimately 2 per year
Republic Mine, 120 120 80 90 80 90 Very High No
Ruth Pit 120 120 No No failures, only ravelling
Tellnes 155 155 50 55 55 High No Plane failure along joint

dagbrudd planes, 80 m high,
300-400 000 ton
Valley Pit 380 380 38 38 35 35 3 140 Yes Toppling 1980? Deep-seated toppling
Veteran/Tripp 220 220 Yes Wedge 1970 30 Mton wedge failure, 12°
Pit failure dip
Ørtfjell 230 230 54 54 54 48 74 No
Literature Review
Afton Mine 300 300 30 40 Yes Circular 1984 Several slides, circular and
NW failure structurally controlled
Afton Mine 300 170 45 20 110 Yes Toppling 1985- 170 m involved in failure,
SW failure 1986 unstable failure 300 000
tons, 7.4 Mton moving
Águas Claras 240 240 44 Low Yes Plane failure 1992 Unstable, rapid failure in
Bingham 850 850 37 1 140 Yes Circular Several failures, 50° slope
Canyon failure for upper 180 m

Table A3.2 (continued).

Total Interramp angle Overall angle Intact Rock Strength
Unstable/Stable Large Scale Failure Failure
Mine Height
Height [m] Min σc Max σc Failure Mechanism Date
Stability Comments
[m] Min [°] Max [°] Min [°] Max [°]
[MPa] [MPa]
Literature Review
Brenda Mine, 200 200 40 150 Yes Toppling 1988 Large scale toppling
SW failure failure, slow
Brenda Mine, 335 335 45 150 Yes Plane failure 1990 Unstable failure, very rapid
WW in west wall in 1990
Cassiar Mine 370 370 54.5 80 No
Cassiar Mine 370 180 42 80 Yes Toppling 1989 Stable failure, 17.6 Mton
HW failure moving material
Chuquicamata, 658 658 37 30 100 Yes Toppling Slow, stable failure;
WW failure toppling?
Chuquicamata. 658 658 40 46 60 100 No Multiple bench failures
Cyprus Bagdad 500 500 39 30 100 Yes Toppling 1974 Failure at 250 m slope

failure height, large scale toppling
Highmont 110 60 40 1 140 Yes Wedge 1983 Structural contral and rock
Mine failure mass failure; Slow, stable
Jeffrey Mine, 300 300 50 15 50 No
Jeffrey Mine, 390 390 30 Low Yes Circular 1971, Multiple, stable failures
SEW failure 1974,
Kemi Mine 120 120 35 55 12 147 No No failures as of 1988
Las Encinas 200 200 80 Yes ? 1994 Unstable, rapid failure
Palabora 500 500 37 58 58 70 300 No
Twin Buttes 330 330 37 45 140 Yes Toppling 1970, Several large failures,
failure 1974 toppling and shallow
sliding, 3-10 Mton

Table A3.2 (concluded).

Total Interramp angle Overall angle Intact Rock Strength
Unstable/Stable Large Scale Failure Failure
Mine Height
Height [m] Min σc Max σc Failure Mechanism Date
Stability Comments
[m] Min [°] Max [°] Min [°] Max [°]
[MPa] [MPa]
Summary Reviews: Foliated Slopes
Wellington 174 174 74.6 No Power plant, slate
Northern 120 120 61.9 No Power plant, slate
Penrhyn Slate 180 180 43.1 No Quarry, slate
Atalaya 152 152 38.4 No Open Pit, phyllite
South Lode 96 96 26.8 No Open Pit, phyllite
South Lode 136 136 33.4 No Open Pit, phyllite
Summary Reviews: Pits in the Former Soviet Union
Muruntau 315 100 25 36 40 80 Yes Plane failure 1967- Largest failure in 1991,
1997 schists, slip along

Sibai 375 375 30 33 50 180 No
Medvezhiy 250 250 11 35 120 160 No
Nikolaevskiy 160 160 35 38 50 130 No
Kalmakyr 345 345 100 150 No
Kounrad 240 240 60 120 No
Agarakskiy 370 370 16 31 60 120 No
Gaiskiy N 1 280 280 25 30 50 140 No

FW = Footwall, HW = Hangingwall
NW = North Wall, SW = South Wall, EW = East Wall, WW = West Wall, SEW = Southeast Wall.

Table A3.3 Slope heights and slope angles compiled by Hoek and Bray (1981).

Slope Height Slope Height Overall angle

[ft] [m] [°]

Stable Slopes
2200 671 43
1120 341 22
1130 344 45
1025 312 46
1015 309 58
880 268 40
805 245 20
760 232 35
755 230 31
700 213 50
610 186 40
605 184 45
560 171 44
560 171 56
535 163 37
530 162 35
500 152 49.5
500 152 58
480 146 37
475 145 51
475 145 54
470 143 35
460 140 30
460 140 45
455 139 59
410 125 45
405 123 55
400 122 45
395 120 55
395 120 71
350 107 24

Table A3.3 (continued).

Slope Height Slope Height Overall angle

[ft] [m] [°]

Stable Slopes
350 107 25
350 107 44.5
325 99 36
305 93 51
300 91 45
295 90 58
295 90 60
290 88 64
295 90 66
295 90 69
285 87 58
275 84 62
250 76 89
250 76 45
245 75 62
240 73 40
235 72 43
235 72 44
220 67 60
215 66 46
215 66 65
215 66 68
215 66 40
205 62 89
200 61 74
195 59 75
190 58 34
180 55 40
180 55 77
170 52 45
160 49 29

Table A3.3 (continued).

Slope Height Slope Height Overall angle

[ft] [m] [°]

Stable Slopes
150 46 75
145 44 76
145 44 31
130 40 77
120 37 62
110 34 68
110 34 52
110 34 39.5
95 29 26
90 27 54
75 23 43
50 15 70
Unstable Slopes
855 261 35
705 215 64
645 197 52
615 187 32
580 177 40
500 152 45
455 139 37
445 136 89
400 122 38
365 111 45
300 91 26
240 73 57
220 67 52
210 64 31
195 59 26
195 59 31
195 59 45
180 55 45

Table A3.3 (concluded).

