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Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering

Division of Mining and Geotechnical Engineering
Haulage System Optimization for Underground Mines

Abubakary Salama Haulage System Optimization for Underground Mines

ISSN 1402-1544
A Discrete Event Simulation and Mixed Integer Programming Approach
ISBN 978-91-7583-051-3 (print)
ISBN 978-91-7583-052-0 (pdf)

Luleå University of Technology 2014

Abubakary Salama
Haulage system optimization for underground mines
A discrete event simulation and mixed integer programming approach

Abubakary Salama

Division of Mining and Geotechnical Engineering
  Department of Civil, Environment and Natural resources

Cover picture: LKAB mine magazine No. 3, 2012

Printed by Luleå University of Technology, Graphic Production 2014

ISSN 1402-1544
ISBN 978-91-7583-051-3 (print)
ISBN 978-91-7583-052-0 (pdf)
Luleå 2014

This research was carried out between March 2010 and October 2014 within the research
subject Mining and Rock Engineering at the Division of Mining and Geotechnical Engineering,
Luleå University of Technology. The successful outcome of this work required the
considerable assistance and guidance I received from many people, and I am extremely
fortunate to have received this help towards completion of this thesis. Whatever I have done is
only due to their assistance and guidance, and I will not forget to thank them.

First and foremost, I thank Professor Håkan Schunnesson for his technical advice and support
in different aspects of underground mining, which played an important role in finalizing this
thesis. I am extremely grateful to him for providing such guidance. I also wish to express my
grateful appreciation to Dr. Jenny Greberg for her valuable materials, suggestions, and ideas
towards solving various problems. Her support, motivation, and close supervision contributed
tremendously to the success of this work. I owe my profound gratitude to the staff members at
Division of Mining and Geotechnical Engineering and to Dr. Micah Nehring of the University
of Queensland for their support, encouragement, and the recommendations that they provided
me with during the time of this study. Their help contributed a tremendous amount to the
content of this work.

I acknowledge and extend my deepest gratitude to the World Bank through the University of
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, under project Code: CIA: 8.a.2: and I2 Mine project within the EU
7th framework program for financial support during this thesis work. I am also grateful to the
Kiirunavaara underground mine in Sweden for providing information helpful to development
of this work, and to the management of SimMine and Automod who provided training

Finally, I am fortunate to have received the constant encouragement and support of my family,
friends, and all those who in one way or another participated in preparation and compilation of
this thesis. I gratefully thank them for their consideration and patience.

Abubakary Salama
November, 2014
Luleå, Sweden


In coming decades, many underground mines will operate at greater depths, which will affect
many operational factors such as increased rock stress, longer haulage distances, and higher
energy consumption, which potentially can generate lower production rates. The increased rock
stresses may lead to smaller sized openings, further restricting the size of loading and hauling
equipment that can be used. Longer hauling distances result in increased energy consumption
for loading and hauling equipment, and in turn, high energy consumption increases heat and
gas emissions for diesel equipment. Heat emission increases ventilation costs as large volumes
of air must be circulated to cool diesel engines and simultaneously maintain adequate air
quality for personnel.
The research presented in this thesis was carried out to evaluate and analyze different
haulage systems, including diesel and electric trucks, shafts, and belt conveyors. The aim was
to determine how these various material-handling equipment may produce the desired
production objectives and lead to lower energy costs. The net present value (NPV) of the mine
plan at increasing mining rates and altered commodity prices was also analyzed. The method
used was the combination of discrete event simulation and mixed integer programing. Discrete
event simulation was used to estimate mine production for different haulage systems, and the
results were used to compute appropriate mining costs for each hauling option. Mixed integer
programming (MIP) was then used to generate the optimal production schedule and mine plan.
The analysis showed that an increasing use of electric trucks will have positive effects on
production improvement because electric trucks have shorter cycle times than their diesel
counterparts. Therefore, electric trucks can make more cycles than diesel trucks in the same
period of time. The analysis also showed that low-profile equipment will remain viable for
haulage in high stress environments that result in smaller sized mine openings. In addition,
when friction hoist systems are used, rope speed and skip payload play important roles in
production improvement. With belt conveyors, production improvements can be obtained by
increasing surcharge angle and running the belt at a low speed. For long hauls, the troughing
angle should be increased and the belt operated at a higher speed.
Energy costs increase with depth and are higher for diesel trucks compared with other
haulage options. At 1000-meter depths and with current energy prices, energy costs for diesel
trucks, electric trucks, belt conveyor, and shaft account for 62%, 54%, 25%, and 14% of the
total haulage costs, respectively. These findings indicate that minimizing the usage of diesel
engine machines will have greater benefits towards cost reductions in an era of increasing
energy prices and greater mine depths. Diesel machines also have high heat and gas emissions,
which increases operating costs particularly for deeper mines where heat emissions increase
ventilation costs.
Changes in mine plans based on changing commodity prices at a fixed mining rate
resulted in an increase in the NPV from $96M to ultimately $755M for the studied case. An
increase in mining rate from 300,000 to 450,000 tonnes raised the NPV to $773M. This finding

indicates that even though an increase in mining rates increases costs, companies may find that
pursuing such a course is beneficial at certain commodity prices, especially when the price is
elevated. When the price falls, increasing mining rate may need a detail evaluation of other
parameters such as grade, recovery, and investment changes.
The evaluation showed that the method of combining discrete event simulation and
mixed integer programming can yield a feasible solution and better understanding of the
operational systems and reduce risks in selecting a system before it is implemented. This study
provides mining companies an analysis of the use of underground haulage systems that can aid
decision making.

Keywords: Underground haulage systems, Production optimization, Equipment selection,

Truck haulage, Shaft system, Belt conveyor, Gas emission, Commodity price,
Mining rate, Discrete Event Simulation, Mixed Integer Programming



Salama, A., Greberg, J., and Schunnesson, H. (2014). The use of discrete event simulation for
underground haulage mining equipment selection, International Journal of Mining and
Mineral Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 3, 256–271. doi: 10.1504/IJMME.2014.064486


Salama, A., Nehring, M. and Greberg, J. (2014). Operating value optimisation using simulation
and mixed integer programming, International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and
Environment, Vol. 28, No. 1, 25-46. doi: 10.1080/17480930.2013.768019


Salama, A., Nehring, M., Greberg, J., and Schunnesson, H. (2014). Evaluation of the impact of
commodity price change on the mine plan of underground mining, Accepted for publication
in International Journal of Mining Science and Technology.


Salama, A., Nehring, M. and Greberg, J. (2014). Analysis of the impact of increasing mining
rate in underground mining using simulation and mixed integer programming. Submitted to
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology.


Salama, A., Greberg, J., Skawina, B., and Gustafson, A. (2014). Analysis of energy
consumption and gas emission for loading equipment in underground mining. Submitted to
Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Journal.


PREFACE .................................................................................................................................. i

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................iii

LIST OF APPENDED PAPERS ............................................................................................. v

CONTENTS............................................................................................................................ vii

1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background.................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Problem statement ....................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Objectives .................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Research questions ...................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Research scope and limitations.................................................................................... 4

2 THEORETICAL FRAME OF REFERENCE ................................................................... 5

2.1 Haulage systems optimization ..................................................................................... 5

2.1.1 Equipment selection using analytical methods.................................................................6
2.1.2 Equipment selection using discrete event simulation .................................................... 12
2.1.3 Mixed integer programming .......................................................................................... 16
2.1.4 Combined discrete event simulation and mixed integer programming ......................... 18
2.2 Energy consumption and gas emissions .................................................................... 19
2.2.1 Energy consumption ...................................................................................................... 19
2.2.2 Gas emissions ................................................................................................................ 24
2.3 Commodity price ....................................................................................................... 25
2.4 Mining Rate .............................................................................................................. 26

3 RESEARCH METHOD ..................................................................................................... 27

3.1 Literature review........................................................................................................ 27

3.2 Data collection ........................................................................................................... 27
3.3 Data analysis.............................................................................................................. 28
3.4 Discrete event simulation model ............................................................................... 29
3.5 Mixed integer programming model ........................................................................... 30

4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ....................................................................................... 33

4.1 Production improvement of underground haulage systems ...................................... 33
4.2 Energy consumption and gas emission on loading and haulage equipment.............. 35
4.3 Mining rate and commodity price variations on NPV............................................... 42

5 CONCLUSIONS AND FURTHER RESEARCH ............................................................ 45

5.1 Further research ......................................................................................................... 47

REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 51


1.1 Background

The selection of haulage systems for underground hard rock mining operations has historically
focused on diesel trucks, shaft haulage, and belt conveyors (De La Vergne, 2003). Normally,
these systems work in combination with other ore-handling components, such as diesel or
electric load-haul-dump (LHD) machines and ore passes. Diesel truck haulage systems have
been widely used for material transportation in both open pit and underground mines. This
haulage equipment is highly flexible in travel routes and fleet size, has no electrical hazards,
and provides high productivity (Thomas et al., 1987). The disadvantages are the use of
flammable fuel, higher heat emissions and noise levels, and emission of toxic gases into the
mine environment (Chadwick, 1996; Haney & Saseen, 2000).
Shaft haulage is used to access large, steeply dipping ore bodies that are too deep to be
mined economically using open cut methods. Shaft haulage also can provide various services to
underground mines, such as ventilation, power, and water supply. For large flat-lying ore
bodies, a belt conveyor is typically the most economic method for material transportation. The
nature of the material to be conveyed, available tunnel space, and overall system economics
influence the choice of conveyor parameters. When a belt conveyor is used in ramps, the
material size distribution will be one of the major concerns to minimize damage to the belt and
restrict spillage. Since their introduction in the 1960s, diesel LHDs have commonly been used
in mining because this equipment is mobile, versatile, and its operational flexibility provides
high productivity. Electric LHDs also are used today in underground mines, but not as
commonly as diesel (Paraszczak et al., 2013). Finally, ore passes are used in material
transportation and can serve as ore storage in underground mines (Stacey et al., 2005).
However, to design a well-functioning ore pass, the entire ore handling system of the mine
from the production areas to the shaft points must be examined (Stacey & Swart, 1997).
Several factors must be considered when selecting hauling methods. Among these factors
are the mine method, production capacity, ground conditions, mine depth, dip and size of the
ore body, and planned mine life (McCarthy, 1999). Designing an optimal solution is not an
easy task because of the many variables involved, but a suboptimal selection can lead to high
production costs. Diesel units offer a low initial capital outlay, but have higher operating costs.
Shaft haulage systems usually have high capital costs, but low operational costs. Belt
conveyors have been demonstrated to be cost-effective relative to shaft systems in large
production operations (Pratt & Ellen, 2005). Electric units offer lower emissions and operating
costs, although the more infrastructures required increase installation costs (Chadwick, 1996).
In addition, since mines typically evolve over time, the options embedding in an ore-handling
system can enable managers to vary the operating strategy of a mine in response to these
changes. The value of the business could be reduced if the ore-handling system is not flexible

enough to respond to external influences such as technological developments and economic
changes. Shaft and conveyor systems may be inflexible because of their limited number of
fixed feed points, while trucking systems are more flexible because they generally can travel to
most locations in the underground mine (Atkinson, 1992). Economic measures such as net
present value (NPV), which is the summation of all discounted future cash flows over the life
of the operation, can have a large weight when selecting a haulage method. NPV takes into
account all positive and negative cash flows, including those associated with initial project
development and construction (Hall & Stewart, 2004).
As fewer near-surface deposits are found today, future mining frontiers will be deeper,
more remote, and hostile. In addition, mining operations will face more extreme climatic
conditions with an expected increase in energy price (Salama et al., 2014). Although these
conditions are great challenges in themselves, they will be presented against a backdrop of
more intensive public scrutiny of environmental issues and community relations. Today,
mining companies must be able to investigate the implications of increased mining operational
costs on their mine plan and be able to adapt. One important aspect of this adaptation is to
know which options are available and how their implementation may impact a mine plan.
Haulage is one of the most energy-intensive activities in mining, and thus, one of the main
contributors to energy costs. Therefore, the effective choice of a haulage system is an important
factor in optimizing production and minimizing energy costs in deep mines.
In this thesis, diesel and electric trucks, shaft, and belt conveyor systems have been
studied to evaluate their impact on the desired production objectives and energy costs. A
comparison of the NPV across haulage methods at an increasingly mining rate and altered
commodity prices also is included.

1.2 Problem statement

In coming decades, many underground mines will operate at greater depths, which will affect
many operational factors such as increased rock stress, longer haulage distances, and higher
energy consumption, which potentially can generate lower production rates. The increased rock
stresses may lead to smaller sized openings, further restricting the size of loading and hauling
equipment that can be used. Large openings are likely to be unsustainable at greater depths
based on both geotechnical and economic factors. Large openings increase the amount of rock
support needed to maintain stability, hence raising reinforcement costs. Longer hauling
distances result in increased energy consumption for loading and hauling equipment, and in
turn, high energy consumption increases heat and gas emissions for diesel equipment. Heat
emission increases ventilation costs as large volumes of air must be circulated to cool diesel
engines and simultaneously maintain adequate air quality for personnel.

Continuing increase in global energy demand, future increases in energy prices, and
environmental impact issues will force mining companies to review the implications of
increased costs of their operations. The use of haulage systems with lower energy consumption
for mining operations at great depths will be very important to reduce operating costs. While
these challenges continue, the mining industry will seek to optimize haulage systems such that

desired production rates are achieved with minimum energy costs. An effective, low-cost
haulage system also will provide financial viability of future deeper operations.

1.3 Objectives

The main objective of this research was to evaluate how haulage systems for underground
mining can be optimized. The research work aims to fulfill the following specific objectives:

x To improve production in deep mines by optimizing underground haulage systems

x To evaluate the use of discrete event simulation combined with mixed integer
programming for optimizing mine production for various haulage systems
x To evaluate the energy consumption and gas emissions related to different haulage
x To analyze the impact of mining rate and commodity price variation on the net present
value (NPV) for mining operations

1.4 Research questions

To fulfill the research objectives, the following research questions were addressed:

1) How can production be improved by optimizing haulage systems when underground

mines operate at great depth?

2) Are there any benefits of combining discrete event simulation and mixed integer
programming in the optimization of underground haulage systems?

3) What is the impact of increasing energy costs on different underground loading and
haulage systems?

4) What are the impacts of mining rate and commodity price variations on the net present
value (NPV) of an underground mining operation?

The contribution of each paper to these research questions (RQ) is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Relationship between appended papers and research questions


In paper I two different sized haulage units with the aim of improving production in an existing
mine was compared. In paper II the energy costs associated with diesel and electric trucks,
shaft, and belt conveyor haulage systems when hauling the required amount of ore at different
mine depths was evaluated. In Paper III the changes in NPV if there were changes in
commodity prices at constant mining rate during operations was explained, and in Paper IV the
changes in NPV at variable mining rates and commodity prices was described. In paper V
energy consumption and gas emissions by comparing diesel and electric loading equipment of
similar bucket sizes was analyzed.

1.5 Research scope and limitations

The scope of this research was to evaluate the impact of various haulage systems on the desired
production objectives and energy costs. The NPVs across haulage systems at an increasing
mining rate and altered commodity prices were also compared. The haulage systems included
were diesel and electric trucks, shaft, and belt conveyors. The NPV was based on the cash flow
generated by each haulage system.

The limitations of this thesis are:

x There are several other low profile and energy-efficient mode of transportation systems
such as monorail and rail-veyor that can be used for the operations at great depth but
were not included in this research.

x A sensitivity analysis to consider how variations on the quantifiable parameters could

impact the expected NPV was beyond the scope of this thesis.


2.1 Haulage systems optimization

Mine optimization is one of the important steps in the viability of a mining project. Approaches
to select hauling equipment in order to minimize haulage cost are one of the main parameters in
this optimization process. This thesis examines the optimization of haulage systems to
determine how these various material-handling equipment may produce the desired production
objectives and lead to lower energy costs. The load and haul systems analyzed were diesel and
electric LHDs, diesel and electric trucks, shafts, and belt conveyors. Discrete event simulation
was used to estimate mine production, and the results were used to compute appropriate mining
costs for each hauling option. The cost parameters considered in this thesis were energy
requirements on each haul method, and gas emissions for diesel units. Based on the simulation
results, mixed integer programming (MIP) was then used to generate the optimal production
schedule and mine plan. The impact of increasing mining rates and altered commodity prices
on the mine plan’s NPV were also evaluated. Although many techniques are available for
selecting equipment, the aim was to meet material handling needs at minimum cost under given
mining conditions.

Equipment Selection

Mining Industry Construction Industry

Mining Method Selection Equipment Selection Load-Haul Productivity

• Anecdotal • Generic Algorithms • Bunching Theory

• Fuzzy sets • Simulation • Productivity Curves
• Integer Programming • Integer Programming • Match Factor
• Expert systems • Expert systems • Queuing Theory
• Analytical Methods • Simulation
• Petri Nets • Game Theory
• Life Cycle Costing

Figure 1. Techniques for equipment selection (after Oberndorfer, 1992)

Figure 1 lists some of the techniques that can be applied in equipment selection
(Oberndorfer, 1992). Operations research, such as integer programming, uses mathematics to
arrive at optimal or near optimal solutions to complex decision-making problems. Genetic
algorithms involve selection or search algorithms based on the principals of natural selection.
They use techniques inspired by natural evolution such as mutation and past experience. Petri
nets are graphical and mathematical modeling tools that offer a graphical notation for stepwise
processes that include choice, iteration, and concurrent execution (Murata, 1989). Simulation,
which provides the ability to capture the dynamic and random nature of a system, can be
combined with animation and graphical representation to offer an increased understanding of a
proposed mining system (Banks, 2000). Analytical methods use mathematical principals to
fully predict a theory’s implications and can provide solutions without any estimation.
Analytical methods have been widely used for many years in both open pit and underground
mining operations to evaluate load and haul combinations, including production constraints
such as road conditions and rock characteristics (Atkinson, 1992; Ercelebi & Kirmanli, 2000).

2.1.1 Equipment selection using analytical methods Loading equipment

Underground loaders are the first components of an ore-handling system. Loaders extract ore
from the draw points and dump it into an ore pass, loading bay, or directly into the haul units
that transport the ore to the desired location (Larsson et al., 2005). There are several types of
loaders available such as rail mounted, rubber tired loaders, track mounted, and shuttle loaders.

Rubber-tired loaders, known as load-haul-dump (LHD), are commonly used in hard-rock
mines. The selected loader also must be able to reach and fill a truck’s flatbed efficiently. The
production rate of a loading unit depends on bucket size, tramming distance, the machine cycle
time, material characteristics, and machine operational parameters such as speed. When the
loading unit’s bucket size and the ore properties are known, the estimated production per cycle
can be calculated as shown in equation 1. When the tramming distance from the loading point
to the dumping point is defined, the theoretical cycle time and hourly production can be
obtained as shown in equations 2 and 3 respectively.

Pେ = Q ‫ כ‬ɀ ‫כ‬ (1)

2D 60
Cycle time = ‫כ‬ + ‫ݐ‬௙௜௫ (2)
‫ ݒ‬1000

P୦ = ‫כ‬j (3)
Cycle time

Where PC is the production in tonnes per cycle, Ph is the hourly production rate in tonnes/hour;
Q represents bucket size in m3; ffill stands for bucket filling factor; J is the ore density in t/ m3;
D is the one-way tramming distance in meters; fswelling is the swelling factor; v is the average
speed over the cycle in kilometers per hour; tfix represents fixed cycle time (load, damp, and
maneuver) in minutes; and j is the operating minutes per hour to account for delays in one hour
of operation.
In general, LHDs are effective for shorter tramming distances. For longer distances,
LHDs may be combined with other haulage equipment to transport the load to the desired
location effectively (Atkinson, 1992). Equation 3 is used to analytically estimate production
when the tramming distance is fixed; however, when tramming distances vary, equation 4 is
used to obtain the hourly production.

f୤୧୪୪ v 1000 ‫ ۍ‬1000 ‫ כ‬D୫ୟ୶ + t ୤୧୶ ‫ې‬
j‫כ‬ ‫ כ‬Q ‫ כ‬ɀ ‫ כ‬2 ‫ כ‬60
fୱ୵ୣ୪୪୧୬୥ ‫ێ‬v ‫ כ‬60 ‫ۑ‬
Pୟ୴ୣ୰ୟ୥ୣ = ‫ כ‬Ln ‫ێ‬ ‫ۑ‬ (4)
D୫ୟ୶ െ D୫୧୬ 2
‫ ێ‬1000 ‫ כ‬D୫୧୬ + t ୤୧୶ ‫ۑ‬
‫ ۏ‬v ‫ כ‬60 ‫ے‬

In this equation, Paverage is the average hourly production rate in t/hour; Dmin is the lowest
tramming distance covered by LHD, Dmax is the highest tramming distance, and Ln is the
natural logarithm.

7 Truck haulage system

Truck haulage systems are widely used in underground operations for long haul of material
from the loading areas to the shaft station or directly to the mine surface. A truck normally uses
development openings (declines) and main levels when hauling ore to the specified location.
The vehicle performance should be considered in designing dimensions of the declines (height,
width, and curve radius). Short curves will slow the vehicles, which may result in traffic
congestion. As shown in Figure 2, the width and grade of the decline road should enable
vehicles to safely negotiate curves at a given speed, taking into account sight distance and the
minimum vehicle turning radius.

Figure 2. Example of dimensions for curve radius (Sandvik, 2013)

The type and number of trucks are selected based on the loading equipment used. The
truck size selection depends on the number of cycles the loader needs to fill a truck. A high-
capacity truck and a lower-capacity loader will increase the number of loader cycles required,
which leads to an extended cycle time for the hauler and a lower production rate. The optimal
combination of loading and hauling units in an operation can be obtained based on the “match
factor” (Lizotte & Bonates, 1987), which the Caterpillar Company first formulated to quantify
the apparent balance between the numbers of loading units and hauling units. Equation 5
describes the match factor.

N୦ ‫ כ‬Lୡ୲୷
MF = (5)
N୪ ‫ כ‬Hୡ୲୷

Where MF stands for match factor, Nh represents number of haul units; Nl is the number of
loading units; and Lcty and Hcty are the load and hauls cycle times, respectively. When MF is
below 1, the system is under-trucked, and when MF is above 1, the system is over-trucked. An
MF of exactly 1 indicates a theoretical match between haulers and loaders, although these
calculations provide only an estimate of the optimal balance. The number of trucks also
depends on the other factors such as productivity estimate, available time in a shift, queuing of
trucks at loading and dumping points, traffic congestion, and so on. Hoisting shaft system

Shaft haulage is used to access mineral resources that are too deep to be mined economically
using open-cut methods. A ramp entry also may be advisable to accelerate the preproduction
schedule and later to provide service access to the mine. Shafts provide various services to
underground mines such as ventilation, power, and water supply. According to Edward (1988),
a shaft consists of five main components: hoist, wind, conveyances, ropes, and headframe.
Edwards also identified an additional 277 subcomponents of a shaft system. The number of
main components and their interrelationship with subcomponents indicate the complexity of a
shaft-hoisting system. The selected hoisting equipment is normally intended for the entire life-
time of the mine and therefore it is important that the proper choice is made (Beerkircher,
1989). Shaft hoisting systems also are equipped with conveyances to transport material and
workers between the underground and mine surfaces. Conveyances consist of skips for ore or
waste transportation and cages for transporting workers and other materials suspended by
hoisting ropes.
The hoisting system consists of drum and friction hoists. The drum hoist is usually
located some distance from the shaft and requires a headframe and sheaves to center the
hoisting ropes in the shaft compartment. For this hoisting type, the ropes are stored on a drum.
The Koepe or friction hoist consists of a wheel with a groove lined with friction material to
resist slippage. The hoist ropes are not attached or stored on the wheel, but instead are wound
around the drum and over the head sheaves to the conveyances. In the friction hoist,
conveyance positions are fixed relative to each other with tail rope used to counterbalance the
rope loads throughout the hoisting cycle. This system lowers the starting torque and requires a
smaller motor to hoist the same load, reducing both capital and operational costs (Harmon,
1973). According to Schulz (1973), Tudhope (1973) and Brucker (1975), a friction hoist with
multiple ropes can carry a higher payload and have a higher output in tonnes per hour than a
drum hoist. Friction hoists also have lower pick demand than drum hoists with the same output
and can operate at lower light power supply.
The selection of a hoisting system starts with the cycle-time calculation, which is later
used to estimate skip payload for the system. The cycle time is the time the hoist system takes
to move a conveyance from the bottom to the top of its wind, and depends on the initial creep,
acceleration, full speed, deceleration, dumping, loading, and resting times. When the cycle time
and the estimated annual production rate are known, the skip production rate expressed in terms
of the average tonnage per hours hoisted can be determined using equation 6.

S୔ = (6)
3600 ‫ כ‬C୘

In this equation, SP stands for skip payload in tonnes; PR is the production rate in tonnes/hour,
and CT represents cycle time in seconds. Based on the skip size and production rate, the type
and size of the rope can be established. For both hoisting systems, rope selection is based on
safety factors, compatibility, rope life, and rope cost. Factors affecting rope life include the
number of trips it will make, hoist and sheave dimensions, and the type of loading. A friction
hoist system requires defining the number of ropes, while a single rope of high strength can be
selected for a drum hoist. Selection also is based on strength, resistance to failure, abrasion
resistance, and resistance to distortion to ensure safety in moving material, personnel, and other
operational services (Edward, 1988). Belt conveyor

In mining operations, belt conveyors are the major tools used to transport material for long haul
distances. Conveyors have the advantages of high, continuous output, the ability to operate over
a range of grades, and low operating costs (Hartman, 1987). The disadvantages of belt
conveyors are their inflexibility, high initial investment costs, and limits in the ability to
transport oversized materials. As shown in Figure 3, a belt conveyor consists of five main
components: a head pulley with gear box and electric motors; a tail pulley; a rubber belt; carry
and return idlers; and a take-up pulley (Goodyear, 1976). The belt is propelled by a driving
pulley and returns through the end pulley. Material is loaded in the tail end and discharged at
the head end. A series of rollers called idlers support the belt and are mounted on the both the
carrying and return sides of the conveyor, arranged in terms of trough to increase the belt’s
carrying capacity. The return idlers support the return side of the conveyor belt. To increase
efficiency, conveying sticky materials should be avoided because cleaning increases delays and
costs (Swinderman, 1991). Considerations in selection of conveyor belts include belt width,
surcharge angle, belt speed, inclination angle, troughing angle, driving and take-up pulleys,
motors, and idler configuration.

Figure 3. Basic belt conveyor components, adapted from Yardley and Stace (2008)

These parameters, which influence the conveyor’s performance, are considered when
estimating the belt carrying capacity and power requirements. The surcharge angle is one of the
most important determinants of the carrying capacity because it governs the cross-section area
of the material on the belt. The nature of the material to be conveyed, available tunnel space,
and overall system economics influence the choice of width and speed. The belt capacity is
derived by simple geometry, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Cross section of conveyor belt with three equal idlers, adapted from Yardley and
Stace (2008)

All design methods assume that the belt is filled uniformly along its length and that the load
extends a small distance off the edge of the belt and forms an arc of the circle on the belt. The
material conveyed is assumed to have a surcharge angle, which is the angle between the tangent
to the outside edge of the load where it contacts the belt and the horizontal. Given the cross
section area of the belt, the belt capacity in tonnes per hour can be estimated using equation 7.

L = 3.6 ‫ כ‬A ‫ כ‬ɀ ‫ כ‬S (7)

Where L is the load in tonnes per hour, A is the cross section area of the belt in m2ȖLVWKH
density in kg/m3; and S is the belt speed. Based on the calculated belt capacity, an estimate of
the initial belt width and speed can be made for conveying the required material. Drawbacks of using analytical methods

Analytical methods using mathematical relationships between inputs and outputs can be used to
evaluate a system’s performance when there is little uncertainty and few random activities.
However, the methods are limited when modeling complex operations, have low flexibility,
and cannot predict future operations (Atkinson, 1992; Raj et al., 2009). Most analytical
methods require a small amount of data because the methods tend to be fairly simple
descriptions of the system. They use mathematical principals to fully predict the implications of
a theory and solve an equation without any degree of estimation (Banks et al., 2010). The use
of analytical methods can be successfully applied to small mining operations that have less
uncertainty, but most large mining operations need methods that can accommodate for
randomness and uncertainty.

2.1.2 Equipment selection using discrete event simulation

Discrete event simulation has in this work been chosen as the operations research technique for
evaluating the mine operations, due to its ability to capture the dynamic and random nature of
the systems. Simulation combined with animation and graphical representation offers a direct
approach to increased understanding of a proposed mining system. The random and dynamic
nature of the mining operations makes it very difficult to model the operations using analytical
models. When simulation is employed, model input can be based on appropriate probability
distributions that characterize the input variables. Discrete event simulation

There are two ways to study a system: conduct an experiment on the actual system or create a
model to represent the system. Designing a model of a real system usually requires the set of
assumptions for the operating system (Sturgul, 1999). These assumptions are expressed in
mathematical, logical, and symbolic relationships among the objects of interest in the system,
and they can be solved analytically or using simulation. When simulation is employed, the
models can be analyzed using computational procedures that are “run” to generate results.

Figure 5. System model taxonomy, based on Law and Kelton (1991)

As shown in Figure 5, a simulation model can be classified as deterministic or stochastic. The

stochastic model which involves the use of random numbers to simulate the actual system can
be applied to continuous or discrete operations (Law & Kelton, 1991). Continuous simulation
models are solved by deterministic methods such as differential equations. Deterministic means
that once a set of initial conditions has been specified, the output can be determined by solving
the equations.
Discrete event simulation can be used to model systems that exhibit changes in state
variables at a set of discrete points in time (Banks et al., 2010). The models can be static or
dynamic. Static models represent a system at a specific time, while dynamic models represent a
system as it evolves over a period of time. Static models use techniques such as Monte Carlo
simulation to evaluate the actual system (Law & Kelton, 1991). Discrete event simulation
applies different types of rules and procedures that increase understanding of the interaction
between variables and their importance in the system performance (Banks, 2000). Discrete event simulation in mining operations

Discrete event simulation has been applied in the mining industry since the 1960s to simulate
various problems, especially in transport systems (Zhao & Suboleski, 1987). Operational issues
such as fleet requirements, the flow of hauling machines, and mine planning (aimed at
optimizing, improving, analyzing, and planning existing and future systems) can be modeled
using simulations. Sturgul provided a comprehensive review of mine system simulation
literature covering the period 1961–1995 (Sturgul, 1996).
The United States mining industry was among the first to recognize the importance of
simulation in mine planning and design (Sturgul, 1999). At the first symposium on the use of
computers in mining, Rist (1961) presented a paper on computer simulation of a mine operation
in which a model was built to determine the optimum number of trains for a haulage level.
Since then, simulation has progressed to include several mining aspects, such as queuing
theory, scheduling, decision making, and location models (Panagiotou, 1999).
In Europe, the first mine simulations appeared in the 1950s in northern Sweden to model
train transportation at the Kiirunavaara underground iron mine. This model was done by hand

(Elbrond, 1964). Thereafter, the use of discrete simulation became more widespread in several
countries. Mutagwaba and Durucan (1993) reported a simulation model for a mine
transportation system developed in the United Kingdom. Other example includes a simulation
model to study train transportation in German underground coal mines (Wilke, 1970).
Recently, the use of discrete event simulation has become even more popular in European
mining operations, with studies in Sweden, Germany, and Turkey (Panagiotou, 1999).
In South African mines, simulation has become a useful means to explore the impact of
new capital investments in proposed mining method, and also been used in existing mines for
planning, optimization, and selection of equipment (Turner, 1999). One example is the Ingwe
Douglas Piller project in which a simulation was conducted to determine the truck-shovel
combinations suitable for a proposed mining operation.
Xu and Dong (1974) presented a discrete event simulation used to develop a computer
model of a shovel and truck transportation system for an open pit mine in China. The technique
has spread to both coal and hard rock mines for analysis of haulage systems.
Since the 1980s in Russia, computer simulation has been used to develop the best
correlations of haul unit capacities in underground mining (Konyukh et al., 1999).
In Australia, simulation has been used in various mining applications, including an early
project using computer simulation to develop ore handling operations for the Mt. Newman
Mining Company in Port Hedland, which was published in 1989 (Basu & Baafi, 1999).
Subsequently, several projects for both surface and underground mining in coal and hard rock
areas have been conducted, including simulation modeling to optimize underground ore
handling at the Cadia East Mine, (Greberg & Sundqvist, 2011).
The earliest use of discrete event mine simulation in South America is difficult to
ascertain because there is no established science or engineering citation service in that location;
however, Nogueira (1984), one of the earlier papers on simulation modeling in South America,
described a simulation model to improve truck-shovel operations at the CVRD Mine in Brazil.
The model was designed to assess the best truck/shovel combinations in order to determine
mine operation’s capacity.
Generally, discrete event simulation modeling is useful for mine planning and design,
machine selection, and designing haulage systems in order to optimize mine operations and
production throughputs. Early studies focused mainly on certain parts of the mining process,
such as equipment selection for the development stage, although more recent studies have
sought to cover more parts of the system and even to simulate an entire mine. Model verification and validation

Verification ensures that a conceptual model design is translated accurately into a computer
model. Validation ensures that the model is sufficiently accurate for a certain purpose (Muller,
2011). Verification and validation of a model ensure that it accurately represents the real
system. Several techniques can be used for verification, including testing the model logic, using
debugging techniques, running the model under varying conditions, making logic flow
diagrams, and building diagnostics into the model. Validation can be accomplished using a
degenerate test, testing internal validity, using an extreme condition test, comparing to historic
data, test face validity, comparing output results with actual system, and a Turing test (Banks et

al., 2010). A verified and validated simulation model can provide results that are very close to
those in the actual operating system.
In this thesis, model verification was done by using debugging techniques, animations
check, model inspection from the specialists, and running the model under varying conditions.
The debugging features were used to make sure that everything was running correctly before
resuming execution. Simulation runs were initially conducted with conceptual estimated size of
equipment, storage facilities, and haulage systems structures. Initial results allowed these
parameters to be redefined and radically changed. The changes involved extra programming,
but enhanced the program’s versatility to conform with the proposed mine logistics. Validation
was accomplished with internal validity and a comparison of the model’s output with that of
the real system. Discrete event simulation tools

Discrete event simulation tools can be divided into three categories (Banks et al., 2010). The
first is general purpose programming language, such as C, C++, FORTRAN, and Java, which
offer a high degree of flexibility at a low cost, but require sophisticated programming skills
(Sturgul & Jacobson, 1994). Programs written in general purpose simulation languages can be
applied to develop other discrete event simulation software packages (Sturgul, 1999). The
second category is simulation programming language, such as GPSS/H, SIMAN, and
AUTOMOD. These types of software are object-oriented simulation languages that have high
flexibility and require good programming skills. The third category is simulation language
environment, a special computer language containing features that can be applied to various
applications. A program using elements with little or no coding is written to create models,
which may use graphics and built-in modeling elements. The most popular simulation language
environments in the mining industry include SLAM, SIMUL 8, and SimMine.
Based on the type of problem to be simulated, careful selection should be made among
the large number of simulation software options. According to Yuriy and Vayenas (2008),
many features may be considered when selecting simulation software, such as ease of use,
availability of adequate debugging and error diagnostics, ability to import data from other
software such as computer designs and spreadsheets, availability of animation for easy
visualization of operations, quality of the output report, statistical tools, and graphs for
interpretation. These features enable the modeled simulation to be verified and validated and
promote understanding of the operational systems. For this thesis, SimMine, General Purpose
Simulation System (GPSS/H), and AutoMod software were used for the discrete event
simulation models.
SimMine software was chosen due to its capability to evaluate the production facilities
design and production equipment selection. This software is based on discrete event simulation
principles and uses a full graphical user interface to set up the model; no coding is required. It
utilizes statistical distribution functions to model variations in process times. For verification
purposes and to increase understanding, the tool has a three-dimensional environment that
offers animated visual feedback of the model, which allows the user to view the dynamic
system as it operates (SimMine, 2012).

