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It took me almost a week to finish this 8-unit reflection in Teaching Profession. Being a pre-service teacher is quite

tiring yet very much rewarding. Two (2) years and one summer down, (2) years and another summer to go. weh.;)

I wish I could persuade every teacher to be proud of his occupation - not conceited or pompous, but proud. People

who introduce themselves with the shame remark that they are, "just teachers", gives me despair in my heart. Did

you ever heard a lawyer say depreciatingly that he was only a patent attorney? Did you ever hear a physician say "I

am just a brain surgeon?" I beg of you to stop apologizing for being a member of the most important profession in the

world. Draw yourself up to your full height, look at anybody squarely in the eye and say, "I am a Teacher." - William


UNIT 1: Overview of the course, views of teaching as a professional teacher, Teaching Profession,

Professional, vocation, mission requisites of teaching as a profession

Teaching Profession. . . What is this subject? Why are we obliged to study this subject? Is it important for us? Will it

give us knowledge and ideas for us to use in the future? Why is this even included in our curriculum?
I hate summer classes. -All you do is sit for hours in a chair and count every strand of your hair and pretend the
boring teacher does not exist.

I don't know and I don't care. All I know and all I'm concerned about is for me to be able to pass this subject. With a
quota period of 3 weeks and two days, pass the major exams, the requirements and complete the attendance, for
sure my summer will be as happy and stress-free as before. Imagine having only two weeks of vacation! That really is
crazy, right? I hate summer classes. I condemn summer classes. All you do is sit for hours in a chair and count every
strand of your hair and pretend the boring teacher does not exist.
Ah! Anyways, back to teaching profession. Why is teaching profession called teaching profession? Why is it
considered to be one of the major subjects of prospective teachers? What is the essence of teaching this subject?
Why is it offered in our summer class? These are only few of the questions my mind have to think about and weigh
before realizing the role of Teaching profession in my, or shall I say, our lives.
As prospective teachers, we are expected to learn and understand the concept of being a teacher. We are obliged to
learn and understand every aspect of teaching, even the dust like concepts should be learned and understood. And
most importantly, we should be able to be ready of whatever consequence we are to face in the future. With this
realizations, Teaching Profession was born. It answers the questions about the existence, the role and the
importance of teachers in society. It is not just a mere subject of discussion or seatworks but more of a logical and
demonstration subject. Teaching Profession paints a clear futuristic view of what teaching is and what teachers
should be. It helps prospective teachers understand and love the teaching profession and be able to answer their
(our) question of "Why should I become a teacher?"
Some call teaching as their vocation, some their mission and to some a mere profession. I'm not certain of how
teaching should be called. I guess teaching as vocation, a mission and profession are all correct.
VOCATION of teachers. Vocation, from the Greek word "vocare" means "to call." Some people consider teaching as
a vocation, something like a priestly or a holy gesture. For them, teaching is a voice from the future dictating them
what to do and what to pursue. To some, teaching is a MISSION to fulfill. They see teaching as a journey like that of
a pilgrimage. And to some, teaching is a PROFESSION. As for me, I call it my ETERNAL INTEREST.
The first day wasn't as bad as I had thought. It was quite interesting and should I say mind-boggling. I just can't wait
for the next days and the next topic.
UNIT 2: The teacher as a person, Philosophical heritage, Formulating ones philosophy, foundational
principles of morality and values and beliefs a teacher holds

"Something of yourself remains wherever you have been." - very much true since teachers are given much
opportunity and priviledge to inspire and be with a lot of people. This opportunity is much like Neil Armstrong's first
step on the moon, still preserved in the surface of the earth's satellite.
Teachers are regarded as models, as facilitators, as catalysts, and as a moral embodiment in society.Therefore
teachers should take into consideration each action or movement or word they make or say. For if one fatal word
comes out of him or her, a big mistake is done. If he or she acts in a way that is quite immoral or offending to others,
he or she should be obliged and be responsible on the effects to his or her students. Well, I personally believe that
teachers' actions are windows of his or her philosophy. What the teacher believes is more or less conveyed and
shown in her actions and responses to everyday activities and stimuli he or she encounters. Unconsciously and
unknowingly, there is a "diverse species" of philosophies in existence. Five of which were discussed in unit 2. These
include existentialism, essentialism, progressivism, perennialism, and behaviorism. Each of which has a distinct
characteristic and ways of teaching. During the lesson, I've learned that I was part existentialist and at the same time
a progressivist. Philosophy as what I have read is more of an evolutionary belief rather than a permanent one. One's
philosophy does not last forever rather it changes or is affected by any factors like recent readings, observations and

Filipinos tend to think of "pamilosopo" as a negative notion but if we are to deeply understand the nature of this
"pamilosopo" thingy we are to find out that it is more of a logical and rational response of humans.