Slope Height Slope Height Overall angle

[ft] [m] [°]

Unstable Slopes
180 55 72
170 52 40
170 52 77
160 49 38
150 46 25
150 46 33
140 43 46
115 35 46
100 30 34
60 18 34
60 18 13

Table A3.4 Summary of natural and engineering slopes in China compiled by Chen (1995b). (Translated from Chinese by the author.)

Case # Type of slope Geology Total Height Overall angle Large Scale Failure Mechanism/ Failure Date Potentially Unstable
[m] [°] Failure Stability Condition Volume [m3]


River Bank Slopes
3-04-2 River bank Foliated 330 45 Yes Failure 1986-10-25 1.500E+05
3-02-10 River bank Foliated 218 31 Yes Creeping + Sliding 5.973E+04
3-04-11 River bank Foliated 200 40 Yes Creeping + Sliding 1989-07-26 8.700E+05
3-02-129 River bank Foliated 500 10 Yes Unstable 1983-08-08 8.10E+06
3-03-132 River bank Foliated 680 30 Yes Unstable 1981-01-10 7.65E+06

3-02-135 River bank Foliated 670 30 Yes Unstable 1982-07-17 7.00E+06
3-02-137 River bank Foliated 350 36 Yes Unstable 1980-06-03 1.00E+06
3-06-139 River bank Soil-like 170 45 Yes Unstable 1981-08-23 4.80E+04
3-02-141 River bank Foliated 600 30 Yes Unstable 1982-07-18 1.00E+07
3-06-145 River bank Soil-like 176 22 Yes Stable after reinforcement 1973-01-01 2.00E+06
Reservoir Slopes
2-06-12 Reservoir slope Soil-like 300 30 Yes Failure 3.170E+07
2-06-42 Reservoir slope Soil-like 800 26 Yes Sliding 1985-06-12 3.00E+07
2-03-43 Reservoir slope Foliated 320 85 Yes Creeping + Sliding 3.62E+06
2-02-56 Reservoir slope Foliated 200 35 Yes Failure 1961-03-06 1.65E+06
2-03-59 Reservoir slope Foliated 300 60 Yes Stable after reinforcement 2.15E+06
2-06-77 Reservoir slope Soil-like 320 23 Yes Unstable 1971-01-01 2.05E+07

Table A3.4 (continued).

Case # Type of slope Geology Total Height Overall angle Large Scale Failure Mechanism/ Failure Date Potentially Unstable
[m] [°] Failure Stability Condition Volume [m3]


Reservoir Slopes
2-02-111 Reservoir slope Foliated 250 14 Yes Unstable 1974-03-13 4.20E+07
2-06-128 Reservoir slope Soil-like 930 36 Yes Unstable 1967-06-08 1.10E+08
Engineering Slopes
1-03-24 Engineering slope Foliated 40 53 Yes Stable after reinforcement 0
1-01-29 Engineering slope Blocky 120 70 Yes Stable after reinforcement 1992-05-18 1.00E+02
1-03-30 Engineering slope Foliated 70 49 Yes Stable after reinforcement 1988-06-22 8.00E+03

1-06-32 Engineering slope Soil-like 50 45 Yes Stable after reinforcement 1985-12-24 7.10E+03
1-06-33 Engineering slope Soil-like 40 45 Yes Stable after reinforcement 1984-11-01 3.00E+04
1-04-36 Engineering slope Foliated 110 55 Yes Stable after reinforcement 0
1-06-37 Engineering slope Soil-like 100 22 Yes Stable after reinforcement 1986-12-01 1.45E+06
1-01-40 Engineering slope Blocky 250 50 Yes Stable after reinforcement 1989-01-07 1.10E+05
1-02-45 Engineering slope Foliated 100 40 Yes Stable after reinforcement 1983-06-01 2.20E+05
1-04-54 Engineering slope Foliated 153 58 Yes Failure 1971-09-30 0
1-03-57 Engineering slope Foliated 145 39 Yes Stable after reinforcement 2.50E+06
1-06-66 Engineering slope Soil-like 60 28 Yes Failure 1991-03-01 2.20E+05
1-01-74 Engineering slope Blocky 50 45 Yes Stable after reinforcement 1991-07-01 2.00E+03
1-01-82 Engineering slope Blocky 160 40 Yes Unstable 1969-07-01 9.00E+04
1-06-83 Engineering slope Soil-like 50 16 Yes Unstable 1989-02-13 3.00E+05

Table A3.4 (continued).

Case # Type of slope Geology Total Height Overall angle Large Scale Failure Mechanism/ Failure Date Potentially Unstable
[m] [°] Failure Stability Condition Volume [m3]


Engineering Slopes
1-04-84 Engineering slope Foliated 133 42 Yes Stable after reinforcement 1977-06-15 1.70E+05
1-01-103 Engineering slope Blocky 140 34 Yes Stable after reinforcement 1.40E+06
1-02-107 Engineering slope Foliated 75 90 Yes Stable after reinforcement 2.26E+05
1-01-117 Engineering slope Blocky 180 45 Yes Unstable 1989-09-19 5.00E+04
1-02-138 Engineering slope Foliated 60 15 Yes Unstable 1992-07-01 1.00E+06

River Bank Slopes
3-04-1 River bank Foliated 880 43 No Stable 2.300E+07
3-02-14 River bank Foliated 350 39 No Stable 6.800E+06
3-02-21 River bank Foliated 460 25 No Stable 1.800E+07
3-04-65 River bank Foliated 112 60 No Stable 0
3-06-97 River bank Soil-like 325 16 No Stable 4.43E+07
3-04-120 River bank Foliated 250 42 No Stable
3-06-130 River bank Soil-like 530 27 No Stable 1983-10-07 4.12E+06
3-02-134 River bank Foliated 550 33 No Stable 1991-09-23 1.80E+07
3-06-149 River bank Soil-like 720 15 No Stable 2.50E+07
3-02-151 River bank Foliated 70 12 No Stable 1971-08-16 1.00E+06

Table A3.4 (continued).

