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Working report 97-56e

Application of raiseboring for

excavating horizontal tunnels
with Rhino machines

Arne Lislerud

Tamrock Corporation

Pauli Vainionpaa

TAB-Raise Borers Ltd

December 1997

Mikonkatu 15 A, FIN-00100 HELSINKI , FINLAND
Te l. +358-9-2280 30
Fa x +358-9 - 2280 3719
Working report 97-56e

Application of raiseboring for

excavating horizontal tunnels
with Rhino machines

Arne Lislerud

Tamrock Corporation

Pauli Vainionpaa

TRB-Raise Borers Ltd

December 1997

December 9, 1997

Client: Posiva Oy
Mikonkatu 15 A

Contact persons: Jukka-Pekka Salo, Posiva Oy \!)

Jorma Autio, Saanio & Riekkola Oy
Arne Lislerud, Tamrock Corp.
Pauli Vainionpaa, TRB-Raise Borers Oy



~~ /./s/.7},
Arne Lislerud

Pauli Vainonpaa
Working reports contain information on work in progress
or pending completion .

The conclusions and viewpoints presented in the report

are those of author(s} and do not necessarily coincide
with those of Posiva.


One part of the development of the basic KBS-3 concept and other alternative disposal
concepts for spent nuclear fuel has been the development; evaluation of the suitability of
different excavation techniques such as raiseboring. Raiseboring has been used to
excavate shafts since the 1970's and has proved to be an effective mechanical
excavation method to excavate holes with circular shape in hard rock with little
excavation disturbance to the surrounding rock. Raiseboring has also been used to
excavate horizontal tunnels in hard rock. Similar tunnels but of different size and
different underground environment have been proposed for use in the KBS-3 concept
instead of the Drill and Blast or the tunnel boring (TBM) to excavate the deposition
tunnels and in the MLH concept to excavate the long horizontal deposition holes.

This report presents the principles of horizontal raiseboring, case studies, a proposed
method for boring horizontal deposition tunnels in KBS-3 concept and deposition holes
in MLH concepts. The equipment is designed by TRB - Raise Borers Ltd. Finally
performance prognosis for the proposed method based on the described equipment is
given for the different main rock types at the three different candidate sites selected for
more detailed site investigations in 1992.

Keywords: raiseboring, horizontal raiseboring, mechanical excavation



KBS-3 tyyppisen loppusijoitusratkaisun ja vaihtoehtoisten ratkaisujen kehittfunisen

ohessa on arvioitu ja kehitetty yksitHiisten tekniikoiden, kuten esimerkiksi nousu-
porauksen soveltuvuutta loppusijoitustilojen louhintaan. Nousuporausta on kaytetty
menestyksekkaasti 70-luvun alusta lahtien kuilujen louhintaan ja se on osoittautunut
tehokkaaksi menetelmaksi tehda pyorea kuilu kovaan kallioon siten etta louhinnan
aiheuttama hairio kiveen on vahainen. Nousuporaustekniikkaa on kaytetty myos vaaka-
tunnelien tekoon kovaan kiveen. Loppusijoitustekniikan kehittamisen yhteydessa on esi-
tetty KBS-3 tyyppisten loppusijoitustunnelien louhimista nousuporaustekniikkaa
kayttaen perinteisen poraamalla ja rajayttamalla tapahtuvan louhinnan tai tunneli-
porauksen sijasta. Nousuporaustekniikkaa on esitetty myos kaytettavaksi MLH loppu-
sijoitusratkaisun pitkien vaakatasossa olevien loppusijoitusreikien louhintatekniikaksi.

Tassa raportissa kuvataan vaakasuuntaan tapahtuvan nousuporauksen periaate, case-

tutkielmia, ehdotus porausmenetelmaksi KBS-3 tyyppisten loppusijoitustunnelien ja
MLH tyyppisten sijoitusreikien poraamiseksi seka kuvataan suunnitelma edella mainit-
tuihin sopivasta laitteistosta, joka perustuu TRB - Raise Borers Ltd:n laitteistoihin.
Lisaksi esitetaan arviot edella mainittujen laitteiden tehokkuudesta kolmen 1992 jatko-
tutkimuksiin valitun sijoitusaluevaihtoehtoalueen paaki vilajeissa.

A vainsanat: nousuporaus, vaakaporaus, mekaaninen louhinta










(0 1.68 m) AND DEPOSITION TUNNELS (0 4.0 m) 20





Plans for the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel in Finnish crystalline
bedrock were comprehensively reported in 1992. The technical plans are
presented in report YJT -92-31E (TVO 1992a); the results of preliminary
investigations at five candidate sites are contained in report YJT -92-32E
(TVO 1992b). In parallel with the development and assessment of the basic
concept, the suitability of alternative concepts for the disposal of spent fuel
in the Finnish bedrock were studied in 1989 - 1991. A more comprehensive
evaluation of alternative canister and repository designs was carried out in
SKB's PASS project between 1991 and 1992 (SKB 1992). Since 1993, the
focus of research and development on encapsulation and disposal
technologies has been on further development of the KBS-3 repository
designs, see Figure 1-1. The interim reports on encapsulation, disposal
technologies and repository designs for the basic KBS-3 concept are
presented in (Posiva 1996) and (Riekkola & Salo 1996).

Figure 1-1. KBS-3 type Basic Concept for the final repository for spent fuel
(TVO 1992a).



Figure 1-2. Cross-section of a KBS-3 type deposition tunnel. Canisters are

emplaced in holes excavated in the tunnel floor and surrounded by bentonite

In parallel with the development work on the KBS-3 basic concept,

development and assessment of alternative disposal concepts and specific
techniques has continued. Three alternatives to the basic KBS-3 design were
assessed (Autio et al. 1996): KBS-3-2C with two canisters in a deposition
hole, Short Horizontal Holes (SHH) in the side walls of the tunnels, and the
Medium Long Holes (MLH) concept, in which some 25 canisters are
emplaced in a single, horizontal, approximately 200 metres long deposition
hole bored between the central and side tunnels.

One part of the development of the basic KBS-3 concept and other
alternative disposal concepts has been the development and evaluation of
the suitability of different excavation techniques such as raiseboring for the
excavation of the repository. Raiseboring has been used since the 1970's to
excavate shafts and has proved to be an effective mechanical excavation
method to excavate holes with circular shape in hard rock with little
excavation disturbance to the surrounding rock. A new technique based on
raiseboring type rotary crushing and removal of cuttings by vacuum flushing
was developed and demonstrated (Autio & Kirkkomaki 1996) for the boring
of deposition holes. Raiseboring is also a potential technique for the
excavation of shafts other than the investigation shaft down to the
repository. Raiseboring has also been used to excavate horizontal tunnels in
hard rock. Similar tunnels but of different size and different underground
environment have been proposed for use in the KBS-3 concept instead of
Drill and Blast or tunnel boring (TBM) to excavate the deposition tunnels,
see Figure 1-2, and in the MLH concept, see Figure 1-3, to excavate the long
horizontal deposition holes. The Finnish design variation for the VLH-
concept (Autio 1992) was also based on the use raiseboring.

Canister Transfer Shaft

Central Tunnel

/ Deposition Tunnel
I '

Side funnel

Figure 1-3. Lay-out and cross-section of the MLH concept.

The limitations of raiseboring have been associated mainly with cutterhead

diameter limitations with respect to efficiency, straightness and case of
cuttings removal in horizontal boring. This report represents the principles of
raiseboring in Chapter 2 and case studies of horizontal raiseboring in Chapter
3. A poroposal for a method for boring horizontal deposition tunnels in KBS-
3 concept and deposition holes in MLH concept is given in Chapter 4. The
equipment design by TRB- Raise Borers Ltd is given in Chapter 5. Finally
the performance prognosis for the proposed method based on the described
equipment in Chapter 5 is given in Chapter 6 for the different main rock types
at the three different candidate sites selected for more detailed site
investigations in 1992.

Raiseboring is a well established full face excavating method. In full face
methods the whole cross section of the hole is bored to the final diameter
with no use of explosives.

The Raiseboring Method consists of drilling a pilot hole first, followed by

reaming of the pilot hole to the final diameter. The pilot hole diameter is
somewhat larger than the drill rods; and the direction of drilling is generally
vertically down or inclined. The reaming to final diameter is generally made
in the opposite direction (back reaming).


Site preparation:

- A flat concrete foundation is made for the raiseboring machine.

- A small water reservoir (dam) is prepared for the flushing water.
- The machine base plate is anchored to the concrete with rock bolts.

Transportation and machine assembly:

- Transportation of power units and machine to the base plate.

- Raiseboring machine attached to the base plate.
- Machine alingned for pilot hole drilling.
- Storage site for drill rods prepared; drill rods and other drilling
accessories transported to the drilling site.

Figure 2-1. Typical arrangement for pilot drilling.


Pilot Hole Drilling:

- The pilot bit is connected to the starter sub (see Chapter 3 for details)
with a check-valve and the sub is connected to the first stabilizer.
- Connect flushing hoses.

