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Formulation and Evaluation of Atenolol Floating Microspheres

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IAJPS 2018, 05 (01), 135-140 L. Satyanarayana and N.

Sandeepthi ISSN 2349-7750




Available online at: Research Article


L. Satyanarayana*and N. Sandeepthi
Department of Pharmaceutics, Omega College of Pharmacy, Edulabad, Ghatkesar,
Medchal Dist.
The purpose of present work was to formulate and evaluate atenololtartrate floating microspheres. Floating
Microspheres concept was applied to increase the gastric residence of the dosage form. The Floating
Microspheres were prepared by emulsification solvent diffusion technique. The best batch exhibited excellent
floating time as well as release at desired time. The particle size was controlled by changing polymer
concentration, rpm and temperature. Polymers used for the preparation were Ethyl cellulose and HPMC. This
approach suggested the use of floating microsphere to avoid the side effects.
Keywords: Microspheres, Atenololtartrate, Ethyl cellulose, HPMC.
Corresponding Author:
L. Satyanarayana, QR code
Dept. of Pharmaceutics
Omega College of Pharmacy,
Edulabad, Ghatkesar, Medchal, Telangana, INDIA.
Mobile: +91 94401 27725

Please cite this article in press as L. Satyanarayana and N. Sandeepthi, Formulation and Evaluation of
Atenolol Floating Microspheres, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2018; 05(01). Page 135

IAJPS 2018, 05 (01), 135-140 L. Satyanarayana and N. Sandeepthi ISSN 2349-7750

INTRODUCTION: bioavailability and extensive first pass metabolism

Floating systems are the low-density systems that [2,3].
have sufficient buoyancy to float over gastric Atenololis a selective β-1 receptor blocker used in
contents and remain in the stomach for a treatment of several diseases of the cardiovascular
prolonged period. While the system floats over system, especially hypertension. Biological half
gastric contents, the drug release slowly at the life of is 3-7 hours of atenololfollowing oral
desired rate, which results in the increased gastro- administration favours development of a sustained
retention time and reduces fluctuation in the release formulation [4].
plasma drug concentration. Microspheres can be
defined as solid, approximately spherical particles In the present investigation floating microsphere
ranging in size from 1 to 1000 micrometer. The of atenololtartarate were prepared by solvent
Microspheres are characteristically free flowing diffusion method using two different polymer
powders consisting of proteins or synthetic hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose (HPMC) and ethyl
polymers, which are biodegradable in nature [1]. cellulose (EC). The aim of the work was for drug
Solid biodegradable microspheres incorporating a releases in controlled manner for prolonged
drug dispersed or dissolved throughout particle period, bioavailability enhancement.
matrix have the potential for controlled release of
drugs. Floating microspheres are gastro-retentive MATERIALS AND METHODS:
drug delivery systems based on non-effervescent Preparation of Floating Microspheres
approach. Hollow microspheres are in strict sense, The floating microspheres were prepared by using
spherical empty particles without core. These the emulsion solvent diffusion method. In this
microspheres are characteristically free flowing method, weighed amount of drug (Atenolol
powders consisting of proteins or synthetic Tartarate), EC and HPMC were dissolved in a
polymers. Solid biodegradable microspheres mixture of Dichloromethane (DCM): Ethanol
incorporating a drug dispersed or dissolved (ETN) (1:1) at room temperature. This solution
throughout particle matrix have the potential for was poured into 100ml distilled water containing
controlled release of drugs. Floating microspheres 0.1% Tween 80 maintained at a temperature of
have emerged as an efficient means of enhancing 300-400C. The resultant emulsion was stirred with
the bioavailability and controlled delivery of many a propeller type agitator at 1000 rpm for 1 hr to
drugs the increasing sophistication of delivery allow volatile solvent to evaporate. The resultant
technology will ensure the development of microspheres were filtered and dried. FM1 to
increasing number of gastro-retentive drug FM12 were the batches prepared using different
delivery systems to optimize the delivery of levels of ethyl cellulose, HPMC conc., stirring
molecules that exhibit absorption window, less speed and temperature as shown in Table 1.