Case # Type of slope Geology Total Height Overall angle Large Scale Failure Mechanism/ Failure Date Potentially Unstable
[m] [°] Failure Stability Condition Volume [m3]

Reservoir Slopes
1-04-3 Reservoir slope Foliated 420 40 No Stable 1.600E+08
2-04-7 Reservoir slope Foliated 445 23 No Stable 8.850E+06
2-02-8 Reservoir slope Foliated 119 33 No Stable 9.000E+05
2-06-9 Reservoir slope Soil-like 330 50 No Local failure 8.000E+07
2-06-16 Reservoir slope Soil-like 500 31 No Stable 3.000E+06
2-01-25 Reservoir slope Blocky 300 40 No Stable 3.50E+06

2-06-51 Reservoir slope Soil-like 89 30 No Stable 2.50E+05
2-02-53 Reservoir slope Foliated 380 40 No Stable 1.34E+06
2-02-58 Reservoir slope Foliated 260 50 No Stable 1.00E+06
1-06-67 Reservoir slope Soil-like 145 32 No Stable 9.50E+05
1-06-68 Reservoir slope Soil-like 140 20 No Stable 4.34E+06
2-02-78 Reservoir slope Foliated 130 35 No Stable 3.61E+06
2-03-79 Reservoir slope Foliated 170 22 No Stable 6.33E+06
2-06-92 Reservoir slope Soil-like 622 18 No Stable 1.29E+08
2-06-93 Reservoir slope Soil-like 417 19 No Stable 1.89E+08
2-06-94 Reservoir slope Soil-like 566 16 No Stable 1982-07-18 1.50E+07
2-02-95 Reservoir slope Foliated 400 20 No Stable 3.36E+07
2-06-96 Reservoir slope Soil-like 225 16 No Stable 3.52E+07

Table A3.4 (continued).

Case # Type of slope Geology Total Height Overall angle Large Scale Failure Mechanism/ Failure Date Potentially Unstable
[m] [°] Failure Stability Condition Volume [m3]

Reservoir Slopes
2-06-98 Reservoir slope Soil-like 330 17 No Stable 1.79E+07
2-06-99 Reservoir slope Soil-like 525 30 No Stable 6.91E+06
2-06-100 Reservoir slope Soil-like 500 17 No Stable 5.20E+07
2-06-101 Reservoir slope Soil-like 735 34 No Stable 6.50E+06
2-02-133 Reservoir slope Foliated 950 50 No Stable 3.00E+07
2-02-140 Reservoir slope Foliated 857 8 No Stable 2.11E+08

2-06-143 Reservoir slope Soil-like 100 40 No Stable 1.10E+08
2-06-146 Reservoir slope Soil-like 0 11 No Stable
2-03-147 Reservoir slope Foliated 1340 30 No Stable 1.50E+08
2-02-148 Reservoir slope Foliated 820 45 No Stable 3.38E+07
2-06-150 Reservoir slope Soil-like 575 14 No Stable 1986-07-16 2.88E+07
Engineering Slopes
1-05-13 Engineering slope Crushed 250 50 No Stable 1.850E+06
1-04-20 Engineering slope Foliated 100 73 No Stable 1984-01-01 1.300E+03
1-01-26 Engineering slope Blocky 60 63 No Stable 1.20E+04
1-01-27 Engineering slope Blocky 82 68 No Stable 0
1-06-31 Engineering slope Soil-like 180 30 No Stable 1.70E+06
1-02-34 Engineering slope Foliated 164 51 No Stable 0

Table A3.4 (continued).

Case # Type of slope Geology Total Height Overall angle Large Scale Failure Mechanism/ Failure Date Potentially Unstable
[m] [°] Failure Stability Condition Volume [m3]

Engineering Slopes
1-04-35 Engineering slope Foliated 120 50 No Stable 0
1-06-38 Engineering slope Soil-like 205 23 No Stable 1991-08-01 1.70E+06
1-04-55 Engineering slope Foliated 156 50 No Stable 3.00E+04
1-04-69 Engineering slope Foliated 100 45 No Stable 0
1-01-81 Engineering slope Blocky 64 73 No Stable 1.40E+05
1-03-109 Engineering slope Foliated 350 45 No Stable 2.45E+06

1-01-112 Engineering slope Blocky 193 73 No Stable 0
1-03-118 Engineering slope Foliated 140 63 No Stable
1-03-119 Engineering slope Foliated 137 63 No Stable
1-01-123 Engineering slope Blocky 144 63 No Stable 6.50E+05
1-01-124 Engineering slope Blocky 120 65 No Stable 1993-06-08 2.00E+02
River Bank Slopes
3-02-5 River bank Foliated 210 32 Creep Creeping 1981-08-01 1.845E+05
3-04-46 River bank Foliated 147 27 Creep Slow creeping 1941-09-01 1.30E+06
3-06-104 River bank Soil-like 110 50 Creep Creeping 3.00E+05
3-06-113 River bank Soil-like 345 32 Creep Creeping 3.00E+06
3-02-131 River bank Foliated 700 27 Creep Creeping 1.80E+08

Table A3.4 (continued).