General Purpose Simulation System (GPSS) is a versatile computer programming
language originally developed in 1961 to solve various simulation problems that exhibit a
discrete character of events during operation (Schriber, 1989). According to Schriber (1989),
GPSS comprises several modern versions – GPSS/H, GPSS V/S, GPSS/PC, GPSS/VX and
GPSSR/PC – that can be used to model various operations. In this research GPSS/H version
was used, which is widely applied in both open-pit and underground mining operations because
of its ability to capture the dynamic and random nature of the systems (Sturgul & Singhal,
1988; Harrison & Sturgul, 1989; Sturgul, 1999). The tool includes built-in files, expanded
control statements, ordinary variables and arrays, a floating-point clock, built-in mathematical
functions, and built-in random generators that help in writing arithmetic expressions and
programming coding. It also is equipped with an interactive debugger to trace errors and
mistakes. GPSS/H includes what is called a proof animation, which provides two-dimensional
animation usually based on a scale drawing. It can run in post processed mode (after the
simulation has finished running) or concurrently. This animation feature offers a direct way to
understand a proposed mining system.
AutoMod consists of material movement systems that allow users to model both manual
and automated equipment such as LHDs with high degree of accuracy (Muller, 2011). When
system elements such as paths and stations are known, operating parameters such as speeds,
turning speed, acceleration, and deceleration can be defined in the movement system (Banks,
2004). Statistically performance reports and three-dimensional animation are created
automatically, providing a realistic and statistically accurate view of the system, which helps to
verify and validate models of complex systems. AutoMod provides advanced debugging and
trace facilities that enable errors and flaws to be easily traced. The tool is equipped with an
Autostat feature that greatly reduces the time required for experimentation and analysis.
Autostat’s evolutionary strategies algorithm is well suited for finding near-optimal solutions in
systems. Drawbacks of using discrete event simulation

Discrete event simulation has the ability to model complex systems in great detail and to
provide results very close to those in the actual operating system. The method’s main drawback
is the effort and costs required to collect and process the input data from different sources to
ensure valid simulation results. Developing a detailed, accurate simulation model for a large
and complex system requires collecting a large amount of data, fitting the data to statistical
distributions, and selecting simulation software carefully. Failure in any of these tasks may
result in an inaccurate estimation of the system performance. Therefore, the simulation model
must be run many times, allowing events to occur many times, to represent the system’s typical
behavior and to obtain performance measure estimates with high confidence levels.

2.1.3 Mixed integer programming

As depicted in Figure 6, a deterministic linear model can be either integer or continuous. A

linear model both integer and continuous, in which some of the integers assume the binary
variables, is called mixed integer programming (MIP) (Pochet & Laurence, 2006).

Figure 6. Deterministic modelling taxonomy, based on Pochet & Laurence (2006)

The MIP is recognized within mathematics as a tool to model and find the optimal solution to
large, complex, and highly constrained problems. The application of MIP models varies
extensively from transportation scheduling and distribution of goods to production planning in
manufacturing (Winston & Goldberg, 2004). MIP uses a combination of linear programming
and integer programming to define all feasible solutions before applying a number of solution
techniques, including the simplex method, branch-and-bound, and cutting planes, to obtain the
optimal solution. Optimization in mining

Rigorous and heuristic operations research (OR) techniques such as mixed integer
programming (MIP) have long been used to model and solve numerous mining related
problems with the aim to optimize planning and production scheduling in both the open-pit and
underground mining environments. Numerous authors have advanced the state of the art in the
broad topic of mining optimization. Dimitrakopoulos and Ramazan (2008) used stochastic
integer programming to provide a framework for optimizing mine production schedules,
considering uncertainty with a focus on geologic risk. For gold and copper deposits, the authors
claimed to use the stochastic integer programming approach to increase the production
schedule’s NPV for gold and copper deposits by 10% and 25% respectively over traditional
single-fixed orebody estimates. Epstein et al. (2012) solved the relaxation of a tight linear
formulation to optimize underground and open-pit ore deposits sharing multiple downstream
processing plants over a long-term planning horizon. Application of their solution at Codelco
operations since 2001 indicates NPV of single mine production plans has increased by 5% with
an additional 3% increase occurring when integrating multiple mines. Newman and Kuchta
(2007) aggregated time periods as part of a heuristic approach to provide basic solutions to the
iron ore blending problem at Kiirunavaara underground iron mine. The results generated under

the heuristic approach were then used to create a rigorous integer programming model to
produce good quality solutions in a much shorter time. Salama et al. (2014) used simulation
combined with mixed integer programming to investigate the impact of changing energy prices
on underground mining operations across multiple depths, using a number of haulage options.
For the particular case study used, their findings indicated that shaft and conveyor haulage
systems are most beneficial at increased energy prices.
In the past, the use of MIP in the mining industry has been somewhat confined to open-
pit applications (Lerchs & Grossman, 1965). But since the 1990s, MIP has been more
extensively used in the underground environment (Almgren, 1994; Trout, 1995; Newman et al.,
2007). Trout (1995) scheduled production within the Mount Isa Mine, Australia, to emphasize
stope development and backfilling processes; however, he was unable to apply MIP optimally
because of the large number of binary variables. Almgren (1994) used MIP as an aid in
scheduling development and production at the Kiirunavaara Mine and also ran into difficulties
in solving the large-scale MIP because of the time-dynamic nature of his initial problem
formulation. In the past, use of MIP has been hindered because models of real-world problems
often must incorporate a large number of decision variables, many of which must assume
integer values. With a large number of integer variables, solution times may be unacceptably
long for practical planning purposes. Model formulation using MIP is currently created by
processing the production data and then formulating the model formulation, which reduces the
number of binary and integer variables in a multi-period production model. Thus, solution
times are greatly reduced and optimal results are reached (Newman et al., 2007). Optimization tools

Mixed integer programming (MIP) can be applied to generate the optimal production schedule
and mine plan. Among the several mathematical languages available to formulate mixed
integer programing problems are an integer matrix library (IML), a mathematical language
(AMPL), and GNU linear programming (GLPK). Optimization tools can be used to solve the
formulated models, including XA, CPLEX, GUROBI, and MOSEK. In this thesis, A
Mathematical Language (AMPL) tool was used for mathematical formulation and then applied
CPLEX software to reach the solution. The tools were chosen for their capability to formulate
and solve a variety of different optimization problems in a variety of computing environments
(Epstein et al., 2012; Nehring et al., 2012). They can solve linearly or quadratically constrained
optimization problems in which the objective of optimization can be expressed as a linear
function or a convex quadratic function. CPLEX is equipped with a pre-solver tool that can
reduce the size of the problem, and thus, save time required to run the model. The MIP model
will generate the optimal or near optimal solution, but requires considerable time to run the
complex models.

2.1.4 Combined discrete event simulation and mixed integer programming

The discrete event simulation was combined with MIP to increase the efficiency of the
analyzed systems, to improve the understanding of the behavior of various systems, and reduce
risk when selecting the operational systems. Previously, simulation and MIP have been
combined with simultaneous execution to achieve feasible solutions for operational systems

(White & Olson, 1986; Chanda, 1990; Fiorini et al., 2008). Fiorini et al. (2008) proposed
concurrent simulation and optimization models to achieve a feasible, reliable, and accurate
analysis and generate a short-term planning schedule; Chanda (1990) used the combined tools
to model the problem of scheduling the draw point for mine production optimization. The
combined methodology produces a more realistic model than a single technique (Chanda,
1990). In this research, the tools were not employed simultaneously, but rather, used a discrete
event simulation for production estimates for different haulage options. The simulation results
were used to compute appropriate mining costs for each hauling operation. Mixed integer
programming (MIP) then generated the optimal production schedule and mine plan.

2.2 Energy consumption and gas emissions

Discrete event simulation was used to estimate mine production for different haulage methods,
and the results were used to compute appropriate mining costs for each hauling option. The cost
parameters considered in this thesis were energy requirements on each haul method and gas
emissions for diesel units.

2.2.1 Energy consumption

Energy consumption plays a significant role in the selection and management of loading and
hauling equipment. Diesel fuel is the most common energy source for mining operations
(Kecojevic & Komljenovic, 2010), although electricity is gaining attention in various
underground mines (Paraszczak et al., 2013). As shown in Figure 7, the price of crude oil was
below $90 per barrel in the world market during 2011 when the reference case was considered.
The reference case represents current judgment regarding exploration and development costs
and accessibility of oil resources.

Figure 7. World oil prices forecast (AEO, 2013)

Under the assumption that the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
producers will maintain their market share and schedule investments in incremental production
capacity, oil prices are projected to reach $106 per barrel in 2020 and $163 per barrel in 2040
(AEO, 2013). Mining companies must take into account the many factors that will continue to
hike their operational costs, such as increases in global energy demands and energy prices,
increased mine depths and longer haul distances, and environmental impacts. As a result of
these financial pressures, haulage methods that help companies reach their desired production
objectives at the lowest cost will be very significant (Kecojevic & Komljenovic, 2010). Energy consumption by diesel and electric LHDs

Electric LHDs may use overhead electric lines, batteries, or trailing cables. Batteries offer the
highest flexibility, but battery vehicles are heavy and must be regularly recharged. Overhead
power lines may be feasible where routes remain constant for an extended period of time, but
are impractical for LHDs that require a high maneuverability. The most viable way to power
electric LHDs is with a trailing cable plugged into the mine’s electrical infrastructure. Electric
units have low noise levels, no exhaust gases, and low demand for ventilation because they
generate less heat. But powering with electric cable has the disadvantages of the LHD’s
reduced versatility, cable faults and relocation issues, limited haul range, restricted movement,
and cable wear (Chadwick, 1996; Paraszczak et al., 2013; Paterson & Knights, 2013;
Paraszczak et al., 2014a). On the other hand, diesel LHDs are versatile and can easily move
from one location to another. During loading and dumping, the fuel consumed by diesel LHDs
can be estimated based on equation 8 (Kecojevic & Komljenovic, 2010). For electric LHDs, the
energy consumed during loading and dumping is estimated based on the motor input power and
time the equipment is utilized. The energy consumption in kWh per loading cycle from loading
point to dumping point and back to loading point can be estimated using equation 10 for both
diesel and electric LHD machines. Energy consumption of diesel and electric trucks

For many years diesel trucks have been utilized for material transportation in open-pit and
underground mining operations, although electric trucks are gaining attention in various deep
underground mines. Examples of mine companies operating electric trucks are Kidd Creek and
Hope Brook Gold in Canada, Mount Isa in Australia, and Stillwater mine in the United States
(Paraszczak et al., 2014a). In comparison to diesel trucks, electric trucks are faster, cheaper to
operate, need minimal ventilation, and do not require the risk of underground diesel storage. On
the other hand, electric trucks have higher initial costs as more infrastructures are needed, and
have less flexibility than trackless vehicles (Anon, 2009).
Electric trucks can be powered from trailing electric cables, batteries, or electric trolley
lines mounted at the back of the drift. However, when trucks must travel long distances, neither
trailing electric cables nor batteries are feasible; both lithium-iron and lithium-iron-phosphate
batteries have a specific energy in the range of 0.4 MJ/Kg to 0.9 MJ/Kg, which means they
must be recharged after a few hours of operations. The Swedish truck company, Kiruna,
originally developed the system to power electric trucks with an overhead electric trolley line
mounted at the back of the drift. The company’s EMT-35 and EMT-50 truck models are 35-

tonne and 50-tonne units respectively. Figure 8 shows a Kiruna truck in the Zinkgruvan mine,
one of the first underground mines to use the technology. Electrics trucks operate on a three-
phase AC, 690V overhead trolley line secured to the back of the ramp drift. During loading and
dumping, the electric trucks leave the overhead power and rely on a small diesel engine, which
produces minimal particulate emissions (Chadwick, 2011).

Figure 8. Kiruna electric truck (Zinkgruvan mine, Sweden)

Energy consumption is measured by the amount of fuel or electricity used during a

specific period of time. On-site measurements are the most accurate method of determining
energy consumption and gas emissions, but this method is very expensive because it requires
continuously monitoring of every piece of equipment working. In the absence of field
measurements, consumption can be estimated based on available energy models such as Energy
Savings Measurement Guide, Energy Efficiency Opportunities, Energy Mass Balance, and
Mining Industry Energy Bandwidth (Bise, 2003). Most of these models use simplified methods
for estimating diesel fuel and electricity consumption (Tatiya, 2013), and although less
expensive, they also are less accurate compared with on-site measurement. The methods
depend on load factor, engine capacity, road conditions, and the time the equipment is utilized
(Caterpillar, 2009). Equation 8 is used to estimate fuel consumed by diesel trucks during
loading and dumping (Kecojevic & Komljenovic, 2010). For electric trucks, the energy
consumed during loading and dumping is estimated based on a motor input power and the time
the equipment is utilized. Equation 9 converts diesel trucks’ fuel consummation into kWh for
comparison with electric trucks (Worrell et al., 2001).

K ‫ כ‬GHP ‫ כ‬LF
F஼ = (8)

FC ‫ כ‬38.6
Eୈ = (9)

In these formulas, FC is the energy consumed in liters per machine hour; K stands for the
kilograms of fuel used per brake horsepower per hour; GHP represents the gross engine
horsepower at governed engine revolution per minute; KPL is the weight of fuel in Kg/liter;
and LF is the load factor in percentage. ED is the energy consumed by diesel equipment in
kWh; the calorific value of 38.6 MJ/L is the amount of heat released by a fuel when combusted
and 3.6 MJ is the heat used to produce 1 kWh. Equation 10 is used to estimate the energy
consumption (E) in kWh per cycle as diesel or electric trucks transport material for dumping
and return to the loading point.

TR ‫ כ‬g ‫([ כ‬V୛ + Bେ ) ‫ כ‬V୐ + (V୛ ‫ כ‬V୉ )]

E= ‫כ‬t (10)

TR is the total resistance in tonnes; g is the acceleration due to gravity in m/s2; VW is the gross
vehicle weight in tonnes; BC represents bucket capacity in tonnes; t is the time taken to
transport material for dumping and return to the loading point in hours; VL is the vehicle speed
in m/s when loaded; and VE is the vehicle speed in m/s when empty. Hoisting energy

For purposes of this thesis, a friction or Koepe hoisting system with two swing-out body skips
in balance and four flattened-strand ropes was selected. A friction hoist has the ability to handle
heavy loads with comparatively smaller mechanical equipment configurations, resulting in
smaller energy consumption compared to a drum hoist. The duty cycle of the hoist is the main
determinant of the required hoisting energy of the shaft system. The duty cycle is the
relationship between hoist powers and hoisting cycle time.
Figure 9 depicts the plot of the duty cycle for a friction sheave hoist. This diagram shows
the horsepower (HP) needed to drive the hoisting system depending on the skip speed,
acceleration and deceleration rates, creep speeds and distances, each indicated as HP1 to HP6
(Harmon, 1973). The hoisting cycle time consists of three major activities: skip loading, skip
travel, and skip unloading. The skip load is estimated based on calculated cycles and is used to
determine the rope strength needed to ensure safe working conditions. The energy estimation
for the hoisting system at different mine depths was determined after integrating the area under
the curves, as shown in equation 11 (Harmon, 1973).

0.7457 ‫ כ‬W଴ ‫ כ‬V ‫( כ‬AT + TFS)

E= (11)
19.8x10ହ ‫ כ‬Ʉଶ

E is the energy consumption for the duty cycle in kWh/trip; Wo is the skip live load; V stands
for the hoisting velocity; AT is the acceleration time; TFS is the constant-YHORFLW\WLPHDQG܏
is the hoisting efficiency in decimal.

Figure 9. Power estimation for friction hoist (Bise, 2003) Energy to drive belt conveyor

AC induction motors normally drive conveyors because these motors have low operating costs.
When material is moved by the belts, electrical energy is converted into various forms of
energy such as movement energy, potential energy, noise energy, and heat energy. The energy
conversion model shows the relationship between the energy needed to drive the conveyor and
the conveyor parameters (Hiltermann et al., 2011). Three types of energy is required to drive
the conveyor: the energy needed to run the empty conveyor, the energy required for moving the
material horizontally over a certain distance, and the energy needed to lift the material to a
certain elevation. Assumptions include the introduction of an artificial friction coefficient to
evaluate the main resistance and the introduction of a length coefficient to calculate the
secondary resistances. Various models available to estimate the energy to drive the conveyor
system include CEMA (Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association), Goodyear, FDA
(Fenner Dunlop Australia), and others. This thesis used the Goodyear model because it is
capable of estimating the size of the drive more accurately and takes into account all three
energy types needed to estimate the conveying energy (Hiltermann et al., 2011).
Equation 12 (Hager & Hintz, 1993) describes the energy required to move the conveyor’s
various parts and run the empty belt. Pec is the energy required to run the empty belt in
kilowatts (kW), g is the acceleration due to gravity in m/s2; C is the friction factor; Q is the
mass of moving parts of the conveyor in kg/m; L stands for the distance of incline and decline
belt; L0 is the horizontal center to center distance: S is the belt speed; and t represents the hours
in which the belt is in operation.

g ‫ כ‬C ‫ כ‬Q ‫( כ‬L + L଴ ) ‫ כ‬S

Pୣୡ = ‫כ‬t (12)

Equation 13 (Hager & Hintz, 1993) calculates the energy required to move the material
horizontally over a certain distance where Ph is the energy to move the material horizontally
and T stands for the transfer rate in tons per hour.

g ‫ כ‬C ‫( כ‬L + L଴ ) ‫ כ‬T

P୦ = ‫כ‬t (13)
When the belt is moving material over an inclined section or lowering the material on a decline,
equation 14 (Hager & Hintz, 1993) can be used to obtain the energy consumption, where Pl is
the energy to raise or lower the load and H is the change in elevation. A positive and negative
sign means that the belt is rising up or lowering down the material, respectively.

P୪ = ± ‫כ‬t (14)
The summation of equations 12, 13, and 14 is used to obtain the total energy consumed by the
conveyor belt (Pt), as shown in equation 15 (Hager & Hintz, 1993).

P୲ = Pୣୡ + P୦ + P୪ (15)

2.2.2 Gas emissions

The exhaust gases discharged from diesel engines contain several components harmful to
human health and to the environment, including particulate matters and carbon (Pallegrino et
al., 2005; Paraszczak et al., 2014b). In addition, heat and gas emissions from a diesel engine
increase operating costs, particularly in deep mines where heat emissions necessitate increasing
costs to ventilate the mine (Paraszczak et al., 2013). As a result, energy efficiency and cost
reduction in mining operations has gained worldwide attention (Johnson, 2005).
The South African Department of Minerals set a goal for the mining industry to reduce
energy demand by 15% by 2015 (Merwe, 2007). The European Commission is expected to
lower emissions levels to <0.01g/kWh particulate matters, the same as those of the US and
Japan (Johnson, 2005). Australia has introduced sweeping new taxes on coal and iron ore
producers through the mineral resources rent tax and a broader carbon tax aimed at
environmental protectionism (Salama et al., 2014).
Continuing global energy demands and emissions challenges will force mining
companies to study lower-emissions power sources. For this study, the carbon dioxide emission
from diesel engines was estimated. The amount of CO2 emitted depends on the particular
equipment’s fuel consumption, which is most accurately determined through onsite
measurements. However, this method is very expensive because it requires continuously
monitoring of the emissions from every piece of equipment working. A less expensive, though
less accurate method is to use CO2 calculation. This calculation is based on the combustion
process of fixed carbon restrained in a volume of diesel fuel. The diesel engine emits gases
because of incomplete combustion and the impurities in the fuel (Pellegrino et al., 2005).
To calculate emissions, the diesel conversion factors published by the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA, 2005), was applied. Equation 16 expresses the amount of CO2
emitted in tonnes by diesel equipment (Bogunovic & Kecojevic, 2009).

COଶ = FC ‫ כ‬CC ‫ כ‬10ି଺ ‫ כ‬0.99 ‫ כ‬൤ ൨ (16)

In this equation, CC stands for carbon content for the fuel (g/l), and 0.99 is the oxidation factor,
meaning that 99% of fuel burns out while 1% remains un-oxidized. According to the EPA
(2005), the carbon content for diesel fuel is 738.2g/l; 44/12 stands for the ratio of molecular
weight of CO2 to the molecular weight of carbon.

2.3 Commodity price

Mine planners traditionally plan and design mine production at a fixed commodity price, or at
least a commodity price that does not change rapidly. In most operations, a change in the
commodity price does not prompt a revaluation of the mine plan, and the plan generated at the
feasibility stage remains in place. As a result, although the profitability of an operation may
increase with an increase in commodity price, it does not gain the additional value that it could
if the mine plan is re-evaluated (McIsaac, 2008).

Figure 10. Historical copper price (Source: Kitcometals)

For example, Figure 10 shows copper prices over a 20-year period from 1993 to 2013. Copper
was trading at $US 1647/t in October 1993, and then rose and fell until reaching a price of $US
10,000/t in February 2011. Since then copper prices gradually declined to the current price of
$US 6500/t. Most feasibility studies on undeveloped copper projects conducted over recent
years generally have used a price range between $US 5000/t and $US 5500/t over the long term
even though the copper price at the time of the studies was about $US6500/t (Salama et al.,
2014; McIsaac, 2008). A short-term change in commodity price will add only as much value as
the increased margin of the new price will provide (Newman & Kuchta, 2007). However, if the
price change occurs over a longer term, then the mine plan should be adjusted to capture fully
the additional value offered in the new market conditions. Adjustments to the mine plan could

be changes to the production sequencing of a particular pushback, to the point at which the
open pit transitions to an underground operation, or to the point when existing ore handling
systems are modified (Hall & Stewart, 2004).

2.4 Mining Rate

The selection of a mining rate, which has a great influence on optimization, may be based on an
empirical formula or economic measures (Tatman, 2001). Taylor’s Rule (1986) is an equation
for estimating production rate that is still used today; however the rule is limited with several
factors such as hoisting capacity, mine depth, and geometry of the deposit. Tatman (2001)
developed an empirical equation used for mines with steeply dipping underground deposits that
takes into account the orebody’s geometry rather than size.
Economic measures such as NPV should ultimately carry great weight when establishing
a mining rate. NPV is the summation of all discounted future cash flows over the life of the
operation. Smith (1997) discussed the economic characteristics affecting the optimum mining
rate from investors’ viewpoint. He suggested that the mining rate can be selected by
maximizing the NPV and discounting cash flow return on investment. Once the production rate
is determined and the operations starts, the production rate is difficult to change significantly
unless new capital investment is planned (Smith, 1997).
Production capacity may be expanded for several reasons, such as geological information
and economic changes. At the early stage, the mining rate is defined based on the orebody
delineated with very limited geological information and the assumption that all materials inside
the orebody are accessible. Later, the grade distribution within the orebody may change the
production sequence because some material considered waste might be mineable if it is
extracted with neighbouring high-grade material. For example, if the price of the contained
mineral falls, part of the reserve may become unprofitable to mine. But if the price is rises, the
lower grade areas may be considered for extractions. For existing an operation with a flexible
hauling system, the decision to increase production will result in higher mining costs. In
operation environments fixated on cost reduction, a proposal that increases costs may be very
difficult to implement. Such a proposal may need to be justified financially because the cost
increase may not be recuperated in production gains.


Research can be defined as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a
specific topic (Kothari, 2004). The research approach may include either quantitative or
qualitative methods or both. The quantitative approach, which generates data in the form of
numbers, measurements, and counts (Ghosh, 1982), may be subdivided into three categories:
inferential, experimental, and simulation. The aim of an inferential approach is to form a
database to study a system’s characteristics. An experimental approach includes a controlled
research environment to observe and analyze the effect variables have on other variables. A
simulation approach is used to build models to which initial conditions and variables are
applied to understand future conditions. A qualitative approach uses an assessment of attitudes,
opinions, and behaviors through questioning and verbal analysis. This research uses the
quantitative approach and the following methodology to present the results:

x Literature review
x Data collection
x Data analysis
x Discrete event simulation model
x Mixed integer programming model

3.1 Literature review

The literature review included research on underground haulage system optimizations, energy
and gas estimation methods, mining rate, and commodity price. Sources included conference
proceedings, abstracting and indexing journals, published and unpublished bibliographies,
books, and technical reports.

3.2 Data collection

Data collection is the process of gathering information with which to answer the stated research
questions and evaluate outcomes (Alavi et al., 2001). To ensure valid simulation results, data
from various sources is required before a model can be built. Data also are needed for model
validation, performing experiments with the validated model, and for developing mathematical
and logical relationships that adequately represent the problem entity and its intended purpose.
In this case, collected data were used to create the discrete event simulation models to estimate
mine production for different haulage methods. The simulation results were used to compute
appropriate mining cost per tonne for each hauling operation. Mixed integer programming

(MIP) was applied to generate the optimal production schedule and mine plan that maximized
the net present value (NPV) of all activities under consideration.
Data used in this research were obtained from three different underground mines. The
first, located in East Africa, consisted of pyrite and chalcopyrite ore. The mine use four mining
methods: sublevel open stoping with backfill, drift and fill mining, narrow vein mining, and
Alimak mining. This research focused on the sublevel open stoping method with an aim to
improve production using different sized diesel trucks. Among the collected observational data
were loading and dump times, empty and loaded travel times, and production data.
The second underground mine, located in Australia, extract copper-bearing ore using
sublevel open stoping with backfill. For this research, the analyzed orebodies were at depths of
1000, 2000, and 3000 meters. The aim was to compare the energy costs for hauling 100,000
tonnes per month from each depth using diesel trucks, electric trucks, shaft, and belt conveyors.
Two additional orebodies in this mine (the Eastern and Western) were analyzed to determine
the feasibility of increasing quarterly underground ore production from 300,000 to 450,000
tonnes from each orebody. In these two orebodies, LHDs were used to transport the ore to the
shaft points. Data obtained from this mine included stope extraction data, production planning
and scheduling, trucks, LHDs, and hoisting shaft system data. Data used for the belt conveyor
were from the Fenner Dunlop (2009) conveyor handbook.
The third underground mine was located in Sweden and consisted of a high-grade
magnetite deposit approximately four kilometers long with an average thickness of 80 to 100
meters in the northeasterly direction. The mine was divided into 10 main production areas
called blocks and uses a sublevel caving method to exploit the ore. At the time, the mine
produced approximately 27 Mt of crude ore annually and was expected to reach 37 Mt from all
10 blocks by 2015. To reach this production level, the mining company planned to increase the
loading capacity from each block. This research analyzed the energy consumption and gas
emissions for various loading equipment. Energy consumption (energy to drive the machine)
was estimated using simulation and analytical calculations. Energy required to operate fans and
hydraulic system were outside the scope of this investigation. The data collected included
kinematics for the machines, machine loading rates, vehicle efficiency, haul road surface
features, and load factors. Other data such as machine operating weight, and motor power
capacity was obtained from equipment manufacturers.
Data used for optimization included mining cost per tonne, mine life, commodity prices,
and a discount rate per year. The capital costs for each haulage method, taxation, and
depreciation were outside the scope of this investigation and were not included.

3.3 Data analysis

Data analysis techniques vary depending on the amount of data, if the data set is too small, if
data is missing, or if data is unavailable. With a large amount of data available, probability
distributions can be used to characterize the uncertainty and randomness of the operation. In
this research, some data in this category include the loading and hauling equipment
specifications such as speeds, loading and dump times, and empty and loaded travel times.
In some cases, when only a small amount of data is available, an attempt to fit data into
distributions may be inappropriate. In this case, empirical distributions (actual data values) can

be applied. Data that fall in this category include energy consumption and gas emission
estimations. As discussed, the most accurate method to determine energy consumption and gas
emissions is through on-site measurements, but this method is expensive and requires constant
monitoring. Instead, consumption rate can be estimated based on the machine loading rate,
vehicle efficiency, haul road gradient and surface features, load factors, and utilization time.
Gas emissions can be estimated based on the combustion process of fixed carbon restrained in a
volume of diesel fuel. These methods are less expensive, although is less accurate compared
with measurement method.
When no data are available, experts can apply their best guesses and assumptions to make
a subjective estimate. This method applies to some new equipment or systems that may be still
in the development phase and not yet on the market. When data becomes available, the
parameters and distributions can be updated.

3.4 Discrete event simulation model

The mine layout was imported into SimMine software to develop the model for the first
underground mine. The layout included a 5.5-meter wide ramp, loading bays, 3.5-meter high
production drifts, and 100-meter long crosscuts. Seven production drifts, each between 250
meters and 400 meters in length and with an average floor-to-roof vertical distance of 17
meters, were connected by a ramp. In this part of the mine, the general mine sequence allowed
three stopes to be mined simultaneously. Because of the limited size of the drifts, only one
LHD could be used in each production drift. During the simulation, the number of trucks was
changed from three to nine. Therefore, each LHD served one to three trucks. The LHD
tramming distance depended on the length of the production drift. The cycle time was longer
for vehicles working at the far end of the drift than for those in the middle or near the access.
Therefore, the simulation was run separately for the stopes located at the end, center, and near
the loading point of the drift. The haul road included a ramp, a main level, and one crosscut. To
reach the dumping points, the trucks from the lower levels traveled from loading points through
crosscuts, the ramp, and the main level; those at the upper drifts traveled a small portion of the
ramp before entering the main level. To check for the effect of haulage distance to the dumping
point, the simulation considered the upper drifts in the first run, the middle drifts in the second
run, and the bottom drifts in the third run. The aim was to optimize the number of trucks to
increase mine output and evaluate the potential to reach the production targets. In each location,
the system was simulated for a month, which consisted of seven working days with two shifts
of 10 hours each.
For the second underground mine, discrete event simulation and mixed integer
programming was applied to optimize four haulage systems based on each method’s energy
costs as the mine depth increased. Two separate models were created for the material flow at
depths of 1000, 2000, and 3000 meters. The first model involved 40-tonne diesel and 38-tonne
electric trucks, and the second model involved the shaft and belt conveyor.
The shaft modeling utilized a 15-tonne skip weight maintained for all mine depths with
the rope speed varied based on required production rate. Shaft stages at 2000 and 3000 meters
deep were used to connect the upper and lower shafts. Four 26-milimeter flattened strand hoist
ropes with sheave diameter of 3.4 meters were used, and the friction hoist efficiency was an

estimated 90%. Energy consumption was calculated based on the horsepower required to move
the shaft up and down. For the belt conveyor, three equal roll idlers placed at different
troughing angles were used on the carry and return side of the belt. At 1000 meters, the idlers
were placed at a 20-degree troughing angle. To reduce the elevation of the belt at deeper mine
depths, this angle was increased to 30 degrees for operation at 2000- and 3000-meter depths.
The system was simulated for a month, which consisted of seven working days for two shifts of
10 hours each day for both models. The simulation results were used as input in the MIP model
for NPV calculation and mine planning optimization.
Also for the second underground mine, two additional orebodies (Eastern and Western)
located at different depth levels were analyzed. The Eastern orebody was located at deeper
levels and considered high grade, while the Western orebody was at a shallow depth and was
low grade. The aim was to assess the feasibility of increasing quarterly underground ore
production from 300,000 to 450,000 tonnes from each orebody. To determine if production
capacity of 450,000 tonnes was feasible, simulation was used to calculate the number of LHD
units needed to achieve this volume. The simulation results was used to calculate the
discounted cash flows generated by each stope, which could in turn be used to adjust
production scheduling to achieve the optimal NPV.
For the third underground mine, the mine block modeled in the simulation consisted of 17
production drifts and four ore passes close to the main drift. Seven diesel and seven electric
LHDs with similar bucket size capacities were simulated in order to estimate the productivity
performance for each. The simulation results were used to calculate the energy consumption for
both equipment types and the gas emissions for the diesel units. The simulation was run for two
eight-hour day shifts and one six-hour night shift. The simulation ended when working LHDs
completed removing all the available ore in the block.

