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Orthodontics in 3 Millennia. Chapter 10: Midcentury Retrospect

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Orthodontics in 3 millennia. Chapter 10:

Midcentury retrospect
Norman Wahl
Sequim, Wash
Late in orthodontics second millennium, we paused to retrace the path that brought us to be practitioners
of the latest and the best as Angle might have put it. What we thought was state of the art proved to be
only a stepping stone along that path. The best was yet to come. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;130:

f we were to look back from the vantage point of

the mid-20th century, we would see that it had
been more than 200 years since Fauchard tied in
his first bandeau. It was another century before the
word orthodontosie was coined (by Lefoulon). Another
60 years passed before we had an orthodontic school or
association (thanks to Angle). Thirty years later, we had
the first cephalometer (Broadbents). Then it took only
17 more years before Downs brought out the first
practical cephalometric analysis. Progress seemed to
leap in logarithmic bounds, so that today we wonder
how well ever keep up with new developments.
On the eve of the dawn of new technologies,
orthodontists were still using gold bands made by
crimping strip material to the teeth and soldering
together the ends, gold archwires in straight lengths,
ligature wire on a spool, brass separators, and handsoldered attachments and facebows. Gold was phasing
out, although Wilkinson was still offering precious
Proprietary schools had given way to university
programs, now 18 months long on average,1 and the
MD degree had been replaced by the MS. We had
evolved from mouth mechanics to somatic scientists:
dogmatism and empiricism had given way to objectivity and the scientific method, related sciences had been
integrated into our curriculum, and our focus had
changed from tooth regulation to holism. Orthodontists were now ready to face the challenges of the
coming half century.
But were they ready to be . . .

Private practice, Glendale, Calif.

Reprint requests to:
Submitted and accepted, April 2006.
Copyright 2006 by the American Association of Orthodontists.


If there is an American Board of Orthodontic

History in our future, the following could very well be
Phase I. If you have paid attention to the previous 9
chapters, you should have no trouble completing the
following quiz. Answers can be found at the end of the
chapter. You need answer only 65 questions correctly
to pass.
Multiple choice

1. The first writer to recommend early extraction of

a deciduous tooth was: A, Pliny; B, Celsus; C,
Plato; D, Pierre Fauchard.
2. The modern expansion arch is derived from: A,
Fauchards bandeau; B, the jack screw; C, the
expansion plate; D, the lingual arch.
3. Pierre Fauchard: A, wrote The Surgeon Dentist: A
Treatise on the Teeth; B, has been called the
Father of Orthodontia; C, repositioned teeth with
a pelican; D, all of the above.
4. The Natural History of the Human Teeth (1771),
the first clear statement of orthopedic principles,
was written by which nondentist? A, Joachim
Lefoulon; B, Alexis Schange; C, C. F. Delabarre;
D, John Hunter.
5. Which of the following is not true of Joseph Fox?
A, He was the first to classify malocclusion
(1803); B, he wrote The Natural History and
Diseases of the Human Teeth (1814); C, he opposed the removal of deciduous teeth; D, he was
one of the first to observe that the mandible grows
mainly by distal extension beyond the molars.
6. During the early 19th century, which of the
following causes of underbite was considered the
least likely? A, Heredity; B, imitation; C, breathing difficulties; D, finger habits.
7. By 1918, who had recognized the importance of
myofunctional habits as a causative agent in mal253

254 Wahl










occlusion? A, Calvin Case; B, Alfred Rogers; C,

Norman Kingsley; D, Eugene Talbot.
Norman Kingsley (select one): A, was the first
American to use rubber bands to move anterior
teeth back after initially extracting teeth; B, added
an inclined plane of vulcanite (which he invented)
to his mechanism to jump the bite; C, perfected
a gold obturator and artificial velum of soft rubber
(1859), for which he was honored, but his fame as
a dentist was nearly overshadowed by his talents
as an artist and sculptor; D, both B and C.
One of first to suggest endocrine glands as a
possible cause of oral deformities was: A, John
Farrar; B, E. C. Angell; C, Eugene Talbot; D,
Henry Baker.
Which of the following is not true of Calvin Case?
A, He was the first to attempt bodily movement
and the use of light (.016 and .018 in) wires; B, he
was one of the first to use Class II elastics; C, he
was firmly opposed to extraction; D, he was noted
for his contributions to the prosthetic correction of
cleft palate.
Which of the following was not a feature of the
Angle-Case controversy? A, They had opposing
views on extraction; B, Angle used standardized
appliances, whereas Case used a different type of
appliance for each patient; C, In diagnosis, Case
stressed facial esthetics in contrast to Angles
reliance on occlusion; D, They were opponents in
the Great Extraction Debate.
The Big Four of orthodontics are generally recognized to be: A, Fauchard, Kingsley, Ketcham, and
Case; B, Angell, Ketcham, Dewel, and Tweed; C,
Angle, Case, Dewey, and Ketcham; D, Case, Brodie,
Dewey, and Hunter.
The American Journal of Orthodontics and
Dentofacial Orthopedics began life in 1915 as: A,
The American Orthodontist; B, The International
Journal of Orthodontia; C, The Angle Orthodontist; D, Dental Items of Interest.
All of the following are true of Edward Angle
except: A, he founded the first orthodontic journal;
B, he wrote the first book devoted exclusively to
orthodontics; C, he opened the first orthodontic
school; D, he organized the first orthodontic association.
Angle gave formal instruction in: A, St Louis; B.
New York City; C, New London, Conn; D, all of
the above.
Angles classification of malocclusion: A, is based
on the relationship of the maxillary to the mandibular first molars; B, remains the most widely