Case # Type of slope Geology Total Height Overall angle Large Scale Failure Mechanism/ Failure Date Potentially Unstable
[m] [°] Failure Stability Condition Volume [m3]

River Bank Slopes
3-05-136 River bank Crushed 650 30 Creep Creeping 1990-09-10 4.33E+06
3-06-142 River bank Soil-like 200 30 Creep Creeping 6.36E+08
3-05-144 River bank Crushed 460 45 Creep Creeping 1962-01-01 4.00E+07
Reservoir Slopes
1-04-4 Reservoir slope Foliated 255 32 Creep Creeping 1981-09-01 6.920E+06
2-06-41 Reservoir slope Soil-like 217 40 Creep Creeping 4.20E+06

2-03-44 Reservoir slope Foliated 800 30 Creep Creeping 1983-01-01 1.80E+07
2-02-60 Reservoir slope Soil-like 310 27 Creep Creeping 4.67E+06
2-02-61 Reservoir slope Soil-like 205 25 Creep Creeping 1.00E+06
2-03-64 Reservoir slope Foliated 120 30 Creep Creeping 1987-06-02 1.50E+06
2-06-91 Reservoir slope Soil-like 376 22 Creep Creeping 1935-01-01 3.10E+06
2-06-115 Reservoir slope Soil-like 150 35 Creep Creeping 1983-01-01 2.60E+06
2-03-152 Reservoir slope Foliated 400 35 Creep Creeping 8.80E+06

Table A3.4 (concluded).

Case # Type of slope Geology Total Height Overall angle Large Scale Failure Mechanism/ Failure Date Potentially Unstable
[m] [°] Failure Stability Condition Volume [m3]

Engineering Slopes
1-04-6 Engineering slope Foliated 250 41 Creep Creeping 1989-08-01 6.800E+05
2-03-62 Engineering slope Foliated 365 35 Creep Creeping 2.66E+06
1-06-70 Engineering slope Soil-like 55 49 Creep Creeping 1984-01-01 7.50E+05
1-02-73 Engineering slope Foliated 50 40 Creep Creeping 1971-06-01 7.00E+03
1-06-105 Engineering slope Soil-like 150 33 Creep Creeping 1981-06-01 6.00E+05
1-01-116 Engineering slope Blocky 105 45 Creep Creeping 1.56E+05


Table A3.5 Summary of natural slope cases in Norway (Broch and Nilsen, 1977; Nilsen, 1979; Dahlø, 1976, 1996).

Slope # Slope Name Rock Type Foliation dip Dip comment Jointing Total Height Average angle Large Scale
[°] [m] [°] Failure

Data from Broch and Nilsen (1977); Nilsen (1979)

1 Eiterådal V Mica schist 70 Parallell, into slope 390 50 No
2 Eiterådal V Mica schist 70 Parallell, into slope 430 47 No
3 Eiterådal N Mica schist 70 Perpendicular to slope 360 59 No
4 Eiterådal N Mica schist 70 Perpendicular to slope 360 62 No
5 Örtfjell N Mica schist 45 Parallell, into slope 310 65 No
6 Örtfjell N Mica schist 45 Perpendicular to slope 255 54 No

7 Langvann Mica schist 20 Oblique to slope 325 52 No
8 Langvann Mica schist 20 Oblique to slope 245 55 No
9 Brunstadfjell Mica schist 40 Parallell, into slope 610 37 No
10 Storfjellet Mica schist 60 Perpendicular to slope 545 39 No
11 Örtfjell NÖ Mica schist 75 Parallell, into slope 610 39 No
12 Örtfjell NÖ Mica schist 75 Parallell, into slope 330 51 No
13 Örtfjell NÖ Mica schist 75 Parallell, into slope 290 58 No
14 Örtfjell NÖ Mica schist 75 Parallell, into slope 600 42 No
15 Örtfjell N Mica schist 60 Perpendicular to slope 210 56 No
16 Stormdalen Mica schist 65 Oblique to slope 800 36 No
17 Stormdalen Mica schist 65 Parallell, into slope 750 38 No
18 Kollfjellet Mica schist 50 Parallell, into slope 435 41 No

Table A3.5 (continued).

Slope # Slope Name Rock Type Foliation dip Dip comment Jointing Total Height Average angle Large Scale
[°] [m] [°] Failure

Data from Broch and Nilsen (1977); Nilsen (1979)

19 Stormdalstind Mica schist 70 Parallell, into slope 635 39 No
20 Stormdalsfjell Mica schist 40 Parallell, into slope 325 57 No
21 Gåbrok Mica schist 25 Parallell, into slope 240 65 No
Data from Dahlø (1976, 1996)
1 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone 30-60 Parallell, into slope Sparse 135 78 No
2 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone 60-90 Perpendicular to slope Sparse 290 61 No
3 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone 60-90 Parallell, into slope Sparse 200 75 No

4 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone 60-90 Parallell, into slope Medium 100 77 No
5 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone 60-90 Oblique to slope Heavy 480 58 No
6 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone 60-90 Parallell, into slope Sparse 200 64 No
7 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone 60-90 Parallell, into slope Sparse 190 58 No
8 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone 30-60 Parallell, out of slope Medium 520 32 No
9 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone 60-90 Perpendicular to slope Sparse 210 52 No
10 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone Perpendicular to slope Sparse 280 67 No
11 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone Perpendicular to slope Sparse 260 57 No
12 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone 60-90 Oblique to slope Sparse 460 53 No
13 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone 60-90 Parallell, into slope Sparse 380 43 No
14 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone 60-90 Oblique to slope Sparse 205 80 No
15 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone 60-90 Oblique to slope Sparse 550 56 No

Table A3.5 (continued).

Slope # Slope Name Rock Type Foliation dip Dip comment Jointing Total Height Average angle Large Scale
[°] [m] [°] Failure

Data from Dahlø (1976, 1996)

16 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone 60-90 Oblique to slope Sparse 950 39 No
17 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone 60-90 Oblique to slope Medium 200 72 No
18 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone 60-90 Parallell, into slope Medium 1020 62 No
19 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone 60-90 Parallell, into slope Medium 650 78 No
20 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone 60-90 Parallell, into slope Medium 800 57 No
21 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone 60-90 Parallell, into slope Medium 400 59 No
22 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone 60-90 Parallell, into slope Medium 630 50 No

23 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone 60-90 Parallell, into slope Medium 230 82 No
24 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone 60-90 Parallell, into slope Medium 280 74 No
25 Nordfj/Sognefj Devonian sandstone 60-90 Parallell, into slope Medium 300 71 No
1 Möre Möre gneiss Parallell, into slope Sparse 1190 41 No
2 Möre Möre gneiss Oblique to slope Sparse 500 60 No
3 Möre Möre gneiss Oblique to slope Sparse 690 52 No
4 Möre Möre gneiss 30-60 Parallell, out of slope Heavy 420 43 No
5 Möre Möre gneiss Parallell, into slope Heavy 640 53 No
6 Möre Möre gneiss Oblique to slope Sparse 400 78 No
7 Möre Möre gneiss 60-90 Parallell, out of slope Sparse 390 54 No
8 Möre Möre gneiss Perpendicular to slope Sparse 460 63 No
9 Möre Möre gneiss 60-90 Parallell, into slope Sparse 1420 51 No

Table A3.5 (continued).

