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The key takeaways are that the book discusses ways to use mind power and manifestation techniques to attract wealth. It also describes how readers can earn a commission by promoting the book.

The book is about secrets of mind power masters and ways to use the power of the mind to attract wealth and prosperity.

Some of the topics covered in the book include tapping into the subconscious mind, imagining your ideal scene, harnessing the power of will, secrets of rapid manifestation, and creating prosperity mindsets.

“Money Making Secrets of Mind Power Masters”

Copyright 2004-2005 by Andreas Ohrt

All rights reserved. All copyrights for the individual articles
in this ebook remain with the original authors. Reproduction of this
ebook in any form is strictly forbidden.

This book is brought to you by

Andreas Ohrt, editor of Mind Power News.

Mind Power News delivers all the latest news headlines and cutting
edge developments in the science of mind power. Every issue explores
new technologies, new research, new discoveries and new distinctions to help
you learn to use the secret power of your mind and instantly change your life.

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Five Ways to Trick Your Mind Into Attracting Wealth by Andreas Ohrt . . .4
Tapping Your Subconscious Mind, by Brian Tracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Imagine Your Ideal Scene, by Marc Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
The Force of Your Will Projected, by Stuart Wilde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
I’m Thinking...and Not Growing Rich, by Bob Doyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Secrets of Rapid Manifestation, by Dr. Robert Anthony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Harness Your Mind to Create Prosperity, by Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler . . . . .30
Create a Million Dollar Income Stream, by Reed Byron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Money: An Illusion, a Shadow of Something Else, by David Cameron . .38
Mind Power Hypnosis Script for Unending Prosperity, by Alan Tutt . . . .42
A Millionaire’s Secret, by Allan Says . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
A New Way to Achieve All Your Dreams, by Stuart Lichtman . . . . . . . . . .52
The 8 Myths About Creating Wealth, by Nikola Grubisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
Six Ways of Thinking “Rich”, by T. Harv Eker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
Acting in The Certain Way, by Wallace Wattles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Manifesting Success With Consciousness, by Remez Sasson . . . . . . . .68
The Law of Cause and Effect, by Tom Payne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
The Unspoken Secret to Achieving Big Goals, by Joe Vitale . . . . . . . . . .76
Creating Wealth, by Karim Hajee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79
Fear: A Detour on the Road to Success, by Boris Veve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83
Creating the Prosperity Mindset, by Randy Gage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
How to Attract More Money into Your Life, by Michael Losier . . . . . . . . . .91
The Secrets of “Logging On Inside” For Success, by Bob Scheinfeld . .94
Why Gratitude is the Key, by Jeff Staniforth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98
The Science of a Positive Attitude, by Eva Gregory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100
A Simple Plan for Getting Whatever You Want, by Andreas Ohrt . . . . . .103
How to Make Money with this eBook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107

Edited by Andreas Ohrt <<< >>> Page 3


Five Amazingly Simple Ways to Trick Your

Mind Into Attracting Wealth
by Andreas Ohrt

Welcome to “Money Making Secrets of Mind Power Masters.” I truly hope this book will
help you change your life in many revolutionary ways, not the least of which is filling
your life with boundless abundance and prosperity. To help you get started, I’ve written
this introductory chapter with the complete beginner in mind. While this book is packed
with techniques for any level of mind power student, from beginner to expert, I wanted
to start with some very simple ways anyone can get started, right now.

Learning how to use mind power, and learning specifically how to use mind power to
attract wealth and abundance, has been a major focus for most of my life. Along the
way, I've learned that using mind power works most effectively when it is done with
ease and grace. You don’t need to struggle to get exactly what you want in life. In fact,
whenever you struggle, you push away that which you most desire.

Using mind power to change your life is more like a magic trick than anything else. You
simply trick your mind into believing that you have what you want, and then your life
miraculously changes to reflect your new belief. And just like a magic trick, it seems
impossible until you learn the trick, and then you realize it is actually very simple.

Yes, I said very simple. The five steps which follow are designed for the complete
beginner. You can start today, right now, to attract more prosperity in your life. Here are
five ways to start immediately.


In order to attract money into your life, you must show gratitude for the money which is
already in your life. Instead of bemoaning how little money you have, bask in gratitude
at the many ways in which you are rich already. For example, if you earn more than
$25,400 a year you are in the top 10 per cent of wealthy people on this planet. And if
you earn over $2,182 per year, you have more wealth than 85 per cent of the people
on earth. When you focus on what you have rather than what you want, you realize
that you ARE already rich. Give thanks often for all the riches in your life.

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How to use this principle today:

The next time money enters your life, from any source whatsoever, instead of barely
noticing what has happened and mentally beginning to spend it, use a few moments of
time to give thanks to the universe for bringing this money into your life. Every time
you receive a paycheck, every time someone gives you money for any reason, every
time you find money, or get a great deal, or save money in some way, stop and appre-
ciate the fact that money is flowing into your life. Doing this every time money comes
to you will attract more and more money into your life.


This is the fundamental truth of all mind power work, that you must act as if what you
want is already yours. So act as if you already have the money you wish to have. Ask
yourself, if I was already rich, what would I do, how would I act, how would I feel, and
then do, act, and feel in those ways. Of course, you don't need to quit your job and
move to the South Pacific like you would if you suddenly won the lottery, but you start
small and with each success you build your way to greater and greater wealth. Eat a
little bit better, dress a little bit nicer, go on slightly higher-end vacations, take a cab
instead of the bus now and then, take that course you think you can’t afford, or do any-
thing at all that you wish to do but believe you can’t because of a lack of money. And
when you do these things, bask in joy at your inner state of wealth, and know that this
state will be reflected in your outer world. You’ll be amazed at how life provides for the
things which bring you joy.

How to use this principle today:

The next time you are about to buy something, anything at all, purchase an item that is
of slightly higher quality and price than you would usually buy. Even if something only
costs a few dollars more than what is usual for you to spend, buy that item and thank
the universe for providing for your new expanding lifestyle. Even though it is a tiny
step, you are beginning to teach your mind that you are expanding your limitations,
and as you practice this you will begin to purchase more of the things you want in your
life and the money will come to you to pay for them.


In order to attract wealth into your life, your subconscious mind must be open to the

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idea of wealth flowing to you. You must be open and receptive to money coming to you
from any source whatsoever. This includes the pennies laying on the street. If you pass
a penny on the sidewalk, and your usual reaction is simply to ignore it because stoop-
ing down to pick up a penny is not worth the effort, you are telling your subconscious
mind that you are not willing to put out effort for money. The amount of money makes
no difference whatsoever. The subconscious mind doesn't distinguish between one
penny and one million dollars. All it knows is how you feel. Of course this manifests in
many other ways as well. Whenever you do not accept a gift graciously, whenever you
do not charge someone for work that you have done for them, or charge them way
less than you should because you feel guilty, and whenever you sell a product for less
than it is worth because you do not want to charge too much, you are generating the
same emotions. So begin to be open to money, in whatever form, and begin to accept
it's flow into your life, even if it's only a penny on the street.

How to use this principle today:

Simply go for a walk today and look for money. You are sure to find at least a penny
somewhere. Pick it up and thank the universe for bringing money into your life. Let
your subconscious mind know that you are open and willing to accept money from any
source. As well, apply this principle in your working life. If you have been undercharg-
ing for your services, raise your prices. If you are not earning what you feel you
should, ask for a raise. And whenever anyone gives you anything, especially money,
accept it graciously and give thanks.


One thing that all self-made millionaires agree on is that there are opportunities every-
where, if we are just open to seeing them. You can prove this for yourself by looking at
your own life. There are probably many times in your past which you think back to and
wonder what might have happened if you had taken an opportunity at just the right
time. Whether it’s obvious things like career opportunities you let slip by, investment
opportunities you didn’t believe in, or less obvious opportunities like an idea you once
had that is now making someone else rich, or an industry you could have joined before
it became saturated.

If you are like most people, when you think of your past opportunities, you believe that

4Edited by Andreas Ohrt <<< >>> Page 6


you once had a chance but that opportunity is now gone. The difference between rich
and poor people is that rich people realize that new opportunities are always all around
us, all the time. You simply need to keep a look out for the opportunities, keep and
open mind, and be prepared to take advantage when the opportunity arrives.

I’m sure you’ve heard the old adage that luck occurs when opportunity meets prepara-
tion. Well, it couldn’t be more true. If you expect to find money-making opportunities in
your life, and you prepare to take advantage of them when they come, you will be
blessed with more incredible luck than you have ever experienced.

How to use this principle today:

Get out a little notebook and write down all the money-making ideas you can think of. It
doesn’t matter how stupid or outrageous the idea might seem, but write it down anyway.
This does two things. First, you realize that there are plenty of money-making opportuni-
ties around you right now, as there always have been and always will be. Secondly, this
exercise will stimulate you mind to see money-making opportunities where it might have
ignored them in the past, and will help you practice to see opportunities in the future. If
you keep adding ideas to your notebook consistently, one day you will see an incredibly
opportunity on your list which is perfect for you. Then go for it!


This has got to be the easiest money-making advice I could ever give. Do something
that makes you feel good. When you feel good, your energy rises, and when your ener-
gy rises, it attracts more of the things into your life which make you feel good. Could life
be any easier? Not really, but we are so caught up in the backwards thinking of every-
one around us that we miss the obvious flow of energy. All you really need to attract
more of the good things in your life, including more money, is to generate positive ener-
gy into the world. The states of happiness and joy literally rearrange the atoms of your
world to bring you more happiness and joy. Of course, the reverse is true as well. So
avoid fear, anger, depression, and spend your time feeling good about yourself and your
life. If this is difficult for you, just practice. Begin with some small thing which brings you
happiness. It could be as simple as watching a sunset, renting your favorite movie of all
time, taking someone you love out for dessert, or anything at all. The secret is to do
these things whole-heartedly, with all your attention focussed on the happiness vibrating

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from your soul out into the world. This simple act will bring you rich rewards.

How to use this principle today:

Don’t just read this article and think, that sounds good, and then go back to your life.
Pick something to do which will bring you happiness and do it today. It doesn’t matter
what it is or how small it seems. In fact, you don’t have to do anything at all. All that is
important is feeling the positive emotions of happiness and joy emanating from your
soul. One simple way to generate positive emotion is to feel gratitude for something in
your life. Just pick something in your life for which you are very grateful, and vibrate
your gratitude towards it.


That should get you started. Five extremely simple actions you can take to begin to
expand the prosperity you experience in your life. But don’t stop there. Never let fear
or doubt enter your mind. There is nothing you need to succeed except the power of
your own mind. If you worry that you are not smart enough, not connected enough, not
talented enough, not young enough or not old enough, you are simply creating limiting
beliefs which will manifest in the outside world. All you really need to know is that the
outside world is a reflection of the state of your inner mind. Know that you can make
every day from this day forward a little more joyful and a little more abundant and you
watch your life begin to change.

It’s an easy and gentle process, much like letting a plant grow. One day you will sud-
denly realize that all of your good thoughts have grown into the beautiful fruits of a
happy and successful life. This short article will point you in the right direction. But
don’t stop here. Read this book, learn from the experts, and use the advanced tech-
niques they teach to improve your life. Go for it!

Andreas Ohrt is the editor of Mind Power News, a free weekly e-zine which
compiles all the news headlines, scientific research, and cutting-edge
developments in the science of Mind Power. Get your free subscription
and more free bonuses at

Edited by Andreas Ohrt <<< >>> Page 8


Tapping Your Subconscious Mind

by Brian Tracy

You have available to you, right now, a power like a supercomputer that can enable
you to solve any problem, overcome any obstacle and achieve any goal you can set
for yourself.

This power has been used throughout history to take people from rags to riches, from
poverty and obscurity to success and fame, from unhappiness and frustration to joy
and self-fulfillment. And it can do the same for you.

This power has been called many things by many people in many places. It is the fun-
damental principle of most religions, philosophies and metaphysical teachings. It
underlies much of psychology and is the cornerstone of all success and achievement.
In its simplest terms, it is called the “subconscious mind,” although this is a misunder-
standing because the true subconscious mind is merely a memory bank of senses and
impressions that reacts automatically based on your previous experiences.

It has also been called the “universal subconscious mind” and the “collective uncon-
scious.” The great Austrian psychoanalyst, Carl Jung, referred to this as the “supercon-
scious mind.” He felt that the collective wisdom and knowledge of all the ages was
contained in this superconscious mind and was available to everyone.

Ralph Waldo Emerson referred to it as the “oversoul” and wrote that, “We live in the
lap of an immense intelligence that, when we are in its presence, we realize that it is
far beyond our human mind.” Emerson, the great American transcendentalist, felt that
all power and possibility for the average person came from using this mind on a regu-
lar basis.

Napoleon Hill, perhaps the greatest researcher on success of the 20th century, called
this power the “infinite intelligence.” After spending more than 20 years interviewing
500 of the most successful men and women alive in America at that time, he conclud-
ed that, without exception, their ability to tap into this higher form of infinite intelligence
was the primary reason for their great success in life.

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Whatever you choose to call it, this power is as available to you at this very minute as
it ever has been to anyone, anywhere. I refer to it as the “superconscious mind,” the
mind that is above and outside all other minds or intelligences.

The superconscious mind is the source of all examples of pure creativity. It is the super-
conscious mind that is functioning at the creation of anything that is completely new in
the universe. The superconscious mind was tapped into and used by all the great inven-
tors, writers, artists and composers of history on a regular basis, right up to the present
day. Every great work of art or creativity is infused with superconscious energy.

Thomas Edison used his superconscious mind regularly to come up with hundreds of
brand new ideas and inventions, more than 1,000 of which completely transformed
America at the beginning of the 20th century. More recently, William Gates came up
with an idea for a basic operating system for the early computers, which he called
“MS-DOS.” It was so unique and revolutionary that he and Paul Allen were actually
writing the program on the airplane as they flew to their meeting with their first cus-
tomer. Today, Bill Gates is the world’s richest man, and it all came from a supercon-
scious flash of insight. Bach, Beethoven and Brahms tapped into the superconscious
mind regularly to write some of the finest music ever heard. Mozart was so finely tuned
into his superconscious mind that he could both see and hear the music in his head
and was then able to write down some of the most beautiful music of the ages, note
perfect, the very first time he put pen to paper.

Whenever you see, read, listen to, or experience a great achievement of any kind that
touches something deep inside you, you are witness to a superconscious creation.

Your superconscious mind can access every piece of information stored in your con-
scious and subconscious minds. It can also access data and ideas outside your own
experience, because it actually lies outside your human mind. This is why it is called a
form of universal or infinite intelligence.

You will often get ideas that come to you from far beyond you. It is not unusual for two
people separated by thousands of miles of distance to come up with the same idea at
the same time. When you are well-attuned to another person, such as your spouse or

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mate, you will often have thoughts identical to him or her at the same time during the
day, and you will only find out that you had reached the same conclusion when you
compare notes hours later. This is an example of your superconscious mind at work.

Your superconscious mind is capable of goal-oriented motivation. When you are work-
ing determinedly toward a goal of your own choosing, your superconscious mind will
generate a continuous flow of ideas and energy to help you move onward. In fact, your
superconscious mind is a form of “free energy.” This free energy becomes available to
you when you become excited or inspired about achieving something that is really
important to you. You seem to be able to continue hour after hour without fatigue.
Sometimes you even forget to eat, and you need far less sleep than you would normal-
ly. After you have achieved your goal, you may collapse in exhaustion, but while you
are moving toward it, you seem to be flowing with continuous energy and enthusiasm.

Your superconscious mind automatically and continually solves every problem on the
way to your goal, as long as your goal is clear. Your superconscious mind will also give
you the lessons and experiences that you need to succeed, in the form of setbacks,
problems, frustrations and temporary failures.

Your superconscious mind will also bring you the exact answer you require to solve
your problem or achieve your goal, exactly when you are ready for it. When your
superconscious mind gives you a hunch or an inspiration, remember, this is time-dated
material. You must act on it immediately.

I’ve had many experiences of wrestling with a problem that I have been unable to resolve
until the last minute. Then, right when I need it, the answer becomes perfectly clear. This
will happen to you as well when you use the power of your superconscious mind.

The critical factor in using your superconscious mind is your attitude. Your supercon-
scious mind functions best with an attitude of calm, confident expectations. When you
adopt an attitude of faith and acceptance, when you confidently accept and believe
that everything that is happening to you is moving you progressively toward the
achievement of your goal, your superconscious mind seems to come alive, like all the
lights have been turned on in a room. This is why successful people seem to have

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tremendous clarity concerning what they want, along with tremendous calmness and
confidence regarding their ability to achieve it. This combination of attitudes will throw
the power switch on your superconscious abilities.

Because of your superconscious powers, anything that you can hold in your mind on a
continuing basis, you can have. Emerson wrote, “A man becomes what he thinks
about, most of the time.” Earl Nightingale wrote, “You become what you think about.” In
the Bible it says that, “Whatsoever a man soweth, that also shall he reap.” And this law
of sowing and reaping refers to mental states; to your thoughts. Of course, there is a
potential danger in the use of your superconscious mind. It is like fire - a wonderful
servant, but a terrible master. If you use it improperly, and think negative, fearful
thoughts, your superconscious mind will accept your thoughts as a command and go
to work to materialize them into your reality.

What is the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people? It is as

simple as this: Successful people think and talk about what they want, and unsuccess-
ful people talk about what they don’t want.

So here is a 10-step plan for plugging into your superconscious power to get what you
truly want in life. Make this plan a regular habit, and you will be astonished at the results.

1. Decide exactly what you want. This is usually the biggest problem that peo-
ple have. They don’t know what they want and then they’re surprised when they don’t
get it.

2. Write your goal clearly in every detail. A goal that is not written down is
merely a wish. When you write it down, you signal to your superconscious mind that
you really want to accomplish this particular objective.

3. Write your goal in simple, present tense words on a three-by-five index

card and carry it with you to read and re-read throughout the day whenever you get a

4. Make a list of everything you can think of that you can do that will

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move you toward your goal. Making a list intensifies your desire and deepens
your belief that the attainment of the goal is possible for you.

5. Organize the list by priority. What is more important and what is less important?

6. Resolve to take action every day on one of the items on your list. Do something
every day that moves you toward your goal so that you can maintain your momentum.

7. Visualize your goal repeatedly. See it in your mind’s eye as though it were
already a reality. The more clear and vivid your mental picture of your goal, the faster it
will come into your life.

8. Get the feeling of pleasure and enjoyment that you would have if your
goal were realized at this very moment. Create the emotion of happiness, satisfaction,
and pleasure that you would have if you really achieved your goal.

9. Confidently behave as if your superconscious mind were bringing your goal

into reality. Accept that you are moving toward your goal and it is moving toward you.

10. Release your goal completely to your superconscious mind. When

you turn your goal over to the power of the universe and just get out of the way, you
will always know the right actions to take at the right time.

Starting today, try this power of yours, your superconscious mind, on one goal or idea,
and practice it continually until you succeed in achieving that goal. By doing so, you
will move from the “positive thinking” of the hopeful person to the “positive knowing” of
the totally successful person.