Design of Experiment
Table 1: Formulation of AtenololTartarate Floating Microsphere

Batch Ethyl cellulose Speed(rpm) Temperature 0C HPMC

Code concentration concentration
(grams) (grams)
FM 1 1 1000 30 1
FM 2 2 1000 30 1
FM 3 3 1000 30 1
FM 4 4 1000 30 1
FM 5 1 800 30 1
FM 6 1 1200 30 1
FM 7 1 1400 30 1
FM 8 1 1000 45 1
FM 9 1 1000 60 1
FM 10 1 1000 30 2
FM 11 1 1000 30 3
FM 12 1 1000 30 4
*For all batches inner phase was dichloromethane:etanol(1:1) and
*Inner phase (dichloromethane: ethanol)to external phase(water)solvent ratio was 1:10 Page 136

IAJPS 2018, 05 (01), 135-140 L. Satyanarayana and N. Sandeepthi ISSN 2349-7750

Evaluation of atenololtartarate floating filtered then assayed by UV-vis spectroscopy.

microspheres Entrapment efficiency is equal to ratio of actual
1. Particle size determination drug content to theoretical drug content.
The particle size can be determined by using an 7. Yield of Microspheres
optical microscope under regular polarized light, The prepared microspheres were collected and
and mean particle size was calculated by measuring weighed. The measured weight was divided by
100 particles with the help of a calibrated the total amount of all non-volatile components
oculometer. which were used for the preparation of the
2. Bulk density
Bulk density can be determined by three tap % Yield = (Actual weight of product / Total
method, after filling the weighed quantity of weight of excipients and drug) x 100
microspheres in a graduated cylinder, the volume
occupied by microspheres should be determined. 8. Floating Behavior
Floating microspheres should be placed in 100 ml
3. Tapped density of the simulated gastric fluid (SGF, pH 2.0)
The tapping method can be used to calculate containing 0.02% w/v Tween 20. The mixture was
tapped densities. The volume of weighed quantity stirred at 100 rpm with a magnetic stirrer. After 8
of microspheres was determined after 100 taps as hours, the layer of buoyant microspheres was
well as 1000 taps using tapped density apparatus. pipetted and separated by filtration. Particles in the
sinking particulate layer were separated by
filtration. Particles of both types were dried in a
desiccator until constant weight was achieved.
Both the fractions of microspheres were weighed
and buoyancy was determined by the weight ratio
4. Compressibility Index and Hausner Ratio
of floating particles to the sum of floating and
Compressibility index and hausner ratio was
sinking particles.
calculated from the values of bulk density and
tapped density by using following formulas:
9. In-vitro Release Studies
The release rate of floating microspheres was
determined in a United States Pharmacopoeia
(USP) XXIII basket type dissolution apparatus. A
weighed amount of floating microspheres
equivalent to 50 mg drug was filled into a hard
gelatin capsule (No. 0) and placed in the basket of
5. Angle of Repose dissolution rate apparatus. Five hundred milliliters
The angle of repose θ of the microspheres, which of the SGF containing 0.02% w/v of Tween 20 was
measures the resistance to particle flow, was used as the dissolution medium. The dissolution
calculated as fluid was maintained at 37 ± 1° at a rotation speed
tan θ=2H/D of 100 rpm. Perfect sink conditions prevailed
during the drug release study. 5ml samples were
Where 2H/D is the surface area of the free withdrawn at each 30 min interval, passed through
standing height of the microspheres heap that is a 0.25 µm membrane filter (Millipore), and
formed after making the microspheres flow from analyzed using LC/MS/MS method to determine
the glass funnel. the concentration present in the dissolution
medium. The initial volume of the dissolution fluid
6. Entrapment Efficiency was maintained by adding 5 ml of fresh dissolution
Microspheres containing of drug should be fluid after each withdrawal. All experiments were
crushed and then dissolved in distilled water with run in triplicate.
the help of ultrasonic stirrer for 3 hr, and was Page 137

