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Gen. Luna St., Maharlika Highway, Arellano Subd., Sariaya, Quezon

College of Education
AY 2017-2018
EDUC-314 Principles of Teaching 1




Submitted to:
Mr. Reinnard Christian G. Merano PH.D

Submitted by:
Sherlyn A. Amistoso-Tumulak



At the end of the lesson the student will be able to:

 Interpret the Feminist Theory Or Feminism

 Relate the importance of Gender Ideology to Gender Inequality

 Perform tasks regarding the different areas/field or aspect where Gender

Inequality can be observed


 Topic: Feminist Theory determine the relationship between Gender Ideology

and Gender Inequality

 References: The Hutchinson Encyclopedia(twelfth edition,2002),

Sociology(Stephen Moore, 1994), Social Dimensions of Education(Violeta A.
Vega- Ph.D., Nelia G. Prieto-Ph.D., & Myrna L. Carreon-Ed.D.), Social Science
for K-12

 Materials: Laptop, Projector, Power Point and video presentation, Coupon band,
index card, Marker, Cardboard, crayon

 Values Integration: In order for the youth to recognize gender inequality as one
of the problems of the society which result from gender ideology.

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Initiatory Phase/Routine Activity
1.) Opening Prayer

Class, before we start our discussion

today, let’s ask for guidance from our Lord.
Student A, kindly lead the prayer.
(All student will rise and bow their head for

Lord God almighty, we thank you for all the

blessing that we received from you and
for this day. We are asking your guidance
and your presence all through out our
lesson. Help us to understand our lesson
for today We thank you for everything. In
Jesus name we pray. Amen
Thank you, Student A

2.) Greetings/Classroom Management

Good Morning class!

Good Morning Ma’am!
Before you take your seat, please arrange
your chairs and clean your area.

(The students will follow according to

3.) Checking of Attendance

Student B, Do we have absentees today?

(If we have, make a list of absentees and
give it to me)
Nobody is absent ma’am
Good to hear that, Student B. Thank you

4.) Drill/Energizer/Trivia

Class did you know that before Spaniard

came in the Philippine in 1565, the Filipino
women were always at the forefront in the
society. Women were able to enjoy
position in the society. Customary law
bestowed upon them equal rights with
men, to own and inherit property and to
engaged in business.They were also
allowed to join politics-they could succeed
to the royalty leadership in the absence of
a male heir. Gender inequality came
centuries later.
5.) Review/Recall of the past lesson

Let’s have a recap. Anyone who can tell

me about our previous topic? Yes, Student
Our previous topic is all about how
institutionalism examine the constitutive
nature of informal and formal institutions
and their actors and how it constrains
social behavior.
Is that correct Class?
Yes ma’am!
Okay, Very good Student C


Let’s have a game, and we will call it”Gold

Rush” I will separate boys from girls. Boys
will be on the left side and the girls will be
on the right side. This game will determine
who are best between boys and girls. I
prepared 5 questions here and the first
group who will guess the correct answer
will have this Gold coin(equivalent to 10
points). You have to keep this Gold Coin in
your group up to the last question. The first
group who will raise their .... Is that clear?
Are you ready?
Yes we’re ready ma’am

Our first question is:
1. If you multiply 20 by 10, what will you
Ma’am the answer is 200.

That’s correct! Here’s the Golden


Our second question is:

2. Arrange this proverb: Do you want unto

others not you do unto what don’t others
do . Do not do unto others what you don’t want
others do unto you.

Great! Group____

The third question is:

3. Who is the second woman who became
the president of the republic of the
The answer is Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

You got it right Group ____

The fourth question is:

4. What is the fifth planet in the solar
system? Jupiter is the fifth planet in the solar

Excellent! Group____

And for our last question:

5. Rearrange this jumbled letters to form
The words are Feminist Theory

Great job! Group____, you may see now

what is the corresponding prize of that
gold coin. Winning group may you read
what is the prize. “This Gold coin is equivalent to 10 points
to be added in the result of your evaluation
later on. Good Job”

But of course for the loosing team, you will

have this small gold coin equivalent to 5
points to be added in your evaluation later
on. Did you like our game class?
Yes ma’am, we like it

B. Developmental Phase/ Lesson Proper
1.) Activity

Let’s have another activity and we will call

it “chips can tell”, I will group you into
three. This will be the group 1, group 2,
and group 3 . I have here a picture of a
man on the left side and a picture of a
woman on the right side. I have chips and
crayons here . The number of chips will
be given to the group depends on the
number of members. You’re going to write
in each chip an idea that characterize a
man or a woman and put a pink color if the
chips pertains to a woman then put a
color blue if it pertains to a man.Take a
look on the example in the monitor. You
only have 3 minutes to finish this activity
and the first group who will finished
immediately will earn additional 5 points, 3
points for the second group and 1 point
for the last group. The leader will gather all
the chips and validate the content and
read what is written on it in front of the
class, then place it to where side it
belongs. You’ll be graded based on this
rubrics. Is that clear? Can we start? Yes, ma’am.
(The students will start their activity)

Very good! Group___, you’ll have

additional 3 points. Keep it up

Group___: Ma’am we’re done!

