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Bulletin 12-17-17

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DECEMBER 17, 2017

Mass Schedule
Saturday 5PM
Sunday 8AM & 10AM
Served by:

Fr. Drew Miller


Sr. Donna Lombardi, FCM

Pastoral Associate
Parish Administrator

Karen Suter

Joe Lombardi
Music Director

Mike & Fran Krol

Parish Council Leaders

An All Inclusive Independent Catholic Community,

Dedicated to Making the World a Better Place
December 17, 2017

5PM: Guillermo Ricart

Everyday Stewardship
8AM: Fr. Vince McTighe
As Christians, we are called to a life of
10AM: prayer. This is not just during seasons like
In Memory of Robin Lechleiter Advent, but all year long. When we talk
12/17/602/17/17 about being prayerful everyday stewards,
we are speaking about cultivating an
awareness of God being with us at all times.
Each day we begin by offering God the
entirety of our day. Each night we rest in him
and hope that the hours that passed gave
him glory.

During this busy time of Advent, it is hard to

Third Sunday of Advent cultivate this life of prayer, but without it we
can too easily lose sight of the reason for the
season. It is during this time of year we need
Each year, this season of Advent comes to heed the words of St Paul more than ever
around. We bless another candle this third when he wrote to the Thessalonians, "Rejoice
week in Advent. Let us ask God to bless our always. Pray without ceasing." This is how we
family on this Third Sunday in Advent: will be able to avoid the pitfalls of consumer-
ism and secularism and keep our eyes fixed
God of rejoicing, this week we hear in our on Jesus.
second reading hat we are called to rejoice
always. Help our family to be joyful Bring Jesus with you into the office Christmas
in the midst of whatever happens this week. party. Take him with you shopping for gifts in
the department store. Be aware of him
When we light the third candle on our when you sit down to watch television spe-
wreath, let us bring your joy cials you have seen every year of your life.
to our friends and neighbors this week. Give him all your time and let his presence
fill your every moment. By striving to be con-
We ask this through Christ, who is the necting with Jesus at all times, you will bear
ultimate joyful gift to the world. greater fruit and the joy you experience will
be much greater than you could imagine.
You might even spend fewer dollars and
spend more time with those you love, partic-
ularly the One who loves you the most, the
Incarnation himself.
The liturgical season of Advent began in the year
A.D. 380 with the Council of Saragosa. Originally, Sharing the Gospel
it was a time of preparation for those converting
to Christianity but evolved into a period of time People noticed John the Baptist. He loved God,
and he used words honestly. He really wanted to
when the church focused on the waiting for the
help people change and grow closer to God. He
second coming of Christ. Just as Israel waited for stood out as someone really different and spe-
the coming of the Messiah, the Christian church cial. People came from all around to hear him and
waited for Christ to come again. learn about him. When people asked him ques-
tions, he pointed them to Jesus.
While we indeed await the second coming of
Christ and prepare for the coming of the Lord at Prayer
Jesus, help me to be different because I love
Christmas, we must also be mindful that Jesus
has already fulfilled the prophesies of Isaiah.
Something to Draw
We hear in todays Gospel from St. Matthew that Draw a picture of yourself being honest and kind
Jesus has already set the captives free. Through with your family.
the power of His presence, we now have the
ability to be freed from our tendency to with- Mission for the Week
Ask a friend if he or she is ready to meet Jesus.
draw from life and love because we have had
our hearts broken.

Jesus has already given sight to the blind, so we

should now be able to see our dignity, our wor-
thiness, and our being included in our Fathers
family. We have already been rescued from be-
ing crippled by fear that results in playing
small. Jesus feeds us, sustains us, and nourishes
us in the abundant grace that fills us in our re-
ception of the Eucharist. It is this grace that gives
us the ability to live abundantly.

Most importantly, we have been reconciled to

the Father by the death and resurrection of our
Lord. We are living right now in the new and ev-
erlasting covenant. So if Jesus has already ful-
filled the mission, what are we waiting for? Per-
haps its the other way around! Perhaps its not
we who are waiting for Jesus, but rather, its Je-
sus who is waiting of us! Perhaps its Jesus wait-
ing for us to truly live in the awareness of His Gos-
pel -- that we are free, that we see clearly that
we are healed, fed, and forgiven.

It is Jesus waiting for us, as His disciples, to fully

live in this awareness.

~Fr. Drew
Gaudete Sunday derives
its name from the opening
prayer of the Mass for this day, Christmas Mass Schedule
where we pray, "Gaudete in
Domino semper" (Rejoice in Christmas Eve
the Lord always). So in the (Sunday 12/24)
midst of Advent fasting and 4 pm & 10 pm
devotions, we rejoice because
the time we have been pre- Christmas Day
paring for is almost at hand. (Monday, 12/25)
You may see rose-colored vest- 10 am
ments and additions to the church environment
due to this special Sunday. There will be no mass on Saturday,
December 23rd.
A day like this is always good to remind us not to
take ourselves too seriously. The life of a Christian
is not always easy, but it is one of joy. If we keep
our heads bowed too long, no one will be able
to see the smiles on our faces.

The New Evangelization calls us to spread the

good news with a joy that can be infectious. I
remember being at a Eucharistic Congress one
time where there was a booth set up by an or-
der of sisters promoting vocations. I couldn't help
but to take notice of how much they laughed
and how they smiled. I thought, "Who wouldn't
want to see what they are about?" Does our joy
in the Lord serve as an invitation for others to seek
out Christ?

May the joy of the Lord be yours on this Gaudete

Sunday! The Lord is coming, soon and very soon!

Happy December Birthdays to:

BIBLE STUDY Kathleen Middleton

Seven to nine with pizza and wine Barbara Burroughs

Join us in a discussion about the

book/movie: The Shack Happy 2nd birthday to:
Jack and Danny Melly
Friday evening 7pm downstairs!

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