3.5 Mixed integer programming model

For the second underground mine, the optimal mine production scheduling was obtained using
an MIP model. All extraction-related activities are presented in full, along with all formulations
and constraints across the long-term scheduling horizon. Construction of all Mixed Integer
Programming (MIP) models for the purpose of optimal production scheduling (maximize NPV)
took place using A Mathematical Programming Language (AMPL), and then solved using
CPLEX version 10.3. The solution process for each haulage system was run for approximately
10 hours and was cut short even if convergence to the optimal solution had not yet been
achieved. In all cases however, a gap of less than 5% was achieved. Production scheduling took
place at monthly intervals and was limited to 180 periods (15 years). The following describe
the model formulation for the orebodies at depths of 1000, 2000, and 3000 meters using diesel
trucks, electric trucks, shaft, and belt conveyors haulage systems.


The MIP model was defined in general terms using the following subscript notation:
t long-term schedule time period: t = 1, 2, 3…. T
s long-term stope identification: s = 1, 2, 3…. S
f fill mass identification: f = 1, 2, 3…. F

Several sets were defined to aid in formulation of constraints:
ȕs set of eligible long-term time periods in which the stope s can be in production
ȕt set of eligible stopes that can be in production in long term time period t
adjs set of all stopes that are adjacent to and share a boundary with a stope s
badjf set of stopes that are adjacent to and share a boundary with existing fill mass f
tpbt set of time periods that include all periods up to the current period t
mbm number of stopes to be mined

These parameter items represent the numeric inputs and conditions:
nt present value discount factor for time period t
cfs undiscounted cash flow ($) from each stope s
es earliest start time for stope s
ls latest start time for stope s
rs extraction reserve (t) for each stope s
sct truck/shaft/conveyor fleet movement capacity (t) for each time period t

Decision variables

One binary variable was required to reflect operating conditions and ultimately perform the
scheduling task:
wst 1 if production from stope s is scheduled for time period t,
0 otherwise

The objective function (equation 17) seeks to maximize the NPV of all activities under
consideration by determining the optimal schedule. The production-scheduling model
comprises numerous constraints that reflect practical limitations imposed by the sublevel
stoping method across the long-term scheduling horizon. These constraints can be classified
according to the limitations they impose on resources, sequencing, and timing. The resource
constraints (18) and (19) applicable across the long-term horizon include those for the truck,
shaft, conveyor, the ore capacity, and non-negativity and integer values. These constraints limit
the production of all development and stope extraction ore from exceeding the fleet capacity in
any long-term time period, and enforce non-negativity and integer values of the appropriate
variables. The sequencing constraints applicable across the long-term horizon are stope
production precedence sequencing constraint (20), non-concurrent stope sequencing constraint
(21); stope adjacency constraint (22); fill mass adjacency constraint (23); and existing fill mass
adjacency constraint (24). These constraints respectively ensure that simultaneous production
between stopes with a common boundary does not occur. The geotechnical stability ensures
stoping activities by limiting simultaneous adjacent production to two common boundaries
before commencing production, and to a single adjacent side once production is completed
production to become a fill mass. It also ensures fill mass stability of all existing fill masses by
limiting exposure to a single common boundary in each long-term time period. The timing
constraints applicable across the long-term horizon are “may mine” (25) and “must mine” (26)

constraints. These constraints ensure that commencement of stope production is initiated no
more than once during the long-term scheduling horizon if their late start date occurs beyond
the scheduling horizon. The mathematical formulation was done using A Mathematical
Language (AMPL) tool and then solved using CPLEX software.

Objective Function

Max: ෍ n୲ × cfୱ × wୱ୲ (17)


Subject to
෍ rୱ × wୱ୲ ൑ sc୲ ‫׊‬t (18)

wୱ୲ = binary integer (19)

෍ wୱ୲ ൒ wୱᇲ ୲ ‫ ׊‬s, t | s ᇱ ‫ א‬mbmୱ (20)


wୱ୲ + wୱᇲ ୲ ൑ 1 ‫ ׊‬s, t | s ᇱ ‫ א‬mbmୱ (21)

wୱ୲ + wୱᇲ ୲ ൑ 1 ‫ ׊‬s, t | s ᇱ ‫ א‬adjୱ (22)

σ୲ᇲ ‫୲א‬୮ୠ౪ wୱ୲ᇲ + σୱᇲ ‫א‬ୟୢ୨౩ wୱᇲ ୲ ൑ 2 ‫ ׊‬s, t (23)

෍ w ୱᇲ ୲ ൑ 1 ‫ ׊‬f, t (24)
ୱᇲ ‫א‬ୠୟୢ୨౜

෍ wୱ୲ ൑ 1 ‫ ׊‬s | lୱ > T (25)


෍ wୱ୲ = 1 ‫ ׊‬s | lୱ ൑ T (26)



4.1 Production improvement of underground haulage systems

Papers I and II presented the issue of productivity related to different haulage systems. Using
the simulation method, Paper I analyzed the feasibility of production targets for an underground
mine to identify possible improvements through proper hauling fleet selections. Two truck
types of different sizes were compared: a TH430 with a theoretical capacity of 30 tonnes and a
TH660 with a theoretical capacity of 60 tonnes. At the time of the study, the mine operated
with three LHDs and three TH430 trucks (one assigned to each LHD). Based on the mine
design and overall mine plan, the three LHDs and three TH430 produced 52% of the planned
monthly production. The haulage system was simulated to optimize the number of trucks
needed to increase output and to reach the assigned production targets.

Productivity comparison-stopes on the upper drifts


50 end of drift
40 drift center
30 near access

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
TH430 TH660
No. of Trucks

Figure 11. Productivity comparisons between TH 430 and TH660 trucks

Figure 11 shows the results when both trucks types worked at the upper drifts. The
amount of ore produced at the end, center, and near the loading bay seemed slightly higher for
the TH660 than the TH430 even though the payload for the TH660 was twice as high as for the
TH430. In all cases, the amount of ore produced sharply increased when the number of trucks

was increased from three to six. Beyond this point, the amount of ore produced only slightly
increased because additional trucks increased traffic (the percentage of time lost when trucks
meet in the haul ways, or the main drift and the ramp). The results for trucks in the middle and
lower drifts showed the same trend observed in the upper drifts. When comparing the
performance of trucks in all locations, production was greater for trucks working on the stopes
in the upper drifts than on those in the middle and lower drifts because trucks in the latter two
cases had a longer cycle to complete than those in the upper drifts. When combining all
simulated locations, the results showed that a combination of two trucks and one LHD for the
upper drifts and three trucks and one LHD for the lower or middle drifts improved the average
production from 52% to 75% of the goal when the TH430 was used, and from 52% to 83%
when the TH660 was used. This finding indicates that production would rise only 8% if the
TH430s were replaces with TH660s. This solution would have to be justified financially
because the costs associated with changing truck size might not be recuperated in extra
In Paper II the fleet required to achieve a monthly production target of 100,000 tonnes for
a deep underground mine using the sublevel stoping mining method was analyzed. Four
different hauling systems were analyzed, diesel and electric trucks, shaft, and belt conveyor
haulage systems at three different mine depths. Table 2 presents the study results. At the 1000-
meter depth, seven diesel and five electric trucks were required to achieve the production target
although the electric truck was two tonnes smaller. This is because the cycle time for electric
trucks was shorter than the diesel trucks, which allowed it to complete more cycles in the same
time period. Thus, an electric truck had higher productivity compared with a diesel unit of
similar tramming capacity. The results also indicated that at 2000- and 3000-meter depths, 9
and 13 electric trucks, more than 15 and 25 diesel trucks, respectively were required to achieve
the production target. The model showed that using diesel trucks to haul materials directly to
the mine surface was not economically feasible.
For shaft haulage, the design characteristic was based on the maximum rope speed of 19
meters per second, a safety factor of seven, and a maximum skip size of 70 tonnes to reduce
slippage and avoid exceeding the rope strength. Based on rope strength and the required
production rate, a skip weight of 15 tonne was considered. This skip weight is maintained for
all mine depths with the variation of rope speed. As the results in Table 2 show, at the 1000-
meter depth, 100,000 tonnes of ore could be hauled at a speed of 8.5 meters per second. The
rope speeds were increased to 10 and 14 meters per second for 1000- to 2000-meter depths and
2000- to 3000-meter depths, respectively. The results indicated that rope speed and skip size
play important roles in production improvement for existing mine operations using a friction
hoist system.

Table 2. Simulation results

No. of Skip speed Belt speed Monthly production

trucks (m/s) (m/s) (Tonnes)
at 1000m
Diesel trucks 7 106120
Electric trucks 5 109025
Shaft 8.5 106065
Belt conveyor 1.3 108811
at 2000m
Diesel trucks >15
Electric trucks 9 104265
Shaft 10 98640
Belt conveyor 1.6 108819
at 3000m
Diesel trucks >25
Electric trucks 13 101920
Shaft 14 99075
Belt conveyor 1.6 100700

For a belt conveyor, the initial design included a 600-milimeter belt with a speed of one
meter per second and idlers placed at a 20-degree troughing angle. The belt speeds, width, and
idlers, were selected based on the total expected belt length, number of transfer points, capital
costs, and operating costs. During simulation, the belt width, troughing angle, and speed were
raised to accommodate the planned production. The troughing angle was increased to 30
degrees when the belt operated at 2000- and 3000-meter depths. As the results in Table 2 show,
at 1000 meters the production target was achieved when the speed was increased to 1.3 meters
per second. For lower levels, the speed was raised to 1.6 meters per second to haul the required
amount of ore. At all three depths, the amount of ore was achieved when the belt width was
increased to 900 millimeters. The analysis showed that the belt’s production capacity depended
greatly on surcharge angle, belt width, troughing angle, and belt speed.

4.2 Energy consumption and gas emission on loading and haulage equipment
This section describes the operational performance and the analysis of the energy consumption
and gas emissions of different loading equipment. It also describes the optimization of haulage
equipment based on energy requirements. Simulation was used to obtain the equipment
operational performance, and mixed integer programming for optimization purpose.

4.2.1 Energy consumption and gas emissions of loading equipment

Paper V presented an analysis of the energy consumption and gas emissions of different sizes
of loading equipment. The analysis consists of fourteen types of LHD machines (seven diesels
named 1D to 7D, and seven electrics named 1E to 7E) with similar bucket capacities. The
results showed that with current prices of diesel and electricity, the hourly fuel cost for diesel
was higher than the hourly cost for electricity. For example, in one hour of operation, the diesel
LHD 7D consumed 38.6 liters of fuel while its electric counterpart consumed 306 kWh of
electricity. Assuming a fuel price of $2.1 per liter and electricity price of $0.12 per kWh (WES,
2014), the diesel LHD would have an hourly fuel cost of $81.1 and the electric LHD an hourly

cost of $36.8. The cost increased as the bucket size increased for both machine types. On
average and for the current price, the study showed that the hourly energy cost for the electric
LHD was 47 % less compared with the diesel LHD with a similar bucket size. For comparison
purposes, the diesel fuel units were converted to kWh (see Paper V, p. 4). The results are
shown in Figure 12.
Energy consumption was higher for diesel machines compared with electric machines.
The lower consumption for electric LHDs was because these machines were equipped with
low-power motors. A diesel truck with a bucket capacity of 4.6 m3 had a power of 220 kW,
while an electric truck of the same capacity had a power of 132 kW. The energy required to
drive equipment is proportional to its speed. On average, diesel LHDs travel faster than electric
LHDs at the same gear because the diesel LHD engine has a torque converter with lower offset
ratio compared to electric engines (Sandvik, 2013). This enables the diesel LHDs to have
higher speed and hence higher consumption compared with electric counterparts. The
difference in consumption increased with the increase in bucket size because larger buckets
weight more. For example, a diesel machine with a 1.5 m3 bucket weighs 8.7 tonnes when the
bucket is empty, compared with a vehicle with a 9 m3, which weighs 56.8 tonnes. When these
two machines move in a similar gear, the heavier machine will consume more drive power than
the lighter one.

Hourly energy consumption comparison


Energy consumption (kWh/Hour)




200 Diesel LHDs

150 Electric LHDs



1D 1E 2D 2E 3D 3E 4D 4E 5D 5E 6D 6E 7D 7E
Types of LHDs

Figure 12. Comparison of energy consumption for diesel and electric LHDs

Next, the CO2 gas emissions for diesel LHDs were estimated. Actual gas emissions are
measured while the LHDs are operating, but this method is time-consuming and requires close
monitoring of the working equipment, which increases costs. Instead of field measurements,
emissions can be estimated based on the combustion process of fixed carbon restrained in a
volume of diesel fuel (C12H23). Figure 13 shows the results for the estimated hourly CO2
emissions with hourly fuel consumption for each diesel unit. For example, a diesel LHD 1D

consumed 6.9 liters of diesel and emitted 18.6 Kg of CO2 in one hour, while the diesel LHD 7D
consumed 38.6 liters and emitted 103.5 Kg of CO2. According to this estimate, the increase in
energy consumption resulted in higher levels of CO2 emissions. The high emissions expose the
diesel operators to noxious gases, which have negative impacts on human health and may
increase operator’s fatigue. Another result may be operator inefficiency, which increases
production delays. Ventilation costs also rise in an effort to mitigate the high heat and gas
emissions. In an environment of increasing energy prices and the need to mine at greater
depths, mining companies should minimize usage of diesel machines and increase usage of
electric ones to achieve greater cost reductions.

Hourly fuel consumption and CO2 emission

110 45
100 40

Fuel consumption (L/Hour)

CO2 emission (kg/Hour)

30 10
20 5
10 0
1D 2D 3D 4D 5D 6D 7D
Diesel LHDs

Co2 emission Fuel consumption

Figure 13. Comparison of fuel consumption and gas emissions for diesel LHDs

4.2.2 Optimization of haulage equipment based on energy requirements

Paper II also analyzed energy consumption associated with diesel and electric trucks, shaft, and
belt conveyor haulage systems with current and predicted future energy prices. In this analysis,
the future energy price was assumed to be three times the current energy price. To reach these
estimations, simulation results was used to calculate the energy cost components of the total
operating costs for each haulage option. The operating costs (OPEX) for both energy price
scenarios are presented in Tables 3 and 4. The energy costs were subtracted from the revenues
to calculate the undiscounted cash flows, which in turn were the basis for the production
scheduling optimization process used to calculate the net present values (NPV). The NPVs
from each haulage option at depth levels of 1000, 2000, and 3000 meters, based on current and
future energy price scenarios, were compared.

Table 3. Operating cost ($/t) structure at current energy prices

1,000 meters 2,000 meters 3,000 meters

Energy Total Energy Total Energy Total
Component Component Component
Haulage OPEX 16.70 26.70 31.60 41.40 104.30 123.80
Diesel truck

OPEX Ex. Haulage 2.20 22.80 3.80 34.20 6.60 51.90

Total OPEX 18.90 49.50 35.40 75.60 110.90 175.70

Haulage OPEX 7.90 14.30 15.20 24.00 52.40 73.20

OPEX Ex. Haulage 2.10 21.70 3.40 32.70 6.10 48.30

Total OPEX 10.00 36.00 18.60 56.70 58.50 121.50

Haulage OPEX 0.90 6.50 1.90 9.80 2.90 12.10

OPEX Ex. Haulage 1.90 19.50 3.10 28.70 5.70 43.60

Total OPEX 2.80 26.00 5.00 38.50 8.60 55.70

Haulage OPEX 1.70 6.80 6.80 24.00 10.90 33.00


OPEX Ex. Haulage 1.90 20.00 3.10 29.80 5.80 45.70

Total OPEX 3.60 26.80 9.90 53.80 16.70 78.70

Table 4. Operating cost ($/t) at three times current energy prices

1,000 meters 2,000 meters 3,000 meters

Energy Total Energy Total Energy Total
Component Component Component
Haulage OPEX 50.10 60.10 94.80 104.6 312.90 332.40
Diesel truck

OPEX Ex. Haulage 6.60 27.20 11.40 41.80 19.80 65.10

Total OPEX 56.70 83.30 106.20 146.40 332.70 397.50

Haulage OPEX 23.70 30.10 45.60 54.40 157.20 178.00

OPEX Ex. Haulage 6.30 25.90 10.20 39.50 18.30 60.50

Total OPEX 30.00 56.00 55.80 93.90 175.50 238.50

Haulage OPEX 2.70 8.30 5.70 13.60 8.70 17.90

OPEX Ex. Haulage 5.70 23.30 9.30 34.90 17.10 55.00

Total OPEX 8.40 31.60 15.00 48.50 25.80 72.90

Haulage OPEX 5.10 10.20 20.40 37.60 32.70 54.80


OPEX Ex. Haulage 5.70 23.80 9.30 36.00 17.40 57.30

Total OPEX 10.80 34.00 29.70 73.60 50.10 112.10

As shown in Figure 14, diesel trucks had higher energy costs as depths increased
compared with other haulage options for both price scenarios. At the current energy price, the
energy costs for diesel trucks accounted for 38.2%, 46.8%, and 63.1% of the operating costs at
1000-, 2000-, and 3000-meter depths, respectively. At three times the current energy price, the
energy costs at each depth for diesel truck haulage increased significantly to 64.9%, 72.5%, and
83.7% of the operating costs. While diesel truck haulage generally offers greater operational
flexibility, its high energy costs resulted in rapid reduction in its financial viability as depths

Energy Cost as a Percentage of Energy Cost as a Percentage of

Operating Cost at Current Energy Price Operating Cost at Three Times Current
Energy Price
Percentage of Operating Cost (%)

Percentage of Operating Cost (%)

40% 40%
30% 30%
20% 20%
10% 10%
0% 0%
Electric Truck (1000m)
Electric Truck (2000m)
Electric Truck (3000m)

Conveyor (1000m)
Conveyor (2000m)
Conveyor (3000m)

Electric Truck (1000m)

Electric Truck (2000m)
Electric Truck (3000m)
Diesel Truck (1000m)
Diesel Truck (2000m)
Diesel Truck (3000m)

Conveyor (1000m)
Conveyor (2000m)
Conveyor (3000m)
Shaft (1000m)
Shaft (2000m)
Shaft (3000m)

Diesel Truck (1000m)

Diesel Truck (2000m)
Diesel Truck (3000m)

Shaft (1000m)
Shaft (2000m)
Shaft (3000m)

Haulage Method (Depth) Haulage Method (Depth)

Non-Energy Component of Operating Cost Non-Energy Component of Operating Cost

Energy Component of Operating Cost Energy Component of Operating Cost

Figure 14. Energy costs as a percentage of operating costs at current price and
three times the current price

The lowest energy cost component increase was the shaft haulage system. At the depths
of 1000, 2000, and 3000 meters, energy costs accounted for 10.8%, 13.0%, and 15.4% of
operating costs at the current energy price. At three times the current energy price, energy costs
at each depth for shaft haulage accounted for 26.6%, 30.9%, and 35.4% of operating costs

respectively. Ore haulage is one of the most energy-intensive activities in a mining operation,
and energy is a main contributor to haulage costs; therefore, the energy cost as a percentage of
the total haulage cost was analyzed. As shown in Figure 15, an increasing trend of energy costs
occurred across all cases in combination with the increase in depth; diesel trucks showed higher
costs and the shaft system lower ones.

Energy Cost as a Percentage of Haulage Energy as a Percentage of Haulage Cost

Cost at Current Energy Price at Three Times Current Energy Price
100% 100%

90% 90%

Percentage of Haulage Cost (%)

Percentage of Haulage Cost (%)

80% 80%

70% 70%

60% 60%

50% 50%

40% 40%
30% 30%
20% 20%
10% 10%
0% 0%
Electric Truck (1000m)
Electric Truck (2000m)
Electric Truck (3000m)

Conveyor (1000m)
Conveyor (2000m)
Conveyor (3000m)
Diesel Truck (1000m)
Diesel Truck (2000m)
Diesel Truck (3000m)

Shaft (1000m)
Shaft (2000m)
Shaft (3000m)

Electric Truck (1000m)

Electric Truck (2000m)
Electric Truck (3000m)

Conveyor (1000m)
Conveyor (2000m)
Conveyor (3000m)
Diesel Truck (1000m)
Diesel Truck (2000m)
Diesel Truck (3000m)

Shaft (1000m)
Shaft (2000m)
Shaft (3000m)

Haulage Method (Depth) Haulage Method (Depth)

Non-Energy Component of Haulage Cost Non-Energy Component of Haulage Cost

Energy Component of Haulage Cost Energy Component of Haulage Cost

Figure 15. Energy cost as a percentage of haulage costs at the current and three times the
current energy prices

For further analysis, the calculated energy costs were used for all haulage options in a
cash flow analysis for NPV calculations. Mixed integer programming (MIP) was then used to
generate the optimal production schedule and mine plan at each energy price scenario.
Construction of all MIP models for the purpose of optimal production scheduling (maximize
NPV) was performed using a Mathematical Programming Language (AMPL) then solved using
CPLEX 10.3. Production scheduling was made at monthly intervals and was limited to 180
periods (15 years).

NPV Comparison between haulage methods at current energy prices


NPV ($M)

400 Diesel truck

300 Electric truck

200 Conveyor


1 000 2 000 3 000
Depth (meters)

Figure 16. NPVs using current energy price

Figures 16 and 17 shows the NPVs achieved for all haulage options. Diesel trucks
generated lower NPVs compared with other haulage systems at 1000- and 2000-meter depths.
At 3000 meters, diesel and electric trucks generated negative cash flow (not seen in the Figure
as only positive values displayed). Therefore, as the mine depth increased, trucks were
economically not feasible for hauling material directly to the mine surface.

NPV comparison between haulage methods at three times current energy



NPV ($M)

400 Diesel truck

300 Electric truck


1 000 2 000 3 000
Depth (meters)

Figure 17. NPVs using three time current energy prices

Figure 17 shows that when the energy price increased to three times the current price, the shaft
haulage system became a viable option for hauling material from deeper levels. At this price,
diesel and electric trucks and the belt conveyor produced negative NPVs. An analysis of these
results showed that in an era of increasing energy prices and increased need to mine at greater
depths, only haulage methods with lower energy requirements will remain feasible.

4.3 Mining rate and commodity price variations on NPV

Papers III and IV described changes to the NPV for the Eastern and Western orebodies located
at different depths. The aim of the study was to evaluate the feasibility of increasing
underground ore production from 300,000 to 450,000 tonnes from each orebody in each quarter
at altered copper prices. The copper price at the time of this study was approximately $6,500/t.
The analysis used a range of copper prices starting at $5,250 and increasing by $500 increments
up to $9,750. The price of $5,250 was used because most feasibility studies on copper projects
conducted during recent years generally used price between $5,000/t and $5,500/t over the long
term even though the price at the time of this study was approximately $6,500/t. During the
copper price boom of 2011, copper prices reached almost $10,000/t and therefore, the final
price investigated for mine planning purposes was $9,750/t. Discrete event simulation was used
to determine the number of LHD machines required to achieve both mining rates; results are
shown in Figure 18.

Simulation results
500000 100
450000 95
400000 90
Amount of ore mined (t)

350000 85
Utilization (%)

300000 80
250000 75
200000 70
150000 65
100000 60
50000 55
0 50
1 2 3 4 5
Number of LHDs

The ore mined LHD Utilization

Figure 18. Simulation results for western deposit

As Figure 18 shows, three LHDs would be required to achieve the mining rate of 300,000
tonnes. At this rate, the average machine utilization was 89%. The term utilization means the
proportion of available working time (expressed as a percentage) that equipment is operating.
Five LHD units would be required to mine 450,000 tonnes. With five machines in operation,
the average machine utilization fell to 73% for each machine because LHDs must be queued at
the loading and dumping points. The results from both mining rates were used to compute the
appropriate mining costs for the operation, which then were used as input to the MIP to
generate the NPVs.
Table 5 compares the NPVs at each copper price for both mining rates. The copper price
of $5,250 per tonne at the 300,000-tonne mining rate was used as the base case. The increase in
copper price from $5,250 to $5,750 per tonne raised the NPV by 3.52% for each mining rate.
There was no difference in the NPVs for the two mining rates when copper prices were $6,250,
$6,750, and $7,250 per tonne. As the price increased to $7,750 per tonne, the two mining rates
generated different NPVs. At the price of $9,750 per tonne, the NPV rose to $773.45M, a
9.69% increase for the higher mining rate; at the lower rate, NPV rose to $755.65M, a 7.25%
increase. According to this analysis, increasing mining rates lead to higher mining costs, but
increased rates may be beneficial under certain market conditions.

Table 5. Changes in NPV for 300,000t and 450,000t mining rates

% NPV of Optimal % NPV of Optimal

Mine Plan at Mine Plan at
300,000t: 450,000t:
NPV of Base NPV of Optimal NPV of Optimal
Case Mine Mine Plan at Mine Plan at
Price ($/t)
Plan ($M) 300,000t ($M) 450,000t ($M) NPV from Base NPV from Base
Case Case

5,250 96.57 96.57 96.57

5,750 164.49 166.97 166.97 3.52 3.52
6,250 232.41 239.60 239.60 5.03 5.03
6,750 300.33 311.92 311.92 5.38 5.38
7,250 368.25 385.36 385.36 5.92 5.92
7,750 436.17 459.56 462.52 6.44 7.20
8,250 504.10 532.46 536.47 6.51 7.36
8,750 572.02 606.32 614.96 6.73 8.28
9,250 639.94 680.16 694.50 6.89 9.13
9,750 707.86 755.65 773.45 7.25 9.69
*Base case scenario refers to the optimal mine plan at a copper price of $5,250/t at 300,000t mining rate.

The analysis of these results indicated that adjusting mining rates is sensitive to commodity
price. A short-term change in commodity price will add only the value provided by the
increased margin associated with the new price. If the price change is longer term, mining
operations should continually update and adjust their mine plans to capture additional value
under new market conditions. When the price falls, maintaining or increasing mining rate may

need a detail evaluation of other parameters such as grade, recovery, and investment changes.
In this study, the capital costs of the working equipment were not included, and therefore, the
evaluation was based on the development and operating costs. Future research should include
sensitivity analysis to measure the changes in the NPVs by including the flexibility of the
quantifiable parameters, such as ore grade, metal price uncertainty, and capital costs.


The studies described in the previous chapters aimed to answer the stated research questions.
Following are the research questions and the conclusions from the performed studies.

RQ 1: How can production be improved by optimizing haulage systems when

underground mines operate at great depth?

x The increase in mine depth lead to increase haul distances from the working faces to the
mine surface. This in turn will increase cycle time for the loading and hauling
equipment and can also generate lower production rates. For many years diesel trucks
has become increasingly utilized in material transportation in mining. Paper II showed
that electric trucks have higher productivity compared to diesel trucks of similar
tramming capacity because electric trucks have shorter cycle times, which allows
electric trucks to complete more cycles than diesel trucks in the same time period.
Therefore, an increasing use of electric trucks will have positive effects on production.
The study excluded the impact of additional initial costs for electric trucks due to
additional infrastructure, and also excluded the fact that the infrastructure related to
electric equipment can be of hindrance for other operations.

x The increase in mining depth in many cases leads into higher rock stresses. The
increased rock stresses can lead to need for smaller size of the openings, adding
restrictions to the size of loading and hauling equipment to be used. Paper I showed that
because of the limited size of the mine openings, replacing the current system by bigger
trucks had little effect on production gains as the smaller trucks increases the production
from 52% to 75%, and the larger ones increases to 83% of planned production. This
indicates that there is no high impact on production improvement as production will fall
only by 8%. This solution needs to be justified financially as the costs associated with
changing the truck size might not be recuperated by extra production. The future
operations in the highly increased stress environment which lead into smaller size of the
openings, low profile equipment will remain viable to increase production.

x As described in paper II the shaft design was based on the maximum rope speed of 19
m/s, a safety factor of 7 and a maximum skip size of 70 tonnes. The study in paper II
shows that in order to achieve the required 100,000 tonnes per month, shaft can either
be operated at higher speed with small skip size or at a relatively low speed with the
large skip size. When a belt conveyor is used, the study indicated that increasing
surcharge angle and running the belt at a low speed would reach the production goal. To

achieve a similar production improvement, for a long haul, the troughing angle must be
increased and the belt operated at a higher speed. The literature review shows that shaft
and conveyor have high capital cost, and once installed they can be operated at low
cost. Operating shaft and conveyor at high speed will increase the energy consumption
and therefore high operating costs.

RQ 2: Are there any benefits of combining discrete event simulation and mixed integer
programming in the optimization of underground haulage systems?

For many years, analytical methods have been widely used in haulage selection for both open
pit and underground operations. As seen in the literature review, the existence of many
uncertainties and the random behavior of the system make haulage selection less accurate when
using analytical methods. Analytical methods can still be successfully used in small mining
operations which have less uncertainty, but most large mining operations need methods which
will involve randomness and can handle complexity.
When the systems involve random behavior, methods such as discrete event simulation
(DES) have advantage of more accurate accounting for real-world uncertainty and diversity in
operations. In Papers II, III, and IV, DES was used to study the behavior of mining operations
and make predictions before a new system was implemented. The investigation provides
mining operations with a preliminary assessment of the production rates and energy costs
associated with various haulage methods as mine depth increases for the purpose of aiding the
decision-making process in regard to future deeper underground mining. As seen in Paper II
when mine depth increases to 3000m, the simulation results shows that 13 electric trucks are
required to achieve the planned production. However, discrete event simulation is not suitable
for directly solving optimization problems like mine planning and scheduling and therefore
cannot provide the full picture with economic benefit or loss of the analyzed system. Mixed
Integer Programming (MIP) is used to optimize a system (Maximize profit or minimize loss).
The two techniques in those cases can be combined. Paper II also shows that when combining
MIP and DES, at 3000m depth for the current energy price, 13 trucks generate a negative cash
flow. This mean that at this depth, haul the material direct to the mine surface using electric
trucks become not feasible. The studies show that the benefits of the combined tool of DES and
MIP are:
x The combined tools give more information both on operational and optimizing the
performance of the system. Increased efficiency and a more feasible solution for
optimization problems, and therefore, increased potential to improve both the
productivity and the flexibility of the production operations and to reduce risks when
selecting equipment
x Support in decision making on optimization problems that includes both operational
performance and economic objectives such as cost minimization or maximization of
contribution to profits.
x Increasing the viability of the mine plans prior to execution, and enabling the analysis
of several scenarios within a short time interval.

RQ 3: What is the impact of increasing energy costs on different underground loading
and haulage systems?

x Paper V showed that when comparing loading equipment of similar bucket sizes, diesel
units have higher fuel consumption compared with electricity consumption for electric
units thus, the fuel costs of diesel machines are higher than the electricity costs for
electric units of similar size. In an environment of increasing energy costs, electric
loading equipment will have a positive effect on cost reduction.

x Paper II showed that, as mine depth increase, energy costs increase more when diesel
trucks are used, compared with other haulage options. At 1000 meters depth and at the
current energy price, the costs of diesel trucks, electric trucks, belt conveyors, and shaft
systems account for 62%, 54%, 25%, and 14% of the total haulage costs, respectively.
This finding indicates that minimizing usage of diesel trucks will have the greatest
benefit in cost reductions. Diesel machines also emit more heat and gases, which can
raise operating costs, particularly for ventilation systems in deep mines.

RQ 4: What are the impacts of mining rate and commodity price variations to the net
present value (NPV) of an underground mine operation?

The traditional notion in mine planning and design is that, mine production is planned at a fixed
commodity price, and a fixed mining rate. This means that although the profitability of an
operation may increase with an increase in commodity price, it may not gain the full additional
value that it might if the mine plan were re-evaluated. Paper III indicated that the change in
mine plans associated with changes in commodity prices at a fixed mining rate resulted in an
increase in the NPV from $96M to ultimately $755M for the mine studied. Therefore, if the
price change is long term, the mine plan should be changed to capture the additional value
offered under the new market conditions. Paper IV showed that the increase in mining rate
from 300,000 to 450,000 tonnes resulted in increased mining costs. With inclusion of the
additional costs, the change in production raised the NPV to $773M. Although increasing
production rates beyond traditional limits will increase costs, pursuing this course may be
beneficial when commodity prices are elevated to a certain level. When the price falls,
maintaining or increasing mining rate may need a detailed evaluation of other parameters such
as grade, recovery, and investment changes.