In pilot hole drilling, flushing medium is used to bring the cuttings up from
the hole. The alternatives for flushing are the use of compressed air, water, a
mixture of air and water, or mud.

In normal conditions, water flushing gives the best boring efficiency. In

addition, no air borne dust is produced when water flushing is used. The
simplest way to organize water flushing is to have a closed circuit from a
dam built close to the machine. Water is pumped from the dam, through the
machine and the drill rods to the pilot bit, and the outgoing water and the
cuttings are lead (pumped) back to the the dam; where the debris can settle
and the clean water is reused.

Pilot Hole Break-Through - Reaming Preparation:

- When the pilot bit breaks through, the pilot bit and some stabilizers from
the drill string are removed.
- The rock face at the break-through point should be as close to 90 degrees
as possible. In most cases the rock face has to be trimmed straight and
made perpendicular to the pilot hole.
- The reamer head is attached to the drill string and the thread connection
between the stem and the stabilizer is made up with the correct torque.


Reaming is started with a low rotation speed and low reamer force until the
collaring is completed. When the machine is rotating the cutterhead and
pulling it against the face; the rock is broken by tungsten carbide inserts on
freely rotating cutters mounted on the reamer head. Most of the premature
cutter and stem failures are caused by poor collaring, i.e. too high feed force
and rotation speed have been utilized in this stage.

When the reamer head is boring with the whole diameter, net advance rates
can be brought to normal levels, i.e. 0.5 to 2.0 meters per hour depending on
diameter and rock mass conditions.

Figure 2-2. Typical arrangement for reaming.

Finishing the Hole:

- With modern machines, the reaming is carried out all the way to the
machine. If the head has to be lowered, it may mean an additional week's
- The reamer head is fastened with a chain to a beam placed above the raise
and the thread connection of the stem is opened.
- Machine and base plate are dismounted and transported to the next hole.
- The possible uncut edge (for inclined holes) is sliced away and the
reamer head can be lifted away from the top of the raise.


Horizontal raiseboringis boring with zero or a small angle to the horizontal
plane. For standard raiseboring, the pilot hole is flushed with water to bring
the cuttings out, and during reaming gravity takes care of the cuttings. In
horizontal raiseboring, special attention has to be taken for cuttings removal.
In pilot drilling the water flow has to be adequate to prevent the cuttings
from settling along the bottom of the hole. During reaming the cut face must
be cleaned, the cuttings brought to the other side of the reamer head, and
finally remove the cuttings from the tunnel. The details of these
arrangements and other specialties connected to horizontal raiseboringwill
be discussed in more detail later on this chapter.


Two unlined near-horizontal tunnels for a combined small hydro power plant
and fresh water supply for local fish farmers at Vinje0ra were raisebored by
Astrup H0yer A/S from October 1986 to May 1987.

Location Haukvika, Vinje0ra, S0r Tr0ndelag

Client Haukvik Kraft A/S
Contractor Astrup H0yer A/S
Generator 2.3MW
Annual Production 10GWh


Figure 3-1. The power plant tunnels are shown on the sketch above.

Table 3-1. Tunnel data and operational data at Haukvika.

Tunnel Data Tunnel I Tunnel 11

Length 685m 550m

Diameter 1.06m 1.35 m
Inclination - 60 - 10.5°
Construction Time 4 months 3.5 months

Operational Data

Machine Rhino 1000E

Rods 5'1 10"
Pilot Bits Reed 11"
Reamer for Tunnel I Sandvik CRH3, (01.06 m
Cutter Dressing for Tunnel I Sandvik 2@ CMR41 and
2 @ CMR51 cutters
Reamer for Tunnel II Sandvik CRH4, 01.35 m
Cutter Dressing for Tunnel II Sandvik 3 @ CMR41 and
3 @ CMR51 cutters

Table 3-2. Proporties of medium grained granitic gneiss at Haukvika.

Rock Type

Brittleness Value, S2n 46

Density 2.62 glcm 3
Sievers 1-Value 4.1
Abrasion Value Carbide, A V 20 mg/5min
Abrassion Value Steel, A VS 14 mglmin
Cutter Life Index, CL! 8.6
Drilling Rate Index, DRI 42
Vickers Hardness Rock, VHNR 821

Mineral Content Percentage (XRD):

Quartz 28%
Plagioclase 31%
Orthoclase 37%
Amphibole 0.5%
Calcite 1.0%
Mica 1.5%
Chlorite 1.0%

The pilot hole for the first tunnel was drilled from mid October till the
beginning of December. The pilot hole drilling was delayed due to two
wrecked pilot bits and remaining metal fragments from the bits on the hole-
bottom. The last wreckage occurred only 15 m from break-through. During
the 7 remaining work days before the Christmas Holidays, 145 meters of
tunnel were reamed. The next tunnel section of 315 m was reamed in 10
days after which the cutters were changed from within the tunnel. The
remaining 225 m were reamed in 5 days.

The contractors' experience of reaming these two near-horizontal tunnels

was that the wear and tear of the drilling equipment was higher than for
traditional raise boring. Wear on peripheral cutters was about twice the
normal rate. Stabilizer wear was also higher than usual. The removal of
cuttings was done by water flushing. Desired flush flow rates for this kind of
work is approx. 1000 - 1500 1/min.

Pilot hole deviation was monitored in stages using a gyro for the first 200 m.
After this, a compressed air system was used for measuring bit altitude. Bit
feed force and rotary speed settings for the following pilot hole section were
determined by the bit altitude deviation. The vertical deviation of the pilot
hole was crucial (water levels), and on break-through totaled 0.60 m for
Tunnel I. The horizontal deviation was pronounced; but of no significance
to the power plant design. It totaled 25 m.

Figure 3-2. Haukvika job site overwiev.


Pilot Hole Drilling - Tunnel 11


E 3.5
0 3.0
0 2.5


a. 1.5
cu 1.0

0 (X) I"-- lO C\1 0 (X) I"-- <0 ..q- C') .,- 0 0) I"-- <0 lO C') C\1 .,-
C\1 lO (X) .,- ..q- <0 0) C\1 lO (X) .,- ..q- <0 0) C\1 lO CO .,- ..q-
.,- .,- .,- .,- C\1 C\1 C\1 C') C') C') C') ..q- ..q- ..q- lO lO

Depth from Machine (m)

Reaming - Tunnel 11


E 3.5
0 3.0
0 2.5
(i) 2.0

a. 1.5

cu 1.0

0 CO I"-- <0 lO ..q- C\1 .,- 0) I"-- <0 lO C') C\1 .,- CO <0 ..q- C\1
C') lO CO .,- ..q- I"-- 0 C') lO CO .,- ..q- I"-- 0 C') lO (X) .,- ..q-
.,- .,- .,- C\1 C\1 C\1 C\1 C') C') C') ..q- ..q- ..q- ..q- lO lO

Depth from Break-Through (m)

Figure 3-3. The overall performance of the pilot hole drilling and reaming
of Tunnel//.

Table 3-3. Net penetration rates for the reaming of Tunnel I and at Rod

Force on Force on ROP Net Reamer Reamer Cutter

Reamer Row Penetration RPM Torque Coeff.
(kN) (kN/row) (m/h) (mm/rev) (kNm) k

460.0 20.19 1.84 1.80 17.0 6.0 0.0493

515.0 23.24 1.52 2.54 10.0 6.25 0.0446
660.0 31.30 0.91 4.11 3.7 10.0 0.0530
480.0 21.30 2.22 2.06 18.0 7.0 0.0545


After manufacturing the first Rhino 1000 E; this machine was tested by
making a 62 meter long horizontal tunnel of diameter 2134 mm. The tunnel
was bored in Tamrock Test Mine in 1973. For this prototype machine
Tamrock also manufactured the first Tamrock 10" drill string. The reamer
head was manufactured by Tamrock for Smith cutters. The head was
specially designed for horizontal boring. There were special wings welded on
the reamer to lead the cuttings behind the head. Four cutters were placed as
rollers supporting the head against the tunnel wall. A special block was
attached behind the reamer for the scraper system used to bring the cuttings
out of the tunnel. The machine with the original drill string is still in

Table 3-4. Test results.