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

August 2006











accepted classification of malocclusion; C, has

never been challenged; D, both A and B.
Which of the following is not a requisite for a
group to call itself a profession? A, an educational
system; B, a specialty board; C, a society; D, a
Before 1910, orthodontics was taught in dental
schools as a branch of: A, oral surgery; B, prosthetics; C, operative dentistry; D, pedodontics.
The 3 leading proprietary orthodontic schools operating during the early 20th century were: A, Angle,
Washington-St Louis, and International; B, International, Dewey, and Angle; C, Harvard-Forsyth, International, and Dewey; D, Dewey, Angle, and
Benno Lischer: A, coined the terms mesiocclusion, distocclusion, and neutrocclusion; B, was the
first to use the term cephalometrics (1922); C, was
a founder of the International School of Orthodontia; D, all of the above.
Which of the following was not a cause of the rift
between Edward Angle and Martin Dewey? A,
The opening of the Dewey School of Orthodontia;
B, Deweys stance as a nonextraction advocate; C,
Deweys editorializing against Angles efforts to
establish a state specialty board (in Arizona); D,
none of the above.
Which of the following is true of the non-Angle
proprietary schools? A, Entrance requirements
were a DDS degree and a letter of recommendation; B, they operated on the belief that orthodontics was a part of dentistry, like crown and bridge
or prosthetics; C, they were responsible for the
awakening of the universities to the possibilities of
orthodontics; D, all of the above.
Who was not associated with the opening of a
university graduate orthodontic department in the
early 1920s? A, Joseph Johnson; B, LeRoy Johnson; C, Leuman Waugh; D, John Mershon.
Curriculum II was: A, a preceptorship program
sponsored by the American Association of Orthodontists; B, an elective track in orthodontics
offered to undergraduate dental students; C, the
second graduate program inaugurated by the University of California, San Francisco; D, the brainchild of Frederick Noyes.
The institution that most successfully carried on
Angles concepts of orthodontic teaching was: A,
the University of Illinois; B, Northwestern University; C, the University of California, San Francisco; D, the University of Southern California.
The founding director of the University of Southern California graduate orthodontic department

Wahl 255

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Volume 130, Number 2







was: A, Allan Brodie; B, James McCoy; C,

Spencer Atkinson; D, George Hahn.
The AAO preceptorship program: A, was set up to
provide a source of orthodontic preceptors; B, allowed orthodontists to train in populated areas close
to dental schools; C, helped to counteract the accusation that the AAO was limiting the supply of
trained orthodontists; D, was inaugurated in 1970.
The last society to emerge from a fellowship of
Angles followers was the (using the current
name): A, Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontists; B, American Association of Orthodontists;
C, Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists; D,
Eastern Association of Graduates of the Angle
School of Orthodontia.
Rodriguez Ottolengui was: A, a novelist who gave
impetus to the science of forensic dentistry; B, the
first non-Angle-graduate president of the American Society of Orthodontists; C, a 40-year editor
of Dental Cosmos; D, A and B only.
The American Journal of Orthodontics and
Dentofacial Orthopedics: A, was initially edited
by Edward Angle; B, had 3 physicians attending
its birth; C, was a spin-off of the Journal of Oral
Surgery; D, A and C only.
Which of the following does not apply to Albert
Ketcham? A, He pioneered dental radiography
and presented the first comprehensive data on root
resorption; B, he was one of the distinguished
group of Angles enemies; C, he established an
annual award that now bears his name; D, he was
elected president of the first American Board of
Albin Oppenheim: A, chaired the orthodontic
department at the University of Southern California; B, reintroduced headcaps into the United
States; C, found that root resorption was unavoidable in orthodontic treatment; D, B and C only.

True/falseCharacteristics of 19th-century

33. Treatment was frequently started in the mixed

dentition. A, True; B, false.
34. Orthodontists generally recommended against extraction of teeth. A, True; B, false.
35. Tooth esthetics was the primary objective of
treatment. A, True; B, false.
36. Biological problems were of secondary importance. A, True; B, false.
37. Standardized appliances were on sale at supply
houses with adequate instructions on how to use
them. A, True; B, false.