Brian Tracy is America’s leading authority on the development of human
potential, and the best-selling author of 23 books. Brian Tracy has trained over
2 million people in 23 countries. Get your free audio cassette “21 Success
Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires” at

Edited by Andreas Ohrt <<< >>> Page 13


Imagine Your Ideal Scene

by Marc Allen

This Is The Essential First Step

This step is simple - all it involves is writing down a few pages of ideas - and yet it
proved to be vitally important, fundamental to the rapid growth I experienced after I did
it. It opened the door to every other discovery in my life, and has brought me to a level
of success and fulfillment that had been completely unimaginable to me before I did
this simple process.

A Powerful Exercise
The first step is called the “ideal scene process.” It is another way way to look at the
second habit Stephen Covey gives us in his book “The Seven Habits of Highly
Effective People”. This habit alone is a great key to success: “Begin with the end in

This is a simple, powerful key: Begin with the end in mind, and keep the end in mind,
always. Then you’ll discover that the opportunities that lead you there have always
been right in front of you - you just haven’t seen them until now.

Dream Freely And Define Success

The important thing is to allow yourself to freely dream, and then to clearly define what
success if for you.

The “ideal scene” exercise that follows is wonderful for giving you an easy, playful way
to clearly imagine what success is for you as the unique individual you are.

Imagine Your Ideal Scene

It all starts with a dream. The essential first step is to dream and to imagine: Imagine
five years have passed, and you are living your ideal life: doing what you want to do,
being who you want to be, having what you want to have.

Some of us don’t even allow ourselves to dream - and yet it is the essential first step.
Without the dream, achievement is impossible.

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Take a bit of time to quietly relax, and then allow your imagination to wander. Allow
yourself to dream. Encourage yourself, the way you would encourage a child, to play
with different possibilities that could await you in life - if you but dare to dream.

Imagine you’ve been so inspired by the words and exercises in this course - and by
many other things you’ve encountered along the way - that you have created the life of
your dreams. You have become a success in every way you wish.

If money were no object, and you could do, be, and have exactly what you wanted,
what would it be?

Describe your ideal. Let it be as far-fetched as you want - we’ll deal with reality later.
For now, let your imagination soar. Don’t restrict yourself, and don’t edit it a you write it
- no one else has to see it, and you can always change it later.

List And Affirm Your Goals

When you take this next step you will see powerful results. Within your ideal scene are
bound to be several different goals. Take a clean sheet of paper, write “Goals” at the
top, and list your major goals, however many there are, on the page. I had ten or
twelve goals when I first did my list; now I have just six - my life has gotten simpler
over the years.

First we simply list our goals, in any way that comes to mind. Then we go back and
rewrite each goal as an affirmation: words that affirm those goals are now in the
process of being realized. The trick is to state your goals in the present, and yet put
them in a way that is believable to you at present, so your subconscious mind can get
to work on them.

The most effective affirmations are stated in the present tense, and yet are entirely
believable to you. They are worded so your goal is now in the process of happening -
not that it has already been achieved, which is not believable. “I am now a millionaire”
is stated in the present, yet it is something your conscious and subconscious mind will
have difficulty believing if, in reality, you are scrounging to pay the rent every month.
Here is the affirmation that worked for me:

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“I am now creating total financial success, in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy
and positive way.”

As I repeated these words, something magical happened, in due time: All kinds of
opportunities appeared, all kinds of possible ways to achieve the lofty goal of financial
freedom started to become obvious to me, and then plans just naturally began to form
in my mind. That led instinctively to the next step: making a simple, written plan for
each major goal.

Once I started affirming my list of goals, I naturally over time developed clearer and
clearer pictures of each of these goals - and those pictures started to include some
very specific steps to take.

The Power Of Imprinting

The process works. My theory is that the repetition of your goals and dreams imprints
them on your subconscious mind, the deep, vast part of your mind that is intimately
connected with, and - in some mysterious way - united with the whole universe. By
simply repeating your goals, you are aligning yourself with the creative power of the

When we affirm we’re going to create our dream, in an easy and relaxed manner, in a
healthy and positive way, our subconscious mind gets immediately to work on it.

Two Powerful, All-inclusive Affirmations

There are two great affirmations to include in your affirmation sessions, or to say at
any time during the day if you find yourself thinking or saying anything limited or
destructive. The power of these words becomes obvious when you affirm them to your-

The first is from a famous French pharmacist, Emile Coue, who saw healing after heal-
ing in his customers after he began giving them this affirmation instead of drugs:
“Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.”

And when you’re affirming a particular goal, it’s very good to add the words that follow

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as a kind of “cosmic insurance policy,” ensuring it will be for your highest good as well
as that of others: “This, or something better, is now manifesting in totally satisfying and
harmonious ways, for the highest good of all.”

Affirm it to be, and it will be. Discover for yourself the power of affirmation.

Write your list of goals, word them in the form of affirmations, and read them over
repeatedly. You are creating the foundation of your success.

You will be what you will to be.

Excerpted from the book “The MIllionaire Course,” by Marc Allen.
Copyright 2003. Published by New World Library.

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The Force of Your Will Projected

by Stuart Wilde

What I learned from the European occultists is that the greatest power available to us
humans is our will when projected correctly. Now you probably haven’t thought much in
terms of the power of your will. But it is this same power that the ancient magicians used
to create supernatural events in their lives. The difference between will and intention is
that, for many people intention is just a mental act - a kind of wishful thinking - whereas
the force of will projected from your consciousness contains not only your thoughts and
desires but also the enthusiasm of your own Life Force. Your will, projected correctly, will
contain that vital ingredient, your spirit - the very essence of what you are.

The force of that spirit, clearly defined, will deliver to you the focus of your will, by
virtue of the fact that the clarity of its concentration is honed to such an uncluttered
purity that it cuts right through reality and fires the full weight of its power upon any tar-
get. Remember that your consciousness is contained in a sea of consciousness, which
is basically all the energy and thoughtforms of the world around you. For the most part
the energy of people around you will be weak and ill-defined. What little power they
have is often undermined by emotion.

In that pea-soup of mumbling and grumbling, along comes the magician: powerful,
clear, uncluttered by yearnings or fanciful ramblings of the imagination. Detached as
he is from the emotions of humanity, he stands on a launch platform that is already a
rung or two higher than the crowd. From there he fires his will into the circumstances
of life, knowing that his power is unstoppable.

How could the Universal Law of life deny this man? It can’t. His power is too great. His
will is uncluttered by any thought of deserving, of good and bad, of having or not hav-
ing. It is focused solely on what he wants. His desire is not delivered because of any
higher selection process, rather it comes to him solely through the force of his
demand. It is because he wants it, because that thought is laced in his will, empow-
ered by the very spirit of his being, that it cannot be denied him.

When first confronted by this idea, I had a natural reaction against the aggression

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needed to reach that certain level of intent. It seemed to me that somehow it was
“wrong” to harness one’s power in occult terms, to force life to hand over one’s every
wish and whim. But gradually I got used to the idea and developed a theory of morality
around my particular method. Soon I realized that what was important to me were my
achievements - the things that I knew I had to complete in this lifetime. How I got those
things, providing I did not infringe on others, was irrelevant.

The points to consider are, what do you want and how much energy are you prepared
to exert to get what you want? If the level of enthusiasm you are willing to commit to
your quest is not great, then obviously you don’t want what you think you do, or at best
your quest is not that important to you. But if some aspect is very, very special to you,
it becomes sacred by virtue of its integrity. Then the level of your commitment to that
ideal is vital, for you know that the whole reason for your life is contained and centered
in that one quest or achievement.

If this is so, you are required by its very sacredness to exert every fiber of your being,
through physical effort, mental acuity or occult power, to deliver the focus of your intent.
Somewhere in your life there will be an overriding theme to your quest, some part of
your desire which cannot be denied without a terrible cost to the very essence of what
you are. Are you going to ignore it, or do you have the courage of your commitment and
the confidence to demand that life, humanity, or circumstances give you what you want,
with no other excuse, reason nor apology, other than that you demand it?

The point is, if your intention is forceful and your will is clearly defined people line up to
give you what you want. You have to have confidence in yourself. You have to be able
to believe in your own power. If you have the slightest doubt about your worthiness it
takes you immediately from infinite possibilities to a more sparse result.

Imagine the tiger in the forest. Does it wonder if the deer on the path is his? Is there
any question of the tiger’s worthiness? Being inter-connected as all things are, the
eternal Tao sustains itself. The little creatures give themselves up to the tiger as nature
gave of itself to sustain the creatures. Perfect balance is maintained.

The only thing to watch out for is the danger of going over the top and taking undue

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advantage of others or getting carried away by the ego. In a world where everyone
manipulates or controls everyone else, wouldn’t it be nice if you could become a suc-
cess story without having to resort to the same mucky techniques?

As you concentrate upon yourself and your life you will soon become much more pow-
erful than 99% of those with whom you deal. You should take care to temper your
energy and not get carried away by the wealth or the position you find yourself in. If
you don’t watch carefully it is likely that sooner or later you will self-destruct. Or worse
still, you might achieve your every wish and whim but look back on your life and see
ugliness, see that you achieved your quest in material terms but failed to translate
those material benefits into an honorable code of living or spiritual essence.

The whole trick to money is balance. Balance at a thousand a month or balance at a

million a month. The great value of that balance is that it underpins the spiritual you
and allows the inner beauty and creativity to come out. That is why for most people
money is the one lesson - other than love perhaps - that we are here to learn.

You should sit down with your loved ones and really discuss your financial needs so
that each of you can define what he or she wants and what each one’s level of inten-
tion is. Then you can tailor your hopes and dreams to suit your intention and you can
see if the level of your projected will is going to be strong enough to deliver whatever it
is that you want.

If your intention is not really that high you will have to accept that as fact and you may
have to adjust what you expect from life. Alternatively, you can work on your intention
through concentration and discipline, to make it stronger. Then once it is strong the
force of your will projected into life will guarantee the delivery of your heart’s desire.

Excerpted from the book “The Trick to Money is Having Some,” by Stuart Wilde,
best-selling author of over 15 books in the fields of
consciousness and awareness. Copyright 1998 by Hay House Publishing.

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“I’m Thinking...But I’m Not Growing Rich!”

by Bob Doyle

So you’ve read “Think and Grow Rich”, and you’ve got an intellectual understanding
that you “become what you think about”. You have a list of affirmations about wealth,
and you recite them every day.

But you still have no money. Wealth doesn’t seem to be anywhere around.

What’s the deal here? According to Napoleon Hill, you ought to be filthy stinkin’ rich,

Well, here’s the real deal: If you’re not “Wealth Conscious”, than all this thinking, and
all this affirming isn’t going to bring you wealth. Thinking, and affirming are simply
actions you’re taking. But they are just PART of the sequence of creating wealth. If you
skip the FIRST step, you simply can’t get anywhere.

So what’s the first step?


To attract wealth, you first have to BE wealthy. THEN, you think wealthy thoughts,
speak wealthy affirmations, and take wealthy action.

“But how can I BE wealthy if I’m NOT wealthy?” you ask. Logical question, but it’s
based on the false assumption that you don’t have wealth. You HAVE wealth. You’re
simply not aware of it. You have constructed a physical reality that prevents you from
experiencing Wealth. This can all be explained with the science of Quantum Physics.

So let’s look at some very basic concepts of Quantum Physics that will explain what
I’m talking about.

First, you probably are aware - at least on an intellectual level - that at a subatomic
level, we, and everything else in the Universe, is Energy. When you break everything

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down, we’re all made of the same stuff, and we’re all connected. The Universe is just
this huge ocean of Energy, vibrating at various frequencies which gives the illusion of
individuation. That is, we experience the illusion of separateness from each other,
physical objects, and wealth because our “senses” are decoding the Energy around us
in such a way as to create our physical reality.

This all happens in our thoughts.

So, to simplify things quickly here for the sake of time (another illusion), “things” only
exist because we observe them. It is in our observing that things come into existence.
Without our observing, things are simply “waves” - probabilities of existence. Physicists
agree on this.

Our beliefs are a very powerful Energy system in our lives. Our beliefs allow or disal-
low certain experiences in our lives, including wealth.They make up who we are. We
“BE” in the world according to our beliefs. If we are being is “someone who is trying to
get wealthy by repeating affirmations”, then THAT is what our reality will be. We will
just be TRYING to get wealthy.

We have to make the decision that we ARE wealthy, contrary to any external physical
evidence. That evidence is an illusion based on the belief systems that have guided
who we have been being up to that point.

A truly wealthy person isn’t wealthy because they have money. They have money,
because they are wealthy! That’s the distinction that most people have backward!

Here’s an example to illustrate what I mean:

Tony Robbins became a millionaire at a very young age. Then, due to a series of poor
judgments, he lost it. But within a year, he had it back. How did he do this? HE NEVER
LOST HIS WEALTH. He only lost his money, which is just a symbol of wealth! Because he
is “Wealth Conscious”, he literally “magnetically attracts” wealth into his life. He truly can’t
help it! It’s who he is! And there are thousand out there like him, who attract wealth simply
because it’s who they are. You can make the same decision and have the same results.

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Conversely, a person who has grown up with “lack consciousness” can win millions in
the lottery and lose it within a year. Their consciousness - their ENERGY - simply can’t
maintain the attraction to Wealth because they aren’t “wealthy” in who they are being.

But again, Wealth is a decision. If you aren’t currently experiencing wealth, you first
need to realize that abundance is fact it’s all there is. Poverty and lack
are the illusions. You can shift your consciousness to Wealth - BE Wealth - by simply
making the decision, THEN your thoughts, speech, and action will allow you to experi-
ence the wealth that is yours!

This is indeed a complex subject which challenges our core belief systems. But it is
those very belief systems that keep a person in a state of lack.

Look at your financial situation today. Look at your core beliefs about Wealth and You,
and see if your life isn’t a PERFECT reflection of your beliefs. Then, look where those
beliefs may have originated. When you can awaken to yourself that your beliefs create
your reality, rather than the other way around, you have the option to truly be free to
experience a reality of prosperity that you deserve!

Bob Doyle is the CEO and founder of Boundless Living and the developer of the
“Wealth Beyond Reason” program, which provides a continuing education of the
physics of wealth, abundance, and joyous living through the Law of Attraction.
Learn more here:

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The Secrets of Rapid Manifestation

by Dr. Robert Anthony

A few years ago I discovered a formula that allowed me to bring whatever I desired into
my life almost instantly. I call it RAPID MANIFESTATION. Rapid Manifestation is based
on the premise that we attract what we vibrate in the PRESENT MOMENT. In other
words, what we have in our life is a vibrational match to our present moment awareness.

Everything comes to us through the most elemental law of physics – LIKE ATTRACTS
LIKE! Like Attracts Like is nothing more than the Law of Attraction. It is absolute and has
nothing to do with your personality, your religious beliefs, being a “good” or a “bad” person
or anything else. No one lives beyond this Law. It is an irrefutable law of the universe.

You may not have realized until now that this Law applies to your life and every other
person’s life on the planet. The Law of Attraction, like all laws, is impartial and imper-
sonal, which means it works when you want it to and when you don’t want it to.

It is important to understand that you are a CREATOR. In fact, you have no choice
about whether you are creating because you are ALWAYS creating whether you realize
it or not.

However, you do have a choice about WHAT you create. Unfortunately, most creations
in people’s lives are by default. This is why most people feel their lives are out of con-
trol or that things are “happening” to them.

The reason we feel that things are “happening” to us is because we do not understand
how the Law of Attraction works. This causes us to reap results, benefits and disad-
vantages that we do not understand.

The Law of Attraction is irresistible. All natural laws are irresistible. This includes the
law of gravity, electricity or any other law that operates with mathematical exactitude.
There is no variation. The law works perfectly EVERY time. Only the channel of distri-
bution may be imperfect.

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In order to understand how the Law of Attraction and RAPID MANIFESTATION works
and how it affects our lives, we need to take a few moments and talk about our cre-
ative thought process.

Put simply, every thought that you think has its own energetic vibrational frequency.
That thought is impressed into your subconscious mind. Then, through the Law of
Attraction it will energetically attract another person, place, thing, or circumstance that
has a vibrational match or is vibrating at the same frequency. Every thought is a vibra-
tory pattern. Vibratory patterns tend to resonate with similar vibrations and this reso-
nance initiates the creative process.

Quantum physics has shown that all matter is simply a certain vibratory rate of energy.
Matter is attracted to other matter. We call this the Law of Gravity. All energies will
gravitate to other energies of the same or similar vibratory rates. All beliefs and
thoughts, especially when attached to or accompanied by a strong emotional current,
vibrate at a certain frequency or energy. And things, events, people and ideas that
vibrate harmoniously with these thoughts will gravitate to them.

Everything is created through energetic vibration. Sound is vibration. Light is vibration.

Matter is vibration. Thought is vibration. Emotion is vibration. Everything is vibration.
Anything that vibrates at a specific pattern will attract like vibrations. This works on the
chemical, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

Once you understand this principle you will realize why you do NOT have the things
you desire in your life. Whenever you think about something you do NOT want, you set
into motion the vibratory pattern that attracts the very thing you are trying to avoid.

The same thing happens if you reach into your past experience and project the negativi-
ty into your present or future. You will attract more of the same thoughts from other peo-
ple; more conversation, more evidence, more circumstances and more events that per-
petuate this negative thought. Like attracts like. It cannot be avoided. It works the same
way for positive or creative thought. Whatever you focus your intention on you attract.

In this inclusion based Universe, you attract what you think about, whether you want it

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or not. And so, if you’re saying “yes” to what you desire, or if you are saying “no” to it –
you are still including it in your thoughts. The end result is that which you really WANT,
you get - and that which you really DON’T want you get. The Law of Attraction works
for both equally as well.

The important point is this: The more you struggle against something that you do NOT
want, the more you attract it to yourself because you set up RESISTANCE to what you
want. It can be summed up in this statement - Whatever you resist will continue to persist.

We have been programmed with the mistaken belief that we can get what we want by
resisting or defeating what we don’t want. However, that defies the Law of Attraction.
Here is what you must know. That which you defend against will become your experi-
ence, that which you fear or worry about will become your experience and that which
you prepare against will become your experience.

What we fail to understand is that the defense against sickness is the cause of it. The
defense against poverty is the cause of it. The defense against evil is the cause of it.
The defense of being hurt in a relationship is the cause of not having the relationship
we desire.

As you prepare yourself and guard yourself, and are frightened and worried about any-
thing you do not want, by focusing your attention on it and adding emotion to your
thought, you are attracting the very thing you are trying to guard against. The more you
try to defend, resist and guard against it, the more you fear it and the more powerful
the attraction becomes.