Machine: Rhino 1000 E

Reamer: Modified Tamrock/Smith 7ft, 16 + 4 (stab) cutters,
7 button rows/cutter
Reaming 16 RPM

Force on Force on Reamer Cutter Cutter ROP Specific

Reamer Row Torque Coeff. Constant Energy
(kN) (kN/row) (kNm) k (m/h) (kWh/m 3)

785 7.01 41.20 0.087 0.28 69

981 8.76 51.01 0.086 0.46 52
1177 10.51 58.86 0.083 0.1014 0.64 43
1373 12.26 64.75 0.078 0.0827 0.85 36
1570 14.02 76.52 0.081 0.0787 1.02 35
1668 14.89 78.48 0.078 0.0718 1.13 32

Table 3-5. Drilling data from the horizontal hole in the Tamrock Test
Mine. (Pilot drilling)

1. Geology - Formation Granodiorite

Unconfined Compressive Strength 150 MPa
Relation of Bedding Dip no bedding, some
to Pilot Hole near vertical joints

2. Pilot Hole - Inclination from Horizontal 0.4° downwards

Diameter 12- 114 "
Length 62m

3. Drill- Make and Model Rhino 1000 E

Average Thrust Used 25- 30 tons
Average Torque Used
Average RPM 40RPM

Circulating medium - air

water 120 - 250 1/min

4. In-Hole Tools
Bit- Make and Type Dresser
Diameter 12-114 "
Bit L~fe
Stabilizers - Make and Type Tamrock, integr. six-rib
Diameter 12-"
Number and Location four, 32 m, 51 m, 61-62 m
Drill Rods- Make and Type Tamrock 6ft
Diameter 10"
Wall Thickness 1-1;4 "

5. Rate of Penetration (Avg) 2.23 mJh

6. Hole Survey - Type manual observation and

with teodolite
Frequency of Survey
7. Techniques Used to Control Deviation Stabilizers and thrust

8. Hole Deviation % up and right


Figure 3-4. Principle of reaming and the cutterhead used at Tamrock test


In 1991 - 1992 three horizontal holes were bored at Perseverance Mine,

Leinster, Australia. The diameter of the holes were about 4 meters and the
length of each was about 80 meters. The rock types at Perseverance Mine are
minely schists.

Table 3-6. Mineral Content Precentage (Thin Section).

Graphite 37%
Chlorite 34%
Serpentine 29%

Figure 3-5. Horizontal bonng.


r - - - - K . / 0 4 ._
.5M _ _ _ _ I 0 4.0M

p,·lgure 3-6. Reamer head arrangement.


Table 3-7. Horizontal boring.


Tunnel Dia: 4-4.5 m
Tunnel Length: 35- 100 m
Pilot Hole Dia : 13 3/4"
Drill Rod Dia : 12 7/8"
Rock Compr.Strength: 50- 150 MPa
Reamer Type : SANDVIK CRH13 SP
Machine Type : ROBBINS 85R



Directional drilling was applied in 1991 at Brerum near Oslo in completing a

1.8 m diameter and 295 m long raise that was bored through hard rock in

Directional diamond drilling

Directional drilling in aluvium and softer sedimentary rocks is a widely

established technique for laying pipes and cables beneath obstructions.

The technique has been used for power and communication cabling,
sewerage and water pipelines. A growing requirement is the diversion of
river courses in roadworks and hydro schemes.

Directional diamond drilling along a proposed line can be carried out using a
steerable corebarrel, the Vie Drill Head from Devico A/S, Norway. For the
critical positional surveying during this phase, a Maxibor in-hole surveying
device from Reflex Instrument AB is used. This non-magnetic device
measures the small changes in direction over each 3 m length of hole. Once
completed, the directional pilot holes are then reamed up in two or three
phases to the final diameter using a horizontal raiseboring system.

This technique was used in the completion of a 1.8 m diameter tunnel

beneath Brerum, a residental area near Oslo, Norway. The work was carried
out by Drillcon AB. The tunnel was designed to carry sewerage, storm water
and fresh water in three separate pipelines. The directional pilot hole was
drilled using an Onram 1000 core drill, manufactured by Hagby Bruk AB.
Cores from the 56 mm guide pilot hole revealed several clay-filled fracture
zones in the otherwise hard granite. These varied from 0.5 m to 2.5 m in

width and could be grouted as they were encountered; assisting both further
drilling and the final stability of the tunnel.

The accuracy achieved in diamond drilling was half of the specified

tolerance of 0.3 %vertically, 0.5 %horizontally.

Raise boring

Once the pilot bit had broken through, a Tamrock Rhino 600 raiseboring rig
was set up to ream the hole in two passes. The first pass used a 12-1;4 "
raisebore pilot roller bit with a unique guidance section that followed the
0 56 mm directionally controlled core hole. It was run on standard 10" raise-
bore rods which were also used for the final back-reaming. For back-
reaming, a specially assembled cutterhead by Drill con was fitted to the 10 "
rods at the break-through reaming the 12114 " hole to its final 1.8 m diameter.

The two biggest problems to be overcome in directional raiseboring are:

- following the directionally controlled core hole

and removing the cuttings on the back ream.

An MSc thesis (Reitar 1992) at the University of Trondheim was made in

1992 regarding the use of guide holes, pilot holes and back reaming.

The finished tunnel required no further stabilization and has no final lining.
Sewage and drinking water are piped separately inside and the tunnel itself
carries storm water.

Total costs for the unlined Brerum tunnel were well under£ 1000/m. One
advantage identified, was the ability to have continuous cores taken
throughout the directionally controlled core-pilothole drilling.




Horizontal hole diameter 0 660 mm length 101 meters.

Table 3-8. Pilot drilling statistics.

Pilot drilling lOlm Horizontal Shaft at Romsas, Norway

Date AugusUSeptember 1991
Location Romsas, Oslo, Norway
Contractor Boliden Mineco
Rock Type Syenite (Nordmarkitt)
Machine Rhino 600Hx
Torque 100% =26kNm
Rods 5' /10"
Pilot Bit 11"
Reamer 0.66m
Cutters 2@ Sandvik
Inclination -2.5°

Relative Hole RPM ROP Torque Force Bit Net Force Cutter Cutter
Rod Length Percentage on Bit Torque Penetration T1 Coeff. Constant
# (m) (m/h) (%) (kN) (kNm) (mm/rev) (kN/bit) k c
I 29 .0 40 2.20 62 183.9 16.1 0.92 194.9 0.9960 1.0402
2 30.5 46 1.25 62 145.4 16.1 0.45 246.6 1.2597 1.8718
3 32.0 46 1.85 70 222.5 18.2 0.67 290.5 0.9294 1.1352
4 33.6 45 1.80 68 222.5 17.7 0.67 291.6 0.9028 1.1057
5 35.1 45 1.95 70 222.5 18.2 0.72 276.4 0.9294 1.0936
6 36.6 46 2.90 70 214.8 18.2 1.05 207.8 0.9627 0.9392
7 38.1 45 1.50 72 145.4 18.7 0.56 215.2 1.4628 1.9626
8 39.7 46 1.60 70 161.0 18.2 0.58 231.6 1.2844 1.6869
9 41.2 50 1.95 72 145.4 18.7 0.65 193.8 1.4628 1.8144
lO 42.7 45 1.95 72 145.4 18.7 0.72 180.6 1.4628 1.7213
11 44.2 45 1.70 75 145.4 19.5 0.63 198.0 1.5238 1.9204
12 45.8 45 1.40 76 137.7 19.8 0.52 213.4 1.6305 2.2643
13 47.3 51 2.05 48 183.9 12.5 0.67 240.2 0.7711 0.9420
14 48.8 50 2.48 50 175.8 13.0 0.83 199.6 0.8402 0.9241
15 50.3 50 2.80 50 175.8 13.0 0.93 184.1 0.8402 0.8697
16 51.9 50 2.10 50 175.8 13.0 0.70 223.0 0.8402 1.0042
17 53.4 49 2.85 50 136.8 13.0 0.97 139.7 1.0797 1.0966
18 54.9 49 2.70 52 175.8 13.5 0.92 186.1 0.8738 0.9118
19 56.4 49 2.10 52 156.5 13 .5 0.71 195.9 0.9816 1.1614
20 58.0 49 2.23 52 156.5 13.5 0.76 188.2 0.9816 1.1270
21 59.5 50 2.50 52 152.7 13 .5 0.83 172.4 1.0060 1.1020
22 61.0 48 2.50 52 183.9 13.5 0.87 202.1 0.8353 0.8966
23 62.5 44 2.25 53 183.9 13 .8 0.85 204.6 0.8514 0.9222
24 64.1 34 2.35 60 214.8 15.6 1.15 195.5 0.8252 0.7688
25 65 .6 34 2.50 62 191.4 16.1 1.23 167.1 0.9569 0.8644
26 67.1 33 1.87 64 164.2 16.6 0.94 170.6 1.1514 1.1848
27 68 .6 36 0.90 60 138.0 15.6 0.42 247.4 1.2844 1.9898
28 70.2
29 71.7 37 1.25 62 145.4 16.1 0.56 213.3 1.2597 1.6787
30 73.2 37 1.52 62 176.2 16.1 0.68 226.8 1.0395 1.2562
31 74.7 33 1.45 62 153.1 16.1 0.73 188.5 1.1963 1.3980
32 76.3 34 2.00 64 176.2 16.6 0.98 178.5 1.0730 1.0837
33 77 .8
34 79.3 36 1.44 62 214.8 16.1 0.67 281.5 0.8527 1.0443
35 80.8 29 1.80 65 175.9 16.9 1.03 172.0 1.0916 1.0733
36 82.4 34 62 16.1
37 83 .9 30 1.35 64 145.4 16.6 0.75 176.2 1.3003 1.5015
38 85.4 20 1.26 75 161.0 19.5 1.05 155.8 1.3761 1.3430
39 86.9 34 1.12 68 130.2 17.7 0.55 194.2 1.5429 2.0822
40 88.5 9 1.20 53 13.8 2.22
41 90.0 9 0.80 1.48

Piloting Romsas Horizontal Shaft


. c 2,50
0 2,00
c.. 1,00 ,_


n:: 0,50


Hole Depth (m)

Figure 3-9. Rate of penetration for pilot hole drilling.