5.1 Further research

The research presented in this thesis was carried out to evaluate and analyze different haulage
systems. The studied haulage systems are diesel and electric trucks, shaft, and belt conveyor.
The comparison of the net present value (NPV) of the mine plan at an increasingly mining rate
and altered commodity prices were also analyzed. Based on the conducted research, further
study in this field may include the following:

x Energy consumption for other haulage options: A comprehensive study could be
conducted on the available low profile, energy-efficient transportation systems, such as
monorail and rail-veyor. The monorail system is mounted on a roof that allows
flexibility of trackless arrangements suitable for smaller drifts. A rail-veyor, which uses
a light rail track, can be installed more quickly than a conventional rail system. Rail-
veyor has a low profile feature allowing for small drifts and can travel on up to 20%
x Capital costs: In the analysis presented in this research, the NPVs were estimated
without including the capital costs of the haulage systems. The economic success of a
mining project in a competitive market depends on financial decisions regarding the
investment. For the decision regarding the investment, because of the long period of
construction and investment recovery, it is important to evaluate if the investment can
yield an expected return (ROI) given the presence of various uncertainties. It is
suggested that future research should include the investment costs of the analyzed
haulage systems. This would generate more knowledge on present value of the future
investment, how long it will take for the investment to yield returns, and if the
investment is profitable in the long run.
x Sensitivity analysis: The most widely used investment appraisal method is the
discounted cash flow net present value (NPV). The main drawback of the NPV is that it
cannot deal with flexibility. The NPV method advice decisions with positive cash flows
and rejects those with negative cash flows. Since market conditions are highly
uncertain, flexibility options can add significant value to a project’s viability.
Sensitivity analysis is one of several methods that can account for project uncertainty.
Sensitivity analysis explains the extent that variations in quantifiable parameters
influence a system’s viability. Some of these parameters may include ore grade, the
option to defer the investment, the option to expand capacity, costs, and metal price
uncertainty. The values of these parameters are estimated based on the probable
forecasts over a long time period. The actual values may differ from the forecasted
values. Sensitivity analysis considers how changes to these parameters could impact the
expected NPV, and would add value to future analysis.
x Combining discrete event simulation (DES) and mixed integer programming
(MIP): In this thesis, SimMine, GPSS/H, and AutoMod tools were used for creating
DES models. For optimization purpose, AMPL was used for mathematical formulation
and then CPLEX was applied to reach the solution. Due to large number of DES and
MIP tools options, future research may use the combining approach by studying the
other tools to evaluate the transportation problems. The solution time of MIP models
depends on number of binary variables and constraints, and tightness of the model (the
data set used, the constraints and the objective function). In this thesis, the solution time
was reduced by decreasing the number of binary variables and the solution was cut
short even if convergence to the optimal had not yet been achieved, and a small gap of
<5% was observed. To reduce the effect of the gap, further study may consider both
binary variables reduction and tightness of the model and transform the network by
considering the relaxed production capacity constraints.

x The combined use of other tools for process analysis and optimization of mining
systems: The combined use of other existing tools for process analysis and optimization
applied to mining systems needs further evaluation. The studies would aim at both
improving decision making regarding system investments but also at creating a tool that
in real time can aid the mine planners and operators in optimizing the processes,
production and use of resources.


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The use of discrete event simulation for underground haulage mining

equipment selection

Salama, A., Greberg, J., and Schunnesson, H. (2014). The use of discrete event simulation for
underground haulage mining equipment selection, International Journal of Mining and
Mineral Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 3, 256–271. doi: 10.1504/IJMME.2014.064486
256 Int. J. Mining and Mineral Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2014

The use of discrete event simulation for underground

haulage mining equipment selection

Abubakary Salama*, Jenny Greberg

and Håkan Schunnesson
Division of Mining and Geotechnical Engineering,
Department of Civil, Mining and Environmental Engineering,
Luleå University of Technology,
SE-971 87, Luleå, Sweden
*Corresponding author

Abstract: The selection of equipment for haulage in underground mines is a

challenge due to its impact on both production rates and costs. The selected
equipment should create an optimal match for the complete system and the
point when equipment is to be added or replaced needs to be identified before
the change is made. The use of discrete event simulation to compare two
different haulage units of different size with the aim of improving production is
presented. The feasibility of the production targets was also analysed. The
result shows that, the smaller unit improves the average production from 52%
to 75% while the bigger unit improves to 83% of the planned production target.
This shows that the production will rise by 8% when smaller units are replaced
by bigger units. This may need to be justified financially as the costs associated
with changing the truck size might be recuperated by extra production gained.
Furthermore, the study showed that current production targets were not feasible
under the given circumstances.

Keywords: haulage system; equipment selection; discrete event simulation.

Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Salama, A., Greberg, J. and
Schunnesson, H. (2014) ‘The use of discrete event simulation for underground
haulage mining equipment selection’, Int. J. Mining and Mineral Engineering,
Vol. 5, No. 3, pp.256–271.

Biographical notes: Abubakary Salama holds a Master’s degree in Mining

Engineering from Paris School of Mines in France. His mining experience
is in Sub level stopping mine operations. Currently, he is pursuing a PhD in
mine production at Luleå University of Technology. His research interest is
production simulation and optimisation with respect to mining at great depth.

Jenny Greberg holds a PhD from Lund University of Technology in Sweden.

Before joining Luleå University of Technology, she worked in the Aerospace
industry and as mining consultant. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor and
also a Deputy Director for Centre of advanced mining and metallurgy at the
division of Mining and Geotechnical Engineering at the Luleå University. Her
current research focuses on production and simulation of mining operations and

Copyright © 2014 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

The use of discrete event simulation for underground haulage 257

Håkan Schunnesson obtained his MSc in Mining Engineering from Luleå

University of Technology. After working for a number of years as an
independent consultant he obtained a PhD in Drill Monitoring and Geology.
After working for the Swedish mining equipment industry, he again joined
Luleå University of Technology in the division of Operation and Maintenance
Engineering as an Associate Professor. Presently, he is Professor of mine
production at the Division of Mining and Geotechnical Engineering at Luleå
University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden. His current research focuses on
mine automation, mining equipment monitoring and production control.

This paper is a revised and expanded version of a paper entitled ‘Optimisaation

of truck-loader haulage system in an underground mine: a simulation approach
using SimMine’ presented at Proceedings of the 6th International Conference
and Exhibition on MassMining, Sudbury, ON, Canada, 10–14, June, 2012.

1 Introduction

The selection of equipment for haulage and transportation in underground mines is a

challenge due to its impact on both production rates and costs. In spite of the availability
of several different haulage systems, the diesel truck haulage system has been most
widely utilised in material transportation in both open pit and underground mines. The
main advantages associated with the use of diesel truck haulage include flexibility in
travel routes, flexibility in the size of the fleet, absence of electrical hazards, high
productivity, rapid haulage speed, generally good reliability and low operating cost
(Thomas et al., 1987). The disadvantages are the use of flammable fuel, higher heat
emission, higher noise level and emission of toxic gases and particulates into the mine
environment that affects the mine operations when the mine depth increases (Haney and
Saseen, 2000). The type, size and number of trucks to be used are the function of the
amount of material expected to be moved. Ramp and production drift size is as well very
significant to the choice of a haulage truck (Sweigard, 1992).
The size of the loading and hauling equipment is one of the important factors for
production improvement. A suboptimal selection may lead to high production cost, while
to find an optimal solution is not an easy task due to the number of variables involved in
the system design such as production requirements, dimensions of the haulage drifts,
infrastructure layouts, material fragmentation and capital and operating cost. The haulage
process that consists of loading activities, ore movement, and dumping operations also
involves uncertainty and random effects. Owing to the existence of this uncertainty,
simulation is one among the most appropriate tools for equipment selection. In several
underground hard rock mining, simulation has recently been used to examine the
productivity of haulage equipment and other mining operations. It is expected that
simulation will continue to play an important role in assessing mine designs and plans
(Raj et al., 2009).
When simulation is used, the model input can be based on probabilistic data, which
better characterise the input variables and a given number of variables can be described
by selecting appropriate distributions. Examples of mining operations where simulation
have been used are the flow of haul units in a mine and the flow of ore in a processing
plant with the purpose of equipment optimisation or ore blending. In this paper, discrete
258 A. Salama et al.

event simulation was used to compare the performance of two different hauling units of
different sizes. The comparison was based on the amount of ore produced, average
machine utilisations, and average traffic. The ore was transported by load-haul-dump
(LHD) from the production faces to the loading bays. At the loading bays trucks are
loaded and move the material to the bottom point of the shaft.

2 Equipment selection

In an underground mine, loading equipment is selected to match the production capacity,

size of the openings and number of faces in operations. Hauling equipment on the other
hand is selected to meet the production requirements, and to be compatible with the
loading equipment. In most cases, more emphasis is placed on selection of haulage
equipment than on loading equipment (Ercelebi and Kirmanli, 2000). The size of the
selected loading equipment must fit into the planned development and stope openings,
and also be able to reach a haul equipment height and fill it efficiently (Sweigard, 1992).
On the basis of the selected loading equipment, the type and number of hauling units is
chosen to fit the loading units and to minimise delays in the operations. The optimal
combination of loading and hauling units in operation can analytically be obtained based
on the Match Factor (Lizotte and Bonates, 1987). This factor was first formulated by the
Caterpillar Company to quantify the apparent balance which exists between the numbers
of loading and haul units (Caterpillar, 2001). Equipment selection is increasingly being
made with the use of simulation methods.

3 Equipment selection using simulation

Underground haulage operations involve uncertainty and random behaviour. To capture

the effects of uncertainty and random behaviour, the discrete event simulation approach
is considered as one of the most appropriate techniques (Atkinson, 1992). The approach
enables an estimation of the operational activities using probabilistic input data.
Probabilistic data essentially represents a distribution and providing a data range for
different activities.
Simulation is defined as “the process of designing a model of a real system for the
aim of understanding its behaviour and to evaluate various strategies within the limits
imposed by a criterion or set of criteria for the operation of the system” (Sturgul, 1999).
The designed model usually takes the form of a set of assumptions for the operating
system. These assumptions are expressed in mathematical, logical, and symbolic
relationships between the objects of interest of the system (Banks and Carson, 1984). The
models are analysed by computational procedures and are ‘run’ to generate the results.

3.1 Discrete event simulation

The model of a system can be classified as discrete or continuous (Law and Kelton,
1991). Continuous systems are the ones where events occur continuously over a period of
time. Examples are weather simulation, length measurement models, etc. In this study,
discrete systems are considered. A discrete system is one where only a countable number
of events can take place at any one instant in time (Sturgul, 1999). Discrete event
The use of discrete event simulation for underground haulage 259

simulation concerns the modelling of a system over time by representing the system
changes as separate events. A separate event means that time progresses until the next
event occurs. Monte-Carlo techniques which involve the use of random numbers to
simulate the actual statistical distributions that represent the entities of the system are
utilised. Examples of discrete event systems that can be simulated are transportation
systems, business processes, mining operations, emergency response systems, etc.
Discrete event simulation also applies to different types of rules and procedures which
increase the understanding of the interaction between variables and their importance in
the system performance and provides suggestions on modifications availabilities in the
system (Banks, 2000).

3.2 Discrete-event simulation in mining operations

Simulation in mining operations can be used to study various systems and various issues
such as fleet requirements, flow of hauling machines and mine planning, with the aim of
optimising, improving and planning the existing and future systems (Sturgul, 1999).
Simulation can also be used by mining companies as a decision support tool and to
increase the understanding of the mining system (Sturgul and Li, 1997). Simulation can
handle complex mining systems which are discrete, change dynamically over a certain
period of time and that are operated within a variable economic environment. Stochastic
simulation of a mining system was first reported by Rist (1961). Since then several
studies have shown a wide range of applicability of simulation studies in various
operations in both underground and open pit mines (Raj et al., 2009). In South African
mines, simulation has emerged as a useful means to explore the impacts of new capital
investments and proposed mine methods (Turner, 1999). One example of a case study
using simulation is the Ingwe Douglas Piller project where the simulation was conducted
to determine the truck-shovel combinations suitable for a proposed mining operation.
In Xu and Dong (1974), the application of discrete event simulation to develop a
computer model of shovel and truck transportation system for an open pit mine
in China was explained. The technique is widely used for both coal and hard rock mines
for the analysis of haulage system. In Russia, computer simulation has been used for
underground mining since the 1980s for developing the best correlations of the capacities
of the haul units (Konyukh et al., 1999).
Sturgul (1999) was among the first to recognise the importance of simulation
for use in mine planning and design. During the first symposium on the use of computers
in mining, a work on computer simulation of a mine operation was published
by Rist (1961), where a model was built to determine the optimum number of trains for a
haulage level. Since then, the use of simulation has progressed to several mining aspects
such as queuing theory, scheduling, decision-making, location models, etc. One of the
examples is truck-shovel simulation in a copper mine to simulate if a dispatcher could be
used to route the trucks to different shovels to minimise queuing time and improve the
operations (Sturgul, 1999).
In Europe, the first mine simulations appeared in 1950s to model the train
transportation at the Kiirunavaara underground iron mine. The model was done by hand
(Elbrond, 1964). Thereafter the development of the use of discrete simulation became
more common in several countries. Mutagwaba and Durucan (1993) report an example
from the UK where a simulation model for a mine transportation system was developed.
Another example is the development of a simulation model to study the train
260 A. Salama et al.

transportation in underground coal mines in Germany (Wilke, 1970). Recently, the use of
discrete event simulation has become popular in mining operations in Europe with studies
in Sweden, Germany, Turkey (Panagiotou, 1999). In Australia, simulation has been used
for various mining applications. An early project using computer simulation for
developing ore handling operations at Mt. Newman Mining in Port Hedland, Western
Australia was published in 1989 (Basu and Baafi, 1999). After that, several projects in
both surface and underground mining in coal and hard rock have been carried out.
Simulation modelling was used to optimise the underground ore handling at the
Northparkes E26 Mine, and mine planning in the Newcrest Cadia East project (Greberg
and Sundqvist, 2011).
In South America, there are several large copper, iron and bauxite mines in operation
in various countries. Examples of these are the Chuquicamata, Teniente and Escondida
operations in Chile, the Carajas mine of Brazil which operates the largest iron ore open
pit in the world, and the Cerrejon coal mine which operates the largest truck fleet in the
world (Knights and Bonates, 1999). The starting point for the use of discrete even mine
simulation in South America is unclear as there is a lack of adequate scientific or
engineering records. Knight and Bonates reported that several simulations models were
developed in South America in the 1980s. One of the earliest papers relating to
simulation modelling in South America is by Nogueira (1984), which describes the
application of a simulation model to improve truck-shovel operations at the CVRD Mine
in Brazil. The model was designed to assess the best truck/shovel combinations to
determine the capacity of the mine operation. Another model was developed at Codelco
Chile’s Teniente mine using GPSS/H (Sturgul, 1999). The model uses discrete simulation
to simulate a system with continuous state variables. The t-test was performed to test the
simulated results.
Generally, discrete simulation modelling has been used in mine planning and design,
machine selection and the haulage system with the aim of optimising the mine operations
and production throughputs. Early studies focused mainly on limited parts of the mining
process, such as for instance, equipment selection for the development stage, while more
recent studies have aimed to cover more parts of the system and even to simulate a
complete mine.

3.3 Principles of discrete event simulation

Discrete event simulation is a technique used to simulate operating systems which are
discrete and change dynamically over a certain time. The use of this technique increases
the understanding of the system performance and the interaction of the variables involved
during evaluation (Banks et al., 2010). In mining operations, discrete event simulation
can be used to analyse various systems such as fleet management or process flows, with
the aim of optimising, improving and planning, the existing and future operating systems.
Discrete event simulation can also be used by mining companies in making decisions and
to increase the understanding of the mining systems. A large number of simulation tools,
such as GPSS/H, AUTOMOD, SLAM and SIMAN, are available and careful selection on
which tool to be used should be made. There are many issues to consider when selecting
the simulation tools. Some of these include; easy to use, availability of adequate
debugging and error diagnostics, ability to import data from other software such as
computer aided design and spreadsheet, availability of animation environment for easy
The use of discrete event simulation for underground haulage 261

visualisation of the operations, quality of the output report and graphs for interpretation
(Yuriy and Vayenas, 2008).
SimMine software was selected for this analysis. SimMine is a mining simulation and
evaluation software designed for underground and development modelling with the
ability to import a mine layout. It also has capability to evaluate the design of the
production facilities and the selection of production equipment such as trucks and
loaders. It is based on discrete event simulation principles and uses a full graphical user
interface to set up the model; no coding is required. It utilises statistical distribution
functions to model variations in process times. For validation purposes and to increase
the understanding, the tool has a three dimensional environment which offers animated
visual feedback of the model allowing to view the dynamic system as it operates.

4 Case study

4.1 Mine operation description

The mine operation analysed in this paper is a deep underground mine with an annual
production of 2.62 Mt pyrite and chalcopyrite. The mine has been in operation since 2000
and the mine is expected to be in operational until 2028. Ore is mined in three different
zones A, B and C with an average thickness of 3.5 m, 3.1 m and 2.4 m, respectively. The
mine uses four different mining methods. In zones A and B, the ore is excavated with
sublevel open stopping and Alimak mining. In zone C, the ore is excavated with drift and
fill mining and narrow vein mining. The focus in this study is on sublevel open stopping
in zone A as shown in Figure 1. With this method, top and bottom accesses are mined
from the ramp to reach the stope area. Slots between the top and bottom accesses are
formed by conventional raises and occasionally drop raises. Stopes are drilled using both
up holes from bottom access and down holes from the top access. Both up holes and
down holes are 10 m long and reach to half the distance between the two drives. When a
stope is mined and mucked out, the opening is backfilled with paste.

Figure 1 Schematic layout for sub level open stoping method (see online version for colours)
262 A. Salama et al.

The mine uses paste fill which consists of a mixture of granite aggregate, tails, and 2.5%
or 6.5% cement content. The 2.5% recipe are used to backfill stopes in the area where
mining operations will not continue to the level above, while the 6.5% recipe is used
when the mining operations will take place on the level above the stope. The required
strength is 90 kPa for the 2.5% recipe and 350 kPa for the 6.5%. To minimise dilution,
mining of adjacent stopes can start only when the required strength is achieved. In the
mining area considered in this paper (zone A), the major production occurs at mine drifts
below the lowest point of the main shaft. Here, the lowest level of production is about
300 m vertical distance from the shaft’s lowest loading point. Below these levels, mine
development is in progress.

4.2 Current haulage system

Immediately after the blast, when the stope is not supported, the mine utilises automatic
LHD machine to muck the material and are dumped at the loading bay located at the
loading point of each production drift. During this operation, the manual LHDs and haul
trucks are not working due to the unsafe condition of the stope. The manual LHDs will
start mucking after the stope has been stabilised. When there is no truck waiting at the
loading point, the LHDs will also dump the material at the loading bay. For the purpose
of this study, the automatic LHDs were not part of the simulated scenarios. From the
loading bay TH430 trucks are used to haul the ore to the shaft loading point, from where
the ore is hoisted to the surface, see Figure 2. Currently, three LHDs are assigned to
operate, in three different stopes and three trucks haul the ore from each stope to the
shaft. This equipment fleet only produces 52% of the planned production. It is assumed
that the reasons for the low production are limited size of drifts, the ramp design, and
traffic interference in the ramps, etc. All these factors increase the cycle time of the
trucks, reducing overall equipment effectiveness and mine output.

Figure 2 Flow chart for haulage system of this mine

The use of discrete event simulation for underground haulage 263

The haulage system is simulated to optimise the number of trucks for the studied mine
production system, to increase the mine output and to evaluate the possibilities to reach
the assigned production targets. Furthermore, order to optimise production a productivity
comparison is also made between two different types of trucks. Truck type one is a
TH430 which has a theoretical capacity of 25–30 tonne. Truck type two is a TH660 with
a payload of 50–55 tonne.

4.3 Simulation data

4.3.1 Shift schedules
The mine operates two shifts per day of 10 h each. The dayshift starts at 6:00 a.m. and
ends at 4:00 p.m., with 2 h assigned for meal break and shift preparations. The nightshift
starts at 6:00 p.m. and ends at 4:00 a.m., also with 2 h for shift preparations and meal
break. Blasting is conducted once a day during the shift change.

4.3.2 Turning radius

The ramp has a minimum outer radius of 10.5 m. TH430 trucks have a minimum
inner radius of 3.4 m and a minimum outer radius of 8.4 m while the TH660 trucks have
a minimum inner radius of 4.9 m and a minimum outer radius of 9.4 m. This indicates
that the TH660 trucks, which use higher outer radius, will be slower taking corners than
the TH430 trucks with a lower radius.

4.4 Model assumptions

• All LHDs have the same specifications and loading characteristics such as speeds,
bucket capacity, fill factor, etc.
• When an LHD machine failure occurs, the trucks which are assigned to the LHD will
be dispatched to an LHD machine with minimum queue until the failed LHD is
replaced by another machine.

4.5 Model development

The model was developed by importing the mine layout into SimMine software.
The layout includes a 5.5 m width ramp, loading bays, 3.5 m height production drifts and
100 m length of cross cuts. There are seven production drifts each ranging from 250 m to
400 m in length, with an average vertical distance of 17 m (floor to roof) and connected
by a ramp. Each drift contains several stopes, with a 20–25 m strike length and an
average thickness of 3.5 m. Ore from all production drifts are transported to a single
dumping point at a shaft location. The complete mine layout used in the simulation is
shown in Figure 3. In this part of the mine, the general mine sequence allows three stopes
to be mined simultaneously due to safety, the size of the hoisting shaft, and the waiting
time for paste fill to reach the required strength. Therefore, there is no possibility to
increase the number of active stopes to increase production. Owing to the limited size of
the drifts, only 1 LHD can be used in each production drift. During the simulation, the
number of trucks TH430 or TH660 was changed from 3 to 9. Thus, each LHD serves 1 to
3 trucks.
264 A. Salama et al.

Figure 3 Mine layout of zone A area (see online version for colours)

The LHD tramming distance depends on the length of the production drift. The tramming
distance is defined as the distance from the active face to the loading bay. The cycle time
will be longer for equipment working at the far end of the drift than for equipment in the
middle or near the loading bay. Therefore, the simulation was run separately for the
stopes located at the end, centre, and near the loading point of the drift. The total length
of the haul road includes 800 m ramp, 800 m main level and 100 m cross cuts. To reach
the dumping points, a truck from the lower levels travels from loading points through
cross cuts, ramp and main level, while those from the upper drifts also travel a small
portion of the ramp before entering the main level. To check for the effect of haulage
distance to the dumping point, the simulation was repeated by changing the stope
locations. Figure 4 shows the stopes selected from the top drifts in the first run, the
middle drifts in the second and the bottom drifts in the third. As shown in Figure 4,
stopes located from drifts 1 to 3 are termed as upper drift stopes, those in drifts 3 to 5 are
classified as mid-drift stopes, and those in drifts 5 to 7 are called lower drift stopes. The
simulation was run for three stopes at a time; two stopes were chosen from the same drift
but on opposite sides, and the third was taken from the two drifts down or up for stability
reasons. For example, for the upper drift stopes, if two stopes are chosen from drift 1, the
third will be chosen from drift 3. The simulation was run for a period of 24 days in a
month. During operations cycle, ~6 days not used for loading and hauling due to other
activities such as drilling and backfilling.

Figure 4 Mine stopes location (see online version for colours)

The use of discrete event simulation for underground haulage 265

4.6 Model verification and validation

The model is verified to ensure that the computerised model and its implementations
are correct (Sargent, 2003). A model is valid when the theories and assumptions
underlying the conceptual model are correct and the model represents the real system
(Sargent, 2003). Verification and validation was done by testing the model to check if it
conforms to the sequence of real events. During the data collection variability in the
speeds, loading and dumping times of the hauling and loading machines was seen.
To determine the proper range of input data, a statistical analysis was performed. As can
be seen in Table 1, a triangular distribution was selected to model the loading and
dumping times, while normal distribution was selected for vehicle speeds. Table 2 shows
the mean and standard deviation for vehicle speeds. As can be seen in Table 1, the
minimum, average and maximum times for loading, and dumping per pass differs for the
two truck types because of both the loading capacity and the height of the truck boxes.
TH430 has a box height of 2.3 m and a capacity of 30 tonnes, while truck TH660 has a
box height of 3.4 m and a capacity of 60 tonnes. Therefore, the loading unit spends more
passes and lifting time to fill truck TH660 than truck TH430. Other data such as inclining
and declining roads, tire rolling resistance, ramp gradient, machine fill factor and bucket
fill factor were used as single input values.

Table 1 Load and dump times for TH430 and TH660

Description Unit Minimum Average Maximum

LHD loading TH430 sec/pass 60 65 70
LHD loading TH660 sec/pass 72 76 80
TH430 dumping ore sec 67 70 75
TH660 dumping ore sec 65 71 77
TH430 manoeuvring time sec 30 35 40
TH660 manoeuvring time sec 70 82.5 95

Table 2 Vehicle speeds for TH430, TH660 and LHD

TH 430 (km/h) TH 660 (km/h) LHD (km/h)

Empty speed on flat level 17 ± 1.45 15 ± 1.1 13 ± 0.7
Empty speed on decline 15 ± 1.2 12 ± 0.5
Full speed on flat level 15 ± 1.12 15 ± 1.3 12 ± 0.4
Full speed on incline 13 ± 0.8 10 ± 0.3

5 Results and discussions

The simulation analysis aimed to assess the performance of two different types of haul
units. The comparison was based on amount of ore produced, average machine
utilisations and average traffic. As shown in Figure 5, the simulation was first run on the
stopes located at the upper levels to compare with the real mine case. During this run, the
results shows that the set up with three LHDs and three TH430 trucks (one assigned to
266 A. Salama et al.

each LHD) produces 53% of the planned production. In a real mine case, when
considering TH430 for three trucks served with three LHDs, the amount of ore produced
is 52% which indicates that the simulated result is close to the real operation in the mine.
The simulation was then repeated by increasing number of trucks in each location.
In comparison with both truck types, the amount of ore produced at the end, centre
and near the loading bay seems to be slightly higher for the TH660 than that of TH430
even though the pay load for the TH660 is twice as high as for the TH430. Despite that
trucks in upper levels have less cycle time compared with the ones in lower levels, but it
is noted that the difference in production is not higher due to the fact that trucks working
at upper levels have a longer waiting time at a loading point compared with those
working in lower levels. The waiting time increases when operations are going on at the
far end of the drift. In this case, the LHDs spend more time loading and hauling material
from the face to the loading point because of the longer tramming distance. With four and
five trucks in operation each LHD will serve one predetermined truck, while the extra
trucks will be directed from dispatch to move to the LHD that has no queue.
As depicted in Figure 5 for three trucks in operation, the amount of ore produced of
53% and 60% is achieved when trucks TH430 utilised for 83%, while TH660 should
work for 75% of the available time, respectively. The increased number of trucks leads to
a reduction in average truck utilisation for both truck types. The term utilisation is
defined as the proportional of the available time (expressed as a percentage) that
equipment is operating. As can be seen in Figure 6, trucks TH430 have higher average
utilisations compared with trucks TH660. This is because TH430 has higher speed, less
idle time when waiting for loading, less lost time when meet with each other and
therefore making them to work more time compared with trucks TH660.

Figure 5 Percentage of ore produced for the TH430 and TH660 trucks (see online version
for colours)
The use of discrete event simulation for underground haulage 267

Figure 6 Average trucks utilisation (see online version for colours)

The analysis is also made based on average truck traffic. The term traffic refers to the
percentage of time lost when trucks meet in the haul ways (the main drift and the ramp).
Figure 7 shows that the traffic is minimal when three trucks are in operation, and
increases when more trucks are working. The average traffic is high for trucks TH660
than for trucks TH430. Owing to the long box size of TH660 trucks, a great time
is consumed when waiting to give way to each other, when they meet at the intersection
points between ramp and crosscuts, and when they meet at the corner points.
This indicates that the ramp will be one of the main causes of production delay when
more production drifts are in operation for deeper levels.
It is observed that among all the simulated scenarios, a combination of two trucks and
a single LHD for the upper drifts and three trucks and one LHD for the lower or mid
drifts improves the average production from 52% to 75% of planned production when
TH430 is used, and to 83% when TH660 is used. Reaching a production target of 100%
proves infeasible under the given circumstances, as it during the simulation study was
found that the maximum level of production could neither be attained using the current
haulage system nor when the bigger size truck was used. This result provides the
management with a detailed insight into the future system and help in making decisions
and understanding variety of issues about the behaviour of the system before being
implemented. If it is desired to further increase the simulation model accuracy, collection
of an increased amount of data and correctly fitting them to statistical distributions has to
be performed. To increase analysis efficiency, discrete event simulation can be combined
with economic analysis models to improve understanding of the behaviour of various
systems, and reduce risk when selecting the operational systems.
268 A. Salama et al.

Figure 7 Traffic comparisons of the trucks (see online version for colours)

5.1 Statistical comparisons of the haul units

To evaluate the productivity difference of the simulation results obtained when TH430
and TH660 works under the same conditions a statistical hypothetical comparison test
using t-test has been performed. Statistical significance tests tell us how likely it is that
there will be differences between sample groups. The t-test for the two populations’
means with unknown and unequal variances is tested with a 5% level of significance
(Kanji, 1999). The purpose is to test the null hypothesis (HO) of the two population
means, which is HO: μ1 = μ2. Where μ1 and μ2 stands for a mean of the monthly ore
produced, truck utilisation, or traffic for TH430 and TH660, respectively. The hypothesis
is accepted if true, otherwise it is rejected based on the obtained P-value. The P-value
here refers to the probability of observing a test statistic that is as extreme or more
extreme than currently observed assuming that the null hypothesis is true. The result for
this test is shown in Table 3.
To accept or reject the null hypothesis, the obtained P-values were compared with a
0.05 significance level. The condition is to reject the null hypothesis if P-value is ≤0.05,
otherwise the null hypothesis is accepted. As can be seen in Table 3, the null hypothesis
is rejected for the top and mid drifts, and accepted for lower drifts in terms of ore
produced and machine utilisations. This means that there is a significant statistical
difference between TH430 and TH660 in terms of ore produced and utilisations for the
stopes at the top and mid drifts, and that there is no significance difference of these
factors for the lower drifts. It also shows that the null hypothesis is rejected for all
locations in terms of truck traffic. This means that as mine depth increases, replacing
equipment with bigger size units is not a main factor for production improvement as the
production will rise only by 8%. The costs associated in changing haul unit size might not
The use of discrete event simulation for underground haulage 269

be recuperated by extra production gained. The possible alternative to the production

improvement could be addition of another ramp to minimise truck traffic, extension of
the existing shaft or adding another shaft to reduce haul distance to the existing shaft
point, or considering a different haulage method especially when the mine depth is
increased. Evaluation and analysis of these possible scenarios are out of scope of this

Table 3 Statistical results of TH430 and TH660 for all trucks

TH430 TH660 Variance

P- Mean
Mean StDev Mean StDev TH430 TH660 value diff.
Ore Upper drifts 70.6 2.22 80.67 2.52 4.95 6.33 0.014 10.07
produced Mid drifts 68.8 1.24 75 1.35 1.53 1.83 0.01 6.2
Lower drifts 59.95 0.907 62.4 0.943 0.823 0.889 0.146 2.45
Truck Upper drifts 68.32 4.05 53.07 3.73 16.4 13.9 0.048 15.25
utilisation Mid drifts 70.84 4.09 62.64 3.98 16.7 15.9 0.047 8.2
Lower drifts 78.06 2.82 75.58 2.81 7.95 7.92 0.36 2.48
Truck Upper drifts 8.23 0.826 18.34 1.14 0.683 1.3 0.001 10.11
traffic Mid drifts 12.45 1.28 22 1.39 1.6 1.93 0.011 9.55
Lower drifts 14.34 1.07 25.8 1.07 1.14 1.14 0.065 11.46

6 Conclusion

The application of discrete event simulation for comparison of the production rate of two
different types of hauling units has been discussed. Various scenarios for fleet equipment
in terms of production, utilisation and traffic were simulated. The results show
that, among all the simulated scenarios, a combination of 2 trucks and a single LHD
for the upper drifts and 3 trucks and 1 LHD for the lower or mid drifts improves the
average production from 52% to 75% of planned production when the TH430 is used,
and 52–83% when the TH660 is used. This indicates that there is no high impact on
production improvement when TH430 is replaced by TH660 as production will rise only
by 8%. This solution needs to be justified financially as the costs associated with
changing the truck size might not be recuperated by extra production. Reaching a
production target of 100% seems to be infeasible under the given circumstances. Possible
alternative for production improvement could be the additions of another ramp to
minimise truck traffic, extension of the existing shaft or adding another shaft to reduce
hauling distances to the existing shaft point, changing the mine plan and scheduling, or
considering a different haulage method especially when the mine depth is increased.