However, the good news is if you put yourself in a clear, unrestrained nonresistance
state of mind - even for just a few minutes with RAPID MANIFESTATION - allowing
what you desire, you only need to relax, and it will come to you. Rather than struggling
against illness, relax and allow wellness. Rather than fighting against poverty or not
having enough, just relax and allow more to come into your life. This means no more
struggle and strain. No more discouragement, doubt, worry and defeat, but a sure and
happy process of creating the life you desire. As you look into your own life experience
and see the lack of anything; money, relationships, or whatever you desire, understand

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that lack exists for only one reason. You have chosen thoughts that are not in harmony
with your desire and so you are literally vibrating or attracting what you are getting.

When you understand precisely how everything comes to you, you are also free forev-
er from worry and fear about what others may do to you. You no longer have to worry
about the economic conditions, the government, your parents, and all the influences
that you fear. The only reason you worry and feel threatened is because you have
accepted the belief that if someone else does something that is not in harmony with
what you desire it will somehow affect your life. But it cannot come into your life if you
do not invite it through the energy of your thoughts, fears and worry.

Nothing is more important than focusing on what you want. That is the mindset that
you have to have to be at. In other words, you must stop trying to get rid of things that
you don’t want or don’t make you feel good, because you can’t. You can’t make people
go away or make them stop thinking or talking about you. You can’t rid the world of ter-
rorists. You can’t rid the world of disease. You can’t get rid of the things that you don’t
want. This is an illusion. It has never worked since recorded history and will never work
because it violates the Law of Attraction.

RAPID MANIFESTATION helps you to find the Path of Least Resistance to what you
desire. As you are reaching, in a determined way, for the Path of Least Resistance,
anything that is resistant within you will present itself for you to take a look at. All your
fears, doubts, and insecurities will pop up. This is your subconscious resistance based
on your past experiences. All you have to do when this happens is to turn your focus in
the other direction toward what you want.

As you start focusing on your desire, you become the owner of it, so to speak, without
the complication of the details of manifestation. The Universe knows the essence of
what you are reaching for and is yielding to you what you really want in the moment
that you are able to relax and let go.

If you plant a seed in your garden I am sure you have enough common sense to know
that your creation is well underway before you see any physical evidence. It is highly
unlikely you will go out to your garden and stomp on the seed you planted and

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demand that you see results right now! You don’t worry about it, instead, you allow the
natural laws of the universe to do their work and the small seed you planted matures
into what you desire.

If you look at your life you will see you have planted many wonderful seeds of creation.
However, in your impatience, worry or lack of understanding concerning the principles
of the creative process you have focused on what you don’t have or don’t want and
therefore have destroyed or sabotaged the seeds of your desire.

Your desires will come to you at the very best time. You can influence the very best
time by releasing your desire and saying, “The Universe knows the bigger picture. I’m
going to let it deal with the timing of this. Meanwhile, I’ll just do everything I can to
keep focused on what I desire or open myself to SOMETHING BETTER!”

Sometimes you may think there is a shortage of what you desire. That you will not get
what you want because someone else will get there first. What you must realize is
there is no shortage. If you miss one opportunity, another will open up, then another,
then another. Your stream of opportunity never runs out. You don’t have to tire yourself
by trying to force things to happen – just enjoy what you have and create more of what
you desire.

You must know that Universe supports you in everything that you desire, and that there
is nothing that you can identify, whether you articulate it or not, that the Universe with-
holds from you. All things are given in the moment that you ask and accept.

When you are specific about what you want, and you accept the Path of Least
Resistance, the Energy flows through you toward your inspired idea – and you will
manifest what you desire. However, if you want more than you believe you can
achieve, you’re out of balance. And if what you are accepting is less than what you
want, you’re out of balance. And so, you have to find your balance.

You must know, believe and understand that you are creating what you call your future
in this moment. What you are looking for is balance in your thinking. In other words,
living in the present moment while giving thought to something you desire and expect-

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ing it. If you desire and expect it, it will be yours.

If there is anything that I want you to take away from this is that you do not have to
struggle to have what you want. Let the Universe that links everything together (and
allows the seed to grow) to take care of the process or the details. When you focus on
the end result, you will be guided to the specific people, circumstances, conditions,
techniques or strategies in HOW to go about bringing forth your desire. Furthermore,
you will KNOW that these people, circumstances, conditions, techniques or strategies
are the “right” ones by the way you feel because you will feel positive emotion.
RAPID MANIFESTATION is about is accepting that whatever you desire is already
yours NOW. Everything is created NOW. If you visualize or think about the future, you
will wait longer than necessary to manifest what your desire.

What this technique does is allow you to create in the NOW. It forces you mind to stay
in the present while you create what you want. It is an ACTIVE exercise where you are
taken through the RAPID MANIFESTATION process. It is short, simple, but extremely

Since I have learned this technique I have rapidly attracted everything I have ever
desired. If you are ready to accept what you desire NOW - RAPID MANIFESTATION
can help you to attract it the shortest possible time.

Dr. Robert Anthony is the author of fifteen books, including his
million copy best sellers: “The Ultimate Secrets of Total Self Confidence”,
“Advanced Formula For Total Success” and “Doing What You Love - Loving

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Harness Your Mind to Create Prosperity

by Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler

Our Overlapping Worlds

We now know beyond a doubt that everything in the known universe -- from the “physi-
cal” world, to our innermost thoughts -- is basically energy in motion.

Actually our inner “mental” reality and the world’s “outer” reality are an intimately inter-
woven quantum event. We are participants in an open and dynamic living universe.
And we are actually living in two side-by-side overlapping worlds.

Sound strange?

Perhaps. But if you view your thoughts and memories as “energy sources” that
exchange energy back and forth with the “external” physical world – you’re right in line
with modern quantum physics and neuroscience.

Do you still doubt the impact of your mental energy on the physical world?

Several years ago I had an experience walking on fire (this is real.) The first time
across the red-hot 15-foot bed of oak coals, a fist-sized piece stuck to the side of my
foot. I knocked it off and rejoined the line. And interestingly, although the coal had
“branded” itself into the side of my foot, I had NO burns at the end of the experience.

How We Create Our “Reality”

Today’s PET scans let us “see” the brain actively change and grow with each thought.
The power of a thought can no longer be excused lightly as a “metaphysical theory.”

Each image of the “outside world” forms and changes your brain on a physical level.
From these images our minds then construct what we call “reality.” For example: Our
eyes don’t really “see” anything – they simply collect packets of light being reflected off
an object. Those packets of light are transmitted into your brain as electronic signals.
According to your past experiences, your brain then interprets the signals and tells you
what you are “seeing.”

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Scientists are now saying what mystics have claimed for centuries -- that life is an illu-
sion. The “illusion” is that the world you perceive outside of yourself is actually the
world as it really exists.

After all, according to science, the “real world” is made up of nothing more than vibrat-
ing energy. We now know that each person creates their own version of the world
based on their beliefs, expectations, and past history.

“So how does all of this tie in to creating prosperity?” you ask. Just this: Your interpre-
tation of “prosperity” is closely affected by what you imagine, visualize, desire – or fear
and reject.

Enter the Mind

Let’s take a look at what “prosperity” really is. Viewed in terms of neuroscience, pros-
perity is a “mental concept” housed in our physical brain. The “concept” of prosperity
lives in the conscious rational portion of your brain. I’m sure you can give an accurate
definition of the word “prosperity” without becoming emotionally involved.

But when I ask you, “What does prosperity mean to YOU personally,” everything sud-
denly changes.

In a millisecond your subconscious mind briefly revisits your 2nd grade best friend
comparing their family’s new Cadillac to your family’s Ford; or perhaps when you want-
ed a new bike, but were told to “be realistic” about your family’s financial status. Or
being told you would never “be truly prosperous” without becoming a doctor or lawyer

Where does this happen? Deep in your subconscious mind. And unfortunately, the
subconscious mind does NOT respond to “logical reasoning” about how those old “les-
sons” no longer apply.

Does YOUR lifestyle fall short of your dreams? You can be sure your subconscious
mind is the source of what holds you back!

And the problem is, each time you “revisit” one of those subconscious limiting

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thoughts, the neural tracts leading to it are physically strengthened!

This is NOT theory. This is hard, observable science!

There is only one way to overcome the subconscious “stuff” that keeps you from creat-
ing your ideal lifestyle. You’re going to have to reprogram your neurons (your brain
cells) on a physical level

It there some “fast and easy” way to do this? Nope! Let’s face it -- if it was, everyone
would be living the life of their dreams.

But it IS achievable!

Your Brain is Shrinking or Growing

We now know that the brain is not the unchanging organ we once thought it was. It is
actually “plastic,” and physically changes with each thought or memory.

When you think, perceive, remember or learn something -- chemical messengers are
sent from one neuron (brain cell) to another. And if you think that “something” frequent-
ly, or with intense emotion, the associated neural physically grows in strength.

If you cease to think or recall something (like a bad memory), the associated neural
pathway begins to physically breakdown – and will eventually even become non-func-
tional. Of course if that bad memory has attached intense emotions, it will take longer.

But there’s something very important to be learned from that! Neuroscientists have
found clear evidence that emotion strengthens the neural pathway holding any memory
or thought.

Emotion can be a powerful ally in reprogramming your mind!

Harnessing the Power of Focused Thought

Harnessing the forces of your mind to create your ideal lifestyle can be a truly exhila-
rating experience. Assuming you’ve decided you truly want to create the lifestyle you

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long for, let’s lay out a practice run:

* It all starts with a decision. That only takes a millisecond of time.

* Then you take a dramatic step (this one is life-changing). You get real with yourself
and ask questions like: “What IS prosperity to ME? Is it a financial state, or does it
have less to do with money and more with free time? What am I willing to give up to
create a “prosperous” lifestyle? How will this look on a day-to-day basis? What do I
have to change to achieve this?”

* Next you make a commitment to do whatever it takes. The more intense your emo-
tional commitment to create what you want, the faster you’ll get it! That’s why it’s so
important to go after what you feel passionate about!

* Finally, harness the power of focused thought to reprogram your neurons. Here’s an
easy tool to begin to reprogram those neurons:

Every morning get a 3x5 card and write a brief statement of your most important
dream. Then on the other side list one *specific* thing you will do TODAY to move
closer to your dream. This must be real, specific, and achievable today! Put the card
in your pocket or purse, and DO that specific thing by the end of the day.

In only a month you’ll be astonished at how your life has changed!

© 2004 All Rights Reserved, by Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler, Success Mentor &
Pioneering Brainwave Researcher. Get your free subscription to her
Personal Mastery ezine at

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Create a Million Dollar Stream

of Income With Your Mind Now!
by Reed Byron

Have you ever felt that you’ve been cheated?

Perhaps you purchased something and it didn’t live up to your expectations? Maybe
you bought something and it broke within a few days or found out later that what you
purchased wasn’t what you really wanted . . .

For most of us, this has happened at least once in our life. My point in bringing this up
is to point out to you how you are now focusing in your mind about that event. You
remember it don’t you. You remember specific details of what happened . . . and you
are probably in a bad mood because of it, aren’t you?

Well, I want to point out to you . . . right now . . . that you can STOP those thoughts
NOW, by concentrating on something else. Go ahead and think about what you would
buy right now when you have a million dollars in cold, hard cash. That’s right, you
might be thinking of a new CAR, BOAT, MANSION, TOY, HELPING OTHERS, being
financially free and perhaps you are even thinking of a VACATION or trip to HAWAII or
other trips you would take. One person once told me that he was thinking about the
words he would say to his boss when he quit his job.

Now, as you are thinking about having your own MILLIONS DOLLARS, what would
you do? How would you fee when you have a MILLIONS DOLLARS now?

Now STOP thinking about that and LISTEN to LEARN how you can not just “think”
about it, but actually create it in your life INSTANTLY!

You don’t think it’s possible? Think again!

If you’ve been going through the exercises I’ve just guided you through, you might not
have noticed that when I asked you about being cheated, you got a little upset. When
you remembered that experience in your mind, you literally create the same physical

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sensations that you experienced in the past during that event. Your mind accessed the
same thoughts, feelings and sounds that you had at that time in your life. You might
have felt upset or slightly angry when you remembered it.

Then, if you thought about having your own million dollars . . . what happened? If you
actually could imagine it in your mind, you really did think about what you would do
with it, you probably even could see yourself living a “different life” than what you are
living right now. Did you do it? Did you experience it? I did. If you didn’t, start from the
beginning and do read it again - and this time, try to see it in your mind and honestly
think about what you would do with your own million dollars.

The fact is, that our minds are more powerful that we know. As humans, we can literal-
ly take something from our past and relive it over and over and over again. You might
know someone who does this.

Think about it. Have you ever heard someone say almost the same thing when some-
thing goes wrong? Maybe they say “I had a bad childhood,” or “I’m no good at X,” or
some other negative statement that they have placed upon themselves.

Without going into scientific details, you can learn to master your mind and use it’s cre-
ative/remembering ability to bring into your life whatever you want. Specifically, you
can change your mind so you create, not only abundance in every form, but you can
actually create a Million Dollar Income Stream into your life . . . now.

How? By using the same tools that others use to bring themselves down into despair
and create poverty, you can use those tools in new ways that bring you up into happi-
ness and prosperity and create a Million Dollar Income Stream now.

Just like you thought about what you would do with the millions of dollars, if you will
DO the following exercises EVERY DAY - you will create Million Dollar Income Streams
in your life. It WILL happen instantly, effortlessly, and completely naturally as you trust
in the power of your mind to create what you want.

Remember, what I am about to share with you are the EXACT STEPS to ensure your

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success. These are SECRETS. They have been hidden from the general population
for a reason. Now that they are going to be revealed to you, please honor them and
take them seriously.

Now LISTEN. This is very important. Even though I know thousands (if not millions) of
people will eventually read this material, only a select few will actually implement it.
Why? Because even though the Million Dollar Income Stream will flow into your life
effortlessly and naturally, it does require some EFFORT on your part - only initially.
After you set up the system (in your mind), it will be completely natural and effortless.

So, I invite you to be one of the FEW who will USE this priceless information. Do what
needs to be done initially and then, reap the rewards for the rest of your life. Now,
these are the EXACT steps to create a Permanent Million Dollar Income Stream in
your life NOW . . .

Step one: You must first eliminate all doubt from your being. Eliminate all hate, elimi-
nate all sorrow, eliminate all excuses. In short, you must BELIEVE that this will work
for you, because it will. So, step one - have faith that as you do this, it will work.
Believe that it will work for you and it will.

Step two: You must take only 15 minutes a day to be by yourself (alone) to perform
the MILLIONAIRE EXERCISE. I don’t care if you have to go into your closet or bath-
room and lock the door - but you must do it. Don’t question it, just do it.

Step three: You must close your eyes and repeat the following verbatim (word for
word) - preferably out-loud for the entire 15 minutes. “Every minute of every day, mil-
lions of dollars flow to me now . . . instantly, effortlessly, naturally now.”

Step four: You must repeat that statement over and over and over again in a rhyth-
mic manner for at least 15 minutes of every day for a two month period.

Step five: After the two month period of doing that everyday, you must set a goal of
exactly what amount of money you want to have. For example, if you want
$1,468,920.00 you must start using this amount in your statements. So, you would say

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“One million, four hundred sixty-eight thousand, nine hundred twenty dollars flows to
me now, instantly, effortlessly, naturally now.” Do this for the next 3 months.

Step six: During these next 3 months, after you are done repeating the phrase, you
must think about either having that exact amount of money in your bank account (visu-
alize yourself looking at your bank statement with that exact amount of money on your
statement). Then, feel good about your accomplishment.

Step seven: Circumstances and situations will start arising in your life that will allow
this exact amount to manifest itself into your life. Simply be positive (remember you
cannot doubt, for if you do - you will not obtain the money) and allow the universe to
work its magic in your life.

Step eight: Repeat steps one through seven. By doing so, you will acquire Million
Dollar Income Streams in your life. You now have the exact steps. Remember to use

Thank you for allowing me to share these secret steps with you. I wish you complete
success as you create your own Million Dollar Income Streams . . . now.

P.S. - If you are interested in additional help along your journey to

create the permanent change you desire . . . please contact me about our audio CDs.

By Reed Byron, Master Hypnotist.
This article is copyrighted (c) 2004

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Money: An Illusion, a Shadow of Something Else...

by David Cameron

The first step to having wealth is to know what it is. And few people know what it really
is, in and of itself. What is wealth? What causes it? What causes the cause of it? Let
us start with money, the world’s symbol of wealth, and then move deeper.

Money is not real.

Money is merely legal tender, a form of exchange. We use it to exchange value. It rep-
resents value.

Money is the “body” of value. It is the physical representation of value that rises and
falls in ourselves, within us. Not within “things” outside of us, but within us. For without
us, what can the value of a thing, such as a car, be to us? Nothing, at least not to us.
In other words, it is we, the observers, that place value in things, but this value is really
value in us - we give value to the material things. The material things have no “money”
value in themselves - we give that to them. So, money is the external physical repre-
sentation of a particular section of our internal value, within us, within you. That is why
a house or a block of shares valued at $1 million today can fall to a valuation of half a
million dollars tomorrow when fear is introduced into the hearts of those involved. The
fear kills a portion of the internal values of the participants and that is reflected by the
paper money, the “body” of value.

Here is something else: physical paper money does not even represent money in full.
It cannot reasonably do that. By some estimates (and this varies from nation to nation),
only as little as 4% of the money in the banks exists as paper cash. Imagine how much
cotton, linen, pulp, and metal the world would need so as to make all the money every-
one has in his or her bank accounts. Imagine how much space it would take to store
all this money in paper form. If you were to stack only one million US$1 bills, it would
weigh one ton and be 361 ft high. Neither does money exist as gold reserves any
more. This is for exactly the same reason - we ran out of the reasonable ability to keep
a gold standard in the 1970s.

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So what does it exist as, the money that we are always talking about? Well, it is one
massive illusion. It is all just numbers written on paper and computer storage devices,
and assigned to people and entities such as companies and investments, or more
accurately, further records! To put it in another way, for every $100 or its equivalent in
any other currency, only about $4 exists as printed-paper notes or coins, while the
remaining $96 exists as numbers written on papers and computers in banks and busi-
nesses and other entities. The only reason this system does not collapse is that we all
believe in it. The last time people stopped believing in it in a large enough extent was
just before the Depression when large numbers of people rushed to their banks to
withdraw their money and found that they could not all get it. This is not what caused
the Great Depression, but it in a large way accelerated it.

So, money is not real - something else is. Money is just the shadow of that other
something. The first step to wealth is to know what money really is, or more accurately,
what it represents. Learn not to look at the money most of the time. As you will soon
see, it is very rare in a day that you should ever look at money as you know it today -
the cash, the bank accounts, the costs, etc. This is merely the shadow and not the real
thing. Looking at the shadow, the physical money, as you will soon see, is most of the
time very unwise and unhealthy for you and your finances.