Slope # Slope Name Rock Type Foliation dip Dip comment Jointing Total Height Average angle Large Scale
[°] [m] [°] Failure

Data from Dahlø (1976, 1996)

10 Möre Möre gneiss Parallell, into slope Sparse 400 65 No
11 Möre Möre gneiss 60-90 Perpendicular to slope Sparse 1240 47 No
12 Möre Möre gneiss Perpendicular to slope Sparse 1380 49 No
13 Möre Möre gneiss Oblique to slope Sparse 600 55 No
14 Möre Möre gneiss 60-90 Perpendicular to slope Medium 290 52 No
15 Möre Möre gneiss Parallell, into slope Heavy 900 66 No
16 Möre Möre gneiss 60-90 Parallell, into slope Heavy 1200 66 No

17 Möre Möre gneiss 60-90 Parallell, into slope Heavy 1400 58 No
18 Möre Möre gneiss 60-90 Parallell, into slope Heavy 1100 52 No
19 Möre Möre gneiss 30-60 Parallell, into slope Heavy 690 55 No
20 Möre Möre gneiss 60-90 Parallell, out of slope Heavy 600 40 No
21 Möre Möre gneiss 0-30 Perpendicular to slope Sparse 1080 43 No
22 Möre Möre gneiss 0-30 Parallell, into slope Sparse 1000 44 No
23 Möre Möre gneiss 0-30 Perpendicular to slope Sparse 730 62 No
24 Möre Möre gneiss 0-30 Oblique to slope Sparse 920 33 No
25 Möre Möre gneiss 0-30 Oblique to slope Sparse 1110 56 No
26 Möre Möre gneiss Oblique to slope Sparse 1190 57 No
27 Möre Möre gneiss Oblique to slope Sparse 1010 86 No
28 Möre Möre gneiss Perpendicular to slope Sparse 1180 65 No

Table A3.5 (continued).

Slope # Slope Name Rock Type Foliation dip Dip comment Jointing Total Height Average angle Large Scale
[°] [m] [°] Failure

Data from Dahlø (1976, 1996)

29 Möre Möre gneiss Perpendicular to slope Sparse 1210 57 No
30 Möre Möre gneiss Oblique to slope Sparse 700 75 No
31 Möre Möre gneiss Perpendicular to slope Sparse 1340 54 No
32 Möre Möre gneiss Perpendicular to slope Sparse 1540 48 No
33 Möre Möre gneiss Perpendicular to slope Sparse 500 76 No
34 Möre Möre gneiss Perpendicular to slope Sparse 610 57 No
35 Möre Möre gneiss Perpendicular to slope Sparse 460 60 No

36 Möre Möre gneiss Parallell, out of slope Sparse 750 60 No
37 Möre Möre gneiss Parallell, into slope Sparse 680 65 No
38 Möre Möre gneiss Parallell, into slope Sparse 460 73 No
39 Möre Möre gneiss Oblique to slope Medium 1100 64 No
40 Möre Möre gneiss Oblique to slope Medium 1000 49 No
41 Möre Möre gneiss Oblique to slope Medium 700 68 No
1 Svarteisen Granite/Granitic gneiss Perpendicular to slope 200 53 No
2 Svarteisen Granite/Granitic gneiss Perpendicular to slope 215 62 No
3 Svarteisen Granite/Granitic gneiss Oblique to slope 100 63 No
4 Svarteisen Granite/Granitic gneiss Oblique to slope 300 51 No
5 Svarteisen Granite/Granitic gneiss Perpendicular to slope 300 47 No
6 Svarteisen Granite/Granitic gneiss Oblique to slope 200 43 No

Table A3.5 (continued).

Slope # Slope Name Rock Type Foliation dip Dip comment Jointing Total Height Average angle Large Scale
[°] [m] [°] Failure

Data from Dahlø (1976, 1996)

7 Svarteisen Granite/Granitic gneiss Perpendicular to slope 200 45 No
8 Svarteisen Granite/Granitic gneiss Parallell, out of slope 200 34 No
9 Svarteisen Granite/Granitic gneiss Parallell, out of slope 510 32 No
10 Svarteisen Granite/Granitic gneiss Parallell, out of slope 100 34 No
11 Svarteisen Granite/Granitic gneiss Oblique to slope 110 53 No
12 Svarteisen Granite/Granitic gneiss Parallell, out of slope 400 42 No
13 Svarteisen Granite/Granitic gneiss Parallell, out of slope 500 41 No

14 Svarteisen Granite/Granitic gneiss Oblique to slope 300 38 No
15 Svarteisen Granite/Granitic gneiss Oblique to slope 500 43 No
16 Svarteisen Granite/Granitic gneiss Oblique to slope 600 61 No
17 Svarteisen Granite/Granitic gneiss Oblique to slope 400 55 No
18 Svarteisen Granite/Granitic gneiss Oblique to slope 220 55 No
19 Svarteisen Granite/Granitic gneiss Oblique to slope 340 50 No
20 Svarteisen Granite/Granitic gneiss Oblique to slope 420 38 No
21 Svarteisen Granite/Granitic gneiss Oblique to slope 240 62 No
22 Svarteisen Granite/Granitic gneiss Parallell, into slope 200 55 No
23 Svarteisen Granite/Granitic gneiss Perpendicular to slope 550 55 No

Table A3.5 (continued).

