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Maxillary Arch Distalization Using Interradicular Miniscrews and The Lever-Arm Appliance

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Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 6 (2017) 131e138

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Case Report

Maxillary arch distalization using interradicular miniscrews and the

lever-arm appliance: A case report
Mais M. Sadek*, Noha E. Sabet, Islam T. Hassan
Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This case report shows the successful treatment of a patient with Class II Division 1 maxillary arch
Received 30 April 2017 distalization using the lever-arm appliance and interradicular miniscrews. A 15-year-old male patient
Received in revised form had a convex profile, a Class II malocclusion, increased overjet, and crowding in the upper and lower
7 June 2017
arches. Treatment was started with the placement of skeletal anchorage for distalization of the upper
Accepted 13 June 2017
arch. Miniscrews were implanted into the interradicular space between the maxillary second premolar
and first molar, and buccally at the mucogingival junction as well as on the palatal side. The lever-arm
appliance was used to bilaterally distalize the posterior segments in the upper arch. Leveling and
alignment followed by retraction of the maxillary premolars, canines, and incisors were carried out to
miniscrews achieve normal overjet and relief of the crowding. Total treatment time for this patient was 24 months.
3D models Three-dimensional virtual maxillary models were acquired at pretreatment (T0) and posttreatment (T1)
using a three-dimensional laser scanning system. Models were superimposed using the surface 3-points
method and were used to evaluate treatment results in three dimensions. This report suggests that
interradicular miniscrews, together with the lever-arm appliance, are useful to allow three-dimensional
control while distalizing the maxillary molars for correcting a Class II malocclusion.
Ó 2017 World Federation of Orthodontists.

1. Introduction 2. Diagnosis and etiology

Skeletal Class II malocclusions are one of the most frequently A 15-year-old male patient had a convex profile, a Class II
encountered malocclusions in the orthodontic practice. They are malocclusion, and increased overjet. He was in good general health
often the result of protruded maxilla, retruded mandible, or a and had no history of major systemic disease or accident or history
combination. In growing patients, growth modification is often of a thumb-sucking habit. His chief complaint was increased overjet
attempted trying to achieve a harmonious relationship of the two with crooked mandibular teeth.
jaws. However, in adult patients with no growth potential, the Pretreatment facial photographs (Fig. 1A) showed that the pa-
options are limited to either orthognathic surgery or orthodontic tient had a convex soft tissue profile with a normal nasolabial
camouflage. Various factors should be considered in treatment angle. From the frontal view, his face was slightly asymmetric, and
planning, including the amount of discrepancy, the soft tissue the chin was deviated slightly toward the right. Lip line while
limitations, and profile treatment objectives [1]. smiling shows 50% of upper incisors and no gingival display; up-
Orthodontic camouflage for Class II malocclusions can be either per dental midline was coincident with the facial midline. The
by extraction treatment or nonextraction treatment with dis- smile appeared asymmetric, consonant, and with narrow buccal
talization of the entire maxillary arch to achieve the desired dental corridors.
and soft tissue treatment objectives. Intraoral and dental cast examinations (Fig. 1B) demonstrated a
In this case report, nonextraction treatment with distalization of Class II molar and canine relationship bilaterally. A 9.4-mm overjet
the entire maxillary arch for a 15-year-old male patient with skel- and 6.0-mm overbite were observed. Lower dental midline was
etal Class II malocclusion is presented. shifted to the left in relation to the upper midline; 4.5 mm of
anterior crowding in the maxillary arch and 7.0 mm of anterior
crowding in the mandibular arch were observed. A 1.5-mm
* Corresponding author: Orthodontic Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Ain
discrepancy in the Bolton tooth-size ratio with mandibular ante-
Shams University, Cairo 1156, Egypt.
E-mail address: (M.M. Sadek). rior tooth excess was measured. The maxillary arch was relatively

2212-4438/$ e see front matter Ó 2017 World Federation of Orthodontists.
132 M.M. Sadek et al. / Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 6 (2017) 131e138

Fig. 1. Pretreatment photos. (A) Extraoral photos; (B) intraoral photos.