Look, instead, at the value within you and within people, and the flowing and exchang-
ing of this value between people. Our internal value, is what creates money. Money is
the shadow of our internal value. Develop this internal value in yourself and in others
and your external money and wealth will correspondingly rise automatically, without

Know this however: Money represents an aspect of a person’s internal value, but that
does not mean that it represents a person’s entire internal value. That is very impor-
tant. It is not about self-worth. Money only represents an aspect of that internal value
that pertains to wealth. You cannot therefore say that a wealthy person has a higher
self-worth and value than a poor person, but you can correctly say that in matters that
relate and pertain to money, the wealthy person has a higher internal value in that
aspect of value or that the person chooses to exercise a higher proportion of this inter-
nal value. This section of internal value that reflects on the outside as money, when

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exercised, is called Wealth Consciousness. It is available to all people equally and can
be developed by and within all people equally. Like everything else that is important to
our being alive, such as air, wealth consciousness is free to all. But you can choose to
develop it or not develop it, or to exercise it or not. At any time, you can change your
choice, and nothing outside of you can stop you.

You require nothing outside of yourself to increase your wealth consciousness, and
therefore your money. All you need is within you right now. You may have forgotten it,
but it is right there. You will now remember it. And the first step to that is to always
remember that money is not real; it is the shadow of something else.

And here is another secret: Wealth consciousness is simply the expansion of your con-
sciousness and awareness into the wealthy parts of your Self. That is why all that you
need to increase your wealth consciousness is within you already. You are already
wealthy, but you have been taught to choose to not experience your wealth. This
insight changes everything. Like the wealthy people, you can now know how to and
choose to start experiencing the wealthy you.

You have more wealth capability within you than you can possibly experience in a life-
time. You need not worry that you have reached your limit of becoming wealthy in any
way or because of any condition. Neither do you need to know how to convert wealth
consciousness into paper cash money - as you will see, it will happen automatically. All
you need to do is expand your wealth consciousness and exercise it, act on it, be it,
and the situations and opportunities for the equivalent conversion into cash money will
present themselves automatically to you. None of the extremely wealthy people today
could have, at the time when they were not wealthy, possibly predicted and planned
the exact sequence of events that would lead to their immense wealth. They most
probably had a set of goals and a plan, but any one of them will tell you that they met
countless “coincidences” and opportunities that “joined the dots” for them in ways they
could never have predicted. Their goals were their own doing, but the paths that led to
them coming into being, and exceeding them, were amazingly intelligent yet unfore-
seen. You shall now see how to make them happen in your life - you may not be able
to predict their sequence, but you can certainly make these “fortunate coincidences”
happen to you every day of your life.

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By the way, it is not only paper money that is not real. A lot of the things around you
that you hold so real are really not real at all either. You are about to embark on a
beautiful, empowering and liberating journey that will show you exactly what your world
is in a way that you have never looked at it before. It is a journey that will open your
eyes and free your wings. You are about to look “under the hood” of the Life, you are
about to learn how to customize your world to your liking.

You are about to attain Wealth Consciousness. Once you do, avoiding success and
wealth will become very difficult. Yes, you read that correctly. Once you have wealth
consciousness, it will be very difficult for you to not have success and wealth. Success
and wealth will follow you automatically wherever you go. You will not need to concern
yourself with their quest, yet they will find you. You will be free to experience other
aspects of life that you may not have even dreamt of before, dimensions of Self and
Life that are truly amazing. The same goes with happiness, for you will see it here in
this book as well.

By David Cameron Gikandi, author of “A Happy Pocket Full of Money: Your
Quantum Leap into the Understanding, Having and Enjoying of Immense Wealth
and Happiness.” You may download a free sample copy of “A Happy Pocket Full
of Money” at

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Mind Power Hypnosis Script

for Unending Prosperity
by Alan Tutt

Using Mind Power to attract money is really no different from using Mind Power to cre-
ate any other experience in life. The principles are the same.

1) You have to have a strong connection to Power, 2) You have to use a clear focus of
mind to direct Power towards creating what you want, and 3) You have to have faith in
what you are doing.

There are other conditions that help with the process, but these are the core conditions
that must exist before anything can be done with Mind Power. Most people have a
problem with one or more of those conditions, which is why their efforts to attract
money into their lives fail more often than they succeed. In hypnosis, all of these con-
ditions can be controlled and developed.

If you think about the process that most traditions teach regarding how to develop your
Mind Power abilities, they usually stress meditation, affirmations, or complicated rituals
and/or visualizations. These developmental exercises create the same conditions as
hypnosis, but are much weaker at creating change. With hypnosis, you can use a
much deeper level of mind, closer to the Source of Power. This makes all of your
efforts work better.

The following is a sample of how to use hypnosis to tap into the Source of Mind Power
to attract money and a steady flow of prosperity. The best way to use this script is to
record yourself speaking it and then listen to the recording. By following a recording,
you are able to allow yourself to drift into deeper levels of mind, closer to the Source of
Power. When you use your recording, you will want to set aside plenty of time to focus
on the words of the script and visualize what they are describing. Try to imagine the
images being described, and try to make those images be your entire reality. If you can
focus on the script to the point where you are not aware of your physical surroundings,
then you will have tapped deep into Power.

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Hypnotic Script To Attract Unending Prosperity

Now, I want you to continue relaxing your body. Let all of your muscles in your arms
and legs go completely limp and loose. There is absolutely nothing that you need to do
right now, so allow yourself to relax 100%. Just think limp and loose, and your body
will follow along. Limp and loose. Imagine that you are a rag doll, floating on a cloud,
or in a raft on a softly swelling ocean. Lots of open space.

Focus now on your breathing. Take nice, deep breaths. Slow and easy. Breath in to a
count of 3. One, two, three. Breath out to a count of 5. One, two, three, four, five. Do
this several more times. Breathe in to a count of 3. Breathe out to a count of 5.
Breathe in to a count of 3. Breathe out to a count of 5. Yes. You’re doing very well
here. With each breath you take, you are getting more and more relaxed. And as your
body relaxes, the focus of your mind improves.

Now that you are completely relaxed physically, we are going to start working on the
spiritual level. If you have not already done so, I want you to close your eyes. You are
now going deep within yourself, to a very safe place. You are now moving closer and
closer to your spiritual source of Power. The closer you get to your spiritual source of
Power, the better you will feel. This is a very pleasant, enjoyable experience. As I
speak to you now, you are moving closer and closer to your source of spiritual Power.
You may imagine a staircase in front of you leading down into your inner self. This will
be a safe and secure staircase, one that is obviously built with care and pride. There
will also be a soft glow of light on this staircase. See the staircase now.

There are 21 steps on this staircase. I will count the steps as we go down into the
deepest parts of your inner self. With each step you take, you will feel a greater sense
of peace, serenity, and love. Let’s start going down now. We start with 21 steps to the
bottom. As you take the first step, there are now 20 steps to the bottom. Take another
step and it becomes 19. 18. 17. Taking each step brings you closer to the source of
your spiritual Power. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. You definitely feel safe and secure in this
place. It’s almost like coming home after a long journey. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. Deeper and
deeper into your inner self. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. And now you reach the bottom of the stair-
case. You have reached the innermost center of your being. Take a moment to rest
and adjust to the new feelings of peace, acceptance, and love.

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You will soon notice a door. This door leads to the Source of all Power. Just being out-
side the door, you can feel the incredible Power radiating from within. You may open
the door and walk through now.

The sense of Power here is almost overwhelming. But you are quickly getting used to
it. You are starting to absorb the Power that is thick in the air here, you are breathing it
in which each breath that you take. Every time you breathe in, you are taking more and
more Power into your being, and each time you breathe out, that Power is becoming a
part of you. This Power that you are breathing in is transforming you, giving you more
abilities and Powers.

Soon, you notice that one of your new abilities is a sense of connection to everything
in the universe. More and more information is available to your mind. You are getting
smarter, wiser, and better at making judgments and analyzing information. This will
come in handy when you want to check out new business deals and money making
opportunities. You will have an uncanny sense of what will be profitable and want to
avoid. You understand now that the best way to make money is to offer the world
something it needs. You understand that when you offer the world a good thing at a
good price, you can make as much money as you want. And with each breath that you
take, this connection with the universe is getting stronger and more reliable. Breathe in
even more Power and let this new ability become a permanent part of you.

Now, you are noticing another new ability. You are able to focus your mind much better
than you were ever able to before. You can make firm decisions and not be distracted
by unimportant details. This new ability will be very important when working in business
and creating unending prosperity. This new ability will also be important when you are
directing Power to create specific conditions. And with each breath that you take, your
ability to focus your mind gets better and better. Breathe in more Power and let this
enhancement become a permanent part of you.

While we are here now, we will also use the unlimited Power that is available to you to
create a money magnet that will bring money into your life from every possible direc-
tion. If you will look around, you will notice a strange looking machine. Walk over to
that machine, and you feel the Power getting stronger and stronger. You will notice that

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this machine has a large antenna and two metal plates on which to place your hands.

Place your hands on the machine and focus your mind on what you want. As you do
this, the machine is taking the images from your mind and sending them out into the
universe with Power to create that which you desire. Visualize money and everything
you can do with that money. Imagine lots and lots of money, piled high and overflow-
ing. Allow yourself to get excited about having lots and lots of money. Enjoy the feeling
of gratitude and satisfaction that you will experience having this money. Pour all of this
through your hands and into the machine. Keep filling that machine with more and
more images of money and what that money will do for you. Continue to breathe in
Power, and send more images of money into this machine and the fun you will have
with it.

When you feel that you given the machine as much as you can, take your hands off of
the plates and take a step back. Relax and let yourself recharge after your efforts. You
have created a future for yourself that will be filled with money and everything else you
have imagined. You have done well. Sit down for a while and let yourself continue to
breathe in the Power of this place. As you continue to breathe in Power, your new abili-
ties will get stronger and more permanent.

Your connection to everything in the universe is getting stronger, and you are able to
know more and more about the business deals that you will be working on. You will
know what projects will be profitable and which ones to avoid. New ideas are coming
to you now for business projects that you will enjoy working on and will also enrich the
world greatly. You will know how to market and sell what you offer to the world. And
with the new degree of focus and determination that is growing within you, your suc-
cess is guaranteed.

It is now time to return to the outer world. Find the doorway that led you to this special
place. Go through this door and back to the staircase of 21 steps. As you place your
foot on the first step, you allow yourself to mentally run through all that you have done
down here. You have made a lot of progress in this short period of time. It has been a
wonderful experience. But you are ready to return to the outer world and make use of
the knowledge, wisdom, and Power that you have gained. So, let’s start going up the

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steps, counting the steps as we go.

Step 1, step 2, 3, 4, 5. You are feeling very satisfied with yourself and the progress you
have made. Step 6, 7, 8, 9,10. When we get to the top of the staircase, we will be in
the outer world, ready to move on to other tasks and projects. Step 11, 12, 13, 14. You
are feeling more and more awake. You are starting to feel your physical body again.
Step 15, 16, 17. Take a deep breath and notice your body becoming more energized
again. Step 18, 19. Almost fully awake, feeling very refreshed and satisfied with your-
self. Step 20 and step 21. You are now fully awake and aware of everything around
you. Open your eyes and greet the new life you have created.

You have made a lot of changes for your life during this session. You will notice many
things that seem to be different from what you remember them being before. This is
normal and is to be expected. Everything that has changed has been an improvement,
so you will enjoy the differences. Give yourself some time to adjust to the new condi-
tions of your life. When you feel settled with the changes you’ve made during this ses-
sion, you may repeat the session to create even more improvements in your life. May
you find everything you always wanted. God Bless.

Alan Tutt is the creator of the Keys to Power system, and author of
“Keys to Power Prosperity.” Learn more here:

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A Millionaire’s Secret
by Allen Says

Washington DC was nasty as could be. As I sat on the bench waiting for my bus to
arrive I couldn’t wait to get back to the backwoods of Louisiana. I had almost sat in a
pool of blood that was on the far end of the bench and I was ready to go. I truly hope
people coming to visit our country don’t make DC one of their stops.

Anyway, before my bus arrived I was approached by a nicely dressed elderly gentle-
man in need of directions. I told him I had no idea what he was looking for as I too was
just passing through. To this day I’m not sure why, but we started talking as if we had
known each other for years.

We talked about life, people and eventually the conversation turned to business. It was
here that the gentlemen saw something in me, I suppose, that made him feel like shar-
ing what he said was the greatest secret ever told. He said everyone had heard it but
almost no one paid any attention to it, even though it was the one thing that could
bestow a fortune upon any man or woman who used it.

My ears where definitely starting to perk up. Something about his tone told me this
man knew from whereof he spoke. And I wanted to know what the secret was with a
passion. He must have sensed my anxiousness because at that very moment he gave
me a warning that was almost a scolding.

I’ll try to recount here as best I can the rest of our conversation...

Man: “Do not make the mistake of shrugging off what I am about to tell you because
you have heard it before. No doubt you have heard it already from at least one person
in your life. You may have even heard it many times. Do you have any aversion to reli-
gion Mr. Says?”

Me: “No I don’t. I don’t believe many preachers know what they are talking about or
even what they are trying to teach, but I do know the Bible has a lot of great knowl-
edge in it.”

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Man: “Good. I would not want you to discount what I am about to tell you because it
does come directly from the Bible. But its applications reach far beyond what most
people can conceive of. It will take thought, intense pondering on your part, to begin to
get some inkling of its power.”

“This simple secret, when applied to business, will draw money to you as easily as
water runs down a mountain. Even a fool can apply it and prosper. When applied to
relationships, it will create more friends than you can handle” (laughing heartily)

Me: “What is it, I’m dying to know now?”

Man: “Patience Mr. Says, Patience. I will not give it to you as it has always been
repeated by fools who have no respect or knowledge of what it even means. No. I will
give it to you another way. What type of business are you interested in?”

Me: “Well, I’m dabbling in Mail Order right now. I would like to place ads and sell books.”

Man: “Fine. Fine. Mail Order it is. Let me tell you how to create a fortune in this Mail
Order. All you have to do is create the product you want to buy”

Me: “I don’t understand”

Man: “You will”

“You see, you are your market. Whatever you want, there are millions of other people
wanting the same thing. That elusive product you are looking for is the product millions
of others are also looking for right now.”

“All you have to do is create the product you want to buy, the product you yourself
have been looking for. Once you have this product, what would you want the sales
message to say so that you know this is the product you have been looking for?”

“If someone else where selling this product, what would you want the ad to say, what
would get you to buy this product? When you have that answer, that is the ad you want

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to create.”

Me: “I see.” (hesitantly)

Man: “See the business across the street here? Pizza. I could triple the business that
place does inside of 10 minutes. That’s what I do by the way.” (smiling)

“All I would do is walk into the business as a customer. I would sit there and imagine
all the things that could be done to me that would make me a loyal customer to that
business for life. What could they do for me that would make me feel this way?”

“Once I had the answers to that question, I would implement them across the board.
Every customer would be treated the way I had imagined. And without any doubt what
so ever that business would triple the profits it now makes.”

Me: “I think I know...”

Man: “Wait, you don’t really know anything yet. That’s the problem with people. They
brush something off because of where it came from or because they heard it many
times. Leave that for fools. You won’t ”know it“ until you have deeply pondered it and
put it to use.”

Me: “Ok”

Man: “What I am telling you has power undreamed of. The simple words used to
describe it cannot contain it. Does not do justice to it, and has been prostituted by
blabber mouths who let wisdom fall off their lips with not even a single brain cell grasp-
ing what they are rambling about.”

“What I am telling you is Law, not man’s Law, but the very Law’s of nature herself. It’s
the way things work and those who truly understand it rise to the top in every field
known to man.”

“What people don’t understand is that it applies to everything. This secret can be

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applied with virtually every step you take, everything you do, every word you speak
and everyone concerned profits by it.”

“If you are a writer, write like you would like to be written to”
“If you are a salesman, sell like you would like to be sold to”
“If you are a speaker, speak like you would like to be spoken to”
“If you want more love, then love like you would like to be loved”
“If you want more friends, be the friend you would like to see”

“When you infuse everything you do with this secret it takes on a magical power.
Businesses dominate the market, books become best sellers, leaders attract huge and
loyal followings.”

“How would you like it?”

“How would you respond to it?”
“How would it make you feel?”

“Those are great questions to think about every time you do or create something. You
will get into the hearts and minds of everyone who comes under your influence if you
will first think how you would have it done to you.”

“I’m certain you already know the quote from the Bible I’m referring to. But don’t repeat
it, just ponder it and practice it.”

Me: “I do. But I’ve never thought of how it could actually apply to everything in life. I
too was one of those fools who passed it over without so much as a second thought. I
really want to thank you for sharing this with me.”

Man: “It’s been a real pleasure talking with you Mr. Says, have a safe journey home.”

And with that, he was gone. The funny thing was, as I was riding home on the bus I
realized I never got his name, nor do I remember ever giving him mine. Maybe he saw
my luggage tag. I’m not sure. It really doesn’t matter. What does matter is that I’ve
profited from that advice for the last 15 years.

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I’m not even really any good at it either and I’ve still pulled in huge amounts of money.
Especially from the Internet. This is one place this knowledge can really shine. People
have always asked me my secret. How come the Warriors is still here, with the same
products, with all this competition, after all these years?

This one simple secret is the answer. I always ask myself how would I like to be treat-
ed by this company? What would I like to see? What would I like to get? How would I
like to be dealt with?

Those simple questions are all you have to answer. When you do get the answers, put
them into action and watch what happens.

Create The Site You’ve Been Looking For

Write Like You Would Like To Be Written To
Sell Like You Would Like To Be Sold To
Talk Like You Would Like To Be Talked To
Deal Like You Would Like To Be Dealt With
Create For Others What You Would Like Created For You
Excite Others The Way You Would Like To Be Excited

This article is from the book:
“How To Become A Global Internet Tycoon,” by Allen Says.

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The New Way to Achieve All Your Dreams

by Stuart Lichtman

Name something you want. It can be a weight-loss goal, a money goal, a sales quota,
a new house, a relationship, etc. It’s entirely up to you.

Since this book is about money, think about your money goals. How much more
money are your seeking, anyway? A hundred dollars? Thousands? A million?

Now let me ask you a blunt question: Why don’t you have it yet?

Why don’t you have the thinner body, or more money, or whatever it is you said you
wanted? Well?

Now let me tell you something shocking: The fault isn’t with the economy, your parents,
your spouse, your neighbors, your mayor, the president or anyone or anything outside
of you. There is only one answer to my question of, “Why don’t you have it yet?” And
I’ll tell you what it is in a minute.

Have you ever wondered why so many people have so much trouble getting what they
truly want? Have you considered that there could be an easier way though life? Have
you ever felt that life was just too much of a struggle? Most of us have, at one time or
another, just felt that life was a royal pain. But the liberating truth is this - life doesn’t
have to be that way.

What’s the secret to making life a joy? What’s the secret to creating more money now?
And what’s the answer to why you haven’t achieved your goals yet?

It’s in your own mind.

No, not in your thoughts. Not in your conscious mind. The roadblock is deeper. It’s
where you rarely look. It’s in your unconscious. In short, if there is something you are
trying to achieve - you name it - and you aren’t achieving it, chances are your uncon-
scious holds some contradictory intentions for you. Said another way, you want some-

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thing and it doesn’t.