With teaching profession I was somehow able to understand, appreciate, like, and at the same time question and
think of contradictions of certain philosophies. Like the Platonic philosophy (which was then assigned to us as a
group report) which tends to believe that beauty, goodness, kindness, etc. are not merely words to be read or to
understand but rather personalities that stand out and act like humans. The question, " How can you say that a
person is good?" is an example of a platonic statement. Can goodness be measured? Is there a set standard for us
to be able to say that he or she is good? What really is goodness? Is goodness just like kindness? No one actually
knows but we unconsciously tend to create standards and measures so as to say that the person is good. This is
unknown to us and is often left unnoticed but with the help of philosphy, what cannot be seen can now be seen.
Realization: Filipinos tend to think of "pamilosopo" as a negative notion but if we are to deeply understand the nature
of this "pamilosopo" thingy we are to find out that it is more of a logical and rational response of humans. Funny but
true. One "pamilosopo" is this: The narra leaf has changed since the color changed form green to brown. Normallly,
this statement is true but philosophically erroneous. The leaf is still a leaf. It may look withered and dry but it still is a
leaf. What actually changed was the color and not the leaf itself. Gets?
Connection to teaching? I don't actually know and I don't care. As long as I learn and realize something from it, it
matters. That is because I do believe that there is no good or bad knowledge. All we have is the capacity to judge
between what is good or right and what is bad or wrong. And this is where morality enters.
Morality. A word often abused and used in the disputes of good and bad and from right and wrong. It is a matter of
weighing things with regards to what the norm accepts as right and wrong. Our morality is more or less affected by
what the norm believes as right and once you disagree with that, you are a deviant. We may ask ourselves as
prospective teachers, why do i need to study the concept of philiosophy and morality?
Simply because our personal beliefs, philosophies and understanding of morality do affect our teaching style and
strategy. What our actions and what we say determines our philosophy and stand in life. And as teachers, we should
have the knowledge and idea on how to utilize this philosophy for the betterment of our students.

UNIT 3: The teacher in the context of school setting, classroom management, educational technology and
innovative teaching

Teaching is much harder than any other other profession on earth. And I mean it! Teachers may have been
stereotyped as one of the jobs with the lowest pay but this job plays a gigantic or shall I say "colossal" role in society.
It is our responsibilty to impart knowledge to the students (apart from the parents, of course!) and it is in our
shoulders that the talents and the innate skills of our students be improved and be shown.
What comes in our mind when we say anything about a teacher is the school. Teachers are "play makers" of
education; they serve as fuel that keeps the interest in learning new things...burning.
The school or a classroom is the place where the secrets of knowledge is molded and is shared. Therefore, the
classroom setting has a great effect on the learning interest of our students. Classroom setting is not only about the
interior design of the room nor the physical arrangement of chairs, tables, cabinets, lockers or the board. It is more
than just the physique, it is about how these arrangements and design affect the teaching-learning process; more
than just an adjective-like word or word meant to describe something but it is a question-like statement which
revolves on the why's and how things shoulde be arranged or done.

Teachers are "play makers" of education; they serve as fuel that keeps the interest in learning new things...burning.

It is one of the major factors that should be put into consideration and proper planning. The placement of windows,
the blinds, ventilation, lighting, discipline in class and classroom routines are also included in the scope of classroom
management. It is a major must for pre-service teachers to have an idea about these things so as to help them face
the future consequences in teaching.

UNIT 4: The teacher in the context of the community, school and community relations, linkages and
networking organizations

Education is not only moulded inside the four corners of the room or in the premises of the school. True and first
education is moulded in the community, in the environment, in the home. A teacher's responsibility is not only limited
inside the academe or inside the school but is also extended in the community. A teacher does not only stand as a
mere person who embodies and imparts learning inside the school but is also an important persona, a well respected
person in the community. A teacher is a very important person in the community; he/she serves not only as a literal
teacher but also is a model, a facilitator, a host, a leader, a mentor, and an authoritative figure in society. He/she is
responsible and is tasked to offer assistance to everyone in the community.