Reaming Romsas Horizontal Shaft



E 3,5

... ...
0 3,0
n:: 1-- t---

s::::: r-

...ns r-
- ~

- r-
... 1 - - 1--


'---------- -

.... Cl) 2,0 - - I- - 1- f- 1- ~

1- - 1- r- - 1- -
... 1-- - 1- ~

Cl) ...
c.. 1,5 - 1- 1-- 1-- - - I- - 1- - 1- - 1- - 1- - 1- 1-- - 1-- - I- -
....nsCl) 1,0 - 1- - 1-- - 1- - - I- - I- - I- - 1- - 1- i- - 1-- - 1-- -

0,5 - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - 1- - - - - 1- - 1-- - 1--

0,0 I T I T T T

Hole Depth (m)

Figure 3-10. Rate of penetration for back reaming.


Table 3-9. Reaming statistics.

Reaming lOlm Horizontal Shaft at Romsas, Norway

Date August/September 1991

Location Romsas, Oslo, Norway
Contractor Boliden Mineco
Rock Type Syenite (Nordmarkitt)
Machine Rhino 600Hx
Torque 100% = 87kNm
Rods 5' 1 10"
Pilot Bit 11"
Reamer 0.66m
Cutters 2@ Sandvik
Inclination -2.5°

Relative Hole RPM ROP Force Reamer Net Force Force Force Cutter Cutter
Rod Depth on Torque Penetr. on on Tl Coeff. Const.
Reamer Cutter Row
# (m) (m/h) (kN) (kNm) (mm/rev) (kN/c) (kN/row) (kN/row) k c

99.1 10.0 3.5 412.9 36.0 5.83 206.5 45.9 14.1 0.4194 0.1736
2 97.6 18.0 1.7 393.6 36.0 1.57 196.8 43.7 32.3 0.4399 0.3507
3 96.1 18.0 1.8 354.2 31.5 1.67 177.1 39.4 28.0 0.4278 0.3313
4 94.6 17.5 2.0 392.7 29.3 1.90 196.4 43.6 28.4 0.3589 0.2600
5 93.0 18.0 2.2 302.9 31.5 2.04 151.5 33.7 20.9 0.5002 0.3505
6 91.5 18.0 3.3 354.2 29.3 3.06 177.1 39.4 18.7 0.3979 0.2276
7 90.0 18.0 2.2 393.2 29.3 2.04 196.6 43.7 27.2 0.3584 0.2511
8 88.5 18.0 2.8 470.7 31.5 2.59 235.4 52.3 27.7 0.3219 0.1999
9 86.9 18.0 3.5 470.7 31.5 3.24 235.4 52.3 23.9 0.3219 0.1788
10 85.4 18.0 4.2 432.2 31.5 3.89 216.1 48.0 19.4 0.3506 0.1778
11 83.9 18.0 2.2 392.7 27.0 2.04 196.4 43.6 27.1 0.3307 0.2317
12 82.4 18.0 2.2 392.7 27.0 2.04 196.4 43.6 27.1 0.3307 0.2317
13 80.8 18.0 2.4 392.7 27.0 2.22 196.4 43.6 25.6 0.3307 0.2218
14 79.3 18.0 3.4 470.7 27.0 3.15 235.4 52.3 24.3 0.2759 0.1555
15 77.8 18.0 2.2 451.4 27.0 2.04 225.7 50.2 31.2 0.2877 0.2016
16 76.3 18.0 3.4 470.7 27.0 3.15 235.4 52.3 24.3 0.2759 0.1555
17 74.7 18.0 2.7 392.7 22.5 2.50 196.4 43.6 23.7 0.2756 0.1743
18 73.2 21.0 3.3 431.7 36.0 2.62 215.9 48.0 25.2 0.4011 0.2479
19 71.7 18.0 2.2 431.7 22.5 2.04 215.9 48.0 29.8 0.2507 0.1756
20 70.2 18.0 2.1 490.5 22.5 1.94 245.3 54.5 35.0 0.2206 0.1582
21 68.6 40.0 4.5 392.7 40.5 1.88 196.4 43.6 28.7 0.4961 0.3623
22 67.1 18.0 2.4 494.0 22.5 2.22 247.0 54.9 32.2 0.2191 0.1470
23 65.6 24.0 3.0 494.0 31.5 2.08 247.0 54.9 33.6 0.3067 0.2125
24 64.1 30.0 4.2 494.0 18.0 2.33 247.0 54.9 31.2 0.1753 0.1147


(0 4.0 m)
Site preparation

Site preparation for horizontal raiseboring is very similar to that of the

traditional vertical or inclined applications. The general requirements are:
power supply for the machine, lighting, ventilation and water supply at the
work site.

The rock surface has to be cleared and cleaned for the concrete foundation~
the base plate positioned on the concrete and bolted to the rock. Normally,
the base plate is locked against movement to the wall and in the case of
large cutterhead diameters, turnbuckles should be used to support the
machine to the wall.

All machine components are brought to the work site and prepared for
boring. The machine itself must be positioned and adjusted to the desired
alignment for the hole. A storage must be build for the drill rods including a
rod handling device.

Pilot drilling flushing pumps, hoses and water reservoir must be circuited
together for water circulation.

Figure 4-1. Reaming arrangement.


Pilot hole drilling is started carefully and with low penetration rates. When
the first stabilizer is drilled in, then the drilling rate can be increased to
approx. 1 meter/hour. The "rope effect" of the drill string must be
understood in order to control the horizontal pilot hole drilling orientation
successfully. The assembly at the "hole-bottom" is larger in diameter than
the rest of the drill string. The weight of the rods therefore have a tendency
to force the "hole-bottom" assembly upwards. This phenomena can be used
to steer pilot hole drilling.

When the feed pressure is increased, the bit drills upwards. If the feed
pressure is decreased due to the weight of the stabilizers, the pilot bit drills
downwards. In long holes, even in the short 62 meter hole at the Tamrock
Test Mine, stabilizers were used also along the drill string in addition to the
ones straight after the pilot bit.


The basic Rhino machine design is already suitable for horizontal operation:

- Machine mounting and support in horizontal position is built into Rhino

models. The concrete pad must be tilted according to machine model.
- Flushing through the machine during pilot hole drilling and in addition to
higher flushing volumes during reaming is required.

Rhino 418 H for boring horizontal deposition holes

The recommended machine for the 1.68 meter diameter deposition holes is
the Rhino 418 H with modified mounting and transportation equipment.


Figure 5-1. Rhino 418 H basic measurement drawing.


Figure 5-2. Special Rhino design for horizontal holes.

Table 5-1. Dimensions and Weights of the Standard Rhino 418 H.


(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)

- WHILE BORING 3 160 1 730 3 775 11 000
- IN TRANSPORT 3 685 1730 1 515 10 000
GEARBOX 1 365 1 590 1 430 4 000
FRAME 1 200 1 730 3 685 3 300
BASE FOOT 2000 1 444 395 570
HYDRAULIC CYLINDER 1 975- 720 310 900
2 129
TURNBUCKLE (90- 54) 2 510 140 76
DRILL ROD MANIPULATOR 1 500 1 370 600 490
HYDRAULIC POWER UNIT 2000 1 370 830 1 000
top part
HYDRAULIC POWER UNIT 2000 1 370 930 2 375
lower part, 132 kW without hydraulic oil 1700
OPERATOR'S CONSOLE 900 800 1 230 120
TOOL BOX 1 000 760 870 110
with special tools 350

Table 5-2. Specifications for Rhino 400 raiseborer.


RAISE DIAMETER 1.2- 1.8 m 4-6ft

(depending of rock type) 2.1 m 7ft

RAISE LENGTH 300m 984ft

(depending on rock type)

ROD -diameter 254mm 10 inch

-length (net) 1.524 m 5
-thread DI-22 8- 114 inch

STABILIZER -diameter 280mm 11 inch

- length (net) 1.424 m 56 inch

PILOT HOLE -diameter 280mm 11 inch



total ratios range
- Piloting 1: 2.23 0-32-46 RPM
- Reaming 1:7.76 0- 13- 17 RPM
-TORQUE operating at 13 RPM 90kNm
max (220 bar) 120 kNm

- HUCK THREAD: DI-22 8- 114 inch

- WEIGHT: (including motor) 4000 kg

REAMING THRUST ( 320 bar) 2000 kN

FEED RATE -up 6m/h

-down 12 m/h

RAPID TRAVERSE - up 3 m/min

-down 5.7 m/min


-optional 23 to 90°


- in transport 10 000 kg


other voltages available
:-WEIGHT 2 375 kg
+ 1 000 kg

Rhino 2006 DC for horizontal deposition tunnels

Table 5-3. Specifications for Rhino 2000 raise borer.