Slope # Slope Name Rock Type Foliation dip Dip comment Jointing Total Height Average angle Large Scale
[°] [m] [°] Failure

Data from Dahlø (1976, 1996)

1 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Oblique to slope 1000 49 No
2 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Oblique to slope 500 49 No
3 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Oblique to slope 210 53 No
4 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Parallell, into slope 600 50 No
5 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Parallell, into slope 300 44 No
6 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Oblique to slope 120 63 No
7 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Perpendicular to slope 460 55 No

8 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Perpendicular to slope 220 68 No
9 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Parallell, into slope 200 52 No
10 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Parallell, into slope 450 54 No
11 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Parallell, into slope 200 53 No
12 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Parallell, out of slope 200 65 No
13 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Parallell, out of slope 130 66 No
14 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Oblique to slope 400 58 No
15 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Parallell, into slope 400 55 No
16 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Parallell, into slope 400 62 No
17 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Parallell, into slope 410 64 No
18 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Parallell, into slope 260 73 No
19 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Parallell, into slope 200 58 No

Table A3.5 (continued).

Slope # Slope Name Rock Type Foliation dip Dip comment Jointing Total Height Average angle Large Scale
[°] [m] [°] Failure

Data from Dahlø (1976, 1996)

20 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Parallell, into slope 500 58 No
21 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Parallell, into slope 650 44 No
22 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Horizontal 200 70 No
23 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Horizontal 630 46 No
24 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Horizontal 400 46 No
25 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Parallell, into slope 310 65 No
26 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Perpendicular to slope 500 50 No

27 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Oblique to slope 400 43 No
28 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Horizontal 400 59 No
29 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Horizontal 600 38 No
30 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Perpendicular to slope 500 39 No
31 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Oblique to slope 500 30 No
32 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Parallell, into slope 1130 32 No
33 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Oblique to slope 400 50 No
34 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Horizontal 600 58 No
35 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Horizontal 500 54 No
36 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Horizontal 400 52 No
37 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Horizontal 900 48 No
38 Kåfjord-Skibotn Cambro-Silurian rocks Horizontal 310 72 No

Table A3.5 (continued).

Slope # Slope Name Rock Type Foliation dip Dip comment Jointing Total Height Average angle Large Scale
[°] [m] [°] Failure

Data from Dahlø (1976, 1996)

1 Lyngen Gabbro Parallell, into slope 600 41 No
2 Lyngen Gabbro Perpendicular to slope 530 45 No
3 Lyngen Gabbro Parallell, into slope 600 46 No
4 Lyngen Gabbro Parallell, into slope 900 33 No
5 Lyngen Gabbro Parallell, into slope 900 35 No
6 Lyngen Gabbro Parallell, into slope 600 54 No
7 Lyngen Gabbro Perpendicular to slope 600 52 No

8 Lyngen Gabbro Parallell, into slope 700 39 No
9 Lyngen Gabbro Oblique to slope 900 40 No
10 Lyngen Gabbro Perpendicular to slope 840 42 No
11 Lyngen Gabbro Parallell, into slope 500 58 No
12 Lyngen Gabbro Parallell, into slope 300 65 No
13 Lyngen Gabbro Oblique to slope 300 66 No
14 Lyngen Gabbro Perpendicular to slope 900 50 No
15 Lyngen Gabbro Perpendicular to slope 1010 46 No
16 Lyngen Gabbro Perpendicular to slope 600 49 No
17 Lyngen Gabbro Oblique to slope 320 61 No
18 Lyngen Gabbro Perpendicular to slope 700 46 No
19 Lyngen Gabbro Perpendicular to slope 700 45 No

Table A3.5 (concluded).

Slope # Slope Name Rock Type Foliation dip Dip comment Jointing Total Height Average angle Large Scale
[°] [m] [°] Failure

Data from Dahlø (1976, 1996)

20 Lyngen Gabbro Perpendicular to slope 800 45 No
21 Lyngen Gabbro Parallell, into slope 500 49 No
22 Lyngen Gabbro Parallell, into slope 640 41 No
23 Lyngen Gabbro Perpendicular to slope 300 49 No
24 Lyngen Gabbro Oblique to slope 800 50 No
25 Lyngen Gabbro Oblique to slope 400 48 No
26 Lyngen Gabbro Oblique to slope 300 70 No

27 Lyngen Gabbro Oblique to slope 200 61 No
28 Lyngen Gabbro Oblique to slope 300 71 No
29 Lyngen Gabbro Parallell, out of slope 400 66 No
30 Lyngen Gabbro Parallell, into slope 300 62 No
31 Lyngen Gabbro Oblique to slope 200 77 No


Tables for Estimation of Parameters in the Hoek-Brown Failure Criterion


Table A4.1 The original Hoek-Brown failure criterion (Hoek and Brown, 1980). Approximate equations for principal stress relations and
Mohr envelopes for intact rock and jointed rock masses; note that principal stresses have been normalized with respect to
the uniaxial compressive strength of the intact rock.


Table A4.2 The updated Hoek-Brown failure criterion (Hoek and Brown, 1988).
Approximate relation between rock mass quality and material constants.

Table A4.3 The 1976 version of the CSIR Geomechanics Classification System (RMR) (after Bieniawski, 1976).