Good job! Group____, Additional 2 points
for your group.
Group___: Ma’am we’re also done!

(After 3 minutes)
Times up, group leader please collect the
chips. Group 1 leader you may start.
For group 1, I gathered here a total of 8
chips. Five chips for woman then three
chips for man. For women, they are over
emotional, physically weak, must stay at
home and do house chores,warmth, and
put other well being before their own while
men are emotionally stable, rule-
consciousness and vigilance.

Excellent job Group 1, now lets have
Group 2...
For group 2, I gathered here a total of 9
chips. Five chips for women and four chips
for men. For men they are strong, men are
aggressive , they are not hesitant to voice
their opinion and they are not supposed to
cry and for women they are soft spoken,
they are affectionate, they cries at lot, they
are passive communicator, they are afraid
to voice their opinion and women are
Great job! Group 2 and now the last but compassionate.
not the least Group 3...

For group 3, I gathered here a total of 8

chips. Four chips for women and four
chips for men. Men are open for changes,
competitive, enjoy freedom and rational
while women are submissive, warmth,
abstracted and dependent.
Excellent job students. Our winning Group
is Group___ Now, based on this activity,
Do you have any idea what my topic

Very good!_______

It is about feminist theory ma’am

2.) Analysis

Class, do you have an idea what this

symbol stands for?_______

Yes ma’am, that symbol stands for women

Correct! ________ how about this

Ma’am that symbol represent man.

That is right!______

Our topic for today is feminist theory. The

relationship of Gender Ideology and
Gender Inequality. Let’s analyze how
Gender Ideology affect the Gender

inequality. But before that lets watch this
video for you to understand what is
feminist theory or Feminism.

(the teacher will show a video clip)

Okay class, who can tell me what is

Feminist theory/Feminism based on the
video presentation.

Feminist theory is a theory that emphasize

gender as a key basis of structured
Very good, any other idea. Yes,______.

Feminist theory is an organize activity

which supports women rights and interest

Feminism in western country because
women experienced oppression. Feminist
theory/Feminism believed in equal rights
and opportunities for women.They strive
for gender equality.A sociological theories
which analyzes the status of women and
men in the society. Feminist theory is
most concerned with giving a voice to
women, to changes the ideologies about
gender. Now, what do you mean by
gender?Any one?_______
Gender refers to the state of being male
and female.

Other idea? _____
Gender refers to a role of male and
women in the society.

That’s right!
Gender is a socially and culturally
prescribed roles that men and women are
to follow. So, what is ideology?
Ideology is a set of beliefs or opinions or
ideas ma’am.
Very good!
Ideology is a set of beliefs or ideas. If we
put these two words together. What words
do we get?
Gender Ideology is the answer ma’am!

The question now is, What is gender
ideology?Can anyone tell me what it
Gender ideology refers to the perception
about man and woman, their role as an

Good! Gender Ideology refers to attitude

regarding the appropriate roles, rights and
responsibilities of men and women in the
society. Gender ideologies emphasizes
the value of distinctive roles for women
and men where men fulfill their family roles
through bread winning activities and
women fulfill their roles through
homemaker and parenting activities. I
have here an improvised weighing scale Ma’am,the weighing scale is not balance
and then the characteristic of a man and a or not equal.
woman written in a chips that you’ve
made awhile ago in our activity. I will put it
to our weighing scale. What did you

Very good!_______ Gender inequality refers to unequal

Because of that ideologies, it creates treatment between women and men in the
imbalance and social issues what we society.
called Gender Inequality. Do you have any
idea what is Gender Inequality?
Yes,_______ Gender inequality is an unfair situation
where men have more rights or better
opportunities than women.

Excellent! How about you________

Great! Gender Inequality is a theory which

recognizes that women location in and Ma’am Gender inequality can be observed
experience of, social situations are not at work
only different but also unequal to men. In
what field/areas or aspect can we
observed Gender Inequality?_____ In politics gender inequality is present.

Also in sports, gender inequality can be

Good! Where else,_______ observed.

Even in education system gender

Perfect! Other idea______ inequality is present.

Very Good! Another______ Most of the highest position in the

company or in a business are dominated
by men.