RAISE DIAMETER 2.13- 6.10 m 7-20ft

RAISE LENGTH (depending on rock type) 600m 1968 ft

ROD -diameter 327 mm 127/8inch

- length (net) 1.524 m 5ft
-thread DI-22 10-V2 inch

STABILIZER -diameter 349mm 13-% inch

- length (net) 1.424 m 56 inch

PILOT HOLE -diameter 349mm 13-%inch


GEAR BOX- SPUR GEARS total ratios speed range

- Piloting 1: 60 0-44 RPM

- Reaming 1: 244 0- 11 RPM

-TORQUE operating at 11 RPM 411 kNm

max 700kNm

- CHUCK THREAD: DI-22 10-Y2 inch

- WEIGHT: (including motors) 12700 kg

REAMING THRUST(320 bar) 6400 kN

FEED RATE -up 3 m/h

-down 5 m/h
RAP ID TRAVERSE - up 1.8 m/min
-down 3.6 m/min


-optional 15 to 90


- in transport 23000 kg


-WEIGHT 1600 kg


-motor 575 V 55 kW
-WEIGHT 2400 kg

S927. 4

Figure 5-3. Transportation measurements of Rhino 2006 DC.

Table 5-4. Dimensions and Weights of the Standard Rhino 2006 DC.


mm mm mm kg

- WHILE BORING 2 600 2005 3 805- 5 400 25 600
- IN TRANSPORT 3 755 1935 2050 23 000

GEARBOX 1900 1 870 2 650 12 700

FRAME 3 800 1900 1 800 6 700

BASE FOOT 265 500 2 600 2* 600


TURNBUCKLE (90- 63) 865 150 115

DRILL ROD MANIPULATOR 2050 800 840 1400

BASE BEAMS (optional) 5 800 720 550 2*3 350

ELECTRIC POWER UNIT 2 200 1000 1 250 1 600

HYDRAULIC POWER UNIT 2 200 1 000 1500 2400

OPERATOR'S CONSOLE 750 700 1 000 100

TOOL BOX 1 000 760 870 200

CRAWLER incl. power pack 6100


Drill String

Drill rods, stabilizers and pilot sub are called with one name in raiseboring,
drill string.

Drill Rods

For different machine sizes there are different drill rod. The present standard
drill rod sizes are listed in the table below.

c B

- - - - - ---.----.-- .... ~

Figure 5-4. Drill rod drawing.

Table 5-5. Drill rods - dimensions.

Thread A B c D E F Weight
DI-22 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg

6-3/4" 203 1219 140 125 70 41 175 170

8-114" 254 1524 149 125 70 41 203 320
9-1/4" 286 1524 162 125 76 41 229 460
10-112" 327 1524 203 135 100 63 267 620
Rhino 418 H uses 254 mm= 10" rods
Rhino 2006 DC uses 327 mm= 12-7/8" rods


The stabilizer diameter is the same as the pilot bit diameter and for 10" rods
280 mm or 11" bit and stabilizers are selected due to the horizontal boring.

Standard raiseboring drill string are used also in horizontal applications.

However, spiral stabilizers are preferred to straight rib stabilizers.


Figure 5-5. Stabilizer drawing.

Table 5-6. Stabilizers - dimensions.

Thread A B c D E F Weight
DI-22 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg

6-3/4" 251 1120 270 203 70 41 175 300

8-1/4" 280 1424 300 254 70 41 203 400
8-1/4" 311 1424 320 286 70 41 203 600
9-1/4" 311 1424 320 286 76 41 229 600
10-1/2" 349 1424 420 327 100 63 267 700

Pilot sub

The pilot sub is the connecting piece between stabilizers and the pilot bit.
The male thread is standard DI-22 and size according to the stabilizer thread
and the female thread is standard API for pilot bit.

Also a check-valve is mounted inside the pilot sub. The valve prevents the
flushing media and the cuttings from going up the stabilizers during the
periods when the flow is off.

Cutterhead and cutters

In normal raiseboring where back reaming is done upwards , the crushed

rock from the face falls on the head and goes through the openings in the
head and falls down the raise.

In horizontal boring mucking has to be handled in two stages:

1. Special care has to be taken to clean the boring face. The best way to
clean the face is to spray water from special nozzles on the head to the
rock face. This water is normally provided to the head through the drill

A clean rock face results in improved penetration rates and in addition,

cutterhead rotation is smoother when operating clean face.

2. The muck has to be moved from the face and from the bottom of the hole
to behind the cutterhead. If this muck removal is not effective, the gage
cutters will recut the muck in the hole invert. This muck actually acts like
solid rock when hit by a gage cutter, causing excess stresses to the
cutterhead, to the stem and to the rest of the drill string.

Normally the head is equipped with wings to push the wet muck behind
the head.

Large diameter reaming heads are often equipped with a stabilizing system,
i.e. rollers on the gage of the he'ad support ageinst the hole wall. This will
diminish the load and wear on stabilizers and it will also help to keep reamer
in alignment with pilot hole.

Cutters used in horizontal raiseboring are normal serial production

raiseboring equipment.

Figure 5-6. Sandvik Horizontal 4 meter diameter cutterhead.


Muck removal

The first part of mucking is already taken care by the cutterhead, which has
jet nozzles for flushing the face and scraping wings to transport the muck
behind the head.

Mucking arrangements after the reamer head depend on the circumstances:

Inclined holes:

If there is any inclination, water flow can be used for mucking. Water
brought to the head through the drill string will flush the cuttings out
from the hole. For large diameter holes or in more shallow angles
additional water can be pumped through the annulus between the pilot
hole and the drill rods or it can be provided with a separate hose which
follows the head.

Absolutely horizontal holes:

In absolutely horizontal holes, the "on the head" arrangements are same.
Flushing the rock face with spray nozzles and the wings on the head to
move the muck from the rock face to the back of the reamer.

1. In small diameter holes (limited space, relatively small amount of

muck/hour) a scraper/winch system is normally used.

An electric or pneumatic winch is used to tow a set of scrapers back and

forth in the bore to bring the cuttings out from the hole. Depending on the
situation there can be one scraper that travels from the head to the other
end of the hole or with shorter stroke there can be more scrapers working
for shorter distance.

In short holes I big wincing capacity; only one scraper is required.

2. Mucking with suction systems

Suction systems can be used for mucking as one alternative. Water and
the attashment wings first bring the muck behind the head. From there the
suction system takes over. The suction nozzle is formed to follow the
wall of the hole. It is attached to the head, so that it follows the head
where the scraper wings bring out the cuttings.

The suction pipe should be extendible while the head advances. Suction
pump and the settling arrangement is located outside the hole.

3. Screw conveyor

A screw conveyor attached to the head is another possibility to remove

the cuttings out behind the head. The water amount has to be adequate to
dilute the muck enough for the screw and the pipe transport.

4. Belt conveyor

The head can also be designed in such a way that the wings do not only
push the muck behind the head, but the lift it up and dump it from the
upper position. The dumping position is the start of the belt conveyor.
The whole belt system is towed by the head. Extension belts are used as
required as the head advances.

5. Water and pressurized air

This method is as follows; the reamer head tows a plug which seals the
hole. Down in the plug there is a hole and a hose out from the hole.
Flushing water is lead through the string and additional pressured air
added in the annulus between the pilot hole and the drill rods.

The water cleans the face, wings move the muck behind the head and
then the over-pressure drives the muck through the pipe.

6. Loader

When the hole is large enough, even a LHD can be used for mucking.
LHD 's were used in the Leister Mine.

Figure 5-7. Scaper loading.


Pilot drilling - Drilling accuracy

Water or mud is the recommended flushing media for pilot hole drilling.
Air, which can be used in vertical applications, would not transport the
cuttings very well: cuttings would fall to the bottom of the hole and the air
flow through the top part of the hole.

In traditional raiseboring operations the direction of the hole can be

controlled up or down by adjusting the feed pressure. The hole direction has
to be monitored in order to make these corrections. In sideways direction,
the pilot hole has a tendency to turn to the right due to the rotation.
Especially a sudden increase of the rotation has a tendency to boost the right

Traditional pilot drilling of short holes (50 to 100 meters) usually results in
1 to 2% accuracy. H improved accuracy is required, it can be achieved using
the steerable core drilling device.

The work begins with site preparation. The foundation has to be built so that
both rigs, core drilling machine and raiseboring machine, can drill with
same ax1s.

The drilling procedure begins with a 56-72 mm core drilled guide hole using
a VIC DRILL Head, that can be steered and a standard core drill. The small
core guide hole can be drilled with high accuracy. Normally the deviation of
horizontal holes is less than 0.5 %even when the holes are longer than 300

When guide hole has been drilled through with core drilling, the core drill is
replaced with a raiseborer. The raiseborer drills a 0 229-327 mm pilot hole.
The pilot bit is equipped with a guide bar which follows the small guide
hole. It is recommended to have guide rods (core drilling rods) in the whole
length of the hole. This prevents the guide hole from collapsing and guide
rod failures can be detected right away (potential deviation).