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Operating value optimisation using simulation and mixed integer


Salama, A., Nehring, M. and Greberg, J. (2014). Operating value optimisation using
simulation and mixed integer programming, International Journal of Mining, Reclamation
and Environment, Vol. 28, No. 1, 25-46. doi: 10.1080/17480930.2013.768019
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 2014
Vol. 28, No. 1, 25–46,

Operating value optimisation using simulation and mixed integer

Abubakary Salamaa*, Micah Nehringb and Jenny Greberga
Department of Civil, Mining and Environmental Engineering, Division of Mining and
Geotechnical Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden; bSchool of
Mechanical and Mining Engineering, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Australia
(Received 14 November 2012; final version received 15 January 2013)

Mining operations around the world will increasingly need to operate at greater
depths. This significantly influences the complexity of ore extraction and ore trans-
portation to the surface. The increase in mine depth leads to increases in haulage dis-
tance from mine areas to the mine surface. This results in an increase in energy
costs to haul material further. Due to the increasing cost of future operations, the
choice of the haulage method becomes an important factor in the optimisation of the
mine plan. The haulage process is one of the most energy intensive activities in a
mining operation, and thus, one of the main contributors to energy cost. This paper
presents the comparison of the operating values of the mine plans at depth levels of
1000, 2000 and 3000 m for diesel and electric trucks, shaft and belt conveyor haul-
age systems for the current and a predicted future energy price scenario. The aim is
to analyse the impact of energy requirements associated with each haulage method,
as well as the use of alternative sequencing techniques as mine depth increases. This
study is carried out using a combination of discrete event simulation and mixed
integer programming (MIP) as a tool to improve decision-making in the process of
generating and optimising the mine plans. Results show that energy cost increases
across each haulage method at both current and future energy prices, with increasing
depth. This study thus provides a broad and up to date analysis of the impact on
operating values that may be experienced with the use of the main haulage systems
available at present. Also, the study shows how the combination of discrete event
simulation and MIP generates a good tool for decision support.
Keywords: discrete event simulation; mixed integer programming; deep mining;
haulage energy

1. Introduction
As mining companies rapidly exploit the near surface deposits, the mining frontiers of
the future will be deeper, more remote and more hostile. In addition, mining operations
will face more extreme climatic conditions, and they will occur in unstable ground, with
less water and less energy availability. While these conditions present huge challenges
in themselves, all this will be against a backdrop of more intensive public scrutiny over
environmental issues and community relations. Whether true or not, politicians will
increasingly use public perceptions in policy-making decisions which in Australia has

*Corresponding author. Email:

Ó 2013 Taylor & Francis

26 A. Salama et al.

recently resulted in the introduction of sweeping new taxes on coal and iron ore
producers through the mineral resources rent tax as well as the introduction of a broader
carbon tax in the name of environmental protectionism.
More so now than ever, mining companies must be able to investigate the implica-
tions of the increased cost of energy, water and other resources on their mine plan, and
be able to adapt. One important aspect in being able to adapt is to firstly know what
options are available and how a mine plan may be impacted through their implementa-
tion. With this in mind, this paper presents a case study of an underground ore body
amenable to sub-level stoping. An analysis takes place which compares operating values
of the mine plans generated for the ore-body at depth levels of 1000, 2000 and 3000 m,
using diesel and electric trucks, shafts and conveyors as haulage systems at current, and
three times the current energy prices, using discrete event simulation combined with
mixed integer programming (MIP).
This paper thus investigates and discusses, from an operating value and mine planning
perspective, the implications of mining in an environment of increasing energy costs,
increased environmental scrutiny and the requirement to perform larger scale mining
activity at increasing depths. There is no doubt that this is the reality facing the mining
industry worldwide, and it would appear that much of the mining academic and research
community has also shifted its focus in a large way to reflect this reality. At a recent
research retreat, the division of Mining Engineering at The University of Queensland
decided to form the Centre for Deep Mining for the purpose of focusing its broad research
activities on a central key theme. Another example of this has been the launch of the I2
Mine (Innovative Technologies and Concepts for the Intelligent Deep Mine of the Future)
project by the European Commission involving a consortium of 26 industry and research
organisations from 10 European countries. This project is stated by the funders as mark-
ing the start of a series of activities designed to realise the concept of an invisible, zero-
impact mine and ‘will concentrate on the development of technologies suitable for deep
mining activities [14]. The division of Mining and Geotechnical Engineering at Luleå
University of Technology, Sweden is part of this research project which is one of the
numerous projects aimed at improving mining operations at great depth. This paper pre-
sents the results of a study carried out to realise the stated objective.

2. Haulage systems
The haulage system is one of the most intensive users of energy in a mining operation
and is thus one of the main contributors to the total energy cost. As the number of
underground mines operating at greater depth increases, the haulage method is among
one of the most important factors in optimising mine production. Therefore, hauling ore
from deeper levels needs to be evaluated in order to account for energy costs associated
with hauling options. In this paper, four haulage systems are analysed using discrete
event simulation and MIP to aid the mine planning process.

2.1. Truck haulage

Truck haulage systems are widely used in underground operations for material transport
from draw points to storage bays and crushers, or to the mine surface. With an increase
in mine depth, haul distance from the draw points to the mine surface increases, this
leads to an increase in the operating costs of trucks [1]. Diesel powered equipment has
become increasingly utilised in mining since their introduction into operations in the
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment 27

1960s with significant subsequent efforts to improve productivity and safety. The main
advantages associated with the use of diesel equipment include: flexibility in travel
routes, flexibility in the size of the fleet, absence of electrical hazards, high productivity,
rapid haulage speed, generally good reliability and low operating cost [3]. Disadvan-
tages of these vehicles are the use of flammable fuel, higher capital cost, higher heat
emission, higher noise level and emission of toxic gases and particulates [4]. This study
uses diesel and electric trucks to compare energy consumption at various mine depths.
Both types of trucks were simulated based on similar working conditions. Loading and
hauling properties are described based on information from the manufacturer and data
from mine site. Both truck types are loaded at the storage bin located beneath the
crusher station. During loading and dumping, electric trucks leave the trolley line and
use a diesel driven motor.

2.1.1. Energy consumption by dump trucks

Energy consumption of dump trucks depends on the hauling distance from the loading
point to the dumping point, payload, speed of the vehicle, mine topography, engine
capacity, load factors, etc. When a truck moves, the engine generates power against
friction, air, rolling and gradient resistance. The energy consumption of the diesel truck
was estimated using Equation (1).

LMPH ¼ ð1Þ

Where LMPH is the litres used per machine hour, K stands for the kilogramme of fuel
used per brake horsepower per hour, GHP represents the gross engine horsepower at
governed engine revolution per minute, KPL is the weight of fuel in kg/litre and LF is
the load factor in percentage. The load factor is defined as the portion of full power
required by the truck. According to [13], the engine load factors are termed as Low:
20–30%, low load factor, excellent haul road condition, no overloading; Medium: 30–
40%, moderate road factor, good haul road condition, minimal overloading; High: 40–
50%, high load factor, poor haul road condition, overloading. The energy consumption
of the electric truck depends on the engine size, operator efficiency, condition of the
equipment, and was estimated based on a load factor, condition of the equipment and
gross engine horsepower. In modelling, engine load factors of 35% for empty, 50% for
full diesel and electric trucks and diesel oil density of 0.85 kg/l [2] were used.

2.2. Shaft haulage

Shaft is one of the most important openings of an underground mine which is sunk into
the earth to access mineral resources which are too deep to mine economically using
open-cut methods. Shafts are also used to provide various services such as ventilation,
power and water supply. The design of the mine shaft requires the consideration of sev-
eral variables to ultimately arrive at economic decision regarding its potential imple-
mentation. Such variables include: depth of the shaft, ore and waste tonnage to be
handled, ventilation requirements, capital costs, operating costs, mine machinery han-
dling and materials handling [10].
The hoisting equipment that is selected and planned to be installed at a mine will be
for the life of the mine, and is therefore important that the proper choice is made [8].
28 A. Salama et al.

Shaft hoisting systems are generally equipped with conveyances to transport material
and workers from the underground to the surface. Conveyances are the skips for ore or
waste transportation and cages for transporting workers and other materials which are
suspended by the rope. The hoisting system consists of two types of hoists which are
drum hoist and friction hoist. In drum hoist systems, the rope is stored in a drum, and in
friction hoist systems, the rope passes over the wheel during the hoisting cycle. Friction
hoist conveyance positions are fixed relative to each other with tail rope used to counter
balance the rope loads throughout the hoisting cycle. This requires a lower starting tor-
que and therefore requires a smaller motor to hoist the same load while reducing both
capital and operational cost [9]. In this paper, a friction hoist system with two swing-out
body skips in balance and four flattened-strand ropes is used.

2.2.1. Hoisting energy

Friction hoists generally consume less power than double drum hoisting for the same
haul tonnage and at the same mine depth. The power to drive the shaft depends on
mine depth which determines the hoisting cycle. The hauling cycle consists of three
major activities which are skip loading, skip travel and skip unloading. At a depth of
2000 m and 3000 m, a two and three stages shaft connection is used, respectively, with
the ore from low depth shafts being stored in the bin before further transportation to the
proceeding shaft. At each depth, hoisting cycle times are estimated to form an overall
respective cycle time for the total hoisting system. Cycle times depend on the skip
speed, acceleration and deceleration rates, creep speeds and distances [9]. The skip load
is estimated based on calculated cycles and used in the determination of the rope
strength to ensure safe working conditions. The power estimation for the hoisting
system at different mine depth was determined using Equation (2) [9].

0:7457  Wo  V  ðta þ tv Þ
E¼ ð2Þ
19:8  105  g2

where E is the power consumption for duty cycle in KWh/trip, Wo is the skip live load,
V stands for the hoisting velocity, ta is the acceleration time, tv is the constant-velocity
time and η is the hoisting efficiency as a decimal.

2.3. Conveyor belt haulage system

Overland conveyors are commonly used to transport material at high capacity and over
a long distance. This may include a conventional conveyor, cable belt and rope cone
conveyor. Conventional conveyors are widely used for transportation of materials at a
capacity over 33,000 t/h and up to 20 km [7]. The method is limited in traversing irreg-
ular terrain and unfavourable topography which may lead to increases in the installation
costs. The high capacity belt conveyors are supported and protected by troughing idlers
which are mounted on the material carrying and return sides of the conveyor and are
arranged in terms of trough to increase carrying capacity of the belt. The return idlers
support the return side of the conveyor belt. There are some cases where the return side
is also used to carry material. This is especially the case in underground mining where
ore material is carried on top of the belt and the waste material out of the plant is car-
ried on the return side of the conveyor belt for backfilling purpose. This reduces the
energy consumption of the conveyor because the return side generates energy back to
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment 29

the system. When working with unfavourable terrain, conventional conveyor systems
have higher flexibility in horizontal and vertical elevations which give a greater varia-
tion of centre to centre distance of the belt, flexible belt speed and belt width [12].
Choice of the type of conveying method depends on production requirement, length,
terrain, environment, geotechnical properties, etc. In this study, a conventional conveyor
is used at different inclination depending on the mine depth. The belt inclination of 20°
was used when mine depth is at 1000 m and at 30° when the mine depth increased to
2000 m and 3000 m. During conveyor system design, the choice of width and speed
will be influenced by the nature of the material to be conveyed, available tunnel space
and the overall economics of the system. An increase in belt speed can permit a reduc-
tion in belt width for mined material to be conveyed [12]. Other factors that need to be
considered in the design include the ability of the belt to conform properly to the trough
formed by the idlers and the effect on the belt of forming the trough. The trough angle
which the conveyor can adopt relative to the horizontal is limited by the tendency of
the material to slide down the belt or to move internally relative to itself [32]. Conveyor
design can be much more complicated and include loading at various points, changes in
slope, downhill sections and multiple drive factors such as the design of idlers and
structure, belt characteristics and the environment can affect the power requirement and
belt tensions.

2.3.1. Conveyor energy

Belt conveyors are material handling equipment widely used in the mining industry to
move mined material from the working face or storage facility to different parts of the
mine. Conveyors are normally driven with motors. The motors that are used for this
purpose are AC induction motors due to their low operating cost. When the material is
moved by the belts, electrical energy is converted into various forms of energy such as
movement energy, potential energy, noise energy and heat energy. The energy
conversion model gives the relationship between energy to drive the conveyor and the
conveyor parameters [5]. There are different models available that are used to estimate
the required power to drive the conveyor system. According to [7], the required power
to drive the conveyor consists of three types of power. The power needed to run the
empty conveyor, the power required in moving the material horizontally over a certain
distance and the power needed to lift the material at a certain elevation. To run the
empty belt, the power required to move different parts of the conveyor is described by
Equation (3) [11]. The approach introduces assumptions in order to enable the power to
be calculated. The assumptions that are made are the introduction of artificial friction
coefficient to allow the evaluation of the main resistance and the introduction of a
length coefficient to allow the secondary resistances to be calculated.

g  C  Q  ðL þ L0 Þ  S
Pec ¼ t ð3Þ

where Pec is the power required to run the empty belt in kilowatt (kW), g is the acceler-
ation due to gravity in m/s2, C is the friction factor, Q is the mass of moving parts of
the conveyor in kg/m, L stands for the distance of incline and decline belt, L0 is the
horizontal centre to centre distance, S is the belt speed and t is the hours where the belt
is in operation. The power required to move the material horizontally over a certain
distance is shown in Equation (4) [11].
30 A. Salama et al.

g  C  Q  ðL þ L0 Þ  T
Ph ¼ t ð4Þ

where Ph is the power to move the material horizontally and T stands for the transfer
rate in tons per hour. When the belt is moving material at an inclined section or lower
the material at a decline section, the power consumption can be obtained as shown in
Equation (5) [11].

gT H
Pl ¼  t ð5Þ
where Pl is the power to raise or lower the load and H is the change in elevation, a
positive and negative sign means that the belt is rising up or lowering down the mate-
rial, respectively. The total power consumed by a conveyor belt can be obtained by the
summation of Equations (3)–(5), and can be given as shown in Equation (6) [11].

Pec ¼ Pec þ Ph þ Pl ð6Þ

As it can be seen in the power consumption equations, the power required to run the
empty conveyor is dependent on the speed of the belt. This illustrates that the conveyor
belt is energy efficient when it is running under full load conditions which should be
taken into consideration when the electricity cost of the belt conveyor is investigated.

3. Discrete Event Simulation

Discrete event simulation has been established as being able to handle complex systems
which are discrete, change dynamically over a certain period of time and can be oper-
ated within a variable economic environment. It is being used worldwide to solve these
types of problems [31]. In mining operations, discrete event simulation can be used to
analyse various systems such as ore pass size determination, ore blending, production
requirements and fleet management with the aim of optimising, improving and planning
for existing and future operating systems. Simulation can also be used by mining
companies in making critical decisions and to increase the understanding of the mining
system [6]. A large number of simulation tools such as GPSS/H, AUTOMOD, ARENA,
SLAM, etc. are available and widely used for model formulation in various operations.
The use of simulation tools increases the understanding of the system performance and
the interaction of the many variables involved.
General purpose simulation system (GPSS) is a versatile computer programming
language which was originally developed in 1961 to solve various simulation problems
which exhibit a discrete character of events during operation [27]. A discrete system is
where only a countable number of events can take place at any one instant in time.
These discrete events might be trucks being loaded, ore movement on a conveyor belt,
cars travelling on a road and inventory systems. According to Schriber [17], GPSS
comprises of several modern versions which include GPSS/H, GPSS V/S, GPSS /PC,
GPSS/VX and GPSSR/PC which can be used to model various operations. This study
uses the GPSS/H version in model creation. It has been widely used in both open pit
and underground mining operations [30], [18–20]; data were statistically analysed and
fitted into various distributions and used in the model creation. Comparison of the out-
put from the simulation with the actual records was used to verify the simulation
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment 31

4. Optimisation in Mining
A lack of tools and software for improved decision-making in underground mine plan-
ning and scheduling in particular has meant that these tasks are largely carried out via
manual processes. Extensive and time consuming evaluation of various options in most
cases will therefore generally be carried out by experienced engineers with sound judge-
ment. Even so, there is no guarantee that the optimal outcome will be achieved. While
a sound feasible solution may be achieved, it is still most likely to be a sub-optimal
outcome. This is especially the case for large and highly constrained operations. The
challenges that exist are both short (tactical) and long term (strategic) in nature and
require careful consideration in order to improve mine performance, increase profitabil-
ity and ultimately make best use of the finite mineral resource.
Optimisation of strategic mine plans for the purpose of maximising net present
value (NPV) using operations research techniques can be categorised into three main
areas [15] including: production schedule optimisation, stoping/pit limit optimisation
and infrastructure placement optimisation. These three core areas themselves incorporate
numerous other sub-factors (cut-off grade policy, mill throughput/recovery relationship,
environmental factors), which are currently largely predetermined or dealt with in a
sequential manner such that the solution for one forms the starting point to solve the
next [23]. While these processes are largely treated as separate individual components
in the overall system, future research must focus on combining these areas into one
common model in order to achieve truly optimal integrated results.
Optimisation of production schedules is considered the most advanced of the
three main areas in mine planning. Numerous works by various authors, [24], [16–
18], [25]. have shown that with clever and efficient modelling, the production sched-
uling problem can be solved for increasingly larger datasets. The increased ability to
solve far more complex problems also allows further integration of other key sub-fac-
tors including key environmental cost factors affecting mine sites such as the con-
sumption of water and energy and release of carbon. The development of further
efficiencies in modelling these complex problems will in time also advance the abil-
ity to integrate the three main areas mentioned above in the development of an inte-
grated and comprehensive mine planning optimisation tool. One recent development
of particular interest has been a MIP model that integrates short- and long-term pro-
duction plans by combining the short-term objective of minimising deviation from
targeted mill feed grade with the long-term objective of maximising NPV into a sin-
gle mathematical optimisation model [22]. The development of short- and long-term
mine production schedules in isolation from each other had previously meant that
only a local optimum could be achieved when each scheduling phase is carried out.
The globally optimal solution, however, can be achieved when integrating scheduling
phases and accounting for the interaction between short-term and long-term activities
Another recent development of interest is an integrated production scheduling and
stope boundary optimisation model for underground sub-level stoping operations [20].
This model, based on MIP, takes the very first steps in generating the globally optimal
integrated production schedule/stoping boundary definition problem for the purpose of
maximising NPV. As acknowledged by the author of this research, this model still has
many improvements to be made and ultimately needs to also incorporate infrastructure
placement in order to integrate and capture all three key areas simultaneously.
32 A. Salama et al.

4.1. Mixed Integer Programming

The use of OR techniques is widely recognised for effectively modelling and solving
complex problems. Mathematical programming, including those extensively described
[19]. is particularly useful for application to large industrial problems. In the mining
industry, processes amenable to optimisation procedures are well documented [15]. MIP
in particular is recognised within mathematical sciences groups as being able to model
and find the optimal solution to large, complex and highly constrained problems such as
the problem being addressed in this case. The application of MIP models varies exten-
sively from transportation scheduling and distribution of goods to production planning in
manufacturing [26]. In the mining industry, previous use of MIP has been somewhat con-
fined to open pit applications, however, recently it has become used more extensively in
the underground environment. MIP uses a combination of linear programming and integer
programming to define all feasible solutions before using a number of solution techniques
including Simplex Method, Branch and Bound and Cutting Planes to extract the optimal
solution. The shortfall in current computer processing power, however, has constrained
the more extensive use of this technology [21]. It is therefore vital that efficient modelling
takes place to reduce the number of variables and in turn reduce solution time.

5. Case Study
A case study on an underground ore-body amenable to sub-level stoping is used for the
purpose of investigating the impact of various operational scenarios on operating value.
The scenarios being investigated include mining of the ore-body at various depths using
a number of haulage options across various energy prices. While some data for this
particular case study are conceptual in nature, it is, however, based on real operational
scenarios with stope tonnages, grades, resource limitations and sequencing interactions
reflective of real sub-level stoping operations, thus making it useful for investigation
purposes. The setting of this mine is a typical remote mining region within Australia.
As such, all figures are quoted in Australian Dollars (AUD).
Present values in this case will solely be based on the operating cash flows gener-
ated by each scenario whereby the operating costs (OPEX) are subtracted from the
operating revenues generated by each scenario. Capital costs (CAPEX) required to
implement each scenario in this case are outside the scope of this investigation, and are
therefore not included. The operation under investigation extracts copper bearing ore
from an ore-body striking east-west and dipping at 70 to 75° in the southerly direction.
For the purposes of this investigation, the exact same ore-body will be mined at three
underground depth levels including:

(1) 1000 m,
(2) 2000 m and
(3) 3000 m.

For each depth level, four haulage options will be investigated. Each haulage sce-
nario will take effect from just below the crushing horizon which will be located at
each of the three depth levels under investigation. As such, all hauled ore will have
already undertaken a primary crush via the underground crushing station. The method
of loading and haulage of ore to transport it from the drawpoint of each stope to the
crusher will be carried out via LHD unit which will be the same for each haulage
option across each depth level. The four haulage options under consideration are:
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment 33

(1) Diesel trucks operating on decline (inclined at 10%).

(2) Electric trucks operating on decline (inclined at 10%).
(3) Vertical shaft.
(4) Decline conveyor (inclined at 20–30%).

Personnel and machinery access for both trucking options will be via the same
decline on which trucks will be operating. A separate decline will be used for personnel
and machinery for the vertical shaft and conveyor haulage option. For each depth level
across each haulage, option two energy prices will be used to evaluate its impact on
operating value as follows:

(1) Current energy prices (for both fuel and electricity).

(2) Energy price increase of three times over current prices (for both fuel and elec-

In order to maintain consistency in the evaluation process, the same ore-body will
be evaluated at each of the three depth levels across each haulage and energy price sce-
nario. A sub-level stoping method is used to fully exploit the ore-body in all scenarios.
The sub-level stoping method is generally modelled according to four phases. This gen-
erally starts with internal development, followed by production drilling, followed by
extraction and finally the backfilling and consolidation phase. In this case, it is assumed
that all external development activities required to access all areas of the ore-body have
been completed. This thus leaves each stope available to commence production from
the first time period with the internal development phase. The ore-body at all three
depth levels is at the same stage of production with 3.4 Mt already having been mined
from a total initial reserve of 20 Mt grading 2.19% Cu for 438,375 tons of Cu metal.
The remaining reserve in each case is 16.2 Mt, which will vary slightly in grade
between each of the three depth levels depending on which stopes have been removed.
The targeted total production rate for this operation is 100,000 tons per month or
1.2 Mtpa. At these production rates, this operation is therefore expected to have a
remaining mine life of 13.5 years.
The differing operating conditions that are required as a result of increased stress
due to increased depth is reflected in altered stope size and sequencing. Optimised pro-
duction scheduling in each case will therefore incorporate and continue on from the
existing schedule by including stopes that are already in production, and by continuing
to adhere to particular stress management sequencing constraints. Figures 1 and 2 show
the plan views of the ore-body being investigated at the 1000 and 2000 m depth levels.
A total of 100 equally sized stopes using the maximum allowable size of
25 m  25 m  100 m in order to maintain geotechnical stability were required to fully
exploit the ore-body at the 1000 and 2000 m depth levels as depicted in Figures 1 and
2. Each stope in both cases contains 200,000 tons of ore grading between 1.80% Cu
and 2.6% Cu. Of the initial 100 stopes, 17 have already completed the entire production
process to become a fully consolidated fillmass (green). A total of five stopes (blue) are
currently in some phase of production. This therefore leaves the remaining 78 stopes
available for the commencement of production with the internal development phase.
Stoping conditions at a depth of 1000 m are generally good with stresses able to be well
managed using standard bolting practises for both the roof and walls. This, therefore,
allows an open sequencing regime to be used. Stoping conditions at the 2000 m depth
level are such that the implementation of the stress shadowing sequence due to high
34 A. Salama et al.

Figure 1. Plan view of operation at 1000 m depth.

Figure 2. Plan view of operation at 2000 m depth.

stresses that run in the north-south direction is required. This involves the extraction of
an initial slot perpendicular to the principle stress resulting in a redistribution of stresses
around the slot causing stopes on either side to be partly shadowed from the stress.
Stopes are then sequentially mined out from this slot toward the outer limits of the ore-
body. To allow for greater scheduling alternatives later in the mine’s life, the initial slot
is placed centrally within the ore-body to gain the greatest effect from the shadowing
process over as many stopes as possible. Each stope in both the 1000 and 2000 m sce-
nario requires a total of 10 months to fully complete production. This starts with one
month of internal development, followed by one month of production drilling, followed
by six months of extraction and finally two months of backfilling and consolidation.
The six month extraction phase draws 25,000t, 25,000t, 50,000t, 50,000t, 25,000t and
25,000t of ore from months three through to eight, respectively.
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment 35

A total of 200 equally sized stopes using the maximum allowable size of
25 m  12.5 m  100 m (half the size of stopes at the 1000 and 2000 m level) in order
to maintain geotechnical stability were required to fully exploit the ore-body at the
3000 m depth level as depicted in Figure 3 subject to the implementation of the stress
shadowing sequence (as described earlier) due to extreme stresses that run in the north-
south direction. Each stope in this case contains 100,000 tons of ore grading between
1.80% Cu and 2.6% Cu. Of the initial 200 stopes, 34 have already completed the entire
production process to become a fully consolidated fillmass (green). A total of 10 stopes
(blue) are currently in some phase of production. This therefore leaves the remaining
156 stopes available for the commencement of production with the internal develop-
ment phase. Each stope in this case requires a total of eight months to fully complete
production. This starts with one month of internal development, followed by one month
of production drilling, followed by four months of extraction and finally two months of
backfilling and consolidation. The four month extraction phase draws 16,666t, 33,333t,
33,333t and 16,666t of ore for months three through to six, respectively.
Long-term production scheduling will be carried out at monthly intervals over the
life of the operation. A copper price of $5000/t is used and a discount rate of 10% pa
is applied. An operating cost per tonne of ore ($/t) is estimated for each scenario. These
estimations were carried out by analysing simulation results and adjusting and extrapo-
lating a set of actual operating costs. The total operating costs (OPEX), the operating
cost from haulage options (Haulage OPEX) and the costs from other operations (OPEX
Ex. Haulage) are presented in Tables 1 and 2 for the current and three times energy
prices, respectively.
These operating costs are subtracted from the operating revenues to calculate the
undiscounted cash flows associated with the extraction phase of each stope which in
turn forms the basis for the production scheduling optimisation process. The only
resource constraint that is applicable in this case is related to the targeted ore tonnage
to be produced from the operation. Monthly production is therefore limited to be less
than or equal to 100,000 tons. The main sequencing constraints typically associated
with sub-level stoping which are also applicable in this case are:

Figure 3. Plan view of operation at 3000 m depth.

36 A. Salama et al.

Table 1. Operating cost ($/t) structure at current energy prices.

1000 m 2000 m 3000 m

Energy Energy Energy
component Total component Total component Total
Diesel truck Haulage OPEX 16.70 26.70 31.60 41.40 104.30 123.80
OPEX Ex. 2.20 22.80 3.80 34.20 6.60 51.90
Total OPEX 18.90 49.50 35.40 75.60 110.90 175.70
Electric Haulage OPEX 7.90 14.30 15.20 24.00 52.40 73.20
truck OPEX Ex. 2.10 21.70 3.40 32.70 6.10 48.30
Total OPEX 10.00 36.00 18.60 56.70 58.50 121.50
Shaft Haulage OPEX 0.90 6.50 1.90 9.80 2.90 12.10
OPEX Ex. 1.90 19.50 3.10 28.70 5.70 43.60
Total OPEX 2.80 26.00 5.00 38.50 8.60 55.70
Conveyor Haulage OPEX 1.70 6.80 6.80 24.00 10.90 33.00
OPEX Ex. 1.90 20.00 3.10 29.80 5.80 45.70
Total OPEX 3.60 26.80 9.90 53.80 16.70 78.70

Table 2. Operating cost ($/t) at three times current energy prices.

1000 m 2000 m 3000 m

Energy Energy Energy
component Total component Total component Total
Diesel truck Haulage OPEX 50.10 60.10 94.80 104.6 312.90 332.40
OPEX Ex. 6.60 27.20 11.40 41.80 19.80 65.10
Total OPEX 56.70 83.30 106.20 146.40 332.70 397.50
Electric Haulage OPEX 23.70 30.10 45.60 54.40 157.20 178.00
truck OPEX Ex. 6.30 25.90 10.20 39.50 18.30 60.50
Total OPEX 30.00 56.00 55.80 93.90 175.50 238.50
Shaft Haulage OPEX 2.70 8.30 5.70 13.60 8.70 17.90
OPEX Ex. 5.70 23.30 9.30 34.90 17.10 55.00
Total OPEX 8.40 31.60 15.00 48.50 25.80 72.90
Conveyor Haulage OPEX 5.10 10.20 20.40 37.60 32.70 54.80
OPEX Ex. 5.70 23.80 9.30 36.00 17.40 57.30
Total OPEX 10.80 34.00 29.70 73.60 50.10 112.10

(1) Continuous Production.

(2) Non-concurrent adjacent stope production.
(3) Single backfill exposure.
(4) Double stope exposure.

The other constraint which will require compliance relates to the implementation of
the stress shadowing sequence for the 2000 and 3000 m depth levels. This therefore
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment 37

limits when stopes can enter production due to the respective stope on the outer side of
each stope needing to be mined first.

5.1. Model Formulation

To carry out the objectives of this investigation:

(1) Simulation will be used to aid in determining the expected operating costs asso-
ciated with each haulage option at each depth level across energy price scenario.
GPSS/H was used for all simulation.
(2) Once costs have been established, these will be used to calculate operating cash
flows associated with each stope. A MIP production scheduling model which is
solved using CPLEX will then be used to carry out optimised production sched-
uling in order to generate an operating NPV for each scenario.

5.1.1. The simulation model programming

Two models were created for the material flow at different mine depths. The first model
involves diesel and electric trucks and the second is for the shaft and belt conveyor. At
each depth, diesel and electric trucks are loaded by loaders located at the loading point
below the crusher and transport the ore to the stockpile near the process plant at the
mine surface. The electric trucks leave the trolley electricity line during loading and
dumping and use a small diesel motor. The total haul road distance was 10 km at 10%
grade. At this grade, the load factor used for empty and full trucks was 0.35 and 0.5,
respectively [13].
For shaft modelling, a skip weight of 15 tons was considered. This weight is
maintained for all mine depths with the variation of rope speed based on the required
production rate. Two and three stage shafts were used at 2000 m and 3000 m depths,
respectively. Four hoist ropes at 26 mm flattened strand with sheave diameter of 3.4 m
were used while the efficiency of the friction hoist was estimated as 90%. The power
consumption was calculated based on the horsepower required to move the shaft up and
For the belt conveyor, three equal roll idlers at 35° troughing angle were used on
the carry and return side. By using a control system, the belt speed is controlled or
adjusted depending on material flow. The variation of the belt speed leads to a change
in the power to drive the motors which also varies the material discharge curves. The
total distance covered by the belt was 2900 km, 4000 km and 6000 km at 1000 m,
2000 m and 3000 m depths, respectively. The power requirement for the belt conveyor
is then calculated based on elevation and friction components.
Models were developed using GPSS/H simulation language. In modelling, GPSS/H
uses a process-interaction approach by specifying the sequence of events separated by
lapses in time which describes the manner in which transactions flow through a system.
Transactions which are created and introduced to a model from time to time, move
along the path in a model as simulation proceeds and then leaves the model. Positions
on the path along which transactions move are called blocks. Each block represents a
sub-routine. As transactions flow, they automatically queue when the resources are not
free to be used. Transactions are created by the GENERATE or START statements and
are destroyed by the TERMINATE statement. Resources are static permanent entities
desirable to substitute a transaction. The variable parameters are described as character,
38 A. Salama et al.

Figure 4. Part of GPSS/H simulation programme for diesel and electric trucks.

integer and the floating point data, and can be read using The GETLIST statement and
the BGETLIST blocks. Blocks describe how a transaction moves through the system
and is processed. A value to the block is assigned by BLET, LET and SAVEVALUE
blocks. Several other GPSS/H blocks were used during modelling. In GPSS/H, there
are over 50 different types of blocks available which can be used to model complex
problems [27]. Complete programming codes were created and the simulation output
was generated. Part of the GPSS/H simulation programme for diesel and electric trucks
is shown in Figure 4. The system was simulated for a month which consists of seven
working days for two shifts of 10 h in each day.

5.1.2. MIP Model

Optimal mine production scheduling is carried out using a MIP model to reflect and
solve the mine production scheduling problem. All extraction related activities are pre-
sented in full, along with all formulations and constraints across the long-term 180 peri-
ods, monthly scheduling horizon.

Subscript notation. The model is defined in general terms using the following subscript
t, long-term schedule time period: t = 1, 2, 3… T.
s, long-term stope identification: s = 1, 2, 3… S.
f, fillmass identification: f = 1, 2, 3… F.
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment 39

Sets. Several sets are defined which aid in the formulation of constraints.
βs, set of eligible long-term time periods in which stopes can be in production.
βt, set of eligible stopes that can be in production in long-term time period t.
adjs, set of all stopes that are adjacent to and share a boundary with stopes.
badjf, set of all stopes that are adjacent to and share a boundary with each existing
fillmass f.
tpbt, set of time periods that include all periods up to the current period t.

Parameters. These parameter items represent the numeric inputs and conditions.
nt, present value discount factor for time period t.
cfs, undiscounted cashflow ($) from each stopes.
es, earliest start time for stopes.
ls, latest start time for stopes.
rs, extraction reserve (t) for each stopes.
sct, shaft/LHD/truck fleet movement capacity (t) for each time period t.

Decision variables. One binary variable was required to reflect operating conditions and
ultimately perform the scheduling task.
wst, 1, if production from stopes is scheduled for time period t,
0 otherwise.

Objective function. The objective function seeks to maximise the NPV of all activities
under consideration by determining the optimal schedule within which to progress each
stope through production.
Max : nt  cfs  wst ð7Þ

It should be noted that taxation and depreciation are not included in this formula-
tion. However, these should be incorporated if necessary.

Constraints. The production scheduling model comprises numerous constraints which

reflect the practical limitations imposed by the sub-level stoping method over the long-
term scheduling horizon. These constraints can be classified according to the limitations
they impose on resources, sequencing and timing.

Resource constraints. The following formulations display the mathematical resource

constraints that are applicable across the long-term horizon.
Shaft/machine fleet ore capacity constraint
rs  wst 6 sct 8t ð8Þ

Non-negativity and integer value constraint

wst ¼ binary integer ð9Þ

Constraint (8) limits production of all development and stope extraction ore from
exceeding the shaft/LHD/truck fleet capacity in any long-term time period. Constraint
(9) enforces non-negativity and integer values of the appropriate variables.
40 A. Salama et al.

