Shie DLP
Shie DLP
Shie DLP
Gen. Luna St., Maharlika Highway, Arellano Subd., Sariaya, Quezon
College of Education
AY 2017-2018
EDUC-314 Principles of Teaching 1
Submitted to:
Mr. Reinnard Christian G. Merano PH.D
Submitted by:
Sherlyn A. Amistoso-Tumulak
Materials: Laptop, Projector, Power Point and video presentation, Coupon band,
index card, Marker, Cardboard, crayon
Values Integration: In order for the youth to recognize gender inequality as one
of the problems of the society which result from gender ideology.
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Initiatory Phase/Routine Activity
1.) Opening Prayer
(The students will follow according to
4.) Drill/Energizer/Trivia
Our first question is:
1. If you multiply 20 by 10, what will you
Ma’am the answer is 200.
Great! Group____
Excellent! Group____
B. Developmental Phase/ Lesson Proper
1.) Activity
(After 3 minutes)
Times up, group leader please collect the
chips. Group 1 leader you may start.
For group 1, I gathered here a total of 8
chips. Five chips for woman then three
chips for man. For women, they are over
emotional, physically weak, must stay at
home and do house chores,warmth, and
put other well being before their own while
men are emotionally stable, rule-
consciousness and vigilance.
Excellent job Group 1, now lets have
Group 2...
For group 2, I gathered here a total of 9
chips. Five chips for women and four chips
for men. For men they are strong, men are
aggressive , they are not hesitant to voice
their opinion and they are not supposed to
cry and for women they are soft spoken,
they are affectionate, they cries at lot, they
are passive communicator, they are afraid
to voice their opinion and women are
Great job! Group 2 and now the last but compassionate.
not the least Group 3...
Very good!_______
That is right!______
inequality. But before that lets watch this
video for you to understand what is
feminist theory or Feminism.
Feminism in western country because
women experienced oppression. Feminist
theory/Feminism believed in equal rights
and opportunities for women.They strive
for gender equality.A sociological theories
which analyzes the status of women and
men in the society. Feminist theory is
most concerned with giving a voice to
women, to changes the ideologies about
gender. Now, what do you mean by
gender?Any one?_______
Gender refers to the state of being male
and female.
Other idea? _____
Gender refers to a role of male and
women in the society.
That’s right!
Gender is a socially and culturally
prescribed roles that men and women are
to follow. So, what is ideology?
Ideology is a set of beliefs or opinions or
ideas ma’am.
Very good!
Ideology is a set of beliefs or ideas. If we
put these two words together. What words
do we get?
Gender Ideology is the answer ma’am!
The question now is, What is gender
ideology?Can anyone tell me what it
Gender ideology refers to the perception
about man and woman, their role as an
regarding the appropriate roles, rights and
responsibilities of men and women in the
society. Gender ideologies emphasizes
the value of distinctive roles for women
and men where men fulfill their family roles
through bread winning activities and
women fulfill their roles through
homemaker and parenting activities. I
have here an improvised weighing scale Ma’am,the weighing scale is not balance
and then the characteristic of a man and a or not equal.
woman written in a chips that you’ve
made awhile ago in our activity. I will put it
to our weighing scale. What did you
Great! Now, how can we observed gender We can observed that more games
inequality at work?______ whether local or international games are
perfectly created only for men and there
are only few games designed for women
Our politics today are dominated mostly by
3.) Abstraction
That is right!______ Gender inequality not
only happen to women but also to men.
Who among of you experienced Gender
Inequality? yes______
When I was in
Very good!_______
Gender inequality in 21st century is no
longer rampant because the private and
public sphere recognizes the importance
of role of women and men. Our
government acknowledge the contribution
of women in the society. Sports and
politics are open for women. Even in the
household men and women exercise
respect and helping each others. Did you
understand our lesson?
Yes ma’am
That”s good!
4.) Application
(Group 2-Create a poster that shows
Gender Inequality in politics and the leader
Thank you_______ will explain its message)
Group 3 leader you may read your
assigned task
Do you have any questions?
None ma’am.
IV. Evaluation
3._________is an unfair situation where men have more rights and better opportunities
than women.
C. Feminism D. Ideology
A. Gender B. Ideology
A. Gender B. Ideology
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. C
V. Assignment