If you are typical, you are constantly giving yourself contradictory instructions - like “I
want to lose weight” and “I want that luscious piece of pie.” Notice anything odd about

Those statements are going in different directions. After years of such frustrating and
contradictory messages, your unconscious gives up and starts to disregard what you
consciously want.

In other words, you canceled out your own request. You said, “I want money,” but right
after that you said (or thought), “I don’t deserve it” or “Money never comes to me” or
some other similar limiting belief. As a result, you usually didn’t get what you said you

But I have good news for you. All that is about to end.

An Introduction To Cybernetic Transposition

I define “Cybernetic Transposition” as: Putting yourself consciously in charge by creat-
ing effective communication between your conscious and unconscious minds, by con-
sciously transposing successes from any part of your life into other ones where you
consciously want to produce success, resolving self-defeating unconscious habit pat-
terns into ones that support you and by creating effective conscious communication
with the part of your that knows what’s right for you.

Where did I get the two words that make up the term?

Cybernetics is a term created by the incredibly brilliant Norbert Wiener who developed
the discipline and who I used to see wandering the halls of MIT. Cybernetics derives
from the Greek word for “steersman” or the person in control.

In a very real sense, our unconscious mind acts as our massively powerful, massively
parallel computer comprised of about 100 billion tiny computers called neurons. Usually,
our conscious minds are pretty much irrelevant to the functioning of our unconscious.

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I’ll be teaching you to change that, to bring your conscious mind into the loop so it, in a
sense, becomes the steersman.

So the first part of the definition is helping people to be more human rather than acting
like machines that operate almost totally unconsciously, out of conscious control.

Transposition is defined as the process of interchanging. In our case, we are taking a

memory of success in one aspect of life or in the same aspect at a different time in life
and transposing it to create success in a different aspect and/or time.

Now that you have been introduced to the name of the process, let’s move on to dis-
covering how to use it to manifest your highest dreams.


Three Steps To More Cash

You’re about to learn how a tried and tested three step process can transform your
world and bring you all the riches you’ve ever imagined. I’ve proven this method will
work by testing it on 50,000 people. Now you’re going to prove it will work for you.

First, let me introduce you to the basic three steps:

1. Create a Target that defines what you want, one that is clearly understood by all
aspects of your un-conscious mind.

Think of the bull’s eye of an archery target with its concentric circles enclosing a cen-
tral red circle. Your unconscious mind needs something as clear as that circle, a target
that indicates exactly what you want.

2. Prioritize your Target: Flag it so that you will remain unconsciously focused on
it while you get on with your normal activities.

Imagine a large crows of people, all dressed alike in gray. Now picture one of them
holding up your highly graphic bulls’ eye target with the bright red center. Chances are,

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the target is what will catch your eye. That’s what happens in your unconscious mind
when you have appropriately prioritized your target.

3. Resolve any self-defeating un-conscious habit patterns that can pre-

vent you from achieving your target.

Your unconscious habits govern what you normally do in a situation. The most efficient
way to go through life is to do a lot of things on automatic - except when those auto-
matic habit patterns get in the way. In other words, most people have unconscious
mechanisms that sabotage their desire to hit the target. When you clear those, you are
free to hit the mark.

One Last Thing

You don’t have to believe this is going to work. You probably have your doubts. You
probably want to raise a ton of money fast but are highly suspicious that this method
will work for you. Well, I’ve taught my seminar to 50,000 people. Even the ones who
didn’t believe this would work still got results.

The truth is this:

1. If you have a modest goal or target, you can use the Basic three steps we’ve been
talking about to achieve it.

2. If you have what feels like an “Impossible” desire, you can use the Super
Achievement process to achieve it.

Either way, your results are just waiting for you!

Excerpted from the ebook “How to Make Lots of Money for Anything - Fast!”
copyright 2002 by Stuart Lichtman. All rights reserved.
Get the entire program at

Edited by Andreas Ohrt <<< >>> Page 55


The 8 Myths About Creating Wealth

by Nikola Grubisa

You have probably read or heard about various myths surrounding wealth and wealthy
people, all of which hinder your quest for financial independence. Here are the most
common and most destructive:

Myth No. 1: How much you earn depends on how hard you work
If this were true, then the physical, blue-collar workers, who have been working hard
for years, would have been the wealthiest people on earth. Of course, this isn’t true.
They form most of the workforce and the vast majority of the middle-class.

If you witnessed your parents coming home tired from a long day’s work in your youth,
you probably learned that money wasn’t a sufficient reward for all that effort. People
who work “just” for the money often have debts because they comfort themselves with
whatever they can buy, beautiful things they lack when working.

Myth No. 2: Being paid for something you enjoy isn’t work and you
shouldn’t ask for money for doing something that is enjoyable.
Check this with millionaires. They all have so much money that they don’t need to work
anymore. Nevertheless, they work for other reasons, challenge, satisfaction, fullness of
life, activity, fun... and all are connected to a love for their work. If there was no joy in
doing a certain task, they would do something else that would make them much happi-
er and that enables them to realize their dreams.

In fact, if you don’t enjoy your work, you will never become wealthy doing it! However, just
because you enjoy your work doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get paid for it - in fact, that is the
ultimate goal, to get paid for what you already enjoy so it never feels like you are at work!

Myth No. 3: You need to be in the right line of business to amass wealth
Do you think so? This must mean that all the people who are involved in the same
business are millionaires. Of course, this isn’t true. In each business there are winners
and losers; winners abound, even in businesses that consist of distasteful (to most) or
“impossible” work like sweeping the streets, collecting the trash, working in a factory,

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pumping gas, selling newspapers, etc. On the other hand, there are just as many “los-
ers” in businesses like selling real estate, management or being a stockbroker.

Myth No. 4: You need the right education to make a fortune

Are the most educated people really the wealthiest? Not at all! In this case, university
professors would be the wealthiest people on earth. Ask them about their salaries, if
you get the opportunity. The truth is vastly different - the wealthiest people are those
who can convert their knowledge (or education) into money, in the best possible way.
They can be highly educated people (like inventors, scientists, etc.) or almost ignorant.

Being formally uneducated does not equate to poor performance on the job or the
inability to form a strong enough vision to carry a person to success - they can easily
be experts without having a formal education.

Myth No. 5: It used to be easier

Statistics show an increase in the number of millionaires in the world every year.
Talking about the “good old times” only offers comfort and a convenient excuse. If you
look around, you’ll see there are people who behaved the same way in the “good old
times” as they do now, yet their success has been recent. With technology and
progress come new ideas, desires and needs and there are more business opportuni-
ties appearing daily to serve them.

Myth No. 6: I’m too old (young)

If you research the life stories of some of the most successful people, you’ll see that
this isn’t true at all. Some became wealthy early in their lives (perhaps from the stock
market), while others found their fortune in their old age. Ray Kroc, was more than fifty
years old when he bought and made the first McDonald’s.

Myth No. 7: I don’t have enough money to start. You have to spend
money to make money.
This is no different from any other excuse or “myth.” Like the others, it’s obvious this
one isn’t true either. Many have made their fortunes starting from scratch, living in an
apartment or working out of their garage and yet they developed business empires that
are worth billions of dollars today. The other elements of success are far more impor-

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tant than having seed money to start a business. Yes, often money helps and it certain-
ly doesn’t hurt. Like everything else discussed in other myths: it probably helps, but it
is not always necessary.

Myth No. 8: I’ll begin when I know everything

Do you believe that you will know everything someday? Or even that you’ll know
enough to ever be “really prepared now?” The more you learn, the more you see what
you still need to learn. Success and obtaining wealth is a dynamic process. Even if you
“could” come out of the gate knowing everything there is to know, some of those ele-
ments will change immediately and many will change rapidly. If you don’t decide now,
nothing will happen. Live and learn.

Some millionaires have even allowed themselves to go bankrupt and then (even
faster) recreated their wealth, sometimes even greater than before. Money itself isn’t
the obstacle that is keeping you from being wealthy.

Exercise “taking action” as much as you can. Make your workplace better or more effi-
cient. After all, even if someone else signs your paycheck, you really work for you.
Even if you are an employee in a large corporation - it isn’t your corporation - but it is
the only corporation through which you can prove what you are capable of right now.

All of us have what it takes to become a millionaire! Born winners, yet few of us know
how to take advantage of and cultivate the possibilities hidden inside our own mind!

No one can ever grant you greater potential than your heart already holds…you need
only discover its contents to find the one true path to your success in life. Born with the
seeds to our success, the greatest decisions must always come from the inside! You
will discover a new, deep well of fortune – yourself!

Nikola Grubisa is a European Marketing and HRM Consultant and the co-author
of a European bestseller “The Millionaire Mindset: How to Tap Real Wealth from
Within”. Get your copy here:

Edited by Andreas Ohrt <<< >>> Page 58


Six Ways of Thinking “Rich”

by T. Harv Eker

Rich people have a way of thinking that is different from poor and middle class people.
They think differently about money, wealth, themselves, other people, and life. Let’s
examine six crucial differences between how rich people think and how poor or middle
class people think.

By doing so, you will have some alternative beliefs in the files of your mind from which
to choose. In this way, you can catch yourself thinking as poor people do and quickly
switch over to how rich people think. Remember, beliefs are not right, wrong, true or
false, they're just past opinions which can be changed on your command. The fact is,
you can CHOOSE to think in ways that will support you instead of ways that don't.


Poor people believe "Life happens to me."

If you want to create wealth, it is imperative that you believe that you are at the steering
wheel of your life; that you create every moment of your life, especially your financial
life. If you don't believe this, then you must believe you have little control over your life
and that financial success has nothing to do with you. That is not a very rich attitude.

Instead of taking responsibility for what's going on in their lives, poor people choose to play
the role of victim. Of course, any "victim's" predominant thought process is "poor me." And
presto, through the law of intention that's literally what they get; "poor," as in money, me.

Here's some homework I promise will change your life. For the next seven days, I chal-
lenge you not to complain at all. Not just out loud, but in your head too. I've given this
little challenge to thousands of people and several hundred have personally told me
that this exercise completely transformed their lives. I invite you to email me with the
results of this experiment. I guarantee you'll be astonished as to how amazing your life
will become when you stop focusing on the "crap."

It's time to decide. You can be a victim OR you can be rich, but you can't be both. It's
time to take back your power and acknowledge the fact that you create every moment
of your life. That you create everything that is in your life and everything that is not in it.
That you create your wealth and you create your non-wealth and everything in between.


Poor people play the money game not to lose.

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Poor people play the money game on defense rather than offense. Let me ask you, if
you were to play any sport or any game strictly on defense, what are the chances of
you winning that game? Most people agree; slim and none.

Yet, that's exactly how most people play the money game. Their primary concern is
survival and security, not wealth and abundance. So, what is your goal? What is your
real objective? What is your true intention?

Rich people's big goal is to have massive wealth and abundance. Poor people's big goal
is to have "enough to pay the bills..." on time would be a miracle! Again, let me remind you
of the power of intention. When your objective is to have enough to pay the bills, that's
exactly how much you'll get; just enough to pay the bills and usually not a cent more.

You get what you truly intend to get. If you want to get rich, your goal has to be "rich."
Not just enough to pay the bills and not just enough to be comfortable. Rich, darn it, rich!


Poor people are uncommitted to being rich.

Most of us have good reasons as to why it would be wonderful to be rich, but what
about the other side of the coin? Are there reasons why it might not be so great to be
rich or go through the process of trying to get rich?

Each of us has a file on wealth in our mind. This file contains our personal beliefs that
include why being wealthy would be great. But for many people, their file also includes
information as to why being rich might not be so great. These people have mixed inter-
nal messages around money and especially wealth.

One part of them says, "Having more money will make life a lot more fun." But then
another part screams, "Yeah, but "I'm going to have to work like a dog! What kind of
fun is that?" One part says, "I'll be able to travel the world." then the other part
responds, "Yeah, and everyone in the world will want something from me." These
mixed messages are one of the biggest reasons that most people never become rich.

In fact, the #1 reason most people don't get what they want is they don't know what
they want. Rich people are totally clear they want wealth. They are unwavering in their
desire. They are fully committed to creating wealth. They will do "whatever it takes" to
have wealth as long as it's moral, legal and ethical. Rich people do not send mixed
messages to the universe. Poor people do.

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I hate to break the news to you, but getting rich is not a "stroll in the park." It's takes
focus, expertise, 100% effort, and "never say die" perseverance. You have to really
commit to it, both consciously and subconsciously. You have to believe in your heart
you can do it and you deserve it. If you are not fully committed to creating wealth,
chances are you won't.


Poor people think small.

We once had a trainer teaching at one of our seminars who went from a net worth of
$250 thousand to over $600 million in only 3 years. When asked his secret he said,
"Everything changed the day I began to think big."

In my book, SpeedWealth, I discuss the "Law of Income" which states that "you will be
paid in direct proportion to the value you deliver according to the market place."

Another way of understanding this is to answer the following question: How many peo-
ple do you actually serve or affect?

For instance in my business, some trainers enjoy speaking to groups of 20, others are
comfortable with 100, others like an audience of 500, still others want 5000 people or
more in attendance. Is there is a difference in income between these trainers? You bet
there is.

Who are you? How do you want to live your life? How do you want to play the game?
Do you want to play in the big leagues or in little league, in the majors or the minors?
Will you play big or play small? It's your choice.

But hear this. It's not about you. It's about living your mission. It's about living true to your
purpose. It's about adding your piece of the puzzle to the world. It's about serving others.

Most of us are so stuck in our egos that everything revolves around "me, me and more
me." But again, it's not about you, it's about adding value to other people's lives.

It's your choice. One road leads to being broke and miserable, the other leads to
money, meaning, and fulfillment.

It's time to stop hiding out and start stepping out. It's time to stop needing and start
leading. It's time to start being the star that you are. It's time to share your gifts and
value in a BIG way.

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There could be thousands or even millions of people counting on you. Are you up to
the challenge for our society and our children's sake? Let's hope so.


Poor people are smaller than their problems.

Getting rich is not a stroll in the park. It's a journey that is full of obstacles, twists, and
detours. The simple fact is, success is messy. The road is fraught with pitfalls and
that's why most people don't take it. They don't want the hassles, the headaches and
the responsibilities. In short, they don't want the problems.

Therein lies one of the biggest differences between rich people and poor people. Rich
and successful people are bigger than their problems while poor and unsuccessful
people are smaller than their problems.

Poor people will do almost anything to avoid anything that looks like it could be a prob-
lem. They back away from challenges. The irony is that in their quest to make sure
they don't have problems, they have the biggest problem of all... they're broke and
miserable. The secret to success is not to try to avoid or shrink your problems; it's to
grow yourself so you're bigger than any problem.

Imagine a "level 2" character person looking at a "level 5" problem. Would this problem
appear to be big or small? The answer is that from a "level 2" perspective, a "level 5"
problem would seem BIG.

Now imagine a "level 8" person looking at the same "level 5" problem. From this per-
son's perspective, is this problem big or small? Magically the identical problem is now
a SMALL problem.

And for a "level 10" person, it's NO problem at all. It's just an everyday occurrence, like
getting dressed or brushing your teeth.

Whether you are rich or poor, playing big or playing small, problems do not go away. If
you're breathing, you will always have so-called "problems." What's important to realize
is that the size of the problem is never the real issue. What matters is the size of you!

Remember, your wealth can only grow to the extent that you do! The idea is to grow
yourself to a place where you can overcome any problems that get in your way of cre-
ating wealth and keeping it once you have it.

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Rich people do not back away from problems, do not avoid problems and do not com-
plain about problems. Rich people are financial warriors and when a warrior is con-
fronted with a challenge they shout: BRING IT ON!


Poor people focus on problems.

Rich people see potential growth. Poor people see potential loss.
Rich people focus on the rewards. Poor people focus on the risks.

It's the age-old question, is the glass half empty or half full? We're not merely talking
about "positive thinking" here, we're talking about a habitual way of seeing the world.

Poor people come from fear. Their minds are constantly scanning for what's wrong or
what could go wrong in any situation. Their primary mindset is "What if it doesn't
work?" or, more bluntly, "It won't work." Rich people, as we discussed earlier, take
responsibility for creating their life and come from the mindset, "It will work because I'll
make it work."

In the financial world, as in most other arenas, risk is directly proportionate to reward;
generally, the higher the reward, the higher the risk. People with rich mentalities are
willing to take that risk.

Rich people expect to succeed. They have confidence in their abilities, they have confi-
dence in their creativity and they believe that should the "doo-doo hit the fan", they can
always make their money back or succeed in another way.

On the other hand, poor people expect to fail. They lack confidence in themselves and
in their abilities, and should things not work out, they believe it would be catastrophic.

You have to do something, buy something, or start something in order to succeed

financially. You have to see opportunities for profit all around you instead of focusing
on ways of losing money.

T. Harv Eker is the best-selling author of “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” and
creator of the world famous Millionaire Mind Intensive. Listen to a free
teleseminar at

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Acting in The Certain Way

by Wallace D. Wattles

Thought is the creative power or the impelling force which causes the creative power
to act.

Thinking in a certain way will bring riches to you, but you must not rely upon thought
alone, paying no attention to personal action. That is the rock upon which many other-
wise scientific thinkers meet shipwreck — the failure to connect thought with personal

We have not yet reached the stage of development, even supposing such a stage to
be possible, in which a person can create directly from formless substance without
nature’s processes or the work of human hands. A person must not only think, but his
personal action must supplement his thought.

Your thought makes all things, animate and inanimate, work to bring you what you
want, but your personal activity must be such that you can rightly receive what you
want when it reaches you. You are not to take it as charity, nor to steal it. You must
give every man more in use value than he gives you in cash value.

The scientific use of thought consists in forming a clear and distinct mental image of
what you want, in holding fast to your purpose to get what you want, and in realizing
with grateful faith that you do get what you want.

Do not try to “project” your thought in any mysterious or occult way, with the idea of
having it go out and do things for you. That is wasted effort and will weaken your
power to think with sanity.

The action of thought in getting rich is fully explained in the preceding chapters: Your
faith and purpose positively impress your vision upon formless substance, which has
the same desire for more life that you have, and this vision, received from you, sets all
the creative forces at work in and through their regular channels of action, but directed
toward you.

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It is not your part to guide or supervise the creative process. All you have to do with that
is to retain your vision, stick to your purpose, and maintain your faith and gratitude.

But you must act in a certain way, so that you can appropriate what is yours when it
comes to you and so that you can meet the things you have in your picture and put
them in their proper places as they arrive.

You can really see the truth of this. When things reach you, they will be in the hands of
others, who will ask an equivalent for them. And you can only get what is yours by giv-
ing the other person what is rightfully his.

Your pocketbook is not going to be transformed into a Fortunata’s purse, which shall
be always full of money without effort on your part.

This is the crucial point in the science of getting rich — right here, where thought and
personal action must be combined. There are very many people who, consciously or
unconsciously, set the creative forces in action by the strength and persistence of their
desires, but who remain poor because they do not provide for the reception of the
thing they want when it comes.