A teacher does not only stand as a mere person who embodies and imparts learning inside the school but is also an
important persona, a well respected person in the community.

A teacher's job in the community is not possible to attain if the community itself is not supportive or helpful. Therefore,
to be able to have a healthy relationship between the school and the community,both must give and take fairly. That
is why PTCA and PTA organizations were formed. A teacher must help in every way he/she can to the community
and the community in return must be responsive and supportive in the teacher's effort to help.
Human life as they say is not just a single thread, rather it is a web of threads. The school does not only stand on its
own, rather it is accompanied by the community, linkages and other organizations with the goal of improving
education and making education accessible to all. Unit 4 gives us some examples of international linkages which are
still active at the present. Some of them includes the Pi Lambda Theta, Innotech, and others. These linkages and
networks only shows that even distant countries are making ways to communicate and share whatever they know
and impart learning with each other. With these idea about linkages and networks in existence, pre-service teachers
are given assurance that the teacher species is making its way to success and improvement, that many people
believe in the ability and importance of teachers, and that many people still value the importance of education in the
fast changing world.

UNIT 5: The teacher in the context of the world, on becoming a global teacher, educational systems of other
countries, multi-cultural education, exchange programs and study abroad.

Teaching as discussed and is said in Unit 4 is a profession known world-wide. That is why curricula for pre-service
teachers are annually modified to go with the trend and be updated about the recent developments in education.
Earth now is very far from the cretaceous nor devonian earth we all know. Earth now is a web of developed and
developing countries. Countries separated by miles of water can now communicate and talk as if they are facing each
other with a foot distance and mails can now be received with just a wink of an eye (it's that fast!). We are now living
in a "global village". Students and teachers alike can now view whatever is happening in other countries, from the
famine and poverty in Haiti, to the luxurious life in Tokyo and even the deepest trenches in the Pacific.
More than that, Unit 5 gives us, prospective teachers, the different educational systems and curricula in other
countries all around the globe. It is then that I realized that Philippines offers the shortest level or number of
educational years. Well, it has advantages and disadvantages. Since Filipino students graduate from higher
education at a very young age, it may likely be that the maturity level and the experiential aspect of a student is not
properly harnessed and honed for job seeking (even if job opportunity is many). If we are to compare it to other Asian
countries, we are really left behind yet I can still say that our educational system is competitive. Competitive as I have
observed since Filipinos even at a young age think and act maturely making them more advance "cognitively" from
other graduates. One thing that I have noticed with the educational systems in all the countries presented is that
basic education is compulsory and that handing down of certificates or diploma of completion is observed.

This unit somehow opens our eyes as pre-service teachers to the reality that diversity is never a hindrance for one to
be educated and that this reality should be faced with great enthusiasm and understanding for it to be addressed.

The diversity of learners is also given focus on Unit 5. As teachers, we should understand that our students are not all
the same, that each of them has his/her unique ability, skill or intelligence that we must enhance and give importance.
But once a teacher engages in multi-cultural education, he/she should learn to be fair and not to be discriminatory nor
to show biases to his/her students because multi-cultural education's goal is to unite and to give just and fair
education to all regardless of gender, race, religion or economic status. This unit somehow opens our eyes as pre-
service teachers to the reality that diversity is never a hindrance for one to be educated and that this reality should be
faced with great enthusiasm and understanding for it to be addressed.

UNIT 6: Legal basis of teaching as a profession, PD 1006, RA 7835, RA 9155, BP 232, etc., CMO 30, s. 2004,
DepEd Orders.

Teaching just like other jobs is considered to be a profession. But why? Or how could one say that a job is a
profession? Why are teachers called professionals? These questions are just few of the questions pre-service
teachers ask themselves.
Well, teaching is a profession literally because teachers are given payment for their 'professional' service and
knowledge. But in a deeper sense professionalization of teachers lie on a legal and valid basis. The Philippine
government concerned with the literay rate of its people formulated and implemented PD 1006 that speaks of the
professionalization of teachers. It only shows that the Philippine government is very supportive and is taking every
measure to make teaching a well-respected and important profession in the country. The implementation of the
decree also paved the way for other decrees and acts to be passed concerning education, teacher's rights, and the
teaching profession as a whole.

. . .as teachers, education is our life. And for us to live this life better we should understand the how's and the why's
of its foundation.