38. Headgears and palate splitting were still to come.

A, True; B, false.
39. Because treatment goals were limited, more emphasis was placed on prevention. A, True; B, false.
40. The better-qualified orthodontists had the MD
degree as well as the DDS. A, True; B, false.
41. There were only 3 universities offering graduate
programs in orthodontics. A, True; B, false.
42. The mechanical aspect was given far greater
attention than the study of occlusion. A, True; B,
MatchingWomen in orthodontics

Select the most appropriate description to match

each of the following names:

Eda Schlencker
Josephine Abelson
Anna Angle
Genette Harbour
Jane Bunker
Guilhermena Mendell
Elizabeth Richardson
Carlotta Hawley
A, The first woman to head a university orthodontic program (1915).
B, A founding coeditor of the Angle Orthodontist.
C, The first female director of the Dewey School
D, The daughter of a famous orthodontist, who
did well in her own right.
E, The first woman graduate and first woman
instructor at the Angle School (1902).
F, A founding member of the European Orthodontic Society (1907).
G, The first woman orthodontist in Los Angeles
H, The first woman to be board certified in
orthodontics (1933).

MatchingGrowth research

Select the most appropriate contribution to match

each of the following names:

Frdric Blandin
Joseph Fox
John Goodsir
John Hunter
Milo Hellman
Melvin Moss
Albin Oppenheim
Harry Sicher
Wingate Todd
Julius Wolff

256 Wahl

A, Discovered the osteoblast.

B, Formulated the law of transformation of bone.
C, Advocated gentle forces, applied intermittently.
D, Developed the sutural theory of bone growth.
E, Elaborated the functional matrix theory.
F, Observed that the ramus grows backward.
G, Discovered that the pterygoid process pushes
face forward.
H, Established the index of maturation for hand
and wrist.
I, Challenged Angles concept of first molar as
key to occlusion.
J, Contended that mandibular growth occurs almost entirely distal to the deciduous teeth.
MatchingPioneers in cephalometrics

Select the most appropriate contributions to match

each of the following names:

B. Holly Broadbent
William Downs
Milo Hellman
Robert Ricketts
Paul Simon
Cecil Steiner
T. Wingate Todd
Charles Tweed
A, He related the cranium in 3 planes of space and
developed gnathostatics as a diagnostic medium.
B, He began his career as a surgeon and developed
an index of maturation for the hand and wrist.
C, He is credited with designing the first practical
cephalometer and analyzing the headfilms of
more than 1000 children over a period of 5
D, He adapted techniques of physical anthropology to orthodontic research and diagnosis,
calling attention to periods of acceleration and
retardation in facial growth.
E, He developed computer-driven cephalometric diagnostics and resurrected the divine proportion.
F, His was the first cephalometric analysis that
could be applied clinically; on graph paper, a
patients conformity with the ideal could be
seen as a set of squiggles.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

August 2006

G, His analysis incorporated arch length and other

measurements to help determine whether extractions were necessary; it helped popularize cephalometrics.
H, He observed that, in normal occlusions, the
mandibular incisors were upright over basal
bone; from this, he developed a triangle to
determine the need for extractions.
True/falseFunctional appliances

69. Andresens activatoran accidental outgrowth of

his retainer became the first widely accepted
functional appliance. A, True; B, false.
70. Alfred P. Rogers, as part of his efforts to discourage deleterious oral habits, invented the monobloc. A, True; B, false.
71. The function regulator, developed by A. Martin
Schwarz, made the oral vestibule the operational
basis for his treatment. A, True; B, false.
72. Like most functional appliances, the Herbst depends heavily on patient cooperation. A, True; B,
73. The development of functional appliances occurred almost exclusively in Europe during the
first half of the 20th century. A, True; B, false.
74. Norman W. Kingsley, with his removable inclined
plane, was the first to used forward positioning of
the mandible in orthodontic treatment. A, True; B,
75. Karl Hapl was an Austrian pathologist and periodontist who was a staunch advocate of the
Norwegian system. A, True; B, false.
Answers: 1B, 2A, 3D, 4D, 5C, 6A, 7B, 8D, 9A,
10C, 11D, 12C, 13B, 14B, 15D, 16D, 17B, 18B, 19B,
20D, 21B, 22D, 23A, 24B, 25A, 26C, 27C, 28A, 29D,
30B, 31C, 32D, 33B, 34B, 35A, 36A, 37B, 38B, 39B,
40A, 41B, 42A, 43H, 44C, 45B, 46G, 47F, 48E, 49A,
50D, 51G, 52J, 53A, 54F, 55I, 56E, 57C, 58D, 59H,
60B, 61C, 62F, 63D, 64E, 65A, 66G, 67B, 68H, 69A,
70B, 71B, 72B, 73A, 74A, 75A.

1. Peterson HW. Some observations on the progress of orthodontics
during the past fifty years. Am J Orthod 1953;39:289-90.

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