By thought, the thing you want is brought to you. By action, you receive it.

Whatever your action is to be, it is evident that you must act NOW. You cannot act in the
past, and it is essential to the clearness of your mental vision that you dismiss the past
from your mind. You cannot act in the future, for the future is not here yet. And you cannot
tell how you will want to act in any future contingency until that contingency has arrived.

Because you are not in the right business or the right environment now, do not think
that you must postpone action until you get into the right business or environment. And
do not spend time in the present taking thought as to the best course in possible future
emergencies; have faith in your ability to meet any emergency when it arrives.

If you act in the present with your mind on the future, your present action will be with a
divided mind, and will not be effective.

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Put your whole mind into present action.

Do not give your creative impulse to original substance, and then sit down and wait for
results. If you do, you will never get them. Act now. There is never any time but now,
and there never will be any time but now. If you are ever to begin to make ready for
the reception of what you want, you must begin NOW.

And your action, whatever it is, must most likely be in your present business or
employment, and must be upon the persons and things in your present environment.
You cannot act where you are not, you cannot act where you have been, and you can-
not act where you are going to be. You can act only where you are.

Do not bother as to whether yesterday’s work was well done or ill done; do today’s
work well. Do not try to do tomorrow’s work now; there will be plenty of time to do that
when you get to it. Do not try, by occult or mystical means, to act on people or things
that are out of your reach. Do not wait for a change of environment, before you act; get
a change of environment by action.

You can so act upon the environment in which you are now, as to cause yourself to be
transferred to a better environment.

Hold with faith and purpose the vision of yourself in the better environment, but act
upon your present environment with all your heart, and with all your strength, and with
all your mind.

Do not spend any time in day dreaming or castle building; hold to the one vision of
what you want, and act NOW.

Do not cast about, seeking some new thing to do or some strange, unusual, or remark-
able action to perform as a first step toward getting rich. It is probable that your
actions, at least for some time to come, will be the same ones you have been perform-
ing for some time past, but you are to begin now to perform these actions in the certain
way, which will surely make you rich.

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If you are engaged in some business, and feel that it is not the right one for you, do
not wait until you get into the right business before you begin to act.

Hold the vision of yourself in the right business, with the purpose to get into it and the
faith that you will get into it and are getting into it, but ACT in your present business.
Use your present business as the means of getting a better one, and use your present
environment as the means of getting into a better one. Your vision of the right busi-
ness, if held with faith and purpose, will cause the supreme power to move the right
business toward you. And your action, if performed in the certain way, will cause you to
move toward the business.

If you are an employee or wage earner and feel that you must change places in order
to get what you want, do not “project” your thought into space and rely upon it to get
you another job. It will probably fail to do so.

Hold the vision of yourself in the job you want while you ACT with faith and purpose on
the job you have, and you will certainly get the job you want.

Your vision and faith will set the creative force in motion to bring it toward you, and
your action will cause the forces in your own environment to move you toward the
place you want.

Excerpted from “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace D. Wattles.
Download your FREE copy of this amazing forgotten 1910 classic at

Edited by Andreas Ohrt <<< >>> Page 67


Manifesting Success With Consciousness

by Remez Sasson

For a long time you have longed to own a big, shiny, beautiful red car. Now it is parked
in front of your house. It has a lot of space inside, it is comfortable, and it has many
gadgets. You immensely enjoy and love driving it. Do you notice the special smell that
is inside it, which is unique to new cars? Do you feel the joy that rises in you, while
watching the admiring faces of your friends and neighbors?

How do you feel now, after reading the above description? Pay attention to this feeling.
For a few seconds you probably felt great, then your mind started to react, and said,
"Yes, I like the thought, but these things never happen in real life. It is just a daydream".
Now all the magic is gone. Your mind spoiled the magic feeling and the dream.

You can to let your daydreams and fantasies go on without destroying them. Do not
comment negatively about them or throw them away as useless and groundless. When
ending a daydream, move away to other thoughts, without criticism or comments. Must
you say some negative words about your daydreams and show your disbelief in their
being realized? Go on with your life as it is, but when you daydream or fantasize, do
not destroy the dream by denying it the possibility of materializing.

Do not worry that believing in your dreams will turn you into an unpractical, dreamy
sort of person. Let them motivate and inspire you, and you will become a more practi-
cal and successful person.

How did you feel when you received the key to your new apartment or the key to your
new car? How did you feel when you were at the airport, going on your long coveted
vacation? What kind of feeling did you experience when you got a promotion at your
job or when you succeeded in a project? How did you feel when you recuperated from
an illness? Try to recapture the feelings and relive the happy moments, because there
is great power in them.

The feelings that accompany success are very important. Remember and relive the
feelings that accompanied your past successes, because they are the magic of the

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future. If evoked intentionally and consciously, they can cause the materialization of
your dreams.

Rehearsing in your mind the feelings and emotions that accompany success, move invis-
ible forces to create visible success in your life. These happy and success feelings gen-
erate pressure on the mental and astral worlds, causing them to bring the feelings into
manifestation. Any thought associated with these feelings is moved into materialization.

Whenever we experience success, we enjoy a great exhilarating feeling. By capturing

and reliving this feeling you can turn it into the seed of a new success. If you think
about something that you really want to realize, and at the same time you consciously
generate this feeling of success in your consciousness, and stay with it, you can
achieve wonders. This is the magic wand with which you can do magic and wonders.

The Right Attitude Toward Success

If you examine your ambitions, desires and goals in a very sincere way, you may discov-
er to your amazement that you have some fears of realizing them. You want something,
but yet you are afraid to have it. You may wish for a different kind of life, but in your sub-
conscious mind you fear the change. You may desire to get married, but you are afraid of
marriage. You want to change your job, but you are afraid to make the change. This is
because the familiar gives security. You can find many examples like these.

When you have a goal, and at the same time you experience doubts and fears, you
are actually driving away the materialization of your dreams. It is like sailing against
the wind and the currents; you are pushed back all the time. These fears hide at the
back of the mind and you may not be conscious of them. Analyzing any desire you
have, and trying to find out if there is any resistance to bringing it about, will bring the
fears into the open, and enable you to throw away your fears and inner brakes.

Most people look at the world around them as something real and solid. Their minds
are chained to what they see around; their thoughts reflect their life, circumstances and
events. Rarely will someone disregard his surroundings and circumstances and create
in his mind a different situation. Surroundings and environment influence people’s life,
and they regard them as something they can do nothing about. When you become

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able to see in your mind a different kind of life, you stop being enslaved by circum-
stances and start creating your own life.

Nobody becomes impractical, indifferent or weak, if he holds in his mind thoughts and
images that are different and unrelated to his present life situation. It is possible to
handle the affairs of life in the best way, and at the same time visualize and expect a
different kind of reality. Use your imagination to see and feel in your mind a different
situation or environment, and watch what happens.

If you go on thinking the same thought it will materialize, if your mind is not opposing
and resisting it with negative thoughts, fears, worries and doubts.

Sometimes the materialization of your thought or desire may be delayed due to the
fact that you are not yet ready for it. Maybe you need some more knowledge, training,
or a new skill before you get what you want. Sometimes things happen suddenly in an
unusual way, but most often they come in a natural, gradual manner.

Consciousness and Success

Your mind and consciousness are the creators of your life. The more conscious you
are of yourself, the stronger you become. I do not mean being conscious of your body,
ego or who you are as a person. I mean conscious of being conscious, of the feeling of
existence, the feeling of being alive, not from the point of view of the physical body. It
is the inner feeling and sensation that you exist as a spiritual entity. It is the awareness
of your inner essence, as something beyond the body and the ego.

Consciousness is your essence. Without it you are not. It gives your personality and
body the power to function. Because of it, you can walk, eat, work, study, talk and
understand. It is this something that makes you feel alive. It is intangible, yet very real.
It is your awareness of life, of being alive and existing.

When you focus your consciousness on success, and fill it with the feeling of success,
things start happening. When the certainty of success is saturated into the conscious-
ness, you have a great power in your hands. Success consciousness means that you
are certain of your success without doubts.

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Do you want a new job? Evoke feelings of certainty without doubts that you have
already got it. Do you desire a wife, a husband, a vacation, promotion, a new car, or
money? Do not entertain any doubts. Your consciousness should be focused and
assured of success.

How can you attain success if your consciousness is focused on failure and doubts?
Become aware of your consciousness, of the feeling that you are, focus on it, and at
the same time think of success and you have a mighty power at your disposal.

Instructions on the Use of Feelings and Consciousness for Success

Whatever it is that you desire to bring about, try to feel as if it has already happened.
Re-live the happiness you experienced when you realized ambitions in the past, and
transfer this happiness and the feeling of achievement into the present moment, and
your success is assured. Feelings are very important for success. They are the current
of power that brings success. They have to be living, strong, real and sincere feelings,
in order to bring reults. Feelings add fire and energy to a thought and make it strong.
They are like the electric current, which makes instruments work.

Success consciousness is a state of inner certainty, even if your current reality is far
from what you want it to be. It does not cost you money to experience it. Do not let
doubts and contrary thoughts and feelings enter your mind, and you are on the way to
success in what you do.

Evoke the certain feeling of success. Pour fuel into this feeling, and always keep it
alive. Only by trying you will understand what I really mean. It is a state of conscious-
ness, intentionally invoked, even though the outer circumstances are to the contrary.
Consciousness has the power to create. What is in the consciousness comes out in
the end. There is nothing supernatural here, this is the way nature works.

It may take some time until Consciousness manifests your ambition and desire in the
outer world. It should be saturated with the utter certainty of success, not with just a
faint belief. There should be complete lack of doubts, and only great certainty. Under
these circumstances magic is released into the air.

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You may look at this process as if it is a game. Put aside your doubts for a while. Treat
these inner actions in a spirit of a game, fun and challenge. This is a serious subject, but
by having fun with it, you reduce your tension, and are enabled to put forth more energy
in a positive manner. Enjoy this process, and you will be surprised at the outcome.

It is quite possible to put the focus on feelings and not only on thoughts. Feelings, if
strong enough, cause things to happen, even if the related thought is only in the back-
ground. If the feelings and emotions are strong, and connected to an event or an
object, this event or object becomes a fact. Those who have difficulty in visualizing pic-
tures will certainly appreciate this approach.

Think about your life, and you will find out that there were times that you had a certain-
ty about something, without really trying intentionally to bring it about, and that thing
happened. It might have been something positive and good or something else that was
to your detriment. If you accept and follow what you have read here, you will be able to
use this ability consciously.

What you have read so far is actually about the power of creative visualization and
thinking, but focusing more on feelings and consciousness, rather than on images and
thoughts. Think about what you have read, and try to put it into practice. Let abun-
dance and success enter your life.

Remez Sasson, author of “Will power and Self-Discipline” and “Visualize
and Achieve,” writes and teaches about spiritual growth, meditation, positive
thinking, creative visualization and mind power. For his articles and books, visit his
website, “Success Consciousness,” at

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The Law of Cause and Effect

by Tom Payne

The most profound of all the Universal Laws is the Law of Cause and Effect. We all
know it, or know of it, but may have discarded the principle as Biblical or old fashioned.
But yet it dramatically affects our every waking-moment!

The Law of Cause and Effect states that; ’for every current effect in your life, there has
been a specific cause. Every thought and every action generates a force of energy that
returns to us in like kind. What we sow is what we reap.’

The Law of Cause and Effect is an absolute, ironclad law of the universe. Everything
happens for a reason, through and by immutable law; whether we know, understand or
even accept the law. There are no accidents, no good luck and no bad luck. We live in
a universe governed by rigid, uncompromising laws. You can’t change it this law, cheat
it or deceive it. It will operate regardless of your attitude to it.

Comply by the law and you’ll find success and happiness; defy or ignore it and you
won’t! It’s that profound, and yet that simple.

Jesus, the Bhudda, Mohamed, and all the other great philosophers taught the law. It’s
throughout the Bible, it’s taught in the Bhagavad-Gita and the ancient scriptures every
culture. The law applies in all three areas of your life; your physical world, your mental
world and your spiritual world.

For every action there is an appropriate re-action! If you slap your hand against a
table, the table reacts with a slap against your hand. If you plant wheat, the ground
responds by giving you wheat back, but if you plant weeds you also get more weeds in

In a similar way, if you abuse or misuse another human-being, if you steal and cheat
your way through life, if you ignore the starving millions, the law of Cause and Effect
guarantees a reaction sometime in this life or the next. Someone will abuse or misuse
you, or steal from you, or you’ll go hungry.

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The law demonstrates itself in your life every day, whether you realize it or not. What
you put out comes back to you, and it doesn’t just come back in the same volume.
What you put out comes back to you multiplied; good or bad! Plant a handful of corn
seeds, and you’ll gather a truckload of corn. Even a thistle has over a million seeds in
its flowering head, ready to multiply and grow. Your life is the same.

There are specific causes for success. There are specific causes for failure. There are
specific causes for health. There are specific causes for illness. There are specific
causes for happiness. There are specific causes for unhappiness.

To understand how the Law of Cause and Effect has affected your life, thus far, you
need to honestly analyze and recognize what from the past has created your present
situation. Having done that, if you want more of the effect you must increase the
cause. If you want to change the effect, then you must change the cause. Whatever
you’re reaping today, agreeable or otherwise, is the direct and irrefutable result of what
you sowed yesterday, or sometime in the past.

And the good news is that you have complete control over your future, because what
you sow today, you will reap in the future. If you wish to reap a specific harvest or
result in any area of your life in the future, you must plant the appropriate seeds today.

Your thoughts and actions are the cause, and your life’s circumstances are the effect.

What you think today literally creates your reality tomorrow; no ifs, no buts, no excep-
tions. “As you think, so you become” is as true today as it was in ancient times.

The universal law of Cause and Effect will not, and cannot be deviated from. It rigor-
ously operates whether you accept it or not. Everything in your life is the direct result
of the way you think. If you change the quality of your thinking the quality of your life
will change as surely as night follows day. Changes in your outer experience will
directly follow changes in your inner experience. That’s the law!

The only way you can prove the principle to be accurate is by personal application. By
changing your internal processes, changes in your outer conditions can, and do hap-

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pen surprisingly quickly. There’s nothing in your life, no health problem, no relationship
problem and no financial problem that you can’t permanently change with the applica-
tion of this law!

Sow a thought and reap an act. Sow an act and reap a habit. Sow a habit and reap a
character. Sow a character and reap a destiny!

Even something that you neglect, avoid, or procrastinate doing has an effect. Doing
nothing is a cause in itself that has an effect; the consequences of which are

It’s not the theory of cause and effect, it the Law of Cause and Effect. By understand-
ing it, and applying it you can immediately change your life for the better.

This article is adapted from Tom Payne’s audio-cassette
“The 7 Dynamic Keys that will Transform Your Life”, available exclusively

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The Unspoken Secret to Achieving Big Goals

by Joe Vitale

Years ago I attended networking meetings. These were usually breakfast or lunch busi-
ness meetings where people exchanged business cards and tried to help each other
get new clients.

I spoke at many of these events. What I quickly noticed is that the same people
seemed to be at the same meetings. One observant friend said, “It’s the same people
— and they’re all starving!”

That’s when I first learned about the concept of levels. That is, people tend to stay on
the same level of business or social status. When they meet friends, it’s usually in their
circle of activity, whether church, work, school, or some club. As a result, they rarely
get out of the level they are on.

That’s not bad. You can stay on the level you are at and do well. But if you want more,
or if you find yourself starving on the level you’re at, you’ll need to go up a level or two.

When I was speaking at these networking events, I was a notch above everyone in the
room. This is not an ego thing. It’s a social perception. I was seen as being at a slightly
higher level than the audience simply by nature of being the speaker. I was the authori-
ty figure. As the higher teacher, I was elevated a slight degree on their level.

But that’s not good enough. If you want to achieve big dreams in business, you need
to step out of your circle or network of peers and associates. You need to go to a
group with wider, stronger, richer connections. You need to go up a level.

How do you do that? In my case, my books brought me to the attention of other circles
of people, and higher levels of networks.

For example, when I wrote “The AMA Complete Guide to Small Business Advertising”
for the American Marketing Association back in 1995, I was immediately put in a new
level. I was now the author of an important book for a prestigious organization.

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This caused new people to contact me. Each of these people had their own network of
people. More often than not, these networks were at a higher level than anything I had
ever touched before.

If you want to succeed in phenomenal ways today, you need to go up a level or two on
the status scale of networks. The good news is email makes this a snap to begin.
Anyone alive can be reached through email with some persistence and cleverness.
That’s how I first reached marketing superstar Jay Conrad Levinson, direct mail legend
Joe Sugarman, and even gonzo daredevil Evel Knievel. I did it all by email.

People write me all the time for favors. I’m now perceived as an expert, an authority,
and an Internet marketing pioneer. They want to associate their name or product with
me. I love to help people, so I usually at least give people a chance. But I never
endorse anything without seeing, using and loving what they have. This is important for
me to maintain my level.

Keep in mind that going up a level is different than thinking out of the box. You can be
creative and still stay on your current level. Brainstorming with your neighbor is most
likely different than brainstorming with, say, Richard Branson, the flamboyant owner of
Virgin Records.

The point is this: To achieve goals you’ve never achieved before, you may need to rise
in levels and participate with new people on a new playing field.

So the lesson today is to consider your current level, consider your goals, and consider
what people outside of your network can help you achieve them. You may have to step
out of your level (and comfort zone) to do it, but the step is well worth taking.

It would take an entire book to fully explain the concept of levels. I don’t have that
space here. But before I end this short article, let me offer a handful of tips for going to
a new level:

1. Write something of value new levels will admire. This doesn’t have to
be a book. This very article may introduce me to new levels. One of the main reasons

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my name is known to a vast majority of people online is due to the hundreds of articles
I’ve written and distributed over the last ten years. You can write articles, too.

2. Apply for membership in a prestigious organization. When I joined the

Society for American Magicians, a very old club for professional magicians, I elevated
my position among magicians. Joining the right country club or business group can do
the same thing.

3. Create or join a master mind group. Napoleon Hill strongly urged people to
form master minds. The trick to making them work is to be among people who are
already successful in the areas you want to succeed in. Their presence will help ele-
vate you.

4. Write to people in higher networks. When I was first starting out as a writer,
people way above me, such as famed copywriter Bob Bly, helped me. In later years,
marketing gurus such as Murray Raphel and later Paul Hartunian, all helped me. I sim-
ply wrote to them. They sensed my sincerity and offered guidance. Today I do the
same for others.

5. Speak at associations or gatherings of people in higher levels. You’ll

need to have something unique to offer, but if you can deliver what these levels want,
you’ll be welcomed into their fold.

Again, there is nothing wrong with the level you’re on. You don’t want to forget your
friends or burn your bridges. I’m simply suggesting that if you have giant goals and big
dreams, it may be time to take the elevator up a floor or two.