For this low range —
Strength > 8 MPa 4 - 8 MPa 2 - 4 MPa 1 - 2 MPa uniaxial compressive
strength index
of intact test is preferred
1 rock Uniaxial
material 10-25 3-10 1-3
compressive > 200 MPa 100 - 200 MPa 50 - 100 MPa 25 - 50 MPa
Rating 15 12 7 4 2 1 0
Drill core quality RQD 90 % - 100 % 75 % - 90 % 50 % - 75 % 25 %-50 % < 25 %
Rating 20 17 13 8 3
Spacing of joints >3m 1-3m 0.3 - 1 m 50 - 300 mm < 50mm
Rating 30 25 20 10 5

Slickensided surfaces
Very rough surfaces Slightly rough Slightly rough OR Soft gouge > 5 mm
Not continuous surfaces surfaces Gouge < 5 mm thick OR
Condition of joints
4 No separation Separation < 1 mm Separation < 1 mm OR Joints open > 5 mm
Hard joint wall rock Hard joint wall rock Soft joint wall rock Joints open 1-5 mm Continuous joints
Continuous joints
Rating 25 20 12 6 0
Inflow per 10 m
None < 25 liters/min 25 - 125 liters/min > 125 liters/min
tunnel length
Ratio pw/σ1 0 0.0 - 0.2 0.2 - 0.5 > 0.5
5 water
General Moist only Water under
Completely dry Severe water problems
conditions (interstitial water) moderate pressure
Rating 10 7 4 0

Table A4.4 The modified Hoek-Brown failure criterion (Hoek et al., 1992).
Eestimation of mb/mi and a based on rock structure and surface condition.

Table A4.5 The generalized Hoek-Brown failure criterion (Hoek et al., 1995; Hoek and
Brown, 1997). Values of the constant mi for intact rock, by rock group; values
in parentheses areestimates (Hoek and Brown, 1997).

Table A4.6 Table for strength mapping using knife and geological hammer (after Brown,

Grade Description Field identification Approximate

σc [MPa]
S1 Very soft clay Easily penetrated several inches by fist < 0.025

S2 Soft clay Easily penetrated several inches by thumb 0.025-0.05

S3 Firm clay Can be penetrated several inches by thumb with moderate effort 0.05 - 0.10

S4 Stiff clay Readily indented by thumb but penetrated only with great effort 0.10 - 0.25

S5 Very stiff clay Readily indented by thumbnail 0.25 - 0.50

S6 Hard clay Indented with difficulty by thumbnail > 0.50

Extremely weak
R0 Indented by thumbnail 0.25-1.0
Crumbles under firm blows with point of geological hammer, can
R1 Very weak rock 1.0-5.0
be peeled by a pocket knife
Can be peeled by a pocket knife with difficulty, shallow
R2 Weak rock 5.0-25
indentations made by firm blow with point of geological hammer
Medium strong Cannot be scraped or peeled with a pocket knife, specimen can be
R3 25-50
rock fractured with single firm blow of geological hammer
Specimen requires more than one blow of geological hammer to
R4 Strong rock 50-100
fracture it
Very strong Specimen requires many blows of geological hammer to fracture
R5 100-250
rock it
R6 Specimen can only be chipped with geological hammer > 250
strong rock
Note: Grades S1 to S6 apply to cohesive soils, for example clays, silty clays, and combinations of silts and
clays with sand, generally slow draining. Discontinuity wall strength will generally be
characterized by grades R0-R6 (rock), while S1-S6 (clay) will generally apply to filled
discontinuities. Some rounding of strength values has been made when converting to SI units.

Table A4.7 Simplified characterization of rock masses (Hoek and Brown, 1997).

Table A4.8 Estimation of Geological Strength Index, GSI (after Hoek and Brown, 1997).

Table A4.7)

Table A4.9 The generalized Hoek-Brown failure criterion (Hoek et al., 1995). Estimation
of constants mb/mi, s, a, deformation modulus Em and Poisson's ratio ν for the
Generalized Hoek-Brown failure criterion; values are for undisturbed rock
(after Hoek et al., 1995).

Equation 5.33 (Chapter 5 of this thesis)



Determining Equivalent Cohesion and Friction Angle

from the Hoek-Brown Failure Criterion



Cohesion and Friction Angle for a Specified Normal Stress

The Mohr failure envelope corresponding to the original Hoek-Brown failure criterion was
derived by Dr. John Bray of Imperial College and is given by Hoek (1993), Hoek and Brown
(1988), and Hoek, 1990):

mσ c
τ s = (cotφ i − cos φ i ) , (A5.1)

where φi is the instantaneous friction angle at the given value of τ and σn. Londe (1988) also
presented a similar solution. The value of the instantaneous friction angle is given by

 
φ i = arctan  ,
 4h cos 2 θ − 1 
 i 

1 1 
θ i =  90 + arctan ,
 (A5.3)
3 h3 −1 

h = 1+
16 mσ n´ + sσ c
) (A5.4)
3m 2σ c

The instantaneous cohesion, ci, can be calculated from

ci = τ s − σ n´ tan φ i . (A5.5)

Calculations of the uniaxial tensile strength using the above formulation will yield a slightly
different value than that obtained from using Equation (5.25) — i.e., the Mohr-Coulomb
tensile strength. This is because the radius of curvature of the Mohr envelope on the tensile
side is not necessarily the same as the radius of the Mohr circle defining the uniaxial tensile
strength (Hoek and Brown, 1988). For most practical applications, this difference is small
and can be neglected. Furthermore, if the tensile strength of the rock mass is assumed zero,
this problem disappears completely.

Cohesion and Friction Angle for a Specified Minor Principal Stress

For a specified value of σ3, the corresponding major principal stress at failure, σ1, is
calculated from the original Hoek-Brown criterion

σ 1 = σ 3 + mσ 3σ c + sσ c2 . (A5.6)

The friction angle can be found from (Hoek, 1990)

σn =σ + ´ (σ ´
1 − σ 3´ )2

, (A5.7)
( )
2 σ 1´ − σ 3´ + mσ c

mσ c
τ s = (σ n´ − σ 3´ ) 1 +
( )
2 σ 1´ − σ 3´
, (A5.8)

 2τ 
φ i = 90 − arcsin ´ s ´  . (A5.9)
 σ1 −σ 3 

The cohesion is then calculated from Equation (A5.5).