Sequencing constraints. The following formulations display the mathematical sequenc-

ing constraints that are applicable across the long-term horizon.
Stope production precedence sequencing constraint
w s0 t P w s 0 t 8s; tjs0 2 mbms ð10Þ

Non-concurrent stope sequencing constraint

wst þ ws0 t  1 8s; tjs0 2 mbms ð11Þ

Stope adjacency constraint

wst þ ws0 t  1 8s; tjs0 2 adjs ð12Þ

Fillmass adjacency constraint

wst0 þ ws0 t  2 8s; t ð13Þ
t0 2tpbt s0 2adjs

Existing fillmass adjacency constraint

ws0 t  1 8f ; t ð14Þ
s0 2badjf

All proceeding production sequencing between stopes are also enforced by con-
straints (10) and (11). Constraint (12) ensures that simultaneous production between
stopes that share a common boundary does not occur. Constraint (13) provides some
geotechnical stability to stoping activities by limiting simultaneous adjacent production
to two common boundaries before itself commencing production, and to a single
adjacent side once having completed production to become a fillmass. Constraint (14)
ensures fillmass stability of all existing fillmasses by limiting exposure to a single
common boundary in each long term time period.

Timing constraints. The following formulations display the mathematical timing con-
straints that are applicable across the long-term horizon.
May mine constraint
wst 6 1 8sjls[T ð15Þ

Must mine constraint

wst ¼ 1 8sjls 6 T ð16Þ

Constraint (15) ensures that commencement of stope production is initiated not

more than once during the long-term scheduling horizon if their late start date occurs
beyond the scheduling horizon. Constraint (16) requires stope production commences at
some point during the long-term scheduling horizon if their late start date falls within
the long-term scheduling horizon.
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment 41

6. Results and discussion

6.1. Simulation results
The first created simulation model involves diesel and electric trucks to simulate the
fleet required to achieve a monthly production target of 100,000 tons. The results show
that, although the size of electric truck is 2 tons smaller than that of diesel truck, the
number of trucks required to achieve the production target at 1000 m depth were 7 and
5 for diesel and electrical, respectively. This is because the complete cycle time of the
electric truck is shorter than the diesel truck which allows more cycles to be done
within the same period of time. The simulation was repeated for the depths of 2000 and
3000 m and the results show that more diesel trucks than electric trucks are required to
achieve the same output.
The second model combined shaft and conveyor systems. The results indicated that
when the depth is at 1000 m, a shaft system of two skips in balance each of 15 tons
that can haul 100,000 tons of ore at a speed of 8.5 m/s. The simulation was repeatedly
run with the same skip size and variable rope speeds. The results show that rope speeds
were increased to 10 m/s and 14 m/s to haul material from 2000 to 1000 m, and from
3000 to 2000 m, respectively.
The conveyor belt hauls the ore from the storage bin located under the underground
crusher to a stockpile on the surface. The initial belt width and speed shows that the
belt conveyor can haul 80 tons/h. During model programming, it was assumed that there
was no belt conveyor breakdown, this is because there is no reliability data available
for this study. The programme assumes that there is no restriction on the ore bin capac-
ity as the belt can haul all the ore as it enters the bin. During simulation, belt width
and speed were raised to accommodate the planned production. The simulation was
repeated for the 2000 m and 3000 m depths and the energy required to haul material is
then determined. The simulation results obtained from all haulage options were used in
the determination of the energy cost per tonne of ore for each haulage scenario and then
exported to the MIP model for optimisation purposes.

6.2. MIP results

Construction of all MIP models for the purpose of optimal production scheduling
(maximise NPV) was done using A Mathematical Programming Language, based on

Operating NPV Comparison Between Main Haulage Methods at

Increasing Depth at Current Energy Prices
Operating NPV ($M)

Diesel truck
Electric truck

Depth (meters)

Figure 5. Operating NPVs using current energy prices.

42 A. Salama et al.

the costs and parameters mentioned earlier, and they were then solved using CPLEX
version 10.3. The solution process for each of the 24 scenarios was left to run for
approximately 10 h and was cut short even if convergence to the optimal solution had
Operating NPV Comparison Between Main Haulage Methods at
Operating NPV ($M) Increasing Depth at Three Times Current Energy Prices

Diesel truck
Electric truck

Depth (meters)

Figure 6. Operating NPVs using three time current energy prices.

Energy & Non-energy Cost Energy & Non-energy Cost

Components as a Percentage of Components as a Percentage of
Operating Cost at Current Operating Cost at Three Times
Energy Price Current Energy Price
100% 100%
Percentage of Operating Cost (%)

Percentage of Operating Cost (%)

90% 90%
80% 80%
70% 70%
60% 60%
50% 50%
40% 40%
30% 30%
20% 20%
10% 10%
0% 0%
Diesel Truck (1000m)
Diesel Truck (2000m)
Diesel Truck (3000m)

Electric Truck (1000m)

Electric Truck (2000m)
Electric Truck (3000m)

Shaft (1000m)
Shaft (2000m)
Shaft (3000m)

Conveyor (1000m)
Conveyor (2000m)
Conveyor (3000m)

Diesel Truck (1000m)

Diesel Truck (2000m)
Diesel Truck (3000m)

Electric Truck (1000m)

Electric Truck (2000m)
Electric Truck (3000m)

Shaft (1000m)
Shaft (2000m)
Shaft (3000m)

Conveyor (1000m)
Conveyor (2000m)
Conveyor (3000m)

Haulage Method (Depth) Haulage Method (Depth)

Non-Energy Component of Operating Cost Non-Energy Component of Operating Cost

Energy Component of Operating Cost Energy Component of Operating Cost

Figure 7. Energy and non-energy cost components of the operating cost as a percentage of total
operating costs at current and three times current energy prices.
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment 43

not yet been achieved. In all cases, however, a gap of less than 5% was achieved. Pro-
duction scheduling took place at monthly intervals and was limited to 180 periods
(15 years). In some cases, especially in the open sequencing regime at the 1000 m level,
full extraction was completed earlier than the 180 month limit, while in the highly con-
strained cases, this did not result in the full extraction of all stopes.
The operating NPVs that were achieved from each of the 24 scenarios are shown in
Figures 5 and 6. As shown, the operating costs for diesel trucks together with increas-
ing sequencing constraints with increasing depth, result in lower operating NPVs and
an unfeasible operation at current and three times current energy prices compared to
electric truck, shaft and conveyor belt haulage systems for all depth levels. While diesel
truck haulage generally offers greater operational flexibility, its high energy intensity
results in a rapid reduction in its financial viability with increasing depth. Regardless of
the haulage option being deployed, an analysis and extrapolation of these results would
indicate a break-even operating cost of about $115.0/t, $112.0/t and $103.0/t for the
current energy prices and $105.0/t, $98.0/t and $84.0/t for three times current energy
prices at 1000, 2000 and 3000 m depths, respectively.
It is worthwhile analysing the energy cost component of the operating cost as a per-
centage of the total operating cost of each haulage method and how these change with
increasing depth. Figure 7 shows the energy and non-energy cost components of the
operating cost as a percentage of the total operating cost at current and three times

Figure 8. Energy and non-energy cost components of the haulage cost as a percentage of total
haulage costs at current and three times current energy prices.
44 A. Salama et al.

current energy prices. As expected, energy costs increase with increasing depth for both
energy prices scenarios. As shown in Figure 7, the energy cost for diesel trucks is
observed to have higher increase for both energy prices at the 1000, 2000 and 3000 m
depth levels, respectively, compared to other haulage options. The lowest energy cost
component increase is observed to be for the shaft haulage system.
Since it is recognised that the ore haulage process is one of the most energy inten-
sive activities in a mining operation and is thus one of main contributors to operating
cost; it is therefore appropriate to analyse the energy cost component of the haulage
cost as a percentage of the total haulage cost as shown in Figure 8. Across all cases,
the results show an increasing trend with depth in the energy cost with greater increases
for the diesel truck, and lower increases for shaft haulage at the 1000, 2000 and 3000 m
depth levels for both energy prices scenarios.
An analysis of these results clearly shows that in an era of increasing energy prices
and the increased need to mine at greater depths, only those haulage methods with
lower energy requirements will remain viable. The implementation of lower energy
intensive haulage methods often means a greater initial capital cost is required. In addi-
tion to this, they generally offer less flexibility. This in turn makes the mine planning
process with the aid of simulation and MIP to help guide decision-making and make it
all the more important.

7. Conclusions
Energy cost is one of the largest components of the operating costs in underground
mining operations. Haulage methods which contribute low energy costs will be of great
value to mining operations. The methodology presented in this paper combines discrete
event simulation and MIP in analysing the operating values of the mine plans using var-
ious energy cost at increasing depth. The operating costs were validated after simulation
of four haulage options and were used to obtain the cash flows associated with each
stope for input into the MIP. A relationship was established showing how energy costs
increase with increasing mine depth for both current and three times energy prices. It
was shown that the increase in energy cost associated with diesel truck is substantially
higher compared to other haulage options. The investigation provides mining operations
with a preliminary assessment of the energy costs associated with various haulage meth-
ods as mine depth increases for the purpose of aiding the decision-making process in
regard to future deeper underground mining. Deposits are analysed by using metal
grades to establish revenues with each resource block based on an assumed metal price.
Uncertainties associated with metal prices and grade block model will occur over the
life of any operation. This leads to a new block value which results in generating a new
mine plan. The uncertainty related to metal price and grade was not included in this
study. Future work may therefore involve conditional simulation to measure the sensi-
tivity to some of these uncertainties.

The authors would like to acknowledge the efforts of personnel from the Division of Mining and
Geotechnical Engineering at Luleå University of Technology, and the School of Mechanical and
Mining Engineering at The University of Queensland whose collaborating efforts made this
project possible. Also the authors would like to thank I2Mine project within the EU 7th
framework programme for funding parts of the work.
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment 45

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Evaluation of the impact of commodity price change on the mine plan of

underground mining

Salama, A., Nehring, M., Greberg, J., and Schunnesson, H. (2014). Evaluation of the impact
of commodity price change on the mine plan of underground mining, Accepted for
publication in International Journal of Mining Science and Technology.
Evaluation of the impact of commodity price change on mine plan of underground

Salama Abubakarya*, Nehring Micahb, Greberg Jennya, Schunnesson Håkana

Division of Mining and Geotechnical Engineering, Department of Civil, Mining and
Environmental Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden;
School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, The University of Queensland, St Lucia,
QLD, Australia, 4072


The fluctuations in commodity prices influences mining operations to continually update and
adjust their mine plans in order to capture additional value under the new market condition.
Some of the adjustments could include changes to the production sequencing, changes to the
point at which the open pit transitions to the underground, and the time for changing or
modifying the existing ore handling systems as a result of an increase in mine depth. This
paper seeks to present a method for quantifying the net present value component of optimal
mine plans that may be directly attributed to the change in commodity prices. The evaluation
is conducted on an underground copper deposit whereby optimal mine plans were generated
across a total of ten copper price scenarios ranging between $5250/t Cu and $9750/t Cu.
Discrete event simulation combined with mixed integer programming was used to attain a
viable production strategy and to generate optimal mine plans. The analysis indicates that the
increase in prices results in an increase in net present value from $96.57M to ultimately reach
$755.65M. In an environment where mining operations must be looking to gain as much
value as possible from the rights to exploiting a finite resource, it is simply not appropriate to
keep operating under the same mine plan if commodity prices have altered during the course
of operation.

Keywords: Mine planning, underground mining, Commodity Price, Discrete Event

Simulation, Mixed Integer Programming

*Corresponding author. Tel.: +46920492408. Email address:

Article history: Received 21 January 2014, Accepted 26 June 2014.


1. Introduction
Mine planners traditionally plan and design mine production at a fixed commodity price
(at least a commodity price that does not change too rapidly). Most of the feasibility studies
on undeveloped copper projects conducted over recent years generally uses a price range
between $5000/t and $5500/t over the long term even though the copper price at the time of
the studies was about $7500/t Cu. The constant fluctuations in commodity prices should be
influencing mining operations to continually change and adjust their mine plans in order to
capture additional value to the business. Unfortunately in most cases, a change in the
commodity price often does not prompt a revaluation of the mine plan and the plan that was
generated at the feasibility stage continues to be used. This means that while the profitability
of an operation may increase with an increase in commodity price, it is not gaining the full
additional value that it could be if the mine plan is not re-evaluated. Some of the adjustments
could include changes to the production sequencing of a particular pushback, changes to the
point at which the open pit transitions to the underground operation, and the appropriate time
for changing or modifying the existing ore handling systems as a result of an increase in mine

2. Background

The ore handling systems for most underground hard rock mining operations have
historically focused on shaft haulage, trucks, and conveyors [9]. These systems contain other
ore-handling components such as Load-Haul-Dump (LHD) machines, ore passes, and
crushers. The availability of other haulage options such as monorail systems, electric units,
and rail transportation, makes the decision on the selection of the ore handling system vital
towards the cost reduction and improved mining rate. Shaft and conveyor systems can be
inflexible because of the limited number of fixed feed points, diesel truck systems are flexible
because they can travel to most locations in the underground mine but they are characterized
by higher energy consumption and higher emissions. Ore passes are used in conjunction with
other haulage systems such as shaft or haul trucks. Ore passes transportation systems are
flexible depending on the level of production and can also serve as ore storage in the mine [1].
Prior to designing an ore pass system it is essential to examine the ore handling system of the
entire mine from the production areas to the shaft points [15]. Monorail systems are used to
transport material on a widely branched rail system over long distance. This system is
independent of the quality of the floor since it is mounted from the roof which allows
flexibility of trackless arrangements [10]. Electric units offer less emissions, although more
infrastructures may be required which limit the flexibility of some other operations. Because
mines typically evolve over time, the ability of a mine to vary its operating strategy in order to
optimize production in response to commodity price changes can often be a function of the
optionality embedded within the ore-handling system. A short term change in commodity
price will only add as much value as provided by the increased margin associated with the
new price [7]. However if the price change is longer term in nature, then the mine plan should
be altered in order to fully capture the additional value that is offered under the new market


In this study, LHD machines are used to load and haul ore from two different ore bodies
and dump to two different ore passes located 250m from each ore body. The materials
dumped into each ore pass falls under gravity to the lower level where it is then taken to the
shaft loading facility. The aim is to quantify the net present value (NPV) component that can
be directly attributed to the change of the mine plan generated across a total of ten copper
price scenarios ranging between $5250/t Cu and $9750/t Cu. Simulation was firstly used to
attain the number of LHD machines required to haul 300,000 tonnes of ore from each
orebody. This in turn provided the basis from which to compute appropriate mining costs for
the operation. Mixed integer programming (MIP) was then used to generate the optimal
production schedule and mine plan at each commodity price scenario.

2.1 Copper price fluctuations

Fig.1 shows copper prices over a twenty year period from 1993 to 2013. As shown,
copper was trading at $US1647/t in October 1993 and then raising and falling until reaches a
price of $US10000/t in February 2011. Since then a gradual decline in the copper price has
resulted in a current price of $US7159/t. Thus this study focuses on evaluating the changes of
the optimal mine plan at a range of copper prices starting at $5250 increments by $500 until
$9750 is reached. The mine operation involves the material transportation by LHD machines
from the draw points to ore passes: The material is then hoisted to the mine surface through
shafts. Other haulage methods can be considered in order to evaluate the changes on the NPV
of the mine plan. However, the evaluation and analysis of these possible methods are out of
scope of this study.

Fig. 1. Historical copper price (source: [13])


2.2. Simulation
Discrete event simulation is increasingly gaining attention as one of the tools used to
predict and evaluate the performance of mining systems. It has been used for various
applications such as fleet optimization in underground mining, comparison of timing and
efficiency between drills, mine to mill production systems, and maintenance scheduling [12].
Most simulation tools are equipped with graphics, animations, and capability to import
information from other software such as computer aided design and spreadsheets. Also, they
include debugging and error diagnostics which make simulation feasible to use when
analyzing complex operations like mining operations [14]. Simulation involves the generation
of a model to represent a real operating system. Data used in the model creation can be
statistically analyzed and fitted into various probabilistic distributions to increase the
understanding of the behavior of the operated system. The model verification is done by
transforming the conceptual model to a real model through testing the model logic, making
flowcharts of the simulated model, and running the model under varying conditions.
Validation is then performed to compare the simulation output with real system characteristics
to ensure that the model is sufficiently accurate. In this study, the General Purpose Simulation
System/Henrikson (GPSS/H) was used to evaluate the performance of the orepass system.
The simulation analysis considered the operational cycle from the working faces where LHDs
are used to load material from the working faces and dump them to ore passes.

2.3. Mixed Integer Programming (MIP)

The use of linear, integer, binary and final mixed integer programming (MIP) to generate
optimal solutions to complex mining related problems has grown in recent years [11]. Mixed
Integer Programming is a form of linear programming with the added constraint that some of
the variables must assume integer values [16]. Assuming that the mathematical model has
been correctly constructed to reflect a given problem, MIP is a rigorous optimisation
technique that guarantees to find the optimal solution. The issue with MIP is that solution
time often exceeds several hours for moderately size problems.

2.4. Optimization in Mining

The use of rigorous and heuristic Operations Research (OR) techniques such Mixed
Integer Programming (MIP) and Genetic Algorithms (GA) have long been used to model and
solve numerous mining related problems. The largest and most prevalent of these problems
has arguably been the mine planning and production scheduling problem in both the open pit
and underground mine environment. Numerous authors have advanced the state of the art on
the broad topic of optimization in mining. [5] Use stochastic integer programming to provide
a framework for optimizing mine production schedules considering uncertainty with a focus
on geologic risk. For gold and copper deposit the authors claim to have increased the NPV of
the production schedule using the stochastic integer programming approach by 10 and 25%
respectively over traditional single fixed orebody estimate. [6] Solve the relaxation of a tight
linear formulation to address the problem of optimizing underground and open-pit ore
deposits sharing multiple downstream processing plants over a long-term planning horizon.
Since its application at Codelco operations since 2001 the NPV of single mine production


plans are stated as increasing by 5% with an additional 3% increase occurring when
integrating multiple mines. [7] Aggregate time periods as part of a heuristic approach in order
to provide basic solutions to the iron ore blending problem at Kiirunavaara underground iron
mine. The results generated under the heuristic approach are then used as input to solve a
rigorous integer programming model to produce good quality solutions in a much shorter
time. [8] Use simulation and mixed integer programming to investigate the impact of a
changing energy price on underground mining operations across multiple depths using a
number of primary ore haulage options including conveyor, shaft hoist as well as diesel and
electric trucks. For the particular case study that was used their findings indicate that shaft and
conveyor haulage systems are most beneficial at increased energy prices.

3. Case study
A case study on an underground orebody amenable to sublevel stoping is used for the
purpose of investigating the change in NPV that can be attributed to a new mine plan when it
is revised to take into account an amended commodity price. While some data for this
particular case study is conceptual in nature, it is however based on real operational scenarios
with stope tonnages, grades, resource limitations and sequencing interactions reflective of real
sublevel stoping operations, thus making it useful for investigation purposes. The setting of
this mine is a typical remote mining region within Australia. As such, all figures are quoted in
Australian Dollars (AUD). The value that can be attributed to each stope in this case will
solely be based on the operating cash flows that are generated whereby the operating costs are
subtracted from the operating revenues associated with each scenario. Capital costs are
outside the scope of this investigation and are therefore not included. The operation under
investigation extracts copper bearing ore from a deep underground mine orebodies striking
east-west and dipping at 70 to 75 degrees in the southerly direction.
Sublevel stoping production is modelled according to 4 phases. This generally starts with
internal development, followed by production drilling, followed by extraction and finally the
backfilling and consolidation phase which makes each stope to fully complete production for
nine months. In this case, it is assumed that all external development activities required to
access all areas of the orebody have been completed. This thus leaves all stopes within both
orebodies available to commence production from the first time period with the internal
development phase. No prior production of any kind has yet taken place from any stope.
Overall reserves are calculated to be 15 Mt at an average grade of 2.50% Cu for 375,000
tonne of copper metal. The steady state production rate for this operation is 450,000 tonne per
quarter, or 1.8Mtpa. At these production rates, this operation is therefore expected to have a
mine life of at least 8.5 years, or 34 quarters. The production capacity for each orebody is
300,000 tonne per quarter. Production scheduling will incorporate all stopes from two
orebodies in order to generate a life of mine plan at quarterly intervals. Fig. 2 shows the plan
view of the operation being investigated (with stope numbers indicated). The operation
comprises of two orebodies containing 50 equally sized stopes each at the maximum
allowable size of 25m x 25m x 100m in order to maintain geotechnical stability. Each stope
contains 150,000 tonnes of ore. The Western orebody is considered low grade with average


grade of 1.20% Cu. The Eastern orebody however is high grade with average grade of 3.80%
In order to determine if the production capacity of 300,000 tonne from each orebody is
feasible and to then determine an appropriate operating cost, the size and number of LHD
units to achieve this is required. This then allows the calculation of discounted cash flows
generated by each stope across all ten copper prices which in turn enables production
scheduling optimization to take place to achieve the optimal NPV.

Fig. 2. Plan view of sublevel stoping operation

Stoping conditions at this depth within the Western orebody are considered reasonable
with stresses able to be well managed using standard bolting practises for both the roof and
walls. This allows an open sequencing regime to be used within this orebody. Stoping
conditions in the Eastern orebody are significantly poorer and thus require additional ground
support at a significantly increased cost in order to maintain an open sequencing regime
within this orebody. Long term production scheduling will be carried out at quarterly intervals
over the life of the operation for a number of copper price scenarios. Due to the perceived
risks associated with this project a discount rate of 25% per annum is applied. For the purpose
of this study, LHDs are used to load and haul ore from eastern and western ore bodies at
stockpile bays and dump to two different ore passes located at 250m from each orebody. The
LHDs from eastern orebody are dumping material to an eastern ore pass, and those from the
western orebody dumps into the western ore pass. Materials are collected in the chutes on the
lower levels of the ore passes and are further transported to the shaft point. Both ore passes
comprises of two sections of different length and are inclined at 70º in the west direction of
the orebodies. The ore pass has diameter of 3.2m and the dimension of grizzly bars is 0.94m
by 1.6m.


4. Model Formulation
The system consists of discrete event simulation and mixed integer programming models.
The simulation model involves hauling the mined material by LHDs and moving it into ore
passes where the materials drops to the lower level and then is taken to the shaft point. A
GPSS/H was used in determining the number of LHDs required to move the planned amount
of tonnes. The simulation results were then used to calculate operating cash flows associated
with each stope using Mixed Integer Programming (MIP). The MIP model was created using
a Mathematical Programming Language (AMPL) and then solved using CPLEX and the
results are then used to carry out optimised production scheduling in order to generate an
operating NPV for each commodity price.

4.1. The simulation model

The model consists of Eastern and Western orebodies each located at a depth of over
2000m from the surface. The aim is to simulate the number of LHDs required to haul 300,000
tonnes from each deposit in three months (one quarter). LHDs were used to load and haul ore
from eastern and western ore bodies at work faces and dump to two different ore passes
located at 250m from each orebody. In the ore pass material are dropped into a chute placed
on the lower level from where the material are conveyed to the shaft point. In this study, the
simulation model considers the movement of material from the production areas to ore passes.
Time to load a bucket, travelling to ore pass, dumping and return to loading point is all used
as input variables. Only a single LHD can load at a loading point and other LHDs that arrive
will wait until the loading point is free. In dumping, only a single LHD is allowed to dump
and there is no interaction during dumping with LHDs from both sides of the orebodies. This
means that the queue at a dumping point will be generated by LHDs from the same orebody.
The model was created using GPSS/H simulation language which consists of multiple
processes such as objects and blocks. These processes are operating at the same time
providing a capability to automatically interact with each other. Objects may be sent between
processes which shares the common resources and influence the operation of all processes.
The representation of the object is called transactions. As transactions flow, they
automatically queue when the resources are not free to be used. A transaction represents the
real-world system and is executed by moving from one block to another block. Blocks are the
basic structural element of the GPSS/H simulation language. In this program, over fifty
different types of blocks are available which can be used to model complex problems [4].
Complete programming codes were created and the simulation was run with four replications.
A replication is a simulation that uses the experiments model logic and data but its own
unique set of random numbers and so produces unique statistics results that can be analyzed in
a set of such replications [2]. The execution of a run takes the actions at the current simulated
time and then advances the simulated clock. These two phases repeated continuously until the
program is terminated. The written program uses macros to code the repetitive type events
such as loading, tramming, and dumping in order to reduce the size of blocks in the model.
Part of the simulation program code is shown in Fig. 3. The simulation was run for a period of
three months which consists of two shifts of 8 hours each per day for 5 days per week.


Fig. 3. Part of GPSS/H simulation program codes

4.1.1. Simulation model assumptions

The following assumptions were used in this model:

x The amount of ore in a bucket was assumed to follow normal distribution with a
standard deviation of 10% of the mean load. The bucket fill factor was
assumed as 95%
x During simulation it was assumed that there is no machine failure. This is
because no reliability data was available.

4.1.2 Model verification and validation

Verification deals with constructing the model correctly, while validation deals with
checking if the model behaves properly. The model should be checked for flaws and
assumption errors, and the results should be examined for accuracy and how they match with
real world conditions and operations [3]. The GPSS/H interactive debugger provides for rapid
model development as well as verification. The debugging features are used to make sure that
everything is running correctly before resuming execution. Simulation runs were initially
conducted with conceptual/empirical estimated size of equipment, storage facilities, and ore


pass structures. Initial results allow these parameters to be redefined and radically changed.
The changes involve extra programming but enhance the versatility of the program to
conform with proposed mine logistics. Input data are examined and then fitted to probabilistic
distributions before being applied to the software. The loading and dumping times were
observed to follow exponential and uniform distributions respectively, while travelling times
follow normal distribution as shown in Table 1. These data were obtained from a remote
mining region within Australia. The validation was done using internal validity system where
the reaction of the model was checked due to variation of the random numbers.

Table 1. Simulation input variables

Distribution Mean (minutes) Standard deviation

Loading time Exponential 1.5
Travel time when empty Normal 1.7 0.12
Travel time when loaded Normal 2 0.2
Dump time Uniform 0.35 0.03

4.2. Mixed Integer Programming Model Formulation

Optimal mine production scheduling is carried out using a Mixed Integer Programming
(MIP) model to reflect and solve the mine production scheduling problem. All extraction
related activities are presented in full, along with all formulations and constraints across the
life of mine quarterly scheduling horizon.

4.2.1. Subscript notation

The model is defined in general terms using the following subscript notation.

t long term schedule time period: t = 1, 2, 3…. T.

s long term stope identification: s = 1, 2, 3…. S.

4.2.2. Sets

Several sets are defined which aid in the formulation of constraints.

ȕs set of eligible long term time periods in which stope s can commence production
(between es to ls).
ȕt set of eligible stopes that can be in production in long term time period t.
adjs set of all stopes that are adjacent to and share a boundary with stope s.
tpbt set of time periods that include all periods up to the current period t.

4.2.3. Parameters

These parameter items represent the numeric inputs and conditions.

nt present value discount factor for time period t.

cfs undiscounted cashflow ($) from each stope s.

es earliest start time for stope s.
ls latest start time for stope s (may be due to a geotechnical or infrastructure
parameter that demands stope s be completed by a certain period).
rs extraction reserve (t) for each stope s.
sct Shaft/LHD/Truck fleet movement capacity (t) for each time period t.

4.2.4. Decision variables

One binary variable was required to reflect operating conditions and ultimately perform
the scheduling task.

wst 1 if production from stope s is scheduled for time period t,

0 otherwise.

4.2.5. Objective function

The objective function (1) seeks to maximize the NPV of all activities under
consideration by determining the optimal schedule within which to progress each stope
through production.

Max : ¦ nt * cf s * wst (1)

s ,t

It should be noted that taxation and depreciation are not included in this formulation however
should be incorporated if necessary.

4.2.6. Constraints

The production scheduling model comprises numerous constraints which reflect the
practical limitations imposed by the sublevel stoping method over the long term scheduling
horizon. These constraints can be classified according to the limitations they impose on
resources, sequencing and timing.

4.2.7. Resource constraints

The following formulations display the mathematical resource constraints that are
applicable across the long term horizon.

Shaft / machine fleet ore capacity constraint

¦r * w
sE t
s st d SCt t (2)

Non-negativity and integer value constraint

wst Binary integer (3)


Constraint (2) limits production of stope ore extraction from exceeding the shaft/LHD/truck
fleet capacity for the overall mining operation or a specific part including a particular orebody
in any long term time period. Constraint (3) enforces non-negativity and integer values of the
appropriate variables.

4.2.8. Sequencing constraints

The following formulations display the mathematical sequencing constraints that are
applicable across the long term horizon.

Stope adjacency constraint

wst  ws 't d 1 s, t / s ' adjs (4)
Fillmass adjacency constraint

t 'tpbt
st '  ¦ ws' t d 2
s 'adj s
s, t (5)

Constraint (4) ensures that simultaneous production between stopes that share a common
boundary does not occur. Constraint (5) provides some geotechnical stability to stoping
activities by limiting simultaneous adjacent production to two common boundaries before
itself commencing production, and to a single adjacent side once having completed
production to become a fillmass.

4.2.9. Timing constraints

The following formulations display the mathematical timing constraints that are
applicable across the long term horizon.
May mine constraint

t E s
st d1 s / ls ! T (6)

Must mine constraint

 ¦ wst 1  s / ls ! T (7)
t E s

Constraint (6) ensures that commencement of stope production is initiated no more than once
during the long term scheduling horizon if their late start date occurs beyond the scheduling
horizon. Constraint (7) requires stope production commences at some point during the long
term scheduling horizon if their late start date falls within the long term scheduling horizon.

5. Results and discussions

The simulation analysis was firstly carried out to provide data relating to the equipment
type and number of units required to meet the predetermined production targets. The obtained
number of LHD units was used to establish the mine cost per tonne which in turn, provide the
input for the mixed integer programming computation.


5.1. Simulation results and discussion

The simulation analysis aiming to assess the number of LHD machines to haul 300,000
tonne of ore for a period of three months was performed. The simulation was first run for the
Western orebody and the results are shown in Fig. 4. It shows that, when a single LHD is in
operation, the amount of ore produced is 129,000 tonnes and that the LHD machines are
achieving full utilization. The term utilization is defined as the proportion of the available
working time (expressed as a percentage) that equipment is operating. During model
development, input data was coded to allow for the interactive input of various variables at
the start of the simulation run. The number of LHDs were then increased and revealed that the
production target of 300,000 tonnes of ore was achieved when three LHDs are working on the
production stopes. At this production rate, the average machine utilization was 89%. This
indicates that 11% of the working time is lost due to the queuing of LHDs at the loading and
dumping points. As depicted in Fig. 4, with three LHDs working, the amount of ore hauled is
around 344,000 tonnes which is more than the production target of 300,000 tonne. As stated
earlier that the maintenance and repair were not included during analysis which may result
into lower production than the one obtained in the simulation runs.

Fig. 4. Simulation results for eastern deposit

The simulation was then run for the Eastern orebody and similar trend as western deposit
were observed. The results from both deposits were used to to compute appropriate mining
costs for the operation. The MIP was then used to generate the optimal production schedule
and mine plan at each commodity price scenario and the results shown in Fig. 5.

5.2. MIP results and discussion

Construction of all Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) models for the purpose of optimal
production scheduling (maximizing NPV) took place using A Mathematical Programming
Language (AMPL). Based on the mine costs obtained from the simulation results, the


undiscounted cash flows associated with the extraction phase were computed for each stope.
These cash flows form the basis from which the mixed integer programming model is used to
generate optimal production schedule and mine plan at each commodity price scenario. The
computation was solved using CPLEX 10.3. The solution process for each of the 10 price
scenarios being evaluated were left to run over night (approximately 8 hours) and was cut
short even if convergence to the optimal solution had not yet been achieved. In all cases
however, a gap of less than 3.00% was achieved (this refers to the value from the potential
optimal solution). It was determined that a range of copper prices, starting at $5250,
increments by $500 until $9750 is reached will be used to investigate the impact of a
changing commodity price on the mine plan. As mentioned earlier, at the peak of the copper
price boom of 2011, copper prices almost reached $10000/t and thus the final price to be
investigated for mine planning purposes will be $9750/t Cu to reflect this.
Production scheduling took place at quarterly intervals and was limited to 60 periods (15
years). Under each price scenario, full extraction from both orebodies was completed within
the 60 quarter limit. Full extraction was expected since the respective cut-off grades for the
lowest copper price of $5250/t Cu in each case can be calculated to be 0.89% Cu and 3.55%
Cu. The lowest grade stope contained 0.96% Cu and 3.56% Cu for the Western and Eastern
orebodies respectively. The operating NPVs that were achieved from each of the 10 copper
price scenarios are shown in Fig. 5. As expected, the $5250/t copper price produced the
lowest NPV of $96.57M. This climbs with each incremental $500/t rise in the price of copper
to ultimately reach $755.65M at the final copper price of $9750/t.

Fig. 5. NPV comparison of optimal mine plans across various copper price scenarios.