Dr. Joe Vitale is author the #1 best-selling book “Spiritual Marketing” and the
best-selling e-book “Hypnotic Writing.” Sign up for his monthly ezine and see
many articles by him at

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Creating Wealth
by Karim Hajee

Ever wonder how some people have a lot of money and just keep making more and
more money - while some people struggle to make ends meet - even though they keep
doing everything they can to make more money? Or why some people always have
the money to buy what they want while others continue to pile up their debts even
though they have a decent job? I’m going to explain why this happens and how you
can become one of those people who is always living life with a positive cash flow.

Positive Wealth Consciousness

Over the years - through research, interviews and teaching my Creating Power System
I’ve learned that people who have a great deal of wealth and people who maintain a
positive cash flow have developed a positive wealth consciousness. In short - they
always have money because they always believe they will have money. As a result
they continuously attract money and moneymaking opportunities - while at the same
time they find ways to save money and make their money work for them. Now it wasn’t
always this way. Not all of them had money to start with - in fact most people earned
their money and continued to find ways to make more money.

I remember talking to a good friend, Ivan, who owns a chain of hotels across the
United States and is now expanding into Canada and overseas. He explained he had
come from an immigrant family; his father worked as an accountant and later opened a
retail store while his mother put herself through school - eventually becoming a nurse.
I’m not going to bore you with his entire life story. But my point is he didn’t have a fami-
ly that gave him a million dollars to start his venture. Instead he started off working for
his father, eventually took over the business, bought another - made it a success - sold
it and bought another until he got his first hotel just outside Dallas.

I asked him: “Were you ever nervous? Did you ever think about failing? Did you ever
have those what if thoughts?” He answered: “They entered my mind - but I dismissed
them rather quickly - I just thought about making it happen and convinced myself that it
would happen. After that I never doubted I would succeed - I just didn’t know how big
this whole thing would get.” In short Ivan developed a positive wealth consciousness -

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without being aware of what he had technically done - but he had trained his mind and
subconscious to focus only on creating wealth.

So What Is A Positive Wealth Consciousness?

This is the process of believing that you can and will make money. It involves believing
that it is your right to make money and create wealth. It requires that you focus on all
the good things that your wealth can do for you and those around you. It means under-
standing that if you have more wealth you will help more people. It means putting your
ego aside - not desiring wealth so that you can show off and say: “Look at me, I’m
rich.” Instead - it means saying: “Yes I have a lot of wealth and that allows me to take
care of a lot of people - including my family and all those that I help when I spend my
money.” Yes you will spend your money - let’s face it - the more you have the more
you will spend. This is the basis of Creating a Wealth Consciousness. Because you
believe that having money is not a good thing - then you will never have any money -
no matter how hard you try. Once you get this new belief - that having money is a
good thing - into your system then you can begin attracting Wealth.

In order to attract wealth you need to first look at where you are now and then create a
realistic plan for the next 3 months, 6 months, year and five years. If you’re in debt and
don’t have a job - aiming to have a million dollars in 6 months is not being very realis-
tic. Instead your first priority should be to get a job and get out of debt. If you already
have a job and you want to make more money - then give yourself some realistic tar-
gets for the next 3 months, 6 months, year and 5 years. Now I know some of you will
say it’s difficult to make money - I don’t know what to do to make more money - I’m in
debt and don’t know how to get out. For every problem there is a solution - otherwise
we wouldn’t have problems. Focus on finding a solution. Train your mind to focus on
the solution. Start sending the messages to your subconscious that you want a solu-
tion. Do this regularly and you’ll get answers. The money won’t fall from the sky but
you will be guided to it.

How Do You Train Your Mind?

You first focus on what you want. Let’s say you want to find a job - you start telling
yourself: “I know what to do to find a job. I’m doing the right things to find a job. I’ve
got the right job.” Then start thinking of all the possible things you can do to get a job. I

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know you may say: “I’ve done all that - and still have nothing.” The only reason you
don’t have anything is because you’re not looking in the right place. You’re not paying
attention to the signs along the road. You may be dead set on getting a particular job
and ignoring all kinds of other opportunities.

The same applies if you’re trying to make more money. You may be bent on making
money a certain way - in the process you’re ignoring the other opportunities that are
being presented - often dismissing them. I had a student who wanted to make more
money. He thought the only way that he could make more money was by expanding
his business. He did that - but didn’t make as much as he thought. Once he started
working with the Creating Power System he started paying attention to the other
opportunities. He ran into an old friend while he was car hunting and to cut a long story
short - they decided to partner in some real estate ventures - and things took off. He
still has his business - but the additional money he wanted to make - money that he
thought he could only make from his business - came from a completely different

This only happened because he paid attention to the signs along the road. He was
presented with a number of other opportunities before partnering with his friend - but
they didn’t seem right to him. Eventually he made the right choice because he was
calm, and believed that he would get the right opportunity at the right time. That’s the
other ingredient needed. You have to be patient and trust that you will get what you
need and want at the right time - but remember - you have to put that ego aside and
go with what is best.

My friend Ivan, who owns the hotel chains, examined a number of business opportuni-
ties before buying his first hotel - including buying a 50-percent stake in a used car lot.
The used car dealership is still successful - but it pales in comparison to where he is
now. About the used car dealership he said: “At the time - it just didn’t feel right. I went
through the books, knew it would be successful - but I just didn’t see myself doing that.”
You have to go with what fits for you - just because it’s a good opportunity - doesn’t
mean it’s right for you. Ivan passed on that deal and 2 months later he bought his first
hotel. That was in 1993. But he was willing to wait for what he thought felt right.

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What You Can Do To Attract Wealth

There are a number of things you can do to attract wealth, no matter what your situa-
tion. You simply have to get your mind to work for you and not against you. Here’s a lit-
tle exercise you can do. Get a notepad and a pen. Now start thinking about making
money or improving your finances. Write down all the thoughts that come to mind
when you think about improving your finances or creating wealth. Be honest - only you
will see this list. Keep going until you feel you’ve had enough. Keep adding to that list
over the course of the day. Then when you feel you’ve got enough - take a look at
what you wrote. Underline the thoughts that are positive and circle the thoughts that
are negative. How many are negative? Any negative thought you have about money or
improving your finances is tied to a belief that you have about money and only works
against you. If you think it’s difficult to make more money - you’ll only have difficulties
when it comes to making money. Why? Because your subconscious mind is only going
to create your reality based on your beliefs. It doesn’t care if these beliefs are good or
bad for you. It simply acts on your instructions - and those instructions are your
thoughts and beliefs. So change your thoughts and you change your beliefs. Change
your beliefs and you change your life.

Karim Hajee is the author of Creating Power. With Creating Power you take
charge of your life and create the success and happiness you want and deserve.
Check it out at

Edited by Andreas Ohrt <<< >>> Page 82


Fears: A Detour on the Road to Success

by Boris Vene

If you are like most people, you are often confronted with fears that hold you back -
consciously or subconsciously. Although you weren’t born with them, you are under the
strong influence of the environment that implanted them. You might even be tempted to
think that worry and fear is the primary base from which your actions stem.

Salespeople know of this powerful influence. People buy truckloads of insurance in

preparation for some disaster that “might” happen. “It is better to be safe than sorry.” Do
you have an extra set of keys (or two) for your house or car? Do you buy food, drinks or
even pills that will help you improve your complexion or lose unwanted weight?

Whether it is a fear of losing something good, or getting something bad, fear is a driv-
ing force that is always there ...

New situations in life force you to confront a new set of fears. You may even comfort
yourself by saying it isn’t so bad. Have you ever made a doctor’s appointment, a den-
tist appointment or a hairstyling appointment only to arrive in the respective waiting
area with no pain or the best hair day you’ve had in a long time? Now you want to go
home. Fear is a powerful motivator.

Some of the more common fears are:

1. Fear of the Unknown
2. Fear of Failure and Rejection
3. Fear of Loss (losing what you have)
4. Fear of Facing Reality
5. Fear of Disapproval

You have to deal with ALL of these fears if you want to succeed.

You cannot deny them or banish them to your subconscious, as that will only add fuel
to a fire that will probably and suddenly burst out beyond your control. Like fires, fears
are easiest to squelch when they are still small.

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Confront your fears and banish them forever! Start with ...

The Fear Of The Unknown

There isn’t a person alive that isn’t apprehensive, nervous or even fearful of entering
new territory, wandering into the great unknown.

What will it hold? How will it change you? Will you be able to handle the situation or
complete the task? Will you know what to do and have the ability to do it? Will you be
laughed at? Will it be worth it?

One way of confronting the unknown is to recognize that without action you will never
escape mediocrity. The primary difference between people who fulfill their dreams and
those that don’t is action – the former move from words to action, the latter never get
beyond the words.

Ask yourself: What could I lose if I begin to act? Answer frankly. Typical answers are
time, pride and so on. You should note that these answers are merely superficial.

What could I gain? An experience that will, without a doubt, make you richer (maybe
financially) and one that will bring you closer, above all, to success. You shouldn’t for-
get that it is self-confidence, overcoming your fears and changing your habits or unde-
sirable attributes (like transforming yourself from timid to outgoing) that bring you a
step closer to attaining your desires.

I remember a case where a young entrepreneur was taking an exceptionally long time
to decide whether to start a new business that excited him, or not, because his mind
told him that he wouldn’t succeed. After a conversation we had, he decided to start the
business because he felt this was his path. He didn’t succeed; in fact, the results were
pretty awful at first.

I was surprised a year later when I received a kind letter from him thanking me for the
time I had spent with him. He wrote that he has been a changed man since then and
that he is enjoying what he is doing for the first time in his life. He wasn’t doing well,

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financially, in the beginning, but gradually he built a firm foundation and is now earning

“If I hadn’t made the choice and taken that first step,” he added, “I wouldn’t have
known that work exists that can bring in both money and pleasure. My first financial
failure was a small price to pay for such awareness. More importantly, it enabled me to
identify the fear that had been present in all my business and personal decisions in the
past. Today, I laugh at the limits I was living under then. Now, I’m happy to meet new
challenges and I have been succeeding in everything I do lately.”

If making a decision appears too difficult, take a piece of paper, divide it in half and
write out the pros and the cons. More often than not, the “against” side is filled with
“circumstantial objections,” like “a lack of self-confidence,” or “I don’t have enough
money or time.” The substance of these objections cannot compare to the reasons
“for” doing something.

Most of your reasons for not doing something are probably based on weak excuses. If
you are afraid of doing something, your mind will find a way to make sure that you
don’t do it, will even stand in your way and prevent you from doing something that it
perceives you do not want. Be sure to address all your fears first and then take that
piece of paper in your hands once again.

Chase your fears away and consciously decide to take a chance in life. Trust me, it’s
usually well worth the trouble!

Of course, the decision (as always in life) is still yours.

Boris Vene is known as one of the most distinguished European international
speakers, motivators and personal coaches in the areas of leadership, communi-
cation and development of human potential. He is the co-author of a European
bestseller “The Enlightened Salesperson: Selling from the Inside Out”.
Get your copy at

Edited by Andreas Ohrt <<< >>> Page 85


Creating the Prosperity Mindset

by Randy Gage

The note was scrawled across the back of a flyer for the chaplain program. It was writ-
ten by a parishioner, right after a Sunday service I had given at my own church.

“I hadn’t realized until you pointed it out that it’s the rich people who are the spiritual
ones,” he wrote. “I guess those slave holders were on the right track. The only thing
wrong was the prosperity consciousness of those slaves!”

No doubt the writer was being quite sarcastic, and thought his comments would
expose the absurdity of my teaching, and support his beliefs. (Which it’s safe to
assume, are that it is somehow spiritual to be poor, and that rich people are exploiting
the poor.)

It’s fascinating that he would pick such an analogy, because I DO believe that in many
cases, rich people are operating at a higher consciousness than poor people. That’s
why they are rich!

I also believe people who allow others to steal their freedom have serious issues of
prosperity consciousness. Since he didn’t sign his note, he won’t discover that instead
of seeing irony in his comments—I see an element of truth. Imagine the amazement
and shock he might feel. Perhaps you are feeling the same way now.

The fact that rich people have amassed wealth indicates that they are living by at least
some of the spiritual laws that govern prosperity. Of course, this does not mean that all
rich people are spiritual and all poor people are not. Prosperity is a synergy of a num-
ber of factors, including a strong spiritual connection, optimum health, great relation-
ships, rewarding vocation, and, yes, the material aspects.

So, rich people who are sick, bitter and lonely are certainly not prosperous. By the
same token, however, if you are healthy, spiritually grounded, have a great marriage,
but struggle to pay your credit cards each month—you are certainly not prosperous

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In the book “As a Man Thinketh,” James Allen relates how usual it is for people to say,
“Many men are slaves because one is an oppressor; let us hate the oppressor.” He
then goes on to note the increasing tendency of people to say, “One man is an oppres-
sor because they are slaves; let us despise the slaves.”

The real truth is that both the slaves and the oppressor are co-creators in ignorance,
lack, and limitation. While it seems that they are victimizing each other—in reality, they
are each victimizing themselves.

Prosperity and human dignity are both based upon value received. An oppressor can-
not sustain prosperity because he is exacting more than he returns, and will ultimately
bankrupt his own consciousness. A slave gives not enough value to himself, and like-
wise ends up in a state of spiritual bankruptcy. As the Course in Miracles teaches, they
are no victims, only volunteers.

A person will remain weak, dependent and miserable by refusing to raise his or her
consciousness. A person can reject servitude, conquer limitations, and achieve great-
ness by raising his or her consciousness. To quote again from Allen’s book:

“A strong man cannot help a weaker unless that weaker is willing to be helped, and
even then the weak man must be strong of himself; he must, by his own efforts, devel-
op the strength which he admires in another. None but himself can alter his condition.”

It’s tough to develop the strength to be prosperous, if you’re being continually pro-
grammed that it’s spiritual to be poor. Especially if you’re not even aware you’re being
programmed and it’s on a subconscious level.

To experience true spiritual prosperity, you have to be manifesting prosperity in ALL

areas of your life. Yet if you’re doing ok in most areas, but you don’t have much
money—it’s easy to fall into the trap our note writer did.

You want to believe that somehow your reward is coming later, heaven perhaps, and
that you will in some way be compensated for living your current life of limitation. After
all, who among us wants to believe that we are suffering needlessly, or have riches at

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our fingertips, but refuse to partake in them?

Now to be fair to our letter writer—he certainly isn’t alone. This kind of thinking is quite
pervasive today.

So why would I write a book with a message, sure to threaten so many people?
Because I fear what will happen to them when they are not threatened.

I take the privilege and the responsibility of my platform seriously. In fact, I consider it
sacred. I speak the messages I perceive people need to hear, not necessarily the ones
they want to hear. It pains me to see anyone anywhere experiencing poverty and lack
in their life.

When you think about it, the idea of me giving a Sunday church service is kind of
funny. I was raised atheist, and entered a church only twice in my first 30 years on the
planet. (Once by accident, and once for a wedding.)

When I found my way to the church I would eventually call home, I was unemployed,
had no car, was $55,000 in debt, and selling my furniture to eat. My health was shot;
my relationships were an absolute mess; and I couldn’t have been more unhappy. By
the time the furniture was gone, and I was eating macaroni and cheese three times a
day, I discovered a very fascinating thing...

I came to understand that success and prosperity had almost nothing to do with oppor-
tunities, chance, luck—or even training, education, or skill. It had everything to do with
consciousness, beliefs, and even subconscious programming that you aren’t aware of.

Poverty is not an absence of money and things—it is a mindset. Prosperity is not an

abundance of money and things—it’s also a mindset.

When I began studying the laws that govern prosperity, I embraced the principles out
of desperation . . .

I applied those principles, and you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who has had a

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greater degree of turnaround. I am truly blessed, manifesting abundance in all areas of

my life, in ever increasing ways.

This only happened because I was willing to confront my weaknesses, discover and
eliminate the insidious “lack” programming I had, and replace it with positive program-
ming. To this day, I am ever vigilant, mindful of what I allow myself to watch and listen
to, and the people I associate with.

I had to get out of my comfort zone, brave fears, and face up to my beliefs. Once you
have done this, you feel called to help others challenge the self-limiting beliefs that are
holding them back from their greatness. That was the motivation I felt that morning, as
I spoke at church, and the motivation that has me writing this book for you now.

Money is part of the magic in life. It is an enabling force that allows you to be the real
you. It allows you to go where you wish to go, do what you wish to do, and become
whom you desire to become. Money is God in action!

Poverty causes people to lie, cheat, steal, and even kill. There is NOTHING spiritual
about poverty. Yes, poverty really does suck.

Some of the people in my audiences are shocked when I make the statement that it is
a sin to be poor. Of course, Charles Fillmore shocked the religious community of his
day, when he made that proclamation almost 100 years ago. It still has the power to
stun people today.

Yet if you learn the actual translation of sin, it means to “miss the mark.” The Course in
Miracles defines sin as a lack of love. I believe both characterizations are accurate.

When you are providing true value to the universe—you are rewarded with riches.
That’s the way the universe works. All the time, with no exception.

When I speak to an audience, or write a book like this, I want people to understand a
very simple, but very important thing. They can’t help anyone unless they have first
helped themselves. Or as Reverend Ike would say, the best thing you can do for poor

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people is not be one of them!

It doesn’t serve God or you, if you are broke, sick, unhappy, or in dysfunctional rela-
tionships. You have to believe you are worthy of prosperity in ALL of its forms. Then as
you walk the path of spiritual consciousness, you will find that you begin to manifest it
more every day.

And that is what drives me to do what I do. So if I shock you, offend you, or threaten
you with what I write—please evaluate why that might be. And know that I am coming
from a place of love, and wanting the highest good for you.

I want you to be healthy, happy and rich!

Excerpted from “Prosperity Mind! How to Harness the Power of Thought”,
by Randy Gage. For more resources visit

Edited by Andreas Ohrt <<< >>> Page 90


How to Attract More Money Into Your Life:

Two Things You Can Do – Right Now
by Michael Losier

One of the most common questions people ask me about the Law of Attraction is how
to use it to attract more money. Money is simply the energy of abundance, and the
Law of Attraction can therefore be used deliberately to increase abundance in our
lives. To understand how to increase the energy of abundance, consider this: The Law
of Attraction is all about vibes.

The word vibes comes from the longer word—vibration. All energy is vibration. We
commonly use the word vibe to refer to experiences that give off a negative vibe or a
positive vibe. So, when we say we get a good vibe or a bad vibe from an experience,
we are actually describing positive vibrations or negative vibrations.

Here is an important concept that is vital to understanding how to use the Law of
Attraction; vibrations are generated as a result of the thoughts and words we use. A
vibration is simply a mood or a feeling. In every moment, we are emitting (sending or
offering) a vibration. In the vibrational world, there are only two kinds of vibrations; pos-
itive or negative. The Law of Attraction is a powerful, universal law that simply
responds to our vibration by giving us more of the same, whether wanted or
unwanted -- in every moment, including right now!

Definition of the Law of Attraction: I attract to myself, whatever I give my

focus, attention, or energy to; whether wanted or unwanted.