The learning curve is also one way to achieve accurate holes. It can be used
when the amount of holes to be drilled is substantial. The first hole is drilled
in a professional way recording all machine parameters (included in Rhino
machines) and also recording all other events and changes during drilling.
When in the same rock the next hole is drilled using exactly the same
procedure; the hole will make exactly the same path or the hole can be
turned to hit the target by compensating the deviation by adjusting machine
parameter settings.

Figure 5-8. Pilot bit with the core hole guide bar.

Modification of equipment for boring deposition tunnels

Typically the horizontal adjustment is provided by placing the machine base

plate on a tilted concrete foundation and fine-tuning by the machine
turn buckles.

Machines for the large diameter holes can be standard Rhino. All features
required in horizontal boring are already included in the machine.

Smaller machines for boring deposition holes have some special

requirements. The amount of holes is big enough to justify special designs.
In addition, requirements as to effective production will require machines to
be tailor-made. The boring takes place from a tunnel already made by
raiseboring. The special characteristics of this can be utilized when
designing the boring station. It will also brings space limitations, everything

has to fit in and operate in the hole diameter. The benefits of the round,
uniform shape can be used. Accurate and fast positioning of the machine can
be done by supporting the boring station to the round tunnel walls with
hydraulic jacks. There is no need for using bolts to attachment the unit to the
rock. This will make production faster (set up time is minimized) and also
save money when bolts and concrete are not reguired.

If the deposition holes are made to a vertical position from the tunnel, then
less modifications to the machine is required. All the equipment needed for
downwards blind boring should be built into one integrated machine. To
solve the logistic problems, this machine should be self propelled and carry
everything onboard. Transportation of the muck by the vacuum process
should be a separate unit due to the large capacity requirement.

Space requirements of the raiseboring machine to bore deposition holes

using a standard unit are tunnel height min. 3.6 m and tunnel width min
5.3 m. Special tailored machine for deposition hole boring would need a
tunnel diameter of 4.5 m or 4.5 m x 4.5 m tunnel (height x width).

Special considerations

Using raiseboring for excavating horizontal tunnels is an extension of the

traditional raiseboring practice, but a proven method which has been used
several times in many countries since 1973.

All necessary equipment for horizontal raiseboring are commercially


The success of the operation will mainly depend on aspects assisting

raiseboring operation, i.e.

• Direction control has to be tn accordance of the design

requirements of the deposit plant.

• Mucking during boring has to be effective enough to allow the

raise boring machine to be used to its full capacity.

The performance estimates shown in Figures 6-1 and 6-2 and Tables 6-3 and
6-4 are made using the present machine models (Table 6-2) and Sandvik
reamer heads and cutters as the base for the calculations (Appendix 1). The
main rock types considered at the three investigation sites were Quartz
Diorite Gneiss, Quartz Diorite, Granodiorite and Micagneiss. The properties
of these are shown in Table 6-1.

Table 6-1. Properties of the main rock types at the three investigation

Rock type Compressive Vickers Rock

Strength Hardness Information
(MP a) (VHNR) Accurancy

Quartz Diorite Gneiss 244 796 30%

Quartz Diorite 92 599 30%
Granodiorite 105 722 30%
Micagneiss 125 724 30%

Table 6-2. Machine specifications.

Raise boring Machine Machine Drill Rod Reamer Number

Machine Thrust Torque diameter diameter of
(tons) (kNm) (inches) (m) Cutters

Rhino 2006D 640 450 12 7/8 4.44 24

Rhino 418 H 200 90 10 1.83 10


Rhino 41BH f
I I I Granodiorite

Quartz Diorite y = 0.0003x 1·69
..£: - y = 0.0005x 1·61
E /
0 1\
:;:; 1\

I) 7

0 v"
0::: I--

"" ~

Quartz Diorite Gneiss

I-- y = 0.0001x 1·81 y = 6E-06x 2 .29

0,1 I
10 100 1000
Force on Reamer (tonnes)

Figure 6-1. Performance estimate for boring deposition holes (0 1.68 m)

using Rhino 418 H raiseboring machine.

Table 6-3. Performance estimates for boring deposition holes

(0 1.68 m) using Rhino 418 H raiseboring machine.

Rock Penetration Cutter Cutter Rotation Thrust Torque

type Rate Life Load Speed utilized utilized
(m/h) (m) (tonnes) (RPM) (%/tonnes) (%/kNm)

QDG 0.63 738 15.0 5 77/154 89/80

QD 0.97 1469 11.0 5 571114 81173
G 1.01 1443 12.0 5 621124 90/81
MG 0.87 1243 12.0 5 62 I 84 I

QDG = Quartz Diorite Gneiss QD = Quartz Diorite

G = Granodiorite MG = Micagneiss

J Rhino 2006 DC :
l I
Quartz Diorite Quartz Diorite

y = 9E-05x 1.64
y = 6E-07x 2·34

+=a:s "\ I

1,0 r---- "\. ~ /
c:: r----- Granodiorite ~J
//. ...
r----- y = 6E-05x 1.71
-• I//


y = 2E-05x 1·84

0 ,1
10 100 1000
Force on Reamer (tonnes)

Figure 6-2. Performance estimate for boring deposition tunnels (0 4 m)

using Rhino 2006D raiseboring machine.

Table 6-4. Performance estimates for boring deposition tunnels (0 4 m)

using Rhino 2006D raiseboring machine.

Rock Penetration Cutter Cutter Rotation Thrust Torque

type Rate Life Load Speed utilized utilized
(m/h) (m) (tonnes) (RPM) (%/tonnes) (% I kNm)

QDG 0.46 294 13.0 5 51 I 326 90 I 405

QD 0.97 959 11.0 5 43 I 215 94 I 423
G 0.88 672 11.0 5 43 I 275 90 I 405
MG 0.81 616 11.5 5 45 I 90 I

QDG =Quartz Diorite Gneiss QD = Quartz Diorite

G = Granodiorite MG = Micagneiss


Horizontal raiseboring has been used successfully from the early 1970' to
make relatively short (less than 500 meters) and reasonable sized
(4.5 meters) holes in different type of rocks. Experience shows that the
method is applicable for KBS-3 type deposition tunnels and also for the
smaller diameter horizontal deposition holes in the MLH concept.

Some of the benefits of the method are:

- small disturbance to the surrounding rock

- constant circular shape
- low investment cost (compared to TBM's)
- short set-up time (compared to TBM's)
- good performance.

One of the main limitations of the method, which also reduces its flexibility
when compared to Drill and Blast is the need for access to both ends of the
tunnel. Although the performance of the method was estimated, overall field
performance is very dependent on the efficiency of the removal system for
cuttings, which could not be estimated reliably on the basis of the presented
case studies.


Autio, J. 1992. Techni~al feasibility of horizontal disposal concepts for final

disposal of TVO's spent fuel. TVO/Spent Fuel-Safety and Technology,
work report 92-08. Teollisuuden Voima Oy (TVO), Helsinki, 50 p (In

Autio, J. & Kirkkomaki, T. 1996. Boring of full scale deposition holes

using a novel dry blind boring method. Report POSIV A-96-07, Posiva Oy,

Autio, J., Saanio, T., Tolppanen, P., Raiko, H., Vieno, T. & Salo, J-P.
1996. Assessment of alternative disposal concepts. Report POSIV A-96-09,
Posiva Oy, Helsinki.

Riekkola, R. & Salo, J.-P. 1996. Final repository for spent nuclear fuel.
Technical research and development in the period 1993 - 1996. Work report
TEKA-96-09, Posiva Oy, Helsinki (In Finnish).

SKB 1992. Project on Alternative Systems Study (PASS) - Final report.

Stockholm, Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co (SKB),
Technical Report 93-04 (In Swedish).

Posiva 1996. Final disposal of spent nuclear fuel in the Finnish bedrock,
Technical research and development in the period 1993- 1996. Report
POSIV A-96-14, Posiva Oy, Helsinki (In Finnish).

Reitar, R. 1996. Micro Tunnels. MSc Thesis, University of Trondhein.

168 p. (In Norwegian)

TVO 1992a. Final disposal of spent nuclear fuel in the Finnish bedrock.
Technical plans and safety assesment. Report YJT-92-31E. Nuclear Waste
Commission of Finnish Power Companies, Helsinki. 136 p.