IAJPS 2018, 05 (01), 135-140 L. Satyanarayana and N. Sandeepthi ISSN 2349-7750


Table 2: Evaluation parameters

Batch Particle size Bulk Tapped % Angle of repose

code (μ m) density density compressibility (θ)
FM 1 130.5±3.21 0.55±0.01 0.60±0.15 8.33±0.06 170 71 ±0.21
FM 2 172.7±3.0 0.65±0.01 0.70±0.11 7.142±0.07 190 31 ±0.12
FM 3 210.3±2.5 0.82±0.01 0.90±0.10 8.88±0.05 23 0 21 ±0.10
FM 4 240.6±1.5 0.90±0.01 0.99±0.01 9.09±0.04 260 51 ±0.09
FM 5 223.2±1.0 0.89±0.01 0.95±0.12 6.31±0.06 280 11 ±0.06
FM 6 114.8±3.3 0.44±0.02 0.53±0.23 16.98±0.02 160 71 ±0.32
FM 7 97.1±.3.7 0.30±0.03 0.40±0.20 25.1±0.05 150 31 ±0.45
FM 8 174.4±2.7 0.67±0.01 0.72±0.17 6.94±0.08 190 91 ±0.10
FM 9 200.5±1.6 0.80±0.01 0.90±0.11 11.11±0.02 210 41 ±0.01
FM 10 120.9±.2.4 0.47±0.03 0.59±0.32 20.33±0.01 170 11 ±0.25
FM 11 113.2±.3.5 0.43±.0.02 0.52±.0.22 17.30±0.03 160 51±0.36
FM 12 100.9±.2.9 0.37±.0.01 0.45±0.30 17.77±0.05 160 11±0.40

Particle size
The particle size decreased from 223.2 to 97.1 μm 4%, decreases the particle size from 120.9 to 100.9
with increase in speed from 800 to 1400 rpm at 1 μm increase in the HPMC conc 2 to 4%, increases
% EC conc. And increases the particle size from the particle size from174.4 to 200.5 μm increases
130.5 to 240.6 μm with increases the EC conc 1 to the temperature 450 ,600.

Table 3: Evaluation parameters

Entrapment Percentage Yield %Floating % Cumulative

Batch Code
Efficacy (% w/w) (% w/w) Capacity Drug Release
FM 1 61.3±2.0 80.0 77.4±2.5 78.7±1.2
FM 2 63.5±0.9 72.0 85.3±1.0 69.7±1.0
FM 3 82.7±1.0 69.0 90.3±2.3 57.5±0.9
FM 4 85.2±1.2 61.0 94.0±1.0 49.6±2.0
FM 5 81.6±3.0 80.0 95.3±1.0 85.8±1.5
FM 6 89.2±1.2 82.0 70..1±1.6 79.5±1.2
FM 7 94.0±1.0 88.6 63.3±1.6 65.5±2.0
FM 8 62.8±1.2 45.6 67.5±1.0 67.5±2.0
FM 9 54.5±1.1 37.6 73.2±1.0 60.4±0.7
FM 10 89.3±0.8 73.5 83.5±1.9 81.8±1.2
FM 11 85.3±0.8 65.8 72.1±0.8 88.2±2.2
FM 12 81.4±1.0 59.4 65.6±0.8 95.4±0.7 Page 138

IAJPS 2018, 05 (01), 135-140 L. Satyanarayana and N. Sandeepthi ISSN 2349-7750

Fig.1: Drug release profile of atenololtaratarate floating microspheres

%Entrapment Efficiency: Formulations because release of drug from smaller particle

showed good % entrapment efficiency with is faster than larger particle as the area
maximum up to 94% as shown in Table 12. available is more for drug release.
The % entrapment efficiency increase from 61
to 85 % for 1 to 4 % EC conc. Increases the % CONCLUSION:
entrapment efficiency from 81 to 94 %with Atenolol Tartarate Floating Microspheres was
increase in speed from 800 to 1400 rpm ., successfully prepared by solvent diffusion method
decreases the entrapment efficacy with using ethyl cellulose and HPMC in different ratios
increasing temperature and HPMC and with different stirring speeds and different
concentration is shown in Table 3. temperatures. The concentration of Ethyl cellulose
(EC) had significant impact on drug entrapment
% Yield of Microspheres: The % yield efficiency and particle size. HPMC was selected
increased from 61% to 80 %.with increase EC in combination with ethyl cellulose to increase the
conc. Decreases the % yield with increasing drug release from microspheres but at the same
HPMC concentration and speed and time drug entrapment efficiency and yield of
temperature is shown in Table 3. microsphere decreases with increase in
concentration of HPMC. Evaluation of 12
% Floating capacity: The purpose of formulations, formulation 5 (EC: 1%, HPMC: 1%
preparing floating microspheres was to extend and stirring speed: 800rpm) fulfilled maximum
the GRT of the drug. The microspheres requisites because of better drug entrapment
containing EC showed good floating ability efficiency, sustained release of the drug and
for more than 10 hrs due to insolubility of EC optimum particle size.
polymer in SGF (pH 1.2). With increase in
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