Cohesion and Friction Angle for Equal Compressive Strength

For the condition that the uniaxial compressive strength for the Hoek-Brown failure criterion
and the Mohr-Coulomb criterion are the same, the friction angle can be calculated from
(Hoek, 1990)

σ n´ = , (A5.10)
4 s +m

τ s = σ n´ 1 + , (A5.11)
2 s

 2τ s 
φ i = 90 − arcsin . (A5.12)
σ s 
 c 

Finally, the cohesion can be calculated from Equation (A5.5). In reality, this approach
corresponds to finding the tangent at σ3 = 0.

Regression Line over a Stress Range

Once a set of (σ3, σ1)-pairs have been determined, it is also possible to determine equivalent
cohesion and friction angle over a larger range of the minor principal stress by conducting a
regression analysis on these data points. A least-squares straight-line fit gives the following
relation for the slope of the regression line, k,

(∑ σ ∑ σ ) ,
n∑ σ 1´σ 3´ − ´
n∑ (σ ) − (∑ σ )
´ 2
´ 2

where the summations are done over the number of (σ3, σ1)-pairs, n.

The Mohr-Coulomb criterion is formulated

1 + sin φ
σ 1´ = σ c + σ 3´ , (A5.14)
1 − sin φ

which, together with Equation (A5.13), can be used to determine the friction angle:

k −1
φ = arcsin . (A5.15)
k +1

The intercept with the σ1-axis will give the uniaxial compressive strength for the rock mass:

σ cm =
∑ (σ ) ∑ σ − ∑ σ ∑ σ σ
´ 2
. (A5.16)
n∑ (σ ) − (∑ σ )
´ 2
´ 2

For the Mohr-Coulomb criterion, the uniaxial compressive strength is expressed as

2c ⋅ cos φ
σ cm = . (A5.17)
1 − sin φ

From this, the equivalent cohesion is calculated as

σ cm (1 − sin φ )
c= . (A5.18)
2 cos φ

A standard linear regression will typically yield a compressive strength, from Equation
(5.16), that is higher than that predicted by the Hoek-Brown criterion. An alternative method
of curve fitting is to fix the intercept with the σ1-axis at the value given by the Hoek-Brown

σ cm = σ c s (A5.19)

— i.e., equal uniaxial compressive strengths for the Hoek-Brown and the Mohr-Coulomb
criteria. The slope of the corresponding regression line, which best fits the data points is then
calculated. Using the least-squares method, this gives

∑σ σ ´
3 − σ c s ∑ σ 3´
, (A5.20)
∑ (σ ) ´ 2

where the summation is carried out over the number of data pairs. The corresponding friction
angle and cohesion can then be determined from Equations (A5.15) and (A5.18).

It is also possible to carry out the regression in the τ-σn-plane. This is done by calculating the
shear stress, τ, for a specified normal stress, σn, using, in order, Equations (A.5.4), (A5.3),
(A5.2) and (A5.1). Once a set of (σn - τ)-pairs have been calculated, the regression analysis
is equivalent to that described above, using Equation (A5.13) with σ3 substituted for σn and
σ1 substituted for τ. The friction angle can then be calculated from the slope of this
regression line as

φ = arctan k , (A5.21)

and the cohesion is found from the intercept with the vertical axis. This is convenient if only
values of the normal stress acting on the failure surface are known. The final cohesion and
friction angle are normally the same as for a regression in the (σ1-σ3)-plane.



For the case of the modified Hoek-Brown failure criterion, a closed form solution for the
corresponding Mohr envelope cannot be derived. A general analytical solution for the Mohr
envelope was published by Balmer (1952), who expressed the normal and shear stresses as

σ 1´ − σ 3´
σ n´ = σ 3´ + , (A5.22)
∂σ 1´ / ∂σ 3´ + 1

τ = (σ n´ − σ 3´ ) ∂σ 1´ / ∂σ 3´ . (A5.23)

The derivative ∂σ 1´ / ∂σ 3´ can be calculated from the general formulation of the Hoek-Brown
failure criterion (Hoek and Brown, 1980; Hoek et al., 1992; Hoek et al., 1995; Hoek and
Brown, 1997) using the following relations:

For GSI > 25, when a = 0.5

∂σ 1´ mb σ c
= 1+
∂σ 3
2 σ 1´ − σ 3´
) (A5.24)

For GSI< 25, when s = 0

a −1
∂σ 1´ aσ3 
= + ( )
1 a mb  
 . (A5.25)
∂σ 3´ σ c 

Equation (A5.24) represents the original Hoek-Brown failure criterion, and the technique
described below is equally applicable for this formulation. Once a set of (σn, τ)-values have
been determined from Equations (A5.22) through (A5.25), average cohesion and friction
angle can be calculated by linear regression analysis over the normal stress range. This gives
the following expressions for φ and c:

 n∑ σ ´ τ − ∑ τ ∑ σ ´
φ = arctan
n n( ) , (A5.26)
 n σ´ 2 −
 ∑ n ( ) (
∑σ n´ 2
) 


∑τ − ∑σ ´
tan φ . (A5.27)
n n

If instead, one wants to do the regression over a specified range of minor principal stress, one
can use Equations (A5.13) through (A5.18) to calculate equivalent cohesion and friction
angle. However, regression with a fixed intercept of the σ1 -axis is meaningless since the
modified Hoek-Brown criterion does not predict any uniaxial compressive strength for the
rock mass.

The instantaneous friction angle and cohesion for a specified minor principal stress (rather
than over a range of stress) can be calculated from the modified Hoek-Brown criterion by
fitting a tangent to the Hoek-Brown envelope. The slope of this tangent is found from
Equation (A5.14), which, in turn, must be equal to the derivative in Equations (A5.24) and/or
(A5.25), depending on the value of GSI or RMR:

1 + sin φ ∂σ 1´
k= = . (A5.28)
1 − sin φ ∂σ 3´

From this, one can solve for φ, which yields

k − 1 ∂σ 1´ / ∂σ 3´ − 1
φ = arctan = . (A5.29)
k + 1 ∂σ 1´ / ∂σ 3´ + 1

The cohesion can then be calculated from Equation (A5.18).

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