It is then also that I learned about the process of how DECS was made to DepEd. These decrees, acts, laws, and
legal processes may not be of interest to others but since we are teachers, we should be able to somehow
understand them and perhaps put them in mind. It's like knowing the foundation and the history of a profession we
are to embrace in the future. It's like drawing lines and connecting dots to trace the history of ourselves. We are
studying the legality of the foundation of education because as teachers education is our life. And for us to live this
life better we should understand the how's and the why's of its foundation.

UNIT 7: Professional growth and development, professionalization of teaching, code of ethical conduct

I've been saying and writing this thing from the beginning; that teachers are not just mere symbols of a school, that
they are models and embodiments of moral and ethical values in the community and the society as well. That is why
the code of ethics or the code of ethical conducts for teachers was born. It is a thirteen article resolution covering the
proper and ethical conducts a teacher should possess. It is not like a wall that limits the action of a teacher rather it is
a protection and a valid 'must' for teachers. Its contents are not like limited for a certain scope but is made solely for
the purpose of protecting and empowering the respect and dignity of a teacher.

The teaching profession is a profession that everybody should take care of and should be given emphasis since
teachers are the moulders of the hope of the country.

Voluntarily or involuntarily, we, pre-service teachers should at least obey it. Included in the resolution are some of the
controversial questions and problems a teacher may encounter while on duty and the laws applying to it. Let's take
for example the relationship between the teacher and his/her student. It's not like the normal relationship that should
exist but what I mean there is more than just a student-teacher relationship (more than that!). In Article 8, Section 7 of
the Code of Ethics of Teachers, "...where mutual attraction and subsequent love develop between the teacher and
the learner, the teacher shall exercise utmost professional discretion to avoid scandal, gossip, an preferential
treatment of the learner." This is only one of the statements or conditions stated in the resolution that is undeniably
happening in the school. Other than that, the resolution covers almost all the area where a teacher is involved; the
teacher and the state, the community, the profession, the teaching community, the authorities, other personnel, the
learners, the parents, the business, and most importantly as a person.
The teaching profession is a profession that everybody should take care of and should be given emphasis since
teachers are the moulders of the hope of the country.

UNIT 8: Positive values, beliefs and good practices of a professional teacher: (1) positive values, beliefs and
attitudes (2) good practices, issues in the profession (3) reflective teaching

Positive outlook and perception to everything is only one of the major good values a teacher should possess. Why?
First and foremost, it's because the teacher is with the student or learner five times a week and almost ten hours a
day. Makes sense? Yes. It only means that the student sees the teacher more than anyone in his/her life and with
that, it only means that the teacher greatly affects the development of the student or the learner. And therefore,
positivism while on duty is very very important. And I really really mean it! VERY IMPORTANT!
Positive values, beliefs and attitudes help the teachers pass the information in a healthy and effective channel, that is,
not distracting, discriminatory and more likely not confusing. A professional teacher teaches his/her students in a
professional way; utilizing good values,beliefs and attitudes while on duty, addressing issues and problems, and
teaching in a reflective way.
Why should a teacher address the needs of the students? Is it really important?
Being an English Major student really helps a lot in understanding the need to address the learners' needs. We had a
subject which I think is very much helpful in explaining the need to address these needs. It's called English For
Specific Purposes (ESP).

Teaching in a reflective way is like bridging whatever is written on the book to whatever one is experiencing in
his/her daily life.

In ESP, we were taught to value the learners and their needs more than anything else. ESP, as what I have learned,
lies on the principle of needs assessment. The name itself of the subject implies its objectives; FOR PURPOSES.
That is why a teacher, a good teacher, must first learn to understand the needs and the nature of his students. Once
he already knows what to address, everything would just be easy and no time is wasted since what is important is the
one given emphasis.
Why should teachers be reflective in teaching? Would reflections help students learn?
Personally, I really love making reflections and commentaries on certain topics because I find it a very rational, logical
and shall I say intellectual way of relating what one observed to what really is happening around us. If we are to just
listen to and accept what other people say, we may end up living our lives superficially. That's what I believe in. Just
like in teaching, a teacher should understand the underlying principles and truths that is concealed within the facade
of a topic or a lesson. The lesson when utilized in that superficial way is kind of boring. But when a teacher relates
what he/she teaches to every reality in life, students are more able to understand and internalize the information.
Teaching in a reflective way is like bridging whatever is written on the book to whatever one is experiencing in his/her
daily life. Reflections are like mirrors of our minds. Whatever realization and reflections we make only speaks of how
we think, how we understand every situation and how we react or respond to whatever stimulus we encounter.

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