The Law of Attraction is an obedient law. Understanding that, we want to become more
deliberate offer-ers of the vibes that we are emitting.

Using the Law of Attraction to Increase Our Abundance

We have learned so far that all feelings give off vibrations, either positive or negative.
Abundance is a feeling and that’s GOOD news. Why? All feelings can be duplicated!
Abundance is a feeling, and that feeling has a corresponding vibration that we can
duplicate. In many cases, people are duplicating the feeling of lack, sadness, or hope-

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lessness simply by the thoughts and the words they use. Given that we can generate
feelings by our words and thoughts, we can learn how to duplicate the feelings of
abundance more intentionally, using our words and thoughts.

The best news of all is, the Law of Attraction doesn’t know if we are generating a
thought by; remembering, pretending, creating, visualizing, or day-dreaming. It simply
responds to our vibration in that moment. And -- we can only hold one vibration at a
time! By creating the vibration of abundance more deliberately and more often, we are
INCREASING abundance in our lives.

I suggest that you commit to this process of deliberately duplicating the vibration of
abundance, by using your thoughts, for the next 7 days. Start today! Here’s the exer-
cise that will help you do that.

Part One:
Build a list of all the sources and resources where money and abundance can come
from. Most people when asked: “How could you get more money?” reply that they
could work more to earn more money. The belief that the ONLY way to increase your
abundance, is to find a way to earn more money, is a limiting belief. There are actually
many, many other ways that abundance can increase in your life.

Here are 5 sources of abundance. Start with these and build your list to 60 sources or

Sources of Abundance:
Someone treats you to lunch (or breakfast or dinner)
Someone gives you free advice or coaching
You receive gifts
You receive free transportation or lodging
You get your 3rd cup of coffee free

Part Two:
Keep a daily log of all the sources from which you are receiving abundance. This will
significantly help you to notice abundance in your life. Keeping a daily log shows you

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concrete evidence that abundance DOES exist and IS increasing in your life.
Celebrate! When you notice abundance, celebrate the evidence of it in your life--and
while celebrating, know that you are offering the positive vibration of abundance.
Remember, at every moment, including right now, the Law of Attraction is checking to
see which vibration you are offering, responding to that vibration, and giving you more
of the same.

Here’s a great tip! Two minutes a day of deliberate attention to abundance is better
than no minutes.

This exercise will have you emitting or offering the vibration of abundance more delib-
erately and more frequently. Have fun with this!

Start doing this exercise for the next 7 days and notice the things you can now start
telling yourself: “I’m so abundant! I’ve attracted evidence of abundance every day for
the last 7 days.” “I’m so abundant; I’ve attracted 100’s of dollars of free advice in the
last 7 days.”

Become a deliberate offer-er of your vibration and the Law of Attraction will obediently
bring you more of the same.

© Copyright Michael Losier 2004. For more articles by Michael Losier visit

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The Secrets of
“Logging On Inside” to Succeed
by Bob Scheinfeld

Logging on to the Internet today is just about as amazing as making a phone call. At the
very least, we rely on it to communicate, research, sell, buy, and find recreation. But as
amazing as the Internet appears, it has its limitations. However, there's another network
you can access to get the help you need to succeed. It’s much larger and older than the
Internet, infinitely more powerful, and doesn't require a computer. It’s the invisible net-
work—and the mindset and system for tapping into it is what I call The 11th Element.

The Internet connects us at the conscious level, while the invisible network connects
us beneath our conscious awareness, at an unconscious level. Once considered “new
age” or “way out,” today international scientists, including those at Harvard University
and Stanford Research Institute, among various other private institutions, are docu-
menting the unconscious as a real and potent force.

You Have Already Connected

Have you ever known something was going to happen before it actually did? Or picked
up the phone knowing intuitively who was on the other end? Perhaps you’ve known
what someone else was going to say before they said it. You’ve certainly had hunches
that proved to be accurate. Where do you think this knowledge came from?

Rob Strasser, once a top executive with Nike, had a hunch, a feeling that the company
should invest major resources in the new “Nike Air” line of shoes. Without any hard
data backup, he pushed the project forward despite tremendous resistance from the
management team. Nike Air ended up being one of the most successful product
launches the company ever made. Where do think Strasser’s “feeling” came from?

Stare at anyone through car window glass at a stoplight or in a crowded mall or sitting
several seats in front of you in a theater. Often the person will turn to look directly at
you because they “felt” you staring at them. How did they know not only that some-
one’s looking at them, but where that person is?

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When I was 16 years old, I was in a bad car accident at 3:00 in the morning. At that
exact moment, my mother woke up, sat straight up in bed, and knew something “bad”
had happened to me. How could she possibly have known?

Why do you think you have an instant attraction to or dislike of someone you’ve met for the
first time? Why do you feel you can trust them or that they make you feel uncomfortable?

All these unexplainable experiences are examples of how we constantly log on to the
invisible network without consciously intending to. The real question is not: “Is there
really an invisible network connecting us all together?” The real question is: “How can I
use the invisible network to help me build my business and wealth?”

Dual Purposes Of The Invisible Network

The invisible network serves two purposes in your life. It’s an information storehouse
and a communications “switchboard

1. Information Storehouse: On the Internet “search engines” store huge collec-

tions of information you can access to research virtually any subject. The invisible net-
work also has search engines, but their functionality is much larger and more complex
than their limited Internet counterparts.

The invisible network automatically receives information about everything and every-
one in the world and stores that information in its search engines. I call this collected
information “master biography files.”

For example, if someone is working on a cure for cancer in Japan, developing an

invention in Australia, has a special skill and lives in South Africa, offers a unique prod-
uct or service in the United States, or has new strategies she’s applying in England,
the details are automatically sent into the network where you can access them for your
benefit. Even more amazing, the information in the Invisible network is continuously
updated on a real-time, moment-to-moment basis.

That’s why tapping into the Invisible network helps you find what you need to produce
extraordinary results, and provides access to raw power that goes so far beyond your

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conscious capabilities.

2. Communication “Switchboard”: Messages flow 24/7 through the invisible

network at the unconscious level. Every second people are sending messages asking
for help in achieving goals and specifying the kind of help they’re willing to offer others.
And just like in the “surface world,” we discuss, negotiate, make decisions, and make
agreements at the unconscious level: “I’ll do this for you if you’ll do that for me.” The
excitement happens when we see “on the surface” the positive result of our uncon-
scious request.

If the Internet excites you, imagine magnifying its available resources and possibilities
billions of times and you have a slight idea of what’s possible when you start tapping
into the invisible network. No matter what’s going on in your business or financial life
right now—with sales, profits, income, operations, employees, net worth, investments,
and so on—it’s all being shaped in powerful and amazing ways by information and
messages previously sent into the invisible network.

Asking for Help On The Invisible Network

If you send out 20 e-mails with a question, you’ll get answers back but you can’t
expect answers to questions you didn’t ask. The invisible network works the same way.
You must ask for the help you want and need!

It may not always seem so, but at the unconscious level everyone on the planet wants
to help everyone else fulfill their life purposes and complete their missions. And just
like on the Internet, other people will help you if you ask them properly. You just have
to know how to find the right people and how to ask them for help so you get the posi-
tive response you desire.

In my 11th Element work, I show you how to access the invisible network in the most
effective way by working with your "Inner CEO" – the "internal guidance system" that
helps you attain your goals based on their relevance to your mission and purpose. You
can begin now as I did, without always having the contacts, ideas, skills, knowledge,
and resources I ultimately needed and used to succeed. Begin by asking for help and
letting your “inner guidance” be your guide.

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For more than 20 years, Bob Scheinfeld has been helping people create
extraordinary results, in less time, with less effort, and much more fun.
He'll get you tapping into a new kind of power to produce the total success
you've been searching for. For more information visit:

Edited by Andreas Ohrt <<< >>> Page 97


Why Gratitude is the Key

to Getting Anything You Want
by Jeff Staniforth

When it comes to worldly affairs, the saying, "Seeing is believing" reigns supreme.

When you “see” someone accomplish something, you start to “believe” in that person's
ability. If a product delivers what it promises, you then believe that it works. When you
see a "formula" yield positive results, you begin to believe in it.

Evidence is essential in order for people to believe. This has led to the saying, "I'll
believe it when I see it." The proof is in the pudding.

But in spiritual affairs, the opposite is true. "Believing is seeing." If you believe first, you
will see that thing that you believe in manifest itself in front of your very eyes. That's a
testament to the awesome power of belief. This has led to another saying: "I'll see it
when I believe it."

However, for most people, believing is the problem.

That's why most people who lack conviction when they recite affirmations, for instance,
are missing the secret ingredient that's necessary to materialize their dreams.

If you've ever encountered some internal resistance when you first read or speak a posi-
tive affirmation, that's an indication that you do not really believe what you're saying. For
example, how can you really believe the affirmation, "I am perfectly healthy in body, mind
and spirit" when outer appearances point to the contrary (e.g., you're sick or in pain)?

An important part of believing is to feel "as if it has already happened." I have found that
one of the best ways to evoke that feeling is to express gratitude after you recite an

Just saying the words, "Thank you" after you state your affirmation reinforces the belief
that the universe (or God, or your Creator, or whatever name you call the Supreme

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Being) has already set about the fulfillment of your desire. You may not see your
affirmed desire fully manifested yet at the present time, but expressing thanks makes
you believe that what you've asked for is already done. Thereafter, you have a sense of
expectancy that what you desire will eventually come to fruition.

If there was ever a "formula" for manifesting desires, this is it. Ancient spiritual manu-
scripts, including the Bible, emphasize that a single-minded belief is essential in receiving
what you ask for. They also warn against double-mindedness. Know with absolute and
unwavering certainty that what you are affirming is already yours. "If you can believe, all
things are possible to him who believes." So believe that it's already done by simply say-
ing "Thank you" or assuming an attitude of gratitude after affirming what you want. I once
heard a wonderful quotation from an anonymous author that says it profoundly: "We can
start with who we are and what we have today, apply gratitude, then let it work it's magic.
Say thank you, until you mean it. If you say it long enough, you will believe it. Today will
shine the transforming light of gratitude on all the circumstances of my life."

Join the millions of People Around the World Who Have Discovered the
Power of Affirmations. Send for FREE subscription of
"Affirmations For The Mind" Tips and Techniques Newsletter,
ritten by Jeff Staniforth, at

Edited by Andreas Ohrt <<< >>> Page 99


The Science of a Positive Attitude

by Eva Gregory

A Native American elder once described his own inner struggles in this manner: “Inside
of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The
mean dog fights all the time.” When asked which dog wins he reflected for a moment
and replied,“The one I feed the most.” – George Bernard Shaw

Quantum physicists have been playing with the notion that our thoughts and feelings
have a direct influence on the physical world. Everything, they say, is connected through
energy. You know already about the three Laws of Attraction, and how much your
thoughts and feelings have to do with what you create in your life. Did you know that
scientists are now agreeing with what we call the Laws of Attraction? They are!

Here's a simplified explanation of this scientific phenomena we call the Law of


At the sub-atomic level, everything is always in motion. Time and space don’t exist as
we know them. A butterfly merrily flapping its wings in Japan can affect the weather in
New York. It’s all energy that interacts simultaneously.

Thoughts and feelings are also energy. (They have been measured as such).

Because thoughts and feelings are energy, they vibrate (move). Each thought and feel-
ing vibrates at a specific frequency (how fast it vibrates). Negative feelings vibrate at a
slower frequency than positive feelings.

The power (amplitude) of the thought or feeling is affected by the strength of the thought
or feeling, which in turn is impacted by the number of times that thought/feeling is
focused on. That is, if you keep repeating, “money corrupts”, it amplifies the vibration of
that thought.

Remember, everything is energy, and all energy vibrates at a specific characteristic


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OK. Now, we get into the scientific Law of Attraction. The scientific Law of Attraction
states that an object (physical object, thought, feeling) will naturally attract that with
which it is in vibrational harmony. Strike a tuning fork, and the strings that are in tune
with that vibrating object will also begin to vibrate. Thoughts, ideas, and emotions must
follow this Law of Attraction because they too are "objects" with an energetic vibration.

Now we get to the fun part. I suspect by now you really understand the Law of Attraction
– like attracts like. Like thoughts or feelings attract thoughts and feelings that are vibrat-
ing at the same or similar frequencies. Likewise, these thoughts and feelings attract
PHYSICAL objects (people, events) that are vibrating at a similar frequency.

But, how does our mind actually take all this in and process it?

Your brain is assaulted by thousands of messages each second. Everything you see,
hear, smell, feel and touch is a message entering your brain.

Part of your brain filters through all these messages and decides which ones will move
into your conscious awareness. Have you ever purchased a new car, only to see thou-
sands of that same car and color on the road for the next week? How about when two
people can go to a movie and have entirely different experiences? If you've ever experi-
enced that, you know what I mean by the brain’s filtering mechanism.

When you focus your attention on something you don’t want, for example “I don’t want
to lose any more money!”, you’re telling your brain to flag anything related to losing
money as important. You “see” more evidence to support exactly what you do NOT
want to see! It flags it as important because it's what you're focused on.

Scientists say that the brain is plastic: it can and does remodel itself, sometimes within
a remarkably short period of time. And with the brain, timing is everything. What this
means for you is that as you focus more of your attention on positive thoughts, you are
actually shifting the neural pathways of your brain!

This is why it gets easier as you practice shifting your focus and practicing positive
thoughts! Your brain is actually “reprogramming” itself to notice more positive things.

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This is particularly interesting when you think about the impact it can have on our ability
to succeed at something. If you're focused on the "bad dog" - that is, why you're failing -
you'll strengthen those neural pathways. Conversely, a continual focus on the “good
dog” - success, with a positive mental attitude - strengthens the neural pathways for

Excerpted from “The Feel Good Guide to Prosperity” by Eva Gregory.
Copyright 2004. Published by Leading Edge Publishers. Get more information
about Eva Gregory at

Edited by Andreas Ohrt <<< >>> Page 102


The Simplest Plan in the World

for Getting Whatever You Want
by Andreas Ohrt

So did you learn anything in the last 24 lessons? Do you realize that you hold in your
hands a compilation of the most powerful secrets in the world? You may have already
experienced positive changes in your life simply through the power of the decision you
made when you purchased this book.

Now is the time to apply your knowledge. Mind power is an incredible force in the uni-
verse, but unless you take physical, concrete action none of your desires can come to
you. This book provides access to some of the greatest teachers on this planet.
Choose the ones whose writing you’ve enjoyed the most, follow their advice with dedi-
cation and determination, and I guarantee your dreams will come true.

You’ve learned a lot in the previous 24 lessons. Vast amounts of secret wisdom has
been downloaded into your mind and soul. Your life will change for the better, easily
and effortlessly, simply for having read this book. But if you really want to make
change quickly and dramatically, you must apply your knowledge.

In order to help you begin, I’ve written this short article. I’ve tried to distill the funda-
mental keys which all mind power masters continually return to. I have tried to make
this knowledge as simple as humanly possible, so that every single person reading this
book will be able to take this information and use it, easily and quickly. Here then, is
the most simple possible explanation of the power of your creative energy. Follow
these four steps, and any goal can be yours.

Step One: Know What You Want

Yes, it seems so obvious, doesn’t it?

You must know what you want in order to get what you want. Yet this most basic first
step is missed by the majority of people. You must know what you want as specifically
as possible. This is the magic first step.

Edited by Andreas Ohrt <<< >>> Page 103


Daydreaming about your future will not bring you what you want. Waiting for life to
work out the way you’ve always expected won’t bring you what you want. The only
way to get what you want is to decide, with clarity and focus, exactly what you want to

So how do you know what you want? Well, it’s very simple. Write down your desires,
your dreams, and everything that you want for your life. Then pick the one thing on
your list that you know you could accomplish if you dedicated some energy to it. Pick
that one and forget about the rest. Pick the very next goal in the creation of your live
and go for it.

Focus, focus, focus. Don’t waste your energy wishing and dreaming for a million and
one things. Pick one and go with it. Just as the journey of a thousand miles begins with
a single step, so does the journey to your ideal life begin with a single goal.

So begin with an easy, do-able goal, so far unaccomplished, plug it into this 4-step
system. Write down as specifically and exactly what it is you will create. After it’s fin-
ished, move on to the next goal.

Step Two: Focus On What You Want

You must give positive focus, energy, and attention to your goal. Setting a goal and
then forgetting about it will not do. You must imprint it on your conscious and subcon-
scious mind until it becomes reality.

Remember, thought is blindingly fast compared to the manifestation of thoughts into

reality. Of course, as you practice this system and become more confident, your
thoughts will come into reality much more quickly. But as a beginner, you must keep
your energy and intention directly on your goal.

You must focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want. Stop complaining about
things that are not the way you want them to be. Instead, decide how you would like
them to be and focus on that. Whenever you find yourself giving attention to some
area of your life with which you are unhappy, immediately ask yourself ”What do I want
in this situation?” and focus on the answer.

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Take a look at your goal every day, give it positive focus and attention. Before you fall
asleep and after you wake up, instead of worrying about your problems, imagine your
goal successfully attained, and imagine how you would feel if your goal was accom-
plished. Go to sleep with this feeling, and your subconscious mind will quickly find a
way to bring it into your reality.

Step Three: Take Action Now!

You must take action towards your goal, and you must take action right now! There is
no other time that you can act. The past is gone, the future is an illusion. Making plans
to take action is not action. You must take action right now.

There is always something that you can do to propel you towards your goal. It doesn’t
matter how tiny the action is, or how insignificant you might feel it is, you must do it.
There is always some small step you can take. Take that step.

You must convince your subconscious mind that you are serious about accomplishing
your goal, and there is nothing more convincing than taking action.

No matter where you are along your path to your goal, no matter how near or far you
might feel to be, there is always an obvious next step you can take. Take that step in
this present moment. Right now.

If you have trouble figuring out what to do, or are paralyzed into inaction because it
seems there are too many things to do, just do this: Make a list of all the things that
need to happen in order for your goal to arrive. List all the intermediary steps that you
will experience as your goal begins to enter your life.

Somewhere on this list will be the obvious next step. Do it. Do it now!

Step Four: Choose The Same Thing Every Day

You must be consistent. You must, consistently, choose the same goal every day until
your goal is accomplished. You cannot send out constantly changing vague wishes into
the universe and expect to create results in the real world.

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It’s as simple as ordering a meal in a restaurant. You must decide what you want and
then ask for it. If you can’t make up your mind the waiter will simply serve someone
else until you’re ready. If you do not provide the universe with a specific goal which
you consistently take action toward, your “meal” will never come to you.

And the most important secret of all:

Don’t Give Up Until Your Goal Is Accomplished.

Andreas Ohrt is the editor of Mind Power News, a free weekly e-zine which
compiles all the news headlines, scientific research, and cutting-edge
developments in the science of Mind Power. Get your free subscription
and more free bonuses at

Edited by Andreas Ohrt <<< >>> Page 106


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Edited by Andreas Ohrt <<< >>> Page 108

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