Great! Now, how can we observed gender We can observed that more games
inequality at work?______ whether local or international games are
perfectly created only for men and there
are only few games designed for women

Exactly! How about in sport?_______

In the past education for men focus on
technical expertise while education for
women focus on different house chores
and manners.

Good! How about in education?

Our politics today are dominated mostly by

Excellent! How about in politics?

Very good class,

Gender inequality can be observed in
different areas or aspect in our society and
even in the household. Feminist trying to
eliminate inequality between men and Yes ma’am
women. And the sexual division of labor in
both the public and private sphere.
Nothing ma’am
Did you understand our lesson today?

Do you have any questions?

3.) Abstraction

If you don’t, I will be the one to ask a

question. What conclusion can you come-
up of what feminism is all about?_______
Feminist theory /Feminism is a sociological
theory that believed women and men must
be treated equally.

Very good! What do you think is the

importance of Gender Ideology to Gender
Because Gender Ideology creates social
issue we call Gender Inequality where
men are given higher opportunities in the
society and women are being left behind
and perform least responsibilities.
Correct! Other idea? Yes________
Gender ideology dictates what role in the
society a man and a woman will play.

Where do we observed Gender


Gender Inequality can be observed at

work, in politic, inside the house, in sport
and in the society.
Would you agree that gender inequality
also experience by men?
Yes ma’am, gender inequality is not only
applicable for women because men are
also treated unequal.

That is right!______ Gender inequality not
only happen to women but also to men.
Who among of you experienced Gender
Inequality? yes______
When I was in

Do you think Gender inequality is still

rampant nowadays?________ Gender inequality nowadays is no longer
rampant because women can exercise
their rights and there are laws especially
created for women that protects them.

Very good!_______
Gender inequality in 21st century is no
longer rampant because the private and
public sphere recognizes the importance
of role of women and men. Our
government acknowledge the contribution
of women in the society. Sports and
politics are open for women. Even in the
household men and women exercise
respect and helping each others. Did you
understand our lesson?
Yes ma’am
That”s good!

4.) Application

Since you have a keen understanding of

the topic.

Lets have another activity and we will call

it”i can do that”. I will group you into three.
In this activity you will be able to show
Gender Inequality in different ways or
situation. You have to choose a leader.
Each group will perform according to their
assigned task. All leaders please proceed
in front to pick your task. (The teacher
prepared the instruction written in a bond
paper and assigned groupings).

Group 1 leader, Please read the

instruction in front of the class .
(Group 1-create a poem composed of two
stanzas that express Gender Inequality at
work and all members will recite it in front
of the class)
Thank you______
Group 2 leader please read your task

(Group 2-Create a poster that shows
Gender Inequality in politics and the leader
Thank you_______ will explain its message)
Group 3 leader you may read your
assigned task

(Group 3-Create a short role play that

portray Gender inequality inside the house
and perform it)

Now here are the basis in grading your


(The teacher will present the rubric which

will be used as basis for grading)


You only have 10 minutes to finish and 2

minutes to present it. Am I clear? Are you
Yes ma’am

You may start now!

(After 10 minutes)
Are you finish?Can we proceed to
Yes ma’am we can do that
Alright, Group 1 are you ready with your
Yes, we’re ready ma’am
(Group 1 will recite their poems)
Great Job! Group 1 lets give them an
applause. Lets have group 2 for their
presentation. Group 2, can you do that?
Yes, we can do it
(The group 2 leader will present their work)
Excellent! Group 2 lets give them an
applause. And now our last group, Group
3 you may now proceed? Yes ma’am
(The group 3 will start the role playing)

Job Well done Group 3, lets give them an

applause. I hope that you understand our
lesson for today.

Do you have any questions?
None ma’am.

That’s great. Now, prepare 1/4 sheet of

pad paper and answer the following

IV. Evaluation

Instruction: Write the letter of the correct answer.

1.__________believed in equal rights and opportunities for men and women.

A. Gender Ideology B. Feminist theory/Feminism
C. Gender Inequality D. None of the above
2. ______ is a socially and culturally prescribed roles that men and women are to follow

A. Gender Inequality B. Gender

C. Gender Ideology D. Ideology

3._________is an unfair situation where men have more rights and better opportunities
than women.

A. Gender Inequality B. Gender Ideology

C. Feminism D. Ideology

4. ________is a set of beliefs or opinions or ideas.

A. Gender B. Ideology

C. Gender Inequality D. Feminist theory

5. ________attitude toward men and women role.

A. Gender B. Ideology

C. Gender ideology D. Inequality


1. B

2. B

3. A

4. B

5. C

V. Assignment

Research and make a compilation of the

10 most famous Feminist in the history
and their perspective.


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