TVO 1992b. Final disposal of spent nuclear fuel in the Finnish bedrock.
Preliminary site investigations. Report YJT-92-32E. Nuclear Waste
Commission of Finnish Power Companies, Helsinki. 322 p.
Appendix 1. 1I 8

TAB-Raise Borers' performance estimation

for: POSIVA Oy date 17.3.1997
Quotation RB 2 010/95 rei. 5361-TRB

Rock Classification: Intermediate Usual Range for the Rock

Rock type: Quartz Diorite Gneiss Low 150 High 300 MPa
Low 750 High 900 VHNR

Selected values Range of selected accuracy

Compressive Stregth UCS: 244 MPa Low 171 High 317 MPa
Vickers Hardness 796 VHNR Low 557 High 1035 VHNR
Rock Information Accuracy is selected to vary +1- 30%

Rock Mass Nature Massive

Hole Length 120 m
Hole agnle from horizontal 0 degrees = Horizontal
Hole diameter 4,44 m
Raise Boring Machine Rhino 2006 DC
Machine Thrust 640 tonnes 51 % Utilized
Machine Torque 450 kNm 90 % Utilized
Drill Rods 12-7/8 inches
Drill Rod Thread Dl-22 10-1/2 88% Utilized

Effecive dead weight 0 tonnes

Reamer Head 4,44 m with 24 cutters
Head Rotation Speed 5 RPM
Cutters Sandvik 1
Cutter Load 13 tonnes
Possible diversity due to
variation in rock information
Penetration Rate 0,46 m/h 0,29 m/h to 0,74 m/h
Cutter Wear Life 294 m 139 meters to 492 meters
Muck Produced 7,1 m3/h
Performance and needed power according to the cutter load
Cutter Thrust Torque Penetration rate at
load utilized utilized 3 RPM 5 RPM 7 RPM
[ton] [%] (o/o] [m/h] [m/h] [m/h]
11,0 43 °/o 76 °/o 0,19 0,31 0,44
11,5 45 °/o 79 °/o 0,21 0,35 0,49
12,0 47 °/o 83% 0,23 0,38 0,53
12,5 49% 86% 0,25 0,42 0,59
>>>> 13,0 51 °/o 90% 0,27 >> 0,46 << 0,64 <<<<<
13,5 53 °/o 93 °/o 0,30 0,50 0,70
14,0 55 °/o 97 °/o 0,32 0,54 0,76
14,5 56 °/o 100% 0,35 0,58 0,82
15,0 58 °/o 104% 0,38 0,63 0,88
15,5 60 °/o 107 o/o 0,41 0,68 0,95
16,0 62 o/o 110°/o 0,44 0,73 1,02
Appendix 1. 2/8

TAB-Raise Borers' performance estimation

for: POSIV A Oy date 17.3.1997
Quotation RB 2 010/95 rei. 5361-TRB
Rock Classification: Siliceous Usual Range for the Rock
Rock type: Granodiorite Low 100 High 250 MPa
Low 775 High 925 VHNR
Selected values Range of selected accuracy
Compressive Stregth UCS: 105 MPa Low 74 High 137 MPa
Vickers Hardness 722 VHNR Low 505 High 939 VHNR
Rock Information Accuracy is selected to vary +1- 30%
Rock Mass Nature Massive
Hole Length 120 m
Hole agnle from horizontal 0 degrees = Horizontal
Hole diameter 4,44 m
Raise Boring Machine Rhino 2006 DC
Machine Thrust 640 tonnes 43 % Utilized
Machine Torque 450 kNm 90% Utilized
Drill Rods 12-7/8 inches
Drill Rod Thread Dl-22 10-1/2 87% Utilized
Effecive dead weight 0 tonnes
Reamer Head 4,44 m with 24 cutters
Head Rotation Speed 5 RPM
Cutters Sandvik 1
Cutter Load 11 tonnes
Possible diversity due to
variation in rock information
Penetration Rate 0,88 m/h 0,69 m/h to 1,13 m/h
Cutter Wear Life 672 m 377 meters to 1035 meters
Muck Produced 13,6 m3/h
Performance and needed power according to the cutter load
Cutter Thrust Torque Penetration rate at
load utilized utilized 3 RPM 5 RPM 7 RPM
[ton] [%] [%] [m/h) [m/h) [m/h)
9,0 36% 73% 0,38 0,63 0,88
9,5 38 °/o 77 °/o 0,41 0,69 0,96
10,0 40 °/o 81% 0,45 0,75 1,05
10,5 41% 85% 0,49 0,81 1'14
>>>> 11,0 43% 90 °/o 0,53 >> 0,88 << 1,23 <<<<<
11,5 45% 94% 0,57 0,94 1,32
12,0 47 °/o 98 °/o 0,61 1,01 1,42
12,5 49 °/o 102% 0,65 1,08 1,52
13,0 51% 106% 0,69 1'15 1,62
13,5 53% 110% 0,74 1,23 1,72
14,0 55% 114% 0,78 1,30 1,83
Appendix 1. 3/8

TRB-Raise Borers' performance estimation

for: POSIVA Oy date 19.09.1997
Quotation RB 2 010/95 rei. 5361-TRB

Rock Classification: Usual Range for the Rock

Rock type: Micagneiss Low 50 High 200 MPa
Low 500 High 825 VHNR

Selected values Range of selected accuracy

Compressive Stregth UCS: 125 MPa Low 88 High 163 MPa
Vickers Hardness 724 VHNR Low 507 High 941 VHNR

Rock Information Accuracy is selected to vary +1- 30%

Rock Mass Nature Massive
Hole Length 120 m
Hole agnle from horizontal 0 degrees = Horizontal
Hole diameter 4,44 m
Raise Boring Machine Rhino 2006 DC
Machine Thrust 640 tonnes 45% Utilized
Machine Torque 450 kNm 90 % Utilized

Drill Rods 12-7/8 inches

Drill Rod Thread Dl-22 10-1/2 11
88 °/o Utilized

Effecive dead weight 0 tonnes

Reamer Head 4,44 m with 24 cutters
Head Rotation Speed 5 RPM
Cutters Sandvik 1"
Cutter Load 11,5 tonnes
Possible diversity due to
variation in rock information
Penetration Rate 0,81 m/h 0,61 m/h to 1,08 m/h

Cutter Wear Life 616 m 343 meters to 950 meters

Muck Produced 12,5 m3/h

Performance and needed power according to the cutter load
Cutter Thrust Torque Penetration rate at
load utilized utilized 3 RPM 5 RPM 7RPM
[ton] [%] [%] [m/h] [m/h] [m/h]
9,5 38% 74% 0,35 0,58 0,81
10,0 40% 78% 0,38 0,63 0,89
10,5 41% 82% 0,41 0,69 0,97
>>>> 11,0 43% 86% 0,45 0,75 1,05
11,5 45% 90% 0,49 >> 0,81 << 1'13 <<<<<
12,0 47 o/o 94% 0,52 0,87 1,22
12,5 49 °/o 98% 0,56 0,94 1,31
13,0 51 °/o 102% 0,60 1,00 1,41
13,5 53 °/o 106% 0,64 1,07 1,50
14,0 55 °/o 110% 0,69 1'14 1,60
14,5 56 °/o 113% 0,73 1,22 1,70
Appendix 1. 4/8

TAB-Raise Borers' performance estimation

for: POSIVA Oy date 17.3.1997
Quotation RB 2 010/95 rei. 5361-TRB
Rock Classification: Intermediate Usual Range for the Rock
Rock type: Quartz Diorite Low 80 High 225 MPa
Low 400 High 700 VHNR
Selected values Range of selected accuracy
Compressive Stregth UCS: 92 MPa Low 64 High 120 MPa
Vickers Hardness 599 VHNR Low 419 High 779 VHNR
Rock Information Accuracy is selected to vary +1- 30%
Rock Mass Nature Massive
Hole Length 120 m
Hole agnle from horizontal 0 degrees = Horizontal
Hole diameter 4,44 m
Raise Boring Machine Rhino 2006 DC
Machine Thrust 640 tonnes 43% Utilized
Machine Torque 450 kNm 94 °/o Utilized
Drill Rods 12-7/8 inches
Drill Rod Thread Dl-22 10-1/2 91 % Utilized
Effecive dead weight 0 tonnes
Reamer Head 4,44 m with 24 cutters
Head Rotation Speed 5 RPM
Cutters Sandvik 111
Cutter Load 11 tonnes
Possible diversity due to
variation in rock information
Penetration Rate 0,97 m/h 0,78 m/h to 1,21 m/h
Cutter Wear Life 959 m 648 meters to 1319 meters
Muck Produced 15 m3/h
Performance and needed power according to the cutter load
Cutter Thrust Torque Penetration rate at
load utilized utilized 3 RPM 5 RPM 7 RPM
[ton] [%] [o/o] [m/h] [m/h] [m/h]
9,0 36 °/o 77 o/o 0,43 0,71 0,99
9,5 38% 81% 0,46 0,77 1,08
10,0 40% 86 °/o 0,50 0,84 1'17
10,5 41 °/o 90% 0,54 0,90 1,27
>>>> 11,0 43 °/o 94% 0,58 >> 0,97 << 1,36 <<<<<
11,5 45% 99% 0,63 1,04 1,46
12,0 47% 103% 0,67 1'11 1,56
12,5 49% 107% 0,71 1'19 1,66
13,0 51 °/o 111 % 0,76 1,26 1,77
13,5 53 °/o 116% 0,80 1,34 1,88
14,0 55% 120% 0,85 1,42 1,99
Appendix 1. 5/8