narrow compared with the mandibular arch. No mandibular devi- constricted maxillary arch, (4) correct the midline deviation, (5)
ation or clicking noises were detected during opening or closing of obtain a stable occlusal relationship, and (6) ultimately improve his
his jaws. dental esthetics by establishing an esthetic smile.
Panoramic and lateral cephalometric radiographs were taken
before treatment (Figs. 2 and 3). The panoramic radiograph showed
2.2. Treatment alternatives
no caries, and all third molars were developing (Fig. 2). The ceph-
alometric analysis (Fig. 3; Table 1) demonstrated a Class II skeletal
The patient had a skeletal Class II relationship with mandibular
relationship (A point, nasion, B point, 5.2 ) with normal position of
retrusion. Orthognathic surgery with mandibular advancement,
the maxilla and retrusive position of the mandible in relation to the
combined with fixed orthodontic treatment, was discussed with
anterior cranial base. The patient had a normal growth pattern
the patient. Skeletal discrepancy correction, facial and dental
(Frankfort horizontal plane to mandibular plane, 27.8 ). The angle
esthetic change, and establishment of an ideal occlusion would all
between the maxillary incisors and the palatal plane was 124.6 ,
be possible with this surgical approach.
and the mandibular incisor to mandibular plane angle was 94.5 .
Fixed orthodontic treatment alone could retract the maxillary
Based on the findings, the patient was diagnosed as skeletal Class II
anterior teeth and create ideal overjet and overbite. For this pa-
with retrusive mandible, normal growth pattern, proclined upper
tient, both nonextraction and extraction were possible: (1) non-
incisors, and normal lower incisor inclination.
extraction with distalization of the entire maxillary arch to
achieve a Class I molar and canine relationship bilaterally with
2.1. Treatment objectives ideal overjet and overbite and gain space to correct crowding; or
(2) extraction of two upper premolars to gain space for the
The following treatment objectives were established: (1) create correction of crowding and retraction of the maxillary anterior
ideal overjet and overbite, (2) relieve the crowding, (3) correct the teeth.
M.M. Sadek et al. / Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 6 (2017) 131e138 133

Table 1
Cephalometric analysis

Measurement Norm Initial Final

SNA ( ) 82  2 80.8 80
SNB ( ) 80  2 75.6 75.5
ANB ( ) 22 5.2 4.5
A-Na Perp (mm) 0  3.1 1 1.3
Pg-Na Perp (mm) 4  5.3 6.2 7.2
Wits appraisal (mm) 01 4.4 0.1
Occlusal plane-FH ( ) 55 7.0 14.3
FH to MP ( ) 26  4 27.8 26.9
Palatal-MP ( ) 28  6 24.9 21.0
U1 to PP ( ) 110  5 124.6 111.1
L1 to MP ( ) 93  5 94.5 110.1
U1-PP (mm) 33  3 24.9 25.6
U6-PP (mm) 27.9  3 19.9 19.4
Fig. 2. Pretreatment panoramic radiograph. L6-MP (mm) 38  3 26.4 27.1

ANB, A point, nasion, B point; FH, Frankfort horizontal; L1, lower central incisor;
MP, midpalatal; PP, palatal plane; SNA, sella nasion point A; SNB, sella nasion point B;
The patient and his parents declined orthognathic surgery as U1, upper central incisor; A-Na perp, Linear distance from point A to Nasion
well as orthodontic treatment with extractions. Because of this perpendicular plane; Pg-Na perp, Linear distance from Pogonion to Nasion
response, the treatment plan included a nonextraction approach perpendicular plane; U6, mesiobuccal cusp tip of upper first molar; L6, mesiobuccal
cusp tip of lower first molar.
with distalization of the entire maxillary arch.

2.3. Treatment progress that the retraction force would be applied parallel to the occlusal
plane (Fig. 4). The appliance was cemented and power chains
Before the treatment, the patient was referred to a periodontist delivering 150 g of force extending from the miniscrews to the lever
for a routine periodontal check-up. Treatment was started with the arm buccally and palatally for both sides were used for maxillary
placement of skeletal anchorage for distalization of the upper arch. molar distalization.
Miniscrews (1.6-mm diameter, 8.0-mm length; 3M Unitek, Mon- After 4 months, distalization of both maxillary molars was
rovia, CA) were implanted into the interradicular space between the observed and adequate space could be seen mesial to the first
maxillary second premolar and first molar, and buccally at the molars. After distalization, the buccal miniscrews were removed to
mucogingival junction as well as on the palatal side. Bands were enable distal drifting of the premolars while the palatal miniscrews
fitted on the first molars, and an impression was taken for a lever- were left in place to be used later to reinforce anchorage. At that
arm appliance. The appliance was constructed with a lever arm time, preadjusted 0.022  0.028-inch slot edgewise brackets (3M
extending from the molar band on the buccal and palatal sides so Unitek) were bonded to the upper and lower arches, and bands for
the upper second molars and lower molars were cemented.
A 0.016-inch archwire and a 0.016  0.022-inch superelastic nickel-
titanium archwire (Dentsply GAC, Bohemia, NY) were used for the
initial leveling (Fig. 5). Interproximal reduction of 1.5 mm was
performed on the mandibular anterior teeth to eliminate the
discrepancy in the Bolton tooth-size ratio. The maxillary premolars
were drifted distally following the maxillary molar distalization. A
0.019  0.025-inch stainless steel wire was fitted to the upper and

Fig. 3. Pretreatment lateral cephalogram. Fig. 4. Lever-arm appliance.

