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IAJPS 2018, 05 (04), 2919-2921 N.K.

Parameswaran et al ISSN 2349-7750




Available online at: Research Article


S. Manjusha1*, N.K.Parameswaran2, R.Senthil Malar3
Department of Botany and Research Centre, Scott Christian College (Autonomous,) Nagercoil-
629003, Kanyakumari district, Tamil Nadu, India.
Department of Biotechnology, Manonmaniam sundaranar University, Tirunelveli
Department of Zoology, Sivanthi Adithanar College, Nagercoil
Black pepper is important for its medical value (Parganiha et al., 2011). Medicinally black pepper can be used for
digestive disorders like large intestine toxins, different gastric problems, diarrhea, and indigestion and also can be
used against respiratory disorders including cold, fever and asthma. Black pepper is used to treat asthma, chronic
indigestion, colon toxins, obesity, sinus, congestion, fever intermittent fever, cold extremities, colic, gastric ailments
and diarrhea. In this Present Study the bioactive compounds from the plant Piper nigrum L. were determined by
using HPLC Analysis.
Key words: Black pepper, Piper nigrum L., HPLC
Corresponding author:
N.K.Parameswaran, QR code
Department of Biotechnology,
Manonmaniam sundaranar University,
Mob: 9489154966
Please cite this article in press N.K.Parameswaran et al., Determination of Bioactive Compounds from piper
nigrum. L by using HPLC analysis, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2018; 05(04). Page 2919

IAJPS 2018, 05 (04), 2919-2921 N.K.Parameswaran et al ISSN 2349-7750

INTRODUCTION: High Performance Liquid chromatography

Piper nigrum L. finds extensive use in Ayurvedic (HPLC) analysis
system of medicine. A number of piperidine and The leaf and seed samples were further analysed in
pyrrolidine alkamides are known to occur in Piper high performance liquid chromatography (WATER,
nigrum L. the most important being piperine, known Germany) with the software BREEZE (ver.2.1). 10 µl
to possess a variety of biological properties like CNS of the sample extract was filled in capillary column
stimulant, analgesic, antipyretic and antifeedant of the instrument, run time was 10 minutes. Retention
activities. Pepper is a natural spice. Piper nigrum L. time (min), area (V* sec), % area, height (V* sec), %
finds an extensive application in antibacterial height, starting time (min) and end time (min) of the
preparations. Fractionation of the petroleum ether peaks were noted.
extract of the berries of Piper nigrum L. afforded 2E,
4E, 8Z-N-isobutyleicosatrienamide, pellitorine, RESULTS:
trachyone, pergumidiene and isopiperolein B [1]. High Performance Liquid chromatography
Pergumidiene and trachyone have also been isolated (HPLC) Analysis
from Piper nigrum L. All the isolated compounds In HPLC analysis, the ethanol extracts of the samples
have shown activity against Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus were used. In this present study, the Piper nigrum L.
sphaericus and Staphylococcus aureus amongst leaf showed five peaks between the retention time of
Gram +ve bacteria, and Klebsiella aerogenes and 1 to 10 minutes were as 1.551, 1.826, 2.126, 2.324
Chromobacterium violaceum among Gram –ve and 4.094. Among these, three peaks were found as
bacterial strains [2]. high and larger volume, 1st one RT (min) = 1.826,
area (V* sec) = 1048235, % area = 59.81, height (V*
MATERIALS AND METHODS: sec) = 47185, % height = 46.55, starting time (min) =
Selection of Plant material 1.283 and end time (min) = 2.050; 2nd one RT (min)
In this present study, the plant Piper betle L. leaves = 2.126, area (V* sec) = 272315, % area = 15.54,
and seeds were collected in Pechiparai Hill Region height (V* sec) = 28343, % height = 27.96, starting
Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu. An adult, fresh time (min) = 2.050 and end time (min) = 2.250 and
leaves were picked out from the plant and also the 3rdone RT (min) = 2.342, area (V* sec) = 384438, %
matured seed were collected from the plants and area = 21.94, height (V* sec) = 22759, % height =
transported to the laboratory for work. 22.45, starting time (min) = 2.250 and end time (min)
= 2.983 (Plate 22).
The collected leaves were subjected to surface
cleaning by rinsing the samples with sterile water, in Piper nigrum L. fruit showed five peaks between the
order to remove dust particles present on the plant retention time of 1 to 10 minutes were as 1.213,
materials. The samples such as leaf and seeds were 1.551, 1.685, 7.169 and 7.395. Among these, two
allowed to shade dry to remove moisture content. The peaks were found as high and larger volume, 1st one
dried samples were used for further studies. RT (min) = 7.169 area (V* sec) = 147457, % area =
40.52, height (V* sec) = 4776, % height = 41.08,
Preparation of Plant Extracts starting time (min) = 6.167 and end time (min) =
The leaves were cut into small pieces and seeds were 7.200; and 2nd one RT (min) = 7.395, area (V* sec) =
made powdered using electric mixer grinder. All the 205221, % area = 56.39, height (V* sec) = 5228, %
samples were subjected to soxhlet extraction using height = 44.97, starting time (min) = 7.200 and end
five solvents such as Acetone, Chloroform, Dimethyl time (min) = 8.300 (Plate 23). In HPLC analysis,
sulfoxide, Ethanol and Distilled water. Each 5grams Piper nigrum L. leaf showed five peaks and the
of plant material was filled separately in the thimble major peaks were RT (min) = 1.826, area (V* sec) =
and extracted successively with 60ml of solvents 1048235; RT (min) = 2.126, area (V* sec) = 272315;
using a soxhlet extractor for three hours. After and RT (min) = 2.342, area (V* sec) = 384438. Piper
solvent evaporation, each of these solvent extract was nigrum L. seed showed five peaks and the major
weighed and preserved in room temperature until peaks were RT (min) = 7.169 area (V* sec) =
further use. 147457; and RT (min) = 7.395, area (V* sec) =
205221. Page 2920

IAJPS 2018, 05 (04), 2919-2921 N.K.Parameswaran et al ISSN 2349-7750

HPLC Chromatogram of Leaf Extract of Piper nigrum L. PLC Chromatogram of Fruit Extract of Piper
nigrum L.

CONCLUSION: anti- asthmatic activity of fruit extract of Piper

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