Further analysis then took place to see changes in the commencement period in the
optimal mine plan of each stope as the copper price changes. Table 2 presents the quarter in
which each stope within each orebody commences its three quarter production phase at
copper prices of $5250/t, $6260/t, $7750/t, $8750/t and $9750/t respectively. Table 2 shows
that, there are fluctuations in the commencement period for each stope under each price

scenario. For example, Stope H236 in the Western orebody is selected for production in the
9th quarter at the $5250/t copper price scenario. The same stope is then selected for the 28th,
31st, 14th and 22nd quarter at the $6250/t, $7750/t, $8750/t and $9750/t copper price scenarios
respectively. It seen that, Stope N247 in the Eastern orebody is the only stope that maintains
the same commencement quarter across all selected scenarios.

Table 2. Commencement quarter comparison

Copper Price ($/t) Copper Price ($/t)
Western Stopes Eastern Stopes
5250 6250 7750 8750 9750 5250 6250 7750 8750 9750
B235 11 26 20 17 17 L252 8 10 4 6 7
B236 21 29 36 20 20 L253 36 23 24 12 25
C234 14 33 27 26 23 L254 5 3 3 4 3
C235 17 19 17 23 27 M250 29 10 20 31 24
C236 27 36 23 29 30 M251 11 20 11 9 10
C237 14 33 20 26 24 M252 19 14 14 28 13
D233 20 26 22 31 20 M253 16 17 18 15 16
D234 24 23 32 20 34 M254 23 29 12 19 9
D235 4 11 11 10 11 M255 20 13 9 7 13
D236 7 4 4 13 8 M256 17 9 15 10 16
D237 30 30 30 32 33 M257 4 6 3 3 2
D238 18 16 27 36 27 N247 1 1 1 1 1
E232 10 13 16 25 14 N248 32 20 13 17 14
E233 28 30 19 34 31 N249 2 1 2 2 1
E234 1 2 2 7 4 N250 14 14 17 14 17
E235 10 8 8 4 15 N251 25 29 27 21 28
E236 1 1 1 16 2 N252 4 6 8 25 6
E237 22 27 14 19 21 N253 28 26 33 8 31
E238 38 24 24 27 30 N254 10 9 21 22 19
E239 15 40 35 22 39 N255 33 21 29 16 22
F231 5 10 13 29 19 N256 9 18 6 13 5
F232 13 16 26 22 26 N257 27 25 26 19 26
F233 16 20 29 15 7 N258 24 22 19 24 21
F234 7 5 5 28 1 N259 3 3 2 5 4
F235 13 15 25 1 28 N260 18 16 10 15 11
F236 16 18 18 24 5 N261 2 4 1 1 8
F237 25 21 21 2 18 O249 18 17 7 11 8
F238 12 14 10 8 3 O250 11 7 10 8 11
F239 29 34 38 39 36 O251 22 11 23 18 20
F240 23 25 23 33 21 O252 32 23 30 11 23
F241 19 22 26 23 24 O253 7 2 4 5 3
G232 8 13 16 12 23 O254 38 32 25 32 28
G233 25 27 33 9 10 O255 13 5 18 26 2
G234 22 24 22 31 19 O256 30 35 32 29 32
G235 19 12 12 21 25 O257 6 2 12 6 10
G236 6 6 7 11 9 O258 12 8 6 9 7
G237 3 9 3 5 12 O259 21 11 16 12 14
G238 35 37 28 30 26 O260 28 19 13 18 17
G239 32 31 32 36 33 P251 6 4 5 4 5
G240 26 28 29 30 29 P252 35 18 17 28 15
H233 5 7 19 25 31 P253 21 12 14 14 12
H234 15 21 9 18 16 P254 17 15 11 17 9
H235 2 3 15 6 6 P255 24 24 8 13 25
H236 9 28 31 14 22 P256 20 12 15 3 15
H237 38 34 35 27 41 P257 15 15 22 16 18
H238 29 25 24 21 29 P258 3 5 9 2 4
I234 12 17 6 3 13 Q253 9 7 7 7 6
I235 30 37 28 37 35 Q254 27 27 21 23 18
I236 26 31 25 34 32 Q255 33 19 28 20 22
I237 23 22 38 24 38 Q256 8 8 5 10 12
Average Average
commencement 17.50 20.86 20.68 21.10 21.34 commencement 17.52 14.14 14.12 13.78 13.78
quarter quarter


It was then analyzed to determine the average commencement quarter for stopes
contained in the Western and Eastern orebodies across each copper price scenario. As shown,
the average commencement quarter at the copper price of $5250/t is 17.50 and 17.52 for
stopes in the Western and Eastern orebodies respectively. This means that stopes in the
Western orebody are slightly favored over stopes in the Eastern orebody at this price. With
each subsequent price increase the average commencement period for stopes in the Western
orebody shows an increasing trend while those of Eastern orebody show a decreasing trend.
Stopes in the Western orebody have lower grade and lower cost, and stopes in the Eastern
orebody have higher grade and higher cost. This evident that as the copper price increases the
higher grade and higher cost stopes are favored to a greater extent.
It was also evaluated by comparing the changes of the value of the optimal mine plans
with the value of mine plan from the base case scenario at each price scenarios. The base case
scenario is the optimal mine plan value generated at a copper price of $5250/t. As shown in
Table 3, when the copper price increases from $5250/t to $5750/t, the NPV value of optimal
mine plan rise by $70.40M and that $2.48M from this increase is due to changes in the mine
plan itself. This represents 3.52% gain due to changes of the mine plan, with the remaining of
96.48% attributable to the change in copper price.

Table 3. Attributable value to change in mine plans across various copper prices

Difference between Optimal % NPV of Optimal Mine Plan

Mine Plan and: Attributable to Change in:
NPV of
Copper NPV of Base
Price Case Mine Value of Base Case Base Case
Mine Plan Copper Price Mine Plan ($M)
($/t) Plan ($M) Mine Plan at Mine
($M) ($M) from Base from Base Case
Copper Price of Plans
Case Scenario Scenario
$5250/t ($M) ($M)

5250 96.57 96.57

5750 164.49 166.97 70.40 2.48 96.48 3.52
6250 232.41 239.60 143.03 7.19 94.97 5.03
6750 300.33 311.92 215.35 11.58 94.62 5.38
7250 368.25 385.36 288.79 17.10 94.08 5.92
7750 436.17 459.56 363.00 23.39 93.56 6.44
8250 504.10 532.46 435.89 28.37 93.49 6.51
8750 572.02 606.32 509.75 34.30 93.27 6.73
9250 639.94 680.16 583.60 40.23 93.11 6.89
9750 707.86 755.65 659.08 47.79 92.75 7.25
*Base case scenario refers to the optimal mine plan at a copper price of $5,250/t.

It can further seen that, the percentage NPV values attributed to a change in mine plan
from the value of the base case increases steadily to account for 7.25% of the total change at
the final copper price of $9750/t Cu. This shows that the variable copper price have greater
impact on the scheduling activities. This can be used to estimate at what time a stope
commences a production based on the added value at a particular price. It can be noted that if
other haulage methods used for the analysis, the value of NPV will vary depend on which


method is employed. Therefore the study may help for decision makers in knowing
appropriate time to updates or modify the existing ore handling systems.

6. Conclusions

In this study, the simulation was first carried out and shows that, three LHDs are
required to meet the predetermined production targets. This in turn provided the basis from
which to compute appropriate mining costs for the operation. The MIP model was then used
to generate the optimal production schedule and mine plan at each commodity price scenario.
It is therefore concluded that:
x An analysis of the change in the mine plans associated with changes of prices
from $5250/t to $9750/t Cu indicates that the increase in prices results in a
substantial increase in the NPV from $96.57M to ultimately reach $755.65M.
x A change in the mine plan reflected through a change in the commencement
period of each stope across each price scenario. This indicates that as the copper
price increases the higher grade and higher cost stopes are favored to a greater
x In an environment where mining operations must be looking to gain as much
value as possible from the rights to exploiting a finite resource, it is simply not
appropriate to keep operating under the same mine plan if commodity prices
have altered during the course of operations.
x Further, it can be concluded that the method of using discrete event simulation
combined with mixed integer programming is very beneficial for investigating
and solving operational issues like the one presented in this study. Especially
for deep mines or low grade mines operating with small margins. The use of the
described methods can be a way of maximizing NPV and thus securing a
profitable and optimized operation.
x It would appear beneficial from an economic perspective to investigate the
possibility of allowing a fluctuating mining at the variable commodity price
environment rate rather than operating at a fixed mining rate. The increase in
mining rate will result in addition of more equipment which may lead to a
higher operating cost.


The authors would like to acknowledge the I2Mine project within the EU 7th framework
programme for funding parts of the work.



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[8] Salama A, Nehring M, Greberg J. Operating value optimisation using simulation and
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[9] Vergne JN De La. The hard rock miner’s handbook. Edition 3 2003.
[10] Chanda EK, Besa B. A computer simulation model of a monorail-based mining system
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Analysis of the impact of increasing mining rate in underground mining

using simulation and mixed integer programming

Salama, A., Nehring, M. and Greberg, J. (2014). Analysis of the impact of increasing mining
rate in underground mining using simulation and mixed integer programming. Submitted to
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology.

Analysis of the impact of increasing mining rate in underground mine using simulation
and mixed integer programming

Abubakary Salama1*, Micah Nehring2, Jenny Greberg1

Division of Mining and Rock Engineering, Department of Civil, Mining and Environmental
Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden;
School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, The University of Queensland, St Lucia,
QLD, Australia, 4072


This paper challenges the traditional notion that mine planners need to plan production at
mining rates that result in a low mining cost. For a given mine configuration, a mine that
considers increases to its mining rate most often increases mining costs. In an environment in
which operations are fixated on cost reduction, a proposal to increase costs may be very
difficult to implement. Such a proposal may need to be justified financially because the
increase in costs might not be recuperated by the extra production gained. This paper
evaluates the net present value (NPV) of the selected range of copper prices for two
underground orebodies located at different depths using a production rate of 300,000 tonnes
and one that introduces additional costs at 450,000 tonnes per quarter. Discrete event
simulation combined with mixed integer programming was used for the analysis. The results
shows that, for the low mining rate at the final copper price, an NPV of $755.65M is
achieved, whereas an NPV of $773.45M is achieved at a high mining rate. Therefore, even
though pushing mining rates beyond traditional limits increases mining costs, pursuing this
option at certain commodity prices may be beneficial, particularly when prices are elevated.

Keywords: Mining Rates, Commodity Price, Simulation, Mixed Integer Programming,

*Corresponding author. Email:


1. Introduction

A traditional notion among mine planners is that mining rates should be planned in such a
way as to reduce production costs [1]. This concept generally relates to the mining rate that
results in the highest machine utilization for the selected equipment. Whereas an existing
mine may consider increases to its mining rate by adding additional equipment to a given
mine configuration, doing so typically increases mining costs. In an environment in which
operations are fixated on cost reduction, a proposal to increase costs may be very difficult to
argue for. The value of the mine plan is well recognized as varying with the mining rate for a
given orebody [9]. Changes to the mining rate are sensitive to the current price and are usually
not constant for the life of an operation. Research focusing on determining the optimal mine
plan and, simultaneously, allowing a variable mining rate and varying the commodity price
over the life of the operation is distinctly lacking. Most mine planning adopts a traditional
single rate at a fixed commodity price. [12] developed a mine plan using variations in metal
without changing the mining rate. The authors propose that a mine can continue its operations
only if the metal price is high enough to maintain a positive cash flow. [25] and [24]
developed methods to determine the optimal cut-off grade and mining rate to yield the
maximum net present value. In both cases, the metal price was fixed for the life of the deposit
and little discussion ensued on the degree to which the system will change considering metal
price variations. [10] developed a mine plan model with dynamic programming using Lane’s
cutoff grade theory for a fixed mining rate. An approach was later developed to allow variable
mining rates at a fixed price in the value optimization of the mine plan. [23] employed golden
search optimization using simulation-based models that consider metal price uncertainty to
determine a robust fixed cut-off grade. However, his evaluation showed that the mining rate
was fixed for the entire life of the underground mining operation. [3] presented an
optimization of the value of the mine plan across a range of metal prices without considering
a variable mining rate. The authors suggest that, when mining operations seek to gain as much
value as possible, continuing to operate under the same mine plan is inappropriate if
commodity prices change during the course of operation. In addition, the authors suggest that
a mining rate that can be altered during the life of the mine attributable to a reconfiguration in
the number of pieces of equipment – even if mining costs increase – should be explored as a
means to further maximize the value of the mine plan. Much of the literature shows the
validity in generating new mine plans when commodity prices change under fixed mining rate
conditions and the same general equipment configuration. The aim of this paper is to
investigate the validity of mine plan value maximization across a range of commodity prices
(from $5,250/t Cu, increasing incrementally by $500/t to $9,750/t) while allowing a variable
mining rate (from 300,000 tonnes to 450,000 tonnes per quarter) during the life of an
underground sublevel stoping copper operation. The analysis was performed using discrete
event simulation combined with mixed integer programming. Simulation was first used to
compute the appropriate mining costs at the current and increased mining rates for the
operation. Mixed integer programming (MIP) was then used to generate optimal schedules
and mine plans for the selected range of copper prices.


1.1 Mining rate

The mining rate selected significantly influences the optimization process. The selection
may be based on an empirical formula or economic measures [7]. [8] produced an equation to
estimate the mining rate on the basis of the size of the deposit, known as Taylor’s Rule, which
is still used today. However Taylor’s rule has limitations with several factors, such as hoisting
capacity, mine depth, and geometry of the deposit. [7] developed an empirical equation for
steeply dipping underground deposits by taking into account the geometry, rather than the
size, of the orebody. Economic measures such as NPV should ultimately have a large
weighting when considering one mining rate over another. NPV is the summation of all
discounted future cash flows over the life of the operation. [9] discussed the economic
characteristics affecting the selection of the optimum mining rate from an investor’s point of
view. He suggested that the mining rate can be selected by maximizing the NPV and
discounted cash flow return on investment. Once the mining rate is determined and the
operations start, to significantly change the mining rate is difficult unless an expansion with
new capital investment is planned [24]. An expansion of mining capacity may occur for
several reasons, such as geological information and economic changes. In the early stage, the
mining rate is defined on the basis of the orebody delineated with very limited geological
information and all materials inside the orebody are assumed to be accessible. At a later stage,
the grade distribution within the orebody may change the production sequence because some
of the material considered as waste may become mineable if being extracted with the
neighboring high-grade material. For example, if the price of the contained mineral falls, part
of the reserve may become unprofitable to mine. If a price is elevated from the one that was
initially used, then a modification should occur to reflect the new economic circumstances [6].
For existing operations that have a flexible hauling system, the mining rate can be increased
by adding more equipment, although doing so decreases the equipment utilization more than
when less equipment is used in operations. Increases in equipment also result into higher
mining costs. In an environment in which operations are fixated on cost reductions, a proposal
to increase cost may be very difficult to implement and may require financial justification
because the increase in costs might not be recuperated through the added production gained.
Equipment productivity is very important when planning and designing a mining
operation. Some of the factors that affect equipment productivity include: mine schedule,
number of cycles per hour, location of dig and dump sites (travel time), operator proficiency,
digging conditions, and bucket capacity [20]. The mine design and layout is heavily
influenced by the equipment used to carry out the extraction, and the final equipment
selection can only be completed after completion of the mine configuration. The mine
planning team always selects equipment and designs the mine in such a way as to maximize
equipment utilization [19]. This process includes but is not limited to designing pushback
widths (in the case of an open pit) or the size and location of underground drives (in the case
of underground) to be large enough to allow easy loading and haulage without excessive
interaction with other equipment. This study investigates whether an increase in mining rates
from employing more equipment that results in an increase in mining cost is appropriate to
pursue under existing mine configurations at altered commodity price scenarios.


1.2 Simulation and Mixed Integer Programming

This study was performed using a combined iterative approach with discrete event
simulation and mixed integer programming. Discrete event simulation is the modeling of
stochastic dynamic systems in which the state variables change only at discrete points in time,
making it very fit for modeling complex systems such as, for instance, mining operations.
Lately, the use of discrete event simulation for mining applications increased, and research
showed wide applicability of simulation studies in various operations for both underground
and open-pit mines [22]. For instance, the method was used for fleet optimization in
underground mining, comparison of timing and efficiency between drills, mine to mill
production systems, and maintenance scheduling [21]. A number of simulation software
packages are available on the market, such as GPSS/H, AutoMod, and SLAM. In this
analysis, the General Purpose Simulation System/Henrikson (GPSS/H) was used. The
operational cycles from the working faces at which LHDs load material and dump them to ore
passes is modeled. The simulation showed the number of LHD machines required to haul
450,000 tonnes of ore to each respective orepass. The simulation results are further used to
compute the associated mining costs. Mixed integer programming (MIP) is then used on the
basis of the results from the discrete event simulation model and generates optimal schedules
and mine plans for the selected range of copper prices. Discrete event simulation combined
with mixed integer programming was successfully used in prior studies that proved the
benefits of combining the two tools [3].
Arguably, MIP is the most common optimization technique used to solve highly complex
and constrained problems within the mining industry. MIP combines linear programming
(LP) with the additional constraint that some variables must take on an integer value. This
integer variable is typically represented as a binary “1” or “0” value to reflect a “yes” or “no”
decision [13]. Reverting from LP to MIP in the mining context is most common when
assigning equipment and resources to various operations within the mine is necessary. These
resources can only be allocated in their entirety and, as such, the decision of whether or not to
allocate the full resource across a number of working areas must be made. Similar to LP, the
constraints in an MIP form a multi-dimensional volume encompassed by linear functions. A
number of solution processes, including the Simplex Method, the Branch and Bound Method,
and Cutting Planes, are generally in-built in commercially available solvers to exact the
optimal solution from this multi-dimensional volume [14]. Authors including [15-18], and [3]
generated and extensively used MIP models to successfully solve a number of mining-related

2. Case study

A case study on an underground orebody amenable to sublevel stoping was used to

investigate the change in NPV attributed to a new mine plan at a variable commodity price
and mining rate. Whereas some data for this particular case study were conceptual in nature,
they were based on real operational scenarios with stope tonnages, grades, resource
limitations, and sequencing interactions reflective of a real sublevel stoping operation, thus
making them useful for investigation purposes. The setting of this mine was a typical remote


mining region within Australia. As such, all figures are quoted in Australian dollars (AUD).
The value attributed to each stope was based on the operating cash flows generated. The cash
flows were obtained by subtracting the revenues from the operating costs in each scenario.
The operation under investigation extracts copper bearing ore from a deep underground mine
that exploits two copper bearing orebodies striking east–west and dipping at 70 to 75 degrees
in the southerly direction.
The sublevel stoping production was modeled according to four phases. This process
starts with internal development, followed by a production drilling (three months), extraction
(three months), and backfilling and consolidation phase (three months) that takes each stope
nine months to fully complete. Overall reserves were calculated at 15 Mt at an average grade
of 2.50% Cu for 375,000 tonnes of copper metal. The steady-state production rate for this
operation was 450,000 tonnes per quarter (or 1.8 Mtpa). At these production rates, this
operation is expected to have a mine life of at least 8.5 years, or 34 quarters. The production
capacity for each orebody was 300,000 tonnes per quarter. Production scheduling incorporates
all stopes from both orebodies to generate a life of mine plan at quarterly intervals. Therefore,
this process requires both orebodies to be in production in each scheduling period to achieve
the overall mining rate of 450,000 t. Table 1 shows some of the parameters for Eastern and
Western orebody. Each stopes had a size of 25 m x 25 m x 100 m to maintain geotechnical
stability. The Western orebody was considered low grade and the Eastern orebody was
considered high grade.

Table 1. Characteristics of Eastern and Western orebodies

Orebody Depth (m) Average grade No. of stopes Production capacity

type (tonnes /quarter)
Eastern 1,000 3.80% Cu 50 300,000
Western 1,600 1.20% Cu 50 300,000

Stoping conditions at this depth within the Western orebody are considered reasonable, with
stresses that can be well managed using standard bolting practices for both the roof and the
walls. This situation allows an open sequencing regime to be used within this orebody.
Stoping conditions in the Eastern orebody are significantly poorer and, thus, require
additional ground support at a much higher cost to maintain an open sequencing regime
within this orebody. Long-term production scheduling is carried out at quarterly intervals over
the life of the operation for a number of copper price scenarios. For the purpose of this study,
LHDs were used to load and haul ore from the draw points of each stope to the ore passes
located 250 m from the Western orebody. The ore was collected in chutes on the lower level
of the orepass and further transported to the shaft point. The Eastern orebody is located at
deeper levels. The LHDs were used to haul the material and transport them up to the shaft
point for further transporting to the surface. This study assesses the feasibility of increasing
underground ore production from 300,000 to 450,000 tonnes from each orebody in each
quarter, while maintaining a maximum allowable extraction rate of 450,000 tonnes from the
overall operation in each period. To determine whether the production capacity of 450,000
tonnes from each orebody was feasible and to calculate an appropriate corresponding
operating cost, the number of LHD units to achieve this volume was required. This


information then allowed the calculation of the discounted cash flows generated by each stope
across all ten copper prices, which in turn enabled production scheduling optimization to take
place to achieve the optimal NPV.

2.1 Costs of mining rate scenarios

The cost analysis was conducted on operating a 10-tonne capacity LHD unit together
with the preparation and production work required to keep ore material available to these
units during an entire quarter. Details of this costing exercise are beyond the scope of this
paper. For a mining rate of 300,000 tonnes per quarter, a mining cost of $32 per tonne was
determined for the Western orebody. Because the Eastern orebody is located in highly
stressed environments, the additional ground support and other features required to maintain
an open sequencing regime is predicted to increase mining costs to $158/t. The increase in the
mining rate to 450,000 tonnes added $6/t to the previously established mining costs, which
increased the costs to $38/t and $164/t for the Western and Eastern orebodies, respectively.
Table 2 provides a summary of mining costs and LHD requirements that formed the basis for
this investigation. These operating costs (OPEX) included all mining activities (for example,
development, drilling/blasting, backfilling) within each orebody and the activities needed to
haul this material to the surface for processing. Capital costs were not included in this

Table 2. Mining cost for mining rates of 300,000 tonnes and 450,000 tonnes from each

Mining rate limit No. of No. of Machine Western Eastern

for each orebody stopes LHDs fleet orebody orebody
(tonne/quarter) mined in required utilization operating cost operating cost
each ($/t) ($/t)
300,000 2 3 89% 32.0 158.0
450,000 3 5 73% 38.0 164.0

2.2 Assumptions

The following assumptions were made to model production from this operation.

x During simulation, the availability of 87% was used for all LHDs. This figure was
based on the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) of 55.6 hours and Mean Time To
Repair (MTTR) of 8.56 hours.
x A discount rate of 25% was applied because the mine was not in production for a long
time and the capital, operating costs, and reserve are not well understood. If these
factors are well defined in a later stage, then the discount rate can be lowered.
x The copper price at the time of this study was approximately $6,500/t Cu. For the
purpose of this analysis, a range of copper prices starting at $5,250 and increasing by
$500 increments until $9,750 was used for the analysis. The price of $5,250 was used


because most feasibility studies on copper projects conducted during recent years
generally used price between $5,000/t and $5,500/t over the long term even though the
price at the time of this study was approximately $6,500/t Cu. The copper price boom
of 2011 witnessed copper prices reaching almost $10,000/t and, thus, the final price to
be investigated for mine planning purposes was $9,750/t Cu to reflect the price during
the boom.
x All internal development activities required to access all areas of the orebody were
completed, and no prior production of any kind occurred from any stope. However,
the development cost was included in the analysis.
x This study was completed solely on the basis of operating costs (OPEX). Capital costs
are outside the scope of this investigation and were not included.

3. Model Formulation

The formulation was comprised of simulation and mixed integer programming models.
The simulation model involved moving the mined material by LHDs and dumping them into
ore passes, whereby materials at the lower level were taken to the shaft point. A General
Purpose Simulation System/Henrikson (GPSS/H) was used to determine the number of LHDs.
The simulation results were then used to calculate operating cash flows associated with each
stope using MIP. The MIP model was created with mathematical language tools and then
solved using CPLEX; the results were then used to carry out optimized production scheduling
to generate an operating NPV for each commodity price.

3.1 The simulation model

The model consists of Eastern and Western orebodies located at different depth from the
surface with the aim to simulate the number of LHDs that can haul 450,000 tonnes per
quarter. LHDs load and haul ore and dump to the ore passes located 250 m from the orebody.
The ore pass drops material to the lower level, where they are conveyed to the shaft point. In
this paper, the simulation model considered the movement of the material from the production
areas to the ore passes. The time needed to load a bucket, travel to the ore pass, dump, and
return to the loading point were all used as input variables. Only a single LHD can load at a
loading point and other LHDs arriving wait until the loading point is free. After dumping,
only a single LHD is allowed to dump and no interaction occurs during dumping for LHDs
from both sides of the orebodies.
A GPSS/H consists of multiple processes operating at the same time and provides the
capability for these processes to automatically interact with one another. Objects may be sent
between processes that share common resources and influence the operation of all processes.
The representation of the object is called transactions. Transactions compete for the use of
system resources. As transactions flow, they automatically queue when the resources are not
free for used. A transaction represents the real-world system and is executed by moving from
one block to another block. Blocks are the basic structural element of the GPSS/H simulation
language. In GPSS/H, more than fifty different types of blocks are available for use in
modeling complex problems [5]. Complete programming codes were created and the


simulation was run with four times replications. A replication is a simulation that uses the
experiment’s model logic and data but its own unique set of random numbers; thus, it
produces unique statistical results that are analyzed in a set of such replications [4]. The
execution of a run takes the actions at the current simulated time and then advances the
simulated clock. These two phases repeat continuously until the end of the program. The
written program used macros to code repetitive type events, such as loading, tramming, and
dumping, to reduce the size of blocks in the model. The simulation was run for three months
and consisted of two shifts of eight hours each in a day for five days in a week.

3.2 Mixed integer programming model formulation

The MIP model is presented that was created to generate the optimal quarterly life of
mine production schedules for each commodity price and equipment utilization scenario and
to comply with all constraints.

Subscript notation: The following subscript notation was used to define the model in general

t Long-term schedule time period: t = 1, 2, 3…. T.

s Long-term stope identifier: s = 1, 2, 3…. S.
h Mining rate identifier: h = 1, 2, 3…. H.

Sets: Data sets were defined to aid in the formulation of constraints.

ȕs Set of eligible long-term periods in which stope s can commence production

(between es to ls).
ߚt Set of eligible stopes that can be in production in long-term period t.
ߙ௧ Set of eligible mining rates h available in long-term period t.
ߛ௦ Set of eligible mining rates h available to each stope s.
adjs Set of all stopes adjacent to and that share a boundary with stope s.
tpbt Set of periods that include all periods up to the current period t.

Parameters: Parameters representing the numeric inputs and conditions.

nt Present value discount factor for period t.

cfs Undiscounted cash flow ($) from each stope s.
es Earliest start time for stope s.
ls Latest start time for stope s (may be the result of a geotechnical or infrastructure
parameter that demands that stope s be completed by a certain period).
rs Extraction reserve (t) for each stope s.
sct Shaft/LHD/Truck fleet movement capacity (t) for each orebody in each period t.
psh Link between the potential mining rate h of each stope s and the period/s each
mining rate is expected to be available once production on the stope is initiated;
1 = available, 0 = not available.

Decision variables: One binary variable reflected whether or not a stope enters products in a
certain period.


wst 1 If production from stope s is scheduled for period t,

0 otherwise.
ght 1 If mining rate h is scheduled for time period t,
0 otherwise.

Objective function: The optimal schedule was determined by maximizing the NPV of all
activities/stopes under consideration.

‫ݔܽܯ‬ǣ ෍ ݊௧ ൈ ݂ܿ௦ ൈ ‫ݓ‬௦௧ (1)


Note that taxation and depreciation were not included in this formulation but should be
incorporated if necessary.

Constraints: The practical limitations imposed by the sublevel stoping method over the long-
term scheduling horizon were reflected through a series of constraints. Constraints (2) to (6)
are considered resource constraints because they reflect the natural restriction of resource
allocation throughout the mine during each scheduling period. Constraint (2) limits the
production of stope ore extraction from exceeding the shaft/LHD/truck fleet capacity for the
overall mining operation or a specific part, including a particular part such as an orebody, in
any long-term period. Constraint (3) enforces non-negativity and integer values of the
appropriate variables. That a single mining rate was selected in each period was vital, as
ensured by constraint (4). Constraint (5) restricts each stope to be allocated to a single mining
rate in each period that it is in production. The rate of extraction of all stopes in any given
period must match the extraction rate selected for that particular period, as enforced by
constraint (6).

Shaft / machine fleet ore capacity constraint ෍ ‫ݎ‬௦ ൈ ‫ݓ‬௦௧ ൑ ‫ܿݏ‬௧ ‫ݐ׊‬ (2)
Non-negativity and integer value constraint ‫ݓ‬௦௧ ൌ ܾ݅݊ܽ‫ݎ݁݃݁ݐ݊݅ ݕݎ‬ (3)
Single mining rate in each period ෍ ݃௛௧ ൑ ͳ ‫ݐ׊‬ (4)

Single mining rate for each stope in each period ෍ ݃௛௧ ൑ ͳ ‫ݏ׊‬ǡ ‫ݐ‬ (5)

Mining rate match on all stopes in each period ෍ ‫ݓ‬௦௧ ൈ ‫݌‬௦௛ െ ݃௛௧ ൑ Ͳ ‫ݐ׊‬ (6)
Stope adjacency constraint ‫ݓ‬௦௧ ൅ ‫ݓ‬௦ᇲ ௧ ൑ ͳ ‫ݏ ׊‬ǡ ‫ݐ‬ȁ‫ ݏ‬ᇱ ‫݆݀ܽ א‬௦ (7)
Fillmass adjacency constraint ෍ ‫ݓ‬௦௧ ᇲ ൅ ෍ ‫ݓ‬௦ᇲ ௧  ൑ ʹ‫ݏ׊‬ǡ ‫ݐ‬ (8)
௧ ᇲ ‫א‬௧௣௕೟ ௦ ᇲ ‫א‬௔ௗ௝ೞ

May mine constraint ෍ ‫ݓ‬௦௧ ൑ ͳ ‫ݏ ׊‬ȁ݈௦  ൐ ܶ (9)


Must mine constraint ෍ ‫ݓ‬௦௧ ൌ ͳ ‫ݏ ׊‬ȁ݈௦  ൑ ܶ (10)



Constraints (7) to (8) are considered sequencing constraints because they reflect the safe and
effective natural sequences inherent to the sublevel stoping method across the scheduling
horizon. Constraint (7) ensures that simultaneous production between stopes that share a
common boundary does not occur. Constraint (8) provides some geotechnical stability to
stoping activities by limiting simultaneous adjacent production to two common boundaries
before itself commencing production, and to a single adjacent side once having completed
production to become a fillmass. Finally, constraints (9) to (10) are categorized as timing
constraints because they reflect timing related issues associated with each stope across the
scheduling horizon. Constraint (9) ensures that the commencement of stope production is
initiated no more than once during the long-term scheduling horizon if the late start date
occurs beyond the scheduling horizon. Constraint (10) requires stope production to commence
at some point during the long-term scheduling horizon if the late start date falls within the
long-term scheduling horizon. Note that this mathematical optimization model was used to
carry the evaluation when allowing for a variable mining rate. When a constant mining rate is
maintained, constraints (4), (5) and (6) are not required.

4. Results and discussions

4.1 Simulation results

During model development, the model was coded to allow for the interactive input of
variables at the start of the simulation run. As shown in Fig. 1, a single 10 t LHD operating in
either orebody experiences full utilization and is expected to move 118,000 tonnes of ore each
quarter. The addition of another LHD to the same orebody reduces total utilization to 96%,
moving a combined 230,000 tonnes in each period. Adding another LHD reduces the
utilization of each machine to 89% with a total movement capacity of 320,000 tonnes and an
excess of 20,000 tonnes. Increasing each orebody mining rate from the current rate of 300,000
tonnes to the targeted rate of 450,000 tones indicates that overall targeted mining from the
entire operation could theoretically be sourced entirely from one of the two orebodies in each
scheduling period. Moving an LHD from one orebody to the other for part of the quarter
causes a production delay; however, this delay was assumed to have a negligible effect on the


500000 100
450000 95

400000 90
350000 85

300000 80
250000 75
200000 70
150000 65 LHDUtilization

100000 60
50000 55
0 50
1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 1. Simulation results for Western orebody

As shown in Fig. 1, four LHDs to the same orebody reduced total utilization to 83% and
moved a combined 380,000 tonnes in each period. With five working LHDs, the total amount
of ore moved was 432,000 tonnes and the average machine utilization fell to 73%. The
20,000-tonne excess LHD fleet capacity from the initial orebody was assumed to be able to
compensate for the 20,000-tonne shortfall from the other orebody. Therefore, three LHDs are
required within one orebody to achieve the 300,000-tonne mining rate, and two more LHDs
are required to be in operation (a total of five LHDs) to achieve a mining rate of 450,000

4.2 Mixed Integer Programming scheduling results and discussions

The MIP models for the purpose of optimal production scheduling (maximizing NPV)
were written using A Mathematical Programming Language (AMPL). Based on the input
costs and parameters previously mentioned, these models were solved using CPLEX 10.3.
The solution process for each of the 10 price scenarios being evaluated was left to run
overnight (approximately eight hours) and was cut short even if convergence to the optimal
solution was not yet achieved. However, in all cases, a gap of less than 3.00% was achieved.
In this case, production scheduling occurred in quarterly intervals and was limited to 60
periods (15 years). Under each price scenario, full extraction from both orebodies was
completed within the 60-quarter limit. Full extraction was expected because the respective
cut-off grades for the lowest copper price of $5,250/t was higher than the grade of the lowest
grade stope for the Western and Eastern orebodies, respectively. Figure 2 shows and
compares the operating NPVs achieved when limiting mining rates to 300,000 tonnes and
450,000 tonnes in each orebody across each of the 10 copper price scenarios.