134 M.M. Sadek et al. / Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 6 (2017) 131e138

Fig. 5. (A) Treatment progress. After molar distalization, the palatal miniscrews were left in place to be used for indirect anchorage while leveling, alignment, and retraction were
achieved using preadjusted edgewise brackets. (B) Twelve months into treatment. Molar Class I relationship was achieved and premolars were drifted distally.

Fig. 6. (A) Superimposition of 3D pretreatment and posttreatment digital maxillary models. (B) Measurement of anteroposterior displacement (mm) of the maxillary first molars
and central incisors. (C) Measurement of maxillary first molar rotation. (D) Measurement of arch width variables. Intercanine width (ICW), distance between the cusp tip of right and
left maxillary canines; interfirst premolar width (IP1W), distance between the cusp tip of right and left maxillary first premolars; intersecond premolar width (IP2W), distance
between the cusp tip of right and left maxillary second premolars; interfirst molar width (IM1W), distance between the central fossae of right and left maxillary first molars.
M.M. Sadek et al. / Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 6 (2017) 131e138 135

Fig. 7. Posttreatment photos. (A) Extraoral photos; (B) intraoral photos.

lower arches, and the maxillary premolars, canines, and incisors Copenhagen, Denmark). Using OrthoAnalyzer software (version
were retracted with indirect anchorage obtained from the palatal 1.5; 3Shape), the T0 and T1 3D virtual models were superimposed
miniscrews to achieve a Class I occlusion in the posterior segments, using the surface three-points method in which three corre-
relieve the anterior crowding, and achieve normal overjet and sponding points are indicated on each model for alignment and
overbite. optionally select the surface to align the models (Fig. 6A). It has
During the finishing stage, final detailing of the occlusion was been shown previously that the medial palatal rugae, in particular
accomplished with 0.019  0.025-inch titanium-molybdenum the third medial rugae, can be used as a reference landmark for
archwires (Dentsply GAC) in conjunction with vertical elastics assessment of tooth movement [2].
with Class II vectors (0.25 inch, 6 oz). A fixed retainer was attached The midpoint of the incisal edge of the maxillary central incisors
to the lingual surface of the maxillary and mandibular anterior and the mesiobuccal cusp tip of the first molars of the 3D virtual
teeth. Overlaid Hawley retainers were fabricated and delivered to maxillary model were used as reference points to measure tooth
secure the stability of both arches. Total treatment time for this movement. The three reference planes (horizontal, coronal, and
patient was 24 months. midsagittal planes of the 3D virtual maxillary models) were used to
carry out the linear and angular measurements on the digital models.
2.4. Superimposition of maxillary dental models The horizontal plane was set at the uppermost region in the
midpalatal area, and was parallel to the occlusal plane. The coronal
Three-dimensional virtual maxillary models were acquired plane was then set to be perpendicular to the horizontal plane and
at pretreatment (T0) and posttreatment (T1) using a three- was used to measure the anteroposterior displacement of the
dimensional (3D) laser scanning system (D-750; 3Shape, maxillary central incisors and first molars on the superimposed
136 M.M. Sadek et al. / Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 6 (2017) 131e138