TAB-Raise Borers' performance estimation

for: POSIVA Oy date 17.3.1997
Quotation RB 2 010/95 rei. 5361-TRB

Rock Classification: Intermediate Usual Range for the Rock

Rock type: Quartz Diorite Gneiss Low 150 High 300 MPa
Low 750 High 900 VHNR

Selected values Range of selected accuracy

Compressive Stregth UCS: 244 MPa Low 171 High 317 MPa
Vickers Hardness 796 VHNR Low 557 High 1035 VHNR

Rock Information Accuracy is selected to vary +1- 30%

Rock Mass Nature Massive
Hole Length 120 m
Hole agnle from horizontal 0 degrees =Horizontal
Hole diameter 1,83 m
Raise Boring Machine Rhino 418 H
Machine Thrust 200 tonnes 77 % Utilized
Machine Torque 90 kNm 98% Utilized

Drill Rods 10 inches

Drill Rod Thread Dl-22 8-1/4 " 41 °/o Utilized
Effecive dead weight 0 tonnes
Reamer Head 1,83 m with 10 cutters
Head Rotation Speed 5 RPM
Cutters Sandvik 1"
Cutter Load 15 tonnes
Possible diversity due to
variation in rock information
Penetration Rate 0,63 m/h 0,42 m/h to 0,98 m/h
Cutter Service Life 738 m 232 meters to 1234 meters

Muck Produced 1,7 m3/h

Performance and needed power according to the cutter load
Cutter Thrust Torque Penetration rate at
load utilized utilized 3 RPM 5 RPM 7 RPM
[ton] [%] [%] [m/h] [m/h] [m/h]
13,0 67% 77% 0,27 0,46 0,64
13,5 69 °/o 80% 0,30 0,50 0,70
14,0 72% 83% 0,32 0,54 0,76
14,5 74 °/o 86% 0,35 0,58 0,82
>>>> 15,0 77 o/o 89% 0,38 >> 0,63 << 0,88 <<<<<
15,5 79 o/o 92% 0,41 0,68 0,95
16,0 82 o/o 95% 0,44 0,73 1,02
16,5 84 °/o 98% 0,47 0,78 1'1 0
17,0 87% 101% 0,50 0,84 1'17
17,5 89% 104% 0,54 0,89 1,25
18,0 92% 107% 0,57 0,95 1,33
Appendix 1. 6/8

TAB-Raise Borers' performance estimation

for: POSIV A Oy date 17.3.1997
Quotation RB 2 010/95 rei. 5361-TRB

Rock Classification: Siliceous Usual Range for the Rock

Rock type: Granodiorite Low 100 High 250 MP a
Low 775 High 925 VHNR

Selected values Range of selected accuracy

Compressive Stregth UCS: 105 MPa Low 74 High 137 MPa
Vickers Hardness 722 VHNR Low 505 High 939 VHNR

Rock Information Accuracy is selected to vary +1- 30%

Rock Mass Nature Massive

Hole Length 120 m

Hole agnle from horizontal 0 degrees = Horizontal
Hole diameter 1,83 m
Raise Boring Machine Rhino 418 H
Machine Thrust 200 tonnes 62% Utilized
Machine Torque 90 kNm 99% Utilized

Drill Rods 10 inches

Drill Rod Thread Dl-22 8-1/4 11
41 °/o Utilized
Effecive dead weight 0 tonnes
Reamer Head 1,83 m with 10 cutters
Head Rotation Speed 5 RPM
Cutters Sandvik 1
Cutter Load 12 tonnes
Possible diversity due to
variation in rock information
Penetration Rate 1,01 m/h 0,8 m/h to 1,28 m/h

Cutter Service Life 1443 m 640 meters to 2222 meters

Muck Produced 2,7 m3/h

Performance and needed power according to the cutter load
Cutter Thrust Torque Penetration rate at
load utilized utilized 3 RPM 5 RPM 7 RPM
[ton] [%] [o/o] [m/h] [m/h] [m/h]

10,0 52 °/o 75% 0,45 0,75 1,05

10,5 54% 79% 0,49 0,81 1,14
11,0 57% 83% 0,53 0,88 1,23
11,5 59 °/o 86% 0,57 0,94 1,32
>>>> 12,0 62% 90% 0,61 >> 1,01 << 1,42 <<<<<
12,5 64% 94% 0,65 1,08 1,52
13,0 67% 98% 0,69 1'15 1,62
13,5 69 °/o 101% 0,74 1,23 1,72
14,0 72 °/o 105 o/o 0,78 1,30 1,83
14,5 74 °/o 109% 0,83 1,38 1,93
15,0 77 °/o 113°/o 0,88 1,46 2,05
Appendix 1. 7/8

TAB-Raise Borers' performance estimation

for: POSIV A Oy date 19.9.1997
Quotation RB 2 010/95 rei. 5361-TRB
Rock Classification: Usual Range for the Rock
Rock type: Micagneiss Low 50 High 200 MPa
Low 500 High 825 VHNR
Selected values Range of selected accuracy
Compressive Stregth UCS: 125 MPa Low 88 High 163 MPa
Vickers Hardness 724 VHNR Low 507 High 941 VHNR
Rock Information Accuracy is selected to vary +1- 30%
Rock Mass Nature Massive
Hole Length 120 m
Hole agnle from horizontal 0 degrees =Horizontal
Hole diameter 1,83 m
Raise Boring Machine Rhino 418 H
Machine Thrust 200 tonnes 62 °/o Utilized
Machine Torque 90 kNm 92 % Utilized
Drill Rods 10 inches
Drill Rod Thread Dl-22 8-1/4 38% Utilized
Effecive dead weight 0 tonnes
Reamer Head 1,83 m with 10 cutters
Head Rotation Speed 5 RPM
Cutters Sandvik 1"
Cutter Load 12 tonnes
Possible diversity due to
variation in rock information
Penetration Rate 0,87 m/h 0,67 m/h to 1,15 m/h
Cutter Service Life 1243 m 534 meters to 1918 meters
Muck Produced 2,3 m3/h
Performance and needed power according to the cutter load
Cutter Thrust Torque Penetration rate at
load utilized utilized 3 RPM 5 RPM 7 RPM
[ton] [%] [%] [m/h) [m/h) [m/h)
10,0 52% 70% 0,38 0,63 0,89
10,5 54% 73% 0,41 0,69 0,98
11,0 57% 77% 0,45 0,75 1,05
11,5 59% 80% 0,49 0,81 1'13
>>>> 12,0 62% 84% 0,52 >> 0,87 << 1,22 <<<<<
12,5 64% 87% 0,56 0,94 1,31
13,0 67% 91 °/o 0,60 1,00 1,41
13,5 69% 94 °/o 0,64 1,07 1,50
14,0 72% 98% 0,69 1'14 1,60
14,5 74% 101% 0,73 1,22 1,70
15,0 77% 105% 0,78 1,29 1,81
Appendix 1. 8/8

TAB-Raise Borers' performance estimation

for: POSIVA Oy date 17.3.1997
Quotation RB 2,010/95 rei. 5361-TRB

Rock Classification: Intermediate Usual Range for the Rock

Rock type: Quartz Diorite Low 80 High 225 MPa
Low 400 High 700 VHNR

Selected values Range of selected accuracy

Compressive Stregth UCS: 92 MPa Low 64 High 120 MPa
Vickers Hardness 599 VHNR Low 419 High 779 VHNR

Rock Information Accuracy is selected to vary +1- 30%

Rock Mass Nature Massive

Hole Length 120 m

Hole agnle from horizontal 0 degrees = Horizontal
Hole diameter 1,83 m
Raise Boring Machine Rhino 418 H
Machine Thrust 200 tonnes 57% Utilized
Machine Torque 90 kNm 89% Utilized

Drill Rods 10 inches

Drill Rod Thread Dl-22 8-1/4 11
36 °/o Utilized
Effecive dead weight 0 tonnes
Reamer Head 1,83 m with 10 cutters
Head Rotation Speed 5 RPM
Cutters Sandvik 1"
Cutter Load 11 tonnes
Possible diversity due to
variation in rock information
Penetration Rate 0,97 m/h 0,78 m/h to 1,21 m/h

Cutter Service Life 1469 m 799 meters to 2022 meters

Muck Produced 2,6 m3/h

Performance and needed power according to the cutter load
Cutter Thrust Torque Penetration rate at
load utilized utilized 3 RPM 5 RPM ?RPM
[ton] [%] [%] [m/h] [m/h] [m/h]
9,0 47 °/o 66 °/o 0,43 0,71 0,99
9,5 49% 70% 0,46 0,77 1,08
10,0 52% 74% 0,50 0,84 1'17
10,5 54% 77% 0,54 0,90 1,27
>>>> 11,0 57% 81% 0,58 >> 0,97 << 1,36 <<<<<
11,5 59% 85% 0,63 1,04 1,46
12,0 62% 88 °/o 0,67 1'11 1,56
12,5 64% 92 °/o 0,71 1'19 1,66
13,0 67% 96% 0,76 1,26 1,77
13,5 69% 99% 0,80 1,34 1,88
14,0 72% 103% 0,85 1,42 1,99

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