NPV Comparison at production rates of 300,000t and 450,000t


800,00 773,45

NPV ($M)

500,00 462,52

311,92 680,16
300,00 606,32
239,60 532,46
200,00 166,97 385,36
96,57 239,60
5 250 5 750 6 250 6 750 7 250 7 750 8 250 8 750 9 250 9 750
Copper Price ($/t)

300,000t Mining Rate Limit for each Orebody 450,000t Mining Rate Limit for each Orebody

*Base case scenario refers to the optimal mine plan at a copper price of $5,250/t for both full and reduced
machine utilization

Fig. 2. NPV comparison of optimal mine plans across various copper price scenarios

As shown in Fig. 2, for the 300,000-tonne mining rate, the $5,250/t copper price produces
the lowest NPV of $96.57M. This NPV increased and ultimately reached $755.65M at the
final copper price of $9,750/t. For the 450,000-tonne mining rate, which had a higher mining
cost, a similar trend was initially observed, whereby the lowest NPV of $96.57M was
produced at the copper price of $5,250. No differences were seen in the NPV between
300,000 tonnes, and 450,000 tonnes was observed for copper price scenarios of $5,250/t,
$5,750/t, $6,250/t, $6,750/t, and $7,250/t. A slight increase of $2.96M, or 0.65%, in the NPV
for the two mining rates emerged at the $7,750/t copper price. From this point, the difference
in NPVs between the 450,000-tonne and 300,000-tonne mining rates increased as the copper
price increased.


Table 3
Attributable value to change in mine plans for 300,000-tonne and 450,000-tonne mining rates

% NPV of Optimal Mine % NPV of Optimal

Plan at 300,000t: Mine Plan at 450,000t:
NPV of NPV of NPV of
Base Case Optimal Mine Optimal Mine
Mine Plan Plan at Plan at Copper Price Copper
($/t) from from
($M) 300,000t ($M) 450,000t ($M) from Base Price from
Base Base
Case Scenario Base Case
Case Case

5,250 96.57 96.57 96.57

5,750 164.49 166.97 166.97 96.48 3.52 96.48 3.52
6,250 232.41 239.60 239.60 94.97 5.03 94.97 5.03
6,750 300.33 311.92 311.92 94.62 5.38 94.62 5.38
7,250 368.25 385.36 385.36 94.08 5.92 94.08 5.92
7,750 436.17 459.56 462.52 93.56 6.44 92.80 7.20
8,250 504.10 532.46 536.47 93.49 6.51 92.64 7.36
8,750 572.02 606.32 614.96 93.27 6.73 91.72 8.28
9,250 639.94 680.16 694.50 93.11 6.89 90.87 9.13
9,750 707.86 755.65 773.45 92.75 7.25 90.31 9.69
*Base case scenario refers to the optimal mine plan at a copper price of $5,250/t at a 300,000-tonne mining rate limit for each orebody.

Table 3 compares the NPVs at each copper price for both mining rate scenarios. The
copper price of $5,250/t under the 300,000-tonne mining rate was used as a base case and
shows that the copper price increase from $5,250/t to $5,750/t results in an increase in NPV of
3.52% for both mining rates. This copper price also shows that no difference exists in the
NPVs for both mining rates at the $6,250/t, $6,750/t, and $7,250/t copper prices from the base
case scenario. As the price increased to $7,750/t, the differences in the NPVs for the two
mining rates began to be observed. As is shown, the value attributed to the change in the mine
plan at 450,000 tonnes increased to 7.20% from the base case scenario as opposed to 6.44%
under the 300,000-tonne mining rate. This result indicates that increasing the mining rate is
worth 0.76% to the value of an operation from the base case scenario compared with
maintaining mining at this copper price. As the copper price increased further to $9,750/t, the
NPV increased to 9.69% for the higher mining rate compared with 7.25% for the lower rate.
Therefore, at the final copper price, the increased mining rate was worth 2.44% to the value of
an operation from the base case scenario compared with maintaining the same mining rate.
The changes to the NPV of the mine plan for the orebody located at a shallow depth with
the orebody located at a deeper depth were analyzed. The aim is to evaluate the possibility of
maintaining or increasing the mining rate when the mine depth increases. The analysis of
these results shows that a short-term change in commodity prices only added as much value
provided by the increased margin associated with the new price. A longer-term price change
should influence mining operations to continually update and adjust their mine plans to
capture additional value under new market conditions. Some of these adjustments may
include an increase in the mining rate. In this analysis, the capital costs of the working
equipment were not included and, therefore, the evaluation was based on development and


operating costs. For the lower mining rate at the final copper price, an NPV of $755.65M was
achieved, whereas at a higher mining rate, the NPV was $773.45M. If the capital costs of
purchasing the equipment to achieve these mining rates are included, the final NPVs in both
cases decreased. Therefore, even though pushing mining rates beyond traditional limits may
increase mining costs, at certain market conditions doing so may be beneficial.

5. Conclusions

This paper presented the NPV component that can be directly attributed to changes in
mine plans as commodity prices vary under traditional mining rates with low cost in
comparison to more aggressive higher mining rates with higher costs. The results for the case
study show the following points.

x For the 300,000-tonne mining rate at the final copper price, the NPV was observed to
increase to $755.65M, whereas for the 450,000-tonne mining rate, the NPV increased
to $773.45M.
x As mining operations proceed at great depth, increasing or maintaining mining rates
may be beneficial, particularly in the case of increasing commodity prices even if
doing so results in a higher operating cost.
x The analysis of these results from an economic perspective shows that commodity
price variations play an important role in the optimality of mining planning and
design. A short-term change in commodity prices only adds as much value provided
by the increased margin associated with the new price. A longer-term price change
should influences mining operations to continually update and adjust their mine plans
to capture additional value under the new market condition.
x The combination of discrete event simulation and mixed integer programming can be
used to provide a feasible solution and a better understanding of the operational
systems and to reduce the risk associated with selecting a system before being


The authors would like to acknowledge the I2Mine project within the EU 7th framework
program for funding this research, as it significantly helped with the completion of this work.


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Analysis of energy consumption and gas emission for loading equipment in

underground mining

Salama, A., Greberg, J., Skawina, B., and Gustafson, A. (2014). Analysis of energy
consumption and gas emission for loading equipment in underground mining. Submitted to
Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Journal.

Abubakary Salama,* Jenny Greberg, Bartlomiej Skawina, and Anna Gustafson

Department of Civil, Environment and Natural Resources Engineering

Division of Mining and Rock Engineering.
Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden
(*Corresponding author:


The equipment used for loading and hauling in underground hard-rock mining operations has
historically been dominated by Load-Haul-Dump (LHD) machines. These machines can be
powered by diesel or electricity. Diesel LHDs have commonly been used in mining because
the equipment is mobile, versatile, and its operational flexibility provides high productivity,
but they also have higher operating costs. Factors contributing to higher operating costs are
energy consumption and ventilation. Electric LHDs are also used, but are not as common as
diesel. Electric LHDs have lower energy consumption and lower ventilation demands
compared with diesel LHDs of the same size. However, electric LHD are less versatile
because the use of electric cables have a limited haul range and may introduce cable faults
and relocation issues. As operating costs for deeper mines and energy costs are expected to
increase in the future, cost-efficient loading and hauling equipment is essential. This study,
conducted at an underground mining operation to analyze the energy consumption and gas
emissions of diesel and electric LHDs with similar bucket capacities. The method used is
discrete event simulation. Based on current energy prices, the results showed that the hourly
energy costs generated by electric LHDs was 47 percent less compared than diesel LHDs of
the same size. In addition, diesel LHDs emitted 2.68 Kg of CO2 gas for every liter of diesel
fuel. Therefore, in an environment of increasing energy prices and the increased need to mine
at greater depths, minimizing the use of diesel-engine machines and increasing the use of
electric machines can greatly benefit cost reductions.


Loading system, energy consumption, gas emissions, discrete event simulation



Loading equipment for underground hard-rock mining operations has historically been
dominated by LHDs (De La Vergne, 2003). These machines can be powered by diesel or
electricity. Diesel LHDs have been utilized in material transportation in mining since the
1960s. These machines are versatile and can easily move from one location to another, but
have higher operating costs because of fuel consumption, consumables and regular checks,
and the ventilation required to mitigate the heat and emissions they generate (Thomas et al.,
1987; Chadwick, 1996; Miller, 2002). Electric LHDs, which are not commonly utilized in
underground mines (Paraszczak et al., 2013), have the advantages of being quieter and
producing no exhaust gases and less heat (Chadwick, 1996; Paraszczak et al., 2013; Paterson
& Knights, 2013; Paraszczak et al., 2014). They may be powered with batteries, overhead
electric lines, or trailing cables. Batteries offer the highest flexibility, but battery-powered
vehicles are heavy and must be regularly recharged. Overhead power lines may be feasible for
haul trucks when routes remain constant for an extended time, but are impractical when a high
degree of maneuverability is necessary. The currently most viable way to power electric
LHDs is with a trailing cable plugged into the mine’s electrical infrastructure. Powering with
electric cable reduces the LHDs’ versatility because of limited haul range, relocation issues,
and restricted movement, and may present problems with cable faults and wear. But electric
LHDs have obvious advantages in mass mining methods such as block and sublevel caving
where relocation delays are less critical because operations are along a similar path for an
extended time (Paterson & Knights, 2013).
In coming decades, underground mines can be expected to operate at greater depths,
which will increase costs because of additional energy needed for longer haul distances and
additional ventilation to mitigate geothermal heat and exhaust gas emissions from working
equipment. These expected increased costs make the choice of loading and hauling equipment
an essential factor in cost reduction. The demand for electric LHDs also can be expected to
increase as mining companies seek to address high ventilation costs, higher fuel prices, and
strict regulations on emissions (Miller, 2002; Salama et al., 2014).
This study, conducted at an existing underground mine, compared the operational
performance of diesel and electric LHD machines and analyzed their energy and gas
emissions using the AutoMod discrete event simulation tool. Simulation was used to obtain
the equipment productivity and operating times. Simulation results were used in combination
with empirical calculations to estimate energy and gas emissions. The study analyzed seven
diesels and seven electrics LHDs with similar bucket capacities.


Energy consumption and gas emissions

Energy consumption plays a significant role in the selection and management of

loading and hauling equipment. Diesel fuel is the most common energy source consumed in
mining operations (Kecojevic & Komljenovic, 2010). Electric LHDs are also used, but are not
as common as diesel (Paraszczak et al., 2013). Other sources of energy such as natural gas
and gasoline are not so common in mining operations. As shown in Figure 1, the price of
crude oil was below $90 per barrel in the world market in 2011, the year of this reference
case. The reference case represents current judgment regarding exploration and development
costs and accessibility of oil resources. Under the assumption that the Organization of the
Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) producers will maintain their market share and will
schedule investments in incremental production capacity, the price of oil is projected to reach
$106 per barrel in 2020 and $163 per barrel in 2040 (AEO, 2013). Continued increases in
global energy demand, future increases in energy prices, increased mine depths and related
costs, and environmental issues necessitate that mining companies investigate implications of
increased operational costs on their mine plan. Haulage methods that will result in reaching
desired production objectives at lower costs will very significant (Kecojevic & Komljenovic,

Figure 1 ௅ World oil prices forecast (AEO, 2013).

Energy consumption is the amount of fuel used during a specific period of time, and is most
accurately measured onsite. However, onsite measurement is very expensive because it
requires continuously monitoring of every piece of equipment in operation. In the absence of
field measurements, consumption can be estimated based on available energy models such as
Energy Savings Measurement Guide, Energy Efficiency Opportunities, Energy Mass Balance,
and Mining Industry Energy Bandwidth (Bise, 2003). Most of these models use simplified
methods for estimating diesel fuel and electricity consumption (Tatiya, 2013), and although
less expensive, they also are less accurate compared with on-site measurement. The methods

depend on load factor, engine capacity, road conditions, and the time the equipment is utilized
(Caterpillar, 2009). Equation 1 can be used to estimate diesel fuel consumption during loading
and dumping (Kecojevic & Komljenovic, 2010). For electric LHDs, the energy consumed
during loading and dumping is estimated based on the motor input power and time the
equipment is utilized.

 ‫  כ 
  ൌ ሺͳሻ

In this equation, FC is the fuel consumed in liters per machine hour; K stands for the
kilograms of fuel used per brake horsepower per hour; GHP represents the gross engine
horsepower at governed engine revolution per minute; KPL is the weight of fuel in Kg/liter;
and LF is the load factor in percentage. Equation 2 is used to convert the fuel consumed (FC)
by diesel LHDs into kWh for comparison with electric LHDs.

 ‫͵ כ‬ͺǤ͸
ୈ ൌ ሺʹሻ

In this equation, ED is the energy consumed by diesel equipment in kWh; the calorific value
of 38.6 MJ/L is the amount of heat released by a fuel when combusted and 3.6 MJ is the heat
used to produce 1 kWh. Equation 3 is used to estimate the energy consumption in kWh per
loading cycle (E) from loading point to dumping point and back to loading point for both
diesel and electric LHDs.

 ‫ כ ‰ כ‬ሾሺ୛ ൅ େ ሻ ‫ ୐ כ‬൅ ሺ୛ ‫ כ‬୉ ሻሿ

 ൌ ‫– כ‬ሺ͵ሻ

In this equation, TR is the total resistance in tonnes; g is the acceleration due to gravity in
m/s2; VW is the gross vehicle weight; BC represents bucket capacity in tonnes; VL is the
vehicle speed in m/s when loaded; t is the time taken to transport material for dumping and
return to the loading point in hours; and VE is the vehicle speed in m/s when empty. The CO2
emissions are estimated based on the combustion process of fixed carbon restrained in a
volume of diesel fuel. These emissions occur because of incomplete combustion in the diesel
engine and impurities in the fuel (Pellegrino et al., 2005). The emissions are calculated based
on the diesel conversion factors published by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA,
2005). Equation 4 is used to express the amount of CO2 emitted in tonnes from diesel
equipment (Bogunovic and Kecojevic, 2009).

ଶ ൌ  ‫Ͳ כ ଺ିͲͳ כ  כ‬Ǥͻͻ ‫ כ‬൤ ൨ሺͶሻ


In this equation, CC stands for carbon content of the fuel (g/l); 0.99 is the oxidation factor,
meaning that 99 percent of fuel burns out and 1 percent is unoxidized; 44/12 is the ratio of the
molecular weight of CO2 to the molecular weight of carbon.

Discrete event simulation

In this study, discrete event simulation was used to estimate the LHD machines’
operating times, which was used as input for the fuel consumption estimation. Discrete event
simulation is a technique used to model stochastic, dynamic systems in which changes in the
state of the variables in the events occur at discrete points in time. The technique is very
suitable for modeling complex systems (Law & Kelton, 1991) and has been used increasingly
for various systems in both open-pit and underground mining operations (Banks et al., 2010).
Simulation can model operations in order to analyze, optimize, improve, and plan systems
with regard to for instance fleet requirements, the flow of hauling machines, and mine
planning. Among the various simulation tools available on the market, AutoMod was selected
for this study. AutoMod is used to create discrete event simulation models of various
applications such as assembly lines, manufacturing systems, and mining operations. It is used
to analyze and optimize alternative system designs, and can predict results for existing and
future systems. AutoMod provides advanced debugging and trace facilities that enable errors
and flaws to be easily traced. In addition, the tool is equipped with concurrent 3D graphics
and a comprehensive set of templates and objects for modeling different applications (Muller,


The analyzed mine uses sublevel caving mining method. In this method,
development drifts are initially made. Next the ore passes are drilled, which extend vertically
from the current mining area to the bottom of a new mining area where transportation levels
exist. Horizontal sublevels are created, and access routes over the length of the orebody
within a sublevel are developed. The self-supported horizontal crosscuts are drilled through
the orebody perpendicular to the access routes.
In this mine, spaces between sublevels are about 28.5 meters and the spaces between
crosscuts are 25 meters apart. At the crosscuts, near-vertical rings of holes are drilled in a fan-
shaped pattern. Each ring contained around 10,000 tonnes of ore and waste. The ore is
recovered on each sublevel starting with overlying sublevels and proceeding downwards. In
each sublevel, the ore is removed from the hanging wall to the forefront of the footwall. As
the ore is recovered from a sublevel, the hanging wall will collapse, according to design, and
will cover the mining area with broken waste rock.


Figure 2 ௅ A section of the mine used in the analysis

As shown in Figure 2, the mine is divided into 10 main production areas, called blocks,
extending from the uppermost mining level down to the current main level. Each block
consists of several sublevels. Each block is about 400 to 500 meters long, and each has its
own group of orepasses located at the center of the production area and extending down to the
main haulage level. At the time of the study, the mine was producing approximately 27 Mt of
crude ore per year. By 2015, it is estimated to produce 37 Mt per year from all 10 blocks. To
reach this target, the mining company plan to increase the loading capacity from each block to
10,000 tonnes per day.
Figure 3 shows the block we analyzed. In this part of the mine, one 25-tonne-capacity
electric LHD operates from 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. and one 21-tonne-capacity diesel LHD
(called 7D in this study) operates from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. The average daily production
of these machines is 60 percent of the future planned production. These LHDs load the ore
from draw points within each production drift and transport it to the orepasses. Large trains
operating on the main level transport the ore from orepasses to a crusher, which crushes the
ore for hoisting to the surface through a series of vertical shafts. Once mining has begun in a
block, continuous production must be maintained until all available ore is removed (according
to the mine restrictions).
For this study, the energy consumption and gas emissions for the LHD 7D and the
diesel LHDs shown in Table 1 were compared with electric LHDs of similar bucket sizes. The
25-tonne electric LHD was not considered for this analysis because there is available diesel
counterpart with similar bucket size. The data for LHD 7D was collected from the mine, while
data for all other LHDs were obtained from the manufacturers. The energy consumption was
estimated based on simulation results and empirical formulas. Simulation was used to
estimate the LHDs’ operating times and then the simulation result was as input to estimate the
energy consumption and gas emissions.
The combined use of simulation and analytical calculations enables a more accurate estimate
of energy consumption and emissions than a single analytical method, which is the traditional


method for this type of estimates. The single use of analytical methods can be successfully
applied when a system involves less random activities. During loading operations randomness
is present in many situations, such as variability in loading and dump times, in tramming
distances, and in times to clear boulders at the orepasses. When a system contains uncertainty
and random behavior, the discrete event simulation approach offers the advantage of more
accurate accounting for real world uncertainty and diversity of operations.

Simulation model formulation

The simulation model was developed using AutoMod software, which consists of
material movement systems that allow users to model both manual and automated equipment
such as LHDs with high degree of accuracy (Muller, 2011). When system elements such as
paths and stations are known, then operating parameters such as speed, turning speed,
acceleration, and deceleration can be defined in the movement system (Banks, 2004). The
software creates performance reports with statistics and 3-D animation, providing a realistic
and statistically accurate view of the system. AutoMod also provides advanced debugging
features to easily trace errors and flaws and is equipped with the Autostat feature to reduce
time required for experimentation and analysis.

Input data

Table 1 shows the kinematics data for the diesel and electric LHDs. 14 types of LHD
machines was analyzed (seven diesel-powered and seven electric-powered) with similar
bucket capacities. The electric LHD 7E was not yet on the market, and therefore, the data for
this machine was estimated based on assumptions from the manufacturer’s experts. The
average speed for all LHDs at gear three was used for the analysis. Table 2 shows the
technical parameters used for energy consumption calculations. The calculated energy was the
energy required to drive the machine, and energy required to run machines’ installed fans and
hydraulic systems were excluded in this study.
Table 1 – Kinematics parameters

LHDs type Bucket Empty speed (km/h) Loaded speed

capacity (km/h)
Diesel Electric Diesel Electric Diesel Electric
1D 1E 1.5 24 10.3 23.2 10
2D 2E 1.6 19.5 8.93 18.9 8.85
3D 3E 3 26 9.14 25.6 8.82
4D 4E 4.5 23.5 12 21.4 11
5D 5E 4.6 27 15.8 26.4 15.1
6D 6E 5.4 29.4 15.5 26.9 15
7D 7E 9 25.5 13.5 23.6 12.7

As shown in Table 2, the operating weight of both types of LHDs increased with
increased machine size. The diesel LHDs had higher drive power compared to the electric
LHDs with similar bucket sizes. Normally, the fuel or electricity consumption rate of a


vehicle is determined based on the machine loading rate, vehicle efficiency, road gradient and
surface features, load factors, and the LHD operating time. The load factor was obtained by
taking the ratio of the power the LHD was using (input power) to the power required when the
LHD operates at its rated capacity. A strip chart recorder was used to measure the average
input power for diesel LHD 7D in the mine, which was 274 kW. As Table 2 indicates, this
LHD had a drive power capacity of 350 kW, which gives a load factor of 78 percent. The
same value of load factor was assumed for all analyzed diesel and electric LHDs.

Table 2 ௅ Technical parameters for diesel and electric LHDs.

LHDs type Vehicle operating Drive power

weight (Tonnes) (kW)
Diesel Electric Diesel Electric Diesel Electric
1D 1E 8.7 9.4 71 55
2D 2E 12.32 13 63 56
3D 3E 19.6 17.3 150 75
4D 4E 24.3 24.5 170 110
5D 5E 26.2 28.2 220 132
6D 6E 39 38.5 250 243
7D 7E 56.8 58.4 350 283

The resisting force was estimated based on the tire rolling resistance because the
LHDs were hauling material from the production drifts to the orepasses near the main drift, a
grade resistance of zero. The simulation results was used to obtain the LHDs’ operating times,
after excluding time lost for maintenance, production area availability, meal breaks, shift
changes, and interference with other mining activities, such as drilling, charging and orepass
maintenance. The production area availability due to other mining activities was 80 percent,
which was applied for all LHDs. For this study, data for breakdown, scheduled maintenance,
and equipment downtime was available for the diesel LHD 7D. No operating characteristics
data were available for the other analyzed diesel and electric LHDs, which to the exclusion of
a comparison of availability and utilization for diesel and electric machines. In the simulation,
a machine availability of 80 percent was used for all LHDs. The value was based on the mean
time between failure (MTBF) of 59.9 hours and mean time to repair (MTTR) of 14.3 hours
for the diesel LHD 7D (Gustafson et al., 2013). The machine efficiency was 85 percent and 95
percent for all diesel and electric machines respectively. Using equations 1, 2, 3, and 4, we
calculated the energy consumption and gas emissions.

Model logic

Figure 3 below shows the mine block used for the analysis. The block consists of17
production drifts, each approximately 100 meters long, and four orepasses located close to the
main drift. A three-meter blasting round on each production drift begin in sequence at the
hanging wall, using an upward rise to provide free face and then retreat toward the footwall.
Mucking out by LHDs continue until the waste dilution reach the set limit. Approximately
10,000 tonnes of ore is excavated from one blasted ring, which mean the total ore to be mined
from this block is approximately 6.17 metric tonnes. Loading is assumed to start from the first


drift on the left side of the block and to continue to the next drift until the last drift is finished.
This procedure is repeated until the entire production area is mined out.
As shown in Figure 3, two parking areas are included as waiting places for LHD
machines during breaks. In this case, only one machine is operating at a time. The machine
uses two orepasses when operating on the left side of the production area and the remaining
two orepasses when operating on the right. Which orepass is used depends on the buffer
capacity and boulder frequency. If the buffer capacity limit is reached, then the LHD moves to
the next orepass. If a boulder enters the orepass, the LHD waits for clearance; for this study,
we triangularly distributed this waiting time as a minimum of one minute, an average of five
minutes, and maximum of 30 minutes. If the boulder clearance is not finished during this
time, the LHD moves to the next orepass. If the rock breaker is working to clear boulders
when the next orepass buffer capacity is reached, the LHD waits for the rock breaker to finish
removing the boulders. The initial simulation model consist of the diesel LHD 7D machine,
which is currently in operation in the mine. The simulation model was adjusted and all
analyzed LHDs was simulated. The machines’ productivity, energy consumption, and gas
emissions was then compared. Figure 4 shows the logic for the LHD loading operations.


Figure 3 ௅ The mine block considered in this study


Figure 4 ௅ Flow chart of LHD loading operation

Model validation and verification

Verification ensures that a conceptual model design has been transformed into a
computer model with sufficient accuracy and validation ensures the model is sufficiently
accurate for a certain purpose (Sargent, 2003). Both processes ensure that a created model is
accurate and represents the real system. Techniques used for verification may include testing
the model logic, using debugging techniques, running the model under varying conditions,
making logic flow diagrams, and building diagnostics into the model (Muller, 2011). Ways to
achieve validation may include a degenerate test, testing internal validity, using an extreme
condition test, comparison with historical data, testing face validity, comparing output results
with the actual system, or using a Turing test (Banks et al., 2010). A verified and validated
simulation model could provide results very close to those in the actual operating system.
For this study, verification was achieved using debugging techniques, an animations
check, model inspection from the specialists, and running the model under varying conditions.

The debugging features were used to make sure that everything was running correctly before
resuming execution. Simulation runs were initially conducted with conceptual estimated size
of equipment, storage facilities, and haulage systems structures. Initial results allowed these
parameters to be redefined and radically changed, which involved extra programming that
enhanced the program’s versatility to conform with proposed mine logistics. To achieve
validation, internal validity was used and compared the model’s output with output of the real


Productivity comparison

The simulation was first conducted for the diesel LHD 7D, which was currently
operating in the mine. After the first simulation, we adjusted the model and applied it to the
other LHD machines to obtain a comparison of the hourly production rates, hourly energy
consumption, and CO2 gas emissions.

Hourly productivity comparison

Productivity (Tonnes/Hour)

200 Diesel LHDs
150 Electric LHDs
1D 1E 2D 2E 3D 3E 4D 4E 5D 5E 6D 6E 7D 7E
Type of LHDs

Figure 5 ௅ Hourly productivity comparisons

Figure 5 shows the hourly productivity (tonnes per hour) of the analyzed LHDs. The diesels
LHDs moved more tonnes per hour than the electric LHDs of similar bucket size because
diesel LHDs travel faster and have higher versatility, resulting in shorter cycle times than
electric LHDs. The hourly production rose with increases in bucket capacity for both diesel
and electric LHDs. Despite the smaller-bucket machines’ greater maneuverability and thus
shorter cycle times, the larger-bucket machines were able to dump more ore. Based on the
productivity results for all analyzed machines, a single unit would not be enough to achieve
the future daily target of 10,000 tonnes; therefore, increased production capacity will demand
an additional electric or diesel LHD to be in operation, and in turn, multiple drifting and
stoping operations. The production area used for the analysis can accommodate up to two


LHDs operating simultaneously. During dumping, the machine operating on the left side of
the mine block would use the first two orepasses, and the LHD operating on the right would
dump material in the orepasses on the right side. If more than two machines were employed,
the performance evaluations include delays for queuing and traffic. The option to add more
equipment would need to be justified financially because the cost of additional equipment
might not be recuperated by extra production.

Energy consumption and gas emission

Recognizing that moving ore is one of mining’s most energy-intensive activities and
that energy and ventilation are large contributors to operation costs, the energy consumption
and CO2 emissions were analyzed. Energy consumption of the diesel LHD 7D in the mine
during its operation was measured, and simulation and the empirical formulas were used to
estimate energy consumption of the other analyzed machines. Simulation was used to obtain
each LHD’s operating time, which was then used to calculate the utilization. In all cases, the
LHD machines’ utilizations were calculated using equation 5.

–‹Ž‹œƒ–‹‘ ൌ ‫ͲͲͳ כ‬Ψሺͷሻ

Table 3 shows the fuel or electricity consumption for the diesel and electric LHDs.
Based on current prices, the diesel LHDs’ hourly fuel costs were higher than the hourly cost
of electricity. For example, in one hour of operation, diesel LHD 7D consumed 38.6 liters of
fuel while its electric counterpart consumed 306 kWh of electricity. Based on an assumed a
fuel price of $2.1/L and electricity price of $0.12/kWh (WES, 2014), this consumption
equates to an hourly fuel cost of $81.1 and an electricity cost of $36.8. The cost increased
with an increase in the bucket size for both machine types. The diesel fuel consumption was
converted into kWh for comparison purposes with electric units; these results are shown in
Figure 6.
Energy consumption was higher for diesel machines. For example, in one hour of
operations, the diesel LHD 7D consumed 405kWh of energy while its electric counterpart
consumed 306 kWh. Electric LHDs use less energy because they are equipped with lower
powered motors compared with diesel machines. The diesel LHD with a bucket capacity of
4.6m3 had 220 kW of power, while the electric LHD of the same capacity only 132 kW.


Table 3 ௅ Comparison of diesel fuel and electricity consumption

LHDs type Fuel consumption- Electricity Hourly Hourly

Diesel LHDs consumption- Electric fuel costs electricity
(L/hour) LHDs (kWh/hour) ($) costs ($)
Diesel Diesel

1D 1E 6.97 25.31 14.63 3.04

2D 2E 7.34 23.30 15.40 2.80
3D 3E 14.32 38.67 30.08 4.64
4D 4E 20.37 75.67 42.78 9.08
5D 5E 22.65 126.52 47.55 15.18
6D 6E 24.54 217.87 51.54 26.14
7D 7E 38.63 306.59 81.12 36.79

The energy required to drive LHDs is proportional to its speed. On average, diesel machines
travel faster than electric ones at the same gear because the diesel engine has a torque
converter with low offset ratio. This feature enables diesel machines to have higher speed and
higher energy consumption compared with their electric counterparts. The difference in
consumption rates increases with an increase in bucket size because larger buckets weigh
more. For example, a diesel machine with 1.5m3 bucket weighs 8.7 tonnes with an empty
bucket and one with a 9m3 bucket weighs of 56.8 tonnes. When operated in the same gear, the
heavier machine will consume more fuel than the lighter one.

Hourly energy consumption comparison

Energy consumption (kWh/Hour)

200 Diesel LHDs
150 Electric LHDs
1D 1E 2D 2E 3D 3E 4D 4E 5D 5E 6D 6E 7D 7E
Types of LHDs

Figure 6 ௅ Comparison of energy consumption for diesel and electric LHDs


Next, the CO2 gas emissions for diesel LHDs estimated. Figure 7 shows the hourly
CO2 emissions with respective hourly fuel consumption for each LHD. For example, diesel
LHD 1D consumed 6.9 liters of diesel and emitted 18.6 Kg of CO2 in one hour, while diesel
LHD 7D consumed 38.6 liters and emitted 103.5 Kg of CO2, which indicates that an increase
in energy consumption results in higher CO2 emissions and the higher related costs of
necessary ventilation.

Hourly fuel consumption and Co2 emission

110 45

100 40
90 35

Fuel consumption (L/Hour)

co2 emission (kg/Hour)

20 Co2 emission
50 Fuel consumption

30 10

20 5

10 0
1D 2D 3D 4D 5D 6D 7D
Diesel LHDs

Figure 7 ௅ Comparison of fuel consumption and gas emissions for diesel LHDs

The analysis of these results indicated that the energy costs were higher for the diesel
LHDs than their electric counterparts. On average and based on current prices, the hourly
energy costs for an electric LHD was 47 percent less compared than the diesel of the same
size. Diesel quipment also had higher heat and gas emissions. Based on the ratio of emissions
and the amount of fuel used, the diesel LHDs emitted 2.68 Kg of CO2 gas for every liter of
diesel fuel. In comparison, electric LHDs have zero emission, low energy consumption, and
they emit less heat, although electric machines have higher initial costs because of the
additional infrastructure (transformer boxes and substations) they require. This additional
infrastructure also requires time to relocate when electric machines must be moved from one
production area to another, causing potential production delays. These research results
indicate that utilizing electric rather than diesel machines can result in cost reductions,
especially in an environment of increasing energy prices and deep mining with sublevel
caving methods. When other mining methods are used, a detailed analysis may be required for
the operational performance of electric LHDs.


The use of simulation method

The simulation method for this research was chosen because the mining system
includes many uncertain operational elements and random behaviors. The discrete event
simulation approach was considered as the most appropriate technique for studying such
operations and can accurately account for the real-world uncertainty and diverse variables of
the interdependent components within mining operations. A verified and validated simulation
model provided results very close to those seen in an actual operating system. A detailed,
accurate simulation model for large, complex systems requires a large data set, statistical
distributions of the data, and a careful choice of simulation software. Sampling from the
probabilistic distribution behavior of the data can be used to evaluate possible factors such as
speed and machine failure.


In this study conducted at an existing underground mine the energy consumption and
gas emissions of seven diesel and seven electric LHDs with similar bucket capacities were
analyzed and compared. The results indicated the following:
x Diesel LHDs are mobile, versatile, and their operational flexibility makes them more
productivity than electric LHDs of similar bucket size. On average, diesels LHDs have
a daily production rate 15 to 20 percent higher than electric LHDs of the same size.
x Based on current energy prices, the hourly energy cost for an electric LHD is 47
percent less than a diesel LHD of the same size.
x Diesel LHDs emit 2.68 Kg of CO2 gas for every liter of fuel. Emissions from diesel
LHDs require large volumes of air for ventilation, which generates additional costs.
Electric LHDs have zero emissions and emit less heat than diesel units.
x With increasing energy prices and the need to mine at greater depths, minimizing use
of diesel machines and increasing electric machines reduce energy costs.


The authors are grateful to the I2Mine project within the EU 7th framework program
for funding this research.


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