models (Fig. 6B). This was measured as the distance between the required to treat the excessive overjet and relieve the crowding.
midpoint on the incisal edge of the upper central incisor and from Conventional distalizing appliances using dental anchorage
the central fossa of the first molar to the coronal plane. The often suffer from anchorage loss with significant proclination of
midsagittal plane was set to be perpendicular to the horizontal and the maxillary incisors. Furthermore, a large percentage of the
coronal planes passing through a midpoint between the maxillary acquired distalization is lost during the following phase of
right and left central incisor edges. Rotation of the maxillary first retracting the maxillary dentition [3]. In this patient, the
molars was measured as the angle between the line connecting the second molars were fully erupted, and the use of skeletal
mesial and distal triangular fossae of the first molar and the anchorage allowed distalization of the maxillary molars without
midsagittal plane (Fig. 6C). unwanted side effects. The palatal miniscrew was left in place to
Transverse measurements included measurement of the inter- be used for indirect anchorage while retracting the maxillary
canine width, distance between the cusp tip of right and left anterior teeth. Interradicular screws were used, as they are
maxillary canines; interfirst premolar width, distance between the comfortable and do not need flap surgery for insertion or
cusp tip of right and left maxillary first premolars; intersecond removal. The interradicular site between the second premolar
premolar width, distance between the cusp tip of right and left and first molar was selected because this was recommended by
maxillary second premolars; and interfirst molar width, distance several studies as a suitable insertion site [4].
between the mesiobuccal cusp tip of right and left maxillary first The lever-arm appliance allows good control in the three planes
molars (Fig. 6D). for effective as well as efficient molar distalization (Fig. 11) [5]. In
the sagittal plane, it allows force application close to the center of
3. Results resistance of the molar to allow bodily distalization rather than
distal tipping (Fig. 11A). In the vertical plane, most intraoral dis-
On the posttreatment facial photographs, a balanced facial talizers tend to extrude the maxillary molars during distalization,
profile was achieved (Fig. 7A). The occlusion showed acceptable thus increasing the mandibular plane angle. On the other hand, the
intercuspation of the teeth, with Class I canine and molar re- lever-arm appliance allowed adjustment of the vertical height of
lationships, and normal overjet and overbite (3.0 mm and 3.1 mm, the buccal as well as the palatal arm, producing simultaneous distal
respectively) (Fig. 7B). In the panoramic radiograph, proper root and intrusive movement (Fig. 11A). In this patient, the mandibular
parallelism is shown (Fig. 8). The posttreatment cephalometric plane angle did not increase during active orthodontic treatment
evaluation and cephalometric superimposition (Figs. 9 and 10) but rather decreased by 1 degree. Furthermore, in the transverse
showed a slight retraction of A point with reduction in the A point, plane, force application from the buccal as well as the palatal side
nasion, B point angle, as well as in the linear measurement of point provides good control on molar rotation (Fig. 11B). Finally, it can be
A to nasion perpendicular plane. The mandibular plane angle used either unilaterally or bilaterally.
decreased by 1 degree (mandibular plane to Frankfort horizonal In this patient, normal overjet and overbite were achieved with a
plane, 26.9 ) (Table 1). The inclination of the maxillary incisors was Class I canine and molar relationship using these mechanics. Space
corrected to be within the normal range (upper central incisor to gained through upper arch distalization allowed relief of upper arch
palatal plane, 111.1 ), and the lower incisors were proclined to help
relieve the crowding and camouflage the skeletal discrepancy. No
symptoms of temporomandibular disorder were observed
throughout active orthodontic treatment.
Superimposition of the pretreatment and posttreatment
maxillary models showed that the maxillary molars were bilaterally
distalized, and the upper incisors were retracted by 3.15 mm. The
maxillary first molars did not show any rotation during distaliza-
tion. Arch width variables showed some increase in the intercanine,
interfirst premolar, intersecond premolar, and interfirst molar
widths (3.19, 3.67, 4.69, and 2.57 mm, respectively).

4. Discussion

In this patient, premolar extractions were declined by the

patient and distal movement of the maxillary molars was

Fig. 8. Posttreatment panoramic radiograph. Fig. 9. Posttreatment lateral cephalogram.

M.M. Sadek et al. / Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 6 (2017) 131e138 137

Fig. 11. Diagram of the lever-arm and mini-implant system for upper molar distal
movement. LAb, buccal lever arm; LAp, palatal lever arm; MI, mini-implant; DFb, line of
action of the distal force on the buccal side; DFp, line of action of the distal force on the
palatal side; MFb, moment of distal force on the buccal side; MFp, moment of force on
the palatal side; CR, center of resistance of the upper molar. (A) The line of action of the
distal force passes through the center of resistance of the upper molar with an
intrusive component. (B) Application of the distal force on both the buccal and palatal
sides facilitates the rotational control of the upper molar during distal movement.

from 7.0 to 14.3 . However, the lower incisors were proclined at the
end of treatment to help relieve the lower arch crowding and
camouflage the skeletal discrepancy. This also contributed to overjet
reduction. A fixed retainer was used to ensure adequate stability.
Good vertical control was achieved with a reduction in
mandibular plane and palatal-mandibular plane angle. This was the
result of the intrusive force vector applied during distalization (U6
to palatal plane decreased from 19.9 mm to 19.4 mm).
Superimposition of 3D models using OrthoAnalyzer software
allowed adequate visualization and quantification of treatment ef-
fects. Traditionally, tooth movement was evaluated by cephalometric
superimposition, which is limited to two-dimensional evaluation.
Three-dimensional evaluation of treatment results using superim-
position of digital models further enhances accuracy and minimizes
errors. The various linear and angular variables allow accurate
Fig. 10. Cephalometric superimposition at pretreatment (black) and posttreatment measurements in the anteroposterior, vertical, and transverse planes.
(green). (A) Overall superimposition. (B) Maxillary regional superimposition. The palatal rugae have always been recommended for accurate
(C) Mandibular regional superimposition.
registration of maxillary models. Bailey et al [6] studied the potential
use of palatal rugae for superimposition of serial models and
crowding as well as incisor retraction and improvement of upper concluded that specific parts of the palatal rugae may be sufficiently
incisor inclination. Wits value decreased from 4.4 mm to 0.1 mm; stable to serve as anatomic references for superimposition of serial
this could be in part related to the change in occlusal plane angle maxillary models. Jang et al [7] evaluated the stability of palatal
138 M.M. Sadek et al. / Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 6